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Argumentative Essay On Solar Energy
As the world and technology are advancing, we are learning more about the impacts that humans
have on our planet. New information has shown that we are killing our planet with the amount of
waste produced and toxic gases being released into the atmosphere. Therefore, humans are trying to
come with up with alternatives that can reduce these negative impacts.
Solar and wind power have become great alternative sources of energy that in scientific terms can be
considered renewable sources. Arenewable energy source is an energy source that naturally replaces
itself at a rate of at least the natural timeline.
Our analysis made the assumption that 30 kilowatt hours (kwh) per day was a suitable amount of
energy to fulfill the requirements of Chaparral Drive residents (a total of 42 homes) based on
reports by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. As part of our assumptions we also
determined the energy to be produced by solar or wind to be sufficient to supply all the electrical
energy demands of the residential neighborhood. In addition, we found our interest rate to be 2.5%
which would be compounded annually. This assumption was stemmed from the average of interest
rates within last 28 years. Therefore, we based our value off of the average and decided to choose a
rate of 2.5%.
Our approach was to do an economic viability analysis of a home's electrical energy consumption
with solar and with wind as 100% alternatives with the given assumptions. We also used utility bill
cost from an actual resident of Chaparral Drive to use as a comparison for our analysis.
Our first assumptions are the amount of panels or power required for the typical home, which was
assumed to be 30 kW–hr per day. This number is slightly higher than average, which gave us
confidence that it would be applicable to most homes. Using this information and the rating of the
average panel to produce 265 watts per hour, we found that in order to be a net zero energy home,
at least in electrical power, would mean that the energy that would be required throughout the day is
produced during the time of the day when sunlight is available. We concluded that about 20 solar
panels would be accurate.
Our team developed various assumptions regarding the
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Solar Energy Essay
Solar Energy
What do the bubonic plague in the 14th century, the influenza epidemic of the early 20th century
and the spread of HIV/AIDS in the late 20th and early 21st centuries have in common? One answer,
according to Joel B. Stronberg author of the American Solar Energy Society's "Common Sense," is
that they have all been called pandemics. According to Merriam–, apandemic occurs
over a wide geographic distribution and affects "an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
Joel B. Stronberg declares that we are currently facing another pandemic. This pandemic is the
combination of the consequences of burning fossil fuels. The two major problems from burning
fossil fuels are global warming and decreasing more content...
The potential of solar energy is tremendous. We should take advantage of this opportunity and make
solar energy usage more common!
Since solar radiation produces so much energy, why aren't we using a lot more of it? Solar energy
does have some disadvantages. One of the major problems with solar energy is the intermittent
speed at which it arrives at the Earth's surface. This causes problems with consistency when
heating or lighting. Another drawback to solar energy is that it requires great space to be
gathered in effective quantities. This makes it difficult to place the solar panels in areas where
space is costly, valuable, or unavailable. A final reason why we are not using solar energy is
because it is quite costly. According to JC Solar Homes, it would cost a homeowner roughly one
hundred to two hundred thousand dollars to convert his or her home to solar energy. Obviously,
this is not realistic or reasonable for most people; therefore, solar energy is often overlooked as a
serious possibility for solving our approaching energy pandemic.
There are different types of commonly used solar energy conversions. Photovoltaic energy is
commonly called solar cell energy. PV is a non–mechanical device that converts sunlight into
electricity. Solar thermal heat is being used in swimming pools, space heating and to heat water for
domesticated uses. Solar thermal power plants use sunlight to heat a liquid which turns into steam.
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Argumentative Essay On Solar Energy
Everyone lives on the same planet, and future generations will continue to inhabit this special
planet. It is vital that the world we live on is well preserved and able is able to remain habitable.
Natural oils remove precious and limited sources and are not good to rely on in the case that it will
eventually run out. Furthermore, solar energy is also one of the fastest growing industry in America,
and it has employed over 120,000 workers (Green Mountain). Renewable energy releases little to no
emissions, making it environmentally friendly. Solar energy is able to be renewable since it is an
unlimited resource. Over time, solar energy can save people money and make competition in the
solar energy industry. Solar energy has vastly more benefits over fossil fuels for both the
environment, economy, and it will be better for the future generations.
Fossil fuels are going to eventually run out, and humans need an alternate energy source that will be
consistent and will not fluctuate. An issue with fossil fuels is that there is only a set amount that can
easily run be all used up. In the more content...
The government is offering incredible tax credits and rebates to encourage homeowners to switch
to renewable energy. The amount of solar rebate can cover 30% of the solar power system cost.
The government is supporting people because they know that will be better for the economy and
that is the main priority for them. Adding solar panels to your roof can also add more home value
to your house. They can add up to another 10% value of your house(Livinggreen). The lifespan of
solar panels last as long as 40 years, and manufacturer gives the customers a warranty on the product
of anywhere from twenty–five to thirty years. Solar panels can you people a great deal of money,
and at the same do something which is better for the
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Solar Energy Essay
Solar Energy There is a bright future for solar power (no pun intended). On the average sunny day
the sun shines approximately 1,000 watts of energy per square meter, enough energy to power all of
our electricity needs and excess("How").
This plethora of power and will be utilized in the future because we can't afford not to. It is
predicted that in 100–500 years our fossil fuels will be depleted: this means that alternative sources of
energy will be a necessity (Exxon). We consider solar power a renewable resource because it is
conitinuosly supplied to us by the sun. When discussing solar technology it is generally broken up
into two different categories: photovoltaic and solar–thermal more content...
Grants, Loans, and Green tag programs all exist to entice people into turning to solar(EPA).
People need to be more informed and more of these types of programs need to exist in order to
increase the demand for solar power. PA currently offers a 10 Percent Investment Tax Credit, this tax
credit is available for businesses that invest in or purchase qualified solar energy equipment(EPA).
Consumer demand for clean renewable energy and the deregulation of the utilities industry has
sparked interest in: solar, wind, geothermal steam, biomass, and small–scale hydroelectric sources of
power(Cnn). Small commercial solar power plants are already popping up in some markets.
Because solar energy has zero emissions and does not produce any solid waste it is very
appealing to consumers("Sunny"). Only the land consumed by photovoltaic systems is considered
a issue. Double digit growth is expected from both wind and solar technology, based on both
increased public subsidies and technological advances over the next 20 years("Sunny"). However,
because they currently make up such a small percentage of our total power consumption, less then
5% of our total power consumption will be from solar at that time. 20 years ago (PV) was 50 times
as expensive than traditional energy resources. That number has increased to 4 times as expensive
currently: this shows promise for the future of affordable solar technology ("The Future"). Our planet
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Solar Energy Essay
Solar energy is better for the environment than energy derived from other sources. Even though it is
the most difficult source of energy to channel, solar energy can provide great amounts of resources
for the environment as well as market venture, if proven effective. The fact that solar energy comes
from the sun, makes it the most desired source of energy. Withoutsolar energy, oxygen and food
would be rare to find; mostly from the fact that the sun brings forth all life on planet Earth. The idea
that the sun itself could be a cash cow has those from environmental engineers to scientists trying to
find ways to harness its immense energy. Students from across the world as well as accountants use
solar energy more than anyone else, more content...
The venture for solar energy first came into existence from Edmund Becquerel, a French physicist
who observed and published findings about the nature of materials to turn light into energy but sadly
they were not pursued, until thirty years later when Auguste Mouchout was the first man to patent a
design for a motor running on solar energy. Charles Tellier, was also a Frenchman whose work in
creating preserved foods through refrigeration, experimented with a non–concentrating
/non–reflecting solar motor. He installed the first solar energy system for heating household water
on top of his roof. Today, all across the world there is more focus in utilizing solar energy. As
Becquerel, Mouchout and Teller were pioneers for advances in the past, modern day has its
shares of crafty inventors. Recently, a group of environmentalist in Oregon, lead by Mark Dixon
called "Your Environmental Road Trip" (YERT), are building the first solar roadways, in which
they plan in the future will span to all fifty states. Dixon and his crew by using solar energy to
power highways are saving money for the state as well as the consumer. By using garbage from
the local land fields to generate the durability of asphalt, solar highways are able to sustain the
pressures of vehicles with mass such as transferee trucks, while at the same time creating storage
space for solar energy. In an interview regarding how did he plan to revolutionize highways using
solar energy, Dixon stated, "If
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Conclusion Of Solar Energy
Solar energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere because it harnesses the power
of sun energy with little to no gases being released. The amount of carbon dioxide released to the
atmosphere is way less from solar energy compared to coal plants when seeking to produce the same
amount of KWh per year. The benefits of solar power to the environment include the provision of an
inexhaustible supply of energy from the sun. Solar power captures the sun's energy with no harm to
the environment. Therefore, solar power is easier on health impacts, land use, water, and carbon
emissions than energy generating means, such as natural gas in fossil fuel and coal energy plants.
Additionally, residential solar power makes an environmental difference by offsetting emissions of
carbon dioxide, for example, a typical 4 kW solar power system offsets close to 200,000 pounds of
carbon dioxide within a period of 25 years. Generation of solar power from home involves creating
sustainable energy in addition to reducing the electricity demand on the grid thus mitigating
blackouts and brownouts as well as the community's dependence on fossil fuels for electricity.
The solar power environmental savings occur even if one does not utilize all their solar power or
not. Therefore, it means one's neighbors can still use the solar power not used from the grid
connected with net metering thus sharing clean, renewable energy with the whole community.
Discussion and Conclusion
Climate change has
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Solar Power Essay example
Solar Power
All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of energy for
photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants and animals to survive. The heat from
the sun causes water on the Earth's surface to evaporate and form clouds that eventually provide
fresh rainwater.
Solar energy is the result of thermonuclear fusion reactions deep within the sun. These reactions
produce so much energy that they keep the surface temperature of the sun at about 10,300B0F. Even
though solar energy is the largest source of energy received by the Earth, its intensity at the Earth's
surface is actually very low due to the large distance between the Earth and the sun and the fact that
the Earth's more content...
Because the intensity of the sun's radiation at the surface of the Earth is so low, collectors designed to
capture solar energy must be large.
In the sunniest parts of the continental United States, for example, in order for a collector to gather
enough energy to serve one person for one day, the area of the collector's surface must be about 430
square feet. The actual energy that can be used depends on the efficiency of the collector and of the
device that converts the radiation into usable energy.
Flat–plate collectors. The most common flat–plate collectors consist of a dark metal plate, covered
with one or two sheets of glass, that absorbs heat. The heat is transferred to air or water, called
carrier fluids, that flows past the back of the plate. This heat may be used directly or it may be
transferred to another medium. Flat–plate collectors are used for home and hot–water heating.
Flat–plate collectors typically heat carrier fluids to temperatures ranging from 150B0 to 200B0F.
The efficiency of such collectors varies from 20 to 80 percent.
Concentrating collectors. When higher temperatures are required, a concentrating collector is used.
These collectors reflect and concentrate sunlight from a wide area.
One such device, called a solar furnace, was installed in the Pyrenees in France and has several
acres of mirrors focused on a single target. The energy concentrated at
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The Benefits Of Solar Energy Essay
The Benefits Of Solar Energy Solar energy is an eco–friendly alternative to fossil fuels. Our planet
has been experiencing an average increase in global temperatures. Slowly but surely our planet is
deteriorating, unless we change our form of energy into a greener alternative. Deterioration of our
planet may occur at a faster rate. The depletion of fossil fuels is detrimental to our environment. By
substituting fossil fuels with the solar energy, our planet will benefit. These benefits include: reduced
climate change, beneficial economic opportunities on both a large scale benefitting our government
and on a smaller scale helping individuals decrease their energy bills, and solar energy is renewable
and sustainable. In order for one to further understand the importance of solar energy, the problem of
global warming must be explained. As defined by Webster's Dictionary, "Global Warming" is an
increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in
climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect. With an average increase in atmospheric
temperatures, our planet is slowly deteriorating. In order to stall or halt this global destruction,
countries must turn to solar energy as a cleaner alternative to the depletion of fossil fuels. Solar
energy creates a homeostasis for the climate. Due to its ability to decrease global climate changes,
solar power can address global warming in several ways. Economically, solar energy is very
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Advantages Of Solar Energy Essay
Solar energy can be used today in a variety of ways. Probably because today, more and more
people are understanding the advantages of solar energy as our solar technology increases and the
cost of fossil fuels rises. Solar energy systems today can now used to power homes, cars, appliances
in a ways of like Photovoltaic panels, Heating water, Lighting etc.
Solar Photovoltaic panels
The most common form of solar energy used today are photovoltaic solar panels, which absorb the
sun's light to create electricity. These solar panels can be attached to homes as a primary or
secondary source of electric power. They can also be used for small appliances and machines which
only need small amounts of electricity for use. Large scale more content...
Though solar lights are not yet as common as solar panels, they are quickly joining the likes of LED
lightbulbs and smart home thermostats as a cheap product that can reduce electric bills and improve
the efficiency of your home.
Additionally, the aesthetic of modern solar lighting can significantly improve the outdoor decor
of a property. Elaborate lighting arrays can improve the exterior design of a property, are often as
cheap as $20 per light, and are available at major home retailers such as Home Depot. The
availability and low cost of these lighting products are one reason why it's so common to see solar
powered street lights
Thermal heating
Many homeowners are unaware that solar water heaters and solar space heaters are an effective
way to heat one's home without making the larger investment of installing solar panels. Solar space
heaters harness sunlight and convert it into thermal energy with the use of liquid or air as a
medium, while solar water heaters use water as a method for thermal transfer. These solar heating
systems can either be passive or active – while passive systems utilize natural circulation, active
systems use pumps to circulate water and generate heat. Homeowners who install a thermal solar
array on their roof can expect 5 to 10 percent returns with a system that costs a fraction of a full
solar panel installation. solar pool
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The Importance of Solar Energy Essay
The sun shines upon Earth every day, yet no one thinks much of it. Solar power's importance,
though, is above what anyone could have ever imagined. There is active solar energy, which is
when solar power is converted into light, heat, cause air–movement for ventilation or cooling, or
store heat for future use. Less thought of, the other type of solar energy is passive energy, which most
take for granted. Solar power provides life with heat, light, and now, electricity. Solar power also
plays a role in 4 of the 5 areas of green technology: energy, green building, environmentally
preferred purchasing, and green chemistry. All in all, solar power is quite a unique form of energy.
The most simplest type of solar energy is passive energy. more content...
This category includes finding alternative fuels, new ways to make energy, and new ways to save
it. The need for oil, coal, and natural gases are increasing, yet they themselves are running out, so it
is essential to find replacements. There are many types of energy that can replace them such as
biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind power, and most of all solar energy. Solar energy is can
not only be widely applied with some little adjustments in future technology, but is also unlimited
unlike most of the other replacements. It will never disappear unless the sun itself dies out, which
won't happen for an extremely long time. This type of energy does not produce greenhouse gas
emissions either, making it a healthy type of energy. Therefore, solar energy can be really helpful in
the area of energy.
Green building is another area of green technology that includes solar energy. It is when green
building strategies are applied to help both the economy and the environment. This includes
methods from design, construction, renovation, and deconstruction. Solar energy is great in this
particular area because it can help the environment greatly. Free of cost, passive solar energy can
be obtained with a few modifications of the house. Solar energy from solar panels attached to the
roof of the house can be used, which is very eco–friendly. Dark colored walls can absorb the sun's
heat and keep the house warm naturally rather than using heaters. As seen, solar energy
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Essay about Solar Power: The Future of Energy
I am certain that all have heard of the terms green house gases, fossil fuels, and global warming.
Have you ever questioned what will happen if nothing is done about the environmental problems
facing the world today? What if I answer you that, we can merely use the power from the sun to
power up our entire planet without the use of harmful energy sources, which affect our
atmosphere? The power from the sun is what we call solar power. Solar power is the energy that
comes from the sun as light and heat energy, and then it is later converted into electrical energy
through solar panels (Nelson, 2008). This kind of power is completely free, right? Why should we
put a lot of expense on other sources of energy, when there is a complete more content...
If we choose to switch to solar energy in future, it will greatly save our environment because, it
does not pollute our air and it is reasonably efficient. It will help reduce global warming, and thus a
future green environment with no pollution from fossil fuels, and other conventional sources of
energy. To add on that, it will also help in conserving our remaining fossil fuels so that it may not
run out in the coming 100–500 years, as it has been predicted. In addition, solar energy operational
costs are manageable. It is free from monthly charges compared to conventional sources of
energy. Solar energy does not require raw materials such as oil and coal, and once the panels are
built, there will be no monthly charges. In addition, the prices of fossil fuels are increasing day by
day, and this means conventional energy will be very expensive. Solar energy will remain the most
capable world's future power supply because, it is cost effective once the plants are built, and there
will be no transport costs like for conventional energy sources. Therefore, solar energy is
cost–effective, and will help in future energy supply, as the maintenance cost is affordable, as long
as they are installed properly, and are working efficiently ( Hans, 2012). Furthermore, with the
improvement and advancement of technology, it will increase its efficiency, and cost of production
thus, making it more cost effective and the world's best
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Energy From The Sun : Solar Energy Essay
2.6 Solar Energy
2.6.1 Introduction
Energy from the sun is called solar energy. The Sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion reaction that
takes place deep in the sun. Hydrogen nucleus fuse into helium nucleus. The energy from these
reactions flow out from the sun and escape into space. Solar energy is sometimes called radiant
energy. These are different kinds of radiant energy emitted bysun. The most important are light
infrared rays. Ultra violet rays, and X– Rays. The sun is a large sphere of very hot gases. Its
diameter is 1.39x106KM. While that of the earth is 1.27x104 KM. The mean distance between
the two is 1.5x108KM. The beam radiation received from the sun on the earth is reflected in to
space, another 15% is absorbed by the earth atmosphere and the rest is absorbed by the earth's
surface. This absorbed radiation consists of light and infrared radiation without which the earth
would be barren. All life on the earth depends on solar energy. Green plants make food by means
of photosynthesis. Light is essential from in this process to take place. This light usually comes
from sun. Animal get their food from plants or by eating other animals that feed on plants. Plants
and animals also need some heat to stay alive. Thus plants are store houses of solar energy. The
solar energy that falls on India in one minute is enough to supply the energy needs of our country for
one day. Man has made very little use of this enormous amount of solar energy that reaches the earth.
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solar energy Essay
Solar Energy
All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of
energy for photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants and animals to
survive. Scientists have found a way to use God's natural light towards the advantage
of our daily lives. The affects of this idea revolutionary, results ofsolar power could
lead to a more modernized society and efficient economy.
Solar energy is a term that usually means the direct use of sunlight to produce
heat or electric power. Solar technology is improving rapidly. Someday, it may
provide a clean and abundant source of power. Solar energy is a very useful resource.
Today 80% of the energy we use comes from fossil fuels and about 1% more content...
Scientists have developed a
way to convert the energy absorbed by the sun in the daylight to a rechargeable
battery when night falls. So when the sun shines the next morning, it is a recycling
However, even though solar power has its advantages, some scientists argue
it's Disadvantages. The sun's energy is plentiful, but it is thinly distributed over a
large area and must be collected and concentrated to produce usable power. As a
result, solar energy is a more expensive power source than fossil fuels for most
applications. On the other even though it may be more expensive its well worth it.
Deaths caused by sicknesses such as lung failure can quickly be cut in half. For, most
of the time people develop bad lungs by breathing in the pollutants lingering in the air
produced by cars, buses, and other types of automobiles. Solutions such as
carpooling were developed in order to decreased the amount driving cars but it
seemed ineffective. Solar power seems to be the only real logical solution. Picture
highway of automobiles in motion without inhaling any type of harmful chemical in
your body.
Ever since the dawn of time, the sun has been a resource we cannot live or do
without, so its not such a shock that man has come up with the idea of solar energy .
The ideas of solar energy dangerous and some, a very valuable asset
to the modern world. However, I feel that solar power is a great idea, by using
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The Future Of Solar Energy Essay
Compare and Contrast Essay For many years we've used gas and coal as our main sources of
energy. These two sources of energy have more than accommodated our needs for power since
the early days of electricity. However, as the dangers to both the environment and human race
begin to be revealed regarding both substances, scientist begin to turn their heads in search of new
and safer processes such as solar and nuclear energy. While both solar and nuclear energy are
more than capable pf providing the human race with electricity, both sides have their pros and
cons when it comes to the cost, safety and production of each process. Solar energy has been one
of the most newly introduced forms of electricity in the past half century, as solar panels become
more and more frequent from year to year. One of the biggest pros about solar energy is the
renewability. This means that we cannot physically run out of solar energy, as opposed to
non–renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels, coal and nuclear. According to NASA, we will
have access to solar energy for as long as the sun lives (Solar Energy). Although there are emissions
associated with the manufacturing, transportation and installation of solar power systems, it's almost
nothing compared to most conventional energy sources considering harnessing solar energy does
not cause pollution. Solar energy has also proven to reduce electricity costs as homeowners can now
"sell" excess electricity during times when they produce
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The Sustainability Of The Solar Energy
The purpose of this memo is to define sustainability in relation to solar energy. We will do this by
informing you of our definition of sustainability, followed by providing you with the economic
efficiency, environmental impacts, and sociological perception.
Team Definition of Sustainability
Cost Effective
Reasonable alternative for non–sustainable energy.
Does it save money in the long run?
Will the improvement of technology out–date current implementation?
Manufacture (green practices)
End of Life
Low Waste
Easy to Obtain Materials
Recyclable/ Biodegradable Materials?
Population Bias
Government Push
Availability (Between Different Countries) Risk–Benefit Analysis
Those that are manufacturing the product have access to the product.
How the solar panels are being used?
A sustainable technology is one that is affordable, available, environmentally safe, socially
accepted, and helpful. It is affordable and available enough that it may be used by the general
public. It is easy to manufacture using renewable materials and it does not pollute; it improves the
quality of life for present and future generations.
China is the leading manufacturer of solar panels. To protect the industry 's reputation the
manufacturers of photovoltaic panels in china has set standards for recycling their waste instead of
casually dumping them. These standards are easily met if they explored
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Solar Energy Essay
Solar Energy
~Some history, types, and facts~
In this modern fast paced world that we live in, there are many issues that are looked over, energy
is one of these. As a world, we are dependant on dwindling fossil fuel supplies and take for granted
electricity, oil, and gas. There are four completely renewable sources of energy around us that should
be used and developed, they are: wind, growing plants, flowing water, and the sun. These sources of
energy are the ones we should be tapping, because they are reliable and renewable. Harnessing the
suns energy is the most certain and ultimate energy source. Looking at a brief history and some facts
about solar energy, a glimpse of the future can be seen, a future not dependant more
Bailey decided to separate the water heating system and the water storage system because at night the
water in the tank would cool down.
The greatest energy that can be produced by the sun is electricity. Photovoltaics, or solar cells,
capture the sun and convert it into electricity. Solar cells were discovered by the Europeans back in
the 1870's when they used selenium to develop the telegraph. They found that when light hits
selenium it would produce and electrical current. Soon enough there were many scientists and
engineers working on photovoltaic systems. Silicon and Selenium proved to be the two best
elements to conduct electricity when light hits them. Photovoltaic systems (PV cell) work by
converting the suns light into electricity. A semi conducting material absorbs the sunlight, that
energy knocks electrons loose from their atoms, this allows the electrons to flow through the
material to produce electricity. The further development of solar cells can be attributed to the
satellite industry. Solar cells were expensive and there was no use for them until satellites came.
Because it is impractical to tether satellites it became important to develop solar energy at any cost
that would power these satellites. This created a sustainable market for solar power, the first of its
Passive solar heating designs are some of the simplest forms of incorporating solar energy into your
daily home life. Passive solar designs incorporate the sun
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Essay on Solar Energy
Solar Energy
Solar energy is the most ancient kind of energy found on earth, for it is as old as the sun.
"Solar" means from the sun. The earth is only one of the many planets which is bathed
in the sun's overflowing energy. Every second the world receives 95.8 trillion watts of power...just
think about that for a minute. Think about how much power the earth just received in the time it
took you to read this sentence? It is well beyond the amount of power used in one day. It has the
potential to satisfy all our energy needs forever without ever having to use the pollutive fossil fuels
ever again. "The problem however, does not lie in the limited source, as do fossil fuels, but in more content...
In the 1690's an Italian scientist invented a solar furnace that was so hot it could shatter a diamond,
one of the hardest substances on earth (Asimov 119).
The real question around the beginning of the 19th century concerning solar energy was
"could the sun produce electricity directly?" The main motivation behind this desire
was that electricity could be stored in a battery, and used later. It would not be necessary to use the
device in the sunlight. All inventions failed, until Frank Shuman, an engineer from Pennsylvania
finally made a breakthrough. He built an experimental plant that used black troughs covered in
glass with a few inches of water. When exposed to the sun, the water got very hot, causing it to
circulate and power an electric generator. His data was so convincing that he got financial backers
and built the world's first solar electric power plant in Egypt. However, the Eastern Sun Power
Company went out of business even though it was using free fuel. It didn't produce enough
electricity for the area that it used, 14,000 sq. ft of sun–collecting land (Zweibel 48).
In 1954 Bell Laboratories invented the first photovoltaic (or solar) cell, made from the
semi–conductor silicon, and other elements. It was the first way to convert sunlight directly into
electricity. When the space program was launched in the 60's, it
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History of Solar Energy Essay
History of Solar Energy
Even though most people think solar energy is a recent invention, it has been around for centuries,
even in ancient times. Efforts to design and construct devices for supplying renewable energy began
100 years before the height of the Industrial Revolution. Engineers and scientists worried about what
would happen to the world's nations after using up the fuel supply. Most of the environmental
visionaries realized that the potential rewards of solar power outweighed the technical barriers. Solar
pioneers developed techniques for capturing solar radiation and used it to produce steam to power
the machines of the era. We will explore the historical evolution of solarenergy, from ancient times more content...
They also began the use of greenhouses so that plants would mature quicker. In addition,
greenhouses were used to cultivate exotic plants from hotter climates and to grow fruits and
vegetables out of season. However, when the Roman empire fell, the use of glass for buildings or
greenhouses came to an end, and would not to reemerge until the 16th century.
During the fifth century B.C., the Greeks faced severe fuel shortages and as a result they placed an
increased importance on developing solar power. Builders sheltered the north side of houses to keep
out the cold winter winds. The Romans covered their south–facing windows with mica or glass but
the Greeks didn't. Consequently, the homes of the Romans became much hotter in the winter than
similarly oriented Greek homes. Mica and glass act as solar heat traps because they readily admit
sunlight into a room and hold in the heat that accumulates inside.
In the 12th century A.D., the Pueblo Indians built Acoma, a city that utilized solar energy. The city
was built on top of a plateau and was comprised of three long rows of dwelling units running east
to west. Each dwelling unit had two or three tiers stacked one behind the other to allow each one
full exposure to the winter sun. The walls of these dwellings were made of adobe. The heat
absorbing south walls were struck more directly in the winter than in the summer. The ceiling was
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Essay on Why Do We Need Solar Energy?
Why Do We Need Solar Energy?
With the world's natural resources depleting rapidly, humans must find a way to compensate.
This society has milked oil, coal, gasoline, lead, uranium, and many other of these reservoirs in
our Earth for hundreds of years and much has been done. Asphalt was used for our roads and
highways, coal was originally used for heat before there was oil, and even water was used as a
form of electricity on many rural farms. Luckily, more companies around the world are waking up
to the fact that these resources will not be around forever, and that in the near future, other forms of
energy will take heed. Solar energy, or energy powered by the sun, is one of the most promising.
Since more content...
This was first discovered during the 18th century and the PV cells themsleves were developed at
Bell Labs in 1950 primarily for space use. Today, the Hubbell telescope uses solar panels for its
energy requirements. NASA continues to regularly use solar energy with much of their machinery,
since electricity is dangerous in space. The cost for PV cells has dropped in the last few decades
and now many rural health clinics can use it for refrigeration, water pumps, and for small scale
power generation. Also, EXXON is the second largest producer of solar cells. It's also very important
to mention wind turbines, the modern equivalent to the windmill. These are mounted on a tower to
capture the most energy. The "lift–and–drag" of the wind causes the rotor, which mounts the blades,
to spin and the turning shaft spins a generator to make electricity. You may be asking "how does
this relate to solar power?" Well, pressure variates between areas because of solar energy. This gives
the power to these wind turbines.
Many other parts of the world have done their part in the conservation of non–renewable resources.
Although, when poorer countries are more rural and tend to be lower income, not much thought is
given to alternate forms of energy or conservation. These countries have to export more goods than
other countries because their
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Solar Energy Essay
Solar Energy Since the beginning of humanity, people have relied on the sun for their daily needs.
Whether it is to grow the crops that they eat, dry clothes or warm their family, people have relied
on the resource of the sun for sustainability. It was not until people started to get the idea of
managing this energy source, that people were able to fully take advantage of the sun.
In 1767, a Swiss scientist discovered a practical way to harness the energy of the sun. Horace de
Saussure invented the "solar hot box," the first devise to attract and capture the energy capabilities
of the sun. The main uses of this primitive solar box consisted of cooking food, distilling water and
pumping water for irrigation. It was not until more content...
Among soaring prices and shortages in petroleum, the President encouraged citizens to take
advantage of solar opportunities. He had solar panels installed in the White House, and offered
numerous incentives to the American People who used solar heating. His encouragement was so
successful that by the early 1980's, over one–hundred national solar–heating manufacturers and
suppliers were in business.
An additional boost for solar energy was the creation of the U.S. Department of Energy, and the
Solar Energy Research Institute, soon to be known as National Renewable Energy Laboratory. These
organizations increased knowledge and practicality of solar power usage, and kept it in the minds of
the U.S. government. Because of them, the first solar power plant, Luz International, was built in
1985. This plant was responsible for huge cuts in the expense of solar power. However, after less
than a decade, the plant substantially lost its practicality. Critics site a stabilization of natural gas
and electricity costs, high operating and maintenance costs for the solar plant, and expiring tax
incentives as main reasons for Luz International's downfall.
While solar power is one of the cleanest, environmentally friendly ways of producing energy, its
popularity has rapidly declined, especially in the United States. Currently, solar power is an excellent
supplement to other sources of energy, and has been rumored to eventually
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Solar Energy Essay

  • 1. Argumentative Essay On Solar Energy As the world and technology are advancing, we are learning more about the impacts that humans have on our planet. New information has shown that we are killing our planet with the amount of waste produced and toxic gases being released into the atmosphere. Therefore, humans are trying to come with up with alternatives that can reduce these negative impacts. Solar and wind power have become great alternative sources of energy that in scientific terms can be considered renewable sources. Arenewable energy source is an energy source that naturally replaces itself at a rate of at least the natural timeline. Our analysis made the assumption that 30 kilowatt hours (kwh) per day was a suitable amount of energy to fulfill the requirements of Chaparral Drive residents (a total of 42 homes) based on reports by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. As part of our assumptions we also determined the energy to be produced by solar or wind to be sufficient to supply all the electrical energy demands of the residential neighborhood. In addition, we found our interest rate to be 2.5% which would be compounded annually. This assumption was stemmed from the average of interest rates within last 28 years. Therefore, we based our value off of the average and decided to choose a rate of 2.5%. Our approach was to do an economic viability analysis of a home's electrical energy consumption with solar and with wind as 100% alternatives with the given assumptions. We also used utility bill cost from an actual resident of Chaparral Drive to use as a comparison for our analysis. Our first assumptions are the amount of panels or power required for the typical home, which was assumed to be 30 kW–hr per day. This number is slightly higher than average, which gave us confidence that it would be applicable to most homes. Using this information and the rating of the average panel to produce 265 watts per hour, we found that in order to be a net zero energy home, at least in electrical power, would mean that the energy that would be required throughout the day is produced during the time of the day when sunlight is available. We concluded that about 20 solar panels would be accurate. Our team developed various assumptions regarding the Get more content on
  • 2. Solar Energy Essay Solar Energy What do the bubonic plague in the 14th century, the influenza epidemic of the early 20th century and the spread of HIV/AIDS in the late 20th and early 21st centuries have in common? One answer, according to Joel B. Stronberg author of the American Solar Energy Society's "Common Sense," is that they have all been called pandemics. According to Merriam–, apandemic occurs over a wide geographic distribution and affects "an exceptionally high proportion of the population." Joel B. Stronberg declares that we are currently facing another pandemic. This pandemic is the combination of the consequences of burning fossil fuels. The two major problems from burning fossil fuels are global warming and decreasing more content... The potential of solar energy is tremendous. We should take advantage of this opportunity and make solar energy usage more common! Since solar radiation produces so much energy, why aren't we using a lot more of it? Solar energy does have some disadvantages. One of the major problems with solar energy is the intermittent speed at which it arrives at the Earth's surface. This causes problems with consistency when heating or lighting. Another drawback to solar energy is that it requires great space to be gathered in effective quantities. This makes it difficult to place the solar panels in areas where space is costly, valuable, or unavailable. A final reason why we are not using solar energy is because it is quite costly. According to JC Solar Homes, it would cost a homeowner roughly one hundred to two hundred thousand dollars to convert his or her home to solar energy. Obviously, this is not realistic or reasonable for most people; therefore, solar energy is often overlooked as a serious possibility for solving our approaching energy pandemic. There are different types of commonly used solar energy conversions. Photovoltaic energy is commonly called solar cell energy. PV is a non–mechanical device that converts sunlight into electricity. Solar thermal heat is being used in swimming pools, space heating and to heat water for domesticated uses. Solar thermal power plants use sunlight to heat a liquid which turns into steam. The Get more content on
  • 3. Argumentative Essay On Solar Energy Everyone lives on the same planet, and future generations will continue to inhabit this special planet. It is vital that the world we live on is well preserved and able is able to remain habitable. Natural oils remove precious and limited sources and are not good to rely on in the case that it will eventually run out. Furthermore, solar energy is also one of the fastest growing industry in America, and it has employed over 120,000 workers (Green Mountain). Renewable energy releases little to no emissions, making it environmentally friendly. Solar energy is able to be renewable since it is an unlimited resource. Over time, solar energy can save people money and make competition in the solar energy industry. Solar energy has vastly more benefits over fossil fuels for both the environment, economy, and it will be better for the future generations. Fossil fuels are going to eventually run out, and humans need an alternate energy source that will be consistent and will not fluctuate. An issue with fossil fuels is that there is only a set amount that can easily run be all used up. In the more content... The government is offering incredible tax credits and rebates to encourage homeowners to switch to renewable energy. The amount of solar rebate can cover 30% of the solar power system cost. The government is supporting people because they know that will be better for the economy and that is the main priority for them. Adding solar panels to your roof can also add more home value to your house. They can add up to another 10% value of your house(Livinggreen). The lifespan of solar panels last as long as 40 years, and manufacturer gives the customers a warranty on the product of anywhere from twenty–five to thirty years. Solar panels can you people a great deal of money, and at the same do something which is better for the Get more content on
  • 4. Solar Energy Essay Solar Energy There is a bright future for solar power (no pun intended). On the average sunny day the sun shines approximately 1,000 watts of energy per square meter, enough energy to power all of our electricity needs and excess("How"). This plethora of power and will be utilized in the future because we can't afford not to. It is predicted that in 100–500 years our fossil fuels will be depleted: this means that alternative sources of energy will be a necessity (Exxon). We consider solar power a renewable resource because it is conitinuosly supplied to us by the sun. When discussing solar technology it is generally broken up into two different categories: photovoltaic and solar–thermal more content... Grants, Loans, and Green tag programs all exist to entice people into turning to solar(EPA). People need to be more informed and more of these types of programs need to exist in order to increase the demand for solar power. PA currently offers a 10 Percent Investment Tax Credit, this tax credit is available for businesses that invest in or purchase qualified solar energy equipment(EPA). Consumer demand for clean renewable energy and the deregulation of the utilities industry has sparked interest in: solar, wind, geothermal steam, biomass, and small–scale hydroelectric sources of power(Cnn). Small commercial solar power plants are already popping up in some markets. Because solar energy has zero emissions and does not produce any solid waste it is very appealing to consumers("Sunny"). Only the land consumed by photovoltaic systems is considered a issue. Double digit growth is expected from both wind and solar technology, based on both increased public subsidies and technological advances over the next 20 years("Sunny"). However, because they currently make up such a small percentage of our total power consumption, less then 5% of our total power consumption will be from solar at that time. 20 years ago (PV) was 50 times as expensive than traditional energy resources. That number has increased to 4 times as expensive currently: this shows promise for the future of affordable solar technology ("The Future"). Our planet Get more content on
  • 5. Solar Energy Essay Solar energy is better for the environment than energy derived from other sources. Even though it is the most difficult source of energy to channel, solar energy can provide great amounts of resources for the environment as well as market venture, if proven effective. The fact that solar energy comes from the sun, makes it the most desired source of energy. Withoutsolar energy, oxygen and food would be rare to find; mostly from the fact that the sun brings forth all life on planet Earth. The idea that the sun itself could be a cash cow has those from environmental engineers to scientists trying to find ways to harness its immense energy. Students from across the world as well as accountants use solar energy more than anyone else, more content... The venture for solar energy first came into existence from Edmund Becquerel, a French physicist who observed and published findings about the nature of materials to turn light into energy but sadly they were not pursued, until thirty years later when Auguste Mouchout was the first man to patent a design for a motor running on solar energy. Charles Tellier, was also a Frenchman whose work in creating preserved foods through refrigeration, experimented with a non–concentrating /non–reflecting solar motor. He installed the first solar energy system for heating household water on top of his roof. Today, all across the world there is more focus in utilizing solar energy. As Becquerel, Mouchout and Teller were pioneers for advances in the past, modern day has its shares of crafty inventors. Recently, a group of environmentalist in Oregon, lead by Mark Dixon called "Your Environmental Road Trip" (YERT), are building the first solar roadways, in which they plan in the future will span to all fifty states. Dixon and his crew by using solar energy to power highways are saving money for the state as well as the consumer. By using garbage from the local land fields to generate the durability of asphalt, solar highways are able to sustain the pressures of vehicles with mass such as transferee trucks, while at the same time creating storage space for solar energy. In an interview regarding how did he plan to revolutionize highways using solar energy, Dixon stated, "If Get more content on
  • 6. Conclusion Of Solar Energy Solar energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere because it harnesses the power of sun energy with little to no gases being released. The amount of carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere is way less from solar energy compared to coal plants when seeking to produce the same amount of KWh per year. The benefits of solar power to the environment include the provision of an inexhaustible supply of energy from the sun. Solar power captures the sun's energy with no harm to the environment. Therefore, solar power is easier on health impacts, land use, water, and carbon emissions than energy generating means, such as natural gas in fossil fuel and coal energy plants. Additionally, residential solar power makes an environmental difference by offsetting emissions of carbon dioxide, for example, a typical 4 kW solar power system offsets close to 200,000 pounds of carbon dioxide within a period of 25 years. Generation of solar power from home involves creating sustainable energy in addition to reducing the electricity demand on the grid thus mitigating blackouts and brownouts as well as the community's dependence on fossil fuels for electricity. The solar power environmental savings occur even if one does not utilize all their solar power or not. Therefore, it means one's neighbors can still use the solar power not used from the grid connected with net metering thus sharing clean, renewable energy with the whole community. Discussion and Conclusion Climate change has Get more content on
  • 7. Solar Power Essay example Solar Power All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of energy for photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants and animals to survive. The heat from the sun causes water on the Earth's surface to evaporate and form clouds that eventually provide fresh rainwater. Solar energy is the result of thermonuclear fusion reactions deep within the sun. These reactions produce so much energy that they keep the surface temperature of the sun at about 10,300B0F. Even though solar energy is the largest source of energy received by the Earth, its intensity at the Earth's surface is actually very low due to the large distance between the Earth and the sun and the fact that the Earth's more content... Because the intensity of the sun's radiation at the surface of the Earth is so low, collectors designed to capture solar energy must be large. In the sunniest parts of the continental United States, for example, in order for a collector to gather enough energy to serve one person for one day, the area of the collector's surface must be about 430 square feet. The actual energy that can be used depends on the efficiency of the collector and of the device that converts the radiation into usable energy. Flat–plate collectors. The most common flat–plate collectors consist of a dark metal plate, covered with one or two sheets of glass, that absorbs heat. The heat is transferred to air or water, called carrier fluids, that flows past the back of the plate. This heat may be used directly or it may be transferred to another medium. Flat–plate collectors are used for home and hot–water heating. Flat–plate collectors typically heat carrier fluids to temperatures ranging from 150B0 to 200B0F. The efficiency of such collectors varies from 20 to 80 percent. Concentrating collectors. When higher temperatures are required, a concentrating collector is used. These collectors reflect and concentrate sunlight from a wide area. One such device, called a solar furnace, was installed in the Pyrenees in France and has several acres of mirrors focused on a single target. The energy concentrated at Get more content on
  • 8. The Benefits Of Solar Energy Essay The Benefits Of Solar Energy Solar energy is an eco–friendly alternative to fossil fuels. Our planet has been experiencing an average increase in global temperatures. Slowly but surely our planet is deteriorating, unless we change our form of energy into a greener alternative. Deterioration of our planet may occur at a faster rate. The depletion of fossil fuels is detrimental to our environment. By substituting fossil fuels with the solar energy, our planet will benefit. These benefits include: reduced climate change, beneficial economic opportunities on both a large scale benefitting our government and on a smaller scale helping individuals decrease their energy bills, and solar energy is renewable and sustainable. In order for one to further understand the importance of solar energy, the problem of global warming must be explained. As defined by Webster's Dictionary, "Global Warming" is an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect. With an average increase in atmospheric temperatures, our planet is slowly deteriorating. In order to stall or halt this global destruction, countries must turn to solar energy as a cleaner alternative to the depletion of fossil fuels. Solar energy creates a homeostasis for the climate. Due to its ability to decrease global climate changes, solar power can address global warming in several ways. Economically, solar energy is very Get more content on
  • 9. Advantages Of Solar Energy Essay Solar energy can be used today in a variety of ways. Probably because today, more and more people are understanding the advantages of solar energy as our solar technology increases and the cost of fossil fuels rises. Solar energy systems today can now used to power homes, cars, appliances in a ways of like Photovoltaic panels, Heating water, Lighting etc. Solar Photovoltaic panels The most common form of solar energy used today are photovoltaic solar panels, which absorb the sun's light to create electricity. These solar panels can be attached to homes as a primary or secondary source of electric power. They can also be used for small appliances and machines which only need small amounts of electricity for use. Large scale more content... Though solar lights are not yet as common as solar panels, they are quickly joining the likes of LED lightbulbs and smart home thermostats as a cheap product that can reduce electric bills and improve the efficiency of your home. Additionally, the aesthetic of modern solar lighting can significantly improve the outdoor decor of a property. Elaborate lighting arrays can improve the exterior design of a property, are often as cheap as $20 per light, and are available at major home retailers such as Home Depot. The availability and low cost of these lighting products are one reason why it's so common to see solar powered street lights Thermal heating Many homeowners are unaware that solar water heaters and solar space heaters are an effective way to heat one's home without making the larger investment of installing solar panels. Solar space heaters harness sunlight and convert it into thermal energy with the use of liquid or air as a medium, while solar water heaters use water as a method for thermal transfer. These solar heating systems can either be passive or active – while passive systems utilize natural circulation, active systems use pumps to circulate water and generate heat. Homeowners who install a thermal solar array on their roof can expect 5 to 10 percent returns with a system that costs a fraction of a full solar panel installation. solar pool Get more content on
  • 10. The Importance of Solar Energy Essay The sun shines upon Earth every day, yet no one thinks much of it. Solar power's importance, though, is above what anyone could have ever imagined. There is active solar energy, which is when solar power is converted into light, heat, cause air–movement for ventilation or cooling, or store heat for future use. Less thought of, the other type of solar energy is passive energy, which most take for granted. Solar power provides life with heat, light, and now, electricity. Solar power also plays a role in 4 of the 5 areas of green technology: energy, green building, environmentally preferred purchasing, and green chemistry. All in all, solar power is quite a unique form of energy. The most simplest type of solar energy is passive energy. more content... This category includes finding alternative fuels, new ways to make energy, and new ways to save it. The need for oil, coal, and natural gases are increasing, yet they themselves are running out, so it is essential to find replacements. There are many types of energy that can replace them such as biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind power, and most of all solar energy. Solar energy is can not only be widely applied with some little adjustments in future technology, but is also unlimited unlike most of the other replacements. It will never disappear unless the sun itself dies out, which won't happen for an extremely long time. This type of energy does not produce greenhouse gas emissions either, making it a healthy type of energy. Therefore, solar energy can be really helpful in the area of energy. Green building is another area of green technology that includes solar energy. It is when green building strategies are applied to help both the economy and the environment. This includes methods from design, construction, renovation, and deconstruction. Solar energy is great in this particular area because it can help the environment greatly. Free of cost, passive solar energy can be obtained with a few modifications of the house. Solar energy from solar panels attached to the roof of the house can be used, which is very eco–friendly. Dark colored walls can absorb the sun's heat and keep the house warm naturally rather than using heaters. As seen, solar energy Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Solar Power: The Future of Energy I am certain that all have heard of the terms green house gases, fossil fuels, and global warming. Have you ever questioned what will happen if nothing is done about the environmental problems facing the world today? What if I answer you that, we can merely use the power from the sun to power up our entire planet without the use of harmful energy sources, which affect our atmosphere? The power from the sun is what we call solar power. Solar power is the energy that comes from the sun as light and heat energy, and then it is later converted into electrical energy through solar panels (Nelson, 2008). This kind of power is completely free, right? Why should we put a lot of expense on other sources of energy, when there is a complete more content... If we choose to switch to solar energy in future, it will greatly save our environment because, it does not pollute our air and it is reasonably efficient. It will help reduce global warming, and thus a future green environment with no pollution from fossil fuels, and other conventional sources of energy. To add on that, it will also help in conserving our remaining fossil fuels so that it may not run out in the coming 100–500 years, as it has been predicted. In addition, solar energy operational costs are manageable. It is free from monthly charges compared to conventional sources of energy. Solar energy does not require raw materials such as oil and coal, and once the panels are built, there will be no monthly charges. In addition, the prices of fossil fuels are increasing day by day, and this means conventional energy will be very expensive. Solar energy will remain the most capable world's future power supply because, it is cost effective once the plants are built, and there will be no transport costs like for conventional energy sources. Therefore, solar energy is cost–effective, and will help in future energy supply, as the maintenance cost is affordable, as long as they are installed properly, and are working efficiently ( Hans, 2012). Furthermore, with the improvement and advancement of technology, it will increase its efficiency, and cost of production thus, making it more cost effective and the world's best Get more content on
  • 12. Energy From The Sun : Solar Energy Essay 2.6 Solar Energy 2.6.1 Introduction Energy from the sun is called solar energy. The Sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion reaction that takes place deep in the sun. Hydrogen nucleus fuse into helium nucleus. The energy from these reactions flow out from the sun and escape into space. Solar energy is sometimes called radiant energy. These are different kinds of radiant energy emitted bysun. The most important are light infrared rays. Ultra violet rays, and X– Rays. The sun is a large sphere of very hot gases. Its diameter is 1.39x106KM. While that of the earth is 1.27x104 KM. The mean distance between the two is 1.5x108KM. The beam radiation received from the sun on the earth is reflected in to space, another 15% is absorbed by the earth atmosphere and the rest is absorbed by the earth's surface. This absorbed radiation consists of light and infrared radiation without which the earth would be barren. All life on the earth depends on solar energy. Green plants make food by means of photosynthesis. Light is essential from in this process to take place. This light usually comes from sun. Animal get their food from plants or by eating other animals that feed on plants. Plants and animals also need some heat to stay alive. Thus plants are store houses of solar energy. The solar energy that falls on India in one minute is enough to supply the energy needs of our country for one day. Man has made very little use of this enormous amount of solar energy that reaches the earth. Get more content on
  • 13. solar energy Essay Solar Energy All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of energy for photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants and animals to survive. Scientists have found a way to use God's natural light towards the advantage of our daily lives. The affects of this idea revolutionary, results ofsolar power could lead to a more modernized society and efficient economy. Solar energy is a term that usually means the direct use of sunlight to produce heat or electric power. Solar technology is improving rapidly. Someday, it may provide a clean and abundant source of power. Solar energy is a very useful resource. Today 80% of the energy we use comes from fossil fuels and about 1% more content... Scientists have developed a way to convert the energy absorbed by the sun in the daylight to a rechargeable battery when night falls. So when the sun shines the next morning, it is a recycling process. However, even though solar power has its advantages, some scientists argue it's Disadvantages. The sun's energy is plentiful, but it is thinly distributed over a large area and must be collected and concentrated to produce usable power. As a result, solar energy is a more expensive power source than fossil fuels for most applications. On the other even though it may be more expensive its well worth it. Deaths caused by sicknesses such as lung failure can quickly be cut in half. For, most of the time people develop bad lungs by breathing in the pollutants lingering in the air
  • 14. produced by cars, buses, and other types of automobiles. Solutions such as carpooling were developed in order to decreased the amount driving cars but it seemed ineffective. Solar power seems to be the only real logical solution. Picture highway of automobiles in motion without inhaling any type of harmful chemical in your body. Ever since the dawn of time, the sun has been a resource we cannot live or do without, so its not such a shock that man has come up with the idea of solar energy . The ideas of solar energy dangerous and some, a very valuable asset to the modern world. However, I feel that solar power is a great idea, by using Get more content on
  • 15. The Future Of Solar Energy Essay Compare and Contrast Essay For many years we've used gas and coal as our main sources of energy. These two sources of energy have more than accommodated our needs for power since the early days of electricity. However, as the dangers to both the environment and human race begin to be revealed regarding both substances, scientist begin to turn their heads in search of new and safer processes such as solar and nuclear energy. While both solar and nuclear energy are more than capable pf providing the human race with electricity, both sides have their pros and cons when it comes to the cost, safety and production of each process. Solar energy has been one of the most newly introduced forms of electricity in the past half century, as solar panels become more and more frequent from year to year. One of the biggest pros about solar energy is the renewability. This means that we cannot physically run out of solar energy, as opposed to non–renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels, coal and nuclear. According to NASA, we will have access to solar energy for as long as the sun lives (Solar Energy). Although there are emissions associated with the manufacturing, transportation and installation of solar power systems, it's almost nothing compared to most conventional energy sources considering harnessing solar energy does not cause pollution. Solar energy has also proven to reduce electricity costs as homeowners can now "sell" excess electricity during times when they produce Get more content on
  • 16. The Sustainability Of The Solar Energy The purpose of this memo is to define sustainability in relation to solar energy. We will do this by informing you of our definition of sustainability, followed by providing you with the economic efficiency, environmental impacts, and sociological perception. Team Definition of Sustainability Economical Cost Effective Reasonable alternative for non–sustainable energy. Does it save money in the long run? Will the improvement of technology out–date current implementation? Environmental Manufacture (green practices) Recycle End of Life Remanufacture? Low Waste Easy to Obtain Materials Recyclable/ Biodegradable Materials? Social Population Bias Government Push Availability (Between Different Countries) Risk–Benefit Analysis Those that are manufacturing the product have access to the product. How the solar panels are being used? Definition: A sustainable technology is one that is affordable, available, environmentally safe, socially accepted, and helpful. It is affordable and available enough that it may be used by the general public. It is easy to manufacture using renewable materials and it does not pollute; it improves the quality of life for present and future generations. Environmental Availability China is the leading manufacturer of solar panels. To protect the industry 's reputation the manufacturers of photovoltaic panels in china has set standards for recycling their waste instead of casually dumping them. These standards are easily met if they explored
  • 17. Get more content on
  • 18. Solar Energy Essay Solar Energy ~Some history, types, and facts~ In this modern fast paced world that we live in, there are many issues that are looked over, energy is one of these. As a world, we are dependant on dwindling fossil fuel supplies and take for granted electricity, oil, and gas. There are four completely renewable sources of energy around us that should be used and developed, they are: wind, growing plants, flowing water, and the sun. These sources of energy are the ones we should be tapping, because they are reliable and renewable. Harnessing the suns energy is the most certain and ultimate energy source. Looking at a brief history and some facts about solar energy, a glimpse of the future can be seen, a future not dependant more content... Bailey decided to separate the water heating system and the water storage system because at night the water in the tank would cool down. The greatest energy that can be produced by the sun is electricity. Photovoltaics, or solar cells, capture the sun and convert it into electricity. Solar cells were discovered by the Europeans back in the 1870's when they used selenium to develop the telegraph. They found that when light hits selenium it would produce and electrical current. Soon enough there were many scientists and engineers working on photovoltaic systems. Silicon and Selenium proved to be the two best elements to conduct electricity when light hits them. Photovoltaic systems (PV cell) work by converting the suns light into electricity. A semi conducting material absorbs the sunlight, that energy knocks electrons loose from their atoms, this allows the electrons to flow through the material to produce electricity. The further development of solar cells can be attributed to the satellite industry. Solar cells were expensive and there was no use for them until satellites came. Because it is impractical to tether satellites it became important to develop solar energy at any cost that would power these satellites. This created a sustainable market for solar power, the first of its kind. Passive solar heating designs are some of the simplest forms of incorporating solar energy into your daily home life. Passive solar designs incorporate the sun Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Solar Energy Solar Energy Solar energy is the most ancient kind of energy found on earth, for it is as old as the sun. "Solar" means from the sun. The earth is only one of the many planets which is bathed in the sun's overflowing energy. Every second the world receives 95.8 trillion watts of power...just think about that for a minute. Think about how much power the earth just received in the time it took you to read this sentence? It is well beyond the amount of power used in one day. It has the potential to satisfy all our energy needs forever without ever having to use the pollutive fossil fuels ever again. "The problem however, does not lie in the limited source, as do fossil fuels, but in more content... In the 1690's an Italian scientist invented a solar furnace that was so hot it could shatter a diamond, one of the hardest substances on earth (Asimov 119). The real question around the beginning of the 19th century concerning solar energy was "could the sun produce electricity directly?" The main motivation behind this desire was that electricity could be stored in a battery, and used later. It would not be necessary to use the device in the sunlight. All inventions failed, until Frank Shuman, an engineer from Pennsylvania finally made a breakthrough. He built an experimental plant that used black troughs covered in glass with a few inches of water. When exposed to the sun, the water got very hot, causing it to circulate and power an electric generator. His data was so convincing that he got financial backers and built the world's first solar electric power plant in Egypt. However, the Eastern Sun Power Company went out of business even though it was using free fuel. It didn't produce enough electricity for the area that it used, 14,000 sq. ft of sun–collecting land (Zweibel 48). In 1954 Bell Laboratories invented the first photovoltaic (or solar) cell, made from the semi–conductor silicon, and other elements. It was the first way to convert sunlight directly into electricity. When the space program was launched in the 60's, it Get more content on
  • 20. History of Solar Energy Essay History of Solar Energy Even though most people think solar energy is a recent invention, it has been around for centuries, even in ancient times. Efforts to design and construct devices for supplying renewable energy began 100 years before the height of the Industrial Revolution. Engineers and scientists worried about what would happen to the world's nations after using up the fuel supply. Most of the environmental visionaries realized that the potential rewards of solar power outweighed the technical barriers. Solar pioneers developed techniques for capturing solar radiation and used it to produce steam to power the machines of the era. We will explore the historical evolution of solarenergy, from ancient times more content... They also began the use of greenhouses so that plants would mature quicker. In addition, greenhouses were used to cultivate exotic plants from hotter climates and to grow fruits and vegetables out of season. However, when the Roman empire fell, the use of glass for buildings or greenhouses came to an end, and would not to reemerge until the 16th century. During the fifth century B.C., the Greeks faced severe fuel shortages and as a result they placed an increased importance on developing solar power. Builders sheltered the north side of houses to keep out the cold winter winds. The Romans covered their south–facing windows with mica or glass but the Greeks didn't. Consequently, the homes of the Romans became much hotter in the winter than similarly oriented Greek homes. Mica and glass act as solar heat traps because they readily admit sunlight into a room and hold in the heat that accumulates inside. In the 12th century A.D., the Pueblo Indians built Acoma, a city that utilized solar energy. The city was built on top of a plateau and was comprised of three long rows of dwelling units running east to west. Each dwelling unit had two or three tiers stacked one behind the other to allow each one full exposure to the winter sun. The walls of these dwellings were made of adobe. The heat absorbing south walls were struck more directly in the winter than in the summer. The ceiling was insulated Get more content on
  • 21. Essay on Why Do We Need Solar Energy? Why Do We Need Solar Energy? With the world's natural resources depleting rapidly, humans must find a way to compensate. This society has milked oil, coal, gasoline, lead, uranium, and many other of these reservoirs in our Earth for hundreds of years and much has been done. Asphalt was used for our roads and highways, coal was originally used for heat before there was oil, and even water was used as a form of electricity on many rural farms. Luckily, more companies around the world are waking up to the fact that these resources will not be around forever, and that in the near future, other forms of energy will take heed. Solar energy, or energy powered by the sun, is one of the most promising. Since more content... This was first discovered during the 18th century and the PV cells themsleves were developed at Bell Labs in 1950 primarily for space use. Today, the Hubbell telescope uses solar panels for its energy requirements. NASA continues to regularly use solar energy with much of their machinery, since electricity is dangerous in space. The cost for PV cells has dropped in the last few decades and now many rural health clinics can use it for refrigeration, water pumps, and for small scale power generation. Also, EXXON is the second largest producer of solar cells. It's also very important to mention wind turbines, the modern equivalent to the windmill. These are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. The "lift–and–drag" of the wind causes the rotor, which mounts the blades, to spin and the turning shaft spins a generator to make electricity. You may be asking "how does this relate to solar power?" Well, pressure variates between areas because of solar energy. This gives the power to these wind turbines. Many other parts of the world have done their part in the conservation of non–renewable resources. Although, when poorer countries are more rural and tend to be lower income, not much thought is given to alternate forms of energy or conservation. These countries have to export more goods than other countries because their Get more content on
  • 22. Solar Energy Essay Solar Energy Since the beginning of humanity, people have relied on the sun for their daily needs. Whether it is to grow the crops that they eat, dry clothes or warm their family, people have relied on the resource of the sun for sustainability. It was not until people started to get the idea of managing this energy source, that people were able to fully take advantage of the sun. In 1767, a Swiss scientist discovered a practical way to harness the energy of the sun. Horace de Saussure invented the "solar hot box," the first devise to attract and capture the energy capabilities of the sun. The main uses of this primitive solar box consisted of cooking food, distilling water and pumping water for irrigation. It was not until more content... Among soaring prices and shortages in petroleum, the President encouraged citizens to take advantage of solar opportunities. He had solar panels installed in the White House, and offered numerous incentives to the American People who used solar heating. His encouragement was so successful that by the early 1980's, over one–hundred national solar–heating manufacturers and suppliers were in business. An additional boost for solar energy was the creation of the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Solar Energy Research Institute, soon to be known as National Renewable Energy Laboratory. These organizations increased knowledge and practicality of solar power usage, and kept it in the minds of the U.S. government. Because of them, the first solar power plant, Luz International, was built in 1985. This plant was responsible for huge cuts in the expense of solar power. However, after less than a decade, the plant substantially lost its practicality. Critics site a stabilization of natural gas and electricity costs, high operating and maintenance costs for the solar plant, and expiring tax incentives as main reasons for Luz International's downfall. While solar power is one of the cleanest, environmentally friendly ways of producing energy, its popularity has rapidly declined, especially in the United States. Currently, solar power is an excellent supplement to other sources of energy, and has been rumored to eventually Get more content on