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Subject: Sociology                                       Year:    12                   Allocated time/No. of lessons: 10 weeks/50 lessons

Lesson      Differentiated             Success           Differentiated activities which promote active independent learning                         AFL strategies /      Links to      Homework
 No.           Learning                Criteria                                                                                                        feedback &          RWCM
              Objectives                                                                                                                                 dialogue
   1      What is Sociology?       E –Learners can       Brainstorm – what do you think sociology is? What do sociologists do? – Students            Self and peer
                                   explain what          write down individual ideas, then share as a group and decide on 2 things as a group        assessment against
          E - Explain what         sociology is, using   to share with the class – encourage students to give justifications as to why they          use of key terms
          sociology involves       key terms                                                                                                         Link to AS criteria
                                                         choose/discard certain ideas
          using key terms                                                                                                                            for key terms
                                   C – Learners can      Watch youtube video – students                   When marking
                                   explain how           make notes of key ideas/concepts of sociology as well as any Qs the video raises.           notes pay attention
          C – Explain what
                                   sociology differs     Compare notes with partner and with initial ideas of sociology/sociologists – how do        to correct use of
          sociology is using key
                                   from other social     they compare?                                                                               terminology
          terms, and give          sciences              Display journalist and psychologist on board with appropriate images– elicit what
          differences between
                                                         each one does - how are they different? Assess understanding by displaying
          sociology and other      A – Learners can
                                                         statements – students to state which are true and false of sociologists – probe for
          social sciences          use key sociology
                                   terms to suggest      justification of their answers
                                   questions             Give students in small groups a question to explain how a journalist, sociologist and
          A – Explain what
                                   sociologists might    psychologist might try to answer it. Feedback as a whole class and peer feedback.
          sociology involves
                                   ask                   Match up a variety of terms seen throughout the AS course – then write in notes an
          using key terms, and
                                                         example for each. Feedback ideas as a class.
          suggest areas of
                                                         Higher ability students should use this to suggest areas sociologists might be
          interest to
                                                         interested in investigating and give appropriate questions they would ask.
                                                         Summarise today’s learning by completing the stem sentence “Sociology is…” using a
                                                         maximum of 25 words. Complete in a small group, place on wall and students to
                                                         circulate all ideas – feeding back as a class on use of key concepts and terms.

   2      What is society and                            Show orange advert - – what is this                                               Ask 2 students from a
          how does it shape        E – Learners can      suggesting?                                                                                                                  different year
          me?                      give examples of      List all the people we have contact with around us to elicit there is more than just ‘us’                                    group/form and 2
                                   what makes up                                                                                                                                      adults the following
                                                         in our lives
          E - Consider what        society               Stranded task(How to build a society – in unit 1 from GCSE booklet): New society –
          makes up society                               use to elicit key structures and processes in a society. Did they all get same society –                                     1. What do you think is
                                   C – Learners can      discuss why/why not                                                                                                          meant by ‘society’?
          C – Describe the         describe the          What affects our understanding of how society really works?
interrelationship        interrelationship     What if… questions (what if men and women could both have babies… what if                 2. What are the major
    between these            between them          everyone got paid the same amount of money for all jobs… etc.)                            problems in society
                                                   List 10 things about own identity then compare answers and reasons for differences        and what causes
    A - Consider what        A – Learners can                                                                                                these?
                                                   Brainstorm agencies that influence – then rank in order of most important and try to
    agencies influence       suggest what          give explanations for choices (introduce term socialisation to come back to in detail     3. Would you be the
    our identity             agencies              later on)                                                                                 same person as you
                             influence our                                                                                                   are if you were born in
                             identity                                                                                                        another time or
                                                                                                                                             country? Why? Why

3   Culture and                           – students to note down key                    Ask 3 adults who
    socialisation norms      E – Learners can      cultural differences. Compare with British – what does culture mean for society and in    had most influence
    etc                      say what primary      what ways? Explain difference between primary and secondary socialisation –               on them as they
                             and secondary         students create lists of agents of secondary socialisation – e.g. family/ school etc. –   grew up and why.
    E – Distinguish          socialisation are     refer to last lesson to help them consider parts of society that socialise us.            Take brief notes.
    between primary and                            Display terms norms, values, social control – can students guess what these might
    secondary                C – Learners can      be? Display definitions and match up correctly, students note down terms and
    socialisation            explain how           meanings.
                             socialisation leads   Complete sanctions and social control activity from:
    C – Explain how          to norms and
    socialisation leads to   values      
    norms and values                               Students could research or create a survey/questionnaire where people ‘learned’
                             A – Learners can      norms and values from – carry put survey on someone in class – feedback findings as
    A - Describe how         describe how
                                                   a class - opportunity to discuss value and purpose of questionnaires as a tool for
    culture shapes society   culture shapes
                             society and           research
    and socialisation
                             socialisation         Plenary: Q&A – give me 2 norms of British culture, difference between primary and
                                                   secondary socialisation etc – or create statements and students say whether they are
                                                   true/false with reasons.

4   What shapes people       E –Learners can       Ask students to make a list of things we inherit e.g. eye colour, height, etc.
    in society?              discuss nature        Display key terms nature and nurture – elicit what these mean, which one explains
                             and nurture in        the items they listed? Ask students which one our behaviour comes under –
    E – Explain the nature   relation to feral
                                                   encourage differences in opinion and ask for justifications.
    nurture debate with      children
                                                   Look at pairs of opposite behaviours: aggressive/calm, energetic/lazy etc – which one
    reference to feral                             would students say they are? Where has this come from nature or nurture?
                             C – Learners can
    children                 analyse other         Read Bobo Doll case study – which side of the debate does this support?
                             agents of             Read Oxana Malaya sheet – ensure understanding of term ‘feral children’ – students
    C – Explain the nature   socialisation that    complete first part of questions based on short extract and own ideas Watch clip
nurture debate            support the          about Oxana and make notes
linking it to agents of   nurture debate       under relevant Qs/headings. Feedback as a class, what does this suggest about
socialisation                                  human behaviour? Reiterate sociology studies groups and societies – how does
                          A – Learners can
                                               studying individuals like this relate – refer back to term socialisation and probe for
A –Evaluate the           use their analysis
                          to evaluate the      higher ability students to link societies or groups affecting individual behaviour.
significance of                                Introduce the term agents of socialisation – discuss peer groups and their influence
                          importance of
different agents of       agents of            as a class, then ask students to list as many other agents as they can and how they
socialisation             socialisation        might impact socialisation – making sure higher ability us prior key sociology terms in
                                               their responses.
                                               Give each table of students a different agent of socialisation and they should prepare
                                               a 1 minute speech on why it is the most influential. Each group should feedback
                                               one positive comment and one for improvement about another’s speech content.
                                               Consolidate learning by individual answers to exam question “Suggest two reasons
                                               why sociologists reject nature theories of human behaviour (4)”
                                               Self assess against marking criteria and allow time for improving their answer.
5-6   What are theories in    E – Learners can     Images on board – students to report the first thing they see – encourage students to      Suggest a topic
      sociology?              explain the          challenge each other about what they perceive and use to elicit people view the same       other than gang
                              perspectives in      society in different ways – focus today is on those theoretical perspectives.              culture that
      E – Explain different   sociology                                                                                                       sociologists might be
                                                   Recap prior lesson key terms norms, values. Socialisation, culture etc – give students
      theoretical                                                                                                                             interest in, and use
                              C – Learner can      sheet to write down examples of each of these for society and gangs. Feedback as a         at least two of the
      perspectives in                              class, allowing opportunity for differences in opinion encouraging students to back up
                              use knowledge to                                                                                                theories to describe
      sociology               give similarities    their choices. Explain we’ll return to this to consider how sociologists from different    how sociologists
                              and differences      perspectives might explain society and gangs.                                              might explain the
      C – Explain             between                                                                                                         issue.
                                                   Students read “Individual and society” pg 7 of textbook, write definition in own words
      theoretical             perspectives         for structural view and social action view – and relate to individual experience by
      perspectives and
                                                   completing activity box about education experience – encourage use of key terms
      compare and contrast    A – Learners can
                              suggest how          Display terms consensus and conflict – elicit meanings from students and encourage
                              different            higher students to suggest what these mean in terms of theories of society. Students
                              perspectives         add definitions to notes. Explain the main theories fall into these four categories.
      A – Using
                              would explain a      Give students, in pairs or threes, the sociological theories sheet, and using notes on
      understanding of
                              sociological issue   consensus/conflict/structural/social action, place each theory in the grid – encourage
                                                   students to back up their answers – peer assessment on placement of theories.
                                                   Refer to LOs – have we met them? How do we know?
      consider how they
                                                   Students read more detailed theory information from powerpoint and check
      would explain a
                                                   understanding through teacher questioning encouraging higher ability to consider
      sociological issue
                                                   Students return to ideas noted about gangs and choose one perspective to write
                                                   suggestions of how they might explain gang culture. Students to pair up with another
                                                   who chose a different perspective, share ideas and give feedback.

7     What is the family –    E- Learners can      Using a variety of images students should come up with a working definition for the        Interview family or
      family types            explain              word ‘family’ – choose one or two for discussion and encourage students to critique        people from a wide
                              sociologically the   giving reasons.                                                                            age range and
      E- Define the family    difference           Give traditional definition of family and household and ask students to give examples      consider what
      and the difference      between a family     of different households.                                                                   reasons there might
      between a family and    and a household      Introduce the 4 family types – ensure students’ understanding by asking them to            be for changes in
      a household                                  choose a picture from the beginning that is an example of each type.                       family diversity –
                              C – Learners can     Students complete survey of peers’ family types (they may wish to talk about a family      make a list of ideas
      C - Understand what     explain how          type of a friend if they feel uncomfortable talking about their own) to secure             for next lesson.
      is meant by social      families are         understanding of family types. Consider advantages/disadvantages of these family
      construction of the     socially             types – what functions/roles do they give?                                                 Read “changing
      family                  constructed          Read Murdock’s universal family definition and view- do the families from peer survey      patterns of divorce”
                                                   fit with this? Did students come up with similar functions in any of the family types if   pg 57 and make
A – Evaluate            A – Learners can      so which? Do they think this definition/view is true for all families?                     bullet point notes on
    Murdock’s view of       give strengths and    Give students information on Ashanti, Nayar and Israeli Kibbutz as cross cultural          key changes.
    the family being        weaknesses of         examples – students to read and make notes in relation to Murdock’s characteristics.
    universal               Murdock’s view        Encourage higher ability to also consider contemporary examples in British society
                                                  that don’t fit this definition.
                                                  Refer specifically to contemporary examples images of homosexual couples, adoptive
                                                  families, and grandparents – do these ‘fit’ our definition and types? What does this
                                                  suggest about the family? Try to elicit a layman’s definition of ‘social construction’
                                                  from students then introduce this as the key term.
                                                  Values continuum “the family is a social construction” encourage students to justify
                                                  their stance and encourage difference in opinion – most will agree so challenge higher
                                                  ability by encouraging them to offer points from a disagree stance to deepen thinking.
                                                  Use this to answer exam style question “Identify 3 criticisms of Murdock’s view of the
                                                  family” (6)
                                                  Self assess against marking criteria and allow time for improving their answer.

8   Divorce                 E- Learners can       Key figures/statistics/dates on the board – can students remember what they                Based on today’s
                            describe changing     referred to (from their homework notes)                                                    learning, answer the
    E- Describe changing    patterns and          Look at graph on pg 57 and describe the trend in number of divorces; discover high         following questions:
                                                                                                                                             1)Suggest reasons why
    patterns in divorce     trends in divorce     ability to begin to consider reasons for this.
                                                                                                                                             the following groups
    rates                   rates                 Divide class into small groups and give each an explanation for increase in divorce: 1)
                                                                                                                                             might be more ‘at risk’
                                                  changes in the law, 2) declining stigma/social attitudes., 3)secularisation, 4)rising
                                                                                                                                             of divorce than other
    C- Explain the causes   C- Learners can       expectations of marriage, 5)changes in the position of women – each should read the
    of increases in         explain 2 or more     relevant section from pages 58-59 of textbook and other resources available, and           groups in the
    divorce                 causes of             create a poster summarising the information using no more than 25 words but as             population:
                            increases in          many illustrations/symbols as they wish. When finished, in ‘marketplace’ style – one       * Teenage marriages
    A - Evaluate the most   divorce               person acts as a ‘stallholder’ and stays with their poster to present it to ‘customers’    * Childless couples
    influential factor in                         while the other group members circulate other ‘stalls’ to make notes on the other          * Couples from
    rising divorce rates    A – Learners can      explanations. Students can ask stallholder question so they are able to expand on the      different social class or
                            link the changes      brief writing/illustrations of the poster. Students back in original groups then feed      religious backgrounds
                            to family diversity   back to the ‘stallholder’ what they learnt so all students have completed notes sheets     2) Suggest reasons why
                            and make              on all 5 reasons.                                                                          women are more likely
                            judgements on         Linking to family diversity – students to explain how this affects family structure and    to apply for divorce
                            the reasons for       types, using key family terms.                                                             than men
                            the changes           Values continuum “secularisation is the main reason for an increase in divorce rates”
                                                  – students state where their opinion lies on this and explain why. Encourage
                                                  differences in opinions from students.
9   Marriage                E- Learners can       Starter: “marriage isn’t that important – it’s just a piece of paper” and “you should be
                            describe changing     married before you have children” – class discussion on opinions of the statements.
    E – Describe the        patterns and          Use
    changing patterns in    trends in             provisional-/2010/marriages-in-england-and-wales--2010.html students to research
    marriage and            marriage              the following areas: number of marriage, marriage rates, age of marriage, and
    partnerships                                  describe using statistics what the patterns in these are.
C- Learners can       In pairs, discuss the reasons for these – encourage higher ability to link to prior
     C – Explain the           explain 2 or more     lessons to consider e.g. divorce rising as fear factor.
     reasons for changing      reasons for           Make notes on reasons from pg 61 – consider British Social Attitudes survey findings –
     patterns                  changing patterns     can we say marriage is declining or is it just changing? – higher ability to make
                                                     judgements on biggest factor in marriage trends.
     A – Understand how        A – Learners can      Look at remarriage stats here too - introduce and discuss reconstituted family and
     these changes             link the changes      students to assess how the changing patterns impact family diversity
     contribute to family      to family diversity   Referring back to family types – students to write an explanation of how the trends in
     diversity and evaluate    and make              marriage could affect the prominence of family types.
     reasons for the           judgements on
     changes                   the reasons for
                               the changes
10   Cohabitation              E- Learners can       Images on screen of couples not married but live together/have families – students to       Create a
                               describe reasons      guess what they all have in common                                                          questionnaire to find
     E – Descibe the           for cohabitation      Read Ed Miliband article to focus on financial security of marriage – then look at          out attitudes to
     reasons for an            increasing            statistics on cohabitation - thinking back to what we’ve learnt – why might the             cohabitation and
     increase in                                     financial security be less of an issue now?                                                 divorce. Interview a
     cohabitation              C- Learners can       Watch short advert - comedy view                 range of people of
                               explain how           of no sex before marriage – use to elicit from students prior view compared to              different ages – can
     C – Explain the           cohabitation          current on sex before marriage – therefore how has this influence numbers of people         you spot any trends
     relationship between      relates to            cohabiting? Encourage higher ability to generate another reason by referring to what        in attitudes in
     cohabitation and          marriage              other influences there were on divorce and marriage rates (looking for secularisation)      relation to age?
     marriage                                        – ask them to explain how this impacts no. of people cohabiting
                               A – Learners can      Group discussion” Cohabitation is becoming marriage by another name” – one half to
     A – Evaluate the view     make judgements       argue yes – and marriage is an outdated institution, other half to argue no, it’s a
     that cohabitation is a    on whether            phase that can’t and won’t replace marriage. Using pages 62-63 to make relevant
     threat to marriage        cohabitation is       notes and formulate arguments. All to make notes on both sides – then split into two
                               the ‘new              to prepare arguments and counterarguments and discuss the topic – encourage
                               marriage’             higher ability to link in concepts from prior lessons e.g. marriage rates and increase in
                                                     divorce to their arguments.
11   Child bearing and         E – Learners can      Youtube unwed mother film trailer from 1958 – would a film like that be viewed              Complete Activity
     childrearing              describe changes      similarly now? Why not?                                                                     test from page 68
                               in childbearing       Display range of images of famous lone parents – what links them all?                       and check/correct
     E – Describe the          statistics            Give students table of statistics – can they explain the pattern in trends? Encourage       any answers.
     changes in                                      higher ability to consider the reasons for these changes in light of prior lessons on
     childbearing statistics   C- Learners can       marriage, cohabitation etc
                               explain the           Students to consider a range of images and what this might refer to – class discussion
     C- Explain the reasons    reasons for           to illustrate stigma decreasing (reinforce this by looking the graph on page 64 –
     for changes and           changes and           minority of births were solely registered so does this challenge the stigma attitude) ,
     relate these to an        relate these to an    women having more career options, availability of contraception and abortion
     effect on family          effect on family      Students to refer back to remarriage statistics – what did these show? What type of
     diversity                 diversity             family does this create when lone parents marry?
                                                     Students to complete cloze sentences summarizing main findings of childbearing and
A – Analyse changes      A – Learners can     childrearing– they should illustrate these with supporting statistics
        in relation to family    weigh up the         “Patterns in childbearing mean that the nuclear family is becoming lost” – students to
        types and evaluate       effect this has on   state their opinion, using cloze sentences/statistics to justify.
        the effect this has on   the ‘traditional’
        the ‘traditional’        nuclear family
        nuclear family
12-13   Changing family                               “Examine the changes in the patterns of childbearing and childrearing in the UK since
        patterns essay           E – Learners can     the 1970s” (24)
                                 describe the PERC    Pull apart the essay title – what key things must be included? Students to create a
        E – Know the PERC        structure for        mind map of points to include
        structure for exam       exam essays          Give students the sheet “Writing frame PERC” and introduce to the idea of P-Point, E-
        essays                                        Explain, R-Research, C- Critique.
                                 C – Learners can     Students to draft one or two points using this framework – peer assess the use of it.
        C – Use PERC             use PERC             Distribute other literacy in sociology sheets: introductions, paragraphing and essays –
        structure effectively    structure            to support writing.
        for example essay        effectively for      Time students for each stage – 5 mins for intro – then compare with a partner and
        question                 example essay        give feedback. Time to improve intro.
                                 question             19 mins to complete essay. Swap with partner, peer assess paragraphing, content.
        A – Use PERC                                  Allow time to improve answer.
        structure for more       A – Learners can     N.B. Students to be given “self evaluation” sheet to complete on receipt of marked
        than one set of points   use PERC             essay – and set targets for improvement based upon this
        in example essay         structure for
        question                 more than one
                                 set of points in
                                 example essay
14-15   Functionalism            E – Learners can     Organic analogy – look at human body and students to explain the function major           Complete
                                 explain the          body parts perform. Explain functionalists see society as the body and organise as key    functionalism and
        E – Explain the          functionalist        structures within it. Students to draw round a person and in groups given a body          the family
        functionalist            perspective of the   organ and decide on the metaphorical structure it represents and describe its             homework sheet
        perspective of the       family               functions and how it links to other ‘organs’ / ‘structures’
        family                                        Reminder – is functionalism is structural or action theory? Why?
                                 C – Learners can     Is functionalism a consensus or conflict theory? Why?
        C – Explain the          explain the          Read functions of the family and Parsons’ functional fit theory pg 39 – discuss
        functionalist            functionalist        whether primary socialisation could be provided by anyone other than the family?
        perspective of the       perspective using    What family type would Parsons/functionalists see as ideal? Parsons might argue that
        family using key         key studies and      a one-parent family cannot adequately perform these functions, do you agree?
        studies and              sociologists         Begin to consider strengths and weaknesses of the theory – encourage students to
        sociologists                                  consider other family types and their prevalence when doing this.
                                 A – Learners can
        A – Evaluate the         give strengths and
        usefulness of the        weakness of the
        functionalist            functionalist
perspective of the      perspective
16-17   Marxism                 E – Learners can     Marxist ideology – go through theoretical perspective as a class ensuring
                                explain the          understanding of key terms capitalism, bourgeoisie, proletariat.
        E – Explain the         marxist              How might Marxism view the family in light of what we know?
        Marxist perspective     perspective of the   Students in small groups read/research the work of Marx, Engels and Zaretsky and
        of the family           family               present to class. – higher ability students to be encouraged to draw any comparisons
                                                     with functionalism
        C – Explain the         C – Learners can     Begin to consider strengths and weaknesses of the theory – encourage students to
        Marxist perspective     explain the          consider other family types and their prevalence when doing this.
        of the family using     marxist              Plenary: test knowledge and understanding with the interactive quiz
        key studies and         perspective using
        sociologists            key studies and
        A – Evaluate the
        usefulness of the       A – Learners can
        Marxist perspective     give strengths and
        of the family           weakness of the
18-19   Feminisms               E – Learners can     Starter – display contrasting images of women – housewife/career on board – how do
                                explain the          these differ in their portrayal of women? Class discussion in response – class to
        E – Explain the         feminist             consider what changes to role of women and in what ways women have gained more
        different feminist      perspectives of      equality over last 40 years, prompting onto eliciting feminism.
        perspective of the      the family           What can students remember about feminism – structural/action?
        family                                       Consenus/conflict?
                                C – Learners can     Explain we’ll look at feminisms – as there are several types. Discuss powerpoint of the
        C – Explain the         explain the          4 types – encourage students to give possible examples for point mentioned and
        feminist perspectives   feminist             draw upon links to other views.
        of the family using     perspectives         Students to complete in table or notes form a summary of each stance in terms of a)
        key studies and         using key studies    what is seen as the main cause of oppression and b) what needs to happen in order to
        sociologists            and sociologists     remove this oppression – ensure students refer to Ansley, Greer and Somerville
                                                     Encourage higher ability to extend this to include a section on which other feminism
        A – Evaluate the        A – Learners can     would criticise them – e.g. liberal criticise radical because women have had
        usefulness of the       give strengths and   improvements in job prospects etc
        feminist perspectives   weakness of the
        of the family           feminist
 20     The New Right           E- Learners can             * Use the internet to
                                explain the key      addiction-anti-social-behaviour-crime-young-people-says-charity-report.html article       research one parent
        E- Explain the key      ideas of the NR      for discussion point – encourage students to respond from a range of viewpoints, as       families.
        ideas of the NR         perspective          well as their own                                                                         www.gingerbread.or
        perspective                                  Read pages 71-72 and summarise main points of NR perspective including what family
C- Learners can      structure they support, and major similarities and differences with other       
        C- Relate ideas of the    explain the          perspectives.                                                                             www.oneparentfami
        NR perspective to         similarities of NR   Pay particular focus to Murray and the notion of lone parents as an ‘underclass’ and
        functionalism             and functionalism    the ‘perverse incentives’ of the welfare state - consider views of single parents,
                                                       children form lone parent families – what might they say in contrast?                     write a report to
        A – Apply NR              A – Learners can     Critique the New Right perspective – higher ability to pay particular focus on            highlight the nature
        perspective to            suggest NR views     referencing criticisms from other perspectives                                            and extent of one
        changing family           on changing          Plenary – unscramble anagrams relevant to today’s lesson – and explain the point          parent families,
        patterns                  family patterns      associated with each one                                                                  including theoretical

 21     Knowledge and                                  Students to complete venn diagram to compare and contrast 3 perspectives
        understanding of all      E – Learners can     Match statements/pictures to the right perspective, e.g. it has an important
        perspectives              describe key         reproductive role to ensure consolidation
                                  beliefs of 4         In small groups – each picks a sociologists name from a theory at random for ‘Hot
        E – Outline key beliefs   perspectives         seat a sociologist’ – they must act as this sociologist while the rest of the group ask
        of 4 perspectives                              questions and they answer from that perspective. Swap so each member has been in
                                  C – Learners can     the ‘hot seat’
        C – Compare and           compare and
        contrast the 4            contrast the 4       Give students “sell it scrap it” task – students receive a role of one perspective on
        p[perspectives            p[perspectives       families and have to prepare a sales pitch to “sell” or “scrap” a particular
                                                       perspective’s ideas about the family. Once points are prepared, students can present
        A – Evaluate the          A – Learners can     their pitches. Teacher feedback and peers to make notes and feedback at the end.
        usefulness of the 4       make judgements      Plenary – exit cards what did students already remember and use in today’s lesson,
        perspectives              on the usefulness    what did students learn today, any questions students have about the perspectives.
                                  of the 4
22-23   Essay writing                                  Range of example exam essay questions on the board – students to pick out key
                                  E – Learners can     wording in all
        E – Know the PERC         describe the PERC    Give sample essay they will do “Assess the contribution of functionalism to our
        structure for exam        structure for        understanding of families and households” – break the question down
        essays                    exam essays          Students to create a mind map of possible things to include
                                                       Revisit “Writing frame PERC” and introduce to the idea of P-Point, E-Explain, R-
        C – Use PERC              C – Learners can     Research, C- Critique.
        structure effectively     use PERC             Students to draft one or two points using this framework – peer assess the use of it.
        for example essay         structure            Revisit targets from first essay – students to set these as targets to work on in this
        question                  effectively for      second essay practice. Students to use literacy in sociology support sheets whilst
                                  example essay        writing the essay – timed – 24 minutes.
        A – Use PERC              question             N.B. Students to be given “self evaluation” sheet to complete on receipt of marked
        structure for more                             essay – and set targets for improvement based upon this
        than one set of points    A – Learners can
        in example essay          use PERC
question                  structure for
                               more than one
                               set of points in
                               example essay
24   Life course and           E- Learners can      Define life course                                                                            Ask a grandparent or
     family diversity          say what is meant    Students to create a line with 'Youth' at one end and 'OAP' at the other, then add            older relative about
                               by life course and   other ages (roughly) and decisions which might be made at that age. Should generate           their life course – try
     E- Know what is           describe how this    up with a nice list some of which were spread out over a longer period (e.g.
                                                                                                                                                  to write down what
     meant by life course      influences family    'marriage') and some of which were a bit more specific. Ask students to think about
     and describe how this     diversity            (And write in a different colour) what the consequences on househould/family would            kind of family
     influences family                              be for each, so e.g. divorce might lead to single person household, or lone parent            he/she was living in
     diversity                 C – Learner can      family, etc. what would those lead to... and so on.                                           at different times.
                               link the             Compare with an example life course of someone from an older generation –
     C – Understand            Rapoport’s           discussion to illustrate reasons why life their life course may be similar to that of their
     Rapoports’ 5 types of     diversity types to   parents/grandparents, then also highlight reasons for similarities (drawing out some
     diversity and link this   the life course      of Rapoports’ diversity)
     to the life course                             Read Rapoports’ 5 types – can we exemplify each one of these in our example life
                               A – Learners can     courses?
     A – Evaluate whether      judge whether        Consider sociological perspectives to this – summarise findings of Beck, Stacey,
     diversity is more         diversity is more    Chester, Morgan and Weeks
     influential than the      influential than     Consider quote “Quite frankly, I don’t think that mothers have the same right to go
     traditional family        the traditional      out to work as fathers do.” – take role of one of the sociologists and give their view,
     view                      family view          with justifications.

25   Social Policy – cross                          What is social policy? – elicit from students breaking down the terms using own               You are in charge of
     cultural                  E – Learners can     knowledge. Read article as an              England what
                               explain cross        example of a policy                                                                           policies would you
     E – Explain cross         cultural examples    Explain using cross cultural examples to look at the relationship between them and            create?
     cultural examples of      of family policy     family life.
     family policy                                  Read page 81 - China’s one child policy – discuss purpose, advantages/disadvantages,
                               C – Learners can     does it seem to favour one family ‘type’
     C – Explain the effects   explain the          Watch and note what effect this has
     of policy from cross      effects of policy    had?
     cultural examples         from cross           Read Nazi family policy and Russia’s abolishing the family – pg 81, summarise key
                               cultural examples    points on their implementation and effects. Higher ability students should
     A – Assess the extent                          additionally concentrate on what each perspective might say about these policies
     of the relationship       A – Learners can     Plenary: Complete stem sentence: Social policy effects the family…
     between families and      suggest the
     social policy             extent of the
                               between families
                               and social policy
26-27   Social Policy –pre and   E – Learners can      Homework from last lesson – what policies did students come up with? How would
        post 1970s               identify a range of   they implement them? Would the effects be positive?
                                 policies that         Explain policy can affect families directly or indirectly – suggestions from students
        E – Know a range of                            which ones have a direct/indirect impact – list some relevant policies if students
                                 affect family life
        policies that affect                           struggle to come up with them on their own
        family life                                    In pairs/small groups students to research into 2 social policies in place in the UK: •
                                 C – Learners can      •Divorce        • marriage • maternity/paternity leave • welfare • domestic
                                 explain how           violence       • children act •working families tax credit       • child support agency
        C – Explain how
                                 policies effect       • council housing policy     • adoption
        policies effect family
                                 family life
                                                       They should make a note of the year the policy was implemented, what their purpose
                                 A – Learners can      is, what the impact was/is, whether it has been successful or not.
        A – Assess the           suggest the           Once information is collated. form new groups so that each new group has a member
        advantages and           advantages and        covering all 10 policies and share knowledge - complete mindmap of policy
        disadvantages of         disadvantages of      summaries
        policies                 policies              Higher ability should be encouraged to consider whether certain family types are
                                                       promoted in these policies and how the sociological perspectives might view them.
                                                       Plenary – 5,4,3,2,1, - 5 policies affecting the family, 4 policies directly affecting family,
                                                       3 policies indirectly affecting, 2 positive effects on family, 1 negative effect on family

 28     Perspectives on          E – Learners can      Watch video clip - – recaps
        social policy            identify ways in      sociological perspectives on the family – students to focus on what the video says
                                 which policies        about perspectives’ attitudes to social policy
        E - Know some of the                           Use pages 82-86 to summarise each perspective’s views on social policy – discussion
                                 may affect
        ways in which policies                         point on Foucault’s surveillance idea leading to Donzelot’s view of policy as policing
                                 families              families.
        may affect families
                                                       Incorporate current political policy positions – read manifestos from powerpoint and
                                 B – Learners can      consider the extent that these manifesto statements support a) the traditional
        C - Understand the                             nuclear family and b) family diversity?
                                 describe the
        sociological                                   Divide students into small groups – each is allocated the role of a supporter of a
        perspectives on social                         different perspective to debate the effects of policies on family life and whether these
                                 perspectives on
        policy                                         are desirable or not. Carry out debate.
                                 social policy
                                                       Create a mind map of sociological perspectives and social policy – ensuring students
        A - Analyse these                              give examples of a)their sociological position, b) policies that support their
                                 A – Learners can      position/they’d approve of, c) policies that can be used to challenge their view
        perspectives and
                                 make judgements       Plenary –what can social policy tell us about the nature of the family? Individual
        evaluate their                                 answers to question.
                                 on perspectives’
        usefulness in
                                 usefulness in
        understanding the
        relationship between
                                 the relationship
        families and social
                                 between families
policy                    and social policy

29-30   Gender roles – DDOL                             Traditional gender roles – read extract from the 1950s Good Housewife Guide – does       Using
                                  E – Learners can      this apply in modern times?                                                    
        E – Explain traditional   explain traditional   Explain Parsons’ and Bott’s roles – how true are these in students’ families?            stduents to find out
        and contemporary          and                   Answer Qs: 1) Identify and explain two sociological perspectives that would support      any patterns or
        gender roles in           contemporary          the views in the pre-1970s and 2) Identify and explain a sociological perspective that   statistics for
        division of labour        gender roles in       would be critical of this view from the pre-1970s.                                       employment and
                                  division of labour    Do you think that this old view is still evident in our society today?                   gender
        C – Analyse how roles                           Show Manny from Friends clip – comic look at ‘shock’ of male nanny – are we more
        have changed over         C – Learners can      accepting now and are gender roles more interchangeable?
        time                      suggest how roles     How they’ve changed over time – Read Wilmott and Young’s symmetrical family
                                  have changed          pg19, march of progress. – use table on pg 7 of DDOL booklet to discuss if this
        A – Explain F and NRs     over time             supports the idea of symmetry? Encourage higher ability to highlight domestic chores
        perspective on roles                            part – symmetry in time as a whole but housework different
        with domestic labour      A – Learners can      Complete exercise 4 on students’ own household – score and compare results
                                  explain F and NRs     What social changes have taken place for this to happen? - geographical mobility
                                  perspective on        (link to extended family not necessarily as close etc), woman careers now, technology
                                  roles with            e.g. washing machines/tumbles dryers, higher standards of living.
                                  domestic labour       Complete exercise 5 – own opinion on whether there is more symmetry. Extend
                                                        answer for those able to, to incorporate functionalist and New Right’s ideas.

 31     The impact of paid        E – Learners can      Consider statistic/trends form homework -                                                Conduct survey on
        work & Feminism           explain trends in     Also consider earnings – more earned more help can pay for; more man earns, less         decision making in
                                  employment and        women has to – does housework?                                                           the home
        E – Explain trends in     gender                Recap different feminist perspectives by completing matching exercise on page 5 of
        employment and                                  DDOL booklet,
        gender                    C – Learners can      Read pages 1-2 of booklet; What were the main findings from Oakley’s study? What
                                  explain how           do the graphs suggest about the division even when both man and woman work?
        C – Explain how           employment            Read Edgell’s study of couples and important decision and summarise his findings.
        employment                influences the        Look at the survey on pg 10 that replicates Edgell’s – complete individually, compare
        influences the            division of labour    results with a partner and compare with Edgell’s findings.
        division of labour                              Read pages 20-23and define “commercialisation of housework” “dual burden” and
                                  A – Learners can      “triple shift.”
        A – Analyse the           analyse the           Consider research into lesbian couples – how does this support the feminist idea?
        feminist perspective      feminist              Answer the question “Explain why feminists reject the notion of a symmetrical family”
        on gender inequality      perspective on
        with division of          gender inequality
        labour                    with division of

32-33   Decision                  E – Learners can      Read Decision Making and Power in Households on page 9 of DDOL booklet followed
        making/power              describe power        by completing exercise 9, then compare findings with a partner, What does this
within households         relationships         suggest about the power in families?
                                  between couples       Students should be encouraged to design their own survey although ideally these
        E – Describe power                              should not replicate stereotypical surveys of the past (ie who cleans the toilet?) but
        relationships             C – Learners can      examine the taken-for-granted dimension of family life, i.e. who takes prime
        between couples           suggest changes       responsibility for realising children need new shoes, clothes etc, who prepares or buys
                                  in power over         stuff for the children’s harvest festival, who is responsible for making sure the child
        C – Analyse changes       time, with            goes to school with appropriate sports/swimming gear, who knows what the
        in power over time,       reasons for it        children’s likes and dislikes are etc
        with reasons for it                             Watch “women: know your limits”
                                  A – Learners can      Harry Enfiled comedy sketch – who perceives things still this way? read Page 24 and
        A – Evaluate              make judgements       consider the extent and differing reasons for inequality in power.
        sociological view on      on sociological       Use knowledge from previous and today’s lesson to prepare for debate: new man fact
        couple’s roles in         views of couple’s     vs. fiction, class split in half and come up with points using statistics and sociological
        relationships             roles in              arguments.
34-35   Unequal power –           E – Learners can      Brainstorm – what do students think is meant by the term “the dark side of the               Use websites/other
        dark side of the          describe statistics   family”                                                                                      available sources to
        family                    of domestic           Student research task – to investigate the extent of domestic violence, child                find information to
                                  violence and          abuse and marital rape resulting in a presentation.                                          contribute to class
        E – Describe statistics   other abuse                                           presentation
        of domestic violence
        and other abuse           C – Learners can
                                  suggest problems
        C – Assess the            with studying
        problems with             domestic violence      Students to prepare documents on their topic outlining statistics, problems with
        studying domestic                               these statistics, causes of the issue
        violence                  A – Learners can      Present findings to the rest of group, including a notes handout.
                                  explain, from         As a class – discuss the feminist perspectives’ view on causes. Opinions from class –
        A - Explain, from         sociological          how can we critique this? Show –
        sociological              perspectives, the     discuss to elicit the idea that feminists dominating the research lead to violence
        perspectives, the         causes/reasons of     against men being ignored
        causes/reasons of         domestic violence     Use the findings to contribute to discussion entitled ‘The idea that the family should
        domestic violence                               be a place of privacy only serves to cause and hide severe social problems’.

36-37   Social construction of    E – Learners can      Child soldier image on the board – students to consider questions they’d ask about
        Childhood                 explain why           this image – use to formulate a discussion on ‘childhood’. watch video clip of child
                                  childhood is a        soldier - and read
        E – Explain why           social      
        childhood is a social     construction          mother.html - 11 year old girl, Britain’s youngest mother – analyse sociologically –
        construction                                    why are we shocked by stories like this? Explain examples from other countries where
                                  C – Learners can      children marry/have children a a young age, what does this tell us about our notion
        C – Describe              describe              on ‘childhood’?
        childhood from            childhood from        Create a table and fill in what you would expect of people of different ages: 1, 13, 18,
different times and      different times      40, 70. Write what would be typical behaviour, dress, activities, where would they be
        cultures                 and cultures         allowed to go etc.
                                                      Consider the question “if childhood is a recent social construction where has it come
        A – Analyse reasons      A – Learners can     from?” – students to brainstorm ideas, then read through powerpoint about
        for changes in our       suggest reasons      industrialisation and 20th century changes
        construction of          for changes in our
        childhood                construction of
 38     Has position of          E – Learners can     Think of words we associate with the word “childhood”
        children improved        describe positive    Make a list of all of the activities the law prevents children from engaging in.
                                 and conflict view    Find out the age limits for each of these?
        E – Describe positive    of childhood         Use to illustrate laws etc – social policy and the effect this has. What impact do these
        and conflict view of     today                laws have on the way society see children?
        childhood today                               Look at a range of images – e.g. child’s clothing, technology, what might these suggest
                                 C – Learners can     about the position of children today?
        C – Analyse the          analyse the          Has childhood improved? Encourage use of laws/current ideals to support point of
        different views of       different views of   view
        children’s position      children’s           Watch on child abuse – reflect on
        today                    position today       prior lesson and the prevalence of child abuse.
                                                      What are functionalists likely to say? And Marxists?
        A – Evaluate the         A – Learners can     Draw up a two- column table with a title ‘Has the position of children improved?’
        different views of       make judgements      Head one column up ‘YES’ and the other ‘NO’. In each column, list evidence and
        children’s position      on the different     arguments in support of that view. Then write a brief conclusion saying whether on
        today                    views of             balance you think the position of children has improved, giving your reasons.
                                 position today
39-40   The future of            E – Learners can     Watch – while students watch,
        childhood                describe the         consider what the future will be for children?
                                 varying              Read Postman’s theory of disappearing childhood – refer back and expand on last
        E – Describe the         suggestions of the   lesson’s aspects of modern Western world- clothing, music, games, access to tv
        varying suggestions of   future of            internet etc,
        the future of            childhood            Critique - Globalisation – humanitarian projects etc as evidence for continuation of a
        childhood                                     separate culture of childhood
                                 C – Learners can     Can any other factors be said to play a part? E.g. family role models and socialisation,
        C – Explain the          explain the          class, etc. Class discussion: how does your experience of childhood differ according
        varying views of the     varying views of     to: (a) social class – think about how Prince William’s childhood
        future of childhood      the future of        differed from yours or how a child living in a poverty-stricken home might experience
        using evidence form      childhood using      a qualitatively different upbringing compared with yours etc. (b) gender – think about
        sociologists work        evidence form        differences in socialisation and social control, domestic responsibilities etc (c)
                                 sociologists work    ethnicity – think about arranged marriages, religion, influence of parental
        A – Evaluate the                              and popular culture etc.
        different views about    A – Learners can     Question to pose to class – Is childhood becoming reconstructed? Encourage all
        the future of            evaluate the         students to respond with evidence for their view including a sociological perspective
childhood                different views     Read sample answers to a selection questions on childhood – using the markscheme
                                 about the future    mark and try to pick out good and bad points of answers. Feedback as a class,
                                 of childhood        encourage different views as long as these are backed up with evidence from sample
                                                     answer and markscheme

41-42   Trends & reasons for     E – Learners can    Research and presentation project. Students split into groups and each given an area
        incl cultural            identify            of change to focus on: ● birth rates (and fertility rates), ● death rates, ● family size.
        comparisons –            population trends   Each to research and find out the trend since 1900, reasons for it, and compare it to
        changes in birth rates   since 1900          other cultures.
                                                     Once information is collated, students to produce a mini-lesson to teach what they’ve
        E – Identify             C – Learners can    found to the rest of the class.
        population trends        suggest reasons     Students each teach their area, ensuring they have incorporated allowance for
        since 1900               for the changes     written notes so all students have copies of the demographic trends for all three
                                                     areas of change.
        C – Assess reasons for   A – Learners can    Students to work as a whole to consider consequences for the demographic trends –
        the changes              evaluate reasons    higher ability to consider how sociological perspectives would view these.
                                 for change and
        A – Evaluate reasons     consider
        for change and           consequences of
        consider                 them
        consequences of
43-44   Revision/exam                                                                                                                            Revise for
        preparation                                                                                                                              assessment

 45     Assessment                                   Students complete exam paper from specimen assessment materials

 46     Self evaluation and
        target setting

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  • 1. Subject: Sociology Year: 12 Allocated time/No. of lessons: 10 weeks/50 lessons Lesson Differentiated Success Differentiated activities which promote active independent learning AFL strategies / Links to Homework No. Learning Criteria feedback & RWCM Objectives dialogue 1 What is Sociology? E –Learners can Brainstorm – what do you think sociology is? What do sociologists do? – Students Self and peer explain what write down individual ideas, then share as a group and decide on 2 things as a group assessment against E - Explain what sociology is, using to share with the class – encourage students to give justifications as to why they use of key terms sociology involves key terms Link to AS criteria choose/discard certain ideas using key terms for key terms C – Learners can Watch youtube video – students When marking explain how make notes of key ideas/concepts of sociology as well as any Qs the video raises. notes pay attention C – Explain what sociology differs Compare notes with partner and with initial ideas of sociology/sociologists – how do to correct use of sociology is using key from other social they compare? terminology terms, and give sciences Display journalist and psychologist on board with appropriate images– elicit what differences between each one does - how are they different? Assess understanding by displaying sociology and other A – Learners can statements – students to state which are true and false of sociologists – probe for social sciences use key sociology terms to suggest justification of their answers questions Give students in small groups a question to explain how a journalist, sociologist and A – Explain what sociologists might psychologist might try to answer it. Feedback as a whole class and peer feedback. sociology involves ask Match up a variety of terms seen throughout the AS course – then write in notes an using key terms, and example for each. Feedback ideas as a class. suggest areas of Higher ability students should use this to suggest areas sociologists might be interest to interested in investigating and give appropriate questions they would ask. sociologists Summarise today’s learning by completing the stem sentence “Sociology is…” using a maximum of 25 words. Complete in a small group, place on wall and students to circulate all ideas – feeding back as a class on use of key concepts and terms. 2 What is society and Show orange advert - – what is this Ask 2 students from a how does it shape E – Learners can suggesting? different year me? give examples of List all the people we have contact with around us to elicit there is more than just ‘us’ group/form and 2 what makes up adults the following in our lives questions E - Consider what society Stranded task(How to build a society – in unit 1 from GCSE booklet): New society – makes up society use to elicit key structures and processes in a society. Did they all get same society – 1. What do you think is C – Learners can discuss why/why not meant by ‘society’? C – Describe the describe the What affects our understanding of how society really works?
  • 2. interrelationship interrelationship What if… questions (what if men and women could both have babies… what if 2. What are the major between these between them everyone got paid the same amount of money for all jobs… etc.) problems in society List 10 things about own identity then compare answers and reasons for differences and what causes A - Consider what A – Learners can these? Brainstorm agencies that influence – then rank in order of most important and try to agencies influence suggest what give explanations for choices (introduce term socialisation to come back to in detail 3. Would you be the our identity agencies later on) same person as you influence our are if you were born in identity another time or country? Why? Why not? 3 Culture and – students to note down key Ask 3 adults who socialisation norms E – Learners can cultural differences. Compare with British – what does culture mean for society and in had most influence etc say what primary what ways? Explain difference between primary and secondary socialisation – on them as they and secondary students create lists of agents of secondary socialisation – e.g. family/ school etc. – grew up and why. E – Distinguish socialisation are refer to last lesson to help them consider parts of society that socialise us. Take brief notes. between primary and Display terms norms, values, social control – can students guess what these might secondary C – Learners can be? Display definitions and match up correctly, students note down terms and socialisation explain how meanings. socialisation leads Complete sanctions and social control activity from: C – Explain how to norms and socialisation leads to values norms and values Students could research or create a survey/questionnaire where people ‘learned’ A – Learners can norms and values from – carry put survey on someone in class – feedback findings as A - Describe how describe how a class - opportunity to discuss value and purpose of questionnaires as a tool for culture shapes society culture shapes society and research and socialisation socialisation Plenary: Q&A – give me 2 norms of British culture, difference between primary and secondary socialisation etc – or create statements and students say whether they are true/false with reasons. 4 What shapes people E –Learners can Ask students to make a list of things we inherit e.g. eye colour, height, etc. in society? discuss nature Display key terms nature and nurture – elicit what these mean, which one explains and nurture in the items they listed? Ask students which one our behaviour comes under – E – Explain the nature relation to feral encourage differences in opinion and ask for justifications. nurture debate with children Look at pairs of opposite behaviours: aggressive/calm, energetic/lazy etc – which one reference to feral would students say they are? Where has this come from nature or nurture? C – Learners can children analyse other Read Bobo Doll case study – which side of the debate does this support? agents of Read Oxana Malaya sheet – ensure understanding of term ‘feral children’ – students C – Explain the nature socialisation that complete first part of questions based on short extract and own ideas Watch clip
  • 3. nurture debate support the about Oxana and make notes linking it to agents of nurture debate under relevant Qs/headings. Feedback as a class, what does this suggest about socialisation human behaviour? Reiterate sociology studies groups and societies – how does A – Learners can studying individuals like this relate – refer back to term socialisation and probe for A –Evaluate the use their analysis to evaluate the higher ability students to link societies or groups affecting individual behaviour. significance of Introduce the term agents of socialisation – discuss peer groups and their influence importance of different agents of agents of as a class, then ask students to list as many other agents as they can and how they socialisation socialisation might impact socialisation – making sure higher ability us prior key sociology terms in their responses. Give each table of students a different agent of socialisation and they should prepare a 1 minute speech on why it is the most influential. Each group should feedback one positive comment and one for improvement about another’s speech content. Consolidate learning by individual answers to exam question “Suggest two reasons why sociologists reject nature theories of human behaviour (4)” Self assess against marking criteria and allow time for improving their answer.
  • 4. 5-6 What are theories in E – Learners can Images on board – students to report the first thing they see – encourage students to Suggest a topic sociology? explain the challenge each other about what they perceive and use to elicit people view the same other than gang perspectives in society in different ways – focus today is on those theoretical perspectives. culture that E – Explain different sociology sociologists might be Recap prior lesson key terms norms, values. Socialisation, culture etc – give students theoretical interest in, and use C – Learner can sheet to write down examples of each of these for society and gangs. Feedback as a at least two of the perspectives in class, allowing opportunity for differences in opinion encouraging students to back up use knowledge to theories to describe sociology give similarities their choices. Explain we’ll return to this to consider how sociologists from different how sociologists and differences perspectives might explain society and gangs. might explain the C – Explain between issue. Students read “Individual and society” pg 7 of textbook, write definition in own words theoretical perspectives for structural view and social action view – and relate to individual experience by perspectives and completing activity box about education experience – encourage use of key terms compare and contrast A – Learners can suggest how Display terms consensus and conflict – elicit meanings from students and encourage them different higher students to suggest what these mean in terms of theories of society. Students perspectives add definitions to notes. Explain the main theories fall into these four categories. A – Using would explain a Give students, in pairs or threes, the sociological theories sheet, and using notes on understanding of sociological issue consensus/conflict/structural/social action, place each theory in the grid – encourage theoretical students to back up their answers – peer assessment on placement of theories. perspectives, Refer to LOs – have we met them? How do we know? consider how they Students read more detailed theory information from powerpoint and check would explain a understanding through teacher questioning encouraging higher ability to consider sociological issue similarities/differences Students return to ideas noted about gangs and choose one perspective to write suggestions of how they might explain gang culture. Students to pair up with another who chose a different perspective, share ideas and give feedback. 7 What is the family – E- Learners can Using a variety of images students should come up with a working definition for the Interview family or family types explain word ‘family’ – choose one or two for discussion and encourage students to critique people from a wide sociologically the giving reasons. age range and E- Define the family difference Give traditional definition of family and household and ask students to give examples consider what and the difference between a family of different households. reasons there might between a family and and a household Introduce the 4 family types – ensure students’ understanding by asking them to be for changes in a household choose a picture from the beginning that is an example of each type. family diversity – C – Learners can Students complete survey of peers’ family types (they may wish to talk about a family make a list of ideas C - Understand what explain how type of a friend if they feel uncomfortable talking about their own) to secure for next lesson. is meant by social families are understanding of family types. Consider advantages/disadvantages of these family construction of the socially types – what functions/roles do they give? Read “changing family constructed Read Murdock’s universal family definition and view- do the families from peer survey patterns of divorce” fit with this? Did students come up with similar functions in any of the family types if pg 57 and make
  • 5. A – Evaluate A – Learners can so which? Do they think this definition/view is true for all families? bullet point notes on Murdock’s view of give strengths and Give students information on Ashanti, Nayar and Israeli Kibbutz as cross cultural key changes. the family being weaknesses of examples – students to read and make notes in relation to Murdock’s characteristics. universal Murdock’s view Encourage higher ability to also consider contemporary examples in British society that don’t fit this definition. Refer specifically to contemporary examples images of homosexual couples, adoptive families, and grandparents – do these ‘fit’ our definition and types? What does this suggest about the family? Try to elicit a layman’s definition of ‘social construction’ from students then introduce this as the key term. Values continuum “the family is a social construction” encourage students to justify their stance and encourage difference in opinion – most will agree so challenge higher ability by encouraging them to offer points from a disagree stance to deepen thinking. Use this to answer exam style question “Identify 3 criticisms of Murdock’s view of the family” (6) Self assess against marking criteria and allow time for improving their answer. 8 Divorce E- Learners can Key figures/statistics/dates on the board – can students remember what they Based on today’s describe changing referred to (from their homework notes) learning, answer the E- Describe changing patterns and Look at graph on pg 57 and describe the trend in number of divorces; discover high following questions: 1)Suggest reasons why patterns in divorce trends in divorce ability to begin to consider reasons for this. the following groups rates rates Divide class into small groups and give each an explanation for increase in divorce: 1) might be more ‘at risk’ changes in the law, 2) declining stigma/social attitudes., 3)secularisation, 4)rising of divorce than other C- Explain the causes C- Learners can expectations of marriage, 5)changes in the position of women – each should read the of increases in explain 2 or more relevant section from pages 58-59 of textbook and other resources available, and groups in the divorce causes of create a poster summarising the information using no more than 25 words but as population: increases in many illustrations/symbols as they wish. When finished, in ‘marketplace’ style – one * Teenage marriages A - Evaluate the most divorce person acts as a ‘stallholder’ and stays with their poster to present it to ‘customers’ * Childless couples influential factor in while the other group members circulate other ‘stalls’ to make notes on the other * Couples from rising divorce rates A – Learners can explanations. Students can ask stallholder question so they are able to expand on the different social class or link the changes brief writing/illustrations of the poster. Students back in original groups then feed religious backgrounds to family diversity back to the ‘stallholder’ what they learnt so all students have completed notes sheets 2) Suggest reasons why and make on all 5 reasons. women are more likely judgements on Linking to family diversity – students to explain how this affects family structure and to apply for divorce the reasons for types, using key family terms. than men the changes Values continuum “secularisation is the main reason for an increase in divorce rates” – students state where their opinion lies on this and explain why. Encourage differences in opinions from students. 9 Marriage E- Learners can Starter: “marriage isn’t that important – it’s just a piece of paper” and “you should be describe changing married before you have children” – class discussion on opinions of the statements. E – Describe the patterns and Use changing patterns in trends in provisional-/2010/marriages-in-england-and-wales--2010.html students to research marriage and marriage the following areas: number of marriage, marriage rates, age of marriage, and partnerships describe using statistics what the patterns in these are.
  • 6. C- Learners can In pairs, discuss the reasons for these – encourage higher ability to link to prior C – Explain the explain 2 or more lessons to consider e.g. divorce rising as fear factor. reasons for changing reasons for Make notes on reasons from pg 61 – consider British Social Attitudes survey findings – patterns changing patterns can we say marriage is declining or is it just changing? – higher ability to make judgements on biggest factor in marriage trends. A – Understand how A – Learners can Look at remarriage stats here too - introduce and discuss reconstituted family and these changes link the changes students to assess how the changing patterns impact family diversity contribute to family to family diversity Referring back to family types – students to write an explanation of how the trends in diversity and evaluate and make marriage could affect the prominence of family types. reasons for the judgements on changes the reasons for the changes 10 Cohabitation E- Learners can Images on screen of couples not married but live together/have families – students to Create a describe reasons guess what they all have in common questionnaire to find E – Descibe the for cohabitation Read Ed Miliband article to focus on financial security of marriage – then look at out attitudes to reasons for an increasing statistics on cohabitation - thinking back to what we’ve learnt – why might the cohabitation and increase in financial security be less of an issue now? divorce. Interview a cohabitation C- Learners can Watch short advert - comedy view range of people of explain how of no sex before marriage – use to elicit from students prior view compared to different ages – can C – Explain the cohabitation current on sex before marriage – therefore how has this influence numbers of people you spot any trends relationship between relates to cohabiting? Encourage higher ability to generate another reason by referring to what in attitudes in cohabitation and marriage other influences there were on divorce and marriage rates (looking for secularisation) relation to age? marriage – ask them to explain how this impacts no. of people cohabiting A – Learners can Group discussion” Cohabitation is becoming marriage by another name” – one half to A – Evaluate the view make judgements argue yes – and marriage is an outdated institution, other half to argue no, it’s a that cohabitation is a on whether phase that can’t and won’t replace marriage. Using pages 62-63 to make relevant threat to marriage cohabitation is notes and formulate arguments. All to make notes on both sides – then split into two the ‘new to prepare arguments and counterarguments and discuss the topic – encourage marriage’ higher ability to link in concepts from prior lessons e.g. marriage rates and increase in divorce to their arguments. 11 Child bearing and E – Learners can Youtube unwed mother film trailer from 1958 – would a film like that be viewed Complete Activity childrearing describe changes similarly now? Why not? test from page 68 in childbearing Display range of images of famous lone parents – what links them all? and check/correct E – Describe the statistics Give students table of statistics – can they explain the pattern in trends? Encourage any answers. changes in higher ability to consider the reasons for these changes in light of prior lessons on childbearing statistics C- Learners can marriage, cohabitation etc explain the Students to consider a range of images and what this might refer to – class discussion C- Explain the reasons reasons for to illustrate stigma decreasing (reinforce this by looking the graph on page 64 – for changes and changes and minority of births were solely registered so does this challenge the stigma attitude) , relate these to an relate these to an women having more career options, availability of contraception and abortion effect on family effect on family Students to refer back to remarriage statistics – what did these show? What type of diversity diversity family does this create when lone parents marry? Students to complete cloze sentences summarizing main findings of childbearing and
  • 7. A – Analyse changes A – Learners can childrearing– they should illustrate these with supporting statistics in relation to family weigh up the “Patterns in childbearing mean that the nuclear family is becoming lost” – students to types and evaluate effect this has on state their opinion, using cloze sentences/statistics to justify. the effect this has on the ‘traditional’ the ‘traditional’ nuclear family nuclear family 12-13 Changing family “Examine the changes in the patterns of childbearing and childrearing in the UK since patterns essay E – Learners can the 1970s” (24) describe the PERC Pull apart the essay title – what key things must be included? Students to create a E – Know the PERC structure for mind map of points to include structure for exam exam essays Give students the sheet “Writing frame PERC” and introduce to the idea of P-Point, E- essays Explain, R-Research, C- Critique. C – Learners can Students to draft one or two points using this framework – peer assess the use of it. C – Use PERC use PERC Distribute other literacy in sociology sheets: introductions, paragraphing and essays – structure effectively structure to support writing. for example essay effectively for Time students for each stage – 5 mins for intro – then compare with a partner and question example essay give feedback. Time to improve intro. question 19 mins to complete essay. Swap with partner, peer assess paragraphing, content. A – Use PERC Allow time to improve answer. structure for more A – Learners can N.B. Students to be given “self evaluation” sheet to complete on receipt of marked than one set of points use PERC essay – and set targets for improvement based upon this in example essay structure for question more than one set of points in example essay question 14-15 Functionalism E – Learners can Organic analogy – look at human body and students to explain the function major Complete explain the body parts perform. Explain functionalists see society as the body and organise as key functionalism and E – Explain the functionalist structures within it. Students to draw round a person and in groups given a body the family functionalist perspective of the organ and decide on the metaphorical structure it represents and describe its homework sheet perspective of the family functions and how it links to other ‘organs’ / ‘structures’ family Reminder – is functionalism is structural or action theory? Why? C – Learners can Is functionalism a consensus or conflict theory? Why? C – Explain the explain the Read functions of the family and Parsons’ functional fit theory pg 39 – discuss functionalist functionalist whether primary socialisation could be provided by anyone other than the family? perspective of the perspective using What family type would Parsons/functionalists see as ideal? Parsons might argue that family using key key studies and a one-parent family cannot adequately perform these functions, do you agree? studies and sociologists Begin to consider strengths and weaknesses of the theory – encourage students to sociologists consider other family types and their prevalence when doing this. A – Learners can A – Evaluate the give strengths and usefulness of the weakness of the functionalist functionalist
  • 8. perspective of the perspective family 16-17 Marxism E – Learners can Marxist ideology – go through theoretical perspective as a class ensuring explain the understanding of key terms capitalism, bourgeoisie, proletariat. E – Explain the marxist How might Marxism view the family in light of what we know? Marxist perspective perspective of the Students in small groups read/research the work of Marx, Engels and Zaretsky and of the family family present to class. – higher ability students to be encouraged to draw any comparisons with functionalism C – Explain the C – Learners can Begin to consider strengths and weaknesses of the theory – encourage students to Marxist perspective explain the consider other family types and their prevalence when doing this. of the family using marxist Plenary: test knowledge and understanding with the interactive quiz key studies and perspective using sociologists key studies and sociologists A – Evaluate the usefulness of the A – Learners can Marxist perspective give strengths and of the family weakness of the marxist perspective 18-19 Feminisms E – Learners can Starter – display contrasting images of women – housewife/career on board – how do explain the these differ in their portrayal of women? Class discussion in response – class to E – Explain the feminist consider what changes to role of women and in what ways women have gained more different feminist perspectives of equality over last 40 years, prompting onto eliciting feminism. perspective of the the family What can students remember about feminism – structural/action? family Consenus/conflict? C – Learners can Explain we’ll look at feminisms – as there are several types. Discuss powerpoint of the C – Explain the explain the 4 types – encourage students to give possible examples for point mentioned and feminist perspectives feminist draw upon links to other views. of the family using perspectives Students to complete in table or notes form a summary of each stance in terms of a) key studies and using key studies what is seen as the main cause of oppression and b) what needs to happen in order to sociologists and sociologists remove this oppression – ensure students refer to Ansley, Greer and Somerville Encourage higher ability to extend this to include a section on which other feminism A – Evaluate the A – Learners can would criticise them – e.g. liberal criticise radical because women have had usefulness of the give strengths and improvements in job prospects etc feminist perspectives weakness of the of the family feminist perspectives 20 The New Right E- Learners can * Use the internet to explain the key addiction-anti-social-behaviour-crime-young-people-says-charity-report.html article research one parent E- Explain the key ideas of the NR for discussion point – encourage students to respond from a range of viewpoints, as families. ideas of the NR perspective well as their own www.gingerbread.or perspective Read pages 71-72 and summarise main points of NR perspective including what family
  • 9. C- Learners can structure they support, and major similarities and differences with other C- Relate ideas of the explain the perspectives. www.oneparentfami NR perspective to similarities of NR Pay particular focus to Murray and the notion of lone parents as an ‘underclass’ and functionalism and functionalism the ‘perverse incentives’ of the welfare state - consider views of single parents, children form lone parent families – what might they say in contrast? write a report to A – Apply NR A – Learners can Critique the New Right perspective – higher ability to pay particular focus on highlight the nature perspective to suggest NR views referencing criticisms from other perspectives and extent of one changing family on changing Plenary – unscramble anagrams relevant to today’s lesson – and explain the point parent families, patterns family patterns associated with each one including theoretical perspectives 21 Knowledge and Students to complete venn diagram to compare and contrast 3 perspectives understanding of all E – Learners can Match statements/pictures to the right perspective, e.g. it has an important perspectives describe key reproductive role to ensure consolidation beliefs of 4 In small groups – each picks a sociologists name from a theory at random for ‘Hot E – Outline key beliefs perspectives seat a sociologist’ – they must act as this sociologist while the rest of the group ask of 4 perspectives questions and they answer from that perspective. Swap so each member has been in C – Learners can the ‘hot seat’ C – Compare and compare and contrast the 4 contrast the 4 Give students “sell it scrap it” task – students receive a role of one perspective on p[perspectives p[perspectives families and have to prepare a sales pitch to “sell” or “scrap” a particular perspective’s ideas about the family. Once points are prepared, students can present A – Evaluate the A – Learners can their pitches. Teacher feedback and peers to make notes and feedback at the end. usefulness of the 4 make judgements Plenary – exit cards what did students already remember and use in today’s lesson, perspectives on the usefulness what did students learn today, any questions students have about the perspectives. of the 4 perspectives 22-23 Essay writing Range of example exam essay questions on the board – students to pick out key E – Learners can wording in all E – Know the PERC describe the PERC Give sample essay they will do “Assess the contribution of functionalism to our structure for exam structure for understanding of families and households” – break the question down essays exam essays Students to create a mind map of possible things to include Revisit “Writing frame PERC” and introduce to the idea of P-Point, E-Explain, R- C – Use PERC C – Learners can Research, C- Critique. structure effectively use PERC Students to draft one or two points using this framework – peer assess the use of it. for example essay structure Revisit targets from first essay – students to set these as targets to work on in this question effectively for second essay practice. Students to use literacy in sociology support sheets whilst example essay writing the essay – timed – 24 minutes. A – Use PERC question N.B. Students to be given “self evaluation” sheet to complete on receipt of marked structure for more essay – and set targets for improvement based upon this than one set of points A – Learners can in example essay use PERC
  • 10. question structure for more than one set of points in example essay question 24 Life course and E- Learners can Define life course Ask a grandparent or family diversity say what is meant Students to create a line with 'Youth' at one end and 'OAP' at the other, then add older relative about by life course and other ages (roughly) and decisions which might be made at that age. Should generate their life course – try E- Know what is describe how this up with a nice list some of which were spread out over a longer period (e.g. to write down what meant by life course influences family 'marriage') and some of which were a bit more specific. Ask students to think about and describe how this diversity (And write in a different colour) what the consequences on househould/family would kind of family influences family be for each, so e.g. divorce might lead to single person household, or lone parent he/she was living in diversity C – Learner can family, etc. what would those lead to... and so on. at different times. link the Compare with an example life course of someone from an older generation – C – Understand Rapoport’s discussion to illustrate reasons why life their life course may be similar to that of their Rapoports’ 5 types of diversity types to parents/grandparents, then also highlight reasons for similarities (drawing out some diversity and link this the life course of Rapoports’ diversity) to the life course Read Rapoports’ 5 types – can we exemplify each one of these in our example life A – Learners can courses? A – Evaluate whether judge whether Consider sociological perspectives to this – summarise findings of Beck, Stacey, diversity is more diversity is more Chester, Morgan and Weeks influential than the influential than Consider quote “Quite frankly, I don’t think that mothers have the same right to go traditional family the traditional out to work as fathers do.” – take role of one of the sociologists and give their view, view family view with justifications. 25 Social Policy – cross What is social policy? – elicit from students breaking down the terms using own You are in charge of cultural E – Learners can knowledge. Read article as an England what explain cross example of a policy policies would you E – Explain cross cultural examples Explain using cross cultural examples to look at the relationship between them and create? cultural examples of of family policy family life. family policy Read page 81 - China’s one child policy – discuss purpose, advantages/disadvantages, C – Learners can does it seem to favour one family ‘type’ C – Explain the effects explain the Watch and note what effect this has of policy from cross effects of policy had? cultural examples from cross Read Nazi family policy and Russia’s abolishing the family – pg 81, summarise key cultural examples points on their implementation and effects. Higher ability students should A – Assess the extent additionally concentrate on what each perspective might say about these policies of the relationship A – Learners can Plenary: Complete stem sentence: Social policy effects the family… between families and suggest the social policy extent of the relationship between families and social policy
  • 11. 26-27 Social Policy –pre and E – Learners can Homework from last lesson – what policies did students come up with? How would post 1970s identify a range of they implement them? Would the effects be positive? policies that Explain policy can affect families directly or indirectly – suggestions from students E – Know a range of which ones have a direct/indirect impact – list some relevant policies if students affect family life policies that affect struggle to come up with them on their own family life In pairs/small groups students to research into 2 social policies in place in the UK: • C – Learners can •Divorce • marriage • maternity/paternity leave • welfare • domestic explain how violence • children act •working families tax credit • child support agency C – Explain how policies effect • council housing policy • adoption policies effect family family life life They should make a note of the year the policy was implemented, what their purpose A – Learners can is, what the impact was/is, whether it has been successful or not. A – Assess the suggest the Once information is collated. form new groups so that each new group has a member advantages and advantages and covering all 10 policies and share knowledge - complete mindmap of policy disadvantages of disadvantages of summaries policies policies Higher ability should be encouraged to consider whether certain family types are promoted in these policies and how the sociological perspectives might view them. Plenary – 5,4,3,2,1, - 5 policies affecting the family, 4 policies directly affecting family, 3 policies indirectly affecting, 2 positive effects on family, 1 negative effect on family 28 Perspectives on E – Learners can Watch video clip - – recaps social policy identify ways in sociological perspectives on the family – students to focus on what the video says which policies about perspectives’ attitudes to social policy E - Know some of the Use pages 82-86 to summarise each perspective’s views on social policy – discussion may affect ways in which policies point on Foucault’s surveillance idea leading to Donzelot’s view of policy as policing families families. may affect families Incorporate current political policy positions – read manifestos from powerpoint and B – Learners can consider the extent that these manifesto statements support a) the traditional C - Understand the nuclear family and b) family diversity? describe the sociological Divide students into small groups – each is allocated the role of a supporter of a sociological perspectives on social different perspective to debate the effects of policies on family life and whether these perspectives on policy are desirable or not. Carry out debate. social policy Create a mind map of sociological perspectives and social policy – ensuring students A - Analyse these give examples of a)their sociological position, b) policies that support their A – Learners can position/they’d approve of, c) policies that can be used to challenge their view perspectives and make judgements Plenary –what can social policy tell us about the nature of the family? Individual evaluate their answers to question. on perspectives’ usefulness in usefulness in understanding the understanding relationship between the relationship families and social between families
  • 12. policy and social policy 29-30 Gender roles – DDOL Traditional gender roles – read extract from the 1950s Good Housewife Guide – does Using E – Learners can this apply in modern times? E – Explain traditional explain traditional Explain Parsons’ and Bott’s roles – how true are these in students’ families? stduents to find out and contemporary and Answer Qs: 1) Identify and explain two sociological perspectives that would support any patterns or gender roles in contemporary the views in the pre-1970s and 2) Identify and explain a sociological perspective that statistics for division of labour gender roles in would be critical of this view from the pre-1970s. employment and division of labour Do you think that this old view is still evident in our society today? gender C – Analyse how roles Show Manny from Friends clip – comic look at ‘shock’ of male nanny – are we more have changed over C – Learners can accepting now and are gender roles more interchangeable? time suggest how roles How they’ve changed over time – Read Wilmott and Young’s symmetrical family have changed pg19, march of progress. – use table on pg 7 of DDOL booklet to discuss if this A – Explain F and NRs over time supports the idea of symmetry? Encourage higher ability to highlight domestic chores perspective on roles part – symmetry in time as a whole but housework different with domestic labour A – Learners can Complete exercise 4 on students’ own household – score and compare results explain F and NRs What social changes have taken place for this to happen? - geographical mobility perspective on (link to extended family not necessarily as close etc), woman careers now, technology roles with e.g. washing machines/tumbles dryers, higher standards of living. domestic labour Complete exercise 5 – own opinion on whether there is more symmetry. Extend answer for those able to, to incorporate functionalist and New Right’s ideas. 31 The impact of paid E – Learners can Consider statistic/trends form homework - Conduct survey on work & Feminism explain trends in Also consider earnings – more earned more help can pay for; more man earns, less decision making in employment and women has to – does housework? the home E – Explain trends in gender Recap different feminist perspectives by completing matching exercise on page 5 of employment and DDOL booklet, gender C – Learners can Read pages 1-2 of booklet; What were the main findings from Oakley’s study? What explain how do the graphs suggest about the division even when both man and woman work? C – Explain how employment Read Edgell’s study of couples and important decision and summarise his findings. employment influences the Look at the survey on pg 10 that replicates Edgell’s – complete individually, compare influences the division of labour results with a partner and compare with Edgell’s findings. division of labour Read pages 20-23and define “commercialisation of housework” “dual burden” and A – Learners can “triple shift.” A – Analyse the analyse the Consider research into lesbian couples – how does this support the feminist idea? feminist perspective feminist Answer the question “Explain why feminists reject the notion of a symmetrical family” on gender inequality perspective on with division of gender inequality labour with division of labour 32-33 Decision E – Learners can Read Decision Making and Power in Households on page 9 of DDOL booklet followed making/power describe power by completing exercise 9, then compare findings with a partner, What does this
  • 13. within households relationships suggest about the power in families? between couples Students should be encouraged to design their own survey although ideally these E – Describe power should not replicate stereotypical surveys of the past (ie who cleans the toilet?) but relationships C – Learners can examine the taken-for-granted dimension of family life, i.e. who takes prime between couples suggest changes responsibility for realising children need new shoes, clothes etc, who prepares or buys in power over stuff for the children’s harvest festival, who is responsible for making sure the child C – Analyse changes time, with goes to school with appropriate sports/swimming gear, who knows what the in power over time, reasons for it children’s likes and dislikes are etc with reasons for it Watch “women: know your limits” A – Learners can Harry Enfiled comedy sketch – who perceives things still this way? read Page 24 and A – Evaluate make judgements consider the extent and differing reasons for inequality in power. sociological view on on sociological Use knowledge from previous and today’s lesson to prepare for debate: new man fact couple’s roles in views of couple’s vs. fiction, class split in half and come up with points using statistics and sociological relationships roles in arguments. relationships 34-35 Unequal power – E – Learners can Brainstorm – what do students think is meant by the term “the dark side of the Use websites/other dark side of the describe statistics family” available sources to family of domestic Student research task – to investigate the extent of domestic violence, child find information to violence and abuse and marital rape resulting in a presentation. contribute to class E – Describe statistics other abuse presentation of domestic violence domestic-violence/ and other abuse C – Learners can suggest problems C – Assess the with studying problems with domestic violence Students to prepare documents on their topic outlining statistics, problems with studying domestic these statistics, causes of the issue violence A – Learners can Present findings to the rest of group, including a notes handout. explain, from As a class – discuss the feminist perspectives’ view on causes. Opinions from class – A - Explain, from sociological how can we critique this? Show – sociological perspectives, the discuss to elicit the idea that feminists dominating the research lead to violence perspectives, the causes/reasons of against men being ignored causes/reasons of domestic violence Use the findings to contribute to discussion entitled ‘The idea that the family should domestic violence be a place of privacy only serves to cause and hide severe social problems’. 36-37 Social construction of E – Learners can Child soldier image on the board – students to consider questions they’d ask about Childhood explain why this image – use to formulate a discussion on ‘childhood’. watch video clip of child childhood is a soldier - and read E – Explain why social childhood is a social construction mother.html - 11 year old girl, Britain’s youngest mother – analyse sociologically – construction why are we shocked by stories like this? Explain examples from other countries where C – Learners can children marry/have children a a young age, what does this tell us about our notion C – Describe describe on ‘childhood’? childhood from childhood from Create a table and fill in what you would expect of people of different ages: 1, 13, 18,
  • 14. different times and different times 40, 70. Write what would be typical behaviour, dress, activities, where would they be cultures and cultures allowed to go etc. Consider the question “if childhood is a recent social construction where has it come A – Analyse reasons A – Learners can from?” – students to brainstorm ideas, then read through powerpoint about for changes in our suggest reasons industrialisation and 20th century changes construction of for changes in our childhood construction of childhood 38 Has position of E – Learners can Think of words we associate with the word “childhood” children improved describe positive Make a list of all of the activities the law prevents children from engaging in. and conflict view Find out the age limits for each of these? E – Describe positive of childhood Use to illustrate laws etc – social policy and the effect this has. What impact do these and conflict view of today laws have on the way society see children? childhood today Look at a range of images – e.g. child’s clothing, technology, what might these suggest C – Learners can about the position of children today? C – Analyse the analyse the Has childhood improved? Encourage use of laws/current ideals to support point of different views of different views of view children’s position children’s Watch on child abuse – reflect on today position today prior lesson and the prevalence of child abuse. What are functionalists likely to say? And Marxists? A – Evaluate the A – Learners can Draw up a two- column table with a title ‘Has the position of children improved?’ different views of make judgements Head one column up ‘YES’ and the other ‘NO’. In each column, list evidence and children’s position on the different arguments in support of that view. Then write a brief conclusion saying whether on today views of balance you think the position of children has improved, giving your reasons. children’s position today 39-40 The future of E – Learners can Watch – while students watch, childhood describe the consider what the future will be for children? varying Read Postman’s theory of disappearing childhood – refer back and expand on last E – Describe the suggestions of the lesson’s aspects of modern Western world- clothing, music, games, access to tv varying suggestions of future of internet etc, the future of childhood Critique - Globalisation – humanitarian projects etc as evidence for continuation of a childhood separate culture of childhood C – Learners can Can any other factors be said to play a part? E.g. family role models and socialisation, C – Explain the explain the class, etc. Class discussion: how does your experience of childhood differ according varying views of the varying views of to: (a) social class – think about how Prince William’s childhood future of childhood the future of differed from yours or how a child living in a poverty-stricken home might experience using evidence form childhood using a qualitatively different upbringing compared with yours etc. (b) gender – think about sociologists work evidence form differences in socialisation and social control, domestic responsibilities etc (c) sociologists work ethnicity – think about arranged marriages, religion, influence of parental A – Evaluate the and popular culture etc. different views about A – Learners can Question to pose to class – Is childhood becoming reconstructed? Encourage all the future of evaluate the students to respond with evidence for their view including a sociological perspective
  • 15. childhood different views Read sample answers to a selection questions on childhood – using the markscheme about the future mark and try to pick out good and bad points of answers. Feedback as a class, of childhood encourage different views as long as these are backed up with evidence from sample answer and markscheme 41-42 Trends & reasons for E – Learners can Research and presentation project. Students split into groups and each given an area incl cultural identify of change to focus on: ● birth rates (and fertility rates), ● death rates, ● family size. comparisons – population trends Each to research and find out the trend since 1900, reasons for it, and compare it to changes in birth rates since 1900 other cultures. Once information is collated, students to produce a mini-lesson to teach what they’ve E – Identify C – Learners can found to the rest of the class. population trends suggest reasons Students each teach their area, ensuring they have incorporated allowance for since 1900 for the changes written notes so all students have copies of the demographic trends for all three areas of change. C – Assess reasons for A – Learners can Students to work as a whole to consider consequences for the demographic trends – the changes evaluate reasons higher ability to consider how sociological perspectives would view these. for change and A – Evaluate reasons consider for change and consequences of consider them consequences of them 43-44 Revision/exam Revise for preparation assessment 45 Assessment Students complete exam paper from specimen assessment materials 46 Self evaluation and target setting