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План-конспектурокув 6-А класі
Тема:«Transport» Підтема: «Accidents. Emergency services»
Практичні - ознайомитиучнів з новими ЛО; навчити розуміти їх на слух,
вимовляти та вживати в мовленні; тренувати навички артикуляції звуків [e] та
[æ]; удосконалюватиграматичні навички (стверджувальні речення в часі Present
Continious, загальні запитання в Present Simple, стверджувальні речення в часі
Future Simple); розвивативміння аудіювати текст, ігноруючи незнайоиі слова;
розвивативміння складати діалогічні єдності.
Загальноосвітня - поглибитизнання учнів про роботутермінових служб.
Розвиваючі – розвиватимовну здогадкута мовленнєву реакцію; розвивати
мовленнєві та інтелектуальні здібностіучнів (короткочаснупам’ять, увагу,
кмітливість) в умовах гри, роботив парах; розвиватиздатність мовного
самоконтролю, самостійність у праці.
Виховні – виховувати повагу до праці, представників різних професій;
виховувати почуття ввічливості, толерантного ставлення до думки однокласників.
Обладнання:підручники (Students’ Books “Opportunities”(Beginner) by
Michael Harris and David Mower; Language power-books by Amanda Maris); картки
із зображенням представників різних професій; малюнки, що ілюструють нові
ЛО; роздатковийматеріал – друковані завдання; індивідуальні завдання для
слабких учнів.
Тип уроку – комбінований.
План уроку
Початок уроку Час
I Організація класу………………………………………………………….1хв.
II Повідомлення теми, мети уроку…………………………………………1хв.
III Фонетична зарядка………………………………………………………3хв.
Основна частинауроку
IV Презентація нового матеріалу…………………………………………..8хв.
V Тренування вимовляння нових ЛО та вживання їх в мовленні………..7 хв.
VI Виконання умовно-комунікативних вправ (навчання реплікування)...8 хв.
VII Складання діалогічних єдностей……………………………………….7хв.
VIII Аудіювання тексту……………………………………………………...6хв.
Заключна частина уроку
IX Підведення підсумків. Повідомлення домашнього завдання ………....2хв.
X Виставлення оцінок, їх мотивація……………………………………….2 хв.
Етап. Мета. Прийом. Зміст роботи
1 Етап
I Організація
I Мета:перевірка
присутності; фор-
мування готовності
учнів до участі в
навчальній діяль-
Прийом : бесіда.
Режим: T – Class, T
– P1.
T.: Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you again.
Class:Good morning, teacher!
T.: Is everybody present?
P1: No, one pupil is absent today.
T.: Who is absent today? Why?
II Мета:
повідомлення теми
та мети уроку.
Режим: T – Class.
T.: Todaywe are going to talk about accidents on the
roads and the work of emergency services. We will also
revise the topic “Professions”, practice to pronounce
sounds [e] and [æ] and make up dialogues.
III Мета:
вимовляння звуків
T.: Let’s practice short sound [e]. Repeat after me: “Ted
meant to spend the night in a tent”.
Class:Ted meant to spend the night in a tent.
[e] та [æ].
повторення хором
за вчителем;
Режим: T – Class; T
– P1, P2, P3…Pn.
T.: Good!And now one by one.
P1: Ted meant to spend the night in a tent.
Pn: Ted meant to spend the night in a tent.
T.: And now let’s practice sound [æ]. To pronouncethe
sound [æ] keep your mouse wide open and repeat after
me: “A fat cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a rat”.
Class:A fat cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a rat.
T.: Great! And now one by one.
P1: A fat cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a rat.
Pn: A fat cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a rat.
T.: Very good. Thank you.
2 Етап
IV Мета:
семантизація нових
Режим: T – Class.
T: I am going to tell you a short story. While telling the
story I will show you the pictures (Додаток№ 1). And
you are to guess about the meaning of the new words
from this story with the help of the pictures.
So, let’s begin!
There was a girl named Kate (picture 1). She lived in a
large city (picture 2). One day she left her house (picture
3) and went to schoolon a schoolbus (picture 4). Every-
thing was good at first. The day was sunny and calm
(picture 5). But suddenly the schoolbus stopped near the
Central park (picture 6). There was a car accident
(pictures 7, 8) on a road. Who can guess how do we translate
“a car accident” ? A drunk taxi-driver (picture 9) ran into a
truck (picture 10). Someone called the police (picture 11)
How would you translate “the police”? And the police officer
(picture 12) came in a minute and took the taxi-driver
away. What the translation for “a police officer”? One of the
cars was on fire (picture 13). So the fire brigade (picture
14, 15) came and five brave fire fighters (picture 16)
saved the car. How do we translate “a fire brigade” and “a fire
fighter” ? Everyone was all right, but the ambulance
(picture 17) came and the nurses (picture 18, 19) took
some people to the hospital (picture 20, 21). Who can guess
what is “an ambulance”, “a nurse” and “a hospital”? Kate
thought: “It’s so good that the police officer, the fire
fighters and nurses came so fast! They saved the people!
They are so brave! I also want to help people. ”
Now let’s write down the new words into the
сar accident – автомобільна аварія; автокатастрофа;
police – міліція;
police officer – міліціонер;
fire brigade – пожежна команда;
fire fighter – пожежник;
ambulance – швидка; машина швидкої допомоги;
nurse – медсестра;
hospital – лікарня.
V Мета:Навчити
учнів вимовляти
нові ЛО та вживати
їх в мовленні.
а) підстановка
нових ЛО у зразок;
Режим: виконання -
перевірка: P1, P2,
T: Fill in the gaps with the new words, meaning different
professions (police officer, fire fighter, nurse, ambulance
1. My sister is a …………. She works at a hospital.
2. I think, an ………………… should be able to drive
very fast and carefully.
б) заповнення
пропусків в діалозі;
Режим: виконання -
перевірка: P1, P2,
в) виконання тесту
3. This ………………….is very brave. He has saved this
boy from fire.
4. That man is a ………………….. He has a gun and
wears police uniform.
Key: 1.nurse; 2.ambulance driver; 3. fire fighter; 4.police
T.: Fill in the gaps in the dialogue using the new words
from the box below:
ambulance / fire brigade / police /
car accident / hospital
- What happened? Why are you late? You look so
- I have just seen a…………………..! It was shocking!
- Oh my god! Is everyone OK?
- Nothing serious, but anyway the……………….came
and some people were taken to the……………..
- And did anyone call the ….…………?
- Yes, of course. The police officer arrived in a minute.
- And the…………………………also was there, because
one of the cars was on fire.
Key: car accident; ambulance; hospital; police; fire
T: Come to the board one by one and match the words
with the pictures (Додаток№ 2).
Режим: P1, P2,
VI Мета:
навичок; навчання
а) відповіді на
Режим: T - P1, T -
P2, … T - Pn.
б) комунікативно-
лінгвістична гра.
Режим: P1 – P2, P3,
T: Find a police officer, a fire fighter, a nurse and an
ambulance driver in the photos in your books on page 97
and answer my questions:
- Where’s the nurse? What is he doing?
P1: The nurse is near the ambulance. He is helping a man.
- Can you show me an ambulance driver in the photo?
What is he doing?
P2: Yes, I can. Here he is in an ambulance. He is driving.
- Is there a police officer in the picture? What’s he doing?
P3: Yes, there is a police officer in the picture. He is
sitting in a police car near the police station.
- And where is a fire fighter? What is he busy with?
P4: Here is a fire fighter. He is doing his job: he is saving
people from fire.
T: Our game is called “Professions”. The captain thinks
of a profession and the others ask him general questions.
The captain may answer only “Yes” or “No”. The others
try to guess what professionhe is talking about. Who
wants to be the first captain?
P1: Is it a dangerous profession?
P2 (the captain): Yes, it is.
P3: Do people of this profession wear uniforms?
P2: Yes, they do.
в) комунікативно-
лінгвістична гра.
Режим: P1 – P2, P3,
P4: Is their uniform red?
P2: No, it is not.
P5: Is it blue?
P2: Yes, it is.
P6: Do they have a gun?
P2: Yes, they do.
P6: Is it a police officer?
P2: Yes, it is. You are right!
T: Let’s play a game called “Imaginary Country”. We are
going to build our own fairy country but we need people
of different professions in it. Who is going to be our
ruler? Who will you be?
P1: I will be a doctor.
P2: And I will be a nurse.
P3: I am going to be a fire fighter.
And what shall we build in our imaginary land?
P1: First of all, we shall build houses and schools.
P2: We also shall build hospitals and police stations.
P3: We shall need to build factories, fire stations and
VII Мета:
обговорення в
парах; складання
T: Look at the photos in your Students’ Books on page
97. Work in pairs. How are these things different or
similar in our country?
1. the colour of uniforms of police officers, nurses and
fire fighters;
2. the colour of ambulances, police cars and fire
Make up short dialogues, for example:
P1 – P2, P3 – P4, … - Police officers in the USA wear black uniforms. Do
police officers in Ukraine wear the same uniforms?
- In our country police officers don’twear black
uniforms. They wear blue uniforms.
VIII Мета:
аудіювати текст.
а)активне слухання.
Режим: T – Class.
б) виконання тесту
T: Listen to the dialogue. Be very attentive and get
ready to answer the questions after that.
- Hi Kate! How are you?
- Thanks Peter, great! And what about you? Where is
your brother? I haven’t seen him for ages.
- You know, he works till late at night.
- Really? Where does he work?
- At the police station.
- Is he a police officer?
- That’s right!
- Has he a black uniform and a gun?
- Yes, he has. But the uniform is blue.
- Does your brother like his job?
- Of course.
- What does he say? Is the police officer’s work hard?
- Sure, it’s very dangerous and hard!
- I see. Do you also want to be a police officer?
- May be.
- Why?
- Because I also want to help people, to make the
world better. And what about you?
- I want to be a nurse and work on the ambulance: to
save people lives.
T: Mark the following statements with T if they are true
Режим: виконання -
перевірка: P1, P2,
в) бесіда.
Режим: T - P1, T -
P2, … T - Pn.
or with F if they are false.
1. Peter’s brother is a fire fighter.
2. Peter’s brother wears a green uniform.
3. The work of the police officer is very hard.
4. Peter doesn’twant to be a police officer.
5. Kate wants to be a nurse.
6. Peter and Kate want to help people in future.
7. Kate wants to have a modern and popular
Key: 1) F; 2) F; 3) T; 4) F; 5) T; 6) T; 7) F.
T: What are the speakers talking about?
P1: They are talking about Peter’s brother, his work and
their plans for the future.
T: What can you tell about Peter’s brother? Where does
he work? What professiondoes he have? What uniform
does he wear?
P2: Peter’s brother is a police officer. He works at the
police station. He works till late at night. He wears a
blue uniform and a gun. He likes his job. But it is very
dangerous and hard.
T: Is the police officer’s work hard? What do you
think? Is it dangerous? Do you want to be a police
P3: Sure. The police officer’s work is very dangerous
and hard. I also want to help people, to make the world
better, but I don’twant to be a police officer. It’s not for
T: What do the speakers want to be in future? Why?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
P4: Peter wants to be a police officer and Kate wants to
be a nurse. They want to save people, to help them. As
for me, I want to be a sailor in the future.
IX Мета: підведення
підсумків уроку;
Прийом: бесіда.
Режим: T – Class.
Т: Pupils, you were very active during the lesson. I am
very pleased with your work. Todaywe found out more
about accidents on the roads and the work of emergency
services. We also revised the topic “Professions”,
practiced to pronounce sounds [e] and [æ]. Besides you
practiced in oral speech and made micro-dialogues of
your own.
Your home task will be:
- to make up your own dialogues by filling in the gaps
in the dialogue with your own variant and to
dramatize it at the next lesson (Додаток № 3);
- to do Exercises № 1 and 2 on page 76 in your
Language Power Books.
X Мета:виставлення
оцінок, їх мотивація.
Прийом: слово
Режим: T – Class.
Т: You all have worked hard and your marks are…
I hope you enjoyed the lesson.

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лан конспект уроку

  • 1. 1 9.12.09. План-конспектурокув 6-А класі Тема:«Transport» Підтема: «Accidents. Emergency services» Цілі: Практичні - ознайомитиучнів з новими ЛО; навчити розуміти їх на слух, вимовляти та вживати в мовленні; тренувати навички артикуляції звуків [e] та [æ]; удосконалюватиграматичні навички (стверджувальні речення в часі Present Continious, загальні запитання в Present Simple, стверджувальні речення в часі Future Simple); розвивативміння аудіювати текст, ігноруючи незнайоиі слова; розвивативміння складати діалогічні єдності. Загальноосвітня - поглибитизнання учнів про роботутермінових служб. Розвиваючі – розвиватимовну здогадкута мовленнєву реакцію; розвивати мовленнєві та інтелектуальні здібностіучнів (короткочаснупам’ять, увагу, кмітливість) в умовах гри, роботив парах; розвиватиздатність мовного самоконтролю, самостійність у праці. Виховні – виховувати повагу до праці, представників різних професій; виховувати почуття ввічливості, толерантного ставлення до думки однокласників. Обладнання:підручники (Students’ Books “Opportunities”(Beginner) by Michael Harris and David Mower; Language power-books by Amanda Maris); картки із зображенням представників різних професій; малюнки, що ілюструють нові ЛО; роздатковийматеріал – друковані завдання; індивідуальні завдання для слабких учнів. Тип уроку – комбінований. План уроку Початок уроку Час I Організація класу………………………………………………………….1хв. II Повідомлення теми, мети уроку…………………………………………1хв. III Фонетична зарядка………………………………………………………3хв. Основна частинауроку IV Презентація нового матеріалу…………………………………………..8хв.
  • 2. 2 V Тренування вимовляння нових ЛО та вживання їх в мовленні………..7 хв. VI Виконання умовно-комунікативних вправ (навчання реплікування)...8 хв. VII Складання діалогічних єдностей……………………………………….7хв. VIII Аудіювання тексту……………………………………………………...6хв. Заключна частина уроку IX Підведення підсумків. Повідомлення домашнього завдання ………....2хв. X Виставлення оцінок, їх мотивація……………………………………….2 хв. Етап. Мета. Прийом. Зміст роботи 1 Етап I Організація класу. I Мета:перевірка присутності; фор- мування готовності учнів до участі в навчальній діяль- ності. Прийом : бесіда. Режим: T – Class, T – P1. T.: Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you again. Class:Good morning, teacher! T.: Is everybody present? P1: No, one pupil is absent today. T.: Who is absent today? Why? II Мета: повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Прийом:слово вчителя. Режим: T – Class. T.: Todaywe are going to talk about accidents on the roads and the work of emergency services. We will also revise the topic “Professions”, practice to pronounce sounds [e] and [æ] and make up dialogues. III Мета: тренування вимовляння звуків T.: Let’s practice short sound [e]. Repeat after me: “Ted meant to spend the night in a tent”. Class:Ted meant to spend the night in a tent.
  • 3. 3 [e] та [æ]. Прийом: повторення хором за вчителем; розучування скоромовок. Режим: T – Class; T – P1, P2, P3…Pn. T.: Good!And now one by one. P1: Ted meant to spend the night in a tent. Pn: Ted meant to spend the night in a tent. T.: And now let’s practice sound [æ]. To pronouncethe sound [æ] keep your mouse wide open and repeat after me: “A fat cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a rat”. Class:A fat cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a rat. T.: Great! And now one by one. P1: A fat cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a rat. Pn: A fat cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a rat. T.: Very good. Thank you. 2 Етап IV Мета: семантизація нових ЛО. Прийом:здогадка, переклад. Режим: T – Class. T: I am going to tell you a short story. While telling the story I will show you the pictures (Додаток№ 1). And you are to guess about the meaning of the new words from this story with the help of the pictures. So, let’s begin! There was a girl named Kate (picture 1). She lived in a large city (picture 2). One day she left her house (picture 3) and went to schoolon a schoolbus (picture 4). Every- thing was good at first. The day was sunny and calm (picture 5). But suddenly the schoolbus stopped near the Central park (picture 6). There was a car accident (pictures 7, 8) on a road. Who can guess how do we translate “a car accident” ? A drunk taxi-driver (picture 9) ran into a truck (picture 10). Someone called the police (picture 11) How would you translate “the police”? And the police officer (picture 12) came in a minute and took the taxi-driver away. What the translation for “a police officer”? One of the cars was on fire (picture 13). So the fire brigade (picture 14, 15) came and five brave fire fighters (picture 16)
  • 4. 4 saved the car. How do we translate “a fire brigade” and “a fire fighter” ? Everyone was all right, but the ambulance (picture 17) came and the nurses (picture 18, 19) took some people to the hospital (picture 20, 21). Who can guess what is “an ambulance”, “a nurse” and “a hospital”? Kate thought: “It’s so good that the police officer, the fire fighters and nurses came so fast! They saved the people! They are so brave! I also want to help people. ” Now let’s write down the new words into the dictionaries: сar accident – автомобільна аварія; автокатастрофа; police – міліція; police officer – міліціонер; fire brigade – пожежна команда; fire fighter – пожежник; ambulance – швидка; машина швидкої допомоги; nurse – медсестра; hospital – лікарня. V Мета:Навчити учнів вимовляти нові ЛО та вживати їх в мовленні. Прийом: а) підстановка нових ЛО у зразок; Режим: виконання - самостійно; перевірка: P1, P2, P3…Pn. T: Fill in the gaps with the new words, meaning different professions (police officer, fire fighter, nurse, ambulance driver): 1. My sister is a …………. She works at a hospital. 2. I think, an ………………… should be able to drive very fast and carefully.
  • 5. 5 б) заповнення пропусків в діалозі; Режим: виконання - самостійно; перевірка: P1, P2, P3…Pn. в) виконання тесту перехресного вибору(на 3. This ………………….is very brave. He has saved this boy from fire. 4. That man is a ………………….. He has a gun and wears police uniform. Key: 1.nurse; 2.ambulance driver; 3. fire fighter; 4.police officer. T.: Fill in the gaps in the dialogue using the new words from the box below: ambulance / fire brigade / police / car accident / hospital - What happened? Why are you late? You look so terrified! - I have just seen a…………………..! It was shocking! - Oh my god! Is everyone OK? - Nothing serious, but anyway the……………….came and some people were taken to the…………….. - And did anyone call the ….…………? - Yes, of course. The police officer arrived in a minute. - And the…………………………also was there, because one of the cars was on fire. Key: car accident; ambulance; hospital; police; fire brigade. T: Come to the board one by one and match the words with the pictures (Додаток№ 2).
  • 6. 6 знаходження відповідностей). Режим: P1, P2, P3…Pn. VI Мета: удосконалення лексико– граматичних навичок; навчання реплікування. Прийом: а) відповіді на запитання. Режим: T - P1, T - P2, … T - Pn. б) комунікативно- лінгвістична гра. Режим: P1 – P2, P3, …Pn. T: Find a police officer, a fire fighter, a nurse and an ambulance driver in the photos in your books on page 97 and answer my questions: - Where’s the nurse? What is he doing? P1: The nurse is near the ambulance. He is helping a man. - Can you show me an ambulance driver in the photo? What is he doing? P2: Yes, I can. Here he is in an ambulance. He is driving. - Is there a police officer in the picture? What’s he doing? P3: Yes, there is a police officer in the picture. He is sitting in a police car near the police station. - And where is a fire fighter? What is he busy with? P4: Here is a fire fighter. He is doing his job: he is saving people from fire. T: Our game is called “Professions”. The captain thinks of a profession and the others ask him general questions. The captain may answer only “Yes” or “No”. The others try to guess what professionhe is talking about. Who wants to be the first captain? E.g.: P1: Is it a dangerous profession? P2 (the captain): Yes, it is. P3: Do people of this profession wear uniforms? P2: Yes, they do.
  • 7. 7 в) комунікативно- лінгвістична гра. Режим: P1 – P2, P3, …Pn. P4: Is their uniform red? P2: No, it is not. P5: Is it blue? P2: Yes, it is. P6: Do they have a gun? P2: Yes, they do. P6: Is it a police officer? P2: Yes, it is. You are right! T: Let’s play a game called “Imaginary Country”. We are going to build our own fairy country but we need people of different professions in it. Who is going to be our ruler? Who will you be? P1: I will be a doctor. P2: And I will be a nurse. P3: I am going to be a fire fighter. And what shall we build in our imaginary land? P1: First of all, we shall build houses and schools. P2: We also shall build hospitals and police stations. P3: We shall need to build factories, fire stations and shops. VII Мета: розвиватинавички діалогічного мовлення. Прийом: обговорення в парах; складання ДЄ; T: Look at the photos in your Students’ Books on page 97. Work in pairs. How are these things different or similar in our country? 1. the colour of uniforms of police officers, nurses and fire fighters; 2. the colour of ambulances, police cars and fire engines. Make up short dialogues, for example:
  • 8. 8 P1 – P2, P3 – P4, … - Police officers in the USA wear black uniforms. Do police officers in Ukraine wear the same uniforms? - In our country police officers don’twear black uniforms. They wear blue uniforms. VIII Мета: розвитокуміння аудіювати текст. Прийом: а)активне слухання. Режим: T – Class. б) виконання тесту T: Listen to the dialogue. Be very attentive and get ready to answer the questions after that. - Hi Kate! How are you? - Thanks Peter, great! And what about you? Where is your brother? I haven’t seen him for ages. - You know, he works till late at night. - Really? Where does he work? - At the police station. - Is he a police officer? - That’s right! - Has he a black uniform and a gun? - Yes, he has. But the uniform is blue. - Does your brother like his job? - Of course. - What does he say? Is the police officer’s work hard? - Sure, it’s very dangerous and hard! - I see. Do you also want to be a police officer? - May be. - Why? - Because I also want to help people, to make the world better. And what about you? - I want to be a nurse and work on the ambulance: to save people lives. T: Mark the following statements with T if they are true
  • 9. 9 альтернативного вибору; Режим: виконання - самостійно; перевірка: P1, P2, P3…Pn. в) бесіда. Режим: T - P1, T - P2, … T - Pn. or with F if they are false. 1. Peter’s brother is a fire fighter. 2. Peter’s brother wears a green uniform. 3. The work of the police officer is very hard. 4. Peter doesn’twant to be a police officer. 5. Kate wants to be a nurse. 6. Peter and Kate want to help people in future. 7. Kate wants to have a modern and popular profession. Key: 1) F; 2) F; 3) T; 4) F; 5) T; 6) T; 7) F. T: What are the speakers talking about? P1: They are talking about Peter’s brother, his work and their plans for the future. T: What can you tell about Peter’s brother? Where does he work? What professiondoes he have? What uniform does he wear? P2: Peter’s brother is a police officer. He works at the police station. He works till late at night. He wears a blue uniform and a gun. He likes his job. But it is very dangerous and hard. T: Is the police officer’s work hard? What do you think? Is it dangerous? Do you want to be a police officer? P3: Sure. The police officer’s work is very dangerous and hard. I also want to help people, to make the world better, but I don’twant to be a police officer. It’s not for me. T: What do the speakers want to be in future? Why? What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • 10. 10 P4: Peter wants to be a police officer and Kate wants to be a nurse. They want to save people, to help them. As for me, I want to be a sailor in the future. IX Мета: підведення підсумків уроку; повідомлення домашнього завдання. Прийом: бесіда. Режим: T – Class. Т: Pupils, you were very active during the lesson. I am very pleased with your work. Todaywe found out more about accidents on the roads and the work of emergency services. We also revised the topic “Professions”, practiced to pronounce sounds [e] and [æ]. Besides you practiced in oral speech and made micro-dialogues of your own. Your home task will be: - to make up your own dialogues by filling in the gaps in the dialogue with your own variant and to dramatize it at the next lesson (Додаток № 3); - to do Exercises № 1 and 2 on page 76 in your Language Power Books. X Мета:виставлення оцінок, їх мотивація. Прийом: слово вчителя. Режим: T – Class. Т: You all have worked hard and your marks are… I hope you enjoyed the lesson.