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Social Media MarketingSurvival Guide
A bit about the Matt and e-CBD The marketing landscape:  where we’re at in 2011 Introduction to the main social networks and case studies Facebook Facebook Business Pages Facebook Advertising Twitter YouTube Blogging Social media monitoring Creating a social media strategy Measuring ROI Summary Questions What’s in this Workshop
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Worked in public relations and journalism
Created digital agency e-CBD in 2001
e-CBD has always focussed on online marketing
Became interested in social media three years ago
Started specialist social media and PR agency in Brisbane called memery
Created the Dialogix social media monitoring tool
Now used by many of the biggest corporations in Australia
Marketing Magazine’s ‘Digital Guru’, write regular features for them, latest cover article on Twitter
Tutor in social media for ADMA and at various conferencesAbout Matt Granfield
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Who has started using Facebook for business?
Who has a social media strategy?
Who has used TwitterAbout You
[object Object]
Who has started using Facebook for business?
Who has a social media strategy?
Who has used Twitter and the only thing you’ve said is ‘figuring out how to use Twitter?’About You
The Marketing Landscape in 2011
“Word of Mouth” was the first form of marketing. Word of mouth has ALWAYS been the most effective way of getting new business.  People have always trusted their friends opinions. The Marketing Landscape in 2011
Centurio Dry, it never lets me down! Hey Maximus, Poncius in front of me reckons I need a new anti-perspirant, you always smell nice, what do you use?
Word of mouth never stopped being important, but when mass media became popular last century, brands could rely on advertising to broadcast their message at the world and word of mouth didn’t seem as important to some marketers anymore. The Marketing Landscape in 2011
TV got people’s attention (AND TRUST)
You could tell people whatever you wanted, because you knew they were paying attention… Image  © Aaron Escobar @ Flickr
No matter how blatant or irrelevant your message was,  people used to listen because advertising was interesting.
Don’t get me wrong, advertising is still an important way to tell people about your brand. Advertising isn’t dead.
But the landscape has changed…
Ads are everywhere. In fact, people see and hear between 1,000 and 3,000 advertising messages every day… 87,600,000 throughout their lives…
We have reached a point where: 90% of people trust recommendations from their friends. 70% of people trust consumer opinions posted online. (Source: Neilsen Global Trust In Advertising Survey, 2009)
McKinsey and Co. estimate that 2/3 of the economy is now influenced by personal recommendations…
People still watch TV, but they flick through the ads. They read the news online instead of on paper.  Recommendations and opinions for every product and service are now available on the Internet. We don’t rely on ads for information.
People obviously still talk to each other face to face, but the INTERNET has allowed conversations to spread at light speed around the globe and be heard by millions within minutes.
And the Internet is now the largest mass-communication medium, by far…
Facebook has 12 million Australian users. Half of those check Facebook at least once EVERY day
13 hours of video are uploaded  to YouTube every minute
There are more than 133 million blogs in the world (Source: Technorati)
Every single second of every single day, Twitter’s 190 million users mention brands they LOVE and HATE. AND Twitter is growing at a rate of around1382% per year When I gave a similar presentation in 2009 Twitter had 5 million users. (Source: Twitter Search, Forrester Research)
People love forums On The Lonely Planet Thorntree forums there are usually 1,000 users on at any one time and so far there have been 23,000 conversations about Australia
Whirlpool 420,246 registered members, 21,288 visited in past 24 hrs, 2,041 members are online now, 1,896 guests are visiting
Tripadvisor 45,000,000 traveller reviews and opinions
Vogue Forums 419,000 posts on shoes, which is expected. But there are 676,000 posts on books, music and TV.
People are talking about your brand right now.
Some people will love you
Some people won’t like you
But they are talking about you.
These days most big tourism brands now have a Twitter page and a Facebook account of course…
But will Facebook really get you more business?
What the hell do you actually say on Twitter?
And what’s the best way to start listening?
Let’s find out
Facebook Business Pages
World’s biggest social network 12 million Australian users Average user has around 130 friends Everything people do on Facebook (uploading photos, or attending an event) is shared with all their friends. That’s why marketers love it. It’s ‘VIRAL’ Half of Facebook’s users log in at least once every day It has replaced email between friends Used to be an intensely private place, but businesses are increasingly becoming involved and people are expecting to see businesses on Facebook Not having a Facebook business page these days is like not having a website Facebook makes it very easy to create a business page It has a fantastic, cheap, targeted advertising program Facebook
Facebook Demographics
Account vs. Page vs. Group vs. Community A Facebook account is a personal profile attached to your own name. Accounts are intended for personal use.  Like most things intended for personal use, if you only use them for personal reasons, you won’t get into trouble.  Personal accounts allow you to build a personal profile listing your interests, upload personal photos, connect with your friends and send messages to your friends. You need a personal account to create a business page
Account vs. Page vs. Group vs. Community A Facebook page is an official Facebook profile of something. You can make an official Facebook profile of a business, a celebrity (even if they’re a very minor celebrity), a charity, or any other organisation.  Facebook pages are intended to be setup and run by official representatives of a brand.  When people visit your page for the first time they’ll see a button which says ‘Like’. People interact with your brand online by ‘liking’ you and by clicking the ‘like’ button, it’s their way of saying they’re a fan of what you do.  When people are fans of your brand, they can get notified when you have news or update your page. Pages can be linked to ads and they’re the best way of using Facebook for a business.
Account vs. Page vs. Group vs. Community A Facebook community is what you need to setup if you’d like to create a community of people who are interested in something. Like ‘stepping on crunchy leaves’ or ‘Katy Perry’.  Community pages are not affiliated with, or endorsed by, anyone associated with the topic, but Facebook users can ‘like’ them in the same way they like official pages. A community page might be a good idea as a complimentary marketing strategy for your business page. For example, if you were a winery you might create a ‘Shiraz Lovers’ community and sponsor it.
Goals to aim for Get people to ‘like’ your Facebook page Get people to interact with you on your page Create an community of people interested in what you do (either your business or your industry) Get people to tag themselves in your photos But more importantly, get their email address (Facebook may not be popular for ever) Get people talking about you to their friends Get your events appearing on people’s walls OK, fair enough, what are some goals to aim for then?
How to Get Facebook Fans There are two ways to get fans on Facebook. Be famous or awesome and people will just naturally seek you out. Justin Bieber, for example, is famous but not awesome and he has 15,000,000 Facebook fans. ‘Not being on fire’, for example, is awesome but not famous. More than 8,000 people like not being on fire. Family Guy (the TV show) is both famous and awesome. Family Guy has 17,000,000 Facebook fans.
How to Get Facebook Fans There are two ways to get fans on Facebook. Give people some sort of incentive to like you. It’s marketing 101 here. Bribes work. Unless you’re famous, or awesome, don’t think that people will gravitate to you because you’re nice/pretty. They need an incentive. Facebook isn’t that different to an email newsletter really. The same methods that get people to sign up for email newsletters work for Facebook pages, here are some things to try:
How to get people to like your business on Facebook Give people exclusive discounts for being Facebook fan. Real ones. Good ones.  Actual exclusive ones. Provide people with the latest news about your organisation. Give them something to do when they like you. The Barbie page is a great example. Once you like the Barbie page you get to play fun games. Create and foster a real community of people who like what you do Have events Tell people about the ‘suggest a friend’ button (example) ADVERTISE, especially to fans of your competitors
Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
Know the Rules: The Facebook Terms of Use It’s important to read the privacy info and terms of use (which are linked to from the bottom of each page) but as a marketer, the legal document you should probably most be concerned with is the Facebook Promotions Guidelines:!/promotions_guidelines.php It’s not a particularly daunting read but there’s still a bit of legal mumbo-jumbo in there. I am not a lawyer and this presentation is no substitute for professional advice, but if you’d like to stay on Facebook’s good side and not have your page unceremoniously removed, here are the most important bits of advice you should follow:
Know the Rules: The Facebook Terms of Use If you want to run a competition on Facebook you need to ask permission using the form they provide. Hint: your chances of getting someone from Facebook to contact you and approve your promotion will be greatly increased if you want to spend more than $10,000 a month on advertising. You can’t make an action on Facebook, like uploading a photo or commenting on a wall, part of a competition. You can promote a competition on Facebook without permission as long as the competition is hosted externally. You can’t promote a competition on Facebook if it’s open to people under 18.
Facebook Usernames Your Facebook username is the URL (web address) people type in their browser when they want to load your page. If you don’t get one, you end up with a string of letters which looks something like this: It’s easy enough to get something a bit sexier though. All you need to do is get at least 25 people to ‘like’ your business page and then go to You’ll then be prompted to choose a page you want to create a username for. You can pick pretty whatever you want, as long as it’s available and not generic. You can’t change the name of the page later though, so be careful. Get it right the first time.
Your Brand’s Personality on Facebook: What to Say You need to be prepared to engage people in conversation. They’ll want to talk to you. Know what your brand sounds like. Choose a personality. Create a social media comms schedule with key dates and events (eg. footy finals, school holidays) and plan around them. Tell fans who they’re talking to and when (eg. Bob 9am-5pm). Start conversations.  Ask questions! Ask advice from your fans. People love a poll. Who are your brand’s friends? Do you have a CSR program? Link to charities you support.
Be ready for Criticism Creating a Facebook page and then not engaging is rude. Be aware that people might use your Facebook page to criticise you. But don’t be scared. Ensure you have a company social media policy with guidelines on what to say. Anticipate potential negative comments and have a course of action to follow.
How to Move People away from Facebook At the end of the day, getting someone to like you on Facebook is cool for a bit, but sooner or later, you’re going to want them to buy something. You need to get them off Facebook to do that.  Link off to your website with specials.  Make sure you don’t use Facebook as your only marketing strategy.  Someday, something else will be the next big thing.  The most important thing you can do with a Facebook fan is get their email address. The best way to do this is with a custom landing page.
Tabs and Landing Pages One of the reasons MySpace failed is because it looks like an absolute pile of dog breakfast. As soon as it launched, kids figured out how to (badly) pimp their profiles and suddenly the web looked like it was 1995 again. Facebook doesn’t let you format your profile the same way, but it does let you create customised tabs on business pages which you have a lot more design control over.
Tabs and Landing Pages Put all the stuff you’d usually put on a Google AdWords landing page on a Facebook tab. Get people’s email addresses. Create a call to action. Sell. Create intrigue. Offer something more. It’s basically a mini-website on Facebook so go nuts.  You need to know a bit of html code to make things happen, but any web designer worth their salt these days should be able to help.
Tabs and Landing Pages
Tabs and Landing Pages
Tabs and Landing Pages
Tabs and Landing Pages
Facebook Advertising
Facebook Advertising At the moment Facebook advertising is probably one of the best, most cost-effective ways of promoting your business online. If you know what you’re doing, you can literally show your ad to 1 million people for less than a thousand dollars.  You can pay by the click, or you can pay per thousand impressions.  It’s scaleable, cheap and effective.  You make an ad and then show it to people based on their age, sex and interests. It’s a no brainer.
Facebook Advertising
Facebook Advertising
Facebook Advertising Here are some handy tips for your Facebook ads:
Facebook Advertising Have a goal for the ad – is it to get more fans? Is it to sell something? Incentive. Incentive. Incentive. Discounts sell. The bigger, the better.  Advertise to fans of your competitors. Bingo. Keep your ads fresh. Change the pics regularly (iStockPhoto, CompFight etc.) Don’t just send people from an ad to your wall or website homepage. Link your ads to a unique landing page (eg. and use a funnel to track conversions from there. Sex sells. You need to get people’s attention with that little photo. Don’t be distasteful or inappropriate or your ad will get banned, but yes, sex does indeed sell. Cheesy stock photos don’t sell. People see hundreds of ads a day. If it looks like every other ad they saw that day, they won’t pay any attention.
Facebook Advertising Tracking ads is tricky. Facebook doesn’t seem to talk properly to Google Analytics, expect discrepancies. Pay per click, not for impressions (you’ll get heaps of impressions anyway) Think outside the square when you’re targeting interests. People who need a wedding photographer aren’t the ones listing ‘photography’ as in interest. They’re the ones who are ‘engaged’ Bid the maximum amount to ensure you get the best placement Can you put your phone number in the ad (so you don’t pay for the click)? More fans is often a good idea, but might not mean more money. If you’re a restaurant in Main Beach you might just want to offer a discount for mentioning the ad (for example). Have a call to action. Give them a reason to click.
Getting a Facebook Account Manager If you’ll be spending more than $10,000 a month on Facebook ads, they’ll be very happy to help you do it. Facebook has an office in Sydney and a small, but growing team of account managers who can help you approve competitions, create effective ads and get the most out of their service.  To get in touch, visit them at If you’re not spending more than $10,000 a month of Facebook ads, good luck. Your best bet is to read the terms of service carefully to make sure you’re not breaking any rules and find an agency which has a relationship with Facebook and they can liaise with them on your behalf.
[object Object],Offered an incentive for people to like the brand Created ads targeting fans of competitors and fashion Backed it up with a campaign on Sea FM to help spread the word Result: 5,000 new people to the fashion mailing list in a week Facebook Advertising Case Study: Pacific Fair
Micro blog Lets people say what they’re thinking and share information in 140 characters or less Is, most of the time, a complete pile of crap But it’s an amazing listening post And it’s easily searchable. You can find people based on their geographic location. You can get a feed of people talking about your brand (or city, or whatever) Great way for businesses to update people with news and offers What is Twitter?
How to Use Twitter Treat it as a company newsletter Keep an eye on competitors Monitor the local area for people asking for referrals Follow people who are interested in what you do Engage key influencers
30% of all Telstra’s online conversations happen through Twitter 43% of Telstra’s online customer service happens through Twitter Twitter Case Study: Telstra
Problem: New cafe, needs business (sales) Key Influencers: Coffee Lovers, Vocal Early Tech Adopters, Business Leaders, Local Press Twitter Case Study: Star Gardentown Cafe
World’s biggest and most popular video sharing website Virtually any ‘how to’ search in Google returns a YouTube video in the top 5 results People with personality have become famous on YouTube Most videos get less than 1,000 views Weigh up the ROI before investing in a video Doesn’t necessarily need to be professional – candid is fun and personal Best way to explain complicated things on your website Great for virtual tours Great for product reviews (Telstra do this) YouTube

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Social media marketing survival guide

  • 2. A bit about the Matt and e-CBD The marketing landscape: where we’re at in 2011 Introduction to the main social networks and case studies Facebook Facebook Business Pages Facebook Advertising Twitter YouTube Blogging Social media monitoring Creating a social media strategy Measuring ROI Summary Questions What’s in this Workshop
  • 3.
  • 4. Worked in public relations and journalism
  • 5. Created digital agency e-CBD in 2001
  • 6. e-CBD has always focussed on online marketing
  • 7. Became interested in social media three years ago
  • 8. Started specialist social media and PR agency in Brisbane called memery
  • 9. Created the Dialogix social media monitoring tool
  • 10. Now used by many of the biggest corporations in Australia
  • 11. Marketing Magazine’s ‘Digital Guru’, write regular features for them, latest cover article on Twitter
  • 12. Tutor in social media for ADMA and at various conferencesAbout Matt Granfield
  • 13.
  • 14. Who has started using Facebook for business?
  • 15. Who has a social media strategy?
  • 16. Who has used TwitterAbout You
  • 17.
  • 18. Who has started using Facebook for business?
  • 19. Who has a social media strategy?
  • 20. Who has used Twitter and the only thing you’ve said is ‘figuring out how to use Twitter?’About You
  • 22. “Word of Mouth” was the first form of marketing. Word of mouth has ALWAYS been the most effective way of getting new business. People have always trusted their friends opinions. The Marketing Landscape in 2011
  • 23. Centurio Dry, it never lets me down! Hey Maximus, Poncius in front of me reckons I need a new anti-perspirant, you always smell nice, what do you use?
  • 24. Word of mouth never stopped being important, but when mass media became popular last century, brands could rely on advertising to broadcast their message at the world and word of mouth didn’t seem as important to some marketers anymore. The Marketing Landscape in 2011
  • 25. TV got people’s attention (AND TRUST)
  • 26. You could tell people whatever you wanted, because you knew they were paying attention… Image © Aaron Escobar @ Flickr
  • 27. No matter how blatant or irrelevant your message was, people used to listen because advertising was interesting.
  • 28. Don’t get me wrong, advertising is still an important way to tell people about your brand. Advertising isn’t dead.
  • 29. But the landscape has changed…
  • 30. Ads are everywhere. In fact, people see and hear between 1,000 and 3,000 advertising messages every day… 87,600,000 throughout their lives…
  • 31. We have reached a point where: 90% of people trust recommendations from their friends. 70% of people trust consumer opinions posted online. (Source: Neilsen Global Trust In Advertising Survey, 2009)
  • 32. McKinsey and Co. estimate that 2/3 of the economy is now influenced by personal recommendations…
  • 33. People still watch TV, but they flick through the ads. They read the news online instead of on paper. Recommendations and opinions for every product and service are now available on the Internet. We don’t rely on ads for information.
  • 34. People obviously still talk to each other face to face, but the INTERNET has allowed conversations to spread at light speed around the globe and be heard by millions within minutes.
  • 35. And the Internet is now the largest mass-communication medium, by far…
  • 36. Facebook has 12 million Australian users. Half of those check Facebook at least once EVERY day
  • 37. 13 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
  • 38. There are more than 133 million blogs in the world (Source: Technorati)
  • 39. Every single second of every single day, Twitter’s 190 million users mention brands they LOVE and HATE. AND Twitter is growing at a rate of around1382% per year When I gave a similar presentation in 2009 Twitter had 5 million users. (Source: Twitter Search, Forrester Research)
  • 40. People love forums On The Lonely Planet Thorntree forums there are usually 1,000 users on at any one time and so far there have been 23,000 conversations about Australia
  • 41. Whirlpool 420,246 registered members, 21,288 visited in past 24 hrs, 2,041 members are online now, 1,896 guests are visiting
  • 42. Tripadvisor 45,000,000 traveller reviews and opinions
  • 43. Vogue Forums 419,000 posts on shoes, which is expected. But there are 676,000 posts on books, music and TV.
  • 44. People are talking about your brand right now.
  • 45. Some people will love you
  • 47. But they are talking about you.
  • 48. These days most big tourism brands now have a Twitter page and a Facebook account of course…
  • 49. But will Facebook really get you more business?
  • 50. What the hell do you actually say on Twitter?
  • 51. And what’s the best way to start listening?
  • 54. World’s biggest social network 12 million Australian users Average user has around 130 friends Everything people do on Facebook (uploading photos, or attending an event) is shared with all their friends. That’s why marketers love it. It’s ‘VIRAL’ Half of Facebook’s users log in at least once every day It has replaced email between friends Used to be an intensely private place, but businesses are increasingly becoming involved and people are expecting to see businesses on Facebook Not having a Facebook business page these days is like not having a website Facebook makes it very easy to create a business page It has a fantastic, cheap, targeted advertising program Facebook
  • 56. Account vs. Page vs. Group vs. Community A Facebook account is a personal profile attached to your own name. Accounts are intended for personal use. Like most things intended for personal use, if you only use them for personal reasons, you won’t get into trouble. Personal accounts allow you to build a personal profile listing your interests, upload personal photos, connect with your friends and send messages to your friends. You need a personal account to create a business page
  • 57. Account vs. Page vs. Group vs. Community A Facebook page is an official Facebook profile of something. You can make an official Facebook profile of a business, a celebrity (even if they’re a very minor celebrity), a charity, or any other organisation. Facebook pages are intended to be setup and run by official representatives of a brand. When people visit your page for the first time they’ll see a button which says ‘Like’. People interact with your brand online by ‘liking’ you and by clicking the ‘like’ button, it’s their way of saying they’re a fan of what you do. When people are fans of your brand, they can get notified when you have news or update your page. Pages can be linked to ads and they’re the best way of using Facebook for a business.
  • 58. Account vs. Page vs. Group vs. Community A Facebook community is what you need to setup if you’d like to create a community of people who are interested in something. Like ‘stepping on crunchy leaves’ or ‘Katy Perry’. Community pages are not affiliated with, or endorsed by, anyone associated with the topic, but Facebook users can ‘like’ them in the same way they like official pages. A community page might be a good idea as a complimentary marketing strategy for your business page. For example, if you were a winery you might create a ‘Shiraz Lovers’ community and sponsor it.
  • 59. Goals to aim for Get people to ‘like’ your Facebook page Get people to interact with you on your page Create an community of people interested in what you do (either your business or your industry) Get people to tag themselves in your photos But more importantly, get their email address (Facebook may not be popular for ever) Get people talking about you to their friends Get your events appearing on people’s walls OK, fair enough, what are some goals to aim for then?
  • 60.
  • 61. How to Get Facebook Fans There are two ways to get fans on Facebook. Be famous or awesome and people will just naturally seek you out. Justin Bieber, for example, is famous but not awesome and he has 15,000,000 Facebook fans. ‘Not being on fire’, for example, is awesome but not famous. More than 8,000 people like not being on fire. Family Guy (the TV show) is both famous and awesome. Family Guy has 17,000,000 Facebook fans.
  • 62. How to Get Facebook Fans There are two ways to get fans on Facebook. Give people some sort of incentive to like you. It’s marketing 101 here. Bribes work. Unless you’re famous, or awesome, don’t think that people will gravitate to you because you’re nice/pretty. They need an incentive. Facebook isn’t that different to an email newsletter really. The same methods that get people to sign up for email newsletters work for Facebook pages, here are some things to try:
  • 63. How to get people to like your business on Facebook Give people exclusive discounts for being Facebook fan. Real ones. Good ones. Actual exclusive ones. Provide people with the latest news about your organisation. Give them something to do when they like you. The Barbie page is a great example. Once you like the Barbie page you get to play fun games. Create and foster a real community of people who like what you do Have events Tell people about the ‘suggest a friend’ button (example) ADVERTISE, especially to fans of your competitors
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66. Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
  • 67.
  • 68. Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
  • 69.
  • 70. Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
  • 71.
  • 72. Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
  • 73.
  • 74. Give them rich content with a customised tab (like Hilton’s) Give people a reason to tag themselves in your photos (like Big Cat Reality) Be interesting so people want to follow you (like Bushells) Ask questions which prompt a response (like Bubble O’ Bill) Tell people at events that the photos will be on Facebook Offer incentives for people to talk about you Create a ‘place’ for your business and encourage/incentivise people to ‘check in’ and upload photos. All their friends will then see where they are. How to get people to interact with you on Facebook
  • 75. Know the Rules: The Facebook Terms of Use It’s important to read the privacy info and terms of use (which are linked to from the bottom of each page) but as a marketer, the legal document you should probably most be concerned with is the Facebook Promotions Guidelines:!/promotions_guidelines.php It’s not a particularly daunting read but there’s still a bit of legal mumbo-jumbo in there. I am not a lawyer and this presentation is no substitute for professional advice, but if you’d like to stay on Facebook’s good side and not have your page unceremoniously removed, here are the most important bits of advice you should follow:
  • 76. Know the Rules: The Facebook Terms of Use If you want to run a competition on Facebook you need to ask permission using the form they provide. Hint: your chances of getting someone from Facebook to contact you and approve your promotion will be greatly increased if you want to spend more than $10,000 a month on advertising. You can’t make an action on Facebook, like uploading a photo or commenting on a wall, part of a competition. You can promote a competition on Facebook without permission as long as the competition is hosted externally. You can’t promote a competition on Facebook if it’s open to people under 18.
  • 77. Facebook Usernames Your Facebook username is the URL (web address) people type in their browser when they want to load your page. If you don’t get one, you end up with a string of letters which looks something like this: It’s easy enough to get something a bit sexier though. All you need to do is get at least 25 people to ‘like’ your business page and then go to You’ll then be prompted to choose a page you want to create a username for. You can pick pretty whatever you want, as long as it’s available and not generic. You can’t change the name of the page later though, so be careful. Get it right the first time.
  • 78. Your Brand’s Personality on Facebook: What to Say You need to be prepared to engage people in conversation. They’ll want to talk to you. Know what your brand sounds like. Choose a personality. Create a social media comms schedule with key dates and events (eg. footy finals, school holidays) and plan around them. Tell fans who they’re talking to and when (eg. Bob 9am-5pm). Start conversations. Ask questions! Ask advice from your fans. People love a poll. Who are your brand’s friends? Do you have a CSR program? Link to charities you support.
  • 79. Be ready for Criticism Creating a Facebook page and then not engaging is rude. Be aware that people might use your Facebook page to criticise you. But don’t be scared. Ensure you have a company social media policy with guidelines on what to say. Anticipate potential negative comments and have a course of action to follow.
  • 80. How to Move People away from Facebook At the end of the day, getting someone to like you on Facebook is cool for a bit, but sooner or later, you’re going to want them to buy something. You need to get them off Facebook to do that. Link off to your website with specials. Make sure you don’t use Facebook as your only marketing strategy. Someday, something else will be the next big thing. The most important thing you can do with a Facebook fan is get their email address. The best way to do this is with a custom landing page.
  • 81. Tabs and Landing Pages One of the reasons MySpace failed is because it looks like an absolute pile of dog breakfast. As soon as it launched, kids figured out how to (badly) pimp their profiles and suddenly the web looked like it was 1995 again. Facebook doesn’t let you format your profile the same way, but it does let you create customised tabs on business pages which you have a lot more design control over.
  • 82. Tabs and Landing Pages Put all the stuff you’d usually put on a Google AdWords landing page on a Facebook tab. Get people’s email addresses. Create a call to action. Sell. Create intrigue. Offer something more. It’s basically a mini-website on Facebook so go nuts. You need to know a bit of html code to make things happen, but any web designer worth their salt these days should be able to help.
  • 88. Facebook Advertising At the moment Facebook advertising is probably one of the best, most cost-effective ways of promoting your business online. If you know what you’re doing, you can literally show your ad to 1 million people for less than a thousand dollars. You can pay by the click, or you can pay per thousand impressions. It’s scaleable, cheap and effective. You make an ad and then show it to people based on their age, sex and interests. It’s a no brainer.
  • 91. Facebook Advertising Here are some handy tips for your Facebook ads:
  • 92. Facebook Advertising Have a goal for the ad – is it to get more fans? Is it to sell something? Incentive. Incentive. Incentive. Discounts sell. The bigger, the better. Advertise to fans of your competitors. Bingo. Keep your ads fresh. Change the pics regularly (iStockPhoto, CompFight etc.) Don’t just send people from an ad to your wall or website homepage. Link your ads to a unique landing page (eg. and use a funnel to track conversions from there. Sex sells. You need to get people’s attention with that little photo. Don’t be distasteful or inappropriate or your ad will get banned, but yes, sex does indeed sell. Cheesy stock photos don’t sell. People see hundreds of ads a day. If it looks like every other ad they saw that day, they won’t pay any attention.
  • 93. Facebook Advertising Tracking ads is tricky. Facebook doesn’t seem to talk properly to Google Analytics, expect discrepancies. Pay per click, not for impressions (you’ll get heaps of impressions anyway) Think outside the square when you’re targeting interests. People who need a wedding photographer aren’t the ones listing ‘photography’ as in interest. They’re the ones who are ‘engaged’ Bid the maximum amount to ensure you get the best placement Can you put your phone number in the ad (so you don’t pay for the click)? More fans is often a good idea, but might not mean more money. If you’re a restaurant in Main Beach you might just want to offer a discount for mentioning the ad (for example). Have a call to action. Give them a reason to click.
  • 94. Getting a Facebook Account Manager If you’ll be spending more than $10,000 a month on Facebook ads, they’ll be very happy to help you do it. Facebook has an office in Sydney and a small, but growing team of account managers who can help you approve competitions, create effective ads and get the most out of their service. To get in touch, visit them at If you’re not spending more than $10,000 a month of Facebook ads, good luck. Your best bet is to read the terms of service carefully to make sure you’re not breaking any rules and find an agency which has a relationship with Facebook and they can liaise with them on your behalf.
  • 95.
  • 97. Micro blog Lets people say what they’re thinking and share information in 140 characters or less Is, most of the time, a complete pile of crap But it’s an amazing listening post And it’s easily searchable. You can find people based on their geographic location. You can get a feed of people talking about your brand (or city, or whatever) Great way for businesses to update people with news and offers What is Twitter?
  • 98. How to Use Twitter Treat it as a company newsletter Keep an eye on competitors Monitor the local area for people asking for referrals Follow people who are interested in what you do Engage key influencers
  • 99. 30% of all Telstra’s online conversations happen through Twitter 43% of Telstra’s online customer service happens through Twitter Twitter Case Study: Telstra
  • 100. Problem: New cafe, needs business (sales) Key Influencers: Coffee Lovers, Vocal Early Tech Adopters, Business Leaders, Local Press Twitter Case Study: Star Gardentown Cafe
  • 101.
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  • 105.
  • 107. World’s biggest and most popular video sharing website Virtually any ‘how to’ search in Google returns a YouTube video in the top 5 results People with personality have become famous on YouTube Most videos get less than 1,000 views Weigh up the ROI before investing in a video Doesn’t necessarily need to be professional – candid is fun and personal Best way to explain complicated things on your website Great for virtual tours Great for product reviews (Telstra do this) YouTube
  • 108.
  • 109. Blogs
  • 110. Blogs
  • 111. Don’t start a blog Blogs
  • 112. Don’t start a blog unless you have a big pile of time and money to throw at it. Telstra has a blog, they throw millions at it, it’s boring, but they use it as a content strategy to: Grab key SEO terms (eg. iPhone 4 review) Engage other bloggers Be seen to be up to date with industry news Blogs
  • 114. Until you know what is being said about your brand, your competitors and your industry, social media is a waste of time Until you can track the success of what you’re doing, social media is a waste of time Social Media Monitoring
  • 115. The Basics Start with a Google alert Then set up a Twitter search Check out Facebook will tell you when someone updates your page Social Media Monitoring
  • 116. Paid Tools There are lots of paid social media monitoring tools out there ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars a month. Check out Radian6 and Buzz Numbers BUT they’re expensive and they don’t weed out irrelevant information for you Dialogix is a tool we’ve developed especially for the tourism industry which only shows you relevant data It rates the sentiment of what is being said Shows you what people are saying about competitors And it gives you feeds from TripAdvisor FREE trial Social Media Monitoring
  • 117. Creating a Social Media Strategy
  • 118. Key Considerations Great list at Creating a social media strategy
  • 120. Telstra: “There has been discussion with some people about ‘what’s your ROI’ and ‘How does this help?’ and I think that’s certainly relevant to marketing efforts, and maybe communications efforts and PR efforts, and we certainly do have those conversations – but when it comes to our customer service and corporate reputation I think the conversation has to be about online sentiment.” – Kristen Boschma Tracking Social Media ROI
  • 121. SXSW: It was a slightly awkward moment. We are assembled at SXSW, arguably the worlds leading interactive conference and birthplace of Twitter and Foursquare. We are listening to top social media marketers from some of the biggest brands in the country: PepsiCo, General Mills and Samsung. There is standing room only.    The session is called ‘Marketing budgets have gone social – is it working?’ The marketers spent most of the session talking about what they do rather than the ‘is it working?’ topic. Someone goes and spoils the fun and asks how they all measure the sales impact of their activities. There was lots of shuffling of papers and anecdotes but then an admission that they don’t know. That’s right – by and large they don’t know if social media is driving sales for their brand. They think it is. Tracking Social Media ROI
  • 122. So how can you track ROI? How do you track the ROI of customer service? Can you link sales to Facebook and Twitter? It’s all digital, you should be able to track the funnel. What value do you place on increased sentiment towards your brand? Tracking Social Media ROI
  • 124. My Top Ten Social Media Tips People will be talking about you. Make sure you’re monitoring correctly. Not having a Facebook page is like not having a website. People now expect it. Use Facebook to show people how much you love your customers. Create a Facebook place for your business and get people ‘checking in’. Facebook advertising is cheap and it works. Use Twitter as a newsletter or a customer relations channel. YouTube is a great way to demonstrate unique things about your business. Create a social media strategy and know your KPIs. Be prepared for public negative comments and know how to deal with them. Marketing is useless if your website hasn’t been optimised for conversion. Summary
  • 125. 1300 733 088 Questions

Editor's Notes

  1. Show how we use it and explain the search.
  2. Show how we use it and explain the search.
  3. Show how we use it and explain the search.