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Showe In America
are up to four lanes in either direction.
Waiters asking you if everything is ok
"Is everything ok?" is a standard service question in most restaurants. It is necessary to reinforce good customer service standards, but in America, it's
becoming the bugbear of diners. Call it fear of legal action in case everything is not ok, the practice has become quite annoying. Many feel it's
overrated since waiters hardly give them time to actually enjoy the meal and service anyway!
Besides the obvious annoyance, many customers feel that if the question is asked too often, chances are, something is really not quite ok. Sometimes
waiters forget tables they have already served, but customers prefer a greater balance of concern, a measure of privacy. They also want more time to
enjoy the total experience.
Wall mounted shower heads
While other cultures find it weird that shower heads are fixed in one place in America, it's all about economics. ... Show more content on ...
It's all about conservation and convenience. The standard head faucet popularly used, helps save Americans as much as 40 % more water per shower.
The heads are easier to affix, since the built–in fixtures are more easily accessible.
Weirdly flavoured lattes
Coffee is one of the biggest daily sellers in America. Coffee brewing is now high–tech and flavours are quite classy these days. Lattes are so popular in
America; you can get them almost any which way you want. Even if you are lactose intolerant or health conscious, no problem at all, there's a latte for
Baristas are very innovative with exotic flavoured coffees from places like Ethiopia and Kenya. Lattes cost as much as $6.00 per cup and Americans
drink almost two cups per person per day. As restaurants jostle for market share, you can get your latte with all sorts of ingredients. Chai, ginger, lime,
pumpkin, ice cream, nuts, eggnog, aromatic syrup and spices, fruits pumpkin ice cream and even
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Isolation In A Clean Well Lighted Place
Avoiding Alienation Jules Verne once said "solitude, isolation, are painful things and beyond human endurance" (Verne). It is obvious that within life
isolation may cause a person distress. Despair or depression are huge burdens for individuals, so they often try finding an escape. Most of the
characters within Ernest Hemingway's "A Clean Well–Lighted Place" are surrounded by loneliness, and as a result gravitate towards a person or thing
to provide them comfort. A majority of the characters have gone through many hardships and lost some of the people they cared the most about, so
it is not surprising that they feel despair. The old man within the story allegedly tried to commit suicide because "He was in despair" (Hemingway).
The old waiter working at a cafe empathizes with the old man because he understands that he just wants a place where he can escape his alienation.
There is also a hopeless soldier who is so desperate to escape his despair that he hires a companion. However, throughout all the solidary, there is a
young waiter who seems anything but lonely. The notion of escaping solidarity within "A Clean Well
–Lighted Place," is contrasted by the young man
and portrayed in the old customer, the old waiter, and... Show more content on ...
The young man is married and has never been alone so he feels no need for a comfort. On the other hand, the old men and the soldier have gone
through many more hardships and feel a despair so strong that it can only be subsided by a person or place which supplies them with reassurance.
Without a doubt age and experience isolate a person from society, which in turn causes them distress and leads them to find a manner of avoiding their
solidarity. Ultimately, solitude, and isolation can be detrimental things many people are faced with, yet few can truly deal
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A Clean Well Lighted Place Symbolism Essay
The Symbolism of "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place"
The cafГ© is the place to be the older waiter believes is a place in which he needs to get away from the darkness and go to the light, in which the
story revolves around. The darkness is a main symbol for the melancholy of emptiness and the light is the way to escape that. "I am one of those who
stay late at the cafГ©... With all those who need a light for the night.'" (Paragraph 70). In the short story, "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place", Ernest
Hemmingway shows that there is nothing more to the world progressing through symbolism throughout the story creating a unifying theme of darkness
and light. The story of "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" bases on a conversation of the two waiters of the cafГ© watching a drunk, old man who they
pity. As the two waiters watch the old man, the narrator says, "A girl and a soldier went by on the street." (Paragraph 10). The street lights shined on
the couple as the old man sat in the shadows. "The street light shone on the brass number on ... Show more content on ...
The old man tried to kill himself before his niece found him hanging himself, which symbolizes how he is depressed. The younger waiter keeps
mocking the old man about it, insulting him by saying, "'You should have killed yourself last week!'" (Paragraph 19) because he is deaf, in which
his deafness represents his and the older waiter's isolation from the world from the world. Because he cannot hear what the younger waiter is saying,
the old man just replies, "'A little more'" (Paragraph 19). Another essential symbol relating to the old man that Hemmingway had made was how the
old man was under the shadow of the leaves. The narrator says, "...the old man sat in the shadow of the leaves of the tree that moved slightly in the
wind." The shadow of the leaves is the darkness he is in right outside of the cafГ©, isolating
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The Mexican Restaurant : A Restaurant With Your Family And...
Imagine walking into a Mexican Restaurant with your family and the staff informs you that there is a wait as long as the lines for a roller coaster
at Disneyland. Then being seated in a table that has crumbs of food like a buffet of leftover food. They hand you an adult menu but do not offer
you a kids menu as if kids had a stomach as big as an adults. After taking your order, your waiter takes a long time to bring you your plate like it 's
imported from another country. Then they hand you a steak as raw as a laid egg. Chevys is not that type of restaurant. Chevys is a great Mexican
Restaurant because of the ambience, the food and the staff.
Chevys Mexican Restaurant ambience is as amazing as the White House. Outside the restaurant there ... Show more content on ...
On the wall they have some paintings. One of the paintings looks like a man with a Mexican hat, a guitar, and bucket of beers. In another painting it
shows a cut watermelon as red as an apple and in the bottom it says "Chevys Famous Watermelon Margaritas" (Chevys Mexican Restaurant– Google
Search). There is also another painting that looks like a farmer picking out crops and a woman walking away with picked out crops and it says "Grown
and Packed by Chevys" "Produce so fresh you 'd swear we grew it ourselves" (Chevys Mexican Restaurant – Google Search). The restroom is by the
family side. It only has two stalls and it is as clean as a shiny floor. The patio has some regular size black chairs with white tables that have pictures
with words like it is an advertisement for beer. One of the patio tables has a picture of the Corona logo. Another table has a picture of the "Cerveza
Pacifico Clara" logo (Chevys Mexican Restaurant – Google Search). Chevys has a great ambience because of the seating, the patio and the wall and its
The food from Chevys is as delicious as the food from Mexico. The last time that I went with my family was about three weeks ago. I ordered the
Chicken Caesar Salad with coke as cold as Antarctica. The plate had romaine lettuce as fresh as the air near the beach, red pepper as sweet as
cheesecake, cojita cheese as white as clouds, chicken as juicy as mangos, tortilla strips as crunchy as nacho chips, and
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Comparison Between Shipping Out And Mark Twain's Opinion
Opinions are the median in which people often voice their stances on topics that they are passionate about. The way in which opinions are expressed
often decide how the viewpoint will be received by the audience. In the two works, Shipping Out by David Foster Wallace and From the Innocents
Abroad by Mark Twain, two positive and similar attitudes are expressed toward the service staff that they encounter on their journeys. David Foster
Wallace and Mark Twain both construe their praises for service providers in two very differing manners. The two writers' opinions and ideas are
received dissimilarly, with Twain's opinions being easier to consider than Wallace's due to the softer language and phrasing that he uses when
presenting his compliments regarding the service staff. The different ways in which the writers articulate their point of view to their audiences
influences the acceptance of the writers' opinion, which is exemplified in Wallace and Twain's two works. People often are very... Show more content
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Examples throughout Twain and Wallace's works establish that the way in which a writer articulates their opinion correlates with the way in which
the opinions is received and accounted for. Twain and Wallace both connect the reader visually to the characters in their works, however, Twain
leaves room for the reader to form an opinion of the character for themselves. He allows them to decide if they appreciate the gentle energy of the
older traveler or the warmth and attentive nature of the wait staff. On the other hand, Wallace's demanding language leaves no room for interpretation
for the reader. His extreme and dramatic phrases ultimately cause the reader to question the value of his opinion, which simply proves that moderate
language used in Mark Twain book is more successful than the bold language that David Foster Wallace chooses to
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Analysis Of I Wanna Be Loved By You
RUNNING HEAD: Close Analysis of I Wanna be Loved by You
Some Like it Hot is a period comedy movie from 1959 that depicts the story of two men who witnessed a crime and are forced to dress as women to
avoid punishment from mafia gangsters. The extract chosen for close analysis is a performance by the character Sugar Kane, singing I Wanna be
Loved by You in front of a large audience. The analysis will follow a primarily fundamentalist approach focusing on the mise–en–scene and
cinematography of the scene, and discuss how this relates to the main themes of the film, in particular the issue of gender.
The initial portion of the extract is focused entirely on Sugar Kane, with all eyes drawn to her. The choice of clothing by... Show more content on ...
The static long shot is also used as a type of POV shot, where the audience at home is seeing the performance through the eyes of those attending the
concert. Furthermore, her song finishes with a large round of applause from the audience, and this confirms her popularity.
An affectionate connection is established between Joe and Jerry towards Sugar Kane, and they are unable to concentrate on their performance. The
music continues to play during this sequence in a diegetic manner but, as an instrumental takes place, the focus is shifted to Joe and Jerry's attempts to
remain 'in character' as women. The decision to shift the music from the focal point of the scene to background music is done to ensure there is no
discontinuity, and the music serves as both the focal point and a prop at different times.
The interaction between a waiter and Joe and Jerry suggests that their cross dressing has not been noted by others, as both the waiter and a customer
provide flowers for the two men under the pretence that they are female, despite displaying a series of male mannerisms. The display of male
mannerisms is to indicate that both Joe and Jerry, or Daphne and Josephine as they were playing in this scene, are struggling to adapt to their new
chosen gender and have remind each other of conventional female behaviour.
There is a display of sexism
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Epilogue To The Waiters
When we got inside a fancy restaurant and waited for a waiter to address us a smile broke out, because I haven't gone anywhere in a good while. I
look around at my surrounding and found everything so nice and expensive by the way the food look. I look down at my clothes knowing I wasn't
dress to look the part.
"You look beautiful shorty." Eli says as if he heard my thoughts. I nod my head not believing him seeing other people dress high and expensive are
in here. The waiter comes to us telling us our table is ready. We follow him as we walk hand in hand to our table with people eyeing us. I felt shy
and nervous for some reason. I wanted to take my hand out of Eli hand, but for some reason he tightens his grip on my hand. Before the waiter leaves he
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A new waiter approach us asking how we are and if we're ready to eat. I didn't have much time to look at our menu, but Eli decides to order for us.
"I'll have the 12oz steak with mash potatoes and salad, while my girl will have a large plate of chicken and shrimp alfredo pasta." The waiter quickly
writes it down on his notepad and remove the menu from our table. I look over to Eli seeing he's already watching me.
"I like being in charge as you can see." Eli says.
"Why didn't you become the leader in the gang?" Eli chuckles.
"If I was the leader would you have love me instead of Nino?" His questions don't hit me since I had a feeling he would bring Nino into this.
"How do you know I loved Nino?"
"He almost killed you, but after that you still wanted him. I think that's safe to say that's love." Eli says shrugging his shoulder.
"Are you jealous?" I ask him teasing him for a change.
"Fuck yeah. I wanted you since I first laid my eyes on you. I should of came after you since I first saw you, but my dumbass told Nino I wanted you
and he thought coming after you before I did would be fun." I stay quiet as he continues to
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The Theme Of Loneliness
In "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place," by Hemingway and "Miss Brill" by Katherine Mansfield what they both have in common is the literary device
theme loneliness. Theme is the general idea or insight revealed in a narrative. These two stories are also different from the style of writing these two
authors wrote how to tell their stories.
Loneliness is introduced in the beginning of the short story "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" by Hemingway. The deaf old man, with no wife and only a
niece to care for him, is noticeably lonely. The younger waiter, upset that the old man won't go home, shows himself and the old man in opposites:
"He's lonely. I'm not lonely. I have a wife waiting in bed for me" (Ernest Hemingway pg. 373) Loneliness, for the ... Show more content on ...
"The old people sat on the bench, sill as statues. Never mind, there was always the crows to watch." (Mansfield pg. 563) She sees all of the people,
in their separate interactions, as being part of a stage production. She thinks of the people in the stands, including herself, not as audience members
but as performers too. She thinks of herself as being a part of the production that if she were missing someone she would notice. She tells the old man
who cares little for her presence that "I have been an actress for a long time." (Mansfield pg. 564)
These two stories contrast the way they were written in "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" the author Hemingway writes the story mostly in dialogue. The
story is mostly the young waiter and older waiter talking to each other about the old man. "Last week he tried to commit suicide" (Ernest Hemingway
pg. 372) We only learn about the old man through conversation between the waiters.
The way Katherine Mansfield wrote "Miss Brill" she wrote a lot of details where you can imagine Miss Brill enjoying her fur. "She had taken it
out of it's box that afternoon, shaken out the moth powder, given it a good brush and rubbed the life back into the dim little eye." (Katherine
Mansfield pg. 562) It bought her back to life. "But today she passed the baker's boy, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room her room like a
cupboard and sat down on the red eiderdown bed." (Katherine Mansfield pg. 565) She also uses a lot of
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A Clean Well-Lighted Place Waiter
In "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place," it seems as if the young waiter resembles Henry because he is young and the most masculine from the other
characters involved; he only thinks of what he wants. For example, when the deaf old man wants another round of brandy the young waiter feels
sleepy and says, "I never get into bed before three o'clock. He should have killed himself last week. The waiter took the brandy bottle and another
saucer from the counter inside the cafe and marched out to the old man's table. He put down the saucer and poured the glass full of brandy. 'You
should have killed yourself last week,' he said to the deaf old man (Hemingway "Clean" 289). Both the young waiter and Henry seem to fully know
what's going on and are in control.... Show more content on ...
Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room. He would lie in bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he
said to himself, it's probably only insomnia. Many must have it" (Hemingway "Clean" 291). The old waiter is on his way to a bar as he talks to
himself, it is dark; in, "A Farewell to Arms," Henry says, "I am afraid of Him in the night sometimes" (A Farewell. 62), meaning Hemingway is
scared of God at night because he thinks God may punish him or not protect him from evil. So when he arrives at the bar he feels safe and a little
foolish for scaring himself and smiles. But by him memorizing parts of the prayer he has very little faith. When the old waiter is praying, he
wants God to have mercy on him, protect him because he's scared and lost. The old waiter also lies to himself trying to make things seem a little
brighter by convincing himself it's only insomnia and "Many must have it" (Hemingway "Clean" 291). The old waiter has no faith, is scared of the
dark and goes to sleep during the day; not very masculine because he's scared, lost and not in control if he can't sleep at night when most people sleep
the deaf old man from, "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place," by having no faith because God didn't save Catherine, and because according to Henry,
"Everything was gone inside of me" (Hemingway "Farewell" 282).
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##liness And Loneliness In Ernest Hemingway's A Clean...
When I have a lot on my mind, I find it hard to quell my thoughts and drift away peacefully asleep. The only thing i can do then, is to give up on
sleeping. Watch the TV, or anything to get my mind to stop wandering. Ernest Hemingway never fails to make you think deeper thoughts when reading
his works. This is the case In Ernest Hemingway's a clean well–lighted place is a short story about two waiters, and an old, deaf man in a late night
cafe. The young waiter is tired and impatiently waiting for the old man to leave so he can go home. The older waiter tries to explain to him why
the old man is there at the cafe instead of a bar or bodegas. The short story is a set of dialogs, and within these we learn that some need a safe haven
for their despair. Some need a clean and orderly place to contradict the dirty, unorganized mess they have in their head. Hemingway's short story is
about loneliness and despair.
To start with, the setting of this story takes place in what is most likely Spain. The title plays a big role in the setting. The older waiter is trying to
communicate the reason the man is there in the middle of the night, and that is because the cafe is in fact a clean, well–lighted place. The lightness and
order are the reasons he is there. He could go anywhere else to drink, but he is an old deaf man that is there to get away from the darkness of the night.
He is lonely and has lost almost all hope. His only hope is that he can have a clean well lighted place to hide
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Discuss the Relationship Between Character and Theme in “a...
Discuss the relationship between character and theme in "A Clean, Well–lighted Place" B–A9–0415–1 What is the most fearful emotion? That is
emotionless. What is the most troubled thing? That is nothing. What will you feel after experiencing so much crazy murder and facing unreasonable
death? In Hemingway's "A Clean, Well–lighted Place", he shows us the loneliness, isolation, meaningless, death and futility of modern life those poor
survivors of the world war one are facing through the description on the three main characters. Using his unique writing skills, Hemingway describes
the character with short, plain and clean language, giving us a deep impression. Setting is one of the most important elements in "A... Show more
content on ...
When referring to the detail of old man's suicide, the young waiter says "How should I know" and "He hung himself with a rope" The plain words
and short, simple sentences make up the spare dialogue, indicate the emotionless and empty feeling of nothing in the young waiter's heart. The old
waiter seems to have more sympathy on the old man. He is also more similar to the old man. He can understand the old man's feeling. The old man
stays late at cafГ© and is unwilling to go home because he is afraid of loneliness and emptiness. His deaf is a symbol that he is isolated from the
world he is living. Being old and useless, he cannot gain the dignity and honor he values. All he has is money, but he cannot buy confidence he
needs most using all his money, so his life is meaningless. This cannot be understood by the young waiter who pursues money only. The old waiter,
in some way, is a transition period of the young waiter and the old man. He is older than the young waiter and younger than the old man. He is not
young enough and heads for old age in his life. He can experience and understand all loneliness the old man is experiencing because he himself feels
loneliness, emptiness and meaningless. For example, he understands the old man's reason for not willing to leave the cafГ©. "He stays up because he
likes it." He argues for the old man, "You can't tell. He
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Happiness In Fahrenheit 451 And A Clean Well-Lighted Place
Happiness differentiates for every individual. Faking happiness can occur as well. Humans can be materialistic and hard to please because of their
need to want more. Some people can be content with a poor lifestyle because of their supporting family. Some may even appear to have everything in
the world, but can be suffering inside. This could be due to loneliness, pain, illness, depression, or even loss of loved ones. Many characters from
Fahrenheit 451 and A clean Well
–Lighted place were unhappy, while some were actually happy.
Montag's wife from Fahrenheit 451 was an example of someone who was unhappy. As soon as Montag got home from a long day at work She kept
telling him to buy a new interactive tv set. She already had a new TV set, house, friends, and etc. She was called to be in the Family show that
everyone watches. Montag knew she wasn't the only "Mildred" to be called that day, but his wife insisted that she was special. All Mildred cared
about was fitting in. She hated being different. When Montag was bringing out his books she kept telling him to put them away and to act normal. She
did nothing but hate his books even though she wouldn't try to read it. She had already attempted to commit suicide before by overdosing on pills. This
shows that something was eating at her even though she had "everything".
The younger waiter from A Clean Well
–Lighted Place would be labeled as happy. Even though he works minimum wage as a waiter he has something
to look forward to.
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Example Of Gueridon Service
Gueridon Service: This is a service where a dish comes partially prepared from the kitchen to be completed in the restaurant by the waiter or, when a
complete meal is cooked at the table–side in the restaurant. The cooking is done on a gueridon trolley which is a mobile trolley with a gas cylinder
and burners. The waiter plays a prominent part, as he is required to fillet, carve, flambГ© and prepare the food with showmanship. The waiter has
to have considerable dexterity and skill. English Service: Often referred to as the "Host Service" because the host plays an active role in the
service. Food is brought on platters by the waiter and is shown to the host for approval. The waiter then places the platters on the tables. The host
either portions the food into the guest plates directly or portions the food and allows the waiter to serve. For replenishment of guest food the waiter
may then take the dishes around for guests to help themselves or be served by the waiter. French Services: It is a very personalized service. Food is
brought from the kitchen in dishes and... Show more content on ...
Small orders are served in trays. Major means are taken to the room on trolleys. The guest places his order with the room service order taker. The
waiter receives the order and transmits the same to the kitchen. In the meanwhile he prepares his tray or trolley. He then goes to the cashier to have a
cheque prepared to take along with the food order for the guests' signature or payment. Usually clearance of soiled dishes from the room is done after
half an hour or an hour. However, the guest can telephone Room Service for the clearance as and when he has finished with the
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William Hemingway 's ' The Cafe '
After the older waiter turns off the light to the cafe and closes up, he then proceeds to carry the conversation with himself. This again, displays his
loneliness. The text states, "Turning off the electric light he continue the conversation with himself. It is the light of course but it is necessary that the
place be clean and pleasant. You do not want music. Certainly you do not want music. Nor can you stand before abar with dingily although hat is all
that is provided for these hours" (Hemingway, 382). He continues to convince himself that the cafe is needed for all the people who are lonely, like
him, and the old man. However, it is time to close up and head home. Instead, he decides to go to a bodega. The text doesn't overtly state why he
goes to the bodega, but you can infer that he is trying to understand the younger waiter. He knows that a bodega isn't like the cafe at all, but he is
willing to give it a try. Besides, he doesn't want to go home to nothing. The text goes on to say the following,"What did he fear? It was not fear or
dread. It was a nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain
cleanness and order" (Hemingway, 383). In order to cope with nothing, he too, needs to go to a cafe but none are open at this hour. He then goes on
to say a prayer but replaces the lord, god, and religion for nothing or nada. For the older waiter, he doesn't find meaning in religion. It
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Fast Food Chain Analysis
I guess it is almost similar to fast food; however, I used to work as a waiter at a country club. I was paid minimum wage though, and it wasn't bad
working there, but a bit rough for me because the customers were kind of skeptical to take orders from me due to my deafness. They would ask,
can you read lips or can you read the menu. I was like in my head, duh if I can't and then I wouldn't become a waiter or whatsoever. I politely smiled
and said yes, I can read and if you speak slowly and I would understand and you can point at the menu whichever you want to order. I would say I
can identify with emotional labor because some of them did not want me to be their waiter and asked for a different one. I was impressed with the
manager because she did not let it barrier me from not going to a different table. She would come up and fix the problem with the customers and
insisted that I was a good waiter. From now on, the customers got used to me being their waiter and irony is that I was their favorite waiter. I was glad
to have experienced this opportunity because it helped me to build my confidence interacting with hearing people.... Show more content on ...
I do not like McDonald's, but other fast food, I would ask for a paper and pen or I would text a note to show to her/him what I would like to order (by
the way, I am deaf). They were startled and did not want to interact with me. He or she would ask someone else to take their place. I was like, come
on you did not have to do that and I won't bite. It irritated me. I hope the manager will educate those young people it is okay to take orders from deaf
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What Is The Setting Of A Clean Well-Lighted Place
Lamar University "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place": Ernest Hemingway's Silence of Life Adriana Daniels Jesse Doiron ENGL 1302.15 30 April 2017 "A
Clean, Well–Lighted Place": Ernest Hemingway's Silence of Life Hemingway is able to establish a connection with the reader by putting together the
different elements used to make a great story. The setting is everything that includes the physical surroundings of the character including: place, time,
weather, and atmosphere. The point of view is a particular attitude or way of considering a situation. The theme of a story is whatever general idea the
entire story reveals. As Hemingway's mature, journalistic style developed, the use of setting, theme and point–of–view emphasized and lead... Show
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Hemingway makes sure to be very descriptive and set the contrast between light meaning clean and dark meaning dirty. He successfully places each
character in a specific part of the story to enhance their importance. The setting that Hemingway places the characters in allows the reader to picture
themselves inside of the cafГ© and learn a little about each character inside. Even though the reader knows that the cafГ© isn't spotless, they can
understand that because it is close to closing time and everyone is gone except two waiters and the old man that it's a "clean, well–lighted place"
because of how Hemingway describes that the street is now quiet and the dew was settling. The waiters are significant to the story because they
represent how the age of man is important to the story. The younger waiter goes outside to the old man twice, meanwhile the older waiter chooses to
stay inside until it is time to close then makes his way to an "unclean poorly–lighted place." Later on in the story once everyone has left the cafГ©, the
older waiter goes through a setting that seems to be a bar. At that time the reader is able to understand the difference between the bar, the cafГ©,
and the bodega. By Hemingway describing these two completely different settings as elaborately as he does, it allows the reader to compare and
contrast the different places and understand the importance of the cafГ©. During this time period there was a war going on and the movement of the
waiters shows the moral awareness of what's going around them. The old man is at the cafГ© so late to find peace of mind, something that he would
have not been able to find by visiting a bodega. The soldier and the girl are important because they are seen out in the street
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Essay on The Presence of an Iceberg in A Clean,...
Presence of an iceberg in "A clean, well–lighted place
From the short story, 'A clean, well–lighted place', Hemingway has comprehensively used his theory of omission. The first part where this theory is
used is in the definition of the characters present in the story. The old man, who is the first character, is brought out with lots of omissions regarding
his details (Hemingway 1). The old man is only described as old and deaf. In addition, it is stated that he enjoyed coming out at night when it was
quieter and could drink until the waiters became restless and ordered him out.
By looking at the old man, the reader can easily come up with many conclusions and symbolic interpretations. Firstly, the old age is a symbolic
representation of ... Show more content on ...
The old man was therefore psychologically affected by the loneliness at home. Despite the wealth that is later highlighted by the waiters in their
conversations, the old man cannot seem to find solace and hence the reason for frequent visit to the cafГ©. His quest is peace and company. This
therefore explains why the writer takes the old man to a cafГ©, rather than to a bar.
While alcohol is sold in all these places, the writer brings the old man to a cafГ©, due to its cleanliness, good arrangement and light. This illustrates
that the old man opts for the cafГ© due to its calm nature, compared to the bars, which are noisy, violent, and disorderly (Morris and Owens 4). The
ruthlessness associated with the bars makes it an unsuitable place for the old man and he thus opts to drink in the cafГ©.
By omitting his hearing capability, the writer develops the concept of loneliness further. The old man cannot even get to hear from the community. He
was therefore alienated from many realities and the world was far away from him. Through this, the writer clearly brings about the concept of despair.
The perceived lack of an influence to commit suicide was intentionally omitted by the writer in order to give the reader a broader approach to the
problem. If the writer had stated the reason that prompted the old man to attempt suicide, the reader could not have developed a broader understanding
of the
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Warren Bennett Believes That The Old Waiter Is A Materialist
Warren Bennett believes that the Older Waiter is a materialist. I agree that the Old Waiter is a materialist and his views of the world as having nothing.
According to Bennett's claim that the Old waiter is a Materialist, "the older waiter is unable to master such faith or confidence, and beyond material
there is nothing" (Bennett 75). The definition reads "the emphasis on material objects, comforts, and considerations, with a disinterest in or rejection of
spiritual, intellectual or cultural values" ( But, I think that the Old Waiter feels this ways because he has nothing in his life "I have
never had confidence and I am not young."(Hemmingway). The Old waiter fits the definition seeking comfort and is hesitant "to close up... Show more
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Old Man is used as a conversation for the two waiters to contrast their views of the world. I agree with Bennett that the Old Man is used as a topic
of discussion. The two waiters are able to discuss what they think of the old man. The old man and the young waiter both have nothingness in
their lives. In comparison to the younger waiter who actually has a wife and wants to go home every night "I'm not lonely. I have a wife waiting
in bed for me" (Hemmingway). The Old man is out drinking because he has no wife and has nothing in his life. Later we see the reflective human
condition in that the Older Waiter goes out drinking for himself, he relfects because he has nothing too. I agree with Bennett that the younger
waiter is in a hurry, he actually has something, but unlike the two older men they prefer to stay out drinking to be away from the darkness of their
homes. I think that the importance of this getting old people seem to lose their function. The young waiter is fresh and the life is waiting for him.
In comparison to the old men who are now old and reflect on their lives. They wished they could have done something different or had a better life.
It is important to have something and people around to be happy. It is easy to look at others and judge that they do not belong. But like the old man
who lost his wife, the younger waiter had a wife and companionship. Hemmingway is getting at gloomy part of life, in the end we are all lonely
individuals when we die. That is what I think Hemmingway wanted to make this
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Amy's Awakening: A Short Story
AMY a woman with straight black hair, pantsuit and large aviator sunglasses walks into Denny's.
Walking into the restaurant Amy finds an empty booth and sits down.
A WAITER with lots of buttons on his black apron approaches here with a menu in hand.
Amy gives the waiter a look and continues to look straight ahead of her.
The waiter places a menu and a set of silverware wrapped in a napkin on the table in front of her. Amy shifts uncomfortably.
How's everything?
Amy looks at the waiter, pulls down her sunglasses with one hand holding them low enough for the waiter to see her eyes roll.
Fine. I guess.
The waiter nods and hastily makes an escape.
ROY, a man in ripped up jeans and
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Descriptive Essay On The Lost Wallet
The Lost Wallet The sun was shining, and it was an overall great day. I was walking down with my friends enjoying the weather, and their
company. We were going to the best cafe on the street, the one we've been going to since we were kids. My friends and I took the shortcut through
the allГ©e. As soon as we walked into the alley, the sunlight washed away and the darkness flooded in. I could feel the darkness cold on my back,
as we ran through the creepy path. I made sure my wallet was secure inside my pant pocket. "It's always so scary in here. Can't this alley just let
some sunlight in?" Mary, one of my friends shivered as she spoke. Her dark brown hair stood on end, and her hands shook. This alley spooked us
since we were kids. "Au contraire, there is sunlight at the entrance and exit of this alley." Amy, my other friend said. "Ok, sure." "AHHHHH!" I
screamed as loud as I could, at in an instance the pull went away. "Lily! What happened?" My friends both said in unison. I turned and looked
around for the source of the trouble. There was nothing that seemed like it could pull on me. Agh. I must have made it all up in my mind. " Man!
I must have made it all up in my head. I can't seem to shake this feeling off of my back. It's this creepy alley." I shook my head, and saw that my
scream had scared the socks off of my friends. "Sorry guys, let's just get out of here." We all held hands and ran ,as fast as our legs would take us, out
of that wretched place. As soon as we
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Waitress Career Research Paper
A day in the life of a nurse can be exciting, tiring, and very fulfilling. Nursing has a lot in common with being a waitress. The two professions have
differences in the way they are obtained. Nursing requires formal education and has heavy responsibilities, whereas waiting tables needs no formal
training and has limited responsibilities. Nurses have a lot of pride in their profession and can have an impact on the lives of patients. Waiters may
brighten a customer's day. Nurses and waiters both cater to the needs of others. Career Choices Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a nurse? If
you have waited tables then you may have a good idea of what nursing is like. Being a nurse is a lot like being a waitress. The two professions ... Show
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Some people wait tables to support themselves while in school for another profession. Although no education is required for the job, the waiter
needs to be able to read, write, and have basic math skills. Most restaurants train new employees for several days. The menu must be memorized.
The waiter needs to know the lay out of the restaurant. Most restaurants these days are computerized and the waiter will need to be familiar with
the program used to enter orders. The waiter has minimal responsibilities. If the waiter has a bad night, the next may be better. There are no major
consequences for messing up an order, the worst that can happen is the loss of a tip. When the waiter leaves their shift the work is done. The lack
of true responsibility can be freeing but the waiter may not have a feeling of job satisfaction. The waiter may not feel respected by the community.
The waiter may not impact lives on a daily basis, but there smile may make a difference. Their smile and personality are their money makers.
Waiters depend on tips. Tips are made through good customer service and making people happy. The task is not always easy. People can be rude and
nasty. The waiter must put their pride aside to make tips. The waiter carries large trays of food, fills endless drinks, burns themselves on hot plates, and
walks countless miles. They are at times belittled by unhappy customers. The waiter did nothing to deserve this
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Essay about Edward Hopper-Story painting
In the small town of Charleston, an older, lonely man sits at the bar in a Diner. A young couple sat at the other end drinking coffee. The woman
was dressed nice in a pretty red dress and the man looking dapper with his blue suit and hat. The older man is a regular at this diner. He arrives at
the same time, sits on the same stool, and is always dressed nice as if he were about to meet someone. He never did though. The waiter knows the
older man by name and says, "Hey Hopper, anything new today or just the same old, same old?" whenever he would walk in. Hopper
would just shrug his shoulders as usual and sit on his stool. He looks at the couple at the end of the bar and nods, while waiting for the waiter to get
him his... Show more content on ...
Days went by and Hopper wasn't lying about not coming in to the diner. The waiter would stay open an extra hour each night just to see if Hopper
would roll in. But he didn't. One night just as the waiter was about to close the woman from the last night Hopper was in the diner; showed up.
She said to the waiter, "Hi, do you remember me?" "Yes, from the other night right?" "Yes, remember that older man
that was in here the night I was?" "yes, that's Hopper, he's a regular, well he was". "What do you mean?" said the
woman. The waiter looked at the woman and said, "That night you were in here was the last night I saw Hopper". The woman looked
up and said "Well could he have gone away or something?" "No, Hopper is just a lonely old man who had the same schedule
everyday." The woman looked very disturbed and said, "Well where do you think he is?" The waiter looked at her and said,
"My guess is as good as yours." The two were silent for a few minutes when suddenly the newspaper boy threw the newspaper at the
doorstep and it hit the door with a bang. The waiter went to the door and picked it up. He just set it on the counter and started to clean up. He looked
at the woman and said, "You don't know
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Barnes In The Woods: A Narrative Fiction
Just North of Granada, resided an old war tattered man with memories of events long past. His cabin was rustic, ramshackle, and slowly crumbling
to the ground. In it was a cot fit for one but a bar fit for five. Barnes sat in silence while he finished his last bottle of brandy. The realization of this
catastrophe struck a nerve and the sound of another bottle shattering against the brick resounded throughout the cabin like it had so many times
before. He needed more. Ascending from his steady chair, he stumbled purposely towards the door. He came upon a well lighted and sanitary place
where brandy could be purchased. Entering slowly, the customers at the bar stared at the man with familiar eyes. He found a table opposite from the
bar and called... Show more content on ...
Oh yes of course, are you still able to make those preparations?" Barnes said with feigned familiarity and want for brandy.
"I'm sure we'll find some form fitting clothes for you. After all, we don't want a bull's horn getting caught on your clothes while your jumping over it."
The Spaniard said as he laughed heartily.
Barnes was in partial shock but his desire for brandy compelled him. In a flash, the Spaniard snapped his fingers and brilliant green and white garb
was fitted on Barnes. Barnes hadn't noticed, but as him and the Spaniard were walking through the corridors they got closer to a bright light. At the end
of the hall was a huge opening that led to a massive field surrounded by paddocks and steep cement walls. Suddenly, when they had reached the cement
walls overlooking the fields, the Spaniard tightened his shoulder and threw Barnes over the wall with inhuman strength.
"You'll be fine out there, Barnes, fight with meaning." The Spaniard shouted
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Norm Violation Essay
I believe what Garfinkel means in background assumptions is how we commonly go throughout the day and the order we do things in. In my
norm violation I am going to not follow the order my culture eats dinner in. The norm violation I decided to do is ordering dessert first at a
restaurant.This is a norm violation because you are suppose to order your appetizer first, then your entree and lastly your dessert. I decided that
Fender's Diner would be an excellent place to do my experiment. I dine here a good bit and usually order their salads so this will be different for
me. Fenders Diner is a locally owned restaurant known for its 1950's Rock n' Roll American theme. On a Sunday after church lets out is when I
decided to do to do my ethnomethodology experiment. I also brought my sister who is known for her sweet tooth. As we sit down at our table our
slightly overweight waiter immediately greets us. We order chocolate milkshakes and our waiter smiles and says, "Wait! No lemon water this
time?" This is the first reaction we received. It made me feel a little nervous because if he is already reacting to our drinks, how is he going to
react to the rest of the dinner. After we receive our milkshakes we ordered our ice cream brownie delux. Our waiter laughs and asks if that would be
all. I explain to him that we would still like an entree but that we want our dessert first. We then order a burger and some fries. He then warns us that
we may start looking like him if we keep this up this diet. This made me uncomfortable because I was unsure how to respond... Show more content on ...
I do not believe anyone felt too uncomfortable and that even some wished they had their dessert first too. We ended up telling our waiter that it was
an experiment and he said he was glad to be apart of it. I felt like this was a very positive thing to do although slightly
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A Clean, Well Lighted Place
A clean, well–lighted place may be needed more by some than others on dark, lonely nights. The clean, well–lighted cafГ© in Hemingway's "A Clean,
Well–Lighted Place" represents a safe place in which one can escape their troubles and loneliness that lurk in night's darkness. In the story the
characters of the older waiter and younger waiter differ substantially. They debate over the old man's being in the cafГ©, which is an over–stayed visit
to the younger waiter. The younger waiter longed for the old man to "go home" and eventually forced the old man to leave the cafГ©. The older
waiter displayed sympathy for the drunken old man and claimed that he is "one of those that likes to stay late at the cafГ©." The cafГ©
represents more than just a place to drink; it is symbolic and holds a deeper significance. The old man had attempted suicide and the waiters discuss
the possible reasoning behind it, claiming that "he was in despair." We also know that the old man is looked after by his niece who cut him down
from the rope that he hung himself with. It is easy to grow sympathy and empathy for the old man as the older waiter does. The younger waiter feels
differently towards the old man, claiming that "An old man is a nasty thing" (p. 153). The younger waiter also told the old man that he should have
killed himself last week (the old man is deaf). There is minimal narration in the story; the story consists mostly of dialogue. The minimal narration in
the story allows the reader to
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Analysis Of A Clean Well-Lighted Place By Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway is a well known author of many short stories. He was born in Oak Park, Illinois. He was starting to be known as a good author
when he first published his firsts stories. Hemingway even earned a Nobel Prize in Literature. Eventually, he committed suicide by shooting himself.
His writing remains well–known. One story he wrote was called "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place." Hemingway wrote this story about an old man who
stays late at a cafe where two waiters were working at. The old man would even stay late when no one else was in the cafe. The waiters, especially
the younger one, were becoming impatient with the old man. The older waiter did not seem to mind much. As the story goes on, Hemingway
gives the reader a good contrast between the waiters. There is also a sense of depression or abandonment in the story. This story can be seen as a
reflection of the impact of age because of the contrast between the waiters, the loneliness of the old man, and the emphasis of the use of "nada." As
someone reads this story, it is clear that there is contrast between the two waiters. Hemingway writes the dialogue in a way that readers can tell there
is an age difference between the two waiters. The waiters begin to talk about what each of them have. The older waiter is clearly older because, he
says, "'You have youth, confidence, and a job..." (Hemingway 169). The waiters have an age difference which shows throughout the story. There is
another line where the older waiter says,
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Case Study Of Deek Duke
1)Deek Duke, with its mission "to lead the market with the best service and dining experience" first opened its doors in 2003 in the food service
industry in Achrafieh, Lebanon. The restaurant has now expanded to include branches in Hamra, Le Mall Dbayyeh and City Mall. Deek Duke has
several competitors in the industry including Crepaway and Chili's, however their main competitor till date is Roadster Diner. The fact that they both
belong to the same organization has several drawbacks, most important one being difficulties in innovation – coming up with new ideas. Deek Dukes
specialty as well as their competitive advantage is actually their "chicken goodness". Their platters are mainly chicken oriented and they constantly
strive to bring their... Show more content on ...
The kitchen staff includes one chef specializing in each aspect of the menu i.e. (appetizers, salads, sandwiches, main dishes, deserts). Once the order
is ready, the Food Expeditor checks the accuracy of the order, presentation of the dish as well as the portion (quantity) to ensure it abides by the
standards set for the kitchen. If the order is approved, the food runner takes the order up to the waiter, who in turns serves it to the table. This chain is
illustrated in Figure one. If we take a closer look at the Kitchen, this is where the most important part of the dining experience – the food, is created.
The kitchen at each branch receives their ingredients from the Central Kitchen of Deek Duke. It is important to note that Deek Duke holds an
ISO22000 certification, which means they have certain guidelines they need to abide by. The central kitchen is responsible for preparing and
delivering the raw materials needed in each branch. This includes the marinated chicken as well as sauces in order to ensure that there is a level of
consistency in terms of taste, to ensure that the customer always enjoys the same unique, signature taste at every
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Who 's Cookin As A Catering Business
Who's Cookin' is a catering business that launched in 1975 that serves customers with great food and service for their event needs. Operating in 5
different locations in South East Brisbane, the business is looking to expand to 10 different locations across other cities in the near future. Who's
Cookin' has however been gradually declining over the past few years as the business is obsolete when it comes to customers wanting efficient and
time–saving solutions when ordering for catering services. The business have manual cashiers that take a lot of time to use for cashiers, and have no
reliable resources to store data of orders when filing. In order for the business to improve and update, a bank loan of $100,000 has been applied from
Who's Cookin' to transform the business with 21st century technology to potentially own the latest Information and Communications Technology
(ICT), Information Systems (IS), and Computer Based Information Systems (CBIS). This enhancement will allow Who's Cookin' to have digitalized
cash registers, computer devices for storing important business data, fund local TV advertisements, and even sustain funding a website and phone
application for customers to order online. The business will run more time efficiently if the company technology was improved. It would also increase
productivity and improve customer satisfaction overall.
2.0Business Background, Organisation Strategy, Objectives and Competitive
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I Am No Taller Than Three Feet
I stand no taller than three feet, even with the monster–sized boots hiding my feet from the frigid air on the lake. The bright orange hat falls over my
eyes as I struggle to keep up with my dad. I slip a bit on the ice and let out a shrill scream before getting ready to hit the ground, but I don 't feel any
pain. I open my eyes to see that my superhero had swooped me up and saved the day. I wrap my slender arms around his neck, hugging him. He
carries me the rest of the way to the small lakeside restaurant. When he sets me down on the ground again, my boots make a loud bang on the
wooden floor. A few heads turn towards us. One specific person that I notice is an old man who's grey hair hangs a bit too long. His scruffy looking
beard reminds me of my grandfather.
I waddle after my dad to the tall stools by the counter. I try to climb up by myself but I am much too short. Dad picks me up again and sets me on the
seat. He helps me unzip my jacket so that I don't get too hot in the heated room. I look over at my dad and smile. It is the first time that we get to go
ice fishing for what seems like years but it's really only been about two weeks. He smiles back as a waiter comes up to us. My dad asks if I 'd rather
drink hot cocoa or chocolate milk. "Hot cocoa please, Dad." He orders for me and the waiter leaves to get it.
"Do you want a burger, mac n cheese, or chicken strips, Princess?" I smile and think about it for a little bit.
"Chicken strips sound yummy!" The old man
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A Clean Well-Lighted Place Essay
In "A Clean Well–Lighted Place" by Ernest Hemingway, there are characters in the story that has some conflicts with each other. The conflict is
based on the young waiter and the older waiter. There are three reasons how they bump heads with each other. The first reason is how the author's
main purpose deals with these two conflicts. The second reason is because of the way the young is dealing the story. The final reason is the way the
old is dealing with the story. Although there are some similarities in this story, but there are some differences between the young verses the old. First
and foremost, the author's main purpose dealing with the young verses the old in the story. The author discussed the views of an older person with a
younger person. In this case, the people that he used were the younger and the older waiter. The older waiter was one of the main characters in this
story that the author used to describe the main purpose of his writing. The waiter stated in "A Clean Well–Lighted Place" that the younger waiter could
not stand up with dignity, that he was nothing of a man, and that it was nothing that the young waiter knew too well (Hemingway 5). The author
basically pointed out that the meaning of the story is that the young rushes and is not blind of what to do in... Show more content on ...
This waiter is rushing through life as if it was a race. He does not want to take his time to get through life tasks. In the story, for an example, the
young waiter stated, "I'm sleepy now. I never get into bed before three o'clock. He should have killed himself last week" (Hemingway 2). He was in
a huge rush to get home to his wife and family because he did not want to wait until the deaf old man got done drinking. He was very impatient to the
point he was having a confrontation with the older waiter that was understanding why the deaf man was acting the way he was. Being in a rush may
seem ok at first, but will be regretted in the
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Short Story
When they entered the ballroom area, the room moved around them like clockwork. Fathers and daughters swirling in synchronization around the
center that sat the little orchestra playing a haunting tune. The girl's dresses flounced out, as their heads were thrown back, eyes closed. The guys of
the pair moved to the left, narrowly avoiding some of the spinning couples to come into contact with the most stereotypical male bar room, he had
ever seen. Cigar smoke layered over head as fathers and sons took generous sips of whisky and chuckled with their ironically flamboyant hand
gestures. The boy seemed to shrink under the atmosphere, and felt a claustrophobic nausea as he made his way closer and closer to the bar. The man
working behind it... Show more content on ...
Steam billowed from what seemed like a hole in the wall to reveal sweating cooks cooking up a feast for the guests attending. She leaned in from
the frame of the door to get a better look and was instantly hit with the smell of the most amazing food in her life. Spices from the caribbean,
cream from the premium cows and the thickest, most pure chocolate syrup ever imagined. She was practically drooling down onto her shoes before
a waiter crashed into her shoulder and in horror spilled an entire platter of vegetables onto the orchestra and people dancing before both of them. The
strings of the band whined to a halt as they were dressed head to toe with carrots and radishes, sticking to their hair and clinging to their fake
eyelashes. The girl slammed her hand to her mouth to suppress the surprize and laughter that dawned on her face. The lettuce flew into the crowd
diving into the unreachable crevices in the lady's dresses and onions into the eyes of all their partnering men. The room turned into a vegetable
warzone as screams shot up from the ground where the women had dropped, writhing and scratching at their underwear. The men soon joined them
digging into their burning corneas. The girl was almost starting to feel an ounce of pity for them when an eruption of giggles came behind her. The
kitchen staff had left their working steamy haze to
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Sun Also Rises War
"All for fun. Just for fun." This quotation taken from the novel, The Sun Also Rises illustrates Ernest Hemingway's distaste for the effects of war and
needless violence on the human condition that is reflected in the experiences of Jake Barnes, the main character of the boook. At one point in the
story, Jake witnesses firsthand a man being stabbed to death by a bull during a bull rush and later on recounts the event to a waiter of a nearby cafe. It
is here where Hemingway establishes his personal negative sentiment towards the killing as a metaphor for war and violence through the use of various
literary elements including repetition, imagery and tone. Upon perusing this passage, the reader immediately notices the repetition of specific... Show
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When Jake first meets the waiter, he is asked where the man was stabbed. Jake replies by placing " hand on the small of my back and the
other on my chest..." Here, the reader can visualize the moment of impact for the man and the bull as well as the pain that the man must have felt in
his final moment of life. A few lines later, when the waiter brings Jake a coffee and milk pot, he pours both liquids through the "long sprouts in two
streams into the big cup." The "two streams" in this case reflect the streams of blood that gushed out of the man once he was stabbed while the
contrast in the dark shade of the coffee and the white color of the milk reflect the opposing forces of life and death, fighting until the end where death
ultimately won. Furthermore, before walking away to tend to other customers, the waiter imitates Jake's action earlier and places "his hand on the small
of his back." as if envisioning himself in that man's situation. This moment indicates the pity and sympathy that the waiter feels toward the man as well
as his profound aversion to the bull rush. At the same time, this moment could have also displayed Hemingway's own aversion to war and its incessant
killing of innocent people. The reader can infer that through the waiter's actions, Hemingway is able to express his own lingering negativity towards
the violence. As such, imagery throughout the passage conveys certain details about the death of the man as well as the authors thoughts on the event
as a
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John Cheever "Reunion
Narrator's in stories are the characters, if they happen to be characters that influence reader's the most. The narrator lays out all the information to us
as they see it and they tell the story how they want it to be heard. Although they are telling the story from their point of view, it is our job as readers
to interpret, that what they are telling us is fair an just. Some narrator's often won't tell the whole story, but just what they want you to hear. In John
Cheever's, Reunion the narrator, Charlie is a narrator that cannot be trusted. He is very critical and unfair to his father and wants the reader to think
that his father is a failure, not only as a father, but as a person in general. Charlie begins to influence us early in... Show more content on
He hasn't seen or heard from his son in three years after what seemed to be a pretty rough divorce between him and Charlie's mother considering it
has been three years without a word. Out of nowhere comes Charlie who wants to meet with his father for an hour and a half for lunch between his
trains. An hour and a half is not a lot of time to catch up for three years of lost time. There is almost no dialogue between the two in the whole story,
except for when they first meet and when they part ways. The only mention of the two talking in the middle of the story is when Charlie's father
talks to him about baseball. Baseball though, is probably one of the only things that the two may have in common at this point, but the way it is put
into context some people would think that Charlie's father doesn't seem interested in him. All of this is very sudden for Charlie's father and he
definitely wasn't ready for Charlie to show up in New York. So it could be said that all things considered, all of this could be a little overwhelming
for Charlie's father and could be directly related to the way that he acted during their meeting. A father who hasn't seen his son in three years, trying to
make a good impression, who is probably very nervous and maybe even scared of meeting his son. Charlie's silence during their meeting doesn't help
the situation either. The meeting is obviously awkward for both of them since neither of them
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Ernest Hemingway's A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
After a countless amount of readings of Ernest Hemingway's short story "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" I have often contemplated what it all means.
I've previously been told by my undergraduate professor that the story has no intrinsic meaning or value. I refuse to believe that is true. All stories can
have multiple meanings that are buried deep beneath the text. It just requires an extensive analyzation of the short story. Why would the story be
written if it had no meaning? In this paper, I will search for meaning in the text that is primarily described as an exploration of existential nihilism. In
order to analyze the story, I will deconstruct the meaning. The short story is filled with holes. Not only is there meaning within the text, but ... Show
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Instead, you enter a world of ambiguous conversations surrounding suicide and nihilism. The short story introduces an ideology of agnosticism and
atheism that challenges the ever powerful, and meaningful, religious ideologies. In this case, the agonistic worldview is oppressed compared to an
ideal religious ideology. Another idealistic feature within the text is being youthful. The younger waiter in the story is privileged because he has
many years ahead of him, a wife, and he believes he has a more meaningful life. The oppressed and unappealing people in the text would be the old
deaf man and the old waiter that are in the story. With the younger waiter being privileged in the story, it is essential to challenge and reverse the
powerful hierarchies that romanticize being youthful and having "meaning" in ones life. When the younger waiter refuses to let the old man stay and
drink in the cafe he assumes that the old man can go drink elsewhere. He doesn't realize that he needs the cafe, because it is nicely lit and it is quiet.
Not only is the waiter closing the cafe earlier than usual, but he mentions that an hour means more to him than it would to the old man. The text states,
"'Why didn't you let him stay and drink?' the unhurried waiter asked. They were putting up the shutters. 'It is not half–past two.' 'I want to go home to
bed.' 'What is an hour?' 'More to me than to him.' 'An hour is the same'" (381). At this point in the story, the older waiter is telling the young man that
he was wrong for sending the old man away. When the younger waiter to state that his time is more valuable than the old man, this shows how the
older people in the text are being oppressed. According to Rolfe, "To reverse the resident hierarchy, only to displace it, that is, to expose and challenge
binary opposites in the text, to expose the
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A Clean Well-Lighted Place
The waiters in the story "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" say a lot about how younger and older people are different. For example, the younger waiter
seems extremely impatient while he is serving the old man because he is in a hurry to get home to his wife. While the older waiter is in no hurry
for the old man to leave because he doesn't mind his presence. Also, the younger waiter seems to only care about himself, rather than his customers'
satisfaction. Unlike the older waiter who shows respect towards his customers'. The younger waiter believes life is valuable and his time on earth is
precious. He also believes old age is disgusting and disturbing. The younger waiter's attitude towards the old man is cruel because he acts immature
and disrespectful. For example, the young man refuses to serve the old man another brandy because he wants to go home and sleep. All the younger
waiter cares about is his youth, confidence, and job. The younger waiter, not once, cares about the old man's loneliness, or the older waiter's depression,
because they are... Show more content on ...
The old man, according to the two waiters, had a wife and a family. All the old man has now is his niece, who saved him from asuicide attempt. The old
man loves to sit in the cafГ©, while drinking brandy. For example, "The old man sat in the shadow of the leaves of the tree that moved slightly in
the wind". The old man also enjoys staying at the cafГ© late at night because he has nothing better to do. Even though the old man is alive and
well, he feels lonely because the love of his life is gone. He has no one to go home to, so he sits in the cafГ©, looking at the lives of other people.
For instance, the old man saw a girl and a soldier go by in the street. The street light shone on the brass number on his collar. The girl wore no head
covering and hurried beside him. Although the old man tried to hang himself and seems lonesome, he managed to survive and keep on living life to the
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A Clean, Well Lighted Place By Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway developed his own style of writing and follows it in "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place". Hemingway's elegance in writing is such that
he indirectly gives all of the information to the reader without making any judgment; thus allowing one to create an opinion about every minute detail
of the story. Hemingway illustrates his foundations of writing in "A Clean, Well
–Lighted Place" by providing small clues that provide an indirect view
of the larger meaning.
Hemingway illustrates one of his elements of writing, omission, by providing two waiters and their exchange of speech and actions with each
other and their customer, the old man. By doing so, he provides all of the information for readers to create an assumption about the individual's
traits; the saintly and even wicked. In the story we are given a scene with the old drunken man and the younger waiter. The old man asks for
another brandy while pointing to his empty glass. The younger of the two waiters brashly began his dialogue with "Finished," he said, speaking
with that omission of syntax stupid people employ when talking to drunken people or foreigners. "No more tonight. Close now." "Another," said the
old man. "No. Finished." The waiter wiped the edge of the table with a towel and shook his head. The old man stands to leave, counts his tab, pays
for his brandy, even leaves a tip for the waiters, and then begins to walk away with dignity even for his drunken stupor. (153–154) In this passage the
reader is
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A Clean, Well-lighted Place Essay
This story was written by Hemingway in 1933. It details an evening's interaction between two waiters, and their differing perspectives of life.
Hemingway uses an old man as a patron to demonstrate the waiter's philosophies. Hemingway is also visible in the story as the old man, someone
who society says should be content, but has a significant empty feeling inside. What follows is a line–by–line analysis, putting emphasis on the
philosophies of the waiters.      This story focuses on two waiters at a cafe in Madrid, and their differing outlooks
upon life. Their views are shown as they talk about an old man in the cafe, and each contemplate their life.      The old
man, who may be a... Show more content on ...
     The old man signals the younger waiter over for another drink, and the waiter declines to server him because
he feels that the man is getting drunk and doesn't want to get stuck waiting for him to finish. The younger waiter then comments that the old man
should have killed himself last week, and how the waiter is tired and simply wants to get to bed at a reasonable hour.
     The older waiter, empathizing with the old man, grabs the bottle of brandy and pours a full glass for the old
man. This, again, reflects the respect that the older waiter has for the old man. This is the first real hint that the older waiter has a lot in common with
the old man.      As the older waiter takes his seat at the table with the younger waiter, the younger waiter comments
about the old man's drunkenness every night. The old man asks the younger why the old man would want to kill himself. The younger waiter replies
that he doesn't know why. They discuss the incident, and the younger waiter asks who cut the rope that the man was hanging from. The older replies
that it was his niece, and explains that she probably did it our of fear for his soul.      The younger waiter questions
the older about how much money the old man has, showing his assessment of what matters in life. The young waiter also expresses his desire for the
old man to leave, saying how
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Essay on A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
Ernest Hemingway developed his own style of writing and follows it in "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place". Hemingway's elegance in writing is such that
he indirectly gives all of the information to the reader without making any judgment; thus allowing one to create an opinion about every minute detail
of the story. Hemingway illustrates his foundations of writing in "A Clean, Well
–Lighted Place" by providing small clues that provide an indirect view
of the larger meaning. Hemingway illustrates one of his elements of writing, omission, by providing two waiters and their exchange of speech and
actions with each other and their customer, the old man. By doing so, he provides all of the information for readers to create an assumption about the...
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Lastly, the younger waiter gets painted as the evildoer, he his impatient and very uncouth in his dealings with an old soul. Hemingway of course does
this without stating any of this to the reader, he depends upon one to be of enough intellect to infer all of this from his writing and still follow this story
Hemingway illustrates another of his elements, the objective correlative, by giving the qualities of "a clean, well–lighted place". He does so in another
dialogue between the two waiters in which the older waiter is trying to explain that everyone needs a place to feel secure to the younger waiter. "I
am of those who like to stay late at the cafГ©," the older waiter said. "With all those who do not want to go to bed. With all those who need a light
for the night." The younger waiter states "I want to go home and into bed." "We are of two different kinds," the older waiter said. He was not
dressed to go home. "It is not only a question of youth and confidence although those things are very beautiful. Each night I am afraid to close up
because there may be someone who needs the cafГ©." Hemingway continues this by saying: "What did he fear? It was not fear or dread. It was
nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and
order. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y peus nada y nada
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Outline On Writing A Personal Narrative
Below the line, write the best personal narrative, the best small moment story you can write. Make this be the story of one time in your life. You
might focus on just a scene or two. You will need to plan, draft, revise and edit in one sitting. Write in a way that allows you to show off all you know
about narrative writing. You may use your narrative outline!
Make sure you: – Write a beginning – Use transition words to tell what happened in order – Elaborate to help readers picture your story – Show what
your story is really about – Write an ending – Use to check spelling and grammar. You will need to make changes on THIS document!
Trying Sushi
"What do you want to eat at the Janss Mall today?" asked my ... Show more content on ...
We walk past Old Navy. Then we pass Panera Bread. After a very short journey in the blue summer sky, we see an overhead sign that read: "Hong
Kong Sushi"
"Here we go. I hope this is good." I hope to myself. "I hope it is traditional sushi and not weird, artificial sushi. ééThis is my first time trying it and
I will call this regular sushi after I try it. I don't want a bad sushi to be what I think is regular sushi."
I open the door. "Jingle Jingle" went the bells on the door to signal our incoming. Suddenly, the aroma of fresh sushi filled the fresh air.
"Welcome to Hong Kong Sushi. How many in your party?" greeted a waiter with a japanese accent.
"Only the two of us." my mom replied.
"Great! Would you please follow me?" Continued the waiter as she lead us to a very nice table.
I looked around the restaurant. What I saw was amazing. There were replicas of different types of fish and sharks on the wall with the name of their
species underneath them. Then I saw a short bar with a clear window in it. There you could see the chef making sushi and the ingredients he uses.
"Excuse me? Can we sit at the bar?" asked my mom.
"Sure!" agreed the waiter. She hands us two menus. "Would you like to start off with a drink?"
I look inside my menu for the beverages. Here. "What's RamunГ©?" I ask the
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Showe In America

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  • 2. Isolation In A Clean Well Lighted Place Avoiding Alienation Jules Verne once said "solitude, isolation, are painful things and beyond human endurance" (Verne). It is obvious that within life isolation may cause a person distress. Despair or depression are huge burdens for individuals, so they often try finding an escape. Most of the characters within Ernest Hemingway's "A Clean Well–Lighted Place" are surrounded by loneliness, and as a result gravitate towards a person or thing to provide them comfort. A majority of the characters have gone through many hardships and lost some of the people they cared the most about, so it is not surprising that they feel despair. The old man within the story allegedly tried to commit suicide because "He was in despair" (Hemingway). The old waiter working at a cafe empathizes with the old man because he understands that he just wants a place where he can escape his alienation. There is also a hopeless soldier who is so desperate to escape his despair that he hires a companion. However, throughout all the solidary, there is a young waiter who seems anything but lonely. The notion of escaping solidarity within "A Clean Well –Lighted Place," is contrasted by the young man and portrayed in the old customer, the old waiter, and... Show more content on ... The young man is married and has never been alone so he feels no need for a comfort. On the other hand, the old men and the soldier have gone through many more hardships and feel a despair so strong that it can only be subsided by a person or place which supplies them with reassurance. Without a doubt age and experience isolate a person from society, which in turn causes them distress and leads them to find a manner of avoiding their solidarity. Ultimately, solitude, and isolation can be detrimental things many people are faced with, yet few can truly deal ... Get more on ...
  • 3. A Clean Well Lighted Place Symbolism Essay The Symbolism of "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" The cafГ© is the place to be the older waiter believes is a place in which he needs to get away from the darkness and go to the light, in which the story revolves around. The darkness is a main symbol for the melancholy of emptiness and the light is the way to escape that. "I am one of those who stay late at the cafГ©... With all those who need a light for the night.'" (Paragraph 70). In the short story, "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place", Ernest Hemmingway shows that there is nothing more to the world progressing through symbolism throughout the story creating a unifying theme of darkness and light. The story of "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" bases on a conversation of the two waiters of the cafГ© watching a drunk, old man who they pity. As the two waiters watch the old man, the narrator says, "A girl and a soldier went by on the street." (Paragraph 10). The street lights shined on the couple as the old man sat in the shadows. "The street light shone on the brass number on ... Show more content on ... The old man tried to kill himself before his niece found him hanging himself, which symbolizes how he is depressed. The younger waiter keeps mocking the old man about it, insulting him by saying, "'You should have killed yourself last week!'" (Paragraph 19) because he is deaf, in which his deafness represents his and the older waiter's isolation from the world from the world. Because he cannot hear what the younger waiter is saying, the old man just replies, "'A little more'" (Paragraph 19). Another essential symbol relating to the old man that Hemmingway had made was how the old man was under the shadow of the leaves. The narrator says, "...the old man sat in the shadow of the leaves of the tree that moved slightly in the wind." The shadow of the leaves is the darkness he is in right outside of the cafГ©, isolating ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Mexican Restaurant : A Restaurant With Your Family And... Imagine walking into a Mexican Restaurant with your family and the staff informs you that there is a wait as long as the lines for a roller coaster at Disneyland. Then being seated in a table that has crumbs of food like a buffet of leftover food. They hand you an adult menu but do not offer you a kids menu as if kids had a stomach as big as an adults. After taking your order, your waiter takes a long time to bring you your plate like it 's imported from another country. Then they hand you a steak as raw as a laid egg. Chevys is not that type of restaurant. Chevys is a great Mexican Restaurant because of the ambience, the food and the staff. Chevys Mexican Restaurant ambience is as amazing as the White House. Outside the restaurant there ... Show more content on ... On the wall they have some paintings. One of the paintings looks like a man with a Mexican hat, a guitar, and bucket of beers. In another painting it shows a cut watermelon as red as an apple and in the bottom it says "Chevys Famous Watermelon Margaritas" (Chevys Mexican Restaurant– Google Search). There is also another painting that looks like a farmer picking out crops and a woman walking away with picked out crops and it says "Grown and Packed by Chevys" "Produce so fresh you 'd swear we grew it ourselves" (Chevys Mexican Restaurant – Google Search). The restroom is by the family side. It only has two stalls and it is as clean as a shiny floor. The patio has some regular size black chairs with white tables that have pictures with words like it is an advertisement for beer. One of the patio tables has a picture of the Corona logo. Another table has a picture of the "Cerveza Pacifico Clara" logo (Chevys Mexican Restaurant – Google Search). Chevys has a great ambience because of the seating, the patio and the wall and its decoration. The food from Chevys is as delicious as the food from Mexico. The last time that I went with my family was about three weeks ago. I ordered the Chicken Caesar Salad with coke as cold as Antarctica. The plate had romaine lettuce as fresh as the air near the beach, red pepper as sweet as cheesecake, cojita cheese as white as clouds, chicken as juicy as mangos, tortilla strips as crunchy as nacho chips, and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Comparison Between Shipping Out And Mark Twain's Opinion Opinions are the median in which people often voice their stances on topics that they are passionate about. The way in which opinions are expressed often decide how the viewpoint will be received by the audience. In the two works, Shipping Out by David Foster Wallace and From the Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain, two positive and similar attitudes are expressed toward the service staff that they encounter on their journeys. David Foster Wallace and Mark Twain both construe their praises for service providers in two very differing manners. The two writers' opinions and ideas are received dissimilarly, with Twain's opinions being easier to consider than Wallace's due to the softer language and phrasing that he uses when presenting his compliments regarding the service staff. The different ways in which the writers articulate their point of view to their audiences influences the acceptance of the writers' opinion, which is exemplified in Wallace and Twain's two works. People often are very... Show more content on ... Examples throughout Twain and Wallace's works establish that the way in which a writer articulates their opinion correlates with the way in which the opinions is received and accounted for. Twain and Wallace both connect the reader visually to the characters in their works, however, Twain leaves room for the reader to form an opinion of the character for themselves. He allows them to decide if they appreciate the gentle energy of the older traveler or the warmth and attentive nature of the wait staff. On the other hand, Wallace's demanding language leaves no room for interpretation for the reader. His extreme and dramatic phrases ultimately cause the reader to question the value of his opinion, which simply proves that moderate language used in Mark Twain book is more successful than the bold language that David Foster Wallace chooses to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Analysis Of I Wanna Be Loved By You RUNNING HEAD: Close Analysis of I Wanna be Loved by You ABSTRACT: Some Like it Hot is a period comedy movie from 1959 that depicts the story of two men who witnessed a crime and are forced to dress as women to avoid punishment from mafia gangsters. The extract chosen for close analysis is a performance by the character Sugar Kane, singing I Wanna be Loved by You in front of a large audience. The analysis will follow a primarily fundamentalist approach focusing on the mise–en–scene and cinematography of the scene, and discuss how this relates to the main themes of the film, in particular the issue of gender. The initial portion of the extract is focused entirely on Sugar Kane, with all eyes drawn to her. The choice of clothing by... Show more content on ... The static long shot is also used as a type of POV shot, where the audience at home is seeing the performance through the eyes of those attending the concert. Furthermore, her song finishes with a large round of applause from the audience, and this confirms her popularity. An affectionate connection is established between Joe and Jerry towards Sugar Kane, and they are unable to concentrate on their performance. The music continues to play during this sequence in a diegetic manner but, as an instrumental takes place, the focus is shifted to Joe and Jerry's attempts to remain 'in character' as women. The decision to shift the music from the focal point of the scene to background music is done to ensure there is no discontinuity, and the music serves as both the focal point and a prop at different times. The interaction between a waiter and Joe and Jerry suggests that their cross dressing has not been noted by others, as both the waiter and a customer provide flowers for the two men under the pretence that they are female, despite displaying a series of male mannerisms. The display of male mannerisms is to indicate that both Joe and Jerry, or Daphne and Josephine as they were playing in this scene, are struggling to adapt to their new chosen gender and have remind each other of conventional female behaviour. There is a display of sexism
  • 7. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Epilogue To The Waiters When we got inside a fancy restaurant and waited for a waiter to address us a smile broke out, because I haven't gone anywhere in a good while. I look around at my surrounding and found everything so nice and expensive by the way the food look. I look down at my clothes knowing I wasn't dress to look the part. "You look beautiful shorty." Eli says as if he heard my thoughts. I nod my head not believing him seeing other people dress high and expensive are in here. The waiter comes to us telling us our table is ready. We follow him as we walk hand in hand to our table with people eyeing us. I felt shy and nervous for some reason. I wanted to take my hand out of Eli hand, but for some reason he tightens his grip on my hand. Before the waiter leaves he ... Show more content on ... A new waiter approach us asking how we are and if we're ready to eat. I didn't have much time to look at our menu, but Eli decides to order for us. "I'll have the 12oz steak with mash potatoes and salad, while my girl will have a large plate of chicken and shrimp alfredo pasta." The waiter quickly writes it down on his notepad and remove the menu from our table. I look over to Eli seeing he's already watching me. "I like being in charge as you can see." Eli says. "Why didn't you become the leader in the gang?" Eli chuckles. "If I was the leader would you have love me instead of Nino?" His questions don't hit me since I had a feeling he would bring Nino into this. "How do you know I loved Nino?" "He almost killed you, but after that you still wanted him. I think that's safe to say that's love." Eli says shrugging his shoulder. "Are you jealous?" I ask him teasing him for a change. "Fuck yeah. I wanted you since I first laid my eyes on you. I should of came after you since I first saw you, but my dumbass told Nino I wanted you and he thought coming after you before I did would be fun." I stay quiet as he continues to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Theme Of Loneliness In "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place," by Hemingway and "Miss Brill" by Katherine Mansfield what they both have in common is the literary device theme loneliness. Theme is the general idea or insight revealed in a narrative. These two stories are also different from the style of writing these two authors wrote how to tell their stories. Loneliness is introduced in the beginning of the short story "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" by Hemingway. The deaf old man, with no wife and only a niece to care for him, is noticeably lonely. The younger waiter, upset that the old man won't go home, shows himself and the old man in opposites: "He's lonely. I'm not lonely. I have a wife waiting in bed for me" (Ernest Hemingway pg. 373) Loneliness, for the ... Show more content on ... "The old people sat on the bench, sill as statues. Never mind, there was always the crows to watch." (Mansfield pg. 563) She sees all of the people, in their separate interactions, as being part of a stage production. She thinks of the people in the stands, including herself, not as audience members but as performers too. She thinks of herself as being a part of the production that if she were missing someone she would notice. She tells the old man who cares little for her presence that "I have been an actress for a long time." (Mansfield pg. 564) These two stories contrast the way they were written in "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" the author Hemingway writes the story mostly in dialogue. The story is mostly the young waiter and older waiter talking to each other about the old man. "Last week he tried to commit suicide" (Ernest Hemingway pg. 372) We only learn about the old man through conversation between the waiters. The way Katherine Mansfield wrote "Miss Brill" she wrote a lot of details where you can imagine Miss Brill enjoying her fur. "She had taken it out of it's box that afternoon, shaken out the moth powder, given it a good brush and rubbed the life back into the dim little eye." (Katherine Mansfield pg. 562) It bought her back to life. "But today she passed the baker's boy, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room her room like a cupboard and sat down on the red eiderdown bed." (Katherine Mansfield pg. 565) She also uses a lot of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. A Clean Well-Lighted Place Waiter In "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place," it seems as if the young waiter resembles Henry because he is young and the most masculine from the other characters involved; he only thinks of what he wants. For example, when the deaf old man wants another round of brandy the young waiter feels sleepy and says, "I never get into bed before three o'clock. He should have killed himself last week. The waiter took the brandy bottle and another saucer from the counter inside the cafe and marched out to the old man's table. He put down the saucer and poured the glass full of brandy. 'You should have killed yourself last week,' he said to the deaf old man (Hemingway "Clean" 289). Both the young waiter and Henry seem to fully know what's going on and are in control.... Show more content on ... Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room. He would lie in bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it's probably only insomnia. Many must have it" (Hemingway "Clean" 291). The old waiter is on his way to a bar as he talks to himself, it is dark; in, "A Farewell to Arms," Henry says, "I am afraid of Him in the night sometimes" (A Farewell. 62), meaning Hemingway is scared of God at night because he thinks God may punish him or not protect him from evil. So when he arrives at the bar he feels safe and a little foolish for scaring himself and smiles. But by him memorizing parts of the prayer he has very little faith. When the old waiter is praying, he wants God to have mercy on him, protect him because he's scared and lost. The old waiter also lies to himself trying to make things seem a little brighter by convincing himself it's only insomnia and "Many must have it" (Hemingway "Clean" 291). The old waiter has no faith, is scared of the dark and goes to sleep during the day; not very masculine because he's scared, lost and not in control if he can't sleep at night when most people sleep the deaf old man from, "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place," by having no faith because God didn't save Catherine, and because according to Henry, "Everything was gone inside of me" (Hemingway "Farewell" 282). ... Get more on ...
  • 11. ##liness And Loneliness In Ernest Hemingway's A Clean... When I have a lot on my mind, I find it hard to quell my thoughts and drift away peacefully asleep. The only thing i can do then, is to give up on sleeping. Watch the TV, or anything to get my mind to stop wandering. Ernest Hemingway never fails to make you think deeper thoughts when reading his works. This is the case In Ernest Hemingway's a clean well–lighted place is a short story about two waiters, and an old, deaf man in a late night cafe. The young waiter is tired and impatiently waiting for the old man to leave so he can go home. The older waiter tries to explain to him why the old man is there at the cafe instead of a bar or bodegas. The short story is a set of dialogs, and within these we learn that some need a safe haven for their despair. Some need a clean and orderly place to contradict the dirty, unorganized mess they have in their head. Hemingway's short story is about loneliness and despair. To start with, the setting of this story takes place in what is most likely Spain. The title plays a big role in the setting. The older waiter is trying to communicate the reason the man is there in the middle of the night, and that is because the cafe is in fact a clean, well–lighted place. The lightness and order are the reasons he is there. He could go anywhere else to drink, but he is an old deaf man that is there to get away from the darkness of the night. He is lonely and has lost almost all hope. His only hope is that he can have a clean well lighted place to hide ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Discuss the Relationship Between Character and Theme in “a... Discuss the relationship between character and theme in "A Clean, Well–lighted Place" B–A9–0415–1 What is the most fearful emotion? That is emotionless. What is the most troubled thing? That is nothing. What will you feel after experiencing so much crazy murder and facing unreasonable death? In Hemingway's "A Clean, Well–lighted Place", he shows us the loneliness, isolation, meaningless, death and futility of modern life those poor survivors of the world war one are facing through the description on the three main characters. Using his unique writing skills, Hemingway describes the character with short, plain and clean language, giving us a deep impression. Setting is one of the most important elements in "A... Show more content on ... When referring to the detail of old man's suicide, the young waiter says "How should I know" and "He hung himself with a rope" The plain words and short, simple sentences make up the spare dialogue, indicate the emotionless and empty feeling of nothing in the young waiter's heart. The old waiter seems to have more sympathy on the old man. He is also more similar to the old man. He can understand the old man's feeling. The old man stays late at cafГ© and is unwilling to go home because he is afraid of loneliness and emptiness. His deaf is a symbol that he is isolated from the world he is living. Being old and useless, he cannot gain the dignity and honor he values. All he has is money, but he cannot buy confidence he needs most using all his money, so his life is meaningless. This cannot be understood by the young waiter who pursues money only. The old waiter, in some way, is a transition period of the young waiter and the old man. He is older than the young waiter and younger than the old man. He is not young enough and heads for old age in his life. He can experience and understand all loneliness the old man is experiencing because he himself feels loneliness, emptiness and meaningless. For example, he understands the old man's reason for not willing to leave the cafГ©. "He stays up because he likes it." He argues for the old man, "You can't tell. He ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Happiness In Fahrenheit 451 And A Clean Well-Lighted Place Happiness differentiates for every individual. Faking happiness can occur as well. Humans can be materialistic and hard to please because of their need to want more. Some people can be content with a poor lifestyle because of their supporting family. Some may even appear to have everything in the world, but can be suffering inside. This could be due to loneliness, pain, illness, depression, or even loss of loved ones. Many characters from Fahrenheit 451 and A clean Well –Lighted place were unhappy, while some were actually happy. Montag's wife from Fahrenheit 451 was an example of someone who was unhappy. As soon as Montag got home from a long day at work She kept telling him to buy a new interactive tv set. She already had a new TV set, house, friends, and etc. She was called to be in the Family show that everyone watches. Montag knew she wasn't the only "Mildred" to be called that day, but his wife insisted that she was special. All Mildred cared about was fitting in. She hated being different. When Montag was bringing out his books she kept telling him to put them away and to act normal. She did nothing but hate his books even though she wouldn't try to read it. She had already attempted to commit suicide before by overdosing on pills. This shows that something was eating at her even though she had "everything". The younger waiter from A Clean Well –Lighted Place would be labeled as happy. Even though he works minimum wage as a waiter he has something to look forward to. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Example Of Gueridon Service Gueridon Service: This is a service where a dish comes partially prepared from the kitchen to be completed in the restaurant by the waiter or, when a complete meal is cooked at the table–side in the restaurant. The cooking is done on a gueridon trolley which is a mobile trolley with a gas cylinder and burners. The waiter plays a prominent part, as he is required to fillet, carve, flambГ© and prepare the food with showmanship. The waiter has to have considerable dexterity and skill. English Service: Often referred to as the "Host Service" because the host plays an active role in the service. Food is brought on platters by the waiter and is shown to the host for approval. The waiter then places the platters on the tables. The host either portions the food into the guest plates directly or portions the food and allows the waiter to serve. For replenishment of guest food the waiter may then take the dishes around for guests to help themselves or be served by the waiter. French Services: It is a very personalized service. Food is brought from the kitchen in dishes and... Show more content on ... Small orders are served in trays. Major means are taken to the room on trolleys. The guest places his order with the room service order taker. The waiter receives the order and transmits the same to the kitchen. In the meanwhile he prepares his tray or trolley. He then goes to the cashier to have a cheque prepared to take along with the food order for the guests' signature or payment. Usually clearance of soiled dishes from the room is done after half an hour or an hour. However, the guest can telephone Room Service for the clearance as and when he has finished with the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. William Hemingway 's ' The Cafe ' After the older waiter turns off the light to the cafe and closes up, he then proceeds to carry the conversation with himself. This again, displays his loneliness. The text states, "Turning off the electric light he continue the conversation with himself. It is the light of course but it is necessary that the place be clean and pleasant. You do not want music. Certainly you do not want music. Nor can you stand before abar with dingily although hat is all that is provided for these hours" (Hemingway, 382). He continues to convince himself that the cafe is needed for all the people who are lonely, like him, and the old man. However, it is time to close up and head home. Instead, he decides to go to a bodega. The text doesn't overtly state why he goes to the bodega, but you can infer that he is trying to understand the younger waiter. He knows that a bodega isn't like the cafe at all, but he is willing to give it a try. Besides, he doesn't want to go home to nothing. The text goes on to say the following,"What did he fear? It was not fear or dread. It was a nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order" (Hemingway, 383). In order to cope with nothing, he too, needs to go to a cafe but none are open at this hour. He then goes on to say a prayer but replaces the lord, god, and religion for nothing or nada. For the older waiter, he doesn't find meaning in religion. It ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Fast Food Chain Analysis I guess it is almost similar to fast food; however, I used to work as a waiter at a country club. I was paid minimum wage though, and it wasn't bad working there, but a bit rough for me because the customers were kind of skeptical to take orders from me due to my deafness. They would ask, can you read lips or can you read the menu. I was like in my head, duh if I can't and then I wouldn't become a waiter or whatsoever. I politely smiled and said yes, I can read and if you speak slowly and I would understand and you can point at the menu whichever you want to order. I would say I can identify with emotional labor because some of them did not want me to be their waiter and asked for a different one. I was impressed with the manager because she did not let it barrier me from not going to a different table. She would come up and fix the problem with the customers and insisted that I was a good waiter. From now on, the customers got used to me being their waiter and irony is that I was their favorite waiter. I was glad to have experienced this opportunity because it helped me to build my confidence interacting with hearing people.... Show more content on ... I do not like McDonald's, but other fast food, I would ask for a paper and pen or I would text a note to show to her/him what I would like to order (by the way, I am deaf). They were startled and did not want to interact with me. He or she would ask someone else to take their place. I was like, come on you did not have to do that and I won't bite. It irritated me. I hope the manager will educate those young people it is okay to take orders from deaf ... Get more on ...
  • 17. What Is The Setting Of A Clean Well-Lighted Place Lamar University "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place": Ernest Hemingway's Silence of Life Adriana Daniels Jesse Doiron ENGL 1302.15 30 April 2017 "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place": Ernest Hemingway's Silence of Life Hemingway is able to establish a connection with the reader by putting together the different elements used to make a great story. The setting is everything that includes the physical surroundings of the character including: place, time, weather, and atmosphere. The point of view is a particular attitude or way of considering a situation. The theme of a story is whatever general idea the entire story reveals. As Hemingway's mature, journalistic style developed, the use of setting, theme and point–of–view emphasized and lead... Show more content on ... Hemingway makes sure to be very descriptive and set the contrast between light meaning clean and dark meaning dirty. He successfully places each character in a specific part of the story to enhance their importance. The setting that Hemingway places the characters in allows the reader to picture themselves inside of the cafГ© and learn a little about each character inside. Even though the reader knows that the cafГ© isn't spotless, they can understand that because it is close to closing time and everyone is gone except two waiters and the old man that it's a "clean, well–lighted place" because of how Hemingway describes that the street is now quiet and the dew was settling. The waiters are significant to the story because they represent how the age of man is important to the story. The younger waiter goes outside to the old man twice, meanwhile the older waiter chooses to stay inside until it is time to close then makes his way to an "unclean poorly–lighted place." Later on in the story once everyone has left the cafГ©, the older waiter goes through a setting that seems to be a bar. At that time the reader is able to understand the difference between the bar, the cafГ©, and the bodega. By Hemingway describing these two completely different settings as elaborately as he does, it allows the reader to compare and contrast the different places and understand the importance of the cafГ©. During this time period there was a war going on and the movement of the waiters shows the moral awareness of what's going around them. The old man is at the cafГ© so late to find peace of mind, something that he would have not been able to find by visiting a bodega. The soldier and the girl are important because they are seen out in the street ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay on The Presence of an Iceberg in A Clean,... Presence of an iceberg in "A clean, well–lighted place From the short story, 'A clean, well–lighted place', Hemingway has comprehensively used his theory of omission. The first part where this theory is used is in the definition of the characters present in the story. The old man, who is the first character, is brought out with lots of omissions regarding his details (Hemingway 1). The old man is only described as old and deaf. In addition, it is stated that he enjoyed coming out at night when it was quieter and could drink until the waiters became restless and ordered him out. By looking at the old man, the reader can easily come up with many conclusions and symbolic interpretations. Firstly, the old age is a symbolic representation of ... Show more content on ... The old man was therefore psychologically affected by the loneliness at home. Despite the wealth that is later highlighted by the waiters in their conversations, the old man cannot seem to find solace and hence the reason for frequent visit to the cafГ©. His quest is peace and company. This therefore explains why the writer takes the old man to a cafГ©, rather than to a bar. While alcohol is sold in all these places, the writer brings the old man to a cafГ©, due to its cleanliness, good arrangement and light. This illustrates that the old man opts for the cafГ© due to its calm nature, compared to the bars, which are noisy, violent, and disorderly (Morris and Owens 4). The ruthlessness associated with the bars makes it an unsuitable place for the old man and he thus opts to drink in the cafГ©. By omitting his hearing capability, the writer develops the concept of loneliness further. The old man cannot even get to hear from the community. He was therefore alienated from many realities and the world was far away from him. Through this, the writer clearly brings about the concept of despair. The perceived lack of an influence to commit suicide was intentionally omitted by the writer in order to give the reader a broader approach to the problem. If the writer had stated the reason that prompted the old man to attempt suicide, the reader could not have developed a broader understanding of the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Warren Bennett Believes That The Old Waiter Is A Materialist Warren Bennett believes that the Older Waiter is a materialist. I agree that the Old Waiter is a materialist and his views of the world as having nothing. According to Bennett's claim that the Old waiter is a Materialist, "the older waiter is unable to master such faith or confidence, and beyond material there is nothing" (Bennett 75). The definition reads "the emphasis on material objects, comforts, and considerations, with a disinterest in or rejection of spiritual, intellectual or cultural values" ( But, I think that the Old Waiter feels this ways because he has nothing in his life "I have never had confidence and I am not young."(Hemmingway). The Old waiter fits the definition seeking comfort and is hesitant "to close up... Show more content on ... Old Man is used as a conversation for the two waiters to contrast their views of the world. I agree with Bennett that the Old Man is used as a topic of discussion. The two waiters are able to discuss what they think of the old man. The old man and the young waiter both have nothingness in their lives. In comparison to the younger waiter who actually has a wife and wants to go home every night "I'm not lonely. I have a wife waiting in bed for me" (Hemmingway). The Old man is out drinking because he has no wife and has nothing in his life. Later we see the reflective human condition in that the Older Waiter goes out drinking for himself, he relfects because he has nothing too. I agree with Bennett that the younger waiter is in a hurry, he actually has something, but unlike the two older men they prefer to stay out drinking to be away from the darkness of their homes. I think that the importance of this getting old people seem to lose their function. The young waiter is fresh and the life is waiting for him. In comparison to the old men who are now old and reflect on their lives. They wished they could have done something different or had a better life. It is important to have something and people around to be happy. It is easy to look at others and judge that they do not belong. But like the old man who lost his wife, the younger waiter had a wife and companionship. Hemmingway is getting at gloomy part of life, in the end we are all lonely individuals when we die. That is what I think Hemmingway wanted to make this ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Amy's Awakening: A Short Story EXT. DENNY'S – EVENING AMY a woman with straight black hair, pantsuit and large aviator sunglasses walks into Denny's. Walking into the restaurant Amy finds an empty booth and sits down. A WAITER with lots of buttons on his black apron approaches here with a menu in hand. WAITER Hi! Amy gives the waiter a look and continues to look straight ahead of her. AMY Hello. The waiter places a menu and a set of silverware wrapped in a napkin on the table in front of her. Amy shifts uncomfortably. WAITER How's everything? Amy looks at the waiter, pulls down her sunglasses with one hand holding them low enough for the waiter to see her eyes roll. AMY Fine. I guess. The waiter nods and hastily makes an escape.
  • 21. ROY, a man in ripped up jeans and ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Descriptive Essay On The Lost Wallet The Lost Wallet The sun was shining, and it was an overall great day. I was walking down with my friends enjoying the weather, and their company. We were going to the best cafe on the street, the one we've been going to since we were kids. My friends and I took the shortcut through the allГ©e. As soon as we walked into the alley, the sunlight washed away and the darkness flooded in. I could feel the darkness cold on my back, as we ran through the creepy path. I made sure my wallet was secure inside my pant pocket. "It's always so scary in here. Can't this alley just let some sunlight in?" Mary, one of my friends shivered as she spoke. Her dark brown hair stood on end, and her hands shook. This alley spooked us since we were kids. "Au contraire, there is sunlight at the entrance and exit of this alley." Amy, my other friend said. "Ok, sure." "AHHHHH!" I screamed as loud as I could, at in an instance the pull went away. "Lily! What happened?" My friends both said in unison. I turned and looked around for the source of the trouble. There was nothing that seemed like it could pull on me. Agh. I must have made it all up in my mind. " Man! I must have made it all up in my head. I can't seem to shake this feeling off of my back. It's this creepy alley." I shook my head, and saw that my scream had scared the socks off of my friends. "Sorry guys, let's just get out of here." We all held hands and ran ,as fast as our legs would take us, out of that wretched place. As soon as we ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Waitress Career Research Paper A day in the life of a nurse can be exciting, tiring, and very fulfilling. Nursing has a lot in common with being a waitress. The two professions have differences in the way they are obtained. Nursing requires formal education and has heavy responsibilities, whereas waiting tables needs no formal training and has limited responsibilities. Nurses have a lot of pride in their profession and can have an impact on the lives of patients. Waiters may brighten a customer's day. Nurses and waiters both cater to the needs of others. Career Choices Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a nurse? If you have waited tables then you may have a good idea of what nursing is like. Being a nurse is a lot like being a waitress. The two professions ... Show more content on ... Some people wait tables to support themselves while in school for another profession. Although no education is required for the job, the waiter needs to be able to read, write, and have basic math skills. Most restaurants train new employees for several days. The menu must be memorized. The waiter needs to know the lay out of the restaurant. Most restaurants these days are computerized and the waiter will need to be familiar with the program used to enter orders. The waiter has minimal responsibilities. If the waiter has a bad night, the next may be better. There are no major consequences for messing up an order, the worst that can happen is the loss of a tip. When the waiter leaves their shift the work is done. The lack of true responsibility can be freeing but the waiter may not have a feeling of job satisfaction. The waiter may not feel respected by the community. The waiter may not impact lives on a daily basis, but there smile may make a difference. Their smile and personality are their money makers. Waiters depend on tips. Tips are made through good customer service and making people happy. The task is not always easy. People can be rude and nasty. The waiter must put their pride aside to make tips. The waiter carries large trays of food, fills endless drinks, burns themselves on hot plates, and walks countless miles. They are at times belittled by unhappy customers. The waiter did nothing to deserve this ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Essay about Edward Hopper-Story painting In the small town of Charleston, an older, lonely man sits at the bar in a Diner. A young couple sat at the other end drinking coffee. The woman was dressed nice in a pretty red dress and the man looking dapper with his blue suit and hat. The older man is a regular at this diner. He arrives at the same time, sits on the same stool, and is always dressed nice as if he were about to meet someone. He never did though. The waiter knows the older man by name and says, "Hey Hopper, anything new today or just the same old, same old?" whenever he would walk in. Hopper would just shrug his shoulders as usual and sit on his stool. He looks at the couple at the end of the bar and nods, while waiting for the waiter to get him his... Show more content on ... Days went by and Hopper wasn't lying about not coming in to the diner. The waiter would stay open an extra hour each night just to see if Hopper would roll in. But he didn't. One night just as the waiter was about to close the woman from the last night Hopper was in the diner; showed up. She said to the waiter, "Hi, do you remember me?" "Yes, from the other night right?" "Yes, remember that older man that was in here the night I was?" "yes, that's Hopper, he's a regular, well he was". "What do you mean?" said the woman. The waiter looked at the woman and said, "That night you were in here was the last night I saw Hopper". The woman looked up and said "Well could he have gone away or something?" "No, Hopper is just a lonely old man who had the same schedule everyday." The woman looked very disturbed and said, "Well where do you think he is?" The waiter looked at her and said, "My guess is as good as yours." The two were silent for a few minutes when suddenly the newspaper boy threw the newspaper at the doorstep and it hit the door with a bang. The waiter went to the door and picked it up. He just set it on the counter and started to clean up. He looked at the woman and said, "You don't know ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Barnes In The Woods: A Narrative Fiction Just North of Granada, resided an old war tattered man with memories of events long past. His cabin was rustic, ramshackle, and slowly crumbling to the ground. In it was a cot fit for one but a bar fit for five. Barnes sat in silence while he finished his last bottle of brandy. The realization of this catastrophe struck a nerve and the sound of another bottle shattering against the brick resounded throughout the cabin like it had so many times before. He needed more. Ascending from his steady chair, he stumbled purposely towards the door. He came upon a well lighted and sanitary place where brandy could be purchased. Entering slowly, the customers at the bar stared at the man with familiar eyes. He found a table opposite from the bar and called... Show more content on ... Oh yes of course, are you still able to make those preparations?" Barnes said with feigned familiarity and want for brandy. "I'm sure we'll find some form fitting clothes for you. After all, we don't want a bull's horn getting caught on your clothes while your jumping over it." The Spaniard said as he laughed heartily. Barnes was in partial shock but his desire for brandy compelled him. In a flash, the Spaniard snapped his fingers and brilliant green and white garb was fitted on Barnes. Barnes hadn't noticed, but as him and the Spaniard were walking through the corridors they got closer to a bright light. At the end of the hall was a huge opening that led to a massive field surrounded by paddocks and steep cement walls. Suddenly, when they had reached the cement walls overlooking the fields, the Spaniard tightened his shoulder and threw Barnes over the wall with inhuman strength. "You'll be fine out there, Barnes, fight with meaning." The Spaniard shouted ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Norm Violation Essay I believe what Garfinkel means in background assumptions is how we commonly go throughout the day and the order we do things in. In my norm violation I am going to not follow the order my culture eats dinner in. The norm violation I decided to do is ordering dessert first at a restaurant.This is a norm violation because you are suppose to order your appetizer first, then your entree and lastly your dessert. I decided that Fender's Diner would be an excellent place to do my experiment. I dine here a good bit and usually order their salads so this will be different for me. Fenders Diner is a locally owned restaurant known for its 1950's Rock n' Roll American theme. On a Sunday after church lets out is when I decided to do to do my ethnomethodology experiment. I also brought my sister who is known for her sweet tooth. As we sit down at our table our slightly overweight waiter immediately greets us. We order chocolate milkshakes and our waiter smiles and says, "Wait! No lemon water this time?" This is the first reaction we received. It made me feel a little nervous because if he is already reacting to our drinks, how is he going to react to the rest of the dinner. After we receive our milkshakes we ordered our ice cream brownie delux. Our waiter laughs and asks if that would be all. I explain to him that we would still like an entree but that we want our dessert first. We then order a burger and some fries. He then warns us that we may start looking like him if we keep this up this diet. This made me uncomfortable because I was unsure how to respond... Show more content on ... I do not believe anyone felt too uncomfortable and that even some wished they had their dessert first too. We ended up telling our waiter that it was an experiment and he said he was glad to be apart of it. I felt like this was a very positive thing to do although slightly ... Get more on ...
  • 27. A Clean, Well Lighted Place A clean, well–lighted place may be needed more by some than others on dark, lonely nights. The clean, well–lighted cafГ© in Hemingway's "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" represents a safe place in which one can escape their troubles and loneliness that lurk in night's darkness. In the story the characters of the older waiter and younger waiter differ substantially. They debate over the old man's being in the cafГ©, which is an over–stayed visit to the younger waiter. The younger waiter longed for the old man to "go home" and eventually forced the old man to leave the cafГ©. The older waiter displayed sympathy for the drunken old man and claimed that he is "one of those that likes to stay late at the cafГ©." The cafГ© represents more than just a place to drink; it is symbolic and holds a deeper significance. The old man had attempted suicide and the waiters discuss the possible reasoning behind it, claiming that "he was in despair." We also know that the old man is looked after by his niece who cut him down from the rope that he hung himself with. It is easy to grow sympathy and empathy for the old man as the older waiter does. The younger waiter feels differently towards the old man, claiming that "An old man is a nasty thing" (p. 153). The younger waiter also told the old man that he should have killed himself last week (the old man is deaf). There is minimal narration in the story; the story consists mostly of dialogue. The minimal narration in the story allows the reader to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Analysis Of A Clean Well-Lighted Place By Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway is a well known author of many short stories. He was born in Oak Park, Illinois. He was starting to be known as a good author when he first published his firsts stories. Hemingway even earned a Nobel Prize in Literature. Eventually, he committed suicide by shooting himself. His writing remains well–known. One story he wrote was called "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place." Hemingway wrote this story about an old man who stays late at a cafe where two waiters were working at. The old man would even stay late when no one else was in the cafe. The waiters, especially the younger one, were becoming impatient with the old man. The older waiter did not seem to mind much. As the story goes on, Hemingway gives the reader a good contrast between the waiters. There is also a sense of depression or abandonment in the story. This story can be seen as a reflection of the impact of age because of the contrast between the waiters, the loneliness of the old man, and the emphasis of the use of "nada." As someone reads this story, it is clear that there is contrast between the two waiters. Hemingway writes the dialogue in a way that readers can tell there is an age difference between the two waiters. The waiters begin to talk about what each of them have. The older waiter is clearly older because, he says, "'You have youth, confidence, and a job..." (Hemingway 169). The waiters have an age difference which shows throughout the story. There is another line where the older waiter says, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Case Study Of Deek Duke 1)Deek Duke, with its mission "to lead the market with the best service and dining experience" first opened its doors in 2003 in the food service industry in Achrafieh, Lebanon. The restaurant has now expanded to include branches in Hamra, Le Mall Dbayyeh and City Mall. Deek Duke has several competitors in the industry including Crepaway and Chili's, however their main competitor till date is Roadster Diner. The fact that they both belong to the same organization has several drawbacks, most important one being difficulties in innovation – coming up with new ideas. Deek Dukes specialty as well as their competitive advantage is actually their "chicken goodness". Their platters are mainly chicken oriented and they constantly strive to bring their... Show more content on ... The kitchen staff includes one chef specializing in each aspect of the menu i.e. (appetizers, salads, sandwiches, main dishes, deserts). Once the order is ready, the Food Expeditor checks the accuracy of the order, presentation of the dish as well as the portion (quantity) to ensure it abides by the standards set for the kitchen. If the order is approved, the food runner takes the order up to the waiter, who in turns serves it to the table. This chain is illustrated in Figure one. If we take a closer look at the Kitchen, this is where the most important part of the dining experience – the food, is created. The kitchen at each branch receives their ingredients from the Central Kitchen of Deek Duke. It is important to note that Deek Duke holds an ISO22000 certification, which means they have certain guidelines they need to abide by. The central kitchen is responsible for preparing and delivering the raw materials needed in each branch. This includes the marinated chicken as well as sauces in order to ensure that there is a level of consistency in terms of taste, to ensure that the customer always enjoys the same unique, signature taste at every ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Who 's Cookin As A Catering Business 1.0Introduction Who's Cookin' is a catering business that launched in 1975 that serves customers with great food and service for their event needs. Operating in 5 different locations in South East Brisbane, the business is looking to expand to 10 different locations across other cities in the near future. Who's Cookin' has however been gradually declining over the past few years as the business is obsolete when it comes to customers wanting efficient and time–saving solutions when ordering for catering services. The business have manual cashiers that take a lot of time to use for cashiers, and have no reliable resources to store data of orders when filing. In order for the business to improve and update, a bank loan of $100,000 has been applied from Who's Cookin' to transform the business with 21st century technology to potentially own the latest Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Information Systems (IS), and Computer Based Information Systems (CBIS). This enhancement will allow Who's Cookin' to have digitalized cash registers, computer devices for storing important business data, fund local TV advertisements, and even sustain funding a website and phone application for customers to order online. The business will run more time efficiently if the company technology was improved. It would also increase productivity and improve customer satisfaction overall. 2.0Business Background, Organisation Strategy, Objectives and Competitive ... Get more on ...
  • 31. I Am No Taller Than Three Feet I stand no taller than three feet, even with the monster–sized boots hiding my feet from the frigid air on the lake. The bright orange hat falls over my eyes as I struggle to keep up with my dad. I slip a bit on the ice and let out a shrill scream before getting ready to hit the ground, but I don 't feel any pain. I open my eyes to see that my superhero had swooped me up and saved the day. I wrap my slender arms around his neck, hugging him. He carries me the rest of the way to the small lakeside restaurant. When he sets me down on the ground again, my boots make a loud bang on the wooden floor. A few heads turn towards us. One specific person that I notice is an old man who's grey hair hangs a bit too long. His scruffy looking beard reminds me of my grandfather. I waddle after my dad to the tall stools by the counter. I try to climb up by myself but I am much too short. Dad picks me up again and sets me on the seat. He helps me unzip my jacket so that I don't get too hot in the heated room. I look over at my dad and smile. It is the first time that we get to go ice fishing for what seems like years but it's really only been about two weeks. He smiles back as a waiter comes up to us. My dad asks if I 'd rather drink hot cocoa or chocolate milk. "Hot cocoa please, Dad." He orders for me and the waiter leaves to get it. "Do you want a burger, mac n cheese, or chicken strips, Princess?" I smile and think about it for a little bit. "Chicken strips sound yummy!" The old man ... Get more on ...
  • 32. A Clean Well-Lighted Place Essay In "A Clean Well–Lighted Place" by Ernest Hemingway, there are characters in the story that has some conflicts with each other. The conflict is based on the young waiter and the older waiter. There are three reasons how they bump heads with each other. The first reason is how the author's main purpose deals with these two conflicts. The second reason is because of the way the young is dealing the story. The final reason is the way the old is dealing with the story. Although there are some similarities in this story, but there are some differences between the young verses the old. First and foremost, the author's main purpose dealing with the young verses the old in the story. The author discussed the views of an older person with a younger person. In this case, the people that he used were the younger and the older waiter. The older waiter was one of the main characters in this story that the author used to describe the main purpose of his writing. The waiter stated in "A Clean Well–Lighted Place" that the younger waiter could not stand up with dignity, that he was nothing of a man, and that it was nothing that the young waiter knew too well (Hemingway 5). The author basically pointed out that the meaning of the story is that the young rushes and is not blind of what to do in... Show more content on ... This waiter is rushing through life as if it was a race. He does not want to take his time to get through life tasks. In the story, for an example, the young waiter stated, "I'm sleepy now. I never get into bed before three o'clock. He should have killed himself last week" (Hemingway 2). He was in a huge rush to get home to his wife and family because he did not want to wait until the deaf old man got done drinking. He was very impatient to the point he was having a confrontation with the older waiter that was understanding why the deaf man was acting the way he was. Being in a rush may seem ok at first, but will be regretted in the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Short Story When they entered the ballroom area, the room moved around them like clockwork. Fathers and daughters swirling in synchronization around the center that sat the little orchestra playing a haunting tune. The girl's dresses flounced out, as their heads were thrown back, eyes closed. The guys of the pair moved to the left, narrowly avoiding some of the spinning couples to come into contact with the most stereotypical male bar room, he had ever seen. Cigar smoke layered over head as fathers and sons took generous sips of whisky and chuckled with their ironically flamboyant hand gestures. The boy seemed to shrink under the atmosphere, and felt a claustrophobic nausea as he made his way closer and closer to the bar. The man working behind it... Show more content on ... Steam billowed from what seemed like a hole in the wall to reveal sweating cooks cooking up a feast for the guests attending. She leaned in from the frame of the door to get a better look and was instantly hit with the smell of the most amazing food in her life. Spices from the caribbean, cream from the premium cows and the thickest, most pure chocolate syrup ever imagined. She was practically drooling down onto her shoes before a waiter crashed into her shoulder and in horror spilled an entire platter of vegetables onto the orchestra and people dancing before both of them. The strings of the band whined to a halt as they were dressed head to toe with carrots and radishes, sticking to their hair and clinging to their fake eyelashes. The girl slammed her hand to her mouth to suppress the surprize and laughter that dawned on her face. The lettuce flew into the crowd diving into the unreachable crevices in the lady's dresses and onions into the eyes of all their partnering men. The room turned into a vegetable warzone as screams shot up from the ground where the women had dropped, writhing and scratching at their underwear. The men soon joined them digging into their burning corneas. The girl was almost starting to feel an ounce of pity for them when an eruption of giggles came behind her. The kitchen staff had left their working steamy haze to ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Sun Also Rises War "All for fun. Just for fun." This quotation taken from the novel, The Sun Also Rises illustrates Ernest Hemingway's distaste for the effects of war and needless violence on the human condition that is reflected in the experiences of Jake Barnes, the main character of the boook. At one point in the story, Jake witnesses firsthand a man being stabbed to death by a bull during a bull rush and later on recounts the event to a waiter of a nearby cafe. It is here where Hemingway establishes his personal negative sentiment towards the killing as a metaphor for war and violence through the use of various literary elements including repetition, imagery and tone. Upon perusing this passage, the reader immediately notices the repetition of specific... Show more content on ... When Jake first meets the waiter, he is asked where the man was stabbed. Jake replies by placing " hand on the small of my back and the other on my chest..." Here, the reader can visualize the moment of impact for the man and the bull as well as the pain that the man must have felt in his final moment of life. A few lines later, when the waiter brings Jake a coffee and milk pot, he pours both liquids through the "long sprouts in two streams into the big cup." The "two streams" in this case reflect the streams of blood that gushed out of the man once he was stabbed while the contrast in the dark shade of the coffee and the white color of the milk reflect the opposing forces of life and death, fighting until the end where death ultimately won. Furthermore, before walking away to tend to other customers, the waiter imitates Jake's action earlier and places "his hand on the small of his back." as if envisioning himself in that man's situation. This moment indicates the pity and sympathy that the waiter feels toward the man as well as his profound aversion to the bull rush. At the same time, this moment could have also displayed Hemingway's own aversion to war and its incessant killing of innocent people. The reader can infer that through the waiter's actions, Hemingway is able to express his own lingering negativity towards the violence. As such, imagery throughout the passage conveys certain details about the death of the man as well as the authors thoughts on the event as a ... Get more on ...
  • 35. John Cheever "Reunion Narrator's in stories are the characters, if they happen to be characters that influence reader's the most. The narrator lays out all the information to us as they see it and they tell the story how they want it to be heard. Although they are telling the story from their point of view, it is our job as readers to interpret, that what they are telling us is fair an just. Some narrator's often won't tell the whole story, but just what they want you to hear. In John Cheever's, Reunion the narrator, Charlie is a narrator that cannot be trusted. He is very critical and unfair to his father and wants the reader to think that his father is a failure, not only as a father, but as a person in general. Charlie begins to influence us early in... Show more content on ... He hasn't seen or heard from his son in three years after what seemed to be a pretty rough divorce between him and Charlie's mother considering it has been three years without a word. Out of nowhere comes Charlie who wants to meet with his father for an hour and a half for lunch between his trains. An hour and a half is not a lot of time to catch up for three years of lost time. There is almost no dialogue between the two in the whole story, except for when they first meet and when they part ways. The only mention of the two talking in the middle of the story is when Charlie's father talks to him about baseball. Baseball though, is probably one of the only things that the two may have in common at this point, but the way it is put into context some people would think that Charlie's father doesn't seem interested in him. All of this is very sudden for Charlie's father and he definitely wasn't ready for Charlie to show up in New York. So it could be said that all things considered, all of this could be a little overwhelming for Charlie's father and could be directly related to the way that he acted during their meeting. A father who hasn't seen his son in three years, trying to make a good impression, who is probably very nervous and maybe even scared of meeting his son. Charlie's silence during their meeting doesn't help the situation either. The meeting is obviously awkward for both of them since neither of them ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Ernest Hemingway's A Clean, Well-Lighted Place After a countless amount of readings of Ernest Hemingway's short story "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" I have often contemplated what it all means. I've previously been told by my undergraduate professor that the story has no intrinsic meaning or value. I refuse to believe that is true. All stories can have multiple meanings that are buried deep beneath the text. It just requires an extensive analyzation of the short story. Why would the story be written if it had no meaning? In this paper, I will search for meaning in the text that is primarily described as an exploration of existential nihilism. In order to analyze the story, I will deconstruct the meaning. The short story is filled with holes. Not only is there meaning within the text, but ... Show more content on ... Instead, you enter a world of ambiguous conversations surrounding suicide and nihilism. The short story introduces an ideology of agnosticism and atheism that challenges the ever powerful, and meaningful, religious ideologies. In this case, the agonistic worldview is oppressed compared to an ideal religious ideology. Another idealistic feature within the text is being youthful. The younger waiter in the story is privileged because he has many years ahead of him, a wife, and he believes he has a more meaningful life. The oppressed and unappealing people in the text would be the old deaf man and the old waiter that are in the story. With the younger waiter being privileged in the story, it is essential to challenge and reverse the powerful hierarchies that romanticize being youthful and having "meaning" in ones life. When the younger waiter refuses to let the old man stay and drink in the cafe he assumes that the old man can go drink elsewhere. He doesn't realize that he needs the cafe, because it is nicely lit and it is quiet. Not only is the waiter closing the cafe earlier than usual, but he mentions that an hour means more to him than it would to the old man. The text states, "'Why didn't you let him stay and drink?' the unhurried waiter asked. They were putting up the shutters. 'It is not half–past two.' 'I want to go home to bed.' 'What is an hour?' 'More to me than to him.' 'An hour is the same'" (381). At this point in the story, the older waiter is telling the young man that he was wrong for sending the old man away. When the younger waiter to state that his time is more valuable than the old man, this shows how the older people in the text are being oppressed. According to Rolfe, "To reverse the resident hierarchy, only to displace it, that is, to expose and challenge binary opposites in the text, to expose the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. A Clean Well-Lighted Place The waiters in the story "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place" say a lot about how younger and older people are different. For example, the younger waiter seems extremely impatient while he is serving the old man because he is in a hurry to get home to his wife. While the older waiter is in no hurry for the old man to leave because he doesn't mind his presence. Also, the younger waiter seems to only care about himself, rather than his customers' satisfaction. Unlike the older waiter who shows respect towards his customers'. The younger waiter believes life is valuable and his time on earth is precious. He also believes old age is disgusting and disturbing. The younger waiter's attitude towards the old man is cruel because he acts immature and disrespectful. For example, the young man refuses to serve the old man another brandy because he wants to go home and sleep. All the younger waiter cares about is his youth, confidence, and job. The younger waiter, not once, cares about the old man's loneliness, or the older waiter's depression, because they are... Show more content on ... The old man, according to the two waiters, had a wife and a family. All the old man has now is his niece, who saved him from asuicide attempt. The old man loves to sit in the cafГ©, while drinking brandy. For example, "The old man sat in the shadow of the leaves of the tree that moved slightly in the wind". The old man also enjoys staying at the cafГ© late at night because he has nothing better to do. Even though the old man is alive and well, he feels lonely because the love of his life is gone. He has no one to go home to, so he sits in the cafГ©, looking at the lives of other people. For instance, the old man saw a girl and a soldier go by in the street. The street light shone on the brass number on his collar. The girl wore no head covering and hurried beside him. Although the old man tried to hang himself and seems lonesome, he managed to survive and keep on living life to the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. A Clean, Well Lighted Place By Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway developed his own style of writing and follows it in "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place". Hemingway's elegance in writing is such that he indirectly gives all of the information to the reader without making any judgment; thus allowing one to create an opinion about every minute detail of the story. Hemingway illustrates his foundations of writing in "A Clean, Well –Lighted Place" by providing small clues that provide an indirect view of the larger meaning. Hemingway illustrates one of his elements of writing, omission, by providing two waiters and their exchange of speech and actions with each other and their customer, the old man. By doing so, he provides all of the information for readers to create an assumption about the individual's traits; the saintly and even wicked. In the story we are given a scene with the old drunken man and the younger waiter. The old man asks for another brandy while pointing to his empty glass. The younger of the two waiters brashly began his dialogue with "Finished," he said, speaking with that omission of syntax stupid people employ when talking to drunken people or foreigners. "No more tonight. Close now." "Another," said the old man. "No. Finished." The waiter wiped the edge of the table with a towel and shook his head. The old man stands to leave, counts his tab, pays for his brandy, even leaves a tip for the waiters, and then begins to walk away with dignity even for his drunken stupor. (153–154) In this passage the reader is ... Get more on ...
  • 39. A Clean, Well-lighted Place Essay This story was written by Hemingway in 1933. It details an evening's interaction between two waiters, and their differing perspectives of life. Hemingway uses an old man as a patron to demonstrate the waiter's philosophies. Hemingway is also visible in the story as the old man, someone who society says should be content, but has a significant empty feeling inside. What follows is a line–by–line analysis, putting emphasis on the philosophies of the waiters.      This story focuses on two waiters at a cafe in Madrid, and their differing outlooks upon life. Their views are shown as they talk about an old man in the cafe, and each contemplate their life.      The old man, who may be a... Show more content on ...      The old man signals the younger waiter over for another drink, and the waiter declines to server him because he feels that the man is getting drunk and doesn't want to get stuck waiting for him to finish. The younger waiter then comments that the old man should have killed himself last week, and how the waiter is tired and simply wants to get to bed at a reasonable hour.      The older waiter, empathizing with the old man, grabs the bottle of brandy and pours a full glass for the old man. This, again, reflects the respect that the older waiter has for the old man. This is the first real hint that the older waiter has a lot in common with the old man.      As the older waiter takes his seat at the table with the younger waiter, the younger waiter comments about the old man's drunkenness every night. The old man asks the younger why the old man would want to kill himself. The younger waiter replies that he doesn't know why. They discuss the incident, and the younger waiter asks who cut the rope that the man was hanging from. The older replies that it was his niece, and explains that she probably did it our of fear for his soul.      The younger waiter questions the older about how much money the old man has, showing his assessment of what matters in life. The young waiter also expresses his desire for the old man to leave, saying how ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Essay on A Clean, Well-Lighted Place Ernest Hemingway developed his own style of writing and follows it in "A Clean, Well–Lighted Place". Hemingway's elegance in writing is such that he indirectly gives all of the information to the reader without making any judgment; thus allowing one to create an opinion about every minute detail of the story. Hemingway illustrates his foundations of writing in "A Clean, Well –Lighted Place" by providing small clues that provide an indirect view of the larger meaning. Hemingway illustrates one of his elements of writing, omission, by providing two waiters and their exchange of speech and actions with each other and their customer, the old man. By doing so, he provides all of the information for readers to create an assumption about the... Show more content on ... Lastly, the younger waiter gets painted as the evildoer, he his impatient and very uncouth in his dealings with an old soul. Hemingway of course does this without stating any of this to the reader, he depends upon one to be of enough intellect to infer all of this from his writing and still follow this story line. Hemingway illustrates another of his elements, the objective correlative, by giving the qualities of "a clean, well–lighted place". He does so in another dialogue between the two waiters in which the older waiter is trying to explain that everyone needs a place to feel secure to the younger waiter. "I am of those who like to stay late at the cafГ©," the older waiter said. "With all those who do not want to go to bed. With all those who need a light for the night." The younger waiter states "I want to go home and into bed." "We are of two different kinds," the older waiter said. He was not dressed to go home. "It is not only a question of youth and confidence although those things are very beautiful. Each night I am afraid to close up because there may be someone who needs the cafГ©." Hemingway continues this by saying: "What did he fear? It was not fear or dread. It was nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y peus nada y nada ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Outline On Writing A Personal Narrative Prompt: Below the line, write the best personal narrative, the best small moment story you can write. Make this be the story of one time in your life. You might focus on just a scene or two. You will need to plan, draft, revise and edit in one sitting. Write in a way that allows you to show off all you know about narrative writing. You may use your narrative outline! Make sure you: – Write a beginning – Use transition words to tell what happened in order – Elaborate to help readers picture your story – Show what your story is really about – Write an ending – Use to check spelling and grammar. You will need to make changes on THIS document! Trying Sushi "What do you want to eat at the Janss Mall today?" asked my ... Show more content on ... We walk past Old Navy. Then we pass Panera Bread. After a very short journey in the blue summer sky, we see an overhead sign that read: "Hong Kong Sushi" "Here we go. I hope this is good." I hope to myself. "I hope it is traditional sushi and not weird, artificial sushi. ééThis is my first time trying it and I will call this regular sushi after I try it. I don't want a bad sushi to be what I think is regular sushi." I open the door. "Jingle Jingle" went the bells on the door to signal our incoming. Suddenly, the aroma of fresh sushi filled the fresh air. "Welcome to Hong Kong Sushi. How many in your party?" greeted a waiter with a japanese accent. "Only the two of us." my mom replied. "Great! Would you please follow me?" Continued the waiter as she lead us to a very nice table. I looked around the restaurant. What I saw was amazing. There were replicas of different types of fish and sharks on the wall with the name of their species underneath them. Then I saw a short bar with a clear window in it. There you could see the chef making sushi and the ingredients he uses. "Excuse me? Can we sit at the bar?" asked my mom. "Sure!" agreed the waiter. She hands us two menus. "Would you like to start off with a drink?" I look inside my menu for the beverages. Here. "What's RamunГ©?" I ask the
  • 42. ... Get more on ...