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SHOTHA {Udakavaha shrotas}
Dr.Mahantesh Nimbal
Asst Professor Dept of
Shotha is a well known disease since ancient
days. It is an identified symptom of vast many
disorder encountered in almost every specialised
branch of Ayurveda. Age and sex are no
exceptions. It may manifest itself in a cell or in
the whole organ or in the whole body. Ancient
Ayurvedic texts have explained different types of
shotha covering both non-inflamatory and
inflamatory swelling .
Shopha and Shvayathu are indicated as
the synonyms of Shotha in various classics.
Though there is a view that Shotha refers to
generalised oedema and Shopha signifies
local oedematous condition or
inflammation, sufficient references to
support this view are not present.
All doshas get vitiated ,they vitiate raktha and
localize in blood vessels. This couses obstraction
in the vessels and doshas get diverted and start
accumulating under the skin and muscle and rasa
raktha and udaka get vitiated with kidney .
Samanya laxana
Shotha asthiratha(pitting or nin pitting)
Loma harsha(horripilations)
Unga vivarnatha(discolouratian)
Vataja shotha
Spreads rapidly
Skin over edema is dry
Pain and numbness
Pitting edema
Increases during day and redused in night
Pittaja shotha
Edema is soft
Reddish and yellow in colour
Unpleasent odour
Red eye, vertigo, sweating and burning
Pus formation
Kaphaja shotha
Edema is heavy stable
Loss appetite
Non pitting edema
increases in night
Chikitsa is the breaking up of pathogenesis going on
in the body with appropriate measures to attain the
equilibrium of doshas, dhatus and malas which is
responsible for health.
The pathogenesis of Shotha leads to the abnormal
collection of drava pradhana doshas inbetween
Twacha and Mamsa. So breaking up of this
samprapti can be achieved by elimination of this
sanchita Ap. dosha by various procedures.
What ever the cause of the disease may be
the final resultant will be the Jala sanchaya
and machanism of fluid collection remains
the same. So aiming at Jala nirharana
makes the half of the correction of the total
treatment, other half includes the affected
organ which is done by prakruthi vighata
Samanya Chikitsa
• It is estimated considering the following points
• a) Avastha
• In Amavastha - If doshas are in minimum
quantity then langhana
and pachana is advocated. In Bahudoshavastha
Doshavasechana makes
the line of management.
• In Niramavastha- Shodhana procedures like
vamana, virechana, nasya
are adopted according to dosha involvement
b) Vyaktha sthana - Treatment is adopted
according to the part of the body affected.
In Shira Shotha -- Shirovirechana
In Adha Shareera shotha -- Virechana
In urdhwa Shareeragata shotha -- Vamana
c) Based on Hetu
If Shotha is caused due to the factor santarpana
factor then rookshana should be adopted. If it is
due to Apatarpana Hetus then brimhana in the
form of snehana is advocated.
d) Doshanusara
Nirooha basthi is indicated in vataja Shotha where
vibandha vit is present.
Tikthaka Gritha is indicated in pitta vataja shotha
Ksheera is adviced in conditions of Moorcha, Arati,
Daha, Trishna and also in vatapithaja Shotha.
Acharya Sushrutha opines that according to the
condition of the patient and disease, shodhana karma,
snehana, swedana, upanaha and siramokshana can be
carried out in Shotharoga.
Acharya Vagbhata stress on vishodhana, laghu bhojana
and pachana chikitsa in Shotha.
Acharya Bhela has referred Kalyanaka Gritha,
Mahatikthaka Gritha and Panchagavya Gritha in the
management of shotha.
• Langhana
Doshavridhi, Apyamsha vridhi, Bahyasira sanga
are the responsible factors in the manifestation of
the disease. Langhana has been explained as the
first line of management in all types of Shotha
especially in Kaphaja Shotha.
Acharya Vagbhata uses the word vishoshana for
langhana and Arunadatta clarifies the type of
langhana as upavasa. (Vishoshanam Atra
• Pachana
Pachana procedure helps in digesting the ama, and thus
helps in samprapti vighatana similar to langhana. Since
langhana and pachana normalises jataragni, no doubt they
also rectifies Dhatwagni and this action may be at the
cellular level.
Though Acharya Charaka advocates vamana in shotha, but
never explained about vamana yogas in this context. Even
Acharya Vagbhata and Acharya Kashyapa have not
touched this topic. In Jalodara (which is a type of shotha)
also vamana is contraindicated and Nithyavirechana is
• Shodhana
This procedure is mainly indicated at the
stage of Bahudoshas. In Urdhwaga shotha
i.e. shotha produced by the uraha sthita
dosha (Kapha). Vamana is indicated. In
Adhoga shotha which is produced due to
adhosthita dosha (vata) virechana is
• Shothagna Dravya Prayoga
That which annihilates Shotha is termed as
shothagna which includes punernava, dashamoola,
guggulu etc. Kshara Prayoga
All the Ayurvedic authors have mentioned the use
of kshara in all types of shothas and specifically in
Kaphaja Shotha. Yavakshara which is used in
many yogas is laghu, sookshma, agnideepaka,
pandu and hridrogahara. Sarja kshara is deepaka
and pachaka. These ksharas acts as mootrala and
thus helps in elimation of accumulated fluids.
• Shothagna Dravya Prayoga
That which annihilates Shotha is termed as shothagna
which includes punernava, dashamoola, guggulu etc.
Kshara Prayoga
All the Ayurvedic authors have mentioned the use of
kshara in all types of shothas and specifically in Kaphaja
Shotha. Yavakshara which is used in many yogas is laghu,
sookshma, agnideepaka, pandu and hridrogahara. Sarja
kshara is deepaka and pachaka. These ksharas acts as
mootrala and thus helps in elimation of accumulated fluids.
• Gomutra Prayoga
Gomutra is extensively used in all varieties of
shotha. It is advised alongwith other dravyas like
Hareetaki, Ksheera etc. both for shodhana and
shamana. Due to its properties it purifies the
srotas and thus removes srotosanga. So doshas are
driven into kosta and then by shodhana it is
expelled out.
The kshara property helps in dragging a large
amount of water to koshta and thus acts as
• Katu Ushna Dravya Prayoga
Along with kshara, katu ushna dravyas are
indicated in Kaphaja Shotha to palliate kapha and
to produce shoshana of sanchita drava. For this
pippali, shunti etc. dravyas have been used.
• Asava Arishta Madhya Prayoga
All the authors emphasis the use of these dravyas
in all varieties of shotha where there is
srothorodha, agni and ruchinasha, owing to their
rooksha, teekshna, deepana and rochana
properties. Amla madhya is contraindicated in
shotha where sa anamla madhya is advised.
• Loha, Mandoora and Tamra Kalpas
Many preparations of Loha, Tamra and Mandoora
have been advocated in kaphaja shotha. These
preparations may help in oedema due to
hypoproteinemia and also may cure anaemia in
various oedemas.
• Bahya Prayoga
Bahiparimarjana chikitsa is mainly helpfull in
vataja and pittaja type of shotha. Where as in
Kaphaja Shotha these are having very little role to
• Snehana
Though Sushruta has mentioned it as a samanya
chikitsa, Charaka and Vagbhata specifies it to
vataja shotha, which is more appropriate, since the
main symptoms of vataja shotha like khara,
paroosha, bhinnatwak needs proper oleation.
• Swedana
Similar to snehana the use of swedana is
mentioned particularly for vataja shotha. But as a
poorvakarma it can be used in all shothas where in
shodhana is indicated.
• Lepa
Two groups of drugs mentioned for lepa. Among
which with the first group consists of sheetala
dravyas such as Mrinala, Manjista, etc. which are
pittashamaka and thus produces dahaprashamana
action. These may be useful in pittajashotha to
prevent paka.
The other group consists of rooksha and shushka
dravyas such as vibheetaki, pippali, siktha etc. which
when applied as a shushka lepa helps in absorbing
theliquids from the skin surface and then reduces
Kaphaja Shotha.
• Seka and Snana
Snana and seka with water prepared out of that particular
doshahara dravya are mentioned for the individual variety of
shotha such as kakolyadi gana kwatha in pittaja, kulattha
shunti sadita jala in kaphaja shotha etc. Here the effect of
ushnajala snana or seka is similar to that of swedana.
• Upanaha
Even though Sushruta has mentioned this under samanya
chikitsa it is more useful in vataja shotha where in toda,
bheda, katinata, twachasrutana, etc. are common.
• Cheda and Daha Karma
• Swarasa
Ardrakarasadi Yoga Y.R.
Bilvapatra SwarasaY.R.
Ardrakarasa Y.R/B.R
• Kalka
Bhunimbhadi Kalka Y.R
Punarnavadi Kalka B.R.
Dravyadi Kalka B.R./Chakradatta
Talapadmaka Kalka B.R.
Saratadi Kalka V.Ma.
• Asava Arista
Punarnavadhya Arista B.R
Gandiradhyarista Cha.Chi
Astashata Arista Cha.Chi
Phalatrikadyarista Cha.Chi
Usheerasava Sharangadara
Lohasava Sharangadara
Rohita Arista Sharangadara
Vasakasava Y.R.
• Gudapippalyadi Choorna B.R/Chakradatta
Punarnavadi Choorna B.R.
Shootha Shardhula Choorna B.R
Krishnadi Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha
Triphala Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha
Hapooshadya Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha
Ajamodadi Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha
Lavanabhaskar Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha
Chitrakadya Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha
Ammtadi Choorna A. Hr. Chi.
Amrutadi Choorna
• Vati Prakarana
• Ksheera Vati B.R
• Takravati B.R
• Ksharadi Gutika B.R./Chakradatta
• Kalpalata Vati B.R
• Dugdhavati B.R
• Vaidyanatha Vati B.R
• Mandura Vataka Sharangadhara
• Kashaya Prakarana
• Shunthyadi Kwatha Vr.M/Y.R/Br.Ni.R (Shotha
• Shothaghnyadi Kwatha Por.Ni.R. Atisara
• Shothahari Dashako Mahakashaya Ch.Su.4
• Simhasyadi Kwatha Vangasena - Shotha
• Patyadi Kwatha Y.R./B.R
• Triphaladi Kwatha Y.R./B.R
• Punanravadi Kwatha B.R/H.S/Sha.Madhyam
• Abhayadi Kwatha B.R
• Punarnawastaka Kwatha B.R
• Gruta
• Shunti gruta B.R/Chakradatta
• Punarnava gruta B.R
• Punarnavadya gruta B.R
• Manaka gruta B.R
• Chitrakadi gruta B.R/Cha.Chi
• Stalapadma gruta B.R
• Panchakooladya gruta B.R
• Chitraka gruta B.R/Cha.Chi
• Kasisadi gruta Sharangadhara
• Shadbhindu grutaSharangadhara
• Ardraka gruta Sharangadhara
• Yavanikadi gruta A.Hridaya. Chi
• Anyanya gruta A.Hridaya. Chi
• Panchamooladya gruta Y.R
• Shushka Mooladya gruta Y.R
• Patoolamooladi gruta Cha.Chi.
• Taila
Shuskamooladya tailam Y.R
Samudra Shooshana Tailam Y.R/V.Se/B.P
Dashamoola Tailam B.R
Panchamoola Tailam V.Se
Punarnavadi Tailam B.R
Argvadhadi Taila Y.R
Shushkamoolakadya Taila B.R
(Pratama & Dwitiya)
Shootha Shardula Taila B.R
Shailedyadhya Taila B.R
• Rasaprakarana
Chulikavati B.R/Udara
Jaipala Rasa R.R.S
Takra Manduram B.R./Shotha
Tamra Bhasma Prayoga R.C.M/8
Trikatukadi Loham G.N
Trikatvadya Loham V.R.,V.Se
Trinetrakhyho Rasaha R.R.S
Dugdha Vati B.R,
Panchamruta Rasa B.R., Dha. Ni.
Shilajatu Yoga B.R., R.R.S.
Gomootra Mandura Ra. Kamadenu
• Lepa Prakarana
.Vachadi Lepa Y.Ta/Vri.Ma
Punarnavadi Lepa Y.R
Darvadi Lepa Y.R.
Krushadi Lepa Y.R.
Arkadi Lepa Y.R.
Nyagrodadi Lepa Y.R.
Vibhitaki Lepa Y.R.
Kaphaja Shothahara Lepa Chakradatta /B.R.
Shothaghna Lepa Sharangadhara
Dashanga Lepa Sharangadhara
sArushkar Shothaghna Lepa Sharangadhara
Thank U

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  • 1. SHOTHA {Udakavaha shrotas} By Dr.Mahantesh Nimbal Asst Professor Dept of Panchakarma SMVVS RKM AMC Vijayapur
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Shotha is a well known disease since ancient days. It is an identified symptom of vast many disorder encountered in almost every specialised branch of Ayurveda. Age and sex are no exceptions. It may manifest itself in a cell or in the whole organ or in the whole body. Ancient Ayurvedic texts have explained different types of shotha covering both non-inflamatory and inflamatory swelling .
  • 3. Paryaya Shopha and Shvayathu are indicated as the synonyms of Shotha in various classics. Though there is a view that Shotha refers to generalised oedema and Shopha signifies local oedematous condition or inflammation, sufficient references to support this view are not present.
  • 4. samprapthi All doshas get vitiated ,they vitiate raktha and localize in blood vessels. This couses obstraction in the vessels and doshas get diverted and start accumulating under the skin and muscle and rasa raktha and udaka get vitiated with kidney .
  • 5. Samanya laxana Gourava(heaviness) Shotha asthiratha(pitting or nin pitting) Ustheda(swelling) Ushma(heat) Loma harsha(horripilations) Unga vivarnatha(discolouratian)
  • 6. Vataja shotha Spreads rapidly Unstable Soft Skin over edema is dry Blackish Pain and numbness Pitting edema Increases during day and redused in night
  • 7. Pittaja shotha Edema is soft Reddish and yellow in colour Unpleasent odour Red eye, vertigo, sweating and burning Fever Tenderness Pus formation
  • 8. Kaphaja shotha Edema is heavy stable Loss appetite Salivation Sleep Non pitting edema increases in night
  • 9. CHIKITSA Chikitsa is the breaking up of pathogenesis going on in the body with appropriate measures to attain the equilibrium of doshas, dhatus and malas which is responsible for health. The pathogenesis of Shotha leads to the abnormal collection of drava pradhana doshas inbetween Twacha and Mamsa. So breaking up of this samprapti can be achieved by elimination of this sanchita Ap. dosha by various procedures.
  • 10. What ever the cause of the disease may be the final resultant will be the Jala sanchaya and machanism of fluid collection remains the same. So aiming at Jala nirharana makes the half of the correction of the total treatment, other half includes the affected organ which is done by prakruthi vighata chikitsa.
  • 11. Samanya Chikitsa • It is estimated considering the following points • a) Avastha • In Amavastha - If doshas are in minimum quantity then langhana and pachana is advocated. In Bahudoshavastha Doshavasechana makes the line of management. • In Niramavastha- Shodhana procedures like vamana, virechana, nasya are adopted according to dosha involvement
  • 12. b) Vyaktha sthana - Treatment is adopted according to the part of the body affected. In Shira Shotha -- Shirovirechana In Adha Shareera shotha -- Virechana In urdhwa Shareeragata shotha -- Vamana c) Based on Hetu If Shotha is caused due to the factor santarpana factor then rookshana should be adopted. If it is due to Apatarpana Hetus then brimhana in the form of snehana is advocated.
  • 13. d) Doshanusara Nirooha basthi is indicated in vataja Shotha where vibandha vit is present. Tikthaka Gritha is indicated in pitta vataja shotha Ksheera is adviced in conditions of Moorcha, Arati, Daha, Trishna and also in vatapithaja Shotha.
  • 14. Acharya Sushrutha opines that according to the condition of the patient and disease, shodhana karma, snehana, swedana, upanaha and siramokshana can be carried out in Shotharoga. Acharya Vagbhata stress on vishodhana, laghu bhojana and pachana chikitsa in Shotha. Acharya Bhela has referred Kalyanaka Gritha, Mahatikthaka Gritha and Panchagavya Gritha in the management of shotha.
  • 15. • Langhana Doshavridhi, Apyamsha vridhi, Bahyasira sanga are the responsible factors in the manifestation of the disease. Langhana has been explained as the first line of management in all types of Shotha especially in Kaphaja Shotha. Acharya Vagbhata uses the word vishoshana for langhana and Arunadatta clarifies the type of langhana as upavasa. (Vishoshanam Atra Upavasa)
  • 16. • Pachana Pachana procedure helps in digesting the ama, and thus helps in samprapti vighatana similar to langhana. Since langhana and pachana normalises jataragni, no doubt they also rectifies Dhatwagni and this action may be at the cellular level. Vamana Though Acharya Charaka advocates vamana in shotha, but never explained about vamana yogas in this context. Even Acharya Vagbhata and Acharya Kashyapa have not touched this topic. In Jalodara (which is a type of shotha) also vamana is contraindicated and Nithyavirechana is indicated.
  • 17. • Shodhana This procedure is mainly indicated at the stage of Bahudoshas. In Urdhwaga shotha i.e. shotha produced by the uraha sthita dosha (Kapha). Vamana is indicated. In Adhoga shotha which is produced due to adhosthita dosha (vata) virechana is indicated.
  • 18. • Shothagna Dravya Prayoga That which annihilates Shotha is termed as shothagna which includes punernava, dashamoola, guggulu etc. Kshara Prayoga All the Ayurvedic authors have mentioned the use of kshara in all types of shothas and specifically in Kaphaja Shotha. Yavakshara which is used in many yogas is laghu, sookshma, agnideepaka, pandu and hridrogahara. Sarja kshara is deepaka and pachaka. These ksharas acts as mootrala and thus helps in elimation of accumulated fluids.
  • 19. • Shothagna Dravya Prayoga That which annihilates Shotha is termed as shothagna which includes punernava, dashamoola, guggulu etc. Kshara Prayoga All the Ayurvedic authors have mentioned the use of kshara in all types of shothas and specifically in Kaphaja Shotha. Yavakshara which is used in many yogas is laghu, sookshma, agnideepaka, pandu and hridrogahara. Sarja kshara is deepaka and pachaka. These ksharas acts as mootrala and thus helps in elimation of accumulated fluids.
  • 20. • Gomutra Prayoga Gomutra is extensively used in all varieties of shotha. It is advised alongwith other dravyas like Hareetaki, Ksheera etc. both for shodhana and shamana. Due to its properties it purifies the srotas and thus removes srotosanga. So doshas are driven into kosta and then by shodhana it is expelled out. The kshara property helps in dragging a large amount of water to koshta and thus acts as Mutrala.
  • 21. • Katu Ushna Dravya Prayoga Along with kshara, katu ushna dravyas are indicated in Kaphaja Shotha to palliate kapha and to produce shoshana of sanchita drava. For this pippali, shunti etc. dravyas have been used. • Asava Arishta Madhya Prayoga All the authors emphasis the use of these dravyas in all varieties of shotha where there is srothorodha, agni and ruchinasha, owing to their rooksha, teekshna, deepana and rochana properties. Amla madhya is contraindicated in shotha where sa anamla madhya is advised.
  • 22. • Loha, Mandoora and Tamra Kalpas Many preparations of Loha, Tamra and Mandoora have been advocated in kaphaja shotha. These preparations may help in oedema due to hypoproteinemia and also may cure anaemia in various oedemas. • Bahya Prayoga Bahiparimarjana chikitsa is mainly helpfull in vataja and pittaja type of shotha. Where as in Kaphaja Shotha these are having very little role to play.
  • 23. • Snehana Though Sushruta has mentioned it as a samanya chikitsa, Charaka and Vagbhata specifies it to vataja shotha, which is more appropriate, since the main symptoms of vataja shotha like khara, paroosha, bhinnatwak needs proper oleation. • Swedana Similar to snehana the use of swedana is mentioned particularly for vataja shotha. But as a poorvakarma it can be used in all shothas where in shodhana is indicated.
  • 24. • Lepa Two groups of drugs mentioned for lepa. Among which with the first group consists of sheetala dravyas such as Mrinala, Manjista, etc. which are pittashamaka and thus produces dahaprashamana action. These may be useful in pittajashotha to prevent paka. The other group consists of rooksha and shushka dravyas such as vibheetaki, pippali, siktha etc. which when applied as a shushka lepa helps in absorbing theliquids from the skin surface and then reduces Kaphaja Shotha.
  • 25. • Seka and Snana Snana and seka with water prepared out of that particular doshahara dravya are mentioned for the individual variety of shotha such as kakolyadi gana kwatha in pittaja, kulattha shunti sadita jala in kaphaja shotha etc. Here the effect of ushnajala snana or seka is similar to that of swedana. • Upanaha Even though Sushruta has mentioned this under samanya chikitsa it is more useful in vataja shotha where in toda, bheda, katinata, twachasrutana, etc. are common. • Cheda and Daha Karma
  • 26. • DIFFERENT YOGAS USED IN SHOTHA • Swarasa Ardrakarasadi Yoga Y.R. Bilvapatra SwarasaY.R. Ardrakarasa Y.R/B.R • Kalka Bhunimbhadi Kalka Y.R Punarnavadi Kalka B.R. Dravyadi Kalka B.R./Chakradatta Talapadmaka Kalka B.R. Saratadi Kalka V.Ma.
  • 27. • Asava Arista Punarnavadhya Arista B.R Gandiradhyarista Cha.Chi Astashata Arista Cha.Chi Phalatrikadyarista Cha.Chi Usheerasava Sharangadara Lohasava Sharangadara Rohita Arista Sharangadara Vasakasava Y.R.
  • 28. • Gudapippalyadi Choorna B.R/Chakradatta Punarnavadi Choorna B.R. Shootha Shardhula Choorna B.R Krishnadi Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha Triphala Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha Hapooshadya Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha Ajamodadi Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha Lavanabhaskar Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha Chitrakadya Choorna Sha. Sam. M. Kha Ammtadi Choorna A. Hr. Chi. Amrutadi Choorna
  • 29. • Vati Prakarana • Ksheera Vati B.R • Takravati B.R • Ksharadi Gutika B.R./Chakradatta • Kalpalata Vati B.R • Dugdhavati B.R • Vaidyanatha Vati B.R • Mandura Vataka Sharangadhara • Kashaya Prakarana • Shunthyadi Kwatha Vr.M/Y.R/Br.Ni.R (Shotha • Shothaghnyadi Kwatha Por.Ni.R. Atisara • Shothahari Dashako Mahakashaya Ch.Su.4 • Simhasyadi Kwatha Vangasena - Shotha • Patyadi Kwatha Y.R./B.R • Triphaladi Kwatha Y.R./B.R • Punanravadi Kwatha B.R/H.S/Sha.Madhyam • Abhayadi Kwatha B.R • Punarnawastaka Kwatha B.R
  • 30. • Gruta • Shunti gruta B.R/Chakradatta • Punarnava gruta B.R • Punarnavadya gruta B.R • Manaka gruta B.R • Chitrakadi gruta B.R/Cha.Chi • Stalapadma gruta B.R • Panchakooladya gruta B.R • Chitraka gruta B.R/Cha.Chi • Kasisadi gruta Sharangadhara • Shadbhindu grutaSharangadhara • Ardraka gruta Sharangadhara • Yavanikadi gruta A.Hridaya. Chi • Anyanya gruta A.Hridaya. Chi • Panchamooladya gruta Y.R • Shushka Mooladya gruta Y.R • Patoolamooladi gruta Cha.Chi.
  • 31. • Taila Shuskamooladya tailam Y.R Samudra Shooshana Tailam Y.R/V.Se/B.P Dashamoola Tailam B.R Panchamoola Tailam V.Se Punarnavadi Tailam B.R Argvadhadi Taila Y.R Shushkamoolakadya Taila B.R (Pratama & Dwitiya) Shootha Shardula Taila B.R Shailedyadhya Taila B.R
  • 32. • Rasaprakarana Chulikavati B.R/Udara Jaipala Rasa R.R.S Takra Manduram B.R./Shotha Tamra Bhasma Prayoga R.C.M/8 Trikatukadi Loham G.N Trikatvadya Loham V.R.,V.Se Trinetrakhyho Rasaha R.R.S Dugdha Vati B.R, Panchamruta Rasa B.R., Dha. Ni. Shilajatu Yoga B.R., R.R.S. Gomootra Mandura Ra. Kamadenu
  • 33. • Lepa Prakarana .Vachadi Lepa Y.Ta/Vri.Ma Punarnavadi Lepa Y.R Darvadi Lepa Y.R. Krushadi Lepa Y.R. Arkadi Lepa Y.R. Nyagrodadi Lepa Y.R. Vibhitaki Lepa Y.R. Kaphaja Shothahara Lepa Chakradatta /B.R. Shothaghna Lepa Sharangadhara Dashanga Lepa Sharangadhara sArushkar Shothaghna Lepa Sharangadhara