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23 2014 |5:00 PM
The Big Bang
15 questions
1. Identify the movie from the iconic opening
shot and what's special about the audio ?
 More than 117,000 hours of computer CPU time were required to render the
CGI in the opening galactic pullback scene. The servers crashed more than 25
times in the process. Shortest amount of time required to render one frame in
the sequence: 12 seconds. Longest render time for one frame: 18.4 hours.
 Video on Next Slide
 The Ellie‟s character is inspired by Jill Tarter,
 Most of the sounds heard during the film's
opening shot are chronologically
 The movie establishes that the signal was
launched from planet Earth in 1936, during
the Berlin Olympic Games' opening (First
Live TV Broadcast).
2. Which phenomenon is explained below ?
3. What was its purpose or Expand SCA ?

SCA 905 and SCA 911 are two extensively modified Boeing 747 airliners
Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA)
The Worlds Greatest Piggy Back Ride
4. Identify X
 X, are robotic arms originally developed by country Y to load fuel in nuclear reactors.

 It later attracted NASA‟s attention to develop „Shuttle Remote Manipulator System‟ and
found the application in space such as to move and retrieve satellites/payloads and
provide support for astronauts during spacewalks etc.
 This is the most famous contribution by Y to space research and its also known as X arm.
Canadarm & Canada
5. Give the hidden symbols

Clue On Next Slide
Gender Symbols
6. Identify X Y
 Project X was the first human spaceflight program
of the United States led by its newly created space
agency NASA. It ran from 1959 through 1963 with
the goal of putting a human in orbit around the

 The XY were the group of seven astronauts
selected by NASA on April 9, 1959 which included
Alan Shepard.
 The Right Stuff is a 1983 American drama film that
was adapted from Tom Wolfe's best-selling 1979
book of the same name about the Navy, Marine
and Air Force test pilots who were involved in
aeronautical research at Edwards Air Force Base,
California, as well as the seven military pilots who
were selected to be the astronauts


Pics on next slide
Mercury Seven
7. Identify its name
 The Mercury capsule, flown by astronaut Gus Grissom for 15 minutes in
space on July 21, 1961 [2nd manned space mission by USA].
 Following the splashdown of “X″, the hatch, which had explosive bolts, blew
off prematurely, letting water into the capsule and into Grissom‟s suit.
Grissom nearly drowned but was rescued by helicopter, while the
spacecraft sank in deep water. Grissom maintained he did nothing to set off
the explosives to blow the hatch, and NASA officials agreed. The craft was
recovered in 1999 but there was no evidence of how the hatch had been
opened. The sinking was a bit of a black eye on the career of Grissom, one
of the original Mercury 7 astronauts.
It was named after which American icon symbol/structure which is also
represented by the strip ?
Liberty Bell 7
It featured a white, diagonal irregular paint stripe starting at the base of the
capsule and extending about two-thirds toward the nose, emulating the crack in
the famed Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
8. Which number ?
 The distance between the earth and sun

= X times the diameter of the sun.

 Distance between the earth and the moon = X times the moon's diameter
 The diameter of the sun

= X times the diameter of the earth.

 Although this is a significant number in Hinduism and Buddhism, we use this no for a
completely different reason nowadays.
9. Who's early representation of
what ?
Rings of Saturn
by Galileo
10. Funda
Cosmonauts take Sochi
Olympic torch on
11. Identify X
 Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, known as "Doug and Dave” are famous for man-made
hoaxes of X .
 In 1991, the duo came out and announced that they had made hundreds of X since
1978. To prove that they were responsible, they filmed themselves for the BBC making
one with a rope-and-plank contraption in a Wiltshire field
 Colin Andrews, cereologist and author of the book, Circular Evidence, admits that about
80 % of X are probably man-made, but says that the other 20 % are probably the work of
some "higher force."
 They said that, they would enter into the fields during nights and make those X with the
help of:
1. Ropes
2. Planks

3. Hats
4. Wires
Crop Circles
12. XKCD‟s strip about
Spirit Rover
The rover had become stuck in a sandy pit in April 2009
and went silent on March 22, 2010.
13. Identify the mission name
 _________ was a NASA Moon mission famous for being a
"successful failure" .

 While the crew were unable to land on the Moon as planned
due to a technical malfunction, they were returned safely home.
 It was supposed to land in the Fra Mauro area. An explosion on
board forced it to circle the moon without landing.
 The mission‟s launch date 11-04-1970 and 1:13 pm Houston time
was also viewed by numerologist as unlucky.
 Date :
4-11-70 add the digits to get 13.

 Time:
1:13 pm Houston time (or)
13:13 on a 24-hour military clock
14. Identify
Michio Kaku
15. Identify the photographic technique and from where its taken ?
Star Trail – from ISS
Famous Photographs
7 questions, 10 points each
1. First colour photo of Earth from Moon known as ________
Clue on Next Slide.
Taken by astronaut William Anders in 1968 during the Apollo 8 mission.
Transcript of the audio recording of the event – excerpt:
Borman: Oh my God! Look at that picture over there! Here's the Earth coming up.
Wow, is that pretty.
Anders: Hey, don't take that, it's not scheduled.
Borman: (laughing) You got a color film, Jim?
Anders: Hand me that roll of color quick, will you...
Lovell: Oh man, that's great!

“The most influential environmental photograph ever taken.”
- Galen Rowell (Nature photographer)
2. First Full-View Photo of Earth famously known as ______
 The ____ _______ is a famous photograph
of the Earth, taken on December 7, 1972,
by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft,
at a distance of about 45,000 KM.
 Second word is a game/object which we
might have come across in childhood.
 John McConnell, the founder and creator
of Earth Day came up with this Earth Day
Flag which features this same
Blue Marble
3. Earth at night, also known as ____ ______
 Dec 5, 2012 - Like „Blue Marble‟, NASA released
series of pictures which shows Earth at night-time.
 The NASA stated that night-time images can be
used for numerous purposes:
 Social scientists and demographers have used night lights to
model the spatial distribution of economic activity, of
constructed surfaces, and of populations.
 Planners and environmental groups have used maps of lights to
select sites for astronomical observatories and to monitor
human development around parks and wildlife refuges.
 Electric power companies, emergency managers, and news
media turn to night lights to observe blackouts.
Black Marble
4. Who‟s footprint and who is the photographer ?
Buzz Aldrin took this photo of his own footprint
5. What‟s unique about these
photographs (3 photos) ?

Taken by NASA's Voyager 1 in 1990
Taken by Cassini in 2006

Taken by Cassini in 2013

Only photographs of Earth taken from
Outer Solar System
 The outer Solar System is beyond the asteroid belt, including the four gas giants.
 Usually, spacecraft in the far reaches of the solar system don't look back toward
Earth to avoid damaging their instruments by direct sunlight.
 Recently, the sun was temporarily blocked relative to Cassini's line of sight, allowing
the U.S. space agency to take the picture.
6. Who said this and about which photo ?
7. Identify the photograph name
 It is an image of the Solar System acquired by Voyager 1 on
February 14, 1990 from a distance of approximately 6 billion
kilometres from Earth.
 It features individual frames of six planets and a partial background
indicating their relative positions.

 The picture is a mosaic of 60 individual frames.
 Since it includes majority of the planets of our solar system, its
famously called _______ _______

 Pic in Next Slide
Family Portrait / Solar System Portrait
by Voyager
Famous Headlines
5 Questions
1. Why these words were in headlines
in USA during Dec 1957 ?
 Flopnik
 Kaputnik
 Oopsnik
 Stayputnik
Failure of NASA‟s first
Satellite -Vanguard TV3
 On Dec. 6, 1957, two months after
the Soviets launched the Sputnik
(first artificial satellite) into orbit,
the U.S. tried to launch its own
which failed.
 Newspapers in the United States,
published prominent headlines
and articles noting to the failure
including plays on the name of
the Russian satellite, Sputnik, such
as Flopnik, Kaputnik, Oopsnik and
Valentina Tereshkova
The first woman to go to space
4. Identify the famous speech ?
Nov 22, 1963, The 50th Anniversary of JFK‟s
death is commemorated by Pitcairn Post with
a four stamp issue and First Day Cover.
The Decision to Go to the Moon
President John F. Kennedy's May 25, 1961 speech before a Joint Session of Congress.
“Landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth”
Google Doodles
10 Questions
Birthday of H.G. Wells
Roswell's 66th Anniversary

Famous UFO Incident in New Mexico, 1947
Edmond Halley's 355th Birthday
Nicolaus Copernicus' 540th Birthday
Perseid Meteor Shower
Annual meteor shower
Transit of Venus
Chile – Very Large Telescope (VLT)

13th Anniversary of the 4 unit - Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun
Discovery of Water on the Moon
Johannes Kepler's 442nd Birthday
400th Anniversary of Galileo's Telescope
The Big Crunch
Reverse Round – 20 Questions
1. What work by English composer Gustav
Holst was considered incomplete in 1930 by
few, was no longer incomplete from the year
2006 ?
His famous 7 movement orchestral suite X [1914 -1916] was themed on something.

Clue: Next Slide
o _____ ,the Bringer of War
o _____, the Bringer of Peace
o _____, the Winged Messenger

o _____, the Bringer of Jollity
o _____, the Bringer of Old Age
o _____, the Magician
o _____, the Mystic
The Planets

Seven Planets other than Earth and Pluto
Each named after a planet and its corresponding astrological character
1) Mars, the Bringer of War

2) Venus, the Bringer of Peace
3) Mercury, the Winged Messenger

Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity


Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age


Uranus, the Magician


Neptune, the Mystic

Discovered in 1930, Pluto was declared as a dwarf planet in 2006.
8) Pluto, the Renewer – added by Colin Matthews
2. ______ was out of the solar system
Voyager 1 spacecraft has become the first manmade object to reach Interstellar space in
2012, more than 11 billion miles distant and 36 years after it was launched in 1977.
3. Where would you find these audios?
 Hindi :

"Greetings from the inhabitants of this world."

 Telugu:

"Greetings. Best wishes from Telugu-speaking people.”

 Urdu:

"Peace on you. We the inhabitants of this earth send our greetings to you.”

 Bengali:

"Hello! Let there be peace everywhere."

 Rajasthani:

"Hello to everyone. We are happy here and you be happy there.“

 Gujarati:

"Greetings from a human being of the Earth. Please contact."

 Punjabi:

"Welcome home. It is a pleasure to receive you.“

 Oriya:

"Greetings to the inhabitants of the universe from the third planet Earth of the star Sun.“

 Marathi:

"Greetings. The people of the Earth send their good wishes.“

 Kannada:

"Greetings. On behalf of Kannada-speaking people, 'good wishes.'"
 Greetings to the Universe in 55 Different Languages
4. Identify this former NASA
scientist and why he was in
news recently ?
 Clue on next slide
Donald Kessler
Kessler syndrome - a chain reaction of collisions between orbital technology
5. This is a 35 years late response to what ?
 More than 10,000 Twitter messages, plus videos from
celebrities such as comedian Stephen Colbert, have been
beamed into space as a big "Hello!" from Earth.
 The messages are intended as a response to something
which happened in Aug 15, 1977.
 Video in Next Slide
Wow! signal
 Soviet pilot and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first
human to travel into space on 12 April 1961
 Some sources claimed afterwards that Gagarin had remarked
during the flight “_____________________________”, which
become controversial.
 But no such words were recorded in the official transcript of
the flight and his friends later said the phrase had originated
from an anti-religion speech given by Soviet leader Nikita
“I don‟t see any God up here”
7. What's the main advantage of launching from
sea ?
 Sea Launch is an international nongovernmental spacecraft launch service that
uses a mobile maritime platform for launching
commercial payloads on specialized Zenit 3SL
 Developed by 4 companies from Norway,
Russia, Ukraine and the United States,
managed by Boeing.
 Sea Launch is currently the world's only oceanbased space launch company
 All commercial payloads have been communications satellites intended for
geostationary transfer orbit.
Equatorial Launches
 Sea Launch the advantages associated with an equatorial
launch site without the need for a permanent installation in an
equatorial country.
 Its based on the principle that launches from the Earth's
equator are the most fuel-efficient possible, utilizing the Earth's
rotation to help accelerate a rocket to escape velocity.
8. Where you would have come across these
recently ?
 Chuck Yeager jetting off in the Bell X-1 to break the sound barrier
 Alan Shepard becoming the first American to fly in space on board his Mercury capsule.

 Neil Armstrong, together with his Apollo 11 crewmates, preparing to board the Saturn V rocket that will
launch them on the first moon landing mission.
 The Gemini 2 capsule falling back to Earth as audio from the Gemini 6 mission plays.
 The Apollo 12 lunar module "Intrepid" beginning its descent to the moon as Armstrong's famous "one
giant leap" is heard.
 Footage of the orbiter Atlantis launching and then landing on the final flight of the space shuttle
Interstellar [2014] - Trailer
9. Related to which organization ?
Marketing arm of ISRO
For promotion and commercial exploitation of space
products, technical consultancy services and transfer of
technologies developed by ISRO.
10. Connect
Astronauts training for zero/micro gravity
 Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory - Johnson Space
Center in Houston, Texas.
 Reduced gravity aircraft – Zero Gravity Training
11. What technique is being explained ?
To help make a complicated-sounding
concept easily understandable, consider the
analogy in baseball. Picture a fast pitch
coming toward the batter. The baseball
represents a spacecraft. Now picture what
the batter does, swinging a bat with all the
force s/he can muster. The business end of
the bat in motion represents a massive planet
like Jupiter. The bat connects with the ball:
wham! The ball receives momentum from the
bat, and takes off in a different direction with
a lot more speed as it soars out of the
stadium. Of course in this analogy, the ball
interacts with the bat mechanically, rather
than by mutual gravitation. The results are
similar: momentum taken from an object that
has lots of it, and transferred into an object
that makes use of its new-found momentum.
Gravity Assist/Slingshot
12. Tribute to whom ?
 A planetarium costing 6.5 crore rupees has been
opened in Kurukshetra, Haryana during July,2007.
 Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda
inaugurated the planetarium in the presence of
Tagore Bal Niketan students in Karnal.
 It‟s named after which famous personality?
She was born in Haryana
13. Identify the
and connect to
the crew?
Enterprise - Star Trek Crew

USS Enterprise
14. Why this recently released song called
„XO’ become a controversial?
 Audio
Beyoncé & Challenger Disaster reference
 Beyoncé Knowles‟ track “XO” from her new
album Beyoncé begins with a six-second sample of NASA
public affairs officer Steve Nesbitt‟s commentary immediately
after the space shuttle Challenger exploded in January, 1986.
 “Flight controllers here looking very carefully at the situation…
obviously a major malfunction,”
 NASA has officially responded to this, saying that the tragedy
"should never be trivialized."
15. Identify
16. Who the narrated these documentaries ?

 Video
Benedict Cumberbatch
17. Which planet ?
 It is the most hostile planet of the solar system and closest HELL.
 The beautiful clouds are made of concentrated sulphuric acid;
the 'air' is composed of unbreathable carbon dioxide gas, at a
pressure 90 times Earth's atmospheric pressure; and this
'greenhouse gas' has raised the temperature of its surface to
 Anyone who landed on X would be simultaneously corroded,
suffocated, crushed and baked

Clue on Next Slide
 Birth of Venus - Lady Gaga
18. Identify X & Y
 ‘ The X Meet the Y ’ is an animated TV movie by Hanna Barbera aired
in 1987.
 It shows the meeting of two famous animated families of Hanna
 Its often dubbed as the movie where,

“The Stone Age meets the Space Age”
 Clue on next slide
19. X Y Z ?
According to few conspiracy theorist:
 Following the movie X, the U.S. government hired director Y to
film the fake moon landing and, to protect the lives of himself
and his wife, he made 1980's “Z" as a veiled confession of his
part in the secret project. This would have seen him filming the
landing conjointly with “X."
 The movie Z is based on a novel which has many reference to
moon landing.
For e.g.
 Room 237: In novel, the haunted room is numbered 217. In the
movie, it's 237. Why? "Because the average distance from the
Earth to the Moon is 237,000 miles.
X - 2001: A Space Odyssey
Y - Stanley Kubrick
Z - The Shining
20. Identify them and connect to a TV series
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Ann Druyan – Wife of Carl Sagan
Not Exhaustive, 10 Slides









NASA spin off technologies
1. Mobile Camera
2. Invisible Braces
3. Scratch-resistant Lenses
4. Memory Foam
5. Ear Thermometer
6. Shoe Insoles

7. Adjustable Smoke Detector
8. Cordless Tools
9. Water Filters
10. Solar Cells



- Chandrayan


- Mangalyan


- ___________
Aditya – 1

ISRO‟s scientific mission designed to study solar corona

“ Someone told me that each
equation I included in the
book would halve the sales.

Who talking about his famous book of 1988 ?
What was the only exception ?

E = mc² is the only equation used in
the book.
3. Give X,Y,Q,R
 X spent the last 30 years of his life trying to come up with a unified field theory to
explain just about everything in the universe. His theories of R did a good job at
making sense of the very big things in the universe, the stars, planets and galaxies,
but came up short when explaining the atomic and sub-atomic world.
 X‟s great rival in his quest to explain the nature of reality was Y, who was
championing a new branch of physics called „Q'.
 At its core, Q theory said that at a fundamental level, everything was unpredictable;
particles could be in more than one place at the same time and a cat in a box
could be both alive and dead.
 X hated this uncertainty, famously dismissing it when he said "God does not play dice
with the universe". Unfortunately for X, however, he was proved wrong, when 50
years later experimental evidence finally caught up with theoretical physics, and Q
theory was shown to be correct.
 X - Albert Einstein
 R – Theory of Relativity
 Y - Neils Bohr
 Q - Quantum Mechanics
Sputnik Launch
Orson Welles - The War of the Worlds incident
Hubble Space Telescope's 20th Anniversary
Crop Circles
50th Anniversary of NASA
9. Latest one is
inspired from ?
Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story
10. Give the significance of these
 My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.
 My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.
 My Very Exciting Magic Carpet Just Sailed Under Nine Palace Elephants.
Planetary mnemonics

 9 Planets:-

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.
 8 Planets, removing Pluto:My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.

 8 Planets + 3 Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Pluto, Eris)
My Very Exciting Magic Carpet Just Sailed Under Nine Palace Elephants.
Curiosity's final minutes to landing on
the surface of Mars.
 A Soyuz space capsule took the first crew to the International Space Station
in November 2000. Since that time, at least one Soyuz has always been at
the Station, generally to serve as a lifeboat should the crew have to return
to Earth unexpectedly.
 Dennis Tito become the first space tourist in 2001 by Soyuz program.
 Even though Soyuz carried many tourists successfully, its space tourism was
stopped/postponed twice by Russian government in the years 2003 and
 What was the reason which made them to stop or limit the space tourists ?
Russia‟s Soyuz TMA became the means of
transportation for crewmembers going to or
returning from the ISS.
 Feb, 2003 -

Due to Columbia Disaster [Later resumed in 2005]

 2009
ISS crew has increased from 3 to 6, and all the places on board the
spacecraft have been reserved for Russian and foreign astronauts. [Resumed in
 No space for space tourists.
Space Quiz 2014

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Space Quiz 2014

  • 2. The Big Bang 15 questions
  • 3. 1. Identify the movie from the iconic opening shot and what's special about the audio ?  More than 117,000 hours of computer CPU time were required to render the CGI in the opening galactic pullback scene. The servers crashed more than 25 times in the process. Shortest amount of time required to render one frame in the sequence: 12 seconds. Longest render time for one frame: 18.4 hours.  Video on Next Slide
  • 6.  The Ellie‟s character is inspired by Jill Tarter, SETI  Most of the sounds heard during the film's opening shot are chronologically arranged.  The movie establishes that the signal was launched from planet Earth in 1936, during the Berlin Olympic Games' opening (First Live TV Broadcast).
  • 7. 2. Which phenomenon is explained below ?
  • 9. 3. What was its purpose or Expand SCA ? SCA 905 and SCA 911 are two extensively modified Boeing 747 airliners
  • 10. Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) The Worlds Greatest Piggy Back Ride
  • 11. 4. Identify X  X, are robotic arms originally developed by country Y to load fuel in nuclear reactors.  It later attracted NASA‟s attention to develop „Shuttle Remote Manipulator System‟ and found the application in space such as to move and retrieve satellites/payloads and provide support for astronauts during spacewalks etc.  This is the most famous contribution by Y to space research and its also known as X arm.
  • 13. 5. Give the hidden symbols Clue On Next Slide
  • 15. 6. Identify X Y  Project X was the first human spaceflight program of the United States led by its newly created space agency NASA. It ran from 1959 through 1963 with the goal of putting a human in orbit around the Earth.  The XY were the group of seven astronauts selected by NASA on April 9, 1959 which included Alan Shepard.  The Right Stuff is a 1983 American drama film that was adapted from Tom Wolfe's best-selling 1979 book of the same name about the Navy, Marine and Air Force test pilots who were involved in aeronautical research at Edwards Air Force Base, California, as well as the seven military pilots who were selected to be the astronauts Memorial Pics on next slide
  • 16.
  • 18. 7. Identify its name  The Mercury capsule, flown by astronaut Gus Grissom for 15 minutes in space on July 21, 1961 [2nd manned space mission by USA].  Following the splashdown of “X″, the hatch, which had explosive bolts, blew off prematurely, letting water into the capsule and into Grissom‟s suit. Grissom nearly drowned but was rescued by helicopter, while the spacecraft sank in deep water. Grissom maintained he did nothing to set off the explosives to blow the hatch, and NASA officials agreed. The craft was recovered in 1999 but there was no evidence of how the hatch had been opened. The sinking was a bit of a black eye on the career of Grissom, one of the original Mercury 7 astronauts. It was named after which American icon symbol/structure which is also represented by the strip ?
  • 19. Liberty Bell 7 It featured a white, diagonal irregular paint stripe starting at the base of the capsule and extending about two-thirds toward the nose, emulating the crack in the famed Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • 20. 8. Which number ?  The distance between the earth and sun = X times the diameter of the sun.  Distance between the earth and the moon = X times the moon's diameter  The diameter of the sun = X times the diameter of the earth.  Although this is a significant number in Hinduism and Buddhism, we use this no for a completely different reason nowadays.
  • 21.
  • 22. 9. Who's early representation of what ?
  • 25. Cosmonauts take Sochi Olympic torch on spacewalk.
  • 26. 11. Identify X  Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, known as "Doug and Dave” are famous for man-made hoaxes of X .  In 1991, the duo came out and announced that they had made hundreds of X since 1978. To prove that they were responsible, they filmed themselves for the BBC making one with a rope-and-plank contraption in a Wiltshire field  Colin Andrews, cereologist and author of the book, Circular Evidence, admits that about 80 % of X are probably man-made, but says that the other 20 % are probably the work of some "higher force."  They said that, they would enter into the fields during nights and make those X with the help of: 1. Ropes 2. Planks 3. Hats 4. Wires
  • 29. Spirit Rover The rover had become stuck in a sandy pit in April 2009 and went silent on March 22, 2010.
  • 30. 13. Identify the mission name  _________ was a NASA Moon mission famous for being a "successful failure" .  While the crew were unable to land on the Moon as planned due to a technical malfunction, they were returned safely home.  It was supposed to land in the Fra Mauro area. An explosion on board forced it to circle the moon without landing.  The mission‟s launch date 11-04-1970 and 1:13 pm Houston time was also viewed by numerologist as unlucky.
  • 31.  Date : 4-11-70 add the digits to get 13.  Time: 1:13 pm Houston time (or) 13:13 on a 24-hour military clock
  • 34. 15. Identify the photographic technique and from where its taken ?
  • 35. Star Trail – from ISS
  • 37. 1. First colour photo of Earth from Moon known as ________ Clue on Next Slide.
  • 38. Taken by astronaut William Anders in 1968 during the Apollo 8 mission. Transcript of the audio recording of the event – excerpt: Borman: Oh my God! Look at that picture over there! Here's the Earth coming up. Wow, is that pretty. Anders: Hey, don't take that, it's not scheduled. Borman: (laughing) You got a color film, Jim? Anders: Hand me that roll of color quick, will you... Lovell: Oh man, that's great!
  • 39. Earthrise “The most influential environmental photograph ever taken.” - Galen Rowell (Nature photographer)
  • 40. 2. First Full-View Photo of Earth famously known as ______  The ____ _______ is a famous photograph of the Earth, taken on December 7, 1972, by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft, at a distance of about 45,000 KM.  Second word is a game/object which we might have come across in childhood.  John McConnell, the founder and creator of Earth Day came up with this Earth Day Flag which features this same photograph.
  • 42. 3. Earth at night, also known as ____ ______  Dec 5, 2012 - Like „Blue Marble‟, NASA released series of pictures which shows Earth at night-time.  The NASA stated that night-time images can be used for numerous purposes:  Social scientists and demographers have used night lights to model the spatial distribution of economic activity, of constructed surfaces, and of populations.  Planners and environmental groups have used maps of lights to select sites for astronomical observatories and to monitor human development around parks and wildlife refuges.  Electric power companies, emergency managers, and news media turn to night lights to observe blackouts.
  • 44. 4. Who‟s footprint and who is the photographer ?
  • 45. Buzz Aldrin took this photo of his own footprint
  • 46. 5. What‟s unique about these photographs (3 photos) ? +30 Taken by NASA's Voyager 1 in 1990
  • 47. Taken by Cassini in 2006 +20
  • 48. Taken by Cassini in 2013 +10
  • 49. Only photographs of Earth taken from Outer Solar System  The outer Solar System is beyond the asteroid belt, including the four gas giants.  Usually, spacecraft in the far reaches of the solar system don't look back toward Earth to avoid damaging their instruments by direct sunlight.  Recently, the sun was temporarily blocked relative to Cassini's line of sight, allowing the U.S. space agency to take the picture.
  • 50. 6. Who said this and about which photo ?
  • 51.
  • 52. 7. Identify the photograph name  It is an image of the Solar System acquired by Voyager 1 on February 14, 1990 from a distance of approximately 6 billion kilometres from Earth.  It features individual frames of six planets and a partial background indicating their relative positions.  The picture is a mosaic of 60 individual frames.  Since it includes majority of the planets of our solar system, its famously called _______ _______  Pic in Next Slide
  • 53.
  • 54. Family Portrait / Solar System Portrait by Voyager
  • 56. 1. Why these words were in headlines in USA during Dec 1957 ?  Flopnik  Kaputnik  Oopsnik  Stayputnik
  • 57. Failure of NASA‟s first Satellite -Vanguard TV3  On Dec. 6, 1957, two months after the Soviets launched the Sputnik (first artificial satellite) into orbit, the U.S. tried to launch its own which failed.  Newspapers in the United States, published prominent headlines and articles noting to the failure including plays on the name of the Russian satellite, Sputnik, such as Flopnik, Kaputnik, Oopsnik and Stayputnik
  • 58. 2.
  • 59.
  • 60. 3.
  • 61. Valentina Tereshkova The first woman to go to space
  • 62. 4. Identify the famous speech ? Nov 22, 1963, The 50th Anniversary of JFK‟s death is commemorated by Pitcairn Post with a four stamp issue and First Day Cover.
  • 63. The Decision to Go to the Moon President John F. Kennedy's May 25, 1961 speech before a Joint Session of Congress. “Landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth”
  • 64. 5.
  • 65.
  • 67. 1
  • 69. 2
  • 70. Roswell's 66th Anniversary Famous UFO Incident in New Mexico, 1947
  • 71. 3
  • 73. 4
  • 75. 5
  • 77. 6
  • 79. 7
  • 80. Chile – Very Large Telescope (VLT) 13th Anniversary of the 4 unit - Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun
  • 81. 8
  • 82. Discovery of Water on the Moon
  • 83. 9
  • 85. 10
  • 86. 400th Anniversary of Galileo's Telescope
  • 87. The Big Crunch Reverse Round – 20 Questions
  • 88. 1. What work by English composer Gustav Holst was considered incomplete in 1930 by few, was no longer incomplete from the year 2006 ? His famous 7 movement orchestral suite X [1914 -1916] was themed on something. Clue: Next Slide
  • 89. Clue o _____ ,the Bringer of War o _____, the Bringer of Peace o _____, the Winged Messenger o _____, the Bringer of Jollity o _____, the Bringer of Old Age o _____, the Magician o _____, the Mystic
  • 90. The Planets Seven Planets other than Earth and Pluto Each named after a planet and its corresponding astrological character 1) Mars, the Bringer of War 2) Venus, the Bringer of Peace 3) Mercury, the Winged Messenger 4) Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity 5) Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age 6) Uranus, the Magician 7) Neptune, the Mystic Discovered in 1930, Pluto was declared as a dwarf planet in 2006. 8) Pluto, the Renewer – added by Colin Matthews
  • 91. 2. ______ was out of the solar system
  • 92. Voyager 1 spacecraft has become the first manmade object to reach Interstellar space in 2012, more than 11 billion miles distant and 36 years after it was launched in 1977.
  • 93. 3. Where would you find these audios?  Hindi : "Greetings from the inhabitants of this world."  Telugu: "Greetings. Best wishes from Telugu-speaking people.”  Urdu: "Peace on you. We the inhabitants of this earth send our greetings to you.”  Bengali: "Hello! Let there be peace everywhere."  Rajasthani: "Hello to everyone. We are happy here and you be happy there.“  Gujarati: "Greetings from a human being of the Earth. Please contact."  Punjabi: "Welcome home. It is a pleasure to receive you.“  Oriya: "Greetings to the inhabitants of the universe from the third planet Earth of the star Sun.“  Marathi: "Greetings. The people of the Earth send their good wishes.“  Kannada: "Greetings. On behalf of Kannada-speaking people, 'good wishes.'"
  • 94. THE GOLDEN RECORD Voyager  Greetings to the Universe in 55 Different Languages
  • 95. 4. Identify this former NASA scientist and why he was in news recently ?  Clue on next slide
  • 96.
  • 97. Donald Kessler Kessler syndrome - a chain reaction of collisions between orbital technology
  • 98. 5. This is a 35 years late response to what ?  More than 10,000 Twitter messages, plus videos from celebrities such as comedian Stephen Colbert, have been beamed into space as a big "Hello!" from Earth.  The messages are intended as a response to something which happened in Aug 15, 1977.  Video in Next Slide
  • 99. Video
  • 101. 6. FITB  Soviet pilot and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel into space on 12 April 1961  Some sources claimed afterwards that Gagarin had remarked during the flight “_____________________________”, which become controversial.  But no such words were recorded in the official transcript of the flight and his friends later said the phrase had originated from an anti-religion speech given by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.
  • 102. “I don‟t see any God up here”
  • 103. 7. What's the main advantage of launching from sea ?  Sea Launch is an international nongovernmental spacecraft launch service that uses a mobile maritime platform for launching commercial payloads on specialized Zenit 3SL rockets.  Developed by 4 companies from Norway, Russia, Ukraine and the United States, managed by Boeing.  Sea Launch is currently the world's only oceanbased space launch company  All commercial payloads have been communications satellites intended for geostationary transfer orbit.
  • 104. Equatorial Launches  Sea Launch the advantages associated with an equatorial launch site without the need for a permanent installation in an equatorial country.  Its based on the principle that launches from the Earth's equator are the most fuel-efficient possible, utilizing the Earth's rotation to help accelerate a rocket to escape velocity.
  • 105. 8. Where you would have come across these recently ?  Chuck Yeager jetting off in the Bell X-1 to break the sound barrier  Alan Shepard becoming the first American to fly in space on board his Mercury capsule.  Neil Armstrong, together with his Apollo 11 crewmates, preparing to board the Saturn V rocket that will launch them on the first moon landing mission.  The Gemini 2 capsule falling back to Earth as audio from the Gemini 6 mission plays.  The Apollo 12 lunar module "Intrepid" beginning its descent to the moon as Armstrong's famous "one giant leap" is heard.  Footage of the orbiter Atlantis launching and then landing on the final flight of the space shuttle program
  • 107. 9. Related to which organization ?
  • 108. Marketing arm of ISRO For promotion and commercial exploitation of space products, technical consultancy services and transfer of technologies developed by ISRO.
  • 110. Astronauts training for zero/micro gravity  Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory - Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.  Reduced gravity aircraft – Zero Gravity Training
  • 111. 11. What technique is being explained ? To help make a complicated-sounding concept easily understandable, consider the analogy in baseball. Picture a fast pitch coming toward the batter. The baseball represents a spacecraft. Now picture what the batter does, swinging a bat with all the force s/he can muster. The business end of the bat in motion represents a massive planet like Jupiter. The bat connects with the ball: wham! The ball receives momentum from the bat, and takes off in a different direction with a lot more speed as it soars out of the stadium. Of course in this analogy, the ball interacts with the bat mechanically, rather than by mutual gravitation. The results are similar: momentum taken from an object that has lots of it, and transferred into an object that makes use of its new-found momentum.
  • 113. 12. Tribute to whom ?  A planetarium costing 6.5 crore rupees has been opened in Kurukshetra, Haryana during July,2007.  Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda inaugurated the planetarium in the presence of Tagore Bal Niketan students in Karnal.  It‟s named after which famous personality?
  • 114. She was born in Haryana
  • 115. 13. Identify the spaceshutte and connect to the crew?
  • 116. Enterprise - Star Trek Crew USS Enterprise
  • 117. 14. Why this recently released song called „XO’ become a controversial?  Audio
  • 118. Beyoncé & Challenger Disaster reference  Beyoncé Knowles‟ track “XO” from her new album Beyoncé begins with a six-second sample of NASA public affairs officer Steve Nesbitt‟s commentary immediately after the space shuttle Challenger exploded in January, 1986.  “Flight controllers here looking very carefully at the situation… obviously a major malfunction,”  NASA has officially responded to this, saying that the tragedy "should never be trivialized."
  • 121. 16. Who the narrated these documentaries ?  Video
  • 123. 17. Which planet ?  It is the most hostile planet of the solar system and closest HELL.  The beautiful clouds are made of concentrated sulphuric acid; the 'air' is composed of unbreathable carbon dioxide gas, at a pressure 90 times Earth's atmospheric pressure; and this 'greenhouse gas' has raised the temperature of its surface to 470C.  Anyone who landed on X would be simultaneously corroded, suffocated, crushed and baked Clue on Next Slide
  • 124. Clue
  • 125. Venus  Birth of Venus - Lady Gaga
  • 126. 18. Identify X & Y  ‘ The X Meet the Y ’ is an animated TV movie by Hanna Barbera aired in 1987.  It shows the meeting of two famous animated families of Hanna Barbera.  Its often dubbed as the movie where, “The Stone Age meets the Space Age”  Clue on next slide
  • 127. Clue
  • 128.
  • 129. 19. X Y Z ? According to few conspiracy theorist:  Following the movie X, the U.S. government hired director Y to film the fake moon landing and, to protect the lives of himself and his wife, he made 1980's “Z" as a veiled confession of his part in the secret project. This would have seen him filming the landing conjointly with “X."  The movie Z is based on a novel which has many reference to moon landing. For e.g.  Room 237: In novel, the haunted room is numbered 217. In the movie, it's 237. Why? "Because the average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 237,000 miles.
  • 130. X - 2001: A Space Odyssey Y - Stanley Kubrick Z - The Shining
  • 131. 20. Identify them and connect to a TV series
  • 132. Neil deGrasse Tyson Ann Druyan – Wife of Carl Sagan
  • 144. NASA spin off technologies 1. Mobile Camera 2. Invisible Braces 3. Scratch-resistant Lenses 4. Memory Foam 5. Ear Thermometer 6. Shoe Insoles 7. Adjustable Smoke Detector 8. Cordless Tools 9. Water Filters 10. Solar Cells +10
  • 146. Teaser
  • 147. 1. FITB Moon - Chandrayan Mars - Mangalyan Sun - ___________
  • 148. Aditya – 1 ISRO‟s scientific mission designed to study solar corona
  • 149. 2 “ Someone told me that each equation I included in the book would halve the sales. Who talking about his famous book of 1988 ? What was the only exception ? ”
  • 150. E = mc² is the only equation used in the book.
  • 151. 3. Give X,Y,Q,R  X spent the last 30 years of his life trying to come up with a unified field theory to explain just about everything in the universe. His theories of R did a good job at making sense of the very big things in the universe, the stars, planets and galaxies, but came up short when explaining the atomic and sub-atomic world.  X‟s great rival in his quest to explain the nature of reality was Y, who was championing a new branch of physics called „Q'.  At its core, Q theory said that at a fundamental level, everything was unpredictable; particles could be in more than one place at the same time and a cat in a box could be both alive and dead.  X hated this uncertainty, famously dismissing it when he said "God does not play dice with the universe". Unfortunately for X, however, he was proved wrong, when 50 years later experimental evidence finally caught up with theoretical physics, and Q theory was shown to be correct.
  • 152.  X - Albert Einstein  R – Theory of Relativity  Y - Neils Bohr  Q - Quantum Mechanics
  • 153. 4
  • 155. 5
  • 156. Orson Welles - The War of the Worlds incident
  • 157. 6
  • 158. Hubble Space Telescope's 20th Anniversary
  • 159. 7
  • 161. 8
  • 163. 9. Latest one is inspired from ?
  • 164. Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story
  • 165. 10. Give the significance of these phrase  My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.  My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.  My Very Exciting Magic Carpet Just Sailed Under Nine Palace Elephants.
  • 166. Planetary mnemonics  9 Planets:- My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.  8 Planets, removing Pluto:My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.  8 Planets + 3 Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Pluto, Eris) My Very Exciting Magic Carpet Just Sailed Under Nine Palace Elephants.
  • 167. 11
  • 168. Curiosity's final minutes to landing on the surface of Mars.
  • 169. 12
  • 170.
  • 171. 13  A Soyuz space capsule took the first crew to the International Space Station in November 2000. Since that time, at least one Soyuz has always been at the Station, generally to serve as a lifeboat should the crew have to return to Earth unexpectedly.  Dennis Tito become the first space tourist in 2001 by Soyuz program.  Even though Soyuz carried many tourists successfully, its space tourism was stopped/postponed twice by Russian government in the years 2003 and 2009.  What was the reason which made them to stop or limit the space tourists ?
  • 172. Russia‟s Soyuz TMA became the means of transportation for crewmembers going to or returning from the ISS.  Feb, 2003 - Due to Columbia Disaster [Later resumed in 2005]  2009 ISS crew has increased from 3 to 6, and all the places on board the spacecraft have been reserved for Russian and foreign astronauts. [Resumed in 2013]  No space for space tourists.