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Single Responsibility
Liskov Substitution
Interface Segregation
Dependency Inversion
Single Responsibility
Liskov Substitution
Interface Segregation
Dependency Inversion
In object-oriented programming, the single
responsibility principle states that every object
should have a single responsibility, and that
responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by
the class. All its services should be narrowly
aligned with that responsibility.
The single responsibility principle is a computer
programming principle that states that every
module or class should have responsibility over a
single part of the functionality provided by the
software, and that responsibility should be entirely
encapsulated by the class. All its services should be
narrowly aligned with that responsibility.
The single responsibility principle is a computer
programming principle that states that every
module or class should have responsibility over a
single part of the functionality provided by the
software, and that responsibility should be entirely
encapsulated by the class. All its services should be
narrowly aligned with that responsibility.
The term was introduced by Robert C. Martin [...].
Martin described it as being based on the principle
of cohesion, as described by Tom DeMarco in his
book Structured Analysis and Systems Specification.
Cohesion is a measure of the strength of
association of the elements inside a module.
A highly cohesive module is a collection of
statements and data items that should be treated
as a whole because they are so closely related.
Any attempt to divide them up would only result
in increased coupling and decreased readability.
This is the Unix philosophy:
Write programs that do one
thing and do it well.Write
programs to work together.
Doug McIlroy
In McIlroy's summary, the hard
part is his second sentence:
Write programs to work
John D Cook
In the long run every
program becomes rococo
— then rubble.
Alan Perlis
We refer to a sound line of reasoning,
for example, as coherent. The thoughts
fit, they go together, they relate to each
This is exactly the characteristic of a
class that makes it coherent: the pieces
all seem to be related, they seem to
belong together, and it would feel
somewhat unnatural to pull them apart.
Such a class exhibits cohesion.
#include <stdlib.h>
Every class should
embody only about 3–5
distinct responsibilities.
Grady Booch
Object Solutions
One of the most foundational
principles of good design is:
Gather together those things
that change for the same reason,
and separate those things that
change for different reasons.
This principle is often known as
the single responsibility principle,
or SRP. In short, it says that a
subsystem, module, class, or even
a function, should not have more
than one reason to change.
Single Responsibility
Liskov Substitution
Interface Segregation
Dependency Inversion
Interface inheritance (subtyping) is used whenever
one can imagine that client code should depend on
less functionality than the full interface.
Services are often partitioned into several unrelated
interfaces when it is possible to partition the clients
into different roles.
"General Design Principles"
The dependency should
be on the interface,
the whole interface,
and nothing but the
This is exactly the characteristic of a
class that makes it coherent: the pieces
all seem to be related, they seem to
belong together, and it would feel
somewhat unnatural to pull them apart.
Such a class exhibits cohesion.
This is exactly the characteristic of an
interface that makes it coherent: the
pieces all seem to be related, they seem
to belong together, and it would feel
somewhat unnatural to pull them apart.
Such an interface exhibits cohesion.
public interface LineIO
String read();
void write(String lineToWrite);
public interface LineReader
String read();
public interface LineWriter
void write(String lineToWrite);
Single Responsibility
Liskov Substitution
Interface Segregation
Dependency Inversion
Concept Hierarchies
The construction principle involved is best
called abstraction; we concentrate on features
common to many phenomena, and we abstract
away features too far removed from the
conceptual level at which we are working.
Ole-Johan Dahl and C A R Hoare
"Hierarchical Program Structures"
A type hierarchy is composed of subtypes and
supertypes. The intuitive idea of a subtype is
one whose objects provide all the behavior of
objects of another type (the supertype) plus
something extra.
Barbara Liskov
"Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
What is wanted here is something like the
following substitution property: If for each
object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type
T such that for all programs P defined in terms
of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is
substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T.
Barbara Liskov
"Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
E.g., Python's dict class, which is a
hashed mapping container
E.g., Python's OrderedDict class,
which preserves order of insertion
public class RecentlyUsedList
public int Count
get ...
public string this[int index]
get ...
public void Add(string newItem) ...
public class RecentlyUsedList
public int Count => ...
public string this[int index] => ...
public void Add(string newItem) ...
public class RecentlyUsedList
private IList<string> items = new List<string>();
public int Count => items.Count;
public string this[int index] => items[index];
public void Add(string newItem)
if(newItem == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
items.Insert(0, newItem);
public class RecentlyUsedList : List<string>
public override void Add(string newItem)
if(newItem == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
items.Insert(0, newItem);
namespace List_spec
public class Addition
private List<string> list;
public void List_is_initially_empty()
list = ...
public void Addition_of_non_null_item_is_appended() ...
public void Addition_of_null_is_permitted() ...
public void Addition_of_duplicate_item_is_appended() ...
namespace List_spec
public class Addition
private List<string> list;
public void List_is_initially_empty()
list = new List<string>();
public void Addition_of_non_null_item_is_appended() ...
public void Addition_of_null_is_permitted() ...
public void Addition_of_duplicate_item_is_appended() ...
namespace List_spec
public class Addition
private List<string> list;
public void List_is_initially_empty()
list = new RecentlyUsedList();
public void Addition_of_non_null_item_is_appended() ...
public void Addition_of_null_is_permitted() ...
public void Addition_of_duplicate_item_is_appended() ...
What is wanted here is something like the
following substitution property: If for each
object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type
T such that for all programs P defined in terms
of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is
substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T.
Barbara Liskov
"Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
What is wanted here is something like the
following substitution property: If for each
object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type
T such that for all programs P defined in terms
of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is
substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T.
Barbara Liskov
"Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
What is wanted here is something like the
following substitution property: If for each
object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type
T such that for all programs P defined in terms
of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is
substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T.
Barbara Liskov
"Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
What is wanted here is something like the
following substitution property: If for each
object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type
T such that for all programs P defined in terms
of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is
substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T.
Barbara Liskov
"Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
Single Responsibility
Liskov Substitution
Interface Segregation
Dependency Inversion
Bertrand Meyer gave us guidance as long
ago as 1988 when he coined the now famous
open-closed principle. To paraphrase him:
Software entites (classes, modules,
functions, etc.) should be open for
extension, but closed for modification.
"The Open-Closed Principle", Robert C Martin
C++ Report, January 1996
Open for
Closed for
Closed for
Open for
Extend existing code
without changing it,
e.g., using a framework
Extend or change existing
code, e.g., open-source
and non-published code
Non-extensible and
unchangeable code,
e.g., composable code
or legacy code
Non-extensible code that
can be maintained, e.g.,
composable code in a
maintained library
The principle stated that a good module structure
should be both open and closed:
▪ Closed, because clients need the module's
services to proceed with their own development,
and once they have settled on a version of the
module should not be affected by the
introduction of new services they do not need.
▪ Open, because there is no guarantee that we
will include right from the start every service
potentially useful to some client.
[...] A good module structure should
be [...] closed [...] because clients
need the module's services to
proceed with their own development,
and once they have settled on a
version of the module should not be
affected by the introduction of new
services they do not need.
There is no problem changing a
method name if you have access to
all the code that calls that method.
Even if the method is public, as long
as you can reach and change all the
callers, you can rename the method.
There is a problem only if the
interface is being used by code that
you cannot find and change. When
this happens, I say that the interface
becomes a published interface (a
step beyond a public interface).
The distinction between published
and public is actually more
important than that between public
and private.
Martin Fowler
With a non-published interface you
can change it and update the calling
code since it is all within a single
code base.
But anything published so you can't
reach the calling code needs more
complicated treatment.
Martin Fowler
[...] A good module structure should
be [...] open [...] because there is no
guarantee that we will include right
from the start every service potentially
useful to some client.
Speculative Generality
Brian Foote suggested this name for a
smell to which we are very sensitive.
You get it when people say, "Oh, I think
we need the ability to do this kind of
thing someday" and thus want all sorts
of hooks and special cases to handle
things that aren't required.
A myth in the object-oriented design
community goes something like this:
If you use object-oriented technology,
you can take any class someone else
wrote, and, by using it as a base class,
refine it to do a similar task.
Robert B Murray
C++ Strategies andTactics
Design and implement for
inheritance or else prohibit it
By now, it should be apparent that
designing a class for inheritance places
substantial limitations on the class.
I've heard it said that the OCP is
wrong, unworkable, impractical,
and not for real programmers
with real work to do. The rise of
plugin architectures makes it
plain that these views are utter
nonsense. On the contrary, a
strong plugin architecture is likely
to be the most important aspect
of future software systems.
OCP ≡ Plug-ins?
OCP ≡ Plug-ins/
public abstract class Shape
public class Square : Shape
public void DrawSquare() ...
public class Circle : Shape
public void DrawCircle() ...
public abstract class Shape ...
public class Square : Shape ...
public class Circle : Shape ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
if (s is Square)
(s as Square).DrawSquare();
else if (s is Circle)
(s as Circle).DrawCircle();
public abstract class Shape ...
public class Square : Shape ...
public class Circle : Shape ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
if (s is Square)
(s as Square).DrawSquare();
else if (s is Circle)
(s as Circle).DrawCircle();
public abstract class Shape
public abstract void Draw();
public class Square : Shape
public override void Draw() ...
public class Circle : Shape
public override void Draw() ...
public abstract class Shape ...
public class Square : Shape ...
public class Circle : Shape ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
public abstract class Shape ...
public class Square : Shape ...
public class Circle : Shape ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
public abstract class Shape ...
public class Square : Shape ...
public class Circle : Shape ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
Bertrand Meyer gave us guidance as long
ago as 1988 when he coined the now famous
open-closed principle. To paraphrase him:
Software entites (classes, modules,
functions, etc.) should be open for
extension, but closed for modification.
"The Open-Closed Principle", Robert C Martin
C++ Report, January 1996
Bertrand Meyer gave us guidance as long
ago as 1988 when he coined the now famous
open-closed principle. To paraphrase him:
Software entites (classes, modules,
functions, etc.) should be open for
extension, but closed for modification.
"The Open-Closed Principle", Robert C Martin
C++ Report, January 1996
This double requirement looks
like a dilemma, and classical
module structures offer no clue.
But inheritance solves it.
A class is closed, since it may
be compiled, stored in a library,
baselined, and used by client
classes. But it is also open, since
any new class may use it as
parent, adding new features.
public abstract class Shape ...
public class Square : Shape ...
public class Circle : Shape ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
if (s is Square)
(s as Square).DrawSquare();
else if (s is Circle)
(s as Circle).DrawCircle();
public abstract class Shape ...
public class Square : Shape ...
public class Circle : Shape ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
if (s is Square)
(s as Square).DrawSquare();
else if (s is Circle)
(s as Circle).DrawCircle();
public abstract class Shape ...
public class Square : Shape ...
public class Circle : Shape ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
public abstract class Shape ...
public class Square : Shape ...
public class Circle : Shape ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
public sealed class Shape
public enum Type { Square, Circle }
public void Draw() ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
public sealed class Shape
public enum Type { Square, Circle }
public void Draw() ...
static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list)
foreach (Shape s in list)
Don't publish interfaces prematurely.
Modify your code ownership policies
to smooth refactoring.
Single Responsibility
Liskov Substitution
Interface Segregation
Dependency Inversion
The principle states:
A. High-level modules should not depend on
low-level modules. Both should depend on
B. Abstractions should not depend upon details.
Details should depend upon abstractions.
Program to an interface,
not an implementation.
Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson & John Vlissides
Program to an interface,
not an instance.
One of the most foundational
principles of good design is:
Gather together those things
that change for the same reason,
and separate those things that
change for different reasons.
This principle is often known as
the single responsibility principle,
or SRP. In short, it says that a
subsystem, module, class, or even
a function, should not have more
than one reason to change.
Write components that do one thing
and do it well.
Write components to work together.
Program to an interface, not an
Don't publish interfaces prematurely.
Modify your code ownership policies
to smooth refactoring.
Solid Deconstruction

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Solid Deconstruction

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 6. In object-oriented programming, the single responsibility principle states that every object should have a single responsibility, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class. All its services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility.
  • 7. The single responsibility principle is a computer programming principle that states that every module or class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class. All its services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility.
  • 8. The single responsibility principle is a computer programming principle that states that every module or class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class. All its services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility.
  • 9. The term was introduced by Robert C. Martin [...]. Martin described it as being based on the principle of cohesion, as described by Tom DeMarco in his book Structured Analysis and Systems Specification.
  • 10.
  • 11. Cohesion is a measure of the strength of association of the elements inside a module. A highly cohesive module is a collection of statements and data items that should be treated as a whole because they are so closely related. Any attempt to divide them up would only result in increased coupling and decreased readability.
  • 12.
  • 14.
  • 15. This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well.Write programs to work together. Doug McIlroy
  • 16.
  • 17. In McIlroy's summary, the hard part is his second sentence: Write programs to work together. John D Cook
  • 18.
  • 19. In the long run every program becomes rococo — then rubble. Alan Perlis
  • 20. We refer to a sound line of reasoning, for example, as coherent. The thoughts fit, they go together, they relate to each other. GlennVanderburg
  • 21. This is exactly the characteristic of a class that makes it coherent: the pieces all seem to be related, they seem to belong together, and it would feel somewhat unnatural to pull them apart. Such a class exhibits cohesion. GlennVanderburg
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 25. Every class should embody only about 3–5 distinct responsibilities. Grady Booch Object Solutions
  • 26. One of the most foundational principles of good design is: Gather together those things that change for the same reason, and separate those things that change for different reasons. This principle is often known as the single responsibility principle, or SRP. In short, it says that a subsystem, module, class, or even a function, should not have more than one reason to change.
  • 28. Interface inheritance (subtyping) is used whenever one can imagine that client code should depend on less functionality than the full interface. Services are often partitioned into several unrelated interfaces when it is possible to partition the clients into different roles. "General Design Principles" CORBAservices
  • 29. The dependency should be on the interface, the whole interface, and nothing but the interface.
  • 30. This is exactly the characteristic of a class that makes it coherent: the pieces all seem to be related, they seem to belong together, and it would feel somewhat unnatural to pull them apart. Such a class exhibits cohesion. GlennVanderburg
  • 31. This is exactly the characteristic of an interface that makes it coherent: the pieces all seem to be related, they seem to belong together, and it would feel somewhat unnatural to pull them apart. Such an interface exhibits cohesion.
  • 32. public interface LineIO { String read(); void write(String lineToWrite); }
  • 33. public interface LineReader { String read(); } public interface LineWriter { void write(String lineToWrite); }
  • 34.
  • 36.
  • 37. Concept Hierarchies The construction principle involved is best called abstraction; we concentrate on features common to many phenomena, and we abstract away features too far removed from the conceptual level at which we are working. Ole-Johan Dahl and C A R Hoare "Hierarchical Program Structures"
  • 38. A type hierarchy is composed of subtypes and supertypes. The intuitive idea of a subtype is one whose objects provide all the behavior of objects of another type (the supertype) plus something extra. Barbara Liskov "Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
  • 39. What is wanted here is something like the following substitution property: If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T. Barbara Liskov "Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
  • 41. E.g., Python's dict class, which is a hashed mapping container E.g., Python's OrderedDict class, which preserves order of insertion
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. public class RecentlyUsedList { ... public int Count { get ... } public string this[int index] { get ... } public void Add(string newItem) ... ... }
  • 45. public class RecentlyUsedList { ... public int Count => ... public string this[int index] => ... public void Add(string newItem) ... ... }
  • 46. public class RecentlyUsedList { private IList<string> items = new List<string>(); public int Count => items.Count; public string this[int index] => items[index]; public void Add(string newItem) { if(newItem == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); items.Remove(newItem); items.Insert(0, newItem); } ... }
  • 47. public class RecentlyUsedList : List<string> { public override void Add(string newItem) { if(newItem == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); items.Remove(newItem); items.Insert(0, newItem); } ... }
  • 48. namespace List_spec { ... [TestFixture] public class Addition { private List<string> list; [Setup] public void List_is_initially_empty() { list = ... } ... [Test] public void Addition_of_non_null_item_is_appended() ... [Test] public void Addition_of_null_is_permitted() ... [Test] public void Addition_of_duplicate_item_is_appended() ... ... } ... }
  • 49. namespace List_spec { ... [TestFixture] public class Addition { private List<string> list; [Setup] public void List_is_initially_empty() { list = new List<string>(); } ... [Test] public void Addition_of_non_null_item_is_appended() ... [Test] public void Addition_of_null_is_permitted() ... [Test] public void Addition_of_duplicate_item_is_appended() ... ... } ... }
  • 50. namespace List_spec { ... [TestFixture] public class Addition { private List<string> list; [Setup] public void List_is_initially_empty() { list = new RecentlyUsedList(); } ... [Test] public void Addition_of_non_null_item_is_appended() ... [Test] public void Addition_of_null_is_permitted() ... [Test] public void Addition_of_duplicate_item_is_appended() ... ... } ... }
  • 51. What is wanted here is something like the following substitution property: If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T. Barbara Liskov "Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
  • 52. What is wanted here is something like the following substitution property: If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T. Barbara Liskov "Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
  • 53. What is wanted here is something like the following substitution property: If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T. Barbara Liskov "Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
  • 54. What is wanted here is something like the following substitution property: If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T. Barbara Liskov "Data Abstraction and Hierarchy"
  • 56. Bertrand Meyer gave us guidance as long ago as 1988 when he coined the now famous open-closed principle. To paraphrase him: Software entites (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification. "The Open-Closed Principle", Robert C Martin C++ Report, January 1996
  • 57. Open for extension Closed for extension Closed for modification Open for modification Extend existing code without changing it, e.g., using a framework Extend or change existing code, e.g., open-source and non-published code Non-extensible and unchangeable code, e.g., composable code or legacy code Non-extensible code that can be maintained, e.g., composable code in a maintained library
  • 58.
  • 59. The principle stated that a good module structure should be both open and closed: ▪ Closed, because clients need the module's services to proceed with their own development, and once they have settled on a version of the module should not be affected by the introduction of new services they do not need. ▪ Open, because there is no guarantee that we will include right from the start every service potentially useful to some client.
  • 60. [...] A good module structure should be [...] closed [...] because clients need the module's services to proceed with their own development, and once they have settled on a version of the module should not be affected by the introduction of new services they do not need.
  • 61.
  • 62. There is no problem changing a method name if you have access to all the code that calls that method. Even if the method is public, as long as you can reach and change all the callers, you can rename the method.
  • 63. There is a problem only if the interface is being used by code that you cannot find and change. When this happens, I say that the interface becomes a published interface (a step beyond a public interface).
  • 64. The distinction between published and public is actually more important than that between public and private. Martin Fowler
  • 65. With a non-published interface you can change it and update the calling code since it is all within a single code base. But anything published so you can't reach the calling code needs more complicated treatment. Martin Fowler
  • 66. [...] A good module structure should be [...] open [...] because there is no guarantee that we will include right from the start every service potentially useful to some client.
  • 67.
  • 68. Speculative Generality Brian Foote suggested this name for a smell to which we are very sensitive. You get it when people say, "Oh, I think we need the ability to do this kind of thing someday" and thus want all sorts of hooks and special cases to handle things that aren't required.
  • 70. A myth in the object-oriented design community goes something like this: If you use object-oriented technology, you can take any class someone else wrote, and, by using it as a base class, refine it to do a similar task. Robert B Murray C++ Strategies andTactics
  • 71.
  • 72. Design and implement for inheritance or else prohibit it By now, it should be apparent that designing a class for inheritance places substantial limitations on the class.
  • 73.
  • 75. I've heard it said that the OCP is wrong, unworkable, impractical, and not for real programmers with real work to do. The rise of plugin architectures makes it plain that these views are utter nonsense. On the contrary, a strong plugin architecture is likely to be the most important aspect of future software systems.
  • 78.
  • 79. public abstract class Shape { ... } public class Square : Shape { ... public void DrawSquare() ... } public class Circle : Shape { ... public void DrawCircle() ... }
  • 80. public abstract class Shape ... public class Square : Shape ... public class Circle : Shape ... static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) if (s is Square) (s as Square).DrawSquare(); else if (s is Circle) (s as Circle).DrawCircle(); }
  • 81. public abstract class Shape ... public class Square : Shape ... public class Circle : Shape ... static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) if (s is Square) (s as Square).DrawSquare(); else if (s is Circle) (s as Circle).DrawCircle(); }
  • 82. public abstract class Shape { ... public abstract void Draw(); } public class Square : Shape { ... public override void Draw() ... } public class Circle : Shape { ... public override void Draw() ... }
  • 83. public abstract class Shape ... public class Square : Shape ... public class Circle : Shape ... static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) s.Draw(); }
  • 84. public abstract class Shape ... public class Square : Shape ... public class Circle : Shape ... static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) s.Draw(); }
  • 85. public abstract class Shape ... public class Square : Shape ... public class Circle : Shape ... static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) s.Draw(); }
  • 86. Bertrand Meyer gave us guidance as long ago as 1988 when he coined the now famous open-closed principle. To paraphrase him: Software entites (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification. "The Open-Closed Principle", Robert C Martin C++ Report, January 1996
  • 87. Bertrand Meyer gave us guidance as long ago as 1988 when he coined the now famous open-closed principle. To paraphrase him: Software entites (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification. "The Open-Closed Principle", Robert C Martin C++ Report, January 1996
  • 88.
  • 89. This double requirement looks like a dilemma, and classical module structures offer no clue. But inheritance solves it. A class is closed, since it may be compiled, stored in a library, baselined, and used by client classes. But it is also open, since any new class may use it as parent, adding new features.
  • 90. public abstract class Shape ... public class Square : Shape ... public class Circle : Shape ... static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) if (s is Square) (s as Square).DrawSquare(); else if (s is Circle) (s as Circle).DrawCircle(); }
  • 91. public abstract class Shape ... public class Square : Shape ... public class Circle : Shape ... static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) if (s is Square) (s as Square).DrawSquare(); else if (s is Circle) (s as Circle).DrawCircle(); }
  • 92. public abstract class Shape ... public class Square : Shape ... public class Circle : Shape ... static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) s.Draw(); }
  • 93. public abstract class Shape ... public class Square : Shape ... public class Circle : Shape ... static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) s.Draw(); }
  • 94. public sealed class Shape { public enum Type { Square, Circle } ... public void Draw() ... } static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) s.Draw(); }
  • 95. public sealed class Shape { public enum Type { Square, Circle } ... public void Draw() ... } static void DrawAllShapes(Shape[] list) { foreach (Shape s in list) s.Draw(); }
  • 96.
  • 97. Don't publish interfaces prematurely. Modify your code ownership policies to smooth refactoring.
  • 99. The principle states: A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.
  • 100.
  • 101.
  • 102. Program to an interface, not an implementation. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson & John Vlissides
  • 103. Program to an interface, not an instance.
  • 104.
  • 105.
  • 106. One of the most foundational principles of good design is: Gather together those things that change for the same reason, and separate those things that change for different reasons. This principle is often known as the single responsibility principle, or SRP. In short, it says that a subsystem, module, class, or even a function, should not have more than one reason to change.
  • 107. Write components that do one thing and do it well. Write components to work together. Program to an interface, not an implementation. Don't publish interfaces prematurely. Modify your code ownership policies to smooth refactoring.