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MarketWatch Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law
Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury ... NEW
YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue
where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money laundering and
racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the
"Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of
the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests. In connection with the federal
lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) - involving,
among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the
entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver more and IntelHub CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC
Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit ... and Intelhub and DissidentVoice Who Killed Lucia and Leo Krim? by Moti Nissani /
October 2012 and Examiner Money laundering lawsuit against Fed could be tied to Obama staff shakeup ... On Nov. 8, Craig B.
Hulet, a well known and highly respected analyst on government policy, terrorism, and international relations, spoke on Coast to
Coast AM regarding the growing scandal involving a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve, major banks, and many members of the
Bush and Obama administrations. During his one hour interview, Hulet offered the assessment that many members of the Obama
cabinet, including Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, and Eric Holder, were resigning their offices due to their potential roles in the
TARP money laundering lawsuit. Yet, the whole story on this massive lawsuit is much more complex than what is being reported on
the surface. Just hours after the Wall Street Journal issued a press release on the suit, the children of a CNBC producer were
found murdered in his home, along with a nanny who reportedly tried to commit suicide. This horrific event took place just hours
before or after, CNBC posted the Wall Street Journal story on their website, and interestingly, the story was quickly removed three
hours later. However, even the evidence of a murder suicide by the nanny is highly questionable, as the knife wounds inflicted on her
were of extreme force, enough to break her neck, and not coinciding with those of a self-inflicted slashing.
Spire Law, Bankster Racketeering & Money
Laundering Lawsuit top
 StopNATO DU Watch
 Coast to Coast AM First hour
guest,analyst of geopolitics and
foreign policy, Craig B. Hulet,
talked about a report that the
murder of a CNBC Exec's children
was related to CNBC highlighting
a lawsuit about an international
money laundering case, involving
$43 trillion. While the main
suspect in the murders is the
children's nanny,Hulet noted that
the killings involved tremendous
force, which suggested to him it
was done by Special Ops. Further,
shortly before or after the time of
the murder, CNBC took down the
story on the money laundering
case from their website, he said.
 Corporate Europe Observer
targeting threats to democracy,
equity, social justice, environment
posed by corp & lobbies
 Archive Final report of the
Select Subcommittee to
Investigate the United States Role
in Iranian Arms Transfers to
Croatia and Bosnia ("the Iranian
Green Light Subcommittee"), with
minority views : report prepared
for the Committee on International
Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives (1997)
 Examiner caused enough ofa
furor that Timothy Geithner, and
Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton,
all just jumped ship, and I will
predict, a whole lot of other
Obama administration officials,
especially at the Treasury and the
Fed, are also going to jump ship."
 Institute for War and Peace
Reporting Independent news
from Iraq, Afghanistan,Balkans,
Belarus, Caucasus,Central Asia
and Yogoslav War Crimes
 Religioius
 AP Kosovo split — new Cold War
with Russia?
 CNBC . Kevin Krim, a member of
the CNBC family has suffered an
incomprehensible loss. In a
statement to staff members, CNBC
President Mark Hoffman said,
"There are no words to convey the
magnitude of this tragedy."
CNBC's Carl Quintanilla
reports. and
 International Relations and
Security Network ISN, Swiss
contribution to 'Partnership for
 Partnership for Peace defence
cooperation, code words,
 Interfax on Russia, CIS, Baltic
 Spire Law & News
 PRNewswire NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit,
pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) – known as the largest
money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of
laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers – now pinpoints the identities of
the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-
interests.In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York
(Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) – involving, among otherthings, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage
foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver –
Plaintiffs now establish the location of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money in a racketeering
enterprise participated in by the following individuals (without limitation): Attorney General Holder acting in his individua l
capacity, Assistant Attorney General Tony West,the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris
(both acting in their individual capacities), Jon Corzine (former New Jersey Governor), Robert Rubin (former Treasury
Secretary and Bankster), Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary (acting in his individual capacity), Vikram Pandit (recently
resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup), Valerie Jarrett (a Senior White House Advisor), Anita Dunn (a
former "communications director" for the Obama Administration), Robert Bauer (husband of Anita Dunn and Chief Legal
Counsel for the Obama Re-election Campaign), as well as the "Banksters" themselves, and their affiliates and conduits.The
lawsuit alleges serial violations of the United States Patriot Act, the Policy of Embargo Against Iran and Countries Hostile to
the Foreign Policy of the United States,and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (commonly known as
the RICO statute)and other State and Federal laws. In the District Court lawsuit, Spire Law Group, LLP -- on behalf of home
owner across the Country and New York taxpayers, as well as under othertaxpayer recompense laws -- has expanded its
mass tort action into federal court in Brooklyn, New York, seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of
the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000.00) by the "Banksters" and their co-conspirators,seeking an audit of the Fed and audits of
all the "bailout programs" by an independent receiver such as Neil Barofsky, former InspectorGeneral of the TARP program
who has stated that none of the TARP money and other "bailout money" advanced from the Treasury has ever been repaid
despite protestations to the contrary by the Defendants as well as similar protestations by President Obama and the Obama
Administration both publicly on national television and more privately to the United States Congress.Because the Obama
Administration has failed to pursue any of the "Banksters" criminally, and indeed is actively borrowing monies for Mr.
Obama's campaign from these same "Banksters" to finance its political aspirations,the national group of plaintiff home
owners has been forced to now expand its lawsuit to include racketeering, money laundering and intentional violations of the
Iranian Nations Sanctions and Embargo Act by the national banks included among the "Bankster" Defendants.The complaint
– which has now been fully served on thousands ofthe "Banksters and their Co-Conspirators" – makes it irrefutable that the
epicenter of this laundering and racketeering enterprise has been and continues to be Wall Street and continues to involve the
very "Banksters" located there who have repeatedly asked in the past to be "bailed out" and to be "bailed out" in the future.
The Havens for the money laundering schemes – and certain of the names and places of these entities – are located in such
venues as Switzerland, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Cypress and entities controlled by governments adverse to
the interests of the United States Sanctions and Embargo Act against Iran, and are also identified in both the United Nations
and the U.S. Senate's recent reports on international money laundering. Many of these entities have already been personally
served with summons and process of the complaint during the last six months. It is now beyond dispute that,while the
Obama Administration was publicly encouraging loan modifications for home owners by "Banksters",it was privately
ratifying the formation of these shell companies in violation of the United States Patriot Act, and State and Federal law. The
case further alleges that through these obscure foreign companies, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank,
Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, and numerous other federally chartered banks stole trillions of dollars of home owners'
and taxpayers' money during the last decade and then laundered it through offshore companies. This District Court Complaint
– maintained by Spire Law Group, LLP -- is the only lawsuit in the world listing as Defendants the Banksters, let alone
serving all of such Banksters with legal process and therefore forcing them to finally answer the charges in court. Neither the
Securities and Exchange Commission, nor the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, nor the Office of the Attorney
General, nor any State Attorney General has sued the Banksters and thereby legally chased them worldwide to recover-back
the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) and otherlawful damages, injunctive relief and otherlegal remedies. James N.
Fiedler, Managing Partner of Spire Law Group, LLP, stated:"It is hard for me to believe as a 47-year lawyer that our nation's
guardians have been unwilling to stop this theft. Spire Law Group, LLP stands for the elimination of corruption and
implementation of lawful strategies,and that is what we're doing here. Spire Law Group, LLP's charter is to not allow such
corruption to go unanswered." Comments were requested from the Attorney Generals' offices in NY, CA, NV, NH , OH, MA
and the White House, but no comment was provided.
PR Newswire (
Google Custom Search Engine ... Link 9/11, JFK
Assassination, the Holocaust & ISIS ...... home
No main stream media sites including Wikipedia are searched on this custom search page .... only websites (see
below) dedicated to exposing the truth about 9/11, JFK, the Holocaust hoax, and the Islamic State (ISIS)
rampage. This may include 'gatekeeper' sites such as, Architects & Engineers for 9/11,
Chomsky 'gatekeeper' we mean 9/11 Truth websites who never mention Israel, UK or Saudi Arabia as
complicit in the 'inside job' attack. These gatekeeper sites provide an abundance of accurate information (to
maintain credibility) on 9/11 ... we just help with the details they purposefully exclude. Google restricts results
to 10 pages (100 items)
Obama /
Brith Rahm
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Research sources
 2012nwo blog
 2008 Election Obama
Operation Board Games,
 4thMedia, Roland Carnaby,
Israel, nuclear fuel
 911Blogger AMEC Saudi
 9/11 Citizens
Watch challenging the official
story of 9/11
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Simon 9/11disinfo
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 911WeKnow Rothschild
swindlers list, central banks
 66691177999 Zionism-is-
 9/11 Independent
 9/11 & Conspiracy News
 AbelDanger Desmarais
 AbelDanger British Invisibles
 AK47world Huang, Chung,
Trie, Chinagate
 Alan Peterson News Briefs
 Alexander's GasandOil Conn
ections Piplinestan
 AlienScientist Pentagon
 AlfredKewl Raytheon
 AmericanBhudda
 AmericanKabuki banker
 Anaconda-Manifesto Emanuel,
Brzezinski, bcci
 Analysis-News Goldsmiths
 ANationBeguiled RIIA
 Aangirfan ROTHSCHILDS,
 American Almanac David
Urquhart, British agent handler
of Marx
 Anti-Oligarch Shanghai
Cooperation Organization
 Antiwar nuclear
 Aot aotearoaawiderperspective
 AquaSilver
 MatterofPrinciple
Rothschilds /
 Loosechange911
 MeetIlluminatiMemb
 Merahaza LSE
 Metapedia
 MidEastWeb
 Modern History
 Modern History
Project Civil War
 Modern History
Project Rothschilds
 MoneyTeachers
Mormons Rothschild
 Muckraker Peter
Grace, 1915
 Mullins, Eustace,
 MushroomGeeks
Sun Myung Moon,
Messiah of the Jews
 NBER Business
 NairaLand
Rothschild owns
Central Bank of
 NationalCorruptionI
 NewsCompass,
Central Asia oil
 NewsExpose
Schlesinger, Mitre
 NewsFollowUp
Leakgate timeline
NFU / Leagate
 NexusMag UFOs,
Life after Death
 NFU Cheney
Planning and
Decision Aid System
 NFU committee of
 Anti-
semitism, Anti-
 NNDB, Jewish
ancestry list
 NoGW How Barak
pulled off 9/11
 NorthernTruthSeeker
Obama, Israel,
 NukesofHazard
 AllEmpires
 AbsoluteAstronomy
Hapsburg, Guelph,
 APFN Federal
Reserve and APFN
 Barefootsworld
Committee of 300,
 Watchtower
 BibleBelievers
 BibleBelievers
 BiblePlus
 Bibleotecaplaydes and
 Bibliotecaplaydes,
NATO, Rothschild
 Bibliotecaplaydes
Mormon timeline
 Bibliotecaplaydes Soros,
Marc Rich
 Bonfiresblog Joe Arpaio
 Breitbart Obama The-
 Cannonfire, Stanvac and
Caltex, Sotero
 CaptainsLog insider
 ChuckBaldwin Missouri
State Troopers Now
Profiling And Targetting
Libertarians As
Suspected Violent
 9-11 Justice new
& views
 911Commission.g
ov BS
 A3P
 ADL Rothschild
 ADL Myth of
Jewish control of
 Advisoranalist
 Alertresearch
 AMEC Flight 77
 Ameinfo DIFC
 AmpedStatus
BCCI Obama,
 Ask Timeline of
Israeli social
justice protests
 Aspen Institute
 Atlantic
Partnership Lord
 AZM American
Zionist Movement
Federal Register
 Archive.Frontpag
eMag Madoff
Rothschild links
 At1ce middle
eastern politicians
 Bain & Co
 Baker Botts,
Saudi Arabia,
9/11 lawsuits,
 Bank of Russia
Central Bank
 Barrick, Romney,
LDS Mormon
 Black Rock Group
 Blackstone Jacob
 Bloomberg Iran
behind 9/11
 B'nai B'rith
 Boston Consulting
 ArticBeacon Durham Trust
 AscendingStarSeed Obama
 AscensionEarth spread the
 Atheism
 AwakenedRepublic NWO
WWIII, financing both sides
of Civil War
 Awakened Republic nuclear
 Balder Blog Khodorkovsky,
Russian mafia, Jews, oligarchs
 Banksters list list
 Behine the Matrix Goldman
Sachs runs the world,
 BigNews Goldman Sachs,
Rubin, Obama, Emanuel
 Bilderberg Bernhard 1991
 BlackListedNews HSBC
 Black Nobility Unmasked
 BlackVault Bilderberg meeting
agenda handouts,letters 1996
 BobTuskin HSBC dirtiest bank
 Bollyn, 9/11, Zionists, Blair,
 Book: War on Freedon, Bush,
FBI knew 9/11 would happen
 Britaniaradio Wanta
 Campaigner-Unbound B'nai
Brith / Rothschild, British
 CanadaNewsLibre
 Care2 Rothschild Kabbalists
 Carlg Rothschild octopus
 CBG Network Coalition
Against Bayer
 CCUN Murdoch, Blair,
 Cephas-Library Greenspan
 Chagataikhan Safari Club
 Chaakeedar Philipp
Hildebrand SNB
 Christopher Bollyn solving
 Christopher Bollyn, war on
 ChrisRubis TPG
 ChristopherLondonBlog
 ClaresWinney 30 facts, BP
Gulf Oil Crisis was planned.
 CliffordShack
 Codshit Neil Heywood, Bo
Xilai, MI6, MI5
 Conspiracy Archive
Obama revive
Baruch plan
 NWDisorder
 NWO Observer
Yorkers Against
 Obama Timeline
 OccultSecrets
 OccupyCorporatism
Owada International
 OccupytheBanks,
 OmegaTimes 13
 OpEdNews Neil
 Orwelliana
Rothschild owned
Central Banks
 OWG.LiveJournal
 OWG.LiveJournal
Auchi Rothschild
 PalestineFacts
 Palestine-
 Pearltrees research
 PeoplesConference
Vatican, Washington
DC, City of London
 PhilLand, Committee
of 300, gold,
diamonds, Boer war.
 Physic911, Was
1993 WTC related to
 Piazzadcara Japan
nuclear, Fukushima
 Pilotsfor911Truth
Japan, Russia, 1904,
Rothschild forums
BCCI info
 Planetization
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 PoorRichards blog
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 ThePopulist WTC
 Powerbase 1%
research 99% help
 PressTV
forces in Syria,
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Right and the Illuminati
 DailyPaulVatican bank,
Romney, Netanyahu
 Despatch famous
Mormon Freemasons,
 DrKentShow Paul
Wellstone assassinated
 Encyclopedia of
 ExposingSatanism
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RD Bradshaw,
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 GoodNewsAboutGod
Jews run the world
 GuyintheEye Zion, land
of the covenant
 HealingOurHearts Boaz,
or Tubalcain, or Jachin,
or Mah-hah-bone
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Witness & Freemasons
 LDSFreedomForum
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NAFTA Superhighway
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Institute Austrian
economics, Libertarian
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 MasonicDictionary
 Muckety Rothschild
 Ministries-Online
 NewsMax Clinton
Wang Jun, China
 Obamaism, is he a
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 Online Library of
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 P2012
 Pilgram
 Proliberty
 Romney4President
 Sarovic Rothschilds are
the antiChrist
 Save a Patriot Who
Owns the Fed
 British Bankers
 Bronfmans Jewish
control of Canada
 BusinessWeek
Overview of N M
Rothschild &
 British Institute of
Affairs. Chatham
 CarnigieEndowme
nt Euro-Atlantic
Security Initiative,
 Center For Global
Studies Stephen
 University of
Chicago RIIA,
Chatam House
 Center of
Strategic and
 Chatham House
Rothschild front
 ChicagoCouncil
 Concordia
 ClubforGrowth
 Conspiracy
Theories, Rough
 CorporationWiki
 Dayan Nakba Law
 Debretts Jock
 Destination-
Yisrael stock
 Detoxorist
 DFSA Dubai
Financial Service
 DIFC Dubai
Finance Center,
MiddleEast Ltd
 Diligence-Int
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 ConspiracyPlanet BIS Bank of
International Settlements
 ConspiracyPlanet Cheney
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Bank Assassinations
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 Lord
Hutton Inquiry, Rothschild
 Constitutionalgov Amec,
 CorbettReport 9/11
 Council for the National
Interest, Romney Israeli-
firsters, mizrachi
 Counterpsyops mind control
 Cover-up, Lies Contradictions,
 CrisisBoom shield explained
 Curezone IG Farben, Bayer,
 DailyCatholic the Pope's Bank
 DailyBail bailout corruption
 DailySheeple over population
 DandelionSalad Central
Banks, Rothschild
 Dastych Wanta, Global
Security Fund
 DeekNow
 DavidIcke Clinton Obama
Rothschild Uranium
 DeadlyClear tax shelters
 DeanHenderson and Clark
 DeanHenderson Four
Horseman Royal Dutch Shell,
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 DejanLucic Murdoch
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 Dutroux Affair Rothschild
 Eclinik Rothschild demise
 EducateYourself NWO
 EducateYourself Tavistock
 Effedieffe Trilateral member
 PrisonPlanet
Breitbart Obama
video, Ayers
 ProCon
 ProjectWorldAwaren
 ProjectWorldAwaren
ess The Obama
Deception, fractional
reserve banking
 Psuedoreality
committee of 300
 Puppet99
Rothschilds brought
us Communism,
Funded Lenin and
 Puppet99 Hapsburg,
Orange Lichtenstein,
 Racelies Rothschild
own Obama and
 Radio Islam Koestler
13 Tribes
 RadicalPress Mullins
 TheRealAgenda BIS,
 RedsCatsBoard.yuku
 RedIceCreations
 Reformation
 Reformation
 Rense
 Rense POWERS
Fritz Springmeier
 Rense Rothschild
funded Civil War
 RightWeb Frank
 Romney4President.u
s Mormon Mafia
 RT Vatican banking
 Rumormillnews
 Ruppert, Crossing
the Rubicon, Scribd
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 Rys2sense Israel
False Flag Timeline
 Sage Ford Carnigie
 Sarovic Rothschild,
 Scapegoat Timeline
 Scaruffi Russia
 ScionofZion
 SeekGod
 ServantoftheLight
Rothschild control of
Vatican Bank.
 SpinWatch monitoring
pr and spin
 Stormfront
 SupportBorderControls
AIG, Greenbert,
 Tea Party Thomas
Ayers, Obama
 Texemarrs Gingrich,
The Third Way, NWO
 Texemarrs, Triads,
Israel, NWO
 TribWatch Pre-
Tribulation Planning for
a Post Tribulation
 Troyspace Rothschild
Papal and Royal Knights
 Utah Lighthouse
Ministry Captain
Morgan exposes
Freemasons, signs,
symbols, expose
 VanguardNewsNetwork
Roosevelt Jews
 VoxFux Enron
 Tribwatch Rothschild,
 WatchmanNetwork The
 Watch.pair Rothschild
revision of Bible as
Zionist instrument
 WatchUntoPrayer bible
revision, Obama's
Jewish ancestry
 WorldviewWeekend
Gamaliel, Ford
Wikipedia is
 Economist Group
 EconomicPolicyJo
urnal Romney
 Economist
 European
 Evli wealth
 Russian
 Exostar Kaminsky
 Fameball
 Federal Reserve
Bank of NewYork
 Federal Reserve
Audit 2010
 Federal Reserve
search page
 Fed Bank of NY
2000 annual
 Fed Timeline
2007 meltdown
 Foreign Policy
Zakheim Vulcans
 FreshPlaza India
 GTP-LLC Global
Partners, =
Rothschild North
 FDRHeritage
 Freemasons-
 GenelEnergy
Rothschild Iraq
 GlobalGuru
 Global
Partners GTP
 Guardian party,
 Havana School
Castro Rothschild
 Hereisthecity
 HFTReview
 EIR Munk, Khashoggi,
 ElvisWinehouse resistance to
the Judaic World Order.
 EndrTimes, In-Q-Tel, IARPA
 EndWhiteGuilt expose
 Energy-net Australia, Africa
uranium and Rothchild /
Warburg ties
 Erichufschmid inbreeding
 EyreInterntional population
 FedUpUSA Republican Jewish
 FOI Freedom of Information
Center University of Missouri-
 FollowTheMoney Money in
State Politics
 ForeignPolicyJournal
Pentagon Flight 77, AMEC,
 FrustratedArbaDiary
 GlobalResearch mini nukes for
Iran attack and the Rothschilds
 GlobalVision2000 Rothschild
 GoldenRule members list
Committee of 300
 Google books The Return of
the Rothschilds
 GreeneWave Fed earned $77
 Green
 GreatDreams Maurice Strong,
 Gutenberg, Russel The
Problem with China
 Gutenberg project Jewish
 GWB Committee of 300 and
 HenryMakow Greatest secret
 HiddenEvil Bilderberg
 History Commons
 History of the Money
 History of the Undergroud
 History on the net
 IAmTheWitness,
 HumansAreFree Rothschild
 IamtheWitness Rothschild
 IamtheWitness 9/11 you now
can be sure
 Seeing Through the
Fog graphic of
Rothschild family
 SeptemberClues
 Skolnicks
Report Clinton,
Wang Jun, Red
Chinese secret police
 Scribd The-Hidden-
 Scribd Bilderberg
Meetings Participant
 Scribd elite
 Scribd CFR
Trilateral member
 Scoreboard-Canada
 Seeker401 Rio Tinto,
 Serendipity
 ShiftFrequency Roth
schild family
 Sites Central Banks
Latin America
 Softpanorama
Economic Rape of
 SourceWatch
 SourceWatch GTP
 SouthEastAsiaNews
London train bombs,
planted evidence.
 StacyCarr Obama
timeline, communist
 Stop the North
American Union
CFR membership list
 SurfingtheApocalyps
e China, Iran
SWIFT, gold
 TakeOurWorldBack
Jewish Plutocracy,
 TeachMidEast
 TerritorioScoula
data, forum
 Terrorism-Illuminati
 TheComingNewWor
 TheForbiddenKnowl
edge, Li ka Shing,
Triads, Sun-Yat-Sen
cleansed of
Zionist links
to modern
events and
 More 1% links
 Waddesdon Rothschild castle
 WarScholar
 WealthManagement and Trush
Rothschild pdf report
 World Council of Churches*
 Wikipedia Ashkenazi Jew
 Wramsite CFR, Zakheim
 WikiZionism
 World-Nuclear
 Xander Rothshild Advisory Board
 YnetNews Stalin's (Levy) Jews
 Order of Illuminati
map enlarge
 White Spiritual Boy doc
 Heritage
British Fabian
Society link
 Holocaust
Research Project
 Hoovers
Rothschild North
 Hudson Institute,
Scooter Libby
 HSBC China
 HSBC Global
 IAIReview
Rothschild HSBC
 IBCA Israel
 The International
Institute for
Strategic Studies*
 IPS Institute for
Policy Studies
 InsideFacebook
 Institute for
Religious Works,
Vatican Bank,
money laundering
 International
Crisis Group,
Soros led.
 Investopedia
 Iraq Business
News Lord
 Israelect
Shepardic Jews
 JCPA China Jews
 JewishAgency
 JewishFaces
 Jewishgen
 JewishResponse
Nixon hated
 JewishVirtualLibr
 JewsofNewYork
Jacob Schiff
 JockeyClub
 JP Morgan Chase,
Rothschild agent
 JTA Archives
 JWA Women
 Judengasse
 Ibrattlebro 9/11 dual
citizenship list
 Ikhras Mubark was CIA,
Zionist shill
 IlluminatiMembers
 Illuminate-news Illuminati
 Illuminati Webring
 ImperialChina
 INLNews Rothschilds Plan
Nuclear War
 IndyTruth AIG Rothschild,
CFR Board of Directors
 InformationUnderground anti
zionist thinktank
 InPursuitofHappiness Princess
Diana's Motheris a Rothschild
 IntelHub Enron, Board
member Wakeham of NM
Rothschild, Saudi
 Investigate 9/11 US aid to
Israel, investigation
 Investigate 9/11 Rothschild
 IranContraScumDid911
 IraqCryTruth Iraq Study
Group, Vulcans, Yeltsin
 Iraq
 Israelect Jesuits
 Israelmatzav, Obama
 JewishWhistleblower
sabbateans-doenmeh and
 JewWatch Lenin
 Johns Hopkins Center for
Strategic Education
 Jubilee2012
 JudeoFascism
 JudeoFascism Stalins Jews
 Knights of Malta member list
 Illuminati Webring
 LameCherry Ashkenaz Jews
 LandRightsnFarming
 LaRouchePub Halliburton
 LeoZagami Rothschild Bible
 Favorites
 911Review Amec / Rothschild
 ANationBeguiled
 Aotearoa Greenspan
 Bibleotecaplaydes
 Chagataikhan
 DejanLucic
 EducateYourself Brotherhood
 FedupUSA
 TheGlobalConspirac
 ThePeopleVoice
 TheRealNews
 TheObamaFile
 TheUnhivedMind
Vatican Rothschild
 TheVertigo
vised, doc
 TheZog Who
Controls the
 ThirdWorldTravelor
Gary Allen
 ThreeWorldWars
 ThisIsZionism
 ThriveMovement
 ToxicAgenda Money
 TrueKnowledge ask
any question
 Truthandlife
 TruthControl RIIA,
Chatham House,
 TruthFrequencyNew
 TruthIsTreason
Carlyle Group,
 UCLA researcher on
 UFO Blogger Iraq
 Unhypnotize Israeli
connection to
London Tube bombs.
 UnitedNationsofFilm
 UNZ Rothschild
 USAFilms
 USMessageBoard
Rothschild 9/11
 VaticProject Obama,
Rothschild's choice
and Octopus
 Videos 9/11 inside
 VoteForIt IOR,
 WakeUpFromYourSl
umber Wikileaks,
account required
The Midwest 9/11
Truth 1st Annual
Urbana, Illinois
Sept 11-17, 2013
The Midwest 9/11
Truth - Obama
Truth 1st Annual
Urbana, Illinois
Sept 11-17, 2013
 Justice, Dept
of press releases
 LCF Rothschild
 Leaders in Islamic
 Le Cercle golf
 Legatus, Opus Dei
 LibertyParkUSA
 LibertyParkUSA
The Reign of the
House of
 London Bullion
 London School of
Jewish Studies,
Dov Zakheim /
Rothschild links
 LuxMillionaire
 McLarty Assc.
Institute of
 Milner Group
 MrLincolnandNe
 NascoCorridor
 National
Commission on
Terrorist Attacks
 News Corp Rupert
 New York Times
Rothschild family
 NicosiaMoneyNe
ws Mitterand
 NM Rothschild
 Offshore bank list
 Oil & Gas Energy
 Open Society,
 P2012 key
Obama people
 PalestineFacts
 Paris- Orleans
 PecanGroup
Central Banks and
 HourofTime CIA timeline
 JewWatch
 Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy
 Lampuri, BCCI
 LaRouchePub
 Nndb
 PhilLand
 Powerbase
 Terrorism-Illuminati
 fed structure 1976
 WakeUpFromYourSl
umber Sinclair
 WanttoKnowBig
Brother News Black
Eagle Trust
 WayneMadsenRepor
t China color
 WarOnYou
Rothschild Octopus
 WeAreChangeSeattl
 WesDancin
Rothschild, Hitler
was gay
 Wesman Todd Show
 Rockefeller
Syndicate Eustice
Mullins Conrad
 Mullins,
 Mullins,
 WhirledBank
 WhoDidIt 9/11
 WideShut bank-of-
 WingTV global
 WMR/NFU Obama,
Dunham USAID
 XAT History of
 Xithous369 Triads,
 YouTube Sabbatean
Frankist, Rothschild
 YouTube
 ZionCrimeFactory
Lehi, Stern gang
 ZionistJewFedReser
ve end Zionazi
 Zomobo Central
Banks News,
 more favorites
 911Review
 Peoples Bank of
 Peterson Institute
for International
Partnership for
New York City
 Popular
Mechanics 9/11
theories disinfor
 Powerbase
 PRNewswire
 Relendex The
world’s first
commercial real
estate lending
 RIT Capital
 Royal Dutch
 Rothschild
Cayman Islands
 Rothschild Private
Banking Timeline
 RothschildArchiv
e five arrows
 RothschildReserv
 Rothschild
careers, LSE
 Royal Institute of
Chatham House
 RSAAdvisors
Davignon, Perry
 RSAGroup Royal
& Sun Alliance
Insurance Group
 Sacred-Texts
 Scale and Scope,
 Scaruffi Timelines
Roman Empire
 Scottish Right of
Free Masonry*
 Scribd House of
Rothschild, Niall
 AntiOligarch
 ArticBeacon Durham
 DeepPoliticsForum
 Spartacus Education
 Connect the Dots
HAARP, weather,
 SeptemberClues
 TheVertigo
vised, doc
 LovetheTruth
 TheUnhivedMind
 VaticProject
 WayneMadsenRepor
 ZionCrimeFactory
 Watch.Pair
Ahmanson Ruskin
 Scytl election
 SeattleMasons
 SECFiling.NYSE
 SEC Rothschild
 Seeking
Alpha What's
They're secret
 Sinopec, CNPC
Chinese Oil
 Stocks-Simplified
 Strategic Studies
Institute British
 SWIFT, or
Society for
 Swiftcode.A1feed
s Find Swift Code
/ BIC Code for
any Bank in the
 SolidarityCenterp
 Tavistock Institute
 TheCityUK John
Cooke, BBA
 The-Diplomat
Russia, China,
 Thompson
Reuters League
Tables, Deals
 The
Jewish Chronicle
 The Order of St.
John of
 TheSwiftCodes
 UAE Country
 UK Parliament
 Upon the United
States whitewash
similar to British
 USA Today
 Vatican Today
IOR Institute for
Works of Religion
 Venerable Order
of the Knights of
St. John of
 VRL Financial
 World-Exchanges
 YitchakRabin
Jerusalem, Holy
 Z-ben g
 Zionist Timeline
Alphabetic index Rothschild
Timeline Summary Top
Le Cercle
Pilgrim /
Phony left
BCCI 9/11
7 Sandstorm
Obama /
Brith Rahm
BCCI Bain Hitler Soros
Chatham /
Timeline Timeline Summary Alphabetic index Top
Obama /
Brith Rahm
BCCI Bain Hitler Soros
Chatham /
o Fractional Reserve Banking (by Rothschild
Zionist Central Banksters) is a predatory
income distribution scheme to enhance the
wealth of the 1%. Fair alternatives exist.
o 9/11 was a Bush / Cheney, Rothschild
Zionist inside job
o The same group of scum Zionists that
amassed great fortunes from exploiting
WW1, WWII and all other other wars since
are still basically in power and are behind
the creation of 'Barack Obama'.
o Connect the dots: Looted WWII Japanese
treasure, Breakup of the Soviet Union /
illegal bond scheme and the 9/11 WTC gold
and securities heist, & the Rothschilds.
o Economic booms and busts artificially
created by Rothschild Zionist Central
Banksters. World Wide Housing Crisis
o The Rothschilds and the Vatican Bank
(Institute for Religious Works)
o Empire of the City Vatican, City of London,
Washington DC
o Rothschilds fund Islamaphobia as part of
master plan after breakup of Soviet Union
Cold War was ended.
o Original Rothschild wealth originated in
financing mercenaries of the German /
British aristocracy to fight against
American revolutionaries.
o The Mormon Church, Romney, Rothschilds
and Bain Capital. Mormons were originally
o chart
o $Trillions in Offshore Accounts
o Link Rothschild to Auchi to Khashoggi to
Obama to BCCI.
o Global Technology Partners, LLC is "an
exclusive affiliate of Rothschild North
o Japanese WWII looted treasure, Breakup of
Soviet Union, Barrick Gold and 9/11
links (Project Hammer)
o Soros / Rothschild connections
o Rothschilds / Warburgs / IG Farben created
Hitler, Banksters created Israel at the
expense of the Palestinians.
o CO2 Cap & Trade schemes, Al Gore,
Maurice Strong, Obama.
o Bolshevik Revolution financed by Zionists.
Marx, Trotsky and Lenin all changed their
Jewish names. see Victor Rothschild
o Rothschild Zionists had complete control
over the security and access to the WTC
prior to 9/11.
o Connect the dots: Apollo Management,
Huntsman (Romney), Hexion, Obama,
China stealth technology
o Rothschild Front Organizations and the
Empire of the City
part of Freemasons.
o Rothschilds foment and continue to finance
both sides of wars for the last 250 years. see
Erlanger,Belmont, Civil War and China
o $Trillions in Dead Sea minerals stolen from
Palestinians by Rothschild companies
o First Jewish settlements in Palestine
financed by Rothchilds, 1855
o Blackstone Group (Rothschild company),
parent corporation of one of three lease-
holders for WTC 7
o Cold War with USSR was a highly
profitable, Rothschild-bankster hoax and
the "The RedSymphony"
o WTC steel went to Rothschild Zionist
connected scrap yards. (evidence removal)
o 9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to
Rothschild-Funded Mossad security firm
o Rothschild Zionist Crown family of Chicago
switched support from Obama to Romney.
o Iran attack is about its Central Bank and
Rothschild monopoly of nuclear fuel.
o AMEC, a Rothschild connected company
did WTC / Pentagon rubble cleanup
(evidence removal)
o Obama is a Rothschild Zionist controlled
President, and see Khodorkovsky
o Systems Planning Corp, Dov Zakheim,
WTC 9/11 remote controlled aircraft,
Rothschild connection
o 2012 election voting machines Rothschild
o Enron scandal and NM Rothschild
employee Lord Please be directed to
NewsFollow on Enron board. ... Qatar,
Turkmenistan, natural gas, corruption.
o COREXIT is a product of Nalco Holding
Company which is owned by The Blackstone
Group, Jacob Rothschild is on International
Advisory Board
o Victor Rothschild and J. Robert
Oppenheimer ring leaders in Britain's
biggest communist spy scandal. Nukes
o Use Global Warming as means to further
NWO agenda
o Zionists in Obama administration and
Romney Zionist advisors
o Rothschilds and 'WWIII' China/Russia and
Bo Xilai 'color revolution.
o Capcom, involvement in BCCI, Rothschild
at the core of BCCI
o P2
o Tony Blair controlled by Zionists to invade
o Link Rothchild to Madoff scandal through
Jacob Ezra Merkin's father. Link GM
bailout to Jacob Ezra Merkin. and also to
9/11 Judge Hellerstein
o Zionists created Soviet concentration camps
o Rio Tinto, Hutchison Whampoa.
o Bible revisions financed by Rothschilds
o Rothschilds funded Mao Tse Tung
o London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS)
and London School of Economics are links
to Rothschild / Dov Zakheim (9/11
mastermind) relationship.
o Martin Frost The 'Rothschild Connection':
in the invasion of Iraq
o Illuminati=CFR, Bilderberg, Committee of
300 etc.
o How Goldman Sachs Took Over the World
o Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace
o Eric Cantor, Rothschild controlled
Republican leader of the House of
o 1970 Middle East Oil Crisis & the
o Lazard and the auto industry
o 9/11 Judge Hellerstein is an orthodox Jew, a
clear conflict of interest given Israel
evidence ties to 9/11.
o Canada, Bronfman, Desmarais, Barrick
Gold, links to Rothschild
o Nixon hated Zionists and so they removed
him from office.
o Vatican Banking Scandal Institute for
Religious Works
o Saud, House of Saud (Wahhabi) is Jewish,
Rothschild agents
o IMF Planned riots
o BlackRock
o Link Barrick Gold / Enron / Rothschild
o BCCI scandal and the Rothschilds, Dr.
Alfred Hartman
o Rothschild and 'The Weather Channel'.
o NATO, Rothschild's Army o Jewish Billionaires
o A path from Obama to Rothschild includes
Valerie Jarrett, Chicago Tribune, Hollinger
International, Telegraph.UK
The ultimate victory for the Rothschilds would be a war between China/Russia vs. The US
where Rothchild companies supply both sides with weapons and materials, then declaring a
'new world order' as a solution to the mess they created through debt abuse; all consistent
with the history of the last 250 years. Very sad; they are very sick people.
Timeline Alphabetic Subject Index or Summary Top
9/11 9/11 funding
North America
Obama /
Brith Rahm
BCCI Bain Hitler Soros
o 1993 WTC bombing
o $240 Billion ..1991
bonds (Bush) had to
settle by Sepember 11,
o 2012 Election
o 666
o 9/11 Bush / Zionist
Inside Job
o Abeles, Sir Peter,
Murdoch to Rothschild
o ABN Amro Rothschild
o ABN Amro, La Salle
National Bank
o Adham, Kamal
o Agius, Marcus
o Aitken, Jonathan
o Alex Brown & Co
o Alexander Hamilton
o Allianz Emanuel, Obama
o Alinsky, Saul
o Allbaugh, Joe FEMA
o Sheikh MansourBin
Zayed Al Nahyan
o al Qaeda created by
o al Qaeda
o al Rajhi Bank
HSBC money
o Continental
Bank, IOR
o Corexit, Gulf oil
o Council of the
Americas, Rockefeller
o CounterPsyops Mitre
o Credit Suisse
o Crown,
Lester Rothschild b
o Daimler Chrysler
o Davignon, Viscount -
Bilderberg Chairman
o Davis,
Allison, Rezko
o Davis, Miner,
Barnhill, and Galland,
o Davis, Polk &
Wardwell - Pilgrim
o Dead Sea minerals
o DeBeers
o Defense Policy
o Depository Trust
o Deregulation
o Deripaska, Rothschild
o Deutsche Bank
funding 9/11
o Deutch, John
o Diligence Inc, Lord
o chart
o Jarrett, Vallerie -
Rahm Emanuel
o Jeffery,
Reuben CSIS,
Barclays, CSIS,
o Jehovah Witness
o Jesuit Order
o Jesus,
o Jesuits & the Holy
See of the Roman
Catholic Church,
Adolfo Nicolás,
Black Pope
o Jewish Billionaires
o Jewish Institute of
National Security
o JINSA background
o Jordan, Vernon
Jordan Wasserstein,
Lazard, to Rothshild
o Jordan, Vernon
o Jordan, Vernon,
o JP Morgan Chase
o JP Morgan
o Kaballah
o Katz, Richard
o Kellog Brown &
Root KBR
o PDAS Planning and
Decision Aid System,
Cheney 9/11
o Peterson,
Peter Blackstone
o Peterson, Peter G.
Pilgrim Society
o Pharaon, Gaith BCCI,
Bath, Harken and
o Picciotto Safra, Marc
o Pike,
Albert, Islamophobia,
Three World Wars,
master plan
o Pilgrim Society
o Policy Network,
o Pope, Ratzinger,
money laundering
o Preston Candover
o Primark, TASC, NIST
o Pritzker Obama
campaign finance
o Pritzker, Penny
o Privatization
o Privy Council, Garter
o Project Hammer
o Prohibition,
Rothschild, Bronfman
o Protocols of the
Learned Elders
o Qaddafi NATO
o Quantum Fund, Soros
o Quill & Dagger,
o al Waleed bin Talal,
o AMEC, Bovis
o Antisemitism
o Aon Obama Craigiebank
o Apollo Management,
o Armenian Genocide
o AngloAmerican mining
o Armitage, Richard
o Ashkenazi Jews
o Aspen Institute members
o Aspen Strategy
o Assassinated Presidents,
o Atlantic Council
o Auchi, Nadhmi Obama,
Rezko, BCCI
o Auchi, Nadhmi le
o AXA First Chicago
o Thomas G. Ayers
Obama, Chicago
o Ayers, William - Obama
o B'nai Brith the
creation of Obama
o Bain Capital
o Balfour Declaration
o Baker, James Brady
o Bank of America
o Bank Menatep
o Bank of Chicago Drick,
o Banksters funded
o Bank of England
o Bank of New York
o Bankers Trust Alex
Brown, Deutch Bank
o Bankers Trust Vernon
o Barak, Ehud
o Barrick Gold, Bush
lobbyist, derivatives
o BCI Rosenbaum,
o BCCI stuff
o BCCI / Rothschild
o BCCI Congressional
bribery list
o BDM International
o Beese, John Carter,
Riggs, Carlyle
o Benedetti Ambrosiano
o DLC Clinton
o Draghi, Mario EU
o Dresdner Bank
diamonds 1890
o Durham Family Trust
o Dutroux Affair
o Economics, Bubbles
o Eisenberg, Shaul
o Eisenberg, Shaul,
o Eisenberg, Shaul,
Lester Crown
o Eisenberg, Lewis
o Eldorado Task Force
money laundering
o Election Systems and
o Emanuel,
Rahm Chicago,
o Ember Corp,
o Empire of the City
o Enron, Rothschild
o EnterpriseTrust
o Entwistle P-tech,
o Environment,
Globalization of
o Eurazeo
o Eurobrokers 9/11
Brady bonds
o Euronext
o Executive Privilege -
Holder, Fast &
o Export Import Bank
o Eytan, Rafi Mossad
o Fabian Society
o False Flag ops
o Far West Ltd. Lord
Powell, Rothschild
o Federal Reserve
o Fed Structure
o First American, BCCI
o First National Bank
o Fitzgerald,
Patrick Scooter
o Flight 77 Pentagon
o Ford Foundation,
o Freemasons
o Freeman, Gaylord
Freeman Ayers
o Khashoggi,Barrick
o Khashoggi/
Marcos indictment
o Khashoggi/
o Khashoggi/ BCCI
o Khazars, Mongols
o Khodorkovsky,
Zionist oligarchs
o Kissinger, Obama
o Klutznick
Philip, background
o Knight, Andrew
News Corp
o Knights of Malta
o Knights Templar
o Kosovo,Soros
mineral resources
o Kroll & Assc
o Krongard, 'Buzzy'
9/11 Vulcans
o Krongard 'Buzzy'
o Lance, Bert BCCI
o Lazard
o LBMA London
Bullion Marketing
o League of Nations
o Le Cercle Norman
o Lehman, John
o Leumi Bank,
o Lewinsky, Monica
o LMI, Kaminski
o London School of
o Lord Guthrie of
CSIS background
o Lord Lamont, oil for
o Lord Powell, Barrick
board, Rothschild
o Lucifer
o LukOil
o Mahfouz, Khalid bin
o Magnitsky, Safra
o Mandelson, Peter -
o Marcos, Ferdinand
looted gold
o Marcos / Khashoggi
o Rand Corp
o Red Symphony
o Reichsbank of
o Rhodes, Cecil
o Riady, Lippo Bank
o Riggs Bank
o RIIA Royal Institute of
International Affairs
o RIT Capital
Partners more
o Robison, John
o Rockefellers,
o Rodgers, Jim
o Romney Zionist
o Rosen, Marvin
o Rosenfeld, Gerald
CEO Rothschild North
o Rosicrucians
o Rothschild Bank AG
o Rothschild
o Rothschild apparatus
o Rothschild Freres
o Rothschild Front
o Rothschild North
o Rove, Karl
o Royal Dutch Shell
o Rubenstein,
David Carlyle Group
o Rubin, Robert
o Ruina, Jack
o Russian/Israeli Mafiya
o Sachs, Jeffrey Soros
o Safari Club
o Safra, BCCI,
o SAIC Science
Applications Int.
o Saltzman, Bettylu
o Sara Lee, Chicago
o Sasson,David, opium,
o Saud, House of
Saud, Rothschild
o Saudi Aramco, AMEC
o Saudi SAIC
o Schiff
o SDR, Special Drawing
o Settlement Funds
o Silverstein, Larry
o Sinclair family
o Bernanke, Ben
o Bilderberg
o Black Pope Kolvenbach
o Black, Conrad
o Black Eagle Fund
o Blackstone Group
o Blagojevich, Rezko,
o Bible Revision
o Blair, Tony Obama
o Blackwill, Robert
o BlueStateDigital
o BMI Inc Saudi 9/11
o BNP Paribas Auchi
o Booms and Busts
o Bovis Lend Lease
o Bo Xilai
o Brady Bonds, Durham
Family Trust
o British Bankers
Association LIBOR
o Bronfman, Canada, gold,
o Brown Brothers
o Burt, Tye Barrick,
o Bumi
o Business Records Corp.
election software
o Brzezinski Zbigniew
o Cambridge Five, nuclear
o Canfield, Cass Obama
o Cantor Fitzgerald 9/11
WTC, Brady bonds
o Capcom
o Carrington, Lord NATO
and Hollinger
o Carlucci, Frank
o Carlyle Group, CFR,
Bilderberg 9/11
o Carlucci, Frank CIA
o Carter, Ashton
o Casputys,Joseph
o Center for Strategic and
International Studies
o Central Bankers
o Central European
o Charter Oak Partners
o Chatham House
o Fractional Reserve
o Franklin, Benjamin
o Friedman, Stephen
o Gaddafi, Muammar,
gold dinar
o Gadiesh, Orit --
o Geithner, Peter
o Geithner, Timothy
o General Dynamics,
o General
Holding, Oil for Food
o Glass-Steagall Act
o Glencore AG
o Global Environmental
o Global Security Fund
o Global Securities
Information, Inc
o Global Strategy
World Companies
o Global Technology
Partners board
o Gold, WTC
o Grail Family
o Gramm,
Wendy Chicago
o Grand Cayman,
Clinton, blackmail
o Green-Armytage,
AMEC, Rothschild
and more
o Greenberg, Maurice
and son Jeffrey
o Greenspan, Alan
o Greenberg
Traurig, AIG
o Guelph, House of
o Gulf
o Gyllenhammar.
Pehr Bilderberg, EU
o HAARP, earthquakes,
o Hagel, Chuck
o Hartmann, Alfred Dr.
BCCI, Rothschild
o Hartmann / Rappaport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
o Harvard, Obama,
o Hauer, Jerome
o Hedge funds,money
o Hitler fearful of
o Marsh & McLennan,
o Marx, Karl
o Masonic Lodge
o McCain, John
o McCarthy Group,
o McCloy and Obama
o McKinsey
o Media control
o Mega
o Mein Kampf
o Mellon, Neil
o Merovingian
o Milliband, Ed
o Milner Group
o Mitre Corp, Entwistle
o Mitre
o MJK Securities fraud
o Money supply
o Morgan, William
exposes Freemasons
o Mormons were
o Mossad 9/11
o Mukasey, Michael
o Mullins, Eustace
o Murdoch, Rupert
Murdoch News
o Muslim Brotherhood,
o NAFTA, Rubin
o Nanothermite
o NATO / al
Qaeda / Zionist /
Saudi Cabal
o Netanyahu,Romney,
o Neville Jones,
Pauline BBC 9/11
o News Corp, Rupert
o New World Order
o New York Federal
Reserve Bank
o Nicolas, Adolfo
Black Pope
o Nixon, ousted by
o North, Gary Christian
o Nuclear fuel
monopoly, Iran
o Nuremberg Trials
o Nye, Joseph -
Trilateral, DPB
o Obama links to
Rothschild Chart
o Sir Peter Mason
o Schlesinger, James
o Smith, Adam
o Sonnenfeldt,
Helmut Israel
o Soros, George,
Rothschild agent
o Soviet Union, breakup
o Sperling, Gene
o Sprayregen, James
o Sprayregen, Joel
o St James Place Capital
o Strong, Maurice
o Summers, Larry
o Sutton, Percy
o Swiss American Bank
o Syria Rothschild /
NATO Saudi /
Zionist aggression
o The Economist
o Theobald, Thomas C.
o The Red Symphony
o Thomson bod
o Tide Foundation
o Trilateral
Chicago, Brzezinski
o United Nations
o University of Chicago
o Uranium fuel
o United States
Azerbaijan Chamber
of Commerce
o USAID CIA front
o Usury
o Volcker, Paul
o Vulcans 2000 foreign
o Vulcans Bush HW
Soviet collapse
o Waddesdon Manor
National Trust
o Wakeham, Lord John,
o Wanta,Leo
o Warburg
o Warburg / Rothschild
o War Scholar
o Washington Group
International, Theresa
o Chertoff, Michael -
Emanuel, Chicago
o China, Romney
o City of London
o CO2, Gore, Strong,
o Cohen, William, Bush
Cohen Group
o Cold War was a hoax
o Committee of 300
o Communisum
o Concordia
o Congress of Wilhelmsbad
o Continental Bank, Pope,
Queen, Rothschild
o Holdren, John
o Holder, Eric - Marc
o Hollinger
International Chicago
o Hollywood controlled
by Jews
o Hoover Institute
o House, Mandel,
o Housing Crisis,
o HSBC money
laundering, terrorist
o Hutchison Whampoa,
Rio Tinto
o IG Farben Trial
o Illuminati
o In-Q-Tel CIA tech
o Inter Alpha Group
Nixon, gold, dollar
o Iran-Contra
o Iraqi / Kuwait
o Institute for Jewish
Policy Research
o Institute for
Economics Peter G.
o Investors AB
o International
Biotechnology Trust
o Iranian revolution
o Islamaphobia
o Israel Aircraft
o Israel Corporation
o Israel Moses
Seif bankster
o Jacobism
o Jarrett, Valerie,
Obama, Tribune,
Hollinger, backgroun
o Obama, Michelle,
Lester Crown home
o Obama's real
o Obama / Romney
controlled by
o Obama Trilateral
o Obama Zionist
o Offshore, Private
banks, tax evasion
o Oil for Food Scandal,
Auchi PNB Paribas,
o Oliver Cromwell
o Olmert, 9/11
o Opium, David Sasson
o Oppenheimer
o P2 Vatican Bank
o P-Tech NORAD
o Palestine
o Palmer,Mark Barrick,
o Paris Orleans
o Parsons,
Richard Obama
o Pearson
o Peoples Bank of
o Perle, Richard
o Perry, William J.
o Perry, William -
Rothschild North
McAllister, mining.
o Wasserstein,Rahm
o Wasserstein Vernon
o Weishaupt
o White Dragon Society
o White, Michael -
Axelrod client
o Wise Men, McCloy
o World Bank, James D.
o World War III
o World Central
Bank,=World Bank,
o World Conservation
o WTC gold
o Yad Hanadiv
o Yeltsin
o Zagel,
James Blagojevich
o Zayed_bin_Sultan_Al
_Nahyan, BCCI
o Zakheim, Dov, 9/11
o Zelikow
o Zim
Shipping Eisenberg
o Zionism
o Zhou Xiaochuan
Rothschild North America, 9/11 Connections Top
9/11 9/11 funding
North America
Obama /
Brith Rahm
BCCI Bain Hitler Soros
Gerald Rosenfeld William Perry Ashton Carter John Deutch Robert Pirie
Philip Zelikow Paul Kaminski Dov Zakheim Jim Lawrence
Frank Wisner
o 9/11 Changed the World ... and we are being
lied to about it.
o Wikipedia 9/11 polls ...54% of the world's population don't believe al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11.
o Begin by connecting Kroll Associates to Jerome Hauer and
the WTC security) to Global Technology Partners to
RothschildNorth America. William Perry, Senior Partner
Global ... Technology Partners and Gerald Rosenfeld, CEO... see PRNewsWire press release and
William Perry was awarded the Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British
Empire. He was intimately involved the the US government in the run-up to 9/11 see Tony Blair
... sexedup evidence to invade Iraq. Global Technology Partners is an exclusive agent or
Rothschild North America PRNewsWire.
o (Wikipedia) see Biblioteca Pleyades Maurice Greenberg bought Kroll Associates
NATO Privitization Le Cercle Syria
o 1988 IAmTheWitness From 1988 to 1995, Maurice Greenberg(Wikipedia) was a director
of the New York Federal Reserve bank this is the main bank through which
Federal Reserve chiefs and the Bank of England (Rothschild)(Wikipedia)
execute their U.S. political-economic policy. Greenberg was deputy chairman of the New York Fed in
1992 and 1993, and New York Fed chairman in 1994 and 1995. During 1996, while Greenberg was
deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), he chaired the CFR task force on
intelligence, which published "Making Intelligence Smarter: The future of U.S. Intelligence." Kroll
Associates, a security consultant firm, which was renamed to Kroll Inc. in August 2001, started in New
York City in 1972. In December 1997, Kroll merged with armored car manufacturer O'Gara-Hess &
Eisenhardt to form The Kroll-O'Gara Company. O'Gara is responsible for the security of all US-
Presidents since 1945. In 1993, Maurice Greenberg's American International Group (AIG), became co-
owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll Associates, as a result of rescuing Kroll from bankruptcy with
a cash infusion. Kroll was notorious during the 1980s as the "CIA of Wall Street" due to the prevalence
of former CIA, FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British Special Air Service men Kroll
employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign nations.
Greenberg has used his connections to covert intelligence, supranational institutions, private bankers
and speculators, and his huge global cash inflow, to shape a unique personal empire. Since 1997, Frank
G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member of Kroll , and is currently Greenberg's Deputy Chairman for
External Affairs. Wisner's father was a founder of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who killed
himself over the scandal from his being duped by British-Soviet master spy Kim Philby. Frank Wisner,
Jr., is a director of the George Bush-linked energy giant Enron (a client for whom AIG negotiated
payments from Peru over nationalization of Enron operations). see DemocraticUnderground
o Go to Rothschild / GTP info and go to Vernon Jordan / Lazard / Gerald
Rosenfeld 9/11
o 1997 InformationUnderground Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's
mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the
Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is
one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of
Israel. In 1918, when Hadassah opened its first hospital on Jerusalem's Rehov Ha'nevi'im, the Street of
the Prophets – a gift of the Rothschild family – Dr. Kagan became Head of Pediatrics. Jerome
Hauer was also the guy chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency
management( OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be
placed in Silverstein's building 7. link Building 7 to Blackstone to Rothschild. Former special
agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was
Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally
enough, was hired as head of security at the WTC by Jerome Hauer. Amazingly, O'neil was killed
on his FIRST day of work -- 9/11.
o 1997 HistoryCommons John Deutch November 1997-August 1998: Future 9/11 Commission Staff
Attend Terrorism Study Group; Predict Consequences of ‘Catastrophic Terrorism A
National Policy’ Although the United States still takes conventional terrorism seriously… it
is not yet prepared for the new threat of catastrophic terrorism.” They predict the consequences of such
an event: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or
disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed
event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and
undermine Americans’ ... Wikipedia Deutch was born in Brussels, Belgium, the son of Rachel Felicia
(Fischer) and Michael Joseph Deutch. 3] He is of Russian Jewish heritage, Michael Deutch.
o 1997 Zelikow (Wikipedia) had written about how a “catastrophic terrorism” event could constitute a
momentous, history-shaping milestone: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens
of thousands of people… would be a watershed event in America’s history.… Like Pearl
Harbor. RealJewNews Zelikow Zelikow & Rice are together again when Zelikow is Director of the
Aspen Strategy Group, a Zionist foreign-policy strategy “think tank.” Rice, along with Dick Cheney &
Paul Wolfowitz, are also members. see William Perry (Global Technology Partners) as exclusive
agent to Rothschild North America and subsequent ties to Aspen Strategy Group. and see Redacted
News Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD: Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman
Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag. and HouroftheTime CIA's role in 9/11 Attack ... and see the
TheFreeLibrary GTP ..Zelikow, all dual Israel US citizens. Aspen Strategy Group Jewish think tank,
David Koch is member of Board of Trustees. and Michael Eisner. Atlantic Council Wikipedia
o 1999 Ashton Carter (Wikipedia) ... principle in Global Technology Partners an
affiliate of Rothschild North America. Ashton Carter, MIT professor grandson
of Yonah Fischer Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium Zionist
Jew. Ashton Carter co authored paper Catastrophic Terrorism A National
Policywith Zelikow and Deutch (GTP) senior partner at Global Technology Partners an affiliate of
Rothschild North America (SourceWatch) and Dr Carter served as a member of the Defense Science
Board from 1991–1993 and 1997–2001, the Defense Policy Board from 1997–2001
o 2001 9/11 WhoDidIt Before 9-11 John Deutch (Wikipedia), former Undersecretary of War, director of
CIA; co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy" (Harvard) with Zelikow, Ashton
Carter; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America; MIT
professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of
Belgium (Jewish Agency) Aliyah, The Israel Experience, Zionist Education, Hebrew Education, Israel
Advocacy, Shaping Israel, Cultural Nationalism WhoDidIt
o 2001 Academy of Diplomacy Mr. Helmut Sonnenfeldt is a trustee emeritus of the Johns Hopkins
University and has also been a member of the Advisory Council of that institution’s School of
Advanced International Studies. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (New York), and
other professional associations. He is a director of the Atlantic Council of the U.S., the World Affairs
Council of Washington, D.C. and the American Institute of Contemporary German Studies. He has
been on the Board of Visitors of the National Defense University and was a Bates Scholar at the Naval
War College. He served on the Council and Executive Committee of the International Institute of
Strategic Studies (London) between 1980 and 1998. He was a member of the International Advisory
Council of the Creditanstalt of Vienna, Austria, and is foreign editor of the International Economy. He
is on the editorial boards of Politique Internationale (Paris) and Foreign Policy (Washington). He has
also been a member of the “Executive Panel” of the Chief of Naval Operations and, since 2001, of the
Defense Policy Board. History Commons was given to Perle by National Security Council staff
member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for
providing classified documents to the Israelis.
HSBC Money
Saudi Banks
LIBORgate Syria NATO
Obama /
o 2006 Gerald Rosenfeld is Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America. Prior to joining
Rothschild he was President of G Rosenfeld & Co LLC, an investment banking firm. Prior to founding
GR Co in 1998 he was Head of Investment Banking and a member of the Management Committee of
Lazard Freres & Co LLC. Mr. Rosenfeld joined Lazard in 1992 after holding significant management
positions at Bankers Trust (Tariganter) Company, Salomon Inc. and its Salomon Brothers subsidiary
and McKinsey & Company. Mr. Rosenfeld is a member of the Board of Directors of Case Corporation,
of Continental Grain Company and of the Jewish Theological Seminary and also serves on the Board
of Overseers of New York University's Stern School of Business.
o 2007 Hoover Institute, Scooter Libby, Cheney, Plamegate / Leakgate Timeline
o 2008 William J. Perry links: Preventative Defense Project. Hambrecht & Quist, In-Q-tel, LGS
Innovations, Secretary of Energy Advisor Board, Stanford Institute of Economic Policy Research,
Lucent, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Anteon International Corp, Center for International Security and
Arms Control, Center for a New American Century, Defense Policy Board, Atlantic Council, Truman
National Security Project, DOD, GTP, Clinton, Aspen Strategy Group (Scooter Libby), Stanford, Iraq
Study Group, Technology Strategies & Alliances Corp, ESL, Nuclear Tipping Point, Hoover Institute.
o 2008 Foreign Policy was bought by the Washington Post Company. The Washington Post is the crown
jewel of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner, who ran the Office of
Special Projects — later to become part of the CIA — recruited Philip Graham, the publisher of the
Washington Post, to run Operation Mockingbird and subvert the free press in the United States.
o 2009 Wikipedia Robert Blackwill is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group of the Aspen
Institute. Blackwill served as political-military officer in London, England from 1975 to
1978. Blackwill served as political counselor in Tel Aviv, Israel from 1978 to 1979. Blackwill became
Director, Western European Affairs, on the National Security Council staff at the White House in
1979. Wikipedia 'The Vulcans' is a nickname used to refer to Republican Presidential
candidate George W. Bush's foreign policy advisory team assembled to brief him prior to the 2000
U.S. presidential election. The Vulcans were led by Condoleezza Rice and included Richard
Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Dov S. Zakheim, Robert
Zoellick and Paul Wolfowitz, and Wolfowitz protegé, Scooter Libby. Other key campaign figures
including Dick Cheney, George P. Shultz and Colin Powell were also closely associated with the group
but were never actually members see Eustace Mullins (Kissinger) and Wikipedia Helmut
Sonnenfeldt During his time in the National Security Council and in the State Department, he was a
close assistant and adviser of Henry Kissinger and became known as "Kissinger's Kissinger" and ...
History Commons was given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal”
Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the
o Video 9/11 Kroll, Marsh
o 1948 Spartacus Frank Wisner (Wikipedia) was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (Wikipedia)
(forerunner to CIA), established Mockingbird (media control) (Wikipedia) .Wisner recruited Philip Graham Wikipedia
(Washington Post)to run the project within the industry.Philip Graham married Katherine Meyer (Graham) (Washington
Post owner) "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other
communications vehicles." Exulanten Eugene Meyer... Meyer (Katherine Graham's father) was in same league as
Warburgs,Rothschild, Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb, Baruch ...etc. Frank G. Wisner (son) is a board member of Kroll Assc.
 Timeline continued below
Gulf Cooperation Council, House of Saud, UAE, Rothschild, the
British & 9/11 Top
Obama /
Brith Rahm
BCCI Bain Hitler Soros
Chatham /
 Wikipedia Gulf Cooperation Council Dean Henderson Oil for arms security
 1776, British East India Company setup HQ in Kuwait... as strategic post to
protect shipping lanes
 1900 ..cut deal with Mubarak al Sabah to create Kuwait against the wishes of a
majority of the citizens.
 1914 Hashemite monarchy of al Sabah created in the midst of WWI,
 1917 the British made a client out of Ibn Saud, who was also told to encourage
Arab tribesman to repel the Ottoman Turks from the Gulf Region at the onset of
WWI. That same year the British House of Rothschild pushed through the
Balfour Declaration, lending Crown support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Rothschild was less concerned about the Jewish people than he was about
establishing a Middle East outpost from where he and his lackeys could keep
watch over the center of their global oil monopoly. A year later the Ottomans
were defeated.
 Mohammed Sabah al-Salem al-Sabah
o 1740 FirstLightForum the leading Jews’ duplicity dates back further, to the eighteenth century,when Judaized British
Freemasons conspired to create the Wahhabisect in Saudi Arabia, to divide Islam, and provide a geopolitical advantage for
a new state of Israel, and by that further fosterthe elite Jews’ global takeover agenda. “That a British spy by the name of
Hempher was responsible for shaping of the extreme tenets of Wahhabismwas mentioned in a Turkish work, Mir’at al-
Haramain, by Ayyub Sabri Pasha between 1933-1938. British policy in its colonies often involved the creation of deviant
sects,in order to Divide and Conquer, as was the case with the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam in India in the nineteenth century.
The details of this conspiracy are outlined in a little known document by the name of The Memoirs of Mr. Hempher
(Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The BritishSpy To The Middle East) published in series (episodes)in the German paper
Spiegel, and later in a prominent French paper. A Lebanese doctortranslated the document to the Arabic language and from
there on it was translated to English and other languages.The document is a firs t-hand account by Hempher of his mission
for his government, which sent him to the Middle East to discover ways to undermine the Ottoman Empire. Among the
vices the British were to promote were racism and nationalism, alcohol, gambling, fornication and tempting Muslim women
to uncoverthemselves. and Wikipedia Hempher Memoirs .. In the West it is considered a forgery and has been described
as "an Anglophobic variation on `The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. and Hizmet Books Confessions of a British Spy.
Hempher. and The Book "Khulasat-ul Kalam" Written by great Islamic scholar Yusuf an-Nabhani, briefly describes times
and affairs related to prophets Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. (Peace be upon them.) FirstLightForum House of Saud house-
o Tariganter Gulf Cooperation Council, Deenalhaq UAE Central Bank, 2008 annual report Chairman H.E
Khalil Mohammed Sharif Foulathi
LIBOR & the
Middle East
Institute & the
Middle East
Housing Crisis
o 1917 DeanHenderson The Saudi throne has long served as
anti-democratic bulwark in the region for the
London/Wall Street bankers and their inbred
royal European shareholder brethren.It was all part of a
plan hatched by the Rothschild-controlled Business Roundtable a century ago to seize control of
Middle East oil. .. The Rothschildsare majority owners of BP and Royal Dutch/Shell, as
well as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and the Saudi central bank – Saudi Arabian
Monetary Agency (SAMA). In 1917 the British made a client of Ibn Saud, who was told to encourage
Arab tribesman to repel the Ottoman Turks from the Persian Gulf Region. That same year the British
House of Rothschild pushed through the Balfour Declaration, lending Crown support for a Jewish
homeland in Palestine. A year later the Ottomans were defeated.
o 1989 WMR July 28, 2010 -- The top secret Israeli-US program to establish "Al Qaeda"
Press clips gathered by the CIA and discovered in the National Archives' stored CIA files point to an
agency keenly interested in any leaks about the highly-classified CIA-Mossad program to establish
Osama Bin Laden and the most radical elements of the Afghan Mujaheddin as the primary leaders of
the anti-Soviet rebels in the 1980s. ... WMR has pored through the CIA files and a complicated
picture emerges of America's and Israel's top intelligence agencies, in cahoots with Saudi Arabia,
establishing financial links and carve out intelligence programs to provide manpower and financial
support to Bin Laden and his allies in Afghanistan. It was these very elements that later created the so-
called "Al Qaeda," which the late British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook described as nothing more
than a "database" of CIA front organizations, financial supporters, and field operatives. However, one
component omitted by Cook in the Al Qaeda construct is the Israeli participation. ... Thanks largely
to the CIA station chief in Riyadh in 1986-87, millions of dollars from the Saudi government,
particularly then-deputy Prime Minister Prince Abdullah, now King Abdullah, and wealthy Saudi
businessmen were funneled to the most radical leader of the Afghan rebels, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, for
whom militant southern Philippines Muslim rebels named their organization, the Abu Sayyaf
group. ... Accounting for only two percent of the mujaheddin guerrillas in the field in Afghanistan,
Sayyaf's group began receiving hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of recruits from other
countries, more than other six major mujaheddin groups fighting the Soviets. The tilt to Sayyaf was a
result of the intercession of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Saudi intelligence, the CIA, and
Mossad. Another key Saudi intermediary was Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who the Bush family
has dubbed "Bandar Bush" because of his close links to the Bushes, and who was the Saudi
ambassador to the United States on 9/11. ... The Reagan White House's intermediary with Sayyaf's
group during 1986 and 1987 was Michael Pillsbury, the Assistant Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
who continues to serve as a Pentagon consultant. Eventually, with the urging of Salem Bin Laden, and
his older brother Osama, the CIA gave the green light for Sayyaf to bring into Afghanistan a dedicated
group of Arab fighters, recruited from countries such as Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and other
Arab countries. Some of the Syrian volunteers were refugee survivors of Syrian President Hafez
Assad's massacre of Sunni Muslims in Hama in 1982. Ironically, the first Arab training camp was
established in eastern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border and was known as Maasada, or the "Lion's
Den." Masada is the site of the Roman siege of Jewish forces in 72 where the Jews committed suicide
rather than surrender to the Romans. Masada is Hebrew for "fortress." more
o World War III
LIBORgate Syria NATO
Obama /
o 1960's Nader Library beginning in the 1960s, the Salafi became more formally allied to the Wahhabis,
who became the principal patrons of the Brotherhood, which set up branches in most Arab states. With
the CIA’s tacit approval, the Saudis provided funds for Brotherhood members who joined the anti-
Nasser insurgency in Yemen in 1962. ... In 1962, with CIA encouragement, the Saudis established an
organization called the Muslim World League. Underwritten initially by several donors, including
Aramco, then a CIA collaborator, the League established a powerful international presence, with
representatives in 120 countries. It was headed by then chief Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed ibn
Ibrahim Al al-Sheikh, a lineal descendant of Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab, and the presidency
remains vested in the Saudi Mufti to this day. Included among its eight members were important
representatives of the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood: Said Ramadan, son- in-law of Hasan al Banna,
Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, leader of Brotherhood offshoot, the Jamati Islami of Pakistan, and
Maulana Abul Hasan Nadvi, of India
o 1960s comment: The Sauds royal family are actually Jews living in
Saudi Arabia under complete secrecy and under the cover of
being nominally and outwardly Arab. Al Saud in fact where the members of the
group went to a cereal merchant who was a Jew, Called MORDAKHAI BIN IBRAHIM BIN
MOSHE ... In the 1960s the SAWT AL ARAB Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the
YEMEN Broadcasting Station in SANAA confirmed the Jewish Ancestry of the SAUDI Family.
FAISAL AL-SAUD at that time could not deny his families kindred with the JEWS when he declared
to the WASHINGTON POST on Sept. 17, 1969 stating: WE, THE SAUDI FAMILY, are cousins of
the Jews, we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to the
Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (ARABIA) is the Fountain head from
where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world. That was the declaration
of KING FAISAL AL-SAUD BIN ABDUL AZIZ!!!!! see YouTube Mordakhai bin Ibrahim bin
Moshe YouTube
o 2004 WMR NATO's attempt to extend its umbrella to the Middle East began in 2004 with the
establishment of NATO's Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI), which opened up NATO's foyer to
Middle East nations that "subscribe to the aim and content of this initiative, including the fight against
terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction." The purpose of the ICI was clearly
aimed at Iran, in addition to cementing NATO's military ties with the Gulf Cooperation Council
o 2011 Bollyn The Park51 project (Ground Zero Mosque), based on the false premise that Muslims were
behind the false flag terrorism of 9-11, is supported by extremely wealthy Arab leaders such as Prince
Al-Waleed bin Talal (Wikipedia) of Saudi Arabia, who is the second largest shareholder of Murdoch's
News Corp. Any Moslem who supports a monument to such a hateful and anti-Muslim falsehood is a
traitor to his faith -- and the truth. Wikipedia Time Magazine reported that bin Talal owned about 5
percent of News Corporation. Al Waleed gave a check of $10 million to N.Y. City Mayor Rudolf
Giuliani. In 2002, Al-Waleed donated 18.5 million British pounds (US$27 million) to the families of
Palestinians during a TV telethon following Israeli operations in the West Bank city of Jenin.
o Connect Economist Magazine (Rothschild) to
Telegraph to Murdoch SourceWatch NewsCorp Corporate Officers: Andrew
S.B. Knight, (Wikipedia, Economist Magazine, Daily Telegraph, News Corp) Director, Rothschild
Investment Trust C.P.
House of Saud, Bin Ladens and 9/11 Top
Obama /
Brith Rahm
BCCI Bain Hitler Soros
Chatham /
o WMR on the 9/11 'inside job' ... I don’t believe the attacks were
planned by the FBI. I believe they were an operation carried out by Mossad
and Saudi intelligence,with which Mossad has had and continues to have a close
relationship since the days of the Safari Club of western and Middle East intelligence services
combining their operations, and elements of the CIA. Cossiga, Gul, parliament members in Germany,
Britain, and Japan, the late British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, and others all understood this was an
inside job that also involved a handful of people at the top of the Bush administration, including Dick
Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, A.B.Krongard of the CIA, and Rudolph Giuliani see Giulianni's
connections to Rothschild, as well. and ... The Sauds and the
Bin Ladens were close allies of the Bush family,
which had everything to gain in the 9-11 attacks. The only way to discover the Saudi role is for a Saudi
whistleblower to come forward; however, that may only happen after the inevitable overthrow of the
Saudi monarchy. As many Saudis know, the Sauds are not only in lockstep with the Americans and
Israelis but they are descendant from a Jewish merchant family that originally lived in what is now
Kuwait. Wahhabism in fact serves the interests of Israel’s Zionist Judaism, both emphasize extremism
and sectarianism that keeps the Middle East in constant turmoil and extends the rule of the Wahhabi
Sauds and Zionists.
o 1989 WMR July 28, 2010 -- The top secret Israeli-US program to establish "Al Qaeda"
Press clips gathered by the CIA and discovered in the National Archives' stored CIA files point to an
agency keenly interested in any leaks about the highly-classified CIA-Mossad program to establish
Osama Bin Laden and the most radical elements of the Afghan Mujaheddin as the primary leaders of
the anti-Soviet rebels in the 1980s. ... WMR has pored through the CIA files and a complicated
picture emerges of America's and Israel's top intelligence agencies, in cahoots with Saudi Arabia,
establishing financial links and carve out intelligence programs to provide manpower and financial
support to Bin Laden and his allies in Afghanistan. It was these very elements that later created the so-
called "Al Qaeda," which the late British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook described as nothing more
than a "database" of CIA front organizations, financial supporters, and field operatives. However, one
component omitted by Cook in the Al Qaeda construct is the Israeli participation. ... Thanks largely
to the CIA station chief in Riyadh in 1986-87, millions of dollars from the Saudi government,
particularly then-deputy Prime Minister Prince Abdullah, now King Abdullah, and wealthy Saudi
businessmen were funneled to the most radical leader of the Afghan rebels, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, for
whom militant southern Philippines Muslim rebels named their organization, the Abu Sayyaf
group. ... Accounting for only two percent of the mujaheddin guerrillas in the field in Afghanistan,
Sayyaf's group began receiving hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of recruits from other
countries, more than other six major mujaheddin groups fighting the Soviets. The tilt to Sayyaf was a
result of the intercession of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Saudi intelligence, the CIA, and
Mossad. Another key Saudi intermediary was Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who the Bush family
has dubbed "Bandar Bush" because of his close links to the Bushes, and who was the Saudi
ambassador to the United States on 9/11. ... The Reagan White House's intermediary with Sayyaf's
group during 1986 and 1987 was Michael Pillsbury, the Assistant Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
who continues to serve as a Pentagon consultant. Eventually, with the urging of Salem Bin Laden, and
his older brother Osama, the CIA gave the green light for Sayyaf to bring into Afghanistan a dedicated
group of Arab fighters, recruited from countries such as Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and other
Arab countries. Some of the Syrian volunteers were refugee survivors of Syrian President Hafez
Assad's massacre of Sunni Muslims in Hama in 1982. Ironically, the first Arab training camp was
established in eastern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border and was known as Maasada, or the "Lion's
Den." Masada is the site of the Roman siege of Jewish forces in 72 where the Jews committed suicide
rather than surrender to the Romans. Masada is Hebrew for "fortress."
o LaRouchePub BAE director Roberto Quarta is a partner with the U.S. private equity firm Clayton,
Dubilier & Rice, which has deep ties to the Morgan and Rothschildinterests in the United
States. Behind the 9/11 attacks was the hand of the British Empire, working through
allied Saudi factions. In effect, 9/11 was the work of the "BAE Al Yamamah" Anglo-
Saudi imperial apparatus, which forms a core of the ongoing British Sykes-Picot
controls over the entire Persian Gulf and extended Southwest Asia.
o 1976 Chagataikhan Safari Club The Safari Club- An Alternate Super Intelligence Agency. In
September 1 1976, a group of countries got together and established a newly formed secret cabal of
intelligence agencies called the Safari Club. It included France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and
Iran. The club was a brain child of Alexandre de Marenches, head of the French external intelligence
service SDECE. It was likely formed with the connivance of CIA to compensate for it’s paralysis after
Watergate - as a means of circumventing US Congress which had tied down the CIA! Acutely
conscious of the Soviet threat these countries had decided that if the US could not do anything to
counter it, they would! and History Commons Safari Club
o BMI / PTech Yassin al-Qadi, a Saudi multimillionaire. He will invest $5 million of Ptech’s start-up
money. The US will declare him an al-Qaeda financier shortly after 9/11 (see October 12, 2001). In
1998, al-Qadi will come under investigation by FBI agent Robert Wright (see October 1998) for
potential ties to the 1998 US embassy bombings (see August 7, 1998). Al-Qadi is also a major investor
in BMI Inc., an investment firm with connections to a remarkable number of suspected terrorist
financiers (see 1986-October 1999). Al-Qadi later will claims that he sold his investment in Ptech in
1999, but there will be evidence he may continue to hold a financial stake after that year, and even
after the US will officially declare him a terrorism financier (see 1999-After October 12, 2001).
LIBORgate Syria NATO
Obama /
o 1980 IntelHub Oil and Drug Money Overlords The international bankers oversee Persian Gulf oil
wealth generated by their Big Oil tentacles. Chase Manhattan called the shots at Iran’s central Bank
Markazi, then looted the Iranian Treasury as insiders Rockefeller, Kissinger and McCloy whisked their
Shah puppet into exile. Chase had close ties to the Saudi SAMA central bank and Venezuela’s central
bank, where Rockefeller-controlled Exxon Mobil “is the CIA”. Chase launched the Saudi Industrial
Development Fund which doled out contracts to Chase-owned multinationals during the Saudi
modernization drive, then bought Saudi Investment Banking Corporation, which did exactly the same.
1] World Bank Presidents Eugene Black and John McCloy both came from Chase. Morgan Guaranty
Trust presided over the House of Saud oil kitty. SAMA, created as the Kingdom’s Central Bank as the
ink was still drying on the US/Saudi Security Agreement, was run by IMF goon Anwar Ali, who was
handled by the “Three Wise Men” or “White Fathers”, the most powerful of which was John Meyer,
chairman of Morgan Guaranty Trust’s International Division and later chairman of Morgan Guaranty.
o 1980s WMR James R. Bath, extraordinary rendition. Bath's core airline in the CIA proprietary airline
business was Skyways Aircraft Leasing, which was originally registered in 1980 in the Cayman Islands
as Cotopax Investments. Skyways was linked to another Cayman firm, IC Inc., that was linked to
Oliver North's illegal support network for the Nicaraguan contras code-named the "Enterprise."
According to John Caylor, the Gulf Coast investigative reporter. ... Skyways' "fleet" included a single
Gulfstream, one of the favored aircraft now used for CIA rendition flights. The firm soon handled
larger aircraft, including a Boeing 707-138 (B) that was bought by Skyways from Sheik Abdallah
Baroom, a wealthy Saudi businessman. The aircraft, registered as N707SK, was owned by Sheik
Salem Bin Laden, the older brother of Osama Bin Laden who was killed in a suspicious air crash
outside of San Antonio in 1988. In 1990. the aircraft was re-registered as N707KS, swapping the last
two letters, with the owner listed as First City Bank of Houston, Texas. First City was later liquidated
after its declared bankruptcy. The bank was linked by congressional investigators to the Rothschild
global banking empire. First City was founded by James A. Elkins, nicknamed "The Judge," who also
founded Houston's largest law firm, Vinson & Elkins (Wikipedia, Enron ). The law firm
represented Enron. search terms include: Bank of England, Bank of Scotland, Balfour, Manasseh, Lord
Clydesmuir, Barclays, Polwarth, Halliburton, Imperial Chemical Industries, Canadian Pacific,
Wimpey, ... and see
o 1999 Serendipity Globalists Created Wahhabi Terrorism to Destroy Islam and Justify a Global State. In
1999 King Fahd of Saudi Arabia attended the Bilderberg meeting, presumably to discuss his role in
furthering the interests of world government, along with other such luminaries as Yasser Arafat and the
Pope GlobalResearch
o 2000 The Carlyle Group manages the most important part of the Saudi Bin Laden Group financial
funds. Among its managers, we have Sami Mubarak Brama, the representative in Great Britain of the
Khaled Ben Mahfouz (Wikipedia) (bailed out Bush's Harken Energy) and Talat Othmann
o 2000 The 9/11 Commission Revised, John Kerry In Azerbaijan, one finds a large cast of participants
all linked through supporting roles in the Iran-Contra Scandal and its cover-up. (The Iran-Contra
scandal, the October Surprise manipulation of the Presidential election by George Bush Sr., the
deliberate sabotage of a US rescue attempt of US hostages in Iran, and the cover-up of these activities
is reviewed in a subsequent section of this report, to demonstrate the collaborative history of these
individuals.) In Azerbaijan, these individuals are · Adnan Khashoggi, whose Azerbaijan banks "played
a big part in the formation of terrorist camps and in the opening of laboratories for developing
chemical and bacteriological weapons in Nagornyy Karabakh.’ · Richard Secord, (see Intelhub,
Rothschild) a former U.S. Air Force major general who been helping to recruit and train the
Azerbaijani army as well as regional secret services; · Richard Armitage, acting as a consultant to
Halliburton and Unocal at the time, and President of the US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce; ·
Farhad Azima, arms merchant with Iranian background, member of US-Azerbaijani Chamber of
Commerce, assisted Richard Secord in recruiting and training mujahedin mercenaries, owns the
Azerbaijan Airlines, and has a twenty year old relationship with the Bush family enterprise; · Khalid
bin Mahfouz, owner, with the bin Laden family and members of the Saudi royal
family of the Saudi companies Delta Oil and Nimir Oil. Both are partners with Unocal
in Azerbaijan. · Dick Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, lobbyist for the Azerbaijan International
Operating Company, on US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce; · David Kimche, Israeli Mossad
agent who brought Israeli agents into Azerbaijan at the request of Secord, and worked with Secord and
the regional secret service organizations. The essence of the Azerbaijan operation was an effort by
former Iran-Contra conspirators to illegally support the despotic government of Azerbaijan in its war
against Russian backed Armenia. In doing so, they supposedly sought to protect for US and
Saudi Oil interests a western access to the Caspian Oil basin, and one of the four largest oil
fields in the region. They did so by illegally recruiting Afghan mujahedin mercenaries to fight for
Azerbaijan (against Russian backed Armenians), using Mega Oil as the financial cover
o 1970s AlienScientist AMEC is a major international player in the oil and gas industry, as well as in
other natural resource industries. AMEC had a significant presence in Saudi Arabia dating back to the
late 1970s, providing support to the national oil company Saudi Aramco, which is by far the richest
company in the world. Executives and board members at AMEC include former directors of NM
Rothschild, Kellogg, Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and SG Warburg. AMEC board 2012 Simon
Thompson He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac
Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. 2001 Sydney Gillibrand, Jean
Monville, David Robson, James Dallas, George Payne, John Early. Jock Green-Armytage, Stuart
Siddall, Peter Janson. and Sir Peter Mason on BAE Systems board.... and Sir Peter is
currently Chairman of Thames Water and is the senior non-executive director of Subsea 7 S.A. He
retired as Chief Executive Officer of AMEC plc in September 2006 and prior to that held a number of
appointments in the engineering and construction industry including Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Balfour Beatty Ltd. LaRouchPac BAE Director Sir Peter Mason is the retired chief
executive of AMEC plc, a British engineering firm with ties to N.M. Rothschild. YouTube
IranContraScumDid911 and FedUpUSA BAE info, Mike Turner.
Notice the antennas directly in the
the 'missile' flight path. AMEC did
the renovation and restoration of the
Pentagon section hit by the 'missile'
allowing them to secretly install the
see NFU Flight 77 page 15 enlarge
o AMEC 2004 Announces Appointment of New Chairman Mr Green-Armytage (John McDonald), for
many years a director and non-executive director of NM Rothschild & Sons Limited, has a long track
record in the investment banking and private equity sectors. When at NM Rothschild, he was one of
the bank’s senior corporate financiers and was a director of its asset management business in the
1990s. "“Jock Green-Armytage (Debretts) has been an invaluable adviser over the last
seven years. His appointment brings continuity and an in-depth knowledge of AMEC". annual
report 2003
o 9-11Strike AMEC's British partner in the WTC cleanup was Bovis Lend Lease, run by Sir Frank
Lampl, a Czechoslovakian immigrant to Britain, who somehow managed to become a British knight
according to Bollyn's report. VaticProject Frank Lampl, the "Life President" of Bovis Lend Lease, is a
Jew from Brünn (Brno) who emigrated to Britain in 1968. Bovis has done many large jobs in the
United States, including the construction management contract for the Atlanta Olympic
Games. Lampl's Bovis Lend Lease is a company that has long been engaged in nanotechnology
research as well. Since the 1990s, Bovis has been involved in the development of nanotechnology labs,
such as those in which the super-thermite used on 9-11 was made. Bovis company archives indicate
that the company has been involved in nanotechnology production since at least October 2000. Sir
Frank Lampl is also a friend of Ehud Barak,
o Bovis Lend Lease is based in London. They have clients in the telecommunications-, health care-,
microelectronics- or pharmaceutical companis and the british government. They work for the U.S.
Department of Defence or with the Department of Defence in Australia. Other clients are Johns
Hopkins Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States, Nokia, Lucent, Ericsson,
Cisco, Nortel Networks, AT&T, Telstra, IBM, the European Space Agency or Schering-Plough
o AMEC VaticProject completes contract on prior Friday (ostensibly 9/11 is 5 days before re-
occupancy), conveniently gets cleanup contract due to on site presence. British AMEC has first
Wedge only renovation contract. 9/11 casualties included numerous guidance avionics (BAES -
British Aerospace and Electronics Systems), and propulsion (Boeing) experts. see APFN research
o AMEC London, United Kingdom, (2007) - AMEC has been awarded a five year support services
contract by Saudi Aramco to support its massive development programme in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. AMEC's local subsidiary company is King Wilkinson Saudi Arabia Ltd, We have worked for
them continuously for over 30 years. 1977... 911Review AMEC, Controlled Cleanup
o SAIC, and Saudi SAIC Hatfill worked together with Jerome Hauer at the SAIC in 1999, who
later directed the OEM and built the emergency center, known as "the bunker" on the 23rd floor of
Building 7.
o AMEC, Sir Peter Mason,
o BAE Systems: Richard Oliver (TNK BP), Peter Mason: (AMEC, BAE, Acergy (seabed)), Peter
Sutherland (Goldman Sachs, BP, WTO, Trilateral, Bilderberg), Sydney Gillibrand: (AMEC, BAE),
Rodney Chase (Nalco, BP) Wikipedia search terms: Airbus, put options, Rothschild
o 1999 Aagrigan
Trilateral Commission, Obama, Rothschild Top
Obama /
Brith Rahm
BCCI Bain Hitler Soros
Chatham /
o 1973: CliffordShack David Rockefeller asked Zbigniew
Brzezinski to put together an organization of the
top political, and business leaders from around
the World. He called this group the Trilateral
Commission(TC). Wikipedia, Rense, member list
o Counterpsyops Schlesinger / Mitre Corporation Listed participants running the Belfer Center include
John P. Holdren, two ex-heads of the CIA, John Deutch, and James Schlesinger (CFR/T) plus Nathan
Rothschildand central banker Paul Volcker (T/B) ... Trilateral members.
o CounterCurrents Trilaterial member James Johnson was on Obama’s vice presidential vetting
team. He stepped down after questions surfaced about loans he received from Countrywide Financial
Corp., a key player in the U.S. housing crisis. Other Obama North American Trilateral
members in Obama’s inner circle include Brzezinski, former Clinton Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright see Rothschild connection to Madeleine Albright, Michael Froman
of Citigroup, and former Congressman Dick Gephardt, along with Dennis Ross,
Middle East envoy for Clinton and the first President Bush, and James Steinberg
(Preventive War, A Useful Tool). Additional Trilateral members of team Obama
include Warren Christopher and Clinton National Security Advisor Anthony
Lake. ... with the appointment of James Rodney Schlesinger,... a Trilateral approach is already
underway .... SunTimes -Laura Jarrett married Tony Balkissoon wedding ... see attendees: Susan
Sher, Dr. Barbara Bowman, Newton and Jo Minow, (Harvard Martha Minow), John Levi (Sidley
partner that hired Obama), Martin Nesbitt (treasurer of Obama campaign); Eric and Cheryl Whitaker
(Strategic Affiliations); Vernon and Ann Jordan (UofChicago trustee emeritus); John Rogers (Ariel
Investments, grew up with Jarrett, see Desiree Rogers); Antoinette Cook Bush (a Jarrett cousin who is
a partner at Skadden); Eric Holder & wife Sharon Malone (Jarrett friend & Michelle O.); Allison &
Susan Davis (Davis's law firm); Dan and Fay Hartog Levin (Daley staffer, resigned from Ambassador
to the Netherlands) LovetheTruth Peter Rupert Lord Carrington, who is the chairman of the
Bilderbergers. has been the Rothschild’s director of their Rio Tinto Zinc
Corp. He also is director of Barclay’s Bank and part of the Trilateral Commission member
NATO Privitization Le Cercle Syria
o Lieberman, Nancy A. – a partner of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & From LLC
o Webster Tarpley / DeepJournal Joseph Nye is the North American Director of the Trilateral
Commission and a big wheel of the Bilderberger Group.... see ‘soft power', ... and Obama's economics
team, ... Austin Goolsby, who is a professor of economics at the University of Chicago, this means he
belongs to these infamous Chicago boys founded by Milton Friedman. ... a Skull and Bones free
trader. ... the British have signaled who the new enemy is, with the Alexander] Litvinienko story and
the Anna] Politkovskaya story, both created by Boris Berezovsky - a Russian oligarch working for
British intelligence – they have signaled that the new enemy is now the people in Moscow. ... this
rogue B-52 that flew from North Dakota to Louisiana with six live nuclear cruise missiles on board,
was supposed to go to the Middle East and attack Iran, Sept 6, 2007, Syria, ... Brzezinski hates Russia
... his son .. Ian Brzezinsky runs John McCain's foreign policy and writes a lot of McCain's foreign
policy material. Brzezinsky says to the neocons: ‘You bunglers'. ‘We gave you the clash of
civilizations as an idea' and he says: ‘What you should have done is to play these different countries
one against the other. The essence of imperialism is you don't attack Iraq , you play Iran against Iraq.
You don't attack Venezuela , you play Colombia against Venezuela. ‘And ultimately you don't attack
Russia ' he says, ‘You play China against Russia ... but both Moscow and Beijing know exactly what
Brzezinski is doing. ... Obama is nothing, no pedigree, His pedigree is first of all the Ford
Foundation. ... Ayres hired Obama to become president of the board of the Edinburg – Chicago
Challenge, which is yet another foundation funded effort at social engineering and racial conflict inside
the Chicago school system the Soros foundations and in particularly this institution called The Albert
Einstein Institution, with its head Gene Sharp. These are the people who organize color revolutions,
coup d'états under human rights cover, invasions under human rights cover and things of this
sort. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the guru of the entire campaign.
o LooseChange9/11 Trilateral members in Obama administration
LIBORgate Syria NATO
Obama /
 Timeline continued below
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The rothschilds news followup

  • 1. Obama home page search pictorial index sitemap home Spire lawsui t Banks ter Fraud Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configure d not to display inline frames. = go to other NFU pages Ashton Carter, Global Technology Partners, Rothschild connections  Google Custom Search Engine: 9/11 Truth, JFK assassination, Holocaust hoax, and Islamic State (ISIS) treachery.  $Trillions in Offshore Accounts  O bama Home Page go to Timelin e Alphabetic index Summa ry
  • 2. MarketWatch Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury ... NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests. In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) - involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver more and IntelHub CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit ... and Intelhub and DissidentVoice Who Killed Lucia and Leo Krim? by Moti Nissani / October 2012 and Examiner Money laundering lawsuit against Fed could be tied to Obama staff shakeup ... On Nov. 8, Craig B. Hulet, a well known and highly respected analyst on government policy, terrorism, and international relations, spoke on Coast to Coast AM regarding the growing scandal involving a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve, major banks, and many members of the Bush and Obama administrations. During his one hour interview, Hulet offered the assessment that many members of the Obama cabinet, including Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, and Eric Holder, were resigning their offices due to their potential roles in the TARP money laundering lawsuit. Yet, the whole story on this massive lawsuit is much more complex than what is being reported on the surface. Just hours after the Wall Street Journal issued a press release on the suit, the children of a CNBC producer were found murdered in his home, along with a nanny who reportedly tried to commit suicide. This horrific event took place just hours before or after, CNBC posted the Wall Street Journal story on their website, and interestingly, the story was quickly removed three hours later. However, even the evidence of a murder suicide by the nanny is highly questionable, as the knife wounds inflicted on her were of extreme force, enough to break her neck, and not coinciding with those of a self-inflicted slashing. Spire Law, Bankster Racketeering & Money Laundering Lawsuit top PROGRESSIVE REFERENCE CONSERVATIVE 1%*  StopNATO DU Watch  Coast to Coast AM First hour guest,analyst of geopolitics and foreign policy, Craig B. Hulet, talked about a report that the murder of a CNBC Exec's children was related to CNBC highlighting a lawsuit about an international money laundering case, involving $43 trillion. While the main suspect in the murders is the children's nanny,Hulet noted that the killings involved tremendous force, which suggested to him it was done by Special Ops. Further, shortly before or after the time of the murder, CNBC took down the story on the money laundering case from their website, he said.  Corporate Europe Observer targeting threats to democracy, equity, social justice, environment posed by corp & lobbies  Archive Final report of the Select Subcommittee to Investigate the United States Role in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia ("the Iranian Green Light Subcommittee"), with minority views : report prepared for the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives (1997)  Examiner caused enough ofa furor that Timothy Geithner, and Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton, all just jumped ship, and I will predict, a whole lot of other Obama administration officials, especially at the Treasury and the Fed, are also going to jump ship."  Institute for War and Peace Reporting Independent news from Iraq, Afghanistan,Balkans, Belarus, Caucasus,Central Asia and Yogoslav War Crimes Tribunal.  Religioius  AP Kosovo split — new Cold War with Russia?  CNBC . Kevin Krim, a member of the CNBC family has suffered an incomprehensible loss. In a statement to staff members, CNBC President Mark Hoffman said, "There are no words to convey the magnitude of this tragedy." CNBC's Carl Quintanilla reports. and  International Relations and Security Network ISN, Swiss contribution to 'Partnership for Peace'  Partnership for Peace defence cooperation, code words,  Interfax on Russia, CIS, Baltic countries
  • 3.  Spire Law & News  PRNewswire NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) – known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers – now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self- interests.In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) – involving, among otherthings, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver – Plaintiffs now establish the location of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money in a racketeering enterprise participated in by the following individuals (without limitation): Attorney General Holder acting in his individua l capacity, Assistant Attorney General Tony West,the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris (both acting in their individual capacities), Jon Corzine (former New Jersey Governor), Robert Rubin (former Treasury Secretary and Bankster), Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary (acting in his individual capacity), Vikram Pandit (recently resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup), Valerie Jarrett (a Senior White House Advisor), Anita Dunn (a former "communications director" for the Obama Administration), Robert Bauer (husband of Anita Dunn and Chief Legal Counsel for the Obama Re-election Campaign), as well as the "Banksters" themselves, and their affiliates and conduits.The lawsuit alleges serial violations of the United States Patriot Act, the Policy of Embargo Against Iran and Countries Hostile to the Foreign Policy of the United States,and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (commonly known as the RICO statute)and other State and Federal laws. In the District Court lawsuit, Spire Law Group, LLP -- on behalf of home owner across the Country and New York taxpayers, as well as under othertaxpayer recompense laws -- has expanded its mass tort action into federal court in Brooklyn, New York, seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000.00) by the "Banksters" and their co-conspirators,seeking an audit of the Fed and audits of all the "bailout programs" by an independent receiver such as Neil Barofsky, former InspectorGeneral of the TARP program who has stated that none of the TARP money and other "bailout money" advanced from the Treasury has ever been repaid despite protestations to the contrary by the Defendants as well as similar protestations by President Obama and the Obama Administration both publicly on national television and more privately to the United States Congress.Because the Obama Administration has failed to pursue any of the "Banksters" criminally, and indeed is actively borrowing monies for Mr. Obama's campaign from these same "Banksters" to finance its political aspirations,the national group of plaintiff home owners has been forced to now expand its lawsuit to include racketeering, money laundering and intentional violations of the Iranian Nations Sanctions and Embargo Act by the national banks included among the "Bankster" Defendants.The complaint – which has now been fully served on thousands ofthe "Banksters and their Co-Conspirators" – makes it irrefutable that the epicenter of this laundering and racketeering enterprise has been and continues to be Wall Street and continues to involve the very "Banksters" located there who have repeatedly asked in the past to be "bailed out" and to be "bailed out" in the future. The Havens for the money laundering schemes – and certain of the names and places of these entities – are located in such venues as Switzerland, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Cypress and entities controlled by governments adverse to the interests of the United States Sanctions and Embargo Act against Iran, and are also identified in both the United Nations and the U.S. Senate's recent reports on international money laundering. Many of these entities have already been personally served with summons and process of the complaint during the last six months. It is now beyond dispute that,while the Obama Administration was publicly encouraging loan modifications for home owners by "Banksters",it was privately ratifying the formation of these shell companies in violation of the United States Patriot Act, and State and Federal law. The case further alleges that through these obscure foreign companies, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, and numerous other federally chartered banks stole trillions of dollars of home owners' and taxpayers' money during the last decade and then laundered it through offshore companies. This District Court Complaint – maintained by Spire Law Group, LLP -- is the only lawsuit in the world listing as Defendants the Banksters, let alone serving all of such Banksters with legal process and therefore forcing them to finally answer the charges in court. Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission, nor the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, nor the Office of the Attorney General, nor any State Attorney General has sued the Banksters and thereby legally chased them worldwide to recover-back the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) and otherlawful damages, injunctive relief and otherlegal remedies. James N. Fiedler, Managing Partner of Spire Law Group, LLP, stated:"It is hard for me to believe as a 47-year lawyer that our nation's guardians have been unwilling to stop this theft. Spire Law Group, LLP stands for the elimination of corruption and implementation of lawful strategies,and that is what we're doing here. Spire Law Group, LLP's charter is to not allow such corruption to go unanswered." Comments were requested from the Attorney Generals' offices in NY, CA, NV, NH , OH, MA and the White House, but no comment was provided. PR Newswire (
  • 4. Google Custom Search Engine ... Link 9/11, JFK Assassination, the Holocaust & ISIS ...... home Web Image No main stream media sites including Wikipedia are searched on this custom search page .... only websites (see below) dedicated to exposing the truth about 9/11, JFK, the Holocaust hoax, and the Islamic State (ISIS) rampage. This may include 'gatekeeper' sites such as, Architects & Engineers for 9/11, Chomsky 'gatekeeper' we mean 9/11 Truth websites who never mention Israel, UK or Saudi Arabia as complicit in the 'inside job' attack. These gatekeeper sites provide an abundance of accurate information (to maintain credibility) on 9/11 ... we just help with the details they purposefully exclude. Google restricts results to 10 pages (100 items) 9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros The British Chatham / Aspen Research sources PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CONSERVATIVE 1%*
  • 5.  2012nwo blog  2008 Election Obama Operation Board Games, indictment  4thMedia, Roland Carnaby, Israel, nuclear fuel  911Blogger AMEC Saudi Arabia  9/11 Citizens Watch challenging the official story of 9/11  911Disclosure, connect 9/11 dots  Deborah Simon 9/11disinfo  911JusticeHalifax downloads  911oz  911Review Amec / Rothschild  911Research tritium, WTC  911WeKnow Rothschild swindlers list, central banks  66691177999 Zionism-is- Racism-is-Rothschild-is- NWO#.T7a1KLPQL0c  9/11 Independent  9/11 & Conspiracy News  AbelDanger Desmarais  AbelDanger British Invisibles  AK47world Huang, Chung, Trie, Chinagate   Alan Peterson News Briefs  Alexander's GasandOil Conn ections Piplinestan  AlienScientist Pentagon AMEC  AlfredKewl Raytheon  AmericanBhudda  AmericanKabuki banker resignations  Anaconda-Manifesto Emanuel, Brzezinski, bcci  Analysis-News Goldsmiths  ANationBeguiled RIIA  Aangirfan ROTHSCHILDS, OBAMA, COL. HOUSE, CAMERON DIAZ  American Almanac David Urquhart, British agent handler of Marx  Anti-Oligarch Shanghai Cooperation Organization  Antiwar nuclear  Aot aotearoaawiderperspective  AquaSilver  MatterofPrinciple Rothschilds / Palestine  Loosechange911 Trilateral  MeetIlluminatiMemb ers   Merahaza LSE  Metapedia  MidEastWeb  Modern History Project  Modern History Project Civil War  Modern History Project Rothschilds  MoneyTeachers Mormons Rothschild  Muckraker Peter Grace, 1915  Mullins, Eustace,  MushroomGeeks Sun Myung Moon, Messiah of the Jews  NBER Business Cycle  NairaLand Rothschild owns Central Bank of Nigeria  NationalCorruptionI ndex  NewsCompass, Central Asia oil  NewsExpose Schlesinger, Mitre  NewsFollowUp Leakgate timeline NFU / Leagate  NexusMag UFOs, Life after Death  NFU Cheney Planning and Decision Aid System 9/11  NFU committee of 300  Anti- semitism, Anti- zionism  NNDB, Jewish ancestry list  NoGW How Barak pulled off 9/11  NorthernTruthSeeker Obama, Israel, puppet  NukesofHazard  AllEmpires  AbsoluteAstronomy Hapsburg, Guelph, Rothschild  APFN Federal Reserve and APFN AMEC  Barefootsworld Committee of 300, Tavistock  Watchtower  BibleBelievers  BibleBelievers Rothschilds  BiblePlus  Bibleotecaplaydes and Jesuits  Bibliotecaplaydes, NATO, Rothschild  Bibliotecaplaydes Mormon timeline  Bibliotecaplaydes Soros, Marc Rich  Bonfiresblog Joe Arpaio  Breitbart Obama The- Vetting-Barack-Obama- Literary-Agent-1991- Born-in-Kenya-Raised- Indonesia-Hawaii  Cannonfire, Stanvac and Caltex, Sotero  CaptainsLog insider trading  ChuckBaldwin Missouri State Troopers Now Profiling And Targetting Libertarians As Suspected Violent Militia,  9-11 Justice new & views  911Commission.g ov BS  A3P  ADL Rothschild  ADL Myth of Jewish control of Fed  Advisoranalist  Alertresearch  AMEC Flight 77 Pentagon contractor  Ameinfo DIFC   AmpedStatus BCCI Obama, whitewash  Ask Timeline of Israeli social justice protests  Aspen Institute Italy  Atlantic Partnership Lord Powell  AZM American Zionist Movement  Federal Register  Archive.Frontpag eMag Madoff Rothschild links  At1ce middle eastern politicians  Bain & Co Wikipedia Gadiesh  Baker Botts, Saudi Arabia, 9/11 lawsuits,  Bank of Russia Central Bank  Barrick, Romney, LDS Mormon  BIS  Black Rock Group Romney  Blackstone Jacob Rothschild  Bloomberg Iran behind 9/11 attack!  B'nai B'rith Klutznick  Boston Consulting
  • 6.  ArticBeacon Durham Trust  AscendingStarSeed Obama assassination,Colombia, Netanyahu  AscensionEarth spread the news  ASR  Atheism  AwakenedRepublic NWO WWIII, financing both sides of Civil War  Awakened Republic nuclear  Balder Blog Khodorkovsky, Russian mafia, Jews, oligarchs  Banksters list list  Behine the Matrix Goldman Sachs runs the world, Independent.UK  BigNews Goldman Sachs, Rubin, Obama, Emanuel   Bilderberg Bernhard 1991  BlackListedNews HSBC  Black Nobility Unmasked Coleman  BlackVault Bilderberg meeting agenda handouts,letters 1996  BobTuskin HSBC dirtiest bank  Bollyn, 9/11, Zionists, Blair, Murdoch  Book: War on Freedon, Bush, FBI knew 9/11 would happen  Britaniaradio Wanta  Campaigner-Unbound B'nai Brith / Rothschild, British intelligence  CanadaNewsLibre  Care2 Rothschild Kabbalists  Carlg Rothschild octopus  CBG Network Coalition Against Bayer  CCUN Murdoch, Blair, Rothschild  Cephas-Library Greenspan  Chagataikhan Safari Club  Chaakeedar Philipp Hildebrand SNB  Christopher Bollyn solving 9/11  Christopher Bollyn, war on terror  ChrisRubis TPG  ChristopherLondonBlog  ClaresWinney 30 facts, BP Gulf Oil Crisis was planned.  CliffordShack  Codshit Neil Heywood, Bo Xilai, MI6, MI5  Conspiracy Archive Obama revive Baruch plan  NWDisorder  NWO Observer  NYARB New Yorkers Against Religion-Based Bigotry  Obama Timeline  OccultSecrets Communism, Fascism  OccupyCorporatism Owada International Court  OccupytheBanks,  OmegaTimes 13 Bloodlines  OpEdNews Neil Entwistle  Orwelliana Rothschild owned Central Banks  OWG.LiveJournal  OWG.LiveJournal Auchi Rothschild  PalestineFacts  Palestine- Remembered  Pearltrees research  PeoplesConference Vatican, Washington DC, City of London  PhilLand, Committee of 300, gold, diamonds, Boer war.  Physic911, Was 1993 WTC related to 9/11/  Piazzadcara Japan nuclear, Fukushima  Pilotsfor911Truth Japan, Russia, 1904, Rothschild forums BCCI info  Planetization  Platts, China Oil Companies  Politicalfail  PoorRichards blog Communists, Triads, tycoons,China  ThePopulist WTC steel  Powerbase 1% research 99% help  PressTV  NATO forces in Syria, attack  CuttingEdge Religious Right and the Illuminati  DailyPaulVatican bank, Rothschild  Romney, Netanyahu  Despatch famous Mormon Freemasons,  DrKentShow Paul Wellstone assassinated  Encyclopedia of Freemasonry  ExposingSatanism  GoldSeek Goldsmiths, RD Bradshaw,  Gold Speculator Zhou_Xiaochuan  GoodNewsAboutGod Jews run the world  GuyintheEye Zion, land of the covenant  HealingOurHearts Boaz, or Tubalcain, or Jachin, or Mah-hah-bone  Intelfiles  JesusIsSavior  JWFacts Jehovahs Witness & Freemasons  LDSFreedomForum Romney, Illuminati  LetFreedomRing Rostenkowski  LibertyGunRights NAFTA Superhighway  Ludwig Von Mises Institute Austrian economics, Libertarian  MafiaToday Bo Xilai / Triads  MasonicDictionary   Muckety Rothschild  Ministries-Online  NewsMax Clinton Wang Jun, China  Obamaism, is he a communist  OilforImmigration  Online Library of Liberty  Orbisvitai bible thumpers  P2012  Pilgram  Proliberty  Romney4President  Sarovic Rothschilds are the antiChrist  Save a Patriot Who Owns the Fed Group  British Bankers Assc LIBOR fraud  Bronfmans Jewish control of Canada  BusinessWeek Company Overview of N M Rothschild & Sons  British Institute of International Affairs. Chatham House  CarnigieEndowme nt Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative, EASI  Center For Global Studies Stephen Hadley  University of Chicago RIIA, Chatam House  Center of Strategic and International Studies  CFG  Chatham House Rothschild front  ChicagoCouncil Global  Concordia  ClubforGrowth  Conspiracy Theories, Rough Guide  CorporationWiki  Dayan Nakba Law  Debretts Jock Green-Armytage  Destination- Yisrael stock market,  Detoxorist Freemasonry  DFSA Dubai Financial Service Authority  DIFC Dubai International Finance Center, Rothschild MiddleEast Ltd  Diligence-Int Newbridge  Discovery Institute
  • 7.  ConspiracyPlanet BIS Bank of International Settlements  ConspiracyPlanet Cheney  ConspiracyRealityTV Central Bank Assassinations  ConspiracyTheoryOne SpaceX  Lord Hutton Inquiry, Rothschild  Constitutionalgov Amec, Rothschild  CorbettReport 9/11 Whistleblowers  Council for the National Interest, Romney Israeli- firsters, mizrachi  Counterpsyops mind control  Cover-up, Lies Contradictions, 9/11  CrisisBoom shield explained  Curezone IG Farben, Bayer, BASF  DailyCatholic the Pope's Bank  DailyBail bailout corruption news  DailySheeple over population  DandelionSalad Central Banks, Rothschild  Dastych Wanta, Global Security Fund  DeekNow  DavidIcke Clinton Obama Rothschild Uranium  DeadlyClear tax shelters  DeanHenderson and Clark  DeanHenderson Four Horseman Royal Dutch Shell, Rothschild  DeepPoliticsForum Jordan / Rothschild  DejanLucic Murdoch Rothschild  Deletionpedia  DirkEiler Safra, BCCI, Rich, Picciotto  Digital History  DigWithin AMEC Barry McDaniel  DisquietReservations  Divine Cosmos $6 trillion Italian bonds,lawsuit  DocStoc download Trilateral members  Doeda Cantor Fitzgerald  Dutroux Affair Rothschild  Eclinik Rothschild demise  EducateYourself NWO  EducateYourself Tavistock  Effedieffe Trilateral member list  PrisonPlanet Breitbart Obama video, Ayers  ProCon  ProjectWorldAwaren ess  ProjectWorldAwaren ess The Obama Deception, fractional reserve banking  Psuedoreality committee of 300  Puppet99 Rothschilds brought us Communism, Funded Lenin and Trotsky  Puppet99 Hapsburg, Orange Lichtenstein, Guelph  Racelies Rothschild own Obama and Romney  Radio Islam Koestler 13 Tribes  RadicalPress Mullins  TheRealAgenda BIS, Rothschild  RedsCatsBoard.yuku Vatican  RedIceCreations  Reformation  Reformation Rockefeller  Rense  Rense POWERS Fritz Springmeier  Rense Rothschild funded Civil War  RightWeb Frank Gaffney  Romney4President.u s Mormon Mafia  RT Vatican banking scandal  Rumormillnews  Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon, Scribd  Russian Mafia Timeline  Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline  Sage Ford Carnigie Rockfeller  Sarovic Rothschild, Yugoslavia  Scapegoat Timeline  Scaruffi Russia timeline  ScionofZion  SeekGod  ServantoftheLight Rothschild control of Vatican Bank.  SpinWatch monitoring pr and spin  Stormfront  SupportBorderControls AIG, Greenbert, Rothschild  Tea Party Thomas Ayers, Obama  Texemarrs Gingrich, The Third Way, NWO  Texemarrs, Triads, Israel, NWO  TribWatch Pre- Tribulation Planning for a Post Tribulation rapture  Troyspace Rothschild Papal and Royal Knights  Utah Lighthouse Ministry Captain Morgan exposes Freemasons, signs, symbols, expose Mormonism  VanguardNewsNetwork Roosevelt Jews  VoxFux Enron  Tribwatch Rothschild, WWI  WatchmanNetwork The Fez  Watch.pair Rothschild revision of Bible as Zionist instrument  WatchUntoPrayer bible revision, Obama's Jewish ancestry  WorldviewWeekend Gamaliel, Ford Foundation Wikipedia is  Economist Group Wikipedia  EconomicPolicyJo urnal Romney  Economist Analects,China, Huntsman  European Institute, Sonnenfeldt  Evli wealth management.  Russian oligarchs  Exostar Kaminsky  Fameball geneology  Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork scams  Federal Reserve Audit 2010  Federal Reserve search page  Fed Bank of NY 2000 annual report  Fed Timeline 2007 meltdown  Foreign Policy Zakheim Vulcans  FreshPlaza India  GTP-LLC Global Technology Partners, = Rothschild North America  FDRHeritage Roosevelt Rosenfeldt  Freemasons- Freemasonry  GenelEnergy Rothschild Iraq Oil  GlobalGuru AMEC  Global Technology Partners GTP  Guardian party, names  Havana School Castro Rothschild agent  Hereisthecity Rothschild  HFTReview Maktoum, Reynolds
  • 8.  EIR Munk, Khashoggi, Barrick  ElvisWinehouse resistance to the Judaic World Order.  EndrTimes, In-Q-Tel, IARPA  EndWhiteGuilt expose Rothschild  Energy-net Australia, Africa uranium and Rothchild / Warburg ties  Erichufschmid inbreeding   EyreInterntional population control  FedUpUSA Republican Jewish coalition  FOI Freedom of Information Center University of Missouri- Columbia  FollowTheMoney Money in State Politics  ForeignPolicyJournal Pentagon Flight 77, AMEC, Rothschild  FrustratedArbaDiary  GlobalResearch mini nukes for Iran attack and the Rothschilds  GlobalVision2000 Rothschild 275  GoldenRule members list Committee of 300  Google books The Return of the Rothschilds  GreeneWave Fed earned $77 billion  Green  GreatDreams Maurice Strong, Rothschild  Gutenberg, Russel The Problem with China  Gutenberg project Jewish State,  GWB Committee of 300 and Rothschild  HenryMakow Greatest secret of WWII  HiddenEvil Bilderberg  History Commons  History of the Money Changers  History of the Undergroud World  History on the net  IAmTheWitness,  HumansAreFree Rothschild zionism  IamtheWitness Rothschild Octopus  IamtheWitness 9/11 you now can be sure  Seeing Through the Fog graphic of Rothschild family tree  SeptemberClues Ruina  Skolnicks Report Clinton, Wang Jun, Red Chinese secret police  Scribd The-Hidden- History-of-Money- and-Feudal-Order- Usury-Secrets  Scribd Bilderberg Meetings Participant lists  Scribd elite conspiracy  Scribd CFR Trilateral member lists  Scoreboard-Canada Romney  Seeker401 Rio Tinto, Rothschild  Serendipity  ShiftFrequency Roth schild family  Sites Central Banks Latin America  Softpanorama Economic Rape of Russia  SourceWatch  SourceWatch GTP  SouthEastAsiaNews London train bombs, planted evidence.  StacyCarr Obama timeline, communist  Stop the North American Union CFR membership list  SurfingtheApocalyps e China, Iran SWIFT, gold  TakeOurWorldBack Jewish Plutocracy, timeline  TeachMidEast  TerritorioScoula data, forum  Terrorism-Illuminati book  TheComingNewWor ldOrder  TheForbiddenKnowl edge, Li ka Shing, Triads, Sun-Yat-Sen consistently cleansed of Rothschild Zionist links to modern companies, people, events and concepts. NFU  More 1% links  Waddesdon Rothschild castle  WarScholar  WealthManagement and Trush Rothschild pdf report  World Council of Churches*  Wikipedia Ashkenazi Jew  Wramsite CFR, Zakheim  WikiZionism  World-Nuclear  Xander Rothshild Advisory Board  YnetNews Stalin's (Levy) Jews  Order of Illuminati map enlarge  White Spiritual Boy doc  Heritage Foundation, British Fabian Society link  Holocaust Research Project  Hoovers Rothschild North America  Hudson Institute, Scooter Libby  HSBC China  HSBC Global  IAIReview Rothschild HSBC  IBCA Israel Britain Commonwealth Assc  IDT  The International Institute for Strategic Studies*  IPS Institute for Policy Studies   InsideFacebook  Institute for Religious Works, Vatican Bank, money laundering  International Crisis Group, Soros led.  Investopedia  Iraq Business News Lord Guthrie  Israelect Shepardic Jews  IISS  JCPA China Jews  JewishAgency Herzl  JewishFaces China  Jewishgen  JewishResponse Nixon hated Zionists  JewishVirtualLibr ary  JewsofNewYork Jacob Schiff  JockeyClub  JP Morgan Chase, Rothschild agent  JTA Archives  JWA Women  Judengasse
  • 9.  Ibrattlebro 9/11 dual citizenship list  Ikhras Mubark was CIA, Zionist shill  IlluminatiMembers  Illuminate-news Illuminati quotes  Illuminati Webring  ImperialChina  INLNews Rothschilds Plan Nuclear War  IndyTruth AIG Rothschild, CFR Board of Directors  InformationUnderground anti zionist thinktank  InPursuitofHappiness Princess Diana's Motheris a Rothschild  IntelHub Enron, Board member Wakeham of NM Rothschild, Saudi  Investigate 9/11 US aid to Israel, investigation  Investigate 9/11 Rothschild  IranContraScumDid911 YouTube  IraqCryTruth Iraq Study Group, Vulcans, Yeltsin  Iraq  Israelect Jesuits  Israelmatzav, Obama Klutznick  JCIE  JewishWhistleblower sabbateans-doenmeh and frankists  JewWatch Lenin  Johns Hopkins Center for Strategic Education  Jubilee2012  JudeoFascism  JudeoFascism Stalins Jews  Knights of Malta member list  Illuminati Webring  LameCherry Ashkenaz Jews  LandRightsnFarming  LaRouchePub Halliburton BCCI  LeoZagami Rothschild Bible revision  Favorites  911Review Amec / Rothschild  ANationBeguiled  Aotearoa Greenspan  Bibleotecaplaydes  Chagataikhan  DejanLucic  EducateYourself Brotherhood  FedupUSA  TheGlobalConspirac y  ThePeopleVoice subsidiaries  TheRealNews  subsidiaries  TheObamaFile  TheUnhivedMind Vatican Rothschild control  TheVertigo 9/11CommmisionRe vised, doc  TheZog Who Controls the Bilderberg  ThirdWorldTravelor Gary Allen  ThreeWorldWars  ThisIsZionism  ThriveMovement  ToxicAgenda Money System  TrueKnowledge ask any question  Truthandlife Timeline  TruthControl RIIA, Chatham House,  TruthFrequencyNew s  TruthIsTreason Carlyle Group, Carlucci  UCLA researcher on 911  UFO Blogger Iraq oil  Unhypnotize Israeli connection to London Tube bombs.  UnitedNationsofFilm ,  UNZ Rothschild reader  USAFilms RothschildMassMur ders  USMessageBoard Rothschild 9/11  VaticProject Obama, Rothschild's choice and Octopus  Videos 9/11 inside job  VoteForIt IOR, Rothschild  WakeUpFromYourSl umber Wikileaks, account required The Midwest 9/11 Truth 1st Annual Conference, Champaign- Urbana, Illinois Sept 11-17, 2013 The Midwest 9/11 Truth - Obama Truth 1st Annual Conference, Champaign- Urbana, Illinois Sept 11-17, 2013  Justice, Dept of press releases  LCF Rothschild CFDB  Leaders in Islamic Finance  Le Cercle golf  Legatus, Opus Dei  LibertyParkUSA  LibertyParkUSA The Reign of the House of Rothschild  London Bullion Market Association  London School of Jewish Studies, Dov Zakheim / Rothschild links  LuxMillionaire  McLarty Assc.  MFA FUNDAMENTA L AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOLY SEE AND THE STATE OF ISRAEL  MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology  Milner Group  MrLincolnandNe wYork  NascoCorridor  National Commission on Terrorist Attacks  News Corp Rupert Murdoch  New York Times Rothschild family  NicosiaMoneyNe ws Mitterand nationalization  NM Rothschild  Offshore bank list  Oil & Gas Energy Law  Open Society, Soros  P2012 key Obama people  PalestineFacts  Paris- Orleans  PecanGroup Rothschild Central Banks and
  • 10.  HourofTime CIA timeline  JewWatch  Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy  Lampuri, BCCI  LaRouchePub  Nndb  PhilLand  Powerbase  Terrorism-Illuminati  fed structure 1976 Assange,Rothschild connections  WakeUpFromYourSl umber Sinclair  WanttoKnowBig Brother News Black Eagle Trust  WayneMadsenRepor t China color revolution  WarOnYou Rothschild Octopus 2  WeAreChangeSeattl e  WesDancin Rothschild, Hitler was gay  Wesman Todd Show krauch  Rockefeller Syndicate Eustice Mullins Conrad Black  Mullins, 1986  Mullins, Rothschilds  WhirledBank  WhoDidIt 9/11  WideShut bank-of- england-city-of- london-and-the- queen  WingTV global manipulators  WMR/NFU Obama, Dunham USAID  XAT History of Money  Xithous369 Triads, Freemasons, Rothschild  XOPC.  YouTube Sabbatean Frankist, Rothschild  YouTube IranContraScumDid9 11  ZionCrimeFactory Lehi, Stern gang  ZionistJewFedReser ve end Zionazi power  Zomobo Central Banks News, Argentina   more favorites  911Review timeline  Peoples Bank of China  Peterson Institute for International Economics, Rothschild  PFNYC Partnership for New York City  Popular Mechanics 9/11 debunk conspiracy theories disinfor mation  Powerbase  PRNewswire  Relendex The world’s first commercial real estate lending exchange  RIT Capital Partners  Royal Dutch Shell.   Rothschild Cayman Islands  Rothschild Private Banking Timeline  RothschildArchiv e five arrows  RothschildReserv  timeline  Rothschild careers, LSE  Royal Institute of International Affairs, Rothschild, Chatham House  RSAAdvisors Davignon, Perry  RSAGroup Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group  Sacred-Texts Illuminati  Scale and Scope, Chandler  Scaruffi Timelines Roman Empire  Scottish Right of Free Masonry*  Scribd House of Rothschild, Niall
  • 11.  AntiOligarch Rockefeller  ArticBeacon Durham Trust  DeepPoliticsForum copy  Spartacus Education  Connect the Dots HAARP, weather, Rothschild WeatherChannel  SeptemberClues Ruina  TheVertigo 9/11CommmisionRe vised, doc  LovetheTruth Rothschild  TheUnhivedMind  VaticProject  WayneMadsenRepor t   ZionCrimeFactory  Watch.Pair Ahmanson Ruskin LIBORgate Ferguson  Scytl election systems,Soros  SeattleMasons  SECFiling.NYSE Murdoch Rothschild  SEC ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD  SEC Rothschild 13f  Rothschild  Seeking Alpha What's They're secret  Sinopec, CNPC and CNOOC Chinese Oil Companies,  Stocks-Simplified  Strategic Studies Institute British  SWIFT, or Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunicatio n  Swiftcode.A1feed s Find Swift Code / BIC Code for any Bank in the world  SolidarityCenterp df, USAID/CIA  Tavistock Institute  TheCityUK John Cooke, BBA  The-Diplomat Russia, China, Iran  Thompson Reuters League Tables, Deals Intelligence  The Jewish Chronicle  The Order of St. John of Jerusalem*  TheSwiftCodes  k    UAE Country
  • 12. Report  UK Parliament Publications Hansard  Upon the United States whitewash similar to British  USA Today Content Politicians  Vatican Today IOR Institute for Works of Religion  Venerable Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem*  VRL Financial News   World-Exchanges  YitchakRabin Jerusalem, Holy See  Z-ben g  Zionist Timeline  MORE LINKS
  • 13. Alphabetic index Rothschild Bankster Timeline Summary Top 911 Revised, Dutroux Le Cercle Pilgrim / Tarpley Phony left BCCI 9/11 7 Sandstorm Report ADL Senate Report Finance Crisis Senate Report Saudi Arabia 9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros The British Chatham / Aspen  Timeline Timeline Summary Alphabetic index Top 9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros The British Chatham / Aspen o Fractional Reserve Banking (by Rothschild Zionist Central Banksters) is a predatory income distribution scheme to enhance the wealth of the 1%. Fair alternatives exist. o 9/11 was a Bush / Cheney, Rothschild Zionist inside job o The same group of scum Zionists that amassed great fortunes from exploiting WW1, WWII and all other other wars since are still basically in power and are behind the creation of 'Barack Obama'. o Connect the dots: Looted WWII Japanese treasure, Breakup of the Soviet Union / illegal bond scheme and the 9/11 WTC gold and securities heist, & the Rothschilds. o Economic booms and busts artificially created by Rothschild Zionist Central Banksters. World Wide Housing Crisis o The Rothschilds and the Vatican Bank (Institute for Religious Works) o Empire of the City Vatican, City of London, Washington DC o Rothschilds fund Islamaphobia as part of master plan after breakup of Soviet Union Cold War was ended. o Original Rothschild wealth originated in financing mercenaries of the German / British aristocracy to fight against American revolutionaries. o The Mormon Church, Romney, Rothschilds and Bain Capital. Mormons were originally o chart o $Trillions in Offshore Accounts o Link Rothschild to Auchi to Khashoggi to Obama to BCCI. o Global Technology Partners, LLC is "an exclusive affiliate of Rothschild North America o Japanese WWII looted treasure, Breakup of Soviet Union, Barrick Gold and 9/11 links (Project Hammer) o Soros / Rothschild connections o Rothschilds / Warburgs / IG Farben created Hitler, Banksters created Israel at the expense of the Palestinians. o CO2 Cap & Trade schemes, Al Gore, Maurice Strong, Obama. o Bolshevik Revolution financed by Zionists. Marx, Trotsky and Lenin all changed their Jewish names. see Victor Rothschild o Rothschild Zionists had complete control over the security and access to the WTC prior to 9/11. o Connect the dots: Apollo Management, Huntsman (Romney), Hexion, Obama, China stealth technology o Rothschild Front Organizations and the Empire of the City
  • 14. part of Freemasons. o Rothschilds foment and continue to finance both sides of wars for the last 250 years. see Erlanger,Belmont, Civil War and China 2012 o o $Trillions in Dead Sea minerals stolen from Palestinians by Rothschild companies o First Jewish settlements in Palestine financed by Rothchilds, 1855 o Blackstone Group (Rothschild company), parent corporation of one of three lease- holders for WTC 7 o Cold War with USSR was a highly profitable, Rothschild-bankster hoax and the "The RedSymphony" o WTC steel went to Rothschild Zionist connected scrap yards. (evidence removal) o 9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to Rothschild-Funded Mossad security firm ICTS .. o Rothschild Zionist Crown family of Chicago switched support from Obama to Romney. o Iran attack is about its Central Bank and Rothschild monopoly of nuclear fuel. o AMEC, a Rothschild connected company did WTC / Pentagon rubble cleanup (evidence removal) o Obama is a Rothschild Zionist controlled President, and see Khodorkovsky o Systems Planning Corp, Dov Zakheim, WTC 9/11 remote controlled aircraft, Rothschild connection o 2012 election voting machines Rothschild connections. o Enron scandal and NM Rothschild employee Lord Please be directed to NewsFollow on Enron board. ... Qatar, Turkmenistan, natural gas, corruption. o COREXIT is a product of Nalco Holding Company which is owned by The Blackstone Group, Jacob Rothschild is on International Advisory Board o Victor Rothschild and J. Robert Oppenheimer ring leaders in Britain's biggest communist spy scandal. Nukes o Use Global Warming as means to further NWO agenda o Zionists in Obama administration and Romney Zionist advisors o Rothschilds and 'WWIII' China/Russia and Bo Xilai 'color revolution. o Capcom, involvement in BCCI, Rothschild at the core of BCCI o P2 o Tony Blair controlled by Zionists to invade Iraq. o Link Rothchild to Madoff scandal through Jacob Ezra Merkin's father. Link GM bailout to Jacob Ezra Merkin. and also to 9/11 Judge Hellerstein o Zionists created Soviet concentration camps o Rio Tinto, Hutchison Whampoa. o Bible revisions financed by Rothschilds o Rothschilds funded Mao Tse Tung o London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) and London School of Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind) relationship. o Martin Frost The 'Rothschild Connection': in the invasion of Iraq o Illuminati=CFR, Bilderberg, Committee of 300 etc. o How Goldman Sachs Took Over the World o Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins o Eric Cantor, Rothschild controlled Republican leader of the House of Representatives. o 1970 Middle East Oil Crisis & the Rothschilds o Lazard and the auto industry o 9/11 Judge Hellerstein is an orthodox Jew, a clear conflict of interest given Israel evidence ties to 9/11. o Canada, Bronfman, Desmarais, Barrick Gold, links to Rothschild o Nixon hated Zionists and so they removed him from office. o Vatican Banking Scandal Institute for Religious Works o Saud, House of Saud (Wahhabi) is Jewish, Rothschild agents o IMF Planned riots o BlackRock o Link Barrick Gold / Enron / Rothschild o BCCI scandal and the Rothschilds, Dr. Alfred Hartman o Rothschild and 'The Weather Channel'.
  • 15. o NATO, Rothschild's Army o Jewish Billionaires o A path from Obama to Rothschild includes Valerie Jarrett, Chicago Tribune, Hollinger International, Telegraph.UK The ultimate victory for the Rothschilds would be a war between China/Russia vs. The US where Rothchild companies supply both sides with weapons and materials, then declaring a 'new world order' as a solution to the mess they created through debt abuse; all consistent with the history of the last 250 years. Very sad; they are very sick people.  Timeline Alphabetic Subject Index or Summary Top 9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros o 1993 WTC bombing o $240 Billion ..1991 bonds (Bush) had to settle by Sepember 11, 2001 o 2012 Election o 666 o 9/11 Bush / Zionist Inside Job o Abeles, Sir Peter, Murdoch to Rothschild o ABN Amro Rothschild o ABN Amro, La Salle National Bank o Adham, Kamal o Agius, Marcus o AIG o AIPAC o o Aitken, Jonathan o Alex Brown & Co o Alexander Hamilton o Allianz Emanuel, Obama o Alinsky, Saul o Allbaugh, Joe FEMA 9/11 o Sheikh MansourBin Zayed Al Nahyan o al Qaeda created by Zionists o al Qaeda o al Rajhi Bank HSBC money o Continental Bank, IOR o Corexit, Gulf oil disaster o Council of the Americas, Rockefeller o CounterPsyops Mitre Schlesinger o Credit Suisse o Crown, Lester Rothschild b ackground o Daimler Chrysler o DARPA, IARPA o Davignon, Viscount - Bilderberg Chairman o Davis, Allison, Rezko o Davis, Miner, Barnhill, and Galland, Rezko o Davis, Polk & Wardwell - Pilgrim o Dead Sea minerals exploitation o DeBeers o Defense Policy Board o Depository Trust Company o Deregulation o Deripaska, Rothschild friend o Deutsche Bank funding 9/11 o Deutch, John o Diligence Inc, Lord Powell o chart o Jarrett, Vallerie - Rahm Emanuel o Jeffery, Reuben CSIS, Barclays, CSIS, Obama o Jehovah Witness Mormons o Jesuit Order o Jesus, Moneychangers o Jesuits & the Holy See of the Roman Catholic Church, Adolfo Nicolás, Black Pope o Jewish Billionaires o Jewish Institute of National Security o JINSA background o Jordan, Vernon Jordan Wasserstein, Lazard, to Rothshild o Jordan, Vernon o Jordan, Vernon, Lauder o JP Morgan Chase o JP Morgan International Advisory o Kaballah o Katz, Richard o Kellog Brown & Root KBR o PDAS Planning and Decision Aid System, Cheney 9/11 o Peterson, Peter Blackstone o Peterson, Peter G. Pilgrim Society o Pharaon, Gaith BCCI, Bath, Harken and bankground o Picciotto Safra, Marc Rich o Pike, Albert, Islamophobia, Three World Wars, master plan o Pilgrim Society o Policy Network, Lamont o Pope, Ratzinger, money laundering o Preston Candover o Primark, TASC, NIST o Pritzker Obama campaign finance o Pritzker, Penny background o Privatization o Privy Council, Garter Families o Project Hammer o Prohibition, Rothschild, Bronfman o Protocols of the Learned Elders o Qaddafi NATO o Quantum Fund, Soros o Quill & Dagger,
  • 16. laundering o al Waleed bin Talal, Prince o AMEC, Bovis o Antisemitism Antizionism o Aon Obama Craigiebank o Apollo Management, Romney o Armenian Genocide o AngloAmerican mining o Armitage, Richard o Ashkenazi Jews o Aspen Institute members o Aspen Strategy Group o Assassinated Presidents, Rothschild o Atlantic Council o Auchi, Nadhmi Obama, Rezko, BCCI o Auchi, Nadhmi le Cercle o AXA First Chicago o Thomas G. Ayers Obama, Chicago o Ayers, William - Obama o B'nai Brith the creation of Obama o Bain Capital o Balfour Declaration o Baker, James Brady Bonds o Bank of America o Bank Menatep o Bank of Chicago Drick, Abboud o Banksters funded 9/11 o Bank of England o Bank of New York o Bankers Trust Alex Brown, Deutch Bank o Bankers Trust Vernon Jordan o Barak, Ehud o Barrick Gold, Bush lobbyist, derivatives o BCI Rosenbaum, Permindex o BCCI stuff o BCCI / Rothschild scandal o BCCI Congressional bribery list o BDM International o Beese, John Carter, Riggs, Carlyle o Benedetti Ambrosiano o DLC Clinton o Draghi, Mario EU o Dresdner Bank diamonds 1890 o Durham Family Trust o Dutroux Affair Rothschild o Economics, Bubbles o Eisenberg, Shaul Mossad o Eisenberg, Shaul, Russia o Eisenberg, Shaul, Lester Crown o Eisenberg, Lewis o Eldorado Task Force money laundering 9/11 o Election Systems and Software o Emanuel, Rahm Chicago, Obama o Ember Corp, Entwhistle o Empire of the City o Enron, Rothschild o EnterpriseTrust o Entwistle P-tech, Britain o Environment, Globalization of o Eurazeo o Eurobrokers 9/11 Brady bonds o Euronext o Executive Privilege - Holder, Fast & Furious o Export Import Bank o Eytan, Rafi Mossad o Fabian Society o False Flag ops o Far West Ltd. Lord Powell, Rothschild o Federal Reserve o Fed Structure o First American, BCCI o First National Bank BCCI o Fitzgerald, Patrick Scooter Libby. o Flight 77 Pentagon antennas,AMEC BAE o Ford Foundation, Chicago o Freemasons o Freeman, Gaylord Freeman Ayers o Khashoggi,Barrick Gold o Khashoggi/ Marcos indictment o Khashoggi/ Rothschild o Khashoggi/ BCCI o Khazars, Mongols o Khodorkovsky, Zionist oligarchs o Kissinger, Obama advisor o Klutznick Philip, background o Knight, Andrew News Corp Rothschild o Knights of Malta o Knights Templar o Kosovo,Soros mineral resources o Kroll & Assc o Krongard, 'Buzzy' 9/11 Vulcans o Krongard 'Buzzy' Argor o Lance, Bert BCCI o Lazard o LBMA London Bullion Marketing Assc. o League of Nations o Le Cercle Norman Lamont o Lehman, John o Leumi Bank, diamonds o Lewinsky, Monica o LIBOR o LMI, Kaminski o London School of Economics o Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank CSIS background Rothschild o Lord Lamont, oil for food o Lord Powell, Barrick board, Rothschild agent o Lucifer o LukOil o Mahfouz, Khalid bin o Magnitsky, Safra BCCI o Mandelson, Peter - Emanuel o Marcos, Ferdinand looted gold o Marcos / Khashoggi Hadley o Rand Corp o Red Symphony o Reichsbank of Germany o Rhodes, Cecil o Riady, Lippo Bank o Riggs Bank o RIIA Royal Institute of International Affairs o RIT Capital Partners more o Robison, John o Rockefellers, o Rodgers, Jim o Romney Zionist advisors,Huntsman o Rosen, Marvin o Rosenfeld, Gerald CEO Rothschild North America o Rosicrucians o Rothschild Bank AG o Rothschild Broadcasting o Rothschild apparatus graphic o Rothschild Freres o Rothschild Front Organizations o Rothschild North America o Rove, Karl o Royal Dutch Shell o Rubenstein, David Carlyle Group o Rubin, Robert o Ruina, Jack o Russian/Israeli Mafiya o Sachs, Jeffrey Soros o Safari Club o Safra, BCCI, Magnitsky o SAIC Science Applications Int. o Saltzman, Bettylu o Sara Lee, Chicago o Sasson,David, opium, China o Saud, House of Saud, Rothschild agents o Saudi Aramco, AMEC o Saudi SAIC o Schiff o SDR, Special Drawing Righs o Settlement Funds o Silverstein, Larry o Sinclair family
  • 17. bank o Bernanke, Ben o Bilderberg o Black Pope Kolvenbach o Black, Conrad o Black Eagle Fund o Blackstone Group o Blagojevich, Rezko, Fitzgerald o Bible Revision o Blair, Tony Obama 'advisor' o Blackwill, Robert o BlueStateDigital o BMI Inc Saudi 9/11 financing o BNL BCCI o BNP Paribas Auchi o Booms and Busts o Bovis Lend Lease nanothermite o Bo Xilai o Brady Bonds, Durham Family Trust o British Bankers Association LIBOR fraud o Bronfman, Canada, gold, Seagrams o Brown Brothers Harriman o Burt, Tye Barrick, Bronfman o Bumi o Business Records Corp. election software o Brzezinski Zbigniew o Cambridge Five, nuclear secrets o Canfield, Cass Obama McCloy o Cantor Fitzgerald 9/11 WTC, Brady bonds o Capcom o Carrington, Lord NATO and Hollinger o Carlucci, Frank o Carlyle Group, CFR, Bilderberg 9/11 o Carlucci, Frank CIA o Carter, Ashton o Casputys,Joseph o Center for Strategic and International Studies o Central Bankers o Central European Development Corporation o Charter Oak Partners o Chatham House o Fractional Reserve Banking o Franklin, Benjamin o Friedman, Stephen Marsh o Gaddafi, Muammar, gold dinar o Gadiesh, Orit -- Romney o Geithner, Peter o Geithner, Timothy o General Dynamics, Crown o General Mediterranean Holding, Oil for Food o Glass-Steagall Act o Glencore AG o Global Environmental Facility o Global Security Fund o Global Securities Information, Inc o Global Strategy World Companies o Global Technology Partners board o Gold, WTC o Grail Family o Gramm, Wendy Chicago o Grand Cayman, Clinton, blackmail o Green-Armytage, AMEC, Rothschild and more o Greenberg, Maurice and son Jeffrey o Greenspan, Alan o Greenberg Traurig, AIG o Guelph, House of o Gulf Cooperation Council o Gyllenhammar. Pehr Bilderberg, EU o HAARP, earthquakes, weather o Hagel, Chuck o Hartmann, Alfred Dr. BCCI, Rothschild o Hartmann / Rappaport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o Harvard, Obama, alWaleed o Hauer, Jerome o Hedge funds,money laundering o Hitler fearful of banksters indictment o Marsh & McLennan, 9/11 o Marx, Karl o Masonic Lodge o McCain, John o McCarthy Group, Ahmanson, Rushdooney o McCloy and Obama o McKinsey o Media control o Mega o Mein Kampf o Mellon, Neil o Merovingian o Milliband, Ed o Milner Group o Mitre Corp, Entwistle o Mitre o MJK Securities fraud o Money supply o Morgan, William exposes Freemasons o Mormons were Freemasons o Mossad 9/11 o Mukasey, Michael o Mullins, Eustace o Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch News Corp, o Muslim Brotherhood, Freemasons o NAFTA, Rubin o Nanothermite o NATO / al Qaeda / Zionist / Saudi Cabal o Netanyahu,Romney, Murdoch o Neville Jones, Pauline BBC 9/11 o News Corp, Rupert Murdoch o New World Order o New York Federal Reserve Bank o Nicolas, Adolfo Black Pope o Nixon, ousted by Zionists o North, Gary Christian Reconstructionism o Nuclear fuel monopoly, Iran o Nuremberg Trials o Nye, Joseph - Trilateral, DPB o Obama links to Rothschild Chart o Sir Peter Mason AMEC, BAE o Schlesinger, James Mitre o Smith, Adam o Sonnenfeldt, Helmut Israel o Soros, George, Rothschild agent o Soviet Union, breakup o Sperling, Gene o Sprayregen, James o Sprayregen, Joel o St James Place Capital Plc o Strong, Maurice o Summers, Larry o Sutton, Percy o Swiss American Bank o Syria Rothschild / NATO Saudi / Zionist aggression o The Economist o Theobald, Thomas C. o The Red Symphony o Thomson bod o Tide Foundation o Trilateral Commission, Chicago, Brzezinski o UBS o UNCTAD o UNEP o United Nations o University of Chicago Wohlstetter o Uranium fuel monopoly o United States Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (USACC). o USAID CIA front o Usury o Volcker, Paul o Vulcans 2000 foreign policy o Vulcans Bush HW Soviet collapse o Waddesdon Manor National Trust o Wakeham, Lord John, Enron o Wanta,Leo o Warburg o Warburg / Rothschild intermarriage o War Scholar o Washington Group International, Theresa
  • 18. o Chertoff, Michael - Emanuel, Chicago o China, Romney o City of London o CO2, Gore, Strong, Obama o Cohen, William, Bush Cohen Group o Cold War was a hoax o Committee of 300 o Communisum o Concordia o Congress of Wilhelmsbad o Continental Bank, Pope, Queen, Rothschild o Holdren, John o Holder, Eric - Marc Rich o Hollinger International Chicago Tribune o Hollywood controlled by Jews o Hoover Institute o House, Mandel, Schiff o Housing Crisis, Bubble o HSBC money laundering, terrorist funding o Hutchison Whampoa, Rio Tinto o IG Farben Trial Defendants o Illuminati o IMF o In-Q-Tel CIA tech financier o Inter Alpha Group Nixon, gold, dollar o Iran-Contra o Iraqi / Kuwait invasion o Institute for Jewish Policy Research o Institute for International Economics Peter G. Peterson o Investors AB o International Biotechnology Trust o IPSOS o Iranian revolution 1979 o Islamaphobia o Israel Aircraft Industries o Israel Corporation o Israel Moses Seif bankster o Jacobism o Jarrett, Valerie, Obama, Tribune, Hollinger, backgroun d o Obama, Michelle, Lester Crown home o Obama's real identity? o Obama / Romney controlled by Rothschilds o Obama Trilateral members o Obama Zionist Advisors o Offshore, Private banks, tax evasion o Oil for Food Scandal, Auchi PNB Paribas, Strong o Oliver Cromwell o Olmert, 9/11 o Opium, David Sasson o Oppenheimer o P2 Vatican Bank o P-Tech NORAD o Palestine Remembered, settlements o Palmer,Mark Barrick, Soros o Paris Orleans o Parsons, Richard Obama Rothschild o Pearson o Peoples Bank of China o Perle, Richard o Perry, William J. background o Perry, William - Rothschild North America o McAllister, mining. o Wasserstein,Rahm Emanuel o Wasserstein Vernon Jordan o Weishaupt o White Dragon Society o White, Michael - Axelrod client o Wise Men, McCloy o World Bank, James D. Wolfensohn o World War III o World Central Bank,=World Bank, BIS, IMF o World Conservation Bank o WTC gold o Yad Hanadiv o Yeltsin o Zagel, James Blagojevich o Zayed_bin_Sultan_Al _Nahyan, BCCI o Zakheim, Dov, 9/11 mastermind o Zelikow o Zim Shipping Eisenberg 9/11 o Zionism o Zhou Xiaochuan PBOC   Rothschild North America, 9/11 Connections Top
  • 19. 9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros Gerald Rosenfeld William Perry Ashton Carter John Deutch Robert Pirie Lord Carrington Norman Lamont Philip Zelikow Paul Kaminski Dov Zakheim Jim Lawrence Helmut Sonnenfeldt Frank Wisner o 9/11 Changed the World ... and we are being lied to about it. o Wikipedia 9/11 polls ...54% of the world's population don't believe al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11. o Begin by connecting Kroll Associates to Jerome Hauer and the WTC security) to Global Technology Partners to RothschildNorth America. William Perry, Senior Partner Global ... Technology Partners and Gerald Rosenfeld, CEO... see PRNewsWire press release and William Perry was awarded the Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. He was intimately involved the the US government in the run-up to 9/11 see Tony Blair ... sexedup evidence to invade Iraq. Global Technology Partners is an exclusive agent or Rothschild North America PRNewsWire. o (Wikipedia) see Biblioteca Pleyades Maurice Greenberg bought Kroll Associates Wikipedia. Trilateral Commission Vernon Jordan Mormons were Freemasons NATO Privitization Le Cercle Syria chart o 1988 IAmTheWitness From 1988 to 1995, Maurice Greenberg(Wikipedia) was a director of the New York Federal Reserve bank this is the main bank through which Federal Reserve chiefs and the Bank of England (Rothschild)(Wikipedia) execute their U.S. political-economic policy. Greenberg was deputy chairman of the New York Fed in 1992 and 1993, and New York Fed chairman in 1994 and 1995. During 1996, while Greenberg was deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), he chaired the CFR task force on intelligence, which published "Making Intelligence Smarter: The future of U.S. Intelligence." Kroll Associates, a security consultant firm, which was renamed to Kroll Inc. in August 2001, started in New York City in 1972. In December 1997, Kroll merged with armored car manufacturer O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt to form The Kroll-O'Gara Company. O'Gara is responsible for the security of all US- Presidents since 1945. In 1993, Maurice Greenberg's American International Group (AIG), became co-
  • 20. owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll Associates, as a result of rescuing Kroll from bankruptcy with a cash infusion. Kroll was notorious during the 1980s as the "CIA of Wall Street" due to the prevalence of former CIA, FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British Special Air Service men Kroll employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign nations. Greenberg has used his connections to covert intelligence, supranational institutions, private bankers and speculators, and his huge global cash inflow, to shape a unique personal empire. Since 1997, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member of Kroll , and is currently Greenberg's Deputy Chairman for External Affairs. Wisner's father was a founder of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who killed himself over the scandal from his being duped by British-Soviet master spy Kim Philby. Frank Wisner, Jr., is a director of the George Bush-linked energy giant Enron (a client for whom AIG negotiated payments from Peru over nationalization of Enron operations). see DemocraticUnderground o Go to Rothschild / GTP info and go to Vernon Jordan / Lazard / Gerald Rosenfeld 9/11 o 1997 InformationUnderground Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel. In 1918, when Hadassah opened its first hospital on Jerusalem's Rehov Ha'nevi'im, the Street of the Prophets – a gift of the Rothschild family – Dr. Kagan became Head of Pediatrics. Jerome Hauer was also the guy chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management( OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's building 7. link Building 7 to Blackstone to Rothschild. Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was hired as head of security at the WTC by Jerome Hauer. Amazingly, O'neil was killed on his FIRST day of work -- 9/11. o 1997 HistoryCommons John Deutch November 1997-August 1998: Future 9/11 Commission Staff Attend Terrorism Study Group; Predict Consequences of ‘Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policy’ Although the United States still takes conventional terrorism seriously… it is not yet prepared for the new threat of catastrophic terrorism.” They predict the consequences of such an event: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and undermine Americans’ ... Wikipedia Deutch was born in Brussels, Belgium, the son of Rachel Felicia (Fischer) and Michael Joseph Deutch. 3] He is of Russian Jewish heritage, Michael Deutch. o 1997 Zelikow (Wikipedia) had written about how a “catastrophic terrorism” event could constitute a momentous, history-shaping milestone: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people… would be a watershed event in America’s history.… Like Pearl Harbor. RealJewNews Zelikow Zelikow & Rice are together again when Zelikow is Director of the Aspen Strategy Group, a Zionist foreign-policy strategy “think tank.” Rice, along with Dick Cheney & Paul Wolfowitz, are also members. see William Perry (Global Technology Partners) as exclusive agent to Rothschild North America and subsequent ties to Aspen Strategy Group. and see Redacted News Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD: Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag. and HouroftheTime CIA's role in 9/11 Attack ... and see the TheFreeLibrary GTP ..Zelikow, all dual Israel US citizens. Aspen Strategy Group Jewish think tank, David Koch is member of Board of Trustees. and Michael Eisner. Atlantic Council Wikipedia o 1999 Ashton Carter (Wikipedia) ... principle in Global Technology Partners an
  • 21. affiliate of Rothschild North America. Ashton Carter, MIT professor grandson of Yonah Fischer Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium Zionist Jew. Ashton Carter co authored paper Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policywith Zelikow and Deutch (GTP) senior partner at Global Technology Partners an affiliate of Rothschild North America (SourceWatch) and Dr Carter served as a member of the Defense Science Board from 1991–1993 and 1997–2001, the Defense Policy Board from 1997–2001 o 2001 9/11 WhoDidIt Before 9-11 John Deutch (Wikipedia), former Undersecretary of War, director of CIA; co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy" (Harvard) with Zelikow, Ashton Carter; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium (Jewish Agency) Aliyah, The Israel Experience, Zionist Education, Hebrew Education, Israel Advocacy, Shaping Israel, Cultural Nationalism WhoDidIt o 2001 Academy of Diplomacy Mr. Helmut Sonnenfeldt is a trustee emeritus of the Johns Hopkins University and has also been a member of the Advisory Council of that institution’s School of Advanced International Studies. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (New York), and other professional associations. He is a director of the Atlantic Council of the U.S., the World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C. and the American Institute of Contemporary German Studies. He has been on the Board of Visitors of the National Defense University and was a Bates Scholar at the Naval War College. He served on the Council and Executive Committee of the International Institute of Strategic Studies (London) between 1980 and 1998. He was a member of the International Advisory Council of the Creditanstalt of Vienna, Austria, and is foreign editor of the International Economy. He is on the editorial boards of Politique Internationale (Paris) and Foreign Policy (Washington). He has also been a member of the “Executive Panel” of the Chief of Naval Operations and, since 2001, of the Defense Policy Board. History Commons was given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis. o HSBC Money Laundering Offshore Trillions Saudi Banks Rajhi Gulf Cooperation Council LIBORgate Syria NATO Obama / Chicago Capcom Hous o 2006 Gerald Rosenfeld is Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America. Prior to joining Rothschild he was President of G Rosenfeld & Co LLC, an investment banking firm. Prior to founding GR Co in 1998 he was Head of Investment Banking and a member of the Management Committee of Lazard Freres & Co LLC. Mr. Rosenfeld joined Lazard in 1992 after holding significant management positions at Bankers Trust (Tariganter) Company, Salomon Inc. and its Salomon Brothers subsidiary and McKinsey & Company. Mr. Rosenfeld is a member of the Board of Directors of Case Corporation, of Continental Grain Company and of the Jewish Theological Seminary and also serves on the Board of Overseers of New York University's Stern School of Business. o 2007 Hoover Institute, Scooter Libby, Cheney, Plamegate / Leakgate Timeline o 2008 William J. Perry links: Preventative Defense Project. Hambrecht & Quist, In-Q-tel, LGS Innovations, Secretary of Energy Advisor Board, Stanford Institute of Economic Policy Research, Lucent, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Anteon International Corp, Center for International Security and Arms Control, Center for a New American Century, Defense Policy Board, Atlantic Council, Truman National Security Project, DOD, GTP, Clinton, Aspen Strategy Group (Scooter Libby), Stanford, Iraq Study Group, Technology Strategies & Alliances Corp, ESL, Nuclear Tipping Point, Hoover Institute. o 2008 Foreign Policy was bought by the Washington Post Company. The Washington Post is the crown
  • 22. jewel of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner, who ran the Office of Special Projects — later to become part of the CIA — recruited Philip Graham, the publisher of the Washington Post, to run Operation Mockingbird and subvert the free press in the United States. o 2009 Wikipedia Robert Blackwill is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group of the Aspen Institute. Blackwill served as political-military officer in London, England from 1975 to 1978. Blackwill served as political counselor in Tel Aviv, Israel from 1978 to 1979. Blackwill became Director, Western European Affairs, on the National Security Council staff at the White House in 1979. Wikipedia 'The Vulcans' is a nickname used to refer to Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush's foreign policy advisory team assembled to brief him prior to the 2000 U.S. presidential election. The Vulcans were led by Condoleezza Rice and included Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Dov S. Zakheim, Robert Zoellick and Paul Wolfowitz, and Wolfowitz protegé, Scooter Libby. Other key campaign figures including Dick Cheney, George P. Shultz and Colin Powell were also closely associated with the group but were never actually members see Eustace Mullins (Kissinger) and Wikipedia Helmut Sonnenfeldt During his time in the National Security Council and in the State Department, he was a close assistant and adviser of Henry Kissinger and became known as "Kissinger's Kissinger" and ... History Commons was given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis. o Video 9/11 Kroll, Marsh o 1948 Spartacus Frank Wisner (Wikipedia) was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (Wikipedia) (forerunner to CIA), established Mockingbird (media control) (Wikipedia) .Wisner recruited Philip Graham Wikipedia (Washington Post)to run the project within the industry.Philip Graham married Katherine Meyer (Graham) (Washington Post owner) "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles." Exulanten Eugene Meyer... Meyer (Katherine Graham's father) was in same league as Warburgs,Rothschild, Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb, Baruch ...etc. Frank G. Wisner (son) is a board member of Kroll Assc.  Timeline continued below  Gulf Cooperation Council, House of Saud, UAE, Rothschild, the British & 9/11 Top 9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros The British Chatham / Aspen o  Wikipedia Gulf Cooperation Council Dean Henderson Oil for arms security pact  1776, British East India Company setup HQ in Kuwait... as strategic post to protect shipping lanes  1900 ..cut deal with Mubarak al Sabah to create Kuwait against the wishes of a majority of the citizens.  1914 Hashemite monarchy of al Sabah created in the midst of WWI,  1917 the British made a client out of Ibn Saud, who was also told to encourage Arab tribesman to repel the Ottoman Turks from the Gulf Region at the onset of WWI. That same year the British House of Rothschild pushed through the Balfour Declaration, lending Crown support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
  • 23. Rothschild was less concerned about the Jewish people than he was about establishing a Middle East outpost from where he and his lackeys could keep watch over the center of their global oil monopoly. A year later the Ottomans were defeated.  Mohammed Sabah al-Salem al-Sabah o 1740 FirstLightForum the leading Jews’ duplicity dates back further, to the eighteenth century,when Judaized British Freemasons conspired to create the Wahhabisect in Saudi Arabia, to divide Islam, and provide a geopolitical advantage for a new state of Israel, and by that further fosterthe elite Jews’ global takeover agenda. “That a British spy by the name of Hempher was responsible for shaping of the extreme tenets of Wahhabismwas mentioned in a Turkish work, Mir’at al- Haramain, by Ayyub Sabri Pasha between 1933-1938. British policy in its colonies often involved the creation of deviant sects,in order to Divide and Conquer, as was the case with the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam in India in the nineteenth century. The details of this conspiracy are outlined in a little known document by the name of The Memoirs of Mr. Hempher (Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The BritishSpy To The Middle East) published in series (episodes)in the German paper Spiegel, and later in a prominent French paper. A Lebanese doctortranslated the document to the Arabic language and from there on it was translated to English and other languages.The document is a firs t-hand account by Hempher of his mission for his government, which sent him to the Middle East to discover ways to undermine the Ottoman Empire. Among the vices the British were to promote were racism and nationalism, alcohol, gambling, fornication and tempting Muslim women to uncoverthemselves. and Wikipedia Hempher Memoirs .. In the West it is considered a forgery and has been described as "an Anglophobic variation on `The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. and Hizmet Books Confessions of a British Spy. Hempher. and The Book "Khulasat-ul Kalam" Written by great Islamic scholar Yusuf an-Nabhani, briefly describes times and affairs related to prophets Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. (Peace be upon them.) FirstLightForum House of Saud house- of-saud-used-by-the-rothschilds-to-divide-muslims-and-secure-the-state-of-israel o Tariganter Gulf Cooperation Council, Deenalhaq UAE Central Bank, 2008 annual report Chairman H.E Khalil Mohammed Sharif Foulathi LIBOR & the British Bankers Association Thomson Reuters Inter-Alpha Group Gulf Cooperation Council Rothschild Middle East Aspen Institute & the Middle East Housing Crisis o 1917 DeanHenderson The Saudi throne has long served as anti-democratic bulwark in the region for the London/Wall Street bankers and their inbred royal European shareholder brethren.It was all part of a plan hatched by the Rothschild-controlled Business Roundtable a century ago to seize control of Middle East oil. .. The Rothschildsare majority owners of BP and Royal Dutch/Shell, as well as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and the Saudi central bank – Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA). In 1917 the British made a client of Ibn Saud, who was told to encourage Arab tribesman to repel the Ottoman Turks from the Persian Gulf Region. That same year the British House of Rothschild pushed through the Balfour Declaration, lending Crown support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. A year later the Ottomans were defeated. o 1989 WMR July 28, 2010 -- The top secret Israeli-US program to establish "Al Qaeda" Press clips gathered by the CIA and discovered in the National Archives' stored CIA files point to an
  • 24. agency keenly interested in any leaks about the highly-classified CIA-Mossad program to establish Osama Bin Laden and the most radical elements of the Afghan Mujaheddin as the primary leaders of the anti-Soviet rebels in the 1980s. ... WMR has pored through the CIA files and a complicated picture emerges of America's and Israel's top intelligence agencies, in cahoots with Saudi Arabia, establishing financial links and carve out intelligence programs to provide manpower and financial support to Bin Laden and his allies in Afghanistan. It was these very elements that later created the so- called "Al Qaeda," which the late British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook described as nothing more than a "database" of CIA front organizations, financial supporters, and field operatives. However, one component omitted by Cook in the Al Qaeda construct is the Israeli participation. ... Thanks largely to the CIA station chief in Riyadh in 1986-87, millions of dollars from the Saudi government, particularly then-deputy Prime Minister Prince Abdullah, now King Abdullah, and wealthy Saudi businessmen were funneled to the most radical leader of the Afghan rebels, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, for whom militant southern Philippines Muslim rebels named their organization, the Abu Sayyaf group. ... Accounting for only two percent of the mujaheddin guerrillas in the field in Afghanistan, Sayyaf's group began receiving hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of recruits from other countries, more than other six major mujaheddin groups fighting the Soviets. The tilt to Sayyaf was a result of the intercession of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Saudi intelligence, the CIA, and Mossad. Another key Saudi intermediary was Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who the Bush family has dubbed "Bandar Bush" because of his close links to the Bushes, and who was the Saudi ambassador to the United States on 9/11. ... The Reagan White House's intermediary with Sayyaf's group during 1986 and 1987 was Michael Pillsbury, the Assistant Undersecretary of Defense for Policy who continues to serve as a Pentagon consultant. Eventually, with the urging of Salem Bin Laden, and his older brother Osama, the CIA gave the green light for Sayyaf to bring into Afghanistan a dedicated group of Arab fighters, recruited from countries such as Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab countries. Some of the Syrian volunteers were refugee survivors of Syrian President Hafez Assad's massacre of Sunni Muslims in Hama in 1982. Ironically, the first Arab training camp was established in eastern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border and was known as Maasada, or the "Lion's Den." Masada is the site of the Roman siege of Jewish forces in 72 where the Jews committed suicide rather than surrender to the Romans. Masada is Hebrew for "fortress." more o World War III o HSBC Money Laundering Offshore Trillions Saudi Banks Rajhi Gulf Cooperation Council LIBORgate Syria NATO Obama / Chicago Capcom Housing Crisis o 1960's Nader Library beginning in the 1960s, the Salafi became more formally allied to the Wahhabis, who became the principal patrons of the Brotherhood, which set up branches in most Arab states. With the CIA’s tacit approval, the Saudis provided funds for Brotherhood members who joined the anti- Nasser insurgency in Yemen in 1962. ... In 1962, with CIA encouragement, the Saudis established an organization called the Muslim World League. Underwritten initially by several donors, including Aramco, then a CIA collaborator, the League established a powerful international presence, with representatives in 120 countries. It was headed by then chief Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed ibn Ibrahim Al al-Sheikh, a lineal descendant of Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab, and the presidency remains vested in the Saudi Mufti to this day. Included among its eight members were important representatives of the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood: Said Ramadan, son- in-law of Hasan al Banna, Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, leader of Brotherhood offshoot, the Jamati Islami of Pakistan, and Maulana Abul Hasan Nadvi, of India o 1960s comment: The Sauds royal family are actually Jews living in
  • 25. Saudi Arabia under complete secrecy and under the cover of being nominally and outwardly Arab. Al Saud in fact where the members of the group went to a cereal merchant who was a Jew, Called MORDAKHAI BIN IBRAHIM BIN MOSHE ... In the 1960s the SAWT AL ARAB Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the YEMEN Broadcasting Station in SANAA confirmed the Jewish Ancestry of the SAUDI Family. FAISAL AL-SAUD at that time could not deny his families kindred with the JEWS when he declared to the WASHINGTON POST on Sept. 17, 1969 stating: WE, THE SAUDI FAMILY, are cousins of the Jews, we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (ARABIA) is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world. That was the declaration of KING FAISAL AL-SAUD BIN ABDUL AZIZ!!!!! see YouTube Mordakhai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe YouTube o 2004 WMR NATO's attempt to extend its umbrella to the Middle East began in 2004 with the establishment of NATO's Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI), which opened up NATO's foyer to Middle East nations that "subscribe to the aim and content of this initiative, including the fight against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction." The purpose of the ICI was clearly aimed at Iran, in addition to cementing NATO's military ties with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). o 2011 Bollyn The Park51 project (Ground Zero Mosque), based on the false premise that Muslims were behind the false flag terrorism of 9-11, is supported by extremely wealthy Arab leaders such as Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (Wikipedia) of Saudi Arabia, who is the second largest shareholder of Murdoch's News Corp. Any Moslem who supports a monument to such a hateful and anti-Muslim falsehood is a traitor to his faith -- and the truth. Wikipedia Time Magazine reported that bin Talal owned about 5 percent of News Corporation. Al Waleed gave a check of $10 million to N.Y. City Mayor Rudolf Giuliani. In 2002, Al-Waleed donated 18.5 million British pounds (US$27 million) to the families of Palestinians during a TV telethon following Israeli operations in the West Bank city of Jenin. o Connect Economist Magazine (Rothschild) to Telegraph to Murdoch SourceWatch NewsCorp Corporate Officers: Andrew S.B. Knight, (Wikipedia, Economist Magazine, Daily Telegraph, News Corp) Director, Rothschild Investment Trust C.P. House of Saud, Bin Ladens and 9/11 Top 9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros The British Chatham / Aspen o WMR on the 9/11 'inside job' ... I don’t believe the attacks were planned by the FBI. I believe they were an operation carried out by Mossad and Saudi intelligence,with which Mossad has had and continues to have a close relationship since the days of the Safari Club of western and Middle East intelligence services combining their operations, and elements of the CIA. Cossiga, Gul, parliament members in Germany, Britain, and Japan, the late British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, and others all understood this was an inside job that also involved a handful of people at the top of the Bush administration, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, A.B.Krongard of the CIA, and Rudolph Giuliani see Giulianni's
  • 26. connections to Rothschild, as well. and ... The Sauds and the Bin Ladens were close allies of the Bush family, which had everything to gain in the 9-11 attacks. The only way to discover the Saudi role is for a Saudi whistleblower to come forward; however, that may only happen after the inevitable overthrow of the Saudi monarchy. As many Saudis know, the Sauds are not only in lockstep with the Americans and Israelis but they are descendant from a Jewish merchant family that originally lived in what is now Kuwait. Wahhabism in fact serves the interests of Israel’s Zionist Judaism, both emphasize extremism and sectarianism that keeps the Middle East in constant turmoil and extends the rule of the Wahhabi Sauds and Zionists. o 1989 WMR July 28, 2010 -- The top secret Israeli-US program to establish "Al Qaeda" Press clips gathered by the CIA and discovered in the National Archives' stored CIA files point to an agency keenly interested in any leaks about the highly-classified CIA-Mossad program to establish Osama Bin Laden and the most radical elements of the Afghan Mujaheddin as the primary leaders of the anti-Soviet rebels in the 1980s. ... WMR has pored through the CIA files and a complicated picture emerges of America's and Israel's top intelligence agencies, in cahoots with Saudi Arabia, establishing financial links and carve out intelligence programs to provide manpower and financial support to Bin Laden and his allies in Afghanistan. It was these very elements that later created the so- called "Al Qaeda," which the late British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook described as nothing more than a "database" of CIA front organizations, financial supporters, and field operatives. However, one component omitted by Cook in the Al Qaeda construct is the Israeli participation. ... Thanks largely to the CIA station chief in Riyadh in 1986-87, millions of dollars from the Saudi government, particularly then-deputy Prime Minister Prince Abdullah, now King Abdullah, and wealthy Saudi businessmen were funneled to the most radical leader of the Afghan rebels, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, for whom militant southern Philippines Muslim rebels named their organization, the Abu Sayyaf group. ... Accounting for only two percent of the mujaheddin guerrillas in the field in Afghanistan, Sayyaf's group began receiving hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of recruits from other countries, more than other six major mujaheddin groups fighting the Soviets. The tilt to Sayyaf was a result of the intercession of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Saudi intelligence, the CIA, and Mossad. Another key Saudi intermediary was Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who the Bush family has dubbed "Bandar Bush" because of his close links to the Bushes, and who was the Saudi ambassador to the United States on 9/11. ... The Reagan White House's intermediary with Sayyaf's group during 1986 and 1987 was Michael Pillsbury, the Assistant Undersecretary of Defense for Policy who continues to serve as a Pentagon consultant. Eventually, with the urging of Salem Bin Laden, and his older brother Osama, the CIA gave the green light for Sayyaf to bring into Afghanistan a dedicated group of Arab fighters, recruited from countries such as Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab countries. Some of the Syrian volunteers were refugee survivors of Syrian President Hafez Assad's massacre of Sunni Muslims in Hama in 1982. Ironically, the first Arab training camp was established in eastern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border and was known as Maasada, or the "Lion's Den." Masada is the site of the Roman siege of Jewish forces in 72 where the Jews committed suicide rather than surrender to the Romans. Masada is Hebrew for "fortress." o LaRouchePub BAE director Roberto Quarta is a partner with the U.S. private equity firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, which has deep ties to the Morgan and Rothschildinterests in the United States. Behind the 9/11 attacks was the hand of the British Empire, working through allied Saudi factions. In effect, 9/11 was the work of the "BAE Al Yamamah" Anglo- Saudi imperial apparatus, which forms a core of the ongoing British Sykes-Picot controls over the entire Persian Gulf and extended Southwest Asia.
  • 27. o 1976 Chagataikhan Safari Club The Safari Club- An Alternate Super Intelligence Agency. In September 1 1976, a group of countries got together and established a newly formed secret cabal of intelligence agencies called the Safari Club. It included France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Iran. The club was a brain child of Alexandre de Marenches, head of the French external intelligence service SDECE. It was likely formed with the connivance of CIA to compensate for it’s paralysis after Watergate - as a means of circumventing US Congress which had tied down the CIA! Acutely conscious of the Soviet threat these countries had decided that if the US could not do anything to counter it, they would! and History Commons Safari Club o BMI / PTech Yassin al-Qadi, a Saudi multimillionaire. He will invest $5 million of Ptech’s start-up money. The US will declare him an al-Qaeda financier shortly after 9/11 (see October 12, 2001). In 1998, al-Qadi will come under investigation by FBI agent Robert Wright (see October 1998) for potential ties to the 1998 US embassy bombings (see August 7, 1998). Al-Qadi is also a major investor in BMI Inc., an investment firm with connections to a remarkable number of suspected terrorist financiers (see 1986-October 1999). Al-Qadi later will claims that he sold his investment in Ptech in 1999, but there will be evidence he may continue to hold a financial stake after that year, and even after the US will officially declare him a terrorism financier (see 1999-After October 12, 2001). o HSBC Money Laundering Offshore Trillions Saudi Banks Rajhi Gulf Cooperation Council LIBORgate Syria NATO Obama / Chicago Capcom Housing Crisis o 1980 IntelHub Oil and Drug Money Overlords The international bankers oversee Persian Gulf oil wealth generated by their Big Oil tentacles. Chase Manhattan called the shots at Iran’s central Bank Markazi, then looted the Iranian Treasury as insiders Rockefeller, Kissinger and McCloy whisked their Shah puppet into exile. Chase had close ties to the Saudi SAMA central bank and Venezuela’s central bank, where Rockefeller-controlled Exxon Mobil “is the CIA”. Chase launched the Saudi Industrial Development Fund which doled out contracts to Chase-owned multinationals during the Saudi modernization drive, then bought Saudi Investment Banking Corporation, which did exactly the same. 1] World Bank Presidents Eugene Black and John McCloy both came from Chase. Morgan Guaranty Trust presided over the House of Saud oil kitty. SAMA, created as the Kingdom’s Central Bank as the ink was still drying on the US/Saudi Security Agreement, was run by IMF goon Anwar Ali, who was handled by the “Three Wise Men” or “White Fathers”, the most powerful of which was John Meyer, chairman of Morgan Guaranty Trust’s International Division and later chairman of Morgan Guaranty. o 1980s WMR James R. Bath, extraordinary rendition. Bath's core airline in the CIA proprietary airline business was Skyways Aircraft Leasing, which was originally registered in 1980 in the Cayman Islands as Cotopax Investments. Skyways was linked to another Cayman firm, IC Inc., that was linked to Oliver North's illegal support network for the Nicaraguan contras code-named the "Enterprise." According to John Caylor, the Gulf Coast investigative reporter. ... Skyways' "fleet" included a single Gulfstream, one of the favored aircraft now used for CIA rendition flights. The firm soon handled larger aircraft, including a Boeing 707-138 (B) that was bought by Skyways from Sheik Abdallah Baroom, a wealthy Saudi businessman. The aircraft, registered as N707SK, was owned by Sheik Salem Bin Laden, the older brother of Osama Bin Laden who was killed in a suspicious air crash outside of San Antonio in 1988. In 1990. the aircraft was re-registered as N707KS, swapping the last two letters, with the owner listed as First City Bank of Houston, Texas. First City was later liquidated after its declared bankruptcy. The bank was linked by congressional investigators to the Rothschild global banking empire. First City was founded by James A. Elkins, nicknamed "The Judge," who also founded Houston's largest law firm, Vinson & Elkins (Wikipedia, Enron ). The law firm represented Enron. search terms include: Bank of England, Bank of Scotland, Balfour, Manasseh, Lord Clydesmuir, Barclays, Polwarth, Halliburton, Imperial Chemical Industries, Canadian Pacific,
  • 28. Wimpey, ... and see o o 1999 Serendipity Globalists Created Wahhabi Terrorism to Destroy Islam and Justify a Global State. In 1999 King Fahd of Saudi Arabia attended the Bilderberg meeting, presumably to discuss his role in furthering the interests of world government, along with other such luminaries as Yasser Arafat and the Pope GlobalResearch o 2000 The Carlyle Group manages the most important part of the Saudi Bin Laden Group financial funds. Among its managers, we have Sami Mubarak Brama, the representative in Great Britain of the Khaled Ben Mahfouz (Wikipedia) (bailed out Bush's Harken Energy) and Talat Othmann o 2000 The 9/11 Commission Revised, John Kerry In Azerbaijan, one finds a large cast of participants all linked through supporting roles in the Iran-Contra Scandal and its cover-up. (The Iran-Contra scandal, the October Surprise manipulation of the Presidential election by George Bush Sr., the deliberate sabotage of a US rescue attempt of US hostages in Iran, and the cover-up of these activities is reviewed in a subsequent section of this report, to demonstrate the collaborative history of these individuals.) In Azerbaijan, these individuals are · Adnan Khashoggi, whose Azerbaijan banks "played a big part in the formation of terrorist camps and in the opening of laboratories for developing chemical and bacteriological weapons in Nagornyy Karabakh.’ · Richard Secord, (see Intelhub, Rothschild) a former U.S. Air Force major general who been helping to recruit and train the Azerbaijani army as well as regional secret services; · Richard Armitage, acting as a consultant to Halliburton and Unocal at the time, and President of the US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce; · Farhad Azima, arms merchant with Iranian background, member of US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce, assisted Richard Secord in recruiting and training mujahedin mercenaries, owns the Azerbaijan Airlines, and has a twenty year old relationship with the Bush family enterprise; · Khalid bin Mahfouz, owner, with the bin Laden family and members of the Saudi royal family of the Saudi companies Delta Oil and Nimir Oil. Both are partners with Unocal in Azerbaijan. · Dick Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, lobbyist for the Azerbaijan International Operating Company, on US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce; · David Kimche, Israeli Mossad agent who brought Israeli agents into Azerbaijan at the request of Secord, and worked with Secord and the regional secret service organizations. The essence of the Azerbaijan operation was an effort by former Iran-Contra conspirators to illegally support the despotic government of Azerbaijan in its war against Russian backed Armenia. In doing so, they supposedly sought to protect for US and Saudi Oil interests a western access to the Caspian Oil basin, and one of the four largest oil fields in the region. They did so by illegally recruiting Afghan mujahedin mercenaries to fight for Azerbaijan (against Russian backed Armenians), using Mega Oil as the financial cover o 1970s AlienScientist AMEC is a major international player in the oil and gas industry, as well as in other natural resource industries. AMEC had a significant presence in Saudi Arabia dating back to the late 1970s, providing support to the national oil company Saudi Aramco, which is by far the richest company in the world. Executives and board members at AMEC include former directors of NM Rothschild, Kellogg, Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and SG Warburg. AMEC board 2012 Simon Thompson He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. 2001 Sydney Gillibrand, Jean Monville, David Robson, James Dallas, George Payne, John Early. Jock Green-Armytage, Stuart Siddall, Peter Janson. and Sir Peter Mason on BAE Systems board.... and Sir Peter is currently Chairman of Thames Water and is the senior non-executive director of Subsea 7 S.A. He retired as Chief Executive Officer of AMEC plc in September 2006 and prior to that held a number of appointments in the engineering and construction industry including Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Balfour Beatty Ltd. LaRouchPac BAE Director Sir Peter Mason is the retired chief executive of AMEC plc, a British engineering firm with ties to N.M. Rothschild. YouTube IranContraScumDid911 and FedUpUSA BAE info, Mike Turner.
  • 29. o Notice the antennas directly in the the 'missile' flight path. AMEC did the renovation and restoration of the Pentagon section hit by the 'missile' allowing them to secretly install the antennas. see NFU Flight 77 page 15 enlarge o AMEC 2004 Announces Appointment of New Chairman Mr Green-Armytage (John McDonald), for many years a director and non-executive director of NM Rothschild & Sons Limited, has a long track record in the investment banking and private equity sectors. When at NM Rothschild, he was one of the bank’s senior corporate financiers and was a director of its asset management business in the 1990s. "“Jock Green-Armytage (Debretts) has been an invaluable adviser over the last seven years. His appointment brings continuity and an in-depth knowledge of AMEC". annual report 2003 o 9-11Strike AMEC's British partner in the WTC cleanup was Bovis Lend Lease, run by Sir Frank Lampl, a Czechoslovakian immigrant to Britain, who somehow managed to become a British knight according to Bollyn's report. VaticProject Frank Lampl, the "Life President" of Bovis Lend Lease, is a Jew from Brünn (Brno) who emigrated to Britain in 1968. Bovis has done many large jobs in the United States, including the construction management contract for the Atlanta Olympic Games. Lampl's Bovis Lend Lease is a company that has long been engaged in nanotechnology research as well. Since the 1990s, Bovis has been involved in the development of nanotechnology labs, such as those in which the super-thermite used on 9-11 was made. Bovis company archives indicate that the company has been involved in nanotechnology production since at least October 2000. Sir Frank Lampl is also a friend of Ehud Barak, o Bovis Lend Lease is based in London. They have clients in the telecommunications-, health care-, microelectronics- or pharmaceutical companis and the british government. They work for the U.S. Department of Defence or with the Department of Defence in Australia. Other clients are Johns Hopkins Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States, Nokia, Lucent, Ericsson, Cisco, Nortel Networks, AT&T, Telstra, IBM, the European Space Agency or Schering-Plough o AMEC VaticProject completes contract on prior Friday (ostensibly 9/11 is 5 days before re- occupancy), conveniently gets cleanup contract due to on site presence. British AMEC has first Wedge only renovation contract. 9/11 casualties included numerous guidance avionics (BAES - British Aerospace and Electronics Systems), and propulsion (Boeing) experts. see APFN research AMEC o AMEC London, United Kingdom, (2007) - AMEC has been awarded a five year support services contract by Saudi Aramco to support its massive development programme in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. AMEC's local subsidiary company is King Wilkinson Saudi Arabia Ltd, We have worked for them continuously for over 30 years. 1977... 911Review AMEC, Controlled Cleanup o SAIC, and Saudi SAIC Hatfill worked together with Jerome Hauer at the SAIC in 1999, who later directed the OEM and built the emergency center, known as "the bunker" on the 23rd floor of Building 7.
  • 30. o AMEC, Sir Peter Mason, o BAE Systems: Richard Oliver (TNK BP), Peter Mason: (AMEC, BAE, Acergy (seabed)), Peter Sutherland (Goldman Sachs, BP, WTO, Trilateral, Bilderberg), Sydney Gillibrand: (AMEC, BAE), Rodney Chase (Nalco, BP) Wikipedia search terms: Airbus, put options, Rothschild o o o 1999 Aagrigan  Trilateral Commission, Obama, Rothschild Top 9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros The British Chatham / Aspen o 1973: CliffordShack David Rockefeller asked Zbigniew Brzezinski to put together an organization of the top political, and business leaders from around the World. He called this group the Trilateral Commission(TC). Wikipedia, Rense, member list o Counterpsyops Schlesinger / Mitre Corporation Listed participants running the Belfer Center include John P. Holdren, two ex-heads of the CIA, John Deutch, and James Schlesinger (CFR/T) plus Nathan Rothschildand central banker Paul Volcker (T/B) ... Trilateral members. o CounterCurrents Trilaterial member James Johnson was on Obama’s vice presidential vetting team. He stepped down after questions surfaced about loans he received from Countrywide Financial Corp., a key player in the U.S. housing crisis. Other Obama North American Trilateral members in Obama’s inner circle include Brzezinski, former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright see Rothschild connection to Madeleine Albright, Michael Froman of Citigroup, and former Congressman Dick Gephardt, along with Dennis Ross, Middle East envoy for Clinton and the first President Bush, and James Steinberg (Preventive War, A Useful Tool). Additional Trilateral members of team Obama include Warren Christopher and Clinton National Security Advisor Anthony Lake. ... with the appointment of James Rodney Schlesinger,... a Trilateral approach is already underway .... SunTimes -Laura Jarrett married Tony Balkissoon wedding ... see attendees: Susan Sher, Dr. Barbara Bowman, Newton and Jo Minow, (Harvard Martha Minow), John Levi (Sidley partner that hired Obama), Martin Nesbitt (treasurer of Obama campaign); Eric and Cheryl Whitaker (Strategic Affiliations); Vernon and Ann Jordan (UofChicago trustee emeritus); John Rogers (Ariel Investments, grew up with Jarrett, see Desiree Rogers); Antoinette Cook Bush (a Jarrett cousin who is a partner at Skadden); Eric Holder & wife Sharon Malone (Jarrett friend & Michelle O.); Allison & Susan Davis (Davis's law firm); Dan and Fay Hartog Levin (Daley staffer, resigned from Ambassador to the Netherlands) LovetheTruth Peter Rupert Lord Carrington, who is the chairman of the
  • 31. Bilderbergers. has been the Rothschild’s director of their Rio Tinto Zinc Corp. He also is director of Barclay’s Bank and part of the Trilateral Commission member list o Trilateral Commission Vernon Jordan Mormons were Freemasons NATO Privitization Le Cercle Syria chart o Lieberman, Nancy A. – a partner of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & From LLC o Webster Tarpley / DeepJournal Joseph Nye is the North American Director of the Trilateral Commission and a big wheel of the Bilderberger Group.... see ‘soft power', ... and Obama's economics team, ... Austin Goolsby, who is a professor of economics at the University of Chicago, this means he belongs to these infamous Chicago boys founded by Milton Friedman. ... a Skull and Bones free trader. ... the British have signaled who the new enemy is, with the Alexander] Litvinienko story and the Anna] Politkovskaya story, both created by Boris Berezovsky - a Russian oligarch working for British intelligence – they have signaled that the new enemy is now the people in Moscow. ... this rogue B-52 that flew from North Dakota to Louisiana with six live nuclear cruise missiles on board, was supposed to go to the Middle East and attack Iran, Sept 6, 2007, Syria, ... Brzezinski hates Russia ... his son .. Ian Brzezinsky runs John McCain's foreign policy and writes a lot of McCain's foreign policy material. Brzezinsky says to the neocons: ‘You bunglers'. ‘We gave you the clash of civilizations as an idea' and he says: ‘What you should have done is to play these different countries one against the other. The essence of imperialism is you don't attack Iraq , you play Iran against Iraq. You don't attack Venezuela , you play Colombia against Venezuela. ‘And ultimately you don't attack Russia ' he says, ‘You play China against Russia ... but both Moscow and Beijing know exactly what Brzezinski is doing. ... Obama is nothing, no pedigree, His pedigree is first of all the Ford Foundation. ... Ayres hired Obama to become president of the board of the Edinburg – Chicago Challenge, which is yet another foundation funded effort at social engineering and racial conflict inside the Chicago school system the Soros foundations and in particularly this institution called The Albert Einstein Institution, with its head Gene Sharp. These are the people who organize color revolutions, coup d'états under human rights cover, invasions under human rights cover and things of this sort. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the guru of the entire campaign. o LooseChange9/11 Trilateral members in Obama administration o HSBC Money Laundering Offshore Trillions Saudi Banks Rajhi Gulf Cooperation Council LIBORgate Syria NATO Obama / Chicago Capcom Housing Crisis o  Timeline continued below 