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We are at the home of young MEGAN DeCARLO, 4,
beautiful brunette. Megan's house is in a
middle-class section of Toronto, Canada.
Her mother ANNE DeCARLO, 22, young Italian woman,
watches her play.
Suddenly, Megan's father, RICHARD DeCARLO, 22,
tall, dark and handsome, tears out of the house
in a huff.
He is carrying his suitcase. Anne runs over to
him and tries to stop him; he pulls his arm away.
Please, Richie, don't leave!
I can't take this bullshit anymore!
You, with your tight pants and your
swinging your ass in every guy's
face! I can't take it anymore!
What do you mean? That is not
true !
He gets in the car and STARTS the engine.
Okay, okay, if you say you don't
like the way I dress, I can change,
please give me a chance!
He GUNS the engine.
It's too late!
He backs the car out of the driveway and speeds
Richie no! No!
She falls down on the lawn, bawling. Megan sees
her crying and starts to cry herself.
A now eight-year-old Megan plops down at her mom's
dinner table. Her hair is twisted into a pony-tail
and she is a lovely girl.
Megan's well adjusted young sister, PIPER, 6, sits
happily eating at the table -
Anne, carrying meatloaf, sits down at the table.
She looks harried and tired.
Okay, Megan. Make sure to eat
your vegetables.
(holding up her
I'm eating my vegetables.
Good, honey.
Oh, you spoiled brat! Why don't
you just...
You have been a real handful
lately, young lady. Do you
know how hard it is for me
to work all day and then
come home and feed you girls?
I'm stressed out!
Why do you always listen to her!?
How come I am always the wrong
one? If daddy were here I bet he
would take my side!
Your father did not care enough
about you to be here! I am here
and I am your mother. Now give
me a break.
She shoots out of her chair and runs to her room.
Megan/ you come back here and
eat your dinner!
The door SLAMS in Megan's room. Piper looks at
her mother as green bean juice streams down her
chin. Anne palms her forehead.
Oh. . .
Megan lays on her bed and cries. She kicks her
legs in frustration. She feels alone. She's angry
at the world, wishing it would blow up.
Megan is standing on the edge of a well. She is
reliving her father's exit from her life.
Richard pulls the car out of the driveway and
takes off.
screams out for him to stop. She loses her footing
and falls into the well.
She lands deep at the bottom of the well. She
screams at the top of her lungs for help, nobody
She cries profusely and slips her back against the
well -
She sees the silhouette of her father at the top
of the veil.
Daddy! Help!
Please help me!
He stops for a moment as if he hears her pleas.
Megan cries as she watches him pause above.
After a moment he moves again and proceeds to
cover the veil. Megan panics as she watches the
darkness form.
Megan wakes up from a nightmare. She is crying
and shaking. She folds into the fetal position
and bavls loudly.
Megan is sitting on a couch. A PSYCHIATRIST listens
as she speaks.
I saw him doctor. I saw him the
other day!
Where did you see him?
At the park. He was with some
lady. He was at the park with
some lady and it wasn't my moml
Megan is walking through the park, kicking the
dirt as she walks. She passes a grove of trees
and hears laughing.
She stops and peers around a tree.
who is with a WOMAN. A young, pretty woman. They
are having a picnic. They are spread over a bright
red table cloth.
They laugh and cavort. She tries to eat as he grabs
her and kisses her.
MEGAN is in shock. She covers her mouth and tries not
to scream.
Richard hears her and looks in her direction. He
sees her peering around the tree.
He looks at her and smiles. Not a friendly smile,
but a wicked, sly smile.
Megan, caught, runs from the tree and disappears -
Richard laughs and grabs the woman. He lays her
on the ground and kisses her as she giggles.
And it upset you to see this, Megan?
Yes, it did!
Why did it upset you, Megan?
Because he was with that lady!
That stupid, stupid, lady!
Why do you think you are upset by
your father, Megan? Why can't you
just let him be and get on with
your life?
I don't know.
Do you love your daddy?
I don't know.
The doctor hands her some kleenex. She wipes her
Megan, you have to remember that
your father is just a man and you
need to understand that he is not
a perfect man. Can you understand
You were very young when your
daddy left. It is okay that you
have mixed feelings about him.
You have the right. All we can
hope for in this life is for
things to go as smoothly as
possible. That is all you can
do. You need to continue with
your life and hope your father
will come around/ otherwise, you
are just going to feel miserable
all the time, waiting for him to
become a better person. Do you
understand what I am saying?
I guess so.
He pats her on the back.
Get it all out, Megan. Just cry
all your sad feelings out and you
will feel better.
She bawls uncontrollably.
Megan/ now twenty-two, is a graduate student in
physics at CalTech in San Luis Obisbo, Califor-
nia .
She sits under a tree doing her homework. She is
approached by ROGER WILKES, 22.
Hello! Megan? Is it?
He puts out his hand and Megan shakes it.
You are in my analytical physics
Roger looks quite similar to Richard. Megan smiles
freely at his handsome face.
That answer you had about hard
water. . - I just wanted to tell
you, I completely agree with you.
You were right on with that answer.
Sit down.
He sits down with her. They begin a long conversation
and look deep into each other's eyes. There is a
spark between them.
Megan and Roger sit in class listening to the
professor lecture. They sit with their desks
next to each other.
As the professor continues to speak they explore
each other's palms with their fingers.
Roger and Megan are alone in her dorm. They sit
on the couch and attempt to do homework.
They are failing miserably. They lay down on the
couch and make out. After a few moments they get
back to work.
(looking at Roger)
Do you love me?
(stops; smiles)
Do you love me?
Yea/ you know I do.
Megan pauses a beat.
Then, if you love me, don't you
think we should make some official
commitment to each other?
Like what?
How about exchanging pledges?
That's silly . We don't need to
do that. I like things the way
they are. Let's just keep it at
I don't want to! How do I know
you are not going to leave me/
if I can't get any kind of
commitment out of you!?
Their conversation continues over dinner.
I don't even know what you mean
by pledges?
The WAITRESS, who is very cute, brings them their
(to waitress)
Oh! You are fast! I don't think
I *ve ever gotten my dinner here
this rapidly.
Thank you very much,
(she curtsies)
Thank you!
Is there anything else I can get
I think we're okay.
The waitress smiles and leaves. Megan glares at
That's why I want a commitment
out of you!
(pouring ketchup)
What? The waitress? She just did
a good job.
You are sitting here with me and
you are acting like I am not here.
I don't like that- I don't have
any patience for being treated
badly• I had too much of that
when I grew up.
(takes her hand)
What exactly are you trying to
say? Marriage?
(head cast down)
I would feel much better... Uh,
I was wondering... Do you think?
Yes... I am wondering if you will
marry me?
Oh, I don't know... I mean, I
want to date other women...
A broad smile forms across his face. Megan, perplexed,
studies his face.
Do you mean... You will?
Of course I will. I don't need
anybody else. You just needed to
convince me. You're stuck with
me forever.
(tears up)
That sounds like a good deal!
They hug over the table and kiss. They sit back
down and Roger continues to eat. Megan wipes her
eyes dry.
I'm going to write this in my
journal right away. I don't want
to lose this joy I am feeling.
They take each other's hands and hold them together
over the table.
Roger and Megan are making love. They have now
been married three years.
We are in their Baltimore, Maryland apartment.
With a grant from the University of Maryland,
they are experimenting with nuclear fusion
A troller fights waves as Roger and Megan stand
Large yellow barrels are hoisted by a crane onto
the deck. The barrels are filled with seawater.
Roger hugs Megan from behind as they watch the
workers lift the barrels.
The deck has about fifty barrels on it. Roger and
Megan will extract lithium and deuterium from the
seawater, by which they will produce plasma.
Roger hugs Megan tighter.
I wish you didn't have to go out
of town tomorrow. I hate it when
you are gone.
Megan cranes her neck towards him.
We need to supplement our grants.
Without the lecturing and research
I do, we wouldn't have enough funds
to complete our research.
Do you think we have true love?
What do you mean?
(turns around)
You know, a Romeo and Juliet kind
of love? A love that is so strong
that nothing can break the bond,
not even death.
Yea, I'd say we have that kind
of love.
She kisses him passionately.
Do you really think so? Did you
feel it just now when T kissed
I'd say so. That feels like real
love to me.
Don't forget that kiss. That is
what you are going to miss if you
lose me.
She puts her arms across his neck.
We have a good kind of love here,
Roger. We have that special kind
of love, not the common kind. Do
you know how many people there
are out there who are together
just out of convenience? We
don't have to be like those
people. We have true love, don't
you think?
She kisses him again.
You're not going to get any
argument out of me.
They embrace each other tight.
Megan is sitting in her seat.
She is writing notes ana thoughts on her laptop.
As she works she begins to fall asleep.
Megan stands in the middle of the park. The wind
blows the trees in the isolated park.
She hears Roger's voice talking to her/ but she
cannot see him.
I won't disappoint you Meggie.
Megan looks around/ wondering where he is.
What? Roger, where are you?
I won't leave you. You can
depend on that.
Richard appears before her eyes.
Megan, I won't leave you.
(smiles sweetly)
I love you Megan. I want to be
there for you. We won't disappoint
Won't disappoint me? Why are you
here? Where is Roger!?
He walks to Megan and extends his hand. Megan reaches
for the hand.
She morphs into herself at eight-years-old. She
continues to reach for the hand and it dissolves.
Ma'am, we'll be landing soon. Please
secure your seat belt and place your
seat in the upright position-
Megan is slightly dazed.
Oh... okay.
She puts her seat upright and fastens her seat
belt. She appears slightly numb.
CLOSE ON ROGER as he drinks a cup of coffee. PULL
BACK as he buys a paper from a street vendor.
It is a dark fall night in Baltimore. Browning
leaves blow everywhere. Roger folds the paper
under his arm and walks down the street.
which Roger is walking across. He sees JUDITH
HACKBARTH, 19, crying and cursing on the bridge.
Judith is Roger and Megan's neighbor in their
apartment building. She attends the Maryland
Institute College of Art.
She renders on post cards to pay her tuition and
her rent. She is quite similar looking to Megan.
This has caused some consternation for Megan and
she does not like Roger being friendly with Judith.
Roger approaches her to see if she is all right.
Judith, are you okay?
She is slightly startled and turns her head suddenly
Goddamned, Peter... What?
Oh, it's you, Roger.
Roger delicately reaches out to her.
Are you all right?
(wipes tears; embarrassed)
Yes, yes, I am all right.
What are you upset about?
I'm just a little pissed.
You know Peter, my fiance?
The bastard broke up with me. The
marriage is off.
Oh, I am sorry.
He hands her a handkerchief•
Let me buy you a cup of coffee
and we can talk.
She blows her nose and wipes her eyes.
Why not?
They sit drinking coffee.
Anyway, I came home and heard a
message on my answering machine
saying he didn't want to be with
me anymore.
Some way to break up with someone,
on a machine!
It seems kind of cowardly, yea.
He takes her hand.
This is rough, Judith, I'm sorry
it's happened.
She looks at him for a second and smiles.
You are such a great guy, Roger.
I don't know why you put up with
that b.s. Megan gives you. If you
were my guy I'd thank ray lucky
He laughs nervously
Now, careful, Judith. I love Megan.
I don't want to badmouth her behind
her back.
She taps Roger on the hand.
I'm sorry. I know she is your wife,
but she's just so jealous. You are
such a caring person. You're always
there when people need you.
Megan has her problems, Judith.
She doesn't mean to be jealous.
Yea, I suppose you're right.
She begins to cry.
I suppose a roll in the hay to
raise my spirits is out of the
She cries with her head down.
She continues to cry.
He lifts her head and dabs her eyes. He holds her
chin and looks at her sternly.
Now. listen, Judith. You are
going to bounce back from this.
It will just take a little bit
of time. Now, straighten out
those shoulders and perk up.
She swipes her eyes with her arm and fashions a
Now, Meggie is out of town on
a lecture again. I want you to
have dinner with me tomorrow
night and we'11 keep each other
company, alright?
Do you think that will be okay?
I mean, what if Megan finds out?
You let me worry about Megan.
Okay. I will be glad to have
dinner with you.
Good, it's settled.
He smiles and takes a sip of coffee.
Megan is walking through the airport terminal.
She steps over to a phone to make a phone call.
She picks up a phone and proceeds to call. As she
makes her call, she sees the back of a man■s head.
She thinks it might be Roger.
She hangs up the phone and walks towards the man.
He picks up luggage and starts walking down the
terminal. He proceeds so fast Megan struggles to
keep up.
She follows him for maybe half the length of the
airport. He steps out of the terminal and Megan
follows him.
A car comes up to the curb and stops. A woman
steps out of the car and hugs the man.
Megan runs over to the man and turns him. She sees
that it is not Roger.
Oh, I am sorry.
She walks away rapidly. The man and woman stare
at her incredulously.
Roger and Judith sit eating dinner.
Excuse me, I need to go to the
Sure .
Roger leaves the room. The phone RINGS.
Judith, can you get that?
Sure/ no problem.
Judith gets up to answer the phone.
with Megan in her hotel room.
Hello? Is that you Judith?
The bathroom door is open a crack. Judith tries
to sneak a peek at Roger.
Yes, it's me, Megan.
(false sincerity)
How are you!?
What are you doing there?
We're just having dinner. A little
neighborly dinner.
Do me a favor, Judith, and put
Roger on.
looks infuriated.
comes back in the room.
(holding phone out)
It's Megan.
(grabs receiver)
Hello, sweetheart.
Why is Judith having dinner with
Oh, her fiance, Peter, broke up
with her so I thought I'd give
her a shoulder to cry on, no big
You don't think that's a little
dangerous considering the situation
she's in?
No, 1 think she's holding up okay.
I don't want Judith in our
apartment when I am gone.
Megan, you are being ridiculous.
Roger, you are making me angry!
Why can't you just do this simple
thing for me? You were supposed to
be the one human being who treated
me with a modicum of respect. I
don't think that's too much to ask.
(glances at Judith)
Look, Meggie, you are blowing this
out of proportion! You need to stop
being this way. Do you think this
is good for your psychological
health, being this way?
I don't trust you!
Meggie, I love you. I love you
more than my life. I am committed
to you, you can depend on that.
1 don't know if I believe you.
What more can I say?
I'm going to try and get some
Okay, I love you and I'11 see
you soon.
hangs up the phone. Tears fall down her cheek.
(to self)
Stupid, Megan. Stupid, Megan.
She pulls at her hair. Her hands start to shake,
just as they did when she was a child.
She starts to cry uncontrollably. She goes over
to the sink and pours herself a glass of water.
She lays down on the bed and folds into the fetal
(continuing; to self)
Roger, help me!
Roger comes out of an elevator. Immediately in
front of him is a door to his lab.
Roger and Megan work with radioactive material,
so their security must be tight.
The lab is on its own floor and a series of fail-
safes must be eliminated in order to gain entry.
This is done with a series of codes and electronic
keys. Roger inserts an electric key and opens the
We are in Roger and Megan's lab. The overcast sky
pours in the windows from the Baltimore skyline.
The lab is strewn with metals and wires and other
materials involved in fusion containers.
All over the lab are pictures of Megan and Roger
together; pictures of vacations, anniversaries,
In the lab is a large doughnut shaped container.
The container has a few magnets placed here and
there for conductivity.
They have been experimenting with using less magnets
to cut down on heat loss. This has been experimental
and they have not been very successful.
A ladder leads up to a three foot wide opening.
The container is eighteen feet high and is hollow
It is metallic and shines brightly under the lab's
lights. Roger walks over to a chalkboard.
He draws a haIf-section of his reactor. With red
chalk to represent heat, he draws plasma filling
the reactor.
The plasma formed from the lithium and deuterium,
derived from the seawater is heated to 180,000,000
The lithium and deuterium form to make tritium,
which makes radioactive hydrogen.
We are in Belaruse, Russia, with FRANK PAULSEN,
31, light brown hair. Frank is Roger and Megan's
Frank is very good at research, which is why Roger
and Megan chose him.
Frank is standing before a tokamak nuclear reactor
The tokamak looks like a doughnut like Roger's
reactor, but it has numerous magnets.
The reactor in front of Frank is one of many in
the plant. The reactors are warming up and they
are very LOUD.
Frank puts his finger in one ear and pulls out
his cell phone.
with Roger in his lab.
Yea, Roger, this is Frank. Can
you hear me?
Yea, I can hear you fine. What's
up Frank?
I'm standing next to the tokamak
right now. It's just getting started,
warming to 180,000,000 degrees.
How's she looking?
Well, there are a hell of a lot
more magnets on it than ours, but
they say it cuts down on energy
loss, they're still experimenting.
It's lonely here, Roger, not
having many conversations in
But/ the ladies are beautiful,
so there are compensations.
I believe you- Balkan women can be
very beautiful.
You're telling me.
Okay/ Roger. I am going to go
now. I'll see you later.
Okay, take care.
Roger walks up to his apartment building. Waiting
for him is Piper who is now twenty-three and has
long flowing cherry-coke hair.
Piper lives in New York and works as an insurance
investigator. Her personality is much as it was
when she was a child, carefree and happy.
She sees Roger walking down the street and runs
over to hug him.
Roger, my pal!
Roger hugs her back and kisses her cheek.
Piper? When did you get in town?
Just the other day. I'm here for
work. I just thought I would say
hi. . .
Roger is distracted by the sight of Judith coming
down the street■
Hi, Judith.
Judith approaches them.
Hello, Roger.
Roger motions to Piper.
Judith, this
Piper. Piper,
They shake hands.
Nice to meet you. Have you lived
here long?
About a year.
Well, it's nice to meet you.
Mice to meet you too.
I better get going.
Rye, Judith.
She heads up to her apartment.
She's pretty.
You could say that.
Anyway! I just wanted to touch
base and say hi. I wish I wasn't
so busy.
I understand that- You might know,
that Meggie is in New York, she'll
be back tomorrow.
is my sister-in-law,
this is Judith, my
I know she is. She told me she'd
be there, but I told her I'd be
traveling too. It's so hard to
keep in contact these days.
They hug.
I'll tell her you stopped by.
You do that.
Megan sits drinking orange juice. She is waiting
for her flight.
Through a glass wall we notice Piper walking down
the terminal in the b.g.
Piper sees Megan and walks into the restaurant.
Megan sees her and smiles.
She stands up and they hug.
It's so great to see you. We
thought we weren't going to see
each other, but my plane was
delayed. I guess that is what
it takes to get us together.
I guess so. Why don't you have
a seat. Do you want anything?
Just a cup of coffee.
Stay right here. I'll be right
Piper sits down. Megan comes back with a cup of
coffee. She sits down.
Thank you.
... I really have a lot on my mind. I
am really have run into
(sips coffee)
What's wrong?
I■ve been feeling run down... and
I have been having some weird
You have? Are you in analysis again?
No, I haven't been since I've been
(tugs her hair)
I just feel really confused.
Piper touches her hand.
Megan... you seem like you are
really disturbed.
Why don■t you tell me about your
I've had many dreams... I had
one the other night...
Megan stands alone in the middle of a stark, barren
desert. She is, once again, eight years old.
MEGAN (V.0-)
... I had a dream I was alone in
the desert. I was a little girl.
of things
glad I
Megan feels a great sense of loneliness. The desert
is quiet and the only noise is a light WIND.
MEGAN (V-0.)
It was very quiet; I could hear
myself breathe.
as Megan finds a 1967 Mustang Fastback. It is the
same car her father had and it is just sitting in
the desert.
Megan approaches the car and sees Richard sitting
inside, reclining. He sees her and sits up.
Oh/ there you are. I thought I
was going to wait all day for some
sex. Hop in and we'11 get it over
MEGAN (V-0.)
(continuing; tears)
I saw daddy. He was sitting in
his car.
He told me he wanted to have sex!
(to Richard)
You want to have sex with me? I
am only eight years old. Besides,
I am your daughter. Are you sick!?
Roger appears next to the car. He grabs Richard's
Yea! Are you sick!? Do you want me
to pound the crap out of you!?
Megan morphs into herself at twenty-five. She is
wearing a very sparse bikini. She flashes Roger
a come-hither look.
He lets go of Richard and walks over to Megan. He
looks at her lustily. He lays her down on the hood
of the car and makes out with her. Richard looks
at them from behind the wheel, upset.
Hey! What about me!?
(more hair tugging)
Pretty screwed up dream/ huh!?
Have you told Roger about your
(wiping tears)
No... He'll think I'm nuts!
Mo, Megan. He wouldn't think you
are nuts. He loves you.
If I knew you were having these
problems, I would•ve talked to
him about it when I said hi to
him in Baltimore. He was with
your neighbor, Judith, though/
so I guess it wouldn't have been
a good time anyway.
(caught off guard)
Wait... wait... wait. What do you
mean/ with Judith?
(wiping spilled
She was walking into your building
and he introduced me.
I don't like her!
She seemed nice enough.
She's a little tart. Roger has
had his eye on her every since
she moved into our building.
I don't believe that!
I don't trust Roger/ or anybody!
People let you down. They wrestle
your heart out of your body and
throw it into the garbage like
a piece of shit!
Megan! This is Roger you are
talking about. You two have a
real bond. I can't believe you
are feeling this way about him.
You try being married to him for
a few days! You'll see what he is
really like.
You can't expect me to believe
that you feel this way about him.
You have to know that he loves
you deeply.
You know those are your true
feelings, don't you?
... I guess so.
I don't know what's going on
with you, but I know that if
you are having doubts about
Roger, you should get them
out in the open, don't you
Yes, I'll try.
Frank stands before a fifty-four foot high laser
sphere in Livermore, California.
The building is as large as a basketball arena.
The sphere (chamber) is filled with conduits.
192 laser beams fire from the sphere and travel
through the length of the building.
The lasers gain strength with each pass of the
building. Frank walks with HOWARD, who works at
the lab.
When completed, she'11 be able to
deliver 40,000 joules of energy in
a pulse lasting one billonth of a
So, the newton moves the object
one meter in the direction of the
force 40,000 times in a billonth
of a second?
That's right... It is not all
wine and roses, though. We are
having problems, as you might
have heard.
Not the least of which are costs
That's right. Unfortunately we've
had our share of problems, audited
by Congress, problems with the
laser glass production and on and
This is surprising considering
your resources -
I understand you can•t reach
ignition at half power, which
is what you are operating at now?
That is correct... Have you had
much success with your research?
We're still working on a unique
angle, just like with you guys,
it's a struggle.
Tell me about it.
Come on, let me show you our
clean room. We have been building
it ourselves and have been running
into quite a bit of trouble...
Make sure your pink pass is visible,
we're a bit sticky about scrutiny
in there.
Frank straightens out the pass hanging off his
Judith is coming home from the store. She is carry
ing groceries. Roger, who saw her entering the
building, is helping carry them.
Megan is in the apartment. She is walking past
the apartment door. She hears talking outside
of the door.
She looks through the peephole on the door.
Roger is putting the groceries in front of Judith'
door. Judith leans over and gives Roger a peck on
the cheek.
Roger pulls away. She then lunges towards him and
gives him a wide, open mouthed kiss.
is in shock. She runs from the door in hysterics.
Roger pushes Judith off of him.
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to
do that.
What are you thinking/ Judith!?
I am married.
I'm sorry. I just felt an urge.
Bye, Judith.
He pulls his keys out and unlocks the door.
I'm sorry. I am truly sorry.
He walks into his apartment and closes the door.
Judith unlocks the door to her apartment.
She scoots the groceries in. She hears shouting
in Roger's apartment. She shakes her head.
(continuing; to self)
She walks into her apartment and closes the door -
Megan is hysterical. She is screaming at Roger at
the top of her lungs.
What was that!? What was that I
saw through the door!?
Roger is dumbfounded.
What? What through the door?
I saw Judith kissing you! I have
been watching you! Watching you
for years! What have you been up
Have you been fucking her, huh?
Do you think I am a fool? How
long has this been going on?
How long have you been duping
I'm not... I'm not duping you.
Nothing happened. She kissed me.
I did not want her to. I stopped
her. I am not having an affair
with her. You must believe me,
You expect me to believe that
after what I just saw!? You must
think I am a real idiot!
I told you...
You've probably been with her
for months!
You are a real bastard!
Well/ two can play this game! I'll
just go out and...
Roger pulls Megan towards him and kisses her, hard.
She pulls away and slaps him.
You bastard!
He kisses her again and forces her to kiss him.
After a few moments/ he stops. He takes her by
the shoulders and looks deep into her eyes.
Nothing is going on. She kissed
me and I stopped her, that is all/
you got that?
Megan is exhausted from emotion.
Yea... I got it.
He hugs her. She hugs him back, but keeps her
hands in a fist.
Roger is sitting at a booth. He sips a cup of
coffee. After a few moments Judith walks into
the restaurant.
Judith, please sit down.
She sits down. She seems tense and uncomfortable
Would you like anything?
Roger pauses a beat-
What I wanted to talk to you about
is... It is how... I know you are
lonely, Judith. Believe me, I have
a lot of sympathy for that. The
problem is... I love Megan.
Judith shakes her head and glares at Roger.
Take my word for it, Judith. If
it wasn't for Megan, I would love
to be with you. That's the problem.
But, you must understand, I love
Megan. I have chosen to live the
rest of my life with her.
He, again, pauses for a beat.
Can you understand that?
How many times do you think I
can have my heart ripped out!?
Look at you.
She gestures towards him.
Please, Judith.
No, you think you are this great
guy. You come to the rescue of the
poor girl on the bridge. Your poor,
pathetic neighbor, crying on the
bridge. But you don•t understand.
You don't understand how there
are lonely people, lonely people
like me, who can't get a break.
You have somebody! You have someone
to go home to. What do I have? I go
to school during the day and come
home to a lonely, dinky apartment.
You can't understand how lonely
that can be!
I have committed myself
person, Judith. I can't
Well, you can take your sanctimonious
stance and go to hell!
to another
just drop
She scoots out of the booth.
You just stick to your side of
the building and I'll stick to
Maybe someday you'11 have your
heart broken twice in one week
Then you'll know how I feel.
Until then, you can piss off!
She storms off. Roger looks exhausted.
CLOSE ON RED PENCIL twirling in a hand. PULL BACK
TO REVEAL Megan- She is sitting at her desk, staring
at the pencil.
Roger walks into the lab and she is startled.
Megan, I've been doing some thinking.
What is it?
I've got an idea.
He walks over to his chalkboard. He points to the
reactor on the board.
Now, here is our reactor. Our problem
is heat loss from our container, right?
Well, the solution is to find the
right material with which to make
the container out of. By which we
can contain our heat loss.
He takes a piece of chalk and writes on the board/
"gold." He begins to get excited.
Gold! Problem is, gold is the perfect
Right, it causes heat loss.
Right/ but you could mend that gold...
He draws criss-cross lines on the board.
... say in a fiber. And then combine
it with a hard, non-conductive material,
you would have the perfect non-heat
absorbing container.
I see, the only problem is, what
material is hard as well as
I don't know... but I know we'11
find it.
Roger hugs her from behind as she sits in her chair.
She swings the chair around and kisses him- She
kisses him in a passionate, breathless way.
Megan is on the phone with a fellow scientist, WILMA
She is working late at Scandia National Laboratories
So/ you need a strong, non-conductive
material to manufacture a reactor?
That's a tough one. Have you considered...
Megan has been twirling her red pencil, while talking
to Wilma. She begins to experience a massive headache
She drops the receiver and grabs her head.
Hello? Megan, are you there?
(to someone else)
I was talking to her and she's
The phone CLICKS and we hear the dial TONE.
Megan is waking up from unconsciousness. She is •
blurry-eyed and weak.
She tries to get up/ but stumbles badly. She tries
to open her eyes wider and get up.
which is standing in front of her. It is Richard.
Richard leans over her. He doesn't look a day over twenty
He will leave you.
Megan backs up against the wall, trembling in fear.
Leave me? Who will leave me? Who
are you? How did you get here?
I am your daddy, Megan.
My daddy? Are you dead? I haven't
seen you since I was a kid!
No, I am not a ghost. Megan! I
am here for you now.
(rubs eyes)
This can't be. I am seeing things.
Richard sits on the floor with her. Megan grabs
her Knees and hugs herself in fear.
Richard scoots close to her. He strokes her hair.
Megan, my dear/ sweet daughter. I
am here to make things up to you
and to tell you that no good shit,
Roger will leave you just like I
left your mother.
Megan, relaxed by the stroking, calms down a bit.
How can you know this, whatever
the hell you are?
He puts his arm around her. Megan's muscles are
obviously tense/ but she actually begins to listen
to the apparition.
I know this because I am a man.
Roger is going to leave you because
he can't keep his pants on. That's
just the way we are. We have
absolutely no redeeming values
whatsoever. But, I am here for you
now. I am here to make up for past
But... but, why are you so young?
You haven't aged a day.
Let's say I've been in storage.
I've been waiting for the right
time to come to you and figured
now was as good a time as any.
A large mirror sits on the wall opposite Megan.
We notice that she sits on the floor alone.
This sounds so ridiculous. I can't
be talking to you. I must have hit
my head.
He looks into her eyes.
If I am not real, then how could
I know this, That slut, what's her
name, Judith? He was screwing that
whore like a dog the whole time you
were out of town.
(tears up)
He was? How do you know?
I was here watching thera the whole
time! It was disgusting.
(wipes her eyes)
I am in shock. I don't know what
to say.
Just know that I am here for you.
I won't let you down again. I will
be here whenever you need me.
Megan begins to trust the apparition. She hugs it
tight and rests her head on his shoulder -
Oh, daddy, I'm so glad you are
here, I missed you so much! You
can't imagine how lonely I have
been without you. Even in a world
filled with people, I have been so
very alone!
The apparition turns into a red mist and disappears
Megan sees that there is no one in the room. The
phone HONKS and lays off the hook.
She hangs it up. She grabs a pillow from the couch
and rocks it between her legs. She pulls at her
hair. She cries and looks confused.
Judith is at the routing center of her postcards.
She is signing an authorization form to increase
her distribution.
The clerk takes her signature to the back to copy
it. Judith stands and waits for her to return. She
appears listless and tense.
A man on a forklift drives up to her. MIKE EARHART
has seen Judith on various other visits.
He is one of those guys who thinks every girl
cannot resist his charms. He gets off the fork-
lift and approaches her.
Miss Hackbarth! You are looking
beautiful today. How do you do it?
Judith is irritated by his presence.
Do what?
Manage to look so sexy every time
I see you?
She shakes her head in disbelief -
Let me tell you.
She motions him closer. He smiles and anxiously
stands close to her.
She leans in as if she is going to hug him. She
then, suddenly, knees him in the groin.
He reels in pain and climbs back on his forklift.
You are insane!
Stay away from me next time!
He drives the forklift off. She laughs as he drives
off, then, suddenly, frowns.
Roger and Frank are looking over plans for a new
So, let me explain some of my
Frank looks at the plans attentively.
Megan and I were discussing how
to make a container that won't
cause heat loss.
which show a reactor woven together with gold
strands. The spaces in between the strands are
Okay, you see these yellow strands
Yes, what are those?
These are strands of gold. Now what
we were thinking is, mend this gold
with a hard, non-conductive material.
The majority of the reactor would be
made of this material, thereby cutting
down on the conductivity.
I can't think of such a material,
That's what we have to figure out.
You don't want to work with the
magnets anymore?
Well/ it hasn't gotten us anywhere
yet. We can't seem to compensate
for the heat loss with the magnets
Well, it certainly would be
different. I can't think of any
reason why we shouldn't try a
different track. We've been trying
low conductivity for a year and
haven't reached breakeven, I don * t
see any problem with starting over
Great! We'11 start as soon as
possible on a new reactor,
(pats Frank's back)
I think we can do this, Frank. I
really do.
Let's reach for the brass ring.
Roger smiles.
Roger drives up to the unloading zone in front
of the airport. He gets out of the car and lets
Megan out. He pops the trunk for the luggage.
Megan is frowning and does not look happy. Roger
gives her luggage to the skycap. He takes Megan
in his arms and hugs her; she does not hug him
Have a good trip, Meggie.
He kisses her, but she does not kiss back. Roger
moves her hair out of her eyes.
I'll see you when you get back.
I love you.
Okay, good. I better get going.
She walks into the terminal.
HOLD CAMERA ON MEGAN as she walks into the airport.
She has a strange, determined look on her face.
She appears cold and listless as if she were possessed.
CLOSE ON PAD as Roger writes ideas for a possible
container material. He scratches out "plastics."
He writes a note, "melting point too high." He
writes, "What is hard, but low in its conductivity?"
Megan's car driving through the desert. She is in
Los Alamos, doing research at the National Lab-
The car comes to a stop. It backs up and parks
near the embankment.
Megan gets out of the car. She crouches over the
clay. She rubs it in her fingers and ponders. She
gets back in the car.
She pulls out her laptop. CLOSE ON SCREEN as she
creates a three-dimensional graphic of a reactor.
She draws in the yellow strands of gold. She fills
in the blanks with a brick color.
She places a marker pointing at the color and
labels it, "ceramic."
closes her laptop and puts it away. She starts the
car and drives away.
Megan is driving through the desert, trying to clear
her head. She seems restless and tense.
of the desert night. A jackrabbit runs across the
road. The road is very isolated and quiet. Not a
soul is around.
Megan drives slowly, through the dark, quiet night.
Suddenly she sees the mutilated body of a coyote on
the road. Blood covers the roadway.
Megan feels a sudden rush of pain. She sees the
apparition floating above her windshield.
He rests on thin air. He has his hands crossed
behind his head. He looks at Megan and smiles.
slams on the breaks. She loses control and skids
out in the sand. The car comes to a sudden halt
in a sand bank.
Megan is jarred. She sits for a few moments, then
exits the car. She leaves the lights on.
The apparition floats to the ground. He is humming
"Love Me Do," by the Beatles.
How are you sweetheart?
Megan backs up in fear. She trips in the sand.
Richard walks over to her and helps her up. She
can feel the solidness of his body.
What the hell is going on? Why
are you here again? You left.
Richard, his arm around her, walks her through the
cold desert night.
I know I left abruptly last time.
I had some other engagements. You
see, there's this stripper club I
like to pop into every so often
Thing! Or dad, or whatever you
are, I don't want to hear this.
A young man needs to sew his wild
But, I digress... You know, T am
so proud you are a scientist, I
didn't even finish high school.
Megan's face is filled with bewilderment.
What do you want? Why are you
torturing me? What are you?
She covers her eyes. He takes her hands off her
Megan, let's sit down.
They sit in front of the car. The headlights light
up Megan, but the apparition is in shadows.
Let' s get down to brass tacks -
(hugs her)
I want you to leave Roger before
he leaves you. Before he hurts
you. Let's call it a preemtive
strike. You know it is going to
happen. You know I am right. His
eyes have been wandering every
since we... I mean, you, met.
I am unsure. I am unsure if you
are right. How can I even be
talking to you!?
Figment of my imagination!
He rocks her gently.
Megan, sweetie, take it easy. Such
a fretter!
He looks her in the eye.
You know I am real. You can feel
me holding you. How can that be
wrong? You are not imagining me -
I know you are a scientist and
you need proof.
The apparition waves his hand in front of them.
A projection of Megan as an infant flashes before
Megan looks at the image and starts to cry. The
image is in faded color and shot in 8MM.
Richard looks at Megan watching the image. He
smiles as the light flickers across her face.
I shot this when you were three
months old.
It seems like yesterday.
But... How do you..- What is this?
How do you do... ?
Megan grabs him and bawls with appreciation. The
image fades. The cold wind blows as they sit there,
Megan wakes up in her car. It is morning and she
is parked by the side of the road.
She wipes her eyes and tries to wake up. Was last
night real? After a few moments she starts the car
and drives away.
Megan drives up to a gas station. She gets out of
the car and approaches a pay phone.
She dials the phone. As the phone KINGS she notices
a YOUNG MALE HITCHHIKER standing by the side of the
He is around twenty and wears jeans and a teeshirt.
Megan stares, he is very attractive. The phone is
It's me, Roger. I have something
I need to tell you.
Meggie! Sweetheart! It's so good
to hear your voice. How are you
Megan continues to peer at the hitchhiker.
Good... I'm doing good. Look...
I need to talk to you about the
Did you learn something at Los
So to speak.
Megan acts as if she is talking to a stranger.
I just wanted to throw some light
on an idea I have. You can take it
or leave it-
Okay, what is it?
I saw some clay here in New Mexico
and I thought you could use a ceramic
to complete the reactor.
A ceramic... Yea, there is a
precedent for that. Ceramics
are used on the space shuttle
and in some experimental car
engines... There are possiblities.
I don't know why I didn't think
of this earlier. You are a genius,
Megan can't take her eyes off the hitchhiker.
I hope you can use this, Roger...
I have to go now... I don't know
when I'll be home... I'll talk to
you later.
Well, thanks for the idea, Meggie-
I'll start running with it.
I love you Meggie. I hope you
are home soon. I have missed
making love.
Anger forms on Megan's face as he says that.
... I have to go now.
Okay, sweetie. I'll see you later.
Yes... bye.
She hangs up the phone. She holds the receiver for
a beat, as if that is the last conversation she is
going to have with him.
as Megan stops to talk to the hitchhiker.
You need a ride?
Just into town, if you don't mind?
Sure, get in.
Thanks, thanks a lot.
He gets in the car and they drive off.
It's hot out there.
(extends hand)
I'm Patrick Hanely, by the way.
(shakes it)
Megan Wilkes... uh, DeCarlo...
So, where are you heading?
I'm journeying all over New Mexico,
studying the native plants. I'm
hoping to get into graduate school
and get a masters in botany.
Really? You are studying to be a
scientist? I am a scientist, a
nuclear physicist.
Really? I'm not too into that. I'm
hoping we can use alternative forms
of energy, you know, something safer?
Megan seems very distracted. She spends'more time
looking at Patrick, than at the road.
Well, you know, nuclear energy is
really quite safe, if you take
proper precautions...
Megan looks in the rearview mirror.
Megan and Patrick are in a motel. They are ripping
off each other's clothes.
Megan gets astride him and thrusts him with gusto.
Megan is looking at the rearview mirror as Patrick
gets out of the car in a small town.
He reaches out his hand to shake hers. He notices
her peering at the mirror.
Are you okay, Miss DeCarlo?
Megan turns her head towards him.
I just wanted to thank you for
the ride.
She shakes his hand.
Uh... Good luck with your studies.
Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your
Thank you, I will, bye.
He closes the door and walks away. Megan sits for
a few moments. She turns her head and watches him
walk away.
She pauses a few more moments; she drives away■
Roger and Frank are sitting before a computer.
CLOSE ON SCREEN as they create a graphic of a
working reactor.
They are running simulations to see if the gold
and ceramic combination will work.
All we need to do is keep the
heat in the plasma. And if that
happens, and we keep the nuclei
at 100 trillion for one second,
we will breakeven.
The simulation is set and he lets it run.
watch with baited breath.
CLOSE ON SCREEN as the simulation runs its course.
We see a reactor, shinny brick in color, heating
up artificially.
A clock registers the ever climbing temperature
of the synthetic reactor.
Slowly, but surely, the simulated temperature
reaches 180,000,000 degrees.
look at each other.
She's holding.
Roger smiles.
a red atomic symbol blinks and SOUNDS an alarm.
The plasma begins to flow from the reactor. The
simulation stops and the screen goes blue.
Great, we just flooded the room
with a level seven accident! We
are dead with severe radiation
Maybe our metal and ceramic
combination was off. We'11 try
Frank pats Roger on the back.
Roger and Megan are working in the lab. Their
reactor is heating up.
Megan steps into a radiation suit. She hands Roger
his. He is about to step inside of it when a crack
forms on the reactor.
An ALARM SOUNDS and Megan runs to turn the reactor
off. A green flash shoots out from the crack.
Roger takes the shock of the blast. Megan runs
over to him. She gets on her knees and lifts
his head up.
Roger's face is badly burned. Radiation burns
have altered his face so much he can barely
(barely audible)
I love you...
Tears fall from Megan's cheeks.
I love you.
Roger begins to have convulsions.
Oh, Roger!
Megan bawls as she tries to keep him still. He
begins to gasp for breath as he chokes on his
swollen tongue. Megan tries to pull it out.
Roger, breathe ! Roger, breathe!
He slowly dies in her arms.
Nooo! Don't leave me, Roger!
She rocks his dead body back and fourth.
I'm so sorry, Roger! I'm sorry
for not having faith in you.
She takes her protective helmet off. She wipes
the tears from her eyes.
The green plume is long gone. CLOSE ON A GEIGER
COUNTER leaning by the wall, which hardly regis-
ters any radiation.
sits and holds Roger on her lap. She has a blank
look on her face -
You were right/ Roger. You were
not sleeping with Judith. I am
sorry. I am sorry I was tempted
to cheat on you. I am such a
jealous idiot... I will always
love you.
With tears pouring down her face she kisses Roger
on the lips, ignoring the possible radioactive
I will be okay without you. I
should've known it all along.
I can live without you.
Suddenly, by some miracle, Roger opens his eyes
and smiles.
I fooled you Meggie! I fooled you!
Don't worry. I can live without
you too, Meggie!
(laughs dementedly)
Megan is horrorified.
No ... !
Megan wakes up from a nightmare. She looks around
the dark room for a moment. She lays in bed and
weeps uncontrollably.
Roger and Frank are running another computer test
CLOSE ON SCREEN as the simulation starts up.
Here goes nothing.
Saints be with us.
The clock shows the temperature climbing slowly -
After a few moments the simulated reactor reaches
180/000,000 degrees.
The computer holds at 180,000,000 degrees. The
simulated reactor begins producing energy.
give each other high fives.
All right!
I knew we could do it!
Oh, what a relief.
They both laugh hysterically.
Roger and Megan are at home.
I don't understand, Meggie? We
t made love since you've
been back. What is going on?
I just don't feel like doing it.
I have the right, you know.
You do have the right. But I
think I have the right, as your
husband, to know why?
The doorbell RINGS. Roger opens up the door and
sees Judith. She does not look friendly.
She hands him mail.
This was put in my box by mistake.
Uh, thanks, Judith.
She begins to walk away, but Megan notices her.
What are you doing here, Judith!?
I'm just dropping off some mail,
put in my box by mistake.
I want you to come in here. I
want to know what you and Roger
are up to..
She pulls her into the apartment and closes the
I need to know whether you two
are having an affair or not!?
This is ridiculous. I don't want
to have this conversation.
Megan, let her leave. She has
nothing to do with you and me.
IJve seen that look that Roger
gives you, Judith! It is the same
look my father gave to his whore!
I want a straight answer from you.
Tell me you are not having sex with
my husband!
I am not having sex with your
husband, and he does not want to
have sex with me. He has made that
very clear.
When, Roger? When did you even
have a conversation with her
about this?
You are over analyzing things,
Megan - Why don't you just let
Judith go, and we can talk this
Because I want answers! Because I
don ' t trust you! Either of you!
Look, Megan, why don't you just
quit it? You are making a fool
out of yourself! I told you
nothing happened and that is the
Why do you have to be such a
shrew? I've never understood
what makes you tick. You've got
a really good lay here. Why can't
you just do him and shut up about
it? I think it would make you a
much happier girl.
You bitch! You unmitigated bitch!
You have a lot of nerve judging me.
You twinkle your eyes with every
guy you see, including my husband!
Judith charges at her; Roger stops her.
What the hell do you know about
me ! ? You don't know a thing about
I know you're a slut! A dirty,
slimy slut!
I'm out of here!
She opens the apartment door and runs out. Roger,
who looks like he has been hit by a freight train,
closes the door. Megan slaps him.
You son-of-a-bitch! Who do you
think you are!?
Roger cries, with the sting of the slap and the
Megan, why don't you give me a
chance to explain?
Explain what!? How you are having
an affair, or why you are meeting
Judith behind my back?
How... how I told Judith that
she must stop flirting with me.
I know that she is a flirt. I am
completely aware that she is
flirting with me. I told her it
must stop. She hasn't bothered me
You expect me to believe that?
She lives in our building, Roger.
How could you resist sleeping with
Because I love you! Because I have
always loved you! Why can't you
understand that?
Nobody loves me! I have always
known that! Nobody has ever loved
me !
I need time to think... I am so
confused! I don't know what I
believe and don't believe!
Roger attempts to touch her.
Why don't you just take some time,
honey? Take all the time you want.
She pushes him away.
Don't touch me! I don't want you
touching me!
Okay... okay. I am sorry. Take
all the time you need - I'll leave
you alone.
Roger walks away and Megan breaks into tears.
Megan is giving a lecture at the University of
Minnesota. She seems listless and worn and not
quite herself.
The students, however, sit and listen calmly as
she speaks.
As you all may, or may not, know.
An inertial confinement reactor
works by heating the target so
rapidly that the nuclei fuse
before the target can fly apart.
Laser beams hit the target in a
spherical chamber, producing
X-rays. The rays then hit a
hydrogen-filled pellet, vaporizing
its shell and compressing the
hydrogen. The hydrogen then becomes
so hot that the nuclei fuse.
She pauses for a few moments.
who are obscured by the bright lights.
feels disoriented; she continues.
Now the question that is always
asked with nuclear energy is:
"Is it safe?" I think the answer
to that is an unequivocal, "Yes."
Now, this could be an unpopular
The university is holding a reception for Megan.
Megan sits on a couch drinking a glass of wine.
She closes her eyes to relax. A woman approaches
her and Megan opens her eyes -
JANE MARSH, 60, is the dean of the University of
Washington. She is dignified and has an air of
authority about her.
She introduces herself to Megan and shakes her hand
Hello, my name is Jane Marsh. I'm
dean at the University of Washington.
Oh, nice to meet you. Why don't
you sit down?
She sits down.
Thank you. T was very interested
in your lecture. It was very
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I couldn't help noticing that you
seemed distracted, somehow.
Megan, who is slightly drunk, is taken aback.
Oh, really? How... how was I acting?
Well, you looked as if you were
going to faint.
Wow! I cannot believe I am that
(wipes her eyes)
I've been having some personal
I didn't get much sleep before
the lecture... I flew here just
a short time ago.
Is there anything you'd like to
talk about?
I'm prying...
No, it's okay, I'd like to talk
about it. Maybe it will make me
feel better.
Fire away.
Well, where do I start with my
stupid problems?
(rubs her hair)
I'm having problems with my
marriage, to tell you the truth.
You are?
(fidgets with her
I. . . I don't think I can trust
my husband anymore. I... still
love him, but I don't trust him.
That sounds unfortunate•
How long have you been married?
About three years.
The problem is. . . maybe the
problem's with me... I have
always had problems with trust,
especially men. You see, my father
left us when I was young and I
think it scarred my youth.
Oh, that must've been rough.
But, you seem so brilliant. You
have achieved so much in your young
Megan looks at her incredulously.
I have been watching you. You are
quite accomplished. You don't seem
to show any signs of childhood
Megan takes a sip of wine and laughs.
Oh, they're there!
I did see a psychiatrist, but
I don't think I gave him enough
of my money.
Well, Megan, do you think you
are being paranoid, or do you
have some specific allegation
against your husband?
Well, it's not as if I saw him
cheating on me, before my own
eyes. It's just that... I guess,
it's just that I can't believe
with all the beautiful women
walking around, he would want
to be with plain old me.
Oh, that's not true! You are very
beautiful, young lady.
Don■t sell yourself short! I have
an idea I would like to run past
(sips some wine)
What is it?
Well, I don't mean to be presumptive
or anything, but there is a position
available at my school. I know we
are in the middle of the school
year, but maybe you could take the
position? It would only be until
the school year ends and then you
could decide what you want to do
with the rest of your life. It
would give you a chance to clear
your mind and think... What do you
Well, maybe... I don't know. I
haven't ever done any teaching/
just lecturing... I guess I
would have to secure a teaching
Yes, but with your qualifications,
I don't think it would be any
problem at all. We could rush you
through it.
This sounds like an intriguing
offer, Jane. I'll have to think
about it awhile, I think.
That is no problem. Take all the
time you need. Right now we are
using temporaries, but you would
be worth the wait.
What subject is the class regarding?
It is a hypothetical physics class,
right up your alley, I think.
Jane gets up from the couch. She pulls a card out
of her purse and hands it to Megan.
Here's my card. Give me a call if
you decide to take the position.
Megan shakes her hand.
Thank you, I will. I will give it
a great deal of thought.
It's been very nice to meet you,
Megan and I hope we get a chance
to work with each other.
Thank you for your kindness, bye.
Goodbye -
She walks away. Megan looks at the card and contem-
plates deeply.
A newly assembled team works on the new reactor.
An eighteen foot high frame sits in the middle of
the lab.
Frank watches the laborers work and keeps an eagle
eye on them.
Yellow barrels of radioactive hydrogen are being
wheeled into the lab. A radioactive symbol is
printed in red on each side of the barrel.
One of the workers trips as he helps roll in a
barrel - The barrel tips to one side and almost
Frank rushes over and helps put the barrel back
on the cart.
You must be careful! This is
volatile stuff!
He wipes his brow.
Roger walks into the lab. He looks depressed/ but
he notices Frank's strain.
I'm going to have to get you an
assistant, Frank. You are carrying
too much of a load.
Frank notices him.
You might be right. I feel like
I'm carrying a little too much.
(to crew)
Why don't you guys take a half
hour break.
The crew leave the lab.
The reactor is shaping up well,
Yes, I think so.
Why are you in so late, Roger?
Is there something wrong?
Roger sits at his desk.
Megan and I are having some
Frank sits by him.
Is there anything I can do?
Just keep doing a good job here.
I'll find you some help because
I don't think Megan and I are
going to be much help to you in
the next few weeks. She has gone
on the road lecturing and I don'
think she has much interest in
what we are doing here... and
frankly, I can't work as hard
as I want to, because she has
my head spinning. But I will try
to be here as much as I can.
This is distressing, Roger. What
is Megan upset about?
She is under the impression I am
having an affair with our neighbor.
That is ridiculous, Roger! What
gave her that idea? You guys have
a really good thing going.
She's had problems like this for
a long time. I knew about it when
we were married, but it has gotten
worse in the last few months-
What are you going to do?
Just try to love her. That's all
I can do, love her. It really
galls me, though, that she doesn't
realize how much I love her. If
she knew how much I loved her, she
wouldn't have all these problems
with trust that she has.
Well, I am with you, Roger. I love
Megan, but I don't think she is
being fair to you.
What the hell would make her think
you are sleeping with this neighbor
Well, maybe it's my fault to a
degree. I have tried to be nice
to this girl because she has
problems, but Megan is just so
jealous, she can't separate
friendship from infidelity. She
thinks that my interest in helping
other people means I have ulterior
I hope you guys can work this out.
I'd hate to see one of the best
marriages to come down the pike
in years, go down in flames.
I feel the same way. I'm hoping
she comes to her senses before
it's too late.
Judith is sitting in a bar. Using a fake i.d., she
orders shots of whiskey.
MACK BENNET, 66, enters the bar and sits by her.
(to bartender)
Screwdriver, please.
The BARTENDER serves him the drink; he pays him.
Judith looks at Mack,
Do you like men? Do you like women?
Do you like either of them?
Excuse me?
Why do people have to be such jerks?
I don't know.
If you knew a woman who had this
guy, this perfect guy and acted
like a miserable bitch, would you
think much of her?
She takes a swig.
Well, I don't know. I would have
to know more about her.
Know more about her!? What do you
I don't know... maybe this young
lady has some personal problems
that are keeping her from being
It could be she doesn1
t realize
she loves him because she is
You have got to be kidding!? Are
you aware how many lonely people
there are out here? There are
people who have everything they
need, but can't seem to forget
the little things.
I don't care what someone's
background is like! They should
just be happy with what they've
got and just get on with it!
... Why aren't you happy with
what you've got?
What!? What are you talking about?
I haven't got anybody! Every guy
I have been with has betrayed me
in one way or another. I have
nothing to be happy about! I
can't just forget the little
things, because I have no one
to distract me from the little
things. This chick does. She has
everything! Do you know what I
would give to have the guy she's
got? She's got everything! She
just doesn't know it!
She takes another swig.
You are a very hostile young lady.
You don* t know anything about me.
I think you should count your
blessings, my dear.
Oh, what do you know, you old fart?
He backs out of his stool and begins to leave.
Take care of yourself, young lady,
you are in a dire state.
He leaves. Judith looks at the bartender.
Some guy, huh? He doesn't know
what the hell he is talking about.
I am totally together.
(laughs )
The reactor is now half complete and is shaped
like a doughnut like the previous reactor.
The shell is a shinny red color and there are no
magnets at all on the outside.
Megan is sitting on a bed opening a travel pouch
of aspirin. The apparition sits on a chair looking
at her.
(pops aspirin)
Did you love my mother?
I was certainly in lust with her.
I know that.
You know, she is still a beautiful
I'm sure she is, but I am still a
young man. She is old enough to be
my mother. T prefer to think of her
like she was. That is the woman who
turned me on.
You don't have any love for her at
You need to look at it from my
point of view, Megan. When you
are young, all you can think about
is, getting laid. 1 think that is
all I wanted from her.
Then, why were you mad at her? I
remember you fighting with her. If
she was so unimportant to you, why
did you fight for her?
No one wants to share his girl. It
is as simple as that.
But, maybe there was a part of me
that was fighting for you and your
sister. I was just too young and
naive to know it.
But I don't understand, daddy!?
She was our mother. How could you
treat her that way!? Do you know
how much she was hurt? She couldn't
see other guys for years. She spent
many years being lonely. You were
very cruel to her and us. I hate
you for what you did!
You are not being fair to me,
Megan. I told you before, I was
a young man. I was not ready to
be a father.
Then, why did you have children?
Don't you think it was irresponsible
to create a family and then just
leave it?
I don't want to be lectured by a
child! You have no right to judge
me! I am going to give you some
breathing room.
The apparition turns into a red mist.
No! Come back here! I want to talk!
I want to know why you did it!?
She screams in frustration. She sits for a few
moments and then proceeds to the bathroom.
She fills the sink with water. She washes her face.
She washes the water all over her face.
She lifts her head with her hands still on her
face. She looks in the mirror.
She sees the image of Richard's face SUPERIMPOSED
over her's.
She reels backwards in fear and runs screaming from
the bathroom.
She jumps in bed and covers herself. She cries
and screams and curses.
(continuing; to self)
I can't take this anymore! Am I
totally insane!? Dear God, please
help me!
She bawls and screams so loud the walls shake.
The reactor is now complete. It is an intimidating
behemoth -
Roger, Frank and their new assistant, BILL FINCHER,
24, sit before a computer control bank.
The reactor makes a RUMBLING SOUND as it warms the
CLOSE ON COMPUTER CONTROL as graphics light up the
We see digital bars lining the screen. When each
bar is fully raised, the reactor will be at full
Slowly, the bars begin to rise, one by one.
the plasma glows orange as it spins around.
watches the reactor heat up with anticipation.
The RUMBLING is deafening as the reactor continues
to heat.
which pumps tritium into the reactor - The hose
begins to bulge with the pressure flowing through
the plasma is spinning extremely rapidly. It seems
that there is too much plasma in the reactor.
CLOSE ON SCREEN as the bars continue to rise.
the bulge builds and looks as if it is going to
is an indicator of tritium levels. Normal would be
about 200 mi 11irems. The indicator shoots up to
2000 millirems.
notices the level.
There■s something wrong with the
tritium level! The room is filling
up with vapor!
Suddenly the reactor shuts itself off. The SOUND
slowly begins to subside as the reactor shuts down.
the bars begin to drop off.
CLOSE ON RED LIGHT on wall; an alarm SOUNDS.
rushes over to a switch and flips it. The switch
sucks water into the tritium canisters.
We hear a loud VACUUM SOUND; along with the sound
of RUSHING WATER. After a few moments, the sound
stops and the red light stops.
Roger, out of breath, looks at Frank and Bill.
Oh, that was a close call!
How the hell did we have a tritium
The tubing must've not been up
to spec.
Roger leans on his knees.
Are you okay, Roger?
I'm just a little startled. I'm
We really bit the bullet on that
one, huh?
We sure did! I think we have a
legitimate complaint on the
quality of that tubing!
It was probably just an oversight.
These companies are generally
reliable with their equipment. I
don't want to assign blame. Let's
just replace it and move on.
(touches Roger)
We'll get right on it, Roger. As
a matter of fact, I'll make a call
right now.
He walks away.
I think I need a cup of strong
coffee. How about you, Roger?
No, thanks, I'm okay. I'm just
going to get off my feet -
Roger sits down at his desk; he looks at his hands
as they shake. He hides them so no one sees.
Piper comforts Roger in his apartment.
You have been holding up really
well since Megan passed away,
Roger. I am really impressed
with your ability to hold yourself
up in this dark time.
Thank you.
She would've wanted us to go on.
You need to be strong and continue
on with your life.
I know... I know.
(cries )
It's just so hard, you know?
I miss her so much.
Piper holds him in her arms.
It's okay, Roger. It's okay to
cry. You need to let go, let go
of your emotion.
He weeps in her arms.
Roger gets out of bed. He turns on a small light.
He walks into the bathroom and gets a drink.
He drinks some water and proceeds back to bed.
He is shocked by the sight of a lump in the bed.
He walks over and looks at the lump. He is very
afraid and hesitates.
He slowly grabs the covers and pulls them away.
He sees Megan who is horribly burned by radiation
He jerks backwards and knocks over the lamp.
Can I have some water?
You're dead! How can you be here?
Megan, still drowsy, looks at him. She is an un-
believable sight. The tendons and muscles are
visible on her face.
The flesh is all melted together in one ugly mass
of flesh. She acts as if nothing is wrong.
what's wrong with you? What are
you talking about?
He turns his eyes from her; he cannot look.
What has gotten into you? I'll
get it myself.
She gets out of bed and proceeds into the bath-
room. A stripe of radiation burns runs down one
whole side of her body.
She picks up the lamp and puts it back on the
table. In the full light she is even harder to
look at.
Roger collapses on the bed, weak with fear. Megan
gets her drink and comes back to bed.
She turns off the light and gets in bed.
Come here you!
In the shadows we see Megan pull Roger on to her.
She kisses him; Roger, wide-eyed, trembles with
What is wrong with you!? Don't
you want to make love to your
wife ! ?
You're not my wife.
He looks into her cold, dead eyes.
What are you? Where did you come
from? Were you sent here from hell?
She throws him off.
You're crazy! I'm going back to
She rolls over and pulls the covers on. Roger sits
on the edge of the bed/ with his hands clasped over
his head.
Please dear God, wake me up! Wake
me up!
Roger abruptly sits up. He has been dreaming a
terrible nightmare. He grabs his forehead.
(to self)
Oh, God! It was only a dream!
Thank God, it was only a dream!
He sits up at the edge of the bed.
(continuing; to self)
I need you home, Meggie! You need
to come home!
Megan and Piper are eating in a restaurant in Chicago
I need you to be supportive, Piper.
But separating from Roger? I don1
get it, why?
I've got my reasons. I just want
to take this teaching job and get
some distance from him. At the end
of the school year, I'll make up my
mind about him.
But I don'fc understand why you
want to split from Roger, I
thought you two were doing well,
weren■t you?
There are very personal reasons
I have for feeling this way. I
don't want to go into them/ though.
You wouldn't understand.
I don't understand now! What would
it hurt to explain this to me? You
are talking about throwing away your
You know, Megan, there has always
been a part of me that has been
jealous of you getting Roger. He
just seems like such a wonderful
man .
That's your perspective from afar.
You don't know the intricacies of
our relationship. You don't know
how his eye tends to wander with
other women. You may think he is
just this really polite, helpful
guy, but you haven't been watching
him as long as I have. There are
real issues I have with him about
trust. I don't know if he is someone
I can trust and I need that. I need
someone who is open with me, otherwise
I can•t be with them. I can't open
up my soul to them. I have felt this
way every since daddy left and it
has not changed. What would have
happened if I trusted daddy more?
Megan looks around the room, leery that Richard
may show up again.
That's a lot to swallow.
First of all, you must understand,
I support your decision whatever it
may be, I just want a chance to try
and talk you out of it. Will you
give me a shot?
Re my guest/ but my mind is made
I just feel that this is a mistake.
Megan... Roger is a good man. T
can't find it in myself to believe
these things you are saying about
him, surely you are mistaken.
I don't think I am. I know him
better than you.
But I don■t think you are treating
him fairly. You are being too
mysterious. I think you should go
home and face him. He deserves a
chance to defend himself.
I will give him a chance to defend
himself, just not face to face. I
need to have distance from him in
order to keep my objectivity.
Objectivity? What objectivity?
You haven't even got any evidence
he has done anything wrong.
Megan pulls a tip out of her purse.
I don't need this from you, Piper!
I am being pulled in two different
directions! I need to make up my
own mind about my own life!
Piper grabs her and gives her a strong hug.
on a table. Richard smiles at her.
squeezes her eyes shut.
Judith is showing a CLERK her fake i.d. He looks
at the i.d and looks at her.
She pays him and he gives her the change. She
walks out with a bottle of whiskey.
Judith walks out of the store. The streets are
crowded and she appears irritated.
She is excited, however, by all the men that are
on the street. She smiles freely at them as she
She comes to a man standing with one foot against
a brick wall. BEN WALTERS is forty-five. He is a
loose operator and loiters often.
He lights a cigarette. Judith stops and peers at
him; he smiles. He gives her a cigarette and lights
Judith and Ben sit in bed at her apartment. Judith
lights a cigarette.
You men are all such bastards.
What, me? what did I do?
You're all the same.
Look, I can leave if you want
me to?
No. . .
(looks at him)
I want you to explain yourself.
What do you mean, explain myself?
Why do you treat us women the way
you do? We are not disposable bags,
you know.
Look, we had a good time here.
What's wrong with that?
Did some guy do something to
you? You seem like you are
really hung up on some problem.
It's all of you. You're all in
the same league - You don1
1 treat
us women with respect. Without us,
you guys wouldn•t even be here.
Our wombs bring you guys into the
Earth. Do you realize that, Ben?
I think it's time I should be
He gets up and puts his clothes on.
Can I do anything for you?
Yea, you can pour me a drink.
You see that bottle on the table?
He picks it up.
Isn't it a little early?
I don't care! It's my bottle!
I've had enough of this. Here,
take it.
He hands her the bottle and leaves. Judith takes
a glass and pours a drink. A tear falls down her
(to self)
Fine, leave, you * re all the same.
She takes another drink and devours every drop.
The team is performing another test. They sit before
the control bank.
The reactor RUMBLES as it warms up.
the digital bars come to life.
the plasma shoots out its conduit. It tears its
way around the reactor, spinning with glee.
The RUMBLING continues to build.
the bars continue to rise, unabated.
as he winces in anticipation.
They watch the reactor warm up normally.
watches the reactor warm/ excitedly. Suddenly he
begins to turn green.
He throws up in front of Bill and Roger.
There's something wrong!
moves rapidly and shuts everything down. The reactor
slowly shuts down and quiets.
as Roger and Bill help Frank to a seat. Roger
looks at the computer.
We forgot to turn on the ventilation
fans! There were too many ions
floating around in the room.
I'll get you a glass of water,
Roger leans over Frank.
I'm sorry, Frank. We screwed up.
I have been distracted.
Frank is still green.
It's okay, Roger, it happens.
There is no excuse for my behavior!
I am in charge and I have messed up!
It's okay, Roger. Don't worry...
Roger sees him about to throw up and grabs him a
garbage can. He holds it under Frank as he throws
up- Roger pats him on the back.
Roger sits in a bar, drinking. He looks haggard.
He lets loose on the bartender, telling hira all
his woes.
I don't know what she is intending.
She won't even call me! And, don't
get me started on my problems at
He takes a sip of vodka.
She's never stayed away this long
before. I don't know what she's
thinking anymore.
She's not the woman I married.
Give her some time.
Why should I? What about my
feelings? My heart is breaking!
Nobody said love was easy, pal.
You're telling me?
The only problem is, I don't
think I'm going to see her
again, outside of a courtroom. I
love her so much. I don't want to
lose her!
Then fight for her.
I'm not sure if I have it in me.
I don* t know if my heart can take
anymore of thi s. I don't have the
Listen to yourself. Are you a man?
Get some backbone, buddy. Show
some self respect. Get out of your
But you don't understand! You don't
know what Megan is like. She has
had some serious emotional problems
in the past.
She has held a grudge against her
father all her life. As long as I
have known her she has been angry
with him. I think/ she takes her
anger against her dad and takes it
out on me, which is totally unfair,
because I have been nothing but
understanding about her problems
with him.
What did her father do?
He left! That bastard abandoned
his family! She has never gotten
over it. I have heard her railing
about him for years. The thing I
can't understand is, why care about
someone like him? Get on with your
life and forget about him. That is
what I say!
Maybe she blames you because you
are a man like her father,
(cleans glass)
Maybe she thinks all men will hurt
her at some point.
That's not fair! I have been very
kind to her. I love her!
You need to look at things from her
perspective. She doesn't trust men
because her father left. It seems
pretty simple to me -
You think so? I have to think on
this. Pour me another drink and
I'll pontificate what you said.
Another drink won't make you think
No, but it won't hurt either.
The bartender pours him another shot. Roger shoots
it down.
Frank and Bill sit before the control bank.
The reactor RUMBLES, once again, as it warms up.
the digital bars rise.
the plasma whips around in a frenzy.
The RUMBLING builds.
the bars are almost completely raised.
looks normal and it settles into a quiet BUZZ. It
begins to produce plasma.
all the bars raise and indicate that the reactor
is active.
look at each other and hoot in joy.
We're producing plasma! We did it!
We sure did!
(they shake hands)
I can't believe it, but we did!
Frank runs to a cabinet and pulls out a bottle of
champagne. He pours each of them a glass.
I was wondering if we were ever
going to get a chance to drink
this, but, here we are.
Bill laughs.
And now a toast.
They hold up their glasses.
To Roger and Megan. Unfortunately
they could not be here to join in
the celebration with us, so we
will toast them in their absence.
Their glasses CLING and they drink.
I think you better call Roger and
tell him we did it. Of course, you
might want to leave out how many
attempts it took.
I'm going to wait till he calls in.
He told me he wanted his space, so
I'm going to give it to him. I know
he'll be happy we succeeded, but he
is in a pretty strained state right
Frank leans in on the computer bank to see if
everything is working properly.
What exactly is going on with
Roger and his wife?
... It's pretty personal stuff,
but they are strong people and
they'll work it out.
I've seen some of the papers they
have written together and they
seem like such a good team.
I know. I have never seen two
researchers work so well together,
married, or not.
I have faith they will work it out.
We, however, better get back to work.
We need to test the reactor's output.
(looks at board)
Yes, it looks like there are some
adjustments to be made.
(looks as well)
Yea, I see, vre' re going to need
to adjust that.
Roger groggily walks past his answering machine.
He sees it flashing and checks the message.
(on machine)
Roger, I'm going to take some
time away from you. Don't be
hurt and please understand.
Please don't try to find me.
I'm sorry I have to do this,
but I feel betrayed... I hope
you can find happiness while I
try to figure things out.
(on machine)
... maybe we weren't meant for
each other, I don't know. I'll
be in touch, my lov... Uh, just,
goodbye '.
Roger slumps onto the couch, in shock.
Megan, now teaching at the University of Washington,
is giving a lecture.
... And that is the Lasnex code.
My speciality in nuclear physics
is ICF, or, Inertial Confinement
Fusion. Now, you might remember
yesterday, when I was telling
you about the impurities in the
laser glass used at Lawrence
Livermore Lab in California- As
I discussed, they are not only
having trouble producing the
glass, but they also are having
trouble with the coatings and
reflective surfaces of the glass.
BETHANY ROYCE, 21, petite with short brown curly
hair speaks up.
And they are also having trouble
with the ultraviolet crystals,
they make the laser light too
powerful and destroy the glass.
Right, Bethany. As a matter of fact,
many in Congress want to dismantle
the program, which shows you how
fierce funding competition is...
Now, all these technical problems,
of course, then ensue. Such as,
cracks, as the laser light hits
the glass loafs inside the laser.
Another problem they are confronting
is, loading the tiny tritium and
deuterium pellets into the target
Now, you might say that ICF is
too difficult to complete. However,
keep in mind that once you determine
how to keep the glass free from
defects, you will have a very
proficient energy producing
Which you told us, you will prove
in the next few months.
The class laughs.
That's right, Bethany. I did say
that, didn't I?
Bethany smiles.
Now, tomorrow, we will be discussing
the production of pellets, which
have to be produced in an environment
at twenty degrees above zero. We
will be discussing the difficulty
of keeping the pellets, formed
from the hydrogen isotopes, cold
until successfully loaded. I'll
see you all tomorrow.
Bethany exits the classroom. She walks down the
walkway. Roger, wearing dark glasses, approaches
Oh, hi, Mr. Wilkes -
He pulls her into a bank of bushes.
(takes glasses off)
You don't want Megan to hear you.
(covers mouth)
Oh, sorry.
Have you talked to Megan about me
Bethany smiles at Roger and seems smitten with him.
No, I haven't had a chance yet.
You've had two weeks! I can't wait
around here forever! You need to
tell her T want to talk with her.
I'm sorry, Mr. Wilkes. I will talk
with her about you.
I can't imagine why your wife is
giving you the cold shoulder. You
are so decent and kind.
She's being silly, Bethany! That's
why I need your help.
as she leaves the classroom.
pines for her.
Oh, she is so beautiful, Bethany.
Quiet, you don't want her to hear
I wish T could tear out of these
bushes, take her in my arms and
kiss her till we die.
pulls him back.
You'll get your chance. Just be
looks over at the bushes, as if she hears something.
hesitates for a moment and walks away.
Now/ you just be calm and give me
a chance. I'll tell her you are
here and want to see her, don't
Roger looks off in the direction Megan walked in.
He stares off into the distance.
I really appreciate you helping me,
Bethany. You are very sweet.
He looks at her and kisses her on the cheek. She
turns red with embarrassment.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Wilkes.
Call me Roger.
Okay, Roger.
Roger puts his glasses back on.
Okay, I'll be in touch. See you
Okay, bye.
Roger sneaks off.
(to self)
Amazing guy!
Megan, with a bottle of aspirin on table, is eating
dinner. Richard, much to her chagrin, sits across
the table from her.
He is, once again, smiling. Megan anxiously eats
her meal, uncomfortably aware of his constant
(drops fork)
Look, don't you have anywhere
else to go?
I like sitting here watching you.
You are my dear, sweet daughter.
I wonder about that.
What is that supposed to mean?
Megan studies him a moment.
I used to think I hated mom. But
I am starting to wonder if it is
you I have hated all along. I
mean, look at you. You are just
a juvenile delinquent. You talk
about goinq to stripper bars.
Why haven't you aged? You are too
young. I am older than you, for
God's sake! You can't be my father.
How do I know you are not a figment
of my imagination?
Megan! I thought we settled this.
I cannot believe you are still
hung up on these ideas. Seriously...
. . . not your father! Give me a
break, sweetheart.
Don't laugh at me.
T am seriously starting to believe
you are not real. I think I am
talking to myself right now. If
someone took a photograph in this
room, there would be only me...
What do you think of that?
Megan! I am real! I am going to
give you a chance to be alone.
I'll give you a chance to work
this idea out of your mind.
Not your father. Oh/ that's funny!
He turns into a red mist and disappears.
Wait! Come back here! I am not
done talking! Why did you laugh
at me!?
She pushes her plate across the table and crosses
her arms.
(continuing; to self)
I will get rid of you! You cannot
hide forever! I will rid my psyche
of you!
She takes her plate and throws it against the wall -
Roger and Bethany sit outside on a cold Seattle
night and eat.
I really appreciate you taking
me out tonight, Roger. I was
really bored.
Roger appears tense.
I just couldn't take another
minute in that hotel room. I
was going stir crazy!
I know what you can do to feel
better! Why don't you tell me
how you and Megan met? Maybe it
will make you feel better, you
know, remembering all those old,
sweet memories!?
Oh, I don't know.
Oh, come on!
... Okay, if it makes you happy.
Bethany smiles her infectious smile.
We were in class together. I was
impressed by her, so I introduced
myself to her.
Was it love at first sight!?
You could say that.
At least, I knew X loved her from
the first time I saw her.
Oh, this is so romantic! I can't
believe your problems have gotten
to this point. It just seems like
you guys were meant for each other.
I appreciate you saying that,
Bethany, it raises my spirits
quite a bit.
... Would you like to go see a
Oh, I don't know if I am in the
mood .
What else were you going to do,
go back to your stupid hotel room?
It'll be fun! Come on...
She bats her brown lashes at him.
... Okay, but I don't want to see
a drama. It must be a comedy. My
heart can't take anymore drama.
Of course! A comedy! Let's go!
She pops up from the bench and grabs Roger's arm
Roger smiles and laughs. Her bubbly personality
is contagious.
Frank and Bill work in the lab. Frank sits down
at his desk and opens up a manila envelope.
He pulls out a certificate, encased in a picture
"This certificate, given by the University of
Maryland Board of Directors, in recognition of
stupendous scientific achievement, is hereby
bestowed upon this team, for your outstanding
contribution to the science of nuclear fusion."
Ah, it's a certificate, Bill.
Bill leaves the computer bank and walks over. He
looks at the certificate.
We should be proud. I think we
earned this, don1
t you?
It isn't worth much without Roger
and Megan's presence, is it?
I think they would be proud too,
if they weren't so distracted.
Frankly, I think they are being
immature. We have made a huge
scientific discovery and they
are off sulking like puppies.
Don't be so hard on them, Bill.
They have a very passionate
relationship and passionate
relationships are all consuming.
Yea, but what are they doing,
Frank? Have you even heard
anything from Roger? Has he
talked to her? When is he
coming home? We have a lot of
work to do, securing a patent
and et cetera. They shouldn't be
running around out there when
there is so much hard work to do.
Roger should either relenqui sh
his work to us or come back.
Wait a second, Bill. You are
crossing a boundary I don't want
you to cross. These are my friends
we are talking about.
Bill sits down.
I'm sorry, Frank. I guess I am
just stressed out- I mean, I
only got out of graduate school
a few months ago. A lot has
happened in just a couple of
It's okay. I know you are young.
I think I would be anxious too if
I were your age, but just remember
that people have complicated lives.
Roger and Megan haven't always been
this way.
Wellt do you think they can work
things out? I don't know if passion
is worth the strain those two are
going through.
... I think, if they have a little
bit more time, they will work this
out and I do think what they are
going through is worth it- I'm
thirty-one and still looking for
that one true love. I think once
you have that special something
with someone you should hold on
to it.
For all we know, they have kissed
and made up and are on their way
home now.
Well, even if they aren't, I am
going back to work. This is my
pascion for the time being.
Frank smiles and looks at the certificate.
Roger waits for Bethany, late on a rainy night.
He stands in the rain/ impervious to the wet.
He appears anxious, as Bethany has news for him
from Megan. He sees the light from her car approach.
The car pulls up and stops. Bethany exits her car
and opens up her umbrella. She notices that Roger
is drenched and stands over him.
How long have you been waiting
Don't worry about that. What did
Megan say?
Can we go somewhere and get out
of the rain?
You know the abandoned drive-inn
by your dorm? We can get some
privacy there, can't we?
Yea, it's pretty quiet there and
there are the old carports so we
can get out of this rain.
Okay, let's go.
They get in their cars and drive off.
We are at an old fifties style drive-inn. The old
carport still stands, but it is very rickety and
the paint is old and cracked.
Roger and Bethany get out of their cars. Roger has
a towel and dries his hair.
I can't take the suspense any
longer, Bethany. What did she
. . . She said, you should go back
to Baltimore and live your life.
She said she didn't want any
pressure from you to come home
and that you should continue
on, regardless of what she
decides to do with her life.
Roger is confused by Bethany's words.
I don't understand? How does she
feel about me? Does she want me
to just leave and never see her
She said... something about,
being tired of all the voices
in her head and how she is trying
to find her own voice in all the
She told me to go home?
Yes, she did.
Roger is insensed. He grabs at one of the carport's
pillars and shakes it- Chipped paint and old pine
needles fall from the rafters. The carport seems as
if it might come tumbling down.
Bethany winces and tries to cover her head. She
has not seen this rage in Roger since she has
known him.
She makes me so angry! I should
divorce her for lack of affection!
Why should I let her get away with
this!? Why should I, Bethany?
I don't know.
She is just so Goddamnned
insensitive! I never did
anything to deserve this
treatment! Why the hell have
I put up with it!?
Take it easy, Roger. Maybe you
should get some sleep?
I don't want to get any sleep!
Please, just give me a chance to
express myself. I have held it in
too long. Can you understand what
this has done to me? Can you see
what she has put me through? I
have tried to be patient, what
has it gotten me!?
Roger, you are scaring me.
Roger rushes towards her and firmly grabs her
No/ Bethany, don't be scared. I
am not mad at you. I just need a
sympathetic ear. I have been even
keeled for too long. I need a
chance to express all these angry
and confused emotions I have been
holding in all these years.
Okay, I'll hear you out. Just take
it easy.
It's just that I love her so much,
Bethany and this is how she rewards
me. She doesn't even have the integrity
to see me face-to-face. What is
wrong with her? You are a woman. What
is she thinking?
I don't know. I have never been
married before. I don't know what
she is thinking.

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  • 2. FADE IN: EXT. LAWN - DAY We are at the home of young MEGAN DeCARLO, 4, beautiful brunette. Megan's house is in a middle-class section of Toronto, Canada. Her mother ANNE DeCARLO, 22, young Italian woman, watches her play. Suddenly, Megan's father, RICHARD DeCARLO, 22, tall, dark and handsome, tears out of the house in a huff. He is carrying his suitcase. Anne runs over to him and tries to stop him; he pulls his arm away. ANNE Please, Richie, don't leave! RICHARD I can't take this bullshit anymore! You, with your tight pants and your swinging your ass in every guy's face! I can't take it anymore! ANNE What do you mean? That is not true ! He gets in the car and STARTS the engine. ANNE (continuing) Okay, okay, if you say you don't like the way I dress, I can change, please give me a chance! He GUNS the engine. RICHARD It's too late! He backs the car out of the driveway and speeds off. ANNE Richie no! No! CONTINUED
  • 3. She falls down on the lawn, bawling. Megan sees her crying and starts to cry herself. INT. HOUSE - NIGHT A now eight-year-old Megan plops down at her mom's dinner table. Her hair is twisted into a pony-tail and she is a lovely girl. Megan's well adjusted young sister, PIPER, 6, sits happily eating at the table - Anne, carrying meatloaf, sits down at the table. She looks harried and tired. ANNE Okay, Megan. Make sure to eat your vegetables. PIPER (holding up her fork) I'm eating my vegetables. ANNE Good, honey. MEGAN (fuming) Oh, you spoiled brat! Why don't you just... ANNE Megan! (deliberately) You have been a real handful lately, young lady. Do you know how hard it is for me to work all day and then come home and feed you girls? I'm stressed out! MEGAN Why do you always listen to her!? How come I am always the wrong one? If daddy were here I bet he would take my side! CONTINUED
  • 4. ANKE Your father did not care enough about you to be here! I am here and I am your mother. Now give me a break. MEGAN Oooh! She shoots out of her chair and runs to her room. ANNE Megan/ you come back here and eat your dinner! The door SLAMS in Megan's room. Piper looks at her mother as green bean juice streams down her chin. Anne palms her forehead. ANNE (continuing) Oh. . . INT. MEGAN'S ROOM - NIGHT Megan lays on her bed and cries. She kicks her legs in frustration. She feels alone. She's angry at the world, wishing it would blow up. EXT. LAWN - DAY Megan is standing on the edge of a well. She is reliving her father's exit from her life. Richard pulls the car out of the driveway and takes off. MEGAN screams out for him to stop. She loses her footing and falls into the well. She lands deep at the bottom of the well. She screams at the top of her lungs for help, nobody comes. She cries profusely and slips her back against the well - CONTINUED
  • 5. She sees the silhouette of her father at the top of the veil. MEGAN Daddy! Help! (crying) Please help me! He stops for a moment as if he hears her pleas. Megan cries as she watches him pause above. After a moment he moves again and proceeds to cover the veil. Megan panics as she watches the darkness form. MEGAN (continuing) No...! INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Megan wakes up from a nightmare. She is crying and shaking. She folds into the fetal position and bavls loudly. DISSOLVE TO: INT. PSYCHIATRIST OFFICE - DAY Megan is sitting on a couch. A PSYCHIATRIST listens as she speaks. MEGAN I saw him doctor. I saw him the other day! PSYCHIATRIST Where did you see him? MEGAN At the park. He was with some lady. He was at the park with some lady and it wasn't my moml EXT. PARK – DAY Megan is walking through the park, kicking the dirt as she walks. She passes a grove of trees and hears laughing. CONTINUED
  • 6. She stops and peers around a tree. MEGAN'S POV - HER FATHER who is with a WOMAN. A young, pretty woman. They are having a picnic. They are spread over a bright red table cloth. They laugh and cavort. She tries to eat as he grabs her and kisses her. MEGAN is in shock. She covers her mouth and tries not to scream. Richard hears her and looks in her direction. He sees her peering around the tree. He looks at her and smiles. Not a friendly smile, but a wicked, sly smile. Megan, caught, runs from the tree and disappears - Richard laughs and grabs the woman. He lays her on the ground and kisses her as she giggles. INT. PSYCHIATRIST OFFICE - DAY PSYCHIATRIST And it upset you to see this, Megan? MEGAN Yes, it did! PSYCHIATRIST Why did it upset you, Megan? MEGAN Because he was with that lady! That stupid, stupid, lady! PSYCHIATRIST Why do you think you are upset by your father, Megan? Why can't you just let him be and get on with your life? MEGAN I don't know. CONTINUED
  • 7. PSYCHIATRIST Do you love your daddy? MEGAN (cries) I don't know. The doctor hands her some kleenex. She wipes her eyes. PSYCHIATRIST Megan, you have to remember that your father is just a man and you need to understand that he is not a perfect man. Can you understand that? MEGAN (feebly) Yes. PSYCHIATRIST You were very young when your daddy left. It is okay that you have mixed feelings about him. You have the right. All we can hope for in this life is for things to go as smoothly as possible. That is all you can do. You need to continue with your life and hope your father will come around/ otherwise, you are just going to feel miserable all the time, waiting for him to become a better person. Do you understand what I am saying? MEGAN I guess so. (sobs) He pats her on the back. PSYCHIATRIST Get it all out, Megan. Just cry all your sad feelings out and you will feel better. She bawls uncontrollably. ) ^,
  • 8. EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS - DAY Megan/ now twenty-two, is a graduate student in physics at CalTech in San Luis Obisbo, Califor- nia . She sits under a tree doing her homework. She is approached by ROGER WILKES, 22. ROGER Hello! Megan? Is it? He puts out his hand and Megan shakes it. MEGAN Yes. ROGER You are in my analytical physics class. Roger looks quite similar to Richard. Megan smiles freely at his handsome face. ROGER (continuing) That answer you had about hard water. . - I just wanted to tell you, I completely agree with you. You were right on with that answer. MEGAN Sit down. ROGER Thanks. He sits down with her. They begin a long conversation and look deep into each other's eyes. There is a spark between them. INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Megan and Roger sit in class listening to the professor lecture. They sit with their desks next to each other. As the professor continues to speak they explore each other's palms with their fingers.
  • 9. INT. MEGAN'S DORM - NIGHT Roger and Megan are alone in her dorm. They sit on the couch and attempt to do homework. They are failing miserably. They lay down on the couch and make out. After a few moments they get back to work. MEGAN (looking at Roger) Do you love me? ROGER (stops; smiles) What? MEGAN Do you love me? ROGER Yea/ you know I do. Megan pauses a beat. MEGAN Then, if you love me, don't you think we should make some official commitment to each other? ROGER Like what? MEGAN How about exchanging pledges? ROGER (laughs) That's silly . We don't need to do that. I like things the way they are. Let's just keep it at that. MEGAN (angry) I don't want to! How do I know you are not going to leave me/ if I can't get any kind of commitment out of you!?
  • 10. INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT Their conversation continues over dinner. ROGER I don't even know what you mean by pledges? The WAITRESS, who is very cute, brings them their drinks. ROGER (to waitress) Oh! You are fast! I don't think I *ve ever gotten my dinner here this rapidly. WAITRESS Thank you very much, (she curtsies) ROGER Thank you! WAITRESS Is there anything else I can get you? ROGER I think we're okay. The waitress smiles and leaves. Megan glares at Roger. MEGAN That's why I want a commitment out of you! ROGER (pouring ketchup) What? The waitress? She just did a good job. MEGAN You are sitting here with me and you are acting like I am not here. I don't like that- I don't have any patience for being treated badly• I had too much of that when I grew up. CONTINUED
  • 11. ROGER (takes her hand) What exactly are you trying to say? Marriage? MEGAN (head cast down) I would feel much better... Uh, I was wondering... Do you think? Yes... I am wondering if you will marry me? ROGER Oh, I don't know... I mean, I want to date other women... A broad smile forms across his face. Megan, perplexed, studies his face. MEGAN Do you mean... You will? ROGER Of course I will. I don't need anybody else. You just needed to convince me. You're stuck with me forever. MEGAN (tears up) Forever!? (beat) That sounds like a good deal! They hug over the table and kiss. They sit back down and Roger continues to eat. Megan wipes her eyes dry. MEGAN (continuing) I'm going to write this in my journal right away. I don't want to lose this joy I am feeling. ROGER Touche. They take each other's hands and hold them together over the table.
  • 12. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Roger and Megan are making love. They have now been married three years. We are in their Baltimore, Maryland apartment. With a grant from the University of Maryland, they are experimenting with nuclear fusion containers. EXT. OPEN SEA - DAY A troller fights waves as Roger and Megan stand aboard. Large yellow barrels are hoisted by a crane onto the deck. The barrels are filled with seawater. Roger hugs Megan from behind as they watch the workers lift the barrels. The deck has about fifty barrels on it. Roger and Megan will extract lithium and deuterium from the seawater, by which they will produce plasma. Roger hugs Megan tighter. ROGER I wish you didn't have to go out of town tomorrow. I hate it when you are gone. Megan cranes her neck towards him. MEGAN We need to supplement our grants. Without the lecturing and research I do, we wouldn't have enough funds to complete our research. (beat) Do you think we have true love? ROGER What do you mean? MEGAN (turns around) You know, a Romeo and Juliet kind of love? A love that is so strong that nothing can break the bond, not even death. CONTINUED
  • 13. ROGER Yea, I'd say we have that kind of love. She kisses him passionately. MEGAN Do you really think so? Did you feel it just now when T kissed you? ROGER (blushing) I'd say so. That feels like real love to me. MEGAN Don't forget that kiss. That is what you are going to miss if you lose me. She puts her arms across his neck. MEGAN (continuing) We have a good kind of love here, Roger. We have that special kind of love, not the common kind. Do you know how many people there are out there who are together just out of convenience? We don't have to be like those people. We have true love, don't you think? She kisses him again. ROGER You're not going to get any argument out of me. MEGAN Good. They embrace each other tight. INT. AIRLINER - NIGHT Megan is sitting in her seat. CONTINUED
  • 14. She is writing notes ana thoughts on her laptop. As she works she begins to fall asleep. EXT. PARK - DAY Megan stands in the middle of the park. The wind blows the trees in the isolated park. She hears Roger's voice talking to her/ but she cannot see him. ROGER (O.S.) I won't disappoint you Meggie. Megan looks around/ wondering where he is. MEGAN What? Roger, where are you? ROGER (O.S. ) I won't leave you. You can depend on that. Richard appears before her eyes. RICHARD Megan, I won't leave you. MEGAN Daddy? RICHARD (smiles sweetly) I love you Megan. I want to be there for you. We won't disappoint you. MEGAN Won't disappoint me? Why are you here? Where is Roger!? He walks to Megan and extends his hand. Megan reaches for the hand. She morphs into herself at eight-years-old. She continues to reach for the hand and it dissolves. INT. AIRLINER - DAY A FLIGHT ATTENDANT wakes Megan CONTINUED
  • 15. ATTENDANT Ma'am, we'll be landing soon. Please secure your seat belt and place your seat in the upright position- Megan is slightly dazed. MEGAN Oh... okay. She puts her seat upright and fastens her seat belt. She appears slightly numb. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT CLOSE ON ROGER as he drinks a cup of coffee. PULL BACK as he buys a paper from a street vendor. It is a dark fall night in Baltimore. Browning leaves blow everywhere. Roger folds the paper under his arm and walks down the street. ANOTHER ANGLE AT A BRIDGE which Roger is walking across. He sees JUDITH HACKBARTH, 19, crying and cursing on the bridge. Judith is Roger and Megan's neighbor in their apartment building. She attends the Maryland Institute College of Art. She renders on post cards to pay her tuition and her rent. She is quite similar looking to Megan. This has caused some consternation for Megan and she does not like Roger being friendly with Judith. Roger approaches her to see if she is all right. ROGER Judith, are you okay? She is slightly startled and turns her head suddenly JUDITH Goddamned, Peter... What? (beat) Oh, it's you, Roger. CONTINUED
  • 16. Roger delicately reaches out to her. ROGER Are you all right? JUDITH (wipes tears; embarrassed) Yes, yes, I am all right. ROGER What are you upset about? JUDITH I'm just a little pissed. (sniffles) You know Peter, my fiance? ROGER Yes. JUDITH The bastard broke up with me. The marriage is off. ROGER Oh, I am sorry. He hands her a handkerchief• ROGER (continuing) Let me buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk. She blows her nose and wipes her eyes. JUDITH Why not? INT. COFFEE SHOP - NIGHT They sit drinking coffee. JUDITH Anyway, I came home and heard a message on my answering machine saying he didn't want to be with me anymore. (MORE) CONTINUED
  • 17. JUDITH (CONT'D) Some way to break up with someone, on a machine! ROGER It seems kind of cowardly, yea. He takes her hand. ROGER (continuing) This is rough, Judith, I'm sorry it's happened. She looks at him for a second and smiles. JUDITH You are such a great guy, Roger. I don't know why you put up with that b.s. Megan gives you. If you were my guy I'd thank ray lucky stars. He laughs nervously ROGER Now, careful, Judith. I love Megan. I don't want to badmouth her behind her back. She taps Roger on the hand. JUDITH I'm sorry. I know she is your wife, but she's just so jealous. You are such a caring person. You're always there when people need you. ROGER Megan has her problems, Judith. She doesn't mean to be jealous. JUDITH Yea, I suppose you're right. She begins to cry. JUDITH (continuing) I suppose a roll in the hay to raise my spirits is out of the question?
  • 18. ROGER Judith! She cries with her head down. ROGER (continuing) Judith... She continues to cry. ROGER (continuing} Judith... He lifts her head and dabs her eyes. He holds her chin and looks at her sternly. ROGER (continuing) Now. listen, Judith. You are going to bounce back from this. It will just take a little bit of time. Now, straighten out those shoulders and perk up. She swipes her eyes with her arm and fashions a smile. JUDITH Okay. ROGER Great! (beat) Now, Meggie is out of town on a lecture again. I want you to have dinner with me tomorrow night and we'11 keep each other company, alright? JUDITH Do you think that will be okay? I mean, what if Megan finds out? ROGER You let me worry about Megan. JUDITH (smiles) Okay. I will be glad to have dinner with you. CONTINUED
  • 19. ROGER Good, it's settled. He smiles and takes a sip of coffee. INT. AIRPORT - DAY Megan is walking through the airport terminal. She steps over to a phone to make a phone call. She picks up a phone and proceeds to call. As she makes her call, she sees the back of a man■s head. She thinks it might be Roger. She hangs up the phone and walks towards the man. He picks up luggage and starts walking down the terminal. He proceeds so fast Megan struggles to keep up. She follows him for maybe half the length of the airport. He steps out of the terminal and Megan follows him. EXT. AIRPORT - DAY A car comes up to the curb and stops. A woman steps out of the car and hugs the man. Megan runs over to the man and turns him. She sees that it is not Roger. MEGAN Oh, I am sorry. She walks away rapidly. The man and woman stare at her incredulously. INT. ROGER'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Roger and Judith sit eating dinner. ROGER Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom. JUDITH Sure . CONTINUED
  • 20. Roger leaves the room. The phone RINGS. ROGER (O.S.) Judith, can you get that? JUDITH Sure/ no problem. Judith gets up to answer the phone. JUDITH (continuing) Hello. INTERCUT with Megan in her hotel room. MEGAN Hello? Is that you Judith? The bathroom door is open a crack. Judith tries to sneak a peek at Roger. JUDITH Yes, it's me, Megan. (false sincerity) How are you!? MEGAN What are you doing there? JUDITH We're just having dinner. A little neighborly dinner. MEGAN Do me a favor, Judith, and put Roger on. MEGAN looks infuriated. ROGER comes back in the room. JUDITH (holding phone out) It's Megan. CONTINUED
  • 21. ROGER oh. (grabs receiver) Hello, sweetheart. MEGAN Why is Judith having dinner with you? ROGER Oh, her fiance, Peter, broke up with her so I thought I'd give her a shoulder to cry on, no big deal. MEGAN You don't think that's a little dangerous considering the situation she's in? ROGER No, 1 think she's holding up okay. MEGAN (curt) I don't want Judith in our apartment when I am gone. ROGER Megan, you are being ridiculous. MEGAN Roger, you are making me angry! Why can't you just do this simple thing for me? You were supposed to be the one human being who treated me with a modicum of respect. I don't think that's too much to ask. ROGER (glances at Judith) Look, Meggie, you are blowing this out of proportion! You need to stop being this way. Do you think this is good for your psychological health, being this way? MEGAN I don't trust you! CONTINUED
  • 22. ROGER Meggie, I love you. I love you more than my life. I am committed to you, you can depend on that. MEGAN 1 don't know if I believe you. ROGER What more can I say? MEGAN (sighs) I'm going to try and get some sleep. ROGER Okay, I love you and I'11 see you soon. MEGAN hangs up the phone. Tears fall down her cheek. MEGAN (to self) Stupid, Megan. Stupid, Megan. She pulls at her hair. Her hands start to shake, just as they did when she was a child. She starts to cry uncontrollably. She goes over to the sink and pours herself a glass of water. She lays down on the bed and folds into the fetal position. MEGAN (continuing; to self) Roger, help me! INT. HALLWAY - DAY Roger comes out of an elevator. Immediately in front of him is a door to his lab. Roger and Megan work with radioactive material, so their security must be tight. The lab is on its own floor and a series of fail- safes must be eliminated in order to gain entry. CONTINUED
  • 23. This is done with a series of codes and electronic keys. Roger inserts an electric key and opens the door. INT. LAB - DAY We are in Roger and Megan's lab. The overcast sky pours in the windows from the Baltimore skyline. The lab is strewn with metals and wires and other materials involved in fusion containers. All over the lab are pictures of Megan and Roger together; pictures of vacations, anniversaries, etc. In the lab is a large doughnut shaped container. The container has a few magnets placed here and there for conductivity. They have been experimenting with using less magnets to cut down on heat loss. This has been experimental and they have not been very successful. A ladder leads up to a three foot wide opening. The container is eighteen feet high and is hollow inside. It is metallic and shines brightly under the lab's lights. Roger walks over to a chalkboard. He draws a haIf-section of his reactor. With red chalk to represent heat, he draws plasma filling the reactor. The plasma formed from the lithium and deuterium, derived from the seawater is heated to 180,000,000 degrees. The lithium and deuterium form to make tritium, which makes radioactive hydrogen. INT. POWER PLANT - DAY We are in Belaruse, Russia, with FRANK PAULSEN, 31, light brown hair. Frank is Roger and Megan's partner. CONTINUED
  • 24. Frank is very good at research, which is why Roger and Megan chose him. Frank is standing before a tokamak nuclear reactor The tokamak looks like a doughnut like Roger's reactor, but it has numerous magnets. The reactor in front of Frank is one of many in the plant. The reactors are warming up and they are very LOUD. Frank puts his finger in one ear and pulls out his cell phone. INTERCUT with Roger in his lab. ROGER Hello. FRANK Yea, Roger, this is Frank. Can you hear me? ROGER Yea, I can hear you fine. What's up Frank? FRANK I'm standing next to the tokamak right now. It's just getting started, warming to 180,000,000 degrees. ROGER How's she looking? FRANK Well, there are a hell of a lot more magnets on it than ours, but they say it cuts down on energy loss, they're still experimenting. ROGER Okay. FRANK (beat) It's lonely here, Roger, not having many conversations in English. (MORE) CONTINUED
  • 25. FRANK (CONT'D) But/ the ladies are beautiful, so there are compensations. ROGER I believe you- Balkan women can be very beautiful. FRANK You're telling me. (beat) Okay/ Roger. I am going to go now. I'll see you later. ROGER Okay, take care. EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY Roger walks up to his apartment building. Waiting for him is Piper who is now twenty-three and has long flowing cherry-coke hair. Piper lives in New York and works as an insurance investigator. Her personality is much as it was when she was a child, carefree and happy. She sees Roger walking down the street and runs over to hug him. PIPER Roger, my pal! Roger hugs her back and kisses her cheek. ROGER Piper? When did you get in town? PIPER Just the other day. I'm here for work. I just thought I would say hi. . . Roger is distracted by the sight of Judith coming down the street■ ROGER (waves) Hi, Judith. CONTINUED
  • 26. Judith approaches them. JUDITH Hello, Roger. Roger motions to Piper. Judith, this Piper. Piper, neighbor. They shake hands. PIPER Nice to meet you. Have you lived here long? JUDITH About a year. PIPER Well, it's nice to meet you. JUDITH Mice to meet you too. (beat) I better get going. ROGER Rye, Judith. She heads up to her apartment. PIPER She's pretty. ROGER You could say that. PIPER Anyway! I just wanted to touch base and say hi. I wish I wasn't so busy. ROGER I understand that- You might know, that Meggie is in New York, she'll be back tomorrow. CONTINUED ROGER is my sister-in-law, this is Judith, my
  • 27. PIPER I know she is. She told me she'd be there, but I told her I'd be traveling too. It's so hard to keep in contact these days. ROGER True. They hug. ROGER (continuing) I'll tell her you stopped by. PIPER You do that. INT. AIRPORT RESTAURANT - DAY Megan sits drinking orange juice. She is waiting for her flight. Through a glass wall we notice Piper walking down the terminal in the b.g. Piper sees Megan and walks into the restaurant. Megan sees her and smiles. MEGAN Piper? She stands up and they hug. PIPER It's so great to see you. We thought we weren't going to see each other, but my plane was delayed. I guess that is what it takes to get us together. MEGAN I guess so. Why don't you have a seat. Do you want anything? PIPER Just a cup of coffee. MEGAN Stay right here. I'll be right back. CONTINUED
  • 28. Piper sits down. Megan comes back with a cup of coffee. She sits down. PIPER Thank you. MEGAN ... I really have a lot on my mind. I am really have run into you. PIPER (sips coffee) What's wrong? MEGAN I■ve been feeling run down... and I have been having some weird dreams. PIPER You have? Are you in analysis again? MEGAN No, I haven't been since I've been married. (tugs her hair) I just feel really confused. Piper touches her hand. PIPER Megan... you seem like you are really disturbed. (beat) Why don■t you tell me about your dreams? MEGAN I've had many dreams... I had one the other night... JUMP CUT TO: EXT. DESERT - DAY Megan stands alone in the middle of a stark, barren desert. She is, once again, eight years old. MEGAN (V.0-) ... I had a dream I was alone in the desert. I was a little girl. CONTINUED of things glad I
  • 29. Megan feels a great sense of loneliness. The desert is quiet and the only noise is a light WIND. MEGAN (V-0.) (continuing) It was very quiet; I could hear myself breathe. ANOTHER ANGLE as Megan finds a 1967 Mustang Fastback. It is the same car her father had and it is just sitting in the desert. Megan approaches the car and sees Richard sitting inside, reclining. He sees her and sits up. RICHARD Oh/ there you are. I thought I was going to wait all day for some sex. Hop in and we'11 get it over with. MEGAN (V-0.) (continuing; tears) I saw daddy. He was sitting in his car. (hysterically) He told me he wanted to have sex! MEGAN (to Richard) You want to have sex with me? I am only eight years old. Besides, I am your daughter. Are you sick!? Roger appears next to the car. He grabs Richard's collar. ROGER Yea! Are you sick!? Do you want me to pound the crap out of you!? Megan morphs into herself at twenty-five. She is wearing a very sparse bikini. She flashes Roger a come-hither look. He lets go of Richard and walks over to Megan. He looks at her lustily. He lays her down on the hood of the car and makes out with her. Richard looks at them from behind the wheel, upset. CONTINUED
  • 30. RICHARD Hey! What about me!? INT. AIRPORT RESTAURANT - DAY MEGAN (more hair tugging) Pretty screwed up dream/ huh!? PIPER (concerned) Have you told Roger about your dreams? MEGAN (wiping tears) No... He'll think I'm nuts! PIPER Mo, Megan. He wouldn't think you are nuts. He loves you. (beat) If I knew you were having these problems, I would•ve talked to him about it when I said hi to him in Baltimore. He was with your neighbor, Judith, though/ so I guess it wouldn't have been a good time anyway. MEGAN (caught off guard) Wait... wait... wait. What do you mean/ with Judith? PIPER (wiping spilled coffee) She was walking into your building and he introduced me. MEGAN I don't like her! PIPER She seemed nice enough. MEGAN She's a little tart. Roger has had his eye on her every since she moved into our building.
  • 31. PIPER I don't believe that! MEGAN I don't trust Roger/ or anybody! People let you down. They wrestle your heart out of your body and throw it into the garbage like a piece of shit! PIPER Megan! This is Roger you are talking about. You two have a real bond. I can't believe you are feeling this way about him. MEGAN You try being married to him for a few days! You'll see what he is really like. PIPER You can't expect me to believe that you feel this way about him. You have to know that he loves you deeply. (beat) You know those are your true feelings, don't you? MEGAN (softening) ... I guess so. PIPER (affirmatively) I don't know what's going on with you, but I know that if you are having doubts about Roger, you should get them out in the open, don't you think? MEGAN Yes, I'll try. INT. LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB - DAY Frank stands before a fifty-four foot high laser sphere in Livermore, California. CONTINUED
  • 32. The building is as large as a basketball arena. The sphere (chamber) is filled with conduits. 192 laser beams fire from the sphere and travel through the length of the building. The lasers gain strength with each pass of the building. Frank walks with HOWARD, who works at the lab. HOWARD When completed, she'11 be able to deliver 40,000 joules of energy in a pulse lasting one billonth of a second. FRANK So, the newton moves the object one meter in the direction of the force 40,000 times in a billonth of a second? HOWARD That's right... It is not all wine and roses, though. We are having problems, as you might have heard. FRANK Not the least of which are costs overages. HOWARD That's right. Unfortunately we've had our share of problems, audited by Congress, problems with the laser glass production and on and on. FRANK This is surprising considering your resources - (beat) I understand you can•t reach ignition at half power, which is what you are operating at now? HOWARD That is correct... Have you had much success with your research? CONTINUED
  • 33. FRANK We're still working on a unique angle, just like with you guys, it's a struggle. HOWARD Tell me about it. (beat) Come on, let me show you our clean room. We have been building it ourselves and have been running into quite a bit of trouble... Make sure your pink pass is visible, we're a bit sticky about scrutiny in there. FRANK Sure. Frank straightens out the pass hanging off his shirt. INT. APARTMENT HALLWAY - NIGHT Judith is coming home from the store. She is carry ing groceries. Roger, who saw her entering the building, is helping carry them. INT. ROGER AND MEGAN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Megan is in the apartment. She is walking past the apartment door. She hears talking outside of the door. She looks through the peephole on the door. MEGAN'S POV - PEEPHOLE Roger is putting the groceries in front of Judith' door. Judith leans over and gives Roger a peck on the cheek. Roger pulls away. She then lunges towards him and gives him a wide, open mouthed kiss. MEGAN is in shock. She runs from the door in hysterics.
  • 34. INT. APARTMENT HALLWAY - NIGHT Roger pushes Judith off of him. ROGER No! JUDITH (smiling) I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. ROGER What are you thinking/ Judith!? I am married. JUDITH I'm sorry. I just felt an urge. ROGER (emphatically) Bye, Judith. He pulls his keys out and unlocks the door. JUDITH (laughing) I'm sorry. I am truly sorry. He walks into his apartment and closes the door. Judith unlocks the door to her apartment. She scoots the groceries in. She hears shouting in Roger's apartment. She shakes her head. JUDITH (continuing; to self) Pathetic. She walks into her apartment and closes the door - INT. ROGER'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Megan is hysterical. She is screaming at Roger at the top of her lungs. MEGAN What was that!? What was that I saw through the door!? CONTINUED
  • 35. Roger is dumbfounded. ROGER What? What through the door? MEGAN I saw Judith kissing you! I have been watching you! Watching you for years! What have you been up to!? (beat) Have you been fucking her, huh? Do you think I am a fool? How long has this been going on? How long have you been duping me? ROGER I'm not... I'm not duping you. Nothing happened. She kissed me. I did not want her to. I stopped her. I am not having an affair with her. You must believe me, Megan. MEGAN You expect me to believe that after what I just saw!? You must think I am a real idiot! ROGER I told you... MEGAN You've probably been with her for months! ROGER Megan! MEGAN You are a real bastard! ROGER Megan! MEGAN Well/ two can play this game! I'll just go out and... CONTINUED
  • 36. Roger pulls Megan towards him and kisses her, hard. She pulls away and slaps him. MEGAN (continuing) You bastard! He kisses her again and forces her to kiss him. After a few moments/ he stops. He takes her by the shoulders and looks deep into her eyes. ROGER Nothing is going on. She kissed me and I stopped her, that is all/ you got that? Megan is exhausted from emotion. MEGAN Yea... I got it. He hugs her. She hugs him back, but keeps her hands in a fist. INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY Roger is sitting at a booth. He sips a cup of coffee. After a few moments Judith walks into the restaurant. ROGER Judith, please sit down. She sits down. She seems tense and uncomfortable ROGER (continuing) Would you like anything? JUDITH No. Roger pauses a beat- ROGER What I wanted to talk to you about is... It is how... I know you are lonely, Judith. Believe me, I have a lot of sympathy for that. The problem is... I love Megan. CONTINUED
  • 37. Judith shakes her head and glares at Roger. ROGER (continuing) Take my word for it, Judith. If it wasn't for Megan, I would love to be with you. That's the problem. But, you must understand, I love Megan. I have chosen to live the rest of my life with her. He, again, pauses for a beat. ROGER (continuing) Can you understand that? JUDITH (angry) How many times do you think I can have my heart ripped out!? Look at you. She gestures towards him. ROGER Please, Judith. JUDITH No, you think you are this great guy. You come to the rescue of the poor girl on the bridge. Your poor, pathetic neighbor, crying on the bridge. But you don•t understand. You don't understand how there are lonely people, lonely people like me, who can't get a break. You have somebody! You have someone to go home to. What do I have? I go to school during the day and come home to a lonely, dinky apartment. You can't understand how lonely that can be! ROGER I have committed myself person, Judith. I can't that. JUDITH (crying) Well, you can take your sanctimonious stance and go to hell! CONTINUED to another just drop
  • 38. She scoots out of the booth. JUDITH (continuing) You just stick to your side of the building and I'll stick to mine. (beat) Maybe someday you'11 have your heart broken twice in one week Then you'll know how I feel. Until then, you can piss off! She storms off. Roger looks exhausted. INT. LAB - DAY CLOSE ON RED PENCIL twirling in a hand. PULL BACK TO REVEAL Megan- She is sitting at her desk, staring at the pencil. Roger walks into the lab and she is startled. ROGER Megan, I've been doing some thinking. MEGAN What is it? ROGER I've got an idea. MEGAN What? He walks over to his chalkboard. He points to the reactor on the board. ROGER Now, here is our reactor. Our problem is heat loss from our container, right? MEGAN Yes. ROGER Well, the solution is to find the right material with which to make the container out of. By which we can contain our heat loss. CONTINUED DISSOLVE
  • 39. MEGAN Right. He takes a piece of chalk and writes on the board/ "gold." He begins to get excited. ROGER Gold! Problem is, gold is the perfect conductor. MEGAN Right, it causes heat loss. ROGER Right/ but you could mend that gold... He draws criss-cross lines on the board. ROGER (continuing) ... say in a fiber. And then combine it with a hard, non-conductive material, you would have the perfect non-heat absorbing container. MEGAN I see, the only problem is, what material is hard as well as non-conductive? ROGER I don't know... but I know we'11 find it. Roger hugs her from behind as she sits in her chair. She swings the chair around and kisses him- She kisses him in a passionate, breathless way. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Megan is on the phone with a fellow scientist, WILMA She is working late at Scandia National Laboratories WILMA (V.O.) So/ you need a strong, non-conductive material to manufacture a reactor? (sighs) That's a tough one. Have you considered... CONTINUED
  • 40. Megan has been twirling her red pencil, while talking to Wilma. She begins to experience a massive headache She drops the receiver and grabs her head. WILMA (V.O.) (continuing) Hello? Megan, are you there? (to someone else) I was talking to her and she's gone. The phone CLICKS and we hear the dial TONE. INT. APARTMENT - LATER Megan is waking up from unconsciousness. She is • blurry-eyed and weak. She tries to get up/ but stumbles badly. She tries to open her eyes wider and get up. MEGAN'S POV - APPARITION which is standing in front of her. It is Richard. BACK TO SHOT Richard leans over her. He doesn't look a day over twenty RICHARD He will leave you. Megan backs up against the wall, trembling in fear. MEGAN Leave me? Who will leave me? Who are you? How did you get here? RICHARD I am your daddy, Megan. MEGAN My daddy? Are you dead? I haven't seen you since I was a kid! RICHARD (laughs) No, I am not a ghost. Megan! I am here for you now. CONTINUED
  • 41. MEGAN (rubs eyes) This can't be. I am seeing things. Richard sits on the floor with her. Megan grabs her Knees and hugs herself in fear. Richard scoots close to her. He strokes her hair. RICHARD Megan, my dear/ sweet daughter. I am here to make things up to you and to tell you that no good shit, Roger will leave you just like I left your mother. Megan, relaxed by the stroking, calms down a bit. MEGAN How can you know this, whatever the hell you are? He puts his arm around her. Megan's muscles are obviously tense/ but she actually begins to listen to the apparition. RICHARD I know this because I am a man. Roger is going to leave you because he can't keep his pants on. That's just the way we are. We have absolutely no redeeming values whatsoever. But, I am here for you now. I am here to make up for past mistakes. MEGAN But... but, why are you so young? You haven't aged a day. RICHARD Let's say I've been in storage. I've been waiting for the right time to come to you and figured now was as good a time as any. A large mirror sits on the wall opposite Megan. We notice that she sits on the floor alone. MEGAN This sounds so ridiculous. I can't be talking to you. I must have hit my head. CONTINUED
  • 42. He looks into her eyes. RICHARD If I am not real, then how could I know this, That slut, what's her name, Judith? He was screwing that whore like a dog the whole time you were out of town. MEGAN (tears up) He was? How do you know? RICHARD I was here watching thera the whole time! It was disgusting. MEGAN (wipes her eyes) I am in shock. I don't know what to say. RICHARD Just know that I am here for you. I won't let you down again. I will be here whenever you need me. Megan begins to trust the apparition. She hugs it tight and rests her head on his shoulder - MEGAN Oh, daddy, I'm so glad you are here, I missed you so much! You can't imagine how lonely I have been without you. Even in a world filled with people, I have been so very alone! The apparition turns into a red mist and disappears MEGAN (continuing) Daddy? Megan sees that there is no one in the room. The phone HONKS and lays off the hook. She hangs it up. She grabs a pillow from the couch and rocks it between her legs. She pulls at her hair. She cries and looks confused.
  • 43. INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Judith is at the routing center of her postcards. She is signing an authorization form to increase her distribution. The clerk takes her signature to the back to copy it. Judith stands and waits for her to return. She appears listless and tense. A man on a forklift drives up to her. MIKE EARHART has seen Judith on various other visits. He is one of those guys who thinks every girl cannot resist his charms. He gets off the fork- lift and approaches her. EARHART Miss Hackbarth! You are looking beautiful today. How do you do it? Judith is irritated by his presence. JUDITH Do what? EARHART Manage to look so sexy every time I see you? She shakes her head in disbelief - JUDITH (sweetly) Let me tell you. She motions him closer. He smiles and anxiously stands close to her. She leans in as if she is going to hug him. She then, suddenly, knees him in the groin. He reels in pain and climbs back on his forklift. EARHART You are insane! JUDITH Stay away from me next time! He drives the forklift off. She laughs as he drives off, then, suddenly, frowns.
  • 44. INT. LAB - DAY Roger and Frank are looking over plans for a new reactor. ROGER So, let me explain some of my ideas. Frank looks at the plans attentively. ROGER (continuing) Megan and I were discussing how to make a container that won't cause heat loss. FRANK Yea. INSERT - PLANS which show a reactor woven together with gold strands. The spaces in between the strands are empty. ROGER Okay, you see these yellow strands here. FRANK Yes, what are those? ROGER These are strands of gold. Now what we were thinking is, mend this gold with a hard, non-conductive material. The majority of the reactor would be made of this material, thereby cutting down on the conductivity. FRANK I can't think of such a material, Roger. ROGER That's what we have to figure out. BACK TO SHOT FRANK You don't want to work with the magnets anymore? CONTINUED
  • 45. ROGER Well/ it hasn't gotten us anywhere yet. We can't seem to compensate for the heat loss with the magnets FRANK Well, it certainly would be different. I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't try a different track. We've been trying low conductivity for a year and haven't reached breakeven, I don * t see any problem with starting over ROGER Great! We'11 start as soon as possible on a new reactor, (pats Frank's back) I think we can do this, Frank. I really do. FRANK (smiles) Let's reach for the brass ring. Roger smiles. EXT. AIRPORT - DAY Roger drives up to the unloading zone in front of the airport. He gets out of the car and lets Megan out. He pops the trunk for the luggage. Megan is frowning and does not look happy. Roger gives her luggage to the skycap. He takes Megan in his arms and hugs her; she does not hug him back. ROGER Have a good trip, Meggie. He kisses her, but she does not kiss back. Roger moves her hair out of her eyes. ROGER (continuing) I'll see you when you get back. I love you. MEGAN Okay, good. I better get going. She walks into the terminal.
  • 46. INT. AIRPORT - DAY HOLD CAMERA ON MEGAN as she walks into the airport. She has a strange, determined look on her face. She appears cold and listless as if she were possessed. INT. LAB - DAY CLOSE ON PAD as Roger writes ideas for a possible container material. He scratches out "plastics." He writes a note, "melting point too high." He writes, "What is hard, but low in its conductivity?" SLOW DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NEW MEXICO DESERT - DAY CLOSE ON CLAY EMBANKMENT. PULL BACK to reveal Megan's car driving through the desert. She is in Los Alamos, doing research at the National Lab- The car comes to a stop. It backs up and parks near the embankment. Megan gets out of the car. She crouches over the clay. She rubs it in her fingers and ponders. She gets back in the car. INT. CAR - DAY She pulls out her laptop. CLOSE ON SCREEN as she creates a three-dimensional graphic of a reactor. She draws in the yellow strands of gold. She fills in the blanks with a brick color. She places a marker pointing at the color and labels it, "ceramic." MEGAN closes her laptop and puts it away. She starts the car and drives away. INT. CAR - NIGHT Megan is driving through the desert, trying to clear her head. She seems restless and tense. CONTINUED
  • 47. MEGAN'S POV - THROUGH WINDSHIELD of the desert night. A jackrabbit runs across the road. The road is very isolated and quiet. Not a soul is around. Megan drives slowly, through the dark, quiet night. Suddenly she sees the mutilated body of a coyote on the road. Blood covers the roadway. Megan feels a sudden rush of pain. She sees the apparition floating above her windshield. He rests on thin air. He has his hands crossed behind his head. He looks at Megan and smiles. MEGAN slams on the breaks. She loses control and skids out in the sand. The car comes to a sudden halt in a sand bank. Megan is jarred. She sits for a few moments, then exits the car. She leaves the lights on. The apparition floats to the ground. He is humming "Love Me Do," by the Beatles. RICHARD How are you sweetheart? Megan backs up in fear. She trips in the sand. Richard walks over to her and helps her up. She can feel the solidness of his body. MEGAN What the hell is going on? Why are you here again? You left. Richard, his arm around her, walks her through the cold desert night. RICHARD I know I left abruptly last time. I had some other engagements. You see, there's this stripper club I like to pop into every so often and... CONTINUED 46.
  • 48. MEGAN Thing! Or dad, or whatever you are, I don't want to hear this. RICHARD A young man needs to sew his wild oats. (beat) But, I digress... You know, T am so proud you are a scientist, I didn't even finish high school. Megan's face is filled with bewilderment. MEGAN What do you want? Why are you torturing me? What are you? She covers her eyes. He takes her hands off her face. RICHARD Megan, let's sit down. They sit in front of the car. The headlights light up Megan, but the apparition is in shadows. RICHARD (continuing) Let' s get down to brass tacks - (hugs her) I want you to leave Roger before he leaves you. Before he hurts you. Let's call it a preemtive strike. You know it is going to happen. You know I am right. His eyes have been wandering every since we... I mean, you, met. MEGAN I am unsure. I am unsure if you are right. How can I even be talking to you!? (screams) Figment of my imagination! He rocks her gently. RICHARD Megan, sweetie, take it easy. Such a fretter! CONTINUED 47.
  • 49. He looks her in the eye. RICHARD (continuing) You know I am real. You can feel me holding you. How can that be wrong? You are not imagining me - I know you are a scientist and you need proof. The apparition waves his hand in front of them. A projection of Megan as an infant flashes before them. Megan looks at the image and starts to cry. The image is in faded color and shot in 8MM. Richard looks at Megan watching the image. He smiles as the light flickers across her face. RICHARD (continuing) I shot this when you were three months old. (beat) It seems like yesterday. MEGAN But... How do you..- What is this? How do you do... ? Megan grabs him and bawls with appreciation. The image fades. The cold wind blows as they sit there, hugging. DISSOLVE INT. CAR - DAY Megan wakes up in her car. It is morning and she is parked by the side of the road. She wipes her eyes and tries to wake up. Was last night real? After a few moments she starts the car and drives away. EXT. GAS STATION - DAY Megan drives up to a gas station. She gets out of the car and approaches a pay phone. CONTINUED
  • 50. She dials the phone. As the phone KINGS she notices a YOUNG MALE HITCHHIKER standing by the side of the road. He is around twenty and wears jeans and a teeshirt. Megan stares, he is very attractive. The phone is answered. ROGER (V-O.) Hello. MEGAN It's me, Roger. I have something I need to tell you. ROGER (V.O.) Meggie! Sweetheart! It's so good to hear your voice. How are you honey? Megan continues to peer at the hitchhiker. MEGAN Good... I'm doing good. Look... I need to talk to you about the reactor. ROGER (V.O.) Did you learn something at Los Alamos? MEGAN So to speak. Megan acts as if she is talking to a stranger. MEGAN {continuing) I just wanted to throw some light on an idea I have. You can take it or leave it- ROGER (V.O. ) Okay, what is it? MEGAN I saw some clay here in New Mexico and I thought you could use a ceramic to complete the reactor. CONTINUED 49.
  • 51. ROGER (V.O.) A ceramic... Yea, there is a precedent for that. Ceramics are used on the space shuttle and in some experimental car engines... There are possiblities. (excited) I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. You are a genius, Meggie! Megan can't take her eyes off the hitchhiker. MEGAN I hope you can use this, Roger... I have to go now... I don't know when I'll be home... I'll talk to you later. ROGER (V.O.) Well, thanks for the idea, Meggie- I'll start running with it. (beat) I love you Meggie. I hope you are home soon. I have missed making love. Anger forms on Megan's face as he says that. MEGAN ... I have to go now. ROGER (V.O.) Okay, sweetie. I'll see you later. MEGAN Yes... bye. She hangs up the phone. She holds the receiver for a beat, as if that is the last conversation she is going to have with him. ANGLE ON CAR as Megan stops to talk to the hitchhiker. MEGAN You need a ride? HITCHHIKER Just into town, if you don't mind? CONTINUED
  • 52. MEGAN Sure, get in. HITCHHIKER Thanks, thanks a lot. He gets in the car and they drive off. INT. CAR - DAY HITCHHIKER It's hot out there. (extends hand) I'm Patrick Hanely, by the way. MEGAN (shakes it) Megan Wilkes... uh, DeCarlo... So, where are you heading? PATRICK I'm journeying all over New Mexico, studying the native plants. I'm hoping to get into graduate school and get a masters in botany. MEGAN Really? You are studying to be a scientist? I am a scientist, a nuclear physicist. PATRICK Really? I'm not too into that. I'm hoping we can use alternative forms of energy, you know, something safer? Megan seems very distracted. She spends'more time looking at Patrick, than at the road. MEGAN Well, you know, nuclear energy is really quite safe, if you take proper precautions... Megan looks in the rearview mirror. INT. MOTEL - DAY Megan and Patrick are in a motel. They are ripping off each other's clothes. CONTINUED 51.
  • 53. Megan gets astride him and thrusts him with gusto. INT. CAR - DAY Megan is looking at the rearview mirror as Patrick gets out of the car in a small town. He reaches out his hand to shake hers. He notices her peering at the mirror. PATRICK Are you okay, Miss DeCarlo? Megan turns her head towards him. MEGAN What? PATRICK I just wanted to thank you for the ride. She shakes his hand. MEGAN Uh... Good luck with your studies. PATRICK Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your trip. MEGAN Thank you, I will, bye. PATRICK Goodbye. He closes the door and walks away. Megan sits for a few moments. She turns her head and watches him walk away. She pauses a few more moments; she drives away■ INT. LAB - DAY Roger and Frank are sitting before a computer. CLOSE ON SCREEN as they create a graphic of a working reactor. They are running simulations to see if the gold and ceramic combination will work. CONTINUED 52.
  • 54. ROGER All we need to do is keep the heat in the plasma. And if that happens, and we keep the nuclei at 100 trillion for one second, we will breakeven. FRANK Right. The simulation is set and he lets it run. ROGER AND FRANK watch with baited breath. CLOSE ON SCREEN as the simulation runs its course. We see a reactor, shinny brick in color, heating up artificially. A clock registers the ever climbing temperature of the synthetic reactor. Slowly, but surely, the simulated temperature reaches 180,000,000 degrees. ROGER AND FRANK look at each other. FRANK She's holding. Roger smiles. ON SCREEN a red atomic symbol blinks and SOUNDS an alarm. The plasma begins to flow from the reactor. The simulation stops and the screen goes blue. ROGER ROGER Great, we just flooded the room with a level seven accident! We are dead with severe radiation exposure! FRANK Maybe our metal and ceramic combination was off. We'11 try again. CONTINUED 53.
  • 55. Frank pats Roger on the back. DISSOLVE INT. LAB - DAY Roger and Megan are working in the lab. Their reactor is heating up. Megan steps into a radiation suit. She hands Roger his. He is about to step inside of it when a crack forms on the reactor. An ALARM SOUNDS and Megan runs to turn the reactor off. A green flash shoots out from the crack. Roger takes the shock of the blast. Megan runs over to him. She gets on her knees and lifts his head up. Roger's face is badly burned. Radiation burns have altered his face so much he can barely speak. ROGER (barely audible) I love you... Tears fall from Megan's cheeks. MEGAN I love you. Roger begins to have convulsions. MEGAN (continuing) Oh, Roger! Megan bawls as she tries to keep him still. He begins to gasp for breath as he chokes on his swollen tongue. Megan tries to pull it out. MEGAN (continuing) Roger, breathe ! Roger, breathe! He slowly dies in her arms. MEGAN (continuing) Nooo! Don't leave me, Roger! CONTINUED
  • 56. She rocks his dead body back and fourth. MEGAN (continuing) I'm so sorry, Roger! I'm sorry for not having faith in you. She takes her protective helmet off. She wipes the tears from her eyes. The green plume is long gone. CLOSE ON A GEIGER COUNTER leaning by the wall, which hardly regis- ters any radiation. MEGAN sits and holds Roger on her lap. She has a blank look on her face - MEGAN (continuing) You were right/ Roger. You were not sleeping with Judith. I am sorry. I am sorry I was tempted to cheat on you. I am such a jealous idiot... I will always love you. With tears pouring down her face she kisses Roger on the lips, ignoring the possible radioactive contamination. MEGAN (continuing) I will be okay without you. I should've known it all along. I can live without you. Suddenly, by some miracle, Roger opens his eyes and smiles. ROGER I fooled you Meggie! I fooled you! (laughs) Don't worry. I can live without you too, Meggie! (laughs dementedly) Megan is horrorified. CONTINUED 55.
  • 57. No...! INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT MEGAN No ... ! Megan wakes up from a nightmare. She looks around the dark room for a moment. She lays in bed and weeps uncontrollably. INT. LAB - DAY Roger and Frank are running another computer test CLOSE ON SCREEN as the simulation starts up. ROGER Here goes nothing. FRANK Saints be with us. The clock shows the temperature climbing slowly - After a few moments the simulated reactor reaches 180/000,000 degrees. The computer holds at 180,000,000 degrees. The simulated reactor begins producing energy. ROGER AND FRANK give each other high fives. ROGER All right! FRANK I knew we could do it! ROGER Oh, what a relief. They both laugh hysterically. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Roger and Megan are at home. CONTINUED MEGAN
  • 58. ROGER I don't understand, Meggie? We haven1 t made love since you've been back. What is going on? MEGAN I just don't feel like doing it. I have the right, you know. ROGER You do have the right. But I think I have the right, as your husband, to know why? The doorbell RINGS. Roger opens up the door and sees Judith. She does not look friendly. JUDITH Here. She hands him mail. JUDITH (continuing) This was put in my box by mistake. ROGER Uh, thanks, Judith. She begins to walk away, but Megan notices her. MEGAN What are you doing here, Judith!? JUDITH I'm just dropping off some mail, put in my box by mistake. MEGAN I want you to come in here. I want to know what you and Roger are up to.. She pulls her into the apartment and closes the door. ROGER Megan. MEGAN I need to know whether you two are having an affair or not!? CONTINUED 57.
  • 59. JUDITH This is ridiculous. I don't want to have this conversation. ROGER Megan, let her leave. She has nothing to do with you and me. MEGAN IJve seen that look that Roger gives you, Judith! It is the same look my father gave to his whore! (beat) I want a straight answer from you. Tell me you are not having sex with my husband! JUDITH I am not having sex with your husband, and he does not want to have sex with me. He has made that very clear. MEGAN When, Roger? When did you even have a conversation with her about this? ROGER You are over analyzing things, Megan - Why don't you just let Judith go, and we can talk this out? MEGAN Because I want answers! Because I don ' t trust you! Either of you! JUDITH Look, Megan, why don't you just quit it? You are making a fool out of yourself! I told you nothing happened and that is the truth! (beat) Why do you have to be such a shrew? I've never understood what makes you tick. You've got a really good lay here. Why can't you just do him and shut up about it? I think it would make you a much happier girl. CONTINUED 58.
  • 60. ROGER Judith! MEGAN You bitch! You unmitigated bitch! You have a lot of nerve judging me. You twinkle your eyes with every guy you see, including my husband! Judith charges at her; Roger stops her. JUDITH (crying) What the hell do you know about me ! ? You don't know a thing about me! MEGAN I know you're a slut! A dirty, slimy slut! JUDITH I'm out of here! She opens the apartment door and runs out. Roger, who looks like he has been hit by a freight train, closes the door. Megan slaps him. MEGAN You son-of-a-bitch! Who do you think you are!? Roger cries, with the sting of the slap and the words. ROGER Megan, why don't you give me a chance to explain? MEGAN Explain what!? How you are having an affair, or why you are meeting Judith behind my back? ROGER How... how I told Judith that she must stop flirting with me. I know that she is a flirt. I am completely aware that she is flirting with me. I told her it must stop. She hasn't bothered me since. CONTINUED 59.
  • 61. MEGAN You expect me to believe that? She lives in our building, Roger. How could you resist sleeping with her? ROGER Because I love you! Because I have always loved you! Why can't you understand that? MEGAN Nobody loves me! I have always known that! Nobody has ever loved me ! (beat) I need time to think... I am so confused! I don't know what I believe and don't believe! Roger attempts to touch her. ROGER Why don't you just take some time, honey? Take all the time you want. She pushes him away. MEGAN Don't touch me! I don't want you touching me! ROGER Okay... okay. I am sorry. Take all the time you need - I'll leave you alone. Roger walks away and Megan breaks into tears. INT. LECTURE HALL - NIGHT Megan is giving a lecture at the University of Minnesota. She seems listless and worn and not quite herself. The students, however, sit and listen calmly as she speaks. CONTINUED 60.
  • 62. MEGAN As you all may, or may not, know. An inertial confinement reactor works by heating the target so rapidly that the nuclei fuse before the target can fly apart. Laser beams hit the target in a spherical chamber, producing X-rays. The rays then hit a hydrogen-filled pellet, vaporizing its shell and compressing the hydrogen. The hydrogen then becomes so hot that the nuclei fuse. She pauses for a few moments. MEGAN'S POV - AUDIENCE who are obscured by the bright lights. MEGAN feels disoriented; she continues. MEGAN (continuing) Now the question that is always asked with nuclear energy is: "Is it safe?" I think the answer to that is an unequivocal, "Yes." Now, this could be an unpopular notion... DISSOLVE INT. RECEPTION HALL - NIGHT The university is holding a reception for Megan. Megan sits on a couch drinking a glass of wine. She closes her eyes to relax. A woman approaches her and Megan opens her eyes - JANE MARSH, 60, is the dean of the University of Washington. She is dignified and has an air of authority about her. She introduces herself to Megan and shakes her hand JANE Hello, my name is Jane Marsh. I'm dean at the University of Washington. CONTINUED
  • 63. MEGAN Oh, nice to meet you. Why don't you sit down? She sits down. JANE Thank you. T was very interested in your lecture. It was very fascinating. MEGAN Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. JANE (beat) I couldn't help noticing that you seemed distracted, somehow. Megan, who is slightly drunk, is taken aback. MEGAN Oh, really? How... how was I acting? JANE Well, you looked as if you were going to faint. MEGAN Wow! I cannot believe I am that transparent. (wipes her eyes) I've been having some personal problems. (beat) I didn't get much sleep before the lecture... I flew here just a short time ago. JANE Is there anything you'd like to talk about? MEGAN Well... JANE I'm prying... MEGAN No, it's okay, I'd like to talk about it. Maybe it will make me feel better. CONTINUED 62.
  • 64. JANE Fire away. MEGAN Well, where do I start with my stupid problems? (rubs her hair) I'm having problems with my marriage, to tell you the truth. JANE You are? MEGAN (fidgets with her limbs) I. . . I don't think I can trust my husband anymore. I... still love him, but I don't trust him. JANE That sounds unfortunate• (beat) How long have you been married? MEGAN About three years. (beat) The problem is. . . maybe the problem's with me... I have always had problems with trust, especially men. You see, my father left us when I was young and I think it scarred my youth. JANE Oh, that must've been rough. (beat) But, you seem so brilliant. You have achieved so much in your young life. Megan looks at her incredulously. JANE (continuing) I have been watching you. You are quite accomplished. You don't seem to show any signs of childhood trauma. CONTINUED 63.
  • 65. Megan takes a sip of wine and laughs. MEGAN Oh, they're there! (beat) I did see a psychiatrist, but I don't think I gave him enough of my money. JANE Well, Megan, do you think you are being paranoid, or do you have some specific allegation against your husband? MEGAN Well, it's not as if I saw him cheating on me, before my own eyes. It's just that... I guess, it's just that I can't believe with all the beautiful women walking around, he would want to be with plain old me. JANE Oh, that's not true! You are very beautiful, young lady. (beat) Don■t sell yourself short! I have an idea I would like to run past you. MEGAN (sips some wine) What is it? JANE Well, I don't mean to be presumptive or anything, but there is a position available at my school. I know we are in the middle of the school year, but maybe you could take the position? It would only be until the school year ends and then you could decide what you want to do with the rest of your life. It would give you a chance to clear your mind and think... What do you think? CONTINUED 64.
  • 66. MEGAN Well, maybe... I don't know. I haven't ever done any teaching/ just lecturing... I guess I would have to secure a teaching credential? JANE Yes, but with your qualifications, I don't think it would be any problem at all. We could rush you through it. MEGAN Really? (beat) This sounds like an intriguing offer, Jane. I'll have to think about it awhile, I think. JANE That is no problem. Take all the time you need. Right now we are using temporaries, but you would be worth the wait. MEGAN What subject is the class regarding? JANE It is a hypothetical physics class, right up your alley, I think. MEGAN Interesting. Jane gets up from the couch. She pulls a card out of her purse and hands it to Megan. JANE Here's my card. Give me a call if you decide to take the position. Megan shakes her hand. MEGAN Thank you, I will. I will give it a great deal of thought. CONTINUED 65.
  • 67. JANE It's been very nice to meet you, Megan and I hope we get a chance to work with each other. MEGAN Thank you for your kindness, bye. JANE Goodbye - She walks away. Megan looks at the card and contem- plates deeply. INT. LAB - DAY A newly assembled team works on the new reactor. An eighteen foot high frame sits in the middle of the lab. Frank watches the laborers work and keeps an eagle eye on them. Yellow barrels of radioactive hydrogen are being wheeled into the lab. A radioactive symbol is printed in red on each side of the barrel. One of the workers trips as he helps roll in a barrel - The barrel tips to one side and almost falls. Frank rushes over and helps put the barrel back on the cart. FRANK You must be careful! This is volatile stuff! He wipes his brow. FRANK (continuing) Whew! Roger walks into the lab. He looks depressed/ but he notices Frank's strain. ROGER I'm going to have to get you an assistant, Frank. You are carrying too much of a load. CONTINUED 66.
  • 68. Frank notices him. FRANK You might be right. I feel like I'm carrying a little too much. ROGER (to crew) Why don't you guys take a half hour break. The crew leave the lab. ROGER (continuing) The reactor is shaping up well, though. FRANK Yes, I think so. (beat) Why are you in so late, Roger? Is there something wrong? Roger sits at his desk. ROGER Megan and I are having some problems. Frank sits by him. FRANK Is there anything I can do? ROGER Just keep doing a good job here. I'll find you some help because I don't think Megan and I are going to be much help to you in the next few weeks. She has gone on the road lecturing and I don' think she has much interest in what we are doing here... and frankly, I can't work as hard as I want to, because she has my head spinning. But I will try to be here as much as I can. FRANK This is distressing, Roger. What is Megan upset about?
  • 69. ROGER She is under the impression I am having an affair with our neighbor. FRANK That is ridiculous, Roger! What gave her that idea? You guys have a really good thing going. ROGER She's had problems like this for a long time. I knew about it when we were married, but it has gotten worse in the last few months- FRANK What are you going to do? ROGER Just try to love her. That's all I can do, love her. It really galls me, though, that she doesn't realize how much I love her. If she knew how much I loved her, she wouldn't have all these problems with trust that she has. FRANK Well, I am with you, Roger. I love Megan, but I don't think she is being fair to you. (beat) What the hell would make her think you are sleeping with this neighbor anyway? ROGER Well, maybe it's my fault to a degree. I have tried to be nice to this girl because she has problems, but Megan is just so jealous, she can't separate friendship from infidelity. She thinks that my interest in helping other people means I have ulterior motives. FRANK I hope you guys can work this out. (MORE)
  • 70. FRANK (CONT'D) I'd hate to see one of the best marriages to come down the pike in years, go down in flames. ROGER I feel the same way. I'm hoping she comes to her senses before it's too late. INT. BAR - NIGHT Judith is sitting in a bar. Using a fake i.d., she orders shots of whiskey. MACK BENNET, 66, enters the bar and sits by her. MACK (to bartender) Screwdriver, please. The BARTENDER serves him the drink; he pays him. Judith looks at Mack, JUDITH Do you like men? Do you like women? Do you like either of them? MACK Excuse me? JUDITH Why do people have to be such jerks? MACK I don't know. (drinks) JUDITH If you knew a woman who had this guy, this perfect guy and acted like a miserable bitch, would you think much of her? She takes a swig. MACK Well, I don't know. I would have to know more about her. CONTINUED
  • 71. JUDITH Know more about her!? What do you mean? MACK I don't know... maybe this young lady has some personal problems that are keeping her from being happy. (beat) It could be she doesn1 t realize she loves him because she is distracted. JUDITH You have got to be kidding!? Are you aware how many lonely people there are out here? There are people who have everything they need, but can't seem to forget the little things. (beat) I don't care what someone's background is like! They should just be happy with what they've got and just get on with it! MACK ... Why aren't you happy with what you've got? JUDITH What!? What are you talking about? I haven't got anybody! Every guy I have been with has betrayed me in one way or another. I have nothing to be happy about! I can't just forget the little things, because I have no one to distract me from the little things. This chick does. She has everything! Do you know what I would give to have the guy she's got? She's got everything! She just doesn't know it! She takes another swig. CONTINUED 70.
  • 72. MACK You are a very hostile young lady. JUDITH You don* t know anything about me. MACK I think you should count your blessings, my dear. JUDITH Oh, what do you know, you old fart? He backs out of his stool and begins to leave. MACK Take care of yourself, young lady, you are in a dire state. He leaves. Judith looks at the bartender. JUDITH Some guy, huh? He doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. I am totally together. (laughs ) INT. LAB - DAY The reactor is now half complete and is shaped like a doughnut like the previous reactor. The shell is a shinny red color and there are no magnets at all on the outside. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Megan is sitting on a bed opening a travel pouch of aspirin. The apparition sits on a chair looking at her. MEGAN (pops aspirin) Did you love my mother? RICHARD I was certainly in lust with her. I know that. CONTINUED 71.
  • 73. MEGAN You know, she is still a beautiful woman. RICHARD I'm sure she is, but I am still a young man. She is old enough to be my mother. T prefer to think of her like she was. That is the woman who turned me on. MEGAN You don't have any love for her at all!? RICHARD You need to look at it from my point of view, Megan. When you are young, all you can think about is, getting laid. 1 think that is all I wanted from her. MEGAN Then, why were you mad at her? I remember you fighting with her. If she was so unimportant to you, why did you fight for her? RICHARD No one wants to share his girl. It is as simple as that. (beat) But, maybe there was a part of me that was fighting for you and your sister. I was just too young and naive to know it. MEGAN But I don't understand, daddy!? She was our mother. How could you treat her that way!? Do you know how much she was hurt? She couldn't see other guys for years. She spent many years being lonely. You were very cruel to her and us. I hate you for what you did! RICHARD You are not being fair to me, Megan. I told you before, I was a young man. I was not ready to be a father. CONT
  • 74. MEGAN Then, why did you have children? Don't you think it was irresponsible to create a family and then just leave it? RICHARD I don't want to be lectured by a child! You have no right to judge me! I am going to give you some breathing room. The apparition turns into a red mist. MEGAN No! Come back here! I want to talk! I want to know why you did it!? She screams in frustration. She sits for a few moments and then proceeds to the bathroom. She fills the sink with water. She washes her face. She washes the water all over her face. She lifts her head with her hands still on her face. She looks in the mirror. She sees the image of Richard's face SUPERIMPOSED over her's. She reels backwards in fear and runs screaming from the bathroom. She jumps in bed and covers herself. She cries and screams and curses. MEGAN (continuing; to self) I can't take this anymore! Am I totally insane!? Dear God, please help me! She bawls and screams so loud the walls shake. INT. LAB - DAY The reactor is now complete. It is an intimidating behemoth - Roger, Frank and their new assistant, BILL FINCHER, 24, sit before a computer control bank. CONTINUED 73.
  • 75. The reactor makes a RUMBLING SOUND as it warms the plasma. CLOSE ON COMPUTER CONTROL as graphics light up the screen. We see digital bars lining the screen. When each bar is fully raised, the reactor will be at full power. Slowly, the bars begin to rise, one by one. IN THE REACTOR the plasma glows orange as it spins around. ROGER watches the reactor heat up with anticipation. The RUMBLING is deafening as the reactor continues to heat. ANGLE INSIDE HOSE which pumps tritium into the reactor - The hose begins to bulge with the pressure flowing through it. IN THE REACTOR the plasma is spinning extremely rapidly. It seems that there is too much plasma in the reactor. CLOSE ON SCREEN as the bars continue to rise. INSIDE HOSE the bulge builds and looks as if it is going to burst. ON SCREEN is an indicator of tritium levels. Normal would be about 200 mi 11irems. The indicator shoots up to 2000 millirems. ROGER notices the level. CONTINUED 74.
  • 76. ROGER (loudly) There■s something wrong with the tritium level! The room is filling up with vapor! Suddenly the reactor shuts itself off. The SOUND slowly begins to subside as the reactor shuts down. ON SCREEN the bars begin to drop off. CLOSE ON RED LIGHT on wall; an alarm SOUNDS. ROGER rushes over to a switch and flips it. The switch sucks water into the tritium canisters. We hear a loud VACUUM SOUND; along with the sound of RUSHING WATER. After a few moments, the sound stops and the red light stops. Roger, out of breath, looks at Frank and Bill. ROGER (continuing) Oh, that was a close call! BILL How the hell did we have a tritium leak? FRANK The tubing must've not been up to spec. Roger leans on his knees. FRANK Are you okay, Roger? ROGER I'm just a little startled. I'm okay. FRANK (laughs) We really bit the bullet on that one, huh? CONTINUED 75.
  • 77. BILL We sure did! I think we have a legitimate complaint on the quality of that tubing! ROGER It was probably just an oversight. These companies are generally reliable with their equipment. I don't want to assign blame. Let's just replace it and move on. FRANK (touches Roger) We'll get right on it, Roger. As a matter of fact, I'll make a call right now. He walks away. BILL I think I need a cup of strong coffee. How about you, Roger? ROGER No, thanks, I'm okay. I'm just going to get off my feet - BILL Okay. Roger sits down at his desk; he looks at his hands as they shake. He hides them so no one sees. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Piper comforts Roger in his apartment. PIPER You have been holding up really well since Megan passed away, Roger. I am really impressed with your ability to hold yourself up in this dark time. ROGER Thank you. PIPER She would've wanted us to go on. You need to be strong and continue on with your life. CONTINUED 76.
  • 78. ROGER I know... I know. (cries ) It's just so hard, you know? I miss her so much. Piper holds him in her arms. PIPER It's okay, Roger. It's okay to cry. You need to let go, let go of your emotion. He weeps in her arms. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Roger gets out of bed. He turns on a small light. He walks into the bathroom and gets a drink. He drinks some water and proceeds back to bed. He is shocked by the sight of a lump in the bed. He walks over and looks at the lump. He is very afraid and hesitates. He slowly grabs the covers and pulls them away. He sees Megan who is horribly burned by radiation He jerks backwards and knocks over the lamp. MEGAN (drowsy) Can I have some water? ROGER (horrorified) You're dead! How can you be here? Megan, still drowsy, looks at him. She is an un- believable sight. The tendons and muscles are visible on her face. The flesh is all melted together in one ugly mass of flesh. She acts as if nothing is wrong. MEGAN what's wrong with you? What are you talking about? CONTINUED
  • 79. He turns his eyes from her; he cannot look. MEGAN (continuing) What has gotten into you? I'll get it myself. She gets out of bed and proceeds into the bath- room. A stripe of radiation burns runs down one whole side of her body. She picks up the lamp and puts it back on the table. In the full light she is even harder to look at. Roger collapses on the bed, weak with fear. Megan gets her drink and comes back to bed. She turns off the light and gets in bed. MEGAN (continuing) Come here you! In the shadows we see Megan pull Roger on to her. She kisses him; Roger, wide-eyed, trembles with fear. MEGAN (continuing) What is wrong with you!? Don't you want to make love to your wife ! ? ROGER {sobbing) You're not my wife. He looks into her cold, dead eyes. ROGER (continuing) What are you? Where did you come from? Were you sent here from hell? She throws him off. MEGAN You're crazy! I'm going back to bed! CONTINUED 78.
  • 80. 79. She rolls over and pulls the covers on. Roger sits on the edge of the bed/ with his hands clasped over his head. ROGER (upwards) Please dear God, wake me up! Wake me up! INT. BEDROOM - MORNING Roger abruptly sits up. He has been dreaming a terrible nightmare. He grabs his forehead. ROGER (to self) Oh, God! It was only a dream! Thank God, it was only a dream! He sits up at the edge of the bed. ROGER (continuing; to self) I need you home, Meggie! You need to come home! INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT Megan and Piper are eating in a restaurant in Chicago MEGAN I need you to be supportive, Piper. PIPER But separating from Roger? I don1 t get it, why? MEGAN I've got my reasons. I just want to take this teaching job and get some distance from him. At the end of the school year, I'll make up my mind about him. PIPER But I don'fc understand why you want to split from Roger, I thought you two were doing well, weren■t you? CONTINUED
  • 81. MEGAN There are very personal reasons I have for feeling this way. I don't want to go into them/ though. You wouldn't understand. PIPER I don't understand now! What would it hurt to explain this to me? You are talking about throwing away your marriage. (beat) You know, Megan, there has always been a part of me that has been jealous of you getting Roger. He just seems like such a wonderful man . MEGAN That's your perspective from afar. You don't know the intricacies of our relationship. You don't know how his eye tends to wander with other women. You may think he is just this really polite, helpful guy, but you haven't been watching him as long as I have. There are real issues I have with him about trust. I don't know if he is someone I can trust and I need that. I need someone who is open with me, otherwise I can•t be with them. I can't open up my soul to them. I have felt this way every since daddy left and it has not changed. What would have happened if I trusted daddy more? Megan looks around the room, leery that Richard may show up again. PIPER That's a lot to swallow. (beat) First of all, you must understand, I support your decision whatever it may be, I just want a chance to try and talk you out of it. Will you give me a shot? CONTINUED 80.
  • 82. MEGAN Re my guest/ but my mind is made up. PIPER Okay. (beat) I just feel that this is a mistake. Megan... Roger is a good man. T can't find it in myself to believe these things you are saying about him, surely you are mistaken. MEGAN I don't think I am. I know him better than you. PIPER But I don■t think you are treating him fairly. You are being too mysterious. I think you should go home and face him. He deserves a chance to defend himself. MEGAN I will give him a chance to defend himself, just not face to face. I need to have distance from him in order to keep my objectivity. PIPER Objectivity? What objectivity? You haven't even got any evidence he has done anything wrong. Megan pulls a tip out of her purse. MEGAN (angry) I don't need this from you, Piper! I am being pulled in two different directions! I need to make up my own mind about my own life! PIPER Megan... Piper grabs her and gives her a strong hug. CONTINUED 81.
  • 83. MEGAN'S POV - REFLECTION IN SPOON on a table. Richard smiles at her. MEGAN squeezes her eyes shut. INT. LIQUOR STORE - NIGHT Judith is showing a CLERK her fake i.d. He looks at the i.d and looks at her. CLERK $12-50. She pays him and he gives her the change. She walks out with a bottle of whiskey. EXT. LIQUOR STORE - NIGHT Judith walks out of the store. The streets are crowded and she appears irritated. She is excited, however, by all the men that are on the street. She smiles freely at them as she walks. She comes to a man standing with one foot against a brick wall. BEN WALTERS is forty-five. He is a loose operator and loiters often. He lights a cigarette. Judith stops and peers at him; he smiles. He gives her a cigarette and lights it. INT. BEDROOM - MORNING Judith and Ben sit in bed at her apartment. Judith lights a cigarette. JUDITH You men are all such bastards. BEN What, me? what did I do? JUDITH You're all the same. CONTINUED 82.
  • 84. BEN Look, I can leave if you want me to? JUDITH No. . . (looks at him) I want you to explain yourself. BEN What do you mean, explain myself? JUDITH Why do you treat us women the way you do? We are not disposable bags, you know. BEN Look, we had a good time here. What's wrong with that? (beat) Did some guy do something to you? You seem like you are really hung up on some problem. JUDITH It's all of you. You're all in the same league - You don1 1 treat us women with respect. Without us, you guys wouldn•t even be here. Our wombs bring you guys into the Earth. Do you realize that, Ben? BEN I think it's time I should be going. He gets up and puts his clothes on. BEN (continuing) Can I do anything for you? JUDITH Yea, you can pour me a drink. You see that bottle on the table? He picks it up. BEN Isn't it a little early? CONTINUED 83.
  • 85. JUDITH I don't care! It's my bottle! BEN I've had enough of this. Here, take it. He hands her the bottle and leaves. Judith takes a glass and pours a drink. A tear falls down her cheek. JUDITH (to self) Fine, leave, you * re all the same. She takes another drink and devours every drop. INT. LAB - DAY The team is performing another test. They sit before the control bank. The reactor RUMBLES as it warms up. ON SCREEN the digital bars come to life. IN THE REACTOR the plasma shoots out its conduit. It tears its way around the reactor, spinning with glee. BACK TO SHOT The RUMBLING continues to build. ON SCREEN the bars continue to rise, unabated. CLOSE ON BILL as he winces in anticipation. BACK TO SHOT They watch the reactor warm up normally. CONTINUED
  • 86. FRANK watches the reactor warm/ excitedly. Suddenly he begins to turn green. He throws up in front of Bill and Roger. BILL There's something wrong! ROGER moves rapidly and shuts everything down. The reactor slowly shuts down and quiets. BACK TO SHOT as Roger and Bill help Frank to a seat. Roger looks at the computer. ROGER We forgot to turn on the ventilation fans! There were too many ions floating around in the room. BILL I'll get you a glass of water, Frank. Roger leans over Frank. ROGER I'm sorry, Frank. We screwed up. I have been distracted. Frank is still green. FRANK It's okay, Roger, it happens. ROGER There is no excuse for my behavior! I am in charge and I have messed up! FRANK It's okay, Roger. Don't worry... Roger sees him about to throw up and grabs him a garbage can. He holds it under Frank as he throws up- Roger pats him on the back. 85.
  • 87. INT. BAR - NIGHT Roger sits in a bar, drinking. He looks haggard. He lets loose on the bartender, telling hira all his woes. ROGER I don't know what she is intending. She won't even call me! And, don't get me started on my problems at work! He takes a sip of vodka. ROGER (continuing) She's never stayed away this long before. I don't know what she's thinking anymore. (beat) She's not the woman I married. BARTENDER Give her some time. ROGER Why should I? What about my feelings? My heart is breaking! BARTENDER Nobody said love was easy, pal. ROGER You're telling me? (quietly) The only problem is, I don't think I'm going to see her again, outside of a courtroom. I love her so much. I don't want to lose her! BARTENDER Then fight for her. ROGER I'm not sure if I have it in me. I don* t know if my heart can take anymore of thi s. I don't have the strength.. CONTINUED 86.
  • 88. BARTENDER Listen to yourself. Are you a man? Get some backbone, buddy. Show some self respect. Get out of your doldrums. ROGER (sips) But you don't understand! You don't know what Megan is like. She has had some serious emotional problems in the past. (beat) She has held a grudge against her father all her life. As long as I have known her she has been angry with him. I think/ she takes her anger against her dad and takes it out on me, which is totally unfair, because I have been nothing but understanding about her problems with him. BARTENDER What did her father do? ROGER He left! That bastard abandoned his family! She has never gotten over it. I have heard her railing about him for years. The thing I can't understand is, why care about someone like him? Get on with your life and forget about him. That is what I say! BARTENDER Maybe she blames you because you are a man like her father, (cleans glass) ROGER What? BARTENDER Maybe she thinks all men will hurt her at some point. ROGER That's not fair! I have been very kind to her. I love her! CONTINUED 87.
  • 89. BARTENDER You need to look at things from her perspective. She doesn't trust men because her father left. It seems pretty simple to me - ROGER You think so? I have to think on this. Pour me another drink and I'll pontificate what you said. BARTENDER Another drink won't make you think easier. ROGER No, but it won't hurt either. The bartender pours him another shot. Roger shoots it down. INT. LAB - DAY Frank and Bill sit before the control bank. The reactor RUMBLES, once again, as it warms up. ON SCREEN the digital bars rise. IN THE REACTOR the plasma whips around in a frenzy. BACK TO SHOT The RUMBLING builds. ON SCREEN the bars are almost completely raised. THE REACTOR looks normal and it settles into a quiet BUZZ. It begins to produce plasma. ON SCREEN all the bars raise and indicate that the reactor is active. CONTINUED 88.
  • 90. FRANK AND BILL look at each other and hoot in joy. BILL We're producing plasma! We did it! FRANK We sure did! (they shake hands) I can't believe it, but we did! Frank runs to a cabinet and pulls out a bottle of champagne. He pours each of them a glass. FRANK (continuing) I was wondering if we were ever going to get a chance to drink this, but, here we are. Bill laughs. FRANK (continuing) And now a toast. They hold up their glasses. FRANK (continuing) To Roger and Megan. Unfortunately they could not be here to join in the celebration with us, so we will toast them in their absence. Their glasses CLING and they drink. BILL I think you better call Roger and tell him we did it. Of course, you might want to leave out how many attempts it took. FRANK I'm going to wait till he calls in. He told me he wanted his space, so I'm going to give it to him. I know he'll be happy we succeeded, but he is in a pretty strained state right now. CONTINUED 89.
  • 91. Frank leans in on the computer bank to see if everything is working properly. BILL What exactly is going on with Roger and his wife? FRANK ... It's pretty personal stuff, but they are strong people and they'll work it out. BILL I've seen some of the papers they have written together and they seem like such a good team. FRANK I know. I have never seen two researchers work so well together, married, or not. (beat) I have faith they will work it out. We, however, better get back to work. We need to test the reactor's output. BILL (looks at board) Yes, it looks like there are some adjustments to be made. FRANK (looks as well) Yea, I see, vre' re going to need to adjust that. INT. APARTMENT - DAY Roger groggily walks past his answering machine. He sees it flashing and checks the message. MEGAN (on machine) Roger, I'm going to take some time away from you. Don't be hurt and please understand. (cries) Please don't try to find me. I'm sorry I have to do this, but I feel betrayed... I hope you can find happiness while I try to figure things out. (MORE) CONTINUED 90.
  • 92. MEGAN (CONT'D) (on machine) ... maybe we weren't meant for each other, I don't know. I'll be in touch, my lov... Uh, just, goodbye '. Roger slumps onto the couch, in shock. SLOW DISSOLVE INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Megan, now teaching at the University of Washington, is giving a lecture. MEGAN ... And that is the Lasnex code. My speciality in nuclear physics is ICF, or, Inertial Confinement Fusion. Now, you might remember yesterday, when I was telling you about the impurities in the laser glass used at Lawrence Livermore Lab in California- As I discussed, they are not only having trouble producing the glass, but they also are having trouble with the coatings and reflective surfaces of the glass. BETHANY ROYCE, 21, petite with short brown curly hair speaks up. BETHANY And they are also having trouble with the ultraviolet crystals, they make the laser light too powerful and destroy the glass. MEGAN Right, Bethany. As a matter of fact, many in Congress want to dismantle the program, which shows you how fierce funding competition is... Now, all these technical problems, of course, then ensue. Such as, cracks, as the laser light hits the glass loafs inside the laser. Another problem they are confronting is, loading the tiny tritium and deuterium pellets into the target chamber. (MORE) CONTINUED
  • 93. MEGAN (CONT'D) Now, you might say that ICF is too difficult to complete. However, keep in mind that once you determine how to keep the glass free from defects, you will have a very proficient energy producing machine. BETHANY Which you told us, you will prove in the next few months. The class laughs. MEGAN That's right, Bethany. I did say that, didn't I? Bethany smiles. MEGAN (continuing) Now, tomorrow, we will be discussing the production of pellets, which have to be produced in an environment at twenty degrees above zero. We will be discussing the difficulty of keeping the pellets, formed from the hydrogen isotopes, cold until successfully loaded. I'll see you all tomorrow. EXT. CLASSROOM - DAY Bethany exits the classroom. She walks down the walkway. Roger, wearing dark glasses, approaches her. BETHANY Oh, hi, Mr. Wilkes - He pulls her into a bank of bushes. ROGER Shhh!! (takes glasses off) You don't want Megan to hear you. CONTINUED 92.
  • 94. BETHANY (covers mouth) Oh, sorry. ROGER Have you talked to Megan about me yet? Bethany smiles at Roger and seems smitten with him. BETHANY No, I haven't had a chance yet. ROGER You've had two weeks! I can't wait around here forever! You need to tell her T want to talk with her. BETHANY I'm sorry, Mr. Wilkes. I will talk with her about you. (beat) I can't imagine why your wife is giving you the cold shoulder. You are so decent and kind. ROGER She's being silly, Bethany! That's why I need your help. ANGLE ON MEGAN as she leaves the classroom. ROGER pines for her. ROGER (continuing) Oh, she is so beautiful, Bethany. BETHANY Quiet, you don't want her to hear you. ROGER (quietly) I wish T could tear out of these bushes, take her in my arms and kiss her till we die. CONTINUED 93.
  • 95. BETHANY pulls him back. BETHANY You'll get your chance. Just be quiet. MEGAN looks over at the bushes, as if she hears something. ROGER AND BETHANY duck. MEGAN hesitates for a moment and walks away. ROGER AND BETHANY relax. BETHANY (continuing) Now/ you just be calm and give me a chance. I'll tell her you are here and want to see her, don't worry. Roger looks off in the direction Megan walked in. He stares off into the distance. ROGER I really appreciate you helping me, Bethany. You are very sweet. He looks at her and kisses her on the cheek. She turns red with embarrassment. BETHANY Oh, thank you, Mr. Wilkes. ROGER Call me Roger. BETHANY Okay, Roger. CONTINUED
  • 96. Roger puts his glasses back on. ROGER Okay, I'll be in touch. See you later. BETHANY Okay, bye. Roger sneaks off. BETHANY (to self) Amazing guy! INT. MEGAN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Megan, with a bottle of aspirin on table, is eating dinner. Richard, much to her chagrin, sits across the table from her. He is, once again, smiling. Megan anxiously eats her meal, uncomfortably aware of his constant stare. MEGAN (drops fork) Look, don't you have anywhere else to go? RICHARD I like sitting here watching you. You are my dear, sweet daughter. MEGAN I wonder about that. RICHARD What is that supposed to mean? Megan studies him a moment. MEGAN I used to think I hated mom. But I am starting to wonder if it is you I have hated all along. I mean, look at you. You are just a juvenile delinquent. You talk about goinq to stripper bars. (MORE) CONTINUED 95.
  • 97. MEGAN (CONT'D) Why haven't you aged? You are too young. I am older than you, for God's sake! You can't be my father. How do I know you are not a figment of my imagination? RICHARD Megan! I thought we settled this. I cannot believe you are still hung up on these ideas. Seriously... (laughs) . . . not your father! Give me a break, sweetheart. MEGAN Don't laugh at me. (beat) T am seriously starting to believe you are not real. I think I am talking to myself right now. If someone took a photograph in this room, there would be only me... What do you think of that? RICHARD Megan! I am real! I am going to give you a chance to be alone. I'll give you a chance to work this idea out of your mind. (laughs) Not your father. Oh/ that's funny! He turns into a red mist and disappears. MEGAN Wait! Come back here! I am not done talking! Why did you laugh at me!? She pushes her plate across the table and crosses her arms. MEGAN (continuing; to self) I will get rid of you! You cannot hide forever! I will rid my psyche of you! She takes her plate and throws it against the wall - 96.
  • 98. EXT. FASTFOOD RESTAURANT - NIGHT Roger and Bethany sit outside on a cold Seattle night and eat. BETHANY I really appreciate you taking me out tonight, Roger. I was really bored. Roger appears tense. ROGER I just couldn't take another minute in that hotel room. I was going stir crazy! BETHANY I know what you can do to feel better! Why don't you tell me how you and Megan met? Maybe it will make you feel better, you know, remembering all those old, sweet memories!? ROGER (reluctant) Oh, I don't know. BETHANY Oh, come on! ROGER ... Okay, if it makes you happy. Bethany smiles her infectious smile. ROGER We were in class together. I was impressed by her, so I introduced myself to her. BETHANY Was it love at first sight!? ROGER You could say that. (beat) At least, I knew X loved her from the first time I saw her. CONTINUED 97.
  • 99. BETHANY Oh, this is so romantic! I can't believe your problems have gotten to this point. It just seems like you guys were meant for each other. ROGER I appreciate you saying that, Bethany, it raises my spirits quite a bit. BETHANY ... Would you like to go see a movie!? ROGER Oh, I don't know if I am in the mood . BETHANY What else were you going to do, go back to your stupid hotel room? ROGER Well... BETHANY It'll be fun! Come on... She bats her brown lashes at him. ROGER ... Okay, but I don't want to see a drama. It must be a comedy. My heart can't take anymore drama. BETHANY Of course! A comedy! Let's go! She pops up from the bench and grabs Roger's arm Roger smiles and laughs. Her bubbly personality is contagious. INT. LAB - DAY Frank and Bill work in the lab. Frank sits down at his desk and opens up a manila envelope. He pulls out a certificate, encased in a picture frame. CONTINUED 98.
  • 100. INSERT - CERTIFICATE "This certificate, given by the University of Maryland Board of Directors, in recognition of stupendous scientific achievement, is hereby bestowed upon this team, for your outstanding contribution to the science of nuclear fusion." BACK TO SHOT FRANK Ah, it's a certificate, Bill. Bill leaves the computer bank and walks over. He looks at the certificate. BILL We should be proud. I think we earned this, don1 t you? FRANK It isn't worth much without Roger and Megan's presence, is it? BILL I think they would be proud too, if they weren't so distracted. Frankly, I think they are being immature. We have made a huge scientific discovery and they are off sulking like puppies. FRANK Don't be so hard on them, Bill. They have a very passionate relationship and passionate relationships are all consuming. BILL Yea, but what are they doing, Frank? Have you even heard anything from Roger? Has he talked to her? When is he coming home? We have a lot of work to do, securing a patent and et cetera. They shouldn't be running around out there when there is so much hard work to do. Roger should either relenqui sh his work to us or come back. CONTINUED
  • 101. FRANK Wait a second, Bill. You are crossing a boundary I don't want you to cross. These are my friends we are talking about. Bill sits down. BILL I'm sorry, Frank. I guess I am just stressed out- I mean, I only got out of graduate school a few months ago. A lot has happened in just a couple of months. FRANK It's okay. I know you are young. I think I would be anxious too if I were your age, but just remember that people have complicated lives. Roger and Megan haven't always been this way. BILL Wellt do you think they can work things out? I don't know if passion is worth the strain those two are going through. FRANK ... I think, if they have a little bit more time, they will work this out and I do think what they are going through is worth it- I'm thirty-one and still looking for that one true love. I think once you have that special something with someone you should hold on to it. (beat) For all we know, they have kissed and made up and are on their way home now. BILL Well, even if they aren't, I am going back to work. This is my pascion for the time being. Frank smiles and looks at the certificate. 100.
  • 102. EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT Roger waits for Bethany, late on a rainy night. He stands in the rain/ impervious to the wet. He appears anxious, as Bethany has news for him from Megan. He sees the light from her car approach. The car pulls up and stops. Bethany exits her car and opens up her umbrella. She notices that Roger is drenched and stands over him. BETHANY How long have you been waiting here? ROGER Don't worry about that. What did Megan say? BETHANY Can we go somewhere and get out of the rain? ROGER You know the abandoned drive-inn by your dorm? We can get some privacy there, can't we? BETHANY Yea, it's pretty quiet there and there are the old carports so we can get out of this rain. ROGER Okay, let's go. They get in their cars and drive off. EXT. DRIVE-INN - NIGHT We are at an old fifties style drive-inn. The old carport still stands, but it is very rickety and the paint is old and cracked. Roger and Bethany get out of their cars. Roger has a towel and dries his hair. ROGER I can't take the suspense any longer, Bethany. What did she say? CONTINUED 101.
  • 103. BETHANY . . . She said, you should go back to Baltimore and live your life. (beat) She said she didn't want any pressure from you to come home and that you should continue on, regardless of what she decides to do with her life. Roger is confused by Bethany's words. ROGER I don't understand? How does she feel about me? Does she want me to just leave and never see her again? BETHANY She said... something about, being tired of all the voices in her head and how she is trying to find her own voice in all the noise. ROGER She told me to go home? BETHANY Yes, she did. Roger is insensed. He grabs at one of the carport's pillars and shakes it- Chipped paint and old pine needles fall from the rafters. The carport seems as if it might come tumbling down. Bethany winces and tries to cover her head. She has not seen this rage in Roger since she has known him. ROGER She makes me so angry! I should divorce her for lack of affection! Why should I let her get away with this!? Why should I, Bethany? BETHANY I don't know. CONTINUED
  • 104. ROGER She is just so Goddamnned insensitive! I never did anything to deserve this treatment! Why the hell have I put up with it!? BETHANY Take it easy, Roger. Maybe you should get some sleep? ROGER I don't want to get any sleep! Please, just give me a chance to express myself. I have held it in too long. Can you understand what this has done to me? Can you see what she has put me through? I have tried to be patient, what has it gotten me!? BETHANY Roger, you are scaring me. Roger rushes towards her and firmly grabs her shoulders. ROGER No/ Bethany, don't be scared. I am not mad at you. I just need a sympathetic ear. I have been even keeled for too long. I need a chance to express all these angry and confused emotions I have been holding in all these years. BETHANY (shaking) Okay, I'll hear you out. Just take it easy. ROGER It's just that I love her so much, Bethany and this is how she rewards me. She doesn't even have the integrity to see me face-to-face. What is wrong with her? You are a woman. What is she thinking? BETHANY I don't know. I have never been married before. I don't know what she is thinking. CONTINUED 103.