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Solution And Thermal Pollution
There are many types of pollution. Water, thermal, air, and even noise pollution. While all types of pollution need to be addressed, the most damaging
types of pollution plaguing today's society is air and thermal pollution. Air pollution is the contamination of air that people breath in every day which
causes many health problems that will only worsen over time. Thermal pollution is the process of taking water from a body of water, using it to cool
things like machines, and then dumping the water back to its source, while it is still warmed. The main effect of these problems is the rising rates of
lung–related health issues, the rising average global temperature, and the loss of animal and plant species along with their habitats.
These issues are everywhere, no matter where you live, the country, area, nor how developed the location is. This is because air and water are
everywhere. The way the world works causes air and water to move from one side of the earth to the other. While basically everyone is involved with
the issue, developed countries are the main contributors to this problem. This issue may only worsen if the people that contribute to it accept this as an
actual issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
As one can see, this issue is major problem today. There are many people, however, that do not recognize this problem while even more people see
this as a myth. The denial of the problem is just as bad as being a huge contributor to the problem. If someone looked at the two of the largest
economies in the world, China and the United States of America, it is very easy to tell the difference in the views of the problem. For example,
China's main problem today is their poor quality of air. Even their president has acknowledged this problem is several speeches. According to a survey
conducted by Pew Research Center in the spring of 2015, "about three–quarters (76%) of people in China say air pollution is a big problem, including
35% who regard it as a very big problem." This shows that China knows that air pollution is a major problem. In the USA, however, most of the
people acknowledge the problem, but less action is taken and the number is dropping. The main reason this is happening is
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Solar Of Solar Thermal Energy
Solar Thermal Energy
"Even if we didn 't have greenhouse gases, were going to have to move away from fossil fuels, as we 're going to run out. They 're finite, where as solar
and wind are infinite." – Ted Turner. Solar panels use the energy that comes from sunlight to give power. Low
–temperature panels are flat plates
generally used to heat things such as pools. Medium–temperature panels can also be flat plates but they are used for heating water and / or air for
residential and commercial use. High–temperature panels concentrate sunlight using mirrors and lenses. They're used for fulfilling heat requirements
up to 300 degree bar pressure in industries, and for electric power production. Installation of solar panels costs $15,000 to $40,000 on average. Solar
energy is energy that comes from the sun. Using solar energy does not harm the earth or anybody in it. Fossil fuels produce carbon monoxide, which
is extremely harmful to humans and the earth. Solar energy can also be used for a wide variety of things such as electricity heating air, water, etc.
Solar panels have materials to convert the suns light and heat into useful energy for a household. That energy can be stored for later too. Solar energy
is very reliable because the is always light every day. Solar energy is also very good for the environment. It is good for the environment because it is
inexhaustible. Inexhaustible means it doesn't give off exhaust as other fueled
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And Solution : Causes Of Thermal Pollution
What is thermal pollution? Thermal pollution is defined as a sudden increase or decrease in the temperature of water those in which that are oceans,
lakes, rivers, or a pond of water. It usually occurs when a plant such as a power plant or facilities gain water from a natural resource and exceeds to
put it back with a temperature that is altered. They use it as method for cooling for the machinery in their plants and facilities, and to help produce their
products. In the world today, thermal pollution is seen as a huge threat to the environment and is mainly because of power plants and industrial
manufactures in which uses water as a coolant. Many attempts have been taken to manage how plants use the water, but effects of thermal pollution
are still lasting to this day. Causes of thermal pollution are discharge of heated water, industrial plants such as thermal power and chemical plants,
hydro–electric power plants, and etc. take natural water bodies supposedly for granted as a type of coolant for their machinery, in which they
discharge heated waste back into the bodies of water causing thermal pollution. Another is Domestic sewage discharge in which are like buildings
in which are located close to natural water resources such as a lake, or a river, etc drain their sewage pipelines into the water. This is done
regularly and is a key reason to the rise of thermal pollution. Oil spillage is another factor in the cause of thermal pollution, in oceans especially, the
oil spillage in the water forms a layer in which is thick on the water surface which alters the temperature of the water. One of the biggest oil spills
had been in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico it had caused the death of hundreds of birds and marine life. Deforestation is another cause of thermal
pollution, trees have been a source of shade in the prevention of sunlight to water surfaces, but due to deforestation bodies of water receive sunlight
and the exposure of the sun leads to thermal pollution. Many other factors are seen cause thermal pollution also such as urban runoff which are
natural causes like flood that occurs and the waste of water tend to run off and end up in bodies of water, and increased levels of water is when the
natural bodies of
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Sea Water : Thermal Pollution
The Thermal pollution is considered as one of the most major impacts of brine discharge which can occur by increasing the temperature of sea water.
Several studies have been carried out to determine how the distribution and natural balance of marine fauna and flora species respond to an alteration in
temperature [5]. Multi–stage flash (MSF) plants and other types of thermal distillation tend to have the greatest impact on intake water temperature,
and can release brines 10 to15 CВ° warmer than sea or oceanic intake waters [6]. However , extent of thermal impacts and distribution is influenced by
the location of the plant discharge. Temperature of intake seawater was between 15 and 24 ВєC, while the temperature of disposal water recorded
around 35 ВєC, which is greater than the Mediterranean sea temperature .This difference in temperature is the main reason to make thermal pollution
and therefore, has aside effects on marine life . To avoid impacts from high temperature, the outfall should achieve maximum heat dissipation by
using cooling towers for example from the waste stream to the atmosphere before entering the water body. Installing diffuser system is a considered a
good solution by mixing and dispersal of the discharge plume, as well as locating the discharge in a suitable oceanographic site which dissipates the
heat load quickly. 3.2. Salinity Changes to salinity can play an important role in the growth and size of aquatic life and the marine species
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Abstract On Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution is anything that can cause harm to the environment. Pollution is any undesired alteration of the environment and is often
caused by human activities (Mader, 2016, pg. 552). Types of human pollution would be air, water, soil, radioactive, thermal, noise, and light. Each of
these forms of pollution has been known to cause the enormous amount of concern for the environment. There are laws in place now that are limiting
pollution and to help control the issue. Environmental pollution is a serious problem we are facing globally. It is the debate concerning pollution,
which we have been pondering for the past century. Prior to the industrial revolution, scientists thought that the atmosphere was untouched by
man–made pollutants until they found air bubbles hidden in the core of Greenland's ice shelf (Stromberg). After finding this essential development,
scientist began to reconsider the initial cause of pollution and how to decrease the lasting effects of it. With this discovery, pollution was traced back
to Ancient Rome and it was decided that globally we needed a new approach for dealing with this problem. There are numerous types of pollution and
they each have a devastating effect on the global climate. A scientist has been working on ways to re–direct the negative effects of pollution and at the
same time encourage people to try to find ways to do that part to help with this effort. We all can find some way to improve the world and decrease
The problems with air pollution seem to be one of the largest most discussed situations. The Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) air pollution
is the release of pollutants into the air that is damaging human health and world. There are many forms of air pollution and smog and soot are two of
them. These two are discussed more when dissecting this problem due to them being the most common forms of air position, which are also the most
detrimental of them all. When the sunlight and emissions from fossil fuels interact that is how smog is created. The creation of soot formed from
smoke, dust, allergens and other particles are spread throughout the air in gas or solid form. Methane is also a huge component of the
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Air and Water Pollution essay
INTRODUCTION OF AIR POLLUTION The chemical composition of the atmosphere today is so different as compared to the atmosphere that existed
before the Industrial Revolution, 1760 – 1830. To define air pollution, we should first consider all those sources that release harmful chemicals into the
atmosphere and alter its chemical composition. First of all, all anthropogenic (man–made) emissions are air pollutants. Next, is the natural emission
which can be divided into biogenic and geogenic. Biogenic emissions result from the living world such as volatile organic compound emissions from
forests and CH4 emissions from swamp. On the other hand, geogenic emissions are from the non–living world, such as volcanic emissions, sea–salt
emissions, more content...
–automobiles are the largest sources of VOCs for the reaction–concentrations tend to peak in the afternoon, causing eye irritation and aggravation of
respiratory diseases Lead (Pb)–Pb levels in the air has decreased considerably with gradual elimination of lead in gasoline worldwide –leaded gasoline
combustion –combustion of solid waste, coal and oils –emissions from iron and steel production and lead smelters –tobacco smoke–affect blood and
kidney –affect the nervous, immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems The above table was constructed based on the information obtained from
: Daly, A. and P. Zannetti. 2007. An
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Thermal Vs Nuclear Energy Essay
Did you know that there are various sources of energy and the methods of electricity generation? Well, we are going to learn about two types of
energy– thermal and nuclear. Among resource energies, coal and natural gas are used to generate electricity by combustion (thermal power), uranium
by nuclear fission (nuclear power), to utilize their heat for boiling water and rotating steam turbine (Various Methods of Generating Electricity). Now,
lets take a look at the advantages and disadvantages, differences and similarities, and the methods to generate electricity of thermal and nuclear energy.
Thermal power has been used as a natural form of energy, but it has its advantages and disadvantages. The financial costs are extremely low due to no
fuel needed to generate power. Even considering transport, geothermal energy is estimated to save more content...
With every advantage of thermal energy such as the financial costs or environmental effects, there was always a disadvantage that led behind it. The
nuclear energy advantage of no greenhouse gases is good for consumers, but nuclear energy has the disadvantages of water pollution, waste products,
raw material, and leaks. Thermal energy is better in ways such as less monitoring and less expensive where as nuclear energy is better in ways such
as higher energy density, pollutes the air less, and releases water vapor. We also looked at the several different methods of thermal and nuclear energy
electricity generation. Although the methods of thermal energy sound similar, they each do something differently. The first method pulverizescoal,
while the second method generates gas by burning fuel in the compressed air and the third method gasifies the fuel coal. Nuclear energy has the BWR
and PWR methods. I hope you enjoyed all the different views of thermal and nuclear
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Abstract On Water Pollution
Abstract Water pollution is one of most rapidly growing problems occurring today. It is responsible for more than million deaths worldwide. The
Industrial Revolution was the catalyst that sparked several types of pollution, air, water, and noise, to become more apparent in our society because of
the developments of factories, trains, and cars. Rivers were getting polluted by sewage and the air by carbon monoxide and lead. This pushed the
government to take affirmative action against pollution by creating the Pollution Prevention Act and 1972 Clean water Act. Several other acts were
made to help clean the environment. Simple solutions to combat water pollution includes, carpooling, ending the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and
stop littering.
3 "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans." ― Jacques–Yves Cousteau Over the years this
statement has become very true. Today, developing countries like India use their rivers to dump their sewage waste not realizing the last–longing
effects. This research paper will go into depth in water pollution, detailing the history, types, and sources of water pollution as well as the possible
solutions to how to combat this problem and what governments around the world are doing to fix this issue.
Pollution comes
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Thermal Pollution Essay
Thermal Pollution
Recently we've allowed our planet to begin overheating. With the introduction of CFC's and Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere we've managed to
raise the temperature of this vast resource. Even more ignorant is our failure to learn from our mistakes. Now, through thermal pollution (the
introducton of waste heat into water), we've began destroying the womb of all life–the earth's vast water network.
The Causes:
There are three major causes of thermal pollution.
the use of water as a cooling agent deforestation of shorelines soil erosion
The foremost cause being the use of water as a cooling agent in nuclear power plants and other industrial facilities. After the water has absorbed the more content...
The pile up of dead plants leads to an increase of bacteria, bacteria that consume oxygen along with dead plants.
Therein lies the problem. There is now less oxygen and a greater demand for it. The warmer water also increases the metabolic rate of fish, which
leads to a sharp decrease in the life expectancy of aquatic insects. The fish have an increasing the need for oxygen due to a rise in their metabolism
and population. With the lack of aquatic insects animals other than fish face a shortage of food. Also affected by thermal pollution is an animal's
sensitivity to toxic waste, parasites, and other diseases.
Water pollution
Water pollution involves the release into lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans of substances that become dissolved or suspended in the water or
deposited upon the bottom and accumulate to the extent that they interfere with the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. It may also include the release
of energy in the form of radioactivity or heat, as in the case of thermal pollution. Any body of water has the capacity to absorb, break down, or
recycle introduced materials. Under normal circumstances, inorganic substances are widely dispersed and have little or no effect on life within the
bodies of water into which they are released; organic materials are broken down by bacteria or other organisms and converted into a form in which
they are useful to aquatic life. But, if the
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Causes Of Thermal Pollution
What is thermal pollution? Thermal pollution is the sudden change in the natural temperature of bodies of water. Occurring usually when a plant, for
example, a power plant or industrial facilities gain water from bodies of water and in which it is sent back to which it came from with a temperature
that is altered. They use it as a method for cooling the machinery in their plants and facilities, and to help produce their products. In the world today,
thermal pollution is seen as a huge threat to the environment and is mainly because of power plants and industrial manufacturers in which uses water
as a coolant. Many attempts have been taken to manage how plants use the water, but effects of thermal pollution are still lasting to this day. Causes of
thermal pollution are the discharge of heated water, industrial plants such as thermal power and chemical plants, hydro–electric power plants, etc. take
natural water bodies supposedly for granted as a type of coolant for their machinery, in which they discharge heated waste back into the bodies of
water causing thermal pollution. Another is Domestic sewage discharge in which are like buildings in which are located close to natural water
resources such as a lake, or a river, etc. drain their sewage pipelines into the water. This is done regularly and is a key reason for the rise of thermal
pollution. Oil spillage is another factor of the cause of thermal pollution, in oceans especially, the oil spillage in the water forms a layer in
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Water And Water Pollution In The United States
Two very important types of pollution the world is affected by are air and water pollution. According to Webster's Dictionary, air pollution is a
substance in the air that has harmful effects to the health of living organisms. The types of air pollutants that can harm people are sulfur dioxide,
nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and ozone. These can come in either a gaseous or particulate form. Waterpollution is defined as "The form of environmental
degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compound"
(Webster's Dictionary). Water pollution affects lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater, and sometimes the water we drink.
Air pollution can come in many more content...
This does not only spill toxins into the ocean, but it also is killing marine animals. Animals who occupy the ocean mistake trash dumped into it as
food. Therefore, these animals are killed from eating the garbage that is spilled into the ocean. An example of this is seabirds mistaking plastic for
food. "Over one million seabirds are killed by plastic waste every year, and over one–hundred thousand sea mammals are killed per year due to
pollution" (Gifford). Recycling can also contribute to saving the lives of many animals, such as the seabirds, but garbage dumped into the water is not
the only form of pollution in
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Water Pollution : Causes And Effects
Water Pollution
Water pollution occurs when there is an accumulation of substances in water that would then cause issues for humans and animals. The main aspect
that determines the pollution is the amount of pollutants that are present and how large the body of water is. In other words, the quantity of pollutants
in relation to the size of the body of water.
The earth has two types of water resources: surface and ground water. The surface water is stored in lakes, oceans, and rivers while the ground water
is stored in aquifers. Water pollution can occur directly from a point source such as a factory releasing its waste into a water body, a non–point source
such as water runoff of pesticides from a farm finding its way into a water body more content...
In Kewaunee County, a county in northeast Wisconsin, the problem of water pollution is a constant problem, with the number of cows present in the
county being blamed for the problem. About 50 percent of the town's private wells currently have water that exceeds bacteria or nitrate safety standards.
Impact on Human Quality of Life
Animal agriculture manure and farming fertilizers bring nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to the proverbial water pollution
"table." (Wilson, 2014). This causes an effect on animals and humans. Manure is one of the main sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in the pollution
of surface and ground water. This results in high nutrient levels which result in algae blooms. In addition, water with high levels of nitrates have a bad
taste and can result in a fatal condition of methemoglobinemia also call "blue baby syndrome". Humans are susceptible to many diseases from animal
manure such as, E. coli O157, listeriosis, salmonellosis, cryptosporidiosis and mad cow disease. Furthermore, lead which can be found in manure can
cause malfunctions in the nervous system and the kidneys. The examples below show the effects of water pollution on human quality of life:
In May 2000, around half of Walkerton's 5,000 residents fell severely ill and seven people died when cow manure washed into a well. The extent of
the water pollution in the small Canadian town was concealed from the public, people drank from their taps and the result
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What Causes Water Pollution And Its Effects
What Causes Water Pollution and its Effects The shoreline became a black gooey mess that killed countless birds, and completely devastated marine
life! This environmental disaster is only one example of severe water pollution. Therefore, it becomes essential to understand the causes and effects of
pollution. Water pollution is a serious problem for the environment. It should be solved on a large scale at the level of states and federal governmental
levels. If the public becomes more aware of environmental problems, it can be part of the solution. For example the responsibility of the Pacific
Garbage Patch is on the conscience of everyone who throws garbage in the water (Marine Insight). Every pond or water source is connected with a
surrounding environment. It is influenced by conditions of the formation of surface or underground water runoff, various natural phenomena, industrial
and municipal construction, transportation, economic and domestic activities. The causes, effects are bringing into the watery environment chemicals
that degrade water quality. For example, household wastewater may contain artificial cleaning supplies that enter rivers and seas. Accumulations of
inorganic substances affect water inhabitants and reduce the amount of oxygen in the water. These substances lead to a formation called "dead zones".
There are approximately 400 of them worldwide. These chemicals are found in acid rain as well . Acid rain
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Noise Pollution Essay
Around the world, there are six major types of pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, solid waste, radioactive and nuclear energy, and lastly
noise pollution. Noise pollution, or environmental noise, is displeasing sound created by humans, animals, or machines, that disrupts the activity or
balance of domestic and animal life. The most common source of the pollution is brought on worldwide by transportation systems that include motor
vehicle noise, aircraft noise and rail noise. Other sources that cause the pollution, both indoor and outdoor, are: car alarms, emergency service sirens,
office equipment factory, barking dogs, appliances, fireworks, compressed air horns, construction work, grounds keeping equipment, more
The effects of noise pollution, are both health and behavioral in nature. The most common symptoms of noise pollution are lack of sleep, irritability,
indigestion, heartburn, high blood pressure (at times, causing heart attacks and strokes), ulcers, and heart disease. With one noise explosion from a
passing vehicle, the noise that was made alters a person's endocrine, neurological, and cardiovascular functions to many individuals. The unwanted
sound that is polluted can cause damage both physical and psychological such as: annoyance, aggression, and hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus,
hearing loss, and sleep disturbances. The stress and hypertension that is caused by noise pollution are the leading causes to the health problems.
Tinnitus on the other hand, can lead to forgetfulness, severe depression, and at times panic attacks. In addition, chronic exposure to the noise may
cause noise–induced hearing loss. The high noise levels can also contribute to cardiovascular effects, and consequently, a rise in blood pressure by
five to ten points, and an increase in stress and vasoconstriction (the narrowing of blood vessels) leading to coronary artery disease, stroke and heart
attacks . If in an elevated workplace, some of the symptoms noise pollution causes are: ischemic heart disease, premature ejaculation, bowel
movements, sleep disturbance decreased sexual performance, and in severe cases, death. The most significant causes of noise pollution are vehicle and
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Different Kinds Of Pollution
BreeAnna Grantz
Mrs. bettag
L.A. 10
December, 1
What are the different kinds of pollution? There are so many different kinds of pollution like; air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, thermal
pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution, but the most common two we hear about is water pollution, and air pollution those
are the ones we have to figure out how to fix the most because they are causing the most danger and problems for us. There are a lot of different
kinds of pollution, some that most people probably don't even know exist. Every kind of pollution has an impact on us, the environment and the
animals surrounding us, everyone individually should do what they can to reduce their pollution habits. Air pollution is when harmful chemicals are
put into the air. Most of the air pollution in the usa is caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as; coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline. Why do we
continue to burn these knowing what it does to the environment? We continue to burn these harmful chemicals because they bring us electricity and
they power our vehicles. To reduce air pollution we can do a few different kinds of things. We can conserve energy, meaning remember to turn off
lights and other devices when not in use. Use energy efficient light bulbs and other appliances. Limit driving by carpooling, public transportation,
biking, or walking, and Choose environmentally friendly cleaners only. Water pollution is when harmful
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Environmental Pollution In The US Today
Earth, home to the beauty of blue skies and clear waters, and bearer of each delicate life form, from the moss floating atop rivers, to the lions that
prowl the mesa deserts; however, Earth is also home to the most destructive life form, humans. People reap the fruit of the Earth and bask in the beauty
of nature, yet for generations, the efforts to protect the environment have only declined. The pollution that is wrought upon the environment every day
is too often ignored for "more important" issues, such as poverty or crime; however, protecting the literal soil that people dwell on is just as vital as
patrolling the society in which they live. Environmental pollution is a growing issue in the U.S. today, caused primarily by the lack of public concern
or caution, harmful chemicals used by manufacturers and farmers, and lack of government enforcement or intervention. To begin with, the energy
wasted out of pure negligence while performing daily tasks and activities wreaks havoc on the environment, greatly contributing to this issue.
Fortunately, more often than not, excessive waste can easily be avoided altogether by being conscious of what is necessary, and what's just luxury.
However, the extra couple of seconds that it takes to flip off a light switch or turn down a faucet often proves to be too inconvenient of a task for
many individuals. By far, unnecessary use of electricity is the biggest energy waster among the general population. While one may believe they don't
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Qianwen Shi
Thesis Statement Nowadays, we are facing a lot of environmental threats, and the main of them are air pollution, water pollution and global warming.
Substances that may harm living things or damage non–living things cause air pollution. Some common atmospheric pollutants are carbon monoxide,
methane, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and so on. Industry production, usage of non–clean energy and vehicles are three main sources of air pollution.
Water pollution includes natural pollution and man–made pollution. Due to the dissolution of geological, atmospheric precipitation leaching, erosion on
the ground, mix the various pollutants into the water. Man–made pollution is made by industrial wastewater, daily life sewage and pesticide and
fertilizer pollution. Global warming is related to greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Due to the existence of greenhouse gases, the
radiation, which comes from the Sun and reaches the Earth's surface, is reflected back to Earth, making the temperature of Earth's surface higher and
The influence of all these three problems can be classified into three kinds. First is human. Since air, water and temperature are essential factors that
lives require, environmental pollution threats the living situation and human health. Let's image the possible result of this tendency. The average life
span will be shorter and shorter. The possibility of getting sick will be higher and higher. This is really horrible.
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Consequences Of Pollution
People have heard of pollution, but what some don't know is that there are many types of pollution. Pollution can have different consequences
depending on what kind there is. In the world so far there are only nine types of pollution that have been recognized. Although this can be negative to
the world it's also affecting the health of people as well. In order to understand what pollution can do to you and the world you need to know the types
that are causing the harm.
The first type is air pollution. This type can be harm to the world by contaminating the atmosphere. It can come in matter like dust or excessive gases
such as carbon dioxide or vapors that can't be removed through nature that not even the cycles can remove them such as the carbon cycle and the
nitrogen cycle. Vehicles, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, dry soil erosion, building construction or demolition and other natural sources are another
cause of air pollution. Although there isn't much of volcanic eruptions or dry soil erosions those are the ones that seem to be the most dangerous for
other parts of the world while the rest are more common. Study shows that science prove that they believe global warming is also a way to increase
the air pollution. The largest source of nitrogen is in the atmosphere. Without nitrogen in the atmosphere the crops can be lost and would affect farmers.
If the farmers are affected there won't be as much crop production to be sold anywhere and the government would have to
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Essay On Environmental Pollution
The environmental issue I choose is pollution. There is different types of pollution. There is water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, thermal
pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. Every type of pollution is bad and it is causing health issues and even worst, deaths.
Pollution is A very serious subject that is harmful to people and the environment. It is killing A lot of people. 4.6 million people die each year from
pollution. Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste are dumped into US water.Pollution is one of the most
biggest global killers affecting over 100 million people. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year.
Approximately 40% of lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming. Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the
natural surroundings. Pollution disturbs our ecosystem. Air Pollution is the most dangerous forms of pollution. It occurs due to many of reasons,
excessive burning of fuel, cooking, driving and other types of activities that are similar. They release A huge amount of chemical substances in the air
everyday; these pollute the air. Also smoke from chimneys, factories, vehicles or burning basically occurs due to coal burning. Air pollution is
breaking down our ozone layer. There is different types of pollution but environmental pollution has been around for centuries and it is affecting the
environment. People should care about this topic because pollution is a serious problem and it causes many deaths and illnesses.
The worst types of pollution are air pollution and water pollution, they don't only harm our environment but also our health. It's really scary to think
about because around 15,000 people in the world each day die because of water pollution and 2.4 million people in the world die each year because of
air pollution. So this is a big environmental issue. The causes of water pollution is water and sewage waste. World population is increasing each year.
This is causing huge environmental and health damage. Most water pollution doesn't begin in the water it starts with what stuff filters and enters
through the water.
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Solution And Thermal Pollution

  • 1. Solution And Thermal Pollution There are many types of pollution. Water, thermal, air, and even noise pollution. While all types of pollution need to be addressed, the most damaging types of pollution plaguing today's society is air and thermal pollution. Air pollution is the contamination of air that people breath in every day which causes many health problems that will only worsen over time. Thermal pollution is the process of taking water from a body of water, using it to cool things like machines, and then dumping the water back to its source, while it is still warmed. The main effect of these problems is the rising rates of lung–related health issues, the rising average global temperature, and the loss of animal and plant species along with their habitats. These issues are everywhere, no matter where you live, the country, area, nor how developed the location is. This is because air and water are everywhere. The way the world works causes air and water to move from one side of the earth to the other. While basically everyone is involved with the issue, developed countries are the main contributors to this problem. This issue may only worsen if the people that contribute to it accept this as an actual issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. As one can see, this issue is major problem today. There are many people, however, that do not recognize this problem while even more people see this as a myth. The denial of the problem is just as bad as being a huge contributor to the problem. If someone looked at the two of the largest economies in the world, China and the United States of America, it is very easy to tell the difference in the views of the problem. For example, China's main problem today is their poor quality of air. Even their president has acknowledged this problem is several speeches. According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center in the spring of 2015, "about three–quarters (76%) of people in China say air pollution is a big problem, including 35% who regard it as a very big problem." This shows that China knows that air pollution is a major problem. In the USA, however, most of the people acknowledge the problem, but less action is taken and the number is dropping. The main reason this is happening is Get more content on
  • 2. Solar Of Solar Thermal Energy Solar Thermal Energy "Even if we didn 't have greenhouse gases, were going to have to move away from fossil fuels, as we 're going to run out. They 're finite, where as solar and wind are infinite." – Ted Turner. Solar panels use the energy that comes from sunlight to give power. Low –temperature panels are flat plates generally used to heat things such as pools. Medium–temperature panels can also be flat plates but they are used for heating water and / or air for residential and commercial use. High–temperature panels concentrate sunlight using mirrors and lenses. They're used for fulfilling heat requirements up to 300 degree bar pressure in industries, and for electric power production. Installation of solar panels costs $15,000 to $40,000 on average. Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun. Using solar energy does not harm the earth or anybody in it. Fossil fuels produce carbon monoxide, which is extremely harmful to humans and the earth. Solar energy can also be used for a wide variety of things such as electricity heating air, water, etc. Solar panels have materials to convert the suns light and heat into useful energy for a household. That energy can be stored for later too. Solar energy is very reliable because the is always light every day. Solar energy is also very good for the environment. It is good for the environment because it is inexhaustible. Inexhaustible means it doesn't give off exhaust as other fueled Get more content on
  • 3. And Solution : Causes Of Thermal Pollution What is thermal pollution? Thermal pollution is defined as a sudden increase or decrease in the temperature of water those in which that are oceans, lakes, rivers, or a pond of water. It usually occurs when a plant such as a power plant or facilities gain water from a natural resource and exceeds to put it back with a temperature that is altered. They use it as method for cooling for the machinery in their plants and facilities, and to help produce their products. In the world today, thermal pollution is seen as a huge threat to the environment and is mainly because of power plants and industrial manufactures in which uses water as a coolant. Many attempts have been taken to manage how plants use the water, but effects of thermal pollution are still lasting to this day. Causes of thermal pollution are discharge of heated water, industrial plants such as thermal power and chemical plants, hydro–electric power plants, and etc. take natural water bodies supposedly for granted as a type of coolant for their machinery, in which they discharge heated waste back into the bodies of water causing thermal pollution. Another is Domestic sewage discharge in which are like buildings in which are located close to natural water resources such as a lake, or a river, etc drain their sewage pipelines into the water. This is done regularly and is a key reason to the rise of thermal pollution. Oil spillage is another factor in the cause of thermal pollution, in oceans especially, the oil spillage in the water forms a layer in which is thick on the water surface which alters the temperature of the water. One of the biggest oil spills had been in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico it had caused the death of hundreds of birds and marine life. Deforestation is another cause of thermal pollution, trees have been a source of shade in the prevention of sunlight to water surfaces, but due to deforestation bodies of water receive sunlight and the exposure of the sun leads to thermal pollution. Many other factors are seen cause thermal pollution also such as urban runoff which are natural causes like flood that occurs and the waste of water tend to run off and end up in bodies of water, and increased levels of water is when the natural bodies of Get more content on
  • 4. Sea Water : Thermal Pollution The Thermal pollution is considered as one of the most major impacts of brine discharge which can occur by increasing the temperature of sea water. Several studies have been carried out to determine how the distribution and natural balance of marine fauna and flora species respond to an alteration in temperature [5]. Multi–stage flash (MSF) plants and other types of thermal distillation tend to have the greatest impact on intake water temperature, and can release brines 10 to15 CВ° warmer than sea or oceanic intake waters [6]. However , extent of thermal impacts and distribution is influenced by the location of the plant discharge. Temperature of intake seawater was between 15 and 24 ВєC, while the temperature of disposal water recorded around 35 ВєC, which is greater than the Mediterranean sea temperature .This difference in temperature is the main reason to make thermal pollution and therefore, has aside effects on marine life . To avoid impacts from high temperature, the outfall should achieve maximum heat dissipation by using cooling towers for example from the waste stream to the atmosphere before entering the water body. Installing diffuser system is a considered a good solution by mixing and dispersal of the discharge plume, as well as locating the discharge in a suitable oceanographic site which dissipates the heat load quickly. 3.2. Salinity Changes to salinity can play an important role in the growth and size of aquatic life and the marine species Get more content on
  • 5. Abstract On Environmental Pollution Abstract Environmental pollution is anything that can cause harm to the environment. Pollution is any undesired alteration of the environment and is often caused by human activities (Mader, 2016, pg. 552). Types of human pollution would be air, water, soil, radioactive, thermal, noise, and light. Each of these forms of pollution has been known to cause the enormous amount of concern for the environment. There are laws in place now that are limiting pollution and to help control the issue. Environmental pollution is a serious problem we are facing globally. It is the debate concerning pollution, which we have been pondering for the past century. Prior to the industrial revolution, scientists thought that the atmosphere was untouched by man–made pollutants until they found air bubbles hidden in the core of Greenland's ice shelf (Stromberg). After finding this essential development, scientist began to reconsider the initial cause of pollution and how to decrease the lasting effects of it. With this discovery, pollution was traced back to Ancient Rome and it was decided that globally we needed a new approach for dealing with this problem. There are numerous types of pollution and they each have a devastating effect on the global climate. A scientist has been working on ways to re–direct the negative effects of pollution and at the same time encourage people to try to find ways to do that part to help with this effort. We all can find some way to improve the world and decrease pollution. The problems with air pollution seem to be one of the largest most discussed situations. The Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) air pollution is the release of pollutants into the air that is damaging human health and world. There are many forms of air pollution and smog and soot are two of them. These two are discussed more when dissecting this problem due to them being the most common forms of air position, which are also the most detrimental of them all. When the sunlight and emissions from fossil fuels interact that is how smog is created. The creation of soot formed from smoke, dust, allergens and other particles are spread throughout the air in gas or solid form. Methane is also a huge component of the Get more content on
  • 6. Air and Water Pollution essay INTRODUCTION OF AIR POLLUTION The chemical composition of the atmosphere today is so different as compared to the atmosphere that existed before the Industrial Revolution, 1760 – 1830. To define air pollution, we should first consider all those sources that release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere and alter its chemical composition. First of all, all anthropogenic (man–made) emissions are air pollutants. Next, is the natural emission which can be divided into biogenic and geogenic. Biogenic emissions result from the living world such as volatile organic compound emissions from forests and CH4 emissions from swamp. On the other hand, geogenic emissions are from the non–living world, such as volcanic emissions, sea–salt emissions, more content... –automobiles are the largest sources of VOCs for the reaction–concentrations tend to peak in the afternoon, causing eye irritation and aggravation of respiratory diseases Lead (Pb)–Pb levels in the air has decreased considerably with gradual elimination of lead in gasoline worldwide –leaded gasoline combustion –combustion of solid waste, coal and oils –emissions from iron and steel production and lead smelters –tobacco smoke–affect blood and kidney –affect the nervous, immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems The above table was constructed based on the information obtained from : Daly, A. and P. Zannetti. 2007. An Get more content on
  • 7. Thermal Vs Nuclear Energy Essay Did you know that there are various sources of energy and the methods of electricity generation? Well, we are going to learn about two types of energy– thermal and nuclear. Among resource energies, coal and natural gas are used to generate electricity by combustion (thermal power), uranium by nuclear fission (nuclear power), to utilize their heat for boiling water and rotating steam turbine (Various Methods of Generating Electricity). Now, lets take a look at the advantages and disadvantages, differences and similarities, and the methods to generate electricity of thermal and nuclear energy. Thermal power has been used as a natural form of energy, but it has its advantages and disadvantages. The financial costs are extremely low due to no fuel needed to generate power. Even considering transport, geothermal energy is estimated to save more content... With every advantage of thermal energy such as the financial costs or environmental effects, there was always a disadvantage that led behind it. The nuclear energy advantage of no greenhouse gases is good for consumers, but nuclear energy has the disadvantages of water pollution, waste products, raw material, and leaks. Thermal energy is better in ways such as less monitoring and less expensive where as nuclear energy is better in ways such as higher energy density, pollutes the air less, and releases water vapor. We also looked at the several different methods of thermal and nuclear energy electricity generation. Although the methods of thermal energy sound similar, they each do something differently. The first method pulverizescoal, while the second method generates gas by burning fuel in the compressed air and the third method gasifies the fuel coal. Nuclear energy has the BWR and PWR methods. I hope you enjoyed all the different views of thermal and nuclear Get more content on
  • 8. Abstract On Water Pollution Abstract Water pollution is one of most rapidly growing problems occurring today. It is responsible for more than million deaths worldwide. The Industrial Revolution was the catalyst that sparked several types of pollution, air, water, and noise, to become more apparent in our society because of the developments of factories, trains, and cars. Rivers were getting polluted by sewage and the air by carbon monoxide and lead. This pushed the government to take affirmative action against pollution by creating the Pollution Prevention Act and 1972 Clean water Act. Several other acts were made to help clean the environment. Simple solutions to combat water pollution includes, carpooling, ending the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and stop littering. 3 "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans." ― Jacques–Yves Cousteau Over the years this statement has become very true. Today, developing countries like India use their rivers to dump their sewage waste not realizing the last–longing effects. This research paper will go into depth in water pollution, detailing the history, types, and sources of water pollution as well as the possible solutions to how to combat this problem and what governments around the world are doing to fix this issue. Pollution comes Get more content on
  • 9. Thermal Pollution Essay Thermal Pollution Recently we've allowed our planet to begin overheating. With the introduction of CFC's and Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere we've managed to raise the temperature of this vast resource. Even more ignorant is our failure to learn from our mistakes. Now, through thermal pollution (the introducton of waste heat into water), we've began destroying the womb of all life–the earth's vast water network. The Causes: There are three major causes of thermal pollution. the use of water as a cooling agent deforestation of shorelines soil erosion The foremost cause being the use of water as a cooling agent in nuclear power plants and other industrial facilities. After the water has absorbed the more content... The pile up of dead plants leads to an increase of bacteria, bacteria that consume oxygen along with dead plants. Therein lies the problem. There is now less oxygen and a greater demand for it. The warmer water also increases the metabolic rate of fish, which leads to a sharp decrease in the life expectancy of aquatic insects. The fish have an increasing the need for oxygen due to a rise in their metabolism and population. With the lack of aquatic insects animals other than fish face a shortage of food. Also affected by thermal pollution is an animal's sensitivity to toxic waste, parasites, and other diseases. Water pollution Water pollution involves the release into lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans of substances that become dissolved or suspended in the water or deposited upon the bottom and accumulate to the extent that they interfere with the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. It may also include the release of energy in the form of radioactivity or heat, as in the case of thermal pollution. Any body of water has the capacity to absorb, break down, or recycle introduced materials. Under normal circumstances, inorganic substances are widely dispersed and have little or no effect on life within the
  • 10. bodies of water into which they are released; organic materials are broken down by bacteria or other organisms and converted into a form in which they are useful to aquatic life. But, if the Get more content on
  • 11. Causes Of Thermal Pollution What is thermal pollution? Thermal pollution is the sudden change in the natural temperature of bodies of water. Occurring usually when a plant, for example, a power plant or industrial facilities gain water from bodies of water and in which it is sent back to which it came from with a temperature that is altered. They use it as a method for cooling the machinery in their plants and facilities, and to help produce their products. In the world today, thermal pollution is seen as a huge threat to the environment and is mainly because of power plants and industrial manufacturers in which uses water as a coolant. Many attempts have been taken to manage how plants use the water, but effects of thermal pollution are still lasting to this day. Causes of thermal pollution are the discharge of heated water, industrial plants such as thermal power and chemical plants, hydro–electric power plants, etc. take natural water bodies supposedly for granted as a type of coolant for their machinery, in which they discharge heated waste back into the bodies of water causing thermal pollution. Another is Domestic sewage discharge in which are like buildings in which are located close to natural water resources such as a lake, or a river, etc. drain their sewage pipelines into the water. This is done regularly and is a key reason for the rise of thermal pollution. Oil spillage is another factor of the cause of thermal pollution, in oceans especially, the oil spillage in the water forms a layer in Get more content on
  • 12. Water And Water Pollution In The United States Two very important types of pollution the world is affected by are air and water pollution. According to Webster's Dictionary, air pollution is a substance in the air that has harmful effects to the health of living organisms. The types of air pollutants that can harm people are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and ozone. These can come in either a gaseous or particulate form. Waterpollution is defined as "The form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compound" (Webster's Dictionary). Water pollution affects lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater, and sometimes the water we drink. Air pollution can come in many more content... This does not only spill toxins into the ocean, but it also is killing marine animals. Animals who occupy the ocean mistake trash dumped into it as food. Therefore, these animals are killed from eating the garbage that is spilled into the ocean. An example of this is seabirds mistaking plastic for food. "Over one million seabirds are killed by plastic waste every year, and over one–hundred thousand sea mammals are killed per year due to pollution" (Gifford). Recycling can also contribute to saving the lives of many animals, such as the seabirds, but garbage dumped into the water is not the only form of pollution in Get more content on
  • 13. Water Pollution : Causes And Effects Water Pollution Water pollution occurs when there is an accumulation of substances in water that would then cause issues for humans and animals. The main aspect that determines the pollution is the amount of pollutants that are present and how large the body of water is. In other words, the quantity of pollutants in relation to the size of the body of water. The earth has two types of water resources: surface and ground water. The surface water is stored in lakes, oceans, and rivers while the ground water is stored in aquifers. Water pollution can occur directly from a point source such as a factory releasing its waste into a water body, a non–point source such as water runoff of pesticides from a farm finding its way into a water body more content... In Kewaunee County, a county in northeast Wisconsin, the problem of water pollution is a constant problem, with the number of cows present in the county being blamed for the problem. About 50 percent of the town's private wells currently have water that exceeds bacteria or nitrate safety standards. Impact on Human Quality of Life Animal agriculture manure and farming fertilizers bring nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to the proverbial water pollution "table." (Wilson, 2014). This causes an effect on animals and humans. Manure is one of the main sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in the pollution of surface and ground water. This results in high nutrient levels which result in algae blooms. In addition, water with high levels of nitrates have a bad taste and can result in a fatal condition of methemoglobinemia also call "blue baby syndrome". Humans are susceptible to many diseases from animal manure such as, E. coli O157, listeriosis, salmonellosis, cryptosporidiosis and mad cow disease. Furthermore, lead which can be found in manure can cause malfunctions in the nervous system and the kidneys. The examples below show the effects of water pollution on human quality of life: In May 2000, around half of Walkerton's 5,000 residents fell severely ill and seven people died when cow manure washed into a well. The extent of the water pollution in the small Canadian town was concealed from the public, people drank from their taps and the result Get more content on
  • 14. What Causes Water Pollution And Its Effects What Causes Water Pollution and its Effects The shoreline became a black gooey mess that killed countless birds, and completely devastated marine life! This environmental disaster is only one example of severe water pollution. Therefore, it becomes essential to understand the causes and effects of pollution. Water pollution is a serious problem for the environment. It should be solved on a large scale at the level of states and federal governmental levels. If the public becomes more aware of environmental problems, it can be part of the solution. For example the responsibility of the Pacific Garbage Patch is on the conscience of everyone who throws garbage in the water (Marine Insight). Every pond or water source is connected with a surrounding environment. It is influenced by conditions of the formation of surface or underground water runoff, various natural phenomena, industrial and municipal construction, transportation, economic and domestic activities. The causes, effects are bringing into the watery environment chemicals that degrade water quality. For example, household wastewater may contain artificial cleaning supplies that enter rivers and seas. Accumulations of inorganic substances affect water inhabitants and reduce the amount of oxygen in the water. These substances lead to a formation called "dead zones". There are approximately 400 of them worldwide. These chemicals are found in acid rain as well . Acid rain Get more content on
  • 15. Noise Pollution Essay Around the world, there are six major types of pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, solid waste, radioactive and nuclear energy, and lastly noise pollution. Noise pollution, or environmental noise, is displeasing sound created by humans, animals, or machines, that disrupts the activity or balance of domestic and animal life. The most common source of the pollution is brought on worldwide by transportation systems that include motor vehicle noise, aircraft noise and rail noise. Other sources that cause the pollution, both indoor and outdoor, are: car alarms, emergency service sirens, office equipment factory, barking dogs, appliances, fireworks, compressed air horns, construction work, grounds keeping equipment, more content... The effects of noise pollution, are both health and behavioral in nature. The most common symptoms of noise pollution are lack of sleep, irritability, indigestion, heartburn, high blood pressure (at times, causing heart attacks and strokes), ulcers, and heart disease. With one noise explosion from a passing vehicle, the noise that was made alters a person's endocrine, neurological, and cardiovascular functions to many individuals. The unwanted sound that is polluted can cause damage both physical and psychological such as: annoyance, aggression, and hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, and sleep disturbances. The stress and hypertension that is caused by noise pollution are the leading causes to the health problems. Tinnitus on the other hand, can lead to forgetfulness, severe depression, and at times panic attacks. In addition, chronic exposure to the noise may cause noise–induced hearing loss. The high noise levels can also contribute to cardiovascular effects, and consequently, a rise in blood pressure by five to ten points, and an increase in stress and vasoconstriction (the narrowing of blood vessels) leading to coronary artery disease, stroke and heart attacks . If in an elevated workplace, some of the symptoms noise pollution causes are: ischemic heart disease, premature ejaculation, bowel movements, sleep disturbance decreased sexual performance, and in severe cases, death. The most significant causes of noise pollution are vehicle and Get more content on
  • 16. Different Kinds Of Pollution BreeAnna Grantz Mrs. bettag L.A. 10 December, 1 What are the different kinds of pollution? There are so many different kinds of pollution like; air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, thermal pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution, but the most common two we hear about is water pollution, and air pollution those are the ones we have to figure out how to fix the most because they are causing the most danger and problems for us. There are a lot of different kinds of pollution, some that most people probably don't even know exist. Every kind of pollution has an impact on us, the environment and the animals surrounding us, everyone individually should do what they can to reduce their pollution habits. Air pollution is when harmful chemicals are put into the air. Most of the air pollution in the usa is caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as; coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline. Why do we continue to burn these knowing what it does to the environment? We continue to burn these harmful chemicals because they bring us electricity and they power our vehicles. To reduce air pollution we can do a few different kinds of things. We can conserve energy, meaning remember to turn off lights and other devices when not in use. Use energy efficient light bulbs and other appliances. Limit driving by carpooling, public transportation, biking, or walking, and Choose environmentally friendly cleaners only. Water pollution is when harmful Get more content on
  • 17. Environmental Pollution In The US Today Earth, home to the beauty of blue skies and clear waters, and bearer of each delicate life form, from the moss floating atop rivers, to the lions that prowl the mesa deserts; however, Earth is also home to the most destructive life form, humans. People reap the fruit of the Earth and bask in the beauty of nature, yet for generations, the efforts to protect the environment have only declined. The pollution that is wrought upon the environment every day is too often ignored for "more important" issues, such as poverty or crime; however, protecting the literal soil that people dwell on is just as vital as patrolling the society in which they live. Environmental pollution is a growing issue in the U.S. today, caused primarily by the lack of public concern or caution, harmful chemicals used by manufacturers and farmers, and lack of government enforcement or intervention. To begin with, the energy wasted out of pure negligence while performing daily tasks and activities wreaks havoc on the environment, greatly contributing to this issue. Fortunately, more often than not, excessive waste can easily be avoided altogether by being conscious of what is necessary, and what's just luxury. However, the extra couple of seconds that it takes to flip off a light switch or turn down a faucet often proves to be too inconvenient of a task for many individuals. By far, unnecessary use of electricity is the biggest energy waster among the general population. While one may believe they don't Get more content on
  • 18. Qianwen Shi 7/31/2015 Thesis Statement Nowadays, we are facing a lot of environmental threats, and the main of them are air pollution, water pollution and global warming. Substances that may harm living things or damage non–living things cause air pollution. Some common atmospheric pollutants are carbon monoxide, methane, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and so on. Industry production, usage of non–clean energy and vehicles are three main sources of air pollution. Water pollution includes natural pollution and man–made pollution. Due to the dissolution of geological, atmospheric precipitation leaching, erosion on the ground, mix the various pollutants into the water. Man–made pollution is made by industrial wastewater, daily life sewage and pesticide and fertilizer pollution. Global warming is related to greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Due to the existence of greenhouse gases, the radiation, which comes from the Sun and reaches the Earth's surface, is reflected back to Earth, making the temperature of Earth's surface higher and higher. The influence of all these three problems can be classified into three kinds. First is human. Since air, water and temperature are essential factors that lives require, environmental pollution threats the living situation and human health. Let's image the possible result of this tendency. The average life span will be shorter and shorter. The possibility of getting sick will be higher and higher. This is really horrible. Get more content on
  • 19. Consequences Of Pollution People have heard of pollution, but what some don't know is that there are many types of pollution. Pollution can have different consequences depending on what kind there is. In the world so far there are only nine types of pollution that have been recognized. Although this can be negative to the world it's also affecting the health of people as well. In order to understand what pollution can do to you and the world you need to know the types that are causing the harm. The first type is air pollution. This type can be harm to the world by contaminating the atmosphere. It can come in matter like dust or excessive gases such as carbon dioxide or vapors that can't be removed through nature that not even the cycles can remove them such as the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. Vehicles, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, dry soil erosion, building construction or demolition and other natural sources are another cause of air pollution. Although there isn't much of volcanic eruptions or dry soil erosions those are the ones that seem to be the most dangerous for other parts of the world while the rest are more common. Study shows that science prove that they believe global warming is also a way to increase the air pollution. The largest source of nitrogen is in the atmosphere. Without nitrogen in the atmosphere the crops can be lost and would affect farmers. If the farmers are affected there won't be as much crop production to be sold anywhere and the government would have to Get more content on
  • 20. Essay On Environmental Pollution The environmental issue I choose is pollution. There is different types of pollution. There is water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, thermal pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. Every type of pollution is bad and it is causing health issues and even worst, deaths. Pollution is A very serious subject that is harmful to people and the environment. It is killing A lot of people. 4.6 million people die each year from pollution. Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste are dumped into US water.Pollution is one of the most biggest global killers affecting over 100 million people. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year. Approximately 40% of lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming. Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings. Pollution disturbs our ecosystem. Air Pollution is the most dangerous forms of pollution. It occurs due to many of reasons, excessive burning of fuel, cooking, driving and other types of activities that are similar. They release A huge amount of chemical substances in the air everyday; these pollute the air. Also smoke from chimneys, factories, vehicles or burning basically occurs due to coal burning. Air pollution is breaking down our ozone layer. There is different types of pollution but environmental pollution has been around for centuries and it is affecting the environment. People should care about this topic because pollution is a serious problem and it causes many deaths and illnesses. The worst types of pollution are air pollution and water pollution, they don't only harm our environment but also our health. It's really scary to think about because around 15,000 people in the world each day die because of water pollution and 2.4 million people in the world die each year because of air pollution. So this is a big environmental issue. The causes of water pollution is water and sewage waste. World population is increasing each year. This is causing huge environmental and health damage. Most water pollution doesn't begin in the water it starts with what stuff filters and enters through the water. Get more content on