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H A N N A H 
H O U S E 
1st Edition Winter 2014 
HER TIME TO SHINE Christine’s Story 
How Relationships Support Healthy 
Development: By Chaya Kulkarni, Ed. D 
12 DAYS 
S.R.O.I Hannah House 7 
Social Return On Investment 
Opportunity 11 
Her Time To Shine 
Development 19 
How Relationships Help 
Form Healthy Development 
Life & Community 23 
Life Coaching At Hannah House 
12 Days of Giveaways 30 
Photo by: Moyan Brenn 
Her Time to Shine 
Front Cover by : Jens Rost
For The 
Winter 2014 
Ilove Christmas. The season is full of frosty 
days, crunchy snow, twinkling lights and best 
of all plenty of family gatherings. Love is the 
heart of Christmas. This year marks my 8th 
year at Hannah House and another season of 
Christmas at Hannah House is a special sea-son. 
From mid November till the New Year we include 
all of the young moms and babies in celebrating the 
birth of The King. The young ladies at Hannah House 
have not always shared my enthusiasm for the season. 
Most of them have never experienced a sense of extend-ed 
family or love and inclusion. Yet their heart longs for 
exactly those things - a place to belong. 
This Hannah House magazine, Shine Bright, has been 
compiled with you in mind. We want to share with you 
the stories of young women who shine as they over-come 
obstacles, succeed with life skills, continue their 
education, achieve personal growth and become suc-cessful 
mothers. These pages will lead you to a better 
understanding of the mission and importance of 
Hannah House. 
I trust that you will be inspired to share your 
Christmas with us in love, prayer and by giving 
generously again this year. Your gifts have an im-pact! 
They reflect the love and support of the Ni-agara 
Region and convey the compassion of our 
Your opportunity to invest in Hannah House is 
highlighted on the last pages of this magazine. To 
give a gift securely visit: or 
use the enclosed gift card and drop it in the mail 
Merry Christmas 
Thank you, from the Hannah House Team 
Cheryl Plett 
Executive Director of Hannah House
S O C I A L 
Since 2002, Hannah House has supported: 118 
young pregnant and parenting women. 
As it’s core mission, Hannah House 
Maternity Home strives to empow-er 
pregnant and parenting women 
to make positive life choices for 
themselves; changing their chil-dren’s 
The range of services offered within the socially inclu-sive 
and supportive environment of Hannah House rep-resent 
a comprehensive approach that addresses educa-tion, 
spiritual direction, shelter, food, security, physical 
health, life skills, child care, family issues and healthy 
attachment for mother and child. 
While living at Hannah House young women are pro-vided 
with access to health care professionals, 24 hour 
supervision, supports and regular opportunities to 
develop life skills such as learning about their health, 
budgeting as well as learning to take care of themselves 
and their children. Our mission is to provide high risk 
young, pregnant and parenting women with safety, se-curity, 
shelter and support; changing the lives of TWO 
generations- mother and child. 
Since the inception of Hannah House in 2002 your fi-nancial 
support has ensured that 118 young pregnant 
and parenting women have transitioned safely into our 
home. Specifically in the last 3 years 43 young women 
and children were provided a safe place to live free of 
The social exclusion and stigmatization that these 
young women might otherwise have experienced due 
to their early pregnancy was reduced and they were 
able to find support, strength and role modeling both 
from their peers and their personal life coaches at the
Total number of young women and children in supportive transitional 
housing at Hannah House. Nine (9) young woman and children current-ly 
reside at Hannah House and will transition to secure housing in 2014. 
Total number of young women and children in secure housing af-ter 
Hannah House. Three (3) young women where-a-bouts unknown. 
10 07 02 
Total number continuing or completed education. Continuing 
high school 
high school 
Enrolled in 
post secondary 
education or 
R E T U R N 
O N 
residence. The life coaching relationships that develop 
between staff and residents have proven to strengthen 
the already positive outcomes for young moms. These 
bonds have been tested and have become life long re-lationships. 
For the children the social value is experienced pri-marily 
in the future. They benefit from the changes ex-perienced 
by their mothers and have the opportunity 
to grow in safer environments with more support and 
form stronger bonds to their mothers. The children are 
born healthy which affects Lifetime development. 
Also during this time period 10 young women chose 
to continue their high school education, 7 completed 
their high school education and 2 have enrolled in post 
secondary education. 
It’s said that the experience of pregnancy in teenage 
years and young motherhood can create isolation and 
lead to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Hannah House 
provides stability and community to help prevent this 
from happening. 
At the core, ensuring healthy pregnancies followed by 
the birth of healthy babies create social value. Within 
the total value social value is created at Hannah House 
specific to the young women in the program, their 
children, and the community and systems in which 
they live. 
The revenue of Hannah House is represented in this 
pie chart that reflects funding we received in 2013. Just 
over 1/2 of our funding during this time period came 
through grants, provincial, municipal and foundation
I N V E S T M E N T 
funding. All front line staff (life coaches) and wages 
were covered by this combined funding. Your gener-ous 
personal donations are reflected in the remaining 
sections of the pie. Together these have resulted in di-rect 
client care and programing. 
For the young women involved in supported transi-tional 
housing at Hannah House the social value is 
created immediately during their stay as well as into 
the future as they transition safely into the commu-nity 
and secure housing. Their personal life coach 
goes with them into the community and continues to 
empower and provide support as they establish them-selves 
in their new homes. 
As the young women transition into the community 
they move forward into adulthood with new healthy 
habits, increased resiliency, and skills to address 
the many challenges that life presents. They experi-ence 
the value of Hannah House well into the future 
through stronger bonds with their children, healthier 
babies, a better understanding of healthy relationships 
and an increased ability to navigate society’s complex 
systems. They have a better ability to maintain safe 
housing, access appropriate services and pursue edu-cational 
and employment goals for themselves. 
Safety, security, 
shelter, and sup-port; 
changing the 
lives of TWO gen-erations 
- mother 
and child. 
By: Cheryl Plett, Executive Director of Hannah House 
2013 Hannah House Maternity Home Revenue
It’s Her Time To 
As told to: Cheryl Plett, Executive Director of Hannah House 
In May 2007 I found out that I was 8 weeks 
pregnant. I was 18. My family life was in cri-sis. 
I was afraid to tell them this news and felt 
very alone. I shared my news with a friend 
who told me about Hannah House. I called 
and talked with Betsy, the Resident Services 
Manger there. She told me a bit about the 
home and we made an appointment to proceed with 
the intake application. As I waited for the day of the 
intake I was confused and couldn’t decide if I should 
get an apartment or go to Hannah House. I decided 
to go to the intake and to my surprise it felt more like 
a home than an institution. At the end of my appoint- 
The first young woman I met when I began working 
at Hannah House 7 years ago was Christine. Over the 
years those close to Christine have watched her and her 
daughter Natalie thrive. 
In September I asked Christine if she would be willing 
to share her story. As she talked we celebrated her jour-ney 
together. As you read Christine’s story we hope you 
gain an understanding of why Hannah House is so vi-tal 
to young women in our community. 
Photo by: Moeko 
ment we set a date for me to move into Hannah House 
but due to trouble at home, I had to cancel. A week later 
June 18, 2007 a concerned Betsy and a friend came to 
Brampton to check on me. In 15 minutes they had all 
my things packed into a small u-haul and we were on 
our way to Hannah House. I will never forget arriving 
at Hannah House. I was shaking and terrified. I did 
not know anyone there except Betsy and everyone else 
seemed unfriendly to me. That night I was so afraid, I 
just wanted to hide out in my room. To make me feel 
more at home, Betsy snuck a contraband bottle of pepsi 
up to my room telling me that it was “top secret”. Grad-ually 
I settled in and made new friends. Hannah House offers the oppor-tunity 
to work on high school 
credits with a volunteer tutor. 
I was very motivated as I had 
only 8 credits when I moved in. 
I was determined to take advan-tage 
of being able to focus on my 
education. I started working the first week and con-tinued 
all through summer. When I left I had com-pleted 
7 credits. In 2010 I graduated with honors, a 
cash award, and the title of most responsible student. 
I struggled with living in community so together, 
Betsy and I, decided that I should apply for Niagara 
Region’s Priority Housing and in September I moved 
out on my own. I was five and a half months preg-nant. 
I continued going to Hannah House 2 days a 
week to work with my tutor and I could tell the team 
at Hannah House was concerned about me. I loved 
the freedom of living on my own but it was also iso-lating 
and lonely. Thankfully, Betsy kept an eye 
on me and kept the lines of communication open. 
As my due date approached the friend who was to 
be my labor coach bailed. The only person I could 
trust was Betsy. I asked her to be my labor coach 
and she agreed and also recommended a volun-teer 
Doula, Bonnie. Thank goodness for these two! 
I was induced on January 19th, an agonizing 17 days 
overdue. Betsy and Bonnie were with me from be-ginning 
to end. After 12 hours of labor Natalie was 
born weighing in at 10.6 lbs. She was beautiful! All 
did not go smoothly for us however. She had breath-ing 
problems and was transferred to the NICU 
for 5 days before being released from the hospital. 
Going home I was confident that I could cope but I was 
about to have the challenge of my life. My sweet girl 
had lungs that would rival a siren! Tired and stressed 
I began to crumble. I had Betsy on speed dial. She and 
Bonnie came over at different times to help me and 
after several days Betsy arranged for me to spend an 
overnight with a friend for respite. A temporary fix. 
The next day I was in hospital with a uterine, kidney 
and bladder infection. I needed help and Betsy knew it. 
“We were on our way 
to becoming our own 
little family. I so appre-ciated 
the personal 
and parenting sup-port 
at Hannah House 
and settling into the 
routine and structure 
provided me with an 
opportunity to grow.”
I came home from the hospital to more devastating news. 
My grandma had passed away. She was so special to me 
and I had loved and identified with her. I am like her; a 
survivor, resilient and determined. She had practically 
raised me. What would I do without her? Another key sup-port 
gone, it was a very dark time in my life. On February 
6, 2008 I moved back to Hannah House. Thank goodness 
they had room for me. Natalie was a challenging baby until 
she turned 3 months and then she was like a different girl. 
A happy and healthy baby, we were on our way to becom-ing 
our own little family. I so appreciated the personal and 
parenting support at Hannah House and settling into the 
routine and structure provided me with an opportunity to 
Tgrow. By Sept. 30, 2008 Natalie and I were ready to move 
to our new home at Bethlehem Housing in St. Catharines. he Hannah House team is amazing. 
It is said that it takes a village to raise 
a child; I know this is true! Betsy be-gan 
to develop a network for us with 
Hannah House, friends, church and 
community groups. Within this net-work 
I have many people I can call 
friends and to this day they are a part of our success. 
Being a single parent is rewarding but tough, stress-ful 
and financially difficult. There are late nights be-tween 
baby and schoolwork; doing it all by your-self 
is so hard. Growing up I never had to run my 
choices by anyone but I did have to live with those choices. 
Natalie is a bright little girl and I wanted her to go to full 
French school. Getting her in was no easy task but after 
jumping over many hurdles she was enrolled and I am 
so glad I made this choice. This year she is in grade one. 
Another choice I made was to continue my educa-tion 
and against all odds I enrolled in Law and Se-curity 
Administration Customs and Immigration at 
Niagara College. In 2013 I graduated in spite of a diag-nosed 
learning disability, Visual-Spatial. I don’t have 
a job in this field yet but I am thankful that I perse-vered. 
My education has helped me grow and mature. 
Even after 6 years Hannah House, Betsy, Bon-nie 
and my network have stayed connected offer-ing 
support and encouragement to Natalie and I. 
This past summer on August 22, 2014, I married 
the love of my life…Neil. Betsy and Bonnie stood 
up for us and we were married at Mountain Park 
Church. We are now a new family of 3. Neil has 
amazing parents and now Natalie has two new dot-ing 
Grandparents. It has been a long walk to get here 
but together we are beginning a whole new chap-ter 
in our life as a new family unit. I am so blessed. 
If you would like to offer financial support to help Chris-tine 
with her student loan contact can be arranged 
through Hannah House.
To Grow Hannah House provides programs to help fa-cilitate 
the transition from adolescence to adult-hood, 
equipping young moms and moms-to-be 
for their future roles in the community. Rock Sol-id 
and Healthy Food, Healthy Budget (HFHB) are 
two programs offered at Hannah House. 
By: Jennifer Spink HR Admin manager at Hannah House 
14 Photo by: Sharon Mollerus
Use your immagination HANNAH HOUSE 
Rock Solid 
Life skills are defined as necessary or desirable skills for 
participation in everyday life; giving people the ability 
to cope with the stresses and challenges of daily living. 
Rock Solid is a 40-week life skills program for the 
residents of Hannah House. Each month the young 
women are taught one of a series of topics which are 
then reinforced by all staff and applied practically to 
daily living within the home. 
Course content includes: 
1) Organization of the household by establishing rou-tines, 
learning to clean, as well as doing laundry. 
2) Setting a budget and filing important documents. 
3) Meal organization and following easy recipes. 
4) Making personal time as a new mom and develop-ing 
social skills. 
5) Craft activities to discover personal interests. 
6) Parenting and disciplining effectively. 
7) Exploring home business and developing job 
search skills. 
8) Community involvement. 
9) Establishing healthy relationships. 
10) Learning communication. 
Rock Solid provides young women with the building 
blocks to make positive decisions and long term choic-es 
that impact both themselves and their children. 
How do you eat nutritious balanced meals while living 
on a limited budget? 
The HFHB (Healthy Food, Healthy Budget) program 
strives to teach the young women at Hannah House just 
that, for their benefit and the benefit of their children. 
HFHB teaches meal planning, cost effective gro-cery 
shopping, preparing balanced nutritious 
meals from scratch, baby food preparation, grow-ing 
a garden, and safe food preparation and storage. 
The young women apply these new skills daily as 
they select nutritious recipes and take turns cook-ing 
for everyone in the home, accompany staff on 
grocery outings, and prepare lists of food required 
for meals. They receive hands on lessons from Pub-lic 
Health to prepare homemade baby food. From 
Project Share they learn basic food preparation 
skills to cook homemade soups, sauces, and dress-ings. 
From Hannah House staff they learn to grow 
produce on site that is turned into nutritious meals. 
The young women at Hannah House learn to feel 
confident in the kitchen and acquire an understand-ing 
about the importance of nutrition. This knowl-edge 
allows them to prepare nutritious meals that are 
cost effective and share new skills with their children 
in the hopes they too will learn a healthier lifestyle. 
Photo by: Chris Jones 
Photo by: olearys 
Healthy Food, Healthy Budget
We are pleased to introduce and wel-come 
Rochelle Plett, who on August 
2014 took a step of faith and joined 
the Hannah House Team. 
Taking on the role of Director, Ro-chelle 
will be working 20 hours per 
week. Her primary role will include working with our clients, 
overall home supervision, staff training, and program develop-ment. 
Rochelle is a wife and mother of two wonderful little boys. She 
and her family reside in Niagara Falls. 
When Rochelle was 17 she had an opportunity to volunteer at a 
Crisis Pregnancy Center while she attended bible school in Tex-as. 
This experience deposited a deep compassion in her heart for 
young single women facing the reality of pregnancy. 
After returning from Texas she worked in a law firm where she 
was trained as a legal secretary. Later, along with a friend and 
mentor, she explored her passions, hopes and vision of opening 
a maternity home for young women. As a result of this dream 
To The 
she enrolled in university to pursue a Bachelor of Social Work. 
During her undergraduate studies at the University of Calgary 
she experienced a diversity of settings and clientele including an 
Immigrant Settlement Association, the Blood Tribe reserve and 
private counselling. These experiences gave her a keen interest in 
mental health issues and the impoverization of woman in par-ticular. 
Upon graduation she began work with Alberta Child and Family 
Services. After 3 years she followed her heart and moved to Ni-agara 
to marry Andrew. She is fortunate to have worked in Ham-ilton 
with the Children’s Aid Society for the past 10 years. 
In her own words: “I have come to understand that family and 
community are a necessary part of life and it is difficult to make 
it in this world without having one or both. I am excited to em-bark 
on this new journey in my role as Director on the Hannah 
House Team. I look forward to learning more about the Niagara 
Region and young women who find themselves holding a preg-nancy 
test in one hand, while holding their heads up with the 
other wondering what they will do next.” 
You can email Rochelle at: 
By: Cheryl Plett, Executive Director of Hannah House
Board Report 
Message From the Chair 
My father taught me at a very early age to “Plan your work and then work your 
plan”. This was his recipe for getting as much quality work accomplished in the 
shortest amount of time in the most efficient manner possible. As I reflect upon 
all that has been accomplished at Hannah House in the last dozen years, and 
even more so in the last 4 years, I am impressed with how planning the work 
and working the plan has yielded significant tangible results. Dozens of young 
women and their babies have been served in practical ways that should serve 
them well for the rest of their lives. This has been made possible in no small part 
due to thoughtful planning and effective, efficient execution of those plans by 
dedicated Volunteers, Employees, Executive Directors and Board Members. 
Looking forward there is still much work to do and this work will not happen un-less 
we “plan our work, and then work our plan”. The Board, together with se-nior 
staff, spend a lot of time planning for the future at Hannah House. Para-mount 
to all of our planning is asking the question, “What is the best way to 
manage the resources that have been entrusted to us? “ To answer this question 
of course requires an immense amount of discussion, thought and prayer. Some-times 
it means taking immediate decisive action, other times it means waiting 
until a better opportunity presents itself. Imbedded within each decision at the 
Board table is the commitment to work out our plan, which is to serve the young 
women and their babies who need our assistance at a crucial time in their lives. 
I would solicit all who may read this to consider how it is that you or your orga-nization 
might be able to help us work out our plan. Perhaps it is with volun-teering, 
donating tangibly with money, or giving of your talents at the Board 
level. If any of these opportunities interest you please contact our Executive Di-rector. 
We would be pleased to discuss how it is that you too can help us work 
out our plan in this important and unique ministry in the Niagara Peninsula. 
Mark A. Neufeld, Board Chair
Over the past two decades we have 
learned a great deal about the elements 
that support and promote the healthy 
development of young children. We 
have learned that what happens dur-ing 
the first five years has an impact on 
the adult that child becomes. We have 
learned that brain development is intense during these first few 
years of life and this will also shape and influence a child’s long 
term development. Central to all of this science are two concepts: 
1. Reliable Relationships are Essential for Healthy Development 
2. High Quality Experiences will Have Long Term and Short Term 
Outcomes for a Child. 
The combination of reliable relationships with responsive and 
consistent experiences is a combination in which young children 
thrive. Science has also informed us about what factors have pro-foundly 
negative impact on a child’s development. These include: 
1. Toxic Stress 
2. Maltreatment 
3. Neglect 
How Do Relationships Support Healthy Development? 
Young children experience the world through the relationships 
that surround them. The existence of one relationship that is re-sponsive 
and consistent in a young child’s life is critical. This is 
often the relationship between a mother and her baby and it is this 
How Relationships 
Support Healthy 
Development By 
Chaya Kulkarni, Ed. D 
Photo by: Jerry Lai 
relationship that will, from the beginning, influence the architec-ture 
of a baby’s brain (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). The experiences 
this and other relationships offer a baby can and will influence a 
child’s genetic expression. 
Every baby needs at least one relationship that is responsive to 
their needs on a consistent basis. Urie Brondenbrenner once said 
that every child needs to have at least one person who is just “cra-zy” 
about them and that this needs to be a part of their childhood 
Relationships and the experiences they offer influence cognitive 
and social development. Researchers have found a direct correla-tion 
between the existence of a secure relationship and a child’s 
cognitive and social development. As a baby explores his/her 
world healthy relationships will provide experiences that allow for 
the development of new abilities and confirmation of those that 
exist. A responsive parent or caregiver will nurture the develop-ment 
of new emerging abilities. 
A responsive parent or caregiver will praise and acknowledge ex-isting 
abilities. These relationships, that find at least one caregiver 
in a child’s world focused on that child’s needs, will have a strong 
influence on development because of the types of experiences that 
person offers to the child. The benefit of the relationship and the 
experience it brings will influence the child’s immediate develop-ment 
but will also influence their social competence and work 
skills later in school (National Scientific Council on the Develop-ing 
Child, 2004). Relationships with other children teach childr-
en about how to interact with the world and those in it. While 
the relationship between baby and a primary caregiver is 
essential, the other relationships in a young child’s life also 
influence development. Children learn a great deal through 
their experiences with other children. They learn how to 
share. Over time they also learn how to deal with their own 
impulses. It’s important that the opportunity to be with other 
children is provided regularly and that these experiences sup-port 
friendships that can develop even throughout the infant 
and toddler years. 
Relationships that are characterized by warmth and nurtur-ing 
interactions positively influence development. For many 
children these relationships can be provided by a parent or by 
others such as the early learning and care professionals who 
provide thousands of children with daily care. When these 
relationships include warmth and support, researchers have 
found that capabilities such as social competences, think-ing 
skills and reasoning skills are strengthened. In addition, 
when such relationships are not characterized by nurturing 
qualities, the likelihood of behavior problems such as ag-gression 
are more likely (National Scientific Council on the 
Developing Child, 2004). Relationships can positively and 
negatively influence brain development. Researchers have 
conducted studies on animals and have found that the quality 
of the mother-child relationship will influence what is called 
“gene expression” in the brain (Fox, 2007). 
Relationships can lead to expression or suppression of genes. 
For instance, a child who is highly anxious can learn how 
to cope with anxiety and overcome such feelings through a 
positive nurturing relationship. In contrast, the child who is 
persistently fearful and is given care giving that is not respon-sive 
to this, will maintain a state of fear that will lead to a 
persistent state of fear. This state will lead to the production 
of cortisol at levels that will negatively impact brain develop-ment 
since high levels of cortisol kills brain cells (Gunnar, 
Brodersen, Nachmias, Buss & Rigatus, 1996). 
Relationships and Experiences Lead to the Wiring of Emo-tional 
Development In the Brain. Leading researchers have 
unanimously concluded that, “Emotional development is ac-tually 
built into the architecture of young children’s brains 
in response to their individual personal experiences and 
the influences of the environments in which they live.” (Na-tional 
Scientific Council, 2004,p.2). Positive relationships 
lead to positive and responsive experiences which in turn 
lead to a child’s self image and confidence being supported. 
Photo by: Science Sque
Relationships can buffer the po-tential 
threats to a child’s de-velopment. 
Fox (2009), identi-fied 
three significant threats 
to a child’s early development 
and ultimately the child’s edu-cational 
achievement. These 
threats include toxic stress, maltreatment and neglect. 
1. Toxic stress is experienced when a child is exposed 
to prolonged periods of stress in the absence of pro-tective 
relationship which will negatively influence 
a child’s brain development. The effect of such stress 
will not just “disappear” over time. Simply removing 
a child from a harmful context will not undo the con-sequences 
of stress or trauma a child has experienced. 
2. Maltreatment has a direct impact on the develop-ment 
of the hippocampus in the brain. The hippo-campus 
is the part of the brain that controls problem 
solving, logic and reasoning functions. Children who 
experience maltreatment for prolonged periods are 
more likely to experience depression and antisocial 
behavior including a higher incidence of aggression. 
3. Neglect and the impact of neglect is still emerging. 
Children who experience neglect usually have no se-cure 
attachment and have difficulty forming relation-ships. 
(Fox, 2009) 
“At Hannah House we are commit-ted 
to educating ourselves and young 
moms on the importance of Infant 
Mental Health. We believe in setting 
babies up for a successful and healthy 
-Rochelle Plett 
Relationships and the Experiences They Offer Profoundly 
Influence a Young Child’s Development 
Chaya Kulkarni, Ed. D 
Copyright O 2009 Invest in Kids 
Photo by: Marta Maria Fontana
Photo by: Aftab Uzzaman 
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world 
walks out. - Walter Winchell 
Life is full of challenge. When I look back on my life I am so thankful for friends and mentors 
who have come at just the right time giving encouragement and support along with words of 
guidance and advice just when I needed them, kind of like a coach. So at Hannah House in 
2010 we began a journey to find the right fit for building relationship with each unique young 
mom that came to live in our home. 
Life Coaching is a core value at Hannah House. Our Client Support Workers are paired up 
with a new mom upon her first contact and the relationship continues even after they move on to in-dependent 
living in the community. Life Coaches are right there going through the ups and downs of 
settling in to a new place. They provide support, a listening ear, encouraging suggestions, prayer and 
direction. They laugh, love, listen and share in the highs and lows that our young moms experience. They 
are often there, going through labor and delivery as well. 
It is said that the joy is in the journey, so walking along side a young woman is both a joy and privilege. 
Real ministry only happens when it is both given and received in a mutual way. That is when relation-ships 
develop. At Hannah House we provide safety, security, shelter and support; changing the lives of 
TWO generations- mother and child, empowering young women to become self-sufficient contributing 
members of our community and in the process we find our lives changed for the better with each new 
By: Cheryl Plett, Executive Director of Hannah House
I graduated high school. I’m so proud of this big accomplishment. A lot of it has to do 
with you (the staff from Hannah House). If I did not come to you 6 years ago when I 
found out I was pregnant I don’t know where I would be today, You helped me achieve 
my goals and have been here for me since day 1. You are a fantastic place and fantastic 
people and I am truly blessed to have been able to come to your home and learn the 
things I learned to help raise Miley and get on my feet and be the best parent I could 
be at such a young age. I did not appreciate the home as much when I lived there. Now 
I look back on my life and I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for you. Thank you 
to all the staff that have worked at Hannah House and have been there for me from the 
beginning and to all who taught me to be the person I am today. I love you all and am 
so blessed. Thank you sooo much for the opportunity and experience. You have made 
me a better person in so many different ways. xoxo 
Reaching For The Stars 
“Sky is the limit! 
Always reach 
for the stars with 
faith, believing 
that you will get 
to the brightest 
-Author Unknown 
Jaycee & Miley 
2008 Former Resident
To the Hannah House team - those that were 
there when I was and those that help the young 
mothers of today - keep doing what you’re do-ing. 
You’re building confidence, creating rou-tines, 
giving these women life skills they may 
not have learned elsewhere... And saving lives. 
Believe it or not, some of us wouldn’t be where 
we are without you. Nor would our little people. 
So thank you. From all of us. I think I can speak 
for all of us in that. We all appreciate everything 
you’ve done and continue to do. THANK YOU!! 
Natalie & Liam 
2014 Graduate 
In April 2014 I moved to Hannah House only 
needing a few more credits to finish high-school. 
I had just learned I was further along in 
my pregnancy then I thought. I had many sleep-less 
nights and early mornings but someone on 
staff was always there to help me complete my 
assignments. Conversations throughout the day 
always made me feel like someone had my back. 
I feel that if it wasn’t for Hannah House helping 
me I would never have graduated and would 
still be trying to complete school today. I am so 
proud to be where I am 18 years old, graduat-ed 
from grade 12, starting life with my beautiful 
daughter Kathlynn. Thank you so much for be-ing 
there to support me down this new life path. 
Elizabeth & Kathlynn 
2014 Graduate 
To see more inspiring stories please visit:
What You 
Can Do 
Earlier this year a local software company from Welland, My Fund 
Partner (MFP), teamed up with Hannah House to provide a more 
robust experience for their supporters! 
The “new” platform provides a one stop solution for Hannah 
House to do all their administration, donations, and events on-line! 
Anthony Pasto, from MFP says, “Hannah House has just 
jumped into the convenience and clarity arena by providing all their supporters 
an easy way to connect and participate. Now when people want to do something 
fantastic to support this great organization they can do it with ease.” 
Pasto is referring to the personal Quest area of the site as well as the online store. 
The Quest area allows potential supporters to fill in a simple 4 step application. 
Once approved by the Hannah House crew the Quest goes live so the supporters 
can post on social media sites, add new information, pictures or videos, update 
progress and collect funds online. 
Imagine how much help you can provide to this wonderful organization! Imag-ine 
what fun you could be having while you help! Imagine what great events you 
could be running! Imagine doing it right away! 
Pasto went on to say “the ideas people come up with to support organizations are 
amazing. Motorcycle rides, furniture painting, whistling, BBQ’s, concerts, etc… 
The list is endless and the more fun people have the better the event!” 
The other area Pasto referred to is the online store. This is a great way for busi-nesses 
and individuals to support Hannah House as well. If you’re a business and 
you’d like to support this great organization while you market yourself to the 
community, start thinking about the products or services you provide and get 
them on the Hannah House store for supporters to purchase. Social media has 
changed the model for marketing and Hannah House is now in position to help 
you get noticed! Recently Hannah House has been selling rain-barrels and blan-kets. 
Tomorrow it could be gift cards for your restaurant or spa! 
Submitted By: My Fund Partner 
Photo by: Daniel Zimmermann
Hannah House ‘Full Circle’ Lunch Fundraiser 
Guest Speaker Cindy McGuire 
Friday February 13, 2015 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM 
White Oaks Conference Resort 
Please note: seating for this event is limited.
Cindy McGuire (Gatenby) is the founder of 
Hannah House, Niagara Region’s first ma-ternity 
home. In February 2000 Hannah 
House officially opened its doors to welcome 
and provide young women and their ba-bies 
a safe and nurturing place to call home. 
Throughout Cindy’s social work career she has earned 
a Master of Social Work and has worked in various set-tings 
such as Family and Children’s Services, The Niagara 
Health System and Niagara Falls Community Health Centre. 
Cindy’s extensive social work career has come full circle since 
the founding of Hannah House. In the year 2010 Cindy estab-lished 
her own private practice, McGuire Counselling Ser-vices, 
where she provides individual and family counselling. Photo by: Bobby Acree 
You Are 
Of Give 
For the next twelve days (as Christmas draws near)….we will be drop-ping 
by with some holiday cheer! So….keep your eyes open, Your ears 
perked up, too. We’ve thought long & hard about what to bring you! 
Along with our gifts that will come each night is a wish for a Merry 
Christmas and a New Year that ‘s bright. 
It’s time to spread some Christmas cheer & participating in “The 12 
Days of Give Aways” is the perfect way. Beginning on December 6th 
each morning the Moms and Babies at Hannah House will wake up to 
a carefully chosen gift. So much joy comes from giving to others! 
If you would like to participate through the donation of gifts for one of 
the 12 days please contact today.
Your Gifts 
Provide Shelter & Security 
When It’s Needed Most 
Our first priority is to provide safety, security and the shelter of a 
home. Your investment keeps the doors open the lights on and 
little toes warm. You enable us to provide for the daily needs of 
Mom and Baby. 
Provide Support Where It’s 
Needed Most 
Your investment provides caring support 24/7 for Mom and Baby 
through qualified Hannah House Life Coaches. You ensure that 
Mom can continue her education, acquire life skills training and 
be equipped to provide the best quality care for Baby. 
To give a gift securely visit : 
OR use the enclosed gift card & drop it in the mail today. 
All gifts given before December 31 will receive a tax receipt for 2014. 
Executive Director: Cheryl Plett 
Director: Rochelle Plett 
Resident Services Manager: Betsy Redpath 
HR/Administration Manager: Jennifer Spink 
Full Creative & Editorial Design: Heather Fraser 
Hannah House Maternity Home 
4761 Crysler Ave, Niagara Falls, 
ON, L2E3V9

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Shine Bright

  • 1. H A N N A H H O U S E SHINE BRIGHT 1st Edition Winter 2014 HER TIME TO SHINE Christine’s Story How Relationships Support Healthy Development: By Chaya Kulkarni, Ed. D 12 DAYS OF GIVE AWAYS
  • 4. 4 SHINEBRIGHT S.R.O.I Hannah House 7 Social Return On Investment Opportunity 11 Her Time To Shine Development 19 How Relationships Help Form Healthy Development Life & Community 23 Life Coaching At Hannah House 12 Days of Giveaways 30 HANNAH HOUSE Photo by: Moyan Brenn 11 Her Time to Shine Contents Front Cover by : Jens Rost
  • 5. 5 Reaching For The Stars Winter 2014 Ilove Christmas. The season is full of frosty days, crunchy snow, twinkling lights and best of all plenty of family gatherings. Love is the heart of Christmas. This year marks my 8th year at Hannah House and another season of blessings. Christmas at Hannah House is a special sea-son. From mid November till the New Year we include all of the young moms and babies in celebrating the birth of The King. The young ladies at Hannah House have not always shared my enthusiasm for the season. Most of them have never experienced a sense of extend-ed family or love and inclusion. Yet their heart longs for exactly those things - a place to belong. This Hannah House magazine, Shine Bright, has been compiled with you in mind. We want to share with you the stories of young women who shine as they over-come obstacles, succeed with life skills, continue their education, achieve personal growth and become suc-cessful mothers. These pages will lead you to a better understanding of the mission and importance of Hannah House. I trust that you will be inspired to share your Christmas with us in love, prayer and by giving generously again this year. Your gifts have an im-pact! They reflect the love and support of the Ni-agara Region and convey the compassion of our community. Your opportunity to invest in Hannah House is highlighted on the last pages of this magazine. To give a gift securely visit: or use the enclosed gift card and drop it in the mail today. Merry Christmas Thank you, from the Hannah House Team Cheryl Plett Executive Director of Hannah House
  • 7. HANNAH HOUSE 7 S O C I A L Since 2002, Hannah House has supported: 118 young pregnant and parenting women. As it’s core mission, Hannah House Maternity Home strives to empow-er pregnant and parenting women to make positive life choices for themselves; changing their chil-dren’s future. The range of services offered within the socially inclu-sive and supportive environment of Hannah House rep-resent a comprehensive approach that addresses educa-tion, spiritual direction, shelter, food, security, physical health, life skills, child care, family issues and healthy attachment for mother and child. While living at Hannah House young women are pro-vided with access to health care professionals, 24 hour supervision, supports and regular opportunities to develop life skills such as learning about their health, budgeting as well as learning to take care of themselves and their children. Our mission is to provide high risk young, pregnant and parenting women with safety, se-curity, shelter and support; changing the lives of TWO generations- mother and child. Since the inception of Hannah House in 2002 your fi-nancial support has ensured that 118 young pregnant and parenting women have transitioned safely into our home. Specifically in the last 3 years 43 young women and children were provided a safe place to live free of violence. The social exclusion and stigmatization that these young women might otherwise have experienced due to their early pregnancy was reduced and they were able to find support, strength and role modeling both from their peers and their personal life coaches at the
  • 8. HANNAH HOUSE 8 43 31 Total number of young women and children in supportive transitional housing at Hannah House. Nine (9) young woman and children current-ly reside at Hannah House and will transition to secure housing in 2014. Total number of young women and children in secure housing af-ter Hannah House. Three (3) young women where-a-bouts unknown. 10 07 02 Total number continuing or completed education. Continuing Completed high school high school education. education. Enrolled in post secondary education or employed. R E T U R N O N residence. The life coaching relationships that develop between staff and residents have proven to strengthen the already positive outcomes for young moms. These bonds have been tested and have become life long re-lationships. For the children the social value is experienced pri-marily in the future. They benefit from the changes ex-perienced by their mothers and have the opportunity to grow in safer environments with more support and form stronger bonds to their mothers. The children are born healthy which affects Lifetime development. Also during this time period 10 young women chose to continue their high school education, 7 completed their high school education and 2 have enrolled in post secondary education. It’s said that the experience of pregnancy in teenage years and young motherhood can create isolation and lead to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Hannah House provides stability and community to help prevent this from happening. At the core, ensuring healthy pregnancies followed by the birth of healthy babies create social value. Within the total value social value is created at Hannah House specific to the young women in the program, their children, and the community and systems in which they live. The revenue of Hannah House is represented in this pie chart that reflects funding we received in 2013. Just over 1/2 of our funding during this time period came through grants, provincial, municipal and foundation
  • 9. HANNAH HOUSE 9 I N V E S T M E N T funding. All front line staff (life coaches) and wages were covered by this combined funding. Your gener-ous personal donations are reflected in the remaining sections of the pie. Together these have resulted in di-rect client care and programing. For the young women involved in supported transi-tional housing at Hannah House the social value is created immediately during their stay as well as into the future as they transition safely into the commu-nity and secure housing. Their personal life coach goes with them into the community and continues to empower and provide support as they establish them-selves in their new homes. As the young women transition into the community they move forward into adulthood with new healthy habits, increased resiliency, and skills to address the many challenges that life presents. They experi-ence the value of Hannah House well into the future through stronger bonds with their children, healthier babies, a better understanding of healthy relationships and an increased ability to navigate society’s complex systems. They have a better ability to maintain safe housing, access appropriate services and pursue edu-cational and employment goals for themselves. Safety, security, shelter, and sup-port; changing the lives of TWO gen-erations - mother and child. By: Cheryl Plett, Executive Director of Hannah House 2013 Hannah House Maternity Home Revenue
  • 11. HANNAH HOUSE 11 It’s Her Time To As told to: Cheryl Plett, Executive Director of Hannah House In May 2007 I found out that I was 8 weeks pregnant. I was 18. My family life was in cri-sis. I was afraid to tell them this news and felt very alone. I shared my news with a friend who told me about Hannah House. I called and talked with Betsy, the Resident Services Manger there. She told me a bit about the home and we made an appointment to proceed with the intake application. As I waited for the day of the intake I was confused and couldn’t decide if I should get an apartment or go to Hannah House. I decided to go to the intake and to my surprise it felt more like a home than an institution. At the end of my appoint- The first young woman I met when I began working at Hannah House 7 years ago was Christine. Over the years those close to Christine have watched her and her daughter Natalie thrive. In September I asked Christine if she would be willing to share her story. As she talked we celebrated her jour-ney together. As you read Christine’s story we hope you gain an understanding of why Hannah House is so vi-tal to young women in our community. Photo by: Moeko Shine
  • 12. HANNAH HOUSE ment we set a date for me to move into Hannah House but due to trouble at home, I had to cancel. A week later June 18, 2007 a concerned Betsy and a friend came to Brampton to check on me. In 15 minutes they had all my things packed into a small u-haul and we were on our way to Hannah House. I will never forget arriving at Hannah House. I was shaking and terrified. I did not know anyone there except Betsy and everyone else seemed unfriendly to me. That night I was so afraid, I just wanted to hide out in my room. To make me feel more at home, Betsy snuck a contraband bottle of pepsi up to my room telling me that it was “top secret”. Grad-ually I settled in and made new friends. Hannah House offers the oppor-tunity 12 to work on high school credits with a volunteer tutor. I was very motivated as I had only 8 credits when I moved in. I was determined to take advan-tage of being able to focus on my education. I started working the first week and con-tinued all through summer. When I left I had com-pleted 7 credits. In 2010 I graduated with honors, a cash award, and the title of most responsible student. I struggled with living in community so together, Betsy and I, decided that I should apply for Niagara Region’s Priority Housing and in September I moved out on my own. I was five and a half months preg-nant. I continued going to Hannah House 2 days a week to work with my tutor and I could tell the team at Hannah House was concerned about me. I loved the freedom of living on my own but it was also iso-lating and lonely. Thankfully, Betsy kept an eye on me and kept the lines of communication open. As my due date approached the friend who was to be my labor coach bailed. The only person I could trust was Betsy. I asked her to be my labor coach and she agreed and also recommended a volun-teer Doula, Bonnie. Thank goodness for these two! I was induced on January 19th, an agonizing 17 days overdue. Betsy and Bonnie were with me from be-ginning to end. After 12 hours of labor Natalie was born weighing in at 10.6 lbs. She was beautiful! All did not go smoothly for us however. She had breath-ing problems and was transferred to the NICU for 5 days before being released from the hospital. Going home I was confident that I could cope but I was about to have the challenge of my life. My sweet girl had lungs that would rival a siren! Tired and stressed I began to crumble. I had Betsy on speed dial. She and Bonnie came over at different times to help me and after several days Betsy arranged for me to spend an overnight with a friend for respite. A temporary fix. The next day I was in hospital with a uterine, kidney and bladder infection. I needed help and Betsy knew it. “We were on our way to becoming our own little family. I so appre-ciated the personal and parenting sup-port at Hannah House and settling into the routine and structure provided me with an opportunity to grow.”
  • 13. HANNAH HOUSE 13 I came home from the hospital to more devastating news. My grandma had passed away. She was so special to me and I had loved and identified with her. I am like her; a survivor, resilient and determined. She had practically raised me. What would I do without her? Another key sup-port gone, it was a very dark time in my life. On February 6, 2008 I moved back to Hannah House. Thank goodness they had room for me. Natalie was a challenging baby until she turned 3 months and then she was like a different girl. A happy and healthy baby, we were on our way to becom-ing our own little family. I so appreciated the personal and parenting support at Hannah House and settling into the routine and structure provided me with an opportunity to Tgrow. By Sept. 30, 2008 Natalie and I were ready to move to our new home at Bethlehem Housing in St. Catharines. he Hannah House team is amazing. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child; I know this is true! Betsy be-gan to develop a network for us with Hannah House, friends, church and community groups. Within this net-work I have many people I can call friends and to this day they are a part of our success. Being a single parent is rewarding but tough, stress-ful and financially difficult. There are late nights be-tween baby and schoolwork; doing it all by your-self is so hard. Growing up I never had to run my choices by anyone but I did have to live with those choices. Natalie is a bright little girl and I wanted her to go to full French school. Getting her in was no easy task but after jumping over many hurdles she was enrolled and I am so glad I made this choice. This year she is in grade one. Another choice I made was to continue my educa-tion and against all odds I enrolled in Law and Se-curity Administration Customs and Immigration at Niagara College. In 2013 I graduated in spite of a diag-nosed learning disability, Visual-Spatial. I don’t have a job in this field yet but I am thankful that I perse-vered. My education has helped me grow and mature. Even after 6 years Hannah House, Betsy, Bon-nie and my network have stayed connected offer-ing support and encouragement to Natalie and I. This past summer on August 22, 2014, I married the love of my life…Neil. Betsy and Bonnie stood up for us and we were married at Mountain Park Church. We are now a new family of 3. Neil has amazing parents and now Natalie has two new dot-ing Grandparents. It has been a long walk to get here but together we are beginning a whole new chap-ter in our life as a new family unit. I am so blessed. If you would like to offer financial support to help Chris-tine with her student loan contact can be arranged through Hannah House.
  • 14. Opportunity To Grow Hannah House provides programs to help fa-cilitate HANNAH HOUSE the transition from adolescence to adult-hood, equipping young moms and moms-to-be for their future roles in the community. Rock Sol-id and Healthy Food, Healthy Budget (HFHB) are two programs offered at Hannah House. By: Jennifer Spink HR Admin manager at Hannah House 14 Photo by: Sharon Mollerus
  • 15. Use your immagination HANNAH HOUSE Rock Solid Life skills are defined as necessary or desirable skills for participation in everyday life; giving people the ability to cope with the stresses and challenges of daily living. Rock Solid is a 40-week life skills program for the residents of Hannah House. Each month the young women are taught one of a series of topics which are then reinforced by all staff and applied practically to daily living within the home. Course content includes: 1) Organization of the household by establishing rou-tines, 15 learning to clean, as well as doing laundry. 2) Setting a budget and filing important documents. 3) Meal organization and following easy recipes. 4) Making personal time as a new mom and develop-ing social skills. 5) Craft activities to discover personal interests. 6) Parenting and disciplining effectively. 7) Exploring home business and developing job search skills. 8) Community involvement. 9) Establishing healthy relationships. 10) Learning communication. Rock Solid provides young women with the building blocks to make positive decisions and long term choic-es that impact both themselves and their children. (HFHB) How do you eat nutritious balanced meals while living on a limited budget? The HFHB (Healthy Food, Healthy Budget) program strives to teach the young women at Hannah House just that, for their benefit and the benefit of their children. HFHB teaches meal planning, cost effective gro-cery shopping, preparing balanced nutritious meals from scratch, baby food preparation, grow-ing a garden, and safe food preparation and storage. The young women apply these new skills daily as they select nutritious recipes and take turns cook-ing for everyone in the home, accompany staff on grocery outings, and prepare lists of food required for meals. They receive hands on lessons from Pub-lic Health to prepare homemade baby food. From Project Share they learn basic food preparation skills to cook homemade soups, sauces, and dress-ings. From Hannah House staff they learn to grow produce on site that is turned into nutritious meals. The young women at Hannah House learn to feel confident in the kitchen and acquire an understand-ing about the importance of nutrition. This knowl-edge allows them to prepare nutritious meals that are cost effective and share new skills with their children in the hopes they too will learn a healthier lifestyle. Photo by: Chris Jones Photo by: olearys Healthy Food, Healthy Budget
  • 16. HANNAH HOUSE We are pleased to introduce and wel-come Rochelle Plett, who on August 2014 took a step of faith and joined the Hannah House Team. Taking on the role of Director, Ro-chelle will be working 20 hours per week. Her primary role will include working with our clients, overall home supervision, staff training, and program develop-ment. Rochelle is a wife and mother of two wonderful little boys. She and her family reside in Niagara Falls. When Rochelle was 17 she had an opportunity to volunteer at a Crisis Pregnancy Center while she attended bible school in Tex-as. This experience deposited a deep compassion in her heart for young single women facing the reality of pregnancy. After returning from Texas she worked in a law firm where she was trained as a legal secretary. Later, along with a friend and mentor, she explored her passions, hopes and vision of opening a maternity home for young women. As a result of this dream New To The Team she enrolled in university to pursue a Bachelor of Social Work. During her undergraduate studies at the University of Calgary she experienced a diversity of settings and clientele including an Immigrant Settlement Association, the Blood Tribe reserve and private counselling. These experiences gave her a keen interest in mental health issues and the impoverization of woman in par-ticular. Upon graduation she began work with Alberta Child and Family Services. After 3 years she followed her heart and moved to Ni-agara to marry Andrew. She is fortunate to have worked in Ham-ilton with the Children’s Aid Society for the past 10 years. In her own words: “I have come to understand that family and community are a necessary part of life and it is difficult to make it in this world without having one or both. I am excited to em-bark on this new journey in my role as Director on the Hannah House Team. I look forward to learning more about the Niagara Region and young women who find themselves holding a preg-nancy test in one hand, while holding their heads up with the other wondering what they will do next.” You can email Rochelle at: By: Cheryl Plett, Executive Director of Hannah House
  • 17. HANNAH HOUSE 17 Board Report Message From the Chair My father taught me at a very early age to “Plan your work and then work your plan”. This was his recipe for getting as much quality work accomplished in the shortest amount of time in the most efficient manner possible. As I reflect upon all that has been accomplished at Hannah House in the last dozen years, and even more so in the last 4 years, I am impressed with how planning the work and working the plan has yielded significant tangible results. Dozens of young women and their babies have been served in practical ways that should serve them well for the rest of their lives. This has been made possible in no small part due to thoughtful planning and effective, efficient execution of those plans by dedicated Volunteers, Employees, Executive Directors and Board Members. Looking forward there is still much work to do and this work will not happen un-less we “plan our work, and then work our plan”. The Board, together with se-nior staff, spend a lot of time planning for the future at Hannah House. Para-mount to all of our planning is asking the question, “What is the best way to manage the resources that have been entrusted to us? “ To answer this question of course requires an immense amount of discussion, thought and prayer. Some-times it means taking immediate decisive action, other times it means waiting until a better opportunity presents itself. Imbedded within each decision at the Board table is the commitment to work out our plan, which is to serve the young women and their babies who need our assistance at a crucial time in their lives. I would solicit all who may read this to consider how it is that you or your orga-nization might be able to help us work out our plan. Perhaps it is with volun-teering, donating tangibly with money, or giving of your talents at the Board level. If any of these opportunities interest you please contact our Executive Di-rector. We would be pleased to discuss how it is that you too can help us work out our plan in this important and unique ministry in the Niagara Peninsula. Mark A. Neufeld, Board Chair
  • 19. HANNAH HOUSE 19 Over the past two decades we have learned a great deal about the elements that support and promote the healthy development of young children. We have learned that what happens dur-ing the first five years has an impact on the adult that child becomes. We have learned that brain development is intense during these first few years of life and this will also shape and influence a child’s long term development. Central to all of this science are two concepts: 1. Reliable Relationships are Essential for Healthy Development 2. High Quality Experiences will Have Long Term and Short Term Outcomes for a Child. The combination of reliable relationships with responsive and consistent experiences is a combination in which young children thrive. Science has also informed us about what factors have pro-foundly negative impact on a child’s development. These include: 1. Toxic Stress 2. Maltreatment 3. Neglect How Do Relationships Support Healthy Development? Young children experience the world through the relationships that surround them. The existence of one relationship that is re-sponsive and consistent in a young child’s life is critical. This is often the relationship between a mother and her baby and it is this How Relationships Support Healthy Development By Chaya Kulkarni, Ed. D Photo by: Jerry Lai relationship that will, from the beginning, influence the architec-ture of a baby’s brain (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). The experiences this and other relationships offer a baby can and will influence a child’s genetic expression. Every baby needs at least one relationship that is responsive to their needs on a consistent basis. Urie Brondenbrenner once said that every child needs to have at least one person who is just “cra-zy” about them and that this needs to be a part of their childhood always. Relationships and the experiences they offer influence cognitive and social development. Researchers have found a direct correla-tion between the existence of a secure relationship and a child’s cognitive and social development. As a baby explores his/her world healthy relationships will provide experiences that allow for the development of new abilities and confirmation of those that exist. A responsive parent or caregiver will nurture the develop-ment of new emerging abilities. A responsive parent or caregiver will praise and acknowledge ex-isting abilities. These relationships, that find at least one caregiver in a child’s world focused on that child’s needs, will have a strong influence on development because of the types of experiences that person offers to the child. The benefit of the relationship and the experience it brings will influence the child’s immediate develop-ment but will also influence their social competence and work skills later in school (National Scientific Council on the Develop-ing Child, 2004). Relationships with other children teach childr-
  • 20. HANNAH HOUSE en about how to interact with the world and those in it. While the relationship between baby and a primary caregiver is essential, the other relationships in a young child’s life also influence development. Children learn a great deal through their experiences with other children. They learn how to share. Over time they also learn how to deal with their own impulses. It’s important that the opportunity to be with other children is provided regularly and that these experiences sup-port 20 friendships that can develop even throughout the infant and toddler years. Relationships that are characterized by warmth and nurtur-ing interactions positively influence development. For many children these relationships can be provided by a parent or by others such as the early learning and care professionals who provide thousands of children with daily care. When these relationships include warmth and support, researchers have found that capabilities such as social competences, think-ing skills and reasoning skills are strengthened. In addition, when such relationships are not characterized by nurturing qualities, the likelihood of behavior problems such as ag-gression are more likely (National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2004). Relationships can positively and negatively influence brain development. Researchers have conducted studies on animals and have found that the quality of the mother-child relationship will influence what is called “gene expression” in the brain (Fox, 2007). Relationships can lead to expression or suppression of genes. For instance, a child who is highly anxious can learn how to cope with anxiety and overcome such feelings through a positive nurturing relationship. In contrast, the child who is persistently fearful and is given care giving that is not respon-sive to this, will maintain a state of fear that will lead to a persistent state of fear. This state will lead to the production of cortisol at levels that will negatively impact brain develop-ment since high levels of cortisol kills brain cells (Gunnar, Brodersen, Nachmias, Buss & Rigatus, 1996). Relationships and Experiences Lead to the Wiring of Emo-tional Development In the Brain. Leading researchers have unanimously concluded that, “Emotional development is ac-tually built into the architecture of young children’s brains in response to their individual personal experiences and the influences of the environments in which they live.” (Na-tional Scientific Council, 2004,p.2). Positive relationships lead to positive and responsive experiences which in turn lead to a child’s self image and confidence being supported. Photo by: Science Sque
  • 21. HANNAH HOUSE 21 Relationships can buffer the po-tential threats to a child’s de-velopment. Fox (2009), identi-fied three significant threats to a child’s early development and ultimately the child’s edu-cational achievement. These threats include toxic stress, maltreatment and neglect. 1. Toxic stress is experienced when a child is exposed to prolonged periods of stress in the absence of pro-tective relationship which will negatively influence a child’s brain development. The effect of such stress will not just “disappear” over time. Simply removing a child from a harmful context will not undo the con-sequences of stress or trauma a child has experienced. 2. Maltreatment has a direct impact on the develop-ment of the hippocampus in the brain. The hippo-campus is the part of the brain that controls problem solving, logic and reasoning functions. Children who experience maltreatment for prolonged periods are more likely to experience depression and antisocial behavior including a higher incidence of aggression. 3. Neglect and the impact of neglect is still emerging. Children who experience neglect usually have no se-cure attachment and have difficulty forming relation-ships. (Fox, 2009) “At Hannah House we are commit-ted to educating ourselves and young moms on the importance of Infant Mental Health. We believe in setting babies up for a successful and healthy future.” -Rochelle Plett Relationships and the Experiences They Offer Profoundly Influence a Young Child’s Development Chaya Kulkarni, Ed. D Copyright O 2009 Invest in Kids Photo by: Marta Maria Fontana
  • 23. HANNAH HOUSE 23 Photo by: Aftab Uzzaman A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. - Walter Winchell Life is full of challenge. When I look back on my life I am so thankful for friends and mentors who have come at just the right time giving encouragement and support along with words of guidance and advice just when I needed them, kind of like a coach. So at Hannah House in 2010 we began a journey to find the right fit for building relationship with each unique young mom that came to live in our home. Life Coaching is a core value at Hannah House. Our Client Support Workers are paired up with a new mom upon her first contact and the relationship continues even after they move on to in-dependent living in the community. Life Coaches are right there going through the ups and downs of settling in to a new place. They provide support, a listening ear, encouraging suggestions, prayer and direction. They laugh, love, listen and share in the highs and lows that our young moms experience. They are often there, going through labor and delivery as well. It is said that the joy is in the journey, so walking along side a young woman is both a joy and privilege. Real ministry only happens when it is both given and received in a mutual way. That is when relation-ships develop. At Hannah House we provide safety, security, shelter and support; changing the lives of TWO generations- mother and child, empowering young women to become self-sufficient contributing members of our community and in the process we find our lives changed for the better with each new encounter. By: Cheryl Plett, Executive Director of Hannah House
  • 24. HANNAH HOUSE I graduated high school. I’m so proud of this big accomplishment. A lot of it has to do with you (the staff from Hannah House). If I did not come to you 6 years ago when I found out I was pregnant I don’t know where I would be today, You helped me achieve my goals and have been here for me since day 1. You are a fantastic place and fantastic people and I am truly blessed to have been able to come to your home and learn the things I learned to help raise Miley and get on my feet and be the best parent I could be at such a young age. I did not appreciate the home as much when I lived there. Now I look back on my life and I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for you. Thank you to all the staff that have worked at Hannah House and have been there for me from the beginning and to all who taught me to be the person I am today. I love you all and am so blessed. Thank you sooo much for the opportunity and experience. You have made me a better person in so many different ways. xoxo 24 Reaching For The Stars “Sky is the limit! Always reach for the stars with faith, believing that you will get to the brightest one!” -Author Unknown Jaycee & Miley 2008 Former Resident
  • 25. HANNAH HOUSE 25 To the Hannah House team - those that were there when I was and those that help the young mothers of today - keep doing what you’re do-ing. You’re building confidence, creating rou-tines, giving these women life skills they may not have learned elsewhere... And saving lives. Believe it or not, some of us wouldn’t be where we are without you. Nor would our little people. So thank you. From all of us. I think I can speak for all of us in that. We all appreciate everything you’ve done and continue to do. THANK YOU!! Natalie & Liam 2014 Graduate In April 2014 I moved to Hannah House only needing a few more credits to finish high-school. I had just learned I was further along in my pregnancy then I thought. I had many sleep-less nights and early mornings but someone on staff was always there to help me complete my assignments. Conversations throughout the day always made me feel like someone had my back. I feel that if it wasn’t for Hannah House helping me I would never have graduated and would still be trying to complete school today. I am so proud to be where I am 18 years old, graduat-ed from grade 12, starting life with my beautiful daughter Kathlynn. Thank you so much for be-ing there to support me down this new life path. Elizabeth & Kathlynn 2014 Graduate To see more inspiring stories please visit:
  • 26. Imagine What You Can Do HANNAH HOUSE 26 Earlier this year a local software company from Welland, My Fund Partner (MFP), teamed up with Hannah House to provide a more robust experience for their supporters! The “new” platform provides a one stop solution for Hannah House to do all their administration, donations, and events on-line! Anthony Pasto, from MFP says, “Hannah House has just jumped into the convenience and clarity arena by providing all their supporters an easy way to connect and participate. Now when people want to do something fantastic to support this great organization they can do it with ease.” Pasto is referring to the personal Quest area of the site as well as the online store. The Quest area allows potential supporters to fill in a simple 4 step application. Once approved by the Hannah House crew the Quest goes live so the supporters can post on social media sites, add new information, pictures or videos, update progress and collect funds online. Imagine how much help you can provide to this wonderful organization! Imag-ine what fun you could be having while you help! Imagine what great events you could be running! Imagine doing it right away! Pasto went on to say “the ideas people come up with to support organizations are amazing. Motorcycle rides, furniture painting, whistling, BBQ’s, concerts, etc… The list is endless and the more fun people have the better the event!” The other area Pasto referred to is the online store. This is a great way for busi-nesses and individuals to support Hannah House as well. If you’re a business and you’d like to support this great organization while you market yourself to the community, start thinking about the products or services you provide and get them on the Hannah House store for supporters to purchase. Social media has changed the model for marketing and Hannah House is now in position to help you get noticed! Recently Hannah House has been selling rain-barrels and blan-kets. Tomorrow it could be gift cards for your restaurant or spa! Submitted By: My Fund Partner Photo by: Daniel Zimmermann
  • 28. Hannah House ‘Full Circle’ Lunch Fundraiser Guest Speaker Cindy McGuire Friday February 13, 2015 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM White Oaks Conference Resort RSVP: Please note: seating for this event is limited.
  • 29. HANNAH HOUSE Cindy McGuire (Gatenby) is the founder of Hannah House, Niagara Region’s first ma-ternity home. In February 2000 Hannah House officially opened its doors to welcome and provide young women and their ba-bies a safe and nurturing place to call home. Throughout Cindy’s social work career she has earned a Master of Social Work and has worked in various set-tings such as Family and Children’s Services, The Niagara Health System and Niagara Falls Community Health Centre. Cindy’s extensive social work career has come full circle since the founding of Hannah House. In the year 2010 Cindy estab-lished her own private practice, McGuire Counselling Ser-vices, where she provides individual and family counselling. Photo by: Bobby Acree 29 You Are Invited
  • 30. Day’s Of Give Aways 12 For the next twelve days (as Christmas draws near)….we will be drop-ping by with some holiday cheer! So….keep your eyes open, Your ears perked up, too. We’ve thought long & hard about what to bring you! Along with our gifts that will come each night is a wish for a Merry Christmas and a New Year that ‘s bright. It’s time to spread some Christmas cheer & participating in “The 12 Days of Give Aways” is the perfect way. Beginning on December 6th each morning the Moms and Babies at Hannah House will wake up to a carefully chosen gift. So much joy comes from giving to others! If you would like to participate through the donation of gifts for one of the 12 days please contact today.
  • 31. Your Gifts Provide Shelter & Security When It’s Needed Most Our first priority is to provide safety, security and the shelter of a home. Your investment keeps the doors open the lights on and little toes warm. You enable us to provide for the daily needs of Mom and Baby. Provide Support Where It’s Needed Most Your investment provides caring support 24/7 for Mom and Baby through qualified Hannah House Life Coaches. You ensure that Mom can continue her education, acquire life skills training and be equipped to provide the best quality care for Baby. To give a gift securely visit : OR use the enclosed gift card & drop it in the mail today. All gifts given before December 31 will receive a tax receipt for 2014. 31
  • 32. HANNAH HOUSE 32 Executive Director: Cheryl Plett Director: Rochelle Plett Resident Services Manager: Betsy Redpath HR/Administration Manager: Jennifer Spink Full Creative & Editorial Design: Heather Fraser Hannah House Maternity Home 4761 Crysler Ave, Niagara Falls, ON, L2E3V9