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Driving Sales
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Marketing Tips
for Small Business
Michael Wolpert
Made EasyIssue 03 | 2016
Made Easy
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Social Selling TV Interview: Jason "Wally" Waldron
Story Marketing Tips for Small Business
Michael Wolpert
Cover Story
Featured Articles
In Each Issue
Twitter is Making it Easier for Social Sellers
Brynne Tillman15
Driving Sales on the Road
Viveka (Vivica) von Rosen17
Social Selling Channeling: From Twitter to Linkedin
Bob Woods20
How to get a 74% Acceptance on New Connections Requests
Mario Martinez27
editor's desk
Twitter for Introverts
Ted Prodromou
How to be Confident in Any Room
Susan RoAne
Are You Storytelling Yet?
Michael De Groot
VIDEO TUTORIAL: LinkedIn Topics: An Interesting Tool for
Researching by LinkedIn Skills
Social Selling is a powerful strategy that can
help sell your ideas, establish credibility, secure
funding, attract talent and win customers.
Start learning social selling with step-by-
step video training on Social Selling TV. Each
episode is hosted by #1 best selling author and
social media expert Ted Prodromou, author of
Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business and
Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business.
Additional guests include the top social media
and social selling experts who share their best
Social selling is no longer
optional for your business!
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ted prodromou
Art Direction
Kelly Brady Design
Social Selling Made Easy Magazine
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Letters to the Editor
Marketing Opportunities
What to expect in this issue of
Ted Prodromou,
We’re in the middle of the dog days of summer
in the US and it’s hot, hot, hot! The social
media and high tech world are hot too. Twitter’s
revenue and user growth have stalled while
Instagram and SnapChat are exploding. Did
I mention Microsoft is buying LinkedIn and
Verizon is buying the core business of Yahoo.
Fasten your seatbelt because the social media
world is a changin'.
While Twitter is stuck in neutral, it remains a
powerful niche community. This month, I’m
featuring three Twitter-related articles to help
you understand the power of this social media
Twitter for Introverts by yours truly, Ted
Social Selling Channeling: From Twitter to
LinkedIn by Bob Woods
Twitter is Making it Easier for Social Sellers by
Brynne Tillman
Also in this month’s issue:
Our cover story: Story Marketing for Small
Business by Mike Wolpert
How I Get a 74% Acceptance Rate on LinkedIn
Invitations by Mario Martinez, Jr.
Driving Sales on the Road with LinkedIn by
Viveka von Rosen
How to Be Confident in Any Room by Susan
This month’s tutorial: LinkedIn Topics: An
Interesting Tool for Researching by LinkedIn
This month’s expert interview: Scale Up, Scale
Out and Create Prosperity with Wally Waldron.
I want to thank everyone for your support and
kind comments about Social Selling Made
Easy. Please share this issue with your friends
so we can continue growing our subscriber
base. I’m always looking for great content so
contact Jeryl at if
you’d like to contribute to future issues.
LinkedIn Mystery
LinkedIn Topics is one of those hidden gems on LinkedIn. For some reason,
LinkedIn doesn't promote Topics or include it in the menu. LinkedIn Topics
lets you research by skills, showing you people who include this skill in their
profile, you can learn about this skill by taking a class on Lynda or you can
read articles related to this skill.
Take a look at this short video to learn more about LinkedIn Topics.
Michael de Groot
To what extent is story or storytelling currently used in events, meetings or conferences in
your business?
I don’t believe storytelling is used widely at all. There is a tendency to show and tell.
With that I mean that the presenter or speaker always has something to sell, usually their
product or services and therefore they have an agenda. You can’t blame them as this is
how presenting is mostly done. When I create Whiteboard Animation videos for my
clients, I have to coach them regularly to stop selling and instead ‘Share a Story’. Here is a
fun video I created to explain this message in memorable way, hopefully!
How can a story or storytelling create or enhance the effectiveness of business messages
and an audience’s perception of leadership from a speaker?
We all love stories, we learnt about stories when we were very very little and it filled our
imagination with all sorts of wondrous images. When we grow older we still love stories,
we read books, we watch films, we watch TV, we watch the adverts. When we read books
we have to fill our brain with images to make sense of the storyline, as otherwise we
wouldn’t remember it. When we ‘Share a Story’, it is so much more memorable. When we
‘Share a Story’ it enhances our memory of it, because we make an emotional attachment
to it.
What are the benefits and challenges of using storytelling more and how does
technology play a role in this?
The benefits are very significant. If we are teaching or presenting and we wish
our audience to remember what we have said or spoken about, just presenting
facts just does not cut it. In fact it is a well known researched fact that we forget
80-90% of what we have heard within hours of leaving a meeting, an event or
conference. Check out the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve.
The challenge is that we live in a world where we are all being bombarded by
advertising messages everywhere we look, it’s getting so much tougher to stand
out from the crowd and get noticed. And worse still actually get remembered.
Technology plays a massive part in this. I don't care what anyone says, we are
predominantly visual learners. That means anything visual, images and video is
where you can grab someone's attention. Of course video for me is where it's at,
but not just talking head, animation is going to continue to grow exponentially,
so you'd better be doing some.
The objective is just about being more memorable and not forgettable. Most
brands are forgettable although they spend millions getting into our minds on
a macro level. It’s not surprising that brands are using animals in their ads to
evoke an emotional response from us. I call this the ‘Awww Factor’. When
we have an emotional response to something we see or experience it will be
memorable for longer. Equally the animal in the ad will be memorable and it
delivers a hook to the product.
Watch this video where I explain this concept.
What do you consider to be the key hinderances that stop people (speakers and
presenters) from using story and storytelling methods more?
Because they can’t think of any and are stuck in a paradigm of using sales
speak, Powerpoint Presentation (‘Death by PowerPoint’) methods and their
desire to prove to the listening audience that they are credible and important,
have a lot of knowledge and wish to impress. Because if they impress, the
listener will ‘buy them’. Trouble is the content and the presenter will be
The best example of great Storytelling and presenting I can think of are TED
talks. The presenters in the main are sharing stories, that’s why TED has been
so successful.
Watch this great Ted Talk by filmmaker Andrew Stanton of Toy Story and
WALL-E fame, who shares some clues to a great story.
What can you do to make your messages be more meaningful and memorable
for your audience’s ear?
If it was made compulsory for speakers at meetings, events and conferences to
only be allowed to share a story, then they would.
Guidelines could be issued to any speaker to detail how they could make their
presentation more engaging by sharing stories.
Here’s another great video that explains brilliantly why stories need to be told
instead of presenting bullet point lists.
"A list is great at stating raw information, but raw information alone never
changed anyone. Robots love raw information, but humans respond to stories.
You know, information that’s wrapped in something they can understand and
that has meaning.
So, when you need to explain what your something does, be careful that you’re
not just making a list of the features. Give your audience something to believe
in. Give them something to care about. Give them a story."
So do you actually know what takes place in your brain when you hear a story?
Let’s compare these 2 short paragraphs and you decide which one is more
‘Using my smart phone makes me more efficient and allows me to get back in
touch with my colleagues, family and friends in a way I have never been able to
do before’.
‘Last week, I was travelling in Europe away from the office and my young
family. I have a 2 year-old daughter who misses me when I’m away. Anyway,
the scenery was great and I was in the middle of some gorgeous snow peaked
mountains. Obviously I was working!I managed to have a good signal on my
smart phone and was able to easily get back in touch with my colleagues, family
and friends. I love it that modern technology allows me to do this in a way I have
never been able to do before.
You may wish to think about the images that appeared in your brain for the 2
different stories.
Here’s a handy infographic that explains in a bit more detail what happens in your
brain when you listen to stories.
Do you think it's time for you to start 'Sharing Your Story'?
Michael de Groot
Advising you to ’Share Your Story’ using
LinkedIn, Social Selling and Whiteboard
Michael de Groot
is Making
it Easier for
Social Sellers
If you are a Twitter user, inevitably when you
have uploaded an image or URL link, you had
to tweak your characters down to less than the
expected 140, knowing you are leaving valuable
words behind. Twitter has recently come out with
some changes that are live and others that will
be going live over the next few months. These
changes will have a significant effect on how
social sellers can be using Twitter - especially
long-winded ones like me, including!Brynne Tillman
Transforming the Way Professionals Grow
Their Business by Leveraging LinkedIn &
Social Selling
Brynne Tillman
e will be able to add more #hastags
to our tweets which helps us get
found by more people.
We can mention more people when sharing
powerful content.
When we quote a tweet we have more
opportunity to share our thoughts around
that tweet. We can use twitter for more
conversations early on in the rapport
building stages all the way through customer
We are encouraged to share more pics,
videos and gifs which tend to attract more
people to our tweets.
All 140 characters are now yours to use.
So for instance, Twitter handles in replies
and media attachments including videos,
pictures, gifs and other media will not be
included in the character count, saving us 10
or more.
Twitter Changes:
Direct Message: Twitter has removed
the character limit completely for direct
messages. This is a huge opportunity for
both social sellers and customer service
representatives. The ability to get entire
thoughts across makes conversations and
building relationships that much more
Replies: When replying to a Tweet, @
handle will no longer count toward your 140
characters. This can save you as much as 16
extra characters (Twitter has a 15 character
limit for handles + @).
Media Attachments: Currently when you add
attachments like photos, GIFs, videos, and
polls, they take up 23 characters - but that is
going away! Share your media for free and
you will have 140 characters for the great
words that describe it!
Quote Tweets: When these rolled out we
had all hoped for 140 characters but we only
received 116. But that’s okay, Twitter heard
us and soon we can quote 140 all day long!
Retweet and Quote Tweet yourself: In a
sense, you can double your characters in
any message you send. Tweet with your full
characters, URL, images etc. and then simply
quote even more thoughts words, links or
even @mentions! Big win for social sellers
.@: This one always confused me, why Twitter
made us put a . before @ if you wanted a
tweet to show up publicly - but those days
are almost gone - say good-bye to the “.”
Posting a Link: Currently every link posted no
matter what length becomes a 23-character
hyperlink in the twitter post. The good news
is this will be gone in the next few weeks
along with all the other changes!
You are driving to Starbucks, caught in traffic.
The man you are going to meet has been on your
radar for years. In fact, they make fun of you
at work, asking how things are going with “The
Mystery Man”. They can laugh all they want,
but YOU know he is your big ticket! He’s the one
person who can help you achieve everything you
have ever wanted in life.
The car in front of you crawls forward. You are
going to be late. Late for the most important
meeting of your life! Frantically you ask your
Apple Play to send him a text. But you don’t
have his phone number! How could you have
forgotten to save his phone number?
Then your phone pings. It’s your LinkedIn app
reminding you of the meeting you booked with
him. You remember you had connected on
LinkedIn - and you are saved.
Driving Sales
on the Road
Viveka (Vivica) von Rosen
(Make sure to connect your calendar in LinkedIn's
Mobile App and turn on Notifications!)
Because there’s his number! Pulling out of traffic, you
stop at the side of the road, and call. He is gracious and
agrees to wait for you.
Sound like the worst first date ever? Sometimes
meeting a new prospect for the first time feels that way.
As a sales professional, we are always meeting new
prospects, new clients, and new leads. And a lot of
time that awkwardness (and low closing ratio) can be
avoided by making use of LinkedIn!
How LinkedIn Works
That fact is you are on your way to meet with a Key
influencer at a company you have been trying to close
for years. Up until someone showed you how to really
use LinkedIn a few months ago, you had been trying
to connect through cold emails and cold calls. None of
which were getting past the dragon at the gate. Named
But now, because you were shown how to search
Company Pages, you were able to find that Key
influencer (let’s call him Jim) on his Company page. A
quick search even showed that you had a few colleagues
in common, and went to the same grade school. And
you both like Scuba diving too.
Armed, you send him an InMail (paid LinkedIn Mail to
someone not connected to you on LinkedIn) dropping a
few of these coincidences. And were able to convince
him to accept your invitation to connect.
Through LinkedIn's new Messenger feature you were
able to set up a meeting. Today. This meeting. The
meeting that will land you the biggest account you have
had to date, that might get you the raise, and land you a
big fat commission.
Pulling into the coffee shop you check your LinkedIn
Mobile app. Taking a final peek at the posts he has
written, his bio and his picture, you feel confident in
your ability to engage him on his level. His published
posts confirm he has the knowledge and talents you are
interested in.
No minor detail, you now know what he looks like (so
no awkward “are you Jim?” questions to every man in
the shop vaguely resembling him.) And even though
you‘ve already thoroughly Googled him, a last minute
look at his work history allows you to walk in with
Hand outstretched and with an assured smile on your
face, you greet Jim with poise and friendliness. Even
though he is your biggest prospect to date, the research
you have done, and your brief communications almost
make you feel like you know him. Your comfort level
shows through, and that immediately puts him at ease.
You are able to answer his questions seamlessly, and
can even show him examples of your company’s work
on your LinkedIn Company Page (having had your
LinkedIn Expert & Author: LinkedIn Marketing
Hour a Day | International Keynote Speaker |
Forbes Top 20 Most Influential
Viveka (Vivica) von Rosen
social media person upload some pertinent updates a
few days earlier.)
As you are scrolling through your Network on your
phone, Jim comments on an update a mutual friend
of yours has made. This leads to an even deeper
conversation and a greater feeling of synergy and
Finally, about 45 minutes later (a full 30 minutes longer
than he had scheduled with you) he smiles and says to
send him the paperwork. He’s ready to sign.
You stay cool on the outside, but know there will be a
happy dance once you get into your car!
Shaking hands again at the door, you watch him head
out to his car. Pulling out your laptop, and before he
can change his mind, you send him the contract through
LinkedIn Messenger and through email. (You want all
your bases covered!)
Your phone pings again as you get a latte for the road.
Clicking on your notifications, you see a message from
him on your app. A PDF of the signed contract.
Happy dance ensues. Who cares who is looking???
Is this a fairy tale? No. While the cast of characters
and the restaurant of choice might change, this scene is
played out every day, by savvy social sellers.
If you are not using LinkedIn, and more importantly,
if you are not making LinkedIn’s mobile a part of your
selling arsenal, then you are missing out on creating
similar results for yourself!
Take the following steps to convert leads into prospects
- and prospects into clients on LinkedIn!
•	 Get into the habit of using LinkedIn to search and
find prospects.
•	 See who or what you have in common with them,
and reach out through an InMail or invitation.
•	 Do some deeper research into their history and
activity; what updates are they sharing? Are they
Publishing Posts? What about?
•	 Stay in touch with the occasional message and
updates (the more helpful and the less sales-y the
•	 Take it offline if you can! Go for the meeting (or at
least a phone call.)
•	 Make sure your Mobile app is updated and you
calendar is synced.
•	 Think quality, not quantity when engaging with
Not every prospect you reach out to on LinkedIn will
become a client - but like the Powerball, if you don’t
play, you’ll never win. (Although unlike the Powerball,
you chances at winning on LinkedIn are super high!)
Many, many, many of us in the Social
Selling training and coaching
industry stress the importance of
properly using LinkedIn as a prime
tool for Social Selling activity.
I admit falling into that category
much of the time. There is, however,
another tool that belongs in a
very prominent place in every
salesperson's toolbelt: Twitter.
Bob Woods
LinkedIn may be "the place to be" for business
professionals. But there a lot of such pros on Twitter,
too. That's reason enough to reach out to them. Another
one, though, is that some people on Twitter are not
on LinkedIn. While that number may not be large,
it's enough to attract prospects you aren't reaching on
LinkedIn. That's reason enough for me to use it as a
part of my own Social Selling activities, and I think it's
enough for you, too.
But isn't LinkedIn the Best Place for Businesspeople?
The short answer is yes... and no.
Of the two platforms, LinkedIn provides more value. It
is also the more professional one. That's where the "yes"
comes in. Even though Twitter can be a cesspool of,
well, I don't even need to get into that here... it can be
successfully used as a part of your Social Selling strategy. Ergo, the "no."
What you need to do, though, is think of Twitter somewhat differently than
Twitter and LinkedIn are pretty much two completely different animals.
LinkedIn is a true networking platform that has so much going for it (and going
on with it), I can't list it all in just one sentence. Twitter is more of a broadcast
platform that is also easy to search and navigate. While Twitter does have
networking capability, it's nothing like LinkedIn. Then again, Twitter doesn't
really want to be LinkedIn.
Twitter actually does something better than LinkedIn. Twitter broadcasts
whatever message you want to put out there (as long as your Twitter feed isn't
set to "private," of course). Twitter not only broadcasts this to your followers,
but to anyone you want to see your message via keywords and especially
Twitter is the easiest way to both broadcast your message and to have it found
by those interested in what you're selling or offering. That's why I view all
of this as much more of a "Twitter + LinkedIn" matter than a "Twitter vs.
LinkedIn" question.
Using both of them to their respective highest and best uses are in a strategy I
call Channeling.
Twitter is most effectively used as a channel to bring Twitter users to your
LinkedIn Profile or published content, as well as to your other channels (blogs,
news releases, content from other publications, etc.).
The type of channel to which I'm referring is more along the lines of a channel
of water that joins two larger bodies of water, like lakes, seas, and even
oceans—think the English Channel. In this case, the two "oceans" are LinkedIn
and Twitter, and this strategy is the channel that connects the two.
To get going, start publishing "tweets" on Twitter. You can link to news stories,
blog postings and other forms of content that are important to your prospects
(better referred to here as your "audience"). Here's a great article published just
yesterday on sourcing of content for your various news feeds. As you start to
build an audience, they'll naturally start to be curious about who you are and
what you do.
That's where the most important part of the strategy comes in. You need to have
your LinkedIn Profile URL—that address that looks something like linkedin.
com/in/bobwoods—directly in your Twitter profile.
Hopefully, when someone sees some of your tweets and they click on your
profile, they'll want to click over to your LinkedIn Profile. At that point, if your
LinkedIn Profile is developed and written in a value-added, Social Selling
format, they'll either pick up the phone and call you or send you an email.
You'll also need to have your Twitter
profile developed in a somewhat similar
fashion. While you don't have nearly
the same flexibility to develop a fully
optimized Social Selling profile on
Twitter, you can still have the strong
basics going for you:
An eye-grabbing header image;
A photo that's professional in nature;
A succinct that's written in a way
that shows the value you provide to
prospects and customers (yes, mine
could be better... I'm working on it);
Your LinkedIn Profile URL.
At least the Twitter profile is much easier (and less time-consuming) to put together
than the LinkedIn Profile.
Unlike a maritime channel, where traffic is two-way, this Channeling strategy is
primarily one-way: From Twitter to LinkedIn. This is mainly because you're able to
truly "sell" your expertise and thought leadership on LinkedIn, because of the tools
LinkedIn provides. Twitter limits you to 140 characters, which isn't a lot of space
in which to promote yourself. And Twitter's Profile capabilities aren't anywhere
near what LinkedIn can do for you. So Channeling your Twitter followers to your
LinkedIn Profile or published content is the better way to go here.
By the way, you can also use Channeling with Instagram, Pinterest and lots of
other platforms. The key here is to make sure any URL you have in your profiles
on those platforms points to your LinkedIn Profile, as well as to build them in a
way similar to the Twitter profile I've shown above. With a properly formatted,
Social Selling-oriented LinkedIn Profile, you'll have a much better chance of taking
online conversations offline (one of the primary goals of Social Selling).
Isn't it time increase your Social Selling-generated leads and business by
channeling interested prospects to your LinkedIn Profile and published content?
Good luck with your Channeling!
Helping you to usher in the Next Step in
the sales process • Social Selling & LinkedIn
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Bob Woods
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Stay up-to-date on the ever
changing environment of social
selling with Social Selling TV
hosted by Ted Prodromou.
The Ulimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business
	 By Ted Prodromou
INTERVIEW with Wally Waldron
As you work to build your company to the next level, and you begin to show a growth
trajectory, you become more valuable to all stakeholders involved. An amazing thing
happens – you begin to have options. As you scale your business up, you can begin to
“scale out” of your business as well. You can reclaim time and use it for other projects.
You can even sell your company for a multiple if you desire.
However, one word of warning: most companies never get there.
In this interview, Wally Waldron shows us how to get there using his systematic
Jason "Wally" Waldron
Direct Response Internet Marketing |
Author | Speaker | Consultant | Investor
•	 Free to Download
•	 Business networking tips
from top networking
•	 Social Selling tips including
LinkedIn (of course!),
Facebook, Twitter and
other popular social media
•	 Interviews with experts from
Social Selling TV
•	 Get exclusive Subscribers-
only Content & Offers
•	 Get my book #1 Bestselling
book, Ultimate Guide to
LinkedIn for Business for
Free plus $7.95 shipping.
Subscribe today for Articles, Videos & more delivered directly to your
Phone or Tablet. Automatically. Every Month.
Made Easy
Mario Martinez Jr.
How I Get a 74%
Acceptance On New
Connection Requests
One of the most common social selling
questions I’m asked is: Can I send a
LinkedIn connection request to a cold
The answer: Yes, you can. BUT…Don’t
mess it up.
First, let’s establish one thing up front.
Blind cold connection requests are NOT
— and, I repeat — NOT what Social
Selling is all about. Rather, these tips you
will read are a methodical and holistic
targeted audience. In all circumstances,
your objective is not to “spray and pray”
connect requests. Rather, it’s to find
unique opportunities to ENGAGE and
HELP your buyers, which drive a warm
Second, what I’m going to share with you
does work. I have spent years perfecting
my formula and have found that based
upon the industry by which you sell to,
the percentage can go up or down. My
organization sells to Sales, Marketing,
and Sales Enablement leaders.
So, here is the proof it works. Using my
personal stats alone, between Jan 31 and
April 2, 2016 we sent and/or received a
total of 1,129 connection requests. In
that same time, we added 836 connection
requests. This brings us to a 74%
acceptance rate! The goal, of course, is to
establish a 100% connection acceptance
rate no doubt.
a new connection for a Social Seller. Of
course, there are many. However, in my
training, I focus on seven goals of a new
1.	Educate
2.	Help
3.	Build a Relationship
4.	Drive Sales
5.	Create Referrals
6.	Build your Personal Brand
7.	Be Discovered
With social selling, your primary goal
is to create a POSITIVE engagement.
Engagement means your targeted buyer is
in some way, shape, or form ENGAGING
with you. Engaging does not just mean
they are writing a message back to
you or responding to you via social.
Engagement could be as simple as your
targeted audience has just looked at your
LinkedIn profile. In my training, that is a
minimum baseline level engagement, and
it can be the first step to creating further
Again, Social Selling leaders will teach
many techniques and approaches. I,
however, teach my clients to focus on
these 10 ways to grow your LinkedIn
Connections / Followers and Twitter
1.	 One-2-One Social Engagement
2.	 Leverage Trigger Events
3.	 Ask for Referral
4.	 Leverage Profile Views & Twitter
5.	 Use Likes, Comments, Shares to
create engagement
6.	 Groups
7.	 Long Blogs
8.	 Special Messaging Campaigns
9.	 Engage with followers – Twitter
and LI
10.	Simply ASK to Connect
In all cases, after you have established
a connection — DO NOT under
any circumstances send a message
immediately to your new connection
asking them for a sales meeting unless
they have asked for it. That is one of the
quickest ways to turn off your potential
new friend. It seems so logical – yet why
do I receive this type of message multiple
times per day from new and seasoned
reps? Please, sales rep, DON’T mess up
your potential new connection and make
Before I answer this question, repeat after
me: “Social Selling is not about spraying
and praying connection requests.” OK.
Now, that we have established that.
One portion of my success formula
after a potential buyer has viewed my
LinkedIn profile is to simply ask them
to connect. Remember, a profile view
= ENGAGEMENT! I don’t know what
they read or how much they read, but I do
know they know my picture and/or name.
I also know that as a social seller managing
the page “Whose Viewed my Profile” on
LinkedIn is a GOLD Mine! Make that page
become your friend! It the page which
looks like this:
Within 24-48 hours maximum after I’ve
received a profile view from them, I will
send a connection request to invite them to
join my network. What do I say to warrant
a 74% connection rate? Remember you
only have 300 characters to make this as
personal as possible.
Those who have viewed my LinkedIn
Here is one of the messages which
contributes to a 74% acceptance rate:
Thx for viewing my
LinkedIn profile! After
viewing yours, I would
be honored to have you
in my network to learn
from and network with
you! We also share
common connections!
If open, here is the
connection request!
Looking forward to
learning from you!
In the message, note I mentioned I would
be honored to have them in my network and
would like to learn from them. This is all
true. I ABSOLUTELY love learning from
fellow sales and marketing leaders and
reps. In addition, I establish that we share
common connections. Of course, the best
Social Selling Champion | Keynote Speaker
| Delivering Leadership to Drive Change &
Acheive Quantifiable Sales Results
Mario Martinez, Jr.
message would be to determine whom we
know in common and certainly something
I found of personal interest to them after
reviewing their profile. But remember, we
are talking about a cold connect request
Finally, in the above request, they have one
choice to make – click the check mark to
accept or the X to decline.
In social selling the best option is always
look for an avenue to get a warm referral.
However, as my list shows above, Simply
Asking is #10 on the list. So yes I would
encourage you to do it, after you have
exhausted your other social selling methods
like leveraging a warm referral! Finally,
remember there is NO better message than
the most personalized approach. Always
look for material within their profile to
“connect” with your potential buyer on a
personal level.
And here is my best advise on cold
connecting. Cold connections have a much
higher probability of being accepted if they
are a 2nd degree connection. The lesson?
Filter only for 2nd degree connections on
LinkedIn when sending a cold connection!
Here is a message to a 2nd degree + someone
in the SAME LinkedIn group as myself,
then I will write:
Hey FIRST NAME! LI suggested I might
know you given our shared connections
& we are in the LI group called Sales
Director. After viewing your profile &
being a former VP of Sales, I’d love to
have you as part of my network to learn
from & network with you. If open, here’s
the request! Mario
If you closely read the messages above, you
will quickly see the psychology behind the
messaging. So, there you have it. . . One of
the secrets shared as to how I create new
connections on LinkedIn. Does it work? I
would say a 74% success rate constitutes the
answer is yes!
How to
Fear of
Twitter is a perfect tool for ex-
troverts because they love to
think out loud and you always
know what's on their mind.
They have no problem sharing their internal
voice with the world by thinking out loud as
they process their thoughts. I've been in count-
less meetings with extroverts who dominate
the conversation as they process all of their
thoughts verbally to the entire group as they
come to a decision. It’s easy for them to share
these thoughts on Twitter and they don’t seem
to care how personal these thoughts are. We've
all seen tweets from extroverts and often think
“TMI” or “I really didn’t need to know that
about you”.
Introverts on the other hand often struggle
with Twitter because they never know what
to Tweet. I'm an introvert and I feel very un-
comfortable sharing my inner voice with the
others. I’m especially uncomfortable sharing
my personal thoughts on Twitter. I'm the type
of person who likes to process my thoughts
before sharing with others. I sit in meetings
with extroverts and get mad because they nev-
er stop talking while I'm trying to process the
thoughts in my head before I share with the
group. When I’m finally ready to share my
thoughts with the group, the extroverts never
stop talking so I can't get a word in edgewise.
I spent most of my first year on Twitter just
observing what others tweeted. I joined Twit-
ter at the beginning so a lot of people were just
sharing what they ate for lunch, what they were
wearing, they had a headache or stomach ache,
or they just ranted about what they didn't like.
I just didn't feel compelled to share how I felt
physically or to rant about other people. Over
time I became more comfortable sharing on
Twitter but I still don't feel comfortable sharing
deeply personal feelings and thoughts.
The easiest way to overcome your fear of
Tweeting is to Tweet inspirational quotes.
While I love reading inspirational quotes, this
is one of the most overused Twitter strategies.
It’s fine to Tweet inspirational quotes occasion-
ally when they really do inspire you but don’t
have your virtual assistant queue up hundreds
of scheduled Tweets that run 24/7/365. One of
my pet peeves is seeing automated Tweets on
holidays that aren’t relevant to the holiday.
Another popular Twitter strategy is to Tweet
pictures of everything you eat. Sharing pictures
of your food on social media is incredibly pop-
ular and Evernote even created an app called
Evernote Food that helps you capture and cat-
egorize your favorite meals. Again, it’s okay to
share what you eat occasionally but don’t over-
do it because this trend is becoming passé.
While these are effective Twitter strategies for
introverts, you want your Tweets to stand out
from the noise on the Twitter Stream. The best
way to stand out from the crowd is to be cre-
ative and different.
So what do I like to Tweet that makes me stand
out? Here are a few strategies I use and feel
very comfortable doing as an introvert.
•	 Be a curator. I talked about this in my book,
Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business. As a
curator, I share interesting articles and blog
posts with my community. I also share in-
teresting pictures or videos that I think my
audience would be interested in. As a curator
I’m not creating new content, I'm just shar-
ing interesting content created by others but
I’m adding my perspective to the Tweet.
LinkedIn Lead Generation | Social Selling
| Digital Marketing | Best-Selling Author |
International Speaker
Ted Prodromou
•	 Tweet a picture of the day. I’ve seen a lot
of people use this approach and they cre-
ate a catchy name for their picture series. A
friend of mine posts a picture of a beautiful
place every morning when he wakes up and
he titles it “I did not wake up in…”. Use
Instagram when you share your picture on
Twitter and you will be sharing your content
on two popular social networks which gives
you more exposure.
•	 Tweet about your best customers. Share
success stories or promote their business in
your Tweets. As an introvert I have a hard
time talking about myself. It’s so much easi-
er for me to compliment others so this strate-
gy is very easy for me.
•	 Tweet about events you are going to attend
or Tweet while you are attending an event.
As you learn from a speaker, share your
learning in a Tweet that includes the event
hashtag. This is a great way to meet people
at an event.
•	 ReTweet the Tweets of popular Twitter users
and add your two cents to the Tweet. Don’t
just ReTweet without adding value to the
There are plenty of other ways to Tweet with-
out sharing personal information or feeling
uncomfortable if you are an introvert. Most of
the time your Tweet won’t receive a reaction
from others so go ahead and try it. It doesn’t
hurt. Really!
For more tips on how to get over your fear of
Tweeting, grab a copy of my book, Ultimate
Guide to Twitter for Business and follow me @
tedprodromou on Twitter.
Story marketing is a natural way for SMB to
connect with customers and prospects on
a level that big companies just can’t. Stories
are how we make sense of what’s happening
around us, it’s how we explain things to
ourselves and others. Story is how we process,
organize and remember information.
Story marketing, telling simple stories about our businesses, is how
we can share information with customers and prospects in a way
that they can process, organize and remember.
We make emotional connections through the of telling marketing
stories and that helps us to absorb stories on a conscious and sub-
conscious or less than conscious level; we hear the words logically
and process the meaning emotionally. A good tale, well told will
suck the listener right in, stepping into the story, they will see
themselves in the scene, in your restaurant, in your store – you can
give them a positive customer experience before they even visit by
telling them stories of great customers experiences.
Stories have always been central to the human experience and
today more than even they are critical for small business marketing
success because we live in an immersive media world and people
are demanding an experience with a marketing message, we will
no longer tolerate being spoken down to in advertising. Traditional
marketing now falls flat – we’ve been fooled far too often
The models of storytelling and marketing have also changed, from
the broadcast of one to many to the new social model of one to
one and then many to many. The art of business storytelling comes
naturally and is more important than ever.
Because of the internet and social media revolution, we are closer
to the campfire than when we were enamored with broadcast
television and radio. Media is more participatory, people are
creating their own media, telling their own stories and this makes
them more receptive to yours – when you pay attention to what
matters to them, what impact you can make in their lives, how they
will be better off because of you or with your stuff.
Our businesses are filled with real people; us, our staff and
partners, our customers – we will connect with people if we tell the
stories of those people. Everybody has a story and that some of that
story can be told in a minute or two in a video or a few paragraphs
on the blog or Facebook so that the information, the message, is
passed from a real person to a real customer.
Just knowing a bit of your story will let people get to know you
and feel comfortable before they walk in the door. Talking with
people this way will turn them into comfortable customers who
buy come and come back more often.
Founder and CEO of Soci@l Jumpstart, a
Social Marketing Consultancy that advises
brilliant entrepreneurs on creating a space
for their brands to live and breathe on the
Mike Wolpert
Three Story Marketing Starters for #SMB
1.	Talk about what do you do and why do you do it, what drives
2.	Identify the problems the customer wants solved and share how
your thing solves it in a great way,
3.	Share your customers experience of you and the thing you do
and sell and why they would recommend you to their friends,
talk about them or let them talk about themselves (even better)
And – REMEMBER – include a beginning, middle, and end.
Stories follow a structure that includes a beginning, a middle,
and an end. In the beginning, you can make promise, highlight
a problem, create a desire – and make some sort of promise. The
middle should deliver on that promise, share the feel good story,
solve the problem and then, in the end, give a call to action. Tell
people what to do next; go to your webste to get something cool on
the topic, come in your store for a special offer or just ‘go forth and
try out the idea I just gave you’ – doesn’t have to be “buy-buy” but
it should be some call to action.
This is your story arc, and as you take your reader along for the
ride they’ll enjoy it, they’ll stick around, tell other people about it,
and come back again and again.
Story marketing is easy for small business owners because we have
interesting stories to tell and we know our customers and the good
we do for them. Telling that little story, as marketing, on social
media where it’s easily shared from friend to friend – is natural,
will become quite easy and is totally worth the effort.
in Any Room
How To Be
Whether it’s a
meeting, interview,
conference or
party, the key to
feeling confident
in any situation is
Do Your Due Diligence
Before you leave for the event, research the company or organization or host via
google— or your favorite search engine. Check out youtube, twitter, websites, linkedin,
instagram and facebook to “meet” people who may attend, gather information and ideas
for ice-breakers and conversation. If people look familiar, it’s easier to greet them with
a smile.
Be a News Fan
Read local and national news. Whether you read a print or online newspaper or content
curator, know what’s going on in your profession, hobbies, community, city and the
nation. That makes it easier to have conversations.
Bonus Tip: Have three items/issues to add to the conversation if there’s a lull.
Listen To Your Mother
Remember what your parents said about standing up straight with your shoulders back?
They were right. From Jonathan Fast’s Body Language to Amy Cuddy’s Presence,
social science research indicates that posture conveys confidence and impacts the
impression we make.
Bonus Tip: Maintaining eye contact and smiling are two easy things we can do to more
approachable to others who may be shy or self-identify as introverted.
Plan Your Self-Introduction
While we would like to have a wingman who introduces us around, for the most part,
that doesn’t happen. What I suggest in my book and presentations, How To Work
a Room®, is to have a planned, practiced 7-9 second self-introduction. It’s not an
“elevator speech”. Link your self-introduction to the event as that gives people context
for your attendance. When you’re prepared to introduce yourself, you’ll feel confident.
Dress For The Occasion
When you are dressed appropriately (whatever that
may be), you won’t have to waste time and energy
thinking about your attire. If an event calls for a
tux, don’t show up in slacks and a blazer or vice-
Common Bonds Contribute To
Before you go anywhere, take two minutes to think
of what you have in common with the people who
will be there— whether it’s a bar, a sporting event,
a fund-raiser, a professional meeting or party.
That makes it easier to approach people and start
It’s easy to confuse the demeanor, words and
behavior of Donald Trump as that of a confident person. My best advice: DON’T!
Authentically confident people are not arrogant, bombastic, argumentative or
contentious. They don’t sound like know-it-alls. They not only admit mistakes but they
sincerely apologize and take responsibility for their errors.
Confident people speak with people; not at them. They don’t ridicule or make fun of
others. In fact, they will laugh at themselves. Most importantly, they make other people
feel comfortable with them.
And so can you.
Susan RoAne is a professional speaker and the
author of the Silver Anniversary edition of her
classic How To Work a Room®. She shares the
strategies of meeting, mingling and connecting
with companies, organizations and universities.
Susan RoAne
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We truly want to provide you with
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Social Selling Made Easy Magazine Issue 3

  • 1. Driving Sales ON THE ROAD Social Selling Channeling: Twitter to Linkedin ACCEPTANCE ON LINKEDIN 74% Twitter for Introverts ARE YOU STORYTELLING YET? HOW TO BE Confident IN ANY ROOM Story Marketing Tips for Small Business Michael Wolpert SOCIAL SELLING Made EasyIssue 03 | 2016
  • 2. Made Easy SOCIAL SELLING Tap & Hold the screen to show the bottom bar Swipe Horizontally to quickly navigate pages. Tap selected page to view. Tap & Hold the screen to show the top bar. Home tap to return to the app home page HOW TO USE THIS APP
  • 3. 3 CONTENTS Social Selling TV Interview: Jason "Wally" Waldron Story Marketing Tips for Small Business Michael Wolpert Cover Story Featured Articles In Each Issue 35 Twitter is Making it Easier for Social Sellers Brynne Tillman15 Driving Sales on the Road Viveka (Vivica) von Rosen17 Social Selling Channeling: From Twitter to Linkedin Bob Woods20 How to get a 74% Acceptance on New Connections Requests Mario Martinez27 06 25 editor's desk 32 Twitter for Introverts Ted Prodromou 38 How to be Confident in Any Room Susan RoAne 08 Are You Storytelling Yet? Michael De Groot 07 VIDEO TUTORIAL: LinkedIn Topics: An Interesting Tool for Researching by LinkedIn Skills
  • 4. Social Selling is a powerful strategy that can help sell your ideas, establish credibility, secure funding, attract talent and win customers. Start learning social selling with step-by- step video training on Social Selling TV. Each episode is hosted by #1 best selling author and social media expert Ted Prodromou, author of Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business and Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business. Additional guests include the top social media and social selling experts who share their best strategies. DOWNLOAD THE APP! IT'S F R EE! Social selling is no longer optional for your business! Download APP Now 4
  • 5. Made EasySOCIAL SELLING Publisher ted prodromou Editor ted prodromou Art Direction Kelly Brady Design Social Selling Made Easy Magazine Click to subscribe Inside Mag or App Letters to the Editor Marketing Opportunities Connect 5
  • 6. 6 EDITOR'S DESK What to expect in this issue of SOCIAL SELLING Made Easy Ted Prodromou, Editor We’re in the middle of the dog days of summer in the US and it’s hot, hot, hot! The social media and high tech world are hot too. Twitter’s revenue and user growth have stalled while Instagram and SnapChat are exploding. Did I mention Microsoft is buying LinkedIn and Verizon is buying the core business of Yahoo. Fasten your seatbelt because the social media world is a changin'. While Twitter is stuck in neutral, it remains a powerful niche community. This month, I’m featuring three Twitter-related articles to help you understand the power of this social media network. Twitter for Introverts by yours truly, Ted Prodromou Social Selling Channeling: From Twitter to LinkedIn by Bob Woods Twitter is Making it Easier for Social Sellers by Brynne Tillman Also in this month’s issue: Our cover story: Story Marketing for Small Business by Mike Wolpert How I Get a 74% Acceptance Rate on LinkedIn Invitations by Mario Martinez, Jr. Driving Sales on the Road with LinkedIn by Viveka von Rosen How to Be Confident in Any Room by Susan RoAne This month’s tutorial: LinkedIn Topics: An Interesting Tool for Researching by LinkedIn Skills This month’s expert interview: Scale Up, Scale Out and Create Prosperity with Wally Waldron. I want to thank everyone for your support and kind comments about Social Selling Made Easy. Please share this issue with your friends so we can continue growing our subscriber base. I’m always looking for great content so contact Jeryl at if you’d like to contribute to future issues. Ted
  • 7. 7 LinkedIn Mystery VIDEOTUTORIAL LINKEDIN TOPICS: AN INTERESTING TOOL FOR RESEARCHING BY LINKEDIN SKILLS LinkedIn Topics is one of those hidden gems on LinkedIn. For some reason, LinkedIn doesn't promote Topics or include it in the menu. LinkedIn Topics lets you research by skills, showing you people who include this skill in their profile, you can learn about this skill by taking a class on Lynda or you can read articles related to this skill. Take a look at this short video to learn more about LinkedIn Topics.
  • 9. 9 IsStoryTellingFactorFiction To what extent is story or storytelling currently used in events, meetings or conferences in your business? I don’t believe storytelling is used widely at all. There is a tendency to show and tell. With that I mean that the presenter or speaker always has something to sell, usually their product or services and therefore they have an agenda. You can’t blame them as this is how presenting is mostly done. When I create Whiteboard Animation videos for my clients, I have to coach them regularly to stop selling and instead ‘Share a Story’. Here is a fun video I created to explain this message in memorable way, hopefully! How can a story or storytelling create or enhance the effectiveness of business messages and an audience’s perception of leadership from a speaker? We all love stories, we learnt about stories when we were very very little and it filled our imagination with all sorts of wondrous images. When we grow older we still love stories, we read books, we watch films, we watch TV, we watch the adverts. When we read books we have to fill our brain with images to make sense of the storyline, as otherwise we wouldn’t remember it. When we ‘Share a Story’, it is so much more memorable. When we ‘Share a Story’ it enhances our memory of it, because we make an emotional attachment to it.
  • 10. 10 TheBenefitsofStorytelling What are the benefits and challenges of using storytelling more and how does technology play a role in this? The benefits are very significant. If we are teaching or presenting and we wish our audience to remember what we have said or spoken about, just presenting facts just does not cut it. In fact it is a well known researched fact that we forget 80-90% of what we have heard within hours of leaving a meeting, an event or conference. Check out the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve. The challenge is that we live in a world where we are all being bombarded by advertising messages everywhere we look, it’s getting so much tougher to stand out from the crowd and get noticed. And worse still actually get remembered. Technology plays a massive part in this. I don't care what anyone says, we are predominantly visual learners. That means anything visual, images and video is where you can grab someone's attention. Of course video for me is where it's at, but not just talking head, animation is going to continue to grow exponentially, so you'd better be doing some. The objective is just about being more memorable and not forgettable. Most brands are forgettable although they spend millions getting into our minds on a macro level. It’s not surprising that brands are using animals in their ads to evoke an emotional response from us. I call this the ‘Awww Factor’. When we have an emotional response to something we see or experience it will be memorable for longer. Equally the animal in the ad will be memorable and it delivers a hook to the product. Watch this video where I explain this concept.
  • 11. 11 TheBarrierstoStorytelling What do you consider to be the key hinderances that stop people (speakers and presenters) from using story and storytelling methods more? Because they can’t think of any and are stuck in a paradigm of using sales speak, Powerpoint Presentation (‘Death by PowerPoint’) methods and their desire to prove to the listening audience that they are credible and important, have a lot of knowledge and wish to impress. Because if they impress, the listener will ‘buy them’. Trouble is the content and the presenter will be forgettable. The best example of great Storytelling and presenting I can think of are TED talks. The presenters in the main are sharing stories, that’s why TED has been so successful. Watch this great Ted Talk by filmmaker Andrew Stanton of Toy Story and WALL-E fame, who shares some clues to a great story. What can you do to make your messages be more meaningful and memorable for your audience’s ear? If it was made compulsory for speakers at meetings, events and conferences to only be allowed to share a story, then they would. Guidelines could be issued to any speaker to detail how they could make their presentation more engaging by sharing stories.
  • 12. 12 Here’s another great video that explains brilliantly why stories need to be told instead of presenting bullet point lists. "A list is great at stating raw information, but raw information alone never changed anyone. Robots love raw information, but humans respond to stories. You know, information that’s wrapped in something they can understand and that has meaning. So, when you need to explain what your something does, be careful that you’re not just making a list of the features. Give your audience something to believe in. Give them something to care about. Give them a story." TheScienceBehindStorytelling So do you actually know what takes place in your brain when you hear a story? Let’s compare these 2 short paragraphs and you decide which one is more memorable? ‘Using my smart phone makes me more efficient and allows me to get back in touch with my colleagues, family and friends in a way I have never been able to do before’. ‘Last week, I was travelling in Europe away from the office and my young family. I have a 2 year-old daughter who misses me when I’m away. Anyway, the scenery was great and I was in the middle of some gorgeous snow peaked mountains. Obviously I was working!I managed to have a good signal on my smart phone and was able to easily get back in touch with my colleagues, family and friends. I love it that modern technology allows me to do this in a way I have never been able to do before.
  • 13. 13 You may wish to think about the images that appeared in your brain for the 2 different stories. Here’s a handy infographic that explains in a bit more detail what happens in your brain when you listen to stories. Do you think it's time for you to start 'Sharing Your Story'? Michael de Groot @stayingaliveuk Advising you to ’Share Your Story’ using LinkedIn, Social Selling and Whiteboard Animation Michael de Groot
  • 14.
  • 15. 15 TWITTER is Making it Easier for Social Sellers If you are a Twitter user, inevitably when you have uploaded an image or URL link, you had to tweak your characters down to less than the expected 140, knowing you are leaving valuable words behind. Twitter has recently come out with some changes that are live and others that will be going live over the next few months. These changes will have a significant effect on how social sellers can be using Twitter - especially long-winded ones like me, including!Brynne Tillman
  • 16. 16 Transforming the Way Professionals Grow Their Business by Leveraging LinkedIn & Social Selling Brynne Tillman W e will be able to add more #hastags to our tweets which helps us get found by more people. We can mention more people when sharing powerful content. When we quote a tweet we have more opportunity to share our thoughts around that tweet. We can use twitter for more conversations early on in the rapport building stages all the way through customer service. We are encouraged to share more pics, videos and gifs which tend to attract more people to our tweets. All 140 characters are now yours to use. So for instance, Twitter handles in replies and media attachments including videos, pictures, gifs and other media will not be included in the character count, saving us 10 or more. Twitter Changes: Direct Message: Twitter has removed the character limit completely for direct messages. This is a huge opportunity for both social sellers and customer service representatives. The ability to get entire thoughts across makes conversations and building relationships that much more powerful. Replies: When replying to a Tweet, @ handle will no longer count toward your 140 characters. This can save you as much as 16 extra characters (Twitter has a 15 character limit for handles + @). Media Attachments: Currently when you add attachments like photos, GIFs, videos, and polls, they take up 23 characters - but that is going away! Share your media for free and you will have 140 characters for the great words that describe it! Quote Tweets: When these rolled out we had all hoped for 140 characters but we only received 116. But that’s okay, Twitter heard us and soon we can quote 140 all day long! Retweet and Quote Tweet yourself: In a sense, you can double your characters in any message you send. Tweet with your full characters, URL, images etc. and then simply quote even more thoughts words, links or even @mentions! Big win for social sellers here! .@: This one always confused me, why Twitter made us put a . before @ if you wanted a tweet to show up publicly - but those days are almost gone - say good-bye to the “.” Posting a Link: Currently every link posted no matter what length becomes a 23-character hyperlink in the twitter post. The good news is this will be gone in the next few weeks along with all the other changes!
  • 17. 17 You are driving to Starbucks, caught in traffic. The man you are going to meet has been on your radar for years. In fact, they make fun of you at work, asking how things are going with “The Mystery Man”. They can laugh all they want, but YOU know he is your big ticket! He’s the one person who can help you achieve everything you have ever wanted in life. The car in front of you crawls forward. You are going to be late. Late for the most important meeting of your life! Frantically you ask your Apple Play to send him a text. But you don’t have his phone number! How could you have forgotten to save his phone number? Then your phone pings. It’s your LinkedIn app reminding you of the meeting you booked with him. You remember you had connected on LinkedIn - and you are saved. Driving Sales on the Road Viveka (Vivica) von Rosen
  • 18. 18 (Make sure to connect your calendar in LinkedIn's Mobile App and turn on Notifications!) Because there’s his number! Pulling out of traffic, you stop at the side of the road, and call. He is gracious and agrees to wait for you. Sound like the worst first date ever? Sometimes meeting a new prospect for the first time feels that way. As a sales professional, we are always meeting new prospects, new clients, and new leads. And a lot of time that awkwardness (and low closing ratio) can be avoided by making use of LinkedIn! How LinkedIn Works That fact is you are on your way to meet with a Key influencer at a company you have been trying to close for years. Up until someone showed you how to really use LinkedIn a few months ago, you had been trying to connect through cold emails and cold calls. None of which were getting past the dragon at the gate. Named Todd. But now, because you were shown how to search Company Pages, you were able to find that Key influencer (let’s call him Jim) on his Company page. A quick search even showed that you had a few colleagues in common, and went to the same grade school. And you both like Scuba diving too. Armed, you send him an InMail (paid LinkedIn Mail to someone not connected to you on LinkedIn) dropping a few of these coincidences. And were able to convince him to accept your invitation to connect. Through LinkedIn's new Messenger feature you were able to set up a meeting. Today. This meeting. The meeting that will land you the biggest account you have had to date, that might get you the raise, and land you a big fat commission. Pulling into the coffee shop you check your LinkedIn Mobile app. Taking a final peek at the posts he has written, his bio and his picture, you feel confident in your ability to engage him on his level. His published posts confirm he has the knowledge and talents you are interested in. No minor detail, you now know what he looks like (so no awkward “are you Jim?” questions to every man in the shop vaguely resembling him.) And even though you‘ve already thoroughly Googled him, a last minute look at his work history allows you to walk in with confidence. Hand outstretched and with an assured smile on your face, you greet Jim with poise and friendliness. Even though he is your biggest prospect to date, the research you have done, and your brief communications almost make you feel like you know him. Your comfort level shows through, and that immediately puts him at ease. You are able to answer his questions seamlessly, and can even show him examples of your company’s work on your LinkedIn Company Page (having had your
  • 19. 19 LinkedIn Expert & Author: LinkedIn Marketing Hour a Day | International Keynote Speaker | Forbes Top 20 Most Influential Viveka (Vivica) von Rosen social media person upload some pertinent updates a few days earlier.) As you are scrolling through your Network on your phone, Jim comments on an update a mutual friend of yours has made. This leads to an even deeper conversation and a greater feeling of synergy and synchronicity. Finally, about 45 minutes later (a full 30 minutes longer than he had scheduled with you) he smiles and says to send him the paperwork. He’s ready to sign. You stay cool on the outside, but know there will be a happy dance once you get into your car! Shaking hands again at the door, you watch him head out to his car. Pulling out your laptop, and before he can change his mind, you send him the contract through LinkedIn Messenger and through email. (You want all your bases covered!) Your phone pings again as you get a latte for the road. Clicking on your notifications, you see a message from him on your app. A PDF of the signed contract. Happy dance ensues. Who cares who is looking??? IS THIS FICTION? Is this a fairy tale? No. While the cast of characters and the restaurant of choice might change, this scene is played out every day, by savvy social sellers. If you are not using LinkedIn, and more importantly, if you are not making LinkedIn’s mobile a part of your selling arsenal, then you are missing out on creating similar results for yourself! Take the following steps to convert leads into prospects - and prospects into clients on LinkedIn! • Get into the habit of using LinkedIn to search and find prospects. • See who or what you have in common with them, and reach out through an InMail or invitation. • Do some deeper research into their history and activity; what updates are they sharing? Are they Publishing Posts? What about? • Stay in touch with the occasional message and updates (the more helpful and the less sales-y the better.) • Take it offline if you can! Go for the meeting (or at least a phone call.) • Make sure your Mobile app is updated and you calendar is synced. • Think quality, not quantity when engaging with leads! Not every prospect you reach out to on LinkedIn will become a client - but like the Powerball, if you don’t play, you’ll never win. (Although unlike the Powerball, you chances at winning on LinkedIn are super high!)
  • 20. 20 SOCIAL SELLING CHANNELING: FROM TWITTER TO LINKEDIN Many, many, many of us in the Social Selling training and coaching industry stress the importance of properly using LinkedIn as a prime tool for Social Selling activity. I admit falling into that category much of the time. There is, however, another tool that belongs in a very prominent place in every salesperson's toolbelt: Twitter. Bob Woods
  • 21. 21 LinkedIn may be "the place to be" for business professionals. But there a lot of such pros on Twitter, too. That's reason enough to reach out to them. Another one, though, is that some people on Twitter are not on LinkedIn. While that number may not be large, it's enough to attract prospects you aren't reaching on LinkedIn. That's reason enough for me to use it as a part of my own Social Selling activities, and I think it's enough for you, too. But isn't LinkedIn the Best Place for Businesspeople? The short answer is yes... and no. Of the two platforms, LinkedIn provides more value. It is also the more professional one. That's where the "yes" comes in. Even though Twitter can be a cesspool of, well, I don't even need to get into that here... it can be successfully used as a part of your Social Selling strategy. Ergo, the "no." What you need to do, though, is think of Twitter somewhat differently than LinkedIn. Twitter and LinkedIn are pretty much two completely different animals. LinkedIn is a true networking platform that has so much going for it (and going on with it), I can't list it all in just one sentence. Twitter is more of a broadcast platform that is also easy to search and navigate. While Twitter does have networking capability, it's nothing like LinkedIn. Then again, Twitter doesn't really want to be LinkedIn. Twitter actually does something better than LinkedIn. Twitter broadcasts whatever message you want to put out there (as long as your Twitter feed isn't set to "private," of course). Twitter not only broadcasts this to your followers, but to anyone you want to see your message via keywords and especially hashtags. Twitter is the easiest way to both broadcast your message and to have it found by those interested in what you're selling or offering. That's why I view all of this as much more of a "Twitter + LinkedIn" matter than a "Twitter vs. LinkedIn" question.
  • 22. 22 Using both of them to their respective highest and best uses are in a strategy I call Channeling. TWITTER: YOUR "BROADCAST" CHANNEL Twitter is most effectively used as a channel to bring Twitter users to your LinkedIn Profile or published content, as well as to your other channels (blogs, news releases, content from other publications, etc.). The type of channel to which I'm referring is more along the lines of a channel of water that joins two larger bodies of water, like lakes, seas, and even oceans—think the English Channel. In this case, the two "oceans" are LinkedIn and Twitter, and this strategy is the channel that connects the two. To get going, start publishing "tweets" on Twitter. You can link to news stories, blog postings and other forms of content that are important to your prospects (better referred to here as your "audience"). Here's a great article published just yesterday on sourcing of content for your various news feeds. As you start to build an audience, they'll naturally start to be curious about who you are and what you do. That's where the most important part of the strategy comes in. You need to have your LinkedIn Profile URL—that address that looks something like linkedin. com/in/bobwoods—directly in your Twitter profile. Hopefully, when someone sees some of your tweets and they click on your profile, they'll want to click over to your LinkedIn Profile. At that point, if your LinkedIn Profile is developed and written in a value-added, Social Selling format, they'll either pick up the phone and call you or send you an email. You'll also need to have your Twitter profile developed in a somewhat similar fashion. While you don't have nearly the same flexibility to develop a fully optimized Social Selling profile on Twitter, you can still have the strong basics going for you: An eye-grabbing header image; A photo that's professional in nature; A succinct that's written in a way that shows the value you provide to prospects and customers (yes, mine could be better... I'm working on it); Your LinkedIn Profile URL.
  • 23. 23 At least the Twitter profile is much easier (and less time-consuming) to put together than the LinkedIn Profile. TWO-WAY VS. ONE-WAY Unlike a maritime channel, where traffic is two-way, this Channeling strategy is primarily one-way: From Twitter to LinkedIn. This is mainly because you're able to truly "sell" your expertise and thought leadership on LinkedIn, because of the tools LinkedIn provides. Twitter limits you to 140 characters, which isn't a lot of space in which to promote yourself. And Twitter's Profile capabilities aren't anywhere near what LinkedIn can do for you. So Channeling your Twitter followers to your LinkedIn Profile or published content is the better way to go here. By the way, you can also use Channeling with Instagram, Pinterest and lots of other platforms. The key here is to make sure any URL you have in your profiles on those platforms points to your LinkedIn Profile, as well as to build them in a way similar to the Twitter profile I've shown above. With a properly formatted, Social Selling-oriented LinkedIn Profile, you'll have a much better chance of taking online conversations offline (one of the primary goals of Social Selling). Isn't it time increase your Social Selling-generated leads and business by channeling interested prospects to your LinkedIn Profile and published content? Good luck with your Channeling! Helping you to usher in the Next Step in the sales process • Social Selling & LinkedIn coaching, training & development. Bob Woods
  • 24. • Close More Deals With Less Effort • Instantly Grab Prospects Attention • Get Them to Know, Like and Trust You Quickly • Establish Yourself as THE #1 Authority • Build a Massive Referral Network GET OUR BEST SELLING BOOK FOR FREE The #1 Way to Get More Clients Using LinkedIn Order Book Now! WANT MORE? Stay up-to-date on the ever changing environment of social selling with Social Selling TV hosted by Ted Prodromou. The Ulimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business By Ted Prodromou
  • 25. 25 INTERVIEW with Wally Waldron SCALE UP, SCALE OUT AND CREATE PROSPERITY As you work to build your company to the next level, and you begin to show a growth trajectory, you become more valuable to all stakeholders involved. An amazing thing happens – you begin to have options. As you scale your business up, you can begin to “scale out” of your business as well. You can reclaim time and use it for other projects. You can even sell your company for a multiple if you desire. However, one word of warning: most companies never get there. In this interview, Wally Waldron shows us how to get there using his systematic approach. Jason "Wally" Waldron Direct Response Internet Marketing | Author | Speaker | Consultant | Investor SocialSellingTV
  • 26. SOCIAL SELLING SOCIAL SELLING IS NO LONGER AN OPTION, IT IS THE FUTURE • Free to Download • Business networking tips from top networking professionals. • Social Selling tips including LinkedIn (of course!), Facebook, Twitter and other popular social media platforms. • Interviews with experts from Social Selling TV • Get exclusive Subscribers- only Content & Offers • Get my book #1 Bestselling book, Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business for Free plus $7.95 shipping. Subscribe today for Articles, Videos & more delivered directly to your Phone or Tablet. Automatically. Every Month. SUBSCRIBE TO SUBSCRIBE NOW! Made Easy
  • 27. 27 Mario Martinez Jr. How I Get a 74% Acceptance On New Connection Requests
  • 28. 28 One of the most common social selling questions I’m asked is: Can I send a LinkedIn connection request to a cold prospect? The answer: Yes, you can. BUT…Don’t mess it up. First, let’s establish one thing up front. Blind cold connection requests are NOT — and, I repeat — NOT what Social Selling is all about. Rather, these tips you will read are a methodical and holistic approachtocreatingengagementwithyour targeted audience. In all circumstances, your objective is not to “spray and pray” connect requests. Rather, it’s to find unique opportunities to ENGAGE and HELP your buyers, which drive a warm connection. Second, what I’m going to share with you does work. I have spent years perfecting my formula and have found that based upon the industry by which you sell to, the percentage can go up or down. My organization sells to Sales, Marketing, and Sales Enablement leaders. So, here is the proof it works. Using my personal stats alone, between Jan 31 and April 2, 2016 we sent and/or received a total of 1,129 connection requests. In that same time, we added 836 connection requests. This brings us to a 74% acceptance rate! The goal, of course, is to establish a 100% connection acceptance rate no doubt. Nowlet’stalkabouttheGOALofacreating a new connection for a Social Seller. Of
  • 29. 29 course, there are many. However, in my training, I focus on seven goals of a new connection. 1. Educate 2. Help 3. Build a Relationship 4. Drive Sales 5. Create Referrals 6. Build your Personal Brand 7. Be Discovered Whatarethewaysyoucangrowyour networkasaSocialSeller? With social selling, your primary goal is to create a POSITIVE engagement. Engagement means your targeted buyer is in some way, shape, or form ENGAGING with you. Engaging does not just mean they are writing a message back to you or responding to you via social. Engagement could be as simple as your targeted audience has just looked at your LinkedIn profile. In my training, that is a minimum baseline level engagement, and it can be the first step to creating further engagement. Again, Social Selling leaders will teach many techniques and approaches. I, however, teach my clients to focus on these 10 ways to grow your LinkedIn Connections / Followers and Twitter Followers. 1. One-2-One Social Engagement 2. Leverage Trigger Events 3. Ask for Referral 4. Leverage Profile Views & Twitter Followers 5. Use Likes, Comments, Shares to create engagement 6. Groups 7. Long Blogs 8. Special Messaging Campaigns 9. Engage with followers – Twitter and LI 10. Simply ASK to Connect In all cases, after you have established a connection — DO NOT under any circumstances send a message immediately to your new connection asking them for a sales meeting unless they have asked for it. That is one of the quickest ways to turn off your potential new friend. It seems so logical – yet why do I receive this type of message multiple times per day from new and seasoned reps? Please, sales rep, DON’T mess up your potential new connection and make #YourBrandSuck! Sohowcanyoueffectivelysenda coldconnectionandgetitaccepted? Before I answer this question, repeat after me: “Social Selling is not about spraying and praying connection requests.” OK. Now, that we have established that. One portion of my success formula after a potential buyer has viewed my LinkedIn profile is to simply ask them
  • 30. 30 to connect. Remember, a profile view = ENGAGEMENT! I don’t know what they read or how much they read, but I do know they know my picture and/or name. I also know that as a social seller managing the page “Whose Viewed my Profile” on LinkedIn is a GOLD Mine! Make that page become your friend! It the page which looks like this: Within 24-48 hours maximum after I’ve received a profile view from them, I will send a connection request to invite them to join my network. What do I say to warrant a 74% connection rate? Remember you only have 300 characters to make this as personal as possible. Those who have viewed my LinkedIn profile Here is one of the messages which contributes to a 74% acceptance rate: Hey FIRST NAME! Thx for viewing my LinkedIn profile! After viewing yours, I would be honored to have you in my network to learn from and network with you! We also share common connections! If open, here is the connection request! Looking forward to learning from you! Mario In the message, note I mentioned I would be honored to have them in my network and would like to learn from them. This is all true. I ABSOLUTELY love learning from fellow sales and marketing leaders and reps. In addition, I establish that we share common connections. Of course, the best
  • 31. 31 Social Selling Champion | Keynote Speaker | Delivering Leadership to Drive Change & Acheive Quantifiable Sales Results Mario Martinez, Jr. message would be to determine whom we know in common and certainly something I found of personal interest to them after reviewing their profile. But remember, we are talking about a cold connect request here. Finally, in the above request, they have one choice to make – click the check mark to accept or the X to decline. WhatifIwantto“ColdConnect”withmy targetedaudience,shouldIdoit? In social selling the best option is always look for an avenue to get a warm referral. However, as my list shows above, Simply Asking is #10 on the list. So yes I would encourage you to do it, after you have exhausted your other social selling methods like leveraging a warm referral! Finally, remember there is NO better message than the most personalized approach. Always look for material within their profile to “connect” with your potential buyer on a personal level. And here is my best advise on cold connecting. Cold connections have a much higher probability of being accepted if they are a 2nd degree connection. The lesson? Filter only for 2nd degree connections on LinkedIn when sending a cold connection! Here is a message to a 2nd degree + someone in the SAME LinkedIn group as myself, then I will write: Hey FIRST NAME! LI suggested I might know you given our shared connections & we are in the LI group called Sales Director. After viewing your profile & being a former VP of Sales, I’d love to have you as part of my network to learn from & network with you. If open, here’s the request! Mario If you closely read the messages above, you will quickly see the psychology behind the messaging. So, there you have it. . . One of the secrets shared as to how I create new connections on LinkedIn. Does it work? I would say a 74% success rate constitutes the answer is yes!
  • 33. 33 Twitter is a perfect tool for ex- troverts because they love to think out loud and you always know what's on their mind. They have no problem sharing their internal voice with the world by thinking out loud as they process their thoughts. I've been in count- less meetings with extroverts who dominate the conversation as they process all of their thoughts verbally to the entire group as they come to a decision. It’s easy for them to share these thoughts on Twitter and they don’t seem to care how personal these thoughts are. We've all seen tweets from extroverts and often think “TMI” or “I really didn’t need to know that about you”. Introverts on the other hand often struggle with Twitter because they never know what to Tweet. I'm an introvert and I feel very un- comfortable sharing my inner voice with the others. I’m especially uncomfortable sharing my personal thoughts on Twitter. I'm the type of person who likes to process my thoughts before sharing with others. I sit in meetings with extroverts and get mad because they nev- er stop talking while I'm trying to process the thoughts in my head before I share with the group. When I’m finally ready to share my thoughts with the group, the extroverts never stop talking so I can't get a word in edgewise. I spent most of my first year on Twitter just observing what others tweeted. I joined Twit- ter at the beginning so a lot of people were just sharing what they ate for lunch, what they were wearing, they had a headache or stomach ache, or they just ranted about what they didn't like. I just didn't feel compelled to share how I felt physically or to rant about other people. Over time I became more comfortable sharing on Twitter but I still don't feel comfortable sharing deeply personal feelings and thoughts. The easiest way to overcome your fear of Tweeting is to Tweet inspirational quotes. While I love reading inspirational quotes, this is one of the most overused Twitter strategies. It’s fine to Tweet inspirational quotes occasion- ally when they really do inspire you but don’t have your virtual assistant queue up hundreds of scheduled Tweets that run 24/7/365. One of my pet peeves is seeing automated Tweets on holidays that aren’t relevant to the holiday. Another popular Twitter strategy is to Tweet pictures of everything you eat. Sharing pictures of your food on social media is incredibly pop- ular and Evernote even created an app called Evernote Food that helps you capture and cat- egorize your favorite meals. Again, it’s okay to share what you eat occasionally but don’t over- do it because this trend is becoming passé. While these are effective Twitter strategies for introverts, you want your Tweets to stand out from the noise on the Twitter Stream. The best way to stand out from the crowd is to be cre- ative and different. So what do I like to Tweet that makes me stand out? Here are a few strategies I use and feel very comfortable doing as an introvert. • Be a curator. I talked about this in my book, Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business. As a curator, I share interesting articles and blog posts with my community. I also share in- teresting pictures or videos that I think my audience would be interested in. As a curator I’m not creating new content, I'm just shar- ing interesting content created by others but I’m adding my perspective to the Tweet. T
  • 34. LinkedIn Lead Generation | Social Selling | Digital Marketing | Best-Selling Author | International Speaker Ted Prodromou 34 • Tweet a picture of the day. I’ve seen a lot of people use this approach and they cre- ate a catchy name for their picture series. A friend of mine posts a picture of a beautiful place every morning when he wakes up and he titles it “I did not wake up in…”. Use Instagram when you share your picture on Twitter and you will be sharing your content on two popular social networks which gives you more exposure. • Tweet about your best customers. Share success stories or promote their business in your Tweets. As an introvert I have a hard time talking about myself. It’s so much easi- er for me to compliment others so this strate- gy is very easy for me. • Tweet about events you are going to attend or Tweet while you are attending an event. As you learn from a speaker, share your learning in a Tweet that includes the event hashtag. This is a great way to meet people at an event. • ReTweet the Tweets of popular Twitter users and add your two cents to the Tweet. Don’t just ReTweet without adding value to the Tweet. There are plenty of other ways to Tweet with- out sharing personal information or feeling uncomfortable if you are an introvert. Most of the time your Tweet won’t receive a reaction from others so go ahead and try it. It doesn’t hurt. Really! For more tips on how to get over your fear of Tweeting, grab a copy of my book, Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business and follow me @ tedprodromou on Twitter.
  • 35. 35 Story marketing is a natural way for SMB to connect with customers and prospects on a level that big companies just can’t. Stories are how we make sense of what’s happening around us, it’s how we explain things to ourselves and others. Story is how we process, organize and remember information.
  • 36. 36 Story marketing, telling simple stories about our businesses, is how we can share information with customers and prospects in a way that they can process, organize and remember. We make emotional connections through the of telling marketing stories and that helps us to absorb stories on a conscious and sub- conscious or less than conscious level; we hear the words logically and process the meaning emotionally. A good tale, well told will suck the listener right in, stepping into the story, they will see themselves in the scene, in your restaurant, in your store – you can give them a positive customer experience before they even visit by telling them stories of great customers experiences. Stories have always been central to the human experience and today more than even they are critical for small business marketing success because we live in an immersive media world and people are demanding an experience with a marketing message, we will no longer tolerate being spoken down to in advertising. Traditional marketing now falls flat – we’ve been fooled far too often The models of storytelling and marketing have also changed, from the broadcast of one to many to the new social model of one to one and then many to many. The art of business storytelling comes naturally and is more important than ever. Because of the internet and social media revolution, we are closer to the campfire than when we were enamored with broadcast television and radio. Media is more participatory, people are creating their own media, telling their own stories and this makes them more receptive to yours – when you pay attention to what matters to them, what impact you can make in their lives, how they will be better off because of you or with your stuff. Our businesses are filled with real people; us, our staff and partners, our customers – we will connect with people if we tell the stories of those people. Everybody has a story and that some of that story can be told in a minute or two in a video or a few paragraphs on the blog or Facebook so that the information, the message, is passed from a real person to a real customer. Just knowing a bit of your story will let people get to know you and feel comfortable before they walk in the door. Talking with people this way will turn them into comfortable customers who buy come and come back more often.
  • 37. 37 Founder and CEO of Soci@l Jumpstart, a Social Marketing Consultancy that advises brilliant entrepreneurs on creating a space for their brands to live and breathe on the Internet. Mike Wolpert Three Story Marketing Starters for #SMB 1. Talk about what do you do and why do you do it, what drives you? 2. Identify the problems the customer wants solved and share how your thing solves it in a great way, 3. Share your customers experience of you and the thing you do and sell and why they would recommend you to their friends, talk about them or let them talk about themselves (even better) And – REMEMBER – include a beginning, middle, and end. Stories follow a structure that includes a beginning, a middle, and an end. In the beginning, you can make promise, highlight a problem, create a desire – and make some sort of promise. The middle should deliver on that promise, share the feel good story, solve the problem and then, in the end, give a call to action. Tell people what to do next; go to your webste to get something cool on the topic, come in your store for a special offer or just ‘go forth and try out the idea I just gave you’ – doesn’t have to be “buy-buy” but it should be some call to action. This is your story arc, and as you take your reader along for the ride they’ll enjoy it, they’ll stick around, tell other people about it, and come back again and again. Story marketing is easy for small business owners because we have interesting stories to tell and we know our customers and the good we do for them. Telling that little story, as marketing, on social media where it’s easily shared from friend to friend – is natural, will become quite easy and is totally worth the effort.
  • 38. in Any Room How To Be Whether it’s a meeting, interview, conference or party, the key to feeling confident in any situation is preparation. 38
  • 39. Do Your Due Diligence Before you leave for the event, research the company or organization or host via google— or your favorite search engine. Check out youtube, twitter, websites, linkedin, instagram and facebook to “meet” people who may attend, gather information and ideas for ice-breakers and conversation. If people look familiar, it’s easier to greet them with a smile. Be a News Fan Read local and national news. Whether you read a print or online newspaper or content curator, know what’s going on in your profession, hobbies, community, city and the nation. That makes it easier to have conversations. Bonus Tip: Have three items/issues to add to the conversation if there’s a lull. Listen To Your Mother Remember what your parents said about standing up straight with your shoulders back? They were right. From Jonathan Fast’s Body Language to Amy Cuddy’s Presence, social science research indicates that posture conveys confidence and impacts the impression we make. Bonus Tip: Maintaining eye contact and smiling are two easy things we can do to more approachable to others who may be shy or self-identify as introverted. Plan Your Self-Introduction While we would like to have a wingman who introduces us around, for the most part, that doesn’t happen. What I suggest in my book and presentations, How To Work a Room®, is to have a planned, practiced 7-9 second self-introduction. It’s not an “elevator speech”. Link your self-introduction to the event as that gives people context for your attendance. When you’re prepared to introduce yourself, you’ll feel confident. 39
  • 40. Dress For The Occasion When you are dressed appropriately (whatever that may be), you won’t have to waste time and energy thinking about your attire. If an event calls for a tux, don’t show up in slacks and a blazer or vice- versa. Common Bonds Contribute To Confidence Before you go anywhere, take two minutes to think of what you have in common with the people who will be there— whether it’s a bar, a sporting event, a fund-raiser, a professional meeting or party. That makes it easier to approach people and start conversations. It’s easy to confuse the demeanor, words and behavior of Donald Trump as that of a confident person. My best advice: DON’T! Authentically confident people are not arrogant, bombastic, argumentative or contentious. They don’t sound like know-it-alls. They not only admit mistakes but they sincerely apologize and take responsibility for their errors. Confident people speak with people; not at them. They don’t ridicule or make fun of others. In fact, they will laugh at themselves. Most importantly, they make other people feel comfortable with them. And so can you. Susan RoAne is a professional speaker and the author of the Silver Anniversary edition of her classic How To Work a Room®. She shares the strategies of meeting, mingling and connecting with companies, organizations and universities. Susan RoAne 40
  • 41. We want to know what you think! We truly want to provide you with the best possible content and resources on Social Selling. Let us know how we are doing and how we can improve. It takes just a minute and your feedback will help us provide you valuable information that you can use to succeed in your business. RATE US! 41