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Is This the End
of Marketing as
We Know It?

                         Social Media Marketing
                            iCommerce Summit
Social Intelligence           July 10 + 11, 2012
Welcome to a New World
of Marketing

 One small step for your
 brand, one giant leap for
 your company’s success.
 Discover how social media is heralding
 a new era in marketing.  Discover at
 first hand how marketing is becoming a
 service and how you can already enjoy
 the benefits of this today. The future of
 marketing starts here! At SMICS 2012!
                                                                                                                                 Day 1: Tuesday, July 10, 2012
                                                                                                                                 10.14 - 10.30   Welcome – Conny Czymoch, moderator and anchorwoman of Phoenix TV
                                                                                                                                 10.30 - 11.00   Social-Local-Mobile – How Data Is Changing Everything –
                                                                                                                                                 Karl-Heinz Land, Chief Evangelist & Senior Vice President Social iCommerce, MicroStrategy
                                                                                                                                 11.00 - 11.45   The End of Business as Usual and the Beginning of a New Era of Relevance –
                                                                                                                                                 Brian Solis, Author and Principal Analyst Altimeter Group
                                                                                                                                 11.45 - 12.15   Welcome to the real business: Management, Utilization and Integration of Social Media for Businesses –
                                                                                                                                                 Prof. Peter Gentsch, Chief Analyst, Business Intelligence Group
                                                                                                                                 12.15 - 13.15   Lunch and networking
Playtime Is Over – How to Benefit from                                                                                            13.15 - 14.00   The Mobile Wave and the Impact on Our Businesses – Michael J. Saylor, CEO, MicroStrategy
                                                                                                                                 14.00 - 14.45   Best Practice: 0 or 1 – Winners & Losers in a Digital World – Scott Galloway, CEO, L2 Think Tank
Social, Local and Mobile Trends (SoLoMo)                                                                                         14.45 - 15.15   Coffee and networking
                                                                                                                                 15.15 - 16.00   FC Barcelona – Best Practice in Sports Marketing, Merchandising and Facebook Commerce –
                                                                                                                                                 Fernando Gonzalez, Senior Director Social Intelligence, MicroStrategy
                                             The question is not whether or not         Come and join us on July 10 + 11 at      16.00 - 16.40   Industry Cases – Best Practice TED-Style Presentation: Dennis Wedderkop (Vodafone/EOL),
        Did you know?                        to implement social media into your        SMICS 2012 in Amsterdam to meet and                      Michael Buck (DELL), Peter Mann (CDS/ UK Army), Ulf Valentin (HRS)
                                             business strategy, the question is how     discuss with some of the most skilled
                                                                                                                                 16.40 - 17.40   Panel Discussion: Brian Solis (Altimeter Group), Scott Galloway (L2), Prof. Peter Gentsch (Business
       “Black Friday“ revenue on             well you will do so.                       and experienced professionals in the
       mobile grew from 1% in 2010                                                                                                               Intelligence Group), Dennis Wedderkop (Vodafone/EOL), Michael J. Saylor (MicroStrategy), Michael Buck
                                                                                        industry. I really do hope to see you
       to 17% in 2011.                                                                                                                           (DELL), Peter Mann (CDS/UK Army), Ulf Valentin (HRS), presenter: Karl-Heinz Land
                                             After a successful SMICS event in 2011     there.
       80% of the global population          we are again hosting Europe’s unique                                                17.40 - 18.15   Visionary Keynote: Social TV – The End of Television as We Know It? –
       is mobile.                            Social Media Marketing and iCommerce                                                                Marco Seiler, CEO & founder of SYZYGY, and Ralf Rottmann, CTO & Managing Partner at GrandCentrix
       Vodafone‘s Facebook fans lead         Summit to help you to kick off your                                                 21.00           MicroStrategy World 2012 Amsterdam Conference Party
       to 200% higher revenue than           corporate social media strategy NOW.
       the average customer.
       Consumers are more than 50%           You will meet visionaries and thought
                                                                                        Karl-Heinz Land
                                                                                        Chief Evangelist &
                                                                                                                                 Day 2: Wednesday, July 11, 2012
       more likely to buy from
       businesses they follow in social      leaders as well as practitioners who       Senior Vice President Social iCommerce
                                             share their experiences on how to                                                   08.16 - 09.00   Breakfast Session: Social Network User Data – Legal Dos and Don’ts –
                                             monetize social media. We will present                                                              Stefan C. Schicker, LL.M., Law Professional, SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte
Social Media is not an evolution for         exclusive industry case studies and are                                             09.00 - 09.45   Big Ideas and Brand Building: Storytelling in a Completely New Context – Andreas Trautmann,
marketing and sales. It’s a revolution. We   happy to discuss your specific questions                                                             CEO McCann Worldgroup, and Matias Palm Jensen, Chief Innovation Officer, McCann-Erickson Europe
all know the massive numbers around          regarding social media, Facebook fan                                                09.45 - 10.30   Standing Up and Standing Out – Martha Rogers, Author and Founding Partner of Peppers & Rogers
Facebook’s ever-growing usage, but the       analytics and segmentation.
                                                                                                                                 10.30 - 11.00   Coffee and networking
challenge is now to turn conversations
into business.                               Alongside the visionaries, we have some                                             11.00 - 11.15   The NEXT Survey – Effective Strategies for a Social Media World –
                                                                                                        On average,                              Dr. Alexander Rossmann, Research Associate, Institute of Marketing, University of St. Gallen
                                             of the world’s leading social media
                                                                                             Americans spent approx.             11.15 - 11.45   Marketing as a Service: Privacy and One-to-One Solutions – Two Sides of the Same Coin –
Your fans do not necessarily want            marketers joining us, so at the same
to see ads; they want valuable and
personalized content, including offers
                                             event you’ll be able to see state-of-the
                                             art developments that will help you                    $575 on
                                                                                           mobile purchases                      11.45 - 12.30
                                                                                                                                                 Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer, Berlin School of Economics and Law
                                                                                                                                                 5 Steps to Success – How to Integrate Facebook Data –
and a VIP experience.                        turn social media from a cost to a profit                                                            Roland Fiege, Senior Director of Social Media, MicroStrategy
                                             center.                                                in 2012.                     12.30 - 13.15   Panel Discussion: Stefan C. Schicker, Andreas Trautmann (McCann Worldgroup), Martha Rogers
Only if you know your customers well                                                                     L2 Think Tank                           (Peppers & Rogers), Dr. Alexander Rossmann (University of St. Gallen), Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer
can you deliver relevant offers, and only                                                                                                        (Berlin School of Economics and Law), Roland Fiege (MicroStrategy), presenter: Karl-Heinz Land
if your customers trust you will they
                                                                                                                                 13.15 - 14.15   Lunch and networking
engage with your business.
                                                                                                                                 14.15 - 15.30   Workshops
                                                                                                                                 14.15 - 18.00   Social Media Excellence Circle (SME ) + Thursday 12.07. 09.00 - 13.00
6     DAY 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DAY 1        7

                                        10.30 - 11.00 Social-Local-Mobile –                                                                                                                        11.00 - 11.45 The End of Business as
                                        How Data Is Changing Everything                                                                                                                            Usual and the Beginning of a New Era of
                                        Karl-Heinz Land, Chief Evangelist & Senior Vice President
                                        Social iCommerce, MicroStrategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Brian Solis, Author and Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group
                                        The mobile and social wave is soon to              whereabouts, buying habits and social
                                        become the major hub for all marketing             influence. The ideas of mobile and social                                                                In Brian's new book, he outlines the           their expectations, and how it differs
                                        activities. The customer was always                marketing, just like many new marketing                                                                 rising threat of Digital Darwinism, the        from traditional consumers of the past.
                                        king, but now he also behaves like                 strategies, are based on the principle                                                                  phenomenon that affects organizations          He reviews disruptive technology,
Karl-Heinz Land is Chief Evangelist &   one. Customers are independent and                 of service rather than on advertising /                       Brian Solis is Principal Analyst          when technology and society evolve             innovative business models, and new
Senior Vice President Social            tell you what they like and what they              broadcasting. Mobile marketing is not                         at Altimeter Group, and globally          faster than the ability to adapt. It's more    opportunities. He also demonstrates
iCommerce of MicroStrategy, with a      don’t. Marketing now has the chance                just another channel for ads – it is an                       recognized as one of the most             than social media. It's the confluence          best practices and methodologies to
25-year history as an entrepreneur      to become a concierge service. In order            entirely new platform that offers a host                      prominent thought leaders and             of disruptive technology and the               align the organization with a common
and manager in the IT industry.         for this to happen the consumer will               of enhanced opportunities to boost                            published authors in new media.           evolution of consumer behavior. Brian          and meaningful vision and strategy, and
                                        realize that privacy and service go hand           sales, raise awareness, and improve                                                                     depicts how leadership can survive             shared objectives.
MicroStrategy, a global leader in       in hand. It will be obvious that privacy           customers' interactions and trust in their                    Altimeter Group is a research-based       Digital Darwinism by understanding
business intelligence technology,       and service are two sides of the same              brands. “Markets are conversations“ –                         advisory firm, formed in June 2008         customer and employee behavior,
provides integrated reporting,          coin. The mobile wave is changing the              The Cluetrain Manifesto.                                      by Charlene Li, and offers pragmatic
analysis, and monitoring software       face of marketing as we know it with                                                                             strategies to help companies thrive
that helps leading organizations make   customers providing hundreds of pieces                                                                           with disruptive technologies. Altimeter
                                        of data every day about their interests,                 Social Intelligence
better business decisions every day.                                                                                                                     was named by Fast Company as one
                                                                                                                                                         of “The Five Most Creative Small
                                                                                                                                                         Businesses in 2010."


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                                                                                                                Source: Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers,
                                                                       2007       2011   2015                   Internet Trends, Oct. 2011

                                                                                                                                                                                                   IT‘S A NEW ERA OF BUSINESS AND CONSUMERISM –
                                                             ll  pl
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                                                     tw th h                                                                                                                                       “To be successful in business, you need to see what others don’t. Start with
                                                   of ing ouc
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                                               ile yt d                                                                                                                                            this book. Someone’s going to do it, why not you?”
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                                                                                                                                                                                                   MARK CUBAN OWNER OF THE DALLAS MAVERICKS AND CHAIRMAN OF HDNET
    “Markets are
                                           pl ite,
                                         re wr
                                                                                            Replaced by
                                                                                           mobile software
                                                                                                                                                                                                   “Innovation has always changed the business landscape. People expect to
    conversations.“                                                                                                                                                                                access information anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Collaborative,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   cloud and video technologies are leading this change. As Mr. Solis correctly
       The Cluetrain Manifesto                                                                                                                                                                     writes, companies have to lead this change, not follow.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                   JOHN CHAMBERS CEO OF CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.
8     DAY 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DAY 1                   9

                                       11.45 - 12.15 Welcome to the real                                                                                              14.00 - 14.45 Best Practice: 0 or 1 –
                                       Business: Management, Utilization and                                                                                          Winners & Losers in a Digital World
                                       Integration of Social Media for Businesses                                                                                     Scott Galloway, CEO L2 Think Tank

                                       Prof. Peter Gentsch, Chief Analyst, Business Intelligence Group
                                                                                                                                                                      It‘s never been easier to be a billionaire
                                       Depending on their maturity level and the desired social media impact, companies                                               or harder to be a millionaire as a digital
                                       have to manage digital media professionally in order to unleash their social                                                   ecosystem fosters a “winner takes                  LARGEST FACEBOOK
Prof. Dr. Peter Gentsch is CEO and     value. That implies the integration of social media into business processes and                                                all“ environment. Professor Galloway               FAN BASE                April 17, 2012

Founder of the Business Intelligence   infrastructures. Social media intelligence and social media governance become key     Scott Galloway is a Clinical Professor   will explore key trends in media
Group and Social Media Excellence      drivers for digital excellence and leadership. This process can be supported by the   of Marketing at NYU Stern School of      consumption, demographics, emerging
(SME) circle in cooperation with       Social Media Excellence Model that provides measurements and metrics as well as       Business and founder of L2, a think      platforms and their cumulative effect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              #1: FACEBOOK
associated companies like Audi,        industry benchmarks.                                                                  tank for digital innovation.             of business. Specifically, who benefits                   65,150,282 Likes
BMW, Coca-Cola or DELL.                                                                                                                                               from the shift and who is on the wrong
                                                                                                                             L2 Digital IQ Index® reports provide     side of this tectonic shift (i.e., the losers)?         #2: COCA-COLA
                                                                                                                             brands with a benchmark to measure
                                                                                                                             digital competence against peers.                                                                #3: DISNEY
                                                                                                                             Developed by L2 founder and NYU                                                                  34,990,901 Likes
                                                                                                                             Stern Professor Scott Galloway,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              #4: MTV
                                       13.15 - 14.00 The Mobile Wave and the                                                 the Digital IQ is a robust tool that
                                                                                                                             rates brands with reference to over

                                       Impact on Our Businesses                                                              350 quantitative and qualitative                                                                 #5: STARBUCKS
                                                                                                                             data points, diagnosing their digital
                                       Michael J. Saylor, CEO MicroStrategy
                                                                                                                             strengths and weaknesses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              #6: CONVERSE
                                       The mobile wave argues that the              an appendage of the human being and
                                       changes brought by mobile computing          an essential tool for modern life.                                                                                                        #7: RED BULL
                                       are so profound and widespread that          Products, businesses, industries,                                                                                                         27,822,896 Likes
                                       it’s impossible for us to see it all, even   economies and even society will be                1 in 4 Gen Y members checks                                                             #8: MCDONALD‘S
Michael J. Saylor is CEO, founder
                                       though we are all immersed in it. Saylor
                                       explains that the current generation
                                                                                    altered forever as the mobile wave
                                                                                    washes over us and changes the
                                                                                                                                      their Facebook status before                                                            18,722,751 Likes

and President of MicroStrategy
Inc. He is widely respected as a
                                       of mobile smartphones and tablet
                                       computers has set the stage to become
                                                                                    landscape. In view of so much change
                                                                                    this keynote is a guide for business
                                                                                                                                      they get out of bed, on their                                                           #9: VICTORIA‘S SECRET
visionary speaker, and has founded
an educational charity.
                                       the universal computing platform for the     leaders who must navigate the new                 phone.                                                                                  #10: MONSTER ENERGY
                                       world. In the hands of billions of people    terrain as mobile intelligence changes            Scott Galloway                                                                          15,444,521 Likes
                                       and accessible anywhere and anytime,         everything.
                                       mobile computers are poised to become
                                                                                                    Social Intelligence

                                                                                                                                      Gen Y members are twice as likely
                                                                                                                                      to have checked their Facebook
                                                                                                                                      status in last 24 hours than to have                                                   89% of Disney
                                                                                                                                      watched television.                                                                 Facebook fans are
    BIG DATA                           CLOUD                         SOCIAL                        MOBILE                                                                                                               outdoor enthusiasts,
        Global data is           In 2012 the volume             30 billion pieces of             80% of the global
                                                                                                                                      Scott Galloway                                                                         82% parents of
    projected to grow              of digital content           content are shared                  population is                                                                                                           young kids, 31%
       40% per year.                 will grow to 2.7
                                                                on Facebook every                         mobile.                                                                                                           budget shopper.
                McKinsey                                                     month.                      Morgan Stanley
                                                   digg                             digg
10     DAY 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DAY 1             11

                                        15.15 - 16.00 FC Barcelona –
                                        Best Practice in Sports Marketing,
                                        Merchandising and Facebook Commerce
                                                                                                                                                                         16.40 - 17.40 Panel Discussion
                                                                                                                                                                         Brian Solis (Altimeter Group), Scott Galloway (L2), Prof. Peter Gentsch (Business
                                                                                                                                                                         Intelligence Group), Dennis Wedderkop (Vodafone/EOL), Michael J. Saylor
                                                                                                                                                                         (MicroStrategy), Michael Buck (DELL), Peter Mann (CDS/ UK Army), Ulf Valentin
                                        Fernando Gonzalez, Senior Director Social Intelligence, MicroStrategy                                                            (HRS), presenter: Karl-Heinz Land

                                        MicroStrategy is transforming the sports industry through technological innovation                                               Our open panel gives you a unique opportunity to discuss your thoughts and
                                        in social media via its Social Intelligence offering, and specifically Alert. Find out                                            questions with the most experienced experts in EMEA.
                                        how global sports brands such as FC Barcelona are leveraging higher levels of
 Fernando Gonzalez leads the            engagement with their fans, achieving much more relevant conversation with fans in
 customer boarding and engagement       every corner of the world, and capitalizing on the largest fan base of any sports brand
 activities worldwide as part of the    on Facebook. Alert is providing FC Barcelona with a multi-touch content distribution
 MicroStrategy Social Intelligence      platform to share not only exclusive content, news and events with their fans, but
 business. He has been with             also provide a highly personalized and effective storefront to interact with them.
 MicroStrategy since 1999 performing
 several functions on the technology,
                                                                                                       Social Intelligence
 consulting, mid-market sales and

                                                                                                                                                                         17.40 - 18.15 Visionary Keynote: Social
                                                                                                                                                                         TV – The End of Television as We Know It?
                                                                                                                                                                         Marco Seiler, CEO & founder of SYZYGY, and Ralf Rottmann, CTO at GrandCentrix

                                                                                                                                                                         The notion of Web/TV convergence has evolved into numerous approaches all
                                                                                                                                                                         over the world. Already close to 50% are tweeting, texting, facebooking and online
                                                                                                                                                                         shopping whilst watching TV – the first screen is becoming a background noise
                                                                                                                                                                         device. Social TV merges the social media phenomenon with television, opening
                                                                                                                                                                         up countless of new marketing formats. Social TV incorporates the user’s personal
                                                                                                                                  Marco Seiler is CEO & founder of the   interests, their social graph and current mood to create a new, personalized and
                                                                                                                                  digital marketing agency SYZYGY.       interactive TV experience. Experience the CEOs of SYZYGY and GrandCentrix and
                                        16.00 - 16.40 Industry Cases –                                                                                                   witness the awesome potential of social TV, combining the strengths of the big screen

                                        Best Practice TED-Style Presentation                                                                                             with the interactivity of the Web.

                                        Dennis Wedderkop (Vodafone/EOL), Michael Buck (DELL),
                                        Peter Mann (CDS/UK Army), Ulf Valentin (HRS)

                                        In our TED-style best practices, leading digital strategists from companies such as
                                        DELL, Vodafone, the UK Army and HRS will provide you with insightful first-hand

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                                        information about where companies stand today and their current social media

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12     DAY 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DAY 2         13

                                         08.15 - 09.00 Breakfast Session: Social                                                                                            09.45 - 10.30 Standing Up and
                                         Network User Data – Legal Dos and Don’ts                                                                                           Standing Out
                                         Stefan C. Schicker, LL.M., Law Professional, SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte                                                             Martha Rogers, Ph.D., Author and Founding Partner of Peppers & Rogers Group

                                         The collection of user data is one of the central areas of interest in the new forms                                               What does social networking really mean for your company and your brand? If the
                                         of marketing. However, the data protection laws can often be hurdles that have to                                                  messages your customers hear about you come mostly from you, then advertising
                                         be overcome. Not only because they are enforced by authorities and competitors,                                                    rules. But now that customers communicate with each other, more and more, it's
                                         but also because the protection of privacy is a vital element in communication with                                                the customer experience that counts. As transparency has become inevitable and
                                         customers.                                                                                                                         complete, and all our customers can know essentially everything about all product
 Stefan C. Schicker, LL.M., is Partner                                                                                               Martha Rogers, Ph.D., is the           offerings and pricing, how do we compete?
 at the independent German law                                                                                                       Founding Partner of Peppers &
 firm SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte                                                                                                       Rogers Group and Adjunct Professor
 in Germany, specializing in legal                                                                                                   at Duke University.
 e-commerce, marketing and
 trademark issues.

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                                         09.00 - 09.45 Big Ideas and Brand
                                                                                                                                                                                 ha tru
                                                                                                                                           “Trust is                            W of

                                         Building: Storytelling in a Completely                                                       becoming the                                                                      TRUST
                                         New Context                                                                                 New Currency.“                                                            SERVICE
                                         Andreas Trautmann, CEO, McCann Worldgroup Germany, and                                                 Karl-Heinz Land
                                         Matias Palm Jensen, Chief Innovation Officer, McCann-Erickson Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                               Your customer                                Your company
                                         In today's marketing landscape it has become much harder for marketers to cut
                                         through with their messages and to gain, keep and manage meaningful relationships
 Andreas Trautmann,                      with their customers. All of a sudden the customer has gained the power to manage
 CEO, McCann Worldgroup Germany          his or her relationships with brands. The need to create the most relevant, engaging
                                         and exiting ideas and content for our brands has never been greater. Social media
 Matias Palm Jensen,                     data can provide us with an excellent base for unexpected truth and smart insights.
 Chief Innovation Officer, McCann-
 Erickson Europe and founder of
 Swedish digital agency Farfar.                                                                                                                                       “EXTREME TRUST: Honesty as
                                                                                                                                                                      a Competitive Advantage”
                                                                                                           W cus igi

                                                                                                                                                                      by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D.
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                                                                                                                                                                      How companies can stay competitive in a world of total transparency
                                                                                                                     al h sts
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    “The customer                                                                                                                                                     In the age of the Web, smartphones and social networks, every action an organization
                                                                                                                          al for

                                                                                                                                                                      takes can be exposed and critizised in real time. If you treat one customer unfairly,

  was always king,                                                                                                                                                    or try to gouge one price, the whole world may find out in minutes, thanks to outlets
  but now he wants                                                                                                                                                    like Twitter, Yelp and Epinions.

       to be treated                                                                                                                                                  Don Peppers and Martha Rogers argue that the only sane response to these rising
          like one.”                                                                                                                                                  levels of transparency is to protect the interests of customers proactively, before they
                                                                                                                                                                      have a chance to spread negative buzz.
14      DAY 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DAY 2            15

                                                11.00 - 11.15 The NEXT Survey –                                                                                                     11.15 - 11.45 Marketing as a Service:
                                                Effective Strategies for a Social Media                                                                                             Privacy and One-to-One Solutions –
                                                World                                                                                                                               Two Sides of the Same Coin  
                                                Dr. Alexander Rossmann, Research Associate, Institute of Marketing,                                                                 Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer, Berlin School of Economics and Law
                                                University of St. Gallen
                                                In recent years, scientists and business executives have invested heavily in exploring                                              The expectations of customers are constantly increasing. How can a company find
                                                the role of social media in theory and practice. Nevertheless, recent studies of the                                                out which expectations from which target group it has to fulfill? The name of the
                                                social media experience in Europe report growing disillusionment and frustration.                                                   game: value-oriented customer management. The key resource for calculating the
    Dr. Alexander Rossmann is Project           Effective strategies for a social media world require strong integration into the core    Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer, Berlin        customer value is the customer him- or herself. The acquisition of these data is a
    Director at the Institute of Marketing,     business processes of a firm; but even more critical is devising a compelling value        School of Economics and Law. One of       key challenge for companies. And the necessary precondition to get access to it is
    University of St. Gallen. Prior to          proposition for users. In short, creating a differentiating social media strategy is no   the leading experts in 1 to 1 marketing   to understand marketing more as a service – and not as a concept to “manipulate“
    this, he was Managing Director of           trivial matter.                                                                           on the data privacy paradigm shift.       the customers. A new philosophy of marketing is required.
    a leading consultancy firm for ten           Dr. Rossmann presents the three-step approach and first results of the NEXT
    years. His expertise covers relevant        Corporate Communication Survey. This talk will provide unique insights into the
    issues of social media research,            dynamic interaction between a) the corporate business model, b) effective social
    word-of-mouth communication, and            media strategies, and c) added value for corporations and users.
    relationship marketing.

                                                                                                                                                                                      THERE ARE ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fa you

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                                                                                                                                                                                      More than 900m. people on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 bo us
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                                                                                                                                                                                      Facebook, each connected to:
                                                                                                                                             The key is to have

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A Marketing Manager’s Dream                                                                                                                   flexible platform                                 130 other
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16     DAY 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              DAY 2        17

                                         11.45 - 12.30 5 Steps to Success –                                                         14.15 - 15.30 MicroStrategy Social Workshops                                                             11.07. 14.15 - 18.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             12.07. 09.00 - 13.00
                                         How to Integrate Facebook Data
                                         Roland Fiege, Senior Director of Social Media, MicroStrategy                                         Track 1                           Track 2                           Track 3                            Track 4

                                         “Who of our Facebook fans are our                                                          BUSINESS MODEL
                                         customers?", “How can we integrate                                                         FOR AGENCIES
                                         Facebook data with our customer                      Top-Liked sports
                                         insights data warehouse?“. We have the                                                     The business model for              Find out how Alert helps to      Learn how you can you use           The Social Media Excellence
                                         answers and a five step process to solve             player of ADIDAS                       advertising and marketing           increase fan engagement          Wisdom to gain advanced             Circle, an invitation-only
 Roland Fiege, author of "Social Media
 Balanced Scorecard" and Senior          these challenges.                                      Facebook fans:                      agencies is changing                and monetize your fan base       Facebook data analytics and         marketing executive event,
 Director of Social Media Technology,                                                         Fernando Torres,                      rapidly. Arbitrage models           with highly personalized         deep segmentation based on          will meet at SMICS 2012
                                                                                                                                    are being replaced by               interactions, special offers,    your fans' interests, activities,   with the intention to jointly
 lectures on subjects relating to
                                              Social Intelligence                          officially sponsored                      programmatic, real-time             and recommendations that         places and recent milestones.       develop solutions to central
 social media strategy development,
 monitoring and analytics.
                                                                                                       by Nike.                     b id d i n g m e c h a ni s m s ,   are driven by deep fan insight                                       issues and problems related
                                                                                                                and performance-based               and segmentation.                                                    to social media. The Social
                                                                                                                                    campaigns are on the rise.                                                                               Media Excellence Circle will
                                                                                                                                    This workshop looks at the                                                                               take place on July 11 from
                                                                                                                                    value creation opportunities                                                                             14.15 - 18.00 and on July 12

PANEL                                    12.30 - 13.15 Panel Discussion                                                             in social media from an                                                                                  from 9.00 - 13.00
                                                                                                                                    agency's perspective.                                                                                    Apply here:
                                         Panel Discussion: Stefan C. Schicker, Andreas Trautmann (UM), Martha Rogers                                                                                                               
                                         (Peppers & Rogers), Dr. Alexander Rossmann (University of St. Gallen),

DISCUSSION                               Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer (Berlin School of Economics and Law), Roland Fiege
                                         (MicroStrategy), presenter: Karl-Heinz Land

                                         In this open panel discussion leading visionaries and thinkers will share their
                                         experiences and give valuable insights about the future of social media.

                                                                                                                                  Your favorite Facebook pages
                                                                                                                                  in one place – clear, customizable
                                                                                                                                  and convenient

                                                                                                                                          Organize the Facebook pages you like
                                                                                                                                          according to your interests and passions

                                                                                                                                          Be the first to know about the latest news,

                                         The Social Media Excellence Circle                                                               events and offers

                                                                                                                                          View photos, play music, watch videos and
                                         An initiative established by the Business Intelligence Group with the aim of providing
                                                                                                                                          share favorites with friends
                                         social media user companies with a platform for exchanging experiences. The Social
                                         Media Excellence circle meets quarterly, always with the intention to consistently
                                         and jointly develop solutions for central issues and problems related to social media.
                                         The SME circle develops and provides social media process and maturity models,
                                         measurements and metrics as well as industry benchmarks. The Social Media
                                         Excellence (SME) circle is associated with companies such as Audi, BASF, BMW,
                                         Bosch, Coca-Cola, Dell, DHL, Henkel, Lufthansa, Microsoft, Telefonica, 3M.
                                         If you are interested in joining SME apply here:

18   Literature                                                                                                                                                               Literature        19

                  Facebook Marketing for Dummies                                                              Managing Customer Relationships:
                  Paul Dunay, Richard Krueger                                                                 A Strategic Framework
                  Facebook boasts an extremely devoted user base, with more than 65 billion page              Don Peppers, Martha Rogers
                  visits per month. With Facebook, an organization can market and promote their
                                                                                                              Customer relationship management is critical to a company’s long-term profitability.
                  brand, products, or services via the network's built-in components of profile pages,
                                                                                                              Being more customer-focused calls for an understanding of how to build profitable
                  polls, community building, advertising, word-of-mouth marketing, and business
                                                                                                              customer relationships and make managerial decisions that will increase the value of
                  applications. This insightful resource focuses on the strategies, tactics, and techniques
                                                                                                              a company by growing the customer base. The goal is to build long-term relationships,
                  necessary to lead your organization into the world of Facebook marketing. Packed
                                                                                                              improve customer loyalty and generate higher margins. In this book, Don Peppers
                  with vital real-world case studies, the book serves as a must-have guide for the most
                                                                                                              and Martha Rogers, who coined the term “one-to-one marketing” and initiated a
                  reliable, responsible, and ethical business and marketing practices with Facebook.
                                                                                                              customer relationship revolution in 1993, explain how to keep customers coming
                                                                                                              back for years to come. “Managing Customer Relationships” offers a logical overview
                                                                                                              of the background, methodology and particulars of managing customer relationships
                                                                                                              for a competitive advantage. It features many of the principles of individualized
                                                                                                              customer relationships that the authors are best known for and examines relationship
                                                                                                              theory, IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) methodology, metrics, data
                                                                                                              management, customer management, company organization, channel issues and
                  Engage!                                                                                     the store of the future.

                  Brian Solis

                  Engage! thoroughly examines the social media landscape and how to effectively use
                  social media to succeed in business—one network and one tool at a time. It leads you
                  through the detailed and specific steps required for conceptualizing, implementing,          Social Media Balanced Scorecard
                  managing, and measuring a social media program. The result is the ability to increase       Roland Fiege
                  visibility, build communities of loyal brand enthusiasts, and increase profits.
                  Covering everything you need to know about social media marketing and the rise              Investments in online marketing are increasing steadily, as is advertising in social
                  of the new social consumer, Engage! shows you how to create effective strategies            media. Until now, it has been difficult to measure the reach and impact of social
                  based on proven examples and earn buy-in from your marketing teams. Even better,            media and determine the value of marketing in relation to sales, conversion events
                  you'll learn how to measure success and ROI.                                                and customer satisfaction in social media. This book explains how to reduce strategic
                                                                                                              organizational and marketing objectives down to measurable operational objectives
                                                                                                              with the aid of the social media balanced scorecard and the strategy map. This
                                                                                                              allows social Web marketing activities to be measured in terms of performance in
                                                                                                              order to optimize the allocation of marketing budgets and highlight the activities’
                                                                                                              effectiveness for decision-makers.

                  Die neue Macht des Marketing
                  (New Power of Marketing)
                  Ralf T. Kreutzer, Wolfgang Merkle

                  “The New Power of Marketing” brings together acknowledged experts on marketing
                  in the areas of emotion, innovation and precision, and presents marketing concepts
                  with a proven track record. “The New Power of Marketing” is currently only available
                  in German.
20                                                                                                                                                                                                 21

Why You Should Attend SMICS 2012
     At SMICS 2012 we have gathered together the world’s foremost visionaries, such
     as the author of “The End of Business as Usual” Brian Solis as well as thought                            Knowledge and insight
     leaders and practitioners in social media marketing and commerce, including Scott
     Galloway, Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern University of Business and CEO
                                                                                                               The second Social Media Marketing and Commerce Summit is taking place this year
     of L2ThinkTank, and Martha Rogers, Founding Partner of Peppers & Rogers and
                                                                                                               at the Amsterdam RAI International Convention Center. Where competitively-priced
     inventor of one-to-one marketing, to give you an unrivaled insight into the threats
                                                                                                               accommodation has been secured.
     and opportunities of social media marketing and social commerce.
                                                                                                               In addition to the complete programm of speakers, we are hosting a exclusive
     SMICS 2012 will be Europe’s most                                                                          conference party within the scope of the MicroStrategy World 2012.

     inspiring and educational forum for
                                                                                                               The cost of attending is just €695. Full registration, booking and venue details:
           Senior marketing executives                                                               
           CxOs and business leaders of all industries
           Social media and digital strategists
           Advertising and marketing agency leaders
           PR and social media firms                                                                                                                      Location
     SMICS 2012 offers you the unique opportunity to hear the views and experience of                                                                    SMICS 2012 will be held at the
     people in a comprehensive way, to interact and connect in workshops, and to discuss                                                                 Amsterdam RAI International Convention
     your challenges with this exceptional panel.                                                                                                        Center. It is conveniently located just
                                                                                                                                                         south of Amsterdam’s city center.

                                                                                                                                                         Amsterdam RAI
                                                                                                                                                         1078 GZ Amsterdam

                          Your Host                                                                                                                      T: +31 (0) 20 549 12 12
                                                                                                                                                         F: +31 (0) 20 646 44 69
                          Conny Czymoch has been with the            and non-profit organizations covering                                      
                          German political TV channel Phoenix        a host of global topics – including
                          for the last fifteen years, anchoring      telecommunications and IT systems,
                          their flagship program “Der Tag.” For       social media, new technologies and
                          the two last decades, she was involved     space travel. She is also a media coach
                          in conference moderation for the EU,       for executives.
                          German ministries, DAX corporations,
Is your answer “yes” to one of the
                      following questions?
                            You want to benchmark your social media strategy?

                            You want to learn from leading experts and industry case studies?

                            You want to improve your Facebook marketing strategy?

                            You want to gain more customer insights to utilize social CRM?

                            You want to generate relevant business using social media?

                            You want to see how social intelligence can revolutionize your business?

                      Then you should attend SMICS 2012
                      in Amsterdam.

                      Partners and speakers

Social Intelligence

MicroStrategy Inc.
Kölner Straße 263
51149 Köln                                                                                                 SMICS
Germany                                                                                                             2012
                                                                                                       Social Media Marketing                                                                                         iCommerce Summit                                                                                 July 10 + 11, 2012
Find us on                                                                                                        Amsterdam

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Smics2012 brochure

  • 1. INVITATION Is This the End of Marketing as We Know It? SMICS 2012 Social Media Marketing iCommerce Summit Social Intelligence July 10 + 11, 2012 Amsterdam
  • 2. Welcome to a New World of Marketing One small step for your brand, one giant leap for your company’s success. Discover how social media is heralding a new era in marketing.  Discover at first hand how marketing is becoming a service and how you can already enjoy the benefits of this today. The future of marketing starts here! At SMICS 2012!
  • 3. AGENDA Day 1: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10.14 - 10.30 Welcome – Conny Czymoch, moderator and anchorwoman of Phoenix TV 10.30 - 11.00 Social-Local-Mobile – How Data Is Changing Everything – Karl-Heinz Land, Chief Evangelist & Senior Vice President Social iCommerce, MicroStrategy 11.00 - 11.45 The End of Business as Usual and the Beginning of a New Era of Relevance – Brian Solis, Author and Principal Analyst Altimeter Group 11.45 - 12.15 Welcome to the real business: Management, Utilization and Integration of Social Media for Businesses – Prof. Peter Gentsch, Chief Analyst, Business Intelligence Group 12.15 - 13.15 Lunch and networking Playtime Is Over – How to Benefit from 13.15 - 14.00 The Mobile Wave and the Impact on Our Businesses – Michael J. Saylor, CEO, MicroStrategy 14.00 - 14.45 Best Practice: 0 or 1 – Winners & Losers in a Digital World – Scott Galloway, CEO, L2 Think Tank Social, Local and Mobile Trends (SoLoMo) 14.45 - 15.15 Coffee and networking 15.15 - 16.00 FC Barcelona – Best Practice in Sports Marketing, Merchandising and Facebook Commerce – Fernando Gonzalez, Senior Director Social Intelligence, MicroStrategy The question is not whether or not Come and join us on July 10 + 11 at 16.00 - 16.40 Industry Cases – Best Practice TED-Style Presentation: Dennis Wedderkop (Vodafone/EOL), Did you know? to implement social media into your SMICS 2012 in Amsterdam to meet and Michael Buck (DELL), Peter Mann (CDS/ UK Army), Ulf Valentin (HRS) business strategy, the question is how discuss with some of the most skilled 16.40 - 17.40 Panel Discussion: Brian Solis (Altimeter Group), Scott Galloway (L2), Prof. Peter Gentsch (Business “Black Friday“ revenue on well you will do so. and experienced professionals in the mobile grew from 1% in 2010 Intelligence Group), Dennis Wedderkop (Vodafone/EOL), Michael J. Saylor (MicroStrategy), Michael Buck industry. I really do hope to see you to 17% in 2011. (DELL), Peter Mann (CDS/UK Army), Ulf Valentin (HRS), presenter: Karl-Heinz Land After a successful SMICS event in 2011 there. 80% of the global population we are again hosting Europe’s unique 17.40 - 18.15 Visionary Keynote: Social TV – The End of Television as We Know It? – is mobile. Social Media Marketing and iCommerce Marco Seiler, CEO & founder of SYZYGY, and Ralf Rottmann, CTO & Managing Partner at GrandCentrix Vodafone‘s Facebook fans lead Summit to help you to kick off your 21.00 MicroStrategy World 2012 Amsterdam Conference Party to 200% higher revenue than corporate social media strategy NOW. the average customer. Consumers are more than 50% You will meet visionaries and thought Karl-Heinz Land Chief Evangelist & Day 2: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 more likely to buy from businesses they follow in social leaders as well as practitioners who Senior Vice President Social iCommerce share their experiences on how to 08.16 - 09.00 Breakfast Session: Social Network User Data – Legal Dos and Don’ts – media. monetize social media. We will present Stefan C. Schicker, LL.M., Law Professional, SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte Social Media is not an evolution for exclusive industry case studies and are 09.00 - 09.45 Big Ideas and Brand Building: Storytelling in a Completely New Context – Andreas Trautmann, marketing and sales. It’s a revolution. We happy to discuss your specific questions CEO McCann Worldgroup, and Matias Palm Jensen, Chief Innovation Officer, McCann-Erickson Europe all know the massive numbers around regarding social media, Facebook fan 09.45 - 10.30 Standing Up and Standing Out – Martha Rogers, Author and Founding Partner of Peppers & Rogers Facebook’s ever-growing usage, but the analytics and segmentation. 10.30 - 11.00 Coffee and networking challenge is now to turn conversations into business. Alongside the visionaries, we have some 11.00 - 11.15 The NEXT Survey – Effective Strategies for a Social Media World – On average, Dr. Alexander Rossmann, Research Associate, Institute of Marketing, University of St. Gallen of the world’s leading social media Americans spent approx. 11.15 - 11.45 Marketing as a Service: Privacy and One-to-One Solutions – Two Sides of the Same Coin – Your fans do not necessarily want marketers joining us, so at the same to see ads; they want valuable and personalized content, including offers event you’ll be able to see state-of-the art developments that will help you $575 on mobile purchases 11.45 - 12.30 Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer, Berlin School of Economics and Law 5 Steps to Success – How to Integrate Facebook Data – and a VIP experience. turn social media from a cost to a profit Roland Fiege, Senior Director of Social Media, MicroStrategy center. in 2012. 12.30 - 13.15 Panel Discussion: Stefan C. Schicker, Andreas Trautmann (McCann Worldgroup), Martha Rogers Only if you know your customers well L2 Think Tank (Peppers & Rogers), Dr. Alexander Rossmann (University of St. Gallen), Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer can you deliver relevant offers, and only (Berlin School of Economics and Law), Roland Fiege (MicroStrategy), presenter: Karl-Heinz Land if your customers trust you will they 13.15 - 14.15 Lunch and networking engage with your business. 14.15 - 15.30 Workshops 14.15 - 18.00 Social Media Excellence Circle (SME ) + Thursday 12.07. 09.00 - 13.00
  • 4. 6 DAY 1 DAY 1 7 10.30 - 11.00 Social-Local-Mobile – 11.00 - 11.45 The End of Business as How Data Is Changing Everything Usual and the Beginning of a New Era of Karl-Heinz Land, Chief Evangelist & Senior Vice President Social iCommerce, MicroStrategy Relevance Brian Solis, Author and Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group The mobile and social wave is soon to whereabouts, buying habits and social become the major hub for all marketing influence. The ideas of mobile and social In Brian's new book, he outlines the their expectations, and how it differs activities. The customer was always marketing, just like many new marketing rising threat of Digital Darwinism, the from traditional consumers of the past. king, but now he also behaves like strategies, are based on the principle phenomenon that affects organizations He reviews disruptive technology, Karl-Heinz Land is Chief Evangelist & one. Customers are independent and of service rather than on advertising / Brian Solis is Principal Analyst when technology and society evolve innovative business models, and new Senior Vice President Social tell you what they like and what they broadcasting. Mobile marketing is not at Altimeter Group, and globally faster than the ability to adapt. It's more opportunities. He also demonstrates iCommerce of MicroStrategy, with a don’t. Marketing now has the chance just another channel for ads – it is an recognized as one of the most than social media. It's the confluence best practices and methodologies to 25-year history as an entrepreneur to become a concierge service. In order entirely new platform that offers a host prominent thought leaders and of disruptive technology and the align the organization with a common and manager in the IT industry. for this to happen the consumer will of enhanced opportunities to boost published authors in new media. evolution of consumer behavior. Brian and meaningful vision and strategy, and realize that privacy and service go hand sales, raise awareness, and improve depicts how leadership can survive shared objectives. MicroStrategy, a global leader in in hand. It will be obvious that privacy customers' interactions and trust in their Altimeter Group is a research-based Digital Darwinism by understanding business intelligence technology, and service are two sides of the same brands. “Markets are conversations“ – advisory firm, formed in June 2008 customer and employee behavior, provides integrated reporting, coin. The mobile wave is changing the The Cluetrain Manifesto. by Charlene Li, and offers pragmatic analysis, and monitoring software face of marketing as we know it with strategies to help companies thrive that helps leading organizations make customers providing hundreds of pieces with disruptive technologies. Altimeter of data every day about their interests, Social Intelligence better business decisions every day. was named by Fast Company as one of “The Five Most Creative Small Businesses in 2010." 4,6b. co M omi lat be ting m ob ng fo c pu ile th rm SMARTPHONE USERS WORLDWIDE de e u fo vi ni r th p ce ve e s a rs w re al orl % ,5 00 +4 d 835m. 102m. Source: Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, 2007 2011 2015 Internet Trends, Oct. 2011 IT‘S A NEW ERA OF BUSINESS AND CONSUMERISM – ll pl wi peo ay e AND YOU PLAY A ROLE IN DEFINING IT e d ar at to tw th h “To be successful in business, you need to see what others don’t. Start with of ing ouc s h t ile yt d this book. Someone’s going to do it, why not you?” ob ver y an M e rr e a ac c MARK CUBAN OWNER OF THE DALLAS MAVERICKS AND CHAIRMAN OF HDNET “Markets are pl ite, re wr Replaced by mobile software “Innovation has always changed the business landscape. People expect to conversations.“ access information anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Collaborative, cloud and video technologies are leading this change. As Mr. Solis correctly The Cluetrain Manifesto writes, companies have to lead this change, not follow.” JOHN CHAMBERS CEO OF CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.
  • 5. 8 DAY 1 DAY 1 9 11.45 - 12.15 Welcome to the real 14.00 - 14.45 Best Practice: 0 or 1 – Business: Management, Utilization and Winners & Losers in a Digital World Integration of Social Media for Businesses Scott Galloway, CEO L2 Think Tank Prof. Peter Gentsch, Chief Analyst, Business Intelligence Group It‘s never been easier to be a billionaire Depending on their maturity level and the desired social media impact, companies or harder to be a millionaire as a digital have to manage digital media professionally in order to unleash their social ecosystem fosters a “winner takes LARGEST FACEBOOK Prof. Dr. Peter Gentsch is CEO and value. That implies the integration of social media into business processes and all“ environment. Professor Galloway FAN BASE April 17, 2012 Founder of the Business Intelligence infrastructures. Social media intelligence and social media governance become key Scott Galloway is a Clinical Professor will explore key trends in media Group and Social Media Excellence drivers for digital excellence and leadership. This process can be supported by the of Marketing at NYU Stern School of consumption, demographics, emerging (SME) circle in cooperation with Social Media Excellence Model that provides measurements and metrics as well as Business and founder of L2, a think platforms and their cumulative effect #1: FACEBOOK associated companies like Audi, industry benchmarks. tank for digital innovation. of business. Specifically, who benefits 65,150,282 Likes BMW, Coca-Cola or DELL. from the shift and who is on the wrong L2 Digital IQ Index® reports provide side of this tectonic shift (i.e., the losers)? #2: COCA-COLA 41,324,862 Likes brands with a benchmark to measure digital competence against peers. #3: DISNEY Developed by L2 founder and NYU 34,990,901 Likes Stern Professor Scott Galloway, #4: MTV 13.15 - 14.00 The Mobile Wave and the the Digital IQ is a robust tool that rates brands with reference to over 33,291,392 Likes Impact on Our Businesses 350 quantitative and qualitative #5: STARBUCKS 29,621,518 Likes data points, diagnosing their digital Michael J. Saylor, CEO MicroStrategy strengths and weaknesses. #6: CONVERSE 28,427,426 Likes The mobile wave argues that the an appendage of the human being and changes brought by mobile computing an essential tool for modern life. #7: RED BULL are so profound and widespread that Products, businesses, industries, 27,822,896 Likes it’s impossible for us to see it all, even economies and even society will be 1 in 4 Gen Y members checks #8: MCDONALD‘S Michael J. Saylor is CEO, founder though we are all immersed in it. Saylor explains that the current generation altered forever as the mobile wave washes over us and changes the their Facebook status before 18,722,751 Likes and President of MicroStrategy Inc. He is widely respected as a of mobile smartphones and tablet computers has set the stage to become landscape. In view of so much change this keynote is a guide for business they get out of bed, on their #9: VICTORIA‘S SECRET 18,356,020 Likes visionary speaker, and has founded an educational charity. the universal computing platform for the leaders who must navigate the new phone. #10: MONSTER ENERGY world. In the hands of billions of people terrain as mobile intelligence changes Scott Galloway 15,444,521 Likes and accessible anywhere and anytime, everything. mobile computers are poised to become Social Intelligence Gen Y members are twice as likely to have checked their Facebook status in last 24 hours than to have 89% of Disney watched television. Facebook fans are BIG DATA CLOUD SOCIAL MOBILE outdoor enthusiasts, Global data is In 2012 the volume 30 billion pieces of 80% of the global Scott Galloway 82% parents of projected to grow of digital content content are shared population is young kids, 31% 40% per year. will grow to 2.7 zettabytes. on Facebook every mobile. budget shopper. McKinsey month. Morgan Stanley digg digg
  • 6. 10 DAY 1 DAY 1 11 15.15 - 16.00 FC Barcelona – Best Practice in Sports Marketing, Merchandising and Facebook Commerce PANEL DISCUSSION 16.40 - 17.40 Panel Discussion Brian Solis (Altimeter Group), Scott Galloway (L2), Prof. Peter Gentsch (Business Intelligence Group), Dennis Wedderkop (Vodafone/EOL), Michael J. Saylor (MicroStrategy), Michael Buck (DELL), Peter Mann (CDS/ UK Army), Ulf Valentin Fernando Gonzalez, Senior Director Social Intelligence, MicroStrategy (HRS), presenter: Karl-Heinz Land MicroStrategy is transforming the sports industry through technological innovation Our open panel gives you a unique opportunity to discuss your thoughts and in social media via its Social Intelligence offering, and specifically Alert. Find out questions with the most experienced experts in EMEA. how global sports brands such as FC Barcelona are leveraging higher levels of Fernando Gonzalez leads the engagement with their fans, achieving much more relevant conversation with fans in customer boarding and engagement every corner of the world, and capitalizing on the largest fan base of any sports brand activities worldwide as part of the on Facebook. Alert is providing FC Barcelona with a multi-touch content distribution MicroStrategy Social Intelligence platform to share not only exclusive content, news and events with their fans, but business. He has been with also provide a highly personalized and effective storefront to interact with them. MicroStrategy since 1999 performing several functions on the technology, Social Intelligence consulting, mid-market sales and OEM/channels. 17.40 - 18.15 Visionary Keynote: Social TV – The End of Television as We Know It? Marco Seiler, CEO & founder of SYZYGY, and Ralf Rottmann, CTO at GrandCentrix The notion of Web/TV convergence has evolved into numerous approaches all over the world. Already close to 50% are tweeting, texting, facebooking and online shopping whilst watching TV – the first screen is becoming a background noise device. Social TV merges the social media phenomenon with television, opening up countless of new marketing formats. Social TV incorporates the user’s personal Marco Seiler is CEO & founder of the interests, their social graph and current mood to create a new, personalized and digital marketing agency SYZYGY. interactive TV experience. Experience the CEOs of SYZYGY and GrandCentrix and 16.00 - 16.40 Industry Cases – witness the awesome potential of social TV, combining the strengths of the big screen Best Practice TED-Style Presentation with the interactivity of the Web. Dennis Wedderkop (Vodafone/EOL), Michael Buck (DELL), Peter Mann (CDS/UK Army), Ulf Valentin (HRS) In our TED-style best practices, leading digital strategists from companies such as DELL, Vodafone, the UK Army and HRS will provide you with insightful first-hand Th IPT of e Vo IPTV pr v information about where companies stand today and their current social media og er re th strategies. ss e iv co e im min po g y rta ea nc rs e TV 2015
  • 7. 12 DAY 2 DAY 2 13 08.15 - 09.00 Breakfast Session: Social 09.45 - 10.30 Standing Up and Network User Data – Legal Dos and Don’ts Standing Out Stefan C. Schicker, LL.M., Law Professional, SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte Martha Rogers, Ph.D., Author and Founding Partner of Peppers & Rogers Group The collection of user data is one of the central areas of interest in the new forms What does social networking really mean for your company and your brand? If the of marketing. However, the data protection laws can often be hurdles that have to messages your customers hear about you come mostly from you, then advertising be overcome. Not only because they are enforced by authorities and competitors, rules. But now that customers communicate with each other, more and more, it's but also because the protection of privacy is a vital element in communication with the customer experience that counts. As transparency has become inevitable and customers. complete, and all our customers can know essentially everything about all product Stefan C. Schicker, LL.M., is Partner Martha Rogers, Ph.D., is the offerings and pricing, how do we compete? at the independent German law Founding Partner of Peppers & firm SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte Rogers Group and Adjunct Professor in Germany, specializing in legal at Duke University. e-commerce, marketing and trademark issues. t efi en ? b y he ilit s t tab i s 09.00 - 09.45 Big Ideas and Brand t ha tru “Trust is W of Building: Storytelling in a Completely becoming the TRUST New Context New Currency.“ SERVICE Andreas Trautmann, CEO, McCann Worldgroup Germany, and Karl-Heinz Land Matias Palm Jensen, Chief Innovation Officer, McCann-Erickson Europe Your customer Your company In today's marketing landscape it has become much harder for marketers to cut through with their messages and to gain, keep and manage meaningful relationships Andreas Trautmann, with their customers. All of a sudden the customer has gained the power to manage CEO, McCann Worldgroup Germany his or her relationships with brands. The need to create the most relevant, engaging and exiting ideas and content for our brands has never been greater. Social media Matias Palm Jensen, data can provide us with an excellent base for unexpected truth and smart insights. Chief Innovation Officer, McCann- Erickson Europe and founder of Swedish digital agency Farfar. “EXTREME TRUST: Honesty as a Competitive Advantage” W cus igi by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D. isd to tal om me str re r in ate d ve sig gi How companies can stay competitive in a world of total transparency al h sts s v ts “The customer In the age of the Web, smartphones and social networks, every action an organization al for ua bl takes can be exposed and critizised in real time. If you treat one customer unfairly, e was always king, or try to gouge one price, the whole world may find out in minutes, thanks to outlets but now he wants like Twitter, Yelp and Epinions. to be treated Don Peppers and Martha Rogers argue that the only sane response to these rising like one.” levels of transparency is to protect the interests of customers proactively, before they have a chance to spread negative buzz.
  • 8. 14 DAY 2 DAY 2 15 11.00 - 11.15 The NEXT Survey – 11.15 - 11.45 Marketing as a Service: Effective Strategies for a Social Media Privacy and One-to-One Solutions – World Two Sides of the Same Coin   Dr. Alexander Rossmann, Research Associate, Institute of Marketing, Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer, Berlin School of Economics and Law University of St. Gallen In recent years, scientists and business executives have invested heavily in exploring The expectations of customers are constantly increasing. How can a company find the role of social media in theory and practice. Nevertheless, recent studies of the out which expectations from which target group it has to fulfill? The name of the social media experience in Europe report growing disillusionment and frustration. game: value-oriented customer management. The key resource for calculating the Dr. Alexander Rossmann is Project Effective strategies for a social media world require strong integration into the core Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer, Berlin customer value is the customer him- or herself. The acquisition of these data is a Director at the Institute of Marketing, business processes of a firm; but even more critical is devising a compelling value School of Economics and Law. One of key challenge for companies. And the necessary precondition to get access to it is University of St. Gallen. Prior to proposition for users. In short, creating a differentiating social media strategy is no the leading experts in 1 to 1 marketing to understand marketing more as a service – and not as a concept to “manipulate“ this, he was Managing Director of trivial matter. on the data privacy paradigm shift. the customers. A new philosophy of marketing is required. a leading consultancy firm for ten Dr. Rossmann presents the three-step approach and first results of the NEXT years. His expertise covers relevant Corporate Communication Survey. This talk will provide unique insights into the issues of social media research, dynamic interaction between a) the corporate business model, b) effective social word-of-mouth communication, and media strategies, and c) added value for corporations and users. relationship marketing. wh THERE ARE ... er e Fa you al ce r c l More than 900m. people on bo us ok tom Facebook, each connected to: The key is to have is er an easy-to-use, sa re A Marketing Manager’s Dream flexible platform 130 other people for collecting 10 favorite brands Come True! and using data. & companies 80 communities, Waste circulation is a thing of the past. Today it’s all about Wisdom – booz&co. groups & events a revolutionary tool for market research and media planning. Never before have you known your target group so well! et Enriched information about your app users: Ig n s? ca fan Identify demographics and common interests, n atio ook understand personalities rm ceb fo in y Fa Wisdom automatically groups people into ch m hi psychographic segments W from Ready-to-use dashboards Interests Profile Essential tool for every marketer to better understand Page Likes Demographics their customers Network Activities Friends Behavior Wisdom is powered by the knowledge of millions of users. You to n’t haves – do ve u belie look folr ! f Download the free yourse Wisdom version right now:
  • 9. 16 DAY 2 DAY 2 17 11.45 - 12.30 5 Steps to Success – 14.15 - 15.30 MicroStrategy Social Workshops 11.07. 14.15 - 18.00 12.07. 09.00 - 13.00 How to Integrate Facebook Data Roland Fiege, Senior Director of Social Media, MicroStrategy Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 “Who of our Facebook fans are our BUSINESS MODEL customers?", “How can we integrate FOR AGENCIES Facebook data with our customer Top-Liked sports insights data warehouse?“. We have the The business model for Find out how Alert helps to Learn how you can you use The Social Media Excellence answers and a five step process to solve player of ADIDAS advertising and marketing increase fan engagement Wisdom to gain advanced Circle, an invitation-only Roland Fiege, author of "Social Media Balanced Scorecard" and Senior these challenges. Facebook fans: agencies is changing and monetize your fan base Facebook data analytics and marketing executive event, Director of Social Media Technology, Fernando Torres, rapidly. Arbitrage models with highly personalized deep segmentation based on will meet at SMICS 2012 are being replaced by interactions, special offers, your fans' interests, activities, with the intention to jointly lectures on subjects relating to Social Intelligence officially sponsored programmatic, real-time and recommendations that places and recent milestones. develop solutions to central social media strategy development, monitoring and analytics. by Nike. b id d i n g m e c h a ni s m s , are driven by deep fan insight issues and problems related and performance-based and segmentation. to social media. The Social campaigns are on the rise. Media Excellence Circle will This workshop looks at the take place on July 11 from value creation opportunities 14.15 - 18.00 and on July 12 PANEL 12.30 - 13.15 Panel Discussion in social media from an from 9.00 - 13.00 agency's perspective. Apply here: Panel Discussion: Stefan C. Schicker, Andreas Trautmann (UM), Martha Rogers (Peppers & Rogers), Dr. Alexander Rossmann (University of St. Gallen), DISCUSSION Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer (Berlin School of Economics and Law), Roland Fiege (MicroStrategy), presenter: Karl-Heinz Land In this open panel discussion leading visionaries and thinkers will share their experiences and give valuable insights about the future of social media. Your favorite Facebook pages in one place – clear, customizable and convenient Organize the Facebook pages you like according to your interests and passions Be the first to know about the latest news, The Social Media Excellence Circle events and offers View photos, play music, watch videos and An initiative established by the Business Intelligence Group with the aim of providing share favorites with friends social media user companies with a platform for exchanging experiences. The Social Media Excellence circle meets quarterly, always with the intention to consistently and jointly develop solutions for central issues and problems related to social media. The SME circle develops and provides social media process and maturity models, measurements and metrics as well as industry benchmarks. The Social Media Excellence (SME) circle is associated with companies such as Audi, BASF, BMW, Bosch, Coca-Cola, Dell, DHL, Henkel, Lufthansa, Microsoft, Telefonica, 3M. If you are interested in joining SME apply here: Download at
  • 10. 18 Literature Literature 19 Facebook Marketing for Dummies Managing Customer Relationships: Paul Dunay, Richard Krueger A Strategic Framework Facebook boasts an extremely devoted user base, with more than 65 billion page Don Peppers, Martha Rogers visits per month. With Facebook, an organization can market and promote their Customer relationship management is critical to a company’s long-term profitability. brand, products, or services via the network's built-in components of profile pages, Being more customer-focused calls for an understanding of how to build profitable polls, community building, advertising, word-of-mouth marketing, and business customer relationships and make managerial decisions that will increase the value of applications. This insightful resource focuses on the strategies, tactics, and techniques a company by growing the customer base. The goal is to build long-term relationships, necessary to lead your organization into the world of Facebook marketing. Packed improve customer loyalty and generate higher margins. In this book, Don Peppers with vital real-world case studies, the book serves as a must-have guide for the most and Martha Rogers, who coined the term “one-to-one marketing” and initiated a reliable, responsible, and ethical business and marketing practices with Facebook. customer relationship revolution in 1993, explain how to keep customers coming back for years to come. “Managing Customer Relationships” offers a logical overview of the background, methodology and particulars of managing customer relationships for a competitive advantage. It features many of the principles of individualized customer relationships that the authors are best known for and examines relationship theory, IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) methodology, metrics, data management, customer management, company organization, channel issues and Engage! the store of the future. Brian Solis Engage! thoroughly examines the social media landscape and how to effectively use social media to succeed in business—one network and one tool at a time. It leads you through the detailed and specific steps required for conceptualizing, implementing, Social Media Balanced Scorecard managing, and measuring a social media program. The result is the ability to increase Roland Fiege visibility, build communities of loyal brand enthusiasts, and increase profits. Covering everything you need to know about social media marketing and the rise Investments in online marketing are increasing steadily, as is advertising in social of the new social consumer, Engage! shows you how to create effective strategies media. Until now, it has been difficult to measure the reach and impact of social based on proven examples and earn buy-in from your marketing teams. Even better, media and determine the value of marketing in relation to sales, conversion events you'll learn how to measure success and ROI. and customer satisfaction in social media. This book explains how to reduce strategic organizational and marketing objectives down to measurable operational objectives with the aid of the social media balanced scorecard and the strategy map. This allows social Web marketing activities to be measured in terms of performance in order to optimize the allocation of marketing budgets and highlight the activities’ effectiveness for decision-makers. Die neue Macht des Marketing (New Power of Marketing) Ralf T. Kreutzer, Wolfgang Merkle “The New Power of Marketing” brings together acknowledged experts on marketing in the areas of emotion, innovation and precision, and presents marketing concepts with a proven track record. “The New Power of Marketing” is currently only available in German.
  • 11. 20 21 Why You Should Attend SMICS 2012 At SMICS 2012 we have gathered together the world’s foremost visionaries, such as the author of “The End of Business as Usual” Brian Solis as well as thought Knowledge and insight leaders and practitioners in social media marketing and commerce, including Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern University of Business and CEO The second Social Media Marketing and Commerce Summit is taking place this year of L2ThinkTank, and Martha Rogers, Founding Partner of Peppers & Rogers and at the Amsterdam RAI International Convention Center. Where competitively-priced inventor of one-to-one marketing, to give you an unrivaled insight into the threats accommodation has been secured. and opportunities of social media marketing and social commerce. In addition to the complete programm of speakers, we are hosting a exclusive SMICS 2012 will be Europe’s most conference party within the scope of the MicroStrategy World 2012. inspiring and educational forum for The cost of attending is just €695. Full registration, booking and venue details: Senior marketing executives CxOs and business leaders of all industries Social media and digital strategists Advertising and marketing agency leaders PR and social media firms Location SMICS 2012 offers you the unique opportunity to hear the views and experience of SMICS 2012 will be held at the people in a comprehensive way, to interact and connect in workshops, and to discuss Amsterdam RAI International Convention your challenges with this exceptional panel. Center. It is conveniently located just south of Amsterdam’s city center. Amsterdam RAI Europaplein 1078 GZ Amsterdam Netherlands Your Host T: +31 (0) 20 549 12 12 F: +31 (0) 20 646 44 69 Conny Czymoch has been with the and non-profit organizations covering German political TV channel Phoenix a host of global topics – including for the last fifteen years, anchoring telecommunications and IT systems, their flagship program “Der Tag.” For social media, new technologies and the two last decades, she was involved space travel. She is also a media coach in conference moderation for the EU, for executives. German ministries, DAX corporations,
  • 12. Is your answer “yes” to one of the following questions? You want to benchmark your social media strategy? You want to learn from leading experts and industry case studies? You want to improve your Facebook marketing strategy? You want to gain more customer insights to utilize social CRM? You want to generate relevant business using social media? You want to see how social intelligence can revolutionize your business? Then you should attend SMICS 2012 in Amsterdam. Partners and speakers Social Intelligence MicroStrategy Inc. Kölner Straße 263 51149 Köln SMICS Germany 2012 Social Media Marketing iCommerce Summit July 10 + 11, 2012 Find us on Amsterdam