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PHP micro-framework
Cheat Sheet
// web/index.php
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
= new ;
->get('/hello/{name}', function ($name) use ( ) {
return 'Hello ' . ->escape($name);
$app SilexApplication()
$app $app
$ composer require silex/silex:~1.2
Web Server Configuration
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
#RewriteBase /path/to/app
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]
If your site is not at the webroot level:
uncomment the statement and adjust the
path to point to your directory, relative from the webroot.
For Apache 2.2.16+, you can use the FallbackResource
FallbackResource /index.php
server {
#site root is redirected to the app boot script
location = / {
try_files @site @site;
# all other locations try other files first and go to our
# front controller if none of them exists
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ @site;
#return 404 for all php files as we do have a front controller
location ~ .php$ {
return 404;
location @site {
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm/www.sock;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/index.php;
#uncomment when running via https
#fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
nginx IIS
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<clear />
<add value="index.php" />
<rule name="Silex Front Controller"
<match url="^(.*)$" ignoreCase="false" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}"
matchType="IsFile" ignoreCase="false"
negate="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="index.php"
appendQueryString="true" />
server.document-root = "/path/to/app"
url.rewrite-once = (
# configure some static files
"^/assets/.+" => "$0",
"^/favicon.ico$" => "$0",
"^(/[^?]*)(?.*)?" => "/index.php$1$2"
web.config file:
configure your vhost to forward non-existent resources
to index.php:
Allows run silex without any configuration. However, in
order to serve static files, you'll have to make sure your
front controller returns false in that case ( ):web/index.php
$filename = __DIR__.preg_replace('#(?.*)$#', '',
if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli-server' && is_file($filename)) {
return false;
= require __DIR__.'/../src/app.php';
The application should be running at .http://localhost:8080
$ php -S localhost:8080 -t web web/index.php
To start the server from the command-line:
PHP 5.4 built-in webserver
only for
App Configuration
// turn on the debug mode
$app['debug'] = true;
If your application is hosted behind a reverse proxy
at address $ip, and you want Silex to trust the
X-Forwarded-For* headers, you will need to run your
application like this:
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
$app['asset_path'] = '';
Custom Configuration ( )Parameters
{{ .asset_path }}/css/styles.cssapp
$app['base_url'] = '/';
Default Configuration
Using in a template (Twig)
Configuration Default value
Set Get
$debug = ['debug'];$app
Global Configuration
To apply a controller setting to all controllers
(a converter, a middleware, a requirement, or a default value),
configure it on :$app['controllers']
->value('id', '1')
->assert('id', 'd+')
->convert('id', function () {/* ... */ })
->before(function () {/* ... */ });
Global configuration does not apply to controller providers
you might mount as they have their own global configuration
applied to already registered
controllers and become the
defaults for new controllers
Symfony2 Components
Symfony2 components used by Silex:
For Request and Response.
Because we need a heart.
For matching defined routes.
For hooking into the HttpKernel
App Helper Methods
$app-> ('/account );redirect '
$subRequest = Request::create('/hi', 'GET');
-> ($subRequest, HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST);$app handle
Generate the URI using :UrlGeneratorProvider
$r = Request::create($app['url_generator']->generate('hi’), 'GET');
Return JSON data and apply correct escape
-> ($error, 404);
-> ($user);
Streaming response (when you cannot buffer the data being sent)
$app-> ($stream, 200, array('Content-Type' => 'image/png'));stream
To send chunks, make sure to call ob_flush and flush after
every chunk:
$stream = function () {
$fh = fopen('', 'rb');
while (!feof($fh)) {
echo fread($fh, 1024);
Sending a file
$app-> ('/base/path/' . $path)
HttpFoundation 2.2+
Create a BinaryFileResponse
$app-> ($name)escape
Escape user input, to prevent Cross-Site-Scripting attacks
Stop the request early. It actually throws an exception
$app-> (404, "Book $id does not exist.");abort
$assetPath = ['asset_path'];$app
LATE_EVENT = -512;
App Events
A route pattern consists of:
-> ('/blog', function () use ($posts) {
$output = '';
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$output .= $post['title'];
$output .= '<br />';
return $output;
$app get
HTTP Methods
-> ('/books', function ($id) {
// ...
-> ('/books/{id}', function () {
// ...
For Symfony Components 2.2+:
explicitly enable method override
HTTP method override
(for PUT, DELETE, and PATCH)
The current App is
automatically injected
to the closure thanks
to the type hinting
Forms in most web browsers do not directly support
the use of other HTTP methods.
Use a special form field named ._method
<form action="/my/target/route/" method=" ">
<!-- ... -->
<input type="hidden" name=" " value=" " />
_method PUT
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
Can be restricted
via the method
-> ('/book’, function () {
// ...
-> ('/book', function () {
// ...
-> ('PATCH');
-> ('/book', function () {
// ...
-> ('PUT|POST');
The order of the routes is significant.
The first matching route will be used
(place more generic routes at the bottom)
variable part passed to the closure
$app SilexApplication $app
->get('/blog/ ', function ( , ) use ($posts) {
if (!isset($posts[$id])) {
->abort(404, "Post $id does not exist.");
$post = $posts[$id];
return "<h1>{$post['title']}</h1>" .
{id} $id
Defines a path that points to a resource.
Can include variable parts and you are able
to set RegExp requirements for them
One of the HTTP methods:
Describes the interaction with the resource
Dynamic Route (Route Variable)
-> ('/books/{id}', function ($id) {
// ...
-> ('/books/{id}', function ($id) {
// ...
$app-> ('/books/{id}', function ($id) {
// ...
Matching all Methods
Default Values
This will allow matching /, in which
case the variable will have the
$app->get('/{page}', function ($page) {
// ...
-> (' ’, ' ');value page index
To define a default value for any
route variable call on the
The form's method attribute must be set to
when using this field:
Route Variables Converters
$app->get('/user/{id}', function ($id) {
// ...
})-> ('id', function ($id) {return (int) $id; });convert
Appling some converters before injecting route variables
into the controller:
Converting route variables to objects
$userProvider = function ($id) {
return new User($id);
->get('/user/{user}/edit', function (User $user) {
// ...
})-> ('user', $userProvider);
The converter callback also receives the as
its second argument:
$callback = function ($post, Request $req) {
return new Post($req->attributes->get('slug'));
->get('/blog/{id}/{slug}', function (Post $post) {
// ...
})-> ('post', $callback);
Converter defined as a service
use DoctrineCommonPersistenceObjectManager;
use SymfonyComponentHttpKernelExceptionNotFoundHttpException;
class UserConverter
private $om;
public function __construct(ObjectManager $om)
$this->om = $om;
public function convert($id)
if (null === $user = $this->om->find('User', (int) $id)) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException(
sprintf('User %d does not exist', $id)
return $user;
The service will now be registered in the app, and
the convert method will be used as converter:
E.g.: user converter based on Doctrine ObjectManager:
['converter.user'] = $app->share(function () {
return new UserConverter();
->get('/user/{user}', function (User $user) {
// ...
})-> ('user', 'converter.user:convert');convert
$app->get('/blog/{id}', function ($id) {
// ...
-> ('id', 'd+');assert
$app->get('/blog/{postId}/{commentId}', function ($postId, $commentId) {
// ...
-> ('postId', 'd+')
-> ('commentId', 'd+');
Chained requirements
->get('/', function () {
// ...
-> ('homepage');
->get('/blog/{id}', function ($id) {
// ...
-> ('blog_post');
Named Routes
It only makes sense to name routes if you use providers
that make use of the RouteCollection
$app->get('/', ' );
use SilexApplication;
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest;
namespace Acme
class Foo
public function bar(Request $request, Application $app)
// ...
Controllers in Classes
For an even stronger separation between Silex and your
controllers, you can define your controllers as services
Group URLs (mount) mount() prefixes all routes with the given prefix
and merges them into the main Application
// define controllers for a blog
$blog = ['controllers_factory'];
$blog->get('/', function () {
return 'Blog home page';
is a factory that returns a new instance
of .
When mounting a route collection under /blog, it is not possible to define
a route for the /blog URL. The shortest possible URL is /blog/.
// define "global" controllers
->get('/', function () {
return 'Main home page';
-> ('/blog', $blog);
-> ('/forum', $forum);
// / map to the main home page
// /blog/ map to the blog home page
// /forum/ map to the forum home page
// define controllers for a forum
$forum = ['controllers_factory'];
$forum->get('/', function () {
return 'Forum home page';
version 1.2
(a:b notation)
Error Handlers
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;
-> (function (Exception $e, ) {
return new Response('Something went terribly wrong.');
$app error $code
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;
-> (function (Exception $e, ) {
switch ( ) {
case 404:
$message = 'Page not found.';
$message = 'Something went terribly wrong.';
return new Response($message);
$app error $code
Check for specific errors (using ):$code
As Silex ensures that the status code
is set to the most appropriate one depending
on the exception, setting the status on the
response won't work.
To overwrite the status code (which should not
without a good reason), set the
return new Response('Error', 404 /* ignored */,
array('X-Status-Code' => 200));
To restrict an error handler to only handle some Exception
classes set a more specific type hint for the Closure argument:
$app-> (function (LogicException $e, $code) {
// this handler will only handle LogicException exceptions
// and exceptions that extends LogicException
Silex comes with a default error handler that displays a
detailed error message with the stack trace when debug
is true, and a simple error message otherwise.
-> (function (Exception $e, $code) use ( ) {
if ( ['debug']) {
// ... logic to handle the error and return a Response
$app $app
The error handlers are also called when you use abort to
abort a request early:
$app $app
->get('/blog/{id}', function (SilexApplication , $id)
use ($posts) {
if (!isset($posts[$id])) {
-> (404, "Post $id does not exist.");
return new Response(...);
Define shortcut methods.
PHP 5.4+
Almost all built-in service providers have some
corresponding PHP traits.
To use them, define your own class and
include the traits you want:
use SilexApplication;
class MyApplication extends Application
use ApplicationTwigTrait;
use ApplicationSecurityTrait;
use ApplicationFormTrait;
use ApplicationUrlGeneratorTrait;
use ApplicationSwiftmailerTrait;
use ApplicationMonologTrait;
use ApplicationTranslationTrait;
To define your own Route class and use some traits:
use SilexRoute;
class MyRoute extends Route
use RouteSecurityTrait;
To use the newly defined route, override the
$app['route_class'] = 'MyRoute';
Restricting Error Handler
Debug and Error Handler
Use a separate error handler for .
Make sure to register it before the response
error handlers, because once a response is returned,
the following handlers are ignored.
Logging and Error Handler
Error handlers registered via method always
take precedence. To keep the nice error messages when
debug is on use this:
To register an error handler, pass a closure to the
error method which takes an argument
and returns a response:
Silex documentation, examples, and download:
Application Middlewares
$app $app-> (function (Request $req, Application ) {
// ...
Only run
for “master”
Run after the routing and security and before the controller.
To run the middleware even if an exception is thrown
early on (on a 404 or 403 error for instance),
register it as an early event:
$app $app-> (function (Request $req, Application ) {
// ...
}, );
$app-> (function (Request $req, Response $resp) {
// ...
Run before the Response is sent to the client.
$app-> (function (Request $req, Response $resp) {
// ...
// Warning: modifications to the Request or Response
// will be ignored
Event registered on the Symfony response event.
Event registered on the Symfony terminate event.
Event registered on the Symfony request event.
Run after the Response has been sent to the client
(like sending emails or logging).
Route Middlewares
Added to routes or route collections.
Only triggered when the corresponding route is matched.
You can also stack them:
$app->get('/somewhere', function () {
// ...
-> ($before1)
-> ($before2)
-> ($after1)
-> ($after2)
Fired before the route callback, but after the before
application middlewares:
$before = function (Request $req, Application ) {
// ...
->get('/somewhere', function () {
// ...
-> ($before);
Fired after the route callback, but before the application
after application middlewares:
$after = function (Request $req,
Response $resp,
Application ) {
// ...
->get('/somewhere', function () {
// ...
-> ($after);
The middlewares are triggered in the same order they
are added.
To control the priority of the middleware
pass an additional argument to the registration methods:
$app-> (function (Request $req) {
// ...
}, );
Middlewares Priority
As a convenience, two constants allow you to register
an event as early as possible or as late as possible:
-> (function (Request $req) {
// ...
}, );
-> (function (Request $req) {
// ...
}, );
If a before middleware returns a Response object,
the Request handling is short-circuited (the next
middlewares won't be run, nor the route callback),
and the Response is passed to the after middlewares
right away:
Short-circuiting the Controller
$app-> (function (Request $req) {
// redirect the user to the login screen if access
// to the Resource is protected
if (...) {
return new RedirectResponse('/login');
If a before middleware does not return a Response or null,
a is thrown.RuntimeException
Silex use (extends)
Pimple for DI
$app['some_service'] = function () {
return new Service();
Retrieve the service:
$service = ['some_service'];$app
Every time is called,
a new instance of the service is created.
Shared Services
Use the same instance of a service across all of your code.
Create the service on first invocation, and then return the
existing instance on any subsequent access.
$app $app['some_service'] = -> (function () {
return new Service();
Access Container from Closure
Access the service container from within a service
definition closure.
For example when fetching services the current service
depends on.
$app $app
['some_service'] = function ( ) {
return new Service( ['some_other_service'],
also works for
shared services
some_service depends
on some_other_service
$app $app $app
['user.persist_path'] = '/tmp/users';
['user.persister'] = -> (function ( ) {
return new JsonUserPersister( ['user.persist_path']);
Protected Closures
The container sees closures as factories for services, so
it will always execute them when reading them.
In some cases you will however want to store a closure
as a parameter, so that you can fetch it and execute
it yourself -- with your own arguments.
This is why Pimple allows to protect closures from being
executed, by using the method:protect
$app $app
['closure_parameter'] = -> (function ($a, $b) {
return $a + $b;
// will not execute the closure
$add = ['closure_parameter'];
// calling it now
echo $add(2, 3);
protected closures
do not get access
to the container
Core Services
Current request object (instance of ).
It gives access to GET, POST parameters
and lots more! E.g.:
Only available when a request is being
served, you can only access it from within
a controller, an application before/after
middlewares, or an error handler.
that is used internally.
You can add, modify, and read routes.
that is used
that is used internally.
It is the core of the Symfony2 system
and is used quite a bit by Silex.
that is used internally.
It takes care of executing the controller
with the right arguments.
$id = ['request']->get('id');
that is used internally. Is the
heart of Symfony2, it takes a
as input and returns a as output
Simplified representation of the
request that is used by the Router and
Default handler that is used when
you don't register one via the
method or if the handler does not return
a Response. Disable it with
By default, logging is disabled as the
value is set to null. To enable logging
either use the
or define your own logger service that
conforms to the PSR logger interface.
In versions of Silex before 1.1 this must
be a
are shared
$app $app['asset_path'] = -> (function () {
// logic to determine the asset path
return '';
Define the service:
E.g. 2:
E.g. 3:
Service Providers
Allow to reuse parts of an application into another one
In order to load and use a service provider,
register it on the application:
Loading providers
Creating a provider
Providers must implement the :SilexServiceProviderInterface
interface ServiceProviderInterface
public function (Application );
public function (Application );
define services on the application which
then may make use of other services and
Just create a new class that implements the two methods:
configure the application, just before it
handles a request
namespace Acme;
use SilexApplication;
use SilexServiceProviderInterface;
class HelloServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
public function register(Application )
['hello'] = -> (function ($name) use ( ){
$default = ['hello.default_name'] ?
['hello.default_name'] : ‘';
$name = $name ?: $default;
return 'Hello ' . -> ($name);
public function boot(Application )
$app $app $app
-> (new AcmeHelloServiceProvider(), array(
'hello.default_name' => 'Mary',
->get('/hello', function () use ( ) {
$name = ['request']->get('name');
return ['hello']($name);
$app $app
Using the provider:
Controller Providers
To load and use a controller provider, "mount" its controllers
under a path:
$app-> ('/blog', new AcmeBlogControllerProvider());mount
All controllers defined by the provider will now be available
under the /blog path.
Loading providers
Creating a provider
Providers must implement the :SilexControllerProviderInterface
interface ControllerProviderInterface
public function (Application );
connect $app
namespace Acme;
use SilexApplication;
use SilexControllerProviderInterface;
class HelloControllerProvider implements ControllerProviderInterface
public function connect(Application )
// creates a new controller based on the default route
$controllers = ['controllers_factory'];
$controllers->get('/', function (Application ) {
return ->redirect('/hello');
return $controllers;
The connect method must return an instance of
ControllerCollection. ControllerCollection is the class
where all controller related methods are defined
(like get, post, match, ...).
$app-> ('/blog', new AcmeHelloControllerProvider());mount
$app-> (new AcmeDatabaseServiceProvider());register
$app-> (new AcmeDatabaseServiceProvider(), array(
'database.dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb’,
'database.user' => 'root',
‘database.password' => 'secret_root_password',
It is possible to provide some parameters as a second
argument. These will be set after the provider is
registered, but before it is booted:
Doctrine Service Provider
Only Doctrine DBAL.
An ORM service
is not supplied
$app-> (new ,
'db.options' => array(
‘driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
'path' => __DIR__.'/app.db',
register SilexProviderDoctrineServiceProvider()
$app $app
->get('/blog/{id}', function ($id) use ( ) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ?";
$post = ['db']-> ($sql, array((int) $id));
return "<h1>{$post['title']}</h1>".
Using multiple databases
$app-> (new ,
'dbs.options' => array (
'mysql_read' => array(
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'host' => 'mysql_read.someplace.tld',
'dbname' => 'my_database',
'user' => 'my_username',
'password' => 'my_password',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'mysql_write' => array(
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'host' => 'mysql_write.someplace.tld',
'dbname' => 'my_database',
'user' => 'my_username',
'password' => 'my_password',
'charset' => 'utf8',
register SilexProviderDoctrineServiceProvider()
['db']->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM table');
['dbs']['mysql_read']->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM table');
The first registered connection is the default, so the lines
below are equivalent:
$app $app
->get('/blog/{id}', function ($id) use ( ) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ?";
$post = ['dbs']['mysql_read']-> (
array((int) $id)
$sql = "UPDATE posts SET value = ? WHERE id = ?";
['dbs']['mysql_write']-> (
array('newValue', (int) $id)
return "<h1>{$post['title']}</h1>".
Using multiple connections:
Included Providers
Providers available in the namespace
Array of Doctrine DBAL options.
These options are available:
The database driver to use.
Can be: pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite,
pdo_pgsql, pdo_oci, oci8, ibm_db2,
pdo_ibm, pdo_sqlsrv
Name of the database
Host of the database.
(default: pdo_mysql)
(default: localhost)
User of the database.
Password of the database
(default: root)
Only relevant for pdo_mysql, and
pdo_oci/oci8, specifies the charset used
when connecting to the database
Only relevant for pdo_sqlite, specifies
the path to the SQLite database
Specifies the port of the database.
Only relevant for pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql,
and pdo_oci/oci8
The database connection, instance of
Configuration object for Doctrine.
Event Manager for Doctrine
(default: empty DoctrineDBALConfiguration)
Integration with the Doctrine DBAL for easy database access
Monolog Service Provider
$app-> (new ,
‘monolog.logfile' => __DIR__.'/dev.log',
register SilexProviderMonologServiceProvider()
->post('/user', function () use ($app) {
// ...
['monolog']-> (sprintf("User '%s' registered.",
return new Response('', 201);
$app addInfo
It is possible to configure Monolog
(like adding or changing the handlers)
before using it by extending the monolog service:
$app $app $app
['monolog'] = -> ( -> ('monolog',
function($monolog, ) {
$monolog-> (...);
return $monolog;
share extend
$app-> (sprintf("User '%s' registered.", $username));log
File where logs are written to
Whether the messages that are handled
can bubble up the stack or not
File permissions default,
nothing change
Level of logging, defaults to DEBUG.
Must be one of:
(log everything),
(log everything except
In addition to the constants,
it is also possible to supply the level
in string form, e.g.: “ ", " ",
“ ", " "
Name of the monolog
- optional
The monolog logger instance
An event listener to log requests,
responses and errors
$app['monolog']-> ('Test’);addDebug
Logs a message
Session Service Provider
Log requests and errors and allow to add logging to app
Path for the
An array of options that is
passed to the constructor of
the service
In case of the default
, the
most useful options are:
The cookie name.
The session id.
Cookie lifetime
Cookie path
Cookie domain
Cookie secure (HTTPS)
Whether the cookie is http only
(default: _SESS)
efault: null)(d
Whether to simulate sessions or not
(useful when writing functional tests).
All of these are optional. Default Sessions life time
is 1800 seconds (30 minutes). To override, set
the lifetime option.
Service for storing data persistently between requests
$app-> (new );register SilexProviderSessionServiceProvider()
Instance of Symfony2's Session
Service that is used for
persistence of the session data
Service that is used by the
for data
['session']-> ('user', array('username' => $username));
$user = ['session']-> ('user'))
Custom Session Configurations
When using a custom session configuration is necessary
to disable the by setting
to null and configure the
ini setting yourself
$app[''] = null;
(default: null)
(default: myapp)
(default: value of
Swiftmailer Service Provider
$app['swiftmailer.options'] = array(
'host' => 'host',
'port' => '25',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'encryption' => null,
‘auth_mode' => null
$app-> (
$app $app
->post('/feedback', function () use ( ) {
$request = ['request'];
$message =
->setSubject('[YourSite] Feedback')
['mailer']-> ($message);
return new Response('Thank you!', 201);
$app-> (Swift_Message::newInstance()
->setSubject('[YourSite] Feedback')
Translation Service Provider
$app-> (new ,
'locale_fallbacks' => array('en'),
register SilexProviderTranslationServiceProvider()
Service for sending email through the Swift Mailer library
A boolean to specify whether or not
to use the memory spool.
An array of options for the default
SMTP-based configuration.
The following options can be set:
SMTP hostname.
SMTP port.
SMTP username.
SMTP password.
SMTP encryption.
SMTP authentication
(default: 'localhost')
efault: 25)
efault: empty string)
efault: empty string)
efault: null)
efault: null)
The mailer instance
$message = ;
// ...
['mailer']-> ($message);
Sends an email
Service for translating your app into different languages
Mapping of domains/locales/messages.
Contains the translation data for all
languages and domains
Locale for the translator. Generally set
this based on some request parameter
Fallback locales for the translator.
Used when the current locale has no
messages set
- optional*
(default: en)
(default: en)
(default: Swift_Transport_EsmtpTransport)
Transport used for e-mail
used by the
Authentication handler
used by the transport.
Try by default:
CRAM-MD5, login,
Internal event dispatcher
used by Swiftmailer
(default: true)
Instance of , that is
used for translation
Instance of an implementation
of the translation
Instance of
(default: ArrayLoader)
$app[''] = array(
'messages' => array(
'en' => array(
'hello' => 'Hello %name%',
'goodbye' => 'Goodbye %name%',
Twig Service Provider
-> ('Hello World');
-> ('Hello World');
$app-> (new ,
'twig.path' => __DIR__.'/views',
register SilexProviderTwigServiceProvider()
$app $app
->get('/hello/{name}', function ($name) use ( ) {
return ['twig']-> ('hello.twig', array(
'name' => $name,
In any Twig template, the variable refers to the
object. So you can access any service
from within your view.
E.g.: to access ,
just put this in your template:
{{ }}app
A render function is also registered to help
render another controller from a template:
{{ ( .request.baseUrl ~ '/sidebar') }}
{# or if using the UrlGeneratorServiceProvider #}
{{ (url('sidebar')) }}
return -> ('index.html', ['name' => 'Fabien']);$app render
$app $app
$app $app
['twig'] = -> (
-> ('twig', function($twig, ) {
$twig-> ('pi', 3.14);
$twig-> ('levenshtein',
new Twig_Filter_Function('levenshtein'));
return $twig;
You can configure the Twig environment before using it by
extending the twig service:
['twig.path'] = array(__DIR__.'/../templates');
['twig.options'] = array(
'cache' => __DIR__.'/../var/cache/twig'
The above example will result in following routes:
• /en/hello/igor will return Hello igor
• /de/hello/igor will return Hallo igor
• /fr/hello/igor will return Bonjour igor
• /it/hello/igor will return Hello igor (fallback)
'de' => array(
'hello' => 'Hallo %name%',
'goodbye' => 'Tschüss %name%',
'fr' => array(
'hello' => 'Bonjour %name%',
'goodbye' => 'Au revoir %name%',
'validators' => array(
'fr' => array(
'This value should be a valid number.' =>
‘Cette valeur doit être un nombre.',
function ($message, $name) use ( ) {
return ['translator']-> (
array('%name%' => $name)
$app trans
Translates the given message
Translates the given choice message
by choosing a translation according
to a number
Provide integration with the Twig template engine
Path to the directory containing twig
template files (it can also be an
array of paths)
Associative array of template names
to template contents. Use this if you
want to define your templates inline
Associative array of twig options
An array of templates used to render
forms (only available when the
is enabled)FormServiceProvider
- optional
twig.path twig.templates
instance. Main way
of interacting with Twig
The loader for Twig templates which uses the
and the options.
The loader can be replaced completely
Renders a view with the given parameters
and returns a object.Response
app variable
render function
Service for generating URLs for named routes
->get('/', function () {
return 'welcome to the homepage';
-> (' ');
->get('/navigation', function () use ($app) {
return '<a href="'.
['url_generator']-> (' ').
When using Twig, the service can be used like this:
{{ .url_generator. (' ) }}app generate home'
if you have twig-bridge as a Composer dep,
you will have access to the path() and url() functions:
{{ ('home') }}
{{ ('home') }}
{# generates the absolute url #}
-> ('home’);
-> ('home');
$app-> (
UrlGenerator Service Provider
url_generator An instance of , using the
that is provided through
the routes service. It has a generate method,
which takes the route name as an argument,
followed by an array of route parameters
Generates a path
Generates an absolute URL
Service for validating data. It is most useful when used with
the , but can also be used standaloneFormServiceProvider
Validator Service Provider
$app-> (new );register SilexProviderValidatorServiceProvider()
Instance of
Factory for metadata loaders,
which can read validation
constraint information from
classes. Defaults to
This means you can define a static
method on
your data class, which takes a
ClassMetadata argument.
Then you can set constraints on
this ClassMetadata instance
Factory for .
Defaults to a standard
Mostly used internally by the
use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as ;
->get('/validate/{email}', function ($email) use ( ) {
$errors = ['validator']-> ($email,
new Email());
if (count($errors) > 0) {
return (string) $errors;
return 'The email is valid';
$app $app
use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as Assert;
$author = new Author();
$author->first_name = 'Fabien';
$author->last_name = 'Potencier';
$book = new Book();
$book->title = 'My Book';
$book->author = $author;
$metadata = ['validator.mapping.class_metadata_factory']
-> ('Author');
$metadata-> ('first_name',
new AssertNotBlank());
$metadata-> ('first_name',
new AssertLength(array('min' => 10)));
$metadata-> ('last_name',
new AssertLength(array('min' => 10)));
$metadata = ['validator.mapping.class_metadata_factory']
-> ('Book');
$metadata-> ('title',
new AssertLength(array('min' => 10)));
$metadata-> ('author',
new AssertValid());
$errors = ['validator']-> ($book);
if (count($errors) > 0) {
foreach ($errors as $error) {
echo $error-> .' '.
$error-> ."n";
}else {
echo 'The author is valid';
Validating Objects
Validating Values
$app[''] = array(
'validators' => array(
'fr' => array(
'This value should be a valid number.' =>
'Cette valeur doit être un nombre.',
$app-> (new );register FormServiceProvider()
$app $app
->match('/form', function (Request $req) use ( ) {
// default data for when the form is displayed the first time
$data = array(
'name' => 'Your name',
'email' => 'Your email',
$form = ['form.factory']-> ('form', $data)
->add('gender', 'choice', array(
'choices' => array(1 => 'male', 2 => 'female'),
'expanded' => true,
$app-> ($data);form
HttpCache Service Provider
$app-> (new ,
'http_cache.cache_dir' => __DIR__.'/cache/',
register SilexProviderHttpCacheServiceProvider()
->get('/', function() {
return new Response('Foo', 200, array(
' ' => 's-maxage=5',
Service for building forms with the Symfony2 Form
Form Service Provider
This secret value is used for generating
and validating the CSRF token for a
specific page. It is very important to
set this value to a static randomly
generated value, to prevent hijacking
of your forms
Instance of , that
is used for build a form
Instance of an
implementation of the
if ($form->isValid()) {
$data = $form->getData();
// do something with the data
// redirect somewhere
return ->redirect('...');
// display the form
return ['twig']->render('index.twig', array(
'form' => $form->
Creates a FormBuilder instance
Provides support for the Symfony2 Reverse Proxy
Cache directory to store the HTTP
cache data
An array of options for the
- optional*
Instance of
Instance of , that implements the ESI
capabilities to and
Instance of , that implements all
the logic for storing cache metadata
( and headers)
Request Response
Request Response
If you want Silex to trust the
headers from your reverse proxy at address $ip,
you will need to whitelist it as documented in
Trusting Proxies. If you would be running Varnish in
front of your app on the same machine:
Request::setTrustedProxies(array('', '::1'));
Using Symfony2 reverse proxy natively
(with http_cache service)
[' ']->run();$app http_cache
The Symfony2 reverse proxy acts much like any other proxy
would, so whitelist it:
Disabling ESI
$app-> (new ,
'http_cache.cache_dir' => __DIR__.'/cache/',
' ' => ,
register SilexProviderHttpCacheServiceProvider()
http_cache.esi null
HttpFragment Service Provider
Allows to embed fragments of HTML in a template
Symfony 2.4+
$app-> (new
The main page content.
{{ ('/foo') }}
The main page content resumes here.
Using Twig for your templates:
Security Service Provider
Manages authentication and authorization for apps
$app-> (new SilexProviderSecurityServiceProvider(),
'security.firewalls' => // see below
The security features are only available after the
has been booted. So, to use it outside
of the handling of a request, call first:
// Current user
$token = ['security']-> ;
if (null !== $token) {
$user = $token-> ;
$app getToken()
// Securing a Path with HTTP Authentication
// Find the encoder for a UserInterface instance
// Compute the encoded password for foo
// Checking User Roles
// Allowing Anonymous Users
['security.firewalls'] = array(
'admin' => array(
'pattern' => '^/admin',
'http' => true,
'users' => array(
// raw password is foo
'admin' => array('ROLE_ADMIN',
$encoder = ['security.encoder_factory']-> ($user);
$password = $encoder-> ('foo', $user-> ;
if ( ['security']-> ('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
// ...
['security.firewalls'] = array(
'unsecured' => array(
'anonymous' => true,
// ...
encodePassword getSalt())
Path to use for the URL generated
for ESI and HInclude URLs
Secret to use for the URI signer
service (used for the HInclude
Content or Twig template to use
for the default content when using
the HInclude renderer
Instance of
Array of fragment renderers
(by default, the inline, ESI, and HInclude
renderers are pre-configured)
Defines whether to hide user
not found exception or not(default: true)
- optional*
Main entry point for the security
provider. Use it to get the current
user token
Instance of
responsible for authentication
Instance of
responsible for authorization
Define the session strategy used
for authentication (default to a
migration strategy)
Checks user flags after
Returns the last authentication
errors when given a object
Defines the encoding strategies
for user passwords (default to use
a digest algorithm for all users)
The encoder to use by default for
all users
RememberMe Service Provider
Adds "Remember-Me" authentication to the
-> (new );
-> (new );
['security.firewalls'] = array(
'my-firewall' => array(
'pattern' => '^/secure$',
'form' => true,
'logout' => true,
'remember_me' => array(
'key' => 'Choose_A_Unique_Random_Key',
'always_remember_me' => true,
'users' => array( /* ... */ ),
register SilexProviderSecurityServiceProvider()
register SilexProviderRememberMeServiceProvider()
Serializer Service Provider
Provides a serializer service
$app-> (new );register SilexProviderSerializerServiceProvider()
= new Application();
->register(new );
// only accept content types supported by the serializer
// via the assert method
->get("/pages/{id}.{_format}", function ($id) use ( ) {
// assume a page_repository service exists that returns Page
$app $app
// objects. Object returned has getters/setters exposing state
$page = ['page_repository']->find($id);$app
ServiceController Service Provider
Controllers can be created as services, providing the full
power of dependency injection and lazy loading
$app-> (
new );
use SilexApplication;
use DemoRepositoryPostRepository;
= new Application();
['posts.repository'] = -> (function() {
return new PostRepository;
->get('/posts.json', function() use ( ) {
return $app->json( ['posts.repository']->findAll());
$app $app
$app $app
$user = -> ();
$encoded = -> ($user, 'foo');
->get('/', function () {
// do something but only for admins
})-> ('ROLE_ADMIN');
Returns the current user
Encode a given password
Secures a controller for the given roles
Secret key to generate tokens (you should
generate a random string)
Cookie name
Cookie lifetime
Cookie path
Cookie domain
(default: REMEMBERME)
(default: 31536000 ~ 1 year)
(default: /)
(default: null = request domain)
(default: false)
(default: true)
(default: false)
(default: _remember_me)
Cookie is secure
Cookie is HTTP only
Enable remember me
Name of the request parameter
enabling remember_me on login.
/posts.json route will use a controller that is defined as a
$app $app $app
[' '] = -> (function() use ( ) {
return new PostController( ['posts.repository']);
->get('/posts.json', " ");
posts.controller share
Define the controller as a service:
$format = ['request']->getRequestFormat();
if (!$page instanceof Page) {
->abort("No page found for id: $id");
return new Response(
['serializer']-> ($page, $format), 200,
"Content-Type" => ['request']->getMimeType($format)
})->assert("_format", "xml|json")
->assert("id", "d+");

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Silex Cheat Sheet

  • 2. Usage Apache // web/index.php require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; = new ; ->get('/hello/{name}', function ($name) use ( ) { return 'Hello ' . ->escape($name); }); ->run(); $app SilexApplication() $app $app $app $app Install $ composer require silex/silex:~1.2 Web Server Configuration <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On #RewriteBase /path/to/app RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L] </IfModule> If your site is not at the webroot level: uncomment the statement and adjust the path to point to your directory, relative from the webroot. RewriteBase For Apache 2.2.16+, you can use the FallbackResource directive: FallbackResource /index.php server { #site root is redirected to the app boot script location = / { try_files @site @site; } # all other locations try other files first and go to our # front controller if none of them exists location / { try_files $uri $uri/ @site; } #return 404 for all php files as we do have a front controller location ~ .php$ { return 404; } location @site { fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm/www.sock; include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/index.php; #uncomment when running via https #fastcgi_param HTTPS on; } } nginx IIS <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <defaultDocument> <files> <clear /> <add value="index.php" /> </files> </defaultDocument> <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="Silex Front Controller" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="^(.*)$" ignoreCase="false" /> <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll"> <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" ignoreCase="false" negate="true" /> </conditions> <action type="Rewrite" url="index.php" appendQueryString="true" /> </rule> </rules> </rewrite> </system.webServer> </configuration> server.document-root = "/path/to/app" url.rewrite-once = ( # configure some static files "^/assets/.+" => "$0", "^/favicon.ico$" => "$0", "^(/[^?]*)(?.*)?" => "/index.php$1$2" ) Lighttpd web.config file: simple-vhost: configure your vhost to forward non-existent resources to index.php: Allows run silex without any configuration. However, in order to serve static files, you'll have to make sure your front controller returns false in that case ( ):web/index.php $filename = __DIR__.preg_replace('#(?.*)$#', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli-server' && is_file($filename)) { return false; } = require __DIR__.'/../src/app.php'; ->run(); $app $app The application should be running at .http://localhost:8080 $ php -S localhost:8080 -t web web/index.php To start the server from the command-line: PHP 5.4 built-in webserver only for development!
  • 3. App Configuration false 80 443 ‘UTF-8’ ‘en’ null $app $app $app $app $app $app ['debug'] ['request.http_port'] ['request.https_port'] ['charset'] ['locale'] ['logger'] // turn on the debug mode $app['debug'] = true; If your application is hosted behind a reverse proxy at address $ip, and you want Silex to trust the X-Forwarded-For* headers, you will need to run your application like this: use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; Request::setTrustedProxies(array($ip)); ->run();$app $app['asset_path'] = ''; Custom Configuration ( )Parameters {{ .asset_path }}/css/styles.cssapp $app['base_url'] = '/'; Default Configuration Using in a template (Twig) Configuration Default value Set Get $debug = ['debug'];$app Global Configuration To apply a controller setting to all controllers (a converter, a middleware, a requirement, or a default value), configure it on :$app['controllers'] $app['controllers'] ->value('id', '1') ->assert('id', 'd+') ->requireHttps() ->method('get') ->convert('id', function () {/* ... */ }) ->before(function () {/* ... */ }); Global configuration does not apply to controller providers you might mount as they have their own global configuration applied to already registered controllers and become the defaults for new controllers Symfony2 Components HttpFoundation HttpKernel Routing EventDispatcher Symfony2 components used by Silex: For Request and Response. Because we need a heart. For matching defined routes. For hooking into the HttpKernel App Helper Methods $app-> ('/account );redirect ' $subRequest = Request::create('/hi', 'GET'); -> ($subRequest, HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST);$app handle Redirect Forward Generate the URI using :UrlGeneratorProvider $r = Request::create($app['url_generator']->generate('hi’), 'GET'); Return JSON data and apply correct escape JSON $app $app -> ($error, 404); -> ($user); json json Streaming response (when you cannot buffer the data being sent) Stream $app-> ($stream, 200, array('Content-Type' => 'image/png'));stream To send chunks, make sure to call ob_flush and flush after every chunk: $stream = function () { $fh = fopen('', 'rb'); while (!feof($fh)) { echo fread($fh, 1024); ob_flush(); flush(); } fclose($fh); }; Sending a file $app-> ('/base/path/' . $path) ->setContentDisposition( ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, 'pic.jpg') sendFile HttpFoundation 2.2+ Create a BinaryFileResponse $app-> ($name)escape Escape Escape user input, to prevent Cross-Site-Scripting attacks Stop the request early. It actually throws an exception $app-> (404, "Book $id does not exist.");abort Abort Set $assetPath = ['asset_path'];$app Get EARLY_EVENT = 512; LATE_EVENT = -512; App Events
  • 4. Routing A route pattern consists of: Pattern -> ('/blog', function () use ($posts) { $output = ''; foreach ($posts as $post) { $output .= $post['title']; $output .= '<br />'; } return $output; }); $app get HTTP Methods $app $app -> ('/books', function ($id) { // ... }); -> ('/books/{id}', function () { // ... }); post get For Symfony Components 2.2+: explicitly enable method override HTTP method override (for PUT, DELETE, and PATCH) The current App is automatically injected to the closure thanks to the type hinting Forms in most web browsers do not directly support the use of other HTTP methods. Use a special form field named ._method <form action="/my/target/route/" method=" "> <!-- ... --> <input type="hidden" name=" " value=" " /> </form> POST _method PUT use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; Request::enableHttpMethodParameterOverride(); ->run();$app Can be restricted via the method method $app $app $app -> ('/book’, function () { // ... }); -> ('/book', function () { // ... }) -> ('PATCH'); -> ('/book', function () { // ... }) -> ('PUT|POST'); match match match method method The order of the routes is significant. The first matching route will be used (place more generic routes at the bottom) variable part passed to the closure $app SilexApplication $app $app ->get('/blog/ ', function ( , ) use ($posts) { if (!isset($posts[$id])) { ->abort(404, "Post $id does not exist."); } $post = $posts[$id]; return "<h1>{$post['title']}</h1>" . “<p>{$post['body']}</p>"; }); {id} $id patternmethod Defines a path that points to a resource. Can include variable parts and you are able to set RegExp requirements for them One of the HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT or DELETE. Describes the interaction with the resource Method POST GET Dynamic Route (Route Variable) $app $app -> ('/books/{id}', function ($id) { // ... }); -> ('/books/{id}', function ($id) { // ... }); put delete PUT DELETE $app-> ('/books/{id}', function ($id) { // ... }); patchPATCH Matching all Methods Default Values This will allow matching /, in which case the variable will have the value page index $app->get('/{page}', function ($page) { // ... }) -> (' ’, ' ');value page index To define a default value for any route variable call on the object: value Controller The form's method attribute must be set to when using this field: POST
  • 5. Route Variables Converters $app->get('/user/{id}', function ($id) { // ... })-> ('id', function ($id) {return (int) $id; });convert Appling some converters before injecting route variables into the controller: Converting route variables to objects $userProvider = function ($id) { return new User($id); }; ->get('/user/{user}/edit', function (User $user) { // ... })-> ('user', $userProvider); $app convert The converter callback also receives the as its second argument: Request $callback = function ($post, Request $req) { return new Post($req->attributes->get('slug')); }; ->get('/blog/{id}/{slug}', function (Post $post) { // ... })-> ('post', $callback); $app convert Converter defined as a service use DoctrineCommonPersistenceObjectManager; use SymfonyComponentHttpKernelExceptionNotFoundHttpException; class UserConverter { private $om; public function __construct(ObjectManager $om) { $this->om = $om; } public function convert($id) { if (null === $user = $this->om->find('User', (int) $id)) { throw new NotFoundHttpException( sprintf('User %d does not exist', $id) ); } return $user; } } The service will now be registered in the app, and the convert method will be used as converter: E.g.: user converter based on Doctrine ObjectManager: $app $app ['converter.user'] = $app->share(function () { return new UserConverter(); }); ->get('/user/{user}', function (User $user) { // ... })-> ('user', 'converter.user:convert');convert Requirements $app->get('/blog/{id}', function ($id) { // ... }) -> ('id', 'd+');assert $app->get('/blog/{postId}/{commentId}', function ($postId, $commentId) { // ... }) -> ('postId', 'd+') -> ('commentId', 'd+'); assert assert Chained requirements $app $app ->get('/', function () { // ... }) -> ('homepage'); ->get('/blog/{id}', function ($id) { // ... }) -> ('blog_post'); bind bind Named Routes It only makes sense to name routes if you use providers that make use of the RouteCollection $app->get('/', ' ); use SilexApplication; use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; namespace Acme { class Foo { public function bar(Request $request, Application $app) { // ... AcmeFoo::bar' Controllers in Classes For an even stronger separation between Silex and your controllers, you can define your controllers as services Group URLs (mount) mount() prefixes all routes with the given prefix and merges them into the main Application // define controllers for a blog $blog = ['controllers_factory']; $blog->get('/', function () { return 'Blog home page'; }); $app $app['controllers_factory'] ControllerCollection is a factory that returns a new instance of . When mounting a route collection under /blog, it is not possible to define a route for the /blog URL. The shortest possible URL is /blog/. // define "global" controllers ->get('/', function () { return 'Main home page'; }); -> ('/blog', $blog); -> ('/forum', $forum); // / map to the main home page // /blog/ map to the blog home page // /forum/ map to the forum home page $app $app $app mount mount // define controllers for a forum $forum = ['controllers_factory']; $forum->get('/', function () { return 'Forum home page'; }); $app version 1.2 (a:b notation)
  • 6. Error Handlers use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; -> (function (Exception $e, ) { return new Response('Something went terribly wrong.'); }); $app error $code use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; -> (function (Exception $e, ) { switch ( ) { case 404: $message = 'Page not found.'; break; default: $message = 'Something went terribly wrong.'; } return new Response($message); }); $app error $code $code Check for specific errors (using ):$code As Silex ensures that the status code is set to the most appropriate one depending on the exception, setting the status on the response won't work. To overwrite the status code (which should not without a good reason), set the header: Response X-Status-Code return new Response('Error', 404 /* ignored */, array('X-Status-Code' => 200)); To restrict an error handler to only handle some Exception classes set a more specific type hint for the Closure argument: $app-> (function (LogicException $e, $code) { // this handler will only handle LogicException exceptions // and exceptions that extends LogicException }); error Silex comes with a default error handler that displays a detailed error message with the stack trace when debug is true, and a simple error message otherwise. -> (function (Exception $e, $code) use ( ) { if ( ['debug']) { return; } // ... logic to handle the error and return a Response }); $app $app $app error The error handlers are also called when you use abort to abort a request early: $app $app $app ->get('/blog/{id}', function (SilexApplication , $id) use ($posts) { if (!isset($posts[$id])) { -> (404, "Post $id does not exist."); } return new Response(...); }); abort Traits Define shortcut methods. PHP 5.4+ Almost all built-in service providers have some corresponding PHP traits. To use them, define your own class and include the traits you want: Application use SilexApplication; class MyApplication extends Application { use ApplicationTwigTrait; use ApplicationSecurityTrait; use ApplicationFormTrait; use ApplicationUrlGeneratorTrait; use ApplicationSwiftmailerTrait; use ApplicationMonologTrait; use ApplicationTranslationTrait; } To define your own Route class and use some traits: use SilexRoute; class MyRoute extends Route { use RouteSecurityTrait; } To use the newly defined route, override the setting:$app['route_class'] $app['route_class'] = 'MyRoute'; Restricting Error Handler Debug and Error Handler Use a separate error handler for . Make sure to register it before the response error handlers, because once a response is returned, the following handlers are ignored. logging Logging and Error Handler Error handlers registered via method always take precedence. To keep the nice error messages when debug is on use this: error() To register an error handler, pass a closure to the error method which takes an argument and returns a response: Exception Silex documentation, examples, and download:
  • 7. Middlewares Application Middlewares $app $app-> (function (Request $req, Application ) { // ... }); before Only run for “master” request Run after the routing and security and before the controller. Before To run the middleware even if an exception is thrown early on (on a 404 or 403 error for instance), register it as an early event: $app $app-> (function (Request $req, Application ) { // ... }, ); before Application::EARLY_EVENT $app-> (function (Request $req, Response $resp) { // ... }); after After Run before the Response is sent to the client. $app-> (function (Request $req, Response $resp) { // ... // Warning: modifications to the Request or Response // will be ignored }); finish Terminate Event registered on the Symfony response event. Event registered on the Symfony terminate event. Event registered on the Symfony request event. Run after the Response has been sent to the client (like sending emails or logging). Route Middlewares Added to routes or route collections. Only triggered when the corresponding route is matched. You can also stack them: $app->get('/somewhere', function () { // ... }) -> ($before1) -> ($before2) -> ($after1) -> ($after2) ; before before after after Fired before the route callback, but after the before application middlewares: Before $before = function (Request $req, Application ) { // ... }; ->get('/somewhere', function () { // ... }) -> ($before); $app $app before Fired after the route callback, but before the application after application middlewares: After $after = function (Request $req, Response $resp, Application ) { // ... }; ->get('/somewhere', function () { // ... }) -> ($after); $app $app after The middlewares are triggered in the same order they are added. To control the priority of the middleware pass an additional argument to the registration methods: $app-> (function (Request $req) { // ... }, ); before 32 Middlewares Priority As a convenience, two constants allow you to register an event as early as possible or as late as possible: $app $app -> (function (Request $req) { // ... }, ); -> (function (Request $req) { // ... }, ); before Application::EARLY_EVENT before Application::LATE_EVENT If a before middleware returns a Response object, the Request handling is short-circuited (the next middlewares won't be run, nor the route callback), and the Response is passed to the after middlewares right away: Short-circuiting the Controller $app-> (function (Request $req) { // redirect the user to the login screen if access // to the Resource is protected if (...) { return new RedirectResponse('/login'); } }); before If a before middleware does not return a Response or null, a is thrown.RuntimeException
  • 8. Services Silex use (extends) Pimple for DI Definition closurearray $app['some_service'] = function () { return new Service(); }; Retrieve the service: $service = ['some_service'];$app Every time is called, a new instance of the service is created. $app['some_service'] Shared Services Use the same instance of a service across all of your code. Create the service on first invocation, and then return the existing instance on any subsequent access. $app $app['some_service'] = -> (function () { return new Service(); }); share Access Container from Closure Access the service container from within a service definition closure. For example when fetching services the current service depends on. $app $app $app $app ['some_service'] = function ( ) { return new Service( ['some_other_service'], ['some_service.config']); }; also works for shared services some_service depends on some_other_service $app $app $app $app $app ['user.persist_path'] = '/tmp/users'; ['user.persister'] = -> (function ( ) { return new JsonUserPersister( ['user.persist_path']); }); share Protected Closures The container sees closures as factories for services, so it will always execute them when reading them. In some cases you will however want to store a closure as a parameter, so that you can fetch it and execute it yourself -- with your own arguments. This is why Pimple allows to protect closures from being executed, by using the method:protect $app $app $app ['closure_parameter'] = -> (function ($a, $b) { return $a + $b; }); // will not execute the closure $add = ['closure_parameter']; // calling it now echo $add(2, 3); protect protected closures do not get access to the container Core Services Current request object (instance of ). It gives access to GET, POST parameters and lots more! E.g.: Only available when a request is being served, you can only access it from within a controller, an application before/after middlewares, or an error handler. that is used internally. You can add, modify, and read routes. that is used internally. that is used internally. It is the core of the Symfony2 system and is used quite a bit by Silex. that is used internally. It takes care of executing the controller with the right arguments. Request $id = ['request']->get('id'); RouteCollection SilexControllerCollection EventDispatcher ControllerResolver $app HttpKernel Request Response UrlGenerator error() ['exception_handler']->disable() PsrLogLoggerInterface MonologServiceProvider SymfonyComponentHttpKernel LogLoggerInterface that is used internally. Is the heart of Symfony2, it takes a as input and returns a as output Simplified representation of the request that is used by the Router and the Default handler that is used when you don't register one via the method or if the handler does not return a Response. Disable it with . instance. By default, logging is disabled as the value is set to null. To enable logging either use the or define your own logger service that conforms to the PSR logger interface. In versions of Silex before 1.1 this must be a . $app request_context request routes controllers dispatcher resolver are shared $app $app['asset_path'] = -> (function () { // logic to determine the asset path return ''; }); share Define the service: kernel exception_handler logger E.g. 2: E.g. 3:
  • 9. Providers Service Providers Allow to reuse parts of an application into another one In order to load and use a service provider, register it on the application: Loading providers Creating a provider Providers must implement the :SilexServiceProviderInterface interface ServiceProviderInterface { public function (Application ); public function (Application ); } register boot $app $app define services on the application which then may make use of other services and parameters register() Just create a new class that implements the two methods: configure the application, just before it handles a request boot() namespace Acme; use SilexApplication; use SilexServiceProviderInterface; class HelloServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface { public function register(Application ) { ['hello'] = -> (function ($name) use ( ){ $default = ['hello.default_name'] ? ['hello.default_name'] : ‘'; $name = $name ?: $default; return 'Hello ' . -> ($name); }); } public function boot(Application ) { } } $app $app $app $app $app $app $app $app protect escape -> (new AcmeHelloServiceProvider(), array( 'hello.default_name' => 'Mary', )); ->get('/hello', function () use ( ) { $name = ['request']->get('name'); return ['hello']($name); }); $app $app $app $app $app register Using the provider: Controller Providers To load and use a controller provider, "mount" its controllers under a path: $app-> ('/blog', new AcmeBlogControllerProvider());mount All controllers defined by the provider will now be available under the /blog path. Loading providers Creating a provider Providers must implement the :SilexControllerProviderInterface interface ControllerProviderInterface { public function (Application ); } connect $app namespace Acme; use SilexApplication; use SilexControllerProviderInterface; class HelloControllerProvider implements ControllerProviderInterface { public function connect(Application ) { // creates a new controller based on the default route $controllers = ['controllers_factory']; $controllers->get('/', function (Application ) { return ->redirect('/hello'); }); return $controllers; } } $app $app $app $app The connect method must return an instance of ControllerCollection. ControllerCollection is the class where all controller related methods are defined (like get, post, match, ...). Using: $app-> ('/blog', new AcmeHelloControllerProvider());mount $app-> (new AcmeDatabaseServiceProvider());register $app-> (new AcmeDatabaseServiceProvider(), array( 'database.dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb’, 'database.user' => 'root', ‘database.password' => 'secret_root_password', )); register It is possible to provide some parameters as a second argument. These will be set after the provider is registered, but before it is booted: E.g.:
  • 10. Doctrine Service Provider Only Doctrine DBAL. An ORM service is not supplied db.options db db.config db.event_manager Parameters Services $app-> (new , array( 'db.options' => array( ‘driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'path' => __DIR__.'/app.db', ), )); register SilexProviderDoctrineServiceProvider() Registering $app $app $app ->get('/blog/{id}', function ($id) use ( ) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ?"; $post = ['db']-> ($sql, array((int) $id)); return "<h1>{$post['title']}</h1>". “<p>{$post['body']}</p>"; }); fetchAssoc Usage Using multiple databases $app-> (new , array( 'dbs.options' => array ( 'mysql_read' => array( 'driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'host' => 'mysql_read.someplace.tld', 'dbname' => 'my_database', 'user' => 'my_username', 'password' => 'my_password', 'charset' => 'utf8', ), 'mysql_write' => array( 'driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'host' => 'mysql_write.someplace.tld', 'dbname' => 'my_database', 'user' => 'my_username', 'password' => 'my_password', 'charset' => 'utf8', ), ), )); register SilexProviderDoctrineServiceProvider() $app $app ['db']->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM table'); ['dbs']['mysql_read']->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM table'); The first registered connection is the default, so the lines below are equivalent: $app $app $app $app ->get('/blog/{id}', function ($id) use ( ) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ?"; $post = ['dbs']['mysql_read']-> ( $sql, array((int) $id) ); $sql = "UPDATE posts SET value = ? WHERE id = ?"; ['dbs']['mysql_write']-> ( $sql, array('newValue', (int) $id) ); return "<h1>{$post['title']}</h1>". "<p>{$post['body']}</p>"; }); fetchAssoc executeUpdate Using multiple connections: Included Providers DoctrineServiceProvider MonologServiceProvider SessionServiceProvider SerializerServiceProvider SwiftmailerServiceProvider TwigServiceProvider TranslationServiceProvider UrlGeneratorServiceProvider ValidatorServiceProvider HttpCacheServiceProvider FormServiceProvider SecurityServiceProvider RememberMeServiceProvider ServiceControllerServiceProvider Providers available in the namespace : SilexProvider ( Array of Doctrine DBAL options. These options are available: The database driver to use. Can be: pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, pdo_pgsql, pdo_oci, oci8, ibm_db2, pdo_ibm, pdo_sqlsrv Name of the database Host of the database. (default: pdo_mysql) (default: localhost) driver dbname host User of the database. Password of the database (default: root) Only relevant for pdo_mysql, and pdo_oci/oci8, specifies the charset used when connecting to the database Only relevant for pdo_sqlite, specifies the path to the SQLite database Specifies the port of the database. Only relevant for pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, and pdo_oci/oci8 user password charset path port The database connection, instance of Configuration object for Doctrine. Event Manager for Doctrine DoctrineDBALConnection (default: empty DoctrineDBALConfiguration) Integration with the Doctrine DBAL for easy database access
  • 11. Monolog Service Provider monolog.logfile monolog.bubble monolog.permission monolog.level Parameters Services Registering monolog monolog.listener $app-> (new , array( ‘monolog.logfile' => __DIR__.'/dev.log', )); register SilexProviderMonologServiceProvider() ->post('/user', function () use ($app) { // ... ['monolog']-> (sprintf("User '%s' registered.", $username)); return new Response('', 201); }); $app $app addInfo Usage It is possible to configure Monolog (like adding or changing the handlers) before using it by extending the monolog service: $app $app $app $app ['monolog'] = -> ( -> ('monolog', function($monolog, ) { $monolog-> (...); return $monolog; })); share extend pushHandler Customization Traits log $app-> (sprintf("User '%s' registered.", $username));log File where logs are written to Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not File permissions default, nothing change Level of logging, defaults to DEBUG. Must be one of: (log everything), (log everything except DEBUG), . In addition to the constants, it is also possible to supply the level in string form, e.g.: “ ", " ", “ ", " " Name of the monolog channel Logger::DEBUG Logger::INFO Logger::WARNING, Logger::ERROR Logger:: DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR - optional * * * * * The monolog logger instance E.g.: An event listener to log requests, responses and errors $app['monolog']-> ('Test’);addDebug Logs a message Session Service Provider Parameters Log requests and errors and allow to add logging to app Path for the . An array of options that is passed to the constructor of the service In case of the default , the most useful options are: NativeFileSessionHandler NativeSessionStorage name id cookie_lifetime cookie_path cookie_domain cookie_secure cookie_httponly The cookie name. The session id. Cookie lifetime Cookie path Cookie domain Cookie secure (HTTPS) Whether the cookie is http only (default: _SESS) efault: null)(d Whether to simulate sessions or not (useful when writing functional tests). session.test All of these are optional. Default Sessions life time is 1800 seconds (30 minutes). To override, set the lifetime option. * Service for storing data persistently between requests Services Registering session $app-> (new );register SilexProviderSessionServiceProvider() Instance of Symfony2's Session Service that is used for persistence of the session data Service that is used by the for data Usage ['session']-> ('user', array('username' => $username)); $user = ['session']-> ('user')) $app $app set get Custom Session Configurations When using a custom session configuration is necessary to disable the by setting to null and configure the ini setting yourself NativeFileSessionHandler session.save_path $app[''] = null; (default: null) (default: myapp) (default: NativeFileSessionHandler) (default: value of sys_get_temp_dir())
  • 12. Swiftmailer Service Provider Parameters Services Registering Usage swiftmailer.use_spool swiftmailer.options $app['swiftmailer.options'] = array( 'host' => 'host', 'port' => '25', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'encryption' => null, ‘auth_mode' => null ); mailer $app-> ( new ); register SilexProviderSwiftmailerServiceProvider() $app $app $app $app ->post('/feedback', function () use ( ) { $request = ['request']; $message = ->setSubject('[YourSite] Feedback') ->setFrom(array('')) ->setTo(array('')) ->setBody($request->get('message')); ['mailer']-> ($message); return new Response('Thank you!', 201); }); Swift_Message::newInstance() send Traits mail $app-> (Swift_Message::newInstance() ->setSubject('[YourSite] Feedback') ->setFrom(array('')) ->setTo(array('')) ->setBody($request->get('message'))); mail Translation Service Provider Parameters Services Registering locale locale_fallbacks translator translator.loader translator.message_selector $app-> (new , array( 'locale_fallbacks' => array('en'), )); register SilexProviderTranslationServiceProvider() Service for sending email through the Swift Mailer library A boolean to specify whether or not to use the memory spool. An array of options for the default SMTP-based configuration. The following options can be set: host port username password encryption auth_mode SMTP hostname. SMTP port. SMTP username. SMTP password. SMTP encryption. SMTP authentication mode. (default: 'localhost') efault: 25) efault: empty string) efault: empty string) efault: null) efault: null) (d (d (d (d (d The mailer instance $message = ; // ... ['mailer']-> ($message); Swift_Message::newInstance() send$app swiftmailer.transport swiftmailer.transport.buffer swiftmailer.transport.authhandler swiftmailer.transport.eventdispatcher Sends an email Service for translating your app into different languages Mapping of domains/locales/messages. Contains the translation data for all languages and domains Locale for the translator. Generally set this based on some request parameter Fallback locales for the translator. Used when the current locale has no messages set - optional* * * * (default: en) (default: en) (default: Swift_Transport_EsmtpTransport) Transport used for e-mail delivery. used by the transport Authentication handler used by the transport. Try by default: CRAM-MD5, login, plaintext Internal event dispatcher used by Swiftmailer StreamBuffer (default: true) Instance of , that is used for translation Instance of an implementation of the translation Instance of Translator LoaderInterface MessageSelector (default: ArrayLoader) Usage $app[''] = array( 'messages' => array( 'en' => array( 'hello' => 'Hello %name%', 'goodbye' => 'Goodbye %name%', ),
  • 13. Twig Service Provider Traits trans transChoice $app $app -> ('Hello World'); -> ('Hello World'); trans transChoice twig.path twig.templates twig.options twig.form.templates Services Registering Usage Traits twig twig.loader $app-> (new , array( 'twig.path' => __DIR__.'/views', )); register SilexProviderTwigServiceProvider() $app $app $app ->get('/hello/{name}', function ($name) use ( ) { return ['twig']-> ('hello.twig', array( 'name' => $name, )); }); render In any Twig template, the variable refers to the object. So you can access any service from within your view. E.g.: to access , just put this in your template: app Application $app['request']->getHost() {{ }}app A render function is also registered to help render another controller from a template: {{ ( .request.baseUrl ~ '/sidebar') }} {# or if using the UrlGeneratorServiceProvider #} {{ (url('sidebar')) }} render render app render return -> ('index.html', ['name' => 'Fabien']);$app render Customization $app $app $app $app ['twig'] = -> ( -> ('twig', function($twig, ) { $twig-> ('pi', 3.14); $twig-> ('levenshtein', new Twig_Filter_Function('levenshtein')); return $twig; })); share extend addGlobal addFilter You can configure the Twig environment before using it by extending the twig service: $app $app ['twig.path'] = array(__DIR__.'/../templates'); ['twig.options'] = array( 'cache' => __DIR__.'/../var/cache/twig' ); The above example will result in following routes: • /en/hello/igor will return Hello igor • /de/hello/igor will return Hallo igor • /fr/hello/igor will return Bonjour igor • /it/hello/igor will return Hello igor (fallback) 'de' => array( 'hello' => 'Hallo %name%', 'goodbye' => 'Tschüss %name%', ), 'fr' => array( 'hello' => 'Bonjour %name%', 'goodbye' => 'Au revoir %name%', ), ), 'validators' => array( 'fr' => array( 'This value should be a valid number.' => ‘Cette valeur doit être un nombre.', ), ), ); ->get('/{_locale}/{message}/{name}', function ($message, $name) use ( ) { return ['translator']-> ( $message, array('%name%' => $name) ); }); $app $app $app trans Translates the given message Translates the given choice message by choosing a translation according to a number E.g.: Parameters Provide integration with the Twig template engine Path to the directory containing twig template files (it can also be an array of paths) Associative array of template names to template contents. Use this if you want to define your templates inline Associative array of twig options An array of templates used to render forms (only available when the is enabled)FormServiceProvider - optional * * * * Twig_Environment twig.path twig.templates instance. Main way of interacting with Twig The loader for Twig templates which uses the and the options. The loader can be replaced completely Renders a view with the given parameters and returns a object.Response app variable render function *
  • 14. Services Service for generating URLs for named routes Usage $app $app $app ->get('/', function () { return 'welcome to the homepage'; }) -> (' '); ->get('/navigation', function () use ($app) { return '<a href="'. ['url_generator']-> (' '). '">Home</a>'; }); bind generate home home When using Twig, the service can be used like this: {{ .url_generator. (' ) }}app generate home' if you have twig-bridge as a Composer dep, you will have access to the path() and url() functions: {{ ('home') }} {{ ('home') }} {# generates the absolute url #} path url Traits path url $app $app -> ('home’); -> ('home'); path url Registering $app-> ( new ); register SilexProviderUrlGeneratorServiceProvider() UrlGenerator Service Provider url_generator An instance of , using the that is provided through the routes service. It has a generate method, which takes the route name as an argument, followed by an array of route parameters UrlGenerator RouteCollection Generates a path Generates an absolute URL Service for validating data. It is most useful when used with the , but can also be used standaloneFormServiceProvider Validator Service Provider Services Registering validator validator.mapping. class_metadata_factory validator.validator_factory $app-> (new );register SilexProviderValidatorServiceProvider() Instance of Factory for metadata loaders, which can read validation constraint information from classes. Defaults to . This means you can define a static method on your data class, which takes a ClassMetadata argument. Then you can set constraints on this ClassMetadata instance Factory for . Defaults to a standard . Mostly used internally by the Validator StaticMethodLoader-- ClassMetadataFactory loadValidatorMetadata ConstraintValidators ConstraintValidatorFactory Validator Usage use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as ; ->get('/validate/{email}', function ($email) use ( ) { $errors = ['validator']-> ($email, new Email()); if (count($errors) > 0) { return (string) $errors; } return 'The email is valid'; }); Assert validateValue Assert $app $app $app use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as Assert; $author = new Author(); $author->first_name = 'Fabien'; $author->last_name = 'Potencier'; $book = new Book(); $book->title = 'My Book'; $book->author = $author; $metadata = ['validator.mapping.class_metadata_factory'] -> ('Author'); $metadata-> ('first_name', new AssertNotBlank()); $metadata-> ('first_name', new AssertLength(array('min' => 10))); $metadata-> ('last_name', new AssertLength(array('min' => 10))); $metadata = ['validator.mapping.class_metadata_factory'] -> ('Book'); $metadata-> ('title', new AssertLength(array('min' => 10))); $metadata-> ('author', new AssertValid()); $errors = ['validator']-> ($book); if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { echo $error-> .' '. $error-> ."n"; } }else { echo 'The author is valid'; } $app $app $app getMetadataFor addPropertyConstraint addPropertyConstraint addPropertyConstraint getMetadataFor addPropertyConstraint addPropertyConstraint validate getPropertyPath() getMessage() Validating Objects Validating Values Translation $app[''] = array( 'validators' => array( 'fr' => array( 'This value should be a valid number.' => 'Cette valeur doit être un nombre.', ) ));
  • 15. Usage Traits form.secret Registering $app-> (new );register FormServiceProvider() $app $app $app ->match('/form', function (Request $req) use ( ) { // default data for when the form is displayed the first time $data = array( 'name' => 'Your name', 'email' => 'Your email', ); $form = ['form.factory']-> ('form', $data) ->add('name') ->add('email') ->add('gender', 'choice', array( 'choices' => array(1 => 'male', 2 => 'female'), 'expanded' => true, )) ->getForm(); createBuilder form $app-> ($data);form HttpCache Service Provider Parameters Services Registering Usage http_cache.cache_dir http_cache.options http_cache http_cache.esi $app-> (new , array( 'http_cache.cache_dir' => __DIR__.'/cache/', )); register SilexProviderHttpCacheServiceProvider() ->get('/', function() { return new Response('Foo', 200, array( ' ' => 's-maxage=5', )); }); $app Cache-Control Parameters Service for building forms with the Symfony2 Form component Form Service Provider This secret value is used for generating and validating the CSRF token for a specific page. It is very important to set this value to a static randomly generated value, to prevent hijacking of your forms (default: md5(__DIR__)) Services form.factory form.csrf_provider Instance of , that is used for build a form Instance of an implementation of the FormFactory CsrfProviderInterface (default: DefaultCsrfProvider) $form->handleRequest($req); if ($form->isValid()) { $data = $form->getData(); // do something with the data // redirect somewhere return ->redirect('...'); } // display the form return ['twig']->render('index.twig', array( 'form' => $form-> )); }); $app $app createView() Creates a FormBuilder instance Provides support for the Symfony2 Reverse Proxy Cache directory to store the HTTP cache data An array of options for the constructorHttpCache - optional* * Instance of Instance of , that implements the ESI capabilities to and instances Instance of , that implements all the logic for storing cache metadata ( and headers) HttpCache Esi Request Response Store Request Response If you want Silex to trust the headers from your reverse proxy at address $ip, you will need to whitelist it as documented in Trusting Proxies. If you would be running Varnish in front of your app on the same machine: X-Forwarded-For* Request::setTrustedProxies(array('', '::1')); ->run();$app Using Symfony2 reverse proxy natively (with http_cache service) Request::setTrustedProxies(array('')); [' ']->run();$app http_cache The Symfony2 reverse proxy acts much like any other proxy would, so whitelist it: Disabling ESI $app-> (new , array( 'http_cache.cache_dir' => __DIR__.'/cache/', ' ' => , )); register SilexProviderHttpCacheServiceProvider() http_cache.esi null
  • 16. HttpFragment Service Provider Parameters Services Registering Usage Allows to embed fragments of HTML in a template Symfony 2.4+ fragment.path uri_signer.secret fragment.renderers. hinclude.global_template fragment.handler fragment.renderers $app-> (new ); register SilexProviderHttpFragmentServiceProvider() The main page content. {{ ('/foo') }} The main page content resumes here. render Using Twig for your templates: Security Service Provider Parameters Services Registering Usage security.hide_user_not_found Manages authentication and authorization for apps security security. authentication_manager security.access_manager security.session_strategy security.user_checker security.last_error security.encoder_factory security.encoder.digest $app-> (new SilexProviderSecurityServiceProvider(), array( 'security.firewalls' => // see below )); register The security features are only available after the has been booted. So, to use it outside of the handling of a request, call first: Application boot() $app->boot(); // Current user $token = ['security']-> ; if (null !== $token) { $user = $token-> ; } $app getToken() getUser() // Securing a Path with HTTP Authentication // Find the encoder for a UserInterface instance // Compute the encoded password for foo // Checking User Roles // Allowing Anonymous Users ['security.firewalls'] = array( 'admin' => array( 'pattern' => '^/admin', 'http' => true, 'users' => array( // raw password is foo 'admin' => array('ROLE_ADMIN', '5FZ2Z8QIkA7UTZ4BYkoC+GsReLf569mSKDsYQ8t+a8...'), ), ), ); $encoder = ['security.encoder_factory']-> ($user); $password = $encoder-> ('foo', $user-> ; if ( ['security']-> ('ROLE_ADMIN')) { // ... } ['security.firewalls'] = array( 'unsecured' => array( 'anonymous' => true, // ... ), ); $app $app $app $app getEncoder encodePassword getSalt()) isGranted Path to use for the URL generated for ESI and HInclude URLs Secret to use for the URI signer service (used for the HInclude renderer) Content or Twig template to use for the default content when using the HInclude renderer (default: /_fragment) Instance of Array of fragment renderers (by default, the inline, ESI, and HInclude renderers are pre-configured) FragmentHandler Defines whether to hide user not found exception or not(default: true) - optional* * Main entry point for the security provider. Use it to get the current user token Instance of , responsible for authentication Instance of , responsible for authorization Define the session strategy used for authentication (default to a migration strategy) Checks user flags after authentication Returns the last authentication errors when given a object Defines the encoding strategies for user passwords (default to use a digest algorithm for all users) The encoder to use by default for all users AuthenticationProviderManager AccessDecisionManager Request
  • 17. RememberMe Service Provider Registering Adds "Remember-Me" authentication to the SecurityServiceProvider $app $app $app -> (new ); -> (new ); ['security.firewalls'] = array( 'my-firewall' => array( 'pattern' => '^/secure$', 'form' => true, 'logout' => true, 'remember_me' => array( 'key' => 'Choose_A_Unique_Random_Key', 'always_remember_me' => true, ), 'users' => array( /* ... */ ), ), ); register SilexProviderSecurityServiceProvider() register SilexProviderRememberMeServiceProvider() key name lifetime path domain Options Serializer Service Provider Provides a serializer service serializer serializer.encoders serializer.normalizers Services $app-> (new );register SilexProviderSerializerServiceProvider() Registering = new Application(); ->register(new ); // only accept content types supported by the serializer // via the assert method ->get("/pages/{id}.{_format}", function ($id) use ( ) { // assume a page_repository service exists that returns Page $app $app $app $app SerializerServiceProvider() // objects. Object returned has getters/setters exposing state $page = ['page_repository']->find($id);$app Usage ServiceController Service Provider Controllers can be created as services, providing the full power of dependency injection and lazy loading Registering $app-> ( new ); register SilexProviderServiceControllerServiceProvider() use SilexApplication; use DemoRepositoryPostRepository; = new Application(); ['posts.repository'] = -> (function() { return new PostRepository; }); ->get('/posts.json', function() use ( ) { return $app->json( ['posts.repository']->findAll()); }); $app $app $app $app $app $app share Usage Traits user encodePassword secure $user = -> (); $encoded = -> ($user, 'foo'); ->get('/', function () { // do something but only for admins })-> ('ROLE_ADMIN'); $app $app $app user encodePassword secure Returns the current user Encode a given password Secures a controller for the given roles Secret key to generate tokens (you should generate a random string) Cookie name Cookie lifetime Cookie path Cookie domain (default: REMEMBERME) (default: 31536000 ~ 1 year) (default: /) (default: null = request domain) secure httponly always_remember_me remember_me_parameter (default: false) (default: true) (default: false) (default: _remember_me) Cookie is secure Cookie is HTTP only Enable remember me Name of the request parameter enabling remember_me on login. /posts.json route will use a controller that is defined as a service $app $app $app $app $app [' '] = -> (function() use ( ) { return new PostController( ['posts.repository']); }); ->get('/posts.json', " "); posts.controller share posts.controller:indexJsonAction Define the controller as a service: $format = ['request']->getRequestFormat(); if (!$page instanceof Page) { ->abort("No page found for id: $id"); } return new Response( ['serializer']-> ($page, $format), 200, array( "Content-Type" => ['request']->getMimeType($format) )); })->assert("_format", "xml|json") ->assert("id", "d+"); $app $app $app $app serialize and and SymfonyComponentSerializerSerializer SymfonyComponentSerializer EncoderJsonEncoder SymfonyComponentSerializer EncoderXmlEncoder SymfonyComponentSerializer NormalizerCustomNormalizer SymfonyComponentSerializer NormalizerGetSetMethodNormalizer