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3004.414332EPS 60000 COMMON STOCK-0.0251052415-
Running head: UNIT V PROJECT 1
UNIT V PROJECT 4Unit V Project
Gender and Work-Life Balance
The issue of gender equality is most prevalent in the corporate
world. In most cases, if not all, the victimized group are
women. This is precisely manifested in the compensation
difference found between the genders. Fueling this debate is the
act of some employers to pay their female employees less
compared to the male counterparts. Because of the difference in
the compensation gap, there exists a significant disparity in the
monetary and non-monetary benefits for work. In spite of the
efforts to bring equality in the corporate world, less has been
achieved. So far, there has not been any direct connection
between performance and gender (Malach Pines et al., 2010).
Therefore, undervaluation of the women's work is wholly based
on male chauvinism and the traditional role of men and women
in the society. These discriminations against the hiring,
promotion, and the assignment of jobs to women have disabled
the efforts meant to foster equality.
The aim of all the businesses is always to make massive profits
by creating more market, which this is attained by having a
conducive working environment to the employees, considerate
salaries, and remunerations as well as proper management
which can only be achieved through workplace culture. With the
current growth in technology and the issue of globalization,
many organizations have been formed to fight for the women to
make sure that they have been given leadership positions in the
businesses, government, and also in the society. It is important
to ensure that there is a minimal gap in gender pay in the
technology industry.
In assigning duties and responsibilities, employers should
ensure that they possess the required technical and
communication skills that pertain administration services. The
advantage streams along ensuring flexible in working schedules.
Flexibility involves compressing working days into flexible
hours or telecommuting. Flexibility provides a concern for
general personal obligations in life responsibilities. However,
sometimes the flexible schedules can lead to distractions from
neighbors and friends.
Telecommuting has no clear delineation between work and
home. Flexible schedules ensure that employees enjoy their time
without inconveniences thus reduce turn-over rates for the
valued staff. Even more important this will ensure there is
minimal consumption of time and fuel costs. A well thought out
schedule allows employees to work from home when there isn’t
so much work to be done in the office, this means that fewer
people will be driving and easier for people to telecommute.
Nevertheless, a sense of personal control of the work
environments provides motivation and good entrepreneurial
spirit thus increased productivity. Flexibility ensures that
employees do not burn out from overload. Thus, reduces
tardiness and absenteeism. However, team-oriented departments
require set guidelines to meet the day’s activity. Managers are
sometimes faced with troubles adjusting to new management
styles when some of the staff members have not come to work.
Offering child and elder care is one of the best ways of
recruiting talent. Family-friendly benefits are said to be one of
the ways of retaining working parents (Dychtwald et al., 2006).
The parents need time off for things like doctor’s appointment,
unexpected illnesses, and family vacations. Attending to the
aging parents helps in ensuring that the employees focus on
work without distraction from family duties. As workforce
mature, the organization becomes caregivers to children and the
elderly. Firms that introduce such initiatives help the employees
with caregiver responsibilities. Work and life balance lead to
better working performance. Job satisfaction will be at a high
rate and many of the employees will be committed to their
organization. Such incentives tend to reduce the turn-over rates
and most importantly bosses perform their jobs better thus
increases profits and minimizing the costs for firms.
Dychtwald, K., Erickson, T. J., & Morison, R.
(2006). Workforce crisis: How to beat the coming shortage of
skills and talent. Harvard Business Press.
Malach Pines, A., Lerner, M., & Schwartz, D. (2010). Gender
differences in entrepreneurship: equality, diversity and
inclusion in times of global crisis. Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion: An International Journal, 29(2), 186-198.
Running head: UNIT II PROJECT 1
Unit II Project
Benefits of Organizational Diversity
Columbia Southern University
Assessment of findings in Miami office, Florida.
Fig Technologies has a work force comprising women. The
culture has promoted development of subjective sexual
relationships in its call service center based at Miami office.
These two offices have witnessed rising tension among staff
members who are pro biased associations championed by their
colleagues. Some of the issues found bewildering these offices
include: personal prejudice towards their seniors which has led
to declining marketability of the company’s products like
Futbal. Equally, the excursion found out that due to dominance
of women workforce from cross cultural and social orientations,
same sex- relationships are developing. The influence of
university graduates working in the call centers has immensely
influenced the professional practices. Lately, it has become
common practice among employees to withdraw from their duty
posts and engage in gossiping and fist fighting. In addition, the
employee conflicts have been rising and cross-manipulation due
to transfers between offices in Miami and those at Kansas City.
The present organizational culture at the Miami offices
have thwarted growth of Fig Technologies. This has been
demonstrated by the poor taste towards their products as
revealed by the international employees working in these
offices. The employees have noted low morale and zeal to use
the utility provided by the Fig Technologies. Indeed, the
markets in South Africa and Brazil has frustrated the sales of
the utility because of poorly constructed organizational culture.
Diversity, both in principle and policy is one solution to the
currently dwindling business environment. It is in the interest of
the company that it maintains growth, though the existing
gender composition of employees is derogative and out for
malicious fall of the firm. With such a tendency, impropriety in
management of organizational affairs and large scale
dysfunctional social relationships will continuously limit its
success, (Ostroff & Schulte 2014).
Assessment of findings in Kansas City offices, Missouri
The situation at Kansas office is worse. Lack of sexual diversity
at Fig Technologies have indicated increasing same sex
relationships developing. At the office, it was found that all
staffs, including gate attendants and the senior management
officers were predominantly ladies. The office had limited time
for social activities which encompassed opposite sex in the
cadre. The culture of the organization also barred socializing
with men at workplace, as a result, most of the ladies appeared
secluded from their social system. They stayed long hours at
work place which significantly influenced their desire for
opposite sex. In addition, it was established that the employees,
mostly women having been indulging in heterosexual practices.
Sexual connections have initiated with the liberalized within the
social systems of employees. As workers continue to redefine
their attachments with their colleagues, there has been
diminishing output and creativity. Fig technologies have
become the hood for heterosexual people. Ladies with
homosexual cravings have found the Kansas office satisfying.
There has been declining interest on their clients.
Consequently, the management has opted to counter the
tendency. The only sure way is to adopt diversity both at
recruitment, job allocation, and social attachments. Lack of
organizational diversity at the Kansas City office has worked at
the detriment of the organizational growth. So is the need to ban
it. Diversity is important in fostering growth through enhanced
creativity and problem-solving skills. Presence of highly
integrated workforce, characterized by culturally composed
gender orientation fosters inclusive engagement towards
realization of economic objectives of the organization. Besides,
it is noteworthy to highlight the social impacts of diverse
culturally composed workforce in effecting change and taste for
testing new undertakings, (Ostroff & Schulte 2014).
The relevance of analyzing organizational culture is in finding
the best practices that will in the long run enhance output in the
organization. As an organization absorbed in delivery of
technologies to the market, the management will be interested
on practical ways of enhancing diversity, especially, if it is
certified as impeccable in profit maximization.
One such way of enhancing organizational diversity at Fig
Technologies is improving workplace engagement and
associations.This is achieved through improved systems of
recruitment, enhanced employee engagement, and composure
for retention. Also, it is only through on such benchmark that
the management can spearhead establishment of both formal and
informal activities in order to enhance interactions between the
employees located at different levels of the organization,
department and social profiles. This will help in colonizing
roaming employees who seldom fight peace at their work
stations due to volatile memories, (Alvesson 2016).
The executive committee should consider adopting a
functioning work design that facilitates interaction between
employees as well as an improved scheme of recruitment where
new employees are introduced into the firm in order to
strengthen existing employees. A functional system of
organizational diversity enhances progress and achievement.
This is actualized through open forums for consultative decision
making, and has a long-term impact in institutionalizing the
organization for social growth, (Gerhart & Fang 2014).
The employees have been commonly seeking their own schemes
of adjusting to both informal and formal work challenges. The
Executive council should consider establishing as well as
improving existing formal and informal channels through which
they can express their grievance. It should be complementing
these channels with awards and recognition systems is one way
of boosting morale of employees. The long-term impact is rising
growth in product admissibility and creativity, (Mora 2013).
Alvesson, M. (Ed.). (2016). Organizational culture. Sage.
Mora, C. (2013). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the
Mind Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for
Survival. Journal of Media Research, 6(1), 65.
Ostroff, C., & Schulte, M. (2014). A configural approach to the
study of organizational culture and climate.
Gerhart, B., & Fang, M. (2014). Pay for (individual)
performance: Issues, claims, evidence and the role of sorting
effects. Human Resource Management Review, 24(1), 41-52.
Running head: UNIT III PROJECT 1
Unit III Project
Improving Organizational Culture: Acceptance of Religion and
Inclusivity has become a significant factor in organizational
culture, especially with organization hiring more diverse
individuals in the workplace. Technology and increased
mobility of work have made it easier to find people of more
than religious belief and practice in the workplace. It is,
therefore, necessary to become cognizant of these diversity
elements and devise ways to accommodate individuals with
diverse religious backgrounds to avoid workplace conflicts and
infringements of workers' rights which may affect both
productivity and profitability.
One issue that arises with religious beliefs is the issue of
absences due to religious purposes. For example, the Seventh
Day Adventists are advised to observe the Sabbath on which
they are not supposed to perform any work. This is bound to
create conflict especially when an employee is unsuccessful
when seeking to be excused from work on a Saturday. Also, it
may create some level of resentment for the other employees
who have to work on Saturday and cover the individual's duties
when they are paid similar wages. Another way in which
religion may affect the workplace is in the case of certain holy
days which while they are not frequent and regular, they are
considered as days of religious observance. For example, the
Hindu observe Diwali while the Muslims have Id Il Fitri. It may
be difficult for an employer to allow these holidays especially
when he is understaffed. While in some cases it is allowable by
the court, it may paint the employer as discriminatory towards a
particular religion. Other instances occur during Ramadhan
where the Islamic community stay off food for a significant
period and they are invited to luncheons. Or where certain
religions do not accommodate foods that are not Halal and yet
the company offers meals to its employees, (Dinsen & Thuesen,
Legally, it is allowed for an employer to record as
insubordination in the event it may increase financial costs or
cause some level of inefficiency in the organization. However,
it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that the
workplace and the organizational culture is an appropriate fit
for the individual. This can be done by ensuring that there is
documented transparency concerning an individual's religion
which is made known to the supervisors of the individuals. The
work schedule should be flexible to accommodate work swaps,
and the individual compensates for the time they were absent.
It is important for the organization to ensure that while normal
food is prepared, also foods that are considered Halal are
prepared to accommodate those whose religion permits. Also, it
is important to educate members of the organization on the
importance of observing workplace sensitivity when it comes to
diversity in religions.
Beliefs concerning gender and sex are mostly impacted by our
cultural beliefs and the religious beliefs. While some
individuals may be open to the idea that sexuality may be
expressed in more than one way, it might be a difficult concept
for other people to understand. For example, an individual may
be put off when he sees two women associating romantically.
Also, an individual may feel offended when they are considered
as a man or woman yet they prefer to be gender fluid.
Gender sensitivity is important to ensure that a workplace is a
suitable place for people to express themselves wholly without
fear of being judged, being discriminated or experience hate. It
is therefore important to create awareness and hold sensitivity
sessions during orientation for each employee in the workplace.
Further, it may be necessary to ensure that freedom of
expression and inclusivity is emphasized as an integral work
policy in the organization, (Ang & Van Dyne, 2015).
Fig Technologies is committed to ensuring an inclusive and
diverse workplace. To that effect, all religious beliefs
represented in the organization will be well accommodated. It is
important that the individual concerned with a particular
religion exercise due diligence towards the company as well.
All holy days which are well documented will be allowed to be
observed by the individual. In case this day falls on a working
day, it is necessary that the individual compensates at a later
date. Workplace wear will be respected and can accommodate
religious attire where reasonable. The company will be able to
provide meals that are sensitive to the cultural and religious
backgrounds of individuals in the organization. No religion
shall be discriminated upon for whatever reason.
Also, the company recognizes different and diverse sexual and
gender identities. All individuals regardless of their sexual and
gender identity will be treated as equal according to their
designation and their required roles. They shall be free from
harassment of any nature, and any individual who perpetuates to
harass them shall be fired immediately. No one should be
discriminated upon based on their sexual or gender orientation
and they will be treated with the respect that they deserve.
Dinesen, P. T., & Thuesen, F. (2015). Working Together?:
Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace and Social Trust.
In European Sociological Kongress.
Ang, S., & Van Dyne, L. (2015). Handbook of cultural
intelligence. Routledge.
Bell, M. P. (2017). Diversity in organizations (3rd ed.). Boston,
MA: Cengage Learning.
Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation
The Fig Technologies Executive Leadership Council (ELC) has
received several requests for transfer to the United States from
nations of diminished tolerance. The ELC has asked you to
develop a presentation briefly explaining the history of
diversity-based legislation. In your presentation, describe the
challenges of legislating diversity, and compare historical
legislation of diverse populations to more recent diversity
legislation. Also, explain how diversity legislation impacts
ethnic, orientation, and gender groups as well as those of age,
appearance, and perceived disability.
At least two additional resources should be used in addition to
your textbook, one of which must come from the CSU Online
Library. All sources should be cited and referenced properly
using APA formatting. The presentation should consist of a title
slide, a minimum of 10 slides of content, and a reference slide.
Since this is a presentation, at least one slide should include a
graphic or chart to present information.
The following link and PDF are excellent sources provided by
the CSU Writing Center for PowerPoint best practices and basic
instructions for creating a presentation.
Click here to view a PDF that covers the basics of using
Information about accessing the Grading Rubric for this
assignment is provided below.
Bell, M. P. (2017). Diversity in organizations (3rd ed.). Boston,
MA: Cengage Learning.

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  • 1. Sheet1CLOUD HARDWARE BUDGETED INCOME STATEMENT OF 12 MONTHS JAN FEBMARCHAPRILMAYJUNEJULYAUGUSTSEPTEMBEROC TOBERNOVEMBER DECEMBERINCOME(SALES)-6.31449- 6.412362-5.41236-5.31296-6.4149-7.312321-4.312632-3.2016- 5.4123-2.414269-5.414221-4.414332COST OF GOODS SOLD000000000000GROSS PROFIT-6.31449-6.412362- 5.41236-5.31296-6.4149-7.312321-4.312632-3.2016-5.4123- 2.414269-5.414221-4.414332 EXPENSESPREPAID EXPENSES1500300045001500150030003000300015001500150 03000OPERATING INCOME-1506.31449-3006.412362- 4505.41236-1505.31296-1506.4149-3007.312321-3004.312632- 3003.2016-1505.4123-1502.414269-1505.414221- 3004.414332INTEREST EXPENSE000000000000INCOME BEFORE TAXES000000000000INCOME TAX EXPENSE000000000000NET INCOME/LOSS-1506.31449- 3006.412362-4505.41236-1505.31296-1506.4149-3007.312321- 3004.312632-3003.2016-1505.4123-1502.414269-1505.414221- 3004.414332EPS 60000 COMMON STOCK-0.0251052415- 0.0501068727-0.075090206-0.0250885493-0.025106915- 0.050121872-0.0500718772-0.05005336-0.025090205- 0.0250402378-0.025090237-0.0500735722 Running head: UNIT V PROJECT 1 UNIT V PROJECT 4Unit V Project Gender and Work-Life Balance
  • 2. The issue of gender equality is most prevalent in the corporate world. In most cases, if not all, the victimized group are women. This is precisely manifested in the compensation difference found between the genders. Fueling this debate is the act of some employers to pay their female employees less compared to the male counterparts. Because of the difference in the compensation gap, there exists a significant disparity in the monetary and non-monetary benefits for work. In spite of the efforts to bring equality in the corporate world, less has been achieved. So far, there has not been any direct connection between performance and gender (Malach Pines et al., 2010). Therefore, undervaluation of the women's work is wholly based on male chauvinism and the traditional role of men and women in the society. These discriminations against the hiring, promotion, and the assignment of jobs to women have disabled the efforts meant to foster equality. The aim of all the businesses is always to make massive profits by creating more market, which this is attained by having a conducive working environment to the employees, considerate salaries, and remunerations as well as proper management which can only be achieved through workplace culture. With the current growth in technology and the issue of globalization, many organizations have been formed to fight for the women to make sure that they have been given leadership positions in the businesses, government, and also in the society. It is important to ensure that there is a minimal gap in gender pay in the technology industry. In assigning duties and responsibilities, employers should ensure that they possess the required technical and communication skills that pertain administration services. The
  • 3. advantage streams along ensuring flexible in working schedules. Flexibility involves compressing working days into flexible hours or telecommuting. Flexibility provides a concern for general personal obligations in life responsibilities. However, sometimes the flexible schedules can lead to distractions from neighbors and friends. Telecommuting has no clear delineation between work and home. Flexible schedules ensure that employees enjoy their time without inconveniences thus reduce turn-over rates for the valued staff. Even more important this will ensure there is minimal consumption of time and fuel costs. A well thought out schedule allows employees to work from home when there isn’t so much work to be done in the office, this means that fewer people will be driving and easier for people to telecommute. Nevertheless, a sense of personal control of the work environments provides motivation and good entrepreneurial spirit thus increased productivity. Flexibility ensures that employees do not burn out from overload. Thus, reduces tardiness and absenteeism. However, team-oriented departments require set guidelines to meet the day’s activity. Managers are sometimes faced with troubles adjusting to new management styles when some of the staff members have not come to work. Offering child and elder care is one of the best ways of recruiting talent. Family-friendly benefits are said to be one of the ways of retaining working parents (Dychtwald et al., 2006). The parents need time off for things like doctor’s appointment, unexpected illnesses, and family vacations. Attending to the aging parents helps in ensuring that the employees focus on work without distraction from family duties. As workforce mature, the organization becomes caregivers to children and the elderly. Firms that introduce such initiatives help the employees with caregiver responsibilities. Work and life balance lead to better working performance. Job satisfaction will be at a high rate and many of the employees will be committed to their organization. Such incentives tend to reduce the turn-over rates and most importantly bosses perform their jobs better thus
  • 4. increases profits and minimizing the costs for firms. References Dychtwald, K., Erickson, T. J., & Morison, R. (2006). Workforce crisis: How to beat the coming shortage of skills and talent. Harvard Business Press. Malach Pines, A., Lerner, M., & Schwartz, D. (2010). Gender differences in entrepreneurship: equality, diversity and inclusion in times of global crisis. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 29(2), 186-198. Running head: UNIT II PROJECT 1 6 UNIT II PROJECT Unit II Project Benefits of Organizational Diversity Columbia Southern University Assessment of findings in Miami office, Florida. Fig Technologies has a work force comprising women. The culture has promoted development of subjective sexual
  • 5. relationships in its call service center based at Miami office. These two offices have witnessed rising tension among staff members who are pro biased associations championed by their colleagues. Some of the issues found bewildering these offices include: personal prejudice towards their seniors which has led to declining marketability of the company’s products like Futbal. Equally, the excursion found out that due to dominance of women workforce from cross cultural and social orientations, same sex- relationships are developing. The influence of university graduates working in the call centers has immensely influenced the professional practices. Lately, it has become common practice among employees to withdraw from their duty posts and engage in gossiping and fist fighting. In addition, the employee conflicts have been rising and cross-manipulation due to transfers between offices in Miami and those at Kansas City. The present organizational culture at the Miami offices have thwarted growth of Fig Technologies. This has been demonstrated by the poor taste towards their products as revealed by the international employees working in these offices. The employees have noted low morale and zeal to use the utility provided by the Fig Technologies. Indeed, the markets in South Africa and Brazil has frustrated the sales of the utility because of poorly constructed organizational culture. Diversity, both in principle and policy is one solution to the currently dwindling business environment. It is in the interest of the company that it maintains growth, though the existing gender composition of employees is derogative and out for malicious fall of the firm. With such a tendency, impropriety in management of organizational affairs and large scale dysfunctional social relationships will continuously limit its success, (Ostroff & Schulte 2014). Assessment of findings in Kansas City offices, Missouri The situation at Kansas office is worse. Lack of sexual diversity at Fig Technologies have indicated increasing same sex relationships developing. At the office, it was found that all staffs, including gate attendants and the senior management
  • 6. officers were predominantly ladies. The office had limited time for social activities which encompassed opposite sex in the cadre. The culture of the organization also barred socializing with men at workplace, as a result, most of the ladies appeared secluded from their social system. They stayed long hours at work place which significantly influenced their desire for opposite sex. In addition, it was established that the employees, mostly women having been indulging in heterosexual practices. Sexual connections have initiated with the liberalized within the social systems of employees. As workers continue to redefine their attachments with their colleagues, there has been diminishing output and creativity. Fig technologies have become the hood for heterosexual people. Ladies with homosexual cravings have found the Kansas office satisfying. There has been declining interest on their clients. Consequently, the management has opted to counter the tendency. The only sure way is to adopt diversity both at recruitment, job allocation, and social attachments. Lack of organizational diversity at the Kansas City office has worked at the detriment of the organizational growth. So is the need to ban it. Diversity is important in fostering growth through enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills. Presence of highly integrated workforce, characterized by culturally composed gender orientation fosters inclusive engagement towards realization of economic objectives of the organization. Besides, it is noteworthy to highlight the social impacts of diverse culturally composed workforce in effecting change and taste for testing new undertakings, (Ostroff & Schulte 2014). Recommendation The relevance of analyzing organizational culture is in finding the best practices that will in the long run enhance output in the organization. As an organization absorbed in delivery of technologies to the market, the management will be interested on practical ways of enhancing diversity, especially, if it is certified as impeccable in profit maximization.
  • 7. One such way of enhancing organizational diversity at Fig Technologies is improving workplace engagement and associations.This is achieved through improved systems of recruitment, enhanced employee engagement, and composure for retention. Also, it is only through on such benchmark that the management can spearhead establishment of both formal and informal activities in order to enhance interactions between the employees located at different levels of the organization, department and social profiles. This will help in colonizing roaming employees who seldom fight peace at their work stations due to volatile memories, (Alvesson 2016). The executive committee should consider adopting a functioning work design that facilitates interaction between employees as well as an improved scheme of recruitment where new employees are introduced into the firm in order to strengthen existing employees. A functional system of organizational diversity enhances progress and achievement. This is actualized through open forums for consultative decision making, and has a long-term impact in institutionalizing the organization for social growth, (Gerhart & Fang 2014). The employees have been commonly seeking their own schemes of adjusting to both informal and formal work challenges. The Executive council should consider establishing as well as improving existing formal and informal channels through which they can express their grievance. It should be complementing these channels with awards and recognition systems is one way of boosting morale of employees. The long-term impact is rising growth in product admissibility and creativity, (Mora 2013).
  • 8. References Alvesson, M. (Ed.). (2016). Organizational culture. Sage. Mora, C. (2013). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for Survival. Journal of Media Research, 6(1), 65. Ostroff, C., & Schulte, M. (2014). A configural approach to the study of organizational culture and climate. Gerhart, B., & Fang, M. (2014). Pay for (individual) performance: Issues, claims, evidence and the role of sorting effects. Human Resource Management Review, 24(1), 41-52. Running head: UNIT III PROJECT 1 UNIT III PROJECT 5 Unit III Project Improving Organizational Culture: Acceptance of Religion and Orientation
  • 9. Inclusivity has become a significant factor in organizational culture, especially with organization hiring more diverse individuals in the workplace. Technology and increased mobility of work have made it easier to find people of more than religious belief and practice in the workplace. It is, therefore, necessary to become cognizant of these diversity elements and devise ways to accommodate individuals with diverse religious backgrounds to avoid workplace conflicts and infringements of workers' rights which may affect both productivity and profitability. One issue that arises with religious beliefs is the issue of absences due to religious purposes. For example, the Seventh Day Adventists are advised to observe the Sabbath on which they are not supposed to perform any work. This is bound to create conflict especially when an employee is unsuccessful when seeking to be excused from work on a Saturday. Also, it may create some level of resentment for the other employees who have to work on Saturday and cover the individual's duties when they are paid similar wages. Another way in which religion may affect the workplace is in the case of certain holy days which while they are not frequent and regular, they are considered as days of religious observance. For example, the Hindu observe Diwali while the Muslims have Id Il Fitri. It may be difficult for an employer to allow these holidays especially when he is understaffed. While in some cases it is allowable by the court, it may paint the employer as discriminatory towards a particular religion. Other instances occur during Ramadhan where the Islamic community stay off food for a significant
  • 10. period and they are invited to luncheons. Or where certain religions do not accommodate foods that are not Halal and yet the company offers meals to its employees, (Dinsen & Thuesen, 2015). Legally, it is allowed for an employer to record as insubordination in the event it may increase financial costs or cause some level of inefficiency in the organization. However, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that the workplace and the organizational culture is an appropriate fit for the individual. This can be done by ensuring that there is documented transparency concerning an individual's religion which is made known to the supervisors of the individuals. The work schedule should be flexible to accommodate work swaps, and the individual compensates for the time they were absent. It is important for the organization to ensure that while normal food is prepared, also foods that are considered Halal are prepared to accommodate those whose religion permits. Also, it is important to educate members of the organization on the importance of observing workplace sensitivity when it comes to diversity in religions. Beliefs concerning gender and sex are mostly impacted by our cultural beliefs and the religious beliefs. While some individuals may be open to the idea that sexuality may be expressed in more than one way, it might be a difficult concept for other people to understand. For example, an individual may be put off when he sees two women associating romantically. Also, an individual may feel offended when they are considered as a man or woman yet they prefer to be gender fluid. Gender sensitivity is important to ensure that a workplace is a suitable place for people to express themselves wholly without fear of being judged, being discriminated or experience hate. It is therefore important to create awareness and hold sensitivity sessions during orientation for each employee in the workplace. Further, it may be necessary to ensure that freedom of expression and inclusivity is emphasized as an integral work policy in the organization, (Ang & Van Dyne, 2015).
  • 11. Fig Technologies is committed to ensuring an inclusive and diverse workplace. To that effect, all religious beliefs represented in the organization will be well accommodated. It is important that the individual concerned with a particular religion exercise due diligence towards the company as well. All holy days which are well documented will be allowed to be observed by the individual. In case this day falls on a working day, it is necessary that the individual compensates at a later date. Workplace wear will be respected and can accommodate religious attire where reasonable. The company will be able to provide meals that are sensitive to the cultural and religious backgrounds of individuals in the organization. No religion shall be discriminated upon for whatever reason. Also, the company recognizes different and diverse sexual and gender identities. All individuals regardless of their sexual and gender identity will be treated as equal according to their designation and their required roles. They shall be free from harassment of any nature, and any individual who perpetuates to harass them shall be fired immediately. No one should be discriminated upon based on their sexual or gender orientation and they will be treated with the respect that they deserve. References Dinesen, P. T., & Thuesen, F. (2015). Working Together?: Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace and Social Trust. In European Sociological Kongress. Ang, S., & Van Dyne, L. (2015). Handbook of cultural intelligence. Routledge. Bell, M. P. (2017). Diversity in organizations (3rd ed.). Boston,
  • 12. MA: Cengage Learning. Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation The Fig Technologies Executive Leadership Council (ELC) has received several requests for transfer to the United States from nations of diminished tolerance. The ELC has asked you to develop a presentation briefly explaining the history of diversity-based legislation. In your presentation, describe the challenges of legislating diversity, and compare historical legislation of diverse populations to more recent diversity legislation. Also, explain how diversity legislation impacts ethnic, orientation, and gender groups as well as those of age, appearance, and perceived disability. At least two additional resources should be used in addition to your textbook, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. All sources should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting. The presentation should consist of a title slide, a minimum of 10 slides of content, and a reference slide. Since this is a presentation, at least one slide should include a graphic or chart to present information. The following link and PDF are excellent sources provided by the CSU Writing Center for PowerPoint best practices and basic instructions for creating a presentation. ces/ Click here to view a PDF that covers the basics of using PowerPoint. Information about accessing the Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
  • 13. Bell, M. P. (2017). Diversity in organizations (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.