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Topic 1 
Social Facilitation 
In this topic of ‘Social Facilitation’, I have learned about the definition of the term, which is an 
improvement in performance produced by the mere presence of others. This implies that whenever 
people are being watched by others, they will do well on things that they are doing. A given piece of 
an individual's behaviour is affected by the real, imagined or implied presence of others; this is the 
studies on Social Facilitation concern. There are actually two types of social facilitation: co-action 
effects and audience effect. After listening to what my lecturer explained about social facilitation, I 
can imply the co-action effect as well as the audience effect on my past experience. First of all, co-action 
effect is explained as a phenomenon whereby increased task performance comes about by 
the mere presence of others doing the same task. When I was in primary school, I was an athlete 
and joined 100meter race during sports day. As to win the race, of course I always go to the track to 
train myself running with timer clock, my time for the 100meter run always maintains around 
14seconds. During the race day ,competing with other runner was definitely more pressuring but I 
manage to win a bronze medal, what surprise me most is my time for the race taken by the officials 
is 13seconds, I am actually 1 second faster than my regular training time. This shows that co-action 
effect implied on me as during the race day as I tend to run faster than I usually can when competing 
with other runners rather than running alone for training. While on the other hand, the audience 
effect happens when in the presence of a passive spectator or audience. I know that such thing 
actually exist before I even come to university to learn about this term as this has happen to me all 
the time even when I was in high school without knowing its actually one of the social facilitation , 
because obviously I did not learn social psychology during high school .while at that time, I was an 
basketball player for my school, during the normal training days in school basketball court, my shots 
are not constant to enter the bucket, I know that it’s just me not having a good shooting form and 
needed to be improved even more as I am the shooter for my team and shooting is my plus point in 
basketball that keeps me in the team. But, whenever there is people coming over to the court and 
watch us training, I will naturally shoot with more accuracy and consistency because I am aware that 
there are people watching me play, and I cannot make a fool out of myself in front of the crowd 
therefore I must shoot better, mind is set and naturally I shoot even better when there is people 
watching me. This shows the audience effect as my performance enhance when there is presence of 
passive spectator. I must admit that I am very much experiencing social facilitation in my past 
experience and it was great to know more about my personal behaviour relating to this topic.
In this topic of ‘Social Loafing’, social loafing refers to the concept that people are prone to exert less 
effort on a task if they are in a group compared to when they work alone. The idea of working in 
groups is typically seen as a way to improve the accomplishment of a task by pooling the skills and 
talents of the individuals in that group. But, in some groups, there is a tendency on the part of 
participants to contribute less to the group's goal than if they were doing the same task themselves. 
The larger the group, the more likely it is that social loafing will occur. I have experienced many of 
this ‘social loafing’ in my group while working for a group project for various subjects. For instance, 
during the project for the culture and civilisation project, we have to group ourselves into 10 people 
per group. For this project, we need to work together to act in front of the class based on the history 
of the country given by the lecturer. As for my group, we have got to do the history of Japan. Among 
all the history of Japan, we have chosen to act the ‘Samurai and Meiji’s War ‘ event , just by listening 
to the name event we already know that we need to prepare a lot of props such as samurai amour, 
police uniform and so on, that’s why for this group project a large quantity of members is nee ded. 
But , social loafing have taken place in our group due to the quantity of the group as one of the 
member in our group is always absent during group working for he props , only attend once in a blue 
moon . This group member act as so most probably because he is lazy, as well as also because he 
thinks that the group is big enough to cover up his work load so he can skip the job that he is 
required to do . This is a form of social loafing because this one member has already exert less effort 
on a task if they are in a group, this has already slow down our group progress as well as showing 
how he is contributing less in the group that causes a slow progress for our group.
Topic 2 
In this topic, one of the components we learned about is ‘Motivation’. Motivation is defined as the 
process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal -oriented behaviours. Motivation is what causes us 
to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. It 
involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behaviour. There are two 
types of motivation, Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation. Both types of motivation actually 
are in my everyday usage. First of all, intrinsic motivation is describe as taking a certain action 
without any obvious external rewards. We simply enjoy an activity or see it as an opportunity to 
explore, learn, and actualize our potentials. As this reflect back to my attraction towards basketball. 
Since I was a kid, I always enjoy playing basketball the most, this hobby or attraction to this sports 
has developed since before I even know how to play it. During secondary school, although knowing 
that joining basketball training is very though as I always see the others suffer from running and 
doing those drills. But, due to my strong will and love for this sports, I still signed up for the 
basketball training, and of course I suffered running 50 laps of the basketball and non-stop drills 
training, I still never give up and continue being in the training because I enjoy playing this sport and 
want to excel very much in it. Therefore, although it is very tiring and suffering, I simply enjoy the 
activity and see it as an opportunity to be a better player by learning more in the training. This is 
intrinsic motivation has kept me driven to train harder in basketball to be a better player and 
brought a little success as I manage to represent the school a few times from primary to secondar y 
school. As for extrinsic motivation, it is described as taking a certain action in response to external 
pressure or obligation and might be done to avoid punishment or earn specific reward. This 
motivation has reflected in me on my high school study life. As a typical high school student, I really 
dislike the a lot of the subjects I have taken such as History, Additional Maths , Chemistry, Biology 
and so on. But, for the sake of getting better grades in the major exam ‘SPM’, I am forced to attend 
extra tuition classes for those few subjects that I dislike. Those certain subject is really boring to me 
and I can’t seem to be able to study and improve it on my own. This shows extrinsic motivation as I 
study only to get better grades in my major exams instead of gaining knowledge and let it benefit 
myself in the future or know more about the world.
Social Comparison 
The other component for this topic would be ‘Social Comparison’. It is defined as using others as the 
standard by which we compare to ourselves. The social comparison process involves people coming 
to know themselves by evaluating their own attitudes, abilities, and beliefs in comparison with 
others. In most cases, we try to compare ourselves to those in our peer group or with whom we are 
similar. There are two kinds of social comparison. Upward social comparison is when we compare 
ourselves with those who we believe are better than us. Downward social comparison is when we 
compare themselves to others who are worse off than ourselves. I always tend to compare more in 
the upward social comparison as I always compare myself to the better, for instance the basketball 
game again. No matter how well my friends say I can shoot the hoop or how good I am as a 
basketball player, I will only reply with ‘No I Am Not’ because I have seen many better basketball 
players than me and I always see myself as ‘just luck’ to be able to enter the school team, always 
think I am the worse player in the team compared to the other 11 members. But to me this is not 
just me being no confidence for towards myself, it is me always comparing myself to all the best 
players in my team for example my high school team captain that scored 29 out of 44 points for my 
school during the game, my another team mate who scored minimum 10 points every match, and 
last but not least few of my team mates who made it to the state basketball team, representing 
Selangor to play against Malaysia. These are the players I am comparing to against myself, which is 
an obvious upward comparison. As for downward comparison, I do compare in this manner 
sometimes. During my high school times, my additional mathematics have been my worst subject 
and I always got grade F (fail) for that subject. But, there is actually a few times where I actually got 
40 out of 100 marks for that subject, it’s the minimum marks for passing the exam but still it’s a bad 
result. Maybe due to me failing to much in that subject, although its bad to just passed the border 
line for the exam and yet I am still happy, always compared myself to the others who failed the 
exam. This made me enhanced my self-esteem by feeling that I am better than some other people 
who failed their exam but I myself am not any better because it’s just a border line pass.
Topic 3 
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 
For this topic, I have learnt about ‘Self-Fulfilling prophecy’. It is when a person unknowingly causes a 
prediction to come true, due to the simple fact that he or she expects it to come true. In other 
words, an expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behaviour towards 
that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized. This is a very interesting topic because I 
was in other’s Self Fulfilling Prophecy a lot and felt very frustrated, never knew there is a social 
psychology term for it. Why do I say so? Again it happens in my basketball thing again. No matter in 
primary school, high school or even now in university, basketball coaches tends to always think that 
freshman to be less skilled, so most of the time coaches does not put them in to competition often 
because coaches ill believe that only the seniors will secure the performance of the team, therefore 
neglecting or doesn’t give opportunity to the freshman, and guess who’s among the freshman? Me. 
But, when the seniors left the team and coach those put us freshman in to play, we are all rusty and 
don’t do well due to lack of experience, thereby fulfilling the coaches expectations. The coach has 
already made us become the stereotype that freshman are less skilled. Actually we can think of the 
self-fulfilling prophecy as a circular pattern. Our actions toward others impact their beliefs about us, 
which dictates their actions towards us, which then reinforces our beliefs about ourselves. This, in 
turn, influences our actions towards others, which brings us back to the beginning of the cycle. This 
pattern can be negative, like the freshmen volleyball players example, but it can also be positive.
Counterfactual Thinking 
Other than Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, I have also learnt another component which is ‘Counterfactual 
Thinking’. Counterfactual thinking is literally thinking counter to the facts. It's that 'if only' or 'what if' 
reasoning that we engage in, sometimes rather frequently. It has a big impact on our emotional 
response to an experience. It's not always thinking of ways things could have gone better, either. We 
also imagine how things could have been worse. For the most part, we control our thoughts during 
counterfactual thinking, so it is an example of high-effort thinking. At the same time, though, 
counterfactual thinking is not always intentional; sometimes it just happens after we experience 
something. It can be a relatively harmless process, but it can also make a bad experience, such as a 
traumatic event, even worse by reliving it over and over again. There are actually two types of 
counterfactual thinking; Upward counterfactual thinking which is thoughts that create a more 
positive outcome while Downward counterfactual that create a more critical outcome. In the case 
of upward counterfactual I have experienced it yet again in basketball competition. During the year 
2012, my basketball team managed to win the silver medal. Based on the studies done by 
psychologist, counterfactual thinking explains why bronze medallists are often more satisfied with 
the outcome than silver medallists, which this is very true, my team is not as happy as we supposed 
to be even we won the silver medal. This is because the counterfactual thoughts for silver medallists 
tend to make us think that we could’ve done things differently, or push even harder in order to 
achieve that gold medal because we were so close to break the school’s record of not winning gold 
medal for 6 years straight already. But, this experience allows us to over think what we did wrong 
rather than focus on the accomplishment, which will makes us improve and be more ready for the 
next year’s competition to fight for the gold medal again. As for downward counterfactual thinking, I 
always make this thinking in my academic results and use the word ‘at least’ very frequent. Why so? 
It is because I always get border line passing grade for additional mathematics and say ‘at least I did 
not fail’. This is a very negative response because definitely border line passing grade is never good 
enough that just made it into a grade category tended to downward counterfactual think and were 
more satisfied, thinking it could be worse.
Topic 4 
Attribution Theory 
In this topic we have learnt many theories, and one of the theories would be the Attribution Theory. 
Attribution theory is concerned with how and why ordinary people explain events as they do. In 
other words, it's how we explain the reasons for our own behaviours as well as the behaviours of 
other people. There are two types of attribution, internal attribution and external attribution. For 
internal attribution, it is concerned on where we believe that a person did something, because of a 
reason that had to do with themselves. When we explain the behaviour of others we look for 
enduring internal attributions, such as personality traits. For instance, when I was buying ticket in 
the cinema, there is a really long queue, but all out of sudden there is a group of three people cut 
my lane out of nowhere. Of course my first reaction will be very shocked, and before I approach 
them to ask about anything, my mind automatically will think of the reason they cutting the line 
would be they are selfish ,rude, inconsiderate, bad person or whatsoever ,all these are internal 
attribution that I would thought first when they cut the lane. But after I approach to ask them why 
they cut my lane, only I find out their external attribution, which they don’t mean to cut the lane 
because they aren’t aware of the lane as I was standing a little apart from the person in front of me. 
These are situational because they don’t mean like how I think their internal attribution or 
personality are like, instead it is external attribution which don’t explain the behaviour based on 
personality, they just do not know the situation that there is a queue there
The Halo Effect 
In this chapter, we also learnt about the ‘Halo Effect’. The halo effect is a type of cognitive bias in 
which our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about his or her 
character. Essentially, if our overall impression of a person is the he is a nice guy, it impacts our 
evaluations of that person's specific traits which we will also think that he is smart. The Halo effect is 
also known as the physical attractiveness stereotype and the "what is beautiful is good" principle, at 
the most specific level, it also refers to the habitual tendency of people to rate attractive individuals 
more favourably for their personality traits or characteristics than those who are less attractive. I 
have to admit that I actually have this Halo effect on me. This is nonetheless my overall impression 
of the celebrity that I really admire, which is Ariana Grande. She is an American singer-songwriter 
and actress. She began her career singing on a cruise ship, at sporting events, and with various 
orchestras in South Florida and know she is a singer at the top of the world winning award after 
awards with her hit song recently. She has very strong and beautiful voice, and of course she is really 
pretty which automatically caused me to make Halo effect in play on her that her personality should 
be a very likeable, intelligent, kind, and funny, kind hearted, friendly and so on of these good traits. 
But apparently, she is actually not that much of a friendly person she is through the media and fans 
review. Among all the reviews, there is one that straight poke through me that my Halo effect are 
really on play, which is when during an event where MTV arranged the winners along the fans to 
have a backstage meeting with the star Ariana Grande herself. These two fans had wait for hours for 
the arrival of Ariana Grande to the backstage to have the fan meeting, but when she is there at the 
backstage, she never bothered to even ask anyone their name. She didn’t inquire as to who the 
contest winners were, as opposed to their guests, or what they created to win the right to meet her. 
All she does is just taking a couple of selfies with the fans and only spent about 15 seconds with 
them. This just proves so much that her ‘Diva’ attitude which she is not as friendly as she appeared 
to be just reminded me of The Halo effect I just learnt, sad but true.
Topic 5 
Operant Conditioning 
For this topic, we have learnt about the ‘Operant condition’. It is a method of learning that occurs 
through rewards and punishments for behaviour. Through operant conditioning, an association is 
made between behaviour and a consequence for that behaviour. Operant conditioning relies on a 
fairly simple premise - actions that are followed by reinforcement will be strengthened and more 
likely to occur again in the future, which is also named as reinforcement operant outcome. Positive 
reinforces are favourable events or outcomes that are presented after the behaviour. In situations 
that reflect positive reinforcement, a response or behaviour is strengthened by the addition of 
something, such as praise or a direct reward. Negative reinforcement involves the removal of an 
unfavourable events or outcomes after the display of behaviour. In these situations, a response is 
strengthened by the removal of something considered unpleasant. Conversely, actions that result in 
punishment or undesirable consequences will be weakened and less likely to occur again in the 
future which is also named as punishment operant outcome. Positive punishment sometimes 
referred to as punishment by application, involves the presentation of an unfavourable event or 
outcome in order to weaken the response it follows. While negative punishment, also known as 
punishment by removal, occurs when a favourable event or outcome is removed after behaviour 
occurs. For me, I have experienced both types of reinforcement and punishment. When I was a kid, 
my dad always reward me whenever I finish my homework or whenever I helped out doing chores, 
therefore the behaviour have been conditioned that I will continue to constantly do my homework 
as well as help to clean up the house in order to get the praise and rewards from my dad. As for 
negative reinforcement, while I was driving, when the light goes green at a traffic light, the car in 
front of me doesn’t move. I hates when this happens and from experience knows that blasting my 
car horn gets cars that are in front of me out of my way. I dutifully blast the horn and the car moves 
out of my way. Why is this negative reinforcement? Because the car stuck in front of me is aversive 
to me and I wants it removed. I blast my horn at the car and it moves out of the way (it’s removed). I 
know from experience that blasting my horn like this gets rid of these annoying cars and so 
continues to do it, therefore negative reinforcement is occurring. On the other hand, the positive 
punishment I experienced will be when I stroke my hometown house cat's fur in a manner that the 
cat finds unpleasant; the cat attempted to bite me. Therefore, the presentation of the cat's bite will 
act as a positive punisher and decrease the likelihood for me to stroke the cat in that same manner 
in the future. As for negative punishment, when I was a kid I have to admit I am quite naughty. I 
always tend to ‘talk back’ to my grandparents. My grandparents see the problem in me, therefore
they took action to remove the privilege of me watching my favourite cartoon programme if I ever 
‘talk back’ again. Therefore, the loss of viewing privileges will act as a negative punisher and 
decrease the likelihood me talking back in the future.

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  • 1. Topic 1 Social Facilitation In this topic of ‘Social Facilitation’, I have learned about the definition of the term, which is an improvement in performance produced by the mere presence of others. This implies that whenever people are being watched by others, they will do well on things that they are doing. A given piece of an individual's behaviour is affected by the real, imagined or implied presence of others; this is the studies on Social Facilitation concern. There are actually two types of social facilitation: co-action effects and audience effect. After listening to what my lecturer explained about social facilitation, I can imply the co-action effect as well as the audience effect on my past experience. First of all, co-action effect is explained as a phenomenon whereby increased task performance comes about by the mere presence of others doing the same task. When I was in primary school, I was an athlete and joined 100meter race during sports day. As to win the race, of course I always go to the track to train myself running with timer clock, my time for the 100meter run always maintains around 14seconds. During the race day ,competing with other runner was definitely more pressuring but I manage to win a bronze medal, what surprise me most is my time for the race taken by the officials is 13seconds, I am actually 1 second faster than my regular training time. This shows that co-action effect implied on me as during the race day as I tend to run faster than I usually can when competing with other runners rather than running alone for training. While on the other hand, the audience effect happens when in the presence of a passive spectator or audience. I know that such thing actually exist before I even come to university to learn about this term as this has happen to me all the time even when I was in high school without knowing its actually one of the social facilitation , because obviously I did not learn social psychology during high school .while at that time, I was an basketball player for my school, during the normal training days in school basketball court, my shots are not constant to enter the bucket, I know that it’s just me not having a good shooting form and needed to be improved even more as I am the shooter for my team and shooting is my plus point in basketball that keeps me in the team. But, whenever there is people coming over to the court and watch us training, I will naturally shoot with more accuracy and consistency because I am aware that there are people watching me play, and I cannot make a fool out of myself in front of the crowd therefore I must shoot better, mind is set and naturally I shoot even better when there is people watching me. This shows the audience effect as my performance enhance when there is presence of passive spectator. I must admit that I am very much experiencing social facilitation in my past experience and it was great to know more about my personal behaviour relating to this topic.
  • 2. SOCIAL LOAFING In this topic of ‘Social Loafing’, social loafing refers to the concept that people are prone to exert less effort on a task if they are in a group compared to when they work alone. The idea of working in groups is typically seen as a way to improve the accomplishment of a task by pooling the skills and talents of the individuals in that group. But, in some groups, there is a tendency on the part of participants to contribute less to the group's goal than if they were doing the same task themselves. The larger the group, the more likely it is that social loafing will occur. I have experienced many of this ‘social loafing’ in my group while working for a group project for various subjects. For instance, during the project for the culture and civilisation project, we have to group ourselves into 10 people per group. For this project, we need to work together to act in front of the class based on the history of the country given by the lecturer. As for my group, we have got to do the history of Japan. Among all the history of Japan, we have chosen to act the ‘Samurai and Meiji’s War ‘ event , just by listening to the name event we already know that we need to prepare a lot of props such as samurai amour, police uniform and so on, that’s why for this group project a large quantity of members is nee ded. But , social loafing have taken place in our group due to the quantity of the group as one of the member in our group is always absent during group working for he props , only attend once in a blue moon . This group member act as so most probably because he is lazy, as well as also because he thinks that the group is big enough to cover up his work load so he can skip the job that he is required to do . This is a form of social loafing because this one member has already exert less effort on a task if they are in a group, this has already slow down our group progress as well as showing how he is contributing less in the group that causes a slow progress for our group.
  • 3. Topic 2 Motivation In this topic, one of the components we learned about is ‘Motivation’. Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal -oriented behaviours. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. It involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behaviour. There are two types of motivation, Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation. Both types of motivation actually are in my everyday usage. First of all, intrinsic motivation is describe as taking a certain action without any obvious external rewards. We simply enjoy an activity or see it as an opportunity to explore, learn, and actualize our potentials. As this reflect back to my attraction towards basketball. Since I was a kid, I always enjoy playing basketball the most, this hobby or attraction to this sports has developed since before I even know how to play it. During secondary school, although knowing that joining basketball training is very though as I always see the others suffer from running and doing those drills. But, due to my strong will and love for this sports, I still signed up for the basketball training, and of course I suffered running 50 laps of the basketball and non-stop drills training, I still never give up and continue being in the training because I enjoy playing this sport and want to excel very much in it. Therefore, although it is very tiring and suffering, I simply enjoy the activity and see it as an opportunity to be a better player by learning more in the training. This is intrinsic motivation has kept me driven to train harder in basketball to be a better player and brought a little success as I manage to represent the school a few times from primary to secondar y school. As for extrinsic motivation, it is described as taking a certain action in response to external pressure or obligation and might be done to avoid punishment or earn specific reward. This motivation has reflected in me on my high school study life. As a typical high school student, I really dislike the a lot of the subjects I have taken such as History, Additional Maths , Chemistry, Biology and so on. But, for the sake of getting better grades in the major exam ‘SPM’, I am forced to attend extra tuition classes for those few subjects that I dislike. Those certain subject is really boring to me and I can’t seem to be able to study and improve it on my own. This shows extrinsic motivation as I study only to get better grades in my major exams instead of gaining knowledge and let it benefit myself in the future or know more about the world.
  • 4. Social Comparison The other component for this topic would be ‘Social Comparison’. It is defined as using others as the standard by which we compare to ourselves. The social comparison process involves people coming to know themselves by evaluating their own attitudes, abilities, and beliefs in comparison with others. In most cases, we try to compare ourselves to those in our peer group or with whom we are similar. There are two kinds of social comparison. Upward social comparison is when we compare ourselves with those who we believe are better than us. Downward social comparison is when we compare themselves to others who are worse off than ourselves. I always tend to compare more in the upward social comparison as I always compare myself to the better, for instance the basketball game again. No matter how well my friends say I can shoot the hoop or how good I am as a basketball player, I will only reply with ‘No I Am Not’ because I have seen many better basketball players than me and I always see myself as ‘just luck’ to be able to enter the school team, always think I am the worse player in the team compared to the other 11 members. But to me this is not just me being no confidence for towards myself, it is me always comparing myself to all the best players in my team for example my high school team captain that scored 29 out of 44 points for my school during the game, my another team mate who scored minimum 10 points every match, and last but not least few of my team mates who made it to the state basketball team, representing Selangor to play against Malaysia. These are the players I am comparing to against myself, which is an obvious upward comparison. As for downward comparison, I do compare in this manner sometimes. During my high school times, my additional mathematics have been my worst subject and I always got grade F (fail) for that subject. But, there is actually a few times where I actually got 40 out of 100 marks for that subject, it’s the minimum marks for passing the exam but still it’s a bad result. Maybe due to me failing to much in that subject, although its bad to just passed the border line for the exam and yet I am still happy, always compared myself to the others who failed the exam. This made me enhanced my self-esteem by feeling that I am better than some other people who failed their exam but I myself am not any better because it’s just a border line pass.
  • 5. Topic 3 Self-Fulfilling Prophecy For this topic, I have learnt about ‘Self-Fulfilling prophecy’. It is when a person unknowingly causes a prediction to come true, due to the simple fact that he or she expects it to come true. In other words, an expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behaviour towards that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized. This is a very interesting topic because I was in other’s Self Fulfilling Prophecy a lot and felt very frustrated, never knew there is a social psychology term for it. Why do I say so? Again it happens in my basketball thing again. No matter in primary school, high school or even now in university, basketball coaches tends to always think that freshman to be less skilled, so most of the time coaches does not put them in to competition often because coaches ill believe that only the seniors will secure the performance of the team, therefore neglecting or doesn’t give opportunity to the freshman, and guess who’s among the freshman? Me. But, when the seniors left the team and coach those put us freshman in to play, we are all rusty and don’t do well due to lack of experience, thereby fulfilling the coaches expectations. The coach has already made us become the stereotype that freshman are less skilled. Actually we can think of the self-fulfilling prophecy as a circular pattern. Our actions toward others impact their beliefs about us, which dictates their actions towards us, which then reinforces our beliefs about ourselves. This, in turn, influences our actions towards others, which brings us back to the beginning of the cycle. This pattern can be negative, like the freshmen volleyball players example, but it can also be positive.
  • 6. Counterfactual Thinking Other than Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, I have also learnt another component which is ‘Counterfactual Thinking’. Counterfactual thinking is literally thinking counter to the facts. It's that 'if only' or 'what if' reasoning that we engage in, sometimes rather frequently. It has a big impact on our emotional response to an experience. It's not always thinking of ways things could have gone better, either. We also imagine how things could have been worse. For the most part, we control our thoughts during counterfactual thinking, so it is an example of high-effort thinking. At the same time, though, counterfactual thinking is not always intentional; sometimes it just happens after we experience something. It can be a relatively harmless process, but it can also make a bad experience, such as a traumatic event, even worse by reliving it over and over again. There are actually two types of counterfactual thinking; Upward counterfactual thinking which is thoughts that create a more positive outcome while Downward counterfactual that create a more critical outcome. In the case of upward counterfactual I have experienced it yet again in basketball competition. During the year 2012, my basketball team managed to win the silver medal. Based on the studies done by psychologist, counterfactual thinking explains why bronze medallists are often more satisfied with the outcome than silver medallists, which this is very true, my team is not as happy as we supposed to be even we won the silver medal. This is because the counterfactual thoughts for silver medallists tend to make us think that we could’ve done things differently, or push even harder in order to achieve that gold medal because we were so close to break the school’s record of not winning gold medal for 6 years straight already. But, this experience allows us to over think what we did wrong rather than focus on the accomplishment, which will makes us improve and be more ready for the next year’s competition to fight for the gold medal again. As for downward counterfactual thinking, I always make this thinking in my academic results and use the word ‘at least’ very frequent. Why so? It is because I always get border line passing grade for additional mathematics and say ‘at least I did not fail’. This is a very negative response because definitely border line passing grade is never good enough that just made it into a grade category tended to downward counterfactual think and were more satisfied, thinking it could be worse.
  • 7. Topic 4 Attribution Theory In this topic we have learnt many theories, and one of the theories would be the Attribution Theory. Attribution theory is concerned with how and why ordinary people explain events as they do. In other words, it's how we explain the reasons for our own behaviours as well as the behaviours of other people. There are two types of attribution, internal attribution and external attribution. For internal attribution, it is concerned on where we believe that a person did something, because of a reason that had to do with themselves. When we explain the behaviour of others we look for enduring internal attributions, such as personality traits. For instance, when I was buying ticket in the cinema, there is a really long queue, but all out of sudden there is a group of three people cut my lane out of nowhere. Of course my first reaction will be very shocked, and before I approach them to ask about anything, my mind automatically will think of the reason they cutting the line would be they are selfish ,rude, inconsiderate, bad person or whatsoever ,all these are internal attribution that I would thought first when they cut the lane. But after I approach to ask them why they cut my lane, only I find out their external attribution, which they don’t mean to cut the lane because they aren’t aware of the lane as I was standing a little apart from the person in front of me. These are situational because they don’t mean like how I think their internal attribution or personality are like, instead it is external attribution which don’t explain the behaviour based on personality, they just do not know the situation that there is a queue there
  • 8. The Halo Effect In this chapter, we also learnt about the ‘Halo Effect’. The halo effect is a type of cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about his or her character. Essentially, if our overall impression of a person is the he is a nice guy, it impacts our evaluations of that person's specific traits which we will also think that he is smart. The Halo effect is also known as the physical attractiveness stereotype and the "what is beautiful is good" principle, at the most specific level, it also refers to the habitual tendency of people to rate attractive individuals more favourably for their personality traits or characteristics than those who are less attractive. I have to admit that I actually have this Halo effect on me. This is nonetheless my overall impression of the celebrity that I really admire, which is Ariana Grande. She is an American singer-songwriter and actress. She began her career singing on a cruise ship, at sporting events, and with various orchestras in South Florida and know she is a singer at the top of the world winning award after awards with her hit song recently. She has very strong and beautiful voice, and of course she is really pretty which automatically caused me to make Halo effect in play on her that her personality should be a very likeable, intelligent, kind, and funny, kind hearted, friendly and so on of these good traits. But apparently, she is actually not that much of a friendly person she is through the media and fans review. Among all the reviews, there is one that straight poke through me that my Halo effect are really on play, which is when during an event where MTV arranged the winners along the fans to have a backstage meeting with the star Ariana Grande herself. These two fans had wait for hours for the arrival of Ariana Grande to the backstage to have the fan meeting, but when she is there at the backstage, she never bothered to even ask anyone their name. She didn’t inquire as to who the contest winners were, as opposed to their guests, or what they created to win the right to meet her. All she does is just taking a couple of selfies with the fans and only spent about 15 seconds with them. This just proves so much that her ‘Diva’ attitude which she is not as friendly as she appeared to be just reminded me of The Halo effect I just learnt, sad but true.
  • 9. Topic 5 Operant Conditioning For this topic, we have learnt about the ‘Operant condition’. It is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behaviour. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between behaviour and a consequence for that behaviour. Operant conditioning relies on a fairly simple premise - actions that are followed by reinforcement will be strengthened and more likely to occur again in the future, which is also named as reinforcement operant outcome. Positive reinforces are favourable events or outcomes that are presented after the behaviour. In situations that reflect positive reinforcement, a response or behaviour is strengthened by the addition of something, such as praise or a direct reward. Negative reinforcement involves the removal of an unfavourable events or outcomes after the display of behaviour. In these situations, a response is strengthened by the removal of something considered unpleasant. Conversely, actions that result in punishment or undesirable consequences will be weakened and less likely to occur again in the future which is also named as punishment operant outcome. Positive punishment sometimes referred to as punishment by application, involves the presentation of an unfavourable event or outcome in order to weaken the response it follows. While negative punishment, also known as punishment by removal, occurs when a favourable event or outcome is removed after behaviour occurs. For me, I have experienced both types of reinforcement and punishment. When I was a kid, my dad always reward me whenever I finish my homework or whenever I helped out doing chores, therefore the behaviour have been conditioned that I will continue to constantly do my homework as well as help to clean up the house in order to get the praise and rewards from my dad. As for negative reinforcement, while I was driving, when the light goes green at a traffic light, the car in front of me doesn’t move. I hates when this happens and from experience knows that blasting my car horn gets cars that are in front of me out of my way. I dutifully blast the horn and the car moves out of my way. Why is this negative reinforcement? Because the car stuck in front of me is aversive to me and I wants it removed. I blast my horn at the car and it moves out of the way (it’s removed). I know from experience that blasting my horn like this gets rid of these annoying cars and so continues to do it, therefore negative reinforcement is occurring. On the other hand, the positive punishment I experienced will be when I stroke my hometown house cat's fur in a manner that the cat finds unpleasant; the cat attempted to bite me. Therefore, the presentation of the cat's bite will act as a positive punisher and decrease the likelihood for me to stroke the cat in that same manner in the future. As for negative punishment, when I was a kid I have to admit I am quite naughty. I always tend to ‘talk back’ to my grandparents. My grandparents see the problem in me, therefore
  • 10. they took action to remove the privilege of me watching my favourite cartoon programme if I ever ‘talk back’ again. Therefore, the loss of viewing privileges will act as a negative punisher and decrease the likelihood me talking back in the future.