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Sojourner Truth: The Great Antislavery Advocate
By Hasien Jacobs
English 102
April 3, 2017
For Assistant Professor Donald Scott
Research Proposal
Thesis Question: What motivated Sojourner Truth to become an
anti-slavery advocate and what methods did she use?
Thesis Answer: Sojourner Truth became an anti-slavery
advocate (1) in 1826 when she learned that her son, Peter, had
been illegally sold into slavery in Alabama; (2) while living in
New York, Isabella attended the many camp meetings held
around the city and she quickly established herself as a
powerful speaker, capable of converting many with her (3) faith
in nonviolence and God's power to right the wrongs of slavery.
Born into slavery in 1797, Isabella Baumfree, who later changed
her name to Sojourner Truth, would become one of the most
powerful advocates to fight for human rights in the nineteenth
century. In addition, she was separated from her family and sold
several times before ending up on the farm of John and Sally
Dumont. She was in the center of slavery most of the times.
Having grown in slavery, she Clearly understood the pains that
slaves go through. Masters were rude and in most instances
mistreated the slaves. Promises given to slaves were barely
honored. She recalls the promises she was given while a slave,
and how her hopes in the promises were frustrated. Masters may
be different though. Some are harsh than others. Nevertheless,
the conditions for most slaves in the rural North were the same.
The characteristics of the slavery surround around mistreatment,
false promises, suffering, pain and such. Later Truth
established herself as a speaker, against slavery. Before then,
slavery was a legal institution in the United states. It was a
legal trade. African Americans were in the middle of the
questionable trade. Slavery was at its peak in the 18th and 19th
century; the period following United States attainment of
independence. However, it did not last well into the cold war
period. The onset of slavery was after the initial Africans were
brought from the northern America. By the 18th century,
slavery was a common practice in the United States of America.
The slaves worked for their masters. They were a source of
cheap labor and therefore contributed immensely to the
economic development of the United States of America. When
the cotton gin was invented in early 1990s. people realized how
important slaves were, in labor provision. She looks at the
suffering that slaves go though and therefore stays motivated to
speak about it. Slavery was a major challenge facing Black
Americans at the times. The preceding period saw many African
Americans as slaves under whites. In fact, many African
Americans had reached the United States through slavery
roots. Truth was separated from her family and sold several
times before ending up on the farm of John and Sally Dumont.
At the age of nine years, Sojourner Truth was sold as a slave.
Her first master was John Neely; who was a farmer with huge
farms. She was positioned in the farm settlement where she
would easily access the farm and provide cheap labor. Sojourner
Truth could not speak in English and therefore was severally
beaten by John for her incapability to communicate in English.
By virtue of her sharpness, Sojourner learned English as others
talked as she listened. Nevertheless, the conditions for most
slaves in the rural North were the same. Therefore, Isabella
lived isolated from other African Americans. Although, she
suffered from physical and sexual abuse by her enslavers
(“Women’s Rights”, Web). The occupation of Sojourner Truth
was an author as well as an abolitionist. She is famous and has a
legacy as a slave who changed to fight for slavery abolition and
fought for the rights of the female gender. Even though, her
master failed to honor his promise to free her or to uphold the
New York Anti-Slavery Law of 1827 Isabella ran away. She
later informed her master, by saying “I did not run away, I
walked away by daylight….”. Her spiritual beliefs guided her
through and to her freedom safely (Foner, Garraty, Web).
Furthermore, she births a child who was illegally sold under
fraudulent acts of her old slave master. She has therefore been
in the midst of slavery and therefore the woes of slavery are not
unfamiliar to her. Meanwhile, she encounters happiness with a
man she would, later on, marry and take on a different life with
him standing by her in the fight for freedom for all African
Americans. Her Husband was supportive to her in the fight
against slavery. Isabella became more in-depth with her fight
and became a member of the judicial process and also joined a
church that would help her succeed in her mission for all to be
free. This is due to the revolutionary power vested in religious
groups as well as the lawmakers. As a member of a church and
partaker of the judicial process, she was able to influence
decisions about slavery. Isabella learns that her pastor is more
powerful and well-known than she thought and all of his
teachings is more benefit to her than just words. Last but not
least, Isabella was forced to leave the city by those who promise
to protect her and keep her safe it was clear that everything she
undertook in the city was now proven a failure. Finally, Isabella
ventured out independently and finds herself surrounded by
people of less intelligence and no form of ideas but of the same
color. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Thesis Answer:
Sojourner Truth became an anti-slavery advocate (1) in 1826
when she learned that her son, Peter, had been illegally sold
into slavery in Alabama; (2) while living in New York, Isabella
attended the many camp meetings held around the city and she
quickly established herself as a powerful speaker, capable of
converting many with her (3) faith in nonviolence and God's
power to right the wrongs of slavery.
Sentence Outline
Thesis Question: What stimulated Sojourner Truth to want to be
an anti-slavery advocate and what methods did she use?
Thesis Answer: Sojourner Truth became an anti-slavery
advocate (1) in 1826 when she learned that her son, Peter, had
been illegally sold into slavery in Alabama; (2) while living in
New York, Isabella attended the many camp meetings held
around the city, and she quickly established herself as a
powerful speaker, capable of converting many with (3) a symbol
for faith in nonviolence and God's power to right the wrongs of
1. Truth’s son, Peter was illegally sold into slavery in
a. Previous to Isabel's leaving her old master, he had sold her
b. The law expressly prohibited the sale of any slave out of
the State
c. minors were to be free at twenty-one years of age
2. Sojourner Truth established herself as powerful speaker
a. Attended camp meetings to help her succeed with her
mission of freedom and nonviolence.
b. Her involvement within the church helped build her
leadership skills and knowledge of being an anti-slavery
advocate and a woman right activist.
3. Faith and nonviolence with the power of GOD.
a. Sojourner Truth decided to walk a spiritual path in which
she couldn’t be violent no matter what type of violence she had
to face.
b. Sojourner Truth was a person who didn’t believe in physical
abuse, fighting words, terroristic acts or the use of weapons; she
practiced and demonstrated nonviolence.
Sojourner Truth: The Great Antislavery Advocate
Born into slavery in 1797, Isabella Baumfree, who later changed
her name to Sojourner Truth, would become one of the most
powerful advocates to fight for human rights in the nineteenth
century. In addition, she was separated from her family and sold
several times before ending up on the farm of John and Sally
Dumont. She was in the center of slavery most of the times.
Having grown in slavery, she Clearly understood the pains that
slaves go through. Masters were rude and in most instances
mistreated the slaves. Promises given to slaves were barely
honored. She recalls the promises she was given while a slave,
and how her hopes in the promises were frustrated. Masters may
be different though. Some are harsh than others. Nevertheless,
the conditions for most slaves in the rural North were the same.
The characteristics of the slavery surround around mistreatment,
false promises, suffering, pain and such. Later Truth
established herself as a speaker, against slavery. Before then,
slavery was a legal institution in the United states. It was a
legal trade. African Americans were in the middle of the
questionable trade. Slavery was at its peak in the 18th and 19th
century; the period following United States attainment of
independence. However, it did not last well into the cold war
period. The onset of slavery was after the initial Africans were
brought from the northern America. By the 18th century,
slavery was a common practice in the United States of America.
The slaves worked for their masters. They were a source of
cheap labor and therefore contributed immensely to the
economic development of the United States of America. When
the cotton gin was invented in early 1990s. people realized how
important slaves were, in labor provision. She looks at the
suffering that slaves go though and therefore stays motivated to
speak about it. Slavery was a major challenge facing Black
Americans at the times. The preceding period saw many African
Americans as slaves under whites. In fact, many African
Americans had reached the United States through slavery
roots. Truth was separated from her family and sold several
times before ending up on the farm of John and Sally Dumont.
At the age of nine years, Sojourner Truth was sold as a slave.
Her first master was John Neely; who was a farmer with huge
farms. She was positioned in the farm settlement where she
would easily access the farm and provide cheap labor. Sojourner
Truth could not speak in English and therefore was severally
beaten by John for her incapability to communicate in English.
By virtue of her sharpness, Sojourner learned English as others
talked as she listened. Nevertheless, the conditions for most
slaves in the rural North were the same. Therefore, Isabella
lived isolated from other African Americans. Although, she
suffered from physical and sexual abuse by her enslavers
(“Women’s Rights”, Web). The occupation of Sojourner Truth
was an author as well as an abolitionist. She is famous and has a
legacy as a slave who changed to fight for slavery abolition and
fought for the rights of the female gender. Even though, her
master failed to honor his promise to free her or to uphold the
New York Anti-Slavery Law of 1827 Isabella ran away. She
later informed her master, by saying “I did not run away, I
walked away by daylight….”. Her spiritual beliefs guided her
through and to her freedom safely (Foner, Garraty, Web).
Furthermore, she births a child who was illegally sold under
fraudulent acts of her old slave master. She has therefore been
in the midst of slavery and therefore the woes of slavery are not
unfamiliar to her. Meanwhile, she encounters happiness with a
man she would, later on, marry and take on a different life with
him standing by her in the fight for freedom for all African
Americans. Her Husband was supportive to her in the fight
against slavery. Isabella became more in-depth with her fight
and became a member of the judicial process and also joined a
church that would help her succeed in her mission for all to be
free. This is due to the revolutionary power vested in religious
groups as well as the lawmakers. As a member of a church and
partaker of the judicial process, she was able to influence
decisions about slavery. Isabella learns that her pastor is more
powerful and well-known than she thought and all of his
teachings is more benefit to her than just words. Last but not
least, Isabella was forced to leave the city by those who promise
to protect her and keep her safe it was clear that everything she
undertook in the city was now proven a failure. Finally, Isabella
ventured out independently and finds herself surrounded by
people of less intelligence and no form of ideas but of the same
color. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Thesis Answer:
Sojourner Truth became an anti-slavery advocate (1) in 1826
when she learned that her son, Peter, had been illegally sold
into slavery in Alabama; (2) while living in New York, Isabella
attended the many camp meetings held around the city and she
quickly established herself as a powerful speaker, capable of
converting many with her (3) faith in nonviolence and God's
power to right the wrongs of slavery.
Having grown in slavery, she Clearly understood the pains that
slaves go through. Masters were rude and in most instances
mistreated the slaves. Promises given to slaves were barely
honored. She recalls the promises she was given while a slave,
and how her hopes in the promises were frustrated. Masters may
be different though. Some are harsh than others. Nevertheless,
the conditions for most slaves in the rural North were the same.
The characteristics of the slavery surround around mistreatment,
false promises, suffering, pain and such. (SOURCE???? – SEE
#13 BELOW)
As an African American, she was most of her time in the hands
of masters as a slave. Therefore, Isabella lived isolated from
other African Americans. She suffered from physical and sexual
abuse by her enslavers (Olive, The Web). Even though, her
master failed to honor his promise to free her or to uphold the
New York Anti-Slavery Law of 1827 Isabella ran away. She
later informed her master, by saying “I did not run away, I
walked away by daylight….”. in 1825, her last master, Dumont
made a promise to Sojourner Truth that, he would release her
from slavery in a year. However, releasing her was the only
option because it had been legislated that, all slaves be freed.
Her spiritual beliefs guided her through and to her freedom
safely. This was an expression of brevity. A lesson from this
escape is that, slaves sometimes were compelled to fight for
their own right rather than wait for empathy from the
masters. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
Isabella became more in-depth with her fight and became a
member of the judicial process and also joined a church that
would help her succeed in her mission for all to be free. As a
member of the judicial process, she was involved in the
legislative process. She used this as an avenue to ensure that,
the rights of slaves were respected and granted. As a member of
a church, Isabella learns that her pastor is more powerful and
well-known than she thought and all of his teachings is more
benefit to her than just words. Last but not least, Isabella was
forced to leave the city by those who promise to protect her and
keep her safe it was clear that everything she undertook in the
city was now proven a failure. Finally, Isabella ventured out
independently and finds herself surrounded by people of less
intelligence and no form of ideas but of the same
color. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
A little previous to Isabel's leaving her old master, he had sold
her child, a boy of five years, to a Dr. Gedney, who took him
with him as far as New York city, on his way to England; but
finding the boy too small for his service, he sent him back to his
brother, Solomon Gedney. This man disposed of him to his
sister's husband, a wealthy planter, by the name of Fowler, who
took him to his own home in Alabama. This illegal and
fraudulent transaction had been perpetrated some months before
Isabella knew of it, as she was now living at Mr. Van
Wagener's. The law expressly prohibited the sale of any slave
out of the State, --and all minors were to be free at twenty-one
years of age; and Mr. Dumont had sold Peter with the express
understanding, that he was soon to return to the State of New
York, and be emancipated at the specified time. (Olive, The
In 1826, Isabella was living with the Van Wagenens, white
Methodists, she had not been there long before her old master,
Dumont, appeared, as she had anticipated; for when she took
French leave of him, she resolved not to go too far from him,
and not put him to as much trouble in looking her up--for the
latter he was sure to do--as Tom and Jack had done when they
ran away from him, a short time before. This was very
considerate in her, to say the least, and a proof that 'like begets
like.' He had often considered her feelings, though not always,
and she was equally considerate. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
When her master saw her, he said, 'Well, Bell, so you've
run away from me.' 'No, I did not run away; I walked away by
day-light, and all because you had promised me a year of my
time.' His reply was, 'You must go back with me.' Her decisive
answer was, 'No, I won't go back with you.' He said, 'Well, I
shall take the child. ‘This also was as stoutly
negative. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
Mr. Isaac S. Van Wagener then interposed, saying, he had never
been in the practice of buying and selling slaves; he did not
believe in slavery; but, rather than have Isabella taken back by
force, he would buy her services for the balance of the year--for
which her master charged twenty dollars, and five in addition
for the child. The sum was paid, and her master Dumont
departed; but not till he had heard Mr. van Wagener tell her not
to call him master, --adding, 'there is but one master, and he
who is your master is my master.' Isabella inquired what she
should call him? He answered, 'Call me Isaac Van Wagener, and
my wife is Maria Van Wagener.' Isabella could not understand
this, and thought it a mighty change, as it most truly was a
master whose word was law, to simple Isaac S. Van Wagener,
who was a master to no one. With these noble people, who,
though they could not be the masters of slaves, were
undoubtedly a portion of God's nobility, she resided one year,
and from them she derived the name of Van Wagener; he being
her last master in the eye of the law, and a slave's surname is
ever the same as his master; that is, if he is allowed to have any
other name than Tom, Jack, or Guffin. Slaves have sometimes
been severely punished for adding their master's name to their
own. But when they have no particular title to it, it is no
particular offense. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
When she learned that her son, Peter, had been illegally sold
into slavery in Alabama. Previous to Isabel's leaving her old
enslaver, he sold her five-year-old son. This illegal and
fraudulent transaction had been perpetrated some months before
Isabella knew of it. The law expressly prohibited the sale of any
slave out of the State, --and all minors were to be free at
twenty-one years of age; and Mr. Dumont had sold Peter with
the express understanding, that he was soon to return to the
State of New York, and be emancipated at the specified time
(Olive, the Web). An outraged Isabella had no money to regain
her son, but with God, on her side, she said she felt "so tall
within as if the power of a nation was within [her]." She
acquired money for legal fees and filed a complaint with the
Ulster County grand jury. Peter was returned to her in the
spring of 1828, marking the first step in a life of activism
inspired by religious faith (Olive, The Web).
The state of New York, which had begun to negotiate the
abolition of slavery in 1799, emancipated all slaves on July 4,
1827. The shift did not come soon enough for Truth. After John
Dumont reneged on a promise to emancipate Truth in late 1826,
she escaped to freedom with her infant daughter, Sophia. Her
other daughter and son stayed behind. Shortly after her escape,
Truth learned that her son Peter, then 5 years old, had been
illegally sold to a man in Alabama. She took the issue to court
and eventually secured Peter's return from the South. The case
was one of the first in which a black woman successfully
challenged a white man in a U. S court. This is how she fought
war against the slavery. She was concerned about kids that has
been sold to masters as slaves in the United States. The
antislavery laws have been installed and therefore she was
concerned with proper implementation. Laws may exist but fail
to be implemented sometimes. While the antislavery laws were
existing, it was surprise that, there was still slavery existing.
This is an implication of lack of stringent implementation.
Sojourner Truth stood in the gap, to identify the cases that are
still existing and make them face the law. The main reason for
her concern can be identified as her personal experience with
slavery. She had faced the pains of slavery and her son too. She
had every reason to fight it. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
Sojourner Truth's early years of freedom were marked by
several strange hardships. Having converted to Christianity,
Truth moved with her son Peter to New York City in 1829,
where she worked as a housekeeper for Christian evangelist
Elijah Pierson. She then moved on to the home of Robert
Matthews, also known as Prophet Matthias, for whom she also
worked as a domestic. Matthews had a growing reputation as a
con man and a cult leader. Shortly after Truth changed
households, Elijah Pierson died. Robert Matthews was accused
of poisoning Pierson in order to benefit from his personal
fortune, and the Folgers, a couple who were members of his
cult, attempted to implicate Truth in the crime. In the absence
of adequate evidence, Matthews was acquitted. Having become
a favorite subject of the penny press, he subsequently moved
west. In 1835 Truth brought a slander suit against the Folgers
and won.
While living in New York, Isabella attended the many camp
meetings held around the city, and she quickly established
herself as a powerful speaker, capable of converting many. She
spoke of the need to end slavery. She emotionally talked of the
pains that the slaves go through and gave reasons for the end of
the vice. Her basis of the eradication of slavery remained God’s
teachings and the judicial process. In 1843, she was "called in
spirit" on the day of Pentecost. The spirit instructed her to leave
New York, a "second Sodom," and travel east to lecture under
the name Sojourner Truth. This new name signified her role as
an itinerant preacher, her preoccupation with truth and justice,
and her mission to teach people "to embrace Jesus, and refrain
from sin. After experiencing a religious conversion, Isabella
became an itinerant preacher and in 1843 changed her name to
Sojourner Truth. During this period, she became involved in the
growing antislavery movement (This far by faith, web). She
attained the name from her relentless efforts to ensure that
slavery was completely stopped. Truth embraced evangelical
religion and became involved in moral reform and abolitionist
work. She collected supplies for black regiments during the
Civil War and immersed herself in advocating for freed people
during the Reconstruction period. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
Sojourner Truth was a powerful and impassioned speaker whose
legacy of feminism and racial equality still resonates today. She
is perhaps best known for her stirring “Ain’t I a Woman?”
speech, delivered at a women’s convention in Ohio in 1851
(Foner, Garraty, Web). Sojourner Truth first met the abolitionist
Frederick Douglass while she was living at the Northampton
Association. Although he admired her speaking ability,
Douglass was patronizing of Truth, whom he saw as
"uncultured." Years later, however, Sojourner Truth would use
her plain talk to challenge Douglass. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
At an 1852 meeting in Ohio, Douglass spoke of the need for
blacks to seize freedom by force. As he sat down, Truth asked:
"Is God gone?" Although much exaggerated by Harriet Beecher
Stowe and other writers, this exchange made Truth a symbol for
faith in nonviolence and God's power to right the wrongs of
slavery. Until old age intervened, Truth continued to speak
passionately on the subjects of women's rights, universal
suffrage, and prison reform. She was also an outspoken
opponent of capital punishment, testifying before the Michigan
state legislature against the practice. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
On June 1, 1843, Isabella Baumfree changed her name to
Sojourner Truth, devoting her life to Methodism and the
abolition of slavery. In 1844, she joined the Northampton
Association of Education and Industry in Northampton,
Massachusetts. Founded by abolitionists, the organization
supported a broad reform agenda including women's rights.
Members lived together on 500 acres as a self-sufficient
community. Truth met a number of leading abolitionists at
Northampton, including William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick
Douglass, and David Ruggles.
Although the Northampton community disbanded in 1846,
Sojourner Truth's career as an activist and reformer was just
beginning. In 1850 her memoirs were published under the title
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave. Truth
dictated her recollections to a friend, Olive Gilbert since she
could not read or write, and William Lloyd Garrison wrote the
book's preface. That same year, Truth spoke at the first National
Women's Rights Convention in Worcester, Massachusetts. She
soon began touring regularly with abolitionist George
Thompson, speaking to large crowds on the subjects of slavery
and human rights. She was one of the several escaped slaves,
along with Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman, to rise to
prominence as an abolitionist leader and a testament to the
humanity of enslaved people. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
In May of 1851, Truth delivered a speech at the Ohio Women's
Rights Convention in Akron. The extemporaneous speech,
recorded by several observers, would come to be known as
"Ain't I a Woman?" The first version of the speech, published a
month later by Marius Robinson, editor of Ohio newspaper The
Anti-Slavery Bugle, did not include the question "Ain't I a
woman?" even once. Robinson had attended the convention and
recorded Truth's words himself. The famous phrase would
appear in print 12 years later, as the refrain of a Southern-
tinged version of the speech. It is unlikely that Sojourner Truth,
a native of New York whose first language was Dutch, would
have spoken in this Southern idiom. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
Truth continued to tour Ohio from 1851 to 1853, working
closely with Robinson to publicize the antislavery movement in
the state. As Truth's reputation grew and the abolition
movement gained momentum, she drew increasingly larger and
more hospitable audiences. Even in abolitionist circles, some of
Truth's opinions were considered radical. She sought political
equality for all women and chastised the abolitionist community
for failing to seek civil rights for black women as well as men.
She openly expressed concern that the movement would fizzle
after achieving victories for black men, leaving both white and
black women without suffrage and other key political
rights. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
Sojourner Truth put her reputation for working during the Civil
War, helping to recruit black troops for the Union Army. She
encouraged her grandson, James Caldwell, to enlist in the 54th
Massachusetts Regiment. In 1864, Truth was called to
Washington, D.C., to contribute to the National Freedman's
Relief Association. On at least one occasion, Truth met and
spoke with President Abraham Lincoln about her beliefs and her
experience. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
True to her broad reform ideas, Truth continued to agitate for
change even after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. In
1865, Truth attempted to force the desegregation of streetcars in
Washington by riding in cars designated for whites. A major
project of her later life was the movement to secure land grants
from the federal government for former slaves. She argued that
ownership of private property, and particularly land, would give
African Americans self-sufficiency and free them from a kind of
indentured servitude to wealthy landowners. Although Truth
pursued this goal forcefully for many years, she was unable to
sway Congress. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
On her death, the tomb was inscribed with words “is God
dead?”. She died on 26, November, 1883 where she was at her
home on college street on November. Her funeral service was
reported to have been attended by about 1,000 people which was
held at the Congregational-Presbyterian church. She was later
buried at Oak Hill cemetery which is at Battle
Creek. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
Truth was embraced by a community of reformers including
Amy Post, Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, Lucretia
Mott and Susan B. Anthony—friends with whom she
collaborated until the end of her life, Sojourner Truth died at
her home in Battle Creek, Michigan, on November 26, 1883
(Foner, Garraty, Web).
Sojourner Truth was eminent in her time for her talking and
singing capacity. As a man who could neither read nor compose,
she had individuals perused to her, particularly the Bible, and
from this she built up her special voice about how the world
functioned and how it could be made strides. She seems like a
sensible evangelist in a considerable lot of her discourses.
Maybe Sojourner's most renowned discourse, and the one many
individuals today know her for, was a discourse she conveyed in
1851 at a Women's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio. It is an
intense discourse however it was recorded by a few unique
individuals at the time. The most well-known record of it is by
Frances Gage, the leader of the tradition, who was there
however didn't record the discourse until 12 years after the fact.
She put the discourse in southern lingo, however Sojourner
never lived in the south and, in the event that anything, would
have had a Dutch intonation, as Dutch was her first dialect. A
columnist of the time recorded the discourse in an unexpected
way. Both adaptations are underneath. (SOURCE???? – SEE
#13 BELOW)
Sojourner Truth passed on her "Ain't I a Woman?" talk in
Akron, Ohio during the Women's Rights Convention in year
1851. Her brief, essential talk which was rated to be an
exceptional censure to various antifeminist disputes of the day.
Moreover, it also advanced toward getting to be, and continues
serving, as an incredible explanation of women's rights. Truth
advanced toward getting to be, and even today still picture of
robust womankind.
Back in the year 1851, Truth went to the Ladies' Rights
Tradition situated at Ohio. According to Frances Gage, the
pioneer of the Tradition, on the second day a couple of male
ministers showed up and battled that women should not have a
vague right from men. The ministers' reasoning: women were
delicate, men were rationally superior to women, Jesus was a
man, and our first mother trespassed. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
Sojourner had rose she would have passed on her short,
magnificent speech which was invoking statutes of Christians
amidst contractions from a segment of woman who feared she
would talk about invalidation. In her talk, she used a strong and
compelling closeness basically to uncover the clerics disputes.
Showing her especially manufactured arms and insinuating the
constant labor that she was executed as a slave. She professed
articulated the saying “And aint I a Woman?” with some regards
to the fact that Jesus was a man, He had begun from a woman.
Nevertheless, she turned down the wrongdoing of eve which
was a conflict and she said that if one woman could bring down
the entire world into a saga, then the women united can bring it
to the prior original place. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
The New York Telegram of Nov. 27, in noticing the death of
Sojourner Truth, has the following dispatches from two of her
distinguished co-laborers: --
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. --In the death of Sojourner Truth, a
marked figure has disappeared from the earth. Venerable for
age, distinguished for insight into human nature, remarkable for
independence and courageous self-assertion, devoted to the
welfare of her race, she has been for the last forty years an
object of respect and admiration to social reformers everywhere
(Narrative of Sojourner Truth Truth, Sojourner, d. 1883 Gilbert,
Olive 144 p., ill. Boston J). (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
BOSTON, Nov. 27. --Sojourner Truth was a remarkable
figure in the anti-slavery movement, almost the only speaker in
it who had once been a slave in a Northern State. Her Meg
Merrill’s figure added much to the effect of her speech. Her
natural wit and happiness in retort I have hardly ever seen
equaled. Her eloquence was at times marvelous. I once heard
her describe the captain of a slave ship going up to judgment
followed by his victims as they gathered from the depth of the
sea, in a strain that reminded me of Clarence's dream in
Shakespeare, and equaled it. The anecdotes of her ready wit and
quick, striking replies are numberless. But the whole together
give little idea of the rich, quaint, poetic, and often profound
speech of a most remarkable person, who used to say to us,
"You read books; God himself talks to me"(Narrative of
Sojourner Truth Truth, Sojourner, d. 1883 Gilbert, Olive 144 p.,
ill. Boston J). (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
Works Cited
Foner Eric and Garraty John A., The Reader’s Companion to
American History, 1991, Gilbert
Olive, Truth Sojourner,1883
Narrative of Sojourner Truth Truth, Sojourner, d. 1883 Gilbert,
Olive 144 p., ill.Boston
Sojourner Truth Biography, web
4. B. This far by faith, web.Yerrinton and Son, Printers 1850
5. web.
6. Women’s Rights, web.
1. You need a stronger or expanded proposal
paragraph_x__, introduction ___ or conclusion ___ .
2. Write your ONE-SENTENCE thesis (answer) at the
bottom of your introductory OR proposal paragraph. __x____
3. Your paragraphs do not match the topic order of your
thesis and/or outline.__x____
4. You must double space your text ___x_ and/or make it
12 pt. in size____ in Times New Roman style.______. Do not
use large type, only 12-pt size.______
5. Your thesis answer needs several clear points. ____ OR
your thesis question is not adequate. ____
6. ___x_____ Edit this research paper, outline and/or
proposal paragraph for sentence-structure errors.
7. You have run-on sentences, or sentences that run too
long. _______
8. You do not have complete sentences; they are fragments.
9. __X___ You have spelling or grammar errors.
10. Some paragraphs are too short OR need more
analysis __X____ ; YOU NEED MORE PAGES ___X___
11. You must condense this essay. You have too many words.
Make the sentences shorter. ____
12. Add quotes (with source info) in the body of your
paragraphs _X____ or add several blockquotes _____
13. X Be sure to include enough parenthetical (in-text)
citations that follow your extracted data in your paragraph(s).
Example: “Richard Jacobs was an ex-slave and scientist who
traveled the Pennsylvania wilderness trying to find artifacts,”
says an online article about the black scientist (Yardley,
Web). If the author’s name is missing, simply USE THE TITLE:
(“From Slavery to Scientist,” Web). If you gather information
from a conventional book or article, the citation must provide
the author’s last name and page number: (Williams, pg. 42).
Use a citation for indirect quotes too.__x____
14. ___X__Your Works Cited page is missing or formatted
wrong and/or must be alphabetized.
Williams, James (Author). From Slavery to Scientist (Title).
Penguin Books (Publisher), New
York (Place of Publication). 1987(Publication
Date). Print (Publication Method)
Web Examples:
Yardley, Karl (Author). "Art of finding Artifacts (Title)." The
OWL at Purdue (Publisher). 10
May 2003 (Publication Date). Web(Pub.Method). 12 May 2009
(Date of Retrieval).
"From Slavery to Scientist (Title)." W.E.B. DuBOIS Center
(Publisher). 12 June 2009
(Publication Date). Web (Publication Method). 18 May
2011 (Retrieval Date)
15.___X____ Add __X____ more books or __X____articles to
your Works Cited page.
When she was younger, In the evening, when her mother's work
was done, she would sit down under the sparkling vault of
heaven, and calling her children to her, would talk to them
about the only Being that could effectually aid or protect them.
Her teachings were delivered in Low Dutch, as follows: -- My
children, there is a God, who hears and sees you.' 'A God, mau-
mau! She had grown spiritually and immensely trusted in God’s
power and presence. Her teachings and speeches manifested the
power of God to turn situations around and make them better.
She dismissed those that held others in slavery as ungodly. She
was at the center of an important fight against slavery.
Writing Assignment – Only 5 pages double spaced.
Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions
Learning Outcomes
Model of Consumer Behavior: Environmental factors. Student
can use the model of consumer behavior to identify those
environmental factors most likely to affect the consumer
decision making for a specific product or service.
Model of Consumer Behavior: Consumer factors. Student can
reference the model of consumer behavior to identify the
consumer factors most likely to affect the decision making for a
specific product or service.
Role of Involvement in purchase decisions. Student can identify
the role of consumer involvement applicable to a specific
product or service offering and how that level of involvement
affects the type of decision making.
Consumer decision-making process. Student can identify how
marketing strategy can influence each of the steps in the
consumer decision-making process.
· Refer to the Ford F-150 truck product I selected. This week,
you want to take a closer look at what consumer factors may be
relevant for customers who are considering buying your product
or service offering. This will require some critical thinking on
your part based on your own behavior if you are a customer
yourself, or you may want to talk to others who have purchased
the product. Sometimes you can find clues when looking at the
marketing messages that may be addressing some of these
· Prepare your assignment beginning with a cover page with
your name and the product or service. Then answer the
following four questions in order and number the beginning of
your response to each question.
1. Consumer Behavior Model:Environmental factors. Refer to
the week's readings and the model of consumer behavior and
identify two of the most important environmental factors you
think are relevant to the customers of your product or service
offering. Explain your choices.
2. Consumer Behavior Model: Consumer factors. Refer to this
week's readings and the model of consumer behavior and
identify the three most important consumer factors you think are
relevant to the customers of your product or service offering.
Explain your choices.
3. Role of involvement in consumer decision-making. Identify
the level of involvement a customer of your product or service
might use to make a purchase/no purchase decision. Then,
discuss which type of buying behavior is most consistent with
that level of involvement.
4. Consumer decision-making process. Go through the six steps
of the purchase process outlined in the readings and identify
where marketing can influence each of the six steps. For
example, if a consumer just identified a need for your product
in step one, then the company can advertise how your product
fills that need. Or, if a consumer purchased your product, the
consumer can be called and asked about their satisfaction with
the product and if there is any dissatisfaction steps can be taken
to ensure the customer satisfaction. Be sure to be more specific
with respect to your product or service than this example.
Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Learning Outcomes
1. Segmentation. Students can use the segmentation
characteristics to identify and describe market segments
2. Target Market. Students can identify a usable market segment
to be a target market
3. Target-market strategy. Students can determine an
appropriate target-market strategy.
4. Positioning. Students can develop and interpret a perceptual
· So far, you have only been considering the customers of your
product or service as one big group, or a mass market. More
astute marketing breaks down this large group into smaller
market segments of consumers who have similar characteristics.
For any specific product or service, there could be numerous
market segments. However, company resources may only allow
a company to pursue one or two or these market segments,
which then become target market(s). In this paper, you should
divide the mass market for your product or service into at least
two market segments and then pick one target market you think
would have the most potential for future growth. This target
market does not have to be the one the company would have
actually picked, or is currently pursuing.
· Think outside your own box. Chances are good you picked a
product with which you are familiar. That is a good starting
point, and you may represent one target market. But you may
represent a target market that is saturated and therefore not the
best target market to pick for the remainder of the semester. So
be sure your second target market is different enough and
represents growth potential.
· If you did not do a thorough analysis of the competition in the
prior writing assignment, you may need to go back and figure
out the nature of the product's or service’s competition. This
will be important when you address the positioning of your
product for your newly identified target market inasmuch as
positioning is a competition-based concept.
· We understand you are not an employee of the company and
do not have access to the data that you feel will allow you to
discuss the questions to the degree you would like. Take your
best educated and reasoned guesses whenever you need to do so.
· Your job will be to critically examine all of the segmentation
bases and arrive at your own description of potential market
segments for your product or service.
· You may want to
perceptual-map/ for a step-by-step guide on how to draw a
perceptual or positioning map. Remember to label both axes of
your perceptual map. Meanwhile, here is an example of a
perceptual map for the beer market, an excellent example for a
highly competitive product.
· Prepare your assignment by answering the following four
areas of inquiry related to the learning outcomes noted above.
1. Segmentation. Using the various criteria of the segmentation
bases described in the week's readings and in Table 4.1, identify
at least two distinct market segments for your product or
service. Each market segment description must include at least
three (more if needed) of the characteristics from amongst any
of the four bases categories, e.g. one from demographic
variables, one or two from psychographic variables, and one
from behavioral variables, or a similar scheme. Be sure to
explain your choices based on what customer need the product
or service offering can fill for each segment.
2. Target market. Select one of the market segments you
described in (1) above as the one you believe is or can be the
most profitable for your product or service offering and explain
why you feel they can represent growth for the company. Refer
to the six criteria for an attractive market segment as described
in course content under ‘Selecting Target Markets’. Name your
target market so you can use this name throughout all of your
remaining writing assignments. Your name should be
descriptive of the segments' characteristics like 'savvy young
shoppers' or 'educated baby boomers', or 'urban hipsters', or the
like. The goal is for your faculty member to get a mental image
of your target market for the remainder of the semester.
3. Target market strategy. Should the company focus all their
resources on this new target market (concentrated marketing) or
should they continue to pursue both the new and the existing
target market as well as other market segments (multi-segment
marketing)? Alternatively, is the market so saturated might
they be more successful by focusing solely on an even more
narrow market segment, perhaps an even narrower version
(niche marketing) of your selected target market, as their best
chance for growth? What is your reasoning?
4. Positioning. Draw yourself a perceptual map as illustrated in
the week's readings or use the websites noted in the directions.
Be sure to pick two criteria that are important to your new
target market for your two axes, perhaps two of the criteria you
used in Week 1 in your competitive analysis. Map at least the
two major competitors you noted in the previous writing
assignment and add any others that you may have discovered
since then. Describe what the perceptual map is telling you
regarding how each product is perceived in the minds of the
new target market you described above. You may have to make
a series of educated guesses for some of the data points.
Ideally, you want to find uncontested space. If your product
overlaps with a competing offering discuss whether or not your
product or service should try for an ‘uncontested’ space on the
map and ‘reposition’ itself; or if it should keep the same
position and compete head on with the other product. (You
will have a chance to make changes to the product, the pricing
and the distribution to change the product's positioning and find
uncontested space in the coming weeks).
General Submission Requirements
· Prepare a word document, use a simple 12-point font Times
New Roman.
· Your assignment should be five pages, no more, of double-
spaced text, approximately 1/2 page for each of the eight
questions (four in Part 1 and four in Part 2). You may attach
exhibits that will not be counted towards the page count of
double-spaced text. The cover page and Bibliography page are
not part of the five pages of written analysis.
· Be sure your name, writing assignment number, and the name
of your product or service are on the cover page of your writing
· Include a bibliography, which includes at least four
references. Use APA style
· Upload your word processed document in your LEO
assignments folder by the due date in the LEO calendar.
Refer to the grading rubric associated with the assignments. Be
sure to note that 20% of your grade on this assignment will be
based on your grammar, composition, adherence to the
submission requirements, and use of an appropriate college-
level style guide for writing and referencing.
Week 4, "Market Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning" was
derived from Principles of Marketing,
which was adapted by the Saylor Foundation under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license without attribution as
requested by the work's original creator or
licensee. © 2015, The Saylor Foundation.
Week 4
Market Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning
Suppose you've created a great new offering you hope will
become a hot seller. Before you quit
your day job to market it, you'll need to ask yourself, "Who's
going to buy my product?" and "Will
there be enough of these people to make it worth my while?"
Certain people will be more interested in what you have to offer
than others. Not everyone needs
homeowners' insurance, not everyone needs physical therapy
services, and not everyone needs
the latest and greatest cell phone. Among those that do, some
will buy a few, and a few will buy
many. In other words, in terms of your potential buyers, not all
of them are "created equal." Some
customers are more equal than others, however. A number of
people might be interested in your
product if it's priced right. Other people might be interested if
they simply are aware of the fact
that your product exists.
Your goal is to figure out who these people are. To do this, you
will need to divide them into
different categories. The process of breaking down all
consumers into groups of potential buyers
with similar characteristics is called market segmentation. The
key question to ask yourself
when segmenting markets: What groups of buyers are similar
enough that the same product or
service will appeal to all of them? (Barringer & Ireland, 2010).
After all, your marketing budget is
likely to be limited. You need to focus on those people you
truly have a shot at selling to and
tailoring your offering toward them.
Once market segments are identified, the next step is to identify
which of those segments, if any,
the company wants to pursue with its limited resources and
consistency with its mission. This is
called target marketing. A company may decide not to target
market, in which case it is mass
marketing. But mass marketing is rare.
4.1 Targeted Marketing vs. Mass Marketing
1. Distinguish between targeted marketing and mass marketing
and explain what led to the rise of each.
2. Describe how targeted marketing can benefit firms.
3. Explain why companies differentiate among their customers.
Choosing select groups of people and organizations to sell to is
called targeted marketing,
or differentiated marketing. It is a relatively new phenomenon.
Mass marketing,
or undifferentiated marketing, came first. It evolved along with
mass production and involves
selling the same product to everybody. You didn't need to
conduct any market research to know
that a household could use an electric washing machine. Build it
and they will come. You can
think of mass marketing as a shotgun approach: you blast out as
many marketing messages as
possible on every medium available as often as you can afford
(Spellings Jr., 2009). (By contrast,
targeted marketing is more like shooting a rifle; you take
careful aim at one type of customer with
your message.)
Automaker Henry Ford was very successful at both mass
production and mass marketing. Ford
pioneered the modern-day assembly line early in the twentieth
century, which helped him cost-
effectively pump out huge numbers of identical Model T
automobiles. They came in only one
color: black. "Any customer can have a car painted any color he
wants, so long as it is black," Ford
used to joke. He also advertised in every major newspaper and
persuaded all kinds of publications
to carry stories about the new, inexpensive cars. By 1918, half
of all cars on America's roads were
Model Ts (Ford, 1922).
Figure 4.1
You could forget about buying a custom Model T from Ford in
the early 1900s. The good news?
The price was right.
Source: Unknown. Wikimedia Commons. In the public domain.
Then Alfred P. Sloan, the head of General Motors (GM),
appeared on the scene. Sloan began to
segment consumers in the automobile market—to divide them
by the prices they wanted to pay
and the different cars they wanted to buy. His efforts were
successful, and in the 1950s, GM
overtook Ford in the as the nation's top automaker (Manzanedo,
2005). (You might be interested
to know that before GM declared bankruptcy in 2009, it was
widely believed the automaker
actually had too many car models. Apparently, "old habits die
hard," as the saying goes.)
Benefits of Segmenting and Targeting Markets
The story of General Motors raises an important point, which is
that segmenting and targeting
markets doesn't necessarily mean "skinnying down" the number
of your customers. In fact, it can
help you enlarge your customer base by giving you information
with which to successfully adjust
some component of your offering—the offering itself, its price,
the way you service and market it,
and so on. More specifically, the process can help you do the
• Avoid head-on competition with other firms trying to capture
the same customers
• Develop new offerings and expand profitable brands and
product lines
• Remarket older, less-profitable products and brands
• Identify early adopters
• Redistribute money and sales efforts to focus on your most
profitable customers
• Retain "at-risk" customers in danger of defecting to your
The trend today is toward more precise, targeted marketing.
Figuring out "who's who" in terms of
your customers involves some detective work, though—often
market research. A variety of tools
and research techniques can be used to segment markets.
Government agencies, such as the US
Census Bureau, collect and report vast amounts of population
information and economic data
that can reveal changing consumption trends.
Technology is also making it easier for even small companies
and entrepreneurs to gather
information about potential customers. For example, the online
game company
originally believed its target market consisted of US customers.
But when the firm looked more
closely at who was downloading games from its website, they
were people from all over the globe.
The great product idea you had? As we explained in Week 3,
"Consumer Behavior: How People
Make Buying Decisions," companies are now using the Internet
to track people's web browsing
patterns and segment them into groups that can be marketed to.
Even small businesses are able
to do this cost-effectively now because they don't need their
own software and programs. They
can simply sign up online for products like Google's AdSense
and AdWords programs. You can
locate potential customers by looking at blog sites and
discussion forums on the web. Big- has thousands of discussion forums you can mine to
find potential customers. Do you
have a blog? Go to, and you can embed a survey
in your blog to see what people
think of your idea. If you have a website, you can download an
application onto your iPhone that
will give you up-to-the-minute information and statistics on
your site's visitors.
Getting a read on potential target markets doesn't have to
involve technology, though. Your own
experience and talking to would-be buyers is an important part
of the puzzle. Go where you think
would-be buyers go—restaurants, malls, gyms, subways,
grocery stores, day care centers, and
offices. Ask questions: What do buyers do during the day? What
do they talk about? What
products or services do you see them using? Are they having an
enjoyable experience when using
those products, or are they frustrated?
Figure 4.2
The Healthy Choice line of frozen dinners was launched by a
heart attack victim.
Source: Photo by Ken. (2008). Flickr. Used under the terms of
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic
Healthy Choice frozen dinners were conceived as a result of
questioning potential customers. The
food-maker ConAgra launched the dinners in the late 1980s
after its CEO, Charlie Harper,
suffered a heart attack. One day a colleague complimented
Harper on his wife's tasty low-fat
turkey stew. That's when Harper realized there were people like
him who wanted healthy
convenience foods, so he began talking to them about what they
wanted. Two years after the
Healthy Choice line was launched, it controlled 10 percent of
the frozen-dinner market (Birchall
[b.], 2009).
Segmenting and Targeting a Firm's Current Customers
Finding and attracting new customers is generally more difficult
than retaining your current
customers. People are creatures of habit. Think about how much
time and energy you spend when
you switch your business from one firm to another—even when
you're buying something as
simple as a haircut. If you aren't happy with your hair and want
to find a new hairdresser, you
first have to talk to people with haircuts you like or read
reviews of salons. Once you decide to go
to a particular salon, you have to look it up on the Internet or
your GPS device and hope you don't
get lost. When you get to the salon, you explain to the new
hairdresser how you want your hair cut
and hope he or she gets it right. You might also have to
navigate different methods of payment.
Perhaps the new salon won't accept your American Express card
or won't let you put the tip on
your card. However, once you have learned how the new salon
operates, doing business with it
gets much easier.
The same is true for firms when it comes to finding new
customers. Finding customers, getting to
know them, and figuring out what they really want is a difficult
process—one that's fraught with
trial and error. That's why it's so important to get to know and
form relationships with your
current customers. Broadly speaking, your goal is to do as much
business with each one of them
as possible.
The economic downturn of the first decade in the 2000s drove
home the point of making the most
of one's current customers. During the downturn, new customers
were hard to find, and firms'
advertising and marketing budgets were cut. Expensive,
untargeted, shotgun-like marketing
campaigns that would probably produce spotty results were out
of the question. Consequently,
many organizations chose to focus their selling efforts on
current customers in hopes of retaining
their loyalty once the downturn was over (Birchall [a.], 2009).
This is the situation in which the adventure-based travel firm
Backroads found itself in 2009. The
California-based company increased its revenues by creating a
personalized marketing campaign
for people who had done business with Backroads in the past.
The firm looked at information
such as customers' past purchases, the seasons in which they
took their trips, the levels of activity
associated with them, and whether or not the customers tended
to vacation with children. The
company then created three relevant trip suggestions for each
customer based on the information.
The information was sent to customers via postcards and e-
mails with links to customized web
pages reminding them of the trips they had previously booked
with Backroads and suggesting
new ones. "In terms of past customers, it was like off-the-charts
better [than past campaigns],"
says Massimo Prioreschi, the vice president of Backroads' sales
and marketing group
(MarketingSherpa, 2009).
In addition to studying buying patterns, firms also try to know
their customers by surveying them
or hiring marketing research firms to do so. Firms also use
loyalty programs to find out about
their customers. For example, if you sign up to become a
frequent flier with a certain airline, the
airline will likely ask to you a number of questions about your
likes and dislikes. This information
will then be entered into a customer relationship management
(CRM) system, and you might be
e-mailed special deals based on the routes you tend to fly.
British Airways goes so far as to track
the magazines its most elite fliers like to read so the
publications are available on its planes.
Many firms—even small ones—are using Facebook to develop
closer relationships with their
customers. At Hansen Cakes, a Beverly Hills (California)
bakery, employee Suzi Finer posts "cake
updates" and photos of the goodies she's working on to the
company's Facebook page. Along with
information about the cakes, Finer extends special offers to
customers and mixes in any gossip
about Hollywood celebrities she's spotted in the area. After
Hansen Cakes launched its Facebook
page, the bakery's sales shot up 15–20 percent. "And that's
during the recession," noted Finer
(Graham, 2009). Twitter is another way companies are keeping
in touch with their customers and
boosting their revenues. For example, when the homemaking
maven Martha Stewart schedules a
book signing, she tweets her followers, and voilà—many of
them show up at the bookstore she's
appearing at to buy copies. Finding ways to interact with
customers that they enjoy—whether it's
meeting or "tweeting" them, or putting on events and
tradeshows they want to attend—is the key
to forming relationships with them.
Remember what you learned in Week 2, "Customer Satisfaction,
Loyalty, Empowerment , and
Management": not all customers are created equal, including
your current customers. Some
customers are highly profitable, and others aren't. Still others
will actually end up costing your
company money to serve. Consequently, you will want to
interact with some more than others.
Believe it or not, some firms deliberately "untarget"
unprofitable customers. That's what Best Buy
did. In 2004, Best Buy got a lot of attention (not all good) when
it was discovered the company
had categorized its buyers into "personas," or types of buyers,
and created customized sales
approaches for each. For example, an upper-middle-class
woman was referred to as a "Jill." A
young urban man was referred to as a "Buzz." And pesky,
bargain-hunting customers that Best
Buy couldn't make much of a profit from? They were referred to
as "devils" and taken off the
company's mailing lists (Marco, 2009).
The knife cuts both ways, though. Not all firms are equal in the
minds of consumers, who will
choose to do business with some companies rather than others.
To consumers, market
segmentation means: meet my needs—give me what I want
(Market Segmentation, 2009).
"Steps in One-to-One Marketing" outlines the steps companies
can take to target their best
customers, form close, personal relationships with them, and
give them what they want—a
process called one-to-one marketing. In terms of our shotgun vs.
rifle approach, you can think
of one-to-one marketing as a rifle approach, but with an added
advantage: now you have a scope
on your rifle.
One-to-one marketing is an idea proposed by Don Peppers and
Martha Rogers in their 1994
book The One to One Future. The book described what life
would be like after mass marketing.
We would all be able to get exactly what we want from sellers,
and our relationships with them
would be collaborative, rather than adversarial. Are we there
yet? Not quite. But it does seem to
be the direction the trend toward highly targeted marketing is
Steps in One-to-One Marketing
1. Establish short-term measures to evaluate your efforts.
Determine how you will
measure your effort. For example, will you use higher customer
satisfaction ratings, increased
revenues earned per customer, number of products sold to
customers, transaction costs, or
another measure?
2. Identify your customers. Gather all the information you can
about your current customers,
including their buying patterns, likes, and dislikes. When
conducting business with them,
include an "opt in" question that allows you to legally gather
and use their phone numbers and
e-mail addresses so you can remain in contact with them.
3. Differentiate among your customers. Determine who your
best customers are in terms of
what they spend and will spend in the future (their customer
lifetime value), and how easy or
difficult they are to serve. Identify and target customers that
spend only small amounts with
you but large amounts with your competitors.
4. Interact with your customers, targeting your best ones. Find
ways and mediums in
which to talk to customers about topics they're interested in and
enjoy. Spend the bulk of your
resources interacting with your best (high-value) customers.
Minimize the time and money you
spend on low-value customers with low growth potential.
5. Customize your products and marketing messages to meet
their needs. Try to
customize your marketing messages and products in order to
give your customers exactly what
they want—whether it's the product itself, its packaging,
delivery, or the services associated
with it (Harler, 2008; Peppers & Rogers, 1999; Peppers, Rogers,
& Dorf, 1999).
4 . 1 K E Y T A K E A W A Y
Choosing select groups of people to sell to is called targeted
marketing, or differentiated marketing. Mass
marketing, or undifferentiated marketing, involves selling the
same product to everyone. The trend today
is toward more precise, targeted marketing. Finding and
attracting new customers is generally far more
difficult than retaining one's current customers, which is why
organizations try to interact with and form
relationships with their current customers. The goal of firms is
to do as much business with their best
customers as possible. Forming close, personal relationships
with customers and giving them exactly what
they want is a process called one-to-one marketing. It is the
opposite of mass marketing.
4.2 How Markets Are Segmented
1. Understand and outline the ways in which markets are
2. Explain why marketers use some segmentation bases vs.
We will learn more about business markets and how they are
segmented in Week 8. Now, we will
focus on consumer markets and how they can be segmented. In
Week 3, "Consumer Behavior:
How People Make Buying Decisions," we mentioned that
certain factors drive consumers to buy
certain things. Many of the same factors can also be used to
segment customers. A firm will often
use multiple segmentation bases, or criteria to classify buyers,
to get a fuller picture of its
customers and create real value for them. Each variable adds a
layer of information about those
buyers until you have a profile of a market segment.
There are all kinds of characteristics you can use to segment a
market. You might not immediately
think of some of them. What about the physical sizes of people?
"Big-and-tall" stores cater to the
segment of population that's larger-sized. What about people
with wide or narrow feet, or people
with medical conditions, certain hobbies, or different sexual
orientations? Next, we'll look at some
of the more common characteristics market researchers look at
when segmenting buyers.
Types of Segmentation Bases
Table 4.1, "Common Ways of Segmenting Buyers," shows some
of the different types of buyer
characteristics used to segment markets. Notice that the
characteristics fall into one of four
segmentation categories: behavioral, demographic, geographic,
or psychographic. We'll discuss
each of these categories in a moment. For now, you can get a
rough idea of what the categories
consist of by looking at them in terms of how marketing
professionals might answer the following
• Behavioral segmentation. What benefits do customers want,
and how do they use our
• Demographic segmentation. How do the ages, races, and
ethnic backgrounds of our
customers affect what they buy?
• Geographic segmentation. Where are our customers located,
and how can we reach
them? What products do they buy based on their locations?
• Psychographic segmentation. What do our customers think
about and value? How
do they live their lives?
Table 4.1 Common Ways of Segmenting Buyers
By Behavior By Demographics By Geography By
• Benefits sought from the product
• How often the product is used
(usage rate)
• Usage situation (daily use,
holiday use, etc.)
• Buyer's status and loyalty to
product (nonuser, potential user,
first-time users, regular user)
• Age/generation
• Income
• Gender
• Family life cycle
• Ethnicity
• Family size
• Occupation
• Education
• Nationality
• Religion
• Social class
• Region (continent,
country, state,
• Size of city or town
• Population density
• Climate
• Activities
• Interests
• Opinions
• Values
• Attitudes
• Lifestyles
Segmenting by Behavior
Behavioral segmentation divides people into groups according
to how they behave with or act
toward products. Benefits segmentation—segmenting buyers by
the benefits they want from
products—is very common. Take toothpaste, for example.
Which benefit is most important to you
when you buy toothpaste: the toothpaste's price, ability to
whiten your teeth, fight tooth decay,
freshen your breath, or something else? Perhaps it's a
combination of two or more benefits. If
marketing professionals know what those benefits are, they can
then tailor different toothpaste
offerings to you (and other people like you). For example,
Colgate 2-in-1 Toothpaste &
Mouthwash, Whitening Icy Blast is aimed at people who want
the benefits of both fresher breath
and whiter teeth.
Another way in which businesses segment buyers is by their
usage rates—that is, how often, if
ever, they use certain products. For example, the entertainment
and gaming company Harrah's
gathers information about the people who gamble at its casinos.
High rollers, or people who
spend a lot of money, are considered "VIPs." VIPs get special
treatment, including a personal
"host" who looks after their needs during their casino visits.
Companies are interested in frequent
users because they want to reach others like them. They are also
keenly interested in nonusers
and how they can be persuaded to use products.
The way in which people use products is also a basis for
segmentation. Avon Skin So Soft was
originally a beauty product. But after Avon discovered that
some people were using it as a
mosquito repellant, the company began marketing it for that
purpose. Eventually, Avon created a
separate product called Skin So Soft Bug Guard, which
competes with repellents like Off!
Similarly, Glad, the company that makes plastic wrap and bags,
found out customers were using
its Press 'n Seal wrap in ways the company could never have
imagined. The personnel in Glad's
marketing department subsequently launched a website called that contained both
the company and consumers' use tips. Some of the ways in
which people use the product are
pretty unusual, as evidenced by the following comment posted
on the site: "I have a hedgehog
who likes to run on his wheel a lot. After quite a while of
cleaning a gross wheel every morning, I
got the tip to use 'Press 'n Seal wrap' on his wheel, making
clean up much easier! My hedgie can
run all he wants, and I don't have to think about the cleanup.
Now we're both GLAD!" (Glad,
Although we doubt Glad will ever go to great lengths to
segment the Press 'n Seal market by
hedgehog owners, the firm has certainly gathered a lot of good
consumer insight about the
product and publicity from its website.
Segmenting by Demographics
Segmenting buyers by tangible, personal characteristics such as
their ages, incomes, ethnicity,
family sizes, and so forth is called demographic segmentation.
This section will discuss some
prominent demographic characteristics used to segment buyers,
including age, income, gender,
and family life cycles. Other demographic characteristics
include occupation, education,
nationality, religion, and social class.
Demographics are commonly used to segment markets because a
mountain of demographic
information is publicly available in databases around the world.
You can obtain a great deal of
demographic information on the US Census Bureau's website
( Other
government websites you can tap include FedStats
( and The World
Factbook (
factbook/index.html), which
contains statistics about countries around the world. In addition
to current statistics, the sites
contain forecasts of demographic trends, such as whether some
segments of the population are
expected to grow or decline.
At some point in your life, you are more likely to buy your first
home than a funeral plot.
Marketing professionals know this. That's why they try to
segment consumers by their ages.
You're probably familiar with some of the age groups most
commonly segmented in the United
States. They are shown in Table 5.2, "US Generations and
Characteristics." Into which category do
you fall?
Table 5.2 US Generations and Characteristics
Generation Also Known As Birth Years Characteristics
Seniors "The Silent Generation," "Matures,"
"Veterans," and "Traditionalists"
1945 and
• Experienced very limited credit
growing up
• Tend to live within their means
• Spend more on health care than
any other age group
• Internet usage rates increasing
faster than any other group
Baby Boomers 1946–
• Second-largest generation in the
United States
• Grew up in prosperous times
before the widespread use of credit
• Account for 50 percent of US
consumer spending
• Willing to use new technologies as
they see fit
Generation X 1965–
• Comfortable but cautious about
• Buying habits characterized by
their life stages
• Embrace technology and
Generation Y "Millennials," "Echo Boomers,"
includes "Tweens" (preteens)
• Largest US generation
• Grew up with credit cards
• Adept at multitasking; technology
use is innate
• Ignore irrelevant media
Note: Not all demographers agree on the cutoff dates between
the generations.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau,; Richard
K. Miller and Kelli
Washington, The 2009 Entertainment, Media & Advertising
Market Research Handbook, 10th ed. Loganville, GA:
Richard K. Miller & Associates, 2009, 157–66; Sydney Jones
and Susannah Fox, "Generations Online in 2009," Pew
Online-in-2009.aspx; Maria Paniritas,
"Generation Gap: Boomers, Xers Are Reining in Spending,"
Philadelphia Inquirer, August 2, 2009,
Today, Generation Y is the largest generation. The baby boomer
generation is the second largest,
and over the course of the last 30 years, it has been a very
attractive market for sellers.
Retro brands—old brands or products that companies "bring
back" for a period of time—were
aimed at baby boomers during the economic downturn in the
early 2000s. Pepsi Throwback and
Mountain Dew Throwback, which are made with cane sugar—
like they were "back in the good old
days"—instead of corn syrup, are examples (Schlacter, 2009).
Take a look at Figure 4.3
illustrating Coke's retro look bottle. This was the original Coca-
Cola bottle from Coke's early
history through the mid-twentieth century when technology
allowed for cans and simpler bottle
designs. Marketing professionals believe they appealed to baby
boomers because they reminded
them of better times—times when they didn't have to worry
about being laid off, about losing their
homes, or about their retirement funds and pensions drying up.
Figure 4.3 Coca-Cola's Retro Look Bottle
If you are old enough to remember this bottle, you are
probably a baby boomer, and the bottle design may
appeal to you when buying soft drinks.
Source: Photo by Kansir. (2012). Flickr. Used under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
But baby boomers are aging, and the size of the group will
eventually decline. By contrast, the
members of Generation Y have a lifetime of buying still ahead
of them, which translates to a lot of
potential customer lifetime value (CLV) for marketers if they
can capture this group of buyers.
However, a survey found that the latest recession had forced
teens to change their spending
habits and college plans, and that roughly half of older
Generation Yers reported they had no
savings (Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 2009).
So which group or groups should your firm target? Although it's
hard to be all things to all people,
many companies try to broaden their customer bases by
appealing to multiple generations so they
don't lose market share when demographics change. Several
companies have introduced lower-
cost brands targeting Generation Xers, who have less spending
power than boomers. For
example, kitchenware and home-furnishings company Williams-
Sonoma opened the Elm Street
chain, a less-pricey version of the Pottery Barn franchise. The
Starwood hotel chain's W hotels,
which feature contemporary designs and hip bars, are aimed at
Generation Xers (Miller &
Washington, 2009).
The video game market is very proud of the fact that along with
Generation X and Generation Y,
many older Americans still play video games. (You probably
know some baby boomers who own a
Nintendo Wii.) The spa market is another example. Products
and services in this market used to
be aimed squarely at adults. Not anymore. Parents are now
paying for their tweens to get facials,
pedicures, and other pampering in numbers no one in years past
could have imagined.
Staying abreast of changing demographics can be a matter of
life or death for many companies. As
early as the 1970s, US automakers found themselves in trouble
because of demographic reasons.
Many of the companies' buyers were older Americans inclined
to "buy American." These people
hadn't forgotten that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor during World
War II and weren't about to buy
Japanese vehicles. But younger Americans were. Plus, Japanese
cars had developed a better
reputation. Despite the challenges US automakers face today,
they have taken great pains to cater
to the "younger" generation—today's baby boomers who don't
think of themselves as being old. If
you are a car buff, you perhaps have noticed that the once-
stodgy Cadillac now has a sportier look
and stiffer suspension.
And what about Generations X and Y? Automakers have begun
reaching out to them, too. General
Motors (GM) has sought to revamp the century-old company by
hiring a new younger group of
managers—managers who understand how Generation X and Y
consumers are wired and what
they want. "If you're going to appeal to my daughter, you're
going to have to be in the digital
world," explained one GM vice president (Cox, 2009).
Companies have to not only develop new products designed to
appeal to Generations X and Y but
also find new ways to reach them. People in these generations
not only tend to ignore traditional
advertising but also are downright annoyed by it. To market to
Scion drivers, who are generally
younger, Toyota created Scion Speak, a social networking site
where they can communicate,
socialize, and view cool new models of the car. Online events
such as the fashion shows broadcast
over the web are also getting the attention of younger
consumers, as are text, e-mail, and Twitter
messages they can sign up to receive so as to get coupons, cash,
and free merchandise.
The Millennial Generation, or Generation Y, is the demographic
cohort following Generation X.
There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends;
generally, birth years range
from the early 1980s to the early 2000s (Wikipedia). This
group is about 25 percent of the US
population and wields considerable buying power. Its members
are in their prime consumer
years, raising families and earning incomes. Marketers are
paying special attention to
millennials' needs and have significantly altered their branding
and promotion strategies to
reach them. Millennials grew up with technology and widely
use it for their information and
purchase behaviors. They also note a preference for supporting
causes with their purchases.
Tweens might appear to be a very attractive market when you
consider they will be buying
products for years to come. But would you change your mind if
you knew that baby boomers
account for 50 percent of all consumer spending in the United
States? Americans over 65 now
control nearly three-quarters of the net worth of US households;
this group spends $200 billion a
year on major "discretionary" (optional) purchases such as
luxury cars, alcohol, vacations, and
financial products (Reisenwitz, Iyer, Kuhlmeier, & Eastman,
Income is used as a segmentation variable because it indicates a
group's buying power. People's
incomes also tend to reflect their education levels, occupation,
and social classes. Higher
education levels usually result in higher-paying jobs and greater
social status.
The makers of upscale products such as Rolexes and
Lamborghinis aim their products at high-
income groups. However, a growing number of firms are aiming
their products at lower-income
consumers. The fastest-growing product in the financial
services sector is prepaid debit cards,
most of which are being bought and used by people who don't
have bank accounts. Firms are
finding that this group is a large, untapped pool of customers
who tend to be more brand-loyal
than most. If you capture enough of them, you can earn a profit
(von Hoffman, 2006).
Sometimes income isn't always indicative of who will buy your
product, however. Companies are
aware that many consumers want to be in higher-income groups
and behave like they are already
part of them (recall the reference groups discussed in Week 3,
"Consumer Behavior: How People
Make Buying Decisions"). Mercedes Benz's cheaper line of "C"
class vehicles is designed to appeal
to these consumers.
Gender is another way to segment consumers. As we explained
in Week 3, "Consumer Behavior:
How People Make Buying Decisions," men and women have
different physiological and other
needs. They also shop differently. Consequently, the two groups
are often, but not always,
segmented and targeted differently. Marketing professionals
don't stop there, though. For
example, because women make many of the purchases for their
households, market researchers
sometimes try to further divide them into subsegments. (Men
are also often subsegmented.) For
women, those segments might include stay-at-home housewives,
plan-to-work housewives, just-
a-job working women, and career-oriented working women.
Women who are solely homemakers
tend to spend more money, research has found—perhaps
because they have more time.
In addition to segmenting by gender, market researchers might
couple people's genders along
with their marital statuses and other demographic
characteristics. For, example, did you know
that more women in America than ever before (51 percent) now
live without spouses? Can you
think of any marketing opportunities this might present? (Barry,
Gilly, & Doran, 1985).
Family Life Cycle
Family life cycle refers to the stages families go through over
time and how the stages affect
people's buying behavior. The primary life cycle stages used by
marketers are illustrated in Figure
4.4. For example, if you have no children, your demand for
pediatric services (medical care for
children) is likely to be slim to none. But if you have children
or adopt them, your demand might
be very high because children frequently get sick. You will be
part of the target market not only for
pediatric services but also for a host of other products, such as
children's clothing, entertainment
services, and educational products.
A secondary segment of interested consumers might be
grandparents who are likely to spend less
on day-to-day child care items but more on special-occasion
gifts for children. In fact, many
markets are segmented based on the special events in people's
lives. Think about brides (and
wannabe brides) and all the products targeted at them, including
websites and television shows
such as Platinum Weddings, Married Away, Whose Wedding Is
It Anyway, and Bridezilla.
Figure 4.4 Family Life Cycle Stages
One main concern of marketing research firms is how to
identify the
similarities and differences between various life-stage
Source: Mediamark Research, Inc. (1990),
Lifestage Marketing. Mediamark Research: New York.
Resorts also segment vacationers depending on where they are
in their family life cycles. When
you think of family vacations, you probably think of Disney
resorts. Some vacation properties,
such as Sandals, exclude children from some of their resorts.
Perhaps they do so because some
studies show that the market segment with greatest financial
potential is married couples without
children (Barry, Gilly, & Doran, 1985).
Keep in mind that although you might be able to isolate a
segment in the marketplace, including
one based on the family life cycle, you can't make necessarily
make assumptions about what the
people in it will want. Just like people's demographics change,
so do their tastes. For example,
over the past few decades, US families have been getting
smaller. Households with a single
occupant are more common than ever. But that hasn't stopped
people from demanding bigger
cars (and more of them) as well as larger houses, or what some
people jokingly refer to as
But like the trend toward larger cars, the trend toward larger
houses appears to be reversing. High
energy costs, the credit crunch, and concern for the environment
are leading people to demand
smaller houses. To attract people such as these, D. R. Horton, a
leading national homebuilder,
and other construction firms are now building smaller homes.
People's ethnic backgrounds have a big impact on what they
buy. If you've visited a grocery store
that caters to a different ethnic group than your own, you were
probably surprised to see the types
of products sold there.
It's no secret that the United States is becoming—and will
continue to become—more diverse.
Hispanic Americans are the largest and the fastest-growing
minority in terms of real numbers in
the United States. Companies are courting this once-overlooked
group. In California, the health
care provider Kaiser Permanente runs television ads letting
members of this segment know that
they can request Spanish-speaking physicians, and that Spanish-
speaking nurses, telephone
operators, and translators are available at all of its clinics
(Berkowitz, 2006).
African Americans are the second-largest ethnic group in
America. Collectively, they have the
most buying power of any ethnic group in America. Many
people of Asian descent are known to be
early adapters of new technology and have above-average
incomes. Percentage-wise, Asians are
the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States. As a
result, companies that sell electronic
products, such as AT&T, spend more money segmenting and
targeting the Asian community
(Insight Research Corporation, 2003). Table 4.3, "Major US
Ethnic Segments and Their
Spending," contains information about the number of people in
these groups and their buying
Table 4.3 Major US Ethnic Segments and Their Spending
Group Percentage of US Population Annual Spending Power
(Billions of Dollars)
Hispanic 13.7 736
African American 13.0 761
Asian 5.0 397
Source: New American Dimensions, LLC.
As you can guess, even within ethnic groups, there are many
differences in terms of the goods and
services buyers choose. Consequently, looking broadly at each
group would leave an incomplete
picture of your buyers. For example, although the common
ancestral language among the
Hispanic segment is Spanish, Hispanics trace their lineages to
different countries. Nearly 70
percent of Hispanics in the United States trace their lineage to
Mexico; others trace theirs to
Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. The
percentage of these multicultural
groups' representation in the US population was outlined in
Week 3.
The Asian ethnic group has distinct divisions. Chinese,
Japanese, and Korean immigrants do not
share the same language (Insight Research Corporation, 2003).
Moreover, both the Asian and
Hispanic market segments include new immigrants, people who
immigrated to the United States
years ago, and native-born Americans. So what language will
you use to communicate your
offerings to these people, and where?
Multisegmenting the markets could potentially help you. New
American Dimensions, a
multicultural research firm, has further divided the Hispanic
market into the following
multisegments (, 2008):
• Just moved in'rs. Recent arrivals, Spanish-dependent,
struggling but optimistic.
• FOBrs (fashionistas on a budget). Spanish-dominant,
traditional, but striving for
• Accidental explorers. Spanish-preferred, not in a rush to
embrace US culture.
• The englightened. Bilingual, technology-savvy, driven,
educated, modern.
• Doubting Tomáses. Bilingual, independent, skeptical, inactive,
shopping uninvolved.
• Latin flavored. English-preferred, reconnecting with Hispanic
• SYLrs (single, young Latinos). English-dominant, free
thinkers, multicultural.
You could go so far as to break down segments to the individual
level (which is the goal behind
one-to-one marketing). However, doing so would be expensive,
notes Juan Guillermo Tornoe, a
marketing expert who specializes in Hispanic issues. After all,
are you really going to develop
different products for each of the groups? Different marketing
campaigns and communications?
Perhaps not. However, "you need to perform your due diligence
and understand where the
majority of the people you are trying to reach land on this
matrix, modifying your message
according to this insight," Tornoe (2008) explains.
Segmenting by Geography
Where will your customers come from? Suppose your new
product or service idea involves
opening a local store. Before you open the store, you will
probably want to do some research to
determine which geographical areas have the best potential. For
instance, if your business is a
high-end restaurant, should it be located near the local college
or country club? If you sell ski
equipment, you probably will want to locate your shop in the
vicinity of a mountain range where
there is skiing. You might see a snowboard shop in the same
area but probably not a surfboard
shop. By contrast, a surfboard shop is likely to be located along
the coast, but you probably would
not find a snowboard shop on the beach.
Geographic segmentation explains why the checkout clerks at
stores sometimes ask you what
your zip code is. It's also why businesses print codes on
coupons that correspond to zip codes.
When the coupons are redeemed, the store can then find out
where its customers are located—or
not located. Geocoding is a process that takes data such as this
and plots it on a map. Geocoding
can help businesses see where prospective customers might be
clustered and target them with
various ad campaigns, including direct mail, for example.
One of the most popular geocoding software programs is PRIZM
NE, which is produced by a
company called Claritas. PRIZM NE uses zip codes and
demographic information to classify the
American population into segments. The idea behind PRIZM is
that "you are where you live."
Combining both demographic and geographic information is
referred to as geodemographics.
To see how geodemographics works, visit the following page on
Type in your zip code, and you will see customer profiles of the
types of buyers who live in your
area. Table 4.4, "An Example of Geodemographic Segmentation
for 76137 (Fort Worth,
TX)," shows the profiles of buyers who can be found in the zip
code 76137—the "Brite Lites, Li'l
City" bunch, Home Sweet Home" set, and so on. Click on the
profiles on the Claritas site to see
which one most resembles you.
Table 4.4 An Example of Geodemographic Segmentation for
76137 (Fort Worth, TX)
Number Profile Name
12 Brite Lites, Li'l City
19 Home Sweet Home
24 Up-and-Comers
13 Upward Bound
34 White Picket Fences
The tourism bureau for the state of Michigan was able to
identify different customer profiles and
target them using PRIZM. Michigan's biggest travel segment are
Chicagoans in certain zip codes
consisting of upper-middle-class households with children—or
the "kids in cul-de-sacs" group, as
Claritas puts it. The bureau was also able to identify segments
significantly different from the
Chicago segment, including blue-collar adults in the Cleveland
area who vacation without their
children. The organization then created significantly different
marketing campaigns to appeal to
each group.
City size and population density (the number of people per
square mile) are also used for
segmentation purposes. Have you ever noticed that in rural
towns, McDonald's restaurants are
hard to find? But Dairy Queens are usually easy to locate.
McDonald's generally won't put a store
in a town of fewer than 5,000 people. However, this is prime
turf for the "DQ"—for one, because it
doesn't have to compete with bigger franchises like McDonald's.
Proximity marketing is an interesting new technology firms are
using to segment buyers
geographically and target them within a few hundred feet of
their businesses using wireless
technology. In some areas, you can switch your mobile phone to
a "discoverable mode" while
you're shopping and, if you want, get ads and deals from stores
as you pass by them. And it's often
less expensive than hiring people to hand you a flier as you
walk by (, 2007).
In addition to figuring out where to locate stores and advertise
to customers in that area,
geographic segmentation helps firms tailor their products.
Chances are you won't be able to find
the same heavy winter coat you see at a Walmart in Montana at
a Walmart in Florida because of
the climate differences. Market researchers also look at
migration patterns to evaluate
opportunities. TexMex restaurants are commonly found in the
southwestern United States.
However, northern states are now seeing more of them as more
people of Hispanic descent move
northward and the offerings become more popular nationwide.
Segmenting by Psychographics
If your offering fulfills the needs of a specific demographic
group, then the demographic can be a
basis for identifying groups of consumers interested in your
product. But what if your product
crosses several market segments? Take cereal, for example. The
group of potential consumers
could be "almost" everyone. However, there are groups of
people who have different needs with
regard to their cereal. Some consumers might be interested in
the fiber, some consumers
(especially children) may be interested in the prize that comes
in the box, other consumers may
be interested in the added vitamins, and still other consumers
may be interested in the type of
grains. Associating these specific needs with consumers in a
particular demographic group could
be difficult. Marketing professionals often desire more
information about consumers than just
demographic data. You want to know why consumers behave the
way they do, what is of high
priority to them, or how they rank the importance of specific
buying criteria. Think about some of
your friends who seem a lot like you. Have you ever gone their
homes and been shocked by their
lifestyles and how vastly different they are from yours? Why
are their families so much different
from yours?
Psychographic segmentation can help fill in some of the blanks.
Recall that we first
mentioned psychographics in Week 3, "Consumer Behavior:
How People Make Buying
Decisions." Psychographic information is frequently gathered
via extensive surveys that ask
people about their activities, interests, opinion, attitudes,
values, and lifestyles. One of the most
well-known psychographic surveys is VALS (which originally
stood for "Values, Attitudes, and
Lifestyles"), developed by a company called SRI International
in the late 1980s. Thousands of
Americans were asked by the California company the extent to
which they agreed or disagreed
with questions similar to the following ones: "My idea of fun at
a national park would be to stay at
an expensive lodge and dress up for dinner" and "I could stand
to skin a dead animal" (Donnelly,
2002). (Which category do you fall into?)
Consumers were then divided into categories: innovators,
thinkers, achievers, experiencers,
believers, strivers, makers, and survivors. Each category is
characterized by certain buying
behaviors; for example, innovators are "successful,
sophisticated, take-charge people with high
self-esteem" while thinkers are "mature, satisfied, comfortable,
and reflective people who value
order" (Strategic Business Insights, 2009). For detailed
descriptions of the categories, visit
Note that both VALS and PRIZM group buyers are based on
their values and lifestyles. But
PRIZM also overlays the information with geographic data. As a
result, you can gauge what are
the buying habits of people in certain zip codes, which can be
helpful if you are trying to figure out
where to locate stores and retail outlets.
The segmenting techniques we've discussed require gathering
quantitative information—data, in
other words. Quantitative information can be improved with
qualitative information you gather
by talking to your customers and getting to know them. (Recall
that this is how Healthy Choice
frozen dinners were created.) Consumer insight is what results
when you use both types of
information. You want to be able to answer the following
• Am I looking at the consumers the way they see themselves?
• Am I looking at life from their point of view?
Best Buy asked store employees to develop insight about local
consumer groups in order to create
special programs and processes for them. Employees in one
locale invited a group of retirees to
their store to explain how to make the switch to digital
television. The store sold $350,000 worth
of equipment and televisions in just two hours' time. How much
did it cost? Ninety-nine dollars in
labor costs plus coffee and donuts.
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Sojourner Truth The Great Antislavery AdvocateBy Hasi.docx

  • 1. Sojourner Truth: The Great Antislavery Advocate By Hasien Jacobs English 102 April 3, 2017 For Assistant Professor Donald Scott Research Proposal Thesis Question: What motivated Sojourner Truth to become an anti-slavery advocate and what methods did she use? Thesis Answer: Sojourner Truth became an anti-slavery advocate (1) in 1826 when she learned that her son, Peter, had been illegally sold into slavery in Alabama; (2) while living in New York, Isabella attended the many camp meetings held around the city and she quickly established herself as a powerful speaker, capable of converting many with her (3) faith in nonviolence and God's power to right the wrongs of slavery.
  • 2. Born into slavery in 1797, Isabella Baumfree, who later changed her name to Sojourner Truth, would become one of the most powerful advocates to fight for human rights in the nineteenth century. In addition, she was separated from her family and sold several times before ending up on the farm of John and Sally Dumont. She was in the center of slavery most of the times. Having grown in slavery, she Clearly understood the pains that slaves go through. Masters were rude and in most instances mistreated the slaves. Promises given to slaves were barely honored. She recalls the promises she was given while a slave, and how her hopes in the promises were frustrated. Masters may be different though. Some are harsh than others. Nevertheless, the conditions for most slaves in the rural North were the same. The characteristics of the slavery surround around mistreatment, false promises, suffering, pain and such. Later Truth established herself as a speaker, against slavery. Before then, slavery was a legal institution in the United states. It was a legal trade. African Americans were in the middle of the questionable trade. Slavery was at its peak in the 18th and 19th century; the period following United States attainment of independence. However, it did not last well into the cold war period. The onset of slavery was after the initial Africans were brought from the northern America. By the 18th century, slavery was a common practice in the United States of America. The slaves worked for their masters. They were a source of cheap labor and therefore contributed immensely to the economic development of the United States of America. When the cotton gin was invented in early 1990s. people realized how important slaves were, in labor provision. She looks at the suffering that slaves go though and therefore stays motivated to speak about it. Slavery was a major challenge facing Black Americans at the times. The preceding period saw many African Americans as slaves under whites. In fact, many African Americans had reached the United States through slavery roots. Truth was separated from her family and sold several times before ending up on the farm of John and Sally Dumont.
  • 3. At the age of nine years, Sojourner Truth was sold as a slave. Her first master was John Neely; who was a farmer with huge farms. She was positioned in the farm settlement where she would easily access the farm and provide cheap labor. Sojourner Truth could not speak in English and therefore was severally beaten by John for her incapability to communicate in English. By virtue of her sharpness, Sojourner learned English as others talked as she listened. Nevertheless, the conditions for most slaves in the rural North were the same. Therefore, Isabella lived isolated from other African Americans. Although, she suffered from physical and sexual abuse by her enslavers (“Women’s Rights”, Web). The occupation of Sojourner Truth was an author as well as an abolitionist. She is famous and has a legacy as a slave who changed to fight for slavery abolition and fought for the rights of the female gender. Even though, her master failed to honor his promise to free her or to uphold the New York Anti-Slavery Law of 1827 Isabella ran away. She later informed her master, by saying “I did not run away, I walked away by daylight….”. Her spiritual beliefs guided her through and to her freedom safely (Foner, Garraty, Web). Furthermore, she births a child who was illegally sold under fraudulent acts of her old slave master. She has therefore been in the midst of slavery and therefore the woes of slavery are not unfamiliar to her. Meanwhile, she encounters happiness with a man she would, later on, marry and take on a different life with him standing by her in the fight for freedom for all African Americans. Her Husband was supportive to her in the fight against slavery. Isabella became more in-depth with her fight and became a member of the judicial process and also joined a church that would help her succeed in her mission for all to be free. This is due to the revolutionary power vested in religious groups as well as the lawmakers. As a member of a church and partaker of the judicial process, she was able to influence decisions about slavery. Isabella learns that her pastor is more powerful and well-known than she thought and all of his teachings is more benefit to her than just words. Last but not
  • 4. least, Isabella was forced to leave the city by those who promise to protect her and keep her safe it was clear that everything she undertook in the city was now proven a failure. Finally, Isabella ventured out independently and finds herself surrounded by people of less intelligence and no form of ideas but of the same color. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Thesis Answer: Sojourner Truth became an anti-slavery advocate (1) in 1826 when she learned that her son, Peter, had been illegally sold into slavery in Alabama; (2) while living in New York, Isabella attended the many camp meetings held around the city and she quickly established herself as a powerful speaker, capable of converting many with her (3) faith in nonviolence and God's power to right the wrongs of slavery. Sentence Outline Thesis Question: What stimulated Sojourner Truth to want to be an anti-slavery advocate and what methods did she use? Thesis Answer: Sojourner Truth became an anti-slavery advocate (1) in 1826 when she learned that her son, Peter, had been illegally sold into slavery in Alabama; (2) while living in New York, Isabella attended the many camp meetings held around the city, and she quickly established herself as a powerful speaker, capable of converting many with (3) a symbol for faith in nonviolence and God's power to right the wrongs of slavery. 1. Truth’s son, Peter was illegally sold into slavery in Alabama. a. Previous to Isabel's leaving her old master, he had sold her child. b. The law expressly prohibited the sale of any slave out of the State
  • 5. c. minors were to be free at twenty-one years of age 2. Sojourner Truth established herself as powerful speaker a. Attended camp meetings to help her succeed with her mission of freedom and nonviolence. b. Her involvement within the church helped build her leadership skills and knowledge of being an anti-slavery advocate and a woman right activist. 3. Faith and nonviolence with the power of GOD. a. Sojourner Truth decided to walk a spiritual path in which she couldn’t be violent no matter what type of violence she had to face. b. Sojourner Truth was a person who didn’t believe in physical abuse, fighting words, terroristic acts or the use of weapons; she practiced and demonstrated nonviolence. Conclusion
  • 6. Sojourner Truth: The Great Antislavery Advocate Born into slavery in 1797, Isabella Baumfree, who later changed her name to Sojourner Truth, would become one of the most powerful advocates to fight for human rights in the nineteenth century. In addition, she was separated from her family and sold several times before ending up on the farm of John and Sally Dumont. She was in the center of slavery most of the times. Having grown in slavery, she Clearly understood the pains that slaves go through. Masters were rude and in most instances mistreated the slaves. Promises given to slaves were barely honored. She recalls the promises she was given while a slave, and how her hopes in the promises were frustrated. Masters may be different though. Some are harsh than others. Nevertheless, the conditions for most slaves in the rural North were the same. The characteristics of the slavery surround around mistreatment, false promises, suffering, pain and such. Later Truth established herself as a speaker, against slavery. Before then, slavery was a legal institution in the United states. It was a legal trade. African Americans were in the middle of the questionable trade. Slavery was at its peak in the 18th and 19th century; the period following United States attainment of independence. However, it did not last well into the cold war period. The onset of slavery was after the initial Africans were brought from the northern America. By the 18th century, slavery was a common practice in the United States of America.
  • 7. The slaves worked for their masters. They were a source of cheap labor and therefore contributed immensely to the economic development of the United States of America. When the cotton gin was invented in early 1990s. people realized how important slaves were, in labor provision. She looks at the suffering that slaves go though and therefore stays motivated to speak about it. Slavery was a major challenge facing Black Americans at the times. The preceding period saw many African Americans as slaves under whites. In fact, many African Americans had reached the United States through slavery roots. Truth was separated from her family and sold several times before ending up on the farm of John and Sally Dumont. At the age of nine years, Sojourner Truth was sold as a slave. Her first master was John Neely; who was a farmer with huge farms. She was positioned in the farm settlement where she would easily access the farm and provide cheap labor. Sojourner Truth could not speak in English and therefore was severally beaten by John for her incapability to communicate in English. By virtue of her sharpness, Sojourner learned English as others talked as she listened. Nevertheless, the conditions for most slaves in the rural North were the same. Therefore, Isabella lived isolated from other African Americans. Although, she suffered from physical and sexual abuse by her enslavers (“Women’s Rights”, Web). The occupation of Sojourner Truth was an author as well as an abolitionist. She is famous and has a legacy as a slave who changed to fight for slavery abolition and fought for the rights of the female gender. Even though, her master failed to honor his promise to free her or to uphold the New York Anti-Slavery Law of 1827 Isabella ran away. She later informed her master, by saying “I did not run away, I walked away by daylight….”. Her spiritual beliefs guided her through and to her freedom safely (Foner, Garraty, Web). Furthermore, she births a child who was illegally sold under fraudulent acts of her old slave master. She has therefore been in the midst of slavery and therefore the woes of slavery are not unfamiliar to her. Meanwhile, she encounters happiness with a
  • 8. man she would, later on, marry and take on a different life with him standing by her in the fight for freedom for all African Americans. Her Husband was supportive to her in the fight against slavery. Isabella became more in-depth with her fight and became a member of the judicial process and also joined a church that would help her succeed in her mission for all to be free. This is due to the revolutionary power vested in religious groups as well as the lawmakers. As a member of a church and partaker of the judicial process, she was able to influence decisions about slavery. Isabella learns that her pastor is more powerful and well-known than she thought and all of his teachings is more benefit to her than just words. Last but not least, Isabella was forced to leave the city by those who promise to protect her and keep her safe it was clear that everything she undertook in the city was now proven a failure. Finally, Isabella ventured out independently and finds herself surrounded by people of less intelligence and no form of ideas but of the same color. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Thesis Answer: Sojourner Truth became an anti-slavery advocate (1) in 1826 when she learned that her son, Peter, had been illegally sold into slavery in Alabama; (2) while living in New York, Isabella attended the many camp meetings held around the city and she quickly established herself as a powerful speaker, capable of converting many with her (3) faith in nonviolence and God's power to right the wrongs of slavery. Having grown in slavery, she Clearly understood the pains that slaves go through. Masters were rude and in most instances mistreated the slaves. Promises given to slaves were barely honored. She recalls the promises she was given while a slave, and how her hopes in the promises were frustrated. Masters may be different though. Some are harsh than others. Nevertheless, the conditions for most slaves in the rural North were the same. The characteristics of the slavery surround around mistreatment, false promises, suffering, pain and such. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW)
  • 9. As an African American, she was most of her time in the hands of masters as a slave. Therefore, Isabella lived isolated from other African Americans. She suffered from physical and sexual abuse by her enslavers (Olive, The Web). Even though, her master failed to honor his promise to free her or to uphold the New York Anti-Slavery Law of 1827 Isabella ran away. She later informed her master, by saying “I did not run away, I walked away by daylight….”. in 1825, her last master, Dumont made a promise to Sojourner Truth that, he would release her from slavery in a year. However, releasing her was the only option because it had been legislated that, all slaves be freed. Her spiritual beliefs guided her through and to her freedom safely. This was an expression of brevity. A lesson from this escape is that, slaves sometimes were compelled to fight for their own right rather than wait for empathy from the masters. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Isabella became more in-depth with her fight and became a member of the judicial process and also joined a church that would help her succeed in her mission for all to be free. As a member of the judicial process, she was involved in the legislative process. She used this as an avenue to ensure that, the rights of slaves were respected and granted. As a member of a church, Isabella learns that her pastor is more powerful and well-known than she thought and all of his teachings is more benefit to her than just words. Last but not least, Isabella was forced to leave the city by those who promise to protect her and keep her safe it was clear that everything she undertook in the city was now proven a failure. Finally, Isabella ventured out independently and finds herself surrounded by people of less intelligence and no form of ideas but of the same color. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) A little previous to Isabel's leaving her old master, he had sold her child, a boy of five years, to a Dr. Gedney, who took him with him as far as New York city, on his way to England; but finding the boy too small for his service, he sent him back to his
  • 10. brother, Solomon Gedney. This man disposed of him to his sister's husband, a wealthy planter, by the name of Fowler, who took him to his own home in Alabama. This illegal and fraudulent transaction had been perpetrated some months before Isabella knew of it, as she was now living at Mr. Van Wagener's. The law expressly prohibited the sale of any slave out of the State, --and all minors were to be free at twenty-one years of age; and Mr. Dumont had sold Peter with the express understanding, that he was soon to return to the State of New York, and be emancipated at the specified time. (Olive, The Web). In 1826, Isabella was living with the Van Wagenens, white Methodists, she had not been there long before her old master, Dumont, appeared, as she had anticipated; for when she took French leave of him, she resolved not to go too far from him, and not put him to as much trouble in looking her up--for the latter he was sure to do--as Tom and Jack had done when they ran away from him, a short time before. This was very considerate in her, to say the least, and a proof that 'like begets like.' He had often considered her feelings, though not always, and she was equally considerate. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) When her master saw her, he said, 'Well, Bell, so you've run away from me.' 'No, I did not run away; I walked away by day-light, and all because you had promised me a year of my time.' His reply was, 'You must go back with me.' Her decisive answer was, 'No, I won't go back with you.' He said, 'Well, I shall take the child. ‘This also was as stoutly negative. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Mr. Isaac S. Van Wagener then interposed, saying, he had never been in the practice of buying and selling slaves; he did not believe in slavery; but, rather than have Isabella taken back by force, he would buy her services for the balance of the year--for which her master charged twenty dollars, and five in addition for the child. The sum was paid, and her master Dumont
  • 11. departed; but not till he had heard Mr. van Wagener tell her not to call him master, --adding, 'there is but one master, and he who is your master is my master.' Isabella inquired what she should call him? He answered, 'Call me Isaac Van Wagener, and my wife is Maria Van Wagener.' Isabella could not understand this, and thought it a mighty change, as it most truly was a master whose word was law, to simple Isaac S. Van Wagener, who was a master to no one. With these noble people, who, though they could not be the masters of slaves, were undoubtedly a portion of God's nobility, she resided one year, and from them she derived the name of Van Wagener; he being her last master in the eye of the law, and a slave's surname is ever the same as his master; that is, if he is allowed to have any other name than Tom, Jack, or Guffin. Slaves have sometimes been severely punished for adding their master's name to their own. But when they have no particular title to it, it is no particular offense. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) When she learned that her son, Peter, had been illegally sold into slavery in Alabama. Previous to Isabel's leaving her old enslaver, he sold her five-year-old son. This illegal and fraudulent transaction had been perpetrated some months before Isabella knew of it. The law expressly prohibited the sale of any slave out of the State, --and all minors were to be free at twenty-one years of age; and Mr. Dumont had sold Peter with the express understanding, that he was soon to return to the State of New York, and be emancipated at the specified time (Olive, the Web). An outraged Isabella had no money to regain her son, but with God, on her side, she said she felt "so tall within as if the power of a nation was within [her]." She acquired money for legal fees and filed a complaint with the Ulster County grand jury. Peter was returned to her in the spring of 1828, marking the first step in a life of activism inspired by religious faith (Olive, The Web). The state of New York, which had begun to negotiate the abolition of slavery in 1799, emancipated all slaves on July 4,
  • 12. 1827. The shift did not come soon enough for Truth. After John Dumont reneged on a promise to emancipate Truth in late 1826, she escaped to freedom with her infant daughter, Sophia. Her other daughter and son stayed behind. Shortly after her escape, Truth learned that her son Peter, then 5 years old, had been illegally sold to a man in Alabama. She took the issue to court and eventually secured Peter's return from the South. The case was one of the first in which a black woman successfully challenged a white man in a U. S court. This is how she fought war against the slavery. She was concerned about kids that has been sold to masters as slaves in the United States. The antislavery laws have been installed and therefore she was concerned with proper implementation. Laws may exist but fail to be implemented sometimes. While the antislavery laws were existing, it was surprise that, there was still slavery existing. This is an implication of lack of stringent implementation. Sojourner Truth stood in the gap, to identify the cases that are still existing and make them face the law. The main reason for her concern can be identified as her personal experience with slavery. She had faced the pains of slavery and her son too. She had every reason to fight it. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Sojourner Truth's early years of freedom were marked by several strange hardships. Having converted to Christianity, Truth moved with her son Peter to New York City in 1829, where she worked as a housekeeper for Christian evangelist Elijah Pierson. She then moved on to the home of Robert Matthews, also known as Prophet Matthias, for whom she also worked as a domestic. Matthews had a growing reputation as a con man and a cult leader. Shortly after Truth changed households, Elijah Pierson died. Robert Matthews was accused of poisoning Pierson in order to benefit from his personal fortune, and the Folgers, a couple who were members of his cult, attempted to implicate Truth in the crime. In the absence of adequate evidence, Matthews was acquitted. Having become a favorite subject of the penny press, he subsequently moved
  • 13. west. In 1835 Truth brought a slander suit against the Folgers and won. While living in New York, Isabella attended the many camp meetings held around the city, and she quickly established herself as a powerful speaker, capable of converting many. She spoke of the need to end slavery. She emotionally talked of the pains that the slaves go through and gave reasons for the end of the vice. Her basis of the eradication of slavery remained God’s teachings and the judicial process. In 1843, she was "called in spirit" on the day of Pentecost. The spirit instructed her to leave New York, a "second Sodom," and travel east to lecture under the name Sojourner Truth. This new name signified her role as an itinerant preacher, her preoccupation with truth and justice, and her mission to teach people "to embrace Jesus, and refrain from sin. After experiencing a religious conversion, Isabella became an itinerant preacher and in 1843 changed her name to Sojourner Truth. During this period, she became involved in the growing antislavery movement (This far by faith, web). She attained the name from her relentless efforts to ensure that slavery was completely stopped. Truth embraced evangelical religion and became involved in moral reform and abolitionist work. She collected supplies for black regiments during the Civil War and immersed herself in advocating for freed people during the Reconstruction period. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Sojourner Truth was a powerful and impassioned speaker whose legacy of feminism and racial equality still resonates today. She is perhaps best known for her stirring “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech, delivered at a women’s convention in Ohio in 1851 (Foner, Garraty, Web). Sojourner Truth first met the abolitionist Frederick Douglass while she was living at the Northampton Association. Although he admired her speaking ability, Douglass was patronizing of Truth, whom he saw as "uncultured." Years later, however, Sojourner Truth would use her plain talk to challenge Douglass. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13
  • 14. BELOW) At an 1852 meeting in Ohio, Douglass spoke of the need for blacks to seize freedom by force. As he sat down, Truth asked: "Is God gone?" Although much exaggerated by Harriet Beecher Stowe and other writers, this exchange made Truth a symbol for faith in nonviolence and God's power to right the wrongs of slavery. Until old age intervened, Truth continued to speak passionately on the subjects of women's rights, universal suffrage, and prison reform. She was also an outspoken opponent of capital punishment, testifying before the Michigan state legislature against the practice. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) On June 1, 1843, Isabella Baumfree changed her name to Sojourner Truth, devoting her life to Methodism and the abolition of slavery. In 1844, she joined the Northampton Association of Education and Industry in Northampton, Massachusetts. Founded by abolitionists, the organization supported a broad reform agenda including women's rights. Members lived together on 500 acres as a self-sufficient community. Truth met a number of leading abolitionists at Northampton, including William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, and David Ruggles. Although the Northampton community disbanded in 1846, Sojourner Truth's career as an activist and reformer was just beginning. In 1850 her memoirs were published under the title The Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave. Truth dictated her recollections to a friend, Olive Gilbert since she could not read or write, and William Lloyd Garrison wrote the book's preface. That same year, Truth spoke at the first National Women's Rights Convention in Worcester, Massachusetts. She soon began touring regularly with abolitionist George Thompson, speaking to large crowds on the subjects of slavery and human rights. She was one of the several escaped slaves, along with Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman, to rise to prominence as an abolitionist leader and a testament to the
  • 15. humanity of enslaved people. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) In May of 1851, Truth delivered a speech at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in Akron. The extemporaneous speech, recorded by several observers, would come to be known as "Ain't I a Woman?" The first version of the speech, published a month later by Marius Robinson, editor of Ohio newspaper The Anti-Slavery Bugle, did not include the question "Ain't I a woman?" even once. Robinson had attended the convention and recorded Truth's words himself. The famous phrase would appear in print 12 years later, as the refrain of a Southern- tinged version of the speech. It is unlikely that Sojourner Truth, a native of New York whose first language was Dutch, would have spoken in this Southern idiom. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Truth continued to tour Ohio from 1851 to 1853, working closely with Robinson to publicize the antislavery movement in the state. As Truth's reputation grew and the abolition movement gained momentum, she drew increasingly larger and more hospitable audiences. Even in abolitionist circles, some of Truth's opinions were considered radical. She sought political equality for all women and chastised the abolitionist community for failing to seek civil rights for black women as well as men. She openly expressed concern that the movement would fizzle after achieving victories for black men, leaving both white and black women without suffrage and other key political rights. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Sojourner Truth put her reputation for working during the Civil War, helping to recruit black troops for the Union Army. She encouraged her grandson, James Caldwell, to enlist in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. In 1864, Truth was called to Washington, D.C., to contribute to the National Freedman's Relief Association. On at least one occasion, Truth met and spoke with President Abraham Lincoln about her beliefs and her experience. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) True to her broad reform ideas, Truth continued to agitate for
  • 16. change even after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. In 1865, Truth attempted to force the desegregation of streetcars in Washington by riding in cars designated for whites. A major project of her later life was the movement to secure land grants from the federal government for former slaves. She argued that ownership of private property, and particularly land, would give African Americans self-sufficiency and free them from a kind of indentured servitude to wealthy landowners. Although Truth pursued this goal forcefully for many years, she was unable to sway Congress. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) On her death, the tomb was inscribed with words “is God dead?”. She died on 26, November, 1883 where she was at her home on college street on November. Her funeral service was reported to have been attended by about 1,000 people which was held at the Congregational-Presbyterian church. She was later buried at Oak Hill cemetery which is at Battle Creek. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Truth was embraced by a community of reformers including Amy Post, Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, Lucretia Mott and Susan B. Anthony—friends with whom she collaborated until the end of her life, Sojourner Truth died at her home in Battle Creek, Michigan, on November 26, 1883 (Foner, Garraty, Web). Sojourner Truth was eminent in her time for her talking and singing capacity. As a man who could neither read nor compose, she had individuals perused to her, particularly the Bible, and from this she built up her special voice about how the world functioned and how it could be made strides. She seems like a sensible evangelist in a considerable lot of her discourses. Maybe Sojourner's most renowned discourse, and the one many individuals today know her for, was a discourse she conveyed in 1851 at a Women's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio. It is an intense discourse however it was recorded by a few unique
  • 17. individuals at the time. The most well-known record of it is by Frances Gage, the leader of the tradition, who was there however didn't record the discourse until 12 years after the fact. She put the discourse in southern lingo, however Sojourner never lived in the south and, in the event that anything, would have had a Dutch intonation, as Dutch was her first dialect. A columnist of the time recorded the discourse in an unexpected way. Both adaptations are underneath. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Sojourner Truth passed on her "Ain't I a Woman?" talk in Akron, Ohio during the Women's Rights Convention in year 1851. Her brief, essential talk which was rated to be an exceptional censure to various antifeminist disputes of the day. Moreover, it also advanced toward getting to be, and continues serving, as an incredible explanation of women's rights. Truth advanced toward getting to be, and even today still picture of robust womankind. Back in the year 1851, Truth went to the Ladies' Rights Tradition situated at Ohio. According to Frances Gage, the pioneer of the Tradition, on the second day a couple of male ministers showed up and battled that women should not have a vague right from men. The ministers' reasoning: women were delicate, men were rationally superior to women, Jesus was a man, and our first mother trespassed. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) Sojourner had rose she would have passed on her short, magnificent speech which was invoking statutes of Christians amidst contractions from a segment of woman who feared she would talk about invalidation. In her talk, she used a strong and compelling closeness basically to uncover the clerics disputes. Showing her especially manufactured arms and insinuating the constant labor that she was executed as a slave. She professed articulated the saying “And aint I a Woman?” with some regards to the fact that Jesus was a man, He had begun from a woman. Nevertheless, she turned down the wrongdoing of eve which
  • 18. was a conflict and she said that if one woman could bring down the entire world into a saga, then the women united can bring it to the prior original place. (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) The New York Telegram of Nov. 27, in noticing the death of Sojourner Truth, has the following dispatches from two of her distinguished co-laborers: -- WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. --In the death of Sojourner Truth, a marked figure has disappeared from the earth. Venerable for age, distinguished for insight into human nature, remarkable for independence and courageous self-assertion, devoted to the welfare of her race, she has been for the last forty years an object of respect and admiration to social reformers everywhere (Narrative of Sojourner Truth Truth, Sojourner, d. 1883 Gilbert, Olive 144 p., ill. Boston J). (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) FREDERICK DOUGLASS BOSTON, Nov. 27. --Sojourner Truth was a remarkable figure in the anti-slavery movement, almost the only speaker in it who had once been a slave in a Northern State. Her Meg Merrill’s figure added much to the effect of her speech. Her natural wit and happiness in retort I have hardly ever seen equaled. Her eloquence was at times marvelous. I once heard her describe the captain of a slave ship going up to judgment followed by his victims as they gathered from the depth of the sea, in a strain that reminded me of Clarence's dream in Shakespeare, and equaled it. The anecdotes of her ready wit and quick, striking replies are numberless. But the whole together give little idea of the rich, quaint, poetic, and often profound speech of a most remarkable person, who used to say to us, "You read books; God himself talks to me"(Narrative of Sojourner Truth Truth, Sojourner, d. 1883 Gilbert, Olive 144 p., ill. Boston J). (SOURCE???? – SEE #13 BELOW) WENDELL PHILLIPS.
  • 19. Works Cited Foner Eric and Garraty John A., The Reader’s Companion to American History, 1991, Gilbert Olive, Truth Sojourner,1883 Narrative of Sojourner Truth Truth, Sojourner, d. 1883 Gilbert, Olive 144 p., ill.Boston Sojourner Truth Biography, web 4. B. This far by faith, web.Yerrinton and Son, Printers 1850 5. web. 6. Women’s Rights, web. EVALUATION SHEET 1. You need a stronger or expanded proposal paragraph_x__, introduction ___ or conclusion ___ . 2. Write your ONE-SENTENCE thesis (answer) at the bottom of your introductory OR proposal paragraph. __x____ 3. Your paragraphs do not match the topic order of your thesis and/or outline.__x____
  • 20. 4. You must double space your text ___x_ and/or make it 12 pt. in size____ in Times New Roman style.______. Do not use large type, only 12-pt size.______ 5. Your thesis answer needs several clear points. ____ OR your thesis question is not adequate. ____ 6. ___x_____ Edit this research paper, outline and/or proposal paragraph for sentence-structure errors. 7. You have run-on sentences, or sentences that run too long. _______ 8. You do not have complete sentences; they are fragments. ______ 9. __X___ You have spelling or grammar errors. 10. Some paragraphs are too short OR need more analysis __X____ ; YOU NEED MORE PAGES ___X___ 11. You must condense this essay. You have too many words. Make the sentences shorter. ____ 12. Add quotes (with source info) in the body of your paragraphs _X____ or add several blockquotes _____ 13. X Be sure to include enough parenthetical (in-text) citations that follow your extracted data in your paragraph(s). Example: “Richard Jacobs was an ex-slave and scientist who traveled the Pennsylvania wilderness trying to find artifacts,” says an online article about the black scientist (Yardley, Web). If the author’s name is missing, simply USE THE TITLE: (“From Slavery to Scientist,” Web). If you gather information from a conventional book or article, the citation must provide the author’s last name and page number: (Williams, pg. 42). Use a citation for indirect quotes too.__x____
  • 21. 14. ___X__Your Works Cited page is missing or formatted wrong and/or must be alphabetized. Book Example (DO NOT TYPE WORDS IN THE PARENTHESES): Williams, James (Author). From Slavery to Scientist (Title). Penguin Books (Publisher), New York (Place of Publication). 1987(Publication Date). Print (Publication Method) Web Examples: WITH AUTHOR'S NAME: Yardley, Karl (Author). "Art of finding Artifacts (Title)." The OWL at Purdue (Publisher). 10 May 2003 (Publication Date). Web(Pub.Method). 12 May 2009 (Date of Retrieval). WITH NO AUTHOR LISTED: "From Slavery to Scientist (Title)." W.E.B. DuBOIS Center (Publisher). 12 June 2009 (Publication Date). Web (Publication Method). 18 May 2011 (Retrieval Date) 15.___X____ Add __X____ more books or __X____articles to your Works Cited page. When she was younger, In the evening, when her mother's work was done, she would sit down under the sparkling vault of heaven, and calling her children to her, would talk to them about the only Being that could effectually aid or protect them. Her teachings were delivered in Low Dutch, as follows: -- My children, there is a God, who hears and sees you.' 'A God, mau- mau! She had grown spiritually and immensely trusted in God’s power and presence. Her teachings and speeches manifested the
  • 22. power of God to turn situations around and make them better. She dismissed those that held others in slavery as ungodly. She was at the center of an important fight against slavery. Writing Assignment – Only 5 pages double spaced. Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions Learning Outcomes Model of Consumer Behavior: Environmental factors. Student can use the model of consumer behavior to identify those environmental factors most likely to affect the consumer decision making for a specific product or service. Model of Consumer Behavior: Consumer factors. Student can reference the model of consumer behavior to identify the consumer factors most likely to affect the decision making for a specific product or service. Role of Involvement in purchase decisions. Student can identify the role of consumer involvement applicable to a specific product or service offering and how that level of involvement affects the type of decision making. Consumer decision-making process. Student can identify how marketing strategy can influence each of the steps in the consumer decision-making process. Directions · Refer to the Ford F-150 truck product I selected. This week, you want to take a closer look at what consumer factors may be relevant for customers who are considering buying your product or service offering. This will require some critical thinking on your part based on your own behavior if you are a customer yourself, or you may want to talk to others who have purchased
  • 23. the product. Sometimes you can find clues when looking at the marketing messages that may be addressing some of these factors. · Prepare your assignment beginning with a cover page with your name and the product or service. Then answer the following four questions in order and number the beginning of your response to each question. 1. Consumer Behavior Model:Environmental factors. Refer to the week's readings and the model of consumer behavior and identify two of the most important environmental factors you think are relevant to the customers of your product or service offering. Explain your choices. 2. Consumer Behavior Model: Consumer factors. Refer to this week's readings and the model of consumer behavior and identify the three most important consumer factors you think are relevant to the customers of your product or service offering. Explain your choices. 3. Role of involvement in consumer decision-making. Identify the level of involvement a customer of your product or service might use to make a purchase/no purchase decision. Then, discuss which type of buying behavior is most consistent with that level of involvement. 4. Consumer decision-making process. Go through the six steps of the purchase process outlined in the readings and identify where marketing can influence each of the six steps. For example, if a consumer just identified a need for your product in step one, then the company can advertise how your product fills that need. Or, if a consumer purchased your product, the consumer can be called and asked about their satisfaction with the product and if there is any dissatisfaction steps can be taken to ensure the customer satisfaction. Be sure to be more specific with respect to your product or service than this example. Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Learning Outcomes 1. Segmentation. Students can use the segmentation characteristics to identify and describe market segments
  • 24. 2. Target Market. Students can identify a usable market segment to be a target market 3. Target-market strategy. Students can determine an appropriate target-market strategy. 4. Positioning. Students can develop and interpret a perceptual map. Directions · So far, you have only been considering the customers of your product or service as one big group, or a mass market. More astute marketing breaks down this large group into smaller market segments of consumers who have similar characteristics. For any specific product or service, there could be numerous market segments. However, company resources may only allow a company to pursue one or two or these market segments, which then become target market(s). In this paper, you should divide the mass market for your product or service into at least two market segments and then pick one target market you think would have the most potential for future growth. This target market does not have to be the one the company would have actually picked, or is currently pursuing. · Think outside your own box. Chances are good you picked a product with which you are familiar. That is a good starting point, and you may represent one target market. But you may represent a target market that is saturated and therefore not the best target market to pick for the remainder of the semester. So be sure your second target market is different enough and represents growth potential. · If you did not do a thorough analysis of the competition in the prior writing assignment, you may need to go back and figure out the nature of the product's or service’s competition. This will be important when you address the positioning of your product for your newly identified target market inasmuch as positioning is a competition-based concept. · We understand you are not an employee of the company and do not have access to the data that you feel will allow you to discuss the questions to the degree you would like. Take your
  • 25. best educated and reasoned guesses whenever you need to do so. · Your job will be to critically examine all of the segmentation bases and arrive at your own description of potential market segments for your product or service. · You may want to visit perceptual-maps/a-step-by-step-guide-to-constructing-a- perceptual-map/ for a step-by-step guide on how to draw a perceptual or positioning map. Remember to label both axes of your perceptual map. Meanwhile, here is an example of a perceptual map for the beer market, an excellent example for a highly competitive product. · Prepare your assignment by answering the following four areas of inquiry related to the learning outcomes noted above. 1. Segmentation. Using the various criteria of the segmentation bases described in the week's readings and in Table 4.1, identify at least two distinct market segments for your product or service. Each market segment description must include at least three (more if needed) of the characteristics from amongst any of the four bases categories, e.g. one from demographic variables, one or two from psychographic variables, and one from behavioral variables, or a similar scheme. Be sure to explain your choices based on what customer need the product or service offering can fill for each segment. 2. Target market. Select one of the market segments you described in (1) above as the one you believe is or can be the most profitable for your product or service offering and explain why you feel they can represent growth for the company. Refer to the six criteria for an attractive market segment as described in course content under ‘Selecting Target Markets’. Name your target market so you can use this name throughout all of your remaining writing assignments. Your name should be descriptive of the segments' characteristics like 'savvy young shoppers' or 'educated baby boomers', or 'urban hipsters', or the like. The goal is for your faculty member to get a mental image
  • 26. of your target market for the remainder of the semester. 3. Target market strategy. Should the company focus all their resources on this new target market (concentrated marketing) or should they continue to pursue both the new and the existing target market as well as other market segments (multi-segment marketing)? Alternatively, is the market so saturated might they be more successful by focusing solely on an even more narrow market segment, perhaps an even narrower version (niche marketing) of your selected target market, as their best chance for growth? What is your reasoning? 4. Positioning. Draw yourself a perceptual map as illustrated in the week's readings or use the websites noted in the directions. Be sure to pick two criteria that are important to your new target market for your two axes, perhaps two of the criteria you used in Week 1 in your competitive analysis. Map at least the two major competitors you noted in the previous writing assignment and add any others that you may have discovered since then. Describe what the perceptual map is telling you regarding how each product is perceived in the minds of the new target market you described above. You may have to make a series of educated guesses for some of the data points. Ideally, you want to find uncontested space. If your product overlaps with a competing offering discuss whether or not your product or service should try for an ‘uncontested’ space on the map and ‘reposition’ itself; or if it should keep the same position and compete head on with the other product. (You will have a chance to make changes to the product, the pricing and the distribution to change the product's positioning and find uncontested space in the coming weeks). General Submission Requirements · Prepare a word document, use a simple 12-point font Times New Roman. · Your assignment should be five pages, no more, of double- spaced text, approximately 1/2 page for each of the eight questions (four in Part 1 and four in Part 2). You may attach exhibits that will not be counted towards the page count of
  • 27. double-spaced text. The cover page and Bibliography page are not part of the five pages of written analysis. · Be sure your name, writing assignment number, and the name of your product or service are on the cover page of your writing assignment. · Include a bibliography, which includes at least four references. Use APA style · Upload your word processed document in your LEO assignments folder by the due date in the LEO calendar. Refer to the grading rubric associated with the assignments. Be sure to note that 20% of your grade on this assignment will be based on your grammar, composition, adherence to the submission requirements, and use of an appropriate college- level style guide for writing and referencing. Week 4, "Market Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning" was derived from Principles of Marketing, which was adapted by the Saylor Foundation under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license without attribution as requested by the work's original creator or licensee. © 2015, The Saylor Foundation. Week 4 Market Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning Suppose you've created a great new offering you hope will become a hot seller. Before you quit your day job to market it, you'll need to ask yourself, "Who's
  • 28. going to buy my product?" and "Will there be enough of these people to make it worth my while?" Certain people will be more interested in what you have to offer than others. Not everyone needs homeowners' insurance, not everyone needs physical therapy services, and not everyone needs the latest and greatest cell phone. Among those that do, some will buy a few, and a few will buy many. In other words, in terms of your potential buyers, not all of them are "created equal." Some customers are more equal than others, however. A number of people might be interested in your product if it's priced right. Other people might be interested if they simply are aware of the fact that your product exists. Your goal is to figure out who these people are. To do this, you will need to divide them into different categories. The process of breaking down all consumers into groups of potential buyers with similar characteristics is called market segmentation. The key question to ask yourself when segmenting markets: What groups of buyers are similar
  • 29. enough that the same product or service will appeal to all of them? (Barringer & Ireland, 2010). After all, your marketing budget is likely to be limited. You need to focus on those people you truly have a shot at selling to and tailoring your offering toward them. Once market segments are identified, the next step is to identify which of those segments, if any, the company wants to pursue with its limited resources and consistency with its mission. This is called target marketing. A company may decide not to target market, in which case it is mass marketing. But mass marketing is rare. 4.1 Targeted Marketing vs. Mass Marketing L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 1. Distinguish between targeted marketing and mass marketing and explain what led to the rise of each. Marketing.pdf
  • 30. 2. Describe how targeted marketing can benefit firms. 3. Explain why companies differentiate among their customers. Choosing select groups of people and organizations to sell to is called targeted marketing, or differentiated marketing. It is a relatively new phenomenon. Mass marketing, or undifferentiated marketing, came first. It evolved along with mass production and involves selling the same product to everybody. You didn't need to conduct any market research to know that a household could use an electric washing machine. Build it and they will come. You can think of mass marketing as a shotgun approach: you blast out as many marketing messages as possible on every medium available as often as you can afford (Spellings Jr., 2009). (By contrast, targeted marketing is more like shooting a rifle; you take careful aim at one type of customer with your message.) Automaker Henry Ford was very successful at both mass
  • 31. production and mass marketing. Ford pioneered the modern-day assembly line early in the twentieth century, which helped him cost- effectively pump out huge numbers of identical Model T automobiles. They came in only one color: black. "Any customer can have a car painted any color he wants, so long as it is black," Ford used to joke. He also advertised in every major newspaper and persuaded all kinds of publications to carry stories about the new, inexpensive cars. By 1918, half of all cars on America's roads were Model Ts (Ford, 1922). Figure 4.1 You could forget about buying a custom Model T from Ford in the early 1900s. The good news? The price was right. Source: Unknown. Wikimedia Commons. In the public domain. Then Alfred P. Sloan, the head of General Motors (GM), appeared on the scene. Sloan began to
  • 32. segment consumers in the automobile market—to divide them by the prices they wanted to pay and the different cars they wanted to buy. His efforts were successful, and in the 1950s, GM overtook Ford in the as the nation's top automaker (Manzanedo, 2005). (You might be interested to know that before GM declared bankruptcy in 2009, it was widely believed the automaker actually had too many car models. Apparently, "old habits die hard," as the saying goes.) Benefits of Segmenting and Targeting Markets The story of General Motors raises an important point, which is that segmenting and targeting markets doesn't necessarily mean "skinnying down" the number of your customers. In fact, it can help you enlarge your customer base by giving you information with which to successfully adjust some component of your offering—the offering itself, its price, the way you service and market it, and so on. More specifically, the process can help you do the following: • Avoid head-on competition with other firms trying to capture the same customers
  • 33. • Develop new offerings and expand profitable brands and product lines • Remarket older, less-profitable products and brands • Identify early adopters • Redistribute money and sales efforts to focus on your most profitable customers • Retain "at-risk" customers in danger of defecting to your competitors The trend today is toward more precise, targeted marketing. Figuring out "who's who" in terms of your customers involves some detective work, though—often market research. A variety of tools and research techniques can be used to segment markets. Government agencies, such as the US Census Bureau, collect and report vast amounts of population information and economic data that can reveal changing consumption trends. Technology is also making it easier for even small companies and entrepreneurs to gather information about potential customers. For example, the online game company
  • 34. originally believed its target market consisted of US customers. But when the firm looked more closely at who was downloading games from its website, they were people from all over the globe. The great product idea you had? As we explained in Week 3, "Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions," companies are now using the Internet to track people's web browsing patterns and segment them into groups that can be marketed to. Even small businesses are able to do this cost-effectively now because they don't need their own software and programs. They can simply sign up online for products like Google's AdSense and AdWords programs. You can locate potential customers by looking at blog sites and discussion forums on the web. Big- has thousands of discussion forums you can mine to find potential customers. Do you have a blog? Go to, and you can embed a survey in your blog to see what people think of your idea. If you have a website, you can download an application onto your iPhone that
  • 35. will give you up-to-the-minute information and statistics on your site's visitors. Getting a read on potential target markets doesn't have to involve technology, though. Your own experience and talking to would-be buyers is an important part of the puzzle. Go where you think would-be buyers go—restaurants, malls, gyms, subways, grocery stores, day care centers, and offices. Ask questions: What do buyers do during the day? What do they talk about? What products or services do you see them using? Are they having an enjoyable experience when using those products, or are they frustrated? Figure 4.2 The Healthy Choice line of frozen dinners was launched by a heart attack victim. Source: Photo by Ken. (2008). Flickr. Used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic license. Healthy Choice frozen dinners were conceived as a result of
  • 36. questioning potential customers. The food-maker ConAgra launched the dinners in the late 1980s after its CEO, Charlie Harper, suffered a heart attack. One day a colleague complimented Harper on his wife's tasty low-fat turkey stew. That's when Harper realized there were people like him who wanted healthy convenience foods, so he began talking to them about what they wanted. Two years after the Healthy Choice line was launched, it controlled 10 percent of the frozen-dinner market (Birchall [b.], 2009). Segmenting and Targeting a Firm's Current Customers Finding and attracting new customers is generally more difficult than retaining your current customers. People are creatures of habit. Think about how much time and energy you spend when you switch your business from one firm to another—even when you're buying something as simple as a haircut. If you aren't happy with your hair and want to find a new hairdresser, you first have to talk to people with haircuts you like or read
  • 37. reviews of salons. Once you decide to go to a particular salon, you have to look it up on the Internet or your GPS device and hope you don't get lost. When you get to the salon, you explain to the new hairdresser how you want your hair cut and hope he or she gets it right. You might also have to navigate different methods of payment. Perhaps the new salon won't accept your American Express card or won't let you put the tip on your card. However, once you have learned how the new salon operates, doing business with it gets much easier. The same is true for firms when it comes to finding new customers. Finding customers, getting to know them, and figuring out what they really want is a difficult process—one that's fraught with trial and error. That's why it's so important to get to know and form relationships with your current customers. Broadly speaking, your goal is to do as much business with each one of them as possible. The economic downturn of the first decade in the 2000s drove
  • 38. home the point of making the most of one's current customers. During the downturn, new customers were hard to find, and firms' advertising and marketing budgets were cut. Expensive, untargeted, shotgun-like marketing campaigns that would probably produce spotty results were out of the question. Consequently, many organizations chose to focus their selling efforts on current customers in hopes of retaining their loyalty once the downturn was over (Birchall [a.], 2009). This is the situation in which the adventure-based travel firm Backroads found itself in 2009. The California-based company increased its revenues by creating a personalized marketing campaign for people who had done business with Backroads in the past. The firm looked at information such as customers' past purchases, the seasons in which they took their trips, the levels of activity associated with them, and whether or not the customers tended to vacation with children. The company then created three relevant trip suggestions for each customer based on the information. The information was sent to customers via postcards and e-
  • 39. mails with links to customized web pages reminding them of the trips they had previously booked with Backroads and suggesting new ones. "In terms of past customers, it was like off-the-charts better [than past campaigns]," says Massimo Prioreschi, the vice president of Backroads' sales and marketing group (MarketingSherpa, 2009). In addition to studying buying patterns, firms also try to know their customers by surveying them or hiring marketing research firms to do so. Firms also use loyalty programs to find out about their customers. For example, if you sign up to become a frequent flier with a certain airline, the airline will likely ask to you a number of questions about your likes and dislikes. This information will then be entered into a customer relationship management (CRM) system, and you might be e-mailed special deals based on the routes you tend to fly. British Airways goes so far as to track the magazines its most elite fliers like to read so the
  • 40. publications are available on its planes. Many firms—even small ones—are using Facebook to develop closer relationships with their customers. At Hansen Cakes, a Beverly Hills (California) bakery, employee Suzi Finer posts "cake updates" and photos of the goodies she's working on to the company's Facebook page. Along with information about the cakes, Finer extends special offers to customers and mixes in any gossip about Hollywood celebrities she's spotted in the area. After Hansen Cakes launched its Facebook page, the bakery's sales shot up 15–20 percent. "And that's during the recession," noted Finer (Graham, 2009). Twitter is another way companies are keeping in touch with their customers and boosting their revenues. For example, when the homemaking maven Martha Stewart schedules a book signing, she tweets her followers, and voilà—many of them show up at the bookstore she's appearing at to buy copies. Finding ways to interact with customers that they enjoy—whether it's meeting or "tweeting" them, or putting on events and tradeshows they want to attend—is the key
  • 41. to forming relationships with them. Remember what you learned in Week 2, "Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Empowerment , and Management": not all customers are created equal, including your current customers. Some customers are highly profitable, and others aren't. Still others will actually end up costing your company money to serve. Consequently, you will want to interact with some more than others. Believe it or not, some firms deliberately "untarget" unprofitable customers. That's what Best Buy did. In 2004, Best Buy got a lot of attention (not all good) when it was discovered the company had categorized its buyers into "personas," or types of buyers, and created customized sales approaches for each. For example, an upper-middle-class woman was referred to as a "Jill." A young urban man was referred to as a "Buzz." And pesky, bargain-hunting customers that Best Buy couldn't make much of a profit from? They were referred to as "devils" and taken off the company's mailing lists (Marco, 2009).
  • 42. The knife cuts both ways, though. Not all firms are equal in the minds of consumers, who will choose to do business with some companies rather than others. To consumers, market segmentation means: meet my needs—give me what I want (Market Segmentation, 2009). "Steps in One-to-One Marketing" outlines the steps companies can take to target their best customers, form close, personal relationships with them, and give them what they want—a process called one-to-one marketing. In terms of our shotgun vs. rifle approach, you can think of one-to-one marketing as a rifle approach, but with an added advantage: now you have a scope on your rifle. One-to-one marketing is an idea proposed by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers in their 1994 book The One to One Future. The book described what life would be like after mass marketing. We would all be able to get exactly what we want from sellers,
  • 43. and our relationships with them would be collaborative, rather than adversarial. Are we there yet? Not quite. But it does seem to be the direction the trend toward highly targeted marketing is leading. Steps in One-to-One Marketing 1. Establish short-term measures to evaluate your efforts. Determine how you will measure your effort. For example, will you use higher customer satisfaction ratings, increased revenues earned per customer, number of products sold to customers, transaction costs, or another measure? 2. Identify your customers. Gather all the information you can about your current customers, including their buying patterns, likes, and dislikes. When conducting business with them, include an "opt in" question that allows you to legally gather and use their phone numbers and e-mail addresses so you can remain in contact with them. 3. Differentiate among your customers. Determine who your best customers are in terms of what they spend and will spend in the future (their customer
  • 44. lifetime value), and how easy or difficult they are to serve. Identify and target customers that spend only small amounts with you but large amounts with your competitors. 4. Interact with your customers, targeting your best ones. Find ways and mediums in which to talk to customers about topics they're interested in and enjoy. Spend the bulk of your resources interacting with your best (high-value) customers. Minimize the time and money you spend on low-value customers with low growth potential. 5. Customize your products and marketing messages to meet their needs. Try to customize your marketing messages and products in order to give your customers exactly what they want—whether it's the product itself, its packaging, delivery, or the services associated with it (Harler, 2008; Peppers & Rogers, 1999; Peppers, Rogers, & Dorf, 1999). 4 . 1 K E Y T A K E A W A Y
  • 45. Choosing select groups of people to sell to is called targeted marketing, or differentiated marketing. Mass marketing, or undifferentiated marketing, involves selling the same product to everyone. The trend today is toward more precise, targeted marketing. Finding and attracting new customers is generally far more difficult than retaining one's current customers, which is why organizations try to interact with and form relationships with their current customers. The goal of firms is to do as much business with their best customers as possible. Forming close, personal relationships with customers and giving them exactly what they want is a process called one-to-one marketing. It is the opposite of mass marketing. 4.2 How Markets Are Segmented L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 1. Understand and outline the ways in which markets are segmented. 2. Explain why marketers use some segmentation bases vs. others. We will learn more about business markets and how they are segmented in Week 8. Now, we will focus on consumer markets and how they can be segmented. In Week 3, "Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions," we mentioned that
  • 46. certain factors drive consumers to buy certain things. Many of the same factors can also be used to segment customers. A firm will often use multiple segmentation bases, or criteria to classify buyers, to get a fuller picture of its customers and create real value for them. Each variable adds a layer of information about those buyers until you have a profile of a market segment. There are all kinds of characteristics you can use to segment a market. You might not immediately think of some of them. What about the physical sizes of people? "Big-and-tall" stores cater to the segment of population that's larger-sized. What about people with wide or narrow feet, or people with medical conditions, certain hobbies, or different sexual orientations? Next, we'll look at some of the more common characteristics market researchers look at when segmenting buyers. Types of Segmentation Bases Table 4.1, "Common Ways of Segmenting Buyers," shows some of the different types of buyer characteristics used to segment markets. Notice that the characteristics fall into one of four
  • 47. segmentation categories: behavioral, demographic, geographic, or psychographic. We'll discuss each of these categories in a moment. For now, you can get a rough idea of what the categories consist of by looking at them in terms of how marketing professionals might answer the following questions: • Behavioral segmentation. What benefits do customers want, and how do they use our product? • Demographic segmentation. How do the ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds of our customers affect what they buy? • Geographic segmentation. Where are our customers located, and how can we reach them? What products do they buy based on their locations? • Psychographic segmentation. What do our customers think about and value? How do they live their lives?
  • 48. Table 4.1 Common Ways of Segmenting Buyers By Behavior By Demographics By Geography By Psychographics • Benefits sought from the product • How often the product is used (usage rate) • Usage situation (daily use, holiday use, etc.) • Buyer's status and loyalty to product (nonuser, potential user, first-time users, regular user) • Age/generation • Income • Gender • Family life cycle • Ethnicity • Family size • Occupation • Education • Nationality • Religion • Social class • Region (continent, country, state, neighborhood) • Size of city or town • Population density • Climate
  • 49. • Activities • Interests • Opinions • Values • Attitudes • Lifestyles Segmenting by Behavior Behavioral segmentation divides people into groups according to how they behave with or act toward products. Benefits segmentation—segmenting buyers by the benefits they want from products—is very common. Take toothpaste, for example. Which benefit is most important to you when you buy toothpaste: the toothpaste's price, ability to whiten your teeth, fight tooth decay, freshen your breath, or something else? Perhaps it's a combination of two or more benefits. If marketing professionals know what those benefits are, they can then tailor different toothpaste offerings to you (and other people like you). For example, Colgate 2-in-1 Toothpaste & Mouthwash, Whitening Icy Blast is aimed at people who want the benefits of both fresher breath and whiter teeth.
  • 50. Another way in which businesses segment buyers is by their usage rates—that is, how often, if ever, they use certain products. For example, the entertainment and gaming company Harrah's gathers information about the people who gamble at its casinos. High rollers, or people who spend a lot of money, are considered "VIPs." VIPs get special treatment, including a personal "host" who looks after their needs during their casino visits. Companies are interested in frequent users because they want to reach others like them. They are also keenly interested in nonusers and how they can be persuaded to use products. The way in which people use products is also a basis for segmentation. Avon Skin So Soft was originally a beauty product. But after Avon discovered that some people were using it as a mosquito repellant, the company began marketing it for that purpose. Eventually, Avon created a separate product called Skin So Soft Bug Guard, which competes with repellents like Off!
  • 51. Similarly, Glad, the company that makes plastic wrap and bags, found out customers were using its Press 'n Seal wrap in ways the company could never have imagined. The personnel in Glad's marketing department subsequently launched a website called that contained both the company and consumers' use tips. Some of the ways in which people use the product are pretty unusual, as evidenced by the following comment posted on the site: "I have a hedgehog who likes to run on his wheel a lot. After quite a while of cleaning a gross wheel every morning, I got the tip to use 'Press 'n Seal wrap' on his wheel, making clean up much easier! My hedgie can run all he wants, and I don't have to think about the cleanup. Now we're both GLAD!" (Glad, 2009). Although we doubt Glad will ever go to great lengths to segment the Press 'n Seal market by hedgehog owners, the firm has certainly gathered a lot of good consumer insight about the product and publicity from its website.
  • 52. Segmenting by Demographics Segmenting buyers by tangible, personal characteristics such as their ages, incomes, ethnicity, family sizes, and so forth is called demographic segmentation. This section will discuss some prominent demographic characteristics used to segment buyers, including age, income, gender, and family life cycles. Other demographic characteristics include occupation, education, nationality, religion, and social class. Demographics are commonly used to segment markets because a mountain of demographic information is publicly available in databases around the world. You can obtain a great deal of demographic information on the US Census Bureau's website ( Other government websites you can tap include FedStats ( and The World Factbook ( factbook/index.html), which factbook/index.html
  • 53. contains statistics about countries around the world. In addition to current statistics, the sites contain forecasts of demographic trends, such as whether some segments of the population are expected to grow or decline. Age At some point in your life, you are more likely to buy your first home than a funeral plot. Marketing professionals know this. That's why they try to segment consumers by their ages. You're probably familiar with some of the age groups most commonly segmented in the United States. They are shown in Table 5.2, "US Generations and Characteristics." Into which category do you fall? Table 5.2 US Generations and Characteristics Generation Also Known As Birth Years Characteristics Seniors "The Silent Generation," "Matures," "Veterans," and "Traditionalists" 1945 and
  • 54. prior • Experienced very limited credit growing up • Tend to live within their means • Spend more on health care than any other age group • Internet usage rates increasing faster than any other group Baby Boomers 1946– 1964 • Second-largest generation in the United States • Grew up in prosperous times before the widespread use of credit • Account for 50 percent of US consumer spending • Willing to use new technologies as they see fit Generation X 1965– 1979 • Comfortable but cautious about borrowing • Buying habits characterized by their life stages
  • 55. • Embrace technology and multitasking Generation Y "Millennials," "Echo Boomers," includes "Tweens" (preteens) 1980– 2000 • Largest US generation • Grew up with credit cards • Adept at multitasking; technology use is innate • Ignore irrelevant media Note: Not all demographers agree on the cutoff dates between the generations. Sources: U.S. Census Bureau,; Richard K. Miller and Kelli Washington, The 2009 Entertainment, Media & Advertising Market Research Handbook, 10th ed. Loganville, GA: Richard K. Miller & Associates, 2009, 157–66; Sydney Jones and Susannah Fox, "Generations Online in 2009," Pew Research Center, Online-in-2009.aspx; Maria Paniritas, "Generation Gap: Boomers, Xers Are Reining in Spending," Philadelphia Inquirer, August 2, 2009, 02/business/25275378_1_spending-habits-boomers-consumer- economy.
  • 56. in-2009.aspx 02/business/25275378_1_spending-habits-boomers-consumer- economy Today, Generation Y is the largest generation. The baby boomer generation is the second largest, and over the course of the last 30 years, it has been a very attractive market for sellers. Retro brands—old brands or products that companies "bring back" for a period of time—were aimed at baby boomers during the economic downturn in the early 2000s. Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback, which are made with cane sugar— like they were "back in the good old days"—instead of corn syrup, are examples (Schlacter, 2009). Take a look at Figure 4.3 illustrating Coke's retro look bottle. This was the original Coca- Cola bottle from Coke's early history through the mid-twentieth century when technology allowed for cans and simpler bottle designs. Marketing professionals believe they appealed to baby boomers because they reminded them of better times—times when they didn't have to worry
  • 57. about being laid off, about losing their homes, or about their retirement funds and pensions drying up. Figure 4.3 Coca-Cola's Retro Look Bottle If you are old enough to remember this bottle, you are probably a baby boomer, and the bottle design may appeal to you when buying soft drinks. Source: Photo by Kansir. (2012). Flickr. Used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. But baby boomers are aging, and the size of the group will eventually decline. By contrast, the members of Generation Y have a lifetime of buying still ahead of them, which translates to a lot of potential customer lifetime value (CLV) for marketers if they can capture this group of buyers. However, a survey found that the latest recession had forced teens to change their spending habits and college plans, and that roughly half of older Generation Yers reported they had no
  • 58. savings (Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 2009). So which group or groups should your firm target? Although it's hard to be all things to all people, many companies try to broaden their customer bases by appealing to multiple generations so they don't lose market share when demographics change. Several companies have introduced lower- cost brands targeting Generation Xers, who have less spending power than boomers. For example, kitchenware and home-furnishings company Williams- Sonoma opened the Elm Street chain, a less-pricey version of the Pottery Barn franchise. The Starwood hotel chain's W hotels, which feature contemporary designs and hip bars, are aimed at Generation Xers (Miller & Washington, 2009). The video game market is very proud of the fact that along with Generation X and Generation Y, many older Americans still play video games. (You probably know some baby boomers who own a Nintendo Wii.) The spa market is another example. Products and services in this market used to
  • 59. be aimed squarely at adults. Not anymore. Parents are now paying for their tweens to get facials, pedicures, and other pampering in numbers no one in years past could have imagined. Staying abreast of changing demographics can be a matter of life or death for many companies. As early as the 1970s, US automakers found themselves in trouble because of demographic reasons. Many of the companies' buyers were older Americans inclined to "buy American." These people hadn't forgotten that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor during World War II and weren't about to buy Japanese vehicles. But younger Americans were. Plus, Japanese cars had developed a better reputation. Despite the challenges US automakers face today, they have taken great pains to cater to the "younger" generation—today's baby boomers who don't think of themselves as being old. If you are a car buff, you perhaps have noticed that the once- stodgy Cadillac now has a sportier look and stiffer suspension. And what about Generations X and Y? Automakers have begun
  • 60. reaching out to them, too. General Motors (GM) has sought to revamp the century-old company by hiring a new younger group of managers—managers who understand how Generation X and Y consumers are wired and what they want. "If you're going to appeal to my daughter, you're going to have to be in the digital world," explained one GM vice president (Cox, 2009). Companies have to not only develop new products designed to appeal to Generations X and Y but also find new ways to reach them. People in these generations not only tend to ignore traditional advertising but also are downright annoyed by it. To market to Scion drivers, who are generally younger, Toyota created Scion Speak, a social networking site where they can communicate, socialize, and view cool new models of the car. Online events such as the fashion shows broadcast over the web are also getting the attention of younger consumers, as are text, e-mail, and Twitter messages they can sign up to receive so as to get coupons, cash, and free merchandise.
  • 61. The Millennial Generation, or Generation Y, is the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends; generally, birth years range from the early 1980s to the early 2000s (Wikipedia). This group is about 25 percent of the US population and wields considerable buying power. Its members are in their prime consumer years, raising families and earning incomes. Marketers are paying special attention to millennials' needs and have significantly altered their branding and promotion strategies to reach them. Millennials grew up with technology and widely use it for their information and purchase behaviors. They also note a preference for supporting causes with their purchases. Income Tweens might appear to be a very attractive market when you consider they will be buying products for years to come. But would you change your mind if you knew that baby boomers account for 50 percent of all consumer spending in the United
  • 62. States? Americans over 65 now control nearly three-quarters of the net worth of US households; this group spends $200 billion a year on major "discretionary" (optional) purchases such as luxury cars, alcohol, vacations, and financial products (Reisenwitz, Iyer, Kuhlmeier, & Eastman, 2007). Income is used as a segmentation variable because it indicates a group's buying power. People's incomes also tend to reflect their education levels, occupation, and social classes. Higher education levels usually result in higher-paying jobs and greater social status. The makers of upscale products such as Rolexes and Lamborghinis aim their products at high- income groups. However, a growing number of firms are aiming their products at lower-income consumers. The fastest-growing product in the financial services sector is prepaid debit cards, most of which are being bought and used by people who don't have bank accounts. Firms are finding that this group is a large, untapped pool of customers who tend to be more brand-loyal
  • 63. than most. If you capture enough of them, you can earn a profit (von Hoffman, 2006). Sometimes income isn't always indicative of who will buy your product, however. Companies are aware that many consumers want to be in higher-income groups and behave like they are already part of them (recall the reference groups discussed in Week 3, "Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions"). Mercedes Benz's cheaper line of "C" class vehicles is designed to appeal to these consumers. Gender Gender is another way to segment consumers. As we explained in Week 3, "Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions," men and women have different physiological and other needs. They also shop differently. Consequently, the two groups are often, but not always, segmented and targeted differently. Marketing professionals don't stop there, though. For
  • 64. example, because women make many of the purchases for their households, market researchers sometimes try to further divide them into subsegments. (Men are also often subsegmented.) For women, those segments might include stay-at-home housewives, plan-to-work housewives, just- a-job working women, and career-oriented working women. Women who are solely homemakers tend to spend more money, research has found—perhaps because they have more time. In addition to segmenting by gender, market researchers might couple people's genders along with their marital statuses and other demographic characteristics. For, example, did you know that more women in America than ever before (51 percent) now live without spouses? Can you think of any marketing opportunities this might present? (Barry, Gilly, & Doran, 1985). Family Life Cycle Family life cycle refers to the stages families go through over time and how the stages affect people's buying behavior. The primary life cycle stages used by marketers are illustrated in Figure
  • 65. 4.4. For example, if you have no children, your demand for pediatric services (medical care for children) is likely to be slim to none. But if you have children or adopt them, your demand might be very high because children frequently get sick. You will be part of the target market not only for pediatric services but also for a host of other products, such as children's clothing, entertainment services, and educational products. A secondary segment of interested consumers might be grandparents who are likely to spend less on day-to-day child care items but more on special-occasion gifts for children. In fact, many markets are segmented based on the special events in people's lives. Think about brides (and wannabe brides) and all the products targeted at them, including websites and television shows such as Platinum Weddings, Married Away, Whose Wedding Is It Anyway, and Bridezilla. Figure 4.4 Family Life Cycle Stages
  • 66. One main concern of marketing research firms is how to identify the similarities and differences between various life-stage segments. Source: Mediamark Research, Inc. (1990), Lifestage Marketing. Mediamark Research: New York. Resorts also segment vacationers depending on where they are in their family life cycles. When you think of family vacations, you probably think of Disney resorts. Some vacation properties, such as Sandals, exclude children from some of their resorts. Perhaps they do so because some studies show that the market segment with greatest financial potential is married couples without children (Barry, Gilly, & Doran, 1985). Keep in mind that although you might be able to isolate a segment in the marketplace, including one based on the family life cycle, you can't make necessarily make assumptions about what the people in it will want. Just like people's demographics change, so do their tastes. For example,
  • 67. over the past few decades, US families have been getting smaller. Households with a single occupant are more common than ever. But that hasn't stopped people from demanding bigger cars (and more of them) as well as larger houses, or what some people jokingly refer to as "McMansions." But like the trend toward larger cars, the trend toward larger houses appears to be reversing. High energy costs, the credit crunch, and concern for the environment are leading people to demand smaller houses. To attract people such as these, D. R. Horton, a leading national homebuilder, and other construction firms are now building smaller homes. fig12_001.jpg fig12_001.jpg Ethnicity People's ethnic backgrounds have a big impact on what they buy. If you've visited a grocery store
  • 68. that caters to a different ethnic group than your own, you were probably surprised to see the types of products sold there. It's no secret that the United States is becoming—and will continue to become—more diverse. Hispanic Americans are the largest and the fastest-growing minority in terms of real numbers in the United States. Companies are courting this once-overlooked group. In California, the health care provider Kaiser Permanente runs television ads letting members of this segment know that they can request Spanish-speaking physicians, and that Spanish- speaking nurses, telephone operators, and translators are available at all of its clinics (Berkowitz, 2006). African Americans are the second-largest ethnic group in America. Collectively, they have the most buying power of any ethnic group in America. Many people of Asian descent are known to be early adapters of new technology and have above-average incomes. Percentage-wise, Asians are the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States. As a
  • 69. result, companies that sell electronic products, such as AT&T, spend more money segmenting and targeting the Asian community (Insight Research Corporation, 2003). Table 4.3, "Major US Ethnic Segments and Their Spending," contains information about the number of people in these groups and their buying power. Table 4.3 Major US Ethnic Segments and Their Spending Group Percentage of US Population Annual Spending Power (Billions of Dollars) Hispanic 13.7 736 African American 13.0 761 Asian 5.0 397 Source: New American Dimensions, LLC. As you can guess, even within ethnic groups, there are many differences in terms of the goods and services buyers choose. Consequently, looking broadly at each group would leave an incomplete picture of your buyers. For example, although the common ancestral language among the
  • 70. Hispanic segment is Spanish, Hispanics trace their lineages to different countries. Nearly 70 percent of Hispanics in the United States trace their lineage to Mexico; others trace theirs to Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. The percentage of these multicultural groups' representation in the US population was outlined in Week 3. The Asian ethnic group has distinct divisions. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean immigrants do not share the same language (Insight Research Corporation, 2003). Moreover, both the Asian and Hispanic market segments include new immigrants, people who immigrated to the United States years ago, and native-born Americans. So what language will you use to communicate your offerings to these people, and where? Multisegmenting the markets could potentially help you. New American Dimensions, a multicultural research firm, has further divided the Hispanic market into the following
  • 71. multisegments (, 2008): • Just moved in'rs. Recent arrivals, Spanish-dependent, struggling but optimistic. • FOBrs (fashionistas on a budget). Spanish-dominant, traditional, but striving for trendy. • Accidental explorers. Spanish-preferred, not in a rush to embrace US culture. • The englightened. Bilingual, technology-savvy, driven, educated, modern. • Doubting Tomáses. Bilingual, independent, skeptical, inactive, shopping uninvolved. • Latin flavored. English-preferred, reconnecting with Hispanic traditions. • SYLrs (single, young Latinos). English-dominant, free thinkers, multicultural. You could go so far as to break down segments to the individual level (which is the goal behind one-to-one marketing). However, doing so would be expensive, notes Juan Guillermo Tornoe, a marketing expert who specializes in Hispanic issues. After all, are you really going to develop
  • 72. different products for each of the groups? Different marketing campaigns and communications? Perhaps not. However, "you need to perform your due diligence and understand where the majority of the people you are trying to reach land on this matrix, modifying your message according to this insight," Tornoe (2008) explains. Segmenting by Geography Where will your customers come from? Suppose your new product or service idea involves opening a local store. Before you open the store, you will probably want to do some research to determine which geographical areas have the best potential. For instance, if your business is a high-end restaurant, should it be located near the local college or country club? If you sell ski equipment, you probably will want to locate your shop in the vicinity of a mountain range where there is skiing. You might see a snowboard shop in the same area but probably not a surfboard shop. By contrast, a surfboard shop is likely to be located along the coast, but you probably would not find a snowboard shop on the beach.
  • 73. Geographic segmentation explains why the checkout clerks at stores sometimes ask you what your zip code is. It's also why businesses print codes on coupons that correspond to zip codes. When the coupons are redeemed, the store can then find out where its customers are located—or not located. Geocoding is a process that takes data such as this and plots it on a map. Geocoding can help businesses see where prospective customers might be clustered and target them with various ad campaigns, including direct mail, for example. One of the most popular geocoding software programs is PRIZM NE, which is produced by a company called Claritas. PRIZM NE uses zip codes and demographic information to classify the American population into segments. The idea behind PRIZM is that "you are where you live." Combining both demographic and geographic information is referred to as geodemographics. To see how geodemographics works, visit the following page on Claritas’
  • 74. website: Type in your zip code, and you will see customer profiles of the types of buyers who live in your area. Table 4.4, "An Example of Geodemographic Segmentation for 76137 (Fort Worth, TX)," shows the profiles of buyers who can be found in the zip code 76137—the "Brite Lites, Li'l City" bunch, Home Sweet Home" set, and so on. Click on the profiles on the Claritas site to see which one most resembles you. Table 4.4 An Example of Geodemographic Segmentation for 76137 (Fort Worth, TX) Number Profile Name 12 Brite Lites, Li'l City 19 Home Sweet Home 24 Up-and-Comers 13 Upward Bound 34 White Picket Fences The tourism bureau for the state of Michigan was able to
  • 75. identify different customer profiles and target them using PRIZM. Michigan's biggest travel segment are Chicagoans in certain zip codes consisting of upper-middle-class households with children—or the "kids in cul-de-sacs" group, as Claritas puts it. The bureau was also able to identify segments significantly different from the Chicago segment, including blue-collar adults in the Cleveland area who vacation without their children. The organization then created significantly different marketing campaigns to appeal to each group. City size and population density (the number of people per square mile) are also used for segmentation purposes. Have you ever noticed that in rural towns, McDonald's restaurants are hard to find? But Dairy Queens are usually easy to locate. McDonald's generally won't put a store in a town of fewer than 5,000 people. However, this is prime turf for the "DQ"—for one, because it doesn't have to compete with bigger franchises like McDonald's.
  • 76. Proximity marketing is an interesting new technology firms are using to segment buyers geographically and target them within a few hundred feet of their businesses using wireless technology. In some areas, you can switch your mobile phone to a "discoverable mode" while you're shopping and, if you want, get ads and deals from stores as you pass by them. And it's often less expensive than hiring people to hand you a flier as you walk by (, 2007). In addition to figuring out where to locate stores and advertise to customers in that area, geographic segmentation helps firms tailor their products. Chances are you won't be able to find the same heavy winter coat you see at a Walmart in Montana at a Walmart in Florida because of the climate differences. Market researchers also look at migration patterns to evaluate opportunities. TexMex restaurants are commonly found in the southwestern United States. However, northern states are now seeing more of them as more people of Hispanic descent move
  • 77. northward and the offerings become more popular nationwide. Segmenting by Psychographics If your offering fulfills the needs of a specific demographic group, then the demographic can be a basis for identifying groups of consumers interested in your product. But what if your product crosses several market segments? Take cereal, for example. The group of potential consumers could be "almost" everyone. However, there are groups of people who have different needs with regard to their cereal. Some consumers might be interested in the fiber, some consumers (especially children) may be interested in the prize that comes in the box, other consumers may be interested in the added vitamins, and still other consumers may be interested in the type of grains. Associating these specific needs with consumers in a particular demographic group could be difficult. Marketing professionals often desire more information about consumers than just demographic data. You want to know why consumers behave the way they do, what is of high priority to them, or how they rank the importance of specific buying criteria. Think about some of
  • 78. your friends who seem a lot like you. Have you ever gone their homes and been shocked by their lifestyles and how vastly different they are from yours? Why are their families so much different from yours? Psychographic segmentation can help fill in some of the blanks. Recall that we first mentioned psychographics in Week 3, "Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions." Psychographic information is frequently gathered via extensive surveys that ask people about their activities, interests, opinion, attitudes, values, and lifestyles. One of the most well-known psychographic surveys is VALS (which originally stood for "Values, Attitudes, and Lifestyles"), developed by a company called SRI International in the late 1980s. Thousands of Americans were asked by the California company the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with questions similar to the following ones: "My idea of fun at a national park would be to stay at
  • 79. an expensive lodge and dress up for dinner" and "I could stand to skin a dead animal" (Donnelly, 2002). (Which category do you fall into?) Consumers were then divided into categories: innovators, thinkers, achievers, experiencers, believers, strivers, makers, and survivors. Each category is characterized by certain buying behaviors; for example, innovators are "successful, sophisticated, take-charge people with high self-esteem" while thinkers are "mature, satisfied, comfortable, and reflective people who value order" (Strategic Business Insights, 2009). For detailed descriptions of the categories, visit pes. Note that both VALS and PRIZM group buyers are based on their values and lifestyles. But PRIZM also overlays the information with geographic data. As a result, you can gauge what are the buying habits of people in certain zip codes, which can be helpful if you are trying to figure out where to locate stores and retail outlets.
  • 80. The segmenting techniques we've discussed require gathering quantitative information—data, in other words. Quantitative information can be improved with qualitative information you gather by talking to your customers and getting to know them. (Recall that this is how Healthy Choice frozen dinners were created.) Consumer insight is what results when you use both types of information. You want to be able to answer the following questions: • Am I looking at the consumers the way they see themselves? • Am I looking at life from their point of view? Best Buy asked store employees to develop insight about local consumer groups in order to create special programs and processes for them. Employees in one locale invited a group of retirees to their store to explain how to make the switch to digital television. The store sold $350,000 worth of equipment and televisions in just two hours' time. How much did it cost? Ninety-nine dollars in labor costs plus coffee and donuts.