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    Spill Absorbents - FAQs and
       Management for HSE
        A collation of articles written by Robert McLaren from Internet

                     Collated by

      Project Sales Corp
Stockist for the most complete range of

     spill control products in India


Oil Only Absorbents and Spill Kits - your first line of defence against
everyday spills
Any liquid spill in your facility or surrounding area has the potential to spread very quickly unless it is properly
dealt with using the correct spill equipment. If you are working with oils on a daily basis there is the added
potential for environmental damage if any spills occur, especially if they happen on nearby waters. It is critical to
act fast and respond in the correct way when an oil spill happens on land or water to prevent slip and fall
accidents and costly fines from environmental damage. The first step towards being prepared for oil spills is
having oil absorbents readily available in or around your facility to contain and clean up oil spills. Find out more
about these types of absorbents and spill kits and how they can be the most effective line of defence against oil
spills below:

What do oil-only absorbents absorb?

As the name suggests oil-only absorbents absorb and retain oils and oil-based liquids without absorbing a drop of
water, making them ideal for cleaning up oil spills on water or in outdoor storage areas where wet weather
conditions are unavoidable. Water repellent properties of oil-only absorbents maximise efficiency when you only
need to absorb oil.

Different types of oil-only absorbents

Effective containment and clean-up of oil spills on land and water can be achieved by using different types of oil
absorbents such as absorbent mats, socks, booms and pillows. Oil-only socks and booms are flexible and
mouldable enough to contain oil spills before they have the chance to spread and also absorb the oil. Multiple
socks and booms can be overlapped or linked together to surround larger oil spills on land or water. Other oil
absorbents like mats and pillows should be used in conjunction with absorbent socks for complete containment
and absorption of the oil spill. All types of oil-only absorbents float on water, even when fully saturated, to make it
easier for you retrieve them and identify when absorbents have reached their full capacity.

Oil-only spill kits - a complete solution

If you require a combination of different types of absorbents for potential oil spills then an oil-only spill kit provides
an effective solution. Oil Spill kits contain everything you need to contain and absorb oil spills on both land and
water, including socks, pillows and mats as well as accessories to help with safe disposal. The quantity of
absorbents inside your oil spill kit will differ depending on the size of kit you choose which should be determined
based on your worst case scenario spill. You could choose a large spill kit to deal with the entire spill that is likely
to happen or you could combine multiple smaller ones to absorb the same amount whilst gaining the flexibility
and mobility you can get from choosing smaller kits.

Colour coding of oil-only absorbents & spill kits

As oil absorbents and spill kits can be your first line of defence against oil spills it is important that they are easily
identifiable so that spill responders can gain fast, easy access and act quickly to contain and clean up any oil
spills. Some companies colour code their absorbents depending on the liquids that they absorb to make this
possible. The most common colour of oil absorbents is white which alerts workers, makes absorbed oil easier to
see and allows you to determine when the absorbent is completely saturated and needs changed out. Some
companies provide alternative colours for some of their oil- only absorbents, such as brown absorbent mats and
dark coloured booms which blend in with surroundings to make them less noticeable and help to hide the
absorbed oil. Oil-only spill kits typically contain white absorbents and are colour coded green by the label on their
container so that they are easily identifiable and improper use is prevented.


Smart Methods For Oil Spill Cleanup
Oil spills can cause harm to the environment, resulting in costly fines, and create dangerous slip and fall hazards
in your facility. It is therefore important that you have the right spill equipment to control and clean up dangerous
oil spills and that you use them in the proper way to get the most out of them, doing this will ensure that you are
prepared for any oil spills that may occur in your facility and will help to protect both your workers and the

Choosing the right products

Being prepared and employing smart clean up methods for oil spills begins with having the right spill equipment
for your facility such as absorbents, spill kits and spill barriers.

There are many different types of absorbents which soak up many different types of liquids. If you are working
with oil you should choose oil-only absorbents which will absorb and retain oils or oil-based liquids without
absorbing a drop of water. Some oil only absorbents contain as well as absorb oil spills which is an important first
step to take when responding to oil spills so that they don't have the chance to spread and cause a threat to the
environment and employee safety. Absorbent socks and booms prove effective at doing this as they are flexible
and mouldable to almost any surface and can be used on both land and water to surround oil spills. Other
products for simply containing oil spills include non-absorbent spill dikes and barriers which form tight seals
to surfaces and help to prevent oil spills from spreading. Containing spills using these products will ensure that
the area to clean up is much smaller and the oil spill will be easier to manage.

After containing oil spills the next step is clean up. Oil-only spill kits provide a complete solution for containing
and cleaning up dangerous oil spills as they contain oil-only absorbent socks, pillows and mats as well as
accessories to help you dispose of used absorbents safely. Once an oil spill has been controlled, oil-only mats,
typically available in light, medium and heavy weight versions, and pillows should be used in conjunction with
absorbent socks, booms or spill barriers to completely and clean up the spill.

Smart ways to use oil spill products

Once you have chosen the right products it is important that you use them correctly and to their full potential.
There are a number of smart ways and situations in which to do this:

You should always make sure all absorbents have direct contact with the surface and the oil by clearing all loose
absorbents and debris from the surface surrounding the spill

Different weights of absorbent mats such as light, medium and heavy weight should be used in different spill
situations. Use light weight mats when you have a thin spill over a large surface area, medium weight for general
everyday oil spills and heavy weight when you have large spills that need cleaned up quickly.

Absorbent pillows should be used in situations where the oil spill is deeper and you need to absorb a lot more oil.

Use absorbent socks for absorbing leaks in difficult places such as machines bases, ledges and along drip pans
as well as containing and absorbing liquid spills on floors. If you are using multiple absorbent socks and booms to
surround oil spills on floors or water, the smart way is to overlap them when placing them end-to-end to ensure
liquid doesn't pass through.

Non absorbent barriers and dikes should be used when you are looking for a durable spill containment product
and if you want to recover the oil that has spilled rather than absorb it.

Place oil-only spill kits in every spill prone area in your facility so that absorbents are close to hand and fast
effective response can be achieved.


Employing these smart clean-up methods and choosing the right
products will ensure that you can deal with dangerous oil spills in the
best possible way.
If oil is one of the main liquids you work with in your facility it is important to be prepared to deal with spills when
they occur. If oil spillages get the chance to spread they have the potential to cause damage to the environment
and stock, as well as create a slip and fall hazard for employees. We all need to work together to protect our
natural resources and protect them against tragedies like the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The best defence against
dangerous oil leaks is too have the appropriate spill equipment available to contain and clean up them up, an oil
response kit provides a complete solution for this. Oil-only spill kits absorb oils and oil-based liquids but not water
and include oil-only absorbent mats, socks and pillows as well as accessories to help you dispose of used
absorbents safely. The following tips will help you select the best oil spillage response kit for your facility.

Determine the maximum amount of oil that is likely to spill

Oil spills kits are available in a variety of different sizes ranging from as little as 7 litres to 476 litres to deal with
different volumes of spill.

Selecting the right size of kit should be determined based on your worst case scenario spill. One large kit could
be chosen to deal with the entire spill that may happen or multiple smaller ones could be combined to absorb the
same amount. Choosing multiple smaller kits allows you to gain flexibility and mobility as they are easier to
transport to a spill, whilst choosing one large kit means all your absorbents will be in the one place if the worst

Identify the best container for your facility

Different sizes of kit come in different containers, all of which suit different facilities. The best way to choose the
right kit is to choose a container that works in your facility. Things to consider when choosing a container include
the physical limitations of your staff and the ground they must cover to get to an oil spill in your facility. Oil spill
kits available range from small grab bags which are easy to just pick up and go to a spill, wall mountable spill kits
which allow you to create a spill kit station, to large portable kits in carts or wheelie bin containers. It is good
practice to have an oil spill kit in every spill prone area in your facility, however this may not always be necessary
as you could choose to have one or two kits dotted around which can be easily transported to a spill area instead.


5 Useful Money Saving Tips For Buying Absorbent Mats
Today's tough economic climate is forcing most people to budget more effectively. However, selecting an
absorbent mat strictly on a low price doesn't necessarily translate into cost savings. The smarter choice is quality,
durable mats, saving you time, effort, and money in the long run.

Choosing a high-quality Absorbent Mat designed specifically to meet your needs is the quality solution that
provides value. The 5 tips below show how choosing quality over low price absorbents can help save you money.

1. Quality is the Best Value, Durability is Key

Choosing a quality Absorbent Mat will ensure durability, thus better value for money. Quality mats won't rip, tear
or fray even when saturated and will be durable enough to handle workplace, vehicle and pedestrian traffic
without falling apart. Strong, durable mats lasts longer, so you use fewer mats and spend less time and money
replacing them. That means that workers can focus on their primary day-to-day responsibilities.

2. Retention is just as Important as Absorbency

Selecting a highly mat is one thing but high retention is also important in determining how much mat you use and
money you save. Mats with better liquid distribution and retention won't leave behind liquids or fibre residue so
slippery spills disappear fast making cleanup easier. High retention and absorbency means less mat will be used,
saving you money on usage and disposal cost and less time will be spent on changing out mats.

3. Hide the leaks & spills for Longer Mat Life

Some customers toss their absorbents before they are used to full capacity. The colour of the mats can help to
make sure they are fully saturated before they are thrown away. Dark coloured mats such as grey or brown hide
spills for a cleaner appearance so the mats stay on the job and look cleaner longer. This means less mat will be
used and more money will be saved by your organisation. One way to make sure that your company isn't
throwing mats out too soon is to

"Rummage in your Rubbish." Look in your bin to make sure absorbents are being used to maximum absorbency.

4. Use Only What You Need

Absorbent Mat Pads and Rolls come in various sizes and some come with easy-tear perforations, so you use
only what you need. And, by using less mat you save more money. They also come in various weights, so if a
heavy-weight mat is not needed, go for a lighter weight option. Choosing the correct mat for your
application will ensure you that the mat is used to its full potential.

5. Safety First: Prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls

In the UK slips and trips are responsible for 50% of all reported accidents that happen in the workplace,
according to the Health and Safety Executive. This results in high medical bills and lost productivity which costs
employers £512 million per year.

Providing the correct safety equipment and regular health and safety checks will help to reduce slip-and-fall
injuries and save your company money by reducing workers compensation costs and keeping workers healthy
and on the job. Bundles of rags and tattered cardboard present dangerous slip and trip hazards because they do
not lie flat on the floor and are ineffective at soaking up liquids. Absorbent Mats lie flat so workers won't trip and
completely absorb liquid.

For a complete range of spill absorbents in India, contact Project Sales Corp, 28
Founta Plaza, Suryabagh, Visakhapatnam 530020. Call +91-891-2564393; Fax +91-
891-2590482 mailto
Technical Queries Contact Satish Agrawal +91-98851-49412


What's The Best Absorbent Pad Or Pillow For Your Application?
    1.   Review your primary need

Fine fibre construction allows absorbent mat pads to trap and retain liquid making them very efficient for quickly
soaking up leaks and spills in your facility from spills or general maintenance. As a result, less mess is created
when cleaning up an unwanted oil spill or leaked machinery fluid when you use absorbent pads. If you are
looking to cover a large surface area, mat pads are a cost effective way to catch and contain overspray.
Absorbent pillows are great for large spills, repair jobs and leaving under a machine to catch oil leaks or hydraulic
leaks for an extended time.

    2.   Consider additional versatility

If you are looking for a versatile product, absorbent pads can help you in various situations. Absorbent mat pads
are typically used in and around the facility as bench liners to place tools; as a cloth to wipe oil from machinery;
as added protection on walls to prevent against overspray and splashes; in loading bays during we weather and
can be wrapped around leaky pipes and gearboxes to minimise drips. Absorbent pads are also in spill kits as the
perfect spill containment product. Absorbent pillows prove popular in large spill clean up and under machines to
soak up unwanted oil leaks and spills.

    3.   Hide the leaks & spills for Longer Mat Life

While absorbent pillows are ideal for deep spillages where maximum absorbency is needed; or for concentrated
drips and leaks at a particular point, they are often dispensed after one application. Agreeably, some customers
also throw out their absorbent pads before they are used to full capacity; however these customers are
underestimating the life expectancy of their pads. It's smart and economical to look at the colour of the pads to
make sure they are fully saturated before they are thrown away. Dark coloured absorbent pads, such as grey or
brown, hide dirt and grime for a cleaner appearance, so the pads can stay on the job longer. Another way to
make sure that your company isn't dispensing of absorbent pads too soon is to "Rummage in your Rubbish!"
Look in your facilities bins to monitor if absorbents are being used to maximum absorbency.

Spill containment will be more efficient and you will save time and money on spill clean up in your facility when
you select the right product for your application.


Do You Know How to Effectively Deal With an Oil Spill in Your Facility?
Preventing costly accidents & environmental damage with the right spill equipment

If you work with oils or chemicals on a daily basis, it is inevitable that spills will happen. It is important to act fast
to stop oil or chemical spillages from spreading before it has the potential to reach drains or bodies of water and
cause environmental damage. If left unattended chemical leaks could also damage stock and pose a potential
slip and fall hazard to employees. Creating a physical barrier around spilled liquid helps limit the overall affected
area and reduces the amount of time spent on spill cleanup and restoration, restocking and worker injuries.

There are many products on the market that are designed to facilitate quick and effective confinement of oil and
chemical spillages. Absorbent socks and booms are ideal for surrounding dangerous oil and chemical leaks while
absorbing the liquid at the same time. Socks and booms are included in oil spill kits and chemical leak kits which
also contain everything else you need to confine, absorb and clean up oil and chemical spillages in your facility.
Non-absorbent products such as non-absorbent dikes and barriers are also available on the market and are ideal
for confining potentially dangerous oil and chemical spills. These used in conjunction with oil and chemical
absorbents provide a great solution for effective oil and chemical confinement and spill clean up. Here's how
these products can help you confine oil and chemical spills to prevent costly accidents and environmental

Chemical and Oil Absorbent Socks & Booms

Oil and chemical absorbent socks and booms are designed to surround and confine oil and chemical spills before
they have the chance to spread and cause irreversible damage. You may need to use more than one chemical or
oil absorbent sock or boom to create an effective barrier and minimise the spill area.

Always overlap socks by several inches to create a stronger barrier effect. On water, oil absorbent socks and
booms should be placed in the water so that they make contact with the spilled liquid and should be linked with
ropes and/or clips which are usually attached to reach across spill areas or surround a large spill. These
techniques will make sure that no liquid escapes and damage to stock or the environment will be avoided. You
can then use oil absorbent mats & pillows to clean up the remainder spill once it has been contained.

Oil and Chemical Spill Kits

Oil and chemical kits offer a complete solution to oil and chemical spillage containment and clean up as they
contain absorbent socks, pads and pillows as well as spill response equipment and other supplies. Oil
absorbents contained in oil spill kits will absorb and retain oils and oil-based liquids without absorbing any water.
Chemical spill kits contain chemical absorbents that will contain and absorb spills of acids or caustics and
unknown liquids. Absorbent socks can be used to confine the spill and absorb the liquid whilst absorbent mats
and pillows can be used to clean up any remaining liquid. Your oil or chemical spillage kit should have enough
absorbent socks, mats and pillows to confine and clean up any size of oil or chemical spill provided you have
chosen your oil or chemical spill kit based on your worst case spill scenario.


Tips To Help You Select The Right Absorbent Sock For Your Workplace
Leaks And Spills

Absorbent socks present a different way to help you effectively clean up leaks and spills and keep your
workplace clean and safe. Absorbent socks contain spills as well as absorbing them so that spills are prevented
from spreading and don't cause damage to inventory, employees and the environment.

In order for an absorbent sock to effectively absorb and contain spills it is important to choose the right type of
sock. With such a broad range of absorbent socks on the market it can sometimes be difficult to choose the best
one for your application. The helpful tips below can help you make sure you select the right one.

1. Identify all of the liquids used in your facility.

The first step towards choosing the right absorbent sock is determining all the different liquids that you are
working with in your facility. The most common types of absorbent socks available on the market are universal,
haz-mat and oil-only, all of which absorb & contain different types of liquids.

Universal absorbent socks should be chosen if you are working with oils, coolants, solvents or water, these can
be easily identified as they are typically coloured blue and grey. Haz-mat absorbent socks absorb most acids and
caustics and are ideal in situations where the liquid is unknown, these are usually pink in colour so that they are
easy to distinguish and improper use is prevented. Oil-only absorbent socks absorb oil-based liquids only,
making them ideal to soak up oil spills on water or land during rainfall, and are typically coloured white to make
absorbed oil easier to see. By knowing all the liquids used in your facility you can choose the right type of
absorbent sock for each potential spill area in your facility.

2. Determine the volumes of liquids you are working with

After you identify the different liquids in your facility the next step is determining how much liquid the sock will
need to absorb in a spill area. You should determine the volume of all containers and choose your absorbent
socks based on the highest volume that is likely to spill. Absorbent socks are usually available in boxes of
different quantities, as it is likely that you will need to use more than one absorbent sock to effectively contain and
absorb a spill depending on the size of spill. The volume of liquid that you are working with in a spill area will
determine how many absorbent socks you will need so you should you choose based on this. However, although
absorbent socks can absorb spills it is important to note that they can be used in conjunction with absorbent mats
and pillows as the spill may be too large for absorbent socks to absorb the entire spill

3. Determine where you will be using the sock and the mouldability needed

Once you have selected the right sock based on the liquids you are working with and the volume of spill that is
likely to occur in a spill area the next step is determining where the sock will be used. This will help you identify
how mouldable the sock needs to be. If you are going to use your absorbent sock around machines to capture
leaks it will have to be able to mould securely round the base and be flexible enough to fit around different
shapes of machine bases. If you are using your absorbent sock to contain a spill on the floor it needs to be able
to mould to your floor surface so the leaks don't get through and needs to be flexible enough to completely
surround the spill. However, in this situation you may need to use more that one sock so flexibility may not be
as important. Some socks are more absorbent, flexible and mouldable than others so it is important to determine
where the sock will be used and how important each feature is before your choice is made.


Oil Absorbent Booms and How to Deploy Them
Things to consider when deploying your oil booms Firstly, it is important that you have enough booms to deal with
the size of the oil spill so you can completely confine and absorb the spill. Once you have the right quantity for
your worse case scenario spillage you should consider the following when deploying them:

Attach booms with clips and connecting rings

If you have to use multiple oil booms you should make sure that they are properly attached to each other before
you deploy them. Some absorbent booms on the market have sturdy, easy-to-use clips and connecting rings
which allow them to be overlapped and easily attached together to ensure effective containment and clean up.
Overlapping is important to ensure liquid does not pass through the connection. Once they have been attached
the oil-only booms simply just need to be deployed into the water or onto the ground making sure that the spill is
completely surrounded.

Ensure booms are easy to retrieve
When deploying your oil booms in water it is important to place them near to the waters edge so that they are
easy to retrieve. Ensure that you have heavy mechanical equipment in place or enough man power to retrieve
fully saturated booms as they can be extremely heavy. Some booms on the market have high visibility ropes
running through the length of them which makes retrieval easier and adds strength when deploying. Good quality
ones will float on water even when fully saturated so that you can see when they have reached their capacity and
can retrieve them easily. The bright white colour of oil booms also enables you to do this as they are easier to
see in an outdoor environment.

Choose booms that are UV resistant
When deploying your oil-only booms it is important to consider how long they are likely to be left down for. If it is
likely to be for a long period of time then you should make sure they are UV resistant. If they are not treated to be
able to withstand long UV exposure the quality of the material may deteriorate and effective containment and
clean up may not be achieved. The spill will have the chance to spread and cause further damage to the
environment resulting in costly fines and a damaged reputation for your company. You only need to look at the
damage that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has caused to realise the importance of being prepared with good
quality spill supplies.

By employing the techniques above and considering how your booms will be used when deploying them you can
ensure that any oil spills you have will be effectively contained and cleaned up.


Employing Smart Oil Clean Up Methods
Oil spills can cause harm to the environment, resulting in costly fines, and create dangerous slip and fall hazards
in your facility. It is therefore important that you have the right spill equipment to control and clean up dangerous
oil spills and that you use them in the proper way to get the most out of them, doing this will ensure that you are
prepared for any oil spills that may occur in your facility and will help to protect both your workers and the

Choosing the right products

Being prepared and employing smart clean up methods for oil spills begins with having the right spill equipment
for your facility such as absorbents, spill kits and spill barriers.

There are many different types of absorbents which soak up many different types of liquids. If you are working
with oil you should choose oil-only absorbents which will absorb and retain oils or oil-based liquids without
absorbing a drop of water. Some oil only absorbents contain as well as absorb oil spillages which is an important
first step to take when responding to oil leaks so that they don't have the chance to spread and cause a threat to
the environment and employee safety. Absorbent socks and booms prove effective at doing this as they are
flexible and mouldable to almost any surface and can be used on both land and water to surround oil leaks. Other
products for simply containing oil spills include non-absorbent spill dikes and barriers which form tight seals to
surfaces and help to prevent oil spills from spreading. Containing spills using these products will ensure that the
area to clean up is much smaller and the oil spill will be easier to manage.

After containing oil leaks the next step is clean up. Oil-only spill kits provide a complete solution for containing
and cleaning up dangerous oil spills as they contain oil-only absorbent socks, pillows and mats as well as
accessories to help you dispose of used absorbents safely. Once a spill has been controlled, oil-only mats,
typically available in light, medium and heavy weight versions, and pillows should be used in conjunction with
absorbent socks, booms or spill barriers to completely and clean up the spill.

Smart ways to use oil spill products

Once you have chosen the right products it is important that you use them correctly and to their full potential.
There are a number of smart ways and situations in which to do this:

You should always make sure all absorbents have direct contact with the surface and the oil by clearing all loose
absorbents and debris from the surface surrounding the spill
Different weights of absorbent mats such as light, medium and heavy weight should be used in different spill
situations. Use light weight mats when you have a thin spill over a large surface area, medium weight for general
everyday oil spills and heavy weight when you have large spills that need cleaned up quickly.

Absorbent pillows should be used in situations where the oil spill is deeper and you need to absorb a lot more oil.
Use absorbent socks for absorbing leaks in difficult places such as machines bases, ledges and along drip pans
as well as containing and absorbing liquid spills on floors. If you are using multiple absorbent socks and booms to
surround oil spills on floors or water, the smart way is to overlap them when placing them end-to-end to ensure
liquid doesn't pass through. Non absorbent barriers and dikes should be used when you are looking for a durable
spill containment product and if you want to recover the oil that has spilled rather than absorb it.
Place oil-only spill kits in every spill prone area in your facility so that absorbents are close to hand and fast
effective response can be achieved.


When Oil and Water Don't Mix - Why Oil Absorbents Should Be Part of
Your Spill Response Plan

Oil spills can be very dangerous, especially if they happen on water where they have the potential to spread more
quickly and cause irreversible damage to the environment. If you are working with oils on a daily basis it is
important to have the correct spill kits and absorbents to be able to deal with any potential spillages. Your spill
response plan should incorporate different types of oil absorbents to contain and absorb dangerous oils spills
whether on land or water.

Oil Spills on land & water.

Oil spillage kits and absorbents soak up and retain oils and oil-based liquids without absorbing a drop of water. If
you have a spill on water, the oil will not mix with the water, it will simply float on the surface. Whilst damage to
the environment is unavoidable, using oil only absorbents on the water surface means that the oil spill can be
contained and removed much quicker and easier to minimise the overall environmental impact. The spill can be
effectively contained and removed with oil-only absorbents such as socks, booms, mats and pillows which will
absorb the oil but not any water and prevent the spill from becoming a disaster.

If you are working with oils in an outdoor oil storage area, you should also use oil-only absorbents if any spills
occur due to the potential for wet and rainy weather conditions whilst working outdoors.

Containing spills that come from oil

To prevent an oil spill from causing damage to the environment and becoming a slip and fall hazard to employees
the first step is containment. Socks and Booms that only absorb oil can be used to do this effectively as they are
flexible and mouldable enough to surround any type of spill and absorb as well as contain oil spills. Multiple socks
and booms can be overlapped or linked together to encircle larger oil spills using sturdy clips and connecting
rings which feature on some socks and booms on the market. Oil-only socks and booms are easily identifiable in
a spill response situation as they are typically white in colour to make absorbed oil easier to see, although some
booms are also available in dark grey to hide the absorbed oil and blend in with the surroundings.

Containing and absorbing oil spills becomes quick and easy when absorbent socks and booms are part of your
spill response plan.

Cleaning up

Once an oil spill has been contained it then needs to be cleaned up. This stage in your spill response plan should
also include oil-only absorbents because although absorbent socks and booms absorb as well as contain other
absorbents may be needed to clean up any excess oil. Absorbent mats and pillows that are water repellent are
designed for this type of outdoor spill application. Both mats and pillows float on water so they are easy to
retrieve when the oil has been completely absorbed and are white in colour which makes it easier for you to
monitor saturation. Mats and pillows that repel water should be used in conjunction with each other to achieve
complete clean up of oil spills so that damage to the environment, stock and employees is prevented.


How Can Oil Containment Booms Reduce Environmental Impact After
an Oil Spill?

When oil spills happen it is important to act fast to contain them so that they don't have the chance to spread and
damage the environment further, especially when they happen on water. Being prepared with the correct oil spill
containment equipment will help you save money on clean up costs and possible fines for environmental

Oil-only absorbent booms are ideal for creating a physical barrier around oil spills and help limit the overall
affected area, reduce the environmental impact and the amount of time spent on spill cleanup and restoration.
Oil-only absorbent booms absorb oil based liquids only which makes them ideal for quick and effective
confinement of oil spills on land, even in the rain, or on water. They help to surround dangerous oil spills while
absorbing the liquid at the same time. Find out more about oil-only absorbent booms and how they can help you
limit environmental impact below:

How oil-only Containment Booms work

Oil-only containment booms have a polypropylene filler that is chemical resistant and hydrophobic for absorbing
gallons of low viscosity oil or fuel but not water. Oil spills can be effectively surrounded so that they don't spread
and cause further damage. Oil-only absorbent booms act fast and absorb oil as soon as they are put in place. As
oil is absorbed the boom lowers into the water so that the remaining oil is exposed to fresh absorbent. When
booms are completely saturated they will float just below the waters surface making retrieval easier.

Features of oil-only absorbent booms

There are many features which make absorbent booms ideal for containing and absorbing oil spills. Some booms
on the market have strong, high visibility ropes throughout the length of the mesh skin which makes them easier
to deploy and retrieve. The outer skin of oil-only absorbent booms is made of tough mesh which makes them
more durable as they resist snags and debris while remaining pliable.

For larger oil spills it is likely that multiple booms will need to be used to contain and absorb all of the oil. Booms
can easily be attached together using sturdy clips and connecting rings which feature on some booms on the
market. Both the clips and ropes work together to withstand heavy loads.

The types of oil-only Containment Booms available

Oil only containment booms are usually available in white and dark grey colours. White coloured booms are more
visible and make absorbed oil easier to see, allowing you to determine when your boom is fully saturated. Some
white booms on the market have a UV-treated spunbond skin that increases UV exposure up to 12 months so
they can be used outside for long periods of time. Dark grey booms hide the absorbed oil and blend in with the
surroundings so they are much less visible while they are on the job. Some dark booms on the market are UV
resistant up to 4 months.


Absorbents - Choosing For A Chemical Response Plan

In order to develop an effective spill response plan it is important to firstly determine the types of liquids you are
working with in your facility. This will in turn help you to choose the right spill equipment to contain and clean up
any spills that may happen. Haz-mat absorbents should be part of your spill response plan if you are working with
chemicals on a daily basis or if you are unable to identify the spilled liquid. These types of absorbents are
available in many different configurations, all of which prove to be effective at containing and cleaning up
chemical spills in different ways. Find out more about haz-mat absorbents and how they can help you achieve
effective chemical spill response in your facility below:

Haz-mat absorbents explained

Liquids Absorbed

Haz-mat absorbents are specially treated to quickly absorb most acids, caustics and other oil and water-based
liquids, even those with high concentrations like 98% sulfuric acid and 30% sodium hydroxide. As well as these
types of liquids haz-mat absorbents also prove effective at absorbing unknown chemicals whether they are
hazardous chemicals or not. It is always best to assume the worst and use haz-mat absorbents when you do not
know the nature of the spilled liquid.

Colour Coding

Having spill supplies that are easy to identify in an emergency situation will make sure your spill response plan
works effectively. Haz-mat absorbents are colour coded pink which makes them easy to distinguish, enabling fast
spill response and preventing improper use. When they are being used the bright pink colour ensures that
workers are alerted to a hazardous spill and indicates that appropriate protection will need to be used to clean it
up so that spill response can be carried out safely.

Haz-mat absorbents available

Haz-mat absorbents are available in many different configurations, all of which should be part of your chemical
spill response plan for your facility. They are available in:

Absorbent Pads & Rolls - Haz-mat pads prove effective at cleaning up a chemical spill once it has been
contained or under machines to catch small leaks and drips before they have the chance to hit the floor. Rolls
cover larger spill areas and have multiple perforations that let you create the shape or size of mat you need.

Absorbent Socks - Socks have a small diameter and mould easily to surfaces to surround small chemical spills
on floors or around machine bases to catch leaks and drips. They are flexible enough to contain small chemical
spills and stop them from spreading, although more than one sock may need to be used to completely surround a

Absorbent Dykes - Dykes are a larger version of socks with a bigger diameter. They are effective at containing
and absorbing large spills on floors to prevent them from spreading further and causing damage.

Absorbent Pillows - Pillows are effective at cleaning up large spills once they have been contained with absorbent
socks or dykes. They have a large surface area and the filler is fast-wicking to absorb large amounts of liquid

Pulp - Pulp is designed for small, isolated chemical spills when used on its own or for larger spills when used with
socks, dykes and pillows. It proves effective at absorbing chemical spills quickly during the first critical moments
of spill cleanup.

Although all of these haz-mat absorbents work well independently they should all be used in conjunction with
each other to make sure that dangerous chemical spills or unknown liquid spills are completely contained and
cleaned up. An effective spill response plan should include a combination of these different chemical absorbents.


Do You Need a Chemical Spill Kit?
One of the most important things to consider when choosing your spill kit is the types of liquids you are working
with on a daily basis. There are various kits that absorb a variety of liquids, and the key to achieving safe,
effective spill cleanup is making sure that you choose a kit that is compatible with the liquids in your facility.

If you are involved in the manufacture, distribution, use and storage of chemicals it is likely that hazardous spills
will happen. The last thing you want to happen is an injury to an employee because they don't have the correct
type of kit to deal with a hazardous spill. Also given that all of us are trying to be responsible to the environment,
a chemical spill will cause environmental damage and costly cleanup. It's best to have a chemical spillage kit
available when responding to these types of spills to help prevent worker injuries and to minimise environmental
damage. Find out more about these types of spill kits below and determine whether they are best option for your

Chemical Spill Kits Explained

Liquids Absorbed

Chemical spills kits contain absorbents that are specially treated to absorb acids, caustics and other oil- and
water-based liquids. However, they also prove effective in situations where the identity and nature of a spill is
unknown. It is always best to assume the worst in these situations and use chemical spillage kits in case the
liquid is in fact hazardous. So, if you are working with chemicals or unknown liquids on a daily basis these types
of spill kits would be your best option to keep your workers and the environment safe from any harm.


Inside most kits you will find a range of absorbents to contain and clean up hazardous spills. These kits typically
include chemical socks to absorb and contain chemical spills and prevent them from spreading further. Mat pads
and pillows can soak up contained spills. It's also important to ensure you have additional disposal bags and ties
to make sure the saturated absorbents are disposed of properly.

Always ensure that you have PPE that correctly fits your spill responders. Protective suits should fit comfortably
and be compatible with the chemical being used. Gloves should be compatible with the chemical and fit properly.
Make sure to fit PPE into your chemical spills kit so responders can effectively and quickly respond to a spill. The
contents will differ depending on the size of the spill kit and you should choose the size based on the volume of
chemicals that are likely to spill in your facility. Refills are usually available for most types of chemical spills kits
so the contents can easily be replaced once they have been used.


Chemical spillage kits are coloured coded differently from other types of kits. They are typically coloured coded
with a pink label on the outside of the container for easy identification. The absorbents inside these spill kits are
also coloured pink to prevent improper use and to alert spill responders that it is a hazardous spill and that
appropriate protection will need to be used to clean up it up. A chemical spills kit that is easy identifiable in an
emergency situation is ideal when you are working with hazardous chemicals as well as other liquids so that
accidents can be avoided to prevent worker injury.

If you are working with chemicals or unknown liquids frequently in your facility then a chemical spill kit is your
best option for making sure your facility is prepared for spills and remains safe. You will need spill supplies that
are easily identifiable in an emergency situation and that contain and absorb hazardous spills quickly. The best
advantage to being prepared for chemical or unknown spills with chemical spill kits is that environmental damage
will be prevented and your workplace and employees will be kept safe.


Inspect and Check Your Hazmat Spill Kits
Don't let a chemical spill catch you off guard.

Choosing the correct spill kit will help you achieve fast and effective spill cleanup and prevent costly damage to
stock and the environment. Your choice of kit should be dependent on the liquids that are likely to be spilled at
your facility. If you are involved in the manufacture, distribution, use and storage of chemicals, a hazmat kit which
absorbs acids, caustics, other oil- and water-based liquids and unknown liquids will make sure you are prepared
for any chemical spills that may occur. The best advantage to being prepared is to reduce costly slip and fall
accidents an to prevent expensive environmental damage.

As well as having the correct type of kit when dealing with chemicals, it is important to make sure that your
hazmat kit is always packed with enough spill absorbents to contain and cleanup dangerous chemical spills.
Monitoring of supplies is an important and critical step in your spill prevention plan. Checking and inspecting your
hazmat spill kit on a regular basis will make sure that you are always prepared for any emergency spill response
situation. So, how can you ensure inspection becomes a priority? Find out how below:

Plans should also detail employee responsibilities. Rather than write particular names into the plan, it may be
better to categorize employees - for example, "office staff," "press operators", etc. - so that you can facilitate
training by employee type and not have to alter your plan every time someone changes positions or leaves your

Delegate responsibility for checking and inspecting hazmat spill kits.

The first step towards making sure your kits are always prepared for chemical spillages at your facility is
delegating responsibility to an employee or employees for checking the contents and ordering replenishment
stock. This could be a spill responder or the health and safety manager. It is important that everyone knows who
is responsible and therefore be safe in the knowledge that spill absorbents are available in case of a chemical
spill. A plan and a process for recording kit inspections should be drawn up so that when a chemical spill
happens at your facility your employees know they have the right amount of spill absorbents to deal with the
amount of liquid. Otherwise, you may not realise that you don't have enough absorbents to deal with a spill until it
actually happens, resulting in dangerous accidents and possible environmental damage. With routine checks you
can make sure your facility is prepared and you can act fast to prevent dangerous chemical spills from spreading.

Choose kits in clear bags

Some suppliers provide kits in clear bags so that it is easy for you to check supplies at a glance and monitor
stock levels easily. This can save time when checking and inspecting your kits and allow you to act fast when a
chemical spill happens. Some companies make it easy to determine the type of clear bag kit with colour coded
product labels and spill absorbents inside the kit. Labels and spill absorbents are colour coded pink so that they
are easily identifiable when a dangerous chemical spill happens. With clearly labelled clear bag kits your facility
can be more prepared and everyone can see when supplies are running low and alert the person responsible for
stocking up.

Quick and Easy Replenishment

Replenishment of stock can be made easier by choosing a hazmat spill kit that has a refill available. Some
suppliers provide refills for their kits to ensure that stock can be replenished with ease. The routine checking and
inspecting of your kits will determine when refills need to be re-ordered and this can easily done by recording the
products to reorder.


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Spill Absorbents - FAQs

  • 1.   Spill Absorbents - FAQs and Management for HSE Professionals A collation of articles written by Robert McLaren from Internet Collated by Project Sales Corp Stockist for the most complete range of spill control products in India  
  • 2.   Oil Only Absorbents and Spill Kits - your first line of defence against everyday spills Any liquid spill in your facility or surrounding area has the potential to spread very quickly unless it is properly dealt with using the correct spill equipment. If you are working with oils on a daily basis there is the added potential for environmental damage if any spills occur, especially if they happen on nearby waters. It is critical to act fast and respond in the correct way when an oil spill happens on land or water to prevent slip and fall accidents and costly fines from environmental damage. The first step towards being prepared for oil spills is having oil absorbents readily available in or around your facility to contain and clean up oil spills. Find out more about these types of absorbents and spill kits and how they can be the most effective line of defence against oil spills below: What do oil-only absorbents absorb? As the name suggests oil-only absorbents absorb and retain oils and oil-based liquids without absorbing a drop of water, making them ideal for cleaning up oil spills on water or in outdoor storage areas where wet weather conditions are unavoidable. Water repellent properties of oil-only absorbents maximise efficiency when you only need to absorb oil. Different types of oil-only absorbents Effective containment and clean-up of oil spills on land and water can be achieved by using different types of oil absorbents such as absorbent mats, socks, booms and pillows. Oil-only socks and booms are flexible and mouldable enough to contain oil spills before they have the chance to spread and also absorb the oil. Multiple socks and booms can be overlapped or linked together to surround larger oil spills on land or water. Other oil absorbents like mats and pillows should be used in conjunction with absorbent socks for complete containment and absorption of the oil spill. All types of oil-only absorbents float on water, even when fully saturated, to make it easier for you retrieve them and identify when absorbents have reached their full capacity. Oil-only spill kits - a complete solution If you require a combination of different types of absorbents for potential oil spills then an oil-only spill kit provides an effective solution. Oil Spill kits contain everything you need to contain and absorb oil spills on both land and water, including socks, pillows and mats as well as accessories to help with safe disposal. The quantity of absorbents inside your oil spill kit will differ depending on the size of kit you choose which should be determined based on your worst case scenario spill. You could choose a large spill kit to deal with the entire spill that is likely to happen or you could combine multiple smaller ones to absorb the same amount whilst gaining the flexibility and mobility you can get from choosing smaller kits. Colour coding of oil-only absorbents & spill kits As oil absorbents and spill kits can be your first line of defence against oil spills it is important that they are easily identifiable so that spill responders can gain fast, easy access and act quickly to contain and clean up any oil spills. Some companies colour code their absorbents depending on the liquids that they absorb to make this possible. The most common colour of oil absorbents is white which alerts workers, makes absorbed oil easier to see and allows you to determine when the absorbent is completely saturated and needs changed out. Some companies provide alternative colours for some of their oil- only absorbents, such as brown absorbent mats and dark coloured booms which blend in with surroundings to make them less noticeable and help to hide the absorbed oil. Oil-only spill kits typically contain white absorbents and are colour coded green by the label on their container so that they are easily identifiable and improper use is prevented.  
  • 3.   Smart Methods For Oil Spill Cleanup Oil spills can cause harm to the environment, resulting in costly fines, and create dangerous slip and fall hazards in your facility. It is therefore important that you have the right spill equipment to control and clean up dangerous oil spills and that you use them in the proper way to get the most out of them, doing this will ensure that you are prepared for any oil spills that may occur in your facility and will help to protect both your workers and the environment. Choosing the right products Being prepared and employing smart clean up methods for oil spills begins with having the right spill equipment for your facility such as absorbents, spill kits and spill barriers. There are many different types of absorbents which soak up many different types of liquids. If you are working with oil you should choose oil-only absorbents which will absorb and retain oils or oil-based liquids without absorbing a drop of water. Some oil only absorbents contain as well as absorb oil spills which is an important first step to take when responding to oil spills so that they don't have the chance to spread and cause a threat to the environment and employee safety. Absorbent socks and booms prove effective at doing this as they are flexible and mouldable to almost any surface and can be used on both land and water to surround oil spills. Other products for simply containing oil spills include non-absorbent spill dikes and barriers which form tight seals to surfaces and help to prevent oil spills from spreading. Containing spills using these products will ensure that the area to clean up is much smaller and the oil spill will be easier to manage. After containing oil spills the next step is clean up. Oil-only spill kits provide a complete solution for containing and cleaning up dangerous oil spills as they contain oil-only absorbent socks, pillows and mats as well as accessories to help you dispose of used absorbents safely. Once an oil spill has been controlled, oil-only mats, typically available in light, medium and heavy weight versions, and pillows should be used in conjunction with absorbent socks, booms or spill barriers to completely and clean up the spill. Smart ways to use oil spill products Once you have chosen the right products it is important that you use them correctly and to their full potential. There are a number of smart ways and situations in which to do this: You should always make sure all absorbents have direct contact with the surface and the oil by clearing all loose absorbents and debris from the surface surrounding the spill Different weights of absorbent mats such as light, medium and heavy weight should be used in different spill situations. Use light weight mats when you have a thin spill over a large surface area, medium weight for general everyday oil spills and heavy weight when you have large spills that need cleaned up quickly. Absorbent pillows should be used in situations where the oil spill is deeper and you need to absorb a lot more oil. Use absorbent socks for absorbing leaks in difficult places such as machines bases, ledges and along drip pans as well as containing and absorbing liquid spills on floors. If you are using multiple absorbent socks and booms to surround oil spills on floors or water, the smart way is to overlap them when placing them end-to-end to ensure liquid doesn't pass through. Non absorbent barriers and dikes should be used when you are looking for a durable spill containment product and if you want to recover the oil that has spilled rather than absorb it. Place oil-only spill kits in every spill prone area in your facility so that absorbents are close to hand and fast effective response can be achieved.  
  • 4.   Employing these smart clean-up methods and choosing the right products will ensure that you can deal with dangerous oil spills in the best possible way. If oil is one of the main liquids you work with in your facility it is important to be prepared to deal with spills when they occur. If oil spillages get the chance to spread they have the potential to cause damage to the environment and stock, as well as create a slip and fall hazard for employees. We all need to work together to protect our natural resources and protect them against tragedies like the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The best defence against dangerous oil leaks is too have the appropriate spill equipment available to contain and clean up them up, an oil response kit provides a complete solution for this. Oil-only spill kits absorb oils and oil-based liquids but not water and include oil-only absorbent mats, socks and pillows as well as accessories to help you dispose of used absorbents safely. The following tips will help you select the best oil spillage response kit for your facility. Determine the maximum amount of oil that is likely to spill Oil spills kits are available in a variety of different sizes ranging from as little as 7 litres to 476 litres to deal with different volumes of spill. Selecting the right size of kit should be determined based on your worst case scenario spill. One large kit could be chosen to deal with the entire spill that may happen or multiple smaller ones could be combined to absorb the same amount. Choosing multiple smaller kits allows you to gain flexibility and mobility as they are easier to transport to a spill, whilst choosing one large kit means all your absorbents will be in the one place if the worst happens. Identify the best container for your facility Different sizes of kit come in different containers, all of which suit different facilities. The best way to choose the right kit is to choose a container that works in your facility. Things to consider when choosing a container include the physical limitations of your staff and the ground they must cover to get to an oil spill in your facility. Oil spill kits available range from small grab bags which are easy to just pick up and go to a spill, wall mountable spill kits which allow you to create a spill kit station, to large portable kits in carts or wheelie bin containers. It is good practice to have an oil spill kit in every spill prone area in your facility, however this may not always be necessary as you could choose to have one or two kits dotted around which can be easily transported to a spill area instead.  
  • 5.   5 Useful Money Saving Tips For Buying Absorbent Mats Today's tough economic climate is forcing most people to budget more effectively. However, selecting an absorbent mat strictly on a low price doesn't necessarily translate into cost savings. The smarter choice is quality, durable mats, saving you time, effort, and money in the long run. Choosing a high-quality Absorbent Mat designed specifically to meet your needs is the quality solution that provides value. The 5 tips below show how choosing quality over low price absorbents can help save you money. 1. Quality is the Best Value, Durability is Key Choosing a quality Absorbent Mat will ensure durability, thus better value for money. Quality mats won't rip, tear or fray even when saturated and will be durable enough to handle workplace, vehicle and pedestrian traffic without falling apart. Strong, durable mats lasts longer, so you use fewer mats and spend less time and money replacing them. That means that workers can focus on their primary day-to-day responsibilities. 2. Retention is just as Important as Absorbency Selecting a highly mat is one thing but high retention is also important in determining how much mat you use and money you save. Mats with better liquid distribution and retention won't leave behind liquids or fibre residue so slippery spills disappear fast making cleanup easier. High retention and absorbency means less mat will be used, saving you money on usage and disposal cost and less time will be spent on changing out mats. 3. Hide the leaks & spills for Longer Mat Life Some customers toss their absorbents before they are used to full capacity. The colour of the mats can help to make sure they are fully saturated before they are thrown away. Dark coloured mats such as grey or brown hide spills for a cleaner appearance so the mats stay on the job and look cleaner longer. This means less mat will be used and more money will be saved by your organisation. One way to make sure that your company isn't throwing mats out too soon is to "Rummage in your Rubbish." Look in your bin to make sure absorbents are being used to maximum absorbency. 4. Use Only What You Need Absorbent Mat Pads and Rolls come in various sizes and some come with easy-tear perforations, so you use only what you need. And, by using less mat you save more money. They also come in various weights, so if a heavy-weight mat is not needed, go for a lighter weight option. Choosing the correct mat for your application will ensure you that the mat is used to its full potential. 5. Safety First: Prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls In the UK slips and trips are responsible for 50% of all reported accidents that happen in the workplace, according to the Health and Safety Executive. This results in high medical bills and lost productivity which costs employers £512 million per year. Providing the correct safety equipment and regular health and safety checks will help to reduce slip-and-fall injuries and save your company money by reducing workers compensation costs and keeping workers healthy and on the job. Bundles of rags and tattered cardboard present dangerous slip and trip hazards because they do not lie flat on the floor and are ineffective at soaking up liquids. Absorbent Mats lie flat so workers won't trip and completely absorb liquid. For a complete range of spill absorbents in India, contact Project Sales Corp, 28 Founta Plaza, Suryabagh, Visakhapatnam 530020. Call +91-891-2564393; Fax +91- 891-2590482 mailto Technical Queries Contact Satish Agrawal +91-98851-49412  
  • 6.   What's The Best Absorbent Pad Or Pillow For Your Application? 1. Review your primary need Fine fibre construction allows absorbent mat pads to trap and retain liquid making them very efficient for quickly soaking up leaks and spills in your facility from spills or general maintenance. As a result, less mess is created when cleaning up an unwanted oil spill or leaked machinery fluid when you use absorbent pads. If you are looking to cover a large surface area, mat pads are a cost effective way to catch and contain overspray. Absorbent pillows are great for large spills, repair jobs and leaving under a machine to catch oil leaks or hydraulic leaks for an extended time. 2. Consider additional versatility If you are looking for a versatile product, absorbent pads can help you in various situations. Absorbent mat pads are typically used in and around the facility as bench liners to place tools; as a cloth to wipe oil from machinery; as added protection on walls to prevent against overspray and splashes; in loading bays during we weather and can be wrapped around leaky pipes and gearboxes to minimise drips. Absorbent pads are also in spill kits as the perfect spill containment product. Absorbent pillows prove popular in large spill clean up and under machines to soak up unwanted oil leaks and spills. 3. Hide the leaks & spills for Longer Mat Life While absorbent pillows are ideal for deep spillages where maximum absorbency is needed; or for concentrated drips and leaks at a particular point, they are often dispensed after one application. Agreeably, some customers also throw out their absorbent pads before they are used to full capacity; however these customers are underestimating the life expectancy of their pads. It's smart and economical to look at the colour of the pads to make sure they are fully saturated before they are thrown away. Dark coloured absorbent pads, such as grey or brown, hide dirt and grime for a cleaner appearance, so the pads can stay on the job longer. Another way to make sure that your company isn't dispensing of absorbent pads too soon is to "Rummage in your Rubbish!" Look in your facilities bins to monitor if absorbents are being used to maximum absorbency. Spill containment will be more efficient and you will save time and money on spill clean up in your facility when you select the right product for your application.  
  • 7.   Do You Know How to Effectively Deal With an Oil Spill in Your Facility? Preventing costly accidents & environmental damage with the right spill equipment If you work with oils or chemicals on a daily basis, it is inevitable that spills will happen. It is important to act fast to stop oil or chemical spillages from spreading before it has the potential to reach drains or bodies of water and cause environmental damage. If left unattended chemical leaks could also damage stock and pose a potential slip and fall hazard to employees. Creating a physical barrier around spilled liquid helps limit the overall affected area and reduces the amount of time spent on spill cleanup and restoration, restocking and worker injuries. There are many products on the market that are designed to facilitate quick and effective confinement of oil and chemical spillages. Absorbent socks and booms are ideal for surrounding dangerous oil and chemical leaks while absorbing the liquid at the same time. Socks and booms are included in oil spill kits and chemical leak kits which also contain everything else you need to confine, absorb and clean up oil and chemical spillages in your facility. Non-absorbent products such as non-absorbent dikes and barriers are also available on the market and are ideal for confining potentially dangerous oil and chemical spills. These used in conjunction with oil and chemical absorbents provide a great solution for effective oil and chemical confinement and spill clean up. Here's how these products can help you confine oil and chemical spills to prevent costly accidents and environmental damage: Chemical and Oil Absorbent Socks & Booms Oil and chemical absorbent socks and booms are designed to surround and confine oil and chemical spills before they have the chance to spread and cause irreversible damage. You may need to use more than one chemical or oil absorbent sock or boom to create an effective barrier and minimise the spill area. Always overlap socks by several inches to create a stronger barrier effect. On water, oil absorbent socks and booms should be placed in the water so that they make contact with the spilled liquid and should be linked with ropes and/or clips which are usually attached to reach across spill areas or surround a large spill. These techniques will make sure that no liquid escapes and damage to stock or the environment will be avoided. You can then use oil absorbent mats & pillows to clean up the remainder spill once it has been contained. Oil and Chemical Spill Kits Oil and chemical kits offer a complete solution to oil and chemical spillage containment and clean up as they contain absorbent socks, pads and pillows as well as spill response equipment and other supplies. Oil absorbents contained in oil spill kits will absorb and retain oils and oil-based liquids without absorbing any water. Chemical spill kits contain chemical absorbents that will contain and absorb spills of acids or caustics and unknown liquids. Absorbent socks can be used to confine the spill and absorb the liquid whilst absorbent mats and pillows can be used to clean up any remaining liquid. Your oil or chemical spillage kit should have enough absorbent socks, mats and pillows to confine and clean up any size of oil or chemical spill provided you have chosen your oil or chemical spill kit based on your worst case spill scenario.  
  • 8.   Tips To Help You Select The Right Absorbent Sock For Your Workplace Leaks And Spills Absorbent socks present a different way to help you effectively clean up leaks and spills and keep your workplace clean and safe. Absorbent socks contain spills as well as absorbing them so that spills are prevented from spreading and don't cause damage to inventory, employees and the environment. In order for an absorbent sock to effectively absorb and contain spills it is important to choose the right type of sock. With such a broad range of absorbent socks on the market it can sometimes be difficult to choose the best one for your application. The helpful tips below can help you make sure you select the right one. 1. Identify all of the liquids used in your facility. The first step towards choosing the right absorbent sock is determining all the different liquids that you are working with in your facility. The most common types of absorbent socks available on the market are universal, haz-mat and oil-only, all of which absorb & contain different types of liquids. Universal absorbent socks should be chosen if you are working with oils, coolants, solvents or water, these can be easily identified as they are typically coloured blue and grey. Haz-mat absorbent socks absorb most acids and caustics and are ideal in situations where the liquid is unknown, these are usually pink in colour so that they are easy to distinguish and improper use is prevented. Oil-only absorbent socks absorb oil-based liquids only, making them ideal to soak up oil spills on water or land during rainfall, and are typically coloured white to make absorbed oil easier to see. By knowing all the liquids used in your facility you can choose the right type of absorbent sock for each potential spill area in your facility. 2. Determine the volumes of liquids you are working with After you identify the different liquids in your facility the next step is determining how much liquid the sock will need to absorb in a spill area. You should determine the volume of all containers and choose your absorbent socks based on the highest volume that is likely to spill. Absorbent socks are usually available in boxes of different quantities, as it is likely that you will need to use more than one absorbent sock to effectively contain and absorb a spill depending on the size of spill. The volume of liquid that you are working with in a spill area will determine how many absorbent socks you will need so you should you choose based on this. However, although absorbent socks can absorb spills it is important to note that they can be used in conjunction with absorbent mats and pillows as the spill may be too large for absorbent socks to absorb the entire spill 3. Determine where you will be using the sock and the mouldability needed Once you have selected the right sock based on the liquids you are working with and the volume of spill that is likely to occur in a spill area the next step is determining where the sock will be used. This will help you identify how mouldable the sock needs to be. If you are going to use your absorbent sock around machines to capture leaks it will have to be able to mould securely round the base and be flexible enough to fit around different shapes of machine bases. If you are using your absorbent sock to contain a spill on the floor it needs to be able to mould to your floor surface so the leaks don't get through and needs to be flexible enough to completely surround the spill. However, in this situation you may need to use more that one sock so flexibility may not be as important. Some socks are more absorbent, flexible and mouldable than others so it is important to determine where the sock will be used and how important each feature is before your choice is made.  
  • 9.   Oil Absorbent Booms and How to Deploy Them Things to consider when deploying your oil booms Firstly, it is important that you have enough booms to deal with the size of the oil spill so you can completely confine and absorb the spill. Once you have the right quantity for your worse case scenario spillage you should consider the following when deploying them: Attach booms with clips and connecting rings If you have to use multiple oil booms you should make sure that they are properly attached to each other before you deploy them. Some absorbent booms on the market have sturdy, easy-to-use clips and connecting rings which allow them to be overlapped and easily attached together to ensure effective containment and clean up. Overlapping is important to ensure liquid does not pass through the connection. Once they have been attached the oil-only booms simply just need to be deployed into the water or onto the ground making sure that the spill is completely surrounded. Ensure booms are easy to retrieve When deploying your oil booms in water it is important to place them near to the waters edge so that they are easy to retrieve. Ensure that you have heavy mechanical equipment in place or enough man power to retrieve fully saturated booms as they can be extremely heavy. Some booms on the market have high visibility ropes running through the length of them which makes retrieval easier and adds strength when deploying. Good quality ones will float on water even when fully saturated so that you can see when they have reached their capacity and can retrieve them easily. The bright white colour of oil booms also enables you to do this as they are easier to see in an outdoor environment. Choose booms that are UV resistant When deploying your oil-only booms it is important to consider how long they are likely to be left down for. If it is likely to be for a long period of time then you should make sure they are UV resistant. If they are not treated to be able to withstand long UV exposure the quality of the material may deteriorate and effective containment and clean up may not be achieved. The spill will have the chance to spread and cause further damage to the environment resulting in costly fines and a damaged reputation for your company. You only need to look at the damage that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has caused to realise the importance of being prepared with good quality spill supplies. By employing the techniques above and considering how your booms will be used when deploying them you can ensure that any oil spills you have will be effectively contained and cleaned up.  
  • 10.   Employing Smart Oil Clean Up Methods Oil spills can cause harm to the environment, resulting in costly fines, and create dangerous slip and fall hazards in your facility. It is therefore important that you have the right spill equipment to control and clean up dangerous oil spills and that you use them in the proper way to get the most out of them, doing this will ensure that you are prepared for any oil spills that may occur in your facility and will help to protect both your workers and the environment. Choosing the right products Being prepared and employing smart clean up methods for oil spills begins with having the right spill equipment for your facility such as absorbents, spill kits and spill barriers. There are many different types of absorbents which soak up many different types of liquids. If you are working with oil you should choose oil-only absorbents which will absorb and retain oils or oil-based liquids without absorbing a drop of water. Some oil only absorbents contain as well as absorb oil spillages which is an important first step to take when responding to oil leaks so that they don't have the chance to spread and cause a threat to the environment and employee safety. Absorbent socks and booms prove effective at doing this as they are flexible and mouldable to almost any surface and can be used on both land and water to surround oil leaks. Other products for simply containing oil spills include non-absorbent spill dikes and barriers which form tight seals to surfaces and help to prevent oil spills from spreading. Containing spills using these products will ensure that the area to clean up is much smaller and the oil spill will be easier to manage. After containing oil leaks the next step is clean up. Oil-only spill kits provide a complete solution for containing and cleaning up dangerous oil spills as they contain oil-only absorbent socks, pillows and mats as well as accessories to help you dispose of used absorbents safely. Once a spill has been controlled, oil-only mats, typically available in light, medium and heavy weight versions, and pillows should be used in conjunction with absorbent socks, booms or spill barriers to completely and clean up the spill. Smart ways to use oil spill products Once you have chosen the right products it is important that you use them correctly and to their full potential. There are a number of smart ways and situations in which to do this: You should always make sure all absorbents have direct contact with the surface and the oil by clearing all loose absorbents and debris from the surface surrounding the spill Different weights of absorbent mats such as light, medium and heavy weight should be used in different spill situations. Use light weight mats when you have a thin spill over a large surface area, medium weight for general everyday oil spills and heavy weight when you have large spills that need cleaned up quickly. Absorbent pillows should be used in situations where the oil spill is deeper and you need to absorb a lot more oil. Use absorbent socks for absorbing leaks in difficult places such as machines bases, ledges and along drip pans as well as containing and absorbing liquid spills on floors. If you are using multiple absorbent socks and booms to surround oil spills on floors or water, the smart way is to overlap them when placing them end-to-end to ensure liquid doesn't pass through. Non absorbent barriers and dikes should be used when you are looking for a durable spill containment product and if you want to recover the oil that has spilled rather than absorb it. Place oil-only spill kits in every spill prone area in your facility so that absorbents are close to hand and fast effective response can be achieved.  
  • 11.   When Oil and Water Don't Mix - Why Oil Absorbents Should Be Part of Your Spill Response Plan Oil spills can be very dangerous, especially if they happen on water where they have the potential to spread more quickly and cause irreversible damage to the environment. If you are working with oils on a daily basis it is important to have the correct spill kits and absorbents to be able to deal with any potential spillages. Your spill response plan should incorporate different types of oil absorbents to contain and absorb dangerous oils spills whether on land or water. Oil Spills on land & water. Oil spillage kits and absorbents soak up and retain oils and oil-based liquids without absorbing a drop of water. If you have a spill on water, the oil will not mix with the water, it will simply float on the surface. Whilst damage to the environment is unavoidable, using oil only absorbents on the water surface means that the oil spill can be contained and removed much quicker and easier to minimise the overall environmental impact. The spill can be effectively contained and removed with oil-only absorbents such as socks, booms, mats and pillows which will absorb the oil but not any water and prevent the spill from becoming a disaster. If you are working with oils in an outdoor oil storage area, you should also use oil-only absorbents if any spills occur due to the potential for wet and rainy weather conditions whilst working outdoors. Containing spills that come from oil To prevent an oil spill from causing damage to the environment and becoming a slip and fall hazard to employees the first step is containment. Socks and Booms that only absorb oil can be used to do this effectively as they are flexible and mouldable enough to surround any type of spill and absorb as well as contain oil spills. Multiple socks and booms can be overlapped or linked together to encircle larger oil spills using sturdy clips and connecting rings which feature on some socks and booms on the market. Oil-only socks and booms are easily identifiable in a spill response situation as they are typically white in colour to make absorbed oil easier to see, although some booms are also available in dark grey to hide the absorbed oil and blend in with the surroundings. Containing and absorbing oil spills becomes quick and easy when absorbent socks and booms are part of your spill response plan. Cleaning up Once an oil spill has been contained it then needs to be cleaned up. This stage in your spill response plan should also include oil-only absorbents because although absorbent socks and booms absorb as well as contain other absorbents may be needed to clean up any excess oil. Absorbent mats and pillows that are water repellent are designed for this type of outdoor spill application. Both mats and pillows float on water so they are easy to retrieve when the oil has been completely absorbed and are white in colour which makes it easier for you to monitor saturation. Mats and pillows that repel water should be used in conjunction with each other to achieve complete clean up of oil spills so that damage to the environment, stock and employees is prevented.  
  • 12.   How Can Oil Containment Booms Reduce Environmental Impact After an Oil Spill? When oil spills happen it is important to act fast to contain them so that they don't have the chance to spread and damage the environment further, especially when they happen on water. Being prepared with the correct oil spill containment equipment will help you save money on clean up costs and possible fines for environmental damage. Oil-only absorbent booms are ideal for creating a physical barrier around oil spills and help limit the overall affected area, reduce the environmental impact and the amount of time spent on spill cleanup and restoration. Oil-only absorbent booms absorb oil based liquids only which makes them ideal for quick and effective confinement of oil spills on land, even in the rain, or on water. They help to surround dangerous oil spills while absorbing the liquid at the same time. Find out more about oil-only absorbent booms and how they can help you limit environmental impact below: How oil-only Containment Booms work Oil-only containment booms have a polypropylene filler that is chemical resistant and hydrophobic for absorbing gallons of low viscosity oil or fuel but not water. Oil spills can be effectively surrounded so that they don't spread and cause further damage. Oil-only absorbent booms act fast and absorb oil as soon as they are put in place. As oil is absorbed the boom lowers into the water so that the remaining oil is exposed to fresh absorbent. When booms are completely saturated they will float just below the waters surface making retrieval easier. Features of oil-only absorbent booms There are many features which make absorbent booms ideal for containing and absorbing oil spills. Some booms on the market have strong, high visibility ropes throughout the length of the mesh skin which makes them easier to deploy and retrieve. The outer skin of oil-only absorbent booms is made of tough mesh which makes them more durable as they resist snags and debris while remaining pliable. For larger oil spills it is likely that multiple booms will need to be used to contain and absorb all of the oil. Booms can easily be attached together using sturdy clips and connecting rings which feature on some booms on the market. Both the clips and ropes work together to withstand heavy loads. The types of oil-only Containment Booms available Oil only containment booms are usually available in white and dark grey colours. White coloured booms are more visible and make absorbed oil easier to see, allowing you to determine when your boom is fully saturated. Some white booms on the market have a UV-treated spunbond skin that increases UV exposure up to 12 months so they can be used outside for long periods of time. Dark grey booms hide the absorbed oil and blend in with the surroundings so they are much less visible while they are on the job. Some dark booms on the market are UV resistant up to 4 months.  
  • 13.   Absorbents - Choosing For A Chemical Response Plan In order to develop an effective spill response plan it is important to firstly determine the types of liquids you are working with in your facility. This will in turn help you to choose the right spill equipment to contain and clean up any spills that may happen. Haz-mat absorbents should be part of your spill response plan if you are working with chemicals on a daily basis or if you are unable to identify the spilled liquid. These types of absorbents are available in many different configurations, all of which prove to be effective at containing and cleaning up chemical spills in different ways. Find out more about haz-mat absorbents and how they can help you achieve effective chemical spill response in your facility below: Haz-mat absorbents explained Liquids Absorbed Haz-mat absorbents are specially treated to quickly absorb most acids, caustics and other oil and water-based liquids, even those with high concentrations like 98% sulfuric acid and 30% sodium hydroxide. As well as these types of liquids haz-mat absorbents also prove effective at absorbing unknown chemicals whether they are hazardous chemicals or not. It is always best to assume the worst and use haz-mat absorbents when you do not know the nature of the spilled liquid. Colour Coding Having spill supplies that are easy to identify in an emergency situation will make sure your spill response plan works effectively. Haz-mat absorbents are colour coded pink which makes them easy to distinguish, enabling fast spill response and preventing improper use. When they are being used the bright pink colour ensures that workers are alerted to a hazardous spill and indicates that appropriate protection will need to be used to clean it up so that spill response can be carried out safely. Haz-mat absorbents available Haz-mat absorbents are available in many different configurations, all of which should be part of your chemical spill response plan for your facility. They are available in: Absorbent Pads & Rolls - Haz-mat pads prove effective at cleaning up a chemical spill once it has been contained or under machines to catch small leaks and drips before they have the chance to hit the floor. Rolls cover larger spill areas and have multiple perforations that let you create the shape or size of mat you need. Absorbent Socks - Socks have a small diameter and mould easily to surfaces to surround small chemical spills on floors or around machine bases to catch leaks and drips. They are flexible enough to contain small chemical spills and stop them from spreading, although more than one sock may need to be used to completely surround a spill. Absorbent Dykes - Dykes are a larger version of socks with a bigger diameter. They are effective at containing and absorbing large spills on floors to prevent them from spreading further and causing damage. Absorbent Pillows - Pillows are effective at cleaning up large spills once they have been contained with absorbent socks or dykes. They have a large surface area and the filler is fast-wicking to absorb large amounts of liquid fast. Pulp - Pulp is designed for small, isolated chemical spills when used on its own or for larger spills when used with socks, dykes and pillows. It proves effective at absorbing chemical spills quickly during the first critical moments of spill cleanup. Although all of these haz-mat absorbents work well independently they should all be used in conjunction with each other to make sure that dangerous chemical spills or unknown liquid spills are completely contained and cleaned up. An effective spill response plan should include a combination of these different chemical absorbents.  
  • 14.   Do You Need a Chemical Spill Kit? One of the most important things to consider when choosing your spill kit is the types of liquids you are working with on a daily basis. There are various kits that absorb a variety of liquids, and the key to achieving safe, effective spill cleanup is making sure that you choose a kit that is compatible with the liquids in your facility. If you are involved in the manufacture, distribution, use and storage of chemicals it is likely that hazardous spills will happen. The last thing you want to happen is an injury to an employee because they don't have the correct type of kit to deal with a hazardous spill. Also given that all of us are trying to be responsible to the environment, a chemical spill will cause environmental damage and costly cleanup. It's best to have a chemical spillage kit available when responding to these types of spills to help prevent worker injuries and to minimise environmental damage. Find out more about these types of spill kits below and determine whether they are best option for your facility. Chemical Spill Kits Explained Liquids Absorbed Chemical spills kits contain absorbents that are specially treated to absorb acids, caustics and other oil- and water-based liquids. However, they also prove effective in situations where the identity and nature of a spill is unknown. It is always best to assume the worst in these situations and use chemical spillage kits in case the liquid is in fact hazardous. So, if you are working with chemicals or unknown liquids on a daily basis these types of spill kits would be your best option to keep your workers and the environment safe from any harm. Contents Inside most kits you will find a range of absorbents to contain and clean up hazardous spills. These kits typically include chemical socks to absorb and contain chemical spills and prevent them from spreading further. Mat pads and pillows can soak up contained spills. It's also important to ensure you have additional disposal bags and ties to make sure the saturated absorbents are disposed of properly. Always ensure that you have PPE that correctly fits your spill responders. Protective suits should fit comfortably and be compatible with the chemical being used. Gloves should be compatible with the chemical and fit properly. Make sure to fit PPE into your chemical spills kit so responders can effectively and quickly respond to a spill. The contents will differ depending on the size of the spill kit and you should choose the size based on the volume of chemicals that are likely to spill in your facility. Refills are usually available for most types of chemical spills kits so the contents can easily be replaced once they have been used. Identification Chemical spillage kits are coloured coded differently from other types of kits. They are typically coloured coded with a pink label on the outside of the container for easy identification. The absorbents inside these spill kits are also coloured pink to prevent improper use and to alert spill responders that it is a hazardous spill and that appropriate protection will need to be used to clean up it up. A chemical spills kit that is easy identifiable in an emergency situation is ideal when you are working with hazardous chemicals as well as other liquids so that accidents can be avoided to prevent worker injury. If you are working with chemicals or unknown liquids frequently in your facility then a chemical spill kit is your best option for making sure your facility is prepared for spills and remains safe. You will need spill supplies that are easily identifiable in an emergency situation and that contain and absorb hazardous spills quickly. The best advantage to being prepared for chemical or unknown spills with chemical spill kits is that environmental damage will be prevented and your workplace and employees will be kept safe.  
  • 15.   Inspect and Check Your Hazmat Spill Kits Don't let a chemical spill catch you off guard. Choosing the correct spill kit will help you achieve fast and effective spill cleanup and prevent costly damage to stock and the environment. Your choice of kit should be dependent on the liquids that are likely to be spilled at your facility. If you are involved in the manufacture, distribution, use and storage of chemicals, a hazmat kit which absorbs acids, caustics, other oil- and water-based liquids and unknown liquids will make sure you are prepared for any chemical spills that may occur. The best advantage to being prepared is to reduce costly slip and fall accidents an to prevent expensive environmental damage. As well as having the correct type of kit when dealing with chemicals, it is important to make sure that your hazmat kit is always packed with enough spill absorbents to contain and cleanup dangerous chemical spills. Monitoring of supplies is an important and critical step in your spill prevention plan. Checking and inspecting your hazmat spill kit on a regular basis will make sure that you are always prepared for any emergency spill response situation. So, how can you ensure inspection becomes a priority? Find out how below: Plans should also detail employee responsibilities. Rather than write particular names into the plan, it may be better to categorize employees - for example, "office staff," "press operators", etc. - so that you can facilitate training by employee type and not have to alter your plan every time someone changes positions or leaves your company. Delegate responsibility for checking and inspecting hazmat spill kits. The first step towards making sure your kits are always prepared for chemical spillages at your facility is delegating responsibility to an employee or employees for checking the contents and ordering replenishment stock. This could be a spill responder or the health and safety manager. It is important that everyone knows who is responsible and therefore be safe in the knowledge that spill absorbents are available in case of a chemical spill. A plan and a process for recording kit inspections should be drawn up so that when a chemical spill happens at your facility your employees know they have the right amount of spill absorbents to deal with the amount of liquid. Otherwise, you may not realise that you don't have enough absorbents to deal with a spill until it actually happens, resulting in dangerous accidents and possible environmental damage. With routine checks you can make sure your facility is prepared and you can act fast to prevent dangerous chemical spills from spreading. Choose kits in clear bags Some suppliers provide kits in clear bags so that it is easy for you to check supplies at a glance and monitor stock levels easily. This can save time when checking and inspecting your kits and allow you to act fast when a chemical spill happens. Some companies make it easy to determine the type of clear bag kit with colour coded product labels and spill absorbents inside the kit. Labels and spill absorbents are colour coded pink so that they are easily identifiable when a dangerous chemical spill happens. With clearly labelled clear bag kits your facility can be more prepared and everyone can see when supplies are running low and alert the person responsible for stocking up. Quick and Easy Replenishment Replenishment of stock can be made easier by choosing a hazmat spill kit that has a refill available. Some suppliers provide refills for their kits to ensure that stock can be replenished with ease. The routine checking and inspecting of your kits will determine when refills need to be re-ordered and this can easily done by recording the products to reorder.