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What’s new in SQL
 Server 2008 ?

     Kobi Cohen

 Familiarization with main SQL Server 2008 DB
 engine enhancements.
 Reviewing Integration Services
 Reviewing Reporting Services enhancements.
 Reviewing Analysis Services enhancements.
 Upgrading to 2008 recommended method.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements

  Data Compression (Enterprise Edition)
      Compression in row or page format.
      Affect tables, indexes or each partition separately.
      Stores fix length type as variable length. An int value of 1:
         No compression  4 bytes + 2 bytes metadata overhead.
         With Compression  1 byte + 4 bits metadata overhead.
      Reduce storage requirements and memory usage.
      Less number of pages in cache  less number of latches 
      Higher buffer hit rates  better memory utilization with a bit
      of extra CPU time.
      Significant performance improvement for large I/O bound
      workload, like DWH.
         Main goal  Shrink fact tables (2X to 7X compression
         ratio for real DW fact data).
         Secondary goal  improve query performance.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements

  Backup Compression (Enterprise Edition)
      Require less I/O  Increase backup speed.
      Less storage required to keep backups online (expect 4:1
      Increase CPU usage significantly  can be set to low priority
      session by resource governor.
      Average Performance for a Set of Customer Databases:
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Resource Governor (Enterprise Edition)
      Allow defining resource limit & priorities for different
      workloads. Govern queries base on group/ pool.
      Limits the amount of CPU & memory that incoming
      applications requests can use.
      Resource limits can be configured in real time with minimal
      Limited to DB engine  cannot be used for
       SSAS, SSIS, SSRS.
      DWH usage – handling unpredictable
      workloads execution, like 2 un-insolated
      DWH applications or a mix of OLTP & DWH
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Filtered Indexes & Statistics (Enterprise Edition)
      Non clustered index only, that support WHERE condition and
      includes only matching rows.
      Improved query performance and execution plan quality 
      it’s smaller then full table non clustered index and have
      smaller and more accurate statistics.
      Reduce index maintenance cost  DML statements is not
      always affecting the index.
      Reduce index storage cost  Replacing a full table non
      clustered index with multiple filtered index without
      significantly increasing storage requirements.
      CREATE INDEX #IX_Filtered
      ON Production.WorkOrderRouting (ActualEndDate)
      WHERE ActualStartDate > '2002-01-01' AND ActualStartDate < '2002-12-31‘
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Parallel Query Processing on Partitioned Objects
  (Enterprise Edition)
      Multiple processes work simultaneously to process a single
      SQL Statement.
      In SQL Server 2005  one thread was created per partition,
      regardless the number of processing cores.
      In SQL Server 2008  all processors can be used to satisfy
      the query requirements. If threads number > partitions
      number, query processor allocates equal number of threads
      number to each partition.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Change Data Capture - CDC (Enterprise Edition)
      Capturing the fact that DML changes were made + the actual
      metadata that was changed.
      Changes are captured and placed in changes tables.
      Log-based capture (by jobs) with minimal impact on source.
      Load delta only instead of full refresh – Efficient for updates
      of data warehouses or similar.
      ETL process can call functions to retrieve
      changes into DWH or similar.
      Work on schema changes as well – changes to
      column structure are stored in cdc.ddl _history
      Built-in automatic cleanup (by job) – by default
      3 days of data is retained.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Change Tracking – CT
    Captures the fact that rows in a table were changed, but does
    not capture the data that was changed (only PK value is saved).
    Lightweight  Tracks time & context of most recent row
    Get latest row data directly from user table  limited historical
    data  less storage overhead than CDC.
    Crawl Transaction Log  Asynchronous  High Performance.
    Provide functions to obtain changes info.
    Best for Occasionally Connected
    Systems like Mobile Sync Apps or
    Remote Dial Up Apps.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Auditing (Enterprise Edition)
    SQL Server instance & database level audit specifications.
    Available auditing destinations:
       Binary file.
       Windows application log.
       Windows security log (not available in Windows XP).
    Audit specifications defines what to audit  Login, Logout,
    DDL/DML changes, Restarts, etc.
    3 categories of actions for audit:
       Server level – server operations, such as management changes
       and logon and logoff operations.
       Database level – DMLs and DDLs operations.
       Audit level – include actions in the auditing
       process (CREATE AUDIT, ALTER AUDIT etc).
    Based on Extended Events architecture –
    can be correlated with windows events to
    resolve resources problems.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Data Collector
    Data warehouse mechanism.
    Running all the time or on a user-defined schedule, and
    collecting different sets of data.
    Collected data stored in the management data warehouse.
    System data collection sets including:
       Server Activity.
       Disk Usage.
       Query Statistics.
    Supports dynamic tuning for data collection  extensible
    through its API.
    Integrated reporting & analyzing.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements

      Improved performance:
         Break 2GB limit of BLOB storage.
         NTFS caching & streaming.
         Keep BLOBs out of SQL memory pool.
         Transaction file I/O over NTFS.
      Stores BLOB data on NTFS – for VARBINARY(MAX) only.
      It’s recommended for BLOB objects that are larger than 1MB.
      BLOB are stored in SQL-managed folder:
         Folder managed as a file group.
         Nesting of folders not ok.
         Limit folder ACLs to SQL service account.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Policy Based Management
      Enforce compliance on database objects:
         Asserts a condition against one or more targets.
         Repair some violations automatically.
      Run on schedule or on demand.
  Server Group Management
      Creating Central Management Server.
      Supports targeting multiple servers for:
         Execution T-SQL queries.
         Managing policies.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Merge Statement
      Perform multiple DML (insert/ update/ delete) once and
      perform better than separate DMLs.
      Operations based on:
         WHEN MATCHED.
      MERGE statement is transactional - No explicit transaction
      Multiple WHEN clauses possible on:
         Only one WHEN clause for TARGET NOT MATCHED.
      One Pass Through Tables.
         At most a full outer join.
         Matching rows = when matched.
         Left-outer join rows = when target not matched.
         Right-outer join rows = when source not matched.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Merge Statement (2)
      Usage Example:
      MERGE dbo.FactBuyingHabits AS Target
      USING (SELECT CustomerID, ProductID, PurchaseDate FROM dbo.Purchases) AS Source
          ON (Target.ProductID = Source.ProductID AND Target.CustomerID = Source.CustomerID)
                UPDATE SET Target.LastPurchaseDate = Source.PurchaseDate
                INSERT (CustomerID, ProductID, LastPurchaseDate)
                VALUES (Source.CustomerID, Source.ProductID, Source.PurchaseDate)
      OUTPUT $action, Inserted.*, Deleted.*;
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Programmability Enhancements
      New separate DATE & TIME types.
      User-Defined table type:
           Declared globally.
           Used as argument to stored procedures and functions.
           Great for INSERT/ UPDATE procedures.
           Eliminates connection isolation.
           Declaration example:
           CREATE TYPE LocationTableType AS TABLE (LocationName varchar(50), CostRate int);
           DECLARE @tbl_LocationTableType AS LocationTableType;

      Sparse Columns – Null values are not stored  Ideal for
      property/ value storage.
      HIRARCHYID Data type – Enables DB applications to model
      tree structures  Implemented as a CLR UDT.
      Grouping Sets – allow multiple GROUP BY clauses in a single
      SQL statement.
      GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((), (a), (a, b, c))
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Programmability Enhancements (2)
    T-SQL Row constructors – allow multiple value inserts within a
    single INSERT statement.
    INSERT INTO dbo.Departments
        VALUES (1, 'Human Resources', 'Margheim'),(2, 'Sales', 'Byham'),
                 (3, 'Finance', 'Gill'),(4, 'Purchasing', 'Barber'),
                 (5, 'Manufacturing', 'Brewer');

    Compound Operators – SET @x += 2
    Query editor enhancements:
         Transact-SQL Debugger – similar to the Visual Studio debuggers
         including breakpoints, view call stack and watches.
         IntelliSense – word completion, error underlining, parameter help,
         colorizing, quick Info and more.
         Database Engine Error List Window – displays the syntax and
         semantic errors.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Transaction Logging Enhancements
      Usually Inserts written to disk twice: once to log +
      once to database pages.
      Minimally logged INSERTs
         In SQL Server 2005 – simple or bulk-logged recovery model only.
         In SQL Server 2008 – also in full recovery model.
      Performance improvement of large scale INSERT
         By reducing the number of log records to be written.
         By reducing the amount of log space required.
      Performance boost – 3X to 5X.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Spatial Data, Types and Indexes
    Spatial data  Info about the physical location and shape of
    geometric objects – Point, locations or complex objects such
    as countries, roads, or lakes.
     SELECT * FROM roads
     WHERE roads.geom.Intersects(@ms)=1
    Spatial data types:
       Geometry – Flat earth data (X/Y coordinates).
       Geography – Round earth data (GPS latitude & longitude).
    Spatial data objects supported by spatial data types 
    Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Poligon,
    MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection.
    Visual mapping tool  spatial data results can be
    viewed in in Query Editor.
    Spatial index  extended index that allows
    indexing a spatial column  based on B trees.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Mirroring Enhancements
    Automatic page repair  get fresh copy of corrupted pages
    from mirroring partner.
    Log performance enhancements:
       Compress outgoing log stream  at least 12.5 percent
       compression ratio.
       Write-ahead on the incoming log stream on the mirror server 
       incoming log records are written to disk asynchronously.
    Reduces manual failover downtime  mirror does not restart to
    recover uncommitted log.
    Enhanced supportability  includes additional performance
    counters & DMVs. For example:
       sys.dm_db_mirroring_auto_page_repair - tracks last 100
       corrupted pages from mirroring sessions.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Service Broker Enhancements
    New Conversation Priorities – Ensures that low priority work
    does not block higher priority work.
         CREATE BROKER PRIORITY PremierCustomer
             SET (CONTRACT_NAME = premier,
                  LOCAL_SERVICE_NAME = sender,
                  REMOTE_SERVICE_NAME = 'receiver',
                  PRIORITY_LEVEL = 7);

    New Diagnostic Utility – ssbdiagnose utility analyzes the
    configuration between two Service Broker services.
    New system monitor object and counters.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
DB Engine Main Enhancements
  Star Join Improvements (enterprise edition)
      Improved recognition of star join pattern.
         While joining a fact table with several dimensions.
      Improved costing of star join plans.
      Significantly quicker query processing for DWH.
         While processing a significant fraction of fact table rows.
      Based on bitmap filters
         Allows eliminate non-qualifying fact table rows from further processing.
         Saves a considerable amount of CPU time.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Integration Services Main Enhancements
   Lookup Performance
      A lookup tests whether each row in a stream of rows has a
      matching row in another dataset (like JOIN operation).
      In SQL Server 2005:
          Each Lookup component would cache its own copy.
          Cache is reloaded every time it’s used.
      In SQL Server 2008:
          Cache can be shared between multiple lookup components in
          the same package or different package.
          Cache can be saved to virtual memory or permanent file storage
          New miss-cache feature – load to cache key values that have no
          matching entries in the reference dataset.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Integration Services Main Enhancements
   Data Profiling Task and Data Profile Viewer
      The information provided by the profile helps you identify
      potential problems with data quality:
         The distribution of lengths in the column values.
         The percentage of null values.
         The distribution of values in the column.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Reporting Services Main Enhancements
   Report Authoring
      Enhanced Chart Data Region.
      New Gauge Data Region.
      New Tablix Data Region.
      New Report Builder 2.0 offers many new features, like
      enhanced data layout, visualization and text formatting, and
      on-demand rendering.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Reporting Services Main Enhancements
   Report Scalability
      Can render much larger reports – renders each page of a
      report as you view it.
      Can create reports with hundreds or thousands of pages.

   Server Scalability
      Dependency in IIS removed – includes native support for
      HTTP.SYS and ASP.NET.
      Can manage its own memory and
      memory limits.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Analysis Services Main Enhancements
   MDX Query Performance
      Improve block computation – No time is wasted evaluating
      null cells.
   Query and Write back Performance
      In SQL Server 2005:
         SSAS required write back partitions to have ROLAP storage.
      In SQL Server 2008:
         Allow write back partitions with MOLAP storage.
         Compressed MOLAP format is much faster than querying the
         relational data source.
   Enhanced Backup
      less disk I/O is required.
   Scalable Shared Database (SSD)
      Can scale out your OLAP query workload across
      many small servers with just a single copy of the
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Recommended Upgrade Method

  Support upgrade from:
     SQL Server 2000 SP4.
     SQL Server 2005 SP2.
     Reporting services – IIS was replaced with HTTP.SYS
  Upgrade an existing instance and not databases 
  divide and rule.
  Existing database retain their compatibility level until
  application is ready.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Features by edition
                                                                                             Enterprise   Standard
Component   Group           Feature                     Description
                                                                                              Edition     Edition

Database    Scalability &   Data Compression            Reduce storage requirements
Engine      Performance

                            Backup Compression          Less storage required to keep
                                                        backups online

                            Filtered Indexes and        Index that support WHERE
                            Statistics                  conditions

                            Resource Governor           To define resource limits &
                                                        priorities for different workloads

                            Parallel Query Processing   Using multiple processors in
                            on Partitioned Objects      parallel to process query

                            Star join improvements      Better plan + better raw query
                                                        execution performance

                            Performance Data            Collecting storing and analyzing
                            Collector                   performance data

                            Logging Enhancements        Minimally logged INSERT INTO, in
                                                        full recovery model DB

            Manageability   Policy-Based Management     Enables efficient management of
                                                        multiple instances from a single

                            Server Group                Enables execute of T-SQL queries
                            Management                  against multiple servers

                            SQL Server Extended         Can be correlated with Windows
                            Events                      events to resolve resources
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Features by edition (Part 2)
                                                                                              Enterprise   Standard
Component   Group             Feature                   Description
                                                                                               Edition     Edition

Database    Manageability     Auditing                  Create & manage database engine
Engine                                                  events via DDL

                              Change Data Capture       Data changes are captured and
                              (CDC)                     placed in changes tables

                              Change Tracking (CT)      Allow applications to obtain
                                                        incremental changes to user table

                              Transact-SQL Debugger     Including break points, data values
                                                        watches, call stack and more

                              Database Engine Error     Display syntax & semantic errors
                              List Window

                              IntelliSense              Word completion, error underlining,
                                                        parameter help and more

            Security          Transparent Database      The ability to encrypt the entire
                              Encryption                database files

                              External Key management   Storing keys separate from the data

            Programmability   MERGE Statement           Enable INSERT UPDATE & DELETE
                                                        data with a single statement

                              New Date and Time Data    Separate DATE and TIME types,
                              Types                     DARETINEOFFSET, DATETIME2

                              hierarchyid Data Type     Enables to model tree structure
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Features by edition (Part 3)
                                                                                              Enterprise   Standard
Component   Group             Feature                    Description
                                                                                               Edition     Edition

Database    Programmability   Spatial Data Types         GEOMETRY for storing flat-earth
Engine                                                   data and GEOGRAPHY for round-
                                                         earth data such as GPS

                              User-Defined Table Type    Support table structure as a
                                                         parameter for stored procedures
                                                         and functions

                              User Defined Types (UDT)   Maximum size of UDT has been
                                                         increased to 2 GB

                              Compound Operators         for Example:   SET @x += 2

                              Enhanced CONVERT           Allow conversions between binary
                                                         & characters hexadecimal values

                              Grouping Sets              Enable defining multiple grouping
                                                         in the same query

                              Table-Valued Parameters    Provide easier way to define table
                                                         type that can be passed to stored
                                                         procedures and functions

                              FILESTREAM Storage         Enables storing of documents and
                                                         images on the file system

                              Sparse Columns             Optimizing storage format for NULL

                              Spatial Data Storage       Improved spatial indexes.
                                                         Results can be viewed in query
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Features by edition (Part 4)
                                                                                                   Enterprise   Standard
Component     Group             Feature                     Description
                                                                                                    Edition     Edition

Database      Programmability   Wide Tables                 A table that has defined column set.
Engine                                                      Up to 8019 bytes size.

                                Integrated Full Text        Catalogs integrated into the
                                Search                      database instead of file system

              Mirroring         Automatic Page Repair       Get fresh copy of corrupted pages
                                                            from mirroring partner

                                Improved Performance        Compress outgoing log stream

                                Enhanced Supportability     Includes additional performance
                                                            counters & DMVs

              Service Broker    New Conversation Priority   Ensures that low priority work does
                                                            not block higher priority work

                                New Diagnostic Utility      ssbdiagnose utility analyzes
                                                            configuration between two service
                                                            broker services

              Replication       Enhanced Support for        Enable execution of SWITCH
                                Partitioned tables          PARTITION on publication database

Integration   Components        Enhanced Performance        Includes faster cache loading and
Services                        and Caching for the         more efficient lookup operations
                                Lookup Transformation

                                New ADO.NET                 ADO NET source component & ADO
                                Components                  NET destination component
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Features by edition (Part 5)
                                                                                                 Enterprise   Standard
Component     Group             Feature                    Description
                                                                                                  Edition     Edition

Integration   Components        New data profiling task    Help identify data quality problems
Services                                                   within individual columns and with
                                                           column relationships

                                New integration services   Create package that contains
                                connections project        connection information

                                New scrip environment      BI Development studio integrates
                                                           with MS visual studio for
                                                           applications (VSTA)

              Data Management   Enhanced data type         Provides additional info & options
                                handling in Import and     related to date type conversions
                                Export wizard

                                New Date and Time data     DT_DBTIME2, DT_DBTIMESTAMP2
                                types                      DT_DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET

                                Enhanced SQL statements    New merge statement, get changes
                                                           to data source, Improved
                                                           performance of bulk load

              Performance       Change data capture        Data changes are captured and
              Troubleshooting                              placed in changes tables

                                New debug dump files       Creates dump files(.mdmp & .tmp)
                                                           to provide info when package runs

Analysis                        Designers improvements     New Aggregation designer. The
Services                        (cube, dimension,          cube wizard has been simplified
                                aggregation)               and enhanced. New Attribute
                                                           Relationship designer.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Features by edition (Part 6)
                                                                                                       Enterprise   Standard
Component   Group              Feature                       Description
                                                                                                        Edition     Edition

Analysis                       Backup and restore            Due improved backup compression
Services                       improved performance          less disk I/O is required.

Reporting   Report Authoring   Enhanced Chart Data           Enhanced Chart Data Region that
Services                       Region                        includes a redesigned chart control
                                                             that supports many new chart

                               New Gauge Data Region

                               New Tablix Data Region        New Tablix Data Region for Table,
                               for Table, Matrix, and List   Matrix, and List, which combines
                                                             table, list, and matrix structures into
                                                             a single structure.

                               New Report Builder 2.0        New Report Builder 2.0 offers many
                                                             new features, like enhanced data
                                                             layout, visualization and text
                                                             formatting, and on-demand

            Report             New and Enhanced              New and Enhanced Rendering
            Processing and     Rendering Extensions          Extensions includes new and
            Rendering                                        enhanced rendering extensions for
                                                             Word, Excel, and CSV.

                               New On-Demand Report          New On-Demand Report Processing
                               Processing                    is a processing enhancement that
                                                             renders each page of a report as
                                                             you view it.
SQL Server 2008 Enhancements
Features by edition (Part 7)
                                                                                                 Enterprise   Standard
Component   Group              Feature                    Description
                                                                                                  Edition     Edition

Reporting   Report Server      New Report Server          Redesigned server architecture that
Services    Architecture and   Architecture               removes the dependency on IIS and
            Tools                                         includes native support for
                                                          HTTP.SYS and ASP.NET.

                               Enhanced Toolset for       Support for specific tasks have
                               Report Server              been added to some tools and
                               Configuration and          removed from others.

                               New Support for Data-      New Support for Data-driven
                               driven Subscriptions and   Subscriptions and Job Management
                               Job Management in          in SharePoint Integrated Mode by
                               SharePoint Integrated      using the new subscription
                               Mode                       definition pages that are provided
                                                          by the SSRS Add-in for SharePoint.

            Report Server      Report Definition           New Report Definition
            Programmability    Customization Extension    Customization extension (RDCE)
                                                          that you can use to dynamically
                                                          customize a report definition before
                                                          it is passed to the processing

                               New Methods for the        New methods for that endpoint
                               ReportService2006 Class    provide support for data-driven
                                                          subscriptions and job management.

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Sql Server 2008 Enhancements

  • 1. What’s new in SQL Server 2008 ? Kobi Cohen
  • 2. Objectives Familiarization with main SQL Server 2008 DB engine enhancements. Reviewing Integration Services enhancements. Reviewing Reporting Services enhancements. Reviewing Analysis Services enhancements. Upgrading to 2008 recommended method.
  • 3. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Data Compression (Enterprise Edition) Compression in row or page format. Affect tables, indexes or each partition separately. Stores fix length type as variable length. An int value of 1: No compression  4 bytes + 2 bytes metadata overhead. With Compression  1 byte + 4 bits metadata overhead. Reduce storage requirements and memory usage. Less number of pages in cache  less number of latches  Higher buffer hit rates  better memory utilization with a bit of extra CPU time. Significant performance improvement for large I/O bound workload, like DWH. Main goal  Shrink fact tables (2X to 7X compression ratio for real DW fact data). Secondary goal  improve query performance.
  • 4. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Backup Compression (Enterprise Edition) Require less I/O  Increase backup speed. Less storage required to keep backups online (expect 4:1 ratio). Increase CPU usage significantly  can be set to low priority session by resource governor. Average Performance for a Set of Customer Databases:
  • 5. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Resource Governor (Enterprise Edition) Allow defining resource limit & priorities for different workloads. Govern queries base on group/ pool. Limits the amount of CPU & memory that incoming applications requests can use. Resource limits can be configured in real time with minimal impact. Limited to DB engine  cannot be used for SSAS, SSIS, SSRS. DWH usage – handling unpredictable workloads execution, like 2 un-insolated DWH applications or a mix of OLTP & DWH applications.
  • 6. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Filtered Indexes & Statistics (Enterprise Edition) Non clustered index only, that support WHERE condition and includes only matching rows. Improved query performance and execution plan quality  it’s smaller then full table non clustered index and have smaller and more accurate statistics. Reduce index maintenance cost  DML statements is not always affecting the index. Reduce index storage cost  Replacing a full table non clustered index with multiple filtered index without significantly increasing storage requirements. CREATE INDEX #IX_Filtered ON Production.WorkOrderRouting (ActualEndDate) WHERE ActualStartDate > '2002-01-01' AND ActualStartDate < '2002-12-31‘
  • 7. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Parallel Query Processing on Partitioned Objects (Enterprise Edition) Multiple processes work simultaneously to process a single SQL Statement. In SQL Server 2005  one thread was created per partition, regardless the number of processing cores. In SQL Server 2008  all processors can be used to satisfy the query requirements. If threads number > partitions number, query processor allocates equal number of threads number to each partition.
  • 8. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Change Data Capture - CDC (Enterprise Edition) Capturing the fact that DML changes were made + the actual metadata that was changed. Changes are captured and placed in changes tables. Log-based capture (by jobs) with minimal impact on source. Load delta only instead of full refresh – Efficient for updates of data warehouses or similar. ETL process can call functions to retrieve changes into DWH or similar. Work on schema changes as well – changes to column structure are stored in cdc.ddl _history table. Built-in automatic cleanup (by job) – by default 3 days of data is retained.
  • 9. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Change Tracking – CT Captures the fact that rows in a table were changed, but does not capture the data that was changed (only PK value is saved). Lightweight  Tracks time & context of most recent row change. Get latest row data directly from user table  limited historical data  less storage overhead than CDC. Crawl Transaction Log  Asynchronous  High Performance. Provide functions to obtain changes info. Best for Occasionally Connected Systems like Mobile Sync Apps or Remote Dial Up Apps.
  • 10. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Auditing (Enterprise Edition) SQL Server instance & database level audit specifications. Available auditing destinations: Binary file. Windows application log. Windows security log (not available in Windows XP). Audit specifications defines what to audit  Login, Logout, DDL/DML changes, Restarts, etc. 3 categories of actions for audit: Server level – server operations, such as management changes and logon and logoff operations. Database level – DMLs and DDLs operations. Audit level – include actions in the auditing process (CREATE AUDIT, ALTER AUDIT etc). Based on Extended Events architecture – can be correlated with windows events to resolve resources problems.
  • 11. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Data Collector Data warehouse mechanism. Running all the time or on a user-defined schedule, and collecting different sets of data. Collected data stored in the management data warehouse. System data collection sets including: Server Activity. Disk Usage. Query Statistics. Supports dynamic tuning for data collection  extensible through its API. Integrated reporting & analyzing.
  • 12. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements FILESTREAM Storage Improved performance: Break 2GB limit of BLOB storage. NTFS caching & streaming. Keep BLOBs out of SQL memory pool. Transaction file I/O over NTFS. Stores BLOB data on NTFS – for VARBINARY(MAX) only. It’s recommended for BLOB objects that are larger than 1MB. BLOB are stored in SQL-managed folder: Folder managed as a file group. Nesting of folders not ok. Limit folder ACLs to SQL service account.
  • 13. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Policy Based Management Enforce compliance on database objects: Asserts a condition against one or more targets. Repair some violations automatically. Run on schedule or on demand. Server Group Management Creating Central Management Server. Supports targeting multiple servers for: Execution T-SQL queries. Managing policies.
  • 14. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Merge Statement Perform multiple DML (insert/ update/ delete) once and perform better than separate DMLs. Operations based on: WHEN MATCHED. WHEN [TARGET] NOT MATCHED. WHEN SOURCE NOT MATCHED. MERGE statement is transactional - No explicit transaction required. Multiple WHEN clauses possible on: MATCHED and SOURCE NOT MATCHED. Only one WHEN clause for TARGET NOT MATCHED. One Pass Through Tables. At most a full outer join. Matching rows = when matched. Left-outer join rows = when target not matched. Right-outer join rows = when source not matched.
  • 15. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Merge Statement (2) Usage Example: MERGE dbo.FactBuyingHabits AS Target USING (SELECT CustomerID, ProductID, PurchaseDate FROM dbo.Purchases) AS Source ON (Target.ProductID = Source.ProductID AND Target.CustomerID = Source.CustomerID) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Target.LastPurchaseDate = Source.PurchaseDate WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT (CustomerID, ProductID, LastPurchaseDate) VALUES (Source.CustomerID, Source.ProductID, Source.PurchaseDate) OUTPUT $action, Inserted.*, Deleted.*;
  • 16. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Programmability Enhancements New separate DATE & TIME types. User-Defined table type: Declared globally. Used as argument to stored procedures and functions. Great for INSERT/ UPDATE procedures. Eliminates connection isolation. Declaration example: CREATE TYPE LocationTableType AS TABLE (LocationName varchar(50), CostRate int); DECLARE @tbl_LocationTableType AS LocationTableType; Sparse Columns – Null values are not stored  Ideal for property/ value storage. HIRARCHYID Data type – Enables DB applications to model tree structures  Implemented as a CLR UDT. Grouping Sets – allow multiple GROUP BY clauses in a single SQL statement. GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((), (a), (a, b, c))
  • 17. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Programmability Enhancements (2) T-SQL Row constructors – allow multiple value inserts within a single INSERT statement. INSERT INTO dbo.Departments VALUES (1, 'Human Resources', 'Margheim'),(2, 'Sales', 'Byham'), (3, 'Finance', 'Gill'),(4, 'Purchasing', 'Barber'), (5, 'Manufacturing', 'Brewer'); Compound Operators – SET @x += 2 Query editor enhancements: Transact-SQL Debugger – similar to the Visual Studio debuggers including breakpoints, view call stack and watches. IntelliSense – word completion, error underlining, parameter help, colorizing, quick Info and more. Database Engine Error List Window – displays the syntax and semantic errors.
  • 18. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Transaction Logging Enhancements Usually Inserts written to disk twice: once to log + once to database pages. Minimally logged INSERTs In SQL Server 2005 – simple or bulk-logged recovery model only. In SQL Server 2008 – also in full recovery model. Performance improvement of large scale INSERT By reducing the number of log records to be written. By reducing the amount of log space required. Performance boost – 3X to 5X.
  • 19. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Spatial Data, Types and Indexes Spatial data  Info about the physical location and shape of geometric objects – Point, locations or complex objects such as countries, roads, or lakes. SELECT * FROM roads WHERE roads.geom.Intersects(@ms)=1 Spatial data types: Geometry – Flat earth data (X/Y coordinates). Geography – Round earth data (GPS latitude & longitude). Spatial data objects supported by spatial data types  Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Poligon, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection. Visual mapping tool  spatial data results can be viewed in in Query Editor. Spatial index  extended index that allows indexing a spatial column  based on B trees.
  • 20. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Mirroring Enhancements Automatic page repair  get fresh copy of corrupted pages from mirroring partner. Log performance enhancements: Compress outgoing log stream  at least 12.5 percent compression ratio. Write-ahead on the incoming log stream on the mirror server  incoming log records are written to disk asynchronously. Reduces manual failover downtime  mirror does not restart to recover uncommitted log. Enhanced supportability  includes additional performance counters & DMVs. For example: sys.dm_db_mirroring_auto_page_repair - tracks last 100 corrupted pages from mirroring sessions.
  • 21. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Service Broker Enhancements New Conversation Priorities – Ensures that low priority work does not block higher priority work. CREATE BROKER PRIORITY PremierCustomer FOR CONVERSATION SET (CONTRACT_NAME = premier, LOCAL_SERVICE_NAME = sender, REMOTE_SERVICE_NAME = 'receiver', PRIORITY_LEVEL = 7); New Diagnostic Utility – ssbdiagnose utility analyzes the configuration between two Service Broker services. New system monitor object and counters.
  • 22. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements DB Engine Main Enhancements Star Join Improvements (enterprise edition) Improved recognition of star join pattern. While joining a fact table with several dimensions. Improved costing of star join plans. Significantly quicker query processing for DWH. While processing a significant fraction of fact table rows. Based on bitmap filters Allows eliminate non-qualifying fact table rows from further processing. Saves a considerable amount of CPU time.
  • 23. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Integration Services Main Enhancements Lookup Performance A lookup tests whether each row in a stream of rows has a matching row in another dataset (like JOIN operation). In SQL Server 2005: Each Lookup component would cache its own copy. Cache is reloaded every time it’s used. In SQL Server 2008: Cache can be shared between multiple lookup components in the same package or different package. Cache can be saved to virtual memory or permanent file storage New miss-cache feature – load to cache key values that have no matching entries in the reference dataset.
  • 24. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Integration Services Main Enhancements Data Profiling Task and Data Profile Viewer The information provided by the profile helps you identify potential problems with data quality: The distribution of lengths in the column values. The percentage of null values. The distribution of values in the column.
  • 25. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Reporting Services Main Enhancements Report Authoring Enhanced Chart Data Region. New Gauge Data Region. New Tablix Data Region. New Report Builder 2.0 offers many new features, like enhanced data layout, visualization and text formatting, and on-demand rendering.
  • 26. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Reporting Services Main Enhancements Report Scalability Can render much larger reports – renders each page of a report as you view it. Can create reports with hundreds or thousands of pages. Server Scalability Dependency in IIS removed – includes native support for HTTP.SYS and ASP.NET. Can manage its own memory and memory limits.
  • 27. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Analysis Services Main Enhancements MDX Query Performance Improve block computation – No time is wasted evaluating null cells. Query and Write back Performance In SQL Server 2005: SSAS required write back partitions to have ROLAP storage. In SQL Server 2008: Allow write back partitions with MOLAP storage. Compressed MOLAP format is much faster than querying the relational data source. Enhanced Backup less disk I/O is required. Scalable Shared Database (SSD) Can scale out your OLAP query workload across many small servers with just a single copy of the database.
  • 28. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Recommended Upgrade Method Support upgrade from: SQL Server 2000 SP4. SQL Server 2005 SP2. Considerations: Reporting services – IIS was replaced with HTTP.SYS Upgrade an existing instance and not databases  divide and rule. Existing database retain their compatibility level until application is ready.
  • 29. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Features by edition Enterprise Standard Component Group Feature Description Edition Edition Database Scalability & Data Compression Reduce storage requirements Engine Performance Backup Compression Less storage required to keep backups online Filtered Indexes and Index that support WHERE Statistics conditions Resource Governor To define resource limits & priorities for different workloads Parallel Query Processing Using multiple processors in on Partitioned Objects parallel to process query Star join improvements Better plan + better raw query execution performance Performance Data Collecting storing and analyzing Collector performance data Logging Enhancements Minimally logged INSERT INTO, in full recovery model DB Manageability Policy-Based Management Enables efficient management of multiple instances from a single location Server Group Enables execute of T-SQL queries Management against multiple servers SQL Server Extended Can be correlated with Windows Events events to resolve resources problems
  • 30. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Features by edition (Part 2) Enterprise Standard Component Group Feature Description Edition Edition Database Manageability Auditing Create & manage database engine Engine events via DDL Change Data Capture Data changes are captured and (CDC) placed in changes tables Change Tracking (CT) Allow applications to obtain incremental changes to user table Transact-SQL Debugger Including break points, data values watches, call stack and more Database Engine Error Display syntax & semantic errors List Window IntelliSense Word completion, error underlining, parameter help and more Security Transparent Database The ability to encrypt the entire Encryption database files External Key management Storing keys separate from the data Programmability MERGE Statement Enable INSERT UPDATE & DELETE data with a single statement New Date and Time Data Separate DATE and TIME types, Types DARETINEOFFSET, DATETIME2 hierarchyid Data Type Enables to model tree structure
  • 31. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Features by edition (Part 3) Enterprise Standard Component Group Feature Description Edition Edition Database Programmability Spatial Data Types GEOMETRY for storing flat-earth Engine data and GEOGRAPHY for round- earth data such as GPS User-Defined Table Type Support table structure as a parameter for stored procedures and functions User Defined Types (UDT) Maximum size of UDT has been increased to 2 GB Compound Operators for Example: SET @x += 2 Enhanced CONVERT Allow conversions between binary & characters hexadecimal values Grouping Sets Enable defining multiple grouping in the same query Table-Valued Parameters Provide easier way to define table type that can be passed to stored procedures and functions FILESTREAM Storage Enables storing of documents and images on the file system Sparse Columns Optimizing storage format for NULL values Spatial Data Storage Improved spatial indexes. Results can be viewed in query editor
  • 32. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Features by edition (Part 4) Enterprise Standard Component Group Feature Description Edition Edition Database Programmability Wide Tables A table that has defined column set. Engine Up to 8019 bytes size. Integrated Full Text Catalogs integrated into the Search database instead of file system Mirroring Automatic Page Repair Get fresh copy of corrupted pages from mirroring partner Improved Performance Compress outgoing log stream Enhanced Supportability Includes additional performance counters & DMVs Service Broker New Conversation Priority Ensures that low priority work does not block higher priority work New Diagnostic Utility ssbdiagnose utility analyzes configuration between two service broker services Replication Enhanced Support for Enable execution of SWITCH Partitioned tables PARTITION on publication database Integration Components Enhanced Performance Includes faster cache loading and Services and Caching for the more efficient lookup operations Lookup Transformation New ADO.NET ADO NET source component & ADO Components NET destination component
  • 33. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Features by edition (Part 5) Enterprise Standard Component Group Feature Description Edition Edition Integration Components New data profiling task Help identify data quality problems Services within individual columns and with column relationships New integration services Create package that contains connections project connection information wizard New scrip environment BI Development studio integrates with MS visual studio for applications (VSTA) Data Management Enhanced data type Provides additional info & options handling in Import and related to date type conversions Export wizard New Date and Time data DT_DBTIME2, DT_DBTIMESTAMP2 types DT_DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET Enhanced SQL statements New merge statement, get changes to data source, Improved performance of bulk load Performance Change data capture Data changes are captured and Troubleshooting placed in changes tables New debug dump files Creates dump files(.mdmp & .tmp) to provide info when package runs Analysis Designers improvements New Aggregation designer. The Services (cube, dimension, cube wizard has been simplified aggregation) and enhanced. New Attribute Relationship designer.
  • 34. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Features by edition (Part 6) Enterprise Standard Component Group Feature Description Edition Edition Analysis Backup and restore Due improved backup compression Services improved performance less disk I/O is required. Reporting Report Authoring Enhanced Chart Data Enhanced Chart Data Region that Services Region includes a redesigned chart control that supports many new chart types. New Gauge Data Region New Tablix Data Region New Tablix Data Region for Table, for Table, Matrix, and List Matrix, and List, which combines table, list, and matrix structures into a single structure. New Report Builder 2.0 New Report Builder 2.0 offers many new features, like enhanced data layout, visualization and text formatting, and on-demand rendering. Report New and Enhanced New and Enhanced Rendering Processing and Rendering Extensions Extensions includes new and Rendering enhanced rendering extensions for Word, Excel, and CSV. New On-Demand Report New On-Demand Report Processing Processing is a processing enhancement that renders each page of a report as you view it.
  • 35. SQL Server 2008 Enhancements Features by edition (Part 7) Enterprise Standard Component Group Feature Description Edition Edition Reporting Report Server New Report Server Redesigned server architecture that Services Architecture and Architecture removes the dependency on IIS and Tools includes native support for HTTP.SYS and ASP.NET. Enhanced Toolset for Support for specific tasks have Report Server been added to some tools and Configuration and removed from others. Management New Support for Data- New Support for Data-driven driven Subscriptions and Subscriptions and Job Management Job Management in in SharePoint Integrated Mode by SharePoint Integrated using the new subscription Mode definition pages that are provided by the SSRS Add-in for SharePoint. Report Server Report Definition New Report Definition Programmability Customization Extension Customization extension (RDCE) that you can use to dynamically customize a report definition before it is passed to the processing engine. New Methods for the New methods for that endpoint ReportService2006 Class provide support for data-driven subscriptions and job management.