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Scale Java Persistence API Applications with OpenJPA Slice  Pinaki Poddar [email_address]
Agenda ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Source: If applicable, describe source origin
What is Slice? ,[object Object],Java Persistence API Specification [Section 3.1] says:   “ A persistence unit defines the set of all classes that are related    or grouped by the application, and which must be colocated in their    mapping to a  single  database.” Slice changes that…  single  to  multiple
Horizontal Partitioning ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Horizontal Partitioning in realistic setup ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
History of Slice ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
OpenJPA  ,[object Object],[object Object]
Architectural tiers of a typical JPA-based application User Application OpenJPA Standard JPA API JDBC API 400 million records
Architectural tiers of a Slice-based application User Application OpenJPA Standard JPA API JDBC API Slice OpenJPA is a plugabble platform User-defined Data Distribution Policy 4x100 million records
Separate Persistence Unit configured to partitioned databases  C A [1] D A Unit A C A [2] C B [1] D B Unit B C B [2] C C [1] D C Unit C C C [2]
Same persistence unit switches contexts to partitioned databases C A [1] D A Persistence Unit C A [2] C C [2] C C [1] C B [2] C B [1] D B D C
Same persistence unit connected to partitioned databases C[1] D A Persistence Unit C[2] D B D C
Features of Slice Slice-based User Application OpenJPA Standard JPA API JDBC API Slice No changes to Application code User-defined Data Distribution Policy Flexible per-Slice Configuration Parallel Query Execution Heterogeneous Databases Master-based Sequence Targeted  Query No changes to Domain Model User-defined Query Target Policy No changes to Database Schema 4x100 millon records
Agenda ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Source: If applicable, describe source origin
Using Slice ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Policy based configuration ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Data Distribution Policy determines where new records are stored ,[object Object],[object Object]
How to distribute data across slices? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],@Entity public class   Person  { private   String  name; private   int  age; @OneToOne  (cascade=ALL) private   Address  address; } @Entity public class   Address  { private   String  city; } User   Application Domain Classes Data Distribution Policy
Distribution Policy decides target slice for each instance public interface   DistributionPolicy  {  /**  * Decide the name of the slice where the given persistent  * instance would be stored.  *  *  @param  pc The newly persistent or to-be-merged object.  *  @param  slices name of the configured slices.  *  @param  context persistence context managing the given instance.  *  *  @return  identifier of the slice. This name must match one of the  * configured slice names.  *  @see   DistributedConfiguration#getSliceNames()   */  String   distribute ( Object  pc,  List<String>  slices,  Object  context);  }  Slice runtime will call this method while persisting or merging a  root  instance. The instance and its   persistent   closure   will be stored in the returned slice.
Details on Distribution Policy  a b em.persist(a); //  or em.merge(a); persistence context MyPolicy.distribute(a,…) { return  “One” ; } One One < property   name=&quot; openjpa.slice.DistributionPolicy &quot;  value=“ &quot;/> Slice attaches moniker to  managed  instance as it enters a persistence context Slice runtime calls User Application CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE c One
Slice enforces Collocation Constraint on persistent closure ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
An example domain model
Instances that violate persistent closure must be replicated Stock CSCO Ask-152 Bid-153 Trader-1 Trader-2 Trade-15 Stock GS Ask-210 Bid-211 Trader-7 Trader-1 Trade-21 slice.One slice.Two Trader-1   will violate collocation constraint and must be replicated across all slices. Data partitioned by Stock sectors
Replicate  master/shared data  across slices ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],< property   name=“ openjpa.slice.ReplicatedTypes ” value=“ domain.Trader ”/> Data Replication Policy
Replication Policy public   interface   ReplicationPolicy  {  /**  * Decide the name of the slices where the given persistent  * instance would be replicated.  *  *  @param  pc The newly persistent or to-be-merged object.  *  @param  slices name of the configured slices.  *  @param  context persistence context managing the given instance.  *  *  @return  identifier(s) of the slice. Each name must match one of the  * configured slice names.  *  @see   DistributedConfiguration#getSliceNames()   */  String[]   replicate ( Object  pc,  List<String>  slices,  Object  context);  }  Slice runtime will call this method while persisting any replicated instance.
Distributed Query ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Query Target Policy decides target slice for each query public interface   QueryTargetPolicy  {  /**  * Decide the name of the slice(s) where the given query  * will be executed.  *  *  @param  query The query string to be executed.  *  @param  params the bound parameters of the query.  *  @param  language the language of the query *  @param  slices name of the configured slices *  @param  context persistence context executing the query.  *  *  @return  identifier of the target slices. Null value implies * all configured slices.  */  String[]   getTargets ( String  query,  Map  params,  String  language,  List<String>  slices,  Object  context);  }  Slice runtime will call this method for every query. Default policy targets all available slices.
Intrusive way to control target slices for a query EntityManager  em = …; String   jpql = &quot; SELECT p FROM Person p where ”; TypedQuery <Person>   query1 = em.createQuery(jpql, Person. class ); // Set a single slice as query target query1.setHint( SlicePersistence.HINT_TARGET , “ One &quot;); List < Person >  result1 = query1.setParameter(“ name ”, “ XYZ ”) .getResultList(); TypedQuery <Person> query2 = em.createQuery(jpql , Person. class ); // Set multiple slices as query targets query2.setHint( SlicePersistence.HINT_TARGET ,  Arrays.asList( new   String []{“ One “,” Two ”}); List < Person >  result2 = query2.setParameter(“ name ”, “ ABC ”) .getResultList();
Distributed Query results are appended ,[object Object],slice1 slice3 slice2 String  jpql = “ select e from Employee e where e.age > 30 ”; List < Employee >  result = em.createQuery(jpql, Employee. class ).getResultList(); 2001 29 BILL 2005 37 LEUNG 2008 22 ROB JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1987 41 JOSE 1999 35 SHIVA 2002 31 HARI JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1975 43 SANDRA 2007 24 MARY 2001 35 JOHN JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 2007 24 MARY 2008 22 ROB 2001 29 BILL 2008 22 ROB 2001 29 BILL 2007 24 MARY
Distributed Query results are sorted in-memory ,[object Object],slice1 slice3 slice2 String  jpql = “ select e from Employee e where e.age < 30 order by ”; List < Employee >  result = em.createQuery(jpql, Emloyee. class ).getResultList(); 2001 29 BILL 2005 37 LEUNG 2008 22 ROB JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1987 41 JOSE 1999 35 SHIVA 2002 31 HARI JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1975 43 SANDRA 2007 24 MARY 2001 35 JOHN JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 2007 24 MARY 2008 22 ROB 2001 29 BILL 2007 22 ROB 2007 24 MARY 2001 29 BILL
Distributed Top-N Query ,[object Object],slice1 slice3 slice2 String  jpql = “ select e from Employee e order by e.age ”; List < Employee >  result = em.createQuery(jpql, Emloyee. class ) .getMaxResult(2).getResultList(); 2001 29 BILL 2005 37 LEUNG 2008 22 ROB JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1987 41 JOSE 1999 35 SHIVA 2002 31 HARI JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1975 43 SANDRA 2007 24 MARY 2001 35 JOHN JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 2001 29 BILL 2008 22 ROB 2001 35 JOHN 2007 24 MARY 1999 35 SHIVA 2002 31 HARI 2007 24 MARY 2008 22 ROB
Distributed Top-N Query ,[object Object],slice1 slice3 slice2 List  result = em.createQuery(“ select e from Employee e ”) .setMaxResult(2).getResultList(); 2001 29 BILL 2005 37 LEUNG 2008 22 ROB JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1987 41 JOSE 1999 35 SHIVA 2002 31 HARI JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1975 43 SANDRA 2007 24 MARY 2001 35 JOHN JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 2001 29 BILL 2008 22 ROB 2001 35 JOHN 2007 24 MARY 1999 35 SHIVA 2002 31 HARI 2007 24 MARY 2008 22 ROB
Targeted Query ,[object Object],slice1 slice3 slice2 List   result   =   em.createQuery (“ SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.age > 34 ”) . setHint (“ openjpa.slice.Targets ”, “ slice1,slice3 ”) . getResultList (); 2001 29 BILL 2005 37 LEUNG 2008 22 ROB JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1987 41 JOSE 1999 35 SHIVA 2002 31 HARI JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1975 43 SANDRA 2007 24 MARY 2001 35 JOHN JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 2001 35 JOHN 1975 43 SANDRA 1999 35 SHIVA 1987 41 JOSE 1999 35 SHIVA 1987 41 JOSE 2001 35 JOHN 1975 43 SANDRA
Aggregate Query ,[object Object],slice1 slice3 slice2 Number   sum = em.createQuery (“ select sum(e.age) from Employee e where e.age > 30 ”,  Number.class ).getSingleResult(); 2001 29 BILL 2005 37 LEUNG 2008 22 ROB JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1987 41 JOSE 1999 35 SHIVA 2002 31 HARI JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1975 43 SANDRA 2007 24 MARY 2001 35 JOHN JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 78 37 107 222 78 37 107
Distributed Aggregate Query Limitations ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Aggregate Query ,[object Object],slice1 slice3 slice2 Number   sum = em.createQuery (“ select avg(e.age) from Employee e ”,  Number.class ) .getSingleResult(); 34.0 + 30.0 32.0 = ] + 32.0 [ / 3 Wrong! 2001 29 BILL 2005 38 LEUNG 2008 23 ROB JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1999 35 SHIVA 2002 31 HARI JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 1975 43 SANDRA 2007 24 MARY 2001 35 JOHN JOIN_YEAR AGE NAME 34.0 30.0 32.0
Query for Replicated Entities ,[object Object],Number   sum = ( Number )em.createQuery(“ SELECT COUNT(c) FROM Coutry c ”)  .getSingleResult(); slice1 slice3 slice2 3 3 1200M INDIA 82M GERMANY 300M US POPULATION CODE 1200M INDIA 82M GERMANY 300M US POPULATION CODE 1200M INDIA 82M GERMANY 300M US POPULATION CODE
META-INF/persistence.xml configures a persistence unit  <? xml  version=&quot; 1.0 &quot; encoding=&quot; UTF-8 &quot;?> < persistence   xmlns=&quot; &quot;  xmlns:xsi=&quot; &quot; version=&quot; 1.0 &quot;  xsi:schemaLocation=&quot; &quot;> < persistence-unit   name=&quot; test “  transaction=“ RESOURCE_LOCAL ”> < provider > org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl </ provider > < class > domain.EntityA </ class > < class > domain.EntityB </ class > < properties > < property   name=&quot; openjpa.ConnectionDriverName &quot;  value=&quot; com.mysql.jdbc.Driver &quot;/> < property   name=&quot; openjpa.ConnectionURL &quot;  value=&quot; jdbc:mysql://localhost/test &quot;/> < property   name=&quot; openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings &quot; value=&quot; buildSchema &quot;/> < property   name=&quot; openjpa.Log &quot;  value=&quot; SQL=TRACE &quot;/> </ properties > </ persistence-unit > List of known Persistent types Vendor-specific  configuration Governed by  XML Schema JPA Provider is pluggable Identified by Unit Name
Activate Slice through configuration ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Each slice is referred by a moniker ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Identify a Master slice ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Specify physical slice connection details ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Moniker for a slice
Slices can share common properties ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ignoring unavailable slices  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Configuration Rules  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Configuration Rules (continued)  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
A complete example of Slice Configuration  < properties > < property   name=&quot; openjpa.BrokerFactory &quot;  value=“ slice &quot;/> < property   name=“ openjpa.slice.Names ”  value=“ One,Two,Three ”/> < property   name=“ openjpa.slice.Master ”  value=“ One ”/> < property   name=&quot; openjpa.ConnectionDriverName &quot;  value=&quot; com.mysql.jdbc.Driver &quot;/> < property   name=&quot; openjpa.slice.One.ConnectionURL &quot;  value=&quot; jdbc:mysql://mac1:3456/slice1 &quot;/> < property   name=“ openjpa.slice.Two.ConnectionURL ”  value=“ jdbc:mysql://mac2:5634/slice2 ”/> < property   name=“ openjpa.slice.Three.ConnectionDriverName ” value=“ ”/> < property   name=“ openjpa.slice.Three.ConnectionURL ” value=“ jdbc:db2 :// mac3:50000/slice3 ”/> < property   name=&quot; openjpa.slice.DistributionPolicy &quot;  value=“ &quot;/> < property   name=&quot; openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings &quot; value=&quot; buildSchema &quot;/> </ properties > </ persistence-unit > META-INF/persistence.xml Activate Slice Declare slices Configure each slice Configure common behavior Define Data Distribution Policy
Updates ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Database and Transaction ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Agenda ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Source: If applicable, describe source origin
Core Architectural constructs of OpenJPA EntityManager Factory BrokerFactory EntityManager Broker StoreManager JDBCStore Manager JDBC API OpenJPA Configuration creates creates delegates delegates configured by facade kernel storage POJO + State manager
Slice extends OpenJPA by Distributed Template EntityManager Factory BrokerFactory EntityManager Broker DistributedStoreManager JDBCStore Manager JDBC API JDBCStore Manager JDBCStore Manager Distributed Configuration applies Distributed Template Pattern Not aware of partitioned Databases applies Distributed Template Pattern OpenJPA Configuration OpenJPA Configuration OpenJPA Configuration + Slice Moniker facade kernel storage POJO + State manager
Distributed Template Design Pattern public class   DistributedTemplate < T >  implements   T ,  Iterable < T > { protected   List < T >  _delegates  =  new   ArrayList < T >(); public   void  add(T t) { _delegates .add(t); } public   Iterator < T > iterator() { return   _delegates .iterator(); }  // execution requires operation-specific merge semantics public boolean   execute(String arg0) { boolean   ret =   true ; for   (T t   :  this )   ret = t.execute(arg0)   &   ret;   // merge execution result return   ret; } } ,[object Object]
Slice applies Distributed Template Design Pattern on OpenJPA/JDBC  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Agenda ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
OpenTrader : OpenJPA/Slice and GWT
An example data distribution policy /** * This distribution policy determines the sector of the stock and * picks the slice at ordinal index of the enumerated Sector. */ public   class  SectorDistributionPolicy  implements  DistributionPolicy { public   String  distribute( Object  pc,  List < String > slices,  Object  context) { Stock  stock =  null ; if  (pc  instanceof   Tradable ) { stock = (( Tradable )pc).getStock(); }  else if  (pc  instanceof  Stock ) { stock = ( Stock )pc; }  else if  (pc  instanceof   Trade ) { stock = (( Trade )pc).getStock(); }  else  { throw new  IllegalArgumentException(“ No policy for  “ + pc); } return  stock !=  null  ? slices.get(stock.getSector().ordinal())  :  null ; } }
An example query target policy public   static   final  String  MATCH_BID   = &quot; select   new  Match(a,b)  from  Ask a, Bid b  &quot;  + &quot; where  b = :bid  and  a.stock.symbol = b.stock.symbol  &quot;  + &quot; and  a.price <= b.price  and  a.volume >= b.volume  &quot;  + &quot; and   NOT (a.seller = b.buyer)  “ + “ and  is NULL   and  is NULL &quot;; public   class  SectorBasedQueryTargetPolicy  implements  QueryTargetPolicy { public   String []  getTargets( String  query,  Map < Object ,  Object >  params, String  language,  List < String >  slices,  Object  context) {  Stock stock =  null ; if  (TradingService. MATCH_BID .equals(query)) { stock = ((Tradable)params.get(&quot; bid &quot;)).getStock(); return   new  String[]{slices.get(stock.getSector().ordinal())}; } return   null ; } }
Future Work ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Future Work ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
References ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Thank You!

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Slice for Distributed Persistence (JavaOne 2010)

  • 1. Scale Java Persistence API Applications with OpenJPA Slice Pinaki Poddar [email_address]
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
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  • 7.
  • 8. Architectural tiers of a typical JPA-based application User Application OpenJPA Standard JPA API JDBC API 400 million records
  • 9. Architectural tiers of a Slice-based application User Application OpenJPA Standard JPA API JDBC API Slice OpenJPA is a plugabble platform User-defined Data Distribution Policy 4x100 million records
  • 10. Separate Persistence Unit configured to partitioned databases C A [1] D A Unit A C A [2] C B [1] D B Unit B C B [2] C C [1] D C Unit C C C [2]
  • 11. Same persistence unit switches contexts to partitioned databases C A [1] D A Persistence Unit C A [2] C C [2] C C [1] C B [2] C B [1] D B D C
  • 12. Same persistence unit connected to partitioned databases C[1] D A Persistence Unit C[2] D B D C
  • 13. Features of Slice Slice-based User Application OpenJPA Standard JPA API JDBC API Slice No changes to Application code User-defined Data Distribution Policy Flexible per-Slice Configuration Parallel Query Execution Heterogeneous Databases Master-based Sequence Targeted Query No changes to Domain Model User-defined Query Target Policy No changes to Database Schema 4x100 millon records
  • 14.
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  • 18.
  • 19. Distribution Policy decides target slice for each instance public interface DistributionPolicy { /** * Decide the name of the slice where the given persistent * instance would be stored. * * @param pc The newly persistent or to-be-merged object. * @param slices name of the configured slices. * @param context persistence context managing the given instance. * * @return identifier of the slice. This name must match one of the * configured slice names. * @see DistributedConfiguration#getSliceNames() */ String distribute ( Object pc, List<String> slices, Object context); } Slice runtime will call this method while persisting or merging a root instance. The instance and its persistent closure will be stored in the returned slice.
  • 20. Details on Distribution Policy a b em.persist(a); // or em.merge(a); persistence context MyPolicy.distribute(a,…) { return “One” ; } One One < property name=&quot; openjpa.slice.DistributionPolicy &quot; value=“ &quot;/> Slice attaches moniker to managed instance as it enters a persistence context Slice runtime calls User Application CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE c One
  • 21.
  • 23. Instances that violate persistent closure must be replicated Stock CSCO Ask-152 Bid-153 Trader-1 Trader-2 Trade-15 Stock GS Ask-210 Bid-211 Trader-7 Trader-1 Trade-21 slice.One slice.Two Trader-1 will violate collocation constraint and must be replicated across all slices. Data partitioned by Stock sectors
  • 24.
  • 25. Replication Policy public interface ReplicationPolicy { /** * Decide the name of the slices where the given persistent * instance would be replicated. * * @param pc The newly persistent or to-be-merged object. * @param slices name of the configured slices. * @param context persistence context managing the given instance. * * @return identifier(s) of the slice. Each name must match one of the * configured slice names. * @see DistributedConfiguration#getSliceNames() */ String[] replicate ( Object pc, List<String> slices, Object context); } Slice runtime will call this method while persisting any replicated instance.
  • 26.
  • 27. Query Target Policy decides target slice for each query public interface QueryTargetPolicy { /** * Decide the name of the slice(s) where the given query * will be executed. * * @param query The query string to be executed. * @param params the bound parameters of the query. * @param language the language of the query * @param slices name of the configured slices * @param context persistence context executing the query. * * @return identifier of the target slices. Null value implies * all configured slices. */ String[] getTargets ( String query, Map params, String language, List<String> slices, Object context); } Slice runtime will call this method for every query. Default policy targets all available slices.
  • 28. Intrusive way to control target slices for a query EntityManager em = …; String jpql = &quot; SELECT p FROM Person p where ”; TypedQuery <Person> query1 = em.createQuery(jpql, Person. class ); // Set a single slice as query target query1.setHint( SlicePersistence.HINT_TARGET , “ One &quot;); List < Person > result1 = query1.setParameter(“ name ”, “ XYZ ”) .getResultList(); TypedQuery <Person> query2 = em.createQuery(jpql , Person. class ); // Set multiple slices as query targets query2.setHint( SlicePersistence.HINT_TARGET , Arrays.asList( new String []{“ One “,” Two ”}); List < Person > result2 = query2.setParameter(“ name ”, “ ABC ”) .getResultList();
  • 29.
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  • 37.
  • 38. META-INF/persistence.xml configures a persistence unit <? xml version=&quot; 1.0 &quot; encoding=&quot; UTF-8 &quot;?> < persistence xmlns=&quot; &quot; xmlns:xsi=&quot; &quot; version=&quot; 1.0 &quot; xsi:schemaLocation=&quot; &quot;> < persistence-unit name=&quot; test “ transaction=“ RESOURCE_LOCAL ”> < provider > org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl </ provider > < class > domain.EntityA </ class > < class > domain.EntityB </ class > < properties > < property name=&quot; openjpa.ConnectionDriverName &quot; value=&quot; com.mysql.jdbc.Driver &quot;/> < property name=&quot; openjpa.ConnectionURL &quot; value=&quot; jdbc:mysql://localhost/test &quot;/> < property name=&quot; openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings &quot; value=&quot; buildSchema &quot;/> < property name=&quot; openjpa.Log &quot; value=&quot; SQL=TRACE &quot;/> </ properties > </ persistence-unit > List of known Persistent types Vendor-specific configuration Governed by XML Schema JPA Provider is pluggable Identified by Unit Name
  • 39.
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  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. A complete example of Slice Configuration < properties > < property name=&quot; openjpa.BrokerFactory &quot; value=“ slice &quot;/> < property name=“ openjpa.slice.Names ” value=“ One,Two,Three ”/> < property name=“ openjpa.slice.Master ” value=“ One ”/> < property name=&quot; openjpa.ConnectionDriverName &quot; value=&quot; com.mysql.jdbc.Driver &quot;/> < property name=&quot; openjpa.slice.One.ConnectionURL &quot; value=&quot; jdbc:mysql://mac1:3456/slice1 &quot;/> < property name=“ openjpa.slice.Two.ConnectionURL ” value=“ jdbc:mysql://mac2:5634/slice2 ”/> < property name=“ openjpa.slice.Three.ConnectionDriverName ” value=“ ”/> < property name=“ openjpa.slice.Three.ConnectionURL ” value=“ jdbc:db2 :// mac3:50000/slice3 ”/> < property name=&quot; openjpa.slice.DistributionPolicy &quot; value=“ &quot;/> < property name=&quot; openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings &quot; value=&quot; buildSchema &quot;/> </ properties > </ persistence-unit > META-INF/persistence.xml Activate Slice Declare slices Configure each slice Configure common behavior Define Data Distribution Policy
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51. Core Architectural constructs of OpenJPA EntityManager Factory BrokerFactory EntityManager Broker StoreManager JDBCStore Manager JDBC API OpenJPA Configuration creates creates delegates delegates configured by facade kernel storage POJO + State manager
  • 52. Slice extends OpenJPA by Distributed Template EntityManager Factory BrokerFactory EntityManager Broker DistributedStoreManager JDBCStore Manager JDBC API JDBCStore Manager JDBCStore Manager Distributed Configuration applies Distributed Template Pattern Not aware of partitioned Databases applies Distributed Template Pattern OpenJPA Configuration OpenJPA Configuration OpenJPA Configuration + Slice Moniker facade kernel storage POJO + State manager
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  • 57. An example data distribution policy /** * This distribution policy determines the sector of the stock and * picks the slice at ordinal index of the enumerated Sector. */ public class SectorDistributionPolicy implements DistributionPolicy { public String distribute( Object pc, List < String > slices, Object context) { Stock stock = null ; if (pc instanceof Tradable ) { stock = (( Tradable )pc).getStock(); } else if (pc instanceof Stock ) { stock = ( Stock )pc; } else if (pc instanceof Trade ) { stock = (( Trade )pc).getStock(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(“ No policy for “ + pc); } return stock != null ? slices.get(stock.getSector().ordinal()) : null ; } }
  • 58. An example query target policy public static final String MATCH_BID = &quot; select new Match(a,b) from Ask a, Bid b &quot; + &quot; where b = :bid and a.stock.symbol = b.stock.symbol &quot; + &quot; and a.price <= b.price and a.volume >= b.volume &quot; + &quot; and NOT (a.seller = b.buyer) “ + “ and is NULL and is NULL &quot;; public class SectorBasedQueryTargetPolicy implements QueryTargetPolicy { public String [] getTargets( String query, Map < Object , Object > params, String language, List < String > slices, Object context) { Stock stock = null ; if (TradingService. MATCH_BID .equals(query)) { stock = ((Tradable)params.get(&quot; bid &quot;)).getStock(); return new String[]{slices.get(stock.getSector().ordinal())}; } return null ; } }
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  • 61.