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John A Honaker, QMCM, SS, with National Security Clearances under five presidents

Susan (Cameron) Honaker

4693 Kenton Road

Dover, DE



Information bureau, medical

Dockets in courts, DE, other courts

Herein, Elena Meyers, federal felonies, using John Honakers medical condition for crime, violent crime,
threats, with Frank Genovese, Genovese family members as social services, with her, and Robert Bush,
George Bush, Elena Meyers in trafficking, child crimes, and satanic psychiatry murders, all agencies, DE,
to NY, as Meyers LLP and with Robert Bush, George Bush, as ‘satanic’ and with all political and religious
groups, with Genovese crime family, times with Robert Bush at WSFS, computer crimes, her threats to
Susan Cameron Honaker, listed with Frank Genovese operating with Elena Meyers, psychiatry, slander
alone daily, and her crimes with Bushes, Genovese at Nemours, herein, 2006, ‘credit checks’ for a new
mortgage, with thousands of loans from Robert Bush, WSFS banking by Robert Bush as management,
and as Meyers LLP, Genovese operating WSFS and federal pay with Robert Bush, Johns employment
attorneys and loans collections and for threats to Susan and Johns emergencies as Meyers LLP
attorneys, with Elena Meyers in violent crimes to 2011, timing thounsads in overdraft fees, crimes
inducing Johns emergencies and herein from 1996 and prior already tested each time and again in 2003,
for nonabsorption vitamin B for John with loans, no memory of them to 2011 or anything, but when
reminded, and even his over 25 years of navigation, or fixing something a year prior he has no memory

Former affidavits, police reports to Newark police, and stolen FBI reports, Police affidavits, Robert
Bush, G Bush, Genovese crime around Affidavits with Ofcr. Bishop, DE state police again in 2007 May
on Elena Meyers operating with Robert Bush, Genovese crime family and Dorothy Arpino (later given
a ‘dismissal’ from the court with Elena Meyers, Robert Bush, Clintons in organized crime with Jeff
Meyers, Genovese crime family in 2010 for continued crimes as from 2000 and prior); herein affidavits
still exist as organized crime.

Delaware State Police and Other courts, sentencing by Meyers LLP, Genovese LLP attorneys and illegally
acting as judges for organized crime and banking.
The Continuing Criminal Enterprise statute, or Title 21 of the
United States Code, Section 848(c)(2), defines a criminal enterprise as
any group of six or more people, where one of the six occupies a
position of organizer, a supervisory position, or another position of
management with respect to the other five, and which generates substantial
income or resources, and is engaged in a continuing series of violations of subchapters I and II of

Chapter 13 of Title 21 of the United States Code.

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
                                          (RICO) statute, or Title 18 of
the United States Code, Section 1961(4), defines an enterprise as "any
individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity,
and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a
legal entity."

Extension of obstructions includes all agencies; Genovese and Bush
operating with those operating org crime and their family members,
operating through all agencies sentencing FBI agents and top FBI, and
those more ‘temporary,’ used in racketeering. Clintons operating also
with Genovese prior with FBI then sentenced and to 2011, all labor
fraud, trafficking, banking crime, with other ‘Genovese captains,’ and
‘Genovese families.’
The FBI defines a criminal enterprise as a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable
structure, engaged In significant criminal activity. These organizations often engage in multiple criminal
activities and have extensive supporting networks. The terms Organized Crime and Criminal Enterprise
are similar and often used synonymously. However, various federal criminal statutes specifically define
the elements of an enterprise that need to be proven in order to convict individuals or groups of
individuals under those statutes. These laws apply to bribery in the courts, agencies, or/and attorneys
generals, officials used for racketeering sentenced for the hierarchy.

Herein, racketeering extends while no one holds rights to own agencies;

“George W. Bush’s cousin, Judge John M. Walker of the 2nd Circuit of the United States Court of
Appeals, is part of a three-judge panel hearing the case of April Gallop vs. former vice-president
Dick Cheney, former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers.

The case has been ignored by the mainstream media (operated by Genovese, FOX) in the weeks
leading up to it going to court April 5. And most media have ignored the developments
concerning the involvement of Judge Walker. One exception is CNBC, which carried an online
story with the headline: “Extraordinary Conflict of Interest: Bush Cousin Presides Over Federal
Court Case Against Former Bush Administration Officials.” Good for them, but this is an all-too
isolated exception...” “Gallop, a former U.S. Army executive administrative assistant (with top
secret clearance), is suing for damages in connection with injuries she and her newborn son
suffered in the supposed terrorist attack at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. the “Pentagon” has
refused to help Gallop with surgeries she and her son have required because of the event.
They’ve even tried to stop other agencies like the American Red Cross from helping her,
according to David Ray Griffin’s account in his book The New Pearl Harbor Revisited. The
original Gallop case was thrown out of court in March 2010. Judge Denny Chin dismissed the
suit with prejudice, contending that the complaint was based on “cynical delusion and
fantasy.”Chin has since been promoted to the very court now hearing the appeal of his ruling.

Walker was chief justice of the Court of Appeals from 2000-2006 and has been serving as a
senior member of the court since then. Many researchers into 9/11 will also point out that
another Bush cousin, Wirt D. Walker III, was CEO of Securacom from 1999-2002 – the company
that handled security for the World Trade Center. The company installed a new $8.3-million
security system in the towers between 1996 and 2000.

Point herein, that the highest levels of looting, racketeering, is not special to a family line or
religion and no exceptions, racketeering, orchestrated violent crime, threats, targeted lynching,
banking crimes, over 5,000 counts falsifying material is only crime money and racketeering,
over six different families of our own operating around Bushes, Genovese in political or other
places. In this case, they will use anyone in bribery, already Racketeering as they do not own
agencies,65 judges already sentenced as ‘satanic,’ just corrupt former felons, or and other
religions, and others on the Supreme court, or of espionage, foreign links, under Genovese,
operating military, Defense with bushes, and ‘satanic’ Knights w Col. Alexander still in charge of
military prior to 9-11 and explosions nationwide, disasters, all agencies sentenced including
homeland security directors, in racketeering and DOJ officials.

Genovese, backed Bush, with Luchese, a Genovese crime family already arrested and released
for the cleanup money, labor fraud, racketeering and other planners of 9-11 sentenced.

January to April, 2011, Crimes continued with
Dorothy Arpino used for over two hours of setting up the crimes and threats and acting out of UD
with Meyers in all labs, Genovese and Clintons, in drug trafficking already; a Genovese, Meyers smaller
crime family member over 35 years.

Elena Meyers, acting as ‘child and parents welfare,’ social services, (with over 50 Meyers, and
Meyers LLP attorneys and prosecutors for her crime’s she billed for while arresting all she hired in
organized crime, child trafficking, with Jeff Meyers, Genovese crime family) in organized crimes and
obstruction’s, with R Bush, George Bush, banking and loans and Meyers family in banking and financial
also; with attorneys general (sentenced and again in NY, Maine, district Attorneys, Meyers UHS/BHS and
child psychiatry murders, attorneys in trafficking with Meyers LLP in New York, DE, FL). Elena Meyers,
acting with over 50 Meyers in financial and other employees used sentenced, each state, prosecuting,
also FBI agents with Meyers and Genovese acting as FBI, with Dan Genovese and others, fire directors
sentenced with Bush family, Genovese operating within ambulance and police, orders to Mayors
(sentenced nationwide and Newark mayor after 2001), using criminals as drug users, and over 100
smaller porn families, including Frey nationwide over 40 years, in surveillance, weapons, and court and
document falsifications to present, which U.S. Attorney general Eric Holder, under bribery knows of.
Only lawsuits where they did not commit the threats in person and can have someone else arrested
such as police, where they can bank the money, and their own lawsuits, Genovese Joblove, Greene,
Patista, against others is in the DE courts, NY, with Meyers LLP also; herein, Elena Meyers, with Robert
Bush, Genovese, arresting police after their other crimes of deleting affidavits for continued crimes from
2000 to 2011 threatened to be carried out with obstructions.

Elena Meyers, operating as Meyers LLP, Genovese crime family LLP attorneys, arresting and operating at
attorney general’s office for threatened obstructions, and as ‘satanic’ social services, and with Genovese
as “psychiatry,” with Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Robert Bush, other Bushes over 70 years; using and arresting
all religions, commissioners, insurance commissioners, police chiefs, hospital directors, and murders in
psychiatry, all places herself in trafficking with Meyers family members, at colleges, schools, with
Genovese crime family, from the bank with Robert Bush, George Bush, Clintons, banking crimes, bankers
sentenced, bank employees and business managers, for embezzlement, CEO’s, operating through
chamber commerce, and as psychiatry for threats, with Genovese and Meyer’s drug stores, doctors in
child crimes, and murders of elderly care, federal insurance frauds, lab corp frauds, and all other crime
through DE, NY, with Meyers LLP and Genovese crime with Robert Bush banking together. Herein
operating from all areas in the crimes and on witnesses.

Meyers, Genovese, Bushes, ‘satanic’ and trafficking all agencies, and organized crime around medical
and pharma sentencing doctors, and medical, Medicare with Genovese drug stores and in D,.

Theft of Susan business, work and injury from 2000 to 2011, and theft of work in 2010 with injury
continued, medical fraud and crimes with Elena Meyers operating with Genovese crime family; AND

Documents on banking fraud, loan fraud, mortgage frauds, threats to 2011 and billing with Elena
Meyers acting with Genovese crime family, Robert Bush, in banking as ‘social services,’ to her crimes at
Nemours with them, to her threats in person to both of us, after 500 counts crimes blocking John
Honaker from his phone call to insurance federal in 2006, to daily threats from 2000, with Genovese,
Elena Meyers, Robert Bush acting as ‘psychiatry,’ and threatened to carry out all crimes, theft, frauds,
and to steal Susan’s patented and ‘intellectual,’ work and have Susan locked up, to falsify material of
which is daily and on documents with injury and theft of Susan’s work again with John having thousands
each yearn loss, no ability to plan, accrued weekly bills in arrears, circles, OD fees and crimes herein with
thousands deposited and taken back out each month as a ‘mistake.’ Threats throughout, by Elena
Meyers, from 2000 and to 2011 and billing for her, Genovese, Robert Bush crimes.

John runs hundreds circles, only spending, and bills only at work, as his condition from 1990, no ability
to plan, and for Elena Meyers, with Robert Bush crimes, operating with Genovese crime family, John
making hundreds of opposite statements and all transactions but groceries, herein hundreds, and wit
banking crimes to 2011.

Elena Meyers, premeditates her crimes, acting with Robert Bush, premeditating 300 days, Susan and son
with no money, no gas, service cut offs, not even out, she deletes sons records, after 500 counts of Bill
Clinton acting with banking, all crime, with Robert Bush, George Bush, Genovese, and Meyers family
members, Robert Bush, George Bush, carrying out the crimes, hiring a military doctor to delete sons
records, and falsifying John Honaker’s medical condition over 500 counts o Susan and son, after firing
John at Boys and Girls Club with a “FBI” phone call that he did not write on his employment for a ‘felony
from the 1980’s:” to present, holding Johns national security, Navy, and all emergency, and loans by
Genovese in crime, with Meyers, George Bush, and continues wit ‘any’ and all transfer after her threats
in person, and on documents, of falsified information and hundreds of opposite, illogical information
that cannot even be used for daily billing over 50,000 for her crimes as threats ‘by phone.’ Elena Meyers
threatens already in crime with Genovese over 70 years, as Meyers UHS/BHS, and with Bush family in

Elena Meyers, federal felonies as satanic, 'social services,' and as "Meyers UHS" in organized crime, at all
places, operating as 'satanic,' as Meyers LLP, as 'social services,' in threats to carry out fraud, slander,
falsified material, acting as Bush loans, Genovese, with Meyers in federal pay, using Dorothy Arpino for
the threats and threats in person to Jo9hn Honaker, after over 500 counts criminal acts already in 2005-
06 with R Bush, Genovese crime family, from 2000, over 3500 days, and prior to that;

Elena Meyers, Meyers LLP with Genovese as 'satanic' Social ...Mar 6, 2011 ... Genovese family members,
and Meyers, LLP, with Bushes, ... Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District . Social-Services-and-the-
Acting as Meyers, LLP prosecutors, Attorneys, in DE with Robert Bush, George Bush, other Bushes,
Genovese running all lawsuits already themselves, banking all crime through attorneys general,
psychiatry fraud, trafficking as ‘illuminati,’ satanic, and murders already sentenced of Meyers psychiatry
and Genovese as psychiatry, sentencing others; through prosecutors, for their crimes, loan, mortgage
frauds, bankruptcy fraud, Meyers and Genovese psychiatry murders and trafficking all agencies, schools,
priests, fire directors sentenced all states, FBI with Dan Genovese and other Genovese operating also in
FBI. All other religions they claim to be and set up with their attorney firms and who they can bank in
arrests in crime including anarchists and Zionists.

U.S. Attorney general Gonzales indicted with all agencies and FBI agents again 07, District Attorneys
nationwide, and attorney generals used as herein and sentenced including in New York:’

Genovese crime family and Meyers as judges, with the attorney
general’s office prosecuting her crimes and billing for it;
acting as managers of WSFS banking, with Frank Genovese, as 'psychiatry,' with Genovese crime family,
out of UD labs, to her crimes at the court, at the attorney general’s office, at police, with Robert Bush

Frank Genovese, as all business attorneys, attorney general’s office, and UD labs with over 50 Genovese
family members as social services, as psychiatry, as bank management, WSFS, with Elena Meyers
operating the threats with them and falsified material:

Elena Meyers is operating the crime, with Bushes at VA, and Meyers financial, Meyers attorneys for
loans fraud, mortgage fraud, operating with Robert Bush, G Bush, Sr. G Bush, Jr., and Clintons prior to
2002 holding JOhns mortgage and all records.

Elena Meyers, Meyers LLP with Genovese as 'satanic' Social ...Mar 6, 2011 ... Genovese family members,
and Meyers, LLP, with Bushes, Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District . Social-Services-and-the-

Acting in organized crime, trafficking, arresting social services workers, hospital directors, acting as
Meyers LLP for Bay health(s) other states and DE, arrests and sentencing for organized crime money,
federal heatlthcare fraud sentencing and operating the collections direct for their crimes also and John
Honakers loans for Robert Bush, with Genovese crime family, R Bush at WSFS. Elena Meyers operating
with Genovese crime family throughout and crimes on John Honaker, son, threats and obstructions with
Bush family at fire house, ambulance, and Genovese from aviation to Cheswold, to her hospital crimes
and FBI under Nemours doctors where she carries out crimes with Robert Bush, G Bush, Genovese crime
family to her social services crimes, to her crimes of threats to Bay Health, all threats to carry out the
crimes from 2011, over 5,000 counts falsified material and injury 11 years falsified material daily as
threats and assault with Susan and son, timed left with no car, no gas, no money, while she takes with
other Meyers, Robert Bush, over 400,000 in ‘cash loans’ John does not remember, at work, from 2005,
and thousands in overdrafts at WSFS banking and with other crimes.

George Bush, threats with Robert Bush, using Meyers LLP, Meyers UHS and collections for their threats
with Meyers, Genovese as retarded either way, ‘satanic’

1935 operating from that time with Ewan Cameron out of UD, with Hitler, and Genovese crime family as
psychiatry, Robert Bush threats and collections to 2011 and injury, with Meyers UHS/BHS, Nicholas
Meyers, and Ewan Cameron formerly as head of American Psychiatry Association, threats in 2000 with
over 5,000 counts falsified material for frauds, mortgage frauds, violent crime, threats and theft.

Frost Lewis, Frost Arnett, Robert Bush, Genovese used for over 70 years, for threats and collections after
over 1,000 counts falsified material, injury, and loan frauds, violent crime, threatened from 2000 with
Genovese to be carried out; threats to present, with Dorothy Arpino, Robert Bush, George Bush, banking
with Genovese crime family and Elena Meyers, Robert Bush and Genovese as attorneys, banking, and all
crimes with Meyers family members.

About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...www.frost- - CachedOur Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett
Company in 2003. His previous ...

Meyers UHS/Behavioral health, collections attorneys with Robert Bush threats and Genovese and while
firing all from 2000, at all places where they continue ANY federal felony slander and crimes for their

Your Correct Address Wanted by KINTGETA FRATERNIZE - 1925 - Related articles

name will he cha'ngecd to the Frost-Lewis Company. The change is in name only as Mr. Frost and ...
Treat, Bush and Ogden a 100%" League Firm. The address

Elena Meyers, Milton Meyers, Genovese, court and as attorneys
illegally for all crime and acting as agencies:

Full text of "Manual for the General Court" ... 1988 to December 28,
1992 MILTON MEYERS, Goffstown December 28, ...... RSA 281-A (Ch.
254,1990) PAUL A. GENOVESE, Bow June 13, 1990 to June 13,
company formerly was known as the Frost-Lewis Company. State Senator W. M. Lester, of Augusta, ......
Meyers, Milton H. (Meyers & Meyers), 182. Grand St. ...

Our Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett Company in 2003. His previous

About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...www.frost- - CachedOur Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett
Company in 2003. His previous


2008 Transaction Detail COLEMAN, WILLIAM, OMELVANY & MEYERS,

Medical Malpractice DE. ... Social Security Disability · Social Security Law · Social
Services Law · Surgical Errors ... Mintzer, Sarowitz, Zeris, Ledva & Meyers, LLP

Wilmington, Delaware
Emile Henry, corporation, John hired at under Bush, Sr. 50 years, operated with Meyers LLP and all
billing for federal health care, while bringing suits for federal healthcare fraud, in attorney generals
office, inducing his emergencies, Meyers LLp and Meyers operating at Employment, federal pay, and for
Bush business, and HSBC, Citi Corp.

Full text of "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's handling ... Mar 14, 1984 ... We think the
Federal pay practices are discriminatory 8 as they ...... including   : - EEOC V. Liggett &
Meyers, Inc ., 690 F.2d 1072 (4th Cir. ...

FRANK GENOVESE - 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE 19720 - (302) 295
...Frank Genovese at 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE 19720, (302) 295-3096. ... DELAWARE BUSINESS
SYSTEMS. 191 Airport Rd New Castle, DE 19720 ... Spas New Castle Schools New Castle Social Services
  New Castle Storage New Castle Used Cars › Delaware › New Castle

  Ralph J Genovese CPA Niagara Falls NY 14301 - Accountants ...Ralph J Genovese CPA
  Business Profile .... 3411 Delaware Ave # 4, Buffalo NY 14217. Erie County New York ... Social Services in
  Niagara Falls


  MRI and 1H-MRS findings in early-onset cobalamin C/D D Longo - 2005 - Cited by 7 - Related

  Longo D, Fariello G, Dionisi-Vici C, Cannatà V, Boenzi S, Genovese E, Deodato F. ... The aim of this study
  was to evaluate and monitor brain damage in early- onset ... Five patients underwent 1H-MRS, using
  chemical shift imaging (CSI) in three ... Vitamin B 12 Deficiency/metabolism; Vitamin B 12


1. National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data)


  About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...metabolic point
  in time patient agent roleclass *count=100 ...Vitamin B Complex / therapeutic use ...... 12% Klawans HL,
  Genovese N: Pharmacology of dementia. ...... [Effect of etimizol, caffeine and theophylline on some
  carbohydrate metabolic indices of the rat brain and myocardium]. ..... 7 % Galizia VJ: Pharmacotherapy
  of memory loss in the geriatric patient. ... roleclass.html

  Genovese friends as directors ACLU and notices throughout of use of surveillance and RFID which is used
  as a weapon and in all countries from towers to body just as GPS to auto over 70 years while trafficking
  drugs and humans through all agencies:
Lawsuit Challenging Unconstitutional Spying Should Be Reinstated ... Dec 17, 2009 ... FISA Amendments
Act Must Be Subject To Judicial Review. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: (212) 549-2666; ... should-be-reinstated-says-

Affidavit part I - Wilmington anthropology | Feb 2, 2011 ... Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court
Delaware, with the only District Attorney.... University Delaware, operating all in child crimes, to Social
Services and over ... Elena Meyers with Genovese crime families in DE, NJ, PA,

New Castle County Specialty Financial Services in New Castle ...Frank
Genovese (302) 295-3096 - 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE, 19720. Boaz Financial Corp (302) 322-
2426 - 100 Quigley Blvd, New Castle, DE, 19720. WSFS Bank ...

Elena Meyers, with over 50 Meyers family and Genovese per lab, to each state, NY, MO, TX, DE, FL, PA,
sentencing for their child murders all agencies and psychiatry already under Genovese, and Nicholas
Meyers operating American Psychiatric Association (formerly Ewan Cameron with Bushes, Genovese,
Meyers from 1930’s and out of UD labs, to Edgewood Arsenal, chemical and psychological warfare)

Genovese, Jennifer C - East Syracuse, NY - Social Service ...
Our free company profile report for Genovese, Jennifer C includes ... Social Services ~; Social
Service and Welfare Organizations ~; Genovese, Jennifer C ... - Cached - Similar

Susan Genovese | LinkedIn
Susan Genovese. Senior Social Worker at Orange County Social Services. Location: Greater
Los Angeles Area; Industry: Public Safety ... - Cached

Feb 26, 2011 ... Listed below, Meyers attorneys, also, with Genovese crime family, and acting
as social services with Genovese crime family, ..

New Castle County Financial Planning - New Castle County, DE ...(302) 221-6785.
Genovese Frank. 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE (302) 295-3096 ..... Wsfs Bank. 500
Delaware Ave, #3. Wilmington, DE (302) 792-6000

Francis Genovese, Captain of the Major Crimes Trial Unit, Jeffrey ...Francis Genovese, Captain of the
Major Crimes Trial Unit, Jeffrey S Pearson ... 1998 U.S. District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
2004 U.S. Court

Meyers, op with Genovese, Bush (Baal, Set Temple with Col Alexander
in charge of all military prior and agancies as head of Military Satanic
orders with Bushes, Genovese and Meyers) all labs, social services,
trafficking, all agencies and porn murders with psychiatry already
arrested DE, NY, with attorneys, all agencies and hospital directors,
other judges with criminal backgrounds ‘hired,’ by them.

MASONS - Freemasonry - Secret Societies - Forums
20 posts - 1 author - Last post: Sep 25, 2006

... another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese mafia, .... The lie detector test and
the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are also ..... and satanic actions, other recently
declassified FBI documents ... › ... › Secret Societies › Freemasonry

Sitemap - Management Consultants
... Genovese Forman & Burford Finan& Insrnce Services Inc Sacramento, CA ...... Brock Barry
E CPA Sierra Madre, CA · Illuminati Inc Pasadena, CA ...

Weblog: Poland Bishop Crisis Likely to Worsen | Christianity Today ...
Jan 9, 2007 ... Italian priests join the war on Satanic crime | Priests are to work ... is dead at 65
| Elizabeth Fox-Genovese was a noted historian and ...


Genovese Joblove & Battista, Attorney from Fort Lauderdale, FloridaU.S. District Court District of Arizona
U.S. District Court District of Nebraska U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida U.S. District Court
Obstructions with the organized crime billing and sentencing others for their crimes: (Genovese brings
own lawsuits, w Genovese drug stores and all crime in DE, and Meyers LLP) then sentencing Attorneys
and Attorneys General.

Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP - Paul H. Schoeman... in Delaware
Chancery Court and on appeal to the Delaware Supreme Court of a ... and
led to a second federal conviction of Genovese family boss Vincent ... Honorable Edward R. Korman,
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York

With over 50 Meyers in financial, 'government federal payments,' banking
with Robert Bush, and as 'veterans Affairs,' University labs directors with Genovese crime family,
chemicals, weapons, RFID, GPS tracking, surveillance for trafficking, and hospitals, to all psychiatry, using
Johns medical condition with Genovese, Elena Meyers violent crimes:

BENEFICIAL MUTUAL BANCORP INC - BNCL Securities Registration ...Apr 30, 2007... Maryland, Delaware
and New Jersey ranging in asset size between $2 billion and $12 ... WSFS       Financial
Corporation. KNBT Bancorp, Inc.

May 2010, page 16 back issues ...May 10, 2010 ... Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge      Commission
issued the following news ... Chair; Robert Bush; Sal Cammarata; Ed Langan; David

Bob Bush | LinkedInPublic Company; WSFS; Banking industry ... Delaware
Society of CPAs ... ROBERT BUSH, Senior Manager Finance, Materials & Inventory at GE Energy

Other Court Case: None Count: 1 Citation: 15:77Q. .... The Spacious World of Eugene D. Genovese and
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese

Delaware 8 $302778 3.33% 562286 1.20% $65392 19.8%. Montgomery 16 $267849 1.32% 789528
3.58% $79785 21.3 ... ROBERT BUSH EVP – Insurance & Advisory 27 Years
BENEFICIAL Mutual Bancorp, Inc. - Firstrain: Seeking Alpha WSFS
Financial has the Lowest Operating Margin in the Thrifts & Mortgage Finance Industry (WSFS, CHFN,

my legal files and with Clintons, on their own sites including ‘injury attorneys’:


Robert Bush, operating all from WSFS with Genovese, and banking with Elena Meyers, and Bush family
out of aviation, op directly with fire house to hospital with Genovese operations:

Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company - Kent County, Delaware Delaware City Fire Company - New Castle
County, Delaware. ... Fred Bush was the top fire responder and Chris Whitby was the top ambulance
responder. ...

Bushes, Genovese acting with two other fire depts., Dover, and state fire through Cheswold, and Camden
to Dover. State fire Director from New England, and fired the Cheswold Town manager and other Chief of
Police in 2006 during DOW leak, (all states) and crimes.

VFD Protecting Bush's Home Town Gets Flood Of Assistance ... Dec 13, 2002 ... Chief    Tucker
Dempsey of the Cheswold Fire Department offered the ... Delaware Firefighters Visit
Crawford, Texas Bearing Gifts of Vehicles,
gets-flood- assistance

Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company - Kent County, Delaware Delaware City Fire Company
- New Castle County, Delaware. ... Fred Bush was the top fire responder and Chris

Whitby was the top ambulance responder.
VFD Protecting Bush's Home Town Gets Flood Of Assistance ... Dec 13, 2002 ... Chief Tucker Dempsey of
the Cheswold Fire Department offered the ... Delaware Firefighters Visit Crawford, Texas Bearing Gifts of
Vehicles, assistance

Already premeditated buying out the Cheswold Airport, 2004 by lawsuit on durham, and illegally carrying
out cancelation of other home and timing it with another chemical blood mixup, for their crimes.

Delaware, contributed by Ed Bush; another William Durham born ca. ...
Selected Magnolia/Dover/Cheswold area records which include spouse and/or
IN AND FOR KENT ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

Mar 1, 2006 ... for State of Delaware Fire Prevention Commission. .... the Bush farm [the annexed tract]
was within Cheswold's fire district. ...


Schedule Pointe Inc. - The Leading Provider of Innovative ...Diamond Aviation · Funoutside Aviation
Academy .... CIA charter· Paragon Airways · Malone Air Charter (New Account) · Monarch Air Flight

(Genovese, Meyers, Bushes using everyone from attorneys, to bankers, to drug users and to hospitals as
CIA, already sentenced again with ‘CIA Ethics director in 07, FBI agents; herein ELean Meyers, with
Clhtons, prior to 2000 to 2011, with Robert Bush, Bushes listed, and Genvoese crime family, continued
crimes with reports to FBI, affidavits with police, DOJ,)

Abramoff ties to Russians probed - The Boston GlobeFeb 23, 2006 ... Other reports that Abramoff filed
said he lobbied for Voor Huisen on matters ranging from aviation safety to disaster preparedness to ...

Schedule Pointe Inc. - The Leading Provider of Innovative ...Diamond Aviation · Funoutside Aviation
Academy .... CIA charter (CIA SENTENCED OVER FOUR TIMES AGAIN) · Paragon Airways · Malone Air
Charter (New Account) · Monarch Air Flight Department.

Abramoff ties to Russians probed - The Boston GlobeFeb 23, 2006 ... Other reports that Abramoff filed
said he lobbied for Voor Huisen on matters ranging from aviation safety to disaster preparedness to

Radaris: Bob Bush's information about at - The #1 ...... Tax Consultant
                                                           at WSFS
Bank Past: Senior Tax Manager at Ernst & Young, Senior Tax Manager at
KPMG Education: University of Delaware. Robert Bush

University of the Arts - acalog ACMS™MFA, University of Delaware view bio. Susan White Senior
Lecturer ..... Richard Genovese Marjorie Goldberg Michael Kennedy Ronald Kerber Jeffrey Kern
Christopher Mauté ... Frank Mazzeo Daniel Muller Anthony Salicondro Ben Schachter ...

NOAA Ocean Explorer: Bonaire: Exploring Coral Reef Sustainability ...University of Delaware. Chris
Coccaro is currently an undergraduate at ... Dr.   Sal Genovese is the director of
Northeastern University's Three Seas Program. ..... Frank van Slobbe was born and
raised in Surinam and spent a large part of -

Blake C. Meyers appointed Rosenberg Professor of Plant and Soil ...Dec 1, 2010 ... 1, 2010----
Blake C. Meyers, a faculty member in the

XLS] "Award Number" "Title" "NSF Organization" "Program(s)" "Start Date ...File Format: Microsoft Excel
- View as HTML

Using stereo color cameras, GPS, static aerial imagery, ...... 2010" "Meyers, Blake" "DE" "University of
Delaware" "Continuing grant" "Diane Jofuku Okamuro";...US NSF - OIA -
Programs - MRIApr 29, 2010 ... 0922657, University of Delaware, Doren, $451051 ... - Show more results from[PDF]
Annual Report 2005File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

Nanosensor,” in Proceedings of 5th IEEE Conference on. Nanotechnology (IEEE-Nano 2005), Nagoya,

Japan. Galloway, J.M., B.E. Haggard, M.T. Meyers, and W.R.

Performance and simulation of the RICE detector by I Kravchenko - 2003 - Cited by 31 - Related articles

... McKay, D.; Meyers, J.; Perry, L.; Ralston, J.; Razzaque, S.; Schmitz, D. W. ... AC(Bartol Research
Institute, University of Delaware, 19716, Newark, DE, ... electromagnetic showers, which emit radio-
frequency Cherenkov radiation. ...
19...15KPress Releases - News - Ursinus CollegeAmy Meyers, Director, Yale University Center for British
Art, who will receive an .... radio frequency identification (RFID) and other mobile platforms. ..... and the
University of Delaware Percussion Ensemble, directed by Harvey Price.

Continuing Criminal Enterprise", or "OCCE":

1.      Federal Felony Documents 1

Mar 30, 2011 ... ROBERT BUSH, American General, HSBC, Citi Corp, financial ...

Frank Genovese, all family operations as attorneys, with Robert Bush, Meyers LLP and Meyers

New Castle County Specialty Financial Services in New Castle ...

Frank Genovese (302) 295-3096 - 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE, 19720. Boaz Financial Corp (302) 322-
2426 - 100 Quigley Blvd, New Castle, DE, 19720. WSFS Bank ...

Meyers, and Genovese, acting as Nemours, DuPont, doctors, labs
directors UD, to sentencing,

With Meyers UHS/BHS used with Bush crime, Genovese, and Meyers in
organized crime over 50 years and known prior to threats in 2000 and
threatened to carry out total frauds, financial fraud, lynching, theft and by shear slander of every
opposite type, over 5,000 counts including on John Honaker.

Dr. Michael V Genovese M.D ( Michael Genovese ) Psychiatry ...
Dr. Michael V Genovese M.D. Psychiatry. 520 Franklin Avenue Suite L3 ... ARIZONA ,

Robert Bush, Genovese, Clintons in organized crime and banking, using Meyers LLP and for all
collections along with Genovese, Joblove, Patista and linked to business attorneys;

Kevin has entertained Bill and Hillary Clinton, and various Kennedys. ... Milton Meyers..
Kevin Wynn.. Micah Green.. Billy Hart.. Joe McPhee . ...

  Union Square Pedestrian Plaza Plan Gets Green Light From Community ... Jul 12,
  2010... Chelsea & Hell's Kitchen - Clinton, Meatpacking District ... the extreme and
  rammed down neighbors' throats," lawyer Milton Meyers, 63, from-

1. Clinical Scientist Training Program (CSTP) - Our Students
  Program Mentors: David A. Brent, MD, MS Hyg, Professor of Psychiatry; ... Background:
  Elizabeth Genovese received a BS from the University of Notre Dame in ..... Medical College
  and DuPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, Delaware. ...

  Herein, we all have realtives, in fact, listed with Genovese, Bushes, and some others, with
  different reloigions on the same lines, and cousins linked to many in offices, and the crimes are
  the crimes by Robert Bush< G Bush, other Bushes, w Meyers operating and used with
  Genovese who also lists, every surname, and links to the attorneys firms, and courts, to all
  business, banking, as to religion and political usage, being and threatened to steal all work from
  myself and for that reason, using satanic, illuminati, and other persons with ideological content
  of all groups and all used in the same bribery, trafficking, and racketeering then sentenced.
  Bush, operating with Cameron’s, Myers, R Myers, and threats in person in 2000, for
  orchestrated crimes, operated with Cameron BP oil, Ewan Cameron at UD chemical warfare
  and psychological weapons with Genovese, other Cameron’s arrested and one J Cameron in
  Maine Attorney General, and Bush family from 1930’s through 1980’s with Arpino use for threats
  in 2000 by Genovese crime family member and operating with Meyers, DOW chemical,
  Genovese out of UD labs over 35 years.

  threats over it in 2000 and already arresting, sentencing their crimes on us prior and billing for over 18
  loan companies all in John Honaker’s name prior to marriage and more to 2000 'at work,' with
  emergencies also, over 25 to 2011), Robert Bush, Elena Meyers, Genovese in crime) ; Alchemy CATALYST
  Adds Support for's

  GlobalLink ...Apr 30, 2008 ... Alchemy CATALYST Adds Support for's GlobalLink ... HSBC
  Bank USA, N.A. And Affiliates Lower Prime and Reference Rate ... Capital Exchange -
  INCAPX News RFID Tag Source inks R&D agreement with FAA; high-memory tags take off in aviation
  apps ...
HSBC Holdings Plc Releases 2010 Final Results · Alchemy Fund PCC ... – Cached International Capital
Exchange - INCAPX News HSBC Holdings Plc Releases 2010 Final Results
· Alchemy Fund PCC Voluntarily ... RFID TagSource Launches AeroTag with TegoChip for
Aerospace and Defense ...

RFID File Tracking System optimizes file inventory management ...Apr 3, 2011 ... Article by jack pan
DAILY RFID, has launched a RFID file tracking system ... alcatel mobile phone, Alchemy, alchemy lab,
alcohol dispensers ...
inventory-management.html/ United Nations of Film... but as described in Babylon's Banksters: The
Alchemy of Deep Physics, ..... T

The master plan is to RFID chip everyone on the planet and control your .... Selling the oil to China and
laundering the money in Hong Kong via the HSBC Bank . ... This is the Satanic banking cartels' biggest
secret and the reason that ...

1.      WSFS Breaks Ground on New Millsboro Branch | Oracle Developer's ...

Feb 23, 2009 ... Oracle Authors:
                              Salvatore Genovese, Maureen O'Gara, Elizabeth White, ...
"The construction of a branch in Millsboro helps WSFS cultivate our

North American Veterinary Conference, Friday, January 17, 2002
Jan 9, 2007 ... Fleeing Genovese forces may have introduced Yersinia Pestis to the ... the sarin chemical
weapon attack in the Tokyo subway and the 1998 ... - Cached

     1. Is Dick Cheney right? [Archive] - Straight Dope Message Board
100+ posts - 49 authors - Last post: Apr 23, 2009

Agent Orange wasn't a chemical weapon. It was a defoliant. ...... news items as the Kitty Genovese
incident, or girls raped by single, ... - Cached

     2. J.D., UCLA School of Law, 1996; B.A., University - Florida State ...
Daly concluded: "For the foreseeable future, the chemical weapon will continue, ... See Ashley, supra
note 2 (quoting     James A. Genovese, U.S. Army Chemical ...

    1. Congressional Record Index (1983) - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
       see also ...
... 18537 [11JY] Categories of compensation for POW's, 10488 [28AP] Chemical weapon agents used
during World War I, 31336 [8NO] Comparative statement of new ... -F-FACE96.htm

Here, Robert ush and Genfgoese put their own crimes on a website:

    1. Payday Loan America - Part of Johns memory loss and chemical ...
... violent crimes ο Susan Cameron Honaker а ԁ son а ԁ ELena Meyers і organized crime wіtһ Robert
Bush banks а ԁ WSFS personal banking а ԁ һеr billing ... cirmes-by-bushes-at-bank-
elena-meyers-genovese-crmie-family/ -

Beneficial Mutual Bancorp, Inc. - Firstrain: Seeking Alpha
WSFS Financial has the Lowest Operating Margin in the Thrifts & Mortgage Finance Industry (WSFS,

Bob Bush profiles | LinkedIn
Robert Bush. Title: Senior Sales Manager at GovConnection; Demographic info

The Continuing Criminal Enterprise statute, or Title 21 of the
United States Code, Section 848(c)(2), defines a criminal enterprise as
any group of six or more people, where one of the six occupies a
position of organizer, a supervisory position, or another position of
management with respect to the other five, and which generates substantial
income or resources, and is engaged in a continuing series of violations of subchapters I and II of

Chapter 13 of Title 21 of the United States Code.
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
                                          (RICO) statute, or Title 18 of
the United States Code, Section 1961(4), defines an enterprise as "any
individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity,
and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a
legal entity."

Extension of obstructions includes all agencies; Genovese and Bush
operating with those operating org crime and their family members,
operating through all agencies sentencing FBI agents and top FBI, and
those more ‘temporary,’ used in racketeering. Clintons operating also
with Genovese prior with FBI then sentenced and to 2011, all labor
fraud, trafficking, banking crime, with other ‘Genovese captains,’ and
‘Genovese families.’
The FBI defines a criminal enterprise as a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable
structure, engaged In significant criminal activity. These organizations often engage in multiple criminal
activities and have extensive supporting networks. The terms Organized Crime and Criminal Enterprise
are similar and often used synonymously. However, various federal criminal statutes specifically define
the elements of an enterprise that need to be proven in order to convict individuals or groups of
individuals under those statutes. These laws apply to bribery in the courts, agencies, or/and attorneys
generals, officials used for racketeering sentenced for the hierarchy.

Herein, racketeering extends while no one holds rights to own agencies;

“George W. Bush’s cousin, Judge John M. Walker of the 2nd Circuit of the United States Court of
Appeals, is part of a three-judge panel hearing the case of April Gallop vs. former vice-president
Dick Cheney, former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers.

The case has been ignored by the mainstream media (operated by Genovese, FOX) in the weeks
leading up to it going to court April 5. And most media have ignored the developments
concerning the involvement of Judge Walker. One exception is CNBC, which carried an online
story with the headline: “Extraordinary Conflict of Interest: Bush Cousin Presides Over Federal
Court Case Against Former Bush Administration Officials.” Good for them, but this is an all-too
isolated exception...” “Gallop, a former U.S. Army executive administrative assistant (with top
secret clearance), is suing for damages in connection with injuries she and her newborn son
suffered in the supposed terrorist attack at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. the “Pentagon” has
refused to help Gallop with surgeries she and her son have required because of the event.
They’ve even tried to stop other agencies like the American Red Cross from helping her,
according to David Ray Griffin’s account in his book The New Pearl Harbor Revisited. The
original Gallop case was thrown out of court in March 2010. Judge Denny Chin dismissed the
suit with prejudice, contending that the complaint was based on “cynical delusion and
fantasy.”Chin has since been promoted to the very court now hearing the appeal of his ruling.

Walker was chief justice of the Court of Appeals from 2000-2006 and has been serving as a
senior member of the court since then. Many researchers into 9/11 will also point out that
another Bush cousin, Wirt D. Walker III, was CEO of Securacom from 1999-2002 – the company
that handled security for the World Trade Center. The company installed a new $8.3-million
security system in the towers between 1996 and 2000.

Point herein, that the highest levels of looting, racketeering, is not special to a family line or
religion and no exceptions, racketeering, orchestrated violent crime, threats, targeted lynching,
banking crimes, over 5,000 counts falsifying material is only crime money and racketeering,
over six different families of our own operating around Bushes, Genovese in political or other
places. In this case, they will use anyone in bribery, already Racketeering as they do not own
agencies,65 judges already sentenced as ‘satanic,’ just corrupt former felons, or and other
religions, and others on the Supreme court, or of espionage, foreign links, under Genovese,
operating military, Defense with bushes, and ‘satanic’ Knights w Col. Alexander still in charge of
military prior to 9-11 and explosions nationwide, disasters, all agencies sentenced including
homeland security directors, in racketeering and DOJ officials.

Genovese, backed Bush, with Luchese, a Genovese crime family already arrested and released
for the cleanup money, labor fraud, racketeering and other planners of 9-11 sentenced.

January to April, 2011, Crimes continued with

Dorothy Arpino used for over two hours of setting up the crimes and threats and acting out of UD
with Meyers in all labs, Genovese and Clintons, in drug trafficking already; a Genovese, Meyers smaller
crime family member over 35 years.

Elena Meyers, acting as ‘child and parents welfare,’ social services, (with over 50 Meyers, and
Meyers LLP attorneys and prosecutors for her crime’s she billed for while arresting all she hired in
organized crime, child trafficking, with Jeff Meyers, Genovese crime family) in organized crimes and
obstruction’s, with R Bush, George Bush, banking and loans and Meyers family in banking and financial
also; with attorneys general (sentenced and again in NY, Maine, district Attorneys, Meyers UHS/BHS and
child psychiatry murders, attorneys in trafficking with Meyers LLP in New York, DE, FL). Elena Meyers,
acting with over 50 Meyers in financial and other employees used sentenced, each state, prosecuting,
also FBI agents with Meyers and Genovese acting as FBI, with Dan Genovese and others, fire directors
sentenced with Bush family, Genovese operating within ambulance and police, orders to Mayors
(sentenced nationwide and Newark mayor after 2001), using criminals as drug users, and over 100
smaller porn families, including Frey nationwide over 40 years, in surveillance, weapons, and court and
document falsifications to present, which U.S. Attorney general Eric Holder, under bribery knows of.
Only lawsuits where they did not commit the threats in person and can have someone else arrested
such as police, where they can bank the money, and their own lawsuits, Genovese Joblove, Greene,
Patista, against others is in the DE courts, NY, with Meyers LLP also; herein, Elena Meyers, with Robert
Bush, Genovese, arresting police after their other crimes of deleting affidavits for continued crimes from
2000 to 2011 threatened to be carried out with obstructions.

Elena Meyers, operating as Meyers LLP, Genovese crime family LLP attorneys, arresting and operating at
attorney general’s office for threatened obstructions, and as ‘satanic’ social services, and with Genovese
as “psychiatry,” with Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Robert Bush, other Bushes over 70 years; using and arresting
all religions, commissioners, insurance commissioners, police chiefs, hospital directors, and murders in
psychiatry, all places herself in trafficking with Meyers family members, at colleges, schools, with
Genovese crime family, from the bank with Robert Bush, George Bush, Clintons, banking crimes, bankers
sentenced, bank employees and business managers, for embezzlement, CEO’s, operating through
chamber commerce, and as psychiatry for threats, with Genovese and Meyer’s drug stores, doctors in
child crimes, and murders of elderly care, federal insurance frauds, lab corp frauds, and all other crime
through DE, NY, with Meyers LLP and Genovese crime with Robert Bush banking together. Herein
operating from all areas in the crimes and on witnesses.

Meyers, Genovese, Bushes, ‘satanic’ and trafficking all agencies, and organized crime around medical
and pharma sentencing doctors, and medical, Medicare with Genovese drug stores and in D,.

Theft of Susan business, work and injury from 2000 to 2011, and theft of work in 2010 with injury
continued, medical fraud and crimes with Elena Meyers operating with Genovese crime family; AND

Documents on banking fraud, loan fraud, mortgage frauds, threats to 2011 and billing with Elena
Meyers acting with Genovese crime family, Robert Bush, in banking as ‘social services,’ to her crimes at
Nemours with them, to her threats in person to both of us, after 500 counts crimes blocking John
Honaker from his phone call to insurance federal in 2006, to daily threats from 2000, with Genovese,
Elena Meyers, Robert Bush acting as ‘psychiatry,’ and threatened to carry out all crimes, theft, frauds,
and to steal Susan’s patented and ‘intellectual,’ work and have Susan locked up, to falsify material of
which is daily and on documents with injury and theft of Susan’s work again with John having thousands
each yearn loss, no ability to plan, accrued weekly bills in arrears, circles, OD fees and crimes herein with
thousands deposited and taken back out each month as a ‘mistake.’ Threats throughout, by Elena
Meyers, from 2000 and to 2011 and billing for her, Genovese, Robert Bush crimes.

John runs hundreds circles, only spending, and bills only at work, as his condition from 1990, no ability
to plan, and for Elena Meyers, with Robert Bush crimes, operating with Genovese crime family, John
making hundreds of opposite statements and all transactions but groceries, herein hundreds, and wit
banking crimes to 2011.

Elena Meyers, premeditates her crimes, acting with Robert Bush, premeditating 300 days, Susan and son
with no money, no gas, service cut offs, not even out, she deletes sons records, after 500 counts of Bill
Clinton acting with banking, all crime, with Robert Bush, George Bush, Genovese, and Meyers family
members, Robert Bush, George Bush, carrying out the crimes, hiring a military doctor to delete sons
records, and falsifying John Honaker’s medical condition over 500 counts o Susan and son, after firing
John at Boys and Girls Club with a “FBI” phone call that he did not write on his employment for a ‘felony
from the 1980’s:” to present, holding Johns national security, Navy, and all emergency, and loans by
Genovese in crime, with Meyers, George Bush, and continues wit ‘any’ and all transfer after her threats
in person, and on documents, of falsified information and hundreds of opposite, illogical information
that cannot even be used for daily billing over 50,000 for her crimes as threats ‘by phone.’ Elena Meyers
threatens already in crime with Genovese over 70 years, as Meyers UHS/BHS, and with Bush family in

Elena Meyers, federal felonies as satanic, 'social services,' and as "Meyers UHS" in organized crime, at all
places, operating as 'satanic,' as Meyers LLP, as 'social services,' in threats to carry out fraud, slander,
falsified material, acting as Bush loans, Genovese, with Meyers in federal pay, using Dorothy Arpino for
the threats and threats in person to Jo9hn Honaker, after over 500 counts criminal acts already in 2005-
06 with R Bush, Genovese crime family, from 2000, over 3500 days, and prior to that;

Elena Meyers, Meyers LLP with Genovese as 'satanic' Social ...Mar 6, 2011 ... Genovese family members,
and Meyers, LLP, with Bushes, ... Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District . Social-Services-and-the-

Acting as Meyers, LLP prosecutors, Attorneys, in DE with Robert Bush, George Bush, other Bushes,
Genovese running all lawsuits already themselves, banking all crime through attorneys general,
psychiatry fraud, trafficking as ‘illuminati,’ satanic, and murders already sentenced of Meyers psychiatry
and Genovese as psychiatry, sentencing others; through prosecutors, for their crimes, loan, mortgage
frauds, bankruptcy fraud, Meyers and Genovese psychiatry murders and trafficking all agencies, schools,
priests, fire directors sentenced all states, FBI with Dan Genovese and other Genovese operating also in
FBI. All other religions they claim to be and set up with their attorney firms and who they can bank in
arrests in crime including anarchists and Zionists.

U.S. Attorney general Gonzales indicted with all agencies and FBI agents again 07, District Attorneys
nationwide, and attorney generals used as herein and sentenced including in New York:’

Genovese crime family and Meyers as judges, with the attorney
general’s office prosecuting her crimes and billing for it;
acting as managers of WSFS banking, with Frank Genovese, as 'psychiatry,' with Genovese crime family,
out of UD labs, to her crimes at the court, at the attorney general’s office, at police, with Robert Bush

Frank Genovese, as all business attorneys, attorney general’s office, and UD labs with over 50 Genovese
family members as social services, as psychiatry, as bank management, WSFS, with Elena Meyers
operating the threats with them and falsified material:

Elena Meyers is operating the crime, with Bushes at VA, and Meyers financial, Meyers attorneys for
loans fraud, mortgage fraud, operating with Robert Bush, G Bush, Sr. G Bush, Jr., and Clintons prior to
2002 holding JOhns mortgage and all records.

Elena Meyers, Meyers LLP with Genovese as 'satanic' Social ...Mar 6, 2011 ... Genovese family members,
and Meyers, LLP, with Bushes, Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District . Social-Services-and-the-

Acting in organized crime, trafficking, arresting social services workers, hospital directors, acting as
Meyers LLP for Bay health(s) other states and DE, arrests and sentencing for organized crime money,
federal heatlthcare fraud sentencing and operating the collections direct for their crimes also and John
Honakers loans for Robert Bush, with Genovese crime family, R Bush at WSFS. Elena Meyers operating
with Genovese crime family throughout and crimes on John Honaker, son, threats and obstructions with
Bush family at fire house, ambulance, and Genovese from aviation to Cheswold, to her hospital crimes
and FBI under Nemours doctors where she carries out crimes with Robert Bush, G Bush, Genovese crime
family to her social services crimes, to her crimes of threats to Bay Health, all threats to carry out the
crimes from 2011, over 5,000 counts falsified material and injury 11 years falsified material daily as
threats and assault with Susan and son, timed left with no car, no gas, no money, while she takes with
other Meyers, Robert Bush, over 400,000 in ‘cash loans’ John does not remember, at work, from 2005,
and thousands in overdrafts at WSFS banking and with other crimes.

George Bush, threats with Robert Bush, using Meyers LLP, Meyers UHS and collections for their threats
with Meyers, Genovese as retarded either way, ‘satanic’

1935 operating from that time with Ewan Cameron out of UD, with Hitler, and Genovese crime family as
psychiatry, Robert Bush threats and collections to 2011 and injury, with Meyers UHS/BHS, Nicholas
Meyers, and Ewan Cameron formerly as head of American Psychiatry Association, threats in 2000 with
over 5,000 counts falsified material for frauds, mortgage frauds, violent crime, threats and theft.

Frost Lewis, Frost Arnett, Robert Bush, Genovese used for over 70 years, for threats and collections after
over 1,000 counts falsified material, injury, and loan frauds, violent crime, threatened from 2000 with
Genovese to be carried out; threats to present, with Dorothy Arpino, Robert Bush, George Bush, banking
with Genovese crime family and Elena Meyers, Robert Bush and Genovese as attorneys, banking, and all
crimes with Meyers family members.

About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...www.frost- - CachedOur Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett
Company in 2003. His previous ...

Meyers UHS/Behavioral health, collections attorneys with Robert Bush threats and Genovese and while
firing all from 2000, at all places where they continue ANY federal felony slander and crimes for their

Your Correct Address Wanted by KINTGETA FRATERNIZE - 1925 - Related articles

name will he cha'ngecd to the Frost-Lewis Company. The change is in name only as Mr. Frost and ...
Treat, Bush and Ogden a 100%" League Firm. The address

Elena Meyers, Milton Meyers, Genovese, court and as attorneys
illegally for all crime and acting as agencies:

Full text of "Manual for the General Court" ... 1988 to December 28,
1992 MILTON MEYERS, Goffstown December 28, ...... RSA 281-A (Ch.
254,1990) PAUL A. GENOVESE, Bow June 13, 1990 to June 13,

company formerly was known as the Frost-Lewis Company. State Senator W. M. Lester, of Augusta, ......
Meyers, Milton H. (Meyers & Meyers), 182. Grand St. ...

Our Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett Company in 2003. His previous
About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...www.frost- - CachedOur Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett
Company in 2003. His previous


2008 Transaction Detail COLEMAN, WILLIAM, OMELVANY & MEYERS,

Medical Malpractice DE. ... Social Security Disability · Social Security Law · Social
Services Law · Surgical Errors ... Mintzer, Sarowitz, Zeris, Ledva & Meyers, LLP

Wilmington, Delaware
Emile Henry, corporation, John hired at under Bush, Sr. 50 years, operated with Meyers LLP and all
billing for federal health care, while bringing suits for federal healthcare fraud, in attorney generals
office, inducing his emergencies, Meyers LLp and Meyers operating at Employment, federal pay, and for
Bush business, and HSBC, Citi Corp.

Full text of "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's handling ... Mar 14, 1984 ... We think the
Federal pay practices are discriminatory 8 as they ...... including   : - EEOC V. Liggett &
Meyers, Inc ., 690 F.2d 1072 (4th Cir. ...

FRANK GENOVESE - 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE 19720 - (302) 295
...Frank Genovese at 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE 19720, (302) 295-3096. ... DELAWARE BUSINESS
SYSTEMS. 191 Airport Rd New Castle, DE 19720 ... Spas New Castle Schools New Castle Social Services
New Castle Storage New Castle Used Cars › Delaware › New Castle

Ralph J Genovese CPA Niagara Falls NY 14301 - Accountants ...Ralph J Genovese CPA
Business Profile .... 3411 Delaware Ave # 4, Buffalo NY 14217. Erie County New York ... Social Services in
Niagara Falls

MRI and 1H-MRS findings in early-onset cobalamin C/D D Longo - 2005 - Cited by 7 - Related

  Longo D, Fariello G, Dionisi-Vici C, Cannatà V, Boenzi S, Genovese E, Deodato F. ... The aim of this study
  was to evaluate and monitor brain damage in early- onset ... Five patients underwent 1H-MRS, using
  chemical shift imaging (CSI) in three ... Vitamin B 12 Deficiency/metabolism; Vitamin B 12


2. National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data)


  About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...metabolic point
  in time patient agent roleclass *count=100 ...Vitamin B Complex / therapeutic use ...... 12% Klawans HL,
  Genovese N: Pharmacology of dementia. ...... [Effect of etimizol, caffeine and theophylline on some
  carbohydrate metabolic indices of the rat brain and myocardium]. ..... 7 % Galizia VJ: Pharmacotherapy
  of memory loss in the geriatric patient. ... roleclass.html

  Genovese friends as directors ACLU and notices throughout of use of surveillance and RFID which is used
  as a weapon and in all countries from towers to body just as GPS to auto over 70 years while trafficking
  drugs and humans through all agencies:

  Lawsuit Challenging Unconstitutional Spying Should Be Reinstated ... Dec 17, 2009 ... FISA Amendments
  Act Must Be Subject To Judicial Review. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: (212) 549-2666; ... should-be-reinstated-says-

  Affidavit part I - Wilmington anthropology | Feb 2, 2011 ... Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court
  Delaware, with the only District Attorney.... University Delaware, operating all in child crimes, to Social
Services and over ... Elena Meyers with Genovese crime families in DE, NJ, PA,

New Castle County Specialty Financial Services in New Castle ...Frank
Genovese (302) 295-3096 - 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE, 19720. Boaz Financial Corp (302) 322-
2426 - 100 Quigley Blvd, New Castle, DE, 19720. WSFS Bank ...

Elena Meyers, with over 50 Meyers family and Genovese per lab, to each state, NY, MO, TX, DE, FL, PA,
sentencing for their child murders all agencies and psychiatry already under Genovese, and Nicholas
Meyers operating American Psychiatric Association (formerly Ewan Cameron with Bushes, Genovese,
Meyers from 1930’s and out of UD labs, to Edgewood Arsenal, chemical and psychological warfare)

Genovese, Jennifer C - East Syracuse, NY - Social Service ...
Our free company profile report for Genovese, Jennifer C includes ... Social Services ~; Social
Service and Welfare Organizations ~; Genovese, Jennifer C ... - Cached - Similar

Susan Genovese | LinkedIn
Susan Genovese. Senior Social Worker at Orange County Social Services. Location: Greater
Los Angeles Area; Industry: Public Safety ... - Cached

Feb 26, 2011 ... Listed below, Meyers attorneys, also, with Genovese crime family, and acting
as social services with Genovese crime family, ..

New Castle County Financial Planning - New Castle County, DE ...(302) 221-6785.
Genovese Frank. 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE (302) 295-3096 ..... Wsfs Bank. 500
Delaware Ave, #3. Wilmington, DE (302) 792-6000

Francis Genovese, Captain of the Major Crimes Trial Unit, Jeffrey ...Francis Genovese, Captain of the
Major Crimes Trial Unit, Jeffrey S Pearson ... 1998 U.S. District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
2004 U.S. Court
Meyers, op with Genovese, Bush (Baal, Set Temple with Col Alexander
in charge of all military prior and agancies as head of Military Satanic
orders with Bushes, Genovese and Meyers) all labs, social services,
trafficking, all agencies and porn murders with psychiatry already
arrested DE, NY, with attorneys, all agencies and hospital directors,
other judges with criminal backgrounds ‘hired,’ by them.

MASONS - Freemasonry - Secret Societies - Forums
20 posts - 1 author - Last post: Sep 25, 2006

... another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese mafia, .... The lie detector test and
the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are also ..... and satanic actions, other recently
declassified FBI documents ... › ... › Secret Societies › Freemasonry

Sitemap - Management Consultants
... Genovese Forman & Burford Finan& Insrnce Services Inc Sacramento, CA ...... Brock Barry
E CPA Sierra Madre, CA · Illuminati Inc Pasadena, CA ...

Weblog: Poland Bishop Crisis Likely to Worsen | Christianity Today ...
Jan 9, 2007 ... Italian priests join the war on Satanic crime | Priests are to work ... is dead at 65
| Elizabeth Fox-Genovese was a noted historian and ...


Genovese Joblove & Battista, Attorney from Fort Lauderdale, FloridaU.S. District Court District of Arizona
U.S. District Court District of Nebraska U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida U.S. District Court

Obstructions with the organized crime billing and sentencing others for their crimes: (Genovese brings
own lawsuits, w Genovese drug stores and all crime in DE, and Meyers LLP) then sentencing Attorneys
and Attorneys General.

Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP - Paul H. Schoeman... in Delaware
Chancery Court and on appeal to the Delaware Supreme Court of a ... and
led to a second federal conviction of Genovese family boss Vincent ... Honorable Edward R. Korman,
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York

With over 50 Meyers in financial, 'government federal payments,' banking
with Robert Bush, and as 'veterans Affairs,' University labs directors with Genovese crime family,
chemicals, weapons, RFID, GPS tracking, surveillance for trafficking, and hospitals, to all psychiatry, using
Johns medical condition with Genovese, Elena Meyers violent crimes:

BENEFICIAL MUTUAL BANCORP INC - BNCL Securities Registration ...Apr 30, 2007... Maryland, Delaware
and New Jersey ranging in asset size between $2 billion and $12 ... WSFS       Financial
Corporation. KNBT Bancorp, Inc.

May 2010, page 16 back issues ...May 10, 2010 ... Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge      Commission
issued the following news ... Chair; Robert Bush; Sal Cammarata; Ed Langan; David

Bob Bush | LinkedInPublic Company; WSFS; Banking industry ... Delaware
Society of CPAs ... ROBERT BUSH, Senior Manager Finance, Materials & Inventory at GE Energy

Other Court Case: None Count: 1 Citation: 15:77Q. .... The Spacious World of Eugene D. Genovese and
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese

Delaware 8 $302778 3.33% 562286 1.20% $65392 19.8%. Montgomery 16 $267849 1.32% 789528
3.58% $79785 21.3 ... ROBERT BUSH EVP – Insurance & Advisory 27 Years

BENEFICIAL Mutual Bancorp, Inc. - Firstrain: Seeking Alpha WSFS
Financial has the Lowest Operating Margin in the Thrifts & Mortgage Finance Industry (WSFS, CHFN,

my legal files and with Clintons, on their own sites including ‘injury attorneys’:

Robert Bush, operating all from WSFS with Genovese, and banking with Elena Meyers, and Bush family
out of aviation, op directly with fire house to hospital with Genovese operations:

Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company - Kent County, Delaware Delaware City Fire Company - New Castle
County, Delaware. ... Fred Bush was the top fire responder and Chris Whitby was the top ambulance
responder. ...

Bushes, Genovese acting with two other fire depts., Dover, and state fire through Cheswold, and Camden
to Dover. State fire Director from New England, and fired the Cheswold Town manager and other Chief of
Police in 2006 during DOW leak, (all states) and crimes.

VFD Protecting Bush's Home Town Gets Flood Of Assistance ... Dec 13, 2002 ... Chief    Tucker
Dempsey of the Cheswold Fire Department offered the ... Delaware Firefighters Visit
Crawford, Texas Bearing Gifts of Vehicles,
gets-flood- assistance

Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company - Kent County, Delaware Delaware City Fire Company
- New Castle County, Delaware. ... Fred Bush was the top fire responder and Chris

Whitby was the top ambulance responder.
VFD Protecting Bush's Home Town Gets Flood Of Assistance ... Dec 13, 2002 ... Chief Tucker Dempsey of
the Cheswold Fire Department offered the ... Delaware Firefighters Visit Crawford, Texas Bearing Gifts of
Vehicles, assistance

Already premeditated buying out the Cheswold Airport, 2004 by lawsuit on durham, and illegally carrying
out cancelation of other home and timing it with another chemical blood mixup, for their crimes.

Delaware, contributed by Ed Bush; another William Durham born ca. ...
Selected Magnolia/Dover/Cheswold area records which include spouse and/or

IN AND FOR KENT ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

Mar 1, 2006 ... for State of Delaware Fire Prevention Commission. .... the Bush farm [the annexed tract]
was within Cheswold's fire district. ...

Schedule Pointe Inc. - The Leading Provider of Innovative ...Diamond Aviation · Funoutside Aviation
Academy .... CIA charter· Paragon Airways · Malone Air Charter (New Account) · Monarch Air Flight

(Genovese, Meyers, Bushes using everyone from attorneys, to bankers, to drug users and to hospitals as
CIA, already sentenced again with ‘CIA Ethics director in 07, FBI agents; herein ELean Meyers, with
Clhtons, prior to 2000 to 2011, with Robert Bush, Bushes listed, and Genvoese crime family, continued
crimes with reports to FBI, affidavits with police, DOJ,)

Abramoff ties to Russians probed - The Boston GlobeFeb 23, 2006 ... Other reports that Abramoff filed
said he lobbied for Voor Huisen on matters ranging from aviation safety to disaster preparedness to ...

Schedule Pointe Inc. - The Leading Provider of Innovative ...Diamond Aviation · Funoutside Aviation
Academy .... CIA charter (CIA SENTENCED OVER FOUR TIMES AGAIN) · Paragon Airways · Malone Air
Charter (New Account) · Monarch Air Flight Department.

Abramoff ties to Russians probed - The Boston GlobeFeb 23, 2006 ... Other reports that Abramoff filed
said he lobbied for Voor Huisen on matters ranging from aviation safety to disaster preparedness to

Radaris: Bob Bush's information about at - The #1 ...... Tax Consultant
                                                           at WSFS
Bank Past: Senior Tax Manager at Ernst & Young, Senior Tax Manager at
KPMG Education: University of Delaware. Robert Bush

University of the Arts - acalog ACMS™MFA, University of Delaware view bio. Susan White Senior
Lecturer ..... Richard Genovese Marjorie Goldberg Michael Kennedy Ronald Kerber Jeffrey Kern
Christopher Mauté ... Frank Mazzeo Daniel Muller Anthony Salicondro Ben Schachter ...

NOAA Ocean Explorer: Bonaire: Exploring Coral Reef Sustainability ...University of Delaware. Chris
Coccaro is currently an undergraduate at ... Dr.
                                 Sal Genovese is the director of
Northeastern University's Three Seas Program. ..... Frank van Slobbe was born and
raised in Surinam and spent a large part of -

Blake C. Meyers appointed Rosenberg Professor of Plant and Soil ...Dec 1, 2010 ... 1, 2010----
Blake C. Meyers, a faculty member in the

XLS] "Award Number" "Title" "NSF Organization" "Program(s)" "Start Date ...File Format: Microsoft Excel
- View as HTML
Using stereo color cameras, GPS, static aerial imagery, ...... 2010" "Meyers, Blake" "DE" "University of
Delaware" "Continuing grant" "Diane Jofuku Okamuro";...US NSF - OIA -
Programs - MRIApr 29, 2010 ... 0922657, University of Delaware, Doren, $451051 ... - Show more results from[PDF]
Annual Report 2005File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

Nanosensor,” in Proceedings of 5th IEEE Conference on. Nanotechnology (IEEE-Nano 2005), Nagoya,

Japan. Galloway, J.M., B.E. Haggard, M.T. Meyers, and W.R.

Performance and simulation of the RICE detector by I Kravchenko - 2003 - Cited by 31 - Related articles

... McKay, D.; Meyers, J.; Perry, L.; Ralston, J.; Razzaque, S.; Schmitz, D. W. ... AC(Bartol Research
Institute, University of Delaware, 19716, Newark, DE, ... electromagnetic showers, which emit radio-
frequency Cherenkov radiation. ...
19...15KPress Releases - News - Ursinus CollegeAmy Meyers, Director, Yale University Center for British
Art, who will receive an .... radio frequency identification (RFID) and other mobile platforms. ..... and the
University of Delaware Percussion Ensemble, directed by Harvey Price.

Continuing Criminal Enterprise", or "OCCE":

1.      Federal Felony Documents 1

Mar 30, 2011 ... ROBERT BUSH, American General, HSBC, Citi Corp, financial ...

Frank Genovese, all family operations as attorneys, with Robert Bush, Meyers LLP and Meyers

New Castle County Specialty Financial Services in New Castle ...

Frank Genovese (302) 295-3096 - 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE, 19720. Boaz Financial Corp (302) 322-
2426 - 100 Quigley Blvd, New Castle, DE, 19720. WSFS Bank ...

Meyers, and Genovese, acting as Nemours, DuPont, doctors, labs
directors UD, to sentencing,

With Meyers UHS/BHS used with Bush crime, Genovese, and Meyers in
organized crime over 50 years and known prior to threats in 2000 and
threatened to carry out total frauds, financial fraud, lynching, theft and by shear slander of every
opposite type, over 5,000 counts including on John Honaker.

Dr. Michael V Genovese M.D ( Michael Genovese ) Psychiatry ...
Dr. Michael V Genovese M.D. Psychiatry. 520 Franklin Avenue Suite L3 ... ARIZONA ,

Robert Bush, Genovese, Clintons in organized crime and banking, using Meyers LLP and for all
collections along with Genovese, Joblove, Patista and linked to business attorneys;

Kevin has entertained Bill and Hillary Clinton, and various Kennedys. ... Milton Meyers..
Kevin Wynn.. Micah Green.. Billy Hart.. Joe McPhee . ...

  Union Square Pedestrian Plaza Plan Gets Green Light From Community ... Jul 12,
  2010... Chelsea & Hell's Kitchen - Clinton, Meatpacking District ... the extreme and
  rammed down neighbors' throats," lawyer Milton Meyers, 63, from-

2. Clinical Scientist Training Program (CSTP) - Our Students
  Program Mentors: David A. Brent, MD, MS Hyg, Professor of Psychiatry; ... Background:
  Elizabeth Genovese received a BS from the University of Notre Dame in ..... Medical College
  and DuPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, Delaware. ...

  Herein, we all have realtives, in fact, listed with Genovese, Bushes, and some others, with
  different reloigions on the same lines, and cousins linked to many in offices, and the crimes are
  the crimes by Robert Bush< G Bush, other Bushes, w Meyers operating and used with
  Genovese who also lists, every surname, and links to the attorneys firms, and courts, to all
  business, banking, as to religion and political usage, being and threatened to steal all work from
  myself and for that reason, using satanic, illuminati, and other persons with ideological content
  of all groups and all used in the same bribery, trafficking, and racketeering then sentenced.
  Bush, operating with Cameron’s, Myers, R Myers, and threats in person in 2000, for
  orchestrated crimes, operated with Cameron BP oil, Ewan Cameron at UD chemical warfare
  and psychological weapons with Genovese, other Cameron’s arrested and one J Cameron in
  Maine Attorney General, and Bush family from 1930’s through 1980’s with Arpino use for threats
  in 2000 by Genovese crime family member and operating with Meyers, DOW chemical,
  Genovese out of UD labs over 35 years.

  threats over it in 2000 and already arresting, sentencing their crimes on us prior and billing for over 18
  loan companies all in John Honaker’s name prior to marriage and more to 2000 'at work,' with
  emergencies also, over 25 to 2011), Robert Bush, Elena Meyers, Genovese in crime) ; Alchemy CATALYST
  Adds Support for's

  GlobalLink ...Apr 30, 2008 ... Alchemy CATALYST Adds Support for's GlobalLink ... HSBC
  Bank USA, N.A. And Affiliates Lower Prime and Reference Rate ... Capital Exchange -
  INCAPX News RFID Tag Source inks R&D agreement with FAA; high-memory tags take off in aviation
  apps ...
HSBC Holdings Plc Releases 2010 Final Results · Alchemy Fund PCC ... – Cached International Capital
Exchange - INCAPX News HSBC Holdings Plc Releases 2010 Final Results
· Alchemy Fund PCC Voluntarily ... RFID TagSource Launches AeroTag with TegoChip for
Aerospace and Defense ...

RFID File Tracking System optimizes file inventory management ...Apr 3, 2011 ... Article by jack pan
DAILY RFID, has launched a RFID file tracking system ... alcatel mobile phone, Alchemy, alchemy lab,
alcohol dispensers ...
inventory-management.html/ United Nations of Film... but as described in Babylon's Banksters: The
Alchemy of Deep Physics, ..... T

The master plan is to RFID chip everyone on the planet and control your .... Selling the oil to China and
laundering the money in Hong Kong via the HSBC Bank . ... This is the Satanic banking cartels' biggest
secret and the reason that ...

1.      WSFS Breaks Ground on New Millsboro Branch | Oracle Developer's ...

Feb 23, 2009 ... Oracle Authors:
                              Salvatore Genovese, Maureen O'Gara, Elizabeth White, ...
"The construction of a branch in Millsboro helps WSFS cultivate our

North American Veterinary Conference, Friday, January 17, 2002
Jan 9, 2007 ... Fleeing Genovese forces may have introduced Yersinia Pestis to the ... the sarin chemical
weapon attack in the Tokyo subway and the 1998 ... - Cached

     3. Is Dick Cheney right? [Archive] - Straight Dope Message Board
100+ posts - 49 authors - Last post: Apr 23, 2009

Agent Orange wasn't a chemical weapon. It was a defoliant. ...... news items as the Kitty Genovese
incident, or girls raped by single, ... - Cached

     4. J.D., UCLA School of Law, 1996; B.A., University - Florida State ...
Daly concluded: "For the foreseeable future, the chemical weapon will continue, ... See Ashley, supra
note 2 (quoting     James A. Genovese, U.S. Army Chemical ...

    2. Congressional Record Index (1983) - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
       see also ...
... 18537 [11JY] Categories of compensation for POW's, 10488 [28AP] Chemical weapon agents used
during World War I, 31336 [8NO] Comparative statement of new ... -F-FACE96.htm

Here, Robert ush and Genfgoese put their own crimes on a website:

    2. Payday Loan America - Part of Johns memory loss and chemical ...
... violent crimes ο Susan Cameron Honaker а ԁ son а ԁ ELena Meyers і organized crime wіtһ Robert
Bush banks а ԁ WSFS personal banking а ԁ һеr billing ... cirmes-by-bushes-at-bank-
elena-meyers-genovese-crmie-family/ -

Beneficial Mutual Bancorp, Inc. - Firstrain: Seeking Alpha
WSFS Financial has the Lowest Operating Margin in the Thrifts & Mortgage Finance Industry (WSFS,

Bob Bush profiles | LinkedIn
Robert Bush. Title: Senior Sales Manager at GovConnection; Demographic info

Violent Crimes, terrorism, mortgage frauds, violent crime using Lab Corp, Health Federal, medical
frauds, threats using Lab Corp and Health Federal, Terrorist assaults and threats with financial frauds,
theft of business, work, patented material and violent threats by Elena Meyers, operating with Robert
Bush, Genovese crime family:

Elena Meyers acting illegally as Meyers LLP and as ‘social services,’ in child crimes and with “satanic,”
Genovese, Bushes, and military, and Meyers at Nemours, 5,000 counts terrorist threats, threatened
obstructions, multiple federal felonies as a ‘satanic,’ freak, with Genovese and Bush crime family, over
50 each agency, in child porn and murders, trafficking all agencies, (and in person to steal all, to carry
out violent crimes, to steal ‘intellectual,’ work and patented cash flow automated income and expense
book, with Bushes, Genovese crime family and Dorothy Arpino, threats to self and son in person 2000
over two hours, and to Susan and son daily to 2011, 11 years of threats, theft, and to 2011 daily on son
and in front of son, Nemours crimes on him and daily threats because she is in organized crime,
trafficking, and frauds, theft of my own business, mortgage and loan frauds and fails to disclose from
one of her crimes, to the next on John Honaker, on Susan Cameron Honkaer and on son, for that
reason), knowingly using health federal for her crimes, and on son, and on John Honaker for the crimes;
in knowing violent crimes, and by John Honakers chemical damage, emergencies each nine months,
acting as Meyers LLP attorneys for lab corp, sentencing of doctors, file tampering, and threats, using and
sentencing illegally acting as ‘court’ and attorneys, and prosecutors, with Robert Bush, Genovese crime
family, acting herself as federal deposits, federal employees sentencing, federal pay with over 50
Genovese, Bush, Meyers family members in organized crime, failure over 5,000 counts obstructing and
carrying out crimes on John Honaker for her violent crimes, theft, threats, daily using health federal and
lab corp, for inducing timed emergencies, memory loss long term, and financial and loan frauds, with
Robert Bush, Genovese crime family members with Meyers, Elena Meyers banking at WSFS, American
General, Citi Corp, during her crimes on Susan Cameron Honaker with them, herself daily threats to
Susan and son from 2000 to 2011:

Threats CARied out in 2000 in person, with Genovese crime family acting with Robert Bush at personal
banking,WSFS with Elena Meyers, in threats for theft, frauds, financial frauds, theft of patented
automated income and expense from Susan Cameron Honkaer and all ‘intellectual,’ work for the crimes.

Federal felonies of crimes already operating in crime using John Honakers military records, operating his
employment as attorneys, with Bushes, Robert Bush, WSFS, American General, Meyers LLP attorneys
and for his loans, acting illegally with his mortgage, and as Veterans Affairs, his lab corp prior to 1989 to
2000 and crimes on John Honaker purposely by Elena Meyers for terrorist threats and acts 11 years daily
with Robert Bush, Genovese crime family, sending John for known nonabsorption vitamin B, and from
1991, his discussions over inability to follow through with plans and his loans each nine months from no
absorption vitamin B, Bushes, Genovese intercept his phone call in 2005 to 2006, right after chemical
mix-up and testing again, to a psychoanalyst for his phone call for memory loss long term and short term
present for following complex long term plans.

These are over 5,000 counts federal felonies, to present, 2011, John has all bills, transactions by
thousands overdraft fees, mortgage, from 2004, as from 1991, his own loans, in arrears, and bills over
three months each in arrear at work, and cannot follow, make, remember what he last did, and on
documents throughout the federal felonies to 2011. Federal felonies and threats, by Elena Meyers,
operating with Robert Bush, George Bush, Clintons banking from prior to marriage, and his loans, his
employment, and John hanging up daily 20 years, while sitting at home, having chemical damage timed
by them and crimes on John for carry out frauds with his chemical damage. On no occasion can he
follow any plans, while Elena Meyers with Robert Bush, Genovese crime family herein, carries out the
crimes to induce his long term, even weekly, memory loss, with her thereafter, falsified material on
Susan Cameron Honaker for theft, fraud, and violent crimes to 2011 daily and billing for her multiple
federal felonies to health federal with Genovese crime family and banking, operating the loans,
businesses, medical frauds, threats to Susan as ‘satanic’ psychiatry, Genovese and Meyers threats, and
collections for all by Meyers LLP attorneys for Johns employment, Bush loans and frauds.

With 10 years prior timing thousands in loans, for John Honaker already, and operating his military,
Pentagon, National Security and his retirement work as ‘packing’ manager and inventory, shipping
manager, which was his side job over 25 years in command positions and on submarines, he can
remember what is coming up in shipping to be delivered, no long term complex plans but tasks; as Ruth
Chapman, friend and Air Force, having being given strokes at only age 28, by Clintons, Bush Sr., and the
same with Genovese crime family, operating with Meyers family as military directors and with George
Bush sentencing them in cocaine and drug shipping with generals, her strokes cared for under “Veterans
Affairs,” DE to MO, and she has increased brain process and memory losses in 2010, more serious daily
loss but works task oriented. Ruth, as John, would use gas each time it was filled and only when asked to
put some in, by that time, she would put in a quarter tank, costing only, and she couldn’t remember
what she did with her money and hundreds of memory losses a week, as john Honaker, who on no day
can make, follow, any financial plans or remember what he did, and 7 years with their threats on
documents and federal felonies including attempted murder during timed thousands overdraft fees and
writing down ‘bad memory,’ on Susan Cameron Honaker going around police reports of the crimes, als
on video with another person using gang members ordered to lock Susan up and arresting police at DE
state police for deleting files.

On financial documents, Robert Bush, George Bush Sr. acting president prior, operating his businesses
with same attorneys, Meyers LLP, and his loans, with Genovese crime family at personal baking, time
over 7,000 overdraft fees, and from 2004 move to Dover, based on Johns chemical damage again and
illegal crimes by them canceling a home contract already paid and his visit to Veterans Hospital under
George Bush, Clintons, Genovese crime family operating the banks and Dr. Bush in drug dispensing at
Veterans Hospital while being tested by Dr. Hill, his doctor again, for nonabsorption vitamin B and total
blood chemical mixup.

Nothing from the time of moving into the home to 2011, is ever finished by Johns circles, with over 300
days they time, no money, no gas, with John making all transactions and running all at home in circles,
with no money for living expenses to 2011, while they take thousands and timed forced payments,
loans, checks written out, and theft of Susans automated income and expense book.

All loans are signed up with John Honaker and called to him at work, by Robert Bush, as ‘cash advances,’
and also as manager of WSFS and with Genovese, and all loan companies, federal felonies while John
Honaker states, from 2006 hundreds of different statements about the loans, even during his call they
block in 2006, for his memory loss, and federal felonies of mortgage, loan frauds they know he has no
memory of.

They threaten, illegally Susan Cameron Honaker daily, with theft of work, business, and patented cash
flow book of which rights and intellectual work is still Susans, to 2011 daily, and attempted murder
during 2008, continued threats, with police reports by both, to lock Susan up as a continued threat from
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Sig full affidavit meyers bush genovese johns er

  • 1. John A Honaker, QMCM, SS, with National Security Clearances under five presidents Susan (Cameron) Honaker 4693 Kenton Road Dover, DE Family Commissioners Information bureau, medical Dockets in courts, DE, other courts Herein, Elena Meyers, federal felonies, using John Honakers medical condition for crime, violent crime, threats, with Frank Genovese, Genovese family members as social services, with her, and Robert Bush, George Bush, Elena Meyers in trafficking, child crimes, and satanic psychiatry murders, all agencies, DE, to NY, as Meyers LLP and with Robert Bush, George Bush, as ‘satanic’ and with all political and religious groups, with Genovese crime family, times with Robert Bush at WSFS, computer crimes, her threats to Susan Cameron Honaker, listed with Frank Genovese operating with Elena Meyers, psychiatry, slander alone daily, and her crimes with Bushes, Genovese at Nemours, herein, 2006, ‘credit checks’ for a new mortgage, with thousands of loans from Robert Bush, WSFS banking by Robert Bush as management, and as Meyers LLP, Genovese operating WSFS and federal pay with Robert Bush, Johns employment attorneys and loans collections and for threats to Susan and Johns emergencies as Meyers LLP attorneys, with Elena Meyers in violent crimes to 2011, timing thounsads in overdraft fees, crimes inducing Johns emergencies and herein from 1996 and prior already tested each time and again in 2003, for nonabsorption vitamin B for John with loans, no memory of them to 2011 or anything, but when reminded, and even his over 25 years of navigation, or fixing something a year prior he has no memory of. Former affidavits, police reports to Newark police, and stolen FBI reports, Police affidavits, Robert Bush, G Bush, Genovese crime around Affidavits with Ofcr. Bishop, DE state police again in 2007 May on Elena Meyers operating with Robert Bush, Genovese crime family and Dorothy Arpino (later given a ‘dismissal’ from the court with Elena Meyers, Robert Bush, Clintons in organized crime with Jeff Meyers, Genovese crime family in 2010 for continued crimes as from 2000 and prior); herein affidavits still exist as organized crime. Delaware State Police and Other courts, sentencing by Meyers LLP, Genovese LLP attorneys and illegally acting as judges for organized crime and banking.
  • 2. The Continuing Criminal Enterprise statute, or Title 21 of the United States Code, Section 848(c)(2), defines a criminal enterprise as any group of six or more people, where one of the six occupies a position of organizer, a supervisory position, or another position of management with respect to the other five, and which generates substantial income or resources, and is engaged in a continuing series of violations of subchapters I and II of Chapter 13 of Title 21 of the United States Code. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute, or Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1961(4), defines an enterprise as "any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity." Extension of obstructions includes all agencies; Genovese and Bush operating with those operating org crime and their family members, operating through all agencies sentencing FBI agents and top FBI, and those more ‘temporary,’ used in racketeering. Clintons operating also with Genovese prior with FBI then sentenced and to 2011, all labor fraud, trafficking, banking crime, with other ‘Genovese captains,’ and ‘Genovese families.’ The FBI defines a criminal enterprise as a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable structure, engaged In significant criminal activity. These organizations often engage in multiple criminal activities and have extensive supporting networks. The terms Organized Crime and Criminal Enterprise are similar and often used synonymously. However, various federal criminal statutes specifically define the elements of an enterprise that need to be proven in order to convict individuals or groups of individuals under those statutes. These laws apply to bribery in the courts, agencies, or/and attorneys generals, officials used for racketeering sentenced for the hierarchy. Herein, racketeering extends while no one holds rights to own agencies; “George W. Bush’s cousin, Judge John M. Walker of the 2nd Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals, is part of a three-judge panel hearing the case of April Gallop vs. former vice-president
  • 3. Dick Cheney, former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers. The case has been ignored by the mainstream media (operated by Genovese, FOX) in the weeks leading up to it going to court April 5. And most media have ignored the developments concerning the involvement of Judge Walker. One exception is CNBC, which carried an online story with the headline: “Extraordinary Conflict of Interest: Bush Cousin Presides Over Federal Court Case Against Former Bush Administration Officials.” Good for them, but this is an all-too isolated exception...” “Gallop, a former U.S. Army executive administrative assistant (with top secret clearance), is suing for damages in connection with injuries she and her newborn son suffered in the supposed terrorist attack at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. the “Pentagon” has refused to help Gallop with surgeries she and her son have required because of the event. They’ve even tried to stop other agencies like the American Red Cross from helping her, according to David Ray Griffin’s account in his book The New Pearl Harbor Revisited. The original Gallop case was thrown out of court in March 2010. Judge Denny Chin dismissed the suit with prejudice, contending that the complaint was based on “cynical delusion and fantasy.”Chin has since been promoted to the very court now hearing the appeal of his ruling. Walker was chief justice of the Court of Appeals from 2000-2006 and has been serving as a senior member of the court since then. Many researchers into 9/11 will also point out that another Bush cousin, Wirt D. Walker III, was CEO of Securacom from 1999-2002 – the company that handled security for the World Trade Center. The company installed a new $8.3-million security system in the towers between 1996 and 2000. Point herein, that the highest levels of looting, racketeering, is not special to a family line or religion and no exceptions, racketeering, orchestrated violent crime, threats, targeted lynching, banking crimes, over 5,000 counts falsifying material is only crime money and racketeering, over six different families of our own operating around Bushes, Genovese in political or other places. In this case, they will use anyone in bribery, already Racketeering as they do not own agencies,65 judges already sentenced as ‘satanic,’ just corrupt former felons, or and other religions, and others on the Supreme court, or of espionage, foreign links, under Genovese, operating military, Defense with bushes, and ‘satanic’ Knights w Col. Alexander still in charge of military prior to 9-11 and explosions nationwide, disasters, all agencies sentenced including homeland security directors, in racketeering and DOJ officials. Genovese, backed Bush, with Luchese, a Genovese crime family already arrested and released for the cleanup money, labor fraud, racketeering and other planners of 9-11 sentenced. January to April, 2011, Crimes continued with
  • 4. Dorothy Arpino used for over two hours of setting up the crimes and threats and acting out of UD with Meyers in all labs, Genovese and Clintons, in drug trafficking already; a Genovese, Meyers smaller crime family member over 35 years. Elena Meyers, acting as ‘child and parents welfare,’ social services, (with over 50 Meyers, and Meyers LLP attorneys and prosecutors for her crime’s she billed for while arresting all she hired in organized crime, child trafficking, with Jeff Meyers, Genovese crime family) in organized crimes and obstruction’s, with R Bush, George Bush, banking and loans and Meyers family in banking and financial also; with attorneys general (sentenced and again in NY, Maine, district Attorneys, Meyers UHS/BHS and child psychiatry murders, attorneys in trafficking with Meyers LLP in New York, DE, FL). Elena Meyers, acting with over 50 Meyers in financial and other employees used sentenced, each state, prosecuting, also FBI agents with Meyers and Genovese acting as FBI, with Dan Genovese and others, fire directors sentenced with Bush family, Genovese operating within ambulance and police, orders to Mayors (sentenced nationwide and Newark mayor after 2001), using criminals as drug users, and over 100 smaller porn families, including Frey nationwide over 40 years, in surveillance, weapons, and court and document falsifications to present, which U.S. Attorney general Eric Holder, under bribery knows of. Only lawsuits where they did not commit the threats in person and can have someone else arrested such as police, where they can bank the money, and their own lawsuits, Genovese Joblove, Greene, Patista, against others is in the DE courts, NY, with Meyers LLP also; herein, Elena Meyers, with Robert Bush, Genovese, arresting police after their other crimes of deleting affidavits for continued crimes from 2000 to 2011 threatened to be carried out with obstructions. Elena Meyers, operating as Meyers LLP, Genovese crime family LLP attorneys, arresting and operating at attorney general’s office for threatened obstructions, and as ‘satanic’ social services, and with Genovese as “psychiatry,” with Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Robert Bush, other Bushes over 70 years; using and arresting all religions, commissioners, insurance commissioners, police chiefs, hospital directors, and murders in psychiatry, all places herself in trafficking with Meyers family members, at colleges, schools, with Genovese crime family, from the bank with Robert Bush, George Bush, Clintons, banking crimes, bankers sentenced, bank employees and business managers, for embezzlement, CEO’s, operating through chamber commerce, and as psychiatry for threats, with Genovese and Meyer’s drug stores, doctors in child crimes, and murders of elderly care, federal insurance frauds, lab corp frauds, and all other crime through DE, NY, with Meyers LLP and Genovese crime with Robert Bush banking together. Herein operating from all areas in the crimes and on witnesses. Meyers, Genovese, Bushes, ‘satanic’ and trafficking all agencies, and organized crime around medical and pharma sentencing doctors, and medical, Medicare with Genovese drug stores and in D,. Theft of Susan business, work and injury from 2000 to 2011, and theft of work in 2010 with injury continued, medical fraud and crimes with Elena Meyers operating with Genovese crime family; AND THREATS TO SUSAN IN PERSON IN 2000, BY ARPINO, A MEYERS, GENOVESE CRIMINAL, TO STEAL ALL ‘INTELLECTUAL,’ WORK, PLANS, PATENTED CASH FLOW BOOK, AND BUSINESS TO 2011 DOCUMENTED, DURING JOHNS THOUSANDS OVERDRAFT FEES AND CIRCLES OF THE SAME, WITH THOUSANDS IN
  • 5. LOANS, AT WORK, OF WHICH JOHN HONAKER DOESN’T HAVE, NOR ANY ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM PLANNING, AND ONLY TALKS IN CIRCLES INCREASINGLY WITH EACH OVER 5 MORE EMERGENCIES. Documents on banking fraud, loan fraud, mortgage frauds, threats to 2011 and billing with Elena Meyers acting with Genovese crime family, Robert Bush, in banking as ‘social services,’ to her crimes at Nemours with them, to her threats in person to both of us, after 500 counts crimes blocking John Honaker from his phone call to insurance federal in 2006, to daily threats from 2000, with Genovese, Elena Meyers, Robert Bush acting as ‘psychiatry,’ and threatened to carry out all crimes, theft, frauds, and to steal Susan’s patented and ‘intellectual,’ work and have Susan locked up, to falsify material of which is daily and on documents with injury and theft of Susan’s work again with John having thousands each yearn loss, no ability to plan, accrued weekly bills in arrears, circles, OD fees and crimes herein with thousands deposited and taken back out each month as a ‘mistake.’ Threats throughout, by Elena Meyers, from 2000 and to 2011 and billing for her, Genovese, Robert Bush crimes. John runs hundreds circles, only spending, and bills only at work, as his condition from 1990, no ability to plan, and for Elena Meyers, with Robert Bush crimes, operating with Genovese crime family, John making hundreds of opposite statements and all transactions but groceries, herein hundreds, and wit banking crimes to 2011. Elena Meyers, premeditates her crimes, acting with Robert Bush, premeditating 300 days, Susan and son with no money, no gas, service cut offs, not even out, she deletes sons records, after 500 counts of Bill Clinton acting with banking, all crime, with Robert Bush, George Bush, Genovese, and Meyers family members, Robert Bush, George Bush, carrying out the crimes, hiring a military doctor to delete sons records, and falsifying John Honaker’s medical condition over 500 counts o Susan and son, after firing John at Boys and Girls Club with a “FBI” phone call that he did not write on his employment for a ‘felony from the 1980’s:” to present, holding Johns national security, Navy, and all emergency, and loans by Genovese in crime, with Meyers, George Bush, and continues wit ‘any’ and all transfer after her threats in person, and on documents, of falsified information and hundreds of opposite, illogical information that cannot even be used for daily billing over 50,000 for her crimes as threats ‘by phone.’ Elena Meyers threatens already in crime with Genovese over 70 years, as Meyers UHS/BHS, and with Bush family in crime. Elena Meyers, federal felonies as satanic, 'social services,' and as "Meyers UHS" in organized crime, at all places, operating as 'satanic,' as Meyers LLP, as 'social services,' in threats to carry out fraud, slander, falsified material, acting as Bush loans, Genovese, with Meyers in federal pay, using Dorothy Arpino for the threats and threats in person to Jo9hn Honaker, after over 500 counts criminal acts already in 2005- 06 with R Bush, Genovese crime family, from 2000, over 3500 days, and prior to that; Elena Meyers, Meyers LLP with Genovese as 'satanic' Social ...Mar 6, 2011 ... Genovese family members, and Meyers, LLP, with Bushes, ... Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District . Social-Services-and-the- judges-all-others-under-that-sentenced-agai...
  • 6. Acting as Meyers, LLP prosecutors, Attorneys, in DE with Robert Bush, George Bush, other Bushes, Genovese running all lawsuits already themselves, banking all crime through attorneys general, psychiatry fraud, trafficking as ‘illuminati,’ satanic, and murders already sentenced of Meyers psychiatry and Genovese as psychiatry, sentencing others; through prosecutors, for their crimes, loan, mortgage frauds, bankruptcy fraud, Meyers and Genovese psychiatry murders and trafficking all agencies, schools, priests, fire directors sentenced all states, FBI with Dan Genovese and other Genovese operating also in FBI. All other religions they claim to be and set up with their attorney firms and who they can bank in arrests in crime including anarchists and Zionists. U.S. Attorney general Gonzales indicted with all agencies and FBI agents again 07, District Attorneys nationwide, and attorney generals used as herein and sentenced including in New York:’ nced%22&rlz=1W1ACAW_en&aq=f&aqi=g-v1&aql=&oq= Genovese crime family and Meyers as judges, with the attorney general’s office prosecuting her crimes and billing for it; acting as managers of WSFS banking, with Frank Genovese, as 'psychiatry,' with Genovese crime family, out of UD labs, to her crimes at the court, at the attorney general’s office, at police, with Robert Bush threats: Frank Genovese, as all business attorneys, attorney general’s office, and UD labs with over 50 Genovese family members as social services, as psychiatry, as bank management, WSFS, with Elena Meyers operating the threats with them and falsified material: Elena Meyers is operating the crime, with Bushes at VA, and Meyers financial, Meyers attorneys for loans fraud, mortgage fraud, operating with Robert Bush, G Bush, Sr. G Bush, Jr., and Clintons prior to 2002 holding JOhns mortgage and all records. Elena Meyers, Meyers LLP with Genovese as 'satanic' Social ...Mar 6, 2011 ... Genovese family members, and Meyers, LLP, with Bushes, Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District . Social-Services-and-the- judges-all-others-under-that-sentenced-agai... Acting in organized crime, trafficking, arresting social services workers, hospital directors, acting as Meyers LLP for Bay health(s) other states and DE, arrests and sentencing for organized crime money, federal heatlthcare fraud sentencing and operating the collections direct for their crimes also and John Honakers loans for Robert Bush, with Genovese crime family, R Bush at WSFS. Elena Meyers operating with Genovese crime family throughout and crimes on John Honaker, son, threats and obstructions with Bush family at fire house, ambulance, and Genovese from aviation to Cheswold, to her hospital crimes and FBI under Nemours doctors where she carries out crimes with Robert Bush, G Bush, Genovese crime family to her social services crimes, to her crimes of threats to Bay Health, all threats to carry out the crimes from 2011, over 5,000 counts falsified material and injury 11 years falsified material daily as
  • 7. threats and assault with Susan and son, timed left with no car, no gas, no money, while she takes with other Meyers, Robert Bush, over 400,000 in ‘cash loans’ John does not remember, at work, from 2005, and thousands in overdrafts at WSFS banking and with other crimes. George Bush, threats with Robert Bush, using Meyers LLP, Meyers UHS and collections for their threats with Meyers, Genovese as retarded either way, ‘satanic’ 1935 operating from that time with Ewan Cameron out of UD, with Hitler, and Genovese crime family as psychiatry, Robert Bush threats and collections to 2011 and injury, with Meyers UHS/BHS, Nicholas Meyers, and Ewan Cameron formerly as head of American Psychiatry Association, threats in 2000 with over 5,000 counts falsified material for frauds, mortgage frauds, violent crime, threats and theft. Frost Lewis, Frost Arnett, Robert Bush, Genovese used for over 70 years, for threats and collections after over 1,000 counts falsified material, injury, and loan frauds, violent crime, threatened from 2000 with Genovese to be carried out; threats to present, with Dorothy Arpino, Robert Bush, George Bush, banking with Genovese crime family and Elena Meyers, Robert Bush and Genovese as attorneys, banking, and all crimes with Meyers family members. About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...www.frost- - CachedOur Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett Company in 2003. His previous ... Meyers UHS/Behavioral health, collections attorneys with Robert Bush threats and Genovese and while firing all from 2000, at all places where they continue ANY federal felony slander and crimes for their frauds: Your Correct Address Wanted by KINTGETA FRATERNIZE - 1925 - Related articles name will he cha'ngecd to the Frost-Lewis Company. The change is in name only as Mr. Frost and ... Treat, Bush and Ogden a 100%" League Firm. The address bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/... Elena Meyers, Milton Meyers, Genovese, court and as attorneys illegally for all crime and acting as agencies: Full text of "Manual for the General Court" ... 1988 to December 28, 1992 MILTON MEYERS, Goffstown December 28, ...... RSA 281-A (Ch. 254,1990) PAUL A. GENOVESE, Bow June 13, 1990 to June 13,
  • 8. company formerly was known as the Frost-Lewis Company. State Senator W. M. Lester, of Augusta, ...... Meyers, Milton H. (Meyers & Meyers), 182. Grand St. ... Our Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett Company in 2003. His previous About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...www.frost- - CachedOur Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett Company in 2003. His previous BAY HEALTH, SENTENCING OF DIRECTORS, SOCIAL SERVICES WORKERS, PSYCHIATRY CONTRACTORS WITH MEYERS, AND MEYERS, GENOVESE AS SOCIAL SERVICES AND THE JUDGES: 2008 Transaction Detail COLEMAN, WILLIAM, OMELVANY & MEYERS, LLP/ATTORNEY, WASHINGTON ..... FEINOUR, TERRY, BAY HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER/SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, CAMDEN WYOMING Medical Malpractice DE. ... Social Security Disability · Social Security Law · Social Services Law · Surgical Errors ... Mintzer, Sarowitz, Zeris, Ledva & Meyers, LLP Wilmington, Delaware Emile Henry, corporation, John hired at under Bush, Sr. 50 years, operated with Meyers LLP and all billing for federal health care, while bringing suits for federal healthcare fraud, in attorney generals office, inducing his emergencies, Meyers LLp and Meyers operating at Employment, federal pay, and for Bush business, and HSBC, Citi Corp. Full text of "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's handling ... Mar 14, 1984 ... We think the Federal pay practices are discriminatory 8 as they ...... including : - EEOC V. Liggett & Meyers, Inc ., 690 F.2d 1072 (4th Cir. ... FRANK GENOVESE - 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE 19720 - (302) 295 ...Frank Genovese at 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE 19720, (302) 295-3096. ... DELAWARE BUSINESS
  • 9. SYSTEMS. 191 Airport Rd New Castle, DE 19720 ... Spas New Castle Schools New Castle Social Services New Castle Storage New Castle Used Cars › Delaware › New Castle Ralph J Genovese CPA Niagara Falls NY 14301 - Accountants ...Ralph J Genovese CPA Business Profile .... 3411 Delaware Ave # 4, Buffalo NY 14217. Erie County New York ... Social Services in Niagara Falls GENVOESE OPERATING OUT OF UD LABS, GENVOESE DRUG STORES, ALL BUSINESS CRIME, AND BANKING, COURTS WITH ROBERT BUSH, AND CHEMICALS, LAB CORP, VITAMIN B REFERENCES: MRI and 1H-MRS findings in early-onset cobalamin C/D D Longo - 2005 - Cited by 7 - Related articles Longo D, Fariello G, Dionisi-Vici C, Cannatà V, Boenzi S, Genovese E, Deodato F. ... The aim of this study was to evaluate and monitor brain damage in early- onset ... Five patients underwent 1H-MRS, using chemical shift imaging (CSI) in three ... Vitamin B 12 Deficiency/metabolism; Vitamin B 12 Deficiency/pathology* WITH DOW CHEMICAL, OVER 70 YEARS, RFID, AND BUSH BANKING, DOW CHDMICAL LEAK, DOW WASTE CHEMICALS, AND JOHNS CHEMICAL DAMAGE ALSO BY GENOVESE CRIME WITH BUSH FAMILY MEMBERS, CLINJTONS PRIOR TO 2000 AND TO 2011, CONTROLLED NONABSORPTION VITAMIN B AND OTHER BLOOD CHEMICAL MIXUP AND INDUCED EMERGENCIES WITH MEMORY LOSS OF WEEKS PRIOR, NO PLANS AND FROM 1990 INCREASING 1. National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data) DOW UNITED TECH COMP PROD DRAWN METAL TUBE CO DRESSER IND INDUSTRIAL ..... YORKLYN DELAWARE CITY CHESWOLD DOVER NEWPORT DELAWARE CITY DELAWARE CITY NEWARK NEWARK ...... INC GENOVESE DRUGS/ GREAT AMERICAN #90 GEORGE KOVACS LIGHTING, INC . ... ; About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...metabolic point in time patient agent roleclass *count=100 ...Vitamin B Complex / therapeutic use ...... 12% Klawans HL, Genovese N: Pharmacology of dementia. ...... [Effect of etimizol, caffeine and theophylline on some carbohydrate metabolic indices of the rat brain and myocardium]. ..... 7 % Galizia VJ: Pharmacotherapy of memory loss in the geriatric patient. ... roleclass.html Genovese friends as directors ACLU and notices throughout of use of surveillance and RFID which is used as a weapon and in all countries from towers to body just as GPS to auto over 70 years while trafficking drugs and humans through all agencies:
  • 10. Lawsuit Challenging Unconstitutional Spying Should Be Reinstated ... Dec 17, 2009 ... FISA Amendments Act Must Be Subject To Judicial Review. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: (212) 549-2666; ... should-be-reinstated-says- aclu Affidavit part I - Wilmington anthropology | Feb 2, 2011 ... Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District Attorney.... University Delaware, operating all in child crimes, to Social Services and over ... Elena Meyers with Genovese crime families in DE, NJ, PA, New Castle County Specialty Financial Services in New Castle ...Frank Genovese (302) 295-3096 - 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE, 19720. Boaz Financial Corp (302) 322- 2426 - 100 Quigley Blvd, New Castle, DE, 19720. WSFS Bank ... Elena Meyers, with over 50 Meyers family and Genovese per lab, to each state, NY, MO, TX, DE, FL, PA, sentencing for their child murders all agencies and psychiatry already under Genovese, and Nicholas Meyers operating American Psychiatric Association (formerly Ewan Cameron with Bushes, Genovese, Meyers from 1930’s and out of UD labs, to Edgewood Arsenal, chemical and psychological warfare) Genovese, Jennifer C - East Syracuse, NY - Social Service ... Our free company profile report for Genovese, Jennifer C includes ... Social Services ~; Social Service and Welfare Organizations ~; Genovese, Jennifer C ... - Cached - Similar Susan Genovese | LinkedIn Susan Genovese. Senior Social Worker at Orange County Social Services. Location: Greater Los Angeles Area; Industry: Public Safety ... - Cached ELENA MEYERS, AS 'SOCIAL SERVICES,' - peacepink Feb 26, 2011 ... Listed below, Meyers attorneys, also, with Genovese crime family, and acting as social services with Genovese crime family, .. New Castle County Financial Planning - New Castle County, DE ...(302) 221-6785. Genovese Frank. 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE (302) 295-3096 ..... Wsfs Bank. 500
  • 11. Delaware Ave, #3. Wilmington, DE (302) 792-6000 planning/ Francis Genovese, Captain of the Major Crimes Trial Unit, Jeffrey ...Francis Genovese, Captain of the Major Crimes Trial Unit, Jeffrey S Pearson ... 1998 U.S. District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 2004 U.S. Court Meyers, op with Genovese, Bush (Baal, Set Temple with Col Alexander in charge of all military prior and agancies as head of Military Satanic orders with Bushes, Genovese and Meyers) all labs, social services, trafficking, all agencies and porn murders with psychiatry already arrested DE, NY, with attorneys, all agencies and hospital directors, other judges with criminal backgrounds ‘hired,’ by them. OPERATING AS ALL RELIGIONS, ALL FAMILY LINES IN CRIME: MASONS - Freemasonry - Secret Societies - Forums 20 posts - 1 author - Last post: Sep 25, 2006 ... another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese mafia, .... The lie detector test and the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are also ..... and satanic actions, other recently declassified FBI documents ... › ... › Secret Societies › Freemasonry Sitemap - Management Consultants ... Genovese Forman & Burford Finan& Insrnce Services Inc Sacramento, CA ...... Brock Barry E CPA Sierra Madre, CA · Illuminati Inc Pasadena, CA ... Weblog: Poland Bishop Crisis Likely to Worsen | Christianity Today ... Jan 9, 2007 ... Italian priests join the war on Satanic crime | Priests are to work ... is dead at 65 | Elizabeth Fox-Genovese was a noted historian and ... DELAWARE, WITH BUSH FAMILY, CLINTONS, LAWSUITS FROM ALL STATES NATIONAL, NTL CRIME WITH MEYERS. Genovese Joblove & Battista, Attorney from Fort Lauderdale, FloridaU.S. District Court District of Arizona U.S. District Court District of Nebraska U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida U.S. District Court Southern
  • 12. Obstructions with the organized crime billing and sentencing others for their crimes: (Genovese brings own lawsuits, w Genovese drug stores and all crime in DE, and Meyers LLP) then sentencing Attorneys and Attorneys General. Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP - Paul H. Schoeman... in Delaware Chancery Court and on appeal to the Delaware Supreme Court of a ... and led to a second federal conviction of Genovese family boss Vincent ... Honorable Edward R. Korman, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York With over 50 Meyers in financial, 'government federal payments,' banking with Robert Bush, and as 'veterans Affairs,' University labs directors with Genovese crime family, chemicals, weapons, RFID, GPS tracking, surveillance for trafficking, and hospitals, to all psychiatry, using Johns medical condition with Genovese, Elena Meyers violent crimes: BENEFICIAL MUTUAL BANCORP INC - BNCL Securities Registration ...Apr 30, 2007... Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey ranging in asset size between $2 billion and $12 ... WSFS Financial Corporation. KNBT Bancorp, Inc. May 2010, page 16 back issues ...May 10, 2010 ... Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission issued the following news ... Chair; Robert Bush; Sal Cammarata; Ed Langan; David Lindquist; Bob Bush | LinkedInPublic Company; WSFS; Banking industry ... Delaware Society of CPAs ... ROBERT BUSH, Senior Manager Finance, Materials & Inventory at GE Energy GENOVESE, CLINTONS, ORGANIZED CRIME FUNDING Oct 24, 2010... Reopened: Other Court Case: None Count: 1 Citation: 15:77Q. .... The Spacious World of Eugene D. Genovese and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese BENEFICIAL MUTUAL BANCORP INC - 8-K - 20080522 - EXHIBIT_99 Delaware 8 $302778 3.33% 562286 1.20% $65392 19.8%. Montgomery 16 $267849 1.32% 789528 3.58% $79785 21.3 ... ROBERT BUSH EVP – Insurance & Advisory 27 Years
  • 13. BENEFICIAL Mutual Bancorp, Inc. - Firstrain: Seeking Alpha WSFS Financial has the Lowest Operating Margin in the Thrifts & Mortgage Finance Industry (WSFS, CHFN, BNCL, TFSL, PBCT) 06-Oct-2010. SEC FILLINGS GENVOESE AND BUSHES OPERATING PAYDAY LOANS ALSO, AND HEREIN TAKE MY SITE AGAIN and put my legal files and with Clintons, on their own sites including ‘injury attorneys’: GENOVESE, BUSHES, MEYERS OP AT SCHOOLS, AT THE FIRE HOUSE WITH DIRECTORS (SENTENCED IN ALL STATES IN CHILD CRIMES) Robert Bush, operating all from WSFS with Genovese, and banking with Elena Meyers, and Bush family out of aviation, op directly with fire house to hospital with Genovese operations: Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company - Kent County, Delaware Delaware City Fire Company - New Castle County, Delaware. ... Fred Bush was the top fire responder and Chris Whitby was the top ambulance responder. ... Bushes, Genovese acting with two other fire depts., Dover, and state fire through Cheswold, and Camden to Dover. State fire Director from New England, and fired the Cheswold Town manager and other Chief of Police in 2006 during DOW leak, (all states) and crimes. VFD Protecting Bush's Home Town Gets Flood Of Assistance ... Dec 13, 2002 ... Chief Tucker Dempsey of the Cheswold Fire Department offered the ... Delaware Firefighters Visit Crawford, Texas Bearing Gifts of Vehicles, gets-flood- assistance Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company - Kent County, Delaware Delaware City Fire Company - New Castle County, Delaware. ... Fred Bush was the top fire responder and Chris Whitby was the top ambulance responder. VFD Protecting Bush's Home Town Gets Flood Of Assistance ... Dec 13, 2002 ... Chief Tucker Dempsey of the Cheswold Fire Department offered the ... Delaware Firefighters Visit Crawford, Texas Bearing Gifts of Vehicles, assistance Already premeditated buying out the Cheswold Airport, 2004 by lawsuit on durham, and illegally carrying out cancelation of other home and timing it with another chemical blood mixup, for their crimes. Delaware, contributed by Ed Bush; another William Durham born ca. ... Selected Magnolia/Dover/Cheswold area records which include spouse and/or
  • 14. Show more results from[PDF] IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR KENT ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Mar 1, 2006 ... for State of Delaware Fire Prevention Commission. .... the Bush farm [the annexed tract] was within Cheswold's fire district. ... WITH GENOVESE, BUSHES OUT OF SUMMIT TO CHESWOLD AIRPORT, FROM FIRE, AMBULANCE, WITHIN POLICE, WITH ELENA MEYERS, TO FBI AND DOJ, ATTNRY OFFICE, ALL FROM BANKING: Schedule Pointe Inc. - The Leading Provider of Innovative ...Diamond Aviation · Funoutside Aviation Academy .... CIA charter· Paragon Airways · Malone Air Charter (New Account) · Monarch Air Flight Department. (Genovese, Meyers, Bushes using everyone from attorneys, to bankers, to drug users and to hospitals as CIA, already sentenced again with ‘CIA Ethics director in 07, FBI agents; herein ELean Meyers, with Clhtons, prior to 2000 to 2011, with Robert Bush, Bushes listed, and Genvoese crime family, continued crimes with reports to FBI, affidavits with police, DOJ,) Abramoff ties to Russians probed - The Boston GlobeFeb 23, 2006 ... Other reports that Abramoff filed said he lobbied for Voor Huisen on matters ranging from aviation safety to disaster preparedness to ... Schedule Pointe Inc. - The Leading Provider of Innovative ...Diamond Aviation · Funoutside Aviation Academy .... CIA charter (CIA SENTENCED OVER FOUR TIMES AGAIN) · Paragon Airways · Malone Air Charter (New Account) · Monarch Air Flight Department. Abramoff ties to Russians probed - The Boston GlobeFeb 23, 2006 ... Other reports that Abramoff filed said he lobbied for Voor Huisen on matters ranging from aviation safety to disaster preparedness to Radaris: Bob Bush's information about at - The #1 ...... Tax Consultant at WSFS Bank Past: Senior Tax Manager at Ernst & Young, Senior Tax Manager at KPMG Education: University of Delaware. Robert Bush University of the Arts - acalog ACMS™MFA, University of Delaware view bio. Susan White Senior Lecturer ..... Richard Genovese Marjorie Goldberg Michael Kennedy Ronald Kerber Jeffrey Kern Christopher Mauté ... Frank Mazzeo Daniel Muller Anthony Salicondro Ben Schachter ... NOAA Ocean Explorer: Bonaire: Exploring Coral Reef Sustainability ...University of Delaware. Chris Coccaro is currently an undergraduate at ... Dr. Sal Genovese is the director of
  • 15. Northeastern University's Three Seas Program. ..... Frank van Slobbe was born and raised in Surinam and spent a large part of - Blake C. Meyers appointed Rosenberg Professor of Plant and Soil ...Dec 1, 2010 ... 1, 2010---- Blake C. Meyers, a faculty member in the Professor120110.html XLS] "Award Number" "Title" "NSF Organization" "Program(s)" "Start Date ...File Format: Microsoft Excel - View as HTML Using stereo color cameras, GPS, static aerial imagery, ...... 2010" "Meyers, Blake" "DE" "University of Delaware" "Continuing grant" "Diane Jofuku Okamuro";...US NSF - OIA - Programs - MRIApr 29, 2010 ... 0922657, University of Delaware, Doren, $451051 ... - Show more results from[PDF] Annual Report 2005File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Nanosensor,” in Proceedings of 5th IEEE Conference on. Nanotechnology (IEEE-Nano 2005), Nagoya, Japan. Galloway, J.M., B.E. Haggard, M.T. Meyers, and W.R. Performance and simulation of the RICE detector by I Kravchenko - 2003 - Cited by 31 - Related articles ... McKay, D.; Meyers, J.; Perry, L.; Ralston, J.; Razzaque, S.; Schmitz, D. W. ... AC(Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware, 19716, Newark, DE, ... electromagnetic showers, which emit radio- frequency Cherenkov radiation. ...
  • 16. 19...15KPress Releases - News - Ursinus CollegeAmy Meyers, Director, Yale University Center for British Art, who will receive an .... radio frequency identification (RFID) and other mobile platforms. ..... and the University of Delaware Percussion Ensemble, directed by Harvey Price. Continuing Criminal Enterprise", or "OCCE": 1. Federal Felony Documents 1 Mar 30, 2011 ... ROBERT BUSH, American General, HSBC, Citi Corp, financial ... Frank Genovese, all family operations as attorneys, with Robert Bush, Meyers LLP and Meyers New Castle County Specialty Financial Services in New Castle ... Frank Genovese (302) 295-3096 - 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE, 19720. Boaz Financial Corp (302) 322- 2426 - 100 Quigley Blvd, New Castle, DE, 19720. WSFS Bank ... Meyers, and Genovese, acting as Nemours, DuPont, doctors, labs directors UD, to sentencing, With Meyers UHS/BHS used with Bush crime, Genovese, and Meyers in organized crime over 50 years and known prior to threats in 2000 and threatened to carry out total frauds, financial fraud, lynching, theft and by shear slander of every opposite type, over 5,000 counts including on John Honaker. Dr. Michael V Genovese M.D ( Michael Genovese ) Psychiatry ... Dr. Michael V Genovese M.D. Psychiatry. 520 Franklin Avenue Suite L3 ... ARIZONA , ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, CONNECTICUT, DELAWARE, FLORIDA, GEORGIA ... Robert Bush, Genovese, Clintons in organized crime and banking, using Meyers LLP and for all collections along with Genovese, Joblove, Patista and linked to business attorneys; Kevin has entertained Bill and Hillary Clinton, and various Kennedys. ... Milton Meyers.. Kevin Wynn.. Micah Green.. Billy Hart.. Joe McPhee . ...
  • 17. Union Square Pedestrian Plaza Plan Gets Green Light From Community ... Jul 12, 2010... Chelsea & Hell's Kitchen - Clinton, Meatpacking District ... the extreme and rammed down neighbors' throats," lawyer Milton Meyers, 63, from- community-board 1. Clinical Scientist Training Program (CSTP) - Our Students Program Mentors: David A. Brent, MD, MS Hyg, Professor of Psychiatry; ... Background: Elizabeth Genovese received a BS from the University of Notre Dame in ..... Medical College and DuPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, Delaware. ... Herein, we all have realtives, in fact, listed with Genovese, Bushes, and some others, with different reloigions on the same lines, and cousins linked to many in offices, and the crimes are the crimes by Robert Bush< G Bush, other Bushes, w Meyers operating and used with Genovese who also lists, every surname, and links to the attorneys firms, and courts, to all business, banking, as to religion and political usage, being and threatened to steal all work from myself and for that reason, using satanic, illuminati, and other persons with ideological content of all groups and all used in the same bribery, trafficking, and racketeering then sentenced. Bush, operating with Cameron’s, Myers, R Myers, and threats in person in 2000, for orchestrated crimes, operated with Cameron BP oil, Ewan Cameron at UD chemical warfare and psychological weapons with Genovese, other Cameron’s arrested and one J Cameron in Maine Attorney General, and Bush family from 1930’s through 1980’s with Arpino use for threats in 2000 by Genovese crime family member and operating with Meyers, DOW chemical, Genovese out of UD labs over 35 years. GENOVESE, MEYERS, BUSH FAMILY MEMBERS OPERATING WEAPONS THEMSELVES (over 70 years and threats over it in 2000 and already arresting, sentencing their crimes on us prior and billing for over 18 loan companies all in John Honaker’s name prior to marriage and more to 2000 'at work,' with emergencies also, over 25 to 2011), Robert Bush, Elena Meyers, Genovese in crime) ; Alchemy CATALYST Adds Support for's GlobalLink ...Apr 30, 2008 ... Alchemy CATALYST Adds Support for's GlobalLink ... HSBC Bank USA, N.A. And Affiliates Lower Prime and Reference Rate ... Capital Exchange - INCAPX News RFID Tag Source inks R&D agreement with FAA; high-memory tags take off in aviation apps ...
  • 18. HSBC Holdings Plc Releases 2010 Final Results · Alchemy Fund PCC ... – Cached International Capital Exchange - INCAPX News HSBC Holdings Plc Releases 2010 Final Results · Alchemy Fund PCC Voluntarily ... RFID TagSource Launches AeroTag with TegoChip for Aerospace and Defense ... RFID File Tracking System optimizes file inventory management ...Apr 3, 2011 ... Article by jack pan DAILY RFID, has launched a RFID file tracking system ... alcatel mobile phone, Alchemy, alchemy lab, alcohol dispensers ... inventory-management.html/ United Nations of Film... but as described in Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, ..... T The master plan is to RFID chip everyone on the planet and control your .... Selling the oil to China and laundering the money in Hong Kong via the HSBC Bank . ... This is the Satanic banking cartels' biggest secret and the reason that ... 1. WSFS Breaks Ground on New Millsboro Branch | Oracle Developer's ... Feb 23, 2009 ... Oracle Authors: Salvatore Genovese, Maureen O'Gara, Elizabeth White, ... "The construction of a branch in Millsboro helps WSFS cultivate our GENOVESE ON CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS BOARD, BANKING WSFS MANAGEMERNT AND OUT OF UD LABS WITHMEYERS, OVER 70 YRS AND BUSH, CLINTONS ORGANIZED CRIMES: North American Veterinary Conference, Friday, January 17, 2002 Jan 9, 2007 ... Fleeing Genovese forces may have introduced Yersinia Pestis to the ... the sarin chemical weapon attack in the Tokyo subway and the 1998 ... - Cached 1. Is Dick Cheney right? [Archive] - Straight Dope Message Board 100+ posts - 49 authors - Last post: Apr 23, 2009 Agent Orange wasn't a chemical weapon. It was a defoliant. ...... news items as the Kitty Genovese incident, or girls raped by single, ... - Cached 2. J.D., UCLA School of Law, 1996; B.A., University - Florida State ...
  • 19. Daly concluded: "For the foreseeable future, the chemical weapon will continue, ... See Ashley, supra note 2 (quoting James A. Genovese, U.S. Army Chemical ... 1. Congressional Record Index (1983) - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE see also ... ... 18537 [11JY] Categories of compensation for POW's, 10488 [28AP] Chemical weapon agents used during World War I, 31336 [8NO] Comparative statement of new ... -F-FACE96.htm Here, Robert ush and Genfgoese put their own crimes on a website: 1. Payday Loan America - Part of Johns memory loss and chemical ... ... violent crimes ο Susan Cameron Honaker а ԁ son а ԁ ELena Meyers і organized crime wіtһ Robert Bush banks а ԁ WSFS personal banking а ԁ һеr billing ... cirmes-by-bushes-at-bank- elena-meyers-genovese-crmie-family/ - Beneficial Mutual Bancorp, Inc. - Firstrain: Seeking Alpha WSFS Financial has the Lowest Operating Margin in the Thrifts & Mortgage Finance Industry (WSFS, CHFN, BNCL, TFSL, PBCT) 06-Oct-2010. SEC FILLINGS ... Bob Bush profiles | LinkedIn Robert Bush. Title: Senior Sales Manager at GovConnection; Demographic info The Continuing Criminal Enterprise statute, or Title 21 of the United States Code, Section 848(c)(2), defines a criminal enterprise as any group of six or more people, where one of the six occupies a position of organizer, a supervisory position, or another position of management with respect to the other five, and which generates substantial income or resources, and is engaged in a continuing series of violations of subchapters I and II of Chapter 13 of Title 21 of the United States Code.
  • 20. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute, or Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1961(4), defines an enterprise as "any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity." Extension of obstructions includes all agencies; Genovese and Bush operating with those operating org crime and their family members, operating through all agencies sentencing FBI agents and top FBI, and those more ‘temporary,’ used in racketeering. Clintons operating also with Genovese prior with FBI then sentenced and to 2011, all labor fraud, trafficking, banking crime, with other ‘Genovese captains,’ and ‘Genovese families.’ The FBI defines a criminal enterprise as a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable structure, engaged In significant criminal activity. These organizations often engage in multiple criminal activities and have extensive supporting networks. The terms Organized Crime and Criminal Enterprise are similar and often used synonymously. However, various federal criminal statutes specifically define the elements of an enterprise that need to be proven in order to convict individuals or groups of individuals under those statutes. These laws apply to bribery in the courts, agencies, or/and attorneys generals, officials used for racketeering sentenced for the hierarchy. Herein, racketeering extends while no one holds rights to own agencies; “George W. Bush’s cousin, Judge John M. Walker of the 2nd Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals, is part of a three-judge panel hearing the case of April Gallop vs. former vice-president Dick Cheney, former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers. The case has been ignored by the mainstream media (operated by Genovese, FOX) in the weeks leading up to it going to court April 5. And most media have ignored the developments concerning the involvement of Judge Walker. One exception is CNBC, which carried an online story with the headline: “Extraordinary Conflict of Interest: Bush Cousin Presides Over Federal Court Case Against Former Bush Administration Officials.” Good for them, but this is an all-too isolated exception...” “Gallop, a former U.S. Army executive administrative assistant (with top secret clearance), is suing for damages in connection with injuries she and her newborn son suffered in the supposed terrorist attack at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. the “Pentagon” has
  • 21. refused to help Gallop with surgeries she and her son have required because of the event. They’ve even tried to stop other agencies like the American Red Cross from helping her, according to David Ray Griffin’s account in his book The New Pearl Harbor Revisited. The original Gallop case was thrown out of court in March 2010. Judge Denny Chin dismissed the suit with prejudice, contending that the complaint was based on “cynical delusion and fantasy.”Chin has since been promoted to the very court now hearing the appeal of his ruling. Walker was chief justice of the Court of Appeals from 2000-2006 and has been serving as a senior member of the court since then. Many researchers into 9/11 will also point out that another Bush cousin, Wirt D. Walker III, was CEO of Securacom from 1999-2002 – the company that handled security for the World Trade Center. The company installed a new $8.3-million security system in the towers between 1996 and 2000. Point herein, that the highest levels of looting, racketeering, is not special to a family line or religion and no exceptions, racketeering, orchestrated violent crime, threats, targeted lynching, banking crimes, over 5,000 counts falsifying material is only crime money and racketeering, over six different families of our own operating around Bushes, Genovese in political or other places. In this case, they will use anyone in bribery, already Racketeering as they do not own agencies,65 judges already sentenced as ‘satanic,’ just corrupt former felons, or and other religions, and others on the Supreme court, or of espionage, foreign links, under Genovese, operating military, Defense with bushes, and ‘satanic’ Knights w Col. Alexander still in charge of military prior to 9-11 and explosions nationwide, disasters, all agencies sentenced including homeland security directors, in racketeering and DOJ officials. Genovese, backed Bush, with Luchese, a Genovese crime family already arrested and released for the cleanup money, labor fraud, racketeering and other planners of 9-11 sentenced. January to April, 2011, Crimes continued with Dorothy Arpino used for over two hours of setting up the crimes and threats and acting out of UD with Meyers in all labs, Genovese and Clintons, in drug trafficking already; a Genovese, Meyers smaller crime family member over 35 years. Elena Meyers, acting as ‘child and parents welfare,’ social services, (with over 50 Meyers, and Meyers LLP attorneys and prosecutors for her crime’s she billed for while arresting all she hired in organized crime, child trafficking, with Jeff Meyers, Genovese crime family) in organized crimes and obstruction’s, with R Bush, George Bush, banking and loans and Meyers family in banking and financial also; with attorneys general (sentenced and again in NY, Maine, district Attorneys, Meyers UHS/BHS and child psychiatry murders, attorneys in trafficking with Meyers LLP in New York, DE, FL). Elena Meyers, acting with over 50 Meyers in financial and other employees used sentenced, each state, prosecuting, also FBI agents with Meyers and Genovese acting as FBI, with Dan Genovese and others, fire directors
  • 22. sentenced with Bush family, Genovese operating within ambulance and police, orders to Mayors (sentenced nationwide and Newark mayor after 2001), using criminals as drug users, and over 100 smaller porn families, including Frey nationwide over 40 years, in surveillance, weapons, and court and document falsifications to present, which U.S. Attorney general Eric Holder, under bribery knows of. Only lawsuits where they did not commit the threats in person and can have someone else arrested such as police, where they can bank the money, and their own lawsuits, Genovese Joblove, Greene, Patista, against others is in the DE courts, NY, with Meyers LLP also; herein, Elena Meyers, with Robert Bush, Genovese, arresting police after their other crimes of deleting affidavits for continued crimes from 2000 to 2011 threatened to be carried out with obstructions. Elena Meyers, operating as Meyers LLP, Genovese crime family LLP attorneys, arresting and operating at attorney general’s office for threatened obstructions, and as ‘satanic’ social services, and with Genovese as “psychiatry,” with Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Robert Bush, other Bushes over 70 years; using and arresting all religions, commissioners, insurance commissioners, police chiefs, hospital directors, and murders in psychiatry, all places herself in trafficking with Meyers family members, at colleges, schools, with Genovese crime family, from the bank with Robert Bush, George Bush, Clintons, banking crimes, bankers sentenced, bank employees and business managers, for embezzlement, CEO’s, operating through chamber commerce, and as psychiatry for threats, with Genovese and Meyer’s drug stores, doctors in child crimes, and murders of elderly care, federal insurance frauds, lab corp frauds, and all other crime through DE, NY, with Meyers LLP and Genovese crime with Robert Bush banking together. Herein operating from all areas in the crimes and on witnesses. Meyers, Genovese, Bushes, ‘satanic’ and trafficking all agencies, and organized crime around medical and pharma sentencing doctors, and medical, Medicare with Genovese drug stores and in D,. Theft of Susan business, work and injury from 2000 to 2011, and theft of work in 2010 with injury continued, medical fraud and crimes with Elena Meyers operating with Genovese crime family; AND THREATS TO SUSAN IN PERSON IN 2000, BY ARPINO, A MEYERS, GENOVESE CRIMINAL, TO STEAL ALL ‘INTELLECTUAL,’ WORK, PLANS, PATENTED CASH FLOW BOOK, AND BUSINESS TO 2011 DOCUMENTED, DURING JOHNS THOUSANDS OVERDRAFT FEES AND CIRCLES OF THE SAME, WITH THOUSANDS IN LOANS, AT WORK, OF WHICH JOHN HONAKER DOESN’T HAVE, NOR ANY ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM PLANNING, AND ONLY TALKS IN CIRCLES INCREASINGLY WITH EACH OVER 5 MORE EMERGENCIES. Documents on banking fraud, loan fraud, mortgage frauds, threats to 2011 and billing with Elena Meyers acting with Genovese crime family, Robert Bush, in banking as ‘social services,’ to her crimes at Nemours with them, to her threats in person to both of us, after 500 counts crimes blocking John Honaker from his phone call to insurance federal in 2006, to daily threats from 2000, with Genovese, Elena Meyers, Robert Bush acting as ‘psychiatry,’ and threatened to carry out all crimes, theft, frauds, and to steal Susan’s patented and ‘intellectual,’ work and have Susan locked up, to falsify material of which is daily and on documents with injury and theft of Susan’s work again with John having thousands each yearn loss, no ability to plan, accrued weekly bills in arrears, circles, OD fees and crimes herein with
  • 23. thousands deposited and taken back out each month as a ‘mistake.’ Threats throughout, by Elena Meyers, from 2000 and to 2011 and billing for her, Genovese, Robert Bush crimes. John runs hundreds circles, only spending, and bills only at work, as his condition from 1990, no ability to plan, and for Elena Meyers, with Robert Bush crimes, operating with Genovese crime family, John making hundreds of opposite statements and all transactions but groceries, herein hundreds, and wit banking crimes to 2011. Elena Meyers, premeditates her crimes, acting with Robert Bush, premeditating 300 days, Susan and son with no money, no gas, service cut offs, not even out, she deletes sons records, after 500 counts of Bill Clinton acting with banking, all crime, with Robert Bush, George Bush, Genovese, and Meyers family members, Robert Bush, George Bush, carrying out the crimes, hiring a military doctor to delete sons records, and falsifying John Honaker’s medical condition over 500 counts o Susan and son, after firing John at Boys and Girls Club with a “FBI” phone call that he did not write on his employment for a ‘felony from the 1980’s:” to present, holding Johns national security, Navy, and all emergency, and loans by Genovese in crime, with Meyers, George Bush, and continues wit ‘any’ and all transfer after her threats in person, and on documents, of falsified information and hundreds of opposite, illogical information that cannot even be used for daily billing over 50,000 for her crimes as threats ‘by phone.’ Elena Meyers threatens already in crime with Genovese over 70 years, as Meyers UHS/BHS, and with Bush family in crime. Elena Meyers, federal felonies as satanic, 'social services,' and as "Meyers UHS" in organized crime, at all places, operating as 'satanic,' as Meyers LLP, as 'social services,' in threats to carry out fraud, slander, falsified material, acting as Bush loans, Genovese, with Meyers in federal pay, using Dorothy Arpino for the threats and threats in person to Jo9hn Honaker, after over 500 counts criminal acts already in 2005- 06 with R Bush, Genovese crime family, from 2000, over 3500 days, and prior to that; Elena Meyers, Meyers LLP with Genovese as 'satanic' Social ...Mar 6, 2011 ... Genovese family members, and Meyers, LLP, with Bushes, ... Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District . Social-Services-and-the- judges-all-others-under-that-sentenced-agai... Acting as Meyers, LLP prosecutors, Attorneys, in DE with Robert Bush, George Bush, other Bushes, Genovese running all lawsuits already themselves, banking all crime through attorneys general, psychiatry fraud, trafficking as ‘illuminati,’ satanic, and murders already sentenced of Meyers psychiatry and Genovese as psychiatry, sentencing others; through prosecutors, for their crimes, loan, mortgage frauds, bankruptcy fraud, Meyers and Genovese psychiatry murders and trafficking all agencies, schools, priests, fire directors sentenced all states, FBI with Dan Genovese and other Genovese operating also in FBI. All other religions they claim to be and set up with their attorney firms and who they can bank in arrests in crime including anarchists and Zionists. U.S. Attorney general Gonzales indicted with all agencies and FBI agents again 07, District Attorneys nationwide, and attorney generals used as herein and sentenced including in New York:’
  • 24. nced%22&rlz=1W1ACAW_en&aq=f&aqi=g-v1&aql=&oq= Genovese crime family and Meyers as judges, with the attorney general’s office prosecuting her crimes and billing for it; acting as managers of WSFS banking, with Frank Genovese, as 'psychiatry,' with Genovese crime family, out of UD labs, to her crimes at the court, at the attorney general’s office, at police, with Robert Bush threats: Frank Genovese, as all business attorneys, attorney general’s office, and UD labs with over 50 Genovese family members as social services, as psychiatry, as bank management, WSFS, with Elena Meyers operating the threats with them and falsified material: Elena Meyers is operating the crime, with Bushes at VA, and Meyers financial, Meyers attorneys for loans fraud, mortgage fraud, operating with Robert Bush, G Bush, Sr. G Bush, Jr., and Clintons prior to 2002 holding JOhns mortgage and all records. Elena Meyers, Meyers LLP with Genovese as 'satanic' Social ...Mar 6, 2011 ... Genovese family members, and Meyers, LLP, with Bushes, Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District . Social-Services-and-the- judges-all-others-under-that-sentenced-agai... Acting in organized crime, trafficking, arresting social services workers, hospital directors, acting as Meyers LLP for Bay health(s) other states and DE, arrests and sentencing for organized crime money, federal heatlthcare fraud sentencing and operating the collections direct for their crimes also and John Honakers loans for Robert Bush, with Genovese crime family, R Bush at WSFS. Elena Meyers operating with Genovese crime family throughout and crimes on John Honaker, son, threats and obstructions with Bush family at fire house, ambulance, and Genovese from aviation to Cheswold, to her hospital crimes and FBI under Nemours doctors where she carries out crimes with Robert Bush, G Bush, Genovese crime family to her social services crimes, to her crimes of threats to Bay Health, all threats to carry out the crimes from 2011, over 5,000 counts falsified material and injury 11 years falsified material daily as threats and assault with Susan and son, timed left with no car, no gas, no money, while she takes with other Meyers, Robert Bush, over 400,000 in ‘cash loans’ John does not remember, at work, from 2005, and thousands in overdrafts at WSFS banking and with other crimes. George Bush, threats with Robert Bush, using Meyers LLP, Meyers UHS and collections for their threats with Meyers, Genovese as retarded either way, ‘satanic’ 1935 operating from that time with Ewan Cameron out of UD, with Hitler, and Genovese crime family as psychiatry, Robert Bush threats and collections to 2011 and injury, with Meyers UHS/BHS, Nicholas
  • 25. Meyers, and Ewan Cameron formerly as head of American Psychiatry Association, threats in 2000 with over 5,000 counts falsified material for frauds, mortgage frauds, violent crime, threats and theft. Frost Lewis, Frost Arnett, Robert Bush, Genovese used for over 70 years, for threats and collections after over 1,000 counts falsified material, injury, and loan frauds, violent crime, threatened from 2000 with Genovese to be carried out; threats to present, with Dorothy Arpino, Robert Bush, George Bush, banking with Genovese crime family and Elena Meyers, Robert Bush and Genovese as attorneys, banking, and all crimes with Meyers family members. About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...www.frost- - CachedOur Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett Company in 2003. His previous ... Meyers UHS/Behavioral health, collections attorneys with Robert Bush threats and Genovese and while firing all from 2000, at all places where they continue ANY federal felony slander and crimes for their frauds: Your Correct Address Wanted by KINTGETA FRATERNIZE - 1925 - Related articles name will he cha'ngecd to the Frost-Lewis Company. The change is in name only as Mr. Frost and ... Treat, Bush and Ogden a 100%" League Firm. The address bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/... Elena Meyers, Milton Meyers, Genovese, court and as attorneys illegally for all crime and acting as agencies: Full text of "Manual for the General Court" ... 1988 to December 28, 1992 MILTON MEYERS, Goffstown December 28, ...... RSA 281-A (Ch. 254,1990) PAUL A. GENOVESE, Bow June 13, 1990 to June 13, company formerly was known as the Frost-Lewis Company. State Senator W. M. Lester, of Augusta, ...... Meyers, Milton H. (Meyers & Meyers), 182. Grand St. ... Our Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett Company in 2003. His previous
  • 26. About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...www.frost- - CachedOur Team > About Us Needels began his career with Frost-Arnett Company in 2003. His previous BAY HEALTH, SENTENCING OF DIRECTORS, SOCIAL SERVICES WORKERS, PSYCHIATRY CONTRACTORS WITH MEYERS, AND MEYERS, GENOVESE AS SOCIAL SERVICES AND THE JUDGES: 2008 Transaction Detail COLEMAN, WILLIAM, OMELVANY & MEYERS, LLP/ATTORNEY, WASHINGTON ..... FEINOUR, TERRY, BAY HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER/SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, CAMDEN WYOMING Medical Malpractice DE. ... Social Security Disability · Social Security Law · Social Services Law · Surgical Errors ... Mintzer, Sarowitz, Zeris, Ledva & Meyers, LLP Wilmington, Delaware Emile Henry, corporation, John hired at under Bush, Sr. 50 years, operated with Meyers LLP and all billing for federal health care, while bringing suits for federal healthcare fraud, in attorney generals office, inducing his emergencies, Meyers LLp and Meyers operating at Employment, federal pay, and for Bush business, and HSBC, Citi Corp. Full text of "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's handling ... Mar 14, 1984 ... We think the Federal pay practices are discriminatory 8 as they ...... including : - EEOC V. Liggett & Meyers, Inc ., 690 F.2d 1072 (4th Cir. ... FRANK GENOVESE - 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE 19720 - (302) 295 ...Frank Genovese at 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE 19720, (302) 295-3096. ... DELAWARE BUSINESS SYSTEMS. 191 Airport Rd New Castle, DE 19720 ... Spas New Castle Schools New Castle Social Services New Castle Storage New Castle Used Cars › Delaware › New Castle Ralph J Genovese CPA Niagara Falls NY 14301 - Accountants ...Ralph J Genovese CPA Business Profile .... 3411 Delaware Ave # 4, Buffalo NY 14217. Erie County New York ... Social Services in Niagara Falls GENVOESE OPERATING OUT OF UD LABS, GENVOESE DRUG STORES, ALL BUSINESS CRIME, AND BANKING, COURTS WITH ROBERT BUSH, AND CHEMICALS, LAB CORP, VITAMIN B REFERENCES:
  • 27. MRI and 1H-MRS findings in early-onset cobalamin C/D D Longo - 2005 - Cited by 7 - Related articles Longo D, Fariello G, Dionisi-Vici C, Cannatà V, Boenzi S, Genovese E, Deodato F. ... The aim of this study was to evaluate and monitor brain damage in early- onset ... Five patients underwent 1H-MRS, using chemical shift imaging (CSI) in three ... Vitamin B 12 Deficiency/metabolism; Vitamin B 12 Deficiency/pathology* WITH DOW CHEMICAL, OVER 70 YEARS, RFID, AND BUSH BANKING, DOW CHDMICAL LEAK, DOW WASTE CHEMICALS, AND JOHNS CHEMICAL DAMAGE ALSO BY GENOVESE CRIME WITH BUSH FAMILY MEMBERS, CLINJTONS PRIOR TO 2000 AND TO 2011, CONTROLLED NONABSORPTION VITAMIN B AND OTHER BLOOD CHEMICAL MIXUP AND INDUCED EMERGENCIES WITH MEMORY LOSS OF WEEKS PRIOR, NO PLANS AND FROM 1990 INCREASING 2. National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data) DOW UNITED TECH COMP PROD DRAWN METAL TUBE CO DRESSER IND INDUSTRIAL ..... YORKLYN DELAWARE CITY CHESWOLD DOVER NEWPORT DELAWARE CITY DELAWARE CITY NEWARK NEWARK ...... INC GENOVESE DRUGS/ GREAT AMERICAN #90 GEORGE KOVACS LIGHTING, INC . ... ; About Us In 1935, Frost-Lewis Company officially became Frost-Arnett Company and ...metabolic point in time patient agent roleclass *count=100 ...Vitamin B Complex / therapeutic use ...... 12% Klawans HL, Genovese N: Pharmacology of dementia. ...... [Effect of etimizol, caffeine and theophylline on some carbohydrate metabolic indices of the rat brain and myocardium]. ..... 7 % Galizia VJ: Pharmacotherapy of memory loss in the geriatric patient. ... roleclass.html Genovese friends as directors ACLU and notices throughout of use of surveillance and RFID which is used as a weapon and in all countries from towers to body just as GPS to auto over 70 years while trafficking drugs and humans through all agencies: Lawsuit Challenging Unconstitutional Spying Should Be Reinstated ... Dec 17, 2009 ... FISA Amendments Act Must Be Subject To Judicial Review. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: (212) 549-2666; ... should-be-reinstated-says- aclu Affidavit part I - Wilmington anthropology | Feb 2, 2011 ... Jeff Meyers, U.S. District Court Delaware, with the only District Attorney.... University Delaware, operating all in child crimes, to Social
  • 28. Services and over ... Elena Meyers with Genovese crime families in DE, NJ, PA, New Castle County Specialty Financial Services in New Castle ...Frank Genovese (302) 295-3096 - 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE, 19720. Boaz Financial Corp (302) 322- 2426 - 100 Quigley Blvd, New Castle, DE, 19720. WSFS Bank ... Elena Meyers, with over 50 Meyers family and Genovese per lab, to each state, NY, MO, TX, DE, FL, PA, sentencing for their child murders all agencies and psychiatry already under Genovese, and Nicholas Meyers operating American Psychiatric Association (formerly Ewan Cameron with Bushes, Genovese, Meyers from 1930’s and out of UD labs, to Edgewood Arsenal, chemical and psychological warfare) Genovese, Jennifer C - East Syracuse, NY - Social Service ... Our free company profile report for Genovese, Jennifer C includes ... Social Services ~; Social Service and Welfare Organizations ~; Genovese, Jennifer C ... - Cached - Similar Susan Genovese | LinkedIn Susan Genovese. Senior Social Worker at Orange County Social Services. Location: Greater Los Angeles Area; Industry: Public Safety ... - Cached ELENA MEYERS, AS 'SOCIAL SERVICES,' - peacepink Feb 26, 2011 ... Listed below, Meyers attorneys, also, with Genovese crime family, and acting as social services with Genovese crime family, .. New Castle County Financial Planning - New Castle County, DE ...(302) 221-6785. Genovese Frank. 12 Penns Way New Castle, DE (302) 295-3096 ..... Wsfs Bank. 500 Delaware Ave, #3. Wilmington, DE (302) 792-6000 planning/ Francis Genovese, Captain of the Major Crimes Trial Unit, Jeffrey ...Francis Genovese, Captain of the Major Crimes Trial Unit, Jeffrey S Pearson ... 1998 U.S. District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 2004 U.S. Court
  • 29. Meyers, op with Genovese, Bush (Baal, Set Temple with Col Alexander in charge of all military prior and agancies as head of Military Satanic orders with Bushes, Genovese and Meyers) all labs, social services, trafficking, all agencies and porn murders with psychiatry already arrested DE, NY, with attorneys, all agencies and hospital directors, other judges with criminal backgrounds ‘hired,’ by them. OPERATING AS ALL RELIGIONS, ALL FAMILY LINES IN CRIME: MASONS - Freemasonry - Secret Societies - Forums 20 posts - 1 author - Last post: Sep 25, 2006 ... another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese mafia, .... The lie detector test and the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are also ..... and satanic actions, other recently declassified FBI documents ... › ... › Secret Societies › Freemasonry Sitemap - Management Consultants ... Genovese Forman & Burford Finan& Insrnce Services Inc Sacramento, CA ...... Brock Barry E CPA Sierra Madre, CA · Illuminati Inc Pasadena, CA ... Weblog: Poland Bishop Crisis Likely to Worsen | Christianity Today ... Jan 9, 2007 ... Italian priests join the war on Satanic crime | Priests are to work ... is dead at 65 | Elizabeth Fox-Genovese was a noted historian and ... DELAWARE, WITH BUSH FAMILY, CLINTONS, LAWSUITS FROM ALL STATES NATIONAL, NTL CRIME WITH MEYERS. Genovese Joblove & Battista, Attorney from Fort Lauderdale, FloridaU.S. District Court District of Arizona U.S. District Court District of Nebraska U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida U.S. District Court Southern Obstructions with the organized crime billing and sentencing others for their crimes: (Genovese brings own lawsuits, w Genovese drug stores and all crime in DE, and Meyers LLP) then sentencing Attorneys and Attorneys General. Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP - Paul H. Schoeman... in Delaware Chancery Court and on appeal to the Delaware Supreme Court of a ... and
  • 30. led to a second federal conviction of Genovese family boss Vincent ... Honorable Edward R. Korman, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York With over 50 Meyers in financial, 'government federal payments,' banking with Robert Bush, and as 'veterans Affairs,' University labs directors with Genovese crime family, chemicals, weapons, RFID, GPS tracking, surveillance for trafficking, and hospitals, to all psychiatry, using Johns medical condition with Genovese, Elena Meyers violent crimes: BENEFICIAL MUTUAL BANCORP INC - BNCL Securities Registration ...Apr 30, 2007... Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey ranging in asset size between $2 billion and $12 ... WSFS Financial Corporation. KNBT Bancorp, Inc. May 2010, page 16 back issues ...May 10, 2010 ... Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission issued the following news ... Chair; Robert Bush; Sal Cammarata; Ed Langan; David Lindquist; Bob Bush | LinkedInPublic Company; WSFS; Banking industry ... Delaware Society of CPAs ... ROBERT BUSH, Senior Manager Finance, Materials & Inventory at GE Energy GENOVESE, CLINTONS, ORGANIZED CRIME FUNDING Oct 24, 2010... Reopened: Other Court Case: None Count: 1 Citation: 15:77Q. .... The Spacious World of Eugene D. Genovese and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese BENEFICIAL MUTUAL BANCORP INC - 8-K - 20080522 - EXHIBIT_99 Delaware 8 $302778 3.33% 562286 1.20% $65392 19.8%. Montgomery 16 $267849 1.32% 789528 3.58% $79785 21.3 ... ROBERT BUSH EVP – Insurance & Advisory 27 Years BENEFICIAL Mutual Bancorp, Inc. - Firstrain: Seeking Alpha WSFS Financial has the Lowest Operating Margin in the Thrifts & Mortgage Finance Industry (WSFS, CHFN, BNCL, TFSL, PBCT) 06-Oct-2010. SEC FILLINGS GENVOESE AND BUSHES OPERATING PAYDAY LOANS ALSO, AND HEREIN TAKE MY SITE AGAIN and put my legal files and with Clintons, on their own sites including ‘injury attorneys’: GENOVESE, BUSHES, MEYERS OP AT SCHOOLS, AT THE FIRE HOUSE WITH DIRECTORS (SENTENCED IN ALL STATES IN CHILD CRIMES)
  • 31. Robert Bush, operating all from WSFS with Genovese, and banking with Elena Meyers, and Bush family out of aviation, op directly with fire house to hospital with Genovese operations: Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company - Kent County, Delaware Delaware City Fire Company - New Castle County, Delaware. ... Fred Bush was the top fire responder and Chris Whitby was the top ambulance responder. ... Bushes, Genovese acting with two other fire depts., Dover, and state fire through Cheswold, and Camden to Dover. State fire Director from New England, and fired the Cheswold Town manager and other Chief of Police in 2006 during DOW leak, (all states) and crimes. VFD Protecting Bush's Home Town Gets Flood Of Assistance ... Dec 13, 2002 ... Chief Tucker Dempsey of the Cheswold Fire Department offered the ... Delaware Firefighters Visit Crawford, Texas Bearing Gifts of Vehicles, gets-flood- assistance Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company - Kent County, Delaware Delaware City Fire Company - New Castle County, Delaware. ... Fred Bush was the top fire responder and Chris Whitby was the top ambulance responder. VFD Protecting Bush's Home Town Gets Flood Of Assistance ... Dec 13, 2002 ... Chief Tucker Dempsey of the Cheswold Fire Department offered the ... Delaware Firefighters Visit Crawford, Texas Bearing Gifts of Vehicles, assistance Already premeditated buying out the Cheswold Airport, 2004 by lawsuit on durham, and illegally carrying out cancelation of other home and timing it with another chemical blood mixup, for their crimes. Delaware, contributed by Ed Bush; another William Durham born ca. ... Selected Magnolia/Dover/Cheswold area records which include spouse and/or Show more results from[PDF] IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR KENT ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Mar 1, 2006 ... for State of Delaware Fire Prevention Commission. .... the Bush farm [the annexed tract] was within Cheswold's fire district. ... WITH GENOVESE, BUSHES OUT OF SUMMIT TO CHESWOLD AIRPORT, FROM FIRE, AMBULANCE, WITHIN POLICE, WITH ELENA MEYERS, TO FBI AND DOJ, ATTNRY OFFICE, ALL FROM BANKING:
  • 32. Schedule Pointe Inc. - The Leading Provider of Innovative ...Diamond Aviation · Funoutside Aviation Academy .... CIA charter· Paragon Airways · Malone Air Charter (New Account) · Monarch Air Flight Department. (Genovese, Meyers, Bushes using everyone from attorneys, to bankers, to drug users and to hospitals as CIA, already sentenced again with ‘CIA Ethics director in 07, FBI agents; herein ELean Meyers, with Clhtons, prior to 2000 to 2011, with Robert Bush, Bushes listed, and Genvoese crime family, continued crimes with reports to FBI, affidavits with police, DOJ,) Abramoff ties to Russians probed - The Boston GlobeFeb 23, 2006 ... Other reports that Abramoff filed said he lobbied for Voor Huisen on matters ranging from aviation safety to disaster preparedness to ... Schedule Pointe Inc. - The Leading Provider of Innovative ...Diamond Aviation · Funoutside Aviation Academy .... CIA charter (CIA SENTENCED OVER FOUR TIMES AGAIN) · Paragon Airways · Malone Air Charter (New Account) · Monarch Air Flight Department. Abramoff ties to Russians probed - The Boston GlobeFeb 23, 2006 ... Other reports that Abramoff filed said he lobbied for Voor Huisen on matters ranging from aviation safety to disaster preparedness to Radaris: Bob Bush's information about at - The #1 ...... Tax Consultant at WSFS Bank Past: Senior Tax Manager at Ernst & Young, Senior Tax Manager at KPMG Education: University of Delaware. Robert Bush University of the Arts - acalog ACMS™MFA, University of Delaware view bio. Susan White Senior Lecturer ..... Richard Genovese Marjorie Goldberg Michael Kennedy Ronald Kerber Jeffrey Kern Christopher Mauté ... Frank Mazzeo Daniel Muller Anthony Salicondro Ben Schachter ... NOAA Ocean Explorer: Bonaire: Exploring Coral Reef Sustainability ...University of Delaware. Chris Coccaro is currently an undergraduate at ... Dr. Sal Genovese is the director of Northeastern University's Three Seas Program. ..... Frank van Slobbe was born and raised in Surinam and spent a large part of - Blake C. Meyers appointed Rosenberg Professor of Plant and Soil ...Dec 1, 2010 ... 1, 2010---- Blake C. Meyers, a faculty member in the Professor120110.html XLS] "Award Number" "Title" "NSF Organization" "Program(s)" "Start Date ...File Format: Microsoft Excel - View as HTML
  • 33. Using stereo color cameras, GPS, static aerial imagery, ...... 2010" "Meyers, Blake" "DE" "University of Delaware" "Continuing grant" "Diane Jofuku Okamuro";...US NSF - OIA - Programs - MRIApr 29, 2010 ... 0922657, University of Delaware, Doren, $451051 ... - Show more results from[PDF] Annual Report 2005File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Nanosensor,” in Proceedings of 5th IEEE Conference on. Nanotechnology (IEEE-Nano 2005), Nagoya, Japan. Galloway, J.M., B.E. Haggard, M.T. Meyers, and W.R. Performance and simulation of the RICE detector by I Kravchenko - 2003 - Cited by 31 - Related articles ... McKay, D.; Meyers, J.; Perry, L.; Ralston, J.; Razzaque, S.; Schmitz, D. W. ... AC(Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware, 19716, Newark, DE, ... electromagnetic showers, which emit radio- frequency Cherenkov radiation. ...
  • 34. 19...15KPress Releases - News - Ursinus CollegeAmy Meyers, Director, Yale University Center for British Art, who will receive an .... radio frequency identification (RFID) and other mobile platforms. ..... and the University of Delaware Percussion Ensemble, directed by Harvey Price. Continuing Criminal Enterprise", or "OCCE": 1. Federal Felony Documents 1 Mar 30, 2011 ... ROBERT BUSH, American General, HSBC, Citi Corp, financial ... Frank Genovese, all family operations as attorneys, with Robert Bush, Meyers LLP and Meyers New Castle County Specialty Financial Services in New Castle ... Frank Genovese (302) 295-3096 - 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE, 19720. Boaz Financial Corp (302) 322- 2426 - 100 Quigley Blvd, New Castle, DE, 19720. WSFS Bank ... Meyers, and Genovese, acting as Nemours, DuPont, doctors, labs directors UD, to sentencing, With Meyers UHS/BHS used with Bush crime, Genovese, and Meyers in organized crime over 50 years and known prior to threats in 2000 and threatened to carry out total frauds, financial fraud, lynching, theft and by shear slander of every opposite type, over 5,000 counts including on John Honaker. Dr. Michael V Genovese M.D ( Michael Genovese ) Psychiatry ... Dr. Michael V Genovese M.D. Psychiatry. 520 Franklin Avenue Suite L3 ... ARIZONA , ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, CONNECTICUT, DELAWARE, FLORIDA, GEORGIA ... Robert Bush, Genovese, Clintons in organized crime and banking, using Meyers LLP and for all collections along with Genovese, Joblove, Patista and linked to business attorneys; Kevin has entertained Bill and Hillary Clinton, and various Kennedys. ... Milton Meyers.. Kevin Wynn.. Micah Green.. Billy Hart.. Joe McPhee . ...
  • 35. Union Square Pedestrian Plaza Plan Gets Green Light From Community ... Jul 12, 2010... Chelsea & Hell's Kitchen - Clinton, Meatpacking District ... the extreme and rammed down neighbors' throats," lawyer Milton Meyers, 63, from- community-board 2. Clinical Scientist Training Program (CSTP) - Our Students Program Mentors: David A. Brent, MD, MS Hyg, Professor of Psychiatry; ... Background: Elizabeth Genovese received a BS from the University of Notre Dame in ..... Medical College and DuPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, Delaware. ... Herein, we all have realtives, in fact, listed with Genovese, Bushes, and some others, with different reloigions on the same lines, and cousins linked to many in offices, and the crimes are the crimes by Robert Bush< G Bush, other Bushes, w Meyers operating and used with Genovese who also lists, every surname, and links to the attorneys firms, and courts, to all business, banking, as to religion and political usage, being and threatened to steal all work from myself and for that reason, using satanic, illuminati, and other persons with ideological content of all groups and all used in the same bribery, trafficking, and racketeering then sentenced. Bush, operating with Cameron’s, Myers, R Myers, and threats in person in 2000, for orchestrated crimes, operated with Cameron BP oil, Ewan Cameron at UD chemical warfare and psychological weapons with Genovese, other Cameron’s arrested and one J Cameron in Maine Attorney General, and Bush family from 1930’s through 1980’s with Arpino use for threats in 2000 by Genovese crime family member and operating with Meyers, DOW chemical, Genovese out of UD labs over 35 years. GENOVESE, MEYERS, BUSH FAMILY MEMBERS OPERATING WEAPONS THEMSELVES (over 70 years and threats over it in 2000 and already arresting, sentencing their crimes on us prior and billing for over 18 loan companies all in John Honaker’s name prior to marriage and more to 2000 'at work,' with emergencies also, over 25 to 2011), Robert Bush, Elena Meyers, Genovese in crime) ; Alchemy CATALYST Adds Support for's GlobalLink ...Apr 30, 2008 ... Alchemy CATALYST Adds Support for's GlobalLink ... HSBC Bank USA, N.A. And Affiliates Lower Prime and Reference Rate ... Capital Exchange - INCAPX News RFID Tag Source inks R&D agreement with FAA; high-memory tags take off in aviation apps ...
  • 36. HSBC Holdings Plc Releases 2010 Final Results · Alchemy Fund PCC ... – Cached International Capital Exchange - INCAPX News HSBC Holdings Plc Releases 2010 Final Results · Alchemy Fund PCC Voluntarily ... RFID TagSource Launches AeroTag with TegoChip for Aerospace and Defense ... RFID File Tracking System optimizes file inventory management ...Apr 3, 2011 ... Article by jack pan DAILY RFID, has launched a RFID file tracking system ... alcatel mobile phone, Alchemy, alchemy lab, alcohol dispensers ... inventory-management.html/ United Nations of Film... but as described in Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, ..... T The master plan is to RFID chip everyone on the planet and control your .... Selling the oil to China and laundering the money in Hong Kong via the HSBC Bank . ... This is the Satanic banking cartels' biggest secret and the reason that ... 1. WSFS Breaks Ground on New Millsboro Branch | Oracle Developer's ... Feb 23, 2009 ... Oracle Authors: Salvatore Genovese, Maureen O'Gara, Elizabeth White, ... "The construction of a branch in Millsboro helps WSFS cultivate our GENOVESE ON CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS BOARD, BANKING WSFS MANAGEMERNT AND OUT OF UD LABS WITHMEYERS, OVER 70 YRS AND BUSH, CLINTONS ORGANIZED CRIMES: North American Veterinary Conference, Friday, January 17, 2002 Jan 9, 2007 ... Fleeing Genovese forces may have introduced Yersinia Pestis to the ... the sarin chemical weapon attack in the Tokyo subway and the 1998 ... - Cached 3. Is Dick Cheney right? [Archive] - Straight Dope Message Board 100+ posts - 49 authors - Last post: Apr 23, 2009 Agent Orange wasn't a chemical weapon. It was a defoliant. ...... news items as the Kitty Genovese incident, or girls raped by single, ... - Cached 4. J.D., UCLA School of Law, 1996; B.A., University - Florida State ...
  • 37. Daly concluded: "For the foreseeable future, the chemical weapon will continue, ... See Ashley, supra note 2 (quoting James A. Genovese, U.S. Army Chemical ... 2. Congressional Record Index (1983) - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE see also ... ... 18537 [11JY] Categories of compensation for POW's, 10488 [28AP] Chemical weapon agents used during World War I, 31336 [8NO] Comparative statement of new ... -F-FACE96.htm Here, Robert ush and Genfgoese put their own crimes on a website: 2. Payday Loan America - Part of Johns memory loss and chemical ... ... violent crimes ο Susan Cameron Honaker а ԁ son а ԁ ELena Meyers і organized crime wіtһ Robert Bush banks а ԁ WSFS personal banking а ԁ һеr billing ... cirmes-by-bushes-at-bank- elena-meyers-genovese-crmie-family/ - Beneficial Mutual Bancorp, Inc. - Firstrain: Seeking Alpha WSFS Financial has the Lowest Operating Margin in the Thrifts & Mortgage Finance Industry (WSFS, CHFN, BNCL, TFSL, PBCT) 06-Oct-2010. SEC FILLINGS ... Bob Bush profiles | LinkedIn Robert Bush. Title: Senior Sales Manager at GovConnection; Demographic info Violent Crimes, terrorism, mortgage frauds, violent crime using Lab Corp, Health Federal, medical frauds, threats using Lab Corp and Health Federal, Terrorist assaults and threats with financial frauds, theft of business, work, patented material and violent threats by Elena Meyers, operating with Robert Bush, Genovese crime family: Elena Meyers acting illegally as Meyers LLP and as ‘social services,’ in child crimes and with “satanic,” Genovese, Bushes, and military, and Meyers at Nemours, 5,000 counts terrorist threats, threatened obstructions, multiple federal felonies as a ‘satanic,’ freak, with Genovese and Bush crime family, over 50 each agency, in child porn and murders, trafficking all agencies, (and in person to steal all, to carry out violent crimes, to steal ‘intellectual,’ work and patented cash flow automated income and expense
  • 38. book, with Bushes, Genovese crime family and Dorothy Arpino, threats to self and son in person 2000 over two hours, and to Susan and son daily to 2011, 11 years of threats, theft, and to 2011 daily on son and in front of son, Nemours crimes on him and daily threats because she is in organized crime, trafficking, and frauds, theft of my own business, mortgage and loan frauds and fails to disclose from one of her crimes, to the next on John Honaker, on Susan Cameron Honkaer and on son, for that reason), knowingly using health federal for her crimes, and on son, and on John Honaker for the crimes; in knowing violent crimes, and by John Honakers chemical damage, emergencies each nine months, acting as Meyers LLP attorneys for lab corp, sentencing of doctors, file tampering, and threats, using and sentencing illegally acting as ‘court’ and attorneys, and prosecutors, with Robert Bush, Genovese crime family, acting herself as federal deposits, federal employees sentencing, federal pay with over 50 Genovese, Bush, Meyers family members in organized crime, failure over 5,000 counts obstructing and carrying out crimes on John Honaker for her violent crimes, theft, threats, daily using health federal and lab corp, for inducing timed emergencies, memory loss long term, and financial and loan frauds, with Robert Bush, Genovese crime family members with Meyers, Elena Meyers banking at WSFS, American General, Citi Corp, during her crimes on Susan Cameron Honaker with them, herself daily threats to Susan and son from 2000 to 2011: Threats CARied out in 2000 in person, with Genovese crime family acting with Robert Bush at personal banking,WSFS with Elena Meyers, in threats for theft, frauds, financial frauds, theft of patented automated income and expense from Susan Cameron Honkaer and all ‘intellectual,’ work for the crimes. Federal felonies of crimes already operating in crime using John Honakers military records, operating his employment as attorneys, with Bushes, Robert Bush, WSFS, American General, Meyers LLP attorneys and for his loans, acting illegally with his mortgage, and as Veterans Affairs, his lab corp prior to 1989 to 2000 and crimes on John Honaker purposely by Elena Meyers for terrorist threats and acts 11 years daily with Robert Bush, Genovese crime family, sending John for known nonabsorption vitamin B, and from 1991, his discussions over inability to follow through with plans and his loans each nine months from no absorption vitamin B, Bushes, Genovese intercept his phone call in 2005 to 2006, right after chemical mix-up and testing again, to a psychoanalyst for his phone call for memory loss long term and short term present for following complex long term plans. These are over 5,000 counts federal felonies, to present, 2011, John has all bills, transactions by thousands overdraft fees, mortgage, from 2004, as from 1991, his own loans, in arrears, and bills over three months each in arrear at work, and cannot follow, make, remember what he last did, and on documents throughout the federal felonies to 2011. Federal felonies and threats, by Elena Meyers, operating with Robert Bush, George Bush, Clintons banking from prior to marriage, and his loans, his employment, and John hanging up daily 20 years, while sitting at home, having chemical damage timed by them and crimes on John for carry out frauds with his chemical damage. On no occasion can he follow any plans, while Elena Meyers with Robert Bush, Genovese crime family herein, carries out the crimes to induce his long term, even weekly, memory loss, with her thereafter, falsified material on Susan Cameron Honaker for theft, fraud, and violent crimes to 2011 daily and billing for her multiple federal felonies to health federal with Genovese crime family and banking, operating the loans,
  • 39. businesses, medical frauds, threats to Susan as ‘satanic’ psychiatry, Genovese and Meyers threats, and collections for all by Meyers LLP attorneys for Johns employment, Bush loans and frauds. With 10 years prior timing thousands in loans, for John Honaker already, and operating his military, Pentagon, National Security and his retirement work as ‘packing’ manager and inventory, shipping manager, which was his side job over 25 years in command positions and on submarines, he can remember what is coming up in shipping to be delivered, no long term complex plans but tasks; as Ruth Chapman, friend and Air Force, having being given strokes at only age 28, by Clintons, Bush Sr., and the same with Genovese crime family, operating with Meyers family as military directors and with George Bush sentencing them in cocaine and drug shipping with generals, her strokes cared for under “Veterans Affairs,” DE to MO, and she has increased brain process and memory losses in 2010, more serious daily loss but works task oriented. Ruth, as John, would use gas each time it was filled and only when asked to put some in, by that time, she would put in a quarter tank, costing only, and she couldn’t remember what she did with her money and hundreds of memory losses a week, as john Honaker, who on no day can make, follow, any financial plans or remember what he did, and 7 years with their threats on documents and federal felonies including attempted murder during timed thousands overdraft fees and writing down ‘bad memory,’ on Susan Cameron Honaker going around police reports of the crimes, als on video with another person using gang members ordered to lock Susan up and arresting police at DE state police for deleting files. On financial documents, Robert Bush, George Bush Sr. acting president prior, operating his businesses with same attorneys, Meyers LLP, and his loans, with Genovese crime family at personal baking, time over 7,000 overdraft fees, and from 2004 move to Dover, based on Johns chemical damage again and illegal crimes by them canceling a home contract already paid and his visit to Veterans Hospital under George Bush, Clintons, Genovese crime family operating the banks and Dr. Bush in drug dispensing at Veterans Hospital while being tested by Dr. Hill, his doctor again, for nonabsorption vitamin B and total blood chemical mixup. Nothing from the time of moving into the home to 2011, is ever finished by Johns circles, with over 300 days they time, no money, no gas, with John making all transactions and running all at home in circles, with no money for living expenses to 2011, while they take thousands and timed forced payments, loans, checks written out, and theft of Susans automated income and expense book. All loans are signed up with John Honaker and called to him at work, by Robert Bush, as ‘cash advances,’ and also as manager of WSFS and with Genovese, and all loan companies, federal felonies while John Honaker states, from 2006 hundreds of different statements about the loans, even during his call they block in 2006, for his memory loss, and federal felonies of mortgage, loan frauds they know he has no memory of. They threaten, illegally Susan Cameron Honaker daily, with theft of work, business, and patented cash flow book of which rights and intellectual work is still Susans, to 2011 daily, and attempted murder during 2008, continued threats, with police reports by both, to lock Susan up as a continued threat from