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Social Media
Social media is the collective of online communications channels
dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and
 Here are some prominent examples of social
 Facebook is a popular free social networking
website that allows registered users to
create profiles, upload photos and video,
send messages and keep in touch with
friends, family and colleagues. According to
statistics from the Nielsen Group, Internet
users within the United States spend more
time on Facebook than any other website.
 Twitter is a free microblogging service that
allows registered members to broadcast
short posts called tweets. Twitter members
can broadcast tweets and follow other users'
tweets by using multiple platforms and
 Google+ (pronounced Google plus) is
Google's social networking project,
designed to replicate the way people
interact offline more closely than is the
case in other social networking services.
The project’s slogan is “Real-life sharing
rethought for the web.”
 Wikipedia is a free, open content online
encyclopedia created through the
collaborative effort of a community of
users known as Wikipedians. Anyone
registered on the site can create an article
for publication; registration is not required
to edit articles. Wikipedia was founded in
January of 2001.
 LinkedIn is a social networking site
designed specifically for the business
community. The goal of the site is to allow
registered members to establish and
document networks of people they know
and trust professionally.
 Reddit is a social news website and forum
where stories are socially curated and
promoted by site members. The site is
composed of hundreds of sub-
communities, known as "subreddits." Each
subreddit has a specific topic such as
technology, politics or music. Reddit site
members, also known as, "redditors,"
submit content which is then voted upon
by other members. The goal is to send
well-regarded stories to the top of the
site's main thread page.
 Pinterest is a social curation website for
sharing and categorizing images found
online. Pinterest requires brief
descriptions but the main focus of the site
is visual. Clicking on an image will take you
to the original source, so, for example, if
you click on a picture of a pair of shoes,
you might be taken to a site where you can
purchase them. An image of blueberry
pancakes might take you to the recipe; a
picture of a whimsical birdhouse might
take you to the instructions.
Brian Solis social media chart
known as the conversation prism, to categorize social sites and services into
various types of social media.
History of Social media
 Social media has a history dating back to the 1970s. ARPANET, which first came
online in 1969, had by the late 1970s developed a rich cultural exchange of non-
government/business ideas and communication, as clearly evidenced by
ARPANET#Rules_and_etiquette's "A 1982 handbook on computing at MIT's AI Lab
stated regarding network etiquette," and fully met the current definition of the
term "social media" found in this article. Usenet, which arrived in 1979, was
actually beat by a precursor of the electronic bulletin board system (BBS) known
as Community Memory in 1973. True electronic bulletin board systems arrived
with the Computer Bulletin Board System in Chicago, which first came online on
16 February 1978. Before long, most major cities had more than one BBS running
on TRS-80, Apple II, Atari, IBM PC, Commodore 64, Sinclair, and similar personal
 The IBM PC takes us to 1981, with a host of both Mac and PCs being used
throughout the 1980s. Multiple modems, followed by specialized telco
hardware allowed multiple to many users online simultaneously.
Compuserve and AOL were two of the largest BBS companies, and were
the first to migrate to the Internet in the 1990s. Between the middle 1980s
to the middle 1990s, BBSes numbered in the tens of thousands in North
America alone. Message forums (a specific structure of social media) arose
with the BBS phenomenon throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. When
the Internet arrived in the mid-1990s, message forums migrated online,
becoming Internet forums, primarily due to cheaper per-person access as
well as the ability to handle far more people simultaneously than telco
modem banks.
 Classmates was one of the Internet's earliest social networking websites,
appearing in December of 1995, followed by Six Degrees in May of 1997,
Ryze in October of 2001, Friendster in March of 2002, LinkedIn in May of
2003, hi5 in June of 2003, MySpace in August of 2003, Orkut in January of
2004, Facebook in February of 2004, Yahoo! 360° in March of 2005, Bebo in
JUly of 2005 and Google in July of 2011.
Business performance
Social media have a strong influence on and business performance. There are four channels by
which social media resources can transform into business performance capabilities:
 1.Social capital represents the extent to
which social media affects firms' and
organizations' relationships with society
and the degree to which the
organizations' use of social media
increases corporate social-performance
 2.Revealed preferences represents the
extent to which social media exposes
customers' likings (e.g., "likes" and
followers) and increases a firm's
financial capabilities (e.g., stock price,
revenue, profit), or for non-profits,
increases their donations, volunteerism
rate, etc.
 3. Social marketing
represents the extent to which
social-marketing resources
(e.g., online conversations,
sharing links, online presence,
sending text-messages) are
used to increase a firm's
financial capabilities (e.g.,
sales, acquisition of new
customers) or a non-profit's
voluntary sector goals.
 4.Social corporate networking
involves the informal ties and
linkages of
corporate/organizational staff with
other people from their field or
industry, clients, customers, and
other members of the public, which
form through social networks.
Social corporate networking can
increase operational performance
capabilities in many ways, as it can
enable sales staff to find new
clients; help marketing staff to
learn about client/customer needs
and demand; and teach
management about the public
perceptions of their strategy or
 5.Influence on consumer decisions
With the ever-increasing
technological development of
social media, this has affected
consumers' decision to buy the
product or service provided by
companies.On the other hand,
social media has become an
important factor in increasing the
sales of brands, whether large or
small, since the beginning of the
Internet revolution. There is much
research to prove this, based on
the actions taken by the consumer
through 2017. There will be many
reports at the beginning 2018
confirming the degree to which
social media has become effective
in marketing companies and the
importance of focusing on them.
Types of social media
The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals
By: Brian Jung
According to Cornell University's Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it
more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster
in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social
media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less
meaningful relationships, our most important connections, he fears, will weaken.
The immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well as
friends. Kids especially are vulnerable to the practice of cyber-bullying in which the
perpetrators, anonymously or even posing as people their victims trust, terrorize
individuals in front of their peers. The devastation of these online attacks can leave
deep mental scars. In several well-publicized cases, victims have even been driven
to suicide. The anonymity afforded online can bring out dark impulses that might
otherwise be suppressed. Cyber-bullying has spread widely among youth, with 42%
reporting that they have been victims, according to a 2010 CBS News report.
Decreased Productivity
While many businesses use social networking sites to find and communicate with clients, the
sites can also prove a great distraction to employees who may show more interest in what
their friends are posting than in their work tasks. posted two studies which
demonstrated damage to productivity caused by social networking: Nucleus Research
reported that Facebook shaves 1.5% off office productivity while Morse claimed that British
companies lost 2.2 billion a year to the social phenomenon. New technology products have
become available that allow social networks to be blocked, but their effectiveness remains
Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives.
Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the
filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives. What's more, the
things they post remain available indefinitely. While at one moment a photo of friends doing
shots at a party may seem harmless, the image may appear less attractive in the context of
an employer doing a background check. While most sites allow their users to control who
sees the things they've posted, such limitations are often forgotten, can be difficult to control
or don't work as well as advertised.
Bad effects of social media
Social Media Affects Our Mental Health
 Health experts love to say that sitting is the new smoking. Given the
number of diseases to which sitting is linked, and the number of people it
apparently kills every year, sitting is one of the worst things we can do for
health. But possibly as concerning is the thing that we often do while we're
sitting: Mindlessly scrolling through our social media feeds when we have a
few spare minutes (or for some, hours). And as we probably know intuitively,
and as the research is confirming, it's not the best habit when it comes to our
collective psychology.
 The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned about the potential for
negative effects of social media in young kids and teens, including cyber-
bullying and "Facebook depression." But the same risks may be true for
adults, across generations. Here's a quick run-down of the studies that have
shown that social media isn't very good for mental well-being, and in some
ways, it can be pretty damaging.
6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health
It’s addictive
 Experts have not been in total agreement on
whether internet addiction is a real thing, let
alone social media addiction, but there’s some
good evidence that both may exist. A review
study from Nottingham Trent University looked
back over earlier research on the psychological
characteristics, personality and social media
use. The authors conclude that “it may be
plausible to speak specifically of ‘Facebook
Addiction Disorder’…because addiction
criteria, such as neglect of personal life, mental
preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying
experiences, tolerance and concealing the
addictive behavior, appear to be present in
some people who use [social networks]
excessively.” (They also found that the
motivation for people’s excessive use of social
networks differs depending on certain traits—
introverts and extroverts use it for different
reasons, as do people with narcissistic traits.
But that deserves a piece of its own.)
 And studies have confirmed that people tend
to undergo a kind of withdrawal: A study a few
years ago from Swansea University found that
people experienced the psychological
symptoms of withdrawal when they stopped
using (this went for all internet use, not just
social media). Their recent follow-up study
found that when people stop using, they also
undergo small but measurable physiological
effects. Study author Phil Reed said, “We have
known for some time that people who are
over-dependent on digital devices report
feelings of anxiety when they are stopped from
using them, but now we can see that these
psychological effects are accompanied by
actual physiological changes.” Whether this is
true of social media per se is unclear right now,
but anecdotal evidence suggests it may be.
It triggers more sadness, less well-being
 The more we use social media, the less happy
we seem to be. One study a few years ago
found that Facebook use was linked to both
less moment-to-moment happiness and less
life satisfaction—the more people used
Facebook in a day, the more these two
variables dropped off. The authors suggest this
may have to do with the fact that Facebook
conjures up a perception of social isolation, in a
way that other solitary activities don’t. “On the
surface,” the authors write, “Facebook provides
an invaluable resource for fulfilling such needs
by allowing people to instantly connect. Rather
than enhancing well-being, as frequent
interactions with supportive 'offline' social
networks powerfully do, the current findings
demonstrate that interacting with Facebook
may predict the opposite result for young
adults—it may undermine it.”
 In fact, another study found that social
media use is linked to greater feelings of
social isolation. The team looked at how
much people used 11 social media sites,
including Facebook, Twitter, Google+,
YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest,
Tumblr, Vine, Snapchat and Reddit, and
correlated this with their “perceived social
isolation.” Not surprisingly, it turned out
that the more time people spent on these
sites, the more socially isolated they
perceived themselves to be. And
perceived social isolation is one of the
worst things for us, mentally and
Comparing our lives with others is mentally unhealthy
 Part of the reason Facebook makes people feel socially isolated (even though
they may not actually be) is the comparison factor. We fall into the trap of
comparing ourselves to others as we scroll through our feeds, and make
judgements about how we measure up. One study looked at how we make
comparisons to others posts, in “upward” or “downward” directions—that is,
feeling that we’re either better or worse off than our friends. It turned out that
both types of comparisons made people feel worse, which is surprising, since in
real life, only upward comparisons (feeling another person has it better than you)
makes people feel bad. But in the social network world, it seems that any kind of
comparison is linked to depressive symptoms.
It can lead to jealousy—and a vicious cycle
 It’s no secret that the comparison factor in social media leads to jealousy—most people
will admit that seeing other people’s tropical vacations and perfectly behaved kids is
envy-inducing. Studies have certainly shown that social media use triggers feelings of
jealousy. The authors of one study, looking at jealousy and other negative feelings while
using Facebook, wrote that “This magnitude of envy incidents taking place on FB alone is
astounding, providing evidence that FB offers a breeding ground for invidious feelings."
They add that it can become a vicious cycle: feeling jealous can make a person want to
make his or her own life look better and post jealousy-inducing posts of their own, in an
endless circle of one-upping and feeling jealous.
 Another study looked at the connection between envy and depression in Facebook use
and, interestingly, discovered that envy mediates the Facebook-depression link. That is,
when envy is controlled for, Facebook isn’t so depressing. So it may be the envy that’s
largely to blame in the depression-Facebook connection.
We get caught in the delusion of thinking it will help
 Part of the unhealthy cycle is that we keep coming back to social media, even
though it doesn’t make us feel very good. This is probably because of what’s
known as a forecasting error: Like a drug, we think getting a fix will help, but it
actually makes us feel worse, which comes down to an error in our ability to
predict our own response. One study looked at how people feel after using
Facebook and how they think they’ll feel going in. Like other studies suggested,
the participants in this one almost always felt worse after using it, compared to
people engaging in other activities. But a follow-up experiment showed that
people generally believed that they’d feel better after using, not worse. Which of
course turns out not to be the case at all, and sounds a lot like the pattern in
other types of addiction.
More friends on social doesn’t mean you’re more social
 A couple of years ago, a study found that more friends on social media doesn’t
necessarily mean you have a better social life—there seems to be a cap on the number
of friends a person’s brain can handle, and it takes actual social interaction (not virtual)
to keep up these friendships. So feeling like you’re being social by being on Facebook
doesn’t work. Since loneliness is linked to myriad health and mental health problems
(including early death), getting real social support is important. Virtual friend time
doesn’t have the therapeutic effect as time with real friends.
 All of this is not to say that there’s no benefit to social media—obviously it keeps us
connected across great distances, and helps us find people we’d lost touch with years
ago. But getting on social when you have some time to kill, or, worse, need an emotional
lift, is very likely a bad idea. And have found that taking a break from Facebook helps
boost psychological well-being. If you're feeling brave, try taking a little break, and see
how it goes. And if you're going to keep "using," then at least try to use in moderation.
Posted on June 28, 2016 by Kelly Austin
Social Media
 is an integral part of today’s society. With loads of information being disseminated over
the Internet, social media has become the very fabric upon which our society is being
built. The people who are at the forefront of molding the future of social networking
sites are teens and children. This is because vast majorities of the people who use the
Internet are children and teens. Reportedly, many teens spend an average of 8 hours
online every day. Much of that time is thought to be spent on social media sites, with
only some attention focused on research and learning.
 For the past decade, social media has been touted as a platform for youngsters to
congregate online and interact socially as if they were in person, regardless of their
distance from each other. There are likely teens out there who do not know of many
other uses of the Internet other than their favorite social media platform.
 While there have been many negative outcomes from social media such as cyberbullying
and other online dangers, social media can be used in ways that promote positive and
productive ideas in society. These positive behaviors make social media an invaluable
tool to young people if used correctly. Below are some of the ways in which social media
can be used to benefit young people:
 1. Social media basis is can be used to
educate young people. While talking to
and advising kids and teens on a one-on-
one considered ideal, social media can do
the same much more effectively and to a
broader audience all at once. People like
to use YouTube to express their opinions
on various subjects. In the process, they
attract millions of views and climb to the
top of search engines. This leads to
companies taking an interest in
sponsorship and furnishing of better gear
to make better videos while showcasing
their product.
 2. Social media can be used as a voice of
reason in society. Various social
networking sites such as Facebook and
Twitter are being used by the youth to
create a voice for the voiceless. On
Facebook, for example, groups like
“Disability is not inability” are being
brought up to make society more
conscious of how they treat the disabled.
Most of these groups are started by young
people who see the essence of treating
everyone equally and social media as the
perfect place to spread that message.
 3. Social media has enabled more young
people to be creative and innovative.
Social media sites mostly depend on active
participation and sharing of different
content. This makes it so that young
people think outside the box and come up
with new content when sharing
information. Not only is the content they
share unique, but new applications and
websites spring up every day with new
ways to express creativity and
 4. Social media has given teens the ability to
hone different skills that are important in the
real world. Young people are increasingly able
to interact more freely and easily in different
social environments online, much like they will
later on in life in the workplace. This is a result
of the endless exposure they get from being
online and talking to different people, some of
whom are their potential employers. Young
people acquire skills that enable them evaluate
and interpret different situations contextually
and prepare themselves mentally for situations
later on. Sites like YouTube have thousands of
educational videos that give anyone the ability
to sharpen and develop their various skills and
talents, for example, playing the guitar,
swimming and even cooking.
 5. Social media gives teens skills to become more confident and independent.
Engaging on social networking sites can be a new adventure for young people. It
is like exploring a new place where different skills are needed. Young people learn
to mold their character to be more confident and independent in order to be
heard or have a positive online presence. This eventually transfers to their daily
Positive effect of social media
The End
Ariel Jimenez
Shean Michael King
Jaron Delos Reyes
Zsazel Nishan Basaca

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Social Media

  • 2. Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration  Here are some prominent examples of social media:  Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. According to statistics from the Nielsen Group, Internet users within the United States spend more time on Facebook than any other website.  Twitter is a free microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by using multiple platforms and devices.  Google+ (pronounced Google plus) is Google's social networking project, designed to replicate the way people interact offline more closely than is the case in other social networking services. The project’s slogan is “Real-life sharing rethought for the web.”  Wikipedia is a free, open content online encyclopedia created through the collaborative effort of a community of users known as Wikipedians. Anyone registered on the site can create an article for publication; registration is not required to edit articles. Wikipedia was founded in January of 2001.
  • 3. ..  LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally.  Reddit is a social news website and forum where stories are socially curated and promoted by site members. The site is composed of hundreds of sub- communities, known as "subreddits." Each subreddit has a specific topic such as technology, politics or music. Reddit site members, also known as, "redditors," submit content which is then voted upon by other members. The goal is to send well-regarded stories to the top of the site's main thread page.  Pinterest is a social curation website for sharing and categorizing images found online. Pinterest requires brief descriptions but the main focus of the site is visual. Clicking on an image will take you to the original source, so, for example, if you click on a picture of a pair of shoes, you might be taken to a site where you can purchase them. An image of blueberry pancakes might take you to the recipe; a picture of a whimsical birdhouse might take you to the instructions.
  • 4. Brian Solis social media chart known as the conversation prism, to categorize social sites and services into various types of social media. http://whatis.techtarget. com/definition/social- media
  • 5. History of Social media  Social media has a history dating back to the 1970s. ARPANET, which first came online in 1969, had by the late 1970s developed a rich cultural exchange of non- government/business ideas and communication, as clearly evidenced by ARPANET#Rules_and_etiquette's "A 1982 handbook on computing at MIT's AI Lab stated regarding network etiquette," and fully met the current definition of the term "social media" found in this article. Usenet, which arrived in 1979, was actually beat by a precursor of the electronic bulletin board system (BBS) known as Community Memory in 1973. True electronic bulletin board systems arrived with the Computer Bulletin Board System in Chicago, which first came online on 16 February 1978. Before long, most major cities had more than one BBS running on TRS-80, Apple II, Atari, IBM PC, Commodore 64, Sinclair, and similar personal computers.
  • 6.  The IBM PC takes us to 1981, with a host of both Mac and PCs being used throughout the 1980s. Multiple modems, followed by specialized telco hardware allowed multiple to many users online simultaneously. Compuserve and AOL were two of the largest BBS companies, and were the first to migrate to the Internet in the 1990s. Between the middle 1980s to the middle 1990s, BBSes numbered in the tens of thousands in North America alone. Message forums (a specific structure of social media) arose with the BBS phenomenon throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. When the Internet arrived in the mid-1990s, message forums migrated online, becoming Internet forums, primarily due to cheaper per-person access as well as the ability to handle far more people simultaneously than telco modem banks.  Classmates was one of the Internet's earliest social networking websites, appearing in December of 1995, followed by Six Degrees in May of 1997, Ryze in October of 2001, Friendster in March of 2002, LinkedIn in May of 2003, hi5 in June of 2003, MySpace in August of 2003, Orkut in January of 2004, Facebook in February of 2004, Yahoo! 360° in March of 2005, Bebo in JUly of 2005 and Google in July of 2011.
  • 7. Business performance Social media have a strong influence on and business performance. There are four channels by which social media resources can transform into business performance capabilities:  1.Social capital represents the extent to which social media affects firms' and organizations' relationships with society and the degree to which the organizations' use of social media increases corporate social-performance capabilities.  2.Revealed preferences represents the extent to which social media exposes customers' likings (e.g., "likes" and followers) and increases a firm's financial capabilities (e.g., stock price, revenue, profit), or for non-profits, increases their donations, volunteerism rate, etc.  3. Social marketing represents the extent to which social-marketing resources (e.g., online conversations, sharing links, online presence, sending text-messages) are used to increase a firm's financial capabilities (e.g., sales, acquisition of new customers) or a non-profit's voluntary sector goals.
  • 8. ..  4.Social corporate networking involves the informal ties and linkages of corporate/organizational staff with other people from their field or industry, clients, customers, and other members of the public, which form through social networks. Social corporate networking can increase operational performance capabilities in many ways, as it can enable sales staff to find new clients; help marketing staff to learn about client/customer needs and demand; and teach management about the public perceptions of their strategy or approach.  5.Influence on consumer decisions With the ever-increasing technological development of social media, this has affected consumers' decision to buy the product or service provided by companies.On the other hand, social media has become an important factor in increasing the sales of brands, whether large or small, since the beginning of the Internet revolution. There is much research to prove this, based on the actions taken by the consumer through 2017. There will be many reports at the beginning 2018 confirming the degree to which social media has become effective in marketing companies and the importance of focusing on them.
  • 10. The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals By: Brian Jung
  • 11. According to Cornell University's Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less meaningful relationships, our most important connections, he fears, will weaken. Cyber-bullying The immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well as friends. Kids especially are vulnerable to the practice of cyber-bullying in which the perpetrators, anonymously or even posing as people their victims trust, terrorize individuals in front of their peers. The devastation of these online attacks can leave deep mental scars. In several well-publicized cases, victims have even been driven to suicide. The anonymity afforded online can bring out dark impulses that might otherwise be suppressed. Cyber-bullying has spread widely among youth, with 42% reporting that they have been victims, according to a 2010 CBS News report.
  • 12. Decreased Productivity While many businesses use social networking sites to find and communicate with clients, the sites can also prove a great distraction to employees who may show more interest in what their friends are posting than in their work tasks. posted two studies which demonstrated damage to productivity caused by social networking: Nucleus Research reported that Facebook shaves 1.5% off office productivity while Morse claimed that British companies lost 2.2 billion a year to the social phenomenon. New technology products have become available that allow social networks to be blocked, but their effectiveness remains spotty. Privacy Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives. What's more, the things they post remain available indefinitely. While at one moment a photo of friends doing shots at a party may seem harmless, the image may appear less attractive in the context of an employer doing a background check. While most sites allow their users to control who sees the things they've posted, such limitations are often forgotten, can be difficult to control or don't work as well as advertised.
  • 13. Bad effects of social media
  • 14.
  • 15. Social Media Affects Our Mental Health BY: ALICE G. WALTON  Health experts love to say that sitting is the new smoking. Given the number of diseases to which sitting is linked, and the number of people it apparently kills every year, sitting is one of the worst things we can do for health. But possibly as concerning is the thing that we often do while we're sitting: Mindlessly scrolling through our social media feeds when we have a few spare minutes (or for some, hours). And as we probably know intuitively, and as the research is confirming, it's not the best habit when it comes to our collective psychology.  The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned about the potential for negative effects of social media in young kids and teens, including cyber- bullying and "Facebook depression." But the same risks may be true for adults, across generations. Here's a quick run-down of the studies that have shown that social media isn't very good for mental well-being, and in some ways, it can be pretty damaging.
  • 16.
  • 17. 6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health It’s addictive  Experts have not been in total agreement on whether internet addiction is a real thing, let alone social media addiction, but there’s some good evidence that both may exist. A review study from Nottingham Trent University looked back over earlier research on the psychological characteristics, personality and social media use. The authors conclude that “it may be plausible to speak specifically of ‘Facebook Addiction Disorder’…because addiction criteria, such as neglect of personal life, mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, tolerance and concealing the addictive behavior, appear to be present in some people who use [social networks] excessively.” (They also found that the motivation for people’s excessive use of social networks differs depending on certain traits— introverts and extroverts use it for different reasons, as do people with narcissistic traits. But that deserves a piece of its own.)  And studies have confirmed that people tend to undergo a kind of withdrawal: A study a few years ago from Swansea University found that people experienced the psychological symptoms of withdrawal when they stopped using (this went for all internet use, not just social media). Their recent follow-up study found that when people stop using, they also undergo small but measurable physiological effects. Study author Phil Reed said, “We have known for some time that people who are over-dependent on digital devices report feelings of anxiety when they are stopped from using them, but now we can see that these psychological effects are accompanied by actual physiological changes.” Whether this is true of social media per se is unclear right now, but anecdotal evidence suggests it may be.
  • 18. It triggers more sadness, less well-being  The more we use social media, the less happy we seem to be. One study a few years ago found that Facebook use was linked to both less moment-to-moment happiness and less life satisfaction—the more people used Facebook in a day, the more these two variables dropped off. The authors suggest this may have to do with the fact that Facebook conjures up a perception of social isolation, in a way that other solitary activities don’t. “On the surface,” the authors write, “Facebook provides an invaluable resource for fulfilling such needs by allowing people to instantly connect. Rather than enhancing well-being, as frequent interactions with supportive 'offline' social networks powerfully do, the current findings demonstrate that interacting with Facebook may predict the opposite result for young adults—it may undermine it.”  In fact, another study found that social media use is linked to greater feelings of social isolation. The team looked at how much people used 11 social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vine, Snapchat and Reddit, and correlated this with their “perceived social isolation.” Not surprisingly, it turned out that the more time people spent on these sites, the more socially isolated they perceived themselves to be. And perceived social isolation is one of the worst things for us, mentally and physically.
  • 19. Comparing our lives with others is mentally unhealthy  Part of the reason Facebook makes people feel socially isolated (even though they may not actually be) is the comparison factor. We fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others as we scroll through our feeds, and make judgements about how we measure up. One study looked at how we make comparisons to others posts, in “upward” or “downward” directions—that is, feeling that we’re either better or worse off than our friends. It turned out that both types of comparisons made people feel worse, which is surprising, since in real life, only upward comparisons (feeling another person has it better than you) makes people feel bad. But in the social network world, it seems that any kind of comparison is linked to depressive symptoms.
  • 20. It can lead to jealousy—and a vicious cycle  It’s no secret that the comparison factor in social media leads to jealousy—most people will admit that seeing other people’s tropical vacations and perfectly behaved kids is envy-inducing. Studies have certainly shown that social media use triggers feelings of jealousy. The authors of one study, looking at jealousy and other negative feelings while using Facebook, wrote that “This magnitude of envy incidents taking place on FB alone is astounding, providing evidence that FB offers a breeding ground for invidious feelings." They add that it can become a vicious cycle: feeling jealous can make a person want to make his or her own life look better and post jealousy-inducing posts of their own, in an endless circle of one-upping and feeling jealous.  Another study looked at the connection between envy and depression in Facebook use and, interestingly, discovered that envy mediates the Facebook-depression link. That is, when envy is controlled for, Facebook isn’t so depressing. So it may be the envy that’s largely to blame in the depression-Facebook connection.
  • 21. We get caught in the delusion of thinking it will help  Part of the unhealthy cycle is that we keep coming back to social media, even though it doesn’t make us feel very good. This is probably because of what’s known as a forecasting error: Like a drug, we think getting a fix will help, but it actually makes us feel worse, which comes down to an error in our ability to predict our own response. One study looked at how people feel after using Facebook and how they think they’ll feel going in. Like other studies suggested, the participants in this one almost always felt worse after using it, compared to people engaging in other activities. But a follow-up experiment showed that people generally believed that they’d feel better after using, not worse. Which of course turns out not to be the case at all, and sounds a lot like the pattern in other types of addiction.
  • 22. More friends on social doesn’t mean you’re more social  A couple of years ago, a study found that more friends on social media doesn’t necessarily mean you have a better social life—there seems to be a cap on the number of friends a person’s brain can handle, and it takes actual social interaction (not virtual) to keep up these friendships. So feeling like you’re being social by being on Facebook doesn’t work. Since loneliness is linked to myriad health and mental health problems (including early death), getting real social support is important. Virtual friend time doesn’t have the therapeutic effect as time with real friends.  All of this is not to say that there’s no benefit to social media—obviously it keeps us connected across great distances, and helps us find people we’d lost touch with years ago. But getting on social when you have some time to kill, or, worse, need an emotional lift, is very likely a bad idea. And have found that taking a break from Facebook helps boost psychological well-being. If you're feeling brave, try taking a little break, and see how it goes. And if you're going to keep "using," then at least try to use in moderation. medias-effects-on-our-mental-health/#2ba1ea792e5a
  • 23. Posted on June 28, 2016 by Kelly Austin
  • 24. Social Media  is an integral part of today’s society. With loads of information being disseminated over the Internet, social media has become the very fabric upon which our society is being built. The people who are at the forefront of molding the future of social networking sites are teens and children. This is because vast majorities of the people who use the Internet are children and teens. Reportedly, many teens spend an average of 8 hours online every day. Much of that time is thought to be spent on social media sites, with only some attention focused on research and learning.  For the past decade, social media has been touted as a platform for youngsters to congregate online and interact socially as if they were in person, regardless of their distance from each other. There are likely teens out there who do not know of many other uses of the Internet other than their favorite social media platform.  While there have been many negative outcomes from social media such as cyberbullying and other online dangers, social media can be used in ways that promote positive and productive ideas in society. These positive behaviors make social media an invaluable tool to young people if used correctly. Below are some of the ways in which social media can be used to benefit young people:
  • 25. …  1. Social media basis is can be used to educate young people. While talking to and advising kids and teens on a one-on- one considered ideal, social media can do the same much more effectively and to a broader audience all at once. People like to use YouTube to express their opinions on various subjects. In the process, they attract millions of views and climb to the top of search engines. This leads to companies taking an interest in sponsorship and furnishing of better gear to make better videos while showcasing their product.  2. Social media can be used as a voice of reason in society. Various social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are being used by the youth to create a voice for the voiceless. On Facebook, for example, groups like “Disability is not inability” are being brought up to make society more conscious of how they treat the disabled. Most of these groups are started by young people who see the essence of treating everyone equally and social media as the perfect place to spread that message.
  • 26. …  3. Social media has enabled more young people to be creative and innovative. Social media sites mostly depend on active participation and sharing of different content. This makes it so that young people think outside the box and come up with new content when sharing information. Not only is the content they share unique, but new applications and websites spring up every day with new ways to express creativity and individuality.  4. Social media has given teens the ability to hone different skills that are important in the real world. Young people are increasingly able to interact more freely and easily in different social environments online, much like they will later on in life in the workplace. This is a result of the endless exposure they get from being online and talking to different people, some of whom are their potential employers. Young people acquire skills that enable them evaluate and interpret different situations contextually and prepare themselves mentally for situations later on. Sites like YouTube have thousands of educational videos that give anyone the ability to sharpen and develop their various skills and talents, for example, playing the guitar, swimming and even cooking.
  • 27. …  5. Social media gives teens skills to become more confident and independent. Engaging on social networking sites can be a new adventure for young people. It is like exploring a new place where different skills are needed. Young people learn to mold their character to be more confident and independent in order to be heard or have a positive online presence. This eventually transfers to their daily lives.  social-media/
  • 28. Positive effect of social media
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