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                                                                          SCHEME OF LEARNING

Subject:             Unit title:      Year:           Number       Semester: 3
AQA GCSE             Unit 2 Mass      10              of
Sociology            Media                            lessons:     How unit is assessed: End of unit assessment at the end of semester

About this unit:                      SOL objectives:

In Unit 2 candidates may choose       Candidates should be able to identify the mass media and outline the major characteristics of this means of communication.
three out of four options, with a     Candidates should be aware:
further element of choice provided
in the final (extended written)       • that there are different views of the nature of the relationship between the mass media and audience and how this may be affected by new
element of each question. The         technologies
areas of the specification included   • of the significance of the mass media within the socialisation process and be able to describe, at a basic level, its part, along with other agents
in Unit 2 are:                        of socialisation, in the development of people’s political and social identities and views
                                      • of the media as a source of power for the individuals and organisations which own and/or control it, and be able to describe and explain the
          Crime and Deviance
                                      exercise of this power through, for example, agenda setting, the creation and dissemination of positive/negative images of particular groups/
          Mass Media                  organisations, eg environmentalists, animal rights activists and lone parents
          Power                       • of the potential significance for the distribution of power of technological developments, such as the internet
          Social Inequality           • of the ways in which the media may encourage stereotyping, and be able to describe the process of deviancy amplification
                                      • of contemporary media related issues, such as whether media exposure encourages violence.

Lesson      Learning objectives                                 Activities                                     Assessment                     Resources                 Home Learning
              and outcomes                                                                                  Opportunities and
1          What is the media and      Starter: List all the different types of ‘media’ that they        Discussion                       Slides                   N/A
           how does it reach me?      know of. How many ways were they reached by the media                                              Textbooks
                                      yesterday. – class discussion on different media types.           Peer assessment
           • To define the mass       Learning objectives: To define the mass media, to
           media.                     identify examples of traditional forms of mass                    Research methods
           • To identify examples     communication, to identify examples of the new mass
           of traditional forms of    media.
           mass communication.        Activate: What is mass media? – give definition. How
           • To identify examples     does it interest sociologists. How has the media changed?
           of the new mass            Discuss vinyl to mp3 and beyond. Look at books to kindle
           media.                     etc.
                                      Students do small activity on top of page 123 (internet
                                      access Qs

Demonstrate: Consider your use of social networking
                               (e.g. facebook and BBM) write a letter to someone in the
                               past explaining the benefits of new forms of mass media.
                               Plenary: Swap and mark WWW EBI for each letter.
2   How does the media         Starter: How does facebook ensure that it keeps you as a     Discussion                  Slides              Complete storyboard if
    relate to it’s audience?   member? What does it do or offer to you as a member of                                                       not finished
                               it’s ‘audience’ Discuss ideas as a class                     Peer assessment
    • To explain the           Learning objectives: To explain the relationship between
    relationship between       the media and its audience. To explain the ways in which     Checking understanding in
    the media and its          audiences can relate to the new mass media. To               Q&A
    audience.                  understand the significance of the media as an agent of
    • To explain the ways      socialisation.
    in which audiences         Activate: Explain the importance of relationship between
    can relate to the new      the audience and the mass media. (check understanding
    mass media.                – who is the audience in this situation?) Explain
    • To understand the        hypodermic model – students draw an example in their
    significance of the        books. Write a short answer to this problem page (help I’m
    media as an agent of       addicted to facebook) – read some out to sense
    socialisation.             understanding
                               Demonstrate: Teacher explains the concept of the mass
                               media as an agency of social change. Students construct
                               a storyboard of how an invention of mass media has
                               changed society.
                               Plenary: present your work to your partner – how has
                               your understanding improved?
3   Who owns the media?        Starter: Look back in your books and define Marxism.         Discussion technique        Slides              Exam questions
                               What would Marxists say about the mass media? What
      To examine the           would an opposing view to Marxism say?                       RAG assessment in           Sentence            1. What do sociologists
      media as a source of     Learning objectives: To examine the media as a source        plenary                     starters/writing       mean by the term
      power for the            of power for the individuals and organisations which own                                 frames for weaker      ‘pluralism’
      individuals and          and/or control it                                                                        students.           2. What is the ‘neo
      organisations which      Activate: Define pluralism and discuss the use of TV                                                            liberal’ view?
      own and/or control it.   license to pay for BBC vs use of advertisement to pay for                                Extension           3. How do Marxist
                               ITV/Channel 4 etc. How much control do you believe the                                   questions              sociologists interpret
                               government should have? Discussion (write two or three                                                          the role of the mass
                               sentences in your book first ready to present your ideas)                                                       media in society?
                               Demonstrate: Teacher defines world view and neo liberal
                               view. Students write to PM stating whether they believe
                               the government should retain control over the mass
                               media, or should become more liberal like the USA.
                               Plenary: who is on which side of the argument (hands up)
                               hands up for RAG on the strength of their argument.
4   What is propaganda         Starter: In what ways do you think the government            Discussion                  Slides              None
    and censorship?            influences you through the media? What do they try and
achieve?                                                        Cut and stick               David Cameron
      To define                 Learning objectives: To define propaganda and                   understanding               picture
      propaganda and            censorship. To discuss ways that propaganda is used
      censorship.               today. To interpret ‘political spin’                            Assessment for learning –   Cut and stick Nazi
      To discuss ways that      Activate: Explain propaganda in Nazi Germany using the          triangle reflection task    propaganda
      propaganda is used        case of Joseph Goebbels – how he controlled the                                             exercise
      today.                    newspapers, radio and film. (video link?) Students cut and
      To interpret ‘political   stick statements into Nazi propaganda and not
      spin’                     propaganda.
                                Teacher defines freedom of speech and censorship and
                                the difference in newspapers and political support.
                                Demonstrate: Picture of David Cameron on a bicycle
                                arriving at the House of Commons. Students stick it into
                                their book – what image is this trying to portray to the
                                audience? Is it propaganda?
                                Plenary: triangle reflection task.
5   What influence does         Starter: Students log on – while they log answer short          Use of ICT and research     ICT room/lapsafe      None
    the media really have       questions about how they think violent media might affect       skills                      booking
    on society?                 children.
                                Learning objectives: To investigate the idea that media                                     Short questions to
    To investigate the idea     violence has some link to violent crimes in society                                         start lesson
    that media violence         Activate: Students use the internet to find links between
    has some link to            exposure to media violence and violent behaviour. They
    violent crimes in           are given the Clockwork Orange example to help them.
    society                     Demonstrate: Students create PowerPoint to show the
                                different links they have found. Extension: how credible
    ICT Lesson                  are these sources? Are they primary or secondary
                                sources of information?
                                Plenary: Students write three reflective sentences on their
                                final slide and email to the teacher.
6   What is a global            Starter: What do you think are the differences between          Discussion ability          Slides                Exam question:
    culture?                    American and British cultural values?
                                Learning objectives: define world information order and         Literacy in writing tasks   TV Listings with a    Discuss how far
    Define world                global culture. Apply these ideas to British television                                     variety of channels   sociologists would agree
    information order and       listings                                                        True and False task                               that the mass media
    global culture. Apply       Activate: Define world information order and global                                                               shows some element of
    these ideas to British      culture. Discuss the idea that the global culture is                                                              media imperialism. (12
    television listings         dominated by America (media imperialism)                                                                          mark essay question)
                                Students write all the ways that they think their interaction
                                with the media is influenced by American cultural values.
                                How many other cultural values are they influenced by?
                                Demonstrate: Students are given a set of TV listings.
                                Highlight in different colours British, American and other
                                imported programmes. Write a few sentences discussing
the differences (can they compare different channels?)
                              Extension: Take the analysis further by looking for
                              evidence of American commercialised cultural values (e.g.
                              possessions, consumption)
                              Plenary: True or False quiz
7   Stereotypes in the        Starter: Thinking about your favourite TV programs (e.g.       Discussion                   Slides                  None
    mass media                Family Guy, The Simpsons) what stereotypical images of
                              women and men are there? E.g. Marge Simpson is a               Literacy in written task     Michael Gove
    Define media              house wife.                                                                                 statement
    stereotypes, identify     Learning Objectives: define media stereotypes, identify
    examples of media         examples of media stereotypes and explain the impact of
    stereotypes and           stereotyping on the development of gender identities.
    explain the impact of     Activate: Students place different traits into either a male
    stereotyping on the       or female category. Where did they develop this idea
    development of gender     from? How do stereotypes influence people in their own
    identities.               lives – answer problem page with reference to the mass
                              Demonstrate: Read Michael Gove’s commentary on
                              magazines such as Nuts and Zoo. Stick into books and
                              discuss underneath how he has made the link between
                              ‘lads mags’ and teenage pregnancy. What stereotypes are
                              being used here?
                              Plenary: Picture of the OXO family – what stereotypes
                              are shown here?
8   Deviancy amplification    Starter: Estimate how often knives are used in violent         Discussions                  Slides                  Exam questions:
    – how serious is really   incidents – give a percentage. Why have you chosen this
    serious?                  number? Do you have any concrete evidence?                     Application to a real life   Flow chart outlines      1. Can you explain
                              Learning objectives: define deviancy amplification,            example of an event.         to help lower ability       one common
      Define deviancy         stigmatising and social conventions. Understand the                                         students                    media stereotype
      amplification,          process of deviancy amplification and apply it to a recent                                                              of women
      stigmatising and        news event.                                                                                 Noughts and              2. How do advertisers
      social conventions.     Activate: Show case of boy stabbed to death in January                                      crosses plenary             exploit media
      Understand the          sales – headlines from different newspapers – what does                                                                 stereotypes of
      process of deviancy     each headline imply? What group of people is made to                                                                    women?
      amplification and       look bad in the news? – define stigmatise.                                                                           3. What do
      apply it to a recent    What would socially expected behaviour be at these                                                                      sociologists mean
      news event.             situations? Define social convention – how is it                                                                        when they say that
                              deviated?                                                                                                               gender is a social
                              Demonstrate: Teacher explains the process of deviancy                                                                   construct?
                              amplification, using the example of the riots or the
                              stabbing in the January sales, students, create a
                              storyboard/flow chart showing the steps of deviancy
                              Plenary: Noughts and crosses plenary – split class into 2
teams and then play the game.
9    The changing face of    Starter: what do you think was the first use of the             Discussion                  Slides              None
     technology              internet? What do you think it was designed for? What do
                             you think the inventors of the internet would think of          Application to real life    Timeline template
      Identify ways in       facebook?
      which people use       Learning objectives: identify ways in which people use          Ability to relate to past   Advantages and
      new media              new media, show how the old media uses technology,              technologies.               disadvantages
      Show how the old       explain the implications of new media on society.                                           table
      media uses             Activate: Explain the first uses of the internet – give a       WWW and EBI peer
      technology             timeline for students to fill in. Define old and new media.     assessment                  WWW and EBI
      Explain the            How does old media use new technology? List some                                            prompt sheets
      implications of new    ideas. Discuss as a class
      media on society.      Students fill in an advantages and disadvantages table to
                             show the evaluation for changing technologies.
                             Demonstrate: You have been transported back in time to
                             a place where computers do not exist yet. Write a speech
                             to give to the mayor of this place, explaining the benefits
                             the internet and computers could have on his town.
                             Plenary: present to as partner and get them to WWW and
                             EBI your speech
10   The impact of media     Starter: How has the increasing changes in technologies         Discussion technique        Slides              Revision for assessment
     change on society       changed the way we communicate? How does it affect
                             your communication with other people?                           Ability to consider both    Case study sheet
      Understand the         Learning Objectives: Understand the concept of                  sides of an argument
      concept of             information overload, apply the change in technologies to                                   Revision packs.
      information overload   the increase in communication, and construct ideas about        Literacy in written tasks
      Apply the change in    political implications.
      technologies to the    Activate: How has the change in technology hindered our         Q&A
      increase in            lifestyles? E.g. SPAM, junk mail, telesales, phishing
      communication          scams – students write three sentences about how this
      Construct ideas        has affected their lives and the negative implications of it.
      about political        How could politicians use this to their advantage? Write a
      implications.          list of ideas to help politicians use changing technologies
                             to improve their image.
                             Demonstrate: The internet: danger or opportunity – case
                             study (page 141) students stick into their books and
                             complete the answers.
                             Plenary: For or against the statement on the board – ask
                             students to move to one side of the room for each and
                             provide reasons for their argument.
11   Revision                Starter: Begin to fill in the glossary on your desk                                         Slides
                             Learning objective: Revise for assessment next lesson
     Revise for assessment   Activate: Market place activity/Scrambled groups                                            Glossary sheets
     next lesson             Demonstrate: Write a question on the back of your
whiteboard, read it to the class and the class writes their                           Large A3 paper and
                                      answer on the whiteboard and shows it.                                                think pens
                                      Plenary: RAG your understanding of the topic to help
                                      focus your revision                                                                   White boards and
12         Assessment                 Summative assessment of whole unit, including essay
                                                Cross Curricular Links: ICT, literacy and numeracy, ECM, links to specialism.

Research links
ICT lessons – research capabilities
Literacy – extended answers

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  • 1. THE PETCHEY ACADEMY SCHEME OF LEARNING Subject: Unit title: Year: Number Semester: 3 AQA GCSE Unit 2 Mass 10 of Sociology Media lessons: How unit is assessed: End of unit assessment at the end of semester 12 About this unit: SOL objectives: In Unit 2 candidates may choose Candidates should be able to identify the mass media and outline the major characteristics of this means of communication. three out of four options, with a Candidates should be aware: further element of choice provided in the final (extended written) • that there are different views of the nature of the relationship between the mass media and audience and how this may be affected by new element of each question. The technologies areas of the specification included • of the significance of the mass media within the socialisation process and be able to describe, at a basic level, its part, along with other agents in Unit 2 are: of socialisation, in the development of people’s political and social identities and views • of the media as a source of power for the individuals and organisations which own and/or control it, and be able to describe and explain the Crime and Deviance exercise of this power through, for example, agenda setting, the creation and dissemination of positive/negative images of particular groups/ Mass Media organisations, eg environmentalists, animal rights activists and lone parents Power • of the potential significance for the distribution of power of technological developments, such as the internet Social Inequality • of the ways in which the media may encourage stereotyping, and be able to describe the process of deviancy amplification • of contemporary media related issues, such as whether media exposure encourages violence. Lesson Learning objectives Activities Assessment Resources Home Learning and outcomes Opportunities and Differentiation 1 What is the media and Starter: List all the different types of ‘media’ that they Discussion Slides N/A how does it reach me? know of. How many ways were they reached by the media Textbooks yesterday. – class discussion on different media types. Peer assessment • To define the mass Learning objectives: To define the mass media, to media. identify examples of traditional forms of mass Research methods • To identify examples communication, to identify examples of the new mass of traditional forms of media. mass communication. Activate: What is mass media? – give definition. How • To identify examples does it interest sociologists. How has the media changed? of the new mass Discuss vinyl to mp3 and beyond. Look at books to kindle media. etc. Students do small activity on top of page 123 (internet access Qs 1
  • 2. Demonstrate: Consider your use of social networking (e.g. facebook and BBM) write a letter to someone in the past explaining the benefits of new forms of mass media. Plenary: Swap and mark WWW EBI for each letter. 2 How does the media Starter: How does facebook ensure that it keeps you as a Discussion Slides Complete storyboard if relate to it’s audience? member? What does it do or offer to you as a member of not finished it’s ‘audience’ Discuss ideas as a class Peer assessment • To explain the Learning objectives: To explain the relationship between relationship between the media and its audience. To explain the ways in which Checking understanding in the media and its audiences can relate to the new mass media. To Q&A audience. understand the significance of the media as an agent of • To explain the ways socialisation. in which audiences Activate: Explain the importance of relationship between can relate to the new the audience and the mass media. (check understanding mass media. – who is the audience in this situation?) Explain • To understand the hypodermic model – students draw an example in their significance of the books. Write a short answer to this problem page (help I’m media as an agent of addicted to facebook) – read some out to sense socialisation. understanding Demonstrate: Teacher explains the concept of the mass media as an agency of social change. Students construct a storyboard of how an invention of mass media has changed society. Plenary: present your work to your partner – how has your understanding improved? 3 Who owns the media? Starter: Look back in your books and define Marxism. Discussion technique Slides Exam questions What would Marxists say about the mass media? What To examine the would an opposing view to Marxism say? RAG assessment in Sentence 1. What do sociologists media as a source of Learning objectives: To examine the media as a source plenary starters/writing mean by the term power for the of power for the individuals and organisations which own frames for weaker ‘pluralism’ individuals and and/or control it students. 2. What is the ‘neo organisations which Activate: Define pluralism and discuss the use of TV liberal’ view? own and/or control it. license to pay for BBC vs use of advertisement to pay for Extension 3. How do Marxist ITV/Channel 4 etc. How much control do you believe the questions sociologists interpret government should have? Discussion (write two or three the role of the mass sentences in your book first ready to present your ideas) media in society? Demonstrate: Teacher defines world view and neo liberal view. Students write to PM stating whether they believe the government should retain control over the mass media, or should become more liberal like the USA. Plenary: who is on which side of the argument (hands up) hands up for RAG on the strength of their argument. 4 What is propaganda Starter: In what ways do you think the government Discussion Slides None and censorship? influences you through the media? What do they try and
  • 3. achieve? Cut and stick David Cameron To define Learning objectives: To define propaganda and understanding picture propaganda and censorship. To discuss ways that propaganda is used censorship. today. To interpret ‘political spin’ Assessment for learning – Cut and stick Nazi To discuss ways that Activate: Explain propaganda in Nazi Germany using the triangle reflection task propaganda propaganda is used case of Joseph Goebbels – how he controlled the exercise today. newspapers, radio and film. (video link?) Students cut and To interpret ‘political stick statements into Nazi propaganda and not spin’ propaganda. Teacher defines freedom of speech and censorship and the difference in newspapers and political support. Demonstrate: Picture of David Cameron on a bicycle arriving at the House of Commons. Students stick it into their book – what image is this trying to portray to the audience? Is it propaganda? Plenary: triangle reflection task. 5 What influence does Starter: Students log on – while they log answer short Use of ICT and research ICT room/lapsafe None the media really have questions about how they think violent media might affect skills booking on society? children. Learning objectives: To investigate the idea that media Short questions to To investigate the idea violence has some link to violent crimes in society start lesson that media violence Activate: Students use the internet to find links between has some link to exposure to media violence and violent behaviour. They violent crimes in are given the Clockwork Orange example to help them. society Demonstrate: Students create PowerPoint to show the different links they have found. Extension: how credible ICT Lesson are these sources? Are they primary or secondary sources of information? Plenary: Students write three reflective sentences on their final slide and email to the teacher. 6 What is a global Starter: What do you think are the differences between Discussion ability Slides Exam question: culture? American and British cultural values? Learning objectives: define world information order and Literacy in writing tasks TV Listings with a Discuss how far Define world global culture. Apply these ideas to British television variety of channels sociologists would agree information order and listings True and False task that the mass media global culture. Apply Activate: Define world information order and global shows some element of these ideas to British culture. Discuss the idea that the global culture is media imperialism. (12 television listings dominated by America (media imperialism) mark essay question) Students write all the ways that they think their interaction with the media is influenced by American cultural values. How many other cultural values are they influenced by? Demonstrate: Students are given a set of TV listings. Highlight in different colours British, American and other imported programmes. Write a few sentences discussing
  • 4. the differences (can they compare different channels?) Extension: Take the analysis further by looking for evidence of American commercialised cultural values (e.g. possessions, consumption) Plenary: True or False quiz 7 Stereotypes in the Starter: Thinking about your favourite TV programs (e.g. Discussion Slides None mass media Family Guy, The Simpsons) what stereotypical images of women and men are there? E.g. Marge Simpson is a Literacy in written task Michael Gove Define media house wife. statement stereotypes, identify Learning Objectives: define media stereotypes, identify examples of media examples of media stereotypes and explain the impact of stereotypes and stereotyping on the development of gender identities. explain the impact of Activate: Students place different traits into either a male stereotyping on the or female category. Where did they develop this idea development of gender from? How do stereotypes influence people in their own identities. lives – answer problem page with reference to the mass media. Demonstrate: Read Michael Gove’s commentary on magazines such as Nuts and Zoo. Stick into books and discuss underneath how he has made the link between ‘lads mags’ and teenage pregnancy. What stereotypes are being used here? Plenary: Picture of the OXO family – what stereotypes are shown here? 8 Deviancy amplification Starter: Estimate how often knives are used in violent Discussions Slides Exam questions: – how serious is really incidents – give a percentage. Why have you chosen this serious? number? Do you have any concrete evidence? Application to a real life Flow chart outlines 1. Can you explain Learning objectives: define deviancy amplification, example of an event. to help lower ability one common Define deviancy stigmatising and social conventions. Understand the students media stereotype amplification, process of deviancy amplification and apply it to a recent of women stigmatising and news event. Noughts and 2. How do advertisers social conventions. Activate: Show case of boy stabbed to death in January crosses plenary exploit media Understand the sales – headlines from different newspapers – what does stereotypes of process of deviancy each headline imply? What group of people is made to women? amplification and look bad in the news? – define stigmatise. 3. What do apply it to a recent What would socially expected behaviour be at these sociologists mean news event. situations? Define social convention – how is it when they say that deviated? gender is a social Demonstrate: Teacher explains the process of deviancy construct? amplification, using the example of the riots or the stabbing in the January sales, students, create a storyboard/flow chart showing the steps of deviancy amplification. Plenary: Noughts and crosses plenary – split class into 2
  • 5. teams and then play the game. 9 The changing face of Starter: what do you think was the first use of the Discussion Slides None technology internet? What do you think it was designed for? What do you think the inventors of the internet would think of Application to real life Timeline template Identify ways in facebook? which people use Learning objectives: identify ways in which people use Ability to relate to past Advantages and new media new media, show how the old media uses technology, technologies. disadvantages Show how the old explain the implications of new media on society. table media uses Activate: Explain the first uses of the internet – give a WWW and EBI peer technology timeline for students to fill in. Define old and new media. assessment WWW and EBI Explain the How does old media use new technology? List some prompt sheets implications of new ideas. Discuss as a class media on society. Students fill in an advantages and disadvantages table to show the evaluation for changing technologies. Demonstrate: You have been transported back in time to a place where computers do not exist yet. Write a speech to give to the mayor of this place, explaining the benefits the internet and computers could have on his town. Plenary: present to as partner and get them to WWW and EBI your speech 10 The impact of media Starter: How has the increasing changes in technologies Discussion technique Slides Revision for assessment change on society changed the way we communicate? How does it affect your communication with other people? Ability to consider both Case study sheet Understand the Learning Objectives: Understand the concept of sides of an argument concept of information overload, apply the change in technologies to Revision packs. information overload the increase in communication, and construct ideas about Literacy in written tasks Apply the change in political implications. technologies to the Activate: How has the change in technology hindered our Q&A increase in lifestyles? E.g. SPAM, junk mail, telesales, phishing communication scams – students write three sentences about how this Construct ideas has affected their lives and the negative implications of it. about political How could politicians use this to their advantage? Write a implications. list of ideas to help politicians use changing technologies to improve their image. Demonstrate: The internet: danger or opportunity – case study (page 141) students stick into their books and complete the answers. Plenary: For or against the statement on the board – ask students to move to one side of the room for each and provide reasons for their argument. 11 Revision Starter: Begin to fill in the glossary on your desk Slides Learning objective: Revise for assessment next lesson Revise for assessment Activate: Market place activity/Scrambled groups Glossary sheets next lesson Demonstrate: Write a question on the back of your
  • 6. whiteboard, read it to the class and the class writes their Large A3 paper and answer on the whiteboard and shows it. think pens Plenary: RAG your understanding of the topic to help focus your revision White boards and pens 12 Assessment Summative assessment of whole unit, including essay question. Cross Curricular Links: ICT, literacy and numeracy, ECM, links to specialism. Research links ICT lessons – research capabilities Literacy – extended answers