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Role and Importance of loyalty programs in retail industry
Summer Training Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the
A-32 A, Sector 62, Institutional Area, Noida- 201309 (U.P.)
Submitted by
Madhavi Prakash
I, MADHAVI PRAKASH, student of PGDM(G),batch (2014-16) declare that the project
entitled Role and Importance of Loyalty Program in Retail Industry, is my own work
conducted under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Prakhar Saxena, as a partial fulfillment
of Summer Internship Program for the course of PGDM submitted to Prof. M.S Kumar,
Jaipuria Institute Of Management,Noida.
I further declare that to the best of my knowledge that the project does not contain any part of
work of any other project which has been submitted either in this institute or in any other without
proper citation.
Place : Noida
Date : 25 Aug,2015 Signature of the Candidate:
Madhavi Prakash
PGDM 2014-16
A summer project is a golden opportunity for learning and self development. I consider myself
very lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people lead me through in completion of this
I wish to express my indebted gratitude and special thanks to "Mr. Asif Ali (Store Manager at
Pantaloons,Lucknow)” who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with her/his duties, took time
out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and allowing me to carry out my industrial
project work at their esteemed organization and extending during the training.
A humble ‘Thank You’ Sir.
I express my deepest thanks to my industry mentor,Mr Prakhar Saxena (CSDM), for taking part
in useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to make
the internship easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge their contribution gratefully.
I am also thankful to my mentor Prof. M.S. Kumar whose constant guidance helped me in
overcoming the hurdles in the project.He helped all time when i needed and he gave right
direction toward completion of the project.
Madhavi Prakash
Chapter 1
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................... 7
1.2 INTRODUCTION TO RETAIL INDUSTRY..................................................................8
1.3 Issues In Retailing.............................................................................................................9
1.4 Booming of Apparel Retail Industry.................................................................................9
1.5 Loyalty Program............................................................................................................. 10
1.7 Benefits of loyalty program..................................................................................................... 12
1.8 Statement of the problem.........................................................................................................15
1.9 Objective of the project............................................................................................................15
1.10 Scope of the project............................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 2
2.1 ABOUT THE COMPANY....................................................................................................24
2.2 Customer relationship management at Pantaloons.................................................................. 26
2.3 Pantaloons greencard............................................................................................................... 27
2.4 Competitor loyalty program study...........................................................................................31
Chapter 3
3 .1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................................ 40
ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS........................................................................................................ 45
Chapter 5
5.1 Suggestion................................................................................................................................64
5.2 Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 65
Advertising hypothesis and practice has turned out to be more customer centered,and chiefs have
expanded their accentuation on long haul customer connections on the grounds that
loyalty,stronger connections and consequently more customer lifetimes likely are connected with
a more prominent level of cross-buying,a more huge level of exchanges and in this manner
higher profits,this makes customer maintenance rate and customer offer of classification buy as
vital measurements in customer relationship management.To augment these metrics,many firms
use relationship promoting instruments,and reliability projects or recurrence reward
programs.But these projects alongside being gainful are likewise exceptionally costly.Thus it is
imperative to figure out whether these steadfastness projects are affecting the purchasing conduct
or not and on the off chance that they are affecting then how impactful arrives impact.
1.1 Definition of Loyalty card program
The loyalty program gives satisfaction to the individuals who oblige rewards for buys and
maintains a strategic distance from extra expenses for the individuals who might purchase even
without them .Loyalty card program is a coordinated arrangement of showcasing activities that
plans to make clients more steadfast by creating customized associations with them.Relationship
promoting spotlights on the customer,in the feeling that the firm looks to make long haul
business relations with existing prospects and clients.
Retailing is one of the most established business exercises in India,but until the liberalization and
deregulation of the Indian economy in the 1990s,it was ruled by little one-man retail units.
Today's customers have more choice,are better educated and are all the more requesting of worth
and return for their burning through money.They search not just for the items and services that
address their issues at the value they are willing to pay ,yet for the dealer that
recognizes,appreciated and prizes their patronage.Now a day's all huge clothing retailers have
begun the loyalty program with diverse advantages keeping in mind the end goal to fulfill
customer needs and wants.
Top retail players like pantaloons,shoppers stop,Globus have received loyalty card and the
unwaveringness project is utilized as a device for holding customers now.In India the retailer
assumes key part in offering merchandise to a definitive customer and step by step number of
retailers are expanding immensely and extreme end customers are being befuddled and
customers continue changing the retail location.
The research was taken at Pantaloons Phoenix Mall,Lucknow from 50 customers arbitrarily and
the vast majority of them have acquired before at Pantaloons.The loyalty program at Pantaloons
assumes an indispensable part in holding a customer and about 84% of the customers are
utilizing the green card for over 2 year's and their fulfillment level in shopping
experience,services,quality and rebate are high.
84% of customers who are utilizing Pantaloons green card for over 2 years say that the present
loyalty program is amazing.
The word retail is in fact,derived, from the french word retailer,which signifies "to remove a
piece or to break mass." A retailer may be characterized as a merchant or broker who over and
over offers merchandise in little amounts.
Retailing is the business where an association straightforwardly offers its items and services to
an end buyer for his utilization.
By definition at whatever point an association be it an assembling or a wholesaler offers
straightforwardly to the end shopper it is really working in the retail space.
The development in Indian retail portion was basically credited to elements like expanding
dispensable income,favorable demographics,changing lifestyle,growth of the white collar class
segment,high potential for entrance into provincial markets and dynamic FDI standards.
It is an industry which is exceedingly relied on upon buyer spending.In this biological system
purchaser assumes the most vital part.
Retail deals are by and large determined by individuals' ability(disposable wage) and
willingness(consumer certainty) to purchase merchandise and services.Since the previous 7-8
years retail units has turned out to be more organized and formalized and is moving towards
worldwide standards.Today,the sorted out retail segment is an Industry.
Retailing may incorporate subordinate services,such as delivery.Purchasers may be people or
businesses.In commerce,a "retailer" purchases merchandise or items in vast amounts from
producers or shippers, either straightforwardly or through a wholesaler,and then offers littler
amounts to the end user.Retail foundations are frequently called shops or stores.Retailers are
toward the end of supply chain.Manufacturing advertisers see the procedure of retailing as a vital
piece of their general dispersion strategy.The term "retailer" is additionally connected where an
administration supplier benefits the needs of an expansive number of individuals,such as an open
utility,like electric force.
Shops may be on private streets,shopping lanes with few or no houses or in a shopping center.
Shopping avenues may be for people on foot only.Sometimes a shopping road has an incomplete
or full rooftop to shield customers from precipitation.Online retailing, a kind of electronic trade
utilized for business-to-customer (B2C) exchanges and mail order,are types of non-store retailing.
Shopping for the most part alludes to the demonstration of purchasing products.Sometimes this is
done to get necessities, for example, nourishment and apparel; now and again it is done as a
recreational activity.Recreational shopping regularly includes window shopping and skimming
and does not generally bring about a buy.
1.3 Issues In Retailing
 How would we be able to best serve our customers while acquiring a reasonable benefit?
 How would we be able to emerge in a profoundly aggressive environment where buyers
have an excess of decisions?
 How would we be able to develop our business,while holding a center of steadfast
Retailers can best address these inquiries by completely understanding and applying the
fundamental standards of retailing ,and in addition the components in a well-
structured,systematic,and concentrated retail strategy.
1.4 Booming of Apparel Retail Industry
In India the retailers assume basic part in offering products to a definitive buyer and step by step
the quantity of retailers are expanding massively and extreme end customers are being befuddled
and customers continue changing the retail location.
The clothing retailers attempt to receive change with new form and limited time exercises to pull
in their definitive customers.Now a day's numerous establishment attire retail location are
expanding step by step and in this manner it is turning out to be extremely hard to hold
customers.And in this way keeping in mind the end goal to hold customers top attire retail
monster like Pantaloons,Lifestyle,Globus,Shopper's stop and numerous more clothing retailers
attempt to hold customers utilizing different loyalty program on the grounds that association with
customer is more vital than whatever else for the Retail business.
1.5 Loyalty Program
“Loyalty is one of the great engines of business success”.
The word loyalty has diverse clarification and it all allude to method for services. It is vital to
characterize precisely: what is implied by reliability in the setting of Business Advancement and
Reliability ought not be mistaken for customer satisfaction. Although loyalty is based on
fulfillment, associations can have fulfillment without devotion. Customer Satisfaction is a
"conclusion measure" about organization execution and how customers feel their needs were met
in past associations or by past purchases,Whereas customers dependability is an outcome
measure that incorporates desires of future behavior.
Case in point, 75 percent of shopper stop customers are "fulfilled" with their current services,
however 72 percent would be eager to change to a contending provider.Thus, when outlining a
prizes project to construct loyalty, it is basic to think about how to support genuine long haul
customer loyalty and not simply short lived consumer.
1.6 Loyalty Program Basics
Organizations regularly have a few objectives when propelling loyalty programs, all of which are
centered around creating more prominent benefits from the program's members.These objectives
 Improving learning of the customers.
 Leveraging that learning to expand the offers of undersold and/or very gainful items/services.
 Increasing customer maintenance and buy recurrence.
The most widely recognized sort of loyalty program starts when a customer enrolls. From that
point forward, the association precisely tracks data about that "member,"captures the part's buys,
credits focuses to the part in light of the tenets put away in a dedication "motor," classifies the
part in levels or gatherings taking into account the part's quality to the association, and empowers
the part to reclaim focuses for items or services when different point levels are achieved. The
particular sorts of conduct that are followed and remunerated are one of a kind to every
industry/organization and are regularly connected to the organization's profitability.
Figure 1
Figure 2
(A) Greater customer knowledge
A loyalty program empowers an organization to increase point by point learning about its
customer base with the customer’s assent; customer really need to give exchange and
detailed profile data to guarantee that they get the full advantages of being an individual from
the program. In some business sections, for example, business-to-business—organizations
already possess noteworthy information about their customers. Therefore, these organizations
won't see customer learning as an essential part of a dependability program's worth.
On the other hand, for most business-to-customer organizations, picking up this level of intimate
customer information is a basic advantage of a loyalty program. In such B2C commercial
ventures, loyalty programs empower organizations to coordinate their faceless customers buy
information (what was bought,when, at what store) with particular customer profile data, which
can then be utilized to make focused on advertising advancements or overhaul services around
high-esteem customers’ requirements.
The loyalty program serves to get a decent association with customers in light of the fact that
without reacting or not giving any special advantage they may don't think to come back again for
buy to the specific store so Customer Relationship Management makes it extremely valuable.
CRM is an innovation, as well as rather a thorough customer driven way to deal with an
association's logic in managing with its customers. This incorporates arrangements and process,
front-of-house customer management, representative training, marketing frameworks and data
administration. Thus it is critical that any CRM execution contemplations extend past innovation,
towards the more extensive organizational requirements.
Dealing with the customer experience, keeping up a more solid information base, enhancing
administration operations. Encouraging customer devotion, grasping the qualities of superior
showcasing and other related subjects. The devotion system gives a decent advantage's to attire
retailers to accomplish more service to customers.
(B) Increased Customer Retention
An all around sharpened loyalty project enhances customer maintenance rates, by expanding a
member's "exchanging expenses," which are expenses a part would bear with a specific end goal
to change to a contending supplier.
These expenses can incorporate diminished administration and the time and assets needed to
construct once again relationship. The higher a member's exchanging expenses, the more
probable that member is to stay faithful.
Most loyalty projects today don't make sufficiently high exchanging expenses for members. For
instance, airline industry regular flier programs all give for all intents and purposes the
same product (a seat, maybe with a couple of additional inches of legroom) and the same
membership benefits (separate client service number, need boarding, need redesigns, and extra
On the off chance that gold-level individuals on one carrier need to change to a contender in light
of the fact that the contender simply included relentless administration their most loved courses,
they should simply fax the contender their last successive flier proclamation, and they will
quickly be made gold individuals from the contender's regular flier program. Since the items and
services these two air crafts and their loyalty programs given are practically indistinguishable,
the individuals can change to a contending bearer at for all intents and purposes no expense to
On the other hand, if the first loyalty system offered an one of a kind arrangement of advantages
that the contending transporter couldn't undoubtedly copy, it would be a great deal less enticing
for members to switch. Organizations utilize their loyalty programs to make these exchanging
expenses, by-
 Leveraging top to bottom part profile and exchange information to make one of a kind offers
and item/benefits that a contender, which does not know as much about the part, can't
 Providing focused on administration reliably over all channels by utilizing the customized
information given by their dedication program, organizations can make a win-win
association with their individuals that can't without much of a stretch be duplicated by their
Businesses are rapidly learning that being the best is no longer enough. Each buyer requests the
most noteworthy quality merchandise or services at the best costs, helpfully conveyed to them
through whatever methods and whenever they pick. So the retailers need to do everything to
meet those requests. At the same time, contribute time and resources to hire and train the staff to
be obliging, amicable, accommodating and reliable when confronting customers.
Today's customers have more decision, are better educated and are all the more requesting of
worth and return for their burning through cash. They search not just for the items and services
that address their issues at the value they are willing to pay, yet for the trader that perceives,
acknowledges and rewards their support.
Given this wide acknowledgment and ubiquity of prize & acknowledgment based
loyalty programs, dealers have utilized, and keep on utilizing, projects to compliment
their traditional endeavors in reacting to a mixed bag of difficulties.
Presently a day's all huge attire retailers have begun the loyalty program with different benefits
keeping in mind the end goal to fulfill customer needs.
(C) Attracting,Retaining and Growing Customers
A.Customers are getting too harder to be satisfied.
B.Companies trying to extend benefits and deals need to invest significant energy and assets
scanning for new customers.
 Suspects are individuals or associations that possibly have an enthusiasm for purchasing
however numerous not have the methods or genuine goal to purchase.
 Prospects-customers with the motivation,ability and chance to make a buy.
 Customer agitate high employee surrender.
Two fundamental approaches to reinforce customer maintenance :-
 Erect high exchanging expenses.
 Deliver high consumer loyalty.
C. Most organizations now perceive the significance of fulfilling and holding customers.
D. Fulfilled customers constitute the organization's customer relationship capital.
Getting new customer cost five times more than the expenses included in fulfilling and holding
current customer.
 The normal organization loses 10 percent of its customers consistently.
 A 5 percent diminishment in customer deserting rate can build benefits by 25 percent to
85 percent relying upon the business.
Customer benefit rate has a tendency to increment over the life of retained customer.
Top Players In Apparel Retail Stores Adopted The Following Loyalty
Pantaloons : Green card (GC)
Shopper’s Stop : First Citizen (FC)
Lifestyle : The Inner Circle (TIC)
Westside : Club West
The garments manufacturing firms for the most part spend significant time in assembling one or
two sorts of attire. This is on account of diverse assortments of abilities and merchants are
obliged to make different sorts of garments. In apparel industry business sector, attire producers
are likewise of distinctive sorts. One is the integrated manufactures who essentially outline and
manufacture pieces of clothing in their manufacturing plants. These manufacturers promote or
business their finished clothing products in the different topographical areas of the world under
permit from the other clothing brand owners. There are another sort of manufacturers known as
contract manufacturers who make diverse mixtures of attire under contracts from autonomous
designers. These designers advance their own brand of clothing's in which the manufacturers
don't have any part to play. Therefore the present study is fundamental to break down the effect
of loyalty card on consumer purchasing behavior.
The main objective of the research is to distinguish the effect of loyalty cards on consumer
purchase behavior, the components influencing customer's loyalty and to discover the
relationship between loyalty card and customer loyalty.
By concentrating on the significance of loyalty cards it help the business increase competitive
edge and can consequently build profitability. The retailers can guarantee that their programs
offer both quality and other customer benefits. Understanding the effectiveness of loyalty cards
choice aides in client maintenance customer retention.
The results could be skewed because of a sample size of 50 only.The scope of the research is
limited to the people coming to the Phoenix Mall of Lucknow only.The accuracy of the data
depends on the answers given by the respondents.
Aditya Birla Group, drove by its organizer Seth Shiv Narayan Birla and Group CEO, Kumar
Mangalam Birla, is one of India's driving business houses with numerous organizations
traversing over the utilization space. is a multinational conglomerate named after Aditya Vikram
Birla, headquartered in the Aditya Birla Center in Worli, Mumbai, India. It works in 40 nations
with more than 120,000 representatives worldwide.The gathering hobbies in areas, for example,
thick staple fiber, metals, cement (biggest in India), viscose filament yarn, branded attire, carbon
black, chemicals, fertilizers, insulators, monetary administrations, telecom (third biggest in
India), BPO and IT services.
Other than its fruitful vicinity over a wide extent of divisions and verticals, Aditya Birla Nuvo
Limited ['ABNL'] gained the controlling stake in Pantaloons Fashion business; post its demerger
from Future Retail Ltd. under a court endorsed Scheme of Arrangement.Pantaloons Retail,with a
chain of 106 style stores over 49 urban communities and towns, is continually broadening its foot
shaped impression into whatever is left of cutting edge India. It compasses a retail space of 2.3
million square feet which is amongst the biggest in India.Headquartered in Mumbai (Bombay),
Pantaloons Retail utilizes around 30,000 individuals and is recorded on the Indian stock trades.
The organization takes after a multi-arrangement retail method that catches almost the
entire consumption basket of Indian customers.In the way of life portion Aditya Birla Group
works Pantaloons,a form retail chain and Madura Fashion and Lifestyle.
Aditya Birla Group includes-
ABRL-Covering all retail business
ABFSG-covering consumers finance, insurance and advisory services.
Group Vision-
To be a premium global conglomerate,with a clear focus on each of the businesses.
Group Mission-
To deliver superior value to their customers,shareholders,employees,and society at
Core Values-
 Integrity : Acting and taking choices in a way that is reasonable and genuine. Taking after
the most astounding benchmarks of polished methodology and being perceived for doing as
such. Integrity for them implies money related and scholarly uprightness, as well as envelops
every single other structure as are for the most part caught on.
 Commitment : On the establishment of Integrity, doing all that is expected to convey
quality to all partners. All the while, being responsible for their own particular activities and
choices, those of their group and those in the piece of the association for which they are
 Passion : A lively, instinctive enthusiasm that emerges from passionate engagement with the
association that makes work blissful and motivates every one to put forth a strong effort. A
willful, unconstrained and persevering quest for objectives and destinations with the most
elevated amount of vitality and energy.
 Seamlessness : Thinking and cooperating crosswise over utilitarian gatherings, progressions,
organizations and geologies. Utilizing different capabilities and points of view to accumulate
the advantages of cooperative energy while advancing authoritative solidarity through
sharing and community oriented endeavors.
 Speed : Reacting to inside and outer clients with a feeling of desperation. Consistently
endeavoring to complete before due dates and picking the best mood to streamline
hierarchical efficiencies.
Pantaloons is currently an essential piece of the prestigious Aditya Birla Group, a USD 41 billion
Indian multinational working in 36 nations over the globe with more than 120,000
PRIL is India's driving retailer that works numerous retail organizations pander to the needs of
both the worth and way of life fragment of the Indian shopper market. The organization which
began its operations from Kolkata is currently headquartered in Mumbai (Bombay), India's
business capital. The organization works more than 2.3 million square feet of retail space, has
over 106 design stores over 49 cities and towns in India,14 Inhouse brands and 200 total brands
and utilizes more than 5300 valuable employees. The organization works in differing
Pantaloons – “A Chain Of Fashion Outlets”
The first Pantaloons was opened in Gariahat in 1997. Throughout the years, it has experienced a
few moves. When it was initially dispatched, this store for the most part sold outer
brands.Gradually, it began retailing a blend of outside brands while in the meantime presented its
own particular private brands. At first situated as a family store, it at long last veered towards
turning into a style store with an accentuation on "youth" and clear concentrate on 'fresh fashion'.
Today, the design store stretches out to all the real urban areas the nation over. Pantaloons has
built up its vicinity with stores in the metros, as well as in littler towns.
Pantaloons is among India's biggest chains of fashion stores. Pantaloons Fresh Fashion, with its
attention on 'new look, feel and demeanor' offers, in vogue and hip accumulations that are in a
state of harmony with the trusts and desires of observing youthful and 'young-on a basic level'
Pantaloons Fresh Fashion emerges as a fashion trendsetter, on the lines of how mold is taken
after globally. This "fresh fashion" destination permits customers to search for the most recent in
style clothing and frill during the time in an alluring and outwardly fortifying vibe.
Pantaloons Fresh Fashion stores have presence with stores not just in Metros but likewise in
littler towns. All stores have a wide mixed bag of classes like casual wear, ethnic wear, formal
wear, party wear and sportswear for Men.
Pantaloons might endeavor to give extreme Value and fulfillment to its customers regarding
quality control with cost.
 Through excellence in technology break.
 Through management enterprise.
 Through total quality management.
To make it a favored association for both present and future representatives, suppliers,customers,
shareholders related offices and society and huge and proceed with its walk towards progress and
hold its forefront positions
Pantaloons India,in association with The Aditya Birla group shall deliver superior value to its
customers, shareholders, employees and society at large.
 “Customer satisfaction is our real motto”
 Customer is our real boss and our real master.
 A Customer is not an interruption in our work;he is the purpose of it.
Core Values:
 Confidence in ourselves.
 To be a leader in,both in thought,business and in innovation.
 Respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.
 Leading to purposeful thinking.
 To be open and receptive to new ideas,knowledge and information.
 To build long term relationships.
 Simplicity and positivity in our thought,business and ideas.
 To be flexible and adaptable,to meet challenges.
Why CRM?
 Want to center both on acquisition & Retention
 To change over day by day footfalls into faithful customers.
 Extraordinary service and consumer loyalty.
 Increase customer share.
 In Aditya Birla Group the companies which provide loyalty program to its customers are:
i. IDEA - Lifetime Idea
ii. MORE - Clubmore
iii. Pantaloons - Greencard program(GC)
 Green Card loyalty program contributes approx. 65% in profitability of Pantaloons across
 Pantaloons maintains a customer database of 33 lakhs across India.
 Software used for maintaining customer database is ‘Customer Loyalty Program.’
Filling of Form (INITIAL STEPS):
 Informing the customers about the loyalty program.
 To become a greencard member by filling of a form.
 While filling the forms giving various customer details like-
I. Name
II. Date of Birth
III. Address
IV. Contact Number
V. Email-id
VI. Relationship status
They are needed to form the customer database
“Your Green Card Is Your Passport To A Whole New World Of Exclusive Benefits And
 Instant discounts for every time you shop at Pantaloons.
 Exclusive shopping preview to get hold of the latest merchandise.
 Regular updates on collections and promos via catalogues ,sms and e-mail
 Special invites to the most happening events.
 Extended exchange periods and complimentary drops for alterations.
 Exclusive billing counters and much more.
Categories valid for greencard discounts
Apparels, perfumes & cosmetics, toys, Bluesky, aLL. Valid on categories within Pantaloons only.
Also valid at standalone Bluesky and aLL stores.It is not valid on Fine jewellery and mobiles.
The Pantaloons Payback Greencard, which is a unique loyalty programme, has been designed
exclusively for Pantaloons' customers to enhance customer experience. Presently offered to over
4 million members, the programme entitles members to discounts, points and special privileges
at all Pantaloons stores.
The card has four tiers depending on the year's shopping. As a customer shops, the card upgrades
with increasing privileges and discounts. The details are as follows-
1 Star
 Payback
 Relaxed
 Complimentar
y parking
 Complimentar
y home-drop
of altered
 Sale preview
3 Star
 3% instant
 Relaxed
 Payback
 Complimentar
y parking
 Complimentar
y home-drop
of altered
 Complimentar
y home
 Sale preview
5 Star
 5% instant
 Relaxed
 Payback
 Complimentar
y parking
 Complimentar
y home-drop
of altered
 Complimentar
y home
 Sale preview
 Exclusive
billing counter
7 Star
 7% instant
 Relaxed
 Payback
 Complimentar
y parking
 Complimentar
y home-drop
of altered
 Complimentar
y home
 Sale preview
 Exclusive
billing counter
 Assisted
Most Recent Purchase Helps To Upgrade-
Pantaloons card upgrade is not dependent on the date of enrollment or calendar year. They now
upgrade on the basis of purchases immediately based on the preceding 12 months from current
shopping date.
Membership & 12 month Purchase-based upgrading system:
 THREE STAR CARD - Upgrade to a 3 star status by shopping for
Rs. 8000/-immediately preceding 12 months of current shopping date.
 FIVE STAR CARD - Upgrade to a 5 star status by shopping for
Rs. 20000/-immediately preceding 12 months of current shopping date.
 SEVEN STAR CARD - Upgrade to a 7 star status by shopping for Rs. 40000/-
immediately preceding 12 months of current shopping date.
Instant Discounts 3% 5% 7%
Green Offers and Promotions   
Green Service Desk   
Green Exchange 90 days 90 days 90 days
Complimentary Home Delivery   
Complimentary Home Drop   
Free Parking   
Exclusive Billing Counter   
The competitors of Pantaloons are-
 Shoppers Stop
 Westside
Shoppers Stop is an Indian retailing organization advanced by the K Raheja Corp Group, began
in the year 1991 with its first store in Andheri, Mumbai.Shoppers Stop started by working a
chain of retail establishments under the name "Shoppers' Stop" in India. Shoppers Stop has 74
stores over 35 cities in India.
In particular, Shoppers Stop stores retails attire, embellishments, purses, shoes, gems, scents,
beautifying agents, well being and magnificence items, home outfitting and stylistic theme items.
Shoppers Stop propelled its e-store with conveyance crosswise over significant cities in India in
2008. The site retails every one of the items accessible at Shoppers Stop stores, including attire,
beautifying agents and accessories.
Loyalty Program
First Citizen:
First citizen is the loyalty programme of Shoppers stop.
It has 3 tiers :-
Classic moments
Silver edge
Golden glow
Members fall into the various tiers according to their spending in the company.
The Benefits that can be obtained by becoming the member are-
Benefits Classic Moments Silver Edge Golden Glow
First Citizen Reward
Points (on net
1 Reward Point for
every purchase of Rs.
1 Reward Point for
every purchase of Rs.
1 Reward Point for
every purchase of Rs.
Extra Reward Points
on Preferred Brands
- 1% 2%
Associate Card Yes (Rs. 125) Yes (Up to 2: Rs. 125)
Yes (2 free, 3rd:
Regular Updates Yes Yes Yes
Exclusive Cash
Yes Yes
Exclusive Golden Glow
Cash Counter
Free Parking Yes Yes
Yes- Reserved Parking
on a first-come-first-
serve basis
Valet Parking Yes Yes Yes
Free First Update - - Yes
Home Delivery of
- - Yes
Out-store Offers Yes Yes Yes
Exclusive Previews -
Merchandise & Sale
Yes Yes Yes
 Loyal customer base of above 20 lakh and growing
 Presence in various segments: apparel, lifestyle, and electronics.
 Online shopping portal, and dedicated all India toll free customer helpline add to the
customer satisfaction levels.
 Co branded credit card along with Citibank helps to leverage reach of Citibank to increase
Loyal Sales.
 Integrating online shopping account with FC card is complex and requires assistance.
 Terms and Conditions for members to redeem points, as to what merchandise is
available for redemption is not very clearly mentioned.
Westside India is one of the quickest and biggest rising chains of retail supplies in India. It is a
piece of Trent Ltd. Tata Group, which got set up in the year of 1998.
Westside India has dispatched different shopping stores and outlets to meet with the different
shopping prerequisites of the clients. The enterprise has set up 36 Westside stock stores, which
envelop children wear, ladies' wear, Menswear, footwear, aromas, beauty care products, totes,
endowments, family unit extras and undergarments. The very much planned insides, prime areas,
cafés and sprawling space supports the purchaser's shopping experience.
Loyalty Program
West side has a Loyalty Program called Club West.The 30,000-in addition to individuals from
this club get refunds at restaurants and on holiday packages from the Taj Group of Hotels, home
delivery of alterations, and best of all, special shopping hours on the first day of any rebate deals
occasion sorted out by the chain. Clubwest is a two level project, which comprises of Clubwest
Classic and Clubwest Gold. The chain right now has more than eight lakh members,who create
more than half of sales. Clubwest Classic card can be benefited by spending Rs 2000/ - on a
solitary day, or on the other hand by paying Rs 150/ - .On the other hand Clubwest Gold can be
profited by burning through Rs5000/ - on a single day.
Benefits Available:
 Earn points every time you shop at Westside. These points can be exchanged against
Subsequent purchases made in the store.
 A dedicated Clubwest desk for a member's assistance at each of the stores.
 Exclusive shopping hours only for members during sales.
 Unprecedented access to a host of privileges and services through our exclusive tie-ups from
time to time.
 Advance intimation of all in-store promotions and special offers through direct mailers.
 Special discounts on dining at select restaurants round the year.
 Round the year discounts on selected dining restaurants and other partner companies
for Clubwest members.
 Tie ups with other companies bring in attractive offers for the Clubwest members.
The two tier Loyalty Programme system generates confusion and a barrier among members.
A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner
that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose on the relevant research problem. In this
study descriptive research method is used to carry out the research.In this research the population
relates with reference to Lucknow city. It specially refers to the consumers of Pantaloons.Simple
Random sampling is used in this research. It is constituted according to the convenience of the
researcher. The sample size was taken for this survey is 50.
 Research design - Descriptive
 Types of Data Collection - Primary and secondary data both
 Sample size - 50
 Sampling technique - Convenience sampling
 Research instrument - Questionnaire
1. There is significant difference between quality of goods and services and satisfaction level
of customers.
2. Discounts are significant feature for a loyalty program.
3. There is no significant difference between monthly income and number of loyalty cards.
Primary data
The primary data was obtained by administering survey method, guided by questionnaire to
collect information from customers. The questionnaires contains both open-ended and closed-
ended questions.
These methods were adopted since the data which is required is focused on customer satisfaction
and customer retention.
Secondary data
The secondary data are collected through various sources like-
1. Secondary data through Internet related to industry, company, competitors, etc.
2. Review of articles being published on the topic in various magazines and newspapers.
3. Data is also collected through company brochures.
Tools used for analysis
The tools used in the study for analysis of data are simple percentage and correlation coefficient.
Both methods are used to make comparisons between two or more series of data.Analysis is also
shown through pie chart,bar diagrams and tables through SPSS software.
1. Purchased before at Pantaloons-Since there are many apparel retailers at Lucknow we
should know whether customers have purchased before or not at Pantaloons.
Figure 3
From the above table we conclude that 84% of customers have purchased before at Pantaloons.
Figure 4
2.Holding Pantaloons Greencard-This helps us to know how many respondents are
holding Pantaloons Greencard.
From the above table we conclude that nearly 84% of customers are holding Pantaloons
greencard and other 16% are not having greencard.
3. Frequency of purchase at Pantaloons-
Figure 5
From the above table it is concluded that nearly 64% of customers are purchasing as per need at
pantaloons, 24% of customers purchase monthly and the rest 12% are purchasing once in 3
Figure 6
4. Satisfaction level on overall shopping experience-This helps us to know the
satisfaction level of customers at Pantaloons.
From the above table we come to know that 64% of the customers are highly satisfied in the
overall shopping experience at Pantaloons.
5. Satisfaction level in quality at Pantaloons-This helps us to know about the
satisfaction level on quality because quality is more important in apparels and it helps to decide
for next purchase.
Figure 7
From the above table we come to know the satisfaction level of customers in quality of goods
and services in which 60% of customers are highly satisfied.
6. Satisfaction level in discounts at Pantaloons-Discount is one of main factor for
pulling customers to purchase more and more so we should know the satisfaction level of it at
Figure 8
From the above table we conclude that nearly 28% of the customers are highly satisfied,34% are
satisfied and only 8% of the customers are unsatisfied.
7. Satisfaction level of customers in service provided-Service is an important factor
at retail because if the retailer does not provide the best service then the customer will not come
back so we should know the satisfaction level of service to customers that is provided by
Figure 9
From the above table we can infer that 58% of customers are highly satisfied and only 2% of the
customers are highly unsatisfied.
8. Satisfaction level on free parking facility at Pantaloons-
Figure 10
From the above table we can conclude that 62% customers of Pantaloons are highly satisfied
with free parking facility.
9. Solving problem and queries-In retail store it is important to maintain a healthy
customer relationship by solving all the problems of customers.
Figure 11
We can conclude from above table that nearly 50% of customers agree that ther problems are
resolved at customer service desk.
10. Periodic and proper updates-For boost in sales proper updates of offers and discounts
should reach to the customers.
From the above table we come to know that 80% of customers get periodic and proper updates
about offers and discounts.
11. Current loyalty program-This helps to understand how effective is current greencard
program at Pantaloons.
Figure 13
We can infer from the table that out of 50 customers 42 customer using greencard loyalty
program 25 say that the current loyalty program is good and 11 say it is excellent.
12. Recommend others to enroll for greencard-This helps us to know how much is the
customer satisfied with the greencard loyalty program and if he is willing to recommend it to
From the above table we conclude that out of 18 customers who have used greencard for more
than 2 years, 17 customers will recommend their family or friends to get enrolled in greencard
loyalty program.
13. Holding loyalty cards of other retail store-This helps us to know how many
customers are using loyalty cards of competitive retail stores of Pantaloons.
From the above table we conclude that people having monthly income of below 20000 are using
max loyalty cards and those who have monthly income of above 50000 are using shopper’s stop
loyalty card.
Customer Feedback
Note: The information will be solely used for research purpose and will not be shared with any
other entity.
1. Personal Information:
o Male o Female
o <18 o 19-25 o 25-40
o 40-60 o >60
o Student o Self-
o Govt. job o Other
Marital status:
o Single o Married
Monthly income:
o Below 20000 o 20000-35000
o 36000-50000 o Above 50000
2. Have you purchased earlier in pantaloons?
o Yes o No
3. Do you have pantaloons greencard?
o Yes o No
>If Yes since how long you have been a member of green card programme?
o 0-6 months o 6 months-1 year
o 1-2 years o More than 2 years
4. How frequently do you shop at pantaloons?
o As per needs o Monthly o Once in 3
5. In a year how much do you purchase at pantaloons?
o Less than 8000 o 8000-20000
o 20000-40000 o Above 40000
6. How much are you satisfied with the purchases you make in pantaloons? Please rate it-
(5-highly satisfied 4-satisfied 3-neutral 2-unsatisfied 1-highly unsatisfied
Particular 5 4 3 2 1
Free Parking
Home Delivery
7. All problems and queries are solved and answered satisfactorily at the customer service desk
about greencard?
o Strongly
o Disagree o Neutral o Agree o Strongly
8. Do you receive periodic and proper updates regarding offers and promotions (mail/sms/calls)
from pantaloons?
o Yes o No
9. What do you think about current loyalty program?
o Excellent o Good o Average
10. Would you recommend your friends/relatives to get enrolled to the greencard loyalty
program of pantaloons?
o Yes o No
11. Do you hold privilege cards of any other retailer? If yes, which one?
o Shoppers stop o Globus
o Max o Reliance Trend
12. Any suggestion/recommendation regarding loyalty program-
1. More communication should be there to guide the customers who visit for the first time.
2. There should be separate counter for senior citizen for cashiering.
3. Small play area should be provided for small children since many small children start
playing on the floor itself and disturb other customers.
4. The paging should be clear and soft so that it is audible to every customer.
5. The shopping bag should be changed into paper bags and no price should be taken for that.
6. The schemes and offers should be properly checked before applying to customers.
7. Many customers gave the complain of low quality of apparels,so the matter should be
checked everyday.
8. The sizes of apparels should always be there in the store for customers.
9. Proper entry of customers should be checked as they don’t take the gate pass for exchange of
clothes and again they have to go to the entry gate for the gate pass which creates frustration
for customers.
10. Complain should be given to the radio station of pantaloons as the same songs are played
again and again(complain by customers).
11. Complimentary drink can be provided to customers who wait for very long at the billing
12. There should also be a plastic gift wrap with paper so that it does not get torn away.
5.2 Conclusion
Retailers are investigating how to influence innovation, for example, prescient programming to
reveal inconspicuous purchasing examples and distinguish customers who may be liable to
purchase in classes they have never purchased in. Numerous are making more noteworthy
utilization of the Internet to advance their reliability program through open and enlightening
Websites and focused on e-mail.Even while saddling innovation, developing quantities of
retailers are going up endeavors to reconnect with buyers and to meet their changing needs on a
more ―local level. Previously, store owners knew their customers well and could without much
of a stretch envision needs. Today, we utilize PCs and information to help do likewise. These
incorporate utilizing loyalty programs to support group activities, urging staff to become more
acquainted with customers by and by, and generally making cardholders feel that the store values
their business and regards their entitlement to confine access to their own information.As
customer loyalty being a standout amongst the most critical elements for the business today,
loyalty programs – loyalty card and other value added services, if very much outlined and
executed, can help the business increase aggressive edge and can thus build profitability.
5.3 Bibliography
 Internal data from the store.
 Text book of Research Methodology

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SIP Report madhavi

  • 1. 1 Role and Importance of loyalty programs in retail industry Summer Training Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT At JAIPURIA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT A-32 A, Sector 62, Institutional Area, Noida- 201309 (U.P.) Submitted by Madhavi Prakash PGFB1428
  • 2. 2 DECLARATION BY THE STUDENT I, MADHAVI PRAKASH, student of PGDM(G),batch (2014-16) declare that the project entitled Role and Importance of Loyalty Program in Retail Industry, is my own work conducted under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Prakhar Saxena, as a partial fulfillment of Summer Internship Program for the course of PGDM submitted to Prof. M.S Kumar, Jaipuria Institute Of Management,Noida. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge that the project does not contain any part of work of any other project which has been submitted either in this institute or in any other without proper citation. Place : Noida Date : 25 Aug,2015 Signature of the Candidate: Madhavi Prakash PGFB1428 PGDM 2014-16
  • 3. 3 Acknowledgement A summer project is a golden opportunity for learning and self development. I consider myself very lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people lead me through in completion of this project. I wish to express my indebted gratitude and special thanks to "Mr. Asif Ali (Store Manager at Pantaloons,Lucknow)” who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with her/his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and allowing me to carry out my industrial project work at their esteemed organization and extending during the training. A humble ‘Thank You’ Sir. I express my deepest thanks to my industry mentor,Mr Prakhar Saxena (CSDM), for taking part in useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to make the internship easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge their contribution gratefully. I am also thankful to my mentor Prof. M.S. Kumar whose constant guidance helped me in overcoming the hurdles in the project.He helped all time when i needed and he gave right direction toward completion of the project. Madhavi Prakash
  • 4. 4 CONTENT Chapter 1 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................... 7 1.2 INTRODUCTION TO RETAIL INDUSTRY..................................................................8 1.3 Issues In Retailing.............................................................................................................9 1.4 Booming of Apparel Retail Industry.................................................................................9 1.5 Loyalty Program............................................................................................................. 10 1.7 Benefits of loyalty program..................................................................................................... 12 1.8 Statement of the problem.........................................................................................................15 1.9 Objective of the project............................................................................................................15 1.10 Scope of the project............................................................................................................... 16 Chapter 2 2.1 ABOUT THE COMPANY....................................................................................................24 2.2 Customer relationship management at Pantaloons.................................................................. 26 2.3 Pantaloons greencard............................................................................................................... 27 2.4 Competitor loyalty program study...........................................................................................31 Chapter 3 3 .1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................................ 40 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS........................................................................................................ 45 Questionnaire.................................................................................................................................61 Chapter 5 5.1 Suggestion................................................................................................................................64 5.2 Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 65
  • 6. 6 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Advertising hypothesis and practice has turned out to be more customer centered,and chiefs have expanded their accentuation on long haul customer connections on the grounds that loyalty,stronger connections and consequently more customer lifetimes likely are connected with a more prominent level of cross-buying,a more huge level of exchanges and in this manner higher profits,this makes customer maintenance rate and customer offer of classification buy as vital measurements in customer relationship management.To augment these metrics,many firms use relationship promoting instruments,and reliability projects or recurrence reward programs.But these projects alongside being gainful are likewise exceptionally costly.Thus it is imperative to figure out whether these steadfastness projects are affecting the purchasing conduct or not and on the off chance that they are affecting then how impactful arrives impact. 1.1 Definition of Loyalty card program The loyalty program gives satisfaction to the individuals who oblige rewards for buys and maintains a strategic distance from extra expenses for the individuals who might purchase even without them .Loyalty card program is a coordinated arrangement of showcasing activities that plans to make clients more steadfast by creating customized associations with them.Relationship promoting spotlights on the customer,in the feeling that the firm looks to make long haul business relations with existing prospects and clients. Retailing is one of the most established business exercises in India,but until the liberalization and deregulation of the Indian economy in the 1990s,it was ruled by little one-man retail units. Today's customers have more choice,are better educated and are all the more requesting of worth and return for their burning through money.They search not just for the items and services that address their issues at the value they are willing to pay ,yet for the dealer that recognizes,appreciated and prizes their patronage.Now a day's all huge clothing retailers have begun the loyalty program with diverse advantages keeping in mind the end goal to fulfill customer needs and wants. Top retail players like pantaloons,shoppers stop,Globus have received loyalty card and the unwaveringness project is utilized as a device for holding customers now.In India the retailer assumes key part in offering merchandise to a definitive customer and step by step number of retailers are expanding immensely and extreme end customers are being befuddled and customers continue changing the retail location. The research was taken at Pantaloons Phoenix Mall,Lucknow from 50 customers arbitrarily and the vast majority of them have acquired before at Pantaloons.The loyalty program at Pantaloons assumes an indispensable part in holding a customer and about 84% of the customers are utilizing the green card for over 2 year's and their fulfillment level in shopping experience,services,quality and rebate are high. 84% of customers who are utilizing Pantaloons green card for over 2 years say that the present loyalty program is amazing.
  • 7. 7 1.2 INTRODUCTION TO RETAIL INDUSTRY The word retail is in fact,derived, from the french word retailer,which signifies "to remove a piece or to break mass." A retailer may be characterized as a merchant or broker who over and over offers merchandise in little amounts. Retailing is the business where an association straightforwardly offers its items and services to an end buyer for his utilization. By definition at whatever point an association be it an assembling or a wholesaler offers straightforwardly to the end shopper it is really working in the retail space. The development in Indian retail portion was basically credited to elements like expanding dispensable income,favorable demographics,changing lifestyle,growth of the white collar class segment,high potential for entrance into provincial markets and dynamic FDI standards. It is an industry which is exceedingly relied on upon buyer spending.In this biological system purchaser assumes the most vital part. Retail deals are by and large determined by individuals' ability(disposable wage) and willingness(consumer certainty) to purchase merchandise and services.Since the previous 7-8 years retail units has turned out to be more organized and formalized and is moving towards worldwide standards.Today,the sorted out retail segment is an Industry. Retailing may incorporate subordinate services,such as delivery.Purchasers may be people or businesses.In commerce,a "retailer" purchases merchandise or items in vast amounts from producers or shippers, either straightforwardly or through a wholesaler,and then offers littler amounts to the end user.Retail foundations are frequently called shops or stores.Retailers are toward the end of supply chain.Manufacturing advertisers see the procedure of retailing as a vital piece of their general dispersion strategy.The term "retailer" is additionally connected where an administration supplier benefits the needs of an expansive number of individuals,such as an open utility,like electric force. Shops may be on private streets,shopping lanes with few or no houses or in a shopping center. Shopping avenues may be for people on foot only.Sometimes a shopping road has an incomplete or full rooftop to shield customers from precipitation.Online retailing, a kind of electronic trade utilized for business-to-customer (B2C) exchanges and mail order,are types of non-store retailing. Shopping for the most part alludes to the demonstration of purchasing products.Sometimes this is done to get necessities, for example, nourishment and apparel; now and again it is done as a recreational activity.Recreational shopping regularly includes window shopping and skimming and does not generally bring about a buy.
  • 8. 8 1.3 Issues In Retailing  How would we be able to best serve our customers while acquiring a reasonable benefit?  How would we be able to emerge in a profoundly aggressive environment where buyers have an excess of decisions?  How would we be able to develop our business,while holding a center of steadfast customers? Retailers can best address these inquiries by completely understanding and applying the fundamental standards of retailing ,and in addition the components in a well- structured,systematic,and concentrated retail strategy. 1.4 Booming of Apparel Retail Industry In India the retailers assume basic part in offering products to a definitive buyer and step by step the quantity of retailers are expanding massively and extreme end customers are being befuddled and customers continue changing the retail location. The clothing retailers attempt to receive change with new form and limited time exercises to pull in their definitive customers.Now a day's numerous establishment attire retail location are expanding step by step and in this manner it is turning out to be extremely hard to hold customers.And in this way keeping in mind the end goal to hold customers top attire retail monster like Pantaloons,Lifestyle,Globus,Shopper's stop and numerous more clothing retailers attempt to hold customers utilizing different loyalty program on the grounds that association with customer is more vital than whatever else for the Retail business.
  • 9. 9 1.5 Loyalty Program “Loyalty is one of the great engines of business success”. The word loyalty has diverse clarification and it all allude to method for services. It is vital to characterize precisely: what is implied by reliability in the setting of Business Advancement and Maintenance. Reliability ought not be mistaken for customer satisfaction. Although loyalty is based on fulfillment, associations can have fulfillment without devotion. Customer Satisfaction is a "conclusion measure" about organization execution and how customers feel their needs were met in past associations or by past purchases,Whereas customers dependability is an outcome measure that incorporates desires of future behavior. Case in point, 75 percent of shopper stop customers are "fulfilled" with their current services, however 72 percent would be eager to change to a contending provider.Thus, when outlining a prizes project to construct loyalty, it is basic to think about how to support genuine long haul customer loyalty and not simply short lived consumer.
  • 10. 10 1.6 Loyalty Program Basics Organizations regularly have a few objectives when propelling loyalty programs, all of which are centered around creating more prominent benefits from the program's members.These objectives incorporate-  Improving learning of the customers.  Leveraging that learning to expand the offers of undersold and/or very gainful items/services.  Increasing customer maintenance and buy recurrence. The most widely recognized sort of loyalty program starts when a customer enrolls. From that point forward, the association precisely tracks data about that "member,"captures the part's buys, credits focuses to the part in light of the tenets put away in a dedication "motor," classifies the part in levels or gatherings taking into account the part's quality to the association, and empowers the part to reclaim focuses for items or services when different point levels are achieved. The particular sorts of conduct that are followed and remunerated are one of a kind to every industry/organization and are regularly connected to the organization's profitability. Figure 1
  • 11. 11 Figure 2 1.7 BENEFITS OF LOYALTY PROGRAM (A) Greater customer knowledge A loyalty program empowers an organization to increase point by point learning about its customer base with the customer’s assent; customer really need to give exchange and detailed profile data to guarantee that they get the full advantages of being an individual from the program. In some business sections, for example, business-to-business—organizations already possess noteworthy information about their customers. Therefore, these organizations won't see customer learning as an essential part of a dependability program's worth. On the other hand, for most business-to-customer organizations, picking up this level of intimate customer information is a basic advantage of a loyalty program. In such B2C commercial ventures, loyalty programs empower organizations to coordinate their faceless customers buy information (what was bought,when, at what store) with particular customer profile data, which can then be utilized to make focused on advertising advancements or overhaul services around high-esteem customers’ requirements.
  • 12. 12 The loyalty program serves to get a decent association with customers in light of the fact that without reacting or not giving any special advantage they may don't think to come back again for buy to the specific store so Customer Relationship Management makes it extremely valuable. CRM is an innovation, as well as rather a thorough customer driven way to deal with an association's logic in managing with its customers. This incorporates arrangements and process, front-of-house customer management, representative training, marketing frameworks and data administration. Thus it is critical that any CRM execution contemplations extend past innovation, towards the more extensive organizational requirements. Dealing with the customer experience, keeping up a more solid information base, enhancing administration operations. Encouraging customer devotion, grasping the qualities of superior showcasing and other related subjects. The devotion system gives a decent advantage's to attire retailers to accomplish more service to customers. (B) Increased Customer Retention An all around sharpened loyalty project enhances customer maintenance rates, by expanding a member's "exchanging expenses," which are expenses a part would bear with a specific end goal to change to a contending supplier. These expenses can incorporate diminished administration and the time and assets needed to construct once again relationship. The higher a member's exchanging expenses, the more probable that member is to stay faithful. Most loyalty projects today don't make sufficiently high exchanging expenses for members. For instance, airline industry regular flier programs all give for all intents and purposes the same product (a seat, maybe with a couple of additional inches of legroom) and the same membership benefits (separate client service number, need boarding, need redesigns, and extra miles). On the off chance that gold-level individuals on one carrier need to change to a contender in light of the fact that the contender simply included relentless administration their most loved courses, they should simply fax the contender their last successive flier proclamation, and they will quickly be made gold individuals from the contender's regular flier program. Since the items and services these two air crafts and their loyalty programs given are practically indistinguishable, the individuals can change to a contending bearer at for all intents and purposes no expense to themselves. On the other hand, if the first loyalty system offered an one of a kind arrangement of advantages that the contending transporter couldn't undoubtedly copy, it would be a great deal less enticing for members to switch. Organizations utilize their loyalty programs to make these exchanging expenses, by-
  • 13. 13  Leveraging top to bottom part profile and exchange information to make one of a kind offers and item/benefits that a contender, which does not know as much about the part, can't coordinate.  Providing focused on administration reliably over all channels by utilizing the customized information given by their dedication program, organizations can make a win-win association with their individuals that can't without much of a stretch be duplicated by their rivals. Businesses are rapidly learning that being the best is no longer enough. Each buyer requests the most noteworthy quality merchandise or services at the best costs, helpfully conveyed to them through whatever methods and whenever they pick. So the retailers need to do everything to meet those requests. At the same time, contribute time and resources to hire and train the staff to be obliging, amicable, accommodating and reliable when confronting customers. Today's customers have more decision, are better educated and are all the more requesting of worth and return for their burning through cash. They search not just for the items and services that address their issues at the value they are willing to pay, yet for the trader that perceives, acknowledges and rewards their support. Given this wide acknowledgment and ubiquity of prize & acknowledgment based loyalty programs, dealers have utilized, and keep on utilizing, projects to compliment their traditional endeavors in reacting to a mixed bag of difficulties. Presently a day's all huge attire retailers have begun the loyalty program with different benefits keeping in mind the end goal to fulfill customer needs. (C) Attracting,Retaining and Growing Customers A.Customers are getting too harder to be satisfied. B.Companies trying to extend benefits and deals need to invest significant energy and assets scanning for new customers.  Suspects are individuals or associations that possibly have an enthusiasm for purchasing however numerous not have the methods or genuine goal to purchase.  Prospects-customers with the motivation,ability and chance to make a buy.  Customer agitate high employee surrender. Two fundamental approaches to reinforce customer maintenance :-  Erect high exchanging expenses.  Deliver high consumer loyalty. C. Most organizations now perceive the significance of fulfilling and holding customers.
  • 14. 14 D. Fulfilled customers constitute the organization's customer relationship capital. Getting new customer cost five times more than the expenses included in fulfilling and holding current customer.  The normal organization loses 10 percent of its customers consistently.  A 5 percent diminishment in customer deserting rate can build benefits by 25 percent to 85 percent relying upon the business. Customer benefit rate has a tendency to increment over the life of retained customer. Top Players In Apparel Retail Stores Adopted The Following Loyalty Programs- Pantaloons : Green card (GC) Shopper’s Stop : First Citizen (FC) Lifestyle : The Inner Circle (TIC) Westside : Club West
  • 15. 15 1.8 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The garments manufacturing firms for the most part spend significant time in assembling one or two sorts of attire. This is on account of diverse assortments of abilities and merchants are obliged to make different sorts of garments. In apparel industry business sector, attire producers are likewise of distinctive sorts. One is the integrated manufactures who essentially outline and manufacture pieces of clothing in their manufacturing plants. These manufacturers promote or business their finished clothing products in the different topographical areas of the world under permit from the other clothing brand owners. There are another sort of manufacturers known as contract manufacturers who make diverse mixtures of attire under contracts from autonomous designers. These designers advance their own brand of clothing's in which the manufacturers don't have any part to play. Therefore the present study is fundamental to break down the effect of loyalty card on consumer purchasing behavior. 1.9 OBJECTIVE The main objective of the research is to distinguish the effect of loyalty cards on consumer purchase behavior, the components influencing customer's loyalty and to discover the relationship between loyalty card and customer loyalty. 1.10 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT By concentrating on the significance of loyalty cards it help the business increase competitive edge and can consequently build profitability. The retailers can guarantee that their programs offer both quality and other customer benefits. Understanding the effectiveness of loyalty cards choice aides in client maintenance customer retention. 1.11 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The results could be skewed because of a sample size of 50 only.The scope of the research is limited to the people coming to the Phoenix Mall of Lucknow only.The accuracy of the data depends on the answers given by the respondents.
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  • 19. 19 2 ADITYA BIRLA GROUP Aditya Birla Group, drove by its organizer Seth Shiv Narayan Birla and Group CEO, Kumar Mangalam Birla, is one of India's driving business houses with numerous organizations traversing over the utilization space. is a multinational conglomerate named after Aditya Vikram Birla, headquartered in the Aditya Birla Center in Worli, Mumbai, India. It works in 40 nations with more than 120,000 representatives worldwide.The gathering hobbies in areas, for example, thick staple fiber, metals, cement (biggest in India), viscose filament yarn, branded attire, carbon black, chemicals, fertilizers, insulators, monetary administrations, telecom (third biggest in India), BPO and IT services. Other than its fruitful vicinity over a wide extent of divisions and verticals, Aditya Birla Nuvo Limited ['ABNL'] gained the controlling stake in Pantaloons Fashion business; post its demerger from Future Retail Ltd. under a court endorsed Scheme of Arrangement.Pantaloons Retail,with a chain of 106 style stores over 49 urban communities and towns, is continually broadening its foot shaped impression into whatever is left of cutting edge India. It compasses a retail space of 2.3 million square feet which is amongst the biggest in India.Headquartered in Mumbai (Bombay), Pantaloons Retail utilizes around 30,000 individuals and is recorded on the Indian stock trades. The organization takes after a multi-arrangement retail method that catches almost the entire consumption basket of Indian customers.In the way of life portion Aditya Birla Group works Pantaloons,a form retail chain and Madura Fashion and Lifestyle. Aditya Birla Group includes- ABRL-Covering all retail business ABFSG-covering consumers finance, insurance and advisory services.
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21 Group Vision- To be a premium global conglomerate,with a clear focus on each of the businesses. Group Mission- To deliver superior value to their customers,shareholders,employees,and society at large. Core Values-  Integrity : Acting and taking choices in a way that is reasonable and genuine. Taking after the most astounding benchmarks of polished methodology and being perceived for doing as such. Integrity for them implies money related and scholarly uprightness, as well as envelops every single other structure as are for the most part caught on.  Commitment : On the establishment of Integrity, doing all that is expected to convey quality to all partners. All the while, being responsible for their own particular activities and choices, those of their group and those in the piece of the association for which they are capable.  Passion : A lively, instinctive enthusiasm that emerges from passionate engagement with the association that makes work blissful and motivates every one to put forth a strong effort. A willful, unconstrained and persevering quest for objectives and destinations with the most elevated amount of vitality and energy.  Seamlessness : Thinking and cooperating crosswise over utilitarian gatherings, progressions, organizations and geologies. Utilizing different capabilities and points of view to accumulate the advantages of cooperative energy while advancing authoritative solidarity through sharing and community oriented endeavors.  Speed : Reacting to inside and outer clients with a feeling of desperation. Consistently endeavoring to complete before due dates and picking the best mood to streamline hierarchical efficiencies.
  • 22. 22
  • 23. 23 2.1 ABOUT THE COMPANY Pantaloons is currently an essential piece of the prestigious Aditya Birla Group, a USD 41 billion Indian multinational working in 36 nations over the globe with more than 120,000 representatives. PRIL is India's driving retailer that works numerous retail organizations pander to the needs of both the worth and way of life fragment of the Indian shopper market. The organization which began its operations from Kolkata is currently headquartered in Mumbai (Bombay), India's business capital. The organization works more than 2.3 million square feet of retail space, has over 106 design stores over 49 cities and towns in India,14 Inhouse brands and 200 total brands and utilizes more than 5300 valuable employees. The organization works in differing arrangement. Pantaloons – “A Chain Of Fashion Outlets” The first Pantaloons was opened in Gariahat in 1997. Throughout the years, it has experienced a few moves. When it was initially dispatched, this store for the most part sold outer brands.Gradually, it began retailing a blend of outside brands while in the meantime presented its own particular private brands. At first situated as a family store, it at long last veered towards turning into a style store with an accentuation on "youth" and clear concentrate on 'fresh fashion'. Today, the design store stretches out to all the real urban areas the nation over. Pantaloons has built up its vicinity with stores in the metros, as well as in littler towns. Pantaloons is among India's biggest chains of fashion stores. Pantaloons Fresh Fashion, with its attention on 'new look, feel and demeanor' offers, in vogue and hip accumulations that are in a state of harmony with the trusts and desires of observing youthful and 'young-on a basic level' buyers. Pantaloons Fresh Fashion emerges as a fashion trendsetter, on the lines of how mold is taken after globally. This "fresh fashion" destination permits customers to search for the most recent in style clothing and frill during the time in an alluring and outwardly fortifying vibe. Pantaloons Fresh Fashion stores have presence with stores not just in Metros but likewise in littler towns. All stores have a wide mixed bag of classes like casual wear, ethnic wear, formal wear, party wear and sportswear for Men.
  • 24. 24 Mission: Pantaloons might endeavor to give extreme Value and fulfillment to its customers regarding quality control with cost.  Through excellence in technology break.  Through management enterprise.  Through total quality management. To make it a favored association for both present and future representatives, suppliers,customers, shareholders related offices and society and huge and proceed with its walk towards progress and hold its forefront positions Vision: Pantaloons India,in association with The Aditya Birla group shall deliver superior value to its customers, shareholders, employees and society at large. Motto:  “Customer satisfaction is our real motto”  Customer is our real boss and our real master.  A Customer is not an interruption in our work;he is the purpose of it. Core Values:  Confidence in ourselves.  To be a leader in,both in thought,business and in innovation.  Respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.  Leading to purposeful thinking.  To be open and receptive to new ideas,knowledge and information.  To build long term relationships.  Simplicity and positivity in our thought,business and ideas.  To be flexible and adaptable,to meet challenges.
  • 25. 25 2.2 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT AT PANTALOONS Why CRM?  Want to center both on acquisition & Retention  To change over day by day footfalls into faithful customers.  Extraordinary service and consumer loyalty.  Increase customer share. CRM  In Aditya Birla Group the companies which provide loyalty program to its customers are: i. IDEA - Lifetime Idea ii. MORE - Clubmore iii. Pantaloons - Greencard program(GC) 2.3 PANTALOONS GREENCARD PROGRAMME  Green Card loyalty program contributes approx. 65% in profitability of Pantaloons across country.  Pantaloons maintains a customer database of 33 lakhs across India.  Software used for maintaining customer database is ‘Customer Loyalty Program.’
  • 26. 26 Filling of Form (INITIAL STEPS):  Informing the customers about the loyalty program.  To become a greencard member by filling of a form.  While filling the forms giving various customer details like- I. Name II. Date of Birth III. Address IV. Contact Number V. Email-id VI. Relationship status They are needed to form the customer database “Your Green Card Is Your Passport To A Whole New World Of Exclusive Benefits And Privileges.”  Instant discounts for every time you shop at Pantaloons.  Exclusive shopping preview to get hold of the latest merchandise.  Regular updates on collections and promos via catalogues ,sms and e-mail  Special invites to the most happening events.  Extended exchange periods and complimentary drops for alterations.  Exclusive billing counters and much more. Categories valid for greencard discounts Apparels, perfumes & cosmetics, toys, Bluesky, aLL. Valid on categories within Pantaloons only. Also valid at standalone Bluesky and aLL stores.It is not valid on Fine jewellery and mobiles.
  • 27. 27 The Pantaloons Payback Greencard, which is a unique loyalty programme, has been designed exclusively for Pantaloons' customers to enhance customer experience. Presently offered to over 4 million members, the programme entitles members to discounts, points and special privileges at all Pantaloons stores.
  • 28. 28 The card has four tiers depending on the year's shopping. As a customer shops, the card upgrades with increasing privileges and discounts. The details are as follows- 1 Star  Payback points  Relaxed exchange policy  Complimentar y parking  Complimentar y home-drop of altered apparel  Sale preview 3 Star  3% instant discounts  Relaxed exchange Policy  Payback points  Complimentar y parking  Complimentar y home-drop of altered apparel  Complimentar y home delivery  Sale preview 5 Star  5% instant discounts  Relaxed exchange policy  Payback points  Complimentar y parking  Complimentar y home-drop of altered apparel  Complimentar y home delivery  Sale preview  Exclusive billing counter 7 Star  7% instant discounts  Relaxed exchange policy  Payback points  Complimentar y parking  Complimentar y home-drop of altered apparel  Complimentar y home delivery  Sale preview  Exclusive billing counter  Assisted shopping
  • 29. 29 Most Recent Purchase Helps To Upgrade- Pantaloons card upgrade is not dependent on the date of enrollment or calendar year. They now upgrade on the basis of purchases immediately based on the preceding 12 months from current shopping date. Membership & 12 month Purchase-based upgrading system:  THREE STAR CARD - Upgrade to a 3 star status by shopping for Rs. 8000/-immediately preceding 12 months of current shopping date.  FIVE STAR CARD - Upgrade to a 5 star status by shopping for Rs. 20000/-immediately preceding 12 months of current shopping date.  SEVEN STAR CARD - Upgrade to a 7 star status by shopping for Rs. 40000/- immediately preceding 12 months of current shopping date. BENEFITS 3 STAR 5 STAR 7 STAR Instant Discounts 3% 5% 7% Green Offers and Promotions    Green Service Desk    Green Exchange 90 days 90 days 90 days Complimentary Home Delivery    Complimentary Home Drop    Free Parking    Exclusive Billing Counter   
  • 30. 30 2.4 COMPETITOR LOYALTY PROGRAM STUDY The competitors of Pantaloons are-  Shoppers Stop  Westside SHOPPERS STOP Shoppers Stop is an Indian retailing organization advanced by the K Raheja Corp Group, began in the year 1991 with its first store in Andheri, Mumbai.Shoppers Stop started by working a chain of retail establishments under the name "Shoppers' Stop" in India. Shoppers Stop has 74 stores over 35 cities in India. In particular, Shoppers Stop stores retails attire, embellishments, purses, shoes, gems, scents, beautifying agents, well being and magnificence items, home outfitting and stylistic theme items. Shoppers Stop propelled its e-store with conveyance crosswise over significant cities in India in 2008. The site retails every one of the items accessible at Shoppers Stop stores, including attire, beautifying agents and accessories.
  • 31. 31 Loyalty Program First Citizen: First citizen is the loyalty programme of Shoppers stop. It has 3 tiers :- Classic moments Silver edge Golden glow Members fall into the various tiers according to their spending in the company. The Benefits that can be obtained by becoming the member are- Benefits Classic Moments Silver Edge Golden Glow First Citizen Reward Points (on net purchase) 1 Reward Point for every purchase of Rs. 100 1 Reward Point for every purchase of Rs. 50 1 Reward Point for every purchase of Rs. 34 Extra Reward Points on Preferred Brands - 1% 2% Associate Card Yes (Rs. 125) Yes (Up to 2: Rs. 125) Yes (2 free, 3rd: Rs.125) Regular Updates Yes Yes Yes Exclusive Cash Counters Yes Yes Exclusive Golden Glow Cash Counter Free Parking Yes Yes Yes- Reserved Parking on a first-come-first- serve basis
  • 32. 32 Valet Parking Yes Yes Yes Free First Update - - Yes Home Delivery of Alterations - - Yes Out-store Offers Yes Yes Yes Exclusive Previews - Merchandise & Sale Yes Yes Yes PROS:  Loyal customer base of above 20 lakh and growing  Presence in various segments: apparel, lifestyle, and electronics.  Online shopping portal, and dedicated all India toll free customer helpline add to the customer satisfaction levels.  Co branded credit card along with Citibank helps to leverage reach of Citibank to increase Loyal Sales. CONS:  Integrating online shopping account with FC card is complex and requires assistance.  Terms and Conditions for members to redeem points, as to what merchandise is available for redemption is not very clearly mentioned.
  • 33. 33 WESTSIDE Westside India is one of the quickest and biggest rising chains of retail supplies in India. It is a piece of Trent Ltd. Tata Group, which got set up in the year of 1998. Westside India has dispatched different shopping stores and outlets to meet with the different shopping prerequisites of the clients. The enterprise has set up 36 Westside stock stores, which envelop children wear, ladies' wear, Menswear, footwear, aromas, beauty care products, totes, endowments, family unit extras and undergarments. The very much planned insides, prime areas, cafés and sprawling space supports the purchaser's shopping experience. Loyalty Program CLUBWEST: West side has a Loyalty Program called Club West.The 30,000-in addition to individuals from this club get refunds at restaurants and on holiday packages from the Taj Group of Hotels, home delivery of alterations, and best of all, special shopping hours on the first day of any rebate deals occasion sorted out by the chain. Clubwest is a two level project, which comprises of Clubwest Classic and Clubwest Gold. The chain right now has more than eight lakh members,who create more than half of sales. Clubwest Classic card can be benefited by spending Rs 2000/ - on a solitary day, or on the other hand by paying Rs 150/ - .On the other hand Clubwest Gold can be profited by burning through Rs5000/ - on a single day.
  • 34. 34 Benefits Available:  Earn points every time you shop at Westside. These points can be exchanged against Subsequent purchases made in the store.  A dedicated Clubwest desk for a member's assistance at each of the stores.  Exclusive shopping hours only for members during sales.  Unprecedented access to a host of privileges and services through our exclusive tie-ups from time to time.  Advance intimation of all in-store promotions and special offers through direct mailers.  Special discounts on dining at select restaurants round the year. PROS:  Round the year discounts on selected dining restaurants and other partner companies for Clubwest members.  Tie ups with other companies bring in attractive offers for the Clubwest members. CONS: The two tier Loyalty Programme system generates confusion and a barrier among members.
  • 36. 36 3 . RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose on the relevant research problem. In this study descriptive research method is used to carry out the research.In this research the population relates with reference to Lucknow city. It specially refers to the consumers of Pantaloons.Simple Random sampling is used in this research. It is constituted according to the convenience of the researcher. The sample size was taken for this survey is 50.  Research design - Descriptive  Types of Data Collection - Primary and secondary data both  Sample size - 50  Sampling technique - Convenience sampling  Research instrument - Questionnaire 3.1 HYPOTHESIS 1. There is significant difference between quality of goods and services and satisfaction level of customers. 2. Discounts are significant feature for a loyalty program. 3. There is no significant difference between monthly income and number of loyalty cards.
  • 37. 37 4. DATA COLLECTION DESIGN Primary data The primary data was obtained by administering survey method, guided by questionnaire to collect information from customers. The questionnaires contains both open-ended and closed- ended questions. These methods were adopted since the data which is required is focused on customer satisfaction and customer retention. Secondary data The secondary data are collected through various sources like- 1. Secondary data through Internet related to industry, company, competitors, etc. 2. Review of articles being published on the topic in various magazines and newspapers. 3. Data is also collected through company brochures. Tools used for analysis The tools used in the study for analysis of data are simple percentage and correlation coefficient. Both methods are used to make comparisons between two or more series of data.Analysis is also shown through pie chart,bar diagrams and tables through SPSS software.
  • 39. 39 1. Purchased before at Pantaloons-Since there are many apparel retailers at Lucknow we should know whether customers have purchased before or not at Pantaloons. Figure 3 Inference: From the above table we conclude that 84% of customers have purchased before at Pantaloons.
  • 40. 40 Figure 4 2.Holding Pantaloons Greencard-This helps us to know how many respondents are holding Pantaloons Greencard. Inference: From the above table we conclude that nearly 84% of customers are holding Pantaloons greencard and other 16% are not having greencard.
  • 41. 41 3. Frequency of purchase at Pantaloons- Figure 5 Inference: From the above table it is concluded that nearly 64% of customers are purchasing as per need at pantaloons, 24% of customers purchase monthly and the rest 12% are purchasing once in 3 months.
  • 42. 42 Figure 6 4. Satisfaction level on overall shopping experience-This helps us to know the satisfaction level of customers at Pantaloons. Inference: From the above table we come to know that 64% of the customers are highly satisfied in the overall shopping experience at Pantaloons.
  • 43. 43 5. Satisfaction level in quality at Pantaloons-This helps us to know about the satisfaction level on quality because quality is more important in apparels and it helps to decide for next purchase. Figure 7 Inference: From the above table we come to know the satisfaction level of customers in quality of goods and services in which 60% of customers are highly satisfied.
  • 44. 44 6. Satisfaction level in discounts at Pantaloons-Discount is one of main factor for pulling customers to purchase more and more so we should know the satisfaction level of it at Pantaloons. Figure 8 Inference: From the above table we conclude that nearly 28% of the customers are highly satisfied,34% are satisfied and only 8% of the customers are unsatisfied.
  • 45. 45 7. Satisfaction level of customers in service provided-Service is an important factor at retail because if the retailer does not provide the best service then the customer will not come back so we should know the satisfaction level of service to customers that is provided by Pantaloons. Figure 9 Inference: From the above table we can infer that 58% of customers are highly satisfied and only 2% of the customers are highly unsatisfied.
  • 46. 46 8. Satisfaction level on free parking facility at Pantaloons- Figure 10 Inference: From the above table we can conclude that 62% customers of Pantaloons are highly satisfied with free parking facility.
  • 47. 47 9. Solving problem and queries-In retail store it is important to maintain a healthy customer relationship by solving all the problems of customers. Figure 11 Inference: We can conclude from above table that nearly 50% of customers agree that ther problems are resolved at customer service desk.
  • 48. 48 10. Periodic and proper updates-For boost in sales proper updates of offers and discounts should reach to the customers. Figure 12 Inference: From the above table we come to know that 80% of customers get periodic and proper updates about offers and discounts.
  • 49. 49 11. Current loyalty program-This helps to understand how effective is current greencard program at Pantaloons. Figure 13 Inference: We can infer from the table that out of 50 customers 42 customer using greencard loyalty program 25 say that the current loyalty program is good and 11 say it is excellent.
  • 50. 50 12. Recommend others to enroll for greencard-This helps us to know how much is the customer satisfied with the greencard loyalty program and if he is willing to recommend it to others. Figure 14 Inference: From the above table we conclude that out of 18 customers who have used greencard for more than 2 years, 17 customers will recommend their family or friends to get enrolled in greencard loyalty program.
  • 51. 51 13. Holding loyalty cards of other retail store-This helps us to know how many customers are using loyalty cards of competitive retail stores of Pantaloons. Figure 15 Inference: From the above table we conclude that people having monthly income of below 20000 are using max loyalty cards and those who have monthly income of above 50000 are using shopper’s stop loyalty card.
  • 52. 52 Questionnaire Customer Feedback Note: The information will be solely used for research purpose and will not be shared with any other entity. 1. Personal Information: Name: Gender: o Male o Female Age: o <18 o 19-25 o 25-40 o 40-60 o >60 Occupation: o Student o Self- employed o Govt. job o Other Marital status: o Single o Married Monthly income: o Below 20000 o 20000-35000 o 36000-50000 o Above 50000 2. Have you purchased earlier in pantaloons? o Yes o No 3. Do you have pantaloons greencard? o Yes o No >If Yes since how long you have been a member of green card programme? o 0-6 months o 6 months-1 year o 1-2 years o More than 2 years 4. How frequently do you shop at pantaloons? o As per needs o Monthly o Once in 3 months 5. In a year how much do you purchase at pantaloons? o Less than 8000 o 8000-20000 o 20000-40000 o Above 40000
  • 53. 53 6. How much are you satisfied with the purchases you make in pantaloons? Please rate it- (5-highly satisfied 4-satisfied 3-neutral 2-unsatisfied 1-highly unsatisfied Particular 5 4 3 2 1 Overall shopping experience Quality Service Discounts Free Parking Home Delivery 7. All problems and queries are solved and answered satisfactorily at the customer service desk about greencard? o Strongly Disagree o Disagree o Neutral o Agree o Strongly Agree 8. Do you receive periodic and proper updates regarding offers and promotions (mail/sms/calls) from pantaloons? o Yes o No 9. What do you think about current loyalty program? o Excellent o Good o Average 10. Would you recommend your friends/relatives to get enrolled to the greencard loyalty program of pantaloons? o Yes o No 11. Do you hold privilege cards of any other retailer? If yes, which one? o Shoppers stop o Globus o Max o Reliance Trend 12. Any suggestion/recommendation regarding loyalty program-
  • 55. 55 5.1 SUGGESTION 1. More communication should be there to guide the customers who visit for the first time. 2. There should be separate counter for senior citizen for cashiering. 3. Small play area should be provided for small children since many small children start playing on the floor itself and disturb other customers. 4. The paging should be clear and soft so that it is audible to every customer. 5. The shopping bag should be changed into paper bags and no price should be taken for that. 6. The schemes and offers should be properly checked before applying to customers. 7. Many customers gave the complain of low quality of apparels,so the matter should be checked everyday. 8. The sizes of apparels should always be there in the store for customers. 9. Proper entry of customers should be checked as they don’t take the gate pass for exchange of clothes and again they have to go to the entry gate for the gate pass which creates frustration for customers. 10. Complain should be given to the radio station of pantaloons as the same songs are played again and again(complain by customers). 11. Complimentary drink can be provided to customers who wait for very long at the billing counters. 12. There should also be a plastic gift wrap with paper so that it does not get torn away.
  • 56. 56 5.2 Conclusion Retailers are investigating how to influence innovation, for example, prescient programming to reveal inconspicuous purchasing examples and distinguish customers who may be liable to purchase in classes they have never purchased in. Numerous are making more noteworthy utilization of the Internet to advance their reliability program through open and enlightening Websites and focused on e-mail.Even while saddling innovation, developing quantities of retailers are going up endeavors to reconnect with buyers and to meet their changing needs on a more ―local level. Previously, store owners knew their customers well and could without much of a stretch envision needs. Today, we utilize PCs and information to help do likewise. These incorporate utilizing loyalty programs to support group activities, urging staff to become more acquainted with customers by and by, and generally making cardholders feel that the store values their business and regards their entitlement to confine access to their own information.As customer loyalty being a standout amongst the most critical elements for the business today, loyalty programs – loyalty card and other value added services, if very much outlined and executed, can help the business increase aggressive edge and can thus build profitability.
  • 57. 57 5.3 Bibliography       Internal data from the store.  Text book of Research Methodology