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Shoe-Horn Sonata
Through the use of techniques and themes, a composer is able to create distinctively visual images when describing the setting and characters in detail
which help us to understand and form meaning of what the composer is trying to convey in their texts. The use of techniques such as body language,
symbolism, lighting, music and photographic background slides create distinctively visual images same with themes that are being used within the texts
such as truth which is evident in the dramatic text 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' by John Misto, the song 'Lose Yourself' sang by Eminem, and the film 'The
Eye' directed by David Moreau and Xavier Palud featuring Jessica Alba. These three texts demonstrate how the responders are impacted and what is more content...
'Lose Yourself' by Eminem is about being famous in the music industry with the difficulty of pressure that occur in the music industry for popularity.
Eminem uses dynamics and instrumentals to stay in a constant rhythm after verse one with repetition of the chorus. '...You only get one shot, do not
miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.' The listeners are able to gather the truth about the music career and become more
aware of what the composer feels when getting on the music stage to sing.
Imageries are formed when a composer uses the past experience of themselves or other to engage those audience that had a similar experience or
understanding as the responders are able to view themselves if they were in that situation. Eminem uses second person throughout the song until
verse three were he reveals the truth of what happened in his life. 'His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy... to All the pain inside
amplified by the fact that I can't get by with my nine to five and I can't provide the right type of life for my family.' The listeners can relate to this
situation also modern day society every parent is working to provide for their family needs and the pressure they have been through helps in defining
there past experiences.
Composers use distinctively visual throughout the film scenes to help the
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Shoe Horn Sonata
The Shoe Horn Sonata–
The Shoe Horn Sonata provides an insight into the lives of two women who were made prisoners of war by the Japanese and explores the little known
and horrific conditions and events the women endured. With the use of distinctively visual techniques, John Misto brings Bridie and Sheila's
experience vividly to life. Through the use of projected images, sound, music and symbolism; the horrors of war, survival and resilience are portrayed
throughout the drama.
Misto uses an array of projected images on stage to illustrate the horrors of war to the audience. The photographs projected behind the women, as they
retell their struggles, supports their stories by transporting them and the audience back into the past more content...
Although a humorous part in the play, it displays their wants and needs for survival. As the women form a choir within the camp, theshoehorn takes on
an essential role in the women's existence. It is used as a metronome, driving the music, lifting the spirits of each woman and emotionally allowing them
to rise above the deprivation and horror around them. This notion is enhanced with the dialogue "together we made this glorious sound that rose above
the camp – above the jungle – above the war – rose and rose and took us with it. Fifty voices set us free". Most predominantly the shoe horn becomes a
symbol of the pain and shame Sheila held for 50 years and the sacrifice she was willing to make in order to save a friends life. Once the shoe horn is
returned to Bridie, it becomes a symbol of the women's redemption of friendship and whipes out the pain and suffering they both had felt since the
completion of the war. The symbolism throughout the drama portrays to the audience that in various situations the women used what they had in order
to survive and carry on with their lives.
Misto uses distinctively visual techniques through the drama to portray to the audience the experiences and feelings Bridie and Shelia felt throughout
their tribulation. With the use of projected images, sound effects, music and symbolism, Misto displays the horrors of war, resilience and survival
tactics of the women and aims at strengthening the knowledge and appreciation of the women who
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Shoe Horn Sonata Distinctively Visual Themes
Distinctively Visual Image Page 52 "On the other side of our barbed wire fence were twenty or thirty Aussie men– as skinny as us – and wearing
slouch hats. Unlike the Japs, they had hairy legs. And they were standing in rows – serenading us." John Misto created a written visual image that
comes through in Act 1 Scene 7 (Page 52). This is brought up in the play when Bridie and Sheila are being interviewed by Rick (Host), they were
originally talking about the conditions that they were in, how they were starved and the lack of nutrition, this then moves on to how they sang through
the hunger at Christmas. The Japanese then allowed the Australian men to visit the nurses, while the nurses sang a Christmas carol them. "The Japs let
us more content...
This is very important for the story because it is what keeps them strong and keeps them moving forward without giving up, it's the image of them
being able to grasp them emotionally and give them motivation to continue on til the end of the war, the visual of this can assist the audience and
allow the viewer to be empathic to the POWs. The constant contrasting between the Japanese and the Australians means it is a permanent
competition between who is the superior race. The reference to the how hairy the legs were of the men meant that they were trying to put down the
Japanese. "Unlike the Japs, they had hairy legs" is referring to the Australian men having hairy legs; this can allude to the Australians being more
'manly'. This contrasting is an allusion from the Japanese to the Australians, making it appear as if the Japanese are not 'manly', this could further
allude to attitude that the Australians hold of the Japanese, they are inferior to the white society. Bridie could be implying that the Australians are
superior of the Japanese, being more of a man for having more hair than them could be a symbol for cultural supremacy. This gives the audience a
distinctively visual image of the play because it is the key to the cultural separation, appearance as well as culture is key reason why people are so
divided and the
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The Shoe Horn Sonata
Module A: The Shoe–Horn Sonata and Immigrants at Central Station Dreams of war encapsulating bravery, suffering and endurance of the human
spirit are evident throughout history and marked through commemoration. However the wartime experience of women, civilians and many migrants
have never been acknowledged creating significant gaps and silences in our perception of the past. John Misto in his drama The Shoe–Horn Sonata
pays tribute to women POWs through distinctively visual techniques that incorporate music, images and dialogue, compelling the audience to
recognise the injustice of their plight and to continue the pursuit for reconciliation. Similarly Peter Skrzynecki in his poem Immigrants at Central
Station presents images of more content...
Both Bridie and Sheila were exposed to war–time atrocities where indifference to their plight is reflected through the war–time Prime Minister
Curtain's anecdotal message to female POWs to just 'keep smiling', reinforced through the non–diagetic accompaniment of Judy Garland's song 'When
You're Smiling'. Bridie's beating from Lipstick Larry is presented through a voice–over re–enactment in which a 'savage yell...ugly thumps' and Sheila's
exclamations 'Bridie! Bridie!' conveys the brutality, yet also the shared suffering that unites the women. It is ironic that Bridie describes this as 'the best
moment of the war', worthy retribution for the pin sown into Lipstick Larry's loincloth. Music and its ability to humanise becomes paramount to the
women's survival when the non–diagetic sounds of Christmas Carols foreground Bridie's revelation of 'deep male voices – not the shrieks of Japanese',
as a cathartic moment in her life. Visions of 'hairy legs', 'skinny', starving men in 'slouch hats' is analogous with the Aussie Digger providing an
exhilarating and morale boosting moment for the women where Bridie later reveals she married the soldier who winked at her. The symbolic 'piece of
caramel' that had been used so sparingly shared becomes an indulgence to mark this moment of sheer pleasure. The audience, like the women are
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The Shoe Horn Sonata Distinctively Visual Essay
We live in a society where visual images are becoming increasingly significant, as most information in the media is presented as a combination of
pictures and words. Visual representations enable individuals to interpret and evaluate texts that communicate with images more effectively.
Distinctively visual techniques are used to enhance and challenge the way an individual understands personal experiences and the world. The way
that they perceive these experiences can be shaped through distinctively visual techniques, as the vivid images can allow them to make sense of the
world and provide diverse perspectives on how they view it. John Misto's play 'The Shoe–horn Sonata' (1996) utilises powerful visual and language
techniques to more content...
The concept of power is displayed on pages 25–26 through the dominance of a double–page spread that illustrates a close–up of a large dead fly and
several more smaller ones surrounding it. This is symbolic as flies are often associated with death due to their short life–span, and rotting. Therefore,
representing the government's power over people and using soldiers for their own political
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Essay On Japanese Pow Camps
The 1929 Geneva Convention in Switzerland had one goal: getting all major powers to sign one document. The document stated that prisoners of war
must be treated with some amounts of respect and not be treated inhumanly. (Prisoners) The Allies, the United States, Great Britain, France, and the
Soviet Union, all signed the treaty with the exception of the Soviet Union. Germany and Italy also signed, however Japan would not. (World) For this
reason, Japanese POW camps progressively became more brutal. Japanese POW camps were infamous for their brutality. The Changi Camp slowly
became one of the worst barracks in Japan. At first, the Japanese treated the men with respect: concerts were given, events organized, and food and
medicine were more content...
In the middle of December of 144, 150 American soldiers were gathered into a bomb shelter. Japanese soldiers threw gas on them and then
proceeded to add a lighted match. However even in the darkest times, there was a flame of hope. Eugene Neilson escaped a prison camp. He and
several others were in a trench when it began smelling like gas. Neilson jumped out, slid under the barbed wire, and proceeded to fall over a cliff.
Catching a tree branch, he was able to bring himself down and hid under garbage while several POW's were being massacred on the beach.
Eugene Neilson waited until the Japanese had left and made a mad dash for the ocean with the Japanese shooting at him. Even though he had been
shot several times, Neilson survived and swam nine hours to the Philippines. There he picked his way through the juggle and found Americans.
Neilson told them about the need to rescue prisoners of war. (People) By the end of World War 2, Japanese camps had become progressively
brutal. Prisoners of war endured more than what anyone could imagine. Richard Beck best describes what many were feeling during their time
spent in prisoner of war camps, "It's a very sinking feeling to know that you are going to be abused for a long period of time, and that's exactly what it
was, it was a long period of abuse –– starvation, beatings... Some people were shot for no reason at all, so you never knew how to assess the situation,
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Through the various textual is features, the composers of both The Shoe Horn Sonata and The boy In striped pyjamas have created didactic texts that
explore the extremes of human suffering during the brutality of war, effectively engaging the audience by appealing to their emotions. In Shoe horn
sonata when Bridie retells her experience the readers are able to visualise what impact that was made to the women because of the treatment they
received. Bridie says "Twelve nurses didn't make were bayoneted....two things I hate most in the world are Japs and water "Bridies detailed
description helps create a sense of the situation . Bridies story is punctuated with the sound of "Happy Times" which contrasts to the story being told.
The sound
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Shoe Horn Sonata Essay
Shoe Horn Sonata: In Misto's play contrast is a powerful dramatic device. Describe its use in the Shoe Horn Sonata. "Shoe Horn Sonata is an
impressive story of courage, hope, horror and friendship. This play is a tribute to commemorate the bravery of the women and to make their story of
survival widely known. The historical context that the story has enables us to learn about the past events and to understand the true meaning of war
and its consequences. The play draws on real events, the Massacre of the 21 Australian Nurses on Banka Island with only one Survivor. Conflict is
the essence of drama. It can contrasts both inner e.g. when Sheila is deciding on whether to sell herself to the Jap's. It can also be physical, an example more content...
Though there is doom and gloom there still is humour and hope. Misto maintains a balance of this within the play e.g. hope by being in a choir
that made a "glorious sound that rose above the camp "allowing the women to forget about the Jap's and their hunger. The use of emotive impact is
significant in moving the audience into feeling a dramatic feeling of mixed emotions that convey within particular scenes. During the public
revelations of Shelia and Bridie's secrets in Act 2, Bridie mentions "that isn't the truth...she went to the Jap's to a Japanese guard and sold herself
for him for tablets". The contrast between Bridie's loud angry tone and silence of Sheila proved that. This was very effective in resolving the
tension in the play, as the silence aroused a great sense of drama, This quote is an example of Misto's use of emotive power over the audience, it
also contrasts the themes of pity and admiration of both Bridie and Sheila; they are influenced into feeling pity and admiration. Misto's use of
emotive power moves the audience into feeling sadness, pity and admiration that women have endured so much suffering however they are brave
enough to tell the whole world of their horrific experiences. The play also uses great language e.g. descriptive detail in the monologues, imagery e.g.
"on four wobbly legs we walk down to the village"; this provides a visual image of the scene and the efforts of both Sheila and Bridie. The stories and
events that have been told
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The distinctly visual leads us to think about significant issues in our world. Do you agree? In your response make detailed reference to distinctly
visual qualities of The Shoe–Horn Sonata and ONE other text of your choosing. Many composers use various techniques in which they communicate
the distinctly visual. John Misto's 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' and Alexander Kimel's 'The Action in the Ghetto of Rohatyn, March 1942' represent
significant issues in our world by using various literary and dramatic techniques. Through using these techniques it is evident that the composers of
these texts allow the audience to 'see' with our eyes as well as with our minds. The many literary and dramatic techniques have the ability to create a
visual more content...
In Act 1, Scene 1, Sheila and Bridie explain "Fifty voices set us free. Fifty voices and a shoe horn..." This orchestra created by Miss Dryburgh gave
the women hope and by working together as a group they were able to forget the oppression of the camp, even if it was temporarily. Misto also
uses symbolism to represent music. "But we sang our... so the camp would know that there was still music left." During the darkest time in the war,
the only thing they had left was music. This gave every prisoner a glimpse of hope; it was their way of expressing their escape from the war
although it was momentarily. Misto uses the technique of motifs and symbolism for music to give the audience a clear visual that there is still hope
when there is suffering in the world. 'The Action in the Ghetto' is a poem based on the perspective of a holocaust survivor. Kimel re–tells the horrors
that he had survived during the holocaust. Kimel uses various literary techniques to create a visual for the audience to 'see' his experience. Kimel
describes the visual of 'the hunt' as "the creation of hell." He uses this metaphor to describe the soldiers and their true nature. Kimel then goes on
describing the Nazi soldiers as "enjoying the hunt." Kimel's perception of the Nazi soldiers was that they found the hunt to be fun which provides
insight into the
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Shoe Horn Sonata
PAPER 2 SECTION 2 Practice Essay
Module B The Shoe– Horn Sonata
"The Shoe– Horn Sonata" is a play by John Misto that gives an insight into two lives of two female POWs in WW II and is a vector of Misto's
thoughts. It explores the little known and often terrible events associated with female prisoners of war. The play follows a friendship of two women
through the war to a point of tension that's beyond what any normal friendship would have to deal with. Misto engages his audience by using a
multitude of mediums to portray his story creating a truly multimedia performance. The playwright challenges the audience to look beyond this to the
underlying ideas of survival, loyalty and truth.
The play opens with a scene almost as more content...
Loyalty is such an underlying theme as each character's loyalty to their own country is demonstrated in scene four as Bridie defends the Australian
Government and shows contempt for the attacks and actions of The British Empire and The British Women in the same time Sheila's patriotism is
shown through, "One never stops being British, Nor does one want to",
She is critical of Australia and defends actions of the Empire and British Women who collaborated with the Japanese men, "They had children to feed!"
Each Character's strong loyalty of their country acts as a catalyst for arguments and development of tense between the characters. Scene four is such an
interesting scene for conflict between the characters as it is in the motel room where they discuss the interview and their cultural differences. The
argument between the reaches a crisis point but Bridie backs down as she doesn't want to fight.
Memoric's of the camp and shared experiences with the Japanese officer Lipstick Larry brings Bridie and Sheila close again. The playwright
employs particular effective techniques to touch the audience and shape reaction to Lipstick Larry's cruelty. On the screen Sheila was no longer a 65
year old women, she was a frightened but courage's 15 year old crying out in horror as Lipstick Larry assaults her friend, "Bridie,
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Shoe Horn Sonata Distinctively Visual Essay
Introduction: hello class, Today I will be discussing 'how they play shoe horn sonata achieves distinctively visual ideas through language,' And the
similarities in 1984 by George Orwell. Meaning: Distinctively visual is anything within a text that provokes an image you can physically see or
imagine. The distinctive quality of the visual lies in its capacity to elicit a powerful response. That image is connected to clear values and perspectives
that can be positive or negative. Composers rely on language and visual techniques to create these images. My main themes are Friendship between
bridie and sheila War traumas and hardships And the healing power of truth that can set you free Theme 1: friendship The Shoe
–Horn Sonata shows
Sheila and Bridie as best friends. Their support for one another was a major reason more content...
Hence this picture of a dystopian city. The main character Winston Smith's environment is depicted through the distinctively visual ideas shown in '
vistas of rotting nineteenth–century houses, their sides shored up with baulks of timber, their windows patched with cardboard and their roofs with
corrugated iron' this is using imagery and descriptive language to set the scene for the audience much like the beginning of shoe horn sonata. The eye
on my slide corresponds with the Repetition of 'big brother is watching you'. This is distinctively visual because we imagine being constantly
monitored. This is similar to the shoe horn sonata because the women, while held captive, didn't have any privacy and even had to go to the toilet out
in the open. The oppressive scenes consisting of distinctively visual elements were achieved by textual techniques such as imagery and descriptive
language. These techniques illustrate darkness and oppression which gives us vivid glimpses of Winston, bridie and sheila's environment and past
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Distinctive images engage individuals into the lives of others, altering perceptions which influence our ideas and awareness of the world. The play
Shoe–Horn Sonata by John Misto uses a combination of language and visual stimuli to elucidate the atrocities of war. He illustrates the lasting
impressions created by war on the two protagonists Sheila and Bridie, suggesting that the horrors of this event can significantly alter relationships as
well. Similarly, Keegan Wilcox explores these ideals in his short film The Porcelain Unicorn, commenting on how the distinctive events that individuals
face can be heavily impacted through their experiences of war. Both texts rely on the use of distinctive images to portray the effects of wartime, more content...
He creates a distinctive image of an elderly man approaching a house, where the low angle shot creates a sense of daunting uncertainty and mystery.
Coupled with the non–diegetic of riffs, the unknown element engages with the audience, provoking curiosity as the man hesitates in front of the house.
As he glances at the window, the scene transitions into a flashback, highlighting how memories of traumatic experiences can be triggered years later.
The young Jewish girl is alone, and immediately disappears from sight from the Hitler Youth arrives, evoking pathos within the audience as Wilcox
comments on how wars can destroy families, which can heavily impact upon an individual as they grow up. The use of children especially encourage
the audience to engage in the short film, evoking pathos. . Furthermore, the mise–en–scene smashing of the unicorn, which represents purity, is
symbolic of the lasting effects of war, creating a distinctive visual of how the girl's innocence has been taken. The visual symbols and props thus create
distinctive images, prompting the audience to
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Shoe Horn Sonata And The Skeleton Twins
Distinctive images are often filled with various qualities, and these qualities often create interest and create unique experiences. The John Misto play
'The Shoe Horn Sonata' and the Craig Johnson film 'The Skeleton Twins' both demonstrate images which are distinct and help the audience figure out
the two texts. Images, along with various film and dramatic techniques attract the eye and help give a positive response and often a feel of the
characters and what is occurring. Without the use of images, the two texts and many other texts would not be distinctive visually.
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Shoe Horn Sonata & the Send Off
Distinctively Visual Essay – Shoe Horn Sonata & The Send Off In John Misto's play 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' (1996) and the poem 'The Send–Off'
written by Wilfred Owen distinctively visual techniques are used to explore past experiences of war and individuals and society's perceptions. These
concepts are conveyed and explored through the use of distinctively visual techniques such as visual and aural imagery, stage directions and dialoged.
In 'The Shoe–Horn Sonta' distinctly visual techniques are used to highlight past experiences of World War II and provide distinct visuals of the unjust
acts committed against nurses. Through the use of powerful dialogue, and engaging dramatic techniques, Misto explores their testimonies of
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Music plays an important role in the play; with the title itself having a hidden meaning with a sonata being a piece for two musical instruments, or
voices representing instruments. The partnership between Bridie and Sheila constitutes a sonata with their music symbolizing hope and joy with the
objective of bringing happiness to the other prisoners. They sang when they were in the huts at night, or digging graves 'So the camp would know
there was still music left'. Symbolism is used to show they are still clinging on to life, just as the shoehorn is a symbol of their strength and will. The
beat of the shoehorn is still there, canvassing the strength of their beliefs and their lasting courage. They supported each other throughout their time in
captivity, but lose contact after their release. In Act one, Scene three the audience's attention is captured with the distinctively visual dialogue spoken
by Sheila. 'For a while nothing happened. Just the roar of the sea – and us, ghostly white on deck.' The dialogue encompasses the use of light to put
emphasis on an idea or to create a mood. Misto uses spotlights to emphasize the drama of what is happening on stage. [Both of them are isolated in
spotlights]. Where as Owen reinforces the negative tone of the poem by using words such as 'not ours' and 'never' this showing how their
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"People only see what they are prepared to see" is a famous quote by Ralph Waldo. This quote emphasises the fact that the purpose of a text can often
be unnoticed and misinterpreted by the viewer. Many people only have a limited world experience, and it's the Distinctly Visual feature of a text which
allows the viewer to gain a better understanding. Distinctly Visual texts use a combination of techniques to create and shape an audience's point of
view or interpretation, and visualising a text requires the responder to interpret all of the images presented. The text Shoe–Horn Sonata by John Misto
first appears as a play about two friends restoring their relationship after 50 years apart, however, realistically it also implies that war is more
Throughout the play, Misto uses the lighting in diverse ways. For example, in the TV studio setting, the lighting is used to generate an environment in
which an interview would take place; a sterile environment, but in the hotel room setting, the lighting is clear and expresses an optimistic and
welcoming atmosphere. Misto's use of lighting enables the viewer to sense different things depending on the brightness and direction of the light. In
the TV Studio setting, the themes acknowledged are the cruel treatment of POW's in the camps and the futility of war, whereas in the hotel setting the
themes are those of camaraderie, trust and remorse. By making this contrast, Misto ensures the viewer can see both sides of the situation. The first
scene opens in darkness, when out of the silence comes the voice of one of the protagonists, Bridie. The spotlight falls upon Bridie as she reminisces
on the past, reciting a self–conscious memory of how the Japanese used to torture them by making them kowtow for hours. She demonstrates the
kowtow which takes the audience straight into the action. Misto uses this specific lighting to attract the audience's attention and attract them to Bridie
standing alone in the spotlight to give an insight of what the text is going to focus on as she talks about her life during the war. John
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Analysis Of John Misto's The Shoe Horn Sonata
The visual capacity to formulate distinctive images through words reveals the true nature of the individual through their experiences that of which
will then be used to define their society. One's memories will paint a reality of society so divorced from our own as 'truth is the first casualty of
war'. It will be of three and a half years of imprisonment and the chance to reflect fifty years after the event will be at large. In John Misto's
historical fiction, The Shoe Horn Sonata the hard truth is brought to light in 1995, fifty years on providing a rich sense of reflection and
consideration of the notion of World War Two through the memory of two characters, Shelia and Bridie. Comparatively Lindsay Murdoch presents an
article, They were only 19 ... and some were even younger published by the Sydney Morning Herald on the 16th of February 2012. It explores the
non–fictional sorrowful memories of the Australian veterans of WWII stationed at "Singapore, the Fortress of the Empire" before being captured. The
visual is of the five men along with their evocative but accurate comment drawn from memories of an absolute reality. Ultimately, these texts provide
the individual histories of men and women that were captured by the Japanese during WWII. Thus displaying their joint suffering on and off the
battlefield as that is the reality of their situation. Misto will remind us of those women who suffered three and a half years of horror, under the
imprisonment of the Japanese.
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The Shoe Horn Sonata Analysis
John Misto, the creator of the Australian play 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' used distinctly visual techniques to highlight the past distinctive experiences
during World War II, shared by two friends, Sheila and Bridie. Through the use of powerful dialogue, and engaging dramatic techniques, Misto
explores, through their testimonies, the untold story of hundreds and thousands of women imprisoned by the Japanese in South East Asia. Misto
features the play around the recounts and flashbacks of Bridie, an Australian army nurse, and Sheila, a young English girl both of whom were captured
and sent to prisoner of war camps under the Japanese authority. The failure of the military and government authorities, as well as the will to survive, the more content...
The action cuts between two settings: a television studio and a Melbourne motel room. The opening scene shows Bridie re–enacting the kowtow, a
tribute to the emperor of Japan. (Bridie stands in a spotlight. She bows stiffly from the waist, and remains in this position). Stage directions allow
the readers to visualise exactly how the composer wants it to be performed. The reader is able to share their experiences, and feels engaged with
Bridie at this point. Misto uses photographic images, projected on a screen behind Bridie to support the dialogue. [On the screen behind Bridie are
projected several 1940 posters for the Women's Army. These are followed by photographs of the Australian army nurses disembarking in Singapore].
This allows the reader to feel included into the play, and creates an emotional impact by reminding us that although the play is fiction, the stories
themselves are real, and real people who suffered in this way. Wilfred Owen's first line of 'the Send–Off' illustrates the soldiers singing happily, heading
to defend their country. 'Down the close, darkening lanes they sang their way to the siding–shed'. Owen opens the poem with this powerful visual line
to display the juxtaposition present in the happy soldiers and the 'close, darkening lanes'. This line reflects the soldiers being sent to their death, and we
as the readers are able to understand that Owen points
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The Shoe Horn Sonata Analysis
A distinctly visual aspect of demonstrating the experience of the characters kindles curiosity in the audience to involve and instill emotional
understanding of the context. Through the use of distinct and unique techniques, composers create an emotional response that can have a significant
effect on the responders' attitude on the world. The play 'The shoe–horn sonata' explores the crisis of circumstances as John Misto depicts the forgotten
history of the women captured and imprisoned during WW2. Misto explores the experiences of the Australian nurses and the government's response to
their pleads of salvation, to emotionally bind the audience and the characters. Likewise, David Douglas Duncan involves the audience by evoking a
feeling of pity and empathy in his Korean War photograph. He creates sentiment for the loss of innocence and employs distinctly visual elements to
convey the horrifying nature of war. He profoundly highlights power in the photograph to explore the despair felt by the weak fleeing Korean citizens.
Hence, both authors elevate the context with a visual representation of the individuals' struggles to create curiosity and emotional rapport with the
audience to improve the understanding of the characters experiences.
Through the use of distinct visual images and techniques to intensely place the audience in the personas experiences, to confront the fear and
hopelessness, intimacy and emotional understanding of the characters can be enhanced.
In The Shoe Horn Sonata, responders are thrust into the lives of a nurse and a student with Misto's effective use of distinct images to convey the
disparity. The fall of Singapore signified the end of the British domination, which was a pivotal moment in the lives of Sheila and Bridie. "The
British Empire teetered and fell..." is shown through the projections of images of the Japanese soldiers and the "The Banzai flag", which is
juxtaposed with the singing of the famous British hymn Jerusalem, a patriotic song of England's greatness, to expresses the initiation of the loss of
intense faith for England. "It lay there like a wounded animal, spilling oil instead of blood..." floating next to a disaster, Sheila describes the
submerging ship that she was
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The Shoe-Horn Sonata
Through their effectual and extensive use of distinctly visual elements and techniques, John Misto's play 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' and the song 'I was
only 19' by Redgum, offer a variety of perceptions of the world. Distinctively visual elements and techniques assist us to develop an awareness of
languages in other texts and allows us to understand how our perceptions of and relationships with others and the world are shaped through written,
spoken and visual language. The play 'The Shoe–Horn sonata follows the experience of two former women POW, describing their experiences, and
trying to reconcile their differences. This play challenges the reader to look past the pain of these characters, at the wider social and political context,
which more content...
This song is similar to John Misto's play 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' as both of these text employ distinctly visual techniques to offer a variety of
perspectives on the world, and to convey and create meaning. Both of these texts focus on the concept of survival and the effects of war. However,
'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' focuses on the effect of a female POW camp, while 'I was only nineteen' focuses on the effects of fighting on the active
soldiers. In this song the audience is presented with an image of the effects of the war, and become emotionally invested in the story of the
protagonist and become emotionally invested in him as they gain a personal insight into his life after the war. One example of distinctly visual
elements in this song is the use of imagery. This is created so that the audience can form an image of the events being described and assist in the
conveyance of the author's message. This can be seen in the line "...and there's me in me slouch hat and me SLR and greens". This allows the reader
to visualise the characters. This use of imagery allows the reader to become emotionally invested in the characters, as they feel like they were there
with them. This makes the story seem more realistic. Another example of this is the line "and an Asian orange sunset through the scrub. This is a pun
on the chemical Agent Orange that was used in the war. This makes the song seem more realistic as it incorporates authentic elements from the war.
Therefore, through its use of imager, the song 'I was only 19' by Redgum effectively offers a variety of perceptions on the
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Shoe-Horn Sonata

  • 1. Shoe-Horn Sonata Through the use of techniques and themes, a composer is able to create distinctively visual images when describing the setting and characters in detail which help us to understand and form meaning of what the composer is trying to convey in their texts. The use of techniques such as body language, symbolism, lighting, music and photographic background slides create distinctively visual images same with themes that are being used within the texts such as truth which is evident in the dramatic text 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' by John Misto, the song 'Lose Yourself' sang by Eminem, and the film 'The Eye' directed by David Moreau and Xavier Palud featuring Jessica Alba. These three texts demonstrate how the responders are impacted and what is more content... 'Lose Yourself' by Eminem is about being famous in the music industry with the difficulty of pressure that occur in the music industry for popularity. Eminem uses dynamics and instrumentals to stay in a constant rhythm after verse one with repetition of the chorus. '...You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.' The listeners are able to gather the truth about the music career and become more aware of what the composer feels when getting on the music stage to sing. Imageries are formed when a composer uses the past experience of themselves or other to engage those audience that had a similar experience or understanding as the responders are able to view themselves if they were in that situation. Eminem uses second person throughout the song until verse three were he reveals the truth of what happened in his life. 'His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy... to All the pain inside amplified by the fact that I can't get by with my nine to five and I can't provide the right type of life for my family.' The listeners can relate to this situation also modern day society every parent is working to provide for their family needs and the pressure they have been through helps in defining there past experiences. Composers use distinctively visual throughout the film scenes to help the Get more content on
  • 2. Shoe Horn Sonata The Shoe Horn Sonata– The Shoe Horn Sonata provides an insight into the lives of two women who were made prisoners of war by the Japanese and explores the little known and horrific conditions and events the women endured. With the use of distinctively visual techniques, John Misto brings Bridie and Sheila's experience vividly to life. Through the use of projected images, sound, music and symbolism; the horrors of war, survival and resilience are portrayed throughout the drama. Misto uses an array of projected images on stage to illustrate the horrors of war to the audience. The photographs projected behind the women, as they retell their struggles, supports their stories by transporting them and the audience back into the past more content... Although a humorous part in the play, it displays their wants and needs for survival. As the women form a choir within the camp, theshoehorn takes on an essential role in the women's existence. It is used as a metronome, driving the music, lifting the spirits of each woman and emotionally allowing them to rise above the deprivation and horror around them. This notion is enhanced with the dialogue "together we made this glorious sound that rose above the camp – above the jungle – above the war – rose and rose and took us with it. Fifty voices set us free". Most predominantly the shoe horn becomes a symbol of the pain and shame Sheila held for 50 years and the sacrifice she was willing to make in order to save a friends life. Once the shoe horn is returned to Bridie, it becomes a symbol of the women's redemption of friendship and whipes out the pain and suffering they both had felt since the completion of the war. The symbolism throughout the drama portrays to the audience that in various situations the women used what they had in order to survive and carry on with their lives. Misto uses distinctively visual techniques through the drama to portray to the audience the experiences and feelings Bridie and Shelia felt throughout their tribulation. With the use of projected images, sound effects, music and symbolism, Misto displays the horrors of war, resilience and survival tactics of the women and aims at strengthening the knowledge and appreciation of the women who Get more content on
  • 3. Shoe Horn Sonata Distinctively Visual Themes Distinctively Visual Image Page 52 "On the other side of our barbed wire fence were twenty or thirty Aussie men– as skinny as us – and wearing slouch hats. Unlike the Japs, they had hairy legs. And they were standing in rows – serenading us." John Misto created a written visual image that comes through in Act 1 Scene 7 (Page 52). This is brought up in the play when Bridie and Sheila are being interviewed by Rick (Host), they were originally talking about the conditions that they were in, how they were starved and the lack of nutrition, this then moves on to how they sang through the hunger at Christmas. The Japanese then allowed the Australian men to visit the nurses, while the nurses sang a Christmas carol them. "The Japs let us more content... This is very important for the story because it is what keeps them strong and keeps them moving forward without giving up, it's the image of them being able to grasp them emotionally and give them motivation to continue on til the end of the war, the visual of this can assist the audience and allow the viewer to be empathic to the POWs. The constant contrasting between the Japanese and the Australians means it is a permanent competition between who is the superior race. The reference to the how hairy the legs were of the men meant that they were trying to put down the Japanese. "Unlike the Japs, they had hairy legs" is referring to the Australian men having hairy legs; this can allude to the Australians being more 'manly'. This contrasting is an allusion from the Japanese to the Australians, making it appear as if the Japanese are not 'manly', this could further allude to attitude that the Australians hold of the Japanese, they are inferior to the white society. Bridie could be implying that the Australians are superior of the Japanese, being more of a man for having more hair than them could be a symbol for cultural supremacy. This gives the audience a distinctively visual image of the play because it is the key to the cultural separation, appearance as well as culture is key reason why people are so divided and the Get more content on
  • 4. The Shoe Horn Sonata Module A: The Shoe–Horn Sonata and Immigrants at Central Station Dreams of war encapsulating bravery, suffering and endurance of the human spirit are evident throughout history and marked through commemoration. However the wartime experience of women, civilians and many migrants have never been acknowledged creating significant gaps and silences in our perception of the past. John Misto in his drama The Shoe–Horn Sonata pays tribute to women POWs through distinctively visual techniques that incorporate music, images and dialogue, compelling the audience to recognise the injustice of their plight and to continue the pursuit for reconciliation. Similarly Peter Skrzynecki in his poem Immigrants at Central Station presents images of more content... Both Bridie and Sheila were exposed to war–time atrocities where indifference to their plight is reflected through the war–time Prime Minister Curtain's anecdotal message to female POWs to just 'keep smiling', reinforced through the non–diagetic accompaniment of Judy Garland's song 'When You're Smiling'. Bridie's beating from Lipstick Larry is presented through a voice–over re–enactment in which a 'savage yell...ugly thumps' and Sheila's exclamations 'Bridie! Bridie!' conveys the brutality, yet also the shared suffering that unites the women. It is ironic that Bridie describes this as 'the best moment of the war', worthy retribution for the pin sown into Lipstick Larry's loincloth. Music and its ability to humanise becomes paramount to the women's survival when the non–diagetic sounds of Christmas Carols foreground Bridie's revelation of 'deep male voices – not the shrieks of Japanese', as a cathartic moment in her life. Visions of 'hairy legs', 'skinny', starving men in 'slouch hats' is analogous with the Aussie Digger providing an exhilarating and morale boosting moment for the women where Bridie later reveals she married the soldier who winked at her. The symbolic 'piece of caramel' that had been used so sparingly shared becomes an indulgence to mark this moment of sheer pleasure. The audience, like the women are momentarily Get more content on
  • 5. The Shoe Horn Sonata Distinctively Visual Essay We live in a society where visual images are becoming increasingly significant, as most information in the media is presented as a combination of pictures and words. Visual representations enable individuals to interpret and evaluate texts that communicate with images more effectively. Distinctively visual techniques are used to enhance and challenge the way an individual understands personal experiences and the world. The way that they perceive these experiences can be shaped through distinctively visual techniques, as the vivid images can allow them to make sense of the world and provide diverse perspectives on how they view it. John Misto's play 'The Shoe–horn Sonata' (1996) utilises powerful visual and language techniques to more content... The concept of power is displayed on pages 25–26 through the dominance of a double–page spread that illustrates a close–up of a large dead fly and several more smaller ones surrounding it. This is symbolic as flies are often associated with death due to their short life–span, and rotting. Therefore, representing the government's power over people and using soldiers for their own political Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Japanese Pow Camps The 1929 Geneva Convention in Switzerland had one goal: getting all major powers to sign one document. The document stated that prisoners of war must be treated with some amounts of respect and not be treated inhumanly. (Prisoners) The Allies, the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, all signed the treaty with the exception of the Soviet Union. Germany and Italy also signed, however Japan would not. (World) For this reason, Japanese POW camps progressively became more brutal. Japanese POW camps were infamous for their brutality. The Changi Camp slowly became one of the worst barracks in Japan. At first, the Japanese treated the men with respect: concerts were given, events organized, and food and medicine were more content... In the middle of December of 144, 150 American soldiers were gathered into a bomb shelter. Japanese soldiers threw gas on them and then proceeded to add a lighted match. However even in the darkest times, there was a flame of hope. Eugene Neilson escaped a prison camp. He and several others were in a trench when it began smelling like gas. Neilson jumped out, slid under the barbed wire, and proceeded to fall over a cliff. Catching a tree branch, he was able to bring himself down and hid under garbage while several POW's were being massacred on the beach. Eugene Neilson waited until the Japanese had left and made a mad dash for the ocean with the Japanese shooting at him. Even though he had been shot several times, Neilson survived and swam nine hours to the Philippines. There he picked his way through the juggle and found Americans. Neilson told them about the need to rescue prisoners of war. (People) By the end of World War 2, Japanese camps had become progressively brutal. Prisoners of war endured more than what anyone could imagine. Richard Beck best describes what many were feeling during their time spent in prisoner of war camps, "It's a very sinking feeling to know that you are going to be abused for a long period of time, and that's exactly what it was, it was a long period of abuse –– starvation, beatings... Some people were shot for no reason at all, so you never knew how to assess the situation, whether Get more content on
  • 7. Through the various textual is features, the composers of both The Shoe Horn Sonata and The boy In striped pyjamas have created didactic texts that explore the extremes of human suffering during the brutality of war, effectively engaging the audience by appealing to their emotions. In Shoe horn sonata when Bridie retells her experience the readers are able to visualise what impact that was made to the women because of the treatment they received. Bridie says "Twelve nurses didn't make were bayoneted....two things I hate most in the world are Japs and water "Bridies detailed description helps create a sense of the situation . Bridies story is punctuated with the sound of "Happy Times" which contrasts to the story being told. The sound Get more content on
  • 8. Shoe Horn Sonata Essay Shoe Horn Sonata: In Misto's play contrast is a powerful dramatic device. Describe its use in the Shoe Horn Sonata. "Shoe Horn Sonata is an impressive story of courage, hope, horror and friendship. This play is a tribute to commemorate the bravery of the women and to make their story of survival widely known. The historical context that the story has enables us to learn about the past events and to understand the true meaning of war and its consequences. The play draws on real events, the Massacre of the 21 Australian Nurses on Banka Island with only one Survivor. Conflict is the essence of drama. It can contrasts both inner e.g. when Sheila is deciding on whether to sell herself to the Jap's. It can also be physical, an example more content... Though there is doom and gloom there still is humour and hope. Misto maintains a balance of this within the play e.g. hope by being in a choir that made a "glorious sound that rose above the camp "allowing the women to forget about the Jap's and their hunger. The use of emotive impact is significant in moving the audience into feeling a dramatic feeling of mixed emotions that convey within particular scenes. During the public revelations of Shelia and Bridie's secrets in Act 2, Bridie mentions "that isn't the truth...she went to the Jap's to a Japanese guard and sold herself for him for tablets". The contrast between Bridie's loud angry tone and silence of Sheila proved that. This was very effective in resolving the tension in the play, as the silence aroused a great sense of drama, This quote is an example of Misto's use of emotive power over the audience, it also contrasts the themes of pity and admiration of both Bridie and Sheila; they are influenced into feeling pity and admiration. Misto's use of emotive power moves the audience into feeling sadness, pity and admiration that women have endured so much suffering however they are brave enough to tell the whole world of their horrific experiences. The play also uses great language e.g. descriptive detail in the monologues, imagery e.g. "on four wobbly legs we walk down to the village"; this provides a visual image of the scene and the efforts of both Sheila and Bridie. The stories and events that have been told Get more content on
  • 9. The distinctly visual leads us to think about significant issues in our world. Do you agree? In your response make detailed reference to distinctly visual qualities of The Shoe–Horn Sonata and ONE other text of your choosing. Many composers use various techniques in which they communicate the distinctly visual. John Misto's 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' and Alexander Kimel's 'The Action in the Ghetto of Rohatyn, March 1942' represent significant issues in our world by using various literary and dramatic techniques. Through using these techniques it is evident that the composers of these texts allow the audience to 'see' with our eyes as well as with our minds. The many literary and dramatic techniques have the ability to create a visual more content... In Act 1, Scene 1, Sheila and Bridie explain "Fifty voices set us free. Fifty voices and a shoe horn..." This orchestra created by Miss Dryburgh gave the women hope and by working together as a group they were able to forget the oppression of the camp, even if it was temporarily. Misto also uses symbolism to represent music. "But we sang our... so the camp would know that there was still music left." During the darkest time in the war, the only thing they had left was music. This gave every prisoner a glimpse of hope; it was their way of expressing their escape from the war although it was momentarily. Misto uses the technique of motifs and symbolism for music to give the audience a clear visual that there is still hope when there is suffering in the world. 'The Action in the Ghetto' is a poem based on the perspective of a holocaust survivor. Kimel re–tells the horrors that he had survived during the holocaust. Kimel uses various literary techniques to create a visual for the audience to 'see' his experience. Kimel describes the visual of 'the hunt' as "the creation of hell." He uses this metaphor to describe the soldiers and their true nature. Kimel then goes on describing the Nazi soldiers as "enjoying the hunt." Kimel's perception of the Nazi soldiers was that they found the hunt to be fun which provides insight into the Get more content on
  • 10. Shoe Horn Sonata PAPER 2 SECTION 2 Practice Essay Module B The Shoe– Horn Sonata *** "The Shoe– Horn Sonata" is a play by John Misto that gives an insight into two lives of two female POWs in WW II and is a vector of Misto's thoughts. It explores the little known and often terrible events associated with female prisoners of war. The play follows a friendship of two women through the war to a point of tension that's beyond what any normal friendship would have to deal with. Misto engages his audience by using a multitude of mediums to portray his story creating a truly multimedia performance. The playwright challenges the audience to look beyond this to the underlying ideas of survival, loyalty and truth. *** The play opens with a scene almost as more content... Loyalty is such an underlying theme as each character's loyalty to their own country is demonstrated in scene four as Bridie defends the Australian Government and shows contempt for the attacks and actions of The British Empire and The British Women in the same time Sheila's patriotism is shown through, "One never stops being British, Nor does one want to", She is critical of Australia and defends actions of the Empire and British Women who collaborated with the Japanese men, "They had children to feed!" Each Character's strong loyalty of their country acts as a catalyst for arguments and development of tense between the characters. Scene four is such an interesting scene for conflict between the characters as it is in the motel room where they discuss the interview and their cultural differences. The argument between the reaches a crisis point but Bridie backs down as she doesn't want to fight. Memoric's of the camp and shared experiences with the Japanese officer Lipstick Larry brings Bridie and Sheila close again. The playwright employs particular effective techniques to touch the audience and shape reaction to Lipstick Larry's cruelty. On the screen Sheila was no longer a 65 year old women, she was a frightened but courage's 15 year old crying out in horror as Lipstick Larry assaults her friend, "Bridie, Get more content on
  • 11. Shoe Horn Sonata Distinctively Visual Essay Introduction: hello class, Today I will be discussing 'how they play shoe horn sonata achieves distinctively visual ideas through language,' And the similarities in 1984 by George Orwell. Meaning: Distinctively visual is anything within a text that provokes an image you can physically see or imagine. The distinctive quality of the visual lies in its capacity to elicit a powerful response. That image is connected to clear values and perspectives that can be positive or negative. Composers rely on language and visual techniques to create these images. My main themes are Friendship between bridie and sheila War traumas and hardships And the healing power of truth that can set you free Theme 1: friendship The Shoe –Horn Sonata shows Sheila and Bridie as best friends. Their support for one another was a major reason more content... Hence this picture of a dystopian city. The main character Winston Smith's environment is depicted through the distinctively visual ideas shown in ' vistas of rotting nineteenth–century houses, their sides shored up with baulks of timber, their windows patched with cardboard and their roofs with corrugated iron' this is using imagery and descriptive language to set the scene for the audience much like the beginning of shoe horn sonata. The eye on my slide corresponds with the Repetition of 'big brother is watching you'. This is distinctively visual because we imagine being constantly monitored. This is similar to the shoe horn sonata because the women, while held captive, didn't have any privacy and even had to go to the toilet out in the open. The oppressive scenes consisting of distinctively visual elements were achieved by textual techniques such as imagery and descriptive language. These techniques illustrate darkness and oppression which gives us vivid glimpses of Winston, bridie and sheila's environment and past Get more content on
  • 12. Distinctive images engage individuals into the lives of others, altering perceptions which influence our ideas and awareness of the world. The play Shoe–Horn Sonata by John Misto uses a combination of language and visual stimuli to elucidate the atrocities of war. He illustrates the lasting impressions created by war on the two protagonists Sheila and Bridie, suggesting that the horrors of this event can significantly alter relationships as well. Similarly, Keegan Wilcox explores these ideals in his short film The Porcelain Unicorn, commenting on how the distinctive events that individuals face can be heavily impacted through their experiences of war. Both texts rely on the use of distinctive images to portray the effects of wartime, more content... He creates a distinctive image of an elderly man approaching a house, where the low angle shot creates a sense of daunting uncertainty and mystery. Coupled with the non–diegetic of riffs, the unknown element engages with the audience, provoking curiosity as the man hesitates in front of the house. As he glances at the window, the scene transitions into a flashback, highlighting how memories of traumatic experiences can be triggered years later. The young Jewish girl is alone, and immediately disappears from sight from the Hitler Youth arrives, evoking pathos within the audience as Wilcox comments on how wars can destroy families, which can heavily impact upon an individual as they grow up. The use of children especially encourage the audience to engage in the short film, evoking pathos. . Furthermore, the mise–en–scene smashing of the unicorn, which represents purity, is symbolic of the lasting effects of war, creating a distinctive visual of how the girl's innocence has been taken. The visual symbols and props thus create distinctive images, prompting the audience to Get more content on
  • 13. Shoe Horn Sonata And The Skeleton Twins Distinctive images are often filled with various qualities, and these qualities often create interest and create unique experiences. The John Misto play 'The Shoe Horn Sonata' and the Craig Johnson film 'The Skeleton Twins' both demonstrate images which are distinct and help the audience figure out the two texts. Images, along with various film and dramatic techniques attract the eye and help give a positive response and often a feel of the characters and what is occurring. Without the use of images, the two texts and many other texts would not be distinctive visually. Get more content on
  • 14. Shoe Horn Sonata & the Send Off Distinctively Visual Essay – Shoe Horn Sonata & The Send Off In John Misto's play 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' (1996) and the poem 'The Send–Off' written by Wilfred Owen distinctively visual techniques are used to explore past experiences of war and individuals and society's perceptions. These concepts are conveyed and explored through the use of distinctively visual techniques such as visual and aural imagery, stage directions and dialoged. In 'The Shoe–Horn Sonta' distinctly visual techniques are used to highlight past experiences of World War II and provide distinct visuals of the unjust acts committed against nurses. Through the use of powerful dialogue, and engaging dramatic techniques, Misto explores their testimonies of more content... Music plays an important role in the play; with the title itself having a hidden meaning with a sonata being a piece for two musical instruments, or voices representing instruments. The partnership between Bridie and Sheila constitutes a sonata with their music symbolizing hope and joy with the objective of bringing happiness to the other prisoners. They sang when they were in the huts at night, or digging graves 'So the camp would know there was still music left'. Symbolism is used to show they are still clinging on to life, just as the shoehorn is a symbol of their strength and will. The beat of the shoehorn is still there, canvassing the strength of their beliefs and their lasting courage. They supported each other throughout their time in captivity, but lose contact after their release. In Act one, Scene three the audience's attention is captured with the distinctively visual dialogue spoken by Sheila. 'For a while nothing happened. Just the roar of the sea – and us, ghostly white on deck.' The dialogue encompasses the use of light to put emphasis on an idea or to create a mood. Misto uses spotlights to emphasize the drama of what is happening on stage. [Both of them are isolated in spotlights]. Where as Owen reinforces the negative tone of the poem by using words such as 'not ours' and 'never' this showing how their Get more content on
  • 15. Shoe-Horn "People only see what they are prepared to see" is a famous quote by Ralph Waldo. This quote emphasises the fact that the purpose of a text can often be unnoticed and misinterpreted by the viewer. Many people only have a limited world experience, and it's the Distinctly Visual feature of a text which allows the viewer to gain a better understanding. Distinctly Visual texts use a combination of techniques to create and shape an audience's point of view or interpretation, and visualising a text requires the responder to interpret all of the images presented. The text Shoe–Horn Sonata by John Misto first appears as a play about two friends restoring their relationship after 50 years apart, however, realistically it also implies that war is more content... Throughout the play, Misto uses the lighting in diverse ways. For example, in the TV studio setting, the lighting is used to generate an environment in which an interview would take place; a sterile environment, but in the hotel room setting, the lighting is clear and expresses an optimistic and welcoming atmosphere. Misto's use of lighting enables the viewer to sense different things depending on the brightness and direction of the light. In the TV Studio setting, the themes acknowledged are the cruel treatment of POW's in the camps and the futility of war, whereas in the hotel setting the themes are those of camaraderie, trust and remorse. By making this contrast, Misto ensures the viewer can see both sides of the situation. The first scene opens in darkness, when out of the silence comes the voice of one of the protagonists, Bridie. The spotlight falls upon Bridie as she reminisces on the past, reciting a self–conscious memory of how the Japanese used to torture them by making them kowtow for hours. She demonstrates the kowtow which takes the audience straight into the action. Misto uses this specific lighting to attract the audience's attention and attract them to Bridie standing alone in the spotlight to give an insight of what the text is going to focus on as she talks about her life during the war. John Get more content on
  • 16. Analysis Of John Misto's The Shoe Horn Sonata The visual capacity to formulate distinctive images through words reveals the true nature of the individual through their experiences that of which will then be used to define their society. One's memories will paint a reality of society so divorced from our own as 'truth is the first casualty of war'. It will be of three and a half years of imprisonment and the chance to reflect fifty years after the event will be at large. In John Misto's historical fiction, The Shoe Horn Sonata the hard truth is brought to light in 1995, fifty years on providing a rich sense of reflection and consideration of the notion of World War Two through the memory of two characters, Shelia and Bridie. Comparatively Lindsay Murdoch presents an article, They were only 19 ... and some were even younger published by the Sydney Morning Herald on the 16th of February 2012. It explores the non–fictional sorrowful memories of the Australian veterans of WWII stationed at "Singapore, the Fortress of the Empire" before being captured. The visual is of the five men along with their evocative but accurate comment drawn from memories of an absolute reality. Ultimately, these texts provide the individual histories of men and women that were captured by the Japanese during WWII. Thus displaying their joint suffering on and off the battlefield as that is the reality of their situation. Misto will remind us of those women who suffered three and a half years of horror, under the imprisonment of the Japanese. Get more content on
  • 17. The Shoe Horn Sonata Analysis John Misto, the creator of the Australian play 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' used distinctly visual techniques to highlight the past distinctive experiences during World War II, shared by two friends, Sheila and Bridie. Through the use of powerful dialogue, and engaging dramatic techniques, Misto explores, through their testimonies, the untold story of hundreds and thousands of women imprisoned by the Japanese in South East Asia. Misto features the play around the recounts and flashbacks of Bridie, an Australian army nurse, and Sheila, a young English girl both of whom were captured and sent to prisoner of war camps under the Japanese authority. The failure of the military and government authorities, as well as the will to survive, the more content... The action cuts between two settings: a television studio and a Melbourne motel room. The opening scene shows Bridie re–enacting the kowtow, a tribute to the emperor of Japan. (Bridie stands in a spotlight. She bows stiffly from the waist, and remains in this position). Stage directions allow the readers to visualise exactly how the composer wants it to be performed. The reader is able to share their experiences, and feels engaged with Bridie at this point. Misto uses photographic images, projected on a screen behind Bridie to support the dialogue. [On the screen behind Bridie are projected several 1940 posters for the Women's Army. These are followed by photographs of the Australian army nurses disembarking in Singapore]. This allows the reader to feel included into the play, and creates an emotional impact by reminding us that although the play is fiction, the stories themselves are real, and real people who suffered in this way. Wilfred Owen's first line of 'the Send–Off' illustrates the soldiers singing happily, heading to defend their country. 'Down the close, darkening lanes they sang their way to the siding–shed'. Owen opens the poem with this powerful visual line to display the juxtaposition present in the happy soldiers and the 'close, darkening lanes'. This line reflects the soldiers being sent to their death, and we as the readers are able to understand that Owen points Get more content on
  • 18. The Shoe Horn Sonata Analysis A distinctly visual aspect of demonstrating the experience of the characters kindles curiosity in the audience to involve and instill emotional understanding of the context. Through the use of distinct and unique techniques, composers create an emotional response that can have a significant effect on the responders' attitude on the world. The play 'The shoe–horn sonata' explores the crisis of circumstances as John Misto depicts the forgotten history of the women captured and imprisoned during WW2. Misto explores the experiences of the Australian nurses and the government's response to their pleads of salvation, to emotionally bind the audience and the characters. Likewise, David Douglas Duncan involves the audience by evoking a feeling of pity and empathy in his Korean War photograph. He creates sentiment for the loss of innocence and employs distinctly visual elements to convey the horrifying nature of war. He profoundly highlights power in the photograph to explore the despair felt by the weak fleeing Korean citizens. Hence, both authors elevate the context with a visual representation of the individuals' struggles to create curiosity and emotional rapport with the audience to improve the understanding of the characters experiences. Through the use of distinct visual images and techniques to intensely place the audience in the personas experiences, to confront the fear and hopelessness, intimacy and emotional understanding of the characters can be enhanced. In The Shoe Horn Sonata, responders are thrust into the lives of a nurse and a student with Misto's effective use of distinct images to convey the disparity. The fall of Singapore signified the end of the British domination, which was a pivotal moment in the lives of Sheila and Bridie. "The British Empire teetered and fell..." is shown through the projections of images of the Japanese soldiers and the "The Banzai flag", which is juxtaposed with the singing of the famous British hymn Jerusalem, a patriotic song of England's greatness, to expresses the initiation of the loss of intense faith for England. "It lay there like a wounded animal, spilling oil instead of blood..." floating next to a disaster, Sheila describes the submerging ship that she was Get more content on
  • 19. The Shoe-Horn Sonata Through their effectual and extensive use of distinctly visual elements and techniques, John Misto's play 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' and the song 'I was only 19' by Redgum, offer a variety of perceptions of the world. Distinctively visual elements and techniques assist us to develop an awareness of languages in other texts and allows us to understand how our perceptions of and relationships with others and the world are shaped through written, spoken and visual language. The play 'The Shoe–Horn sonata follows the experience of two former women POW, describing their experiences, and trying to reconcile their differences. This play challenges the reader to look past the pain of these characters, at the wider social and political context, which more content... This song is similar to John Misto's play 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' as both of these text employ distinctly visual techniques to offer a variety of perspectives on the world, and to convey and create meaning. Both of these texts focus on the concept of survival and the effects of war. However, 'The Shoe–Horn Sonata' focuses on the effect of a female POW camp, while 'I was only nineteen' focuses on the effects of fighting on the active soldiers. In this song the audience is presented with an image of the effects of the war, and become emotionally invested in the story of the protagonist and become emotionally invested in him as they gain a personal insight into his life after the war. One example of distinctly visual elements in this song is the use of imagery. This is created so that the audience can form an image of the events being described and assist in the conveyance of the author's message. This can be seen in the line "...and there's me in me slouch hat and me SLR and greens". This allows the reader to visualise the characters. This use of imagery allows the reader to become emotionally invested in the characters, as they feel like they were there with them. This makes the story seem more realistic. Another example of this is the line "and an Asian orange sunset through the scrub. This is a pun on the chemical Agent Orange that was used in the war. This makes the song seem more realistic as it incorporates authentic elements from the war. Therefore, through its use of imager, the song 'I was only 19' by Redgum effectively offers a variety of perceptions on the Get more content on