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Towards partial fulfillment of
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
School of Management, Babu Banarasi Das University,
Guided by Submitted by
(Dr, Noor Fatima) (Shikha Mishra)
Assistant Professor MBA-IVth Sem,
Roll No,:~ 1190672188
Session 2020-2021
School of Management
Babu Banarasi Das University
Sector I, Dr, Akhilesh Das Nagar, Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U,P,) India
Dated:~ 20,05,2021
This is to certify that Ms, Shikha Mishra, Universities Roll No:~ 1190672188 student
of MBA-IV Semester, Session 2020 – 2021, of Babu Banarasi Das University, has
successfully completed the Research Project in the area of HR (major specialization),
under the guidance of Dr, Noor Fatima
Her topic of the Research study is “A
……………………,………… …………………………………,
Guide -SOM Dean/Incharge -SOM
BBD City, Faizabad Road, Lucknow - 226 028 U,P, (INDIA)
Website:~ www,bbdu,ac,in
I hereby declare that the research report entitled “A STUDY ON LEVEL OF
LUCKNOW CITY,” submitted to the Babu Banarasi Das Universities Lucknow, is a
record of an original work done by SHIKHA MISHRA, under the guidance of Dr, Noor
Fatima, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master in
Business Administration, The results embodied in this research have not been submitted
to any other Universities or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma,
MBA-IVth Sem,
Roll no:~ 1190672188
It is by way of immense pleasure that i take this opportunities to express my sincere
thanks to my respective lecturers plus report guide Dr, Noor Fatima of Babu Banarasi
Das Universities Lucknow, under whose guidance this entire research report was done, I
express my profound sense of gratitude for his encouragement, observations, suggestions
plus kind co- operation in designing plus bringing out this dissertation work successfully,
My sincere thanks to our dean Mr, Shushil Pandey of Babu Banarasi Das Universities
Lucknow, for providing me the necessary infrastructural facilities required to carry out
this dissertation work,
Finally, i am very grateful to my parents, friends plus well-wishers who has been constant
inspiration which enable me to reach this exuberant of my life,
The primary objective's of this report is to provide the insight into the core of A
Education Policy& its importance in relation to Indian Education Industry,
We hope that the report has made the text interesting, and lucid, In writing this report, we
have benefited immensely by referring to many publications, and articles, We express my
gratitude to all such authors, and publishers,
Any suggestions to improve this report in contents or in style are always welcome, and
will be appreciated, and acknowledged,
Page No,
While loyal employee's are influencing the factors that make them the owner's of their
choice, companies, and organizations are proactive, It is not surprising that it poses
serious challenges in the field of job development, However, many studies suggest that
employee confidence, and leadership within the company can be positive, In fact, the
abilities of an organization can be realized only when it is compatible with the level of
productivities of the individual, and the individual to successfully achieve the objective's
s of the organization,
As a result, each company aims to develop a strong desire to remain relevant to the
company's employee's , When companies manage employee loyalties rather than collect
it, they can use both revenue, and cost,
Honestly, honestly, on the income side of the balance sheet, Loyal employee's are more
likely to move forward, and meet the needs of their customers, Both these qualities are
important both for the client, and for the company's turnover, and its continued growth,
It is anticipated that loyal employee's will stay longer at the expense of employee's , To
challenge competitive job offers, do not actively seek other activities, and recommend the
business as a good job, Since these are key indicators of employee disruption, these four
functions have a positive impact on the value of the balance sheet, The more companies
leave their employee's , the more they have,
In other words, rather than focusing on an obstacle (trying to fire employee's
beforehand), organizations perceive employee loyalty, The benefits of planning, and
improvement should always be recognized, In any case, the best performing
organizations are organizations that are capable of adapting the behavior of the
organization to the realities of today's work environment, Success is innovation, and
innovation, It depends on innovation, and flexibility, In addition, the dynamics of the
work environment are linked to the emotional, and psychological structures of the past,
This should reflect a very diverse population including beliefs, and values, Coincidence is
one of the most valuable, and unstable physical properties, This constitutes an important
advantage for salaried companies, as there is a high potential for disability, It is
deliberately a stable form of work for employee's , Depth of knowledge, and strength of
An important step in understanding, and improving employee loyalties is to recognize the
importance of the following factors to increase customer loyalty, and satisfaction,
Do a larger set of tasks instead of a larger set of tasks Formal, and effective performance
employee training
A wide range of employee's in an employee organization,
In general, a combination of factors influence employee's decisions to continue their
current work, Contributions include satisfactory performance; Job security; Clear growth
opportunities; These include strong corporate missions that contribute to the success of
the organization, and use its experience effectively, and successfully, He was paid, Work-
satisfied employee's also know from the employer that the company is comfortable at
work, and that there should be family problems within the organization,
Today, we must earn the loyalties of our employee's , It should not be distributed, It
should be special, This is not common:~ employee's must achieve their personal goals,
and not be "good corporate soldiers" of the past, View as a device, This means that
companies must demonstrate employee engagement in the best way to achieve their
employee's career goals, The best way
Consider the following for effective strategies to retain, and retain key employee's ,
Incorporate personal development opportunities, and invest heavily in professional
development of the best people in the organization,
Another approach to the belief problem is to look at the value of the five "I,"
Interesting work, Nobody wants to do boring work from day to day, Although all work
requires repetitive work, all work must include at least one section that makes employee's
Information is the power of information, and employee's want that they need to do their
work better, and more efficiently, And, more than ever, employee's want to know how
they work, and how the company behaves overall, It is important to open communication
channels in the organization to inform employee's , ask questions, and share information,
and encourage them to share the company's vision,
Collaboration managers today face extraordinary opportunities, and problems,, and as the
pace of business increases, the time required to make decisions decreases, Employee
involvement in decision making, especially when they have a direct impact on decisions,
is respectful, and practical, Not only do they better understand what they are doing, but
their involvement in decision making will increase their commitment, and success in
implementing new ideas or changes, Similarly, management should fulfill its promises,
and uphold its values,
Freedom Some employee's want to closely monitor their work, Most employee's
appreciate the flexibilities of their performance because of their appearance, If
employee's work as they wish, then employee's will be fired, bringing more initiative,
ideas, and energy to their work, Employee's should also be encouraged to excel,
The operating principle of motivation is:~
Core principle
According to this theory, a person is satisfied when he gets training from his job to get
what he wants, The more he wants or is important, the more satisfied he becomes when
he succeeds, In other words, "job satisfaction varies to meet the needs of those who are
truly satisfied," People who work satisfactorily, and think positively in terms of valuable
results, Therefore, job satisfaction is positively related to the level of requirements
satisfaction, The principle of conscience suffers from major disability, Satisfaction is an
act that is not only achieved by a person, but he achieves what he should achieve,
2) Principles of Pure Position:~
According to this theory, it is assumed that job satisfaction is based on perceived quality,
and not on the balance of other people's input, and output, Everyone compares the price
with their reference group, If you feel that your gift makes more sense than others, then
you are satisfied, Job satisfaction is a graduation process in which job characteristics
satisfy the wishes of the reference team, For example, a study of small effects of
satisfaction on job satisfaction, and communities status shows that workers living in that
environment are poor, Satisfaction is less than life
3) Two Factory Principles:~
Friedrich Herzberg, and his colleagues developed satisfaction with the two-factor theory,
According to this theory, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction are interdependent, and
continuously separate, Cleaning agents (company policy, administration, supervision,
compensation, working conditions,, and interpersonal relationships) act as differences in
a set of factors called disciplinary factors, His absence is a source of hatred, but he is not
satisfied right now, The second group of factors known as satisfaction (achievement,
progress, trust, work, and responsibility) leads to satisfaction,
Several studies designed to test the two-factor theory provide little support for this theory,
The same factor may be satisfactory for one but unsatisfactory for the other, This theory
shows that a person can feel satisfied, and unhappy at the same time,
4) Screen Mode:~ Again:~
According to this theory, job satisfaction depends on what a person actually gets from
their job, and what they expect, This causes dissatisfaction when the actual gift is
received for less than the expected value, According to Lech, Job satisfaction, and
dissatisfaction are desired between the job, and what is actually offered, In other words,
satisfaction is the difference between what you actually get, and what you get,
It is a combination of principles of equality, and stability, and is not a standardized
approach to equalities theory, He took a different approach to different theories, The idea
of comparing the principle of justice was chosen as an intervention variable, In this
theory satisfaction is defined, and there are decisions that he truly believes he has
accepted, and received compared to others, When a person thinks that he has achieved
something, he thinks that what he has achieved is satisfactory, Therefore, the
psychological effect of the targeted amount on the recipient's goals is that the theft of the
same amount can vary significantly from two, one for the higher amount, and the other
for the limited amount,
)) Social Reference Group Policy:~
According to the theory that describes the group's individual worldview, work is satisfied
when the subject group's interests, desires,, and needs are met, In other words,
professional satisfaction is a diploma that reacts to the adoption of a work group for
which it leads to the assessment of the individual world, and the interpretation of social
Social problems are similar to the implementation of group theory, moreover, they do not
take into account their wants, needs, and interests, but make decisions, and decisions vis-
à-vis an individually controlled group,
Field Comparison of Factors Affecting Professional Satisfaction in the Indian
Automotive Industry
Occupational satisfaction in private sector vehicles was found to be lower than that of
public sector vehicles, There are two reasons for the low level of professional satisfaction
in private sector cars, Shocking results have been found in data analysis, In the study, job
satisfaction was measured by an instrument developed by Sinha (1990), Occupational
satisfaction is calculated based on five variables:~ (i) wages, (ii) working conditions (eg
safety, heat, noise, and dust), (iii) working conditions (safety, promotion, and welfare) ,
(iv) Senior Officers, Peers, Peers, and Workers,, and (v) the relationship between the four
variables as a whole firm is not clear, but the lower level of service for the third variable
appears to be due to lower levels of professional satisfaction in private sector vehicles, ,
Private sector drivers believe that their work is not safe, In fact, the effects of a free
economy, globalization, and privatization are more easily felt in private sector vehicles
than in public sector vehicles, Strong competition in private sector vehicles, and
employment is based on environmental indicators, and other factors, It is true that this
environment provides a sophisticated work profile that also creates a less secure
environment, Comfort, determination, dedication, and a desire to find a job - it is not
enough, A high level of personal effectiveness depends on many factors, such as market
conditions, competition,, and government policy, in which these factors are not unnatural
when performance is automatically affected, At the moment, employee's are not feeling
safe, and overall job satisfaction has decreased,
Social securities policies for public sector vehicles are clearly defined, and legally
binding, Pensions, pensions, bonuses, and other social securities measures have actually
been implemented, Therefore, there is no problem with social security, social securities
programs are not properly planned, and implemented in private vehicles, staff turnover is
high, and employment is low, The workers mainly come from middle-class Indian
families, While these workers can see their golden years in job development in the public,
and public sector, the impact of public works, and welfare programs in the public sector
cannot be easily removed from their memory, Domestic workers are prepared to work
hard, but require pensions, security, and sometimes a simpler life,
This survey can be extended to the automotive industry to clarify the terms of use in other
services, There is a clear distinction between public, and private sector workers in terms
of securities policy, promotion, and social security, When comparing job satisfaction with
state, and state cars
By providing amenities that make your building a healthier, and more comfortable place
to work, you can reduce employee absenteeism, and turnover while increasing
productivity, Even small workplace improvements, such as installing individual
temperature, and ventilation controls, improving the flow of natural light, and providing
access to a roof garden, can have a big impact on your company's bottom line,
The EPA estimates that building-related illnesses account for $60 billion in annual
productivities lost nationwide,, and according to a Universities of Wisconsin study,
tangible costs of hiring, and retaining a new employee typically range between $10,000,
and $50,000 -- plus less quantifiable, but no less real, productivities costs as employee's
adapt to the new work environment, and cultivate relationships with clients, coworkers,
contractors, etc, With less absenteeism, and greater employee retention, your investments
in green building features will quickly pay for themselves,
● In a 2004 survey of 719 building owners, developers, architects, engineers, and
consultants, Turner Construction found that 91 percent of executives involved
with green buildings believed that the health, and well-being of their building
occupants was greater,
● By installing skylights, fluorescent light fixtures, and additional insulation to
improve lighting, and temperature control, Verifone's credit card verification
facilities in Costa Mesa, California, decreased its energy consumption 59 percent,
reduced employee absenteeism by 47 percent, and boosted productivities by 5
percent to 7 percent,
At the headquarters of the West Bend Mutual Insurance Company in West Bend,
Wisconsin, green features including individual workstation controls for temperature,
airflow, lighting, and noise contributed to a 15 percent increase in claims processing per
Nikhil Monga, Dr,bhuvnender Chaudhary, in their study stated that; The education sector
has back bone of Indian economy, Every education sector especially in four wheelers
market should be getting perpetual succession, In India even in that the Mumbai areas
here, due to increasing competition are to fast, for showing status consumer are buying
the luxury car, Due to high income they can affordable easily, The whole process has
depended upon consumer satisfaction, The consumer satisfaction & their perception is
core part without this four wheelers industry or any business can not survive in the
market, It is important to take care of satisfaction level of consumer for the point of view
of sellers, as well as suppliers, even though services provider,
Increasing competition day by day in business market every company are wants to come
first level, and top, For this each, and every company has capture the consumer, they
should maintain the relation, and connect to consumer to providing better services,
E, Thangasamy & Dr, Gautam Patikar in their study, is clearly expressed In the business
market specially in four wheelers the business man has launch or introduce any product
or car, before the introducing the product they always think from customer point of view,
Whatever the product businessman create or launch they analysis the customer
satisfaction, and other site customer also identify the quality, price fairness, brand, and
reputation in the market, The higher level of perception value leads to higher level of
customer satisfaction, For this reason the marketer do continuously research studies about
the consumer behaviour, to position their product planning & development strategies to
meet requirements efficiently, There are in numerous factors inducing their buying
behavior of consumer even brand preferences of durable Identify as reputation is the
perception of qualities associating with the brand name, The brand reputation is more
essential element of the business,
Yasodha Damodaran & Dr, Kumudha , in his study the entitled work base on
consumer, and education that is As we all know Indian education sector is rapidly
increasing in current scenario, Lots of company has been try to enter in the market , on
that basis every company try to beat each other in education market, at last all companies
are try to capture for consumer, specially some company try to capture high income
group level, but some other try to located or locating middle or lower income group level,
The industry has set up unique strategies to competing the competitor, For making a
product like four wheelers in the business market is not easy task, The company has
decided price, product, quality, advertising, color & they also analysis the consumer
perception whether they like or dislike,
The education industry are capture middle income group small family, small group of
friends as we mention above paragraph it is one of the best example or we can say
industry i,e, Tata Motors has launch few year back Tata Nano, with the good quality, best
& reasonable price, more color, attractive look, and so on, For that more consumer are
purchase this car & increasing sells in the market, After that they change their strategies
& they launch Nano Gen X in the market it helps to them raising sells as well as share in
the education sector,
D,Arthi & K, Malar Mathi in their study stated that, about consumer preferences here; we
review, in Indian all cities has growing faster even capable of moving at high speed, In
various sectors its growing such as textile, real estate, education are also develop, The
previous year as we analysis to four wheelers are market grown up from strength to
strength, Further ahead antagonism is heating up in the area with host of new participant
approaching like Porsche, BMW, Mitsubishi,, and so on they all set venture business
enterprises in Indian market, In Mumbai the vehicle industry have obtain incredible
market prospective,
The increasing residents, and changing in their prototype of existence life style, in
attendance should be a rapid increasing in demand of four wheelers, There are various
reason for the growth of four wheelers market in Mumbai region, Such as level of income
are increasing, car finance option available from financial institution at reasonable rate of
interest availabilities of services center, and spare part etc, for selling more, and more car,
four wheelers sector has giving new scheme discount, offers to the customer with that
customer are satisfy, and buy four wheelers, specially in festive season the four wheelers
companies has giving creative as well as attractive offers, With enhance to understating
of purchaser perception, corporation can resolve the action requiring to congregate
customer needs,
Minwar al-Shammi, and Ahmed Summer Kanina, two scientists, reported good car
service immediately, In today's world, there is a lot of competition everywhere, so there
are better products in the market for all industries, In particular, when we talk about the
automotive industry, there is a need to create qualities products, even if this service
provides the best in the commercial market, Better services, and qualities products help
maintain customer relationships, and meet their needs, Due to strong competition, car
manufacturers need to provide better services,
Now a days there is a public discussion about the qualities of services that the names of
these four wheel drive cars like Maruti Suzuki, Toyota, Hyundai, Honda, and Chevrolet
are coming to the consumers, Consequently, in the business market, if the business owner
or business owner wants to satisfy customers or satisfy their needs, they must sell the best
quality, and provide the best service to get them the highest , Level, can do,
According to Rakesh Kumar, according to his research, consumer behavior is an
important part of the ATV industry in terms of consumer behavior, Once the market is
acquired, the market wants to determine customer needs, and then the company launches
the product, Customer behavior changes from time to time, and before purchasing a
product, consumers validate, and analyze in all areas of marketing,
It always compares two brands:~ price, quality, and relatively high, so you have to make
an important decision, and buy a particular brand, and product, During this process, new
advertisements are created in the market so that customers can easily attract a particular
According to Ratna Binodini, and Amiya Priyadarshini Das, the Indian economy is
growing day by day, and changes are taking place in all sectors, The level of
compensation has increased, particularly the salaries of its employee's , GDP has
increased due to this good, and continuous change, This study provides a comprehensive
understanding of the automotive industry, which is known as a fast growing industry not
only in Des Desa but also in Bombay, and Maharashtra,
In Bombay counties, it is growing in two or four areas, so in the last three years, many
people have tried to express their opinions, and buy cars for different purposes,
Entrepreneurs, and producers can do everything to make this customer creative without
Dr, S, Aditya in his research explained how to see the world around us, Nevertheless, for
two people to experience the same enthusiasm in the same specific situation, it is a very
important process to know, decide, adjust, and explain their needs, values, and
expectations, The impact of these variables on the long-term process, and the importance
of marketing will be discussed in detail, However, we will note that customer behavior
varies from day to day, To beware, organization is defined as an outstanding
enhancement of the organization, and image of the world,
A bonus is a real input that includes all emotional segments, and examples of stimuli,
such as products, packaging, brands,, and advertising,
The customer has the abilities to understand what the customer wants, and how to get it,
All the companies in the market are trying to sell the best products, and meet the needs of
the customers, When sellers sell their products on time, and properly, they can easily
satisfy their customers, Consumer behavior involves factor analysis that influences
decisions, products,, and product consumption, If the decision of the customer does not
match, he can receive or change the decision, Therefore, traders study variables such as
age, income, education, and employment,
Elizabeth Chacko, and Ms, Pannya Selvaraj say that their research shows for the first
time the feasibilities of a fast growing business market, Many Indian companies run their
businesses successfully, and with great confidence,
When a customer buys a product, the buying behavior of the customer is not the same, it
varies according to their choice, product quality,, and whether the product has been a
consistent success in the market, Whether or not, and some products have been in the
market for a long time or some products or companies are not in the market because they
do not manufacture customized products for the consumer, Or, like Professor Madhavi
Ole Le Lane, his study mentions the dynamics of the tomato porridge industry list, For
the share price, everyone is on the stock exchange, a well-known company listed on the
stock exchange, This research paper introduces researchers to four automotive industries,
and analyzes their market share values, Therefore, strong economic growth in recent
years as well as growth in purchasing power, and the growth of the Indian middle class
has attracted the attention of major automakers in the Indian market, , Many investors
invest only in four-wheelers, giving them the share price of the company, for example,
Maruti, and Mahindra & Mahindra shares are rising in the current environment, We can
also measure a company's reputation as a company leader by analyzing its financial
Dr, DP Warren, and Kavita Rani said in their study that small cars treat consumers, When
we tell others about small cars, the first thing that comes to mind is Chevrolet, Ford, Tata,
Hyundai, This type of education company always strives to accommodate small families,
and small income groups, giving the company the best convenience for the customer,
Quality, customer service, good price, mileage, easy driving, and examples Hyundai i10,
i20, Ford style, bit, The small car market is also attracting
Senior employee's like MD etc, I haven't had a parking problem for a while, so people
buy small cars,
Ch,Venkatadri Naidu, P,Madar Valli in their study stated that, about improvement of four
wheelers services, In business market specially in services sector, if you provide services
to someone then it has to be best, In this services all type of difficulties, problem are
came but services provider are improve the services maintain properly, Researchers are
involving four wheelers services, as a competition are increasing day to day every
company are giving best services, To getting more customer attention, industry are
always favor to the customer, They are giving every time special services some time
occasionally, For example some four wheelers services center are now open in Sunday,
Recently Volkswagen decline the market share due to low services, and poor quality, to
maintain the standard they have to improve the services in market
K,P Najeemudeen, and Dr, N, Panchanatham in their research entitled to study about,
education sector yesterday, today, and tomorrow, The two decade back developing
country like India are not that much sound about technological, Due to poor technology,
lack of resources & less research, and development activities for that reason industry are
not growing as well as develop that much, But after 1991 when Indian government has
declared LPG i,e, liberalization, privatization & globalization for this time all foreign
company those who having technological strong they are enter in Indian market, It is help
to increasing the rapid growth for all sector in India as specially for Education industry
has rapidly changing & growing, due to Hugh available resources its get growing day by
day large number of industry establish, this help to large number of people to get good
employment opportunities,
The education company has set up the venture with Indian government specially like,
BMW, Mercedes Renault, this kind of top listed company has coming in Indian Market &
capture vast areas, and growing rapidly, They try to increasing to much profit in most
important they all try to satisfy the customer to launching innovative as well as spacious
four wheelers in the market, To attracting the consumer & satisfying them it help to
benefits for education industry to increasing sales in the market, Along with the four
wheelers market it growing two wheelers even three wheelers market in Indian country,
The education industry has not just developed or grownups in urban areas the industry are
also try to set up their plant in rural areas with low interest,
Vikram shende in his study clearly stated that customer behavior in passenger car,
analysis of consumer behavior is an important part of all industry, In competitive market
observation of consumer behavior is core part for marketers, Due to large competition in
the market, new education company has coming in Indian market they capture popular
areas in this country, As per consumer choice & their suitabilities a company are made
the four wheelers, When the new company has enter in the market they bring new
technologies in the market even they try to chase their competitor In Mumbai areas all
type of consumer having on that basis, the company are made the four wheelers, They are
analysis on the basis of income group, size of family, class wise etc, new company enter
in Indian market it also help to develop Indian economy,
The four wheelers industries sales increasing in Indian market even Mumbai areas due to
increasing income level,, and easy availabilities of finance, and company provide better
qualities or after sales services, maintenance properly, For example now a days Toyota
has open their services center Sunday also, The are giving best services, For target all
market every company changing their strategies to increasing sales in the market,
Inamullah khan in his research paper a clear manner mention about the Loyalties of
customer, Customer services is what business man, and their organization provide,
customer loyalties is a result of services, The business man or service provider
continuously loyal with their customer, and other side customer also loyal with particular
business, Basically satisfaction is rating, and loyalties is a brand, Faithfulness is
continuously help to increasing sale, consumer always purchase one brand if they loyal
with this, For example if customer sale Maruti swift desire then they again purchase
Suzuki Ertega,
M,C Vijaykanth, A N Santosh kumar in their study stated that, As the echelon of level to
competition keep on remain ever-increasing in Mumbai cities in education market, it is
crucial for essential every education creator companies to appreciate for understand
customer imminent in order to further increasing their share of all market, thus they need
to recognize what factors might influence their customers decision to choice for
purchasing four wheelers, Previous three-year there are new education company enter in
Mumbai areas like Audi, Fiat, Nissan, Volkswagen, One factors there should assist the
companies in the marketing for promotion of their product to buying manners of the
The purchase decision or obtain buying behavior of customer by studies to knowing there
perception about the four wheelers for the markets, and concerning the possible entrance
in marketplace for particulars product, One such technique of practices in this by
perceptive, and creating a traits of brand, Brand image in mind of customer is most
important factors, if the education company has gives the proper facilities or good
qualities which the customer wants, needs then they should satisfy for particular brand,
This trend shall be comparing to those of competitors, and there is perceptibly a strapping
for strong link between customer pleasure, and purchaser perception or their preferences,
MARIANA Mariana, and Dragoi Violeta in their study, The decisions of a company with
global vision is oriented mainly on product markets rather than on the domestic market,
Since 2000 we witness companies focus on knowing how to conquer a market, to the will
to choose strategic alternatives, sustained by the will to act according to a strategy
anchored to the changes in the companys marketing environment, Thus, now the
company becomes a producer of product proposals offered to the market, the consumer
produces satisfaction, the distribution produces exchanges,, and the environments are
producing beliefs,
The best example of this long time ago Mahindra & Renault are merger but now a days
when the Renault has launch their individual four wheelers i,,e Renault Duster in
Mumbai area it is good responses for this car, even with attractive colors consumer are
not just satisfy but also delight, Renault are capture the market very quickly, and they not
just launch on four wheelers they are try to doing something innovative so consumer car
attracting more for this company,
M,C, Vijayakanth, A N Santosh Kumar, A N Hari Rao in their study clearly mention that,
satisfaction to the customer is the key of business servers, Is a way of appropriate to a
study Customer in India are more concerned with the service that are execute to the
perform at timely manner with the reasonable cost to need their customer there have been
dealer in India must be responsive, Basically providing a good product at a superior price
is no longer adequate of enough, Satisfies customers form the foundation of any
victorious business as customer satisfaction leads to repeat purchase, brand devotion,, and
affirmative positive word of mouth, Customer should to be satisfy only they get good or
positive services from the dealers, It is good enough to the dealers when they maintain
proper qualities so customer can attract,
NATARAJ S; DR, N,NAGARAJA in their study stated that, the Online bookings, and
online purchase are the current wave in Indian car industry, Internet is gradually hitting
the core of every industry including the car industry, It creates a greater awareness of the
vehicle, and influences the buyer to purchase, Internet is believed to have a greater
impact on the sales process, and will definitely give higher level of sales satisfaction,
In this paper has giving the information about online purchase or booking four wheelers,
due to rising the competition company has develop their strategy to sell the car for
example now a days most popular website is CarDekho,com, and CarTrade,com both of
this getting nice response from customer, and customer will satisfy,
Dr,M,Prasanna Mohan Raj in his study entitled to the brand market, in the reputed brand
are available in business market, the varieties of consumer are choosing various brand, if
person want to choose SUV, XUV they always prefer to Mahindra or Toyota brand
because very specious space, and comfort are there, Even ford, general motors this brand
name are also come, This study has indicated how the customers prefer the particulars
brand, The marketing mix concept are use in this research, the marketing mix is a
business tool used in marketing, and by marketers, The marketing mix is often crucial
when determining a product or brand's offer,, and is often associated with the four P's:~
price, product, promotion,, and place,
Gupta Bhuwan, Agarwal Nisha in their research study stated that, about the car owner for
particulars district, The incredible market prospective of potential has got Indian
Education Industry, As a result of urbanization, with the growth of population, and
transform in their pattern of life style there has been a rapid enhance to increasing the
demand for Indian educations, The purpose of this stage of study is to survey for
expansion of Education Industry in India, and their position in financial economic
development, and to bring out the side view of the study area, In recent days India is
witnessing a change in promotion of interests to consumer consumerism the market is
now mainly consumer driver, The focus is shifting for product support marketing to need
based marketing, Consumer is given much alternative option to make a decision,
Passenger car segment is no error of omission to this general trend, These studies indicate
consumer preferences, and how they behave while taking decision to buy a car,
Dr, khaled bin Abdul-raheman Al-jeraisy :~ As a consumer behavior defined as the
activities of the consumer engages in when looking for a goods, and a services to satisfy
his need or want, and when evaluating, obtaining, using, In addition to related decision
making processes, When any consumer has to take decision to buy the product he should
analysis or getting information for particulars product then he will purchase to take
decision, After the purchasing the product, and using this consumer are satisfy, For
example when the consumer are take decision to buy four wheelers they he will get
information for other people about this car, and then he purchase, Some time company
has giving the test Drive also if customers like than they buy otherwise they move to buy
other four wheelers,
Michael Solomon, Gary Bamossy in their research book consumer behavior third edition
state that, The field of consumer behaviour envelop a grouping of position it is the study
of the progression of process implicated when individuals or groups select, bought, use or
arrange of products, services, thoughts or occurrence of experience to satisfy needs, and
desires, In its early stages of enlargement of development, the field was frequently
referred to as buyer behavior, reflecting an accent on the interface stuck between
consumers, and producers at the time of buy, Consumer response may often be the vital
test of whether or not a marketing strategy will succeed, In its early stages of
development, the field was often referred to as buyer behavior, careful about to deeply a
prominence on the interface between consumers, and producers at the moment of
purchase, Every consumer decision, purchase behavior, buying power are different its not
analysis for quickly, In this book the author has given details how the consumer behavior
changes for there lifestyle, culture, income level etc, some time consumer behavior or
their decision are unique in nature,
Paul Greenberg CRM at the speed of light, Third Edition in his study mention that, In the
business market selling a product like four wheelers or any luxury car is not that much
easy task for sales persons, When he talk to the consumer for the car feature, whether the
customer agree with him, and whatever he said about the product,
In whole process of marketing if businessman really want to do the satisfy the customer
then Customer Relationship has crucial part of marketing process, To make a good
relationship with the customer, businessman or Dealers has give special offers, Discount,
Schemes, to providing easy finance when the customer buy four wheelers,
When the term CRM is use in business process, we are typically talking about a set of
possible interaction that lead to a result from a customers,
Philip Kotler, Marketing Management in his nine edition clearly entitle about, The aim of
four wheelers industries has to satisfy target customers needs & their wants, To identify
or analysis consumer market, and consumer behavior is not that much easy task, The four
wheelers sectors has introduce any product they looking first or analysis the individual,
family, group, high class people as well as low class people, With that or after the
analysis whole market they launch product, For example in six to seven year ago luxury
car like BMW, Mercedes are not that much popular in Mumbai area, as income level are
increasing for people they are starting to launch in Mumbai are now they are running well
in this area,
Due to increasing the technology four wheelers market has try to do every time
innovative, creative, For that second example in four wheelers more comfort in that TV
facility, Google map, automatic lock system etc,
Consumer Behavior sixth edition by Leon G, schiffman, and Leslie Lazar kanuk in their
study stated that, To run successful business in the business Market, business man has to
focusing on competitors, and also the customer satisfaction, As specially in four wheelers
industries making innovative ideas that have been developing world class four wheelers
in the market, Due to changing pattern & lifestyle needs wants to the consumer,
Whenever four wheelers industry has making the product it aim to helping the safeties of
every individual customer,
When the four wheelers sectors build up any product they take care, and protect the
consumers its creating good image in customers mind,
The luxuries example in that Jaguar, Range Rover, Land Rover this four wheelers are
highly costly in the market but there are consumer for showing their status they can buy
this, In Mumbai area this kind of four wheelers are hardly buying for few consumer either
top industrialist or Politician,
Michael R, Solomon in his sixth edition of Consumer Behavior Buying, Having,, and
being, stated that, delighters Consumer is determine by the persons taken as a whole
feeling in the direction of the product after they bought, There are many factors
influencing partialities preference of product quality, together with including price, brand
name,, and product performance to presentation, Satisfaction is often seminal of
determine through the degree to which a products concert is consistent for reliable with
the consumers preceding expectations of how well it will function, Consumer happiness
is determining by means of overall approach, of feeling or attitude, a person has about a
item for consumption after has been purchasing consumer connect in a unvarying process
of appraise the possessions they buy as integrate these products keen on their daily
consumption bustle of movement,
A study by Leon Schiffman, Leslie L, Kanuk ninth edition of consumer behavior entitled
to, It is important to understand how consumer attitudes vary from situation to situation,
For instance, it is useful to know whether consumer preferences for various brand of like
Maruti, Mahindra, Renault, Mitsubishi etc, first identify consumer requirements to need,
and then develop product & services to keep make happy those needs, Consumer delve
into research also is used to better understanding consumption behavior, Many of these
applications of consumer research are managerial in perspective, they are designed to
helps a market make specific marketing decision concerning product, price, promotion,,
and distribution,
It also able the marketer to build consumer meaning into the product or services by
discovering which attributes are most important to the target market, and integrating them
into the product or services design,
K, J, Vinodini in her study stated that, The Education Sector plays a very important role
in the economy, where they manufacture millions of wheelers, and sell it year by year,
This sector is the fastest growing sector where it holds the n number of customers for
buying their vehicles, The wants are unlimited in nature; though a person belongs to a
middle class family his desire in buying a four wheeler cant be predicted,
People may belong to rural or urban area but they want to change their lifestyle at least
by consuming a car, The four wheeler market is getting expanded day by day with new
As we all know due to increasing the population, competition also increasing day by day,
year by year, Every new company has enter in the market specially in four wheelers
Dr,G,Syamala,Vinayak Ghosh in their study properly mention that, The automotive
industry in India is one of the largest in the world it is one of the fastest growing
industries globally, Its customer car, and profitable vehicle
segment is largest the six number in world, Indian small car market is increasing by
leaps, and bounds, The indigenous market for small cars now occupies substantial share
of around 70% of the annual car production in India which is about one million, Almost
all education in India are competing with each other in terms of design, innovation,
pricing, and technology, The following paper is an of effort attempt to study the
satisfaction stage of customers who own small car, The research covers the areas of
Aundh, Pashan, Baner in Pune, Maharashtra,
The author has inform in this paper about the small car, and consumer satisfaction
regarding this for example Maruti alto, maruti 800, Chevrolet Beat, The small car buy
only the small family, they are satisfy to purchase small car with good mileage, and
Nagarajan in his study, entitled "Study of conflicting brands in marketing unrelated
products", regarding brand awareness found that the brands help to identify a product by
the consuming public, and create an awareness regarding the product, After acquiring the
awareness the consumer moves for the brand trial, and gets satisfaction or he is
disappointed in varying degree,
Niraj Dawar, and Philip Parker in their study on marketing universal stated that
"consumer used brand name, price, physical manifestation, and retailer standing
reputation as indication of invention to product quality, and found that brand name
signals are
always ranked highest, and retailer reputations signals are always ranked lowest, and
price signals are always ranked between brand name, and retailer reputation, There is a
positive, and statistically significant correlation among price, brand, physical appearance,
and retailer reputation, It shows that people are generally more signal-oriented than
others, The brand name, price, physical appearance,, and retailer reputation are
considered as signals of product quality,
Piplai in his research deserving to Entitle the study on Shifting Strategic Focus on
education division sector, researcher inspect in 2001, the Indian motor vehicle industry
effect after liberalization in provisions of creation to production, marketing, sell overseas,
skill, and technologies bind, product artifact up-gradation, and productivities to get
profitability, Indian auto industry was fictional last eight decade, from that time education
were to be bring in form of Ford, and general motors, Apart from that there is Hindustan
Motors Company, and Premier Auto industries are started by importing savvy from
General Motors, and Fiat respectively in early 1940s, Few other companies entered in to
marketplace intended for two wheelers, and heavy commercial vehicles since 1950s,
However the majorities of them either imported originate particular country produced
auto mechanism cultivate the mid-1950s, while India have commence to initiate import
trade changeover programmer, thus ensuing result in a definitely take apart auto
constituent sector of division,
Howard, and Sheth J,N, in their systematic observation of Study on Buyer Behaviour
Model, both the researcher predicate to starting best one about identified models of
consumer behaviour, which specifying clarify details interactions for speculative theory
of buyer behaviour, virtually flanked by the participation, stimulus that the consumer
obtain for receive from his otherwise her surroundings along with yield of output,
Construct of decision making of input stimuli to observable results in consumer action
achievement to build the processes, The reach in front of consumer they go through to
make a result of decision upon his or her action, Instigator group must be following in
these two areas:~ 1st is Perceptual to relating abilities of interpreting those worried with
attain for obtain, and handling behavior in sequence to information about the product, and
services, 2nd one is wisdom of knowledge in the direction of process of learning that
guide to the judgment itself,
Sagar, Ambuj, D, & Chandra & Pankaj in their study on base of support to Indian
Passenger Car Industry in technological change, talk about, as to how the innovative
technological driven by a convergence of such factor in Indian advance car industry as
extreme serve competition,
challenging consumer inclination, policies of government, and the international tactic
approach of the various new players, They elaborate for convolute that in India product
manufacture are based on creative designs, integrate complex of highly develop
technologies, that are habitually corresponding to equivalent with those available
internationally, and domestic vehicle sell to overseas export are too rising rapidly,
Dr, S, Subadra, K, M, Murugesan, and Dr, R, Ganapathi with associate their examination
of work clearly stand on car owner's in Namakkal District, They have chosen car holder
as a consumer in this study, the car possessor contemplate the altering opinion, and
manners towards their own product, Throughout the work authors should be converse
how consumer interests are to be protecting in India, Consumer ambitious market at this
moment turn out to be pre- dominantly, The spotlight are now been transfer from
discovery pedestal marketing activities to the necessitate based marketing promotion,
There is too many Consumer options to choose the product, In this study how the
marketing strategy work suppose to get feedback of consumer view to observation
perception for car, To the attract for prospective buyer to glow resting on a range of facial
appearance that the manufacturers goods should deliberate for magnetize invention,
Researcher traces which factor could be influencing for purchase, The broad-spectrum to
locate the method of shortening qualities information controlled within a number of
originalities work in new breadth to avoid minimum loss get accurate information fact
provide, Purchase decision, and satisfying consumer should identify several variable
derives to influence,
consequently, the product are well match with the understanding to the consumer
behaviour their requirement enable a marketer to take marketing decisions,
Balkrishnan M, Dr, Jagathy Raj intended for this exploration of work base on
Determinant represent percentage score factors of the consumer purchase behaviour of
passenger cars, The researcher identify to developed the frame work, and possible
parameter along with this paper the researchers discuss the foremost function, that
explore kerala state car
passenger holder pattern of purchase behavour for further investigate possibly will be
done, based on the structure, and the known limitation,
In Indian passenger car purchaser have With the multiple choices available to accessible
dealing, it severely distorted change the mode of way, for the car purchase procure
circumstances inside India, It should malformed the scenario of vehicle industry
commencing from a seller promote market to consumer market, For the pattern of
purchasing even personal preferences should start to develop the own traveler car
customers, which were to be thus far unidentified the piece segment of Indian education,
Key stricture parameter of purchase behaviour influence pattern in the direction of owner
of car passenger, Model symbolize reflect with the intention of the consumer behaviour is
a bring together of all dynamic factor like acquaintance, financial way, technical
information then supporting to political, enlightening for attitude, perspicacities of their
own personality, and motivation as well as existence way of life,
This work are too much advantage for those who are involve in particular study like
stakeholders support to manufacturers, trader, agencies who provide finance, to make
tremendous effective strategy in market idea of conceptual extensive quantitative analysis
, Finally it is terminate that All the parameters developed in this paper, and the model
which has been conceptualized was tested through an extensive research, and quantitative
analysis should know for behaviour of customer,
A study by Yogyata Datta entitled "A study on education industry analysis" attempts to
analyze various aspects of education industry such as evolution, and emergence of an
Education Industry, used car segments,, and auto fiancé, The study analyzed the
viabilities of car manufacturers entering the Indian market, and their investment in India,
The study by K, Maran entitled "Scenario of small cars segment:~ A study with reference
to Chennai city" deals with the market share, and marketing strategy, technical,, and
financial performance of the manufacturer of small cars segment, He has pointed out that
the ancillary industries which supply components to the manufacturers often failed to
adhere the delivery schedule causing production problems, He has also found that higher
maintenance cost of small cars due to inflation, high cost of spares, and components, and
adverse conditions which prevailed in the town, and semi- urban areas led to
postponement of purchase of small cars as the problems faced by small car owners,
Bhavani SA et al (2015) this study is conducted at Automotive Axles ltd to understand
the extent of Level of Job employee satisfaction in the organization, Level of Job
employee satisfaction is the level of commitment, and involvement an employee has
towards the organization, and its values, A satisfaction employee is known of business
context,, and works with coworkers to improve performance at the job for the benefit of
the organization, It is a positive behavior held by the employee's towards the
organization, and its values, A sample size of 50 was taken in order to conduct research,
Random sampling technique was used in order to conduct the survey, The data was
collected by interviewing the respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire,
V, Mahendran, and S, Arul Krishnan (2014) this study aims at finding out the otivational
technique followed in education industries, The purpose of motivation is to create
conditions in which people are willing to work with initiative, interest, and enthusiasm,
with a high personal, and group moral satisfaction with a sense of responsibility, loyalty,
and discipline, and with pride, and confidence in a most cohesive manner so that the
goals of the organization are achieved effectively, This study is to identify the factors
affecting motivation of employee's and also to examine the level of satisfaction derived
through the existing motivation factors available in education industries, This study helps
to determine the extent of employee‟s recognition by the management which led to the
greater performance of work by employee's , and their satisfaction level, The research
tool used in this study is mainly Questionnaire ,The sample size is 100, Descriptive
research is adopted in conducting this study, The statistical tool used is percentage
analysis, chi - square analysis, and correlation analysis,
1) Herzberg F, Mausner B,, and Synderman B, (1959) a extensive era of point,
researchers in numerous dissimilar field like psychologists, economists,, and hygienist
take into consideration the satisfaction feature connected to job satisfaction,
2) Vroom's (1964) expectancy theory, he recommended that every worker possessed
his human being wants,, and with the right motivation fulfilling his requirements, he
was capable to modify his performance, and job approach towards the task assigned to
him based on his expectancy of a certain outcome,
3) Organizations required to scrutinize this essential relationship among motivation
and job satisfaction as the experimental research (Herzberg, 1966) that dissimilar
feature on human being delicate survive of the worker might apply a tremendous
force to motivate or de- motivate an employee towards their work performance, and
undoubtedly could be related to the success or failure of the organization,
4) Maslow (1968) confirmed that the input underpinning in construction this
association was mainly due to the persons imminent, and approach at the place of
work depending on their individual wants, and their relevant discrimination of several
aspects that might be related to the job in the organization,
5) Dickson (1973) communicate that human resources are not very much motivated
by the funds itself to chase their needs, and goals, Feature which frequently pressure
satisfaction characteristic of a human being are intrinsic or extrinsic rewards,
Intrinsic rewards are connected straightforwardly to the internal enthusiasm of a
person to reach a sagacities of fulfillment, Extrinsic rewards, on the other hand, are
multi recipient packages which one will obtain upon their attainment, and performing
their tasks, An extrinsic reward frequently goes to paychecks, praise, and bonuses,
6) Fried, and Ferris (1987) several researches had been completed in this area of
discovering a association among Level of Job employee satisfaction, and employee job
and how that might be associated to occupation performance under dissimilar
workplace surroundings, and customs, and as well as how that might relate to the
person personal life,
7) Kovach (1987) also attempts to recognize the association; they require offering the
basic requirements of life motivates most inhabitants which in revisit build the
workers pleased from their jobs,
8) Hood JN, and Smith HL (1994) researchers have paying attention on different
feature of work motivation, and satisfaction, Hood, and Smith completed that the
manager's awareness to work life qualities of their employee's can offer the essential
requirements, and endorse the productivity, and satisfaction, and also ease their
permanent expansion,
9) Brown (1996) stated that when an organization is having various satisfied workers,
it is probable to have pleased or enchanted clientele, Brown said the employee
satisfied, and delightedness as a prerequisite of customer satisfaction,
10) Olbert, and Moen (1998) had attempt to clarify the connection between
motivation, and job satisfaction, and performance of an human being, and if just the
organization group unspoken that complicated associations, they might then situate
the correct motivations on specific persons to improve their affection for the
occupation, and would have enhanced consequences on their performance,
11) Wagar (1998) clarifies that in the international marketplace, one can be
successful when it has highly motivated, skilled,, and satisfied workers that can create
qualities goods at low costs,
12) According Igalens, and Roussel (1999) model of work motivation, and job
satisfaction which gives motivation, job satisfaction,, and reimbursement package in
the hypothetical structure sketch of the research model representing the interrelations
between compensation, satisfaction, and motivation,
13) Oshagbemi (2000) job satisfaction force is motivated by the character of the job
which is omnipresent, and irregular, Functioning circumstances that are parallel is
limited, and worldwide standard, and degree to which they are similar to job situation
of other occupation in the area,
17) Thakor M,V, and Joshi A,W (2005) finds out that job satisfaction acting a
significant role in the accomplishment of any organization, and the optimistic
contribution of employee in work, It is efficient on performance, organizational
liability, physical/mental health, learning new job skill,, and motivation,
18) Tutuncu O,, and Kucukusta, D, (2006) satisfaction in broad is frightened by
human being's artistic, and social lifestyle, These ascriptions are putting an additional
worth to the number of satisfaction factors, and also make a equilibrium among the
attribute of a occupation, and workers desire Job satisfaction might be measured the
conclusion of gathering activities,
19) Bloisi W,, Cood C,W,, and Hunsaker, L,P, (2007) satisfaction aspect can
provide empowerment into a person's performance; motive is being educated through
experience, Another surface of motivation is attentiveness on expectancies, and how
we may associate the desired rewards to the recital, ,
20) Furnham, and Eracleous (2009) represent that a human being is satisfied with
his/her job unswervingly depends on the occurrence of various satisfaction factors
such as pay, bonus, perks,, and other circumstances that motivate him/her,
21) Tsai (2010) considers that job satisfaction can accordingly boost job
performance throughout empowerment, commitment, internal marketing, and
leadership, Motives are usually being educated throughout practice, and inhabitants
frequently have dissimilar requirements, and wishes,
22) Remi, A,J,, Ibraheem, A,,, and Toyosi, D,S, (2011) thinks that motivation and
job satisfaction are interrelated, and there is a high association among the two,
23) Golshan, Kaswuri, Aghashahi, Amin, and Wan Ismail (2011) examine the
effect of satisfaction aspect on job satisfaction, It was establish that workers
motivators are connected considerably to their intrinsic job satisfaction, Though,
employee's hygiene factors are not considerably connected to extrinsic job
24) Teck-Hong, and Waheed (2011) scrutinize what motivates employee's in the
retail industry,, and observe their level of job satisfaction, using Herzberg's hygiene
factors, and motivators, The consequences show hygiene factors were the overriding
motivators of sales personnel job satisfaction, Working conditions were the mainly
important in motivating sales personnel, The major insinuation of this research is that
sales personnel who value money highly are satisfied with their salary, and job when
they receive a raise,
25) Robbins S,P, De Cenzo D,A,, and Coulter M,K (2011) suggested that in control
to accomplish the maximum level of motivation, that it is necessary managers advice
added elasticity,, and give more interest to workers dissimilar requirements, and aim
that in occupation atmosphere have been unnoticed,
26) Bhambra A,S, Chaturvedi B,K,, and Wolfe R,E (2011) satisfied employee's
have high internal work motivation, to do high qualities work performance, and to take
fewer absences,
28)Ebrahimpour H, Khalili H, Habibian S,, and Saadatmand M ( 2011)
motivation, and job satisfaction are managerial issues, which take a great deal of time,
energy, and money in any organization, Job rotation, promotion, job enrichment,, and
job characteristics redesign are some of the known approaches to increase motivation
and job satisfaction among employee's ,
29) Indradevi (2012) since human resources are considered as a live asset in an
organization, organizations are willing to empower their employee's by significantly
increasing their performance capabilities in order to achieve worthwhile purposes for
the improvement of their complexes, however, due to their surprises, most of the
employee's are reluctant to accept responsibilities as they probably feel too constraint
and time-bound
Ambalika Institute, and Group, the best engineering college in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,
was established to provide high-qualities technical education in the fields of engineering,
and management, Ambalika Construction Limited, Ambalika Chit Fund Limited,, and
Ambalika Farms & Resorts Ltd are currently managed by the Trustee, Infrastructure
Development operations, Building Construction, Machinery Rental, Transportation &
Logistics, Earthwork, Mining,, and Crushing are the main lines of business for the
promoters, Ambalika Construction Limited, the group's parent company, is in charge of
the operation, Uttar Pradesh has a wealth of natural resources,
However, it lags behind in the fields of technical, and management education, This has a
negative impact on the state's economic development, and overall economy, As a result,
there is a pressing need in the state to expand management, and engineering education,
The department shall endeavor to promote entrepreneurial culture, develop managerial,
and communication skills of the students to enable them in contributing to the
development of the society, and the nation,
-To impart professional education, and training in the field of management, and
entrepreneurship education,
-To disseminate knowledge, and information by organizing
seminars/workshops/industrial visits to develop professionalism,
-To interact with the industrial organizations to meet the demand of qualities technical
human resource,
-To Become best college for MBA in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (UP), India
-Developing knowledge driven, inspiring minds, and dynamic leaders for betterment of
the world around us,
Program Educational Objective's s (PEOs) :~
 Students will establish themselves as effective professionals by solving real problems
through the use of management science knowledge, and with attention to team work,
effective communication, critical thinking, and problem solving skills,
 Students will develop professional skills that prepare them for immediate employment,
and for life-long learning in advanced areas of management, and related fields,
 Students will demonstrate their abilities to adapt to a rapidly changing environment by
having learnt, and applied new skills, and new competencies,
 Students will be provided with an educational foundation that prepares them for
excellence, leadership roles along diverse career paths with encouragement to
professional ethics, and active participation needed for a successful career,
DOJ Qualifi
Nature of
Association (
1 M
2 M
MBA Regular
3 M
Ph,D Regular
4 M
5 M
MBA Regular
6 M
MBA Regular
7 M
MBA Regular
8 M
MBA Regular
“Finance as a subject involves the management, control, and review of the
collection, investment, and resources of money as a capital required for an
industrial building, plant, and working”
This activities is called Financial Management which is controlled by the Finance
The students always think that, why they should go for MBA in Finance, While there are
many other specializations in MBA curriculum, then what is the scope of finance?
It is the age of industrialization, Many industries are coming up in many developed, and
developing countries, Finance is the basic need to start an industry, and in according to
the money management of the resources, its proper collection, and distribution, MBA is a
two years degree program affiliated with some recognized universities ,
“The financial management is concerned to the planning, and controlling of the
financial resources of an industry”,
MBA in Marketing has become one of the most popular degrees both by students, and
employers in modern era, With the shift to digital, and online marketing, most businesses
now have their own, in-house marketing teams that specialize in bringing traffic, and
customers to the company,
There are a number of areas of marketing but MBA in marketing doesn’t limit the degree
holder in pursuing marketing careers alone, The skill set can be put towards dozens of
other career options, from consulting to entrepreneurial management,
The course is designed in such a way that prospective students attain potential to become
excellent marketing manager, and acquire high salary packages,
MBA in Marketing is designed to teach students a wide varieties of soft skills, such as
communications, analytical, and leadership skills that can then be applied to a wide
varieties of positions across any number of companies, and industries – no two
companies are going to need, or demand, the exact same requirements from their
marketing manager,
Students in MBA program with a focus in human resource management can take courses
in business strategies, and concepts, with an emphasis on corporate headhunting, benefits
analysis, compensation management, and business coaching, MBA program typically
involves advanced level assignments, reports, presentations, internships, and group
projects, Programs typically take about two years to complete,
Coursework typically involves basic business concepts, and human resource-specific
topics, Students can be taught business strategies, and learn to use them in everyday
business operations,
 MBA 1st year
 MBA 2nd Year
MBA 1st Year
Top 3 Project MBA
S,No, Roll No, Student Name Project Title
1 1536370028 Pragati Gupta Evolution of E-Commerce
2 1536370036 Ambuj Tiwari A Study on Virtual
3 1536370008 Asfiya Zaheer A study of consumer
behaviour in retail outlets
S,No, Responsibility HoD/Faculties
1 Time table related issues member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla
2 Class coordinator /mentor member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla
3 Library related issues member of the faculty Vineet Pathak
4 Departmental website related
member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma
5 Academic issues member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla
6 R&D related issues HOD+1 Dr,Shweta Mishra
& Gaurav Shukla
7 Technical training related
HOD+1 Dr,Shweta Mishra
& Gaurav Shukla
8 News letter related issues member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma
9 Project related issues member of the faculty Vineet Pathak
10 Purchase related issues HOD+1 Dr,Shweta Mishra
& Gaurav Shukla
11 Industrial visit related issues member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma
& Gaurav shukla
12 Cultural programs related
member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma
13 Sports related issues issues member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla
14 Alumni Related issues member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla
15 Laboratory related issues member of the faculty NA
16 Student Discipline/Floor
coordination related Issues
member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla
17 Placement issues member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma
1. To check the level of Job employee satisfaction among job work assignees,
2. To analyze the work related job,
3. To study the attitude of employee's toward their work, and job security,
4. To find satisfaction factors of employee's ,
5. To find out how much employee's are participation in dicision-making,
6. To find out how much employee's are satisfied with their salary level,
Sample Technique:~-
The probabilities sampling has used to collect the date for research,
Sample Plan:~-
⮚ Population:~-
Employee's of Management Institutes,
⮚ Sample:~
Employee of Management Institutes,
⮚ Sample Unit:~
All the region of Lucknow where AIMT,
⮚ Sample Size
The sample size of the survey was 104 employee's ,
The data used for the project is primary as well as secondary data, as follow:~
Sources of primary data:~
● Questionnaire
Sources of secondary data:~
● Web sites
Problem, and Limitation
There are various limitation faced during the study as the study bis related to the human
psychology, and behaviour basically, Some of the problems faceddurig the study are:~-
while collecting the data it was noticed that most of the respondent were getting struck
at statement, they were actually related to make out whether the statement is related to
their job or routine life ,
Another major obstruction found the study was respondents were quite reluctant in
giving their original details,
Even it is not noticed that some of the data entry operations were not even ready to fill
in the questionnaires, so their responses were most of the time neutral,
Respondent by Gender
Male 29
Female 11
Total 40
Here we can see maximum number of respondent is male that is 72%, and female are
only 28%,
This helps us to know that mostly male employee's are working in Mahindra,
Departments of Respondent
Departments No, of employee's
Marketing 22
Human resource 8
Finance 5
operation 5
Here we can see maximum number of respondent are for marketing department that are
22 out of 40 respondent
Work Experience of Respondent
S,no Experience in years No, of Respondents
1 less then 1 year 15
2 more then 1 year 10
3 less then 2 year 8
4 more then 2 year 7
Here we can see that employee's are not experienced,15 employee's are having the
experience of less than 1 year, and 13 of less then 2 year,
Satisfactionlevelwith the job
S, NO, Satisfaction Level No, of
1 Like very much 25
2 Like some what 10
3 Neutral 4
4 Dislike some what 1
5 Dislike very much
The data in the above table reveals that majorities of respondents (25) were highly
satisfied wih their job, and 10 of respondents are satisfied with their job,
This show that employee's are satisfied with their job,
Satisfy with the behavior of management, and other employee's
S,no Satisfaction
No, of
1 Highly
2 Satisfied 10
3 Moderate 5
4 Unsatisfied 2
5 Highly
TABLE 5 Shows Satisfaction level with the behavior of management, and other
Fig 5 -Shows Satisfaction level with the behavior of management, and other employee's
The data in the above table reveals that majorities of respondents (22) were highly
satisfied wih the behaviour of other employee's , and 10 of respondents are satisfied,
and 5 are moderate,
Career, and growth opportunities
S,no Preferences No, of Respondents
1 Yes 36
2 No 4
Table6 Shows Career, and growth opportunities for emloyees,
Fig-6 Shows Career, and growth opportunities for emloyees,
Here we can see maximum number of respondent are think that there career, and growth
opportunities offered by the job is that is 90% ,
This shows that in Mahindra career, and growth opportunities offered by the job,
Participation in Decision making
S,no Participation No, of Respondents
1 20%-30% 12
2 30%-40% 10
3 40%-50% 8
4 50%-60% 4
5 Above 60% 6
Table 7-Shows Participation of emloyees in Decision making
Fig-7 Shows Participation of emloyees in Decision making
Here we can see less number of respondent are participating in the Decision making
That is only 6 respondent are participating in the above60% decisions, and 12 are
participating in 20%-30%,
Satisfaction Level of Employee's
S,NO, Satisfaction Level No, of Respondents
1, Highly Satisfied 9
2, Satisfied 15
3, Moderate 5
4, Unsatisfied 10
5, Highly Unsatisfied 1
Table8-Shows Satisfaction Level of Employee's with the salary
FIG8- Shows Satisfaction Level of Employee's with the salary
The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (15) are satisfied with
the level of salary which they are getting, and only (9) of respondents are highly satisfied
with this statement, and (10) respondent are not satisfied with the salary which they are
Managementis flexible, and understands the importance of balancing
my work, and personallife,
S, NO, Satisfaction Level No, of Respondents
1 Strongly agree 18
2 Agree 10
3 Undecided 8
4 Disagree 2
5 Strongly disagree
TABLE 9-Shows Management is flexible, and understands the importance of balancing
my work, and personal life,
FIG-9 Shows Management is flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my
work, and personal life,
The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (18) are satified with
the management flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work, and
personal life,
Agree with the company bonus plans
S,no Satisfaction Level No, of Respondents
1 Strongly agree 8
2 Agree 12
3 Undecided 11
4 Disagree 6
5 Strongly disagree 3
TABLE-10 Shows how many employee's agree with the company bonus plans
Fig-10 Shows how many employee's agree with the company bonus plans
The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (12) are argee with the
bones plan which they are getting, and (8) of respondents are strongly agree with this
statement, and (11) respondent are undicided, and (6) are disagree,
Is any change is require to improve the working condition
S,no Preferences No, of Respondents
1 Yes 32
2 No 8
TABLE-11 Shows how many employee's feel to have improvement in working
Fig-11 Shows how many employee's agree with the company pay scale, and bonus plans
Here we can see maximum number of respondent are think that change is require to
improve the working condition of the compony opportunities is that is 80% ,
 Here we can see maximum number of respondent is male that is 72%, and female
are only 28%,
 This helps us to know that mostly male employee's are working in Mahindra,
 Here we can see maximum number of respondent are for marketing department
that are 22 out of 40 respondent
 Here we can see that employee's are not experienced,15 employee's are having
the experience of less than 1 year, and 13 of less then 2 year,
 The data in the above table reveals that majorities of respondents (25) were highly
satisfied wih their job, and 10 of respondents are satisfied with their job,
 This show that employee's are satisfied with their job,
 The data in the above table reveals that majorities of respondents (22) were highly
satisfied wih the behaviour of other employee's , and 10 of respondents are
satisfied, and 5 are moderate,
 Here we can see maximum number of respondent are think that there career, and
growth opportunities offered by the job is that is 90% ,
 This shows that in Mahindra career, and growth opportunities offered by the job,
 Here we can see less number of respondent are participating in the Decision
 That is only 6 respondent are participating in the above60% decisions, and 12 are
participating in 20%-30%,
 The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (15) are satisfied
with the level of salary which they are getting, and only (9) of respondents are
highly satisfied with this statement, and (10) respondent are not satisfied with the
salary which they are getting,
 Management is flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work,
and personal life,
 The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (18) are satified
with the management flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my
work, and personal life,
 The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (12) are argee
with the bones plan which they are getting, and (8) of respondents are strongly
agree with this statement, and (11) respondent are undicided, and (6) are disagree,
 Here we can see maximum number of respondent are think that change is require
to improve the working condition of the compony opportunities is that is 80% ,
An extensive review of the topic "Study of the level of job satisfaction among job work
assignees" it was found that the most important factors conducive to job satisfaction are
the satisfaction factors:~ -
" Rewards or Payment,
Supportive working environment and
The work itself,
Working hours,
Clean, and hygienic working place,
It was also found that the primary source of job satisfaction among Job Work assignees
was the sense of achievement experienced by them while on the job,
However, in the same study feelings of dissatisfaction were found to be stemming from
the work itself, The same, and the work that was repetitive in nature, and not apt
according to the qualification of some of the employee's were seen also some of the
major factors leading to dissatisfaction were:~-
" Low payment
Job tenure (3 months) leading to job insecurities among the Job Work
mind the various factors leading to the job satisfaction, and by enhancing the profile of
job,Employee's tend to prefer jobs that give them opportunities to use their skills, and
abilities, and offers freedom, and feedback, They want pay system, and promotion
policies that they perceive as being just, and ambiguous, and in line with their
expectations, When pay is seen as fair that is based on job, and individual skills,
satisfaction is likely to result,
Employee's are also concerned with their work environment for both personal
as well as professional life,
So finally it is concluded that the level of job satisfaction is there but need to be
increased, and maintained,
 To increase satisfaction, and retention of employee's ,
 It will help in reducing the factors leading to absenteeism, and staff turnover,
 It will help in generating factors which can defuse tension, and improve working
 Which will ultimately lead to job satisfaction,
 The method of recruitment should be improved,
 Select the right person for the right job,
 Promotion policy should be improved
 Management should check the performance of their employee's time to time,
 Overall work environment should also be improved,
Rbbins Stephen P , Organizational behaviour ,
Beri, G C, Statistics for management, Tata McGraw Hill
Cooper donal R, Schindler Pamela S, Business Research Method,
Kothari C R, Research Methodology
● http:~//findarticles,com/p/articles/mi_qa5321/is_200407/ai_n21351846/pg_5
● http:~//humanresources,about,com/od/glossarye/a/employee_inv,htm
● http:~//job satisfactionjob satisfaction3,htm
● http:~// satisfactionjob satisfactionherzberg motivation-hygiene theory,htm
● http:~//www,nrdc,org/buildinggreen/bizcase/own_productivity,asp
● http:~//www,nhpcindia,com/English/Scripts/Aboutus_Objective's s,aspx
● http:~//wiki,answers,com/Q/Why_to_study_about_employee_satisfaction
● http:~//wiki,answers,com/Q/What_is_the_importance_of_employee_satisfaction_
Q,1 What is your gender,
● Male ● Female
Q,2 What department do you work in?
● ……………………,,
Q,3 How long have you worked for this company?
Q,4 How do you like this job?
Like very Like some Neutral Dislike some Dislike very
Much what what Much
Q,5 I am treated with respect by management, and the people I work with,
● Strongly Disagree
● Disagree
● Undecided
● Agree
● Strongly Agree
Q,6 Is there any career enhancement opportunities, and growth in this job ?
● Yes ● No
Q,7 How much do you participate in decision making ?
o20%-30% o 30%-40% o 40%-50%
o 50%-60% o above 60%
Q,8 Are you satisfied with you salary level?
Highly Unsatisfied Moderate Satisfied Highly
Unsatisfied Satisfied
Q,9 Management is flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work, and
personal life,
● Strongly Disagree
● Disagree
● Undecided
● Agree
● Strongly Agree
Q,10 Are you agree with the company pay scale, and bonus plans ?
Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Q,11 Do you feel there is change require in your department
to improve working conditions?
● YES ● NO
Q,12 Rank the following satisfaction factor according to you :~-
FACTOR RANK(1 to 4 )1 is highest
● Promotion …… ● Reward, and
Recognition ……
● Achievemant …… ● Higher
authority, and responsibilities ……
NAME :~- …………………………,
MOBILE NO:~- …………………………,

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Shikha mishra

  • 1. 1 RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT On A STUDY ON LEVEL OF EMPLOYEE'S SATISFACTION AT MANAGEMENT COLLEGE IN LUCKNOW CITY Towards partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (MBA) School of Management, Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow Guided by Submitted by (Dr, Noor Fatima) (Shikha Mishra) Assistant Professor MBA-IVth Sem, Roll No,:~ 1190672188 Session 2020-2021 School of Management Babu Banarasi Das University Sector I, Dr, Akhilesh Das Nagar, Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U,P,) India
  • 2. 2 BBD UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW Dated:~ 20,05,2021 Certificate This is to certify that Ms, Shikha Mishra, Universities Roll No:~ 1190672188 student of MBA-IV Semester, Session 2020 – 2021, of Babu Banarasi Das University, has successfully completed the Research Project in the area of HR (major specialization), under the guidance of Dr, Noor Fatima Her topic of the Research study is “A STUDY ON LEVEL OF EMPLOYEE'S SATISFACTION AT MANAGEMENT COLLEGE IN LUCKNOW CITY”, ……………………,………… …………………………………, Guide -SOM Dean/Incharge -SOM BABU BANARASI DAS UNIVERSITY BBD City, Faizabad Road, Lucknow - 226 028 U,P, (INDIA) Website:~ www,bbdu,ac,in
  • 3. 3 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the research report entitled “A STUDY ON LEVEL OF EMPLOYEE'S SATISFACTION AT MANAGEMENT COLLEGE IN LUCKNOW CITY,” submitted to the Babu Banarasi Das Universities Lucknow, is a record of an original work done by SHIKHA MISHRA, under the guidance of Dr, Noor Fatima, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master in Business Administration, The results embodied in this research have not been submitted to any other Universities or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma, SHIKHA MISHRA MBA-IVth Sem, Roll no:~ 1190672188
  • 4. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is by way of immense pleasure that i take this opportunities to express my sincere thanks to my respective lecturers plus report guide Dr, Noor Fatima of Babu Banarasi Das Universities Lucknow, under whose guidance this entire research report was done, I express my profound sense of gratitude for his encouragement, observations, suggestions plus kind co- operation in designing plus bringing out this dissertation work successfully, My sincere thanks to our dean Mr, Shushil Pandey of Babu Banarasi Das Universities Lucknow, for providing me the necessary infrastructural facilities required to carry out this dissertation work, Finally, i am very grateful to my parents, friends plus well-wishers who has been constant inspiration which enable me to reach this exuberant of my life,
  • 5. 5 PREFACE The primary objective's of this report is to provide the insight into the core of A STUDY ON LEVEL OF EMPLOYEE'S SATISFACTION AT MANAGEMENT COLLEGE IN LUCKNOW CITY, and an understanding Education Policy& its importance in relation to Indian Education Industry, We hope that the report has made the text interesting, and lucid, In writing this report, we have benefited immensely by referring to many publications, and articles, We express my gratitude to all such authors, and publishers, Any suggestions to improve this report in contents or in style are always welcome, and will be appreciated, and acknowledged,
  • 8. 8 INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY THE STATE OF LEVEL OF JOB EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION While loyal employee's are influencing the factors that make them the owner's of their choice, companies, and organizations are proactive, It is not surprising that it poses serious challenges in the field of job development, However, many studies suggest that employee confidence, and leadership within the company can be positive, In fact, the abilities of an organization can be realized only when it is compatible with the level of productivities of the individual, and the individual to successfully achieve the objective's s of the organization, As a result, each company aims to develop a strong desire to remain relevant to the company's employee's , When companies manage employee loyalties rather than collect it, they can use both revenue, and cost, Honestly, honestly, on the income side of the balance sheet, Loyal employee's are more likely to move forward, and meet the needs of their customers, Both these qualities are important both for the client, and for the company's turnover, and its continued growth, It is anticipated that loyal employee's will stay longer at the expense of employee's , To challenge competitive job offers, do not actively seek other activities, and recommend the business as a good job, Since these are key indicators of employee disruption, these four
  • 9. 9 functions have a positive impact on the value of the balance sheet, The more companies leave their employee's , the more they have, In other words, rather than focusing on an obstacle (trying to fire employee's beforehand), organizations perceive employee loyalty, The benefits of planning, and improvement should always be recognized, In any case, the best performing organizations are organizations that are capable of adapting the behavior of the organization to the realities of today's work environment, Success is innovation, and innovation, It depends on innovation, and flexibility, In addition, the dynamics of the work environment are linked to the emotional, and psychological structures of the past, This should reflect a very diverse population including beliefs, and values, Coincidence is one of the most valuable, and unstable physical properties, This constitutes an important advantage for salaried companies, as there is a high potential for disability, It is deliberately a stable form of work for employee's , Depth of knowledge, and strength of organization, An important step in understanding, and improving employee loyalties is to recognize the importance of the following factors to increase customer loyalty, and satisfaction, Do a larger set of tasks instead of a larger set of tasks Formal, and effective performance evaluation; employee training A wide range of employee's in an employee organization,
  • 10. 10 In general, a combination of factors influence employee's decisions to continue their current work, Contributions include satisfactory performance; Job security; Clear growth opportunities; These include strong corporate missions that contribute to the success of the organization, and use its experience effectively, and successfully, He was paid, Work- satisfied employee's also know from the employer that the company is comfortable at work, and that there should be family problems within the organization, Today, we must earn the loyalties of our employee's , It should not be distributed, It should be special, This is not common:~ employee's must achieve their personal goals, and not be "good corporate soldiers" of the past, View as a device, This means that companies must demonstrate employee engagement in the best way to achieve their employee's career goals, The best way Consider the following for effective strategies to retain, and retain key employee's , Incorporate personal development opportunities, and invest heavily in professional development of the best people in the organization,
  • 11. 11 Another approach to the belief problem is to look at the value of the five "I," Interesting work, Nobody wants to do boring work from day to day, Although all work requires repetitive work, all work must include at least one section that makes employee's interesting, Information is the power of information, and employee's want that they need to do their work better, and more efficiently, And, more than ever, employee's want to know how they work, and how the company behaves overall, It is important to open communication channels in the organization to inform employee's , ask questions, and share information, and encourage them to share the company's vision, Collaboration managers today face extraordinary opportunities, and problems,, and as the pace of business increases, the time required to make decisions decreases, Employee involvement in decision making, especially when they have a direct impact on decisions, is respectful, and practical, Not only do they better understand what they are doing, but their involvement in decision making will increase their commitment, and success in implementing new ideas or changes, Similarly, management should fulfill its promises, and uphold its values, Freedom Some employee's want to closely monitor their work, Most employee's appreciate the flexibilities of their performance because of their appearance, If employee's work as they wish, then employee's will be fired, bringing more initiative, ideas, and energy to their work, Employee's should also be encouraged to excel, The operating principle of motivation is:~ Core principle According to this theory, a person is satisfied when he gets training from his job to get what he wants, The more he wants or is important, the more satisfied he becomes when he succeeds, In other words, "job satisfaction varies to meet the needs of those who are truly satisfied," People who work satisfactorily, and think positively in terms of valuable results, Therefore, job satisfaction is positively related to the level of requirements
  • 12. 12 satisfaction, The principle of conscience suffers from major disability, Satisfaction is an act that is not only achieved by a person, but he achieves what he should achieve, 2) Principles of Pure Position:~ According to this theory, it is assumed that job satisfaction is based on perceived quality, and not on the balance of other people's input, and output, Everyone compares the price with their reference group, If you feel that your gift makes more sense than others, then you are satisfied, Job satisfaction is a graduation process in which job characteristics satisfy the wishes of the reference team, For example, a study of small effects of satisfaction on job satisfaction, and communities status shows that workers living in that environment are poor, Satisfaction is less than life 3) Two Factory Principles:~ Friedrich Herzberg, and his colleagues developed satisfaction with the two-factor theory, According to this theory, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction are interdependent, and continuously separate, Cleaning agents (company policy, administration, supervision, compensation, working conditions,, and interpersonal relationships) act as differences in a set of factors called disciplinary factors, His absence is a source of hatred, but he is not satisfied right now, The second group of factors known as satisfaction (achievement, progress, trust, work, and responsibility) leads to satisfaction, Several studies designed to test the two-factor theory provide little support for this theory, The same factor may be satisfactory for one but unsatisfactory for the other, This theory shows that a person can feel satisfied, and unhappy at the same time, 4) Screen Mode:~ Again:~ According to this theory, job satisfaction depends on what a person actually gets from their job, and what they expect, This causes dissatisfaction when the actual gift is received for less than the expected value, According to Lech, Job satisfaction, and dissatisfaction are desired between the job, and what is actually offered, In other words, satisfaction is the difference between what you actually get, and what you get,
  • 13. 13 5) EQUITIES DISCREPANCY THEORY:~ It is a combination of principles of equality, and stability, and is not a standardized approach to equalities theory, He took a different approach to different theories, The idea of comparing the principle of justice was chosen as an intervention variable, In this theory satisfaction is defined, and there are decisions that he truly believes he has accepted, and received compared to others, When a person thinks that he has achieved something, he thinks that what he has achieved is satisfactory, Therefore, the psychological effect of the targeted amount on the recipient's goals is that the theft of the same amount can vary significantly from two, one for the higher amount, and the other for the limited amount, )) Social Reference Group Policy:~ According to the theory that describes the group's individual worldview, work is satisfied when the subject group's interests, desires,, and needs are met, In other words, professional satisfaction is a diploma that reacts to the adoption of a work group for which it leads to the assessment of the individual world, and the interpretation of social reality, Social problems are similar to the implementation of group theory, moreover, they do not take into account their wants, needs, and interests, but make decisions, and decisions vis- à-vis an individually controlled group, Field Comparison of Factors Affecting Professional Satisfaction in the Indian Automotive Industry Occupational satisfaction in private sector vehicles was found to be lower than that of public sector vehicles, There are two reasons for the low level of professional satisfaction in private sector cars, Shocking results have been found in data analysis, In the study, job satisfaction was measured by an instrument developed by Sinha (1990), Occupational satisfaction is calculated based on five variables:~ (i) wages, (ii) working conditions (eg safety, heat, noise, and dust), (iii) working conditions (safety, promotion, and welfare) , (iv) Senior Officers, Peers, Peers, and Workers,, and (v) the relationship between the four
  • 14. 14 variables as a whole firm is not clear, but the lower level of service for the third variable appears to be due to lower levels of professional satisfaction in private sector vehicles, , Private sector drivers believe that their work is not safe, In fact, the effects of a free economy, globalization, and privatization are more easily felt in private sector vehicles than in public sector vehicles, Strong competition in private sector vehicles, and employment is based on environmental indicators, and other factors, It is true that this environment provides a sophisticated work profile that also creates a less secure environment, Comfort, determination, dedication, and a desire to find a job - it is not enough, A high level of personal effectiveness depends on many factors, such as market conditions, competition,, and government policy, in which these factors are not unnatural when performance is automatically affected, At the moment, employee's are not feeling safe, and overall job satisfaction has decreased, Social securities policies for public sector vehicles are clearly defined, and legally binding, Pensions, pensions, bonuses, and other social securities measures have actually been implemented, Therefore, there is no problem with social security, social securities programs are not properly planned, and implemented in private vehicles, staff turnover is high, and employment is low, The workers mainly come from middle-class Indian families, While these workers can see their golden years in job development in the public, and public sector, the impact of public works, and welfare programs in the public sector cannot be easily removed from their memory, Domestic workers are prepared to work hard, but require pensions, security, and sometimes a simpler life, This survey can be extended to the automotive industry to clarify the terms of use in other services, There is a clear distinction between public, and private sector workers in terms of securities policy, promotion, and social security, When comparing job satisfaction with state, and state cars
  • 15. 15 INCREASE LEVEL OF JOB EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION, and PRODUCTIVITY By providing amenities that make your building a healthier, and more comfortable place to work, you can reduce employee absenteeism, and turnover while increasing productivity, Even small workplace improvements, such as installing individual temperature, and ventilation controls, improving the flow of natural light, and providing access to a roof garden, can have a big impact on your company's bottom line, The EPA estimates that building-related illnesses account for $60 billion in annual productivities lost nationwide,, and according to a Universities of Wisconsin study, tangible costs of hiring, and retaining a new employee typically range between $10,000, and $50,000 -- plus less quantifiable, but no less real, productivities costs as employee's adapt to the new work environment, and cultivate relationships with clients, coworkers, contractors, etc, With less absenteeism, and greater employee retention, your investments in green building features will quickly pay for themselves, ● In a 2004 survey of 719 building owners, developers, architects, engineers, and consultants, Turner Construction found that 91 percent of executives involved with green buildings believed that the health, and well-being of their building occupants was greater, ● By installing skylights, fluorescent light fixtures, and additional insulation to improve lighting, and temperature control, Verifone's credit card verification facilities in Costa Mesa, California, decreased its energy consumption 59 percent, reduced employee absenteeism by 47 percent, and boosted productivities by 5 percent to 7 percent, At the headquarters of the West Bend Mutual Insurance Company in West Bend, Wisconsin, green features including individual workstation controls for temperature, airflow, lighting, and noise contributed to a 15 percent increase in claims processing per employee,
  • 16. 16 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Nikhil Monga, Dr,bhuvnender Chaudhary, in their study stated that; The education sector has back bone of Indian economy, Every education sector especially in four wheelers market should be getting perpetual succession, In India even in that the Mumbai areas here, due to increasing competition are to fast, for showing status consumer are buying the luxury car, Due to high income they can affordable easily, The whole process has depended upon consumer satisfaction, The consumer satisfaction & their perception is core part without this four wheelers industry or any business can not survive in the market, It is important to take care of satisfaction level of consumer for the point of view of sellers, as well as suppliers, even though services provider, Increasing competition day by day in business market every company are wants to come first level, and top, For this each, and every company has capture the consumer, they should maintain the relation, and connect to consumer to providing better services, E, Thangasamy & Dr, Gautam Patikar in their study, is clearly expressed In the business market specially in four wheelers the business man has launch or introduce any product or car, before the introducing the product they always think from customer point of view, Whatever the product businessman create or launch they analysis the customer satisfaction, and other site customer also identify the quality, price fairness, brand, and reputation in the market, The higher level of perception value leads to higher level of customer satisfaction, For this reason the marketer do continuously research studies about the consumer behaviour, to position their product planning & development strategies to meet requirements efficiently, There are in numerous factors inducing their buying behavior of consumer even brand preferences of durable Identify as reputation is the perception of qualities associating with the brand name, The brand reputation is more essential element of the business, Yasodha Damodaran & Dr, Kumudha , in his study the entitled work base on consumer, and education that is As we all know Indian education sector is rapidly increasing in current scenario, Lots of company has been try to enter in the market , on that basis every company try to beat each other in education market, at last all companies
  • 17. 17 are try to capture for consumer, specially some company try to capture high income group level, but some other try to located or locating middle or lower income group level, The industry has set up unique strategies to competing the competitor, For making a product like four wheelers in the business market is not easy task, The company has decided price, product, quality, advertising, color & they also analysis the consumer perception whether they like or dislike, The education industry are capture middle income group small family, small group of friends as we mention above paragraph it is one of the best example or we can say industry i,e, Tata Motors has launch few year back Tata Nano, with the good quality, best & reasonable price, more color, attractive look, and so on, For that more consumer are purchase this car & increasing sells in the market, After that they change their strategies & they launch Nano Gen X in the market it helps to them raising sells as well as share in the education sector, D,Arthi & K, Malar Mathi in their study stated that, about consumer preferences here; we review, in Indian all cities has growing faster even capable of moving at high speed, In various sectors its growing such as textile, real estate, education are also develop, The previous year as we analysis to four wheelers are market grown up from strength to strength, Further ahead antagonism is heating up in the area with host of new participant approaching like Porsche, BMW, Mitsubishi,, and so on they all set venture business enterprises in Indian market, In Mumbai the vehicle industry have obtain incredible market prospective, The increasing residents, and changing in their prototype of existence life style, in attendance should be a rapid increasing in demand of four wheelers, There are various reason for the growth of four wheelers market in Mumbai region, Such as level of income are increasing, car finance option available from financial institution at reasonable rate of interest availabilities of services center, and spare part etc, for selling more, and more car, four wheelers sector has giving new scheme discount, offers to the customer with that customer are satisfy, and buy four wheelers, specially in festive season the four wheelers companies has giving creative as well as attractive offers, With enhance to understating
  • 18. 18 of purchaser perception, corporation can resolve the action requiring to congregate customer needs, Minwar al-Shammi, and Ahmed Summer Kanina, two scientists, reported good car service immediately, In today's world, there is a lot of competition everywhere, so there are better products in the market for all industries, In particular, when we talk about the automotive industry, there is a need to create qualities products, even if this service provides the best in the commercial market, Better services, and qualities products help maintain customer relationships, and meet their needs, Due to strong competition, car manufacturers need to provide better services, Now a days there is a public discussion about the qualities of services that the names of these four wheel drive cars like Maruti Suzuki, Toyota, Hyundai, Honda, and Chevrolet are coming to the consumers, Consequently, in the business market, if the business owner or business owner wants to satisfy customers or satisfy their needs, they must sell the best quality, and provide the best service to get them the highest , Level, can do, According to Rakesh Kumar, according to his research, consumer behavior is an important part of the ATV industry in terms of consumer behavior, Once the market is acquired, the market wants to determine customer needs, and then the company launches the product, Customer behavior changes from time to time, and before purchasing a product, consumers validate, and analyze in all areas of marketing, It always compares two brands:~ price, quality, and relatively high, so you have to make an important decision, and buy a particular brand, and product, During this process, new advertisements are created in the market so that customers can easily attract a particular product, According to Ratna Binodini, and Amiya Priyadarshini Das, the Indian economy is growing day by day, and changes are taking place in all sectors, The level of compensation has increased, particularly the salaries of its employee's , GDP has increased due to this good, and continuous change, This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the automotive industry, which is known as a fast growing industry not only in Des Desa but also in Bombay, and Maharashtra,
  • 19. 19 In Bombay counties, it is growing in two or four areas, so in the last three years, many people have tried to express their opinions, and buy cars for different purposes, Entrepreneurs, and producers can do everything to make this customer creative without problems, Dr, S, Aditya in his research explained how to see the world around us, Nevertheless, for two people to experience the same enthusiasm in the same specific situation, it is a very important process to know, decide, adjust, and explain their needs, values, and expectations, The impact of these variables on the long-term process, and the importance of marketing will be discussed in detail, However, we will note that customer behavior varies from day to day, To beware, organization is defined as an outstanding enhancement of the organization, and image of the world, A bonus is a real input that includes all emotional segments, and examples of stimuli, such as products, packaging, brands,, and advertising, The customer has the abilities to understand what the customer wants, and how to get it, All the companies in the market are trying to sell the best products, and meet the needs of the customers, When sellers sell their products on time, and properly, they can easily satisfy their customers, Consumer behavior involves factor analysis that influences decisions, products,, and product consumption, If the decision of the customer does not match, he can receive or change the decision, Therefore, traders study variables such as age, income, education, and employment, Elizabeth Chacko, and Ms, Pannya Selvaraj say that their research shows for the first time the feasibilities of a fast growing business market, Many Indian companies run their businesses successfully, and with great confidence, When a customer buys a product, the buying behavior of the customer is not the same, it varies according to their choice, product quality,, and whether the product has been a consistent success in the market, Whether or not, and some products have been in the market for a long time or some products or companies are not in the market because they do not manufacture customized products for the consumer, Or, like Professor Madhavi Ole Le Lane, his study mentions the dynamics of the tomato porridge industry list, For the share price, everyone is on the stock exchange, a well-known company listed on the stock exchange, This research paper introduces researchers to four automotive industries,
  • 20. 20 and analyzes their market share values, Therefore, strong economic growth in recent years as well as growth in purchasing power, and the growth of the Indian middle class has attracted the attention of major automakers in the Indian market, , Many investors invest only in four-wheelers, giving them the share price of the company, for example, Maruti, and Mahindra & Mahindra shares are rising in the current environment, We can also measure a company's reputation as a company leader by analyzing its financial performance, Dr, DP Warren, and Kavita Rani said in their study that small cars treat consumers, When we tell others about small cars, the first thing that comes to mind is Chevrolet, Ford, Tata, Hyundai, This type of education company always strives to accommodate small families, and small income groups, giving the company the best convenience for the customer, Quality, customer service, good price, mileage, easy driving, and examples Hyundai i10, i20, Ford style, bit, The small car market is also attracting Senior employee's like MD etc, I haven't had a parking problem for a while, so people buy small cars, Ch,Venkatadri Naidu, P,Madar Valli in their study stated that, about improvement of four wheelers services, In business market specially in services sector, if you provide services to someone then it has to be best, In this services all type of difficulties, problem are came but services provider are improve the services maintain properly, Researchers are involving four wheelers services, as a competition are increasing day to day every company are giving best services, To getting more customer attention, industry are always favor to the customer, They are giving every time special services some time occasionally, For example some four wheelers services center are now open in Sunday, Recently Volkswagen decline the market share due to low services, and poor quality, to maintain the standard they have to improve the services in market K,P Najeemudeen, and Dr, N, Panchanatham in their research entitled to study about, education sector yesterday, today, and tomorrow, The two decade back developing country like India are not that much sound about technological, Due to poor technology, lack of resources & less research, and development activities for that reason industry are not growing as well as develop that much, But after 1991 when Indian government has declared LPG i,e, liberalization, privatization & globalization for this time all foreign
  • 21. 21 company those who having technological strong they are enter in Indian market, It is help to increasing the rapid growth for all sector in India as specially for Education industry has rapidly changing & growing, due to Hugh available resources its get growing day by day large number of industry establish, this help to large number of people to get good employment opportunities, The education company has set up the venture with Indian government specially like, BMW, Mercedes Renault, this kind of top listed company has coming in Indian Market & capture vast areas, and growing rapidly, They try to increasing to much profit in most important they all try to satisfy the customer to launching innovative as well as spacious four wheelers in the market, To attracting the consumer & satisfying them it help to benefits for education industry to increasing sales in the market, Along with the four wheelers market it growing two wheelers even three wheelers market in Indian country, The education industry has not just developed or grownups in urban areas the industry are also try to set up their plant in rural areas with low interest, Vikram shende in his study clearly stated that customer behavior in passenger car, analysis of consumer behavior is an important part of all industry, In competitive market observation of consumer behavior is core part for marketers, Due to large competition in the market, new education company has coming in Indian market they capture popular areas in this country, As per consumer choice & their suitabilities a company are made the four wheelers, When the new company has enter in the market they bring new technologies in the market even they try to chase their competitor In Mumbai areas all type of consumer having on that basis, the company are made the four wheelers, They are analysis on the basis of income group, size of family, class wise etc, new company enter in Indian market it also help to develop Indian economy, The four wheelers industries sales increasing in Indian market even Mumbai areas due to increasing income level,, and easy availabilities of finance, and company provide better qualities or after sales services, maintenance properly, For example now a days Toyota has open their services center Sunday also, The are giving best services, For target all market every company changing their strategies to increasing sales in the market, Inamullah khan in his research paper a clear manner mention about the Loyalties of customer, Customer services is what business man, and their organization provide,
  • 22. 22 customer loyalties is a result of services, The business man or service provider continuously loyal with their customer, and other side customer also loyal with particular business, Basically satisfaction is rating, and loyalties is a brand, Faithfulness is continuously help to increasing sale, consumer always purchase one brand if they loyal with this, For example if customer sale Maruti swift desire then they again purchase Suzuki Ertega, M,C Vijaykanth, A N Santosh kumar in their study stated that, As the echelon of level to competition keep on remain ever-increasing in Mumbai cities in education market, it is crucial for essential every education creator companies to appreciate for understand customer imminent in order to further increasing their share of all market, thus they need to recognize what factors might influence their customers decision to choice for purchasing four wheelers, Previous three-year there are new education company enter in Mumbai areas like Audi, Fiat, Nissan, Volkswagen, One factors there should assist the companies in the marketing for promotion of their product to buying manners of the consumer, The purchase decision or obtain buying behavior of customer by studies to knowing there perception about the four wheelers for the markets, and concerning the possible entrance in marketplace for particulars product, One such technique of practices in this by perceptive, and creating a traits of brand, Brand image in mind of customer is most important factors, if the education company has gives the proper facilities or good qualities which the customer wants, needs then they should satisfy for particular brand, This trend shall be comparing to those of competitors, and there is perceptibly a strapping for strong link between customer pleasure, and purchaser perception or their preferences, MARIANA Mariana, and Dragoi Violeta in their study, The decisions of a company with global vision is oriented mainly on product markets rather than on the domestic market, Since 2000 we witness companies focus on knowing how to conquer a market, to the will to choose strategic alternatives, sustained by the will to act according to a strategy anchored to the changes in the companys marketing environment, Thus, now the company becomes a producer of product proposals offered to the market, the consumer
  • 23. 23 produces satisfaction, the distribution produces exchanges,, and the environments are producing beliefs, The best example of this long time ago Mahindra & Renault are merger but now a days when the Renault has launch their individual four wheelers i,,e Renault Duster in Mumbai area it is good responses for this car, even with attractive colors consumer are not just satisfy but also delight, Renault are capture the market very quickly, and they not just launch on four wheelers they are try to doing something innovative so consumer car attracting more for this company, M,C, Vijayakanth, A N Santosh Kumar, A N Hari Rao in their study clearly mention that, satisfaction to the customer is the key of business servers, Is a way of appropriate to a study Customer in India are more concerned with the service that are execute to the perform at timely manner with the reasonable cost to need their customer there have been dealer in India must be responsive, Basically providing a good product at a superior price is no longer adequate of enough, Satisfies customers form the foundation of any victorious business as customer satisfaction leads to repeat purchase, brand devotion,, and affirmative positive word of mouth, Customer should to be satisfy only they get good or positive services from the dealers, It is good enough to the dealers when they maintain proper qualities so customer can attract, NATARAJ S; DR, N,NAGARAJA in their study stated that, the Online bookings, and online purchase are the current wave in Indian car industry, Internet is gradually hitting the core of every industry including the car industry, It creates a greater awareness of the vehicle, and influences the buyer to purchase, Internet is believed to have a greater impact on the sales process, and will definitely give higher level of sales satisfaction, In this paper has giving the information about online purchase or booking four wheelers, due to rising the competition company has develop their strategy to sell the car for example now a days most popular website is CarDekho,com, and CarTrade,com both of this getting nice response from customer, and customer will satisfy, Dr,M,Prasanna Mohan Raj in his study entitled to the brand market, in the reputed brand are available in business market, the varieties of consumer are choosing various brand, if person want to choose SUV, XUV they always prefer to Mahindra or Toyota brand
  • 24. 24 because very specious space, and comfort are there, Even ford, general motors this brand name are also come, This study has indicated how the customers prefer the particulars brand, The marketing mix concept are use in this research, the marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing, and by marketers, The marketing mix is often crucial when determining a product or brand's offer,, and is often associated with the four P's:~ price, product, promotion,, and place, Gupta Bhuwan, Agarwal Nisha in their research study stated that, about the car owner for particulars district, The incredible market prospective of potential has got Indian Education Industry, As a result of urbanization, with the growth of population, and transform in their pattern of life style there has been a rapid enhance to increasing the demand for Indian educations, The purpose of this stage of study is to survey for expansion of Education Industry in India, and their position in financial economic development, and to bring out the side view of the study area, In recent days India is witnessing a change in promotion of interests to consumer consumerism the market is now mainly consumer driver, The focus is shifting for product support marketing to need based marketing, Consumer is given much alternative option to make a decision, Passenger car segment is no error of omission to this general trend, These studies indicate consumer preferences, and how they behave while taking decision to buy a car, Dr, khaled bin Abdul-raheman Al-jeraisy :~ As a consumer behavior defined as the activities of the consumer engages in when looking for a goods, and a services to satisfy his need or want, and when evaluating, obtaining, using, In addition to related decision making processes, When any consumer has to take decision to buy the product he should analysis or getting information for particulars product then he will purchase to take decision, After the purchasing the product, and using this consumer are satisfy, For example when the consumer are take decision to buy four wheelers they he will get information for other people about this car, and then he purchase, Some time company has giving the test Drive also if customers like than they buy otherwise they move to buy other four wheelers, Michael Solomon, Gary Bamossy in their research book consumer behavior third edition state that, The field of consumer behaviour envelop a grouping of position it is the study of the progression of process implicated when individuals or groups select, bought, use or
  • 25. 25 arrange of products, services, thoughts or occurrence of experience to satisfy needs, and desires, In its early stages of enlargement of development, the field was frequently referred to as buyer behavior, reflecting an accent on the interface stuck between consumers, and producers at the time of buy, Consumer response may often be the vital test of whether or not a marketing strategy will succeed, In its early stages of development, the field was often referred to as buyer behavior, careful about to deeply a prominence on the interface between consumers, and producers at the moment of purchase, Every consumer decision, purchase behavior, buying power are different its not analysis for quickly, In this book the author has given details how the consumer behavior changes for there lifestyle, culture, income level etc, some time consumer behavior or their decision are unique in nature, Paul Greenberg CRM at the speed of light, Third Edition in his study mention that, In the business market selling a product like four wheelers or any luxury car is not that much easy task for sales persons, When he talk to the consumer for the car feature, whether the customer agree with him, and whatever he said about the product, In whole process of marketing if businessman really want to do the satisfy the customer then Customer Relationship has crucial part of marketing process, To make a good relationship with the customer, businessman or Dealers has give special offers, Discount, Schemes, to providing easy finance when the customer buy four wheelers, When the term CRM is use in business process, we are typically talking about a set of possible interaction that lead to a result from a customers, Philip Kotler, Marketing Management in his nine edition clearly entitle about, The aim of four wheelers industries has to satisfy target customers needs & their wants, To identify or analysis consumer market, and consumer behavior is not that much easy task, The four wheelers sectors has introduce any product they looking first or analysis the individual, family, group, high class people as well as low class people, With that or after the analysis whole market they launch product, For example in six to seven year ago luxury car like BMW, Mercedes are not that much popular in Mumbai area, as income level are increasing for people they are starting to launch in Mumbai are now they are running well in this area,
  • 26. 26 Due to increasing the technology four wheelers market has try to do every time innovative, creative, For that second example in four wheelers more comfort in that TV facility, Google map, automatic lock system etc, Consumer Behavior sixth edition by Leon G, schiffman, and Leslie Lazar kanuk in their study stated that, To run successful business in the business Market, business man has to focusing on competitors, and also the customer satisfaction, As specially in four wheelers industries making innovative ideas that have been developing world class four wheelers in the market, Due to changing pattern & lifestyle needs wants to the consumer, Whenever four wheelers industry has making the product it aim to helping the safeties of every individual customer, When the four wheelers sectors build up any product they take care, and protect the consumers its creating good image in customers mind, The luxuries example in that Jaguar, Range Rover, Land Rover this four wheelers are highly costly in the market but there are consumer for showing their status they can buy this, In Mumbai area this kind of four wheelers are hardly buying for few consumer either top industrialist or Politician, Michael R, Solomon in his sixth edition of Consumer Behavior Buying, Having,, and being, stated that, delighters Consumer is determine by the persons taken as a whole feeling in the direction of the product after they bought, There are many factors influencing partialities preference of product quality, together with including price, brand name,, and product performance to presentation, Satisfaction is often seminal of determine through the degree to which a products concert is consistent for reliable with the consumers preceding expectations of how well it will function, Consumer happiness is determining by means of overall approach, of feeling or attitude, a person has about a item for consumption after has been purchasing consumer connect in a unvarying process of appraise the possessions they buy as integrate these products keen on their daily consumption bustle of movement, A study by Leon Schiffman, Leslie L, Kanuk ninth edition of consumer behavior entitled to, It is important to understand how consumer attitudes vary from situation to situation, For instance, it is useful to know whether consumer preferences for various brand of like Maruti, Mahindra, Renault, Mitsubishi etc, first identify consumer requirements to need,
  • 27. 27 and then develop product & services to keep make happy those needs, Consumer delve into research also is used to better understanding consumption behavior, Many of these applications of consumer research are managerial in perspective, they are designed to helps a market make specific marketing decision concerning product, price, promotion,, and distribution, It also able the marketer to build consumer meaning into the product or services by discovering which attributes are most important to the target market, and integrating them into the product or services design, K, J, Vinodini in her study stated that, The Education Sector plays a very important role in the economy, where they manufacture millions of wheelers, and sell it year by year, This sector is the fastest growing sector where it holds the n number of customers for buying their vehicles, The wants are unlimited in nature; though a person belongs to a middle class family his desire in buying a four wheeler cant be predicted, People may belong to rural or urban area but they want to change their lifestyle at least by consuming a car, The four wheeler market is getting expanded day by day with new innovations, As we all know due to increasing the population, competition also increasing day by day, year by year, Every new company has enter in the market specially in four wheelers sector, Dr,G,Syamala,Vinayak Ghosh in their study properly mention that, The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world it is one of the fastest growing industries globally, Its customer car, and profitable vehicle segment is largest the six number in world, Indian small car market is increasing by leaps, and bounds, The indigenous market for small cars now occupies substantial share of around 70% of the annual car production in India which is about one million, Almost all education in India are competing with each other in terms of design, innovation, pricing, and technology, The following paper is an of effort attempt to study the satisfaction stage of customers who own small car, The research covers the areas of Aundh, Pashan, Baner in Pune, Maharashtra,
  • 28. 28 The author has inform in this paper about the small car, and consumer satisfaction regarding this for example Maruti alto, maruti 800, Chevrolet Beat, The small car buy only the small family, they are satisfy to purchase small car with good mileage, and services, Nagarajan in his study, entitled "Study of conflicting brands in marketing unrelated products", regarding brand awareness found that the brands help to identify a product by the consuming public, and create an awareness regarding the product, After acquiring the awareness the consumer moves for the brand trial, and gets satisfaction or he is disappointed in varying degree, Niraj Dawar, and Philip Parker in their study on marketing universal stated that "consumer used brand name, price, physical manifestation, and retailer standing reputation as indication of invention to product quality, and found that brand name signals are always ranked highest, and retailer reputations signals are always ranked lowest, and price signals are always ranked between brand name, and retailer reputation, There is a positive, and statistically significant correlation among price, brand, physical appearance, and retailer reputation, It shows that people are generally more signal-oriented than others, The brand name, price, physical appearance,, and retailer reputation are considered as signals of product quality, Piplai in his research deserving to Entitle the study on Shifting Strategic Focus on education division sector, researcher inspect in 2001, the Indian motor vehicle industry effect after liberalization in provisions of creation to production, marketing, sell overseas, skill, and technologies bind, product artifact up-gradation, and productivities to get profitability, Indian auto industry was fictional last eight decade, from that time education were to be bring in form of Ford, and general motors, Apart from that there is Hindustan Motors Company, and Premier Auto industries are started by importing savvy from General Motors, and Fiat respectively in early 1940s, Few other companies entered in to marketplace intended for two wheelers, and heavy commercial vehicles since 1950s, However the majorities of them either imported originate particular country produced auto mechanism cultivate the mid-1950s, while India have commence to initiate import
  • 29. 29 trade changeover programmer, thus ensuing result in a definitely take apart auto constituent sector of division, Howard, and Sheth J,N, in their systematic observation of Study on Buyer Behaviour Model, both the researcher predicate to starting best one about identified models of consumer behaviour, which specifying clarify details interactions for speculative theory of buyer behaviour, virtually flanked by the participation, stimulus that the consumer obtain for receive from his otherwise her surroundings along with yield of output, Construct of decision making of input stimuli to observable results in consumer action achievement to build the processes, The reach in front of consumer they go through to make a result of decision upon his or her action, Instigator group must be following in these two areas:~ 1st is Perceptual to relating abilities of interpreting those worried with attain for obtain, and handling behavior in sequence to information about the product, and services, 2nd one is wisdom of knowledge in the direction of process of learning that guide to the judgment itself, Sagar, Ambuj, D, & Chandra & Pankaj in their study on base of support to Indian Passenger Car Industry in technological change, talk about, as to how the innovative technological driven by a convergence of such factor in Indian advance car industry as extreme serve competition, challenging consumer inclination, policies of government, and the international tactic approach of the various new players, They elaborate for convolute that in India product manufacture are based on creative designs, integrate complex of highly develop technologies, that are habitually corresponding to equivalent with those available internationally, and domestic vehicle sell to overseas export are too rising rapidly, Dr, S, Subadra, K, M, Murugesan, and Dr, R, Ganapathi with associate their examination of work clearly stand on car owner's in Namakkal District, They have chosen car holder as a consumer in this study, the car possessor contemplate the altering opinion, and manners towards their own product, Throughout the work authors should be converse how consumer interests are to be protecting in India, Consumer ambitious market at this moment turn out to be pre- dominantly, The spotlight are now been transfer from discovery pedestal marketing activities to the necessitate based marketing promotion,
  • 30. 30 There is too many Consumer options to choose the product, In this study how the marketing strategy work suppose to get feedback of consumer view to observation perception for car, To the attract for prospective buyer to glow resting on a range of facial appearance that the manufacturers goods should deliberate for magnetize invention, Researcher traces which factor could be influencing for purchase, The broad-spectrum to locate the method of shortening qualities information controlled within a number of originalities work in new breadth to avoid minimum loss get accurate information fact provide, Purchase decision, and satisfying consumer should identify several variable derives to influence, consequently, the product are well match with the understanding to the consumer behaviour their requirement enable a marketer to take marketing decisions, Balkrishnan M, Dr, Jagathy Raj intended for this exploration of work base on Determinant represent percentage score factors of the consumer purchase behaviour of passenger cars, The researcher identify to developed the frame work, and possible parameter along with this paper the researchers discuss the foremost function, that explore kerala state car passenger holder pattern of purchase behavour for further investigate possibly will be done, based on the structure, and the known limitation, In Indian passenger car purchaser have With the multiple choices available to accessible dealing, it severely distorted change the mode of way, for the car purchase procure circumstances inside India, It should malformed the scenario of vehicle industry commencing from a seller promote market to consumer market, For the pattern of purchasing even personal preferences should start to develop the own traveler car customers, which were to be thus far unidentified the piece segment of Indian education, Key stricture parameter of purchase behaviour influence pattern in the direction of owner of car passenger, Model symbolize reflect with the intention of the consumer behaviour is a bring together of all dynamic factor like acquaintance, financial way, technical information then supporting to political, enlightening for attitude, perspicacities of their own personality, and motivation as well as existence way of life,
  • 31. 31 This work are too much advantage for those who are involve in particular study like stakeholders support to manufacturers, trader, agencies who provide finance, to make tremendous effective strategy in market idea of conceptual extensive quantitative analysis , Finally it is terminate that All the parameters developed in this paper, and the model which has been conceptualized was tested through an extensive research, and quantitative analysis should know for behaviour of customer, A study by Yogyata Datta entitled "A study on education industry analysis" attempts to analyze various aspects of education industry such as evolution, and emergence of an Education Industry, used car segments,, and auto fiancé, The study analyzed the viabilities of car manufacturers entering the Indian market, and their investment in India, The study by K, Maran entitled "Scenario of small cars segment:~ A study with reference to Chennai city" deals with the market share, and marketing strategy, technical,, and financial performance of the manufacturer of small cars segment, He has pointed out that the ancillary industries which supply components to the manufacturers often failed to adhere the delivery schedule causing production problems, He has also found that higher maintenance cost of small cars due to inflation, high cost of spares, and components, and adverse conditions which prevailed in the town, and semi- urban areas led to postponement of purchase of small cars as the problems faced by small car owners, Bhavani SA et al (2015) this study is conducted at Automotive Axles ltd to understand the extent of Level of Job employee satisfaction in the organization, Level of Job employee satisfaction is the level of commitment, and involvement an employee has towards the organization, and its values, A satisfaction employee is known of business context,, and works with coworkers to improve performance at the job for the benefit of the organization, It is a positive behavior held by the employee's towards the organization, and its values, A sample size of 50 was taken in order to conduct research, Random sampling technique was used in order to conduct the survey, The data was collected by interviewing the respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire, V, Mahendran, and S, Arul Krishnan (2014) this study aims at finding out the otivational technique followed in education industries, The purpose of motivation is to create conditions in which people are willing to work with initiative, interest, and enthusiasm, with a high personal, and group moral satisfaction with a sense of responsibility, loyalty,
  • 32. 32 and discipline, and with pride, and confidence in a most cohesive manner so that the goals of the organization are achieved effectively, This study is to identify the factors affecting motivation of employee's and also to examine the level of satisfaction derived through the existing motivation factors available in education industries, This study helps to determine the extent of employee‟s recognition by the management which led to the greater performance of work by employee's , and their satisfaction level, The research tool used in this study is mainly Questionnaire ,The sample size is 100, Descriptive research is adopted in conducting this study, The statistical tool used is percentage analysis, chi - square analysis, and correlation analysis, 1) Herzberg F, Mausner B,, and Synderman B, (1959) a extensive era of point, researchers in numerous dissimilar field like psychologists, economists,, and hygienist take into consideration the satisfaction feature connected to job satisfaction, 2) Vroom's (1964) expectancy theory, he recommended that every worker possessed his human being wants,, and with the right motivation fulfilling his requirements, he was capable to modify his performance, and job approach towards the task assigned to him based on his expectancy of a certain outcome, 3) Organizations required to scrutinize this essential relationship among motivation and job satisfaction as the experimental research (Herzberg, 1966) that dissimilar feature on human being delicate survive of the worker might apply a tremendous force to motivate or de- motivate an employee towards their work performance, and undoubtedly could be related to the success or failure of the organization, 4) Maslow (1968) confirmed that the input underpinning in construction this association was mainly due to the persons imminent, and approach at the place of work depending on their individual wants, and their relevant discrimination of several aspects that might be related to the job in the organization, 32 5) Dickson (1973) communicate that human resources are not very much motivated by the funds itself to chase their needs, and goals, Feature which frequently pressure satisfaction characteristic of a human being are intrinsic or extrinsic rewards, Intrinsic rewards are connected straightforwardly to the internal enthusiasm of a person to reach a sagacities of fulfillment, Extrinsic rewards, on the other hand, are
  • 33. 33 multi recipient packages which one will obtain upon their attainment, and performing their tasks, An extrinsic reward frequently goes to paychecks, praise, and bonuses, 6) Fried, and Ferris (1987) several researches had been completed in this area of discovering a association among Level of Job employee satisfaction, and employee job satisfaction, and how that might be associated to occupation performance under dissimilar workplace surroundings, and customs, and as well as how that might relate to the person personal life, 7) Kovach (1987) also attempts to recognize the association; they require offering the basic requirements of life motivates most inhabitants which in revisit build the workers pleased from their jobs, 8) Hood JN, and Smith HL (1994) researchers have paying attention on different feature of work motivation, and satisfaction, Hood, and Smith completed that the manager's awareness to work life qualities of their employee's can offer the essential requirements, and endorse the productivity, and satisfaction, and also ease their permanent expansion, 9) Brown (1996) stated that when an organization is having various satisfied workers, it is probable to have pleased or enchanted clientele, Brown said the employee satisfied, and delightedness as a prerequisite of customer satisfaction, 10) Olbert, and Moen (1998) had attempt to clarify the connection between motivation, and job satisfaction, and performance of an human being, and if just the organization group unspoken that complicated associations, they might then situate the correct motivations on specific persons to improve their affection for the occupation, and would have enhanced consequences on their performance, 33 11) Wagar (1998) clarifies that in the international marketplace, one can be successful when it has highly motivated, skilled,, and satisfied workers that can create qualities goods at low costs, 12) According Igalens, and Roussel (1999) model of work motivation, and job satisfaction which gives motivation, job satisfaction,, and reimbursement package in the hypothetical structure sketch of the research model representing the interrelations
  • 34. 34 between compensation, satisfaction, and motivation, 13) Oshagbemi (2000) job satisfaction force is motivated by the character of the job which is omnipresent, and irregular, Functioning circumstances that are parallel is limited, and worldwide standard, and degree to which they are similar to job situation of other occupation in the area, 17) Thakor M,V, and Joshi A,W (2005) finds out that job satisfaction acting a significant role in the accomplishment of any organization, and the optimistic contribution of employee in work, It is efficient on performance, organizational liability, physical/mental health, learning new job skill,, and motivation, 18) Tutuncu O,, and Kucukusta, D, (2006) satisfaction in broad is frightened by human being's artistic, and social lifestyle, These ascriptions are putting an additional worth to the number of satisfaction factors, and also make a equilibrium among the attribute of a occupation, and workers desire Job satisfaction might be measured the conclusion of gathering activities, 19) Bloisi W,, Cood C,W,, and Hunsaker, L,P, (2007) satisfaction aspect can provide empowerment into a person's performance; motive is being educated through experience, Another surface of motivation is attentiveness on expectancies, and how we may associate the desired rewards to the recital, , 20) Furnham, and Eracleous (2009) represent that a human being is satisfied with his/her job unswervingly depends on the occurrence of various satisfaction factors such as pay, bonus, perks,, and other circumstances that motivate him/her, 34 21) Tsai (2010) considers that job satisfaction can accordingly boost job performance throughout empowerment, commitment, internal marketing, and leadership, Motives are usually being educated throughout practice, and inhabitants frequently have dissimilar requirements, and wishes, 22) Remi, A,J,, Ibraheem, A,,, and Toyosi, D,S, (2011) thinks that motivation and job satisfaction are interrelated, and there is a high association among the two, 23) Golshan, Kaswuri, Aghashahi, Amin, and Wan Ismail (2011) examine the effect of satisfaction aspect on job satisfaction, It was establish that workers motivators are connected considerably to their intrinsic job satisfaction, Though,
  • 35. 35 employee's hygiene factors are not considerably connected to extrinsic job satisfaction, 24) Teck-Hong, and Waheed (2011) scrutinize what motivates employee's in the retail industry,, and observe their level of job satisfaction, using Herzberg's hygiene factors, and motivators, The consequences show hygiene factors were the overriding motivators of sales personnel job satisfaction, Working conditions were the mainly important in motivating sales personnel, The major insinuation of this research is that sales personnel who value money highly are satisfied with their salary, and job when they receive a raise, 25) Robbins S,P, De Cenzo D,A,, and Coulter M,K (2011) suggested that in control to accomplish the maximum level of motivation, that it is necessary managers advice added elasticity,, and give more interest to workers dissimilar requirements, and aim that in occupation atmosphere have been unnoticed, 26) Bhambra A,S, Chaturvedi B,K,, and Wolfe R,E (2011) satisfied employee's have high internal work motivation, to do high qualities work performance, and to take fewer absences, 28)Ebrahimpour H, Khalili H, Habibian S,, and Saadatmand M ( 2011) motivation, and job satisfaction are managerial issues, which take a great deal of time, energy, and money in any organization, Job rotation, promotion, job enrichment,, and 35 job characteristics redesign are some of the known approaches to increase motivation and job satisfaction among employee's , 29) Indradevi (2012) since human resources are considered as a live asset in an organization, organizations are willing to empower their employee's by significantly increasing their performance capabilities in order to achieve worthwhile purposes for the improvement of their complexes, however, due to their surprises, most of the employee's are reluctant to accept responsibilities as they probably feel too constraint and time-bound
  • 37. 37 AMBALIKA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY Ambalika Institute, and Group, the best engineering college in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, was established to provide high-qualities technical education in the fields of engineering, and management, Ambalika Construction Limited, Ambalika Chit Fund Limited,, and Ambalika Farms & Resorts Ltd are currently managed by the Trustee, Infrastructure Development operations, Building Construction, Machinery Rental, Transportation & Logistics, Earthwork, Mining,, and Crushing are the main lines of business for the promoters, Ambalika Construction Limited, the group's parent company, is in charge of the operation, Uttar Pradesh has a wealth of natural resources, However, it lags behind in the fields of technical, and management education, This has a negative impact on the state's economic development, and overall economy, As a result, there is a pressing need in the state to expand management, and engineering education,
  • 39. 39
  • 40. 40 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION VISION The department shall endeavor to promote entrepreneurial culture, develop managerial, and communication skills of the students to enable them in contributing to the development of the society, and the nation, MISSION -To impart professional education, and training in the field of management, and entrepreneurship education, -To disseminate knowledge, and information by organizing seminars/workshops/industrial visits to develop professionalism, -To interact with the industrial organizations to meet the demand of qualities technical human resource, -To Become best college for MBA in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (UP), India -Developing knowledge driven, inspiring minds, and dynamic leaders for betterment of the world around us, Program Educational Objective's s (PEOs) :~  Students will establish themselves as effective professionals by solving real problems through the use of management science knowledge, and with attention to team work, effective communication, critical thinking, and problem solving skills,  Students will develop professional skills that prepare them for immediate employment, and for life-long learning in advanced areas of management, and related fields,  Students will demonstrate their abilities to adapt to a rapidly changing environment by having learnt, and applied new skills, and new competencies,  Students will be provided with an educational foundation that prepares them for excellence, leadership roles along diverse career paths with encouragement to professional ethics, and active participation needed for a successful career, SR NO Ti tle First Name Mid dle Nam e Last Name Designatio n DOJ Qualifi cation Nature of Association ( Regular/Contrac tual/Adjunct)
  • 41. 41 1 M r, MUKUL GUPTA PROFESS OR 01/08 /2013 PGDB M Regular 2 M r, KAVITA PRA TAP SINGH ASSOCIA TE PROFESS OR 03/05 /2016 MBA Regular 3 M rs, SHWET A MISHR A ASSOCIA TE PROFESS OR 24/02 /2018 Ph,D Regular 4 M r, MOHAM MAD SAI F ALAM ASSOCIA TE PROFESS OR 06/08 /2018 M,CO M Regular 5 M r, GAURA V SHUKL A ASST PROFESS OR 07/09 /2016 MBA Regular 6 M r, CHAND RAJEET SINGH ASST PROFESS OR 02/07 /2018 MBA Regular 7 M r, VINEET PATHA K ASST,PR OFESSOR 03/05 /2019 MBA Regular 8 M rs, SHWET A SRIVA STAVA ASST,PR OFESSOR 23/08 /2019 MBA Regular FINANCE “Finance as a subject involves the management, control, and review of the collection, investment, and resources of money as a capital required for an industrial building, plant, and working” This activities is called Financial Management which is controlled by the Finance Manager,
  • 42. 42 The students always think that, why they should go for MBA in Finance, While there are many other specializations in MBA curriculum, then what is the scope of finance? It is the age of industrialization, Many industries are coming up in many developed, and developing countries, Finance is the basic need to start an industry, and in according to the money management of the resources, its proper collection, and distribution, MBA is a two years degree program affiliated with some recognized universities , “The financial management is concerned to the planning, and controlling of the financial resources of an industry”, MARKETING MBA in Marketing has become one of the most popular degrees both by students, and employers in modern era, With the shift to digital, and online marketing, most businesses now have their own, in-house marketing teams that specialize in bringing traffic, and customers to the company, There are a number of areas of marketing but MBA in marketing doesn’t limit the degree holder in pursuing marketing careers alone, The skill set can be put towards dozens of other career options, from consulting to entrepreneurial management, The course is designed in such a way that prospective students attain potential to become excellent marketing manager, and acquire high salary packages, MBA in Marketing is designed to teach students a wide varieties of soft skills, such as communications, analytical, and leadership skills that can then be applied to a wide varieties of positions across any number of companies, and industries – no two companies are going to need, or demand, the exact same requirements from their marketing manager, HUMAN RESOURCES Students in MBA program with a focus in human resource management can take courses in business strategies, and concepts, with an emphasis on corporate headhunting, benefits analysis, compensation management, and business coaching, MBA program typically involves advanced level assignments, reports, presentations, internships, and group projects, Programs typically take about two years to complete,
  • 43. 43 Coursework typically involves basic business concepts, and human resource-specific topics, Students can be taught business strategies, and learn to use them in everyday business operations,  MBA 1st year  MBA 2nd Year MBA 1st Year Top 3 Project MBA S,No, Roll No, Student Name Project Title 1 1536370028 Pragati Gupta Evolution of E-Commerce 2 1536370036 Ambuj Tiwari A Study on Virtual Marketing 3 1536370008 Asfiya Zaheer A study of consumer behaviour in retail outlets PAQIC (PROGRAM ASSESSMENT, and QUALITIES IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE) S,No, Responsibility HoD/Faculties Member Responsible Person 1 Time table related issues member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla 2 Class coordinator /mentor member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla 3 Library related issues member of the faculty Vineet Pathak 4 Departmental website related issues member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma 5 Academic issues member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla 6 R&D related issues HOD+1 Dr,Shweta Mishra & Gaurav Shukla
  • 44. 44 7 Technical training related issues HOD+1 Dr,Shweta Mishra & Gaurav Shukla 8 News letter related issues member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma 9 Project related issues member of the faculty Vineet Pathak 10 Purchase related issues HOD+1 Dr,Shweta Mishra & Gaurav Shukla 11 Industrial visit related issues member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma & Gaurav shukla 12 Cultural programs related issues member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma 13 Sports related issues issues member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla 14 Alumni Related issues member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla 15 Laboratory related issues member of the faculty NA 16 Student Discipline/Floor coordination related Issues member of the faculty Gaurav Shukla 17 Placement issues member of the faculty Swapnil Sharma
  • 46. 46 OBJECTIVE'S S OF THE STUDY 1. To check the level of Job employee satisfaction among job work assignees, 2. To analyze the work related job, 3. To study the attitude of employee's toward their work, and job security, 4. To find satisfaction factors of employee's , 5. To find out how much employee's are participation in dicision-making, 6. To find out how much employee's are satisfied with their salary level,
  • 48. 48 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Sample Technique:~- The probabilities sampling has used to collect the date for research, Sample Plan:~- ⮚ Population:~- Employee's of Management Institutes, ⮚ Sample:~ Employee of Management Institutes, ⮚ Sample Unit:~ All the region of Lucknow where AIMT, ⮚ Sample Size The sample size of the survey was 104 employee's , ⮚ METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The data used for the project is primary as well as secondary data, as follow:~ Sources of primary data:~ ● Questionnaire Sources of secondary data:~ ● Web sites
  • 50. 50 Problem, and Limitation There are various limitation faced during the study as the study bis related to the human psychology, and behaviour basically, Some of the problems faceddurig the study are:~- while collecting the data it was noticed that most of the respondent were getting struck at statement, they were actually related to make out whether the statement is related to their job or routine life , Another major obstruction found the study was respondents were quite reluctant in giving their original details, Even it is not noticed that some of the data entry operations were not even ready to fill in the questionnaires, so their responses were most of the time neutral,
  • 52. 52 DATA ANALYSIS, and ITS INTERPRETATION Respondent by Gender Male 29 Female 11 Total 40 TABLE 1- SHOWS RESPONDENTS BY GENDER FIG-1 SHOWS RESPONDENTS BY GENDER Here we can see maximum number of respondent is male that is 72%, and female are only 28%, This helps us to know that mostly male employee's are working in Mahindra,
  • 53. 53 Departments of Respondent Departments No, of employee's Marketing 22 Human resource 8 Finance 5 operation 5 TABLE 2-SHOWS DEPARTEMENTS OF RESPONDENTS FIG-2 SHOWS DEPARTEMENTS OF RESPONDENTS Here we can see maximum number of respondent are for marketing department that are 22 out of 40 respondent
  • 54. 54 Work Experience of Respondent S,no Experience in years No, of Respondents 1 less then 1 year 15 2 more then 1 year 10 3 less then 2 year 8 4 more then 2 year 7 TABLE 3-SHOWS WORK EXPERINCE OF RESPONDENT FIG-3 SHOWS WORK EXPERINCE OF RESPONDENT Here we can see that employee's are not experienced,15 employee's are having the experience of less than 1 year, and 13 of less then 2 year,
  • 55. 55 Satisfactionlevelwith the job S, NO, Satisfaction Level No, of Respondents 1 Like very much 25 2 Like some what 10 3 Neutral 4 4 Dislike some what 1 5 Dislike very much Nil TABLE 4 SHOWS SATISFACTION LEVEL WITH THE JOB LEVEL OF JOB EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION FIG-4 SHOWS SATISFACTION LEVEL WITH THE JOB The data in the above table reveals that majorities of respondents (25) were highly satisfied wih their job, and 10 of respondents are satisfied with their job, This show that employee's are satisfied with their job,
  • 56. 56 Satisfy with the behavior of management, and other employee's S,no Satisfaction Level No, of Respondents 1 Highly Satisfied 22 2 Satisfied 10 3 Moderate 5 4 Unsatisfied 2 5 Highly Unsatisfied 1 TABLE 5 Shows Satisfaction level with the behavior of management, and other employee's Fig 5 -Shows Satisfaction level with the behavior of management, and other employee's The data in the above table reveals that majorities of respondents (22) were highly satisfied wih the behaviour of other employee's , and 10 of respondents are satisfied, and 5 are moderate,
  • 57. 57 Career, and growth opportunities S,no Preferences No, of Respondents 1 Yes 36 2 No 4 Table6 Shows Career, and growth opportunities for emloyees, Fig-6 Shows Career, and growth opportunities for emloyees, Here we can see maximum number of respondent are think that there career, and growth opportunities offered by the job is that is 90% , This shows that in Mahindra career, and growth opportunities offered by the job,
  • 58. 58 Participation in Decision making S,no Participation No, of Respondents 1 20%-30% 12 2 30%-40% 10 3 40%-50% 8 4 50%-60% 4 5 Above 60% 6 Table 7-Shows Participation of emloyees in Decision making Fig-7 Shows Participation of emloyees in Decision making Here we can see less number of respondent are participating in the Decision making That is only 6 respondent are participating in the above60% decisions, and 12 are participating in 20%-30%,
  • 59. 59 Satisfaction Level of Employee's S,NO, Satisfaction Level No, of Respondents 1, Highly Satisfied 9 2, Satisfied 15 3, Moderate 5 4, Unsatisfied 10 5, Highly Unsatisfied 1 Table8-Shows Satisfaction Level of Employee's with the salary FIG8- Shows Satisfaction Level of Employee's with the salary The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (15) are satisfied with the level of salary which they are getting, and only (9) of respondents are highly satisfied with this statement, and (10) respondent are not satisfied with the salary which they are getting,
  • 60. 60 Managementis flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work, and personallife, S, NO, Satisfaction Level No, of Respondents 1 Strongly agree 18 2 Agree 10 3 Undecided 8 4 Disagree 2 5 Strongly disagree 2 TABLE 9-Shows Management is flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work, and personal life, FIG-9 Shows Management is flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work, and personal life, The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (18) are satified with the management flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work, and personal life,
  • 61. 61
  • 62. 62 Agree with the company bonus plans S,no Satisfaction Level No, of Respondents 1 Strongly agree 8 2 Agree 12 3 Undecided 11 4 Disagree 6 5 Strongly disagree 3 TABLE-10 Shows how many employee's agree with the company bonus plans Fig-10 Shows how many employee's agree with the company bonus plans The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (12) are argee with the bones plan which they are getting, and (8) of respondents are strongly agree with this statement, and (11) respondent are undicided, and (6) are disagree,
  • 63. 63 Is any change is require to improve the working condition S,no Preferences No, of Respondents 1 Yes 32 2 No 8 TABLE-11 Shows how many employee's feel to have improvement in working conditions Fig-11 Shows how many employee's agree with the company pay scale, and bonus plans Here we can see maximum number of respondent are think that change is require to improve the working condition of the compony opportunities is that is 80% ,
  • 65. 65 FINDINGS  Here we can see maximum number of respondent is male that is 72%, and female are only 28%,  This helps us to know that mostly male employee's are working in Mahindra,  Here we can see maximum number of respondent are for marketing department that are 22 out of 40 respondent  Here we can see that employee's are not experienced,15 employee's are having the experience of less than 1 year, and 13 of less then 2 year,  The data in the above table reveals that majorities of respondents (25) were highly satisfied wih their job, and 10 of respondents are satisfied with their job,  This show that employee's are satisfied with their job,  The data in the above table reveals that majorities of respondents (22) were highly satisfied wih the behaviour of other employee's , and 10 of respondents are satisfied, and 5 are moderate,
  • 66. 66  Here we can see maximum number of respondent are think that there career, and growth opportunities offered by the job is that is 90% ,  This shows that in Mahindra career, and growth opportunities offered by the job,  Here we can see less number of respondent are participating in the Decision making  That is only 6 respondent are participating in the above60% decisions, and 12 are participating in 20%-30%,  The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (15) are satisfied with the level of salary which they are getting, and only (9) of respondents are highly satisfied with this statement, and (10) respondent are not satisfied with the salary which they are getting,  Management is flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work, and personal life,  The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (18) are satified with the management flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work, and personal life, 
  • 67. 67  The data in the above table tells us that majorities of respondents (12) are argee with the bones plan which they are getting, and (8) of respondents are strongly agree with this statement, and (11) respondent are undicided, and (6) are disagree,   Here we can see maximum number of respondent are think that change is require to improve the working condition of the compony opportunities is that is 80% ,
  • 69. 69 CONCLUSION An extensive review of the topic "Study of the level of job satisfaction among job work assignees" it was found that the most important factors conducive to job satisfaction are the satisfaction factors:~ - " Rewards or Payment, Supportive working environment and The work itself, Working hours, Clean, and hygienic working place, It was also found that the primary source of job satisfaction among Job Work assignees was the sense of achievement experienced by them while on the job, However, in the same study feelings of dissatisfaction were found to be stemming from the work itself, The same, and the work that was repetitive in nature, and not apt according to the qualification of some of the employee's were seen also some of the major factors leading to dissatisfaction were:~- " Low payment Job tenure (3 months) leading to job insecurities among the Job Work Assignees
  • 70. 70 mind the various factors leading to the job satisfaction, and by enhancing the profile of job,Employee's tend to prefer jobs that give them opportunities to use their skills, and abilities, and offers freedom, and feedback, They want pay system, and promotion policies that they perceive as being just, and ambiguous, and in line with their expectations, When pay is seen as fair that is based on job, and individual skills, satisfaction is likely to result, Employee's are also concerned with their work environment for both personal as well as professional life, So finally it is concluded that the level of job satisfaction is there but need to be increased, and maintained,
  • 72. 72 RECOMMENDATION, and SUGGESTIONS  To increase satisfaction, and retention of employee's ,  It will help in reducing the factors leading to absenteeism, and staff turnover,  It will help in generating factors which can defuse tension, and improve working condition  Which will ultimately lead to job satisfaction,  The method of recruitment should be improved,  Select the right person for the right job,  Promotion policy should be improved  Management should check the performance of their employee's time to time,  Overall work environment should also be improved,
  • 74. 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOK S Rbbins Stephen P , Organizational behaviour , Beri, G C, Statistics for management, Tata McGraw Hill Cooper donal R, Schindler Pamela S, Business Research Method, Kothari C R, Research Methodology INTERNET LINKS ● http:~//findarticles,com/p/articles/mi_qa5321/is_200407/ai_n21351846/pg_5 ● http:~//humanresources,about,com/od/glossarye/a/employee_inv,htm ● http:~//job satisfactionjob satisfaction3,htm ● http:~// satisfactionjob satisfactionherzberg motivation-hygiene theory,htm ● http:~//www,nrdc,org/buildinggreen/bizcase/own_productivity,asp ● http:~//www,nhpcindia,com/English/Scripts/Aboutus_Objective's s,aspx ● http:~//wiki,answers,com/Q/Why_to_study_about_employee_satisfaction ● http:~//wiki,answers,com/Q/What_is_the_importance_of_employee_satisfaction_ in_an_organisation
  • 76. 76 QUESTIONNAIRE Questions:~ Q,1 What is your gender, ● Male ● Female Q,2 What department do you work in? ● ……………………,, Q,3 How long have you worked for this company? ●……………………,, Q,4 How do you like this job? Like very Like some Neutral Dislike some Dislike very Much what what Much Q,5 I am treated with respect by management, and the people I work with, ● Strongly Disagree ● Disagree ● Undecided ● Agree ● Strongly Agree Q,6 Is there any career enhancement opportunities, and growth in this job ? ● Yes ● No Q,7 How much do you participate in decision making ? o20%-30% o 30%-40% o 40%-50% o 50%-60% o above 60% Q,8 Are you satisfied with you salary level? Highly Unsatisfied Moderate Satisfied Highly Unsatisfied Satisfied Q,9 Management is flexible, and understands the importance of balancing my work, and personal life, ● Strongly Disagree
  • 77. 77 ● Disagree ● Undecided ● Agree ● Strongly Agree Q,10 Are you agree with the company pay scale, and bonus plans ? Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Q,11 Do you feel there is change require in your department to improve working conditions? ● YES ● NO Q,12 Rank the following satisfaction factor according to you :~- FACTOR RANK(1 to 4 )1 is highest ● Promotion …… ● Reward, and Recognition …… ● Achievemant …… ● Higher authority, and responsibilities …… PERSONAL DETAIL :~ NAME :~- …………………………, MOBILE NO:~- …………………………, ADDRESS OF COMMUNICATION:~- …………………………… …………………………,