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Screenplay notes for Somewhere In - Between, by Izzibella Beau.
Imagine if you were so meant for someone, an energy would form when near them.
Intro: Lead up to party and party.
Act. 1: Mara is in a car accident and goes into a coma.
Act. 2: Max is gone, stuck in the in-between world. Mara desperate to find him.
Act. 3: Mara finds Max and thinks everything is happy, or is it?
Somewhere In – Between is a fantasy story about two people: Mara Crowe and Max Carter who are
destined to be with each other. The book is reminiscent of the film, The Lovely Bones and the book, “If
I Stay?”
It would be a mid - range budget film, has some FX shots, but not overwhelmingly. I conclude my
adaptation notes with my synopsis of the story, but first I have some ideas on casting and a few other
bits and pieces on adapting this book into a screenplay.
I think for the character of Mara: Kristen Stewart would be perfect casting. As an actress she has the
exact qualities this character exhibits. She is tough, but also thoughtful and introspective, all
reminiscent of roles she has played in her young career.
One of the linchpins of the story, a great burden of pain for Mara is when she unintentionally leaves
Max in the in – between. It breaks her heart and drives her.
I think a potential screenplay would benefit greatly with the use of an inner monologue for Mara. She is
many times thinking rather than saying and this device would be a helpful tool for her character.
The book is written as a rated R story, might benefit softening into a PG-13.
One of my favorite scenes in the book is when Mara visits the real Max in his comatose state. It is a
touching and sad and a beautiful scene. Probably the best part of the book.
I have made a chronology of events of the story, it is a little long, but can be skimmed easily. Please
read and come to your own conclusions about the story's merits.
Mara Crowe is an average, lonely New Hampshire girl, nothing really stands out about her. She has
average looks with brown not overly styled hair. She is not a happy high school senior and drinks to
feel better.
She has a boyfriend, Van, who is a star basketball player and does not treat her well, also is a bit of a
womanizer. She also has a best friend, Ashley, a bottle blonde, with brown eyes and a perfect body who
is a female copy of Van, but is a devoted friend to Mara.
Van and Mara get into a fight at school about an impending high school party.
Story kicks into gear at the high school party where much debauchery happens. Ashley and Mara are
sexily dressed, Mara, typically, is drinking with her friend, Ashley. Mara looks for Van and cannot find
Mrs. Walsh, mother of Tori, Mara and Ashley's mutual friend, is drunk and loose. The party is being
held at her home.
Van is drunk and places his hands all over Mara, making her angry. Later, Mara looks for Van because
she wants to leave the party.
Mara finds Van having sex with Mrs. Walsh. She leaves in a huff in her car. She speeds across the road
in the darkened night, tears filling her eyes. She sees the images in her mind of Mrs. Walsh and Van
having sex and can't shake it. Mara rests her head on steering wheel for a moment and suddenly sees
someone in the road, she swerves to avoid him. She loses control of the car and crashes into a truck.
Mara sees a flash of light as she crashes and wipes out. After a few moments... she awakens in a
heaven like place. It is a quiet, strange world. It is still night. She tries to disengage her seat belt, but
there is no car, she is just on the street.
She remembers the accident, but where did her car go? Where did the truck go? The streets are well lit
for the time of night. Mara walks without tiring, feels like she is floating.
She goes to her house and sees no cars. No one is around inside and out. Mara does gymnastics she
could never do in her normal life. She ends up back at the party. No cars are at the party, it is pitch
Mara sees leaves moving around the house. She hears a voice call out to her. She knows his name and
calls him Max? How does she know him? Max, is handsome, has a slight British accent and is tall, with
dark, curly hair in his eyes.
Mara thinks he is a figment of her imagination. He looks at her and smiles, he seems to know what she
is thinking. Mara rubs her eyes and demands who put him up to this. She tries to shoo him away like he
is an apparition.
Max introduces himself and asks Mara to walk with him. Mara feels a warm, tingling feeling when she
walks with him, questions how she knows him. She questions him about who he is, cannot believe that
he is real. Max is amused at her and smiles as he takes her to her house.
Max points out her house to her and asks her if she remembers anything. He is frustrated at her inability
to let go and relax in this strange situation. Max tries to help her remember. He knows that the two of
the them are in a different universe, he doesn't completely understand it himself. He takes her to his
It is only the two of them walking, there are no people, animals, anything. They are the only living
creatures in existence. Mara looks at Max's house and she thinks she is in England. He tells her they are
actually in Massachusetts at his parents estate.
Mara asks him what he does with his time. He tells her he looks into the real world sometimes. As
stated previously Max has the ability to read Mara's mind and he asks and encourages her to remember
what happened to her. Mara remembers her age is eighteen. He hugs her and it makes Mara scream.
His touch is so comforting and she remembers the accident and all that happened.
Max takes Mara to the seaside cliffs near his estate. This is where he jumped from the cliffs drunk and
hit his head. Mara takes a step back from the cliff edge, scared. He holds her hand. Max lets go of her
hand and jumps off the cliff. In an instant he appears behind her, dry and okay. This makes Mara mad.
Max tells her nothing can hurt them and he has jumped many times. Mara runs away from the cliff and
Max teases her and grabs her hand, trying to pull her to the cliffs.
He sees that she is upset and shows remorse. He stares into her eyes and she melts. They leave the cliffs
and spend endless time together. Mara says she wonders what is happening on other side and Max tells
her to concentrate to try and peer through.
Mara closes her eyes. She has trouble concentrating on one face. Max strokes her and comforts her, this
helps. She sees her parents in her living room surrounded by flowers. They seem to be looking a picture
book of Mara and her mom cries. Mara panics, thinking she is dead and opens her eyes.
Max caresses her and kisses her and tells her that if she is still in the in – between, she is still alive. He
tilts her head and looks in her brown eyes, they kiss. An electricity forms between the two of them that
catches Max off guard. He pulls away. They kiss again and it is magical.
They spend time talking about past loves. Max tells Mara that he turned 21 in a coma because his
birthday was right after accident. Mara very badly wants to lose her virginity to him. Max worries that
one of them is going to wake up and they will be separated.
They spend what seems like an eternity together and get to know each other very well. One day Max
decides to take Mara back to the cliffs. He wants them to jump together, but Mara is hesitant. Max
coaxes her and calms her with his kindness and eventually they grab hands and jump. They love it so
much, they jump again and again, and another five more times. They land back up at the cliff's edge
and are fine and completely dry.
Max and Mara tell each other that they love one another.
After all this time together they decide to make love. Somehow their clothes magically disappear from
their bodies and they entwine and kiss and love one another.
One day something strange begins to happens to Mara. She cannot read his thoughts anymore. She
feels herself being pulled away from Max. The tingling feeling is disappearing and something starts to
feel off. Some force pulls Mara away and Max begs her not to leave him, it is useless, he disappears.
Mara sees images in her mind of Max and Mrs. Walsh having sex. Mara sees everything that happened
during the accident. She sees it was Max she was avoiding with her car. She sees a truck heading for
her, the crash and silence.
Mara hears her mom's voice and wakes up in the hospital after six months in a coma. She sees a doctor
and her mom and dad looking over her, her parents cry. She has a cast on her arm and has many tubes
connected to her. Mara has tears running down her cheek and her mother rubs them away as she holds
her hand. The doctor asks her to blink communication. She cannot speak or move. The tingling
sensation is gone. Max is gone.
Mara finds out she has been in a coma for six months, Summer has come and gone, as well as her
graduation. She is at a large hospital in Boston. Two weeks go by and she still cannot talk. Her doctor,
Dr. Peterson asks her to say words. She struggles to say Max. She says it a few times.
One week goes by. Her physical therapist, Beth encourages her to talk. She tells her mom and Beth
about having to find Max. She tells them about Max and what happened to him. She describes him
(tells them about the scar on his thigh) and Beth seems to remember him. The therapist is impressed
with her progress and tells her she will probably be home in a week.
Mara makes progress and improves. Beth and her assistant tell Mara and her mother that Max is in the
hospital one floor below them and he is still in a coma. Mara panics that she will not be in the same
place as Max if she goes home. She is determined to see him.
When alone Mara tries to find his room. She looks and looks and finally finds him. She ends up talking
to his mother. She makes up a story, not wanting to tell her how her and Max really met. She so badly
wants to be at his bedside.
One day Mara tells her mother she wants to go for a walk, her mother tows long. She goes to his room
and finds out he has been moved back home. She begs for info. She is rudderless and does not know
what to do. Her mother is concerned for her.
The day comes for Mara herself to go home and she plans to go to Max's house and see him. In her
bedroom, which is filled with flowers, her mother tells her to move on from Max. Mara doesn't want to
hear this.
Six months go by and Mara has finished her high school online. She spends many hours doing online
research to try and find Max.
One week later she tells her mom she is going on a road trip to see colleges. She leaves her home in
Keene and drives to Becket, Massachusetts. She calls her mom and tells her she arrived okay and
checks into a motel.
In the lobby she finds a map for the old quarry where the cliffs are located. She walks to the old quarry
and finds the cliffs. She looks at the water below and thinks about all the times she was here with Max.
She sees the rock where max hit his head.
Mara spends all day there hoping that somehow Max will show up. He never does and she feels
Mara in her motel room, does online research. After searching and searching she finds a link to a story
about a boy who hits his head falling from from a cliff, she found him.
The next morning Mara has to find the motivation to get out of bed. She goes back to the cliffs and and
hopes again to run into Max. She sees a young man who looks like Max, with the same dark, curly hair.
She calls out Max's name.
The young man with a British accent approaches her. She stares at him. He introduces himself. Says his
name is Niall. She tells him her name. She asks him if he is related to Max. says he is his younger
Niall asks how she knows Max. Says she met him at the hospital. He offers that she was a volunteer
and she uses that. Mara asks how he is doing. Niall tells her he is improving. His friends call him to
leave. He tells Mara he has to go. She asks him in a roundabout way where he lives and he gives her an
address. She is filled with glee.
Mara goes to Max's house. She walks down the long driveway of the estate and sees Max on the front
deck! She makes up a story about being lost and needing a cell phone. Max does not look at her. He
walks with a cane and seems distant. She sees a scar on his hand from his accident.
Mara touches Max's hand and all the memories of their time together come rushing back. Mara
pretends to call her mom, but calls her own cell phone.
She tells him she was at the stone quarry and he says she should be careful there. He tells her how to
get back on the interstate. She thanks him for his help and touches his hand and remembers all their
love making.
On the driveway Mara meets a young woman driving in. She asks what Mara is doing. Mara gestures
that she was talking to the young man on the porch. The woman looks at porch and sees no one. Mara
indicates that he must have gone inside.
Mara calls her mom and tells her she needs an extra day. Mara goes back to the cliffs and feels a
comforting feeling.
As she walks the trails she sees someone standing at the cliffs, it is Max. Mara makes small talk about
the view. Max says he thought she went home. She says she wanted to stay in Becket a little longer to
check out the town. Max mocks her and it makes Mara angry.
Max begins to walk away. He sees Mara standing at the cliff and tells her not to snag her leg if she
jumps (she snagged her leg in the in - between). Mara turns to him and tells him, you remember! Max
starts to walk away and Mara touches him. She remembers kissing him and jumping. She can tell that
Max remembers too.
Max tells Mara to go home, the time in the in – between is over. He tells her she shouldn't have come.
Mara cries that she could not let go and Max insists she let go and leave.
Mara and Max touch and hold each other, their bond is too strong. Mara feels a tap on her shoulder. She
turns around and sees a beautiful girl with long dark hair and green eyes, she looks like a model. The
girl asks what she is doing. She motions towards Max and says she was talking to... Max is gone.
The girl tells her the cliffs are beautiful. Says her finance was hurt jumping from the cliffs. She
mentions his name is Max. Mara is stunned and asks if she means Max Carter. Woman asks how she
knows Max and she uses the line, she was volunteering at the hospital.
The girl says he has his good days and bad days. Mara tries to encourage her about his condition. Mara
offers her name and the girl says she is Katie. She waves bye and leaves down the trial. Mara motions
for Max to come out, he is gone.
Mara sits at the cliffs alone for two hours and cries. She goes back to the motel and falls into bed,
exhausted with grief. She sleeps for many hours and gets up in the morning to drive home.
When driving, she sees the quarry and decides to keep moving and not stop, this place is too
One month later Mara is in her room. She has been taking local college courses. Her mom comes into
to try and encourage her. She gets a call from Ashley begging her to a sorority party and Mara accepts.
Her mom calls her to get her mail and she opens an acceptance letter from the college near Becket. Her
mom insists on seeing the school since it it far away.
Mara shows up at the dorm party and meets all of Ashley's friends. She meets s girl named Elissa who
is bitchy, she reminds her of herself.
Ashley takes Mara to her room. She tells her that Van is there and Elissa likes him. She tells her that
Van is hers and to leave him alone. Mara says she doesn't care about Van anymore and they get rid of
the elephant in the room.
Ashley tells her that she can come back to the room if uncomfortable and asks her if she wants a sexy
dress, Mara passes. Ashley is all sexily dressed and ready to party.
Two hours go by and the party is packed. Ashley says she sees Van. Ashley introduces Mara around the
party. Elissa is relaxed, knowing she is free to go for Van.
Van sees Mara and he puts the moves on her. She gets mad and asks him about Tori's mom. Van wants
to be a couple again. Mara pushes him away and tells him there is so more us.
Ashley gets mad at Van and points out Elissa and tells him to go for her because she likes him. Ashley
tells Mara to forget about Van and party. Mara laments coming to party.
Ashley tries to set Mara up with guys, Half way through the night Mara gets a strange feeling. Elissa
yells out to Katie who is coming in the front door. Mara sees Max as Ashley tries to get her attention.
She tells her Katie is Elissa's cousin. Mara says she knows Katie, confusing Ashley.
Mara's eyes follow Max around the room. She goes back to Ashley's room and dreams about her time
with Max and how to make it come true again. Ashley comes into the room and drags her out, not
wanting her to mope.
A drunken Elissa introduces Katie to Mara. Katie asks if she knows Mara from somewhere, Mara
insists she doesn't. Elissa and Ashley stand there noticing the tension between the two of them.
Eventually Katie accepts she doesn't know Mara and her and Elissa move out into the party.
Mara sees Max and follows Ashley to get a drink while Katie and Elissa party with the boys in the
room. Mara only wants a soda and Ashley tells her she needs to live a little. Ashley does not want to
stop drinking, wants to have fun.
Max comes up behind Mara and says boo. Max won't look her in the eye, but makes small talk with
her. Mara asks why he isn't upset about Katie partying with the boys. Max tells her that Katie and him
are over. Mara asks Max to dance. Max says no.
Van tries to forcefully drag Mara onto dance floor all the while Max disappears. Mara forces Van away.
Max shows up again and wants to dance, he is very seductive. They dance without touching and look
into each others eyes. A drunk girl pushes Mara onto Max's shoulders and they are transported.
The two of them are at the cliffs kissing and Max says he has always loved Mara, they are in bliss.
Mara comes back to the party and Max is gone and she is dancing there alone. Mara looks for Max and
asks Ashley, near her latest boy toy, if she saw the guy she was dancing with. Ashley is impressed that
Mara was with a guy, but says she saw no one. Ashley drunkenly offers Mara her room for her and her
Mara sees Max's head bobbing up and down above all the girls in the party, he goes out the front door
as she calls out to him.
Max is walking down the street when Mara calls for him to stop. He waits for her. Mara asks where he
is going. Max says he just wanted out of the party. Mara offers to give him a ride in her new car.
They sit in the car and Mara senses that Max is angry. Mara reads Max's mind. He looks at her and says
she is thinking dirty thoughts. She asks how he knows, he says she is blushing. Max smiles. She asks if
their life in the in – between was real. Max says he doesn't know.
Mara feels like half of her is missing, she closes her eyes feeling the pain of waking up without Max.
Max tells her they need to get on with their lives. They touch and remember things. Mara asks Max
why that is happening.
Mara asks Max what he meant when he said he was always loving her. Max cannot answer. He says
maybe they should go back to their normal lives. Mara asks, what if she can't? Max jokes about
running away together, but also says, you don't know me in this life.
He tells her everything he said in the in – between he meant. Max moves closer to Mara and asks if he
can ask her something. Mara jokes about it involving jumping off a cliff. He strokes her cheek and she
tingles. He kisses her and their clothes start to disappear like magic.
Mara hears Ashley's voice outside the car. Max tells her to see what she wants. Mara opens the door,
irritated. Ashley seems frantic. Mara gestures to car and says she is busy with Max. Ashley looks into
the open door and sees no one. Mara looks, he is gone!
Ashley brings her back to the party, worried about a recent campus rapist. Mara wants to go back to car,
not carrying about some rapist.
Mara looks everywhere for Max at the party, but cannot find him. Eventually she tells Ashley that she
is going to bed. Ashley becomes a mother hen for a moment and hugs her, telling her to lock the room,
she has a key.
Mara walks back to Ashley's room, thoughts swirling through her head. Suddenly, as she enters the
room Max shows up and closes the door. Mara smacks him, angry. Max squeezes Mara against him and
asks if she is sleeping all alone in room.
Mara succumbs to his advances and Max unclothes her and speaks seductively. They make love many
times and all their time in the in – between comes rushing back to them. They fall asleep in each others
Ashley awakens Mara in her bed. Mara has a sheet around her and says she was with Max. Ashley tries
to pull off sheet in a tease. Mara looks for Max and doesn't see him. Mara gets dressed. She notices
Max's clothes are gone. Mara describes Max and her and Ashley look for him.
People are cleaning up the party. Mara looks for Max outside. She searches for 30 minutes walking up
and down the street.
In the house, a tired Ashley asks if she found him. Mara says no and starts helping with the cleanup.
Ashley asks who Max came with and Mara tells her he came with Katie. Ashley asks if Max and Katie
are a thing. Mara says yes and no. Ashley asks her not to be fooled by non commitment from boys,
maybe they were in a fight, Mara agrees.
They walk down the hallway and find Elissa walking Katie to her car. Ashley asks if Max is riding with
them. Katie has a quizzed look on her face. Asks, why would he? Ashley asks, he didn't come with
you? Katie says, no, he is not there.
Ashley and Mara walk away and Ashley asks her to get her up to speed on all this. Mara tells her, she'll
let her know what's going on when she does. Ashley hugs her as she gets in her car and asks her to text
her. Ashley jokes about her bed being available for any more romping she wants to do.
Two weeks go by and Mara has not seen Max. Mara is leaving to go check out her potential college in
Massachusetts and her mom tells her to drive carefully.
Mara arrives at the university which is quiet unlike Ashley's school, she likes it and walks the campus.
She decides to drive to the nearby cliffs. Mara walks to the cliff side and feels a sense of comfort. Birds
and squirrels are out in abundance. Mara looks at the water below and it is tranquil.
She hears Max's voice behind her. He asks why she is standing there all alone. Mara tells him she
would not be standing alone if he answered his cell phone.
They flirt and hold each other in their arms. Max tells her he hates goodbyes. Mara says they might
never have to do it again since she is probably attending school nearby. As she says this Max kisses her.
Max smiles, but is not overly excited. Mara asks him what is wrong as he tries to kiss her.
Mara asks if it is Katie. Max says there is no more him and Katie. He says he applied to the same
college, but can't go because of his injuries. They flirt and touch more and Mara tells him he looks fine.
Mara tells him she is in dorm tonight and he says he cannot wait. She tells him the room number and
looks at her phone. She has to leave, she is late for her orientation dinner. They kiss and caress for a
few moments and Mara breaks free of him.
Mara attends her orientation dinner.
Back in her dorm bathroom, Mara freshens up for Max. She walks back into her bedroom and Max is
on the bed. She asks him how he got in. He says he came in through the door, she says it was locked.
Mara figures she must have left it unlocked. Max jokes about someone coming in and seducing her.
They flirt and make love. She is falling more and more in love with him, their two halves making a
Two weeks later Mara is leaving her parents for school. They cry and she reassures them. As she makes
it to the the highway, she lets out a scream of independence.
Five hours later Mara is in her dorm, yet still not unpacked. Mara questions calling Max, she decides
to do it. She calls and the phone rings many times never going to voicemail, she finds that strange.
Mara has fallen asleep thinking of Max, she awakens. It is dark and she is hungry. She goes to the
cafeteria and hears a voice. It is her fellow student Melissa. They joke about both falling asleep after
moving in. They exchange boyfriend stories and eventually go back to their dorm rooms.
One hour later and still no answer from Max on the phone.
One week goes by and Ashley calls and says she wants to meet Max. Mara says she hasn't heard from
him. Ashley says she will investigate him.
Saturday comes, Melissa left to visit her boyfriend, so Mara goes to the cliffs. There are numerous
college kids around. Mara waits for them all to leave. Mara feels the tingling, Max is here. She hears
his voice and smells his scent.
Mara is mad at Max for not answering his phone. She is tired of the game. Max says he lost his phone,
Mara believes him, senses it as he touches her affectionately. Mara tells him she has started school. He
strokes her skin and kisses her.
Mara tells him to come to dorm, she does not want to make love in public. They read each others minds
and play a game. Something seems off with Max. Mara asks if he remembers the room and kisses him.
Mara walks away, wondering in her mind, how he appears and disappears the way he does.
Hours later Max shows up at her dorm when she leaves to get food. She smacks him for surprising her
at the door. Mara gestures she was going out for food., he doesn't want any. Says she be back in ten
When she comes back Max is lying on the bed. Max stares at her and asks if he should stay the night.
They flirt and kiss and make love. They lay, wrapped up in sheets. Mara asks if he remembers Ashley.
They discuss Ashley as he rubs her skin.
The next morning Max is still there. Mara tries to pull apart from him, but the magnetic energy is too
strong. They have sex again.
The weekend is over and Mara's cell phone rings, awakening her. Ashley is on the phone. Mara tells
her Max spent the weekend with her. Ashley says she has info about Max and is driving to her college.
Mara wants to know why she cannot talk on phone. Ashley tells her it has to be in person. She would
be there in a day.
Ashley texts Mara in her dorm that she'll be there in ten minutes. She shows up at her door. Mara
wonders what is up, is it Katie? Ashley hesitates. Mara begs her to tell her. Ashley says she was worried
when Max showed up only at certain times. She didn't want her used so she talked to Elissa and Katie.
Mara is suspicious of the motives of those two. After much hedging Ashley spits out that Max is still in
a coma. Mara laughs at her. Ashley, dead serious, says they can go see him.
Ashley says she knows Mara came back from the coma different. Reminds her that she believes in
spiritual things and asks her what happened in her coma. Mara tells her she met Max in the in –
between and Ashley points at heaven, you mean?
Everything was perfect with him and they tingled with each other and were one. They talk about death
and soul mates and Ashley tells her he was in a coma months before her. How could she see him here?
Ashley takes her phone and searches through her numbers. She finds Katie's number and makes
arrangements. Mara feels trapped. Ashley tells her Elissa and Katie are going to meet them. They leave
the dorm room and Mara locks up.
Katie and Elissa are at a gas station in Katie's fancy mustang. They meet and Ashley, Elissa and Katie
are cordial with each other. Mara holds back. Katie confronts Mara about seeing Max up and about.
Mara says she was with Max all weekend and she describes a scar on his butt made when a horse bit
him. Katie is stunned by her revelation, turns and says they better get going.
In the car Ashley asks Mara how she knows about the scar. Mara tells her they have been having tons
of sex. Ashley worries that they are going to need a psychiatrist for Mara. Mara wants her to drop the
spiritual stuff. Doesn't want to have to explain it to Max's mom.
They drive up the driveway of the ornate estate. They see Niall on the front porch and Ashley wonders
if it is Max. Mara says it is not, it's his brother, Niall. Ashley looks at her, wondering how she can know
this stuff.
Niall sees Katie and is surprised at her visit. They enter the house. Katie hugs him and asks how Max is
doing. Niall says he is the same. Katie smugly asks, so he is not up and about and running around?
Niall is confused at the question. Katie points out Mara and tells him how Max has been at parties and
the cliffs with Mara and they have been making love for a couple of months.
Niall says he hasn't been tho the cliffs since the accident. Mara's eyes fill with tears and she trembles.
Katie spitefully says that Max is in a bed in a coma, despite her intimate details and he probably will be
for the rest of his life.
Katie apologizes to Niall and drags Katie with her out of the house. They hear Katie speed away.
Ashley apologizes for Katie's behavior. Niall says Katie is a bitch and Max didn't like her anyway. Niall
remembers Mara. Mara is speechless because of the trauma.. Ashley tells Niall that Mara was in the
same hospital and in a coma.
Mara recalls how she saw Max at party, crashing the car, the in – between, it all came back to her. She
recalls how they were at the estate. She feels weak. Mara imitates Max with his British accent about
what he said about going back to England. Niall laughs and believes all her recollections. Tells her that
he believes that she met Max in the in – between and how stunning it is.
He tells the two of them Max jumped the cliff drunk at Katie's urging, telling him to man up... Mara
(taking over) recalls how Max fell off the cliff and the events that transpired. Ashley and Niall are
Niall brings them deeper into the ornate house and the see all the horse kitch. Mara has a lump in her
throat, she feels the tingling. She goes right to his door, Niall asks how she knew. Mara tells him she
can feel him with this tingly sensation. Niall says, wow!
Niall motions Mara into the room. Mara sees her Max laying there, not moving, with an I.V. stand by
his side. Niall encourages her closer. Mara nervously touches his cool arm lightly. She brushes back his
hair like she used to. She closes her eyes and says I love you. She wills for him to wake.
Niall leads Mara out of the house. She sits on the front porch stairs and sobs. Ashley holds her and
comforts her. After a long cry Niall and Ashley get up with Mara from the porch.
Naill hugs her and asks that she stay in touch. As Mara sits in the car, Ashley and Niall talk, probably
about her. Mara's mind wanders.
Ashley takes her back to her dorm, her eyes out of tears. Ashley is kind and asks if she should get
someone to be with her, she needs to go back to school. Tells her she needs to move on and needed the
Mara lies that she is fine. Ashley tells her to answer phone when she gets home. They exchange kisses
and hugs. Mara waits for Ashley to be gone and she bawls.
One week since seeing Max and Mara has not gone to class. She leaves the television on and ignores
knocks. Ashley calls everyday to encourage her.
She steps out of the dorm room, depressed. Her female counselor sees her and puts her arm around her
as she walks. She discusses her missed classes and Mara says she is okay, just getting fresh air.
Mara goes back in her room, locks the door and drinks bottled water, no interest in eating. Her phone
rings and it is her mom talking about missed classes and a call from the school therapist. Her mom
wonders if she is on drugs, Mara reassures her. Her mom insists on a visit.
Mara looks at pictures of her and Ashley from a shoe box. She laughs and cries as she looks at the
pictures. She pulls out a note and writes” Remember Always” and puts it on the box. She starts to write
two goodbye letters, one for each parent. She thanked them for everything. She needed to end her
suffering and be where she needed to be.
She writes a letter to Ashley and tells her she appreciated her friendship and with time she will accept
what she had to do, she knew her better than anybody.
The phone rings and it is Ashley, frantic. Mara just listens and doesn't talk. Ashley sobs and says she is
on her way there and Mara thinks probably with her parents. Mara presses end on the call.
She looks around the room and remembers memories. She leaves her room keys and phone on the table
and exits the room.
She drives to the cliffs. The day is cold and fall like. Mara is not properly dressed, no shoes, shorts. She
sits at the cliffs waiting for people to leave. One guy hangs around near the edge. She looks at the water
below and it looks dark and treacherous. Mara feels the water beckoning her.
She closes her eyes and spreads her arms and thinks about Max. All of their time together comes
flooding back. Mara hears a voice asking what she is doing. It is the one guy left at the cliffs. She feels
his soft touch trying to stop her and she pulls away from him.
She falls, as if, in a cloud. The man above screams no, while Mara screams in her head, yes. She hears
Max tell her to open her eyes as he always did when jumping. She sees the jagged edge and turns her
body so that she is cut the right way. She feels an instant pain and then none. She is back in the in –
She is back up on the cliff edge, dry and fine. Everything is green and new. The ocean is dark and blue
and glistens in the sunlight. She feels the tingling. She can feel Max everywhere.
The sweetness of his whisper, his clear English accent. She turns and sees Max smiling, eyes sparkling,
love radiating off of him. They enclose each other in their arms. She receives light kisses all over her
face. Max tells her he has been waiting for her forever.
Louis Sihler – producer of above material.

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  • 1. Screenplay notes for Somewhere In - Between, by Izzibella Beau. Imagine if you were so meant for someone, an energy would form when near them. Intro: Lead up to party and party. Act. 1: Mara is in a car accident and goes into a coma. Act. 2: Max is gone, stuck in the in-between world. Mara desperate to find him. Act. 3: Mara finds Max and thinks everything is happy, or is it? Somewhere In – Between is a fantasy story about two people: Mara Crowe and Max Carter who are destined to be with each other. The book is reminiscent of the film, The Lovely Bones and the book, “If I Stay?” It would be a mid - range budget film, has some FX shots, but not overwhelmingly. I conclude my adaptation notes with my synopsis of the story, but first I have some ideas on casting and a few other bits and pieces on adapting this book into a screenplay. I think for the character of Mara: Kristen Stewart would be perfect casting. As an actress she has the exact qualities this character exhibits. She is tough, but also thoughtful and introspective, all reminiscent of roles she has played in her young career. One of the linchpins of the story, a great burden of pain for Mara is when she unintentionally leaves Max in the in – between. It breaks her heart and drives her. I think a potential screenplay would benefit greatly with the use of an inner monologue for Mara. She is many times thinking rather than saying and this device would be a helpful tool for her character. The book is written as a rated R story, might benefit softening into a PG-13. One of my favorite scenes in the book is when Mara visits the real Max in his comatose state. It is a touching and sad and a beautiful scene. Probably the best part of the book. I have made a chronology of events of the story, it is a little long, but can be skimmed easily. Please read and come to your own conclusions about the story's merits. Mara Crowe is an average, lonely New Hampshire girl, nothing really stands out about her. She has average looks with brown not overly styled hair. She is not a happy high school senior and drinks to feel better. She has a boyfriend, Van, who is a star basketball player and does not treat her well, also is a bit of a womanizer. She also has a best friend, Ashley, a bottle blonde, with brown eyes and a perfect body who is a female copy of Van, but is a devoted friend to Mara. Van and Mara get into a fight at school about an impending high school party. Story kicks into gear at the high school party where much debauchery happens. Ashley and Mara are
  • 2. sexily dressed, Mara, typically, is drinking with her friend, Ashley. Mara looks for Van and cannot find him. Mrs. Walsh, mother of Tori, Mara and Ashley's mutual friend, is drunk and loose. The party is being held at her home. Van is drunk and places his hands all over Mara, making her angry. Later, Mara looks for Van because she wants to leave the party. Mara finds Van having sex with Mrs. Walsh. She leaves in a huff in her car. She speeds across the road in the darkened night, tears filling her eyes. She sees the images in her mind of Mrs. Walsh and Van having sex and can't shake it. Mara rests her head on steering wheel for a moment and suddenly sees someone in the road, she swerves to avoid him. She loses control of the car and crashes into a truck. Mara sees a flash of light as she crashes and wipes out. After a few moments... she awakens in a heaven like place. It is a quiet, strange world. It is still night. She tries to disengage her seat belt, but there is no car, she is just on the street. She remembers the accident, but where did her car go? Where did the truck go? The streets are well lit for the time of night. Mara walks without tiring, feels like she is floating. She goes to her house and sees no cars. No one is around inside and out. Mara does gymnastics she could never do in her normal life. She ends up back at the party. No cars are at the party, it is pitch quiet. Mara sees leaves moving around the house. She hears a voice call out to her. She knows his name and calls him Max? How does she know him? Max, is handsome, has a slight British accent and is tall, with dark, curly hair in his eyes. Mara thinks he is a figment of her imagination. He looks at her and smiles, he seems to know what she is thinking. Mara rubs her eyes and demands who put him up to this. She tries to shoo him away like he is an apparition. Max introduces himself and asks Mara to walk with him. Mara feels a warm, tingling feeling when she walks with him, questions how she knows him. She questions him about who he is, cannot believe that he is real. Max is amused at her and smiles as he takes her to her house. Max points out her house to her and asks her if she remembers anything. He is frustrated at her inability to let go and relax in this strange situation. Max tries to help her remember. He knows that the two of the them are in a different universe, he doesn't completely understand it himself. He takes her to his house. It is only the two of them walking, there are no people, animals, anything. They are the only living creatures in existence. Mara looks at Max's house and she thinks she is in England. He tells her they are actually in Massachusetts at his parents estate. Mara asks him what he does with his time. He tells her he looks into the real world sometimes. As stated previously Max has the ability to read Mara's mind and he asks and encourages her to remember what happened to her. Mara remembers her age is eighteen. He hugs her and it makes Mara scream.
  • 3. His touch is so comforting and she remembers the accident and all that happened. Max takes Mara to the seaside cliffs near his estate. This is where he jumped from the cliffs drunk and hit his head. Mara takes a step back from the cliff edge, scared. He holds her hand. Max lets go of her hand and jumps off the cliff. In an instant he appears behind her, dry and okay. This makes Mara mad. Max tells her nothing can hurt them and he has jumped many times. Mara runs away from the cliff and Max teases her and grabs her hand, trying to pull her to the cliffs. He sees that she is upset and shows remorse. He stares into her eyes and she melts. They leave the cliffs and spend endless time together. Mara says she wonders what is happening on other side and Max tells her to concentrate to try and peer through. Mara closes her eyes. She has trouble concentrating on one face. Max strokes her and comforts her, this helps. She sees her parents in her living room surrounded by flowers. They seem to be looking a picture book of Mara and her mom cries. Mara panics, thinking she is dead and opens her eyes. Max caresses her and kisses her and tells her that if she is still in the in – between, she is still alive. He tilts her head and looks in her brown eyes, they kiss. An electricity forms between the two of them that catches Max off guard. He pulls away. They kiss again and it is magical. They spend time talking about past loves. Max tells Mara that he turned 21 in a coma because his birthday was right after accident. Mara very badly wants to lose her virginity to him. Max worries that one of them is going to wake up and they will be separated. They spend what seems like an eternity together and get to know each other very well. One day Max decides to take Mara back to the cliffs. He wants them to jump together, but Mara is hesitant. Max coaxes her and calms her with his kindness and eventually they grab hands and jump. They love it so much, they jump again and again, and another five more times. They land back up at the cliff's edge and are fine and completely dry. Max and Mara tell each other that they love one another. After all this time together they decide to make love. Somehow their clothes magically disappear from their bodies and they entwine and kiss and love one another. One day something strange begins to happens to Mara. She cannot read his thoughts anymore. She feels herself being pulled away from Max. The tingling feeling is disappearing and something starts to feel off. Some force pulls Mara away and Max begs her not to leave him, it is useless, he disappears. Mara sees images in her mind of Max and Mrs. Walsh having sex. Mara sees everything that happened during the accident. She sees it was Max she was avoiding with her car. She sees a truck heading for her, the crash and silence. Mara hears her mom's voice and wakes up in the hospital after six months in a coma. She sees a doctor and her mom and dad looking over her, her parents cry. She has a cast on her arm and has many tubes connected to her. Mara has tears running down her cheek and her mother rubs them away as she holds her hand. The doctor asks her to blink communication. She cannot speak or move. The tingling sensation is gone. Max is gone.
  • 4. Mara finds out she has been in a coma for six months, Summer has come and gone, as well as her graduation. She is at a large hospital in Boston. Two weeks go by and she still cannot talk. Her doctor, Dr. Peterson asks her to say words. She struggles to say Max. She says it a few times. One week goes by. Her physical therapist, Beth encourages her to talk. She tells her mom and Beth about having to find Max. She tells them about Max and what happened to him. She describes him (tells them about the scar on his thigh) and Beth seems to remember him. The therapist is impressed with her progress and tells her she will probably be home in a week. Mara makes progress and improves. Beth and her assistant tell Mara and her mother that Max is in the hospital one floor below them and he is still in a coma. Mara panics that she will not be in the same place as Max if she goes home. She is determined to see him. When alone Mara tries to find his room. She looks and looks and finally finds him. She ends up talking to his mother. She makes up a story, not wanting to tell her how her and Max really met. She so badly wants to be at his bedside. One day Mara tells her mother she wants to go for a walk, her mother tows long. She goes to his room and finds out he has been moved back home. She begs for info. She is rudderless and does not know what to do. Her mother is concerned for her. The day comes for Mara herself to go home and she plans to go to Max's house and see him. In her bedroom, which is filled with flowers, her mother tells her to move on from Max. Mara doesn't want to hear this. Six months go by and Mara has finished her high school online. She spends many hours doing online research to try and find Max. One week later she tells her mom she is going on a road trip to see colleges. She leaves her home in Keene and drives to Becket, Massachusetts. She calls her mom and tells her she arrived okay and checks into a motel. In the lobby she finds a map for the old quarry where the cliffs are located. She walks to the old quarry and finds the cliffs. She looks at the water below and thinks about all the times she was here with Max. She sees the rock where max hit his head. Mara spends all day there hoping that somehow Max will show up. He never does and she feels deflated. Mara in her motel room, does online research. After searching and searching she finds a link to a story about a boy who hits his head falling from from a cliff, she found him. The next morning Mara has to find the motivation to get out of bed. She goes back to the cliffs and and hopes again to run into Max. She sees a young man who looks like Max, with the same dark, curly hair. She calls out Max's name. The young man with a British accent approaches her. She stares at him. He introduces himself. Says his name is Niall. She tells him her name. She asks him if he is related to Max. says he is his younger brother.
  • 5. Niall asks how she knows Max. Says she met him at the hospital. He offers that she was a volunteer and she uses that. Mara asks how he is doing. Niall tells her he is improving. His friends call him to leave. He tells Mara he has to go. She asks him in a roundabout way where he lives and he gives her an address. She is filled with glee. Mara goes to Max's house. She walks down the long driveway of the estate and sees Max on the front deck! She makes up a story about being lost and needing a cell phone. Max does not look at her. He walks with a cane and seems distant. She sees a scar on his hand from his accident. Mara touches Max's hand and all the memories of their time together come rushing back. Mara pretends to call her mom, but calls her own cell phone. She tells him she was at the stone quarry and he says she should be careful there. He tells her how to get back on the interstate. She thanks him for his help and touches his hand and remembers all their love making. On the driveway Mara meets a young woman driving in. She asks what Mara is doing. Mara gestures that she was talking to the young man on the porch. The woman looks at porch and sees no one. Mara indicates that he must have gone inside. Mara calls her mom and tells her she needs an extra day. Mara goes back to the cliffs and feels a comforting feeling. As she walks the trails she sees someone standing at the cliffs, it is Max. Mara makes small talk about the view. Max says he thought she went home. She says she wanted to stay in Becket a little longer to check out the town. Max mocks her and it makes Mara angry. Max begins to walk away. He sees Mara standing at the cliff and tells her not to snag her leg if she jumps (she snagged her leg in the in - between). Mara turns to him and tells him, you remember! Max starts to walk away and Mara touches him. She remembers kissing him and jumping. She can tell that Max remembers too. Max tells Mara to go home, the time in the in – between is over. He tells her she shouldn't have come. Mara cries that she could not let go and Max insists she let go and leave. Mara and Max touch and hold each other, their bond is too strong. Mara feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns around and sees a beautiful girl with long dark hair and green eyes, she looks like a model. The girl asks what she is doing. She motions towards Max and says she was talking to... Max is gone. The girl tells her the cliffs are beautiful. Says her finance was hurt jumping from the cliffs. She mentions his name is Max. Mara is stunned and asks if she means Max Carter. Woman asks how she knows Max and she uses the line, she was volunteering at the hospital. The girl says he has his good days and bad days. Mara tries to encourage her about his condition. Mara offers her name and the girl says she is Katie. She waves bye and leaves down the trial. Mara motions for Max to come out, he is gone. Mara sits at the cliffs alone for two hours and cries. She goes back to the motel and falls into bed,
  • 6. exhausted with grief. She sleeps for many hours and gets up in the morning to drive home. When driving, she sees the quarry and decides to keep moving and not stop, this place is too heartbreaking. One month later Mara is in her room. She has been taking local college courses. Her mom comes into to try and encourage her. She gets a call from Ashley begging her to a sorority party and Mara accepts. Her mom calls her to get her mail and she opens an acceptance letter from the college near Becket. Her mom insists on seeing the school since it it far away. Mara shows up at the dorm party and meets all of Ashley's friends. She meets s girl named Elissa who is bitchy, she reminds her of herself. Ashley takes Mara to her room. She tells her that Van is there and Elissa likes him. She tells her that Van is hers and to leave him alone. Mara says she doesn't care about Van anymore and they get rid of the elephant in the room. Ashley tells her that she can come back to the room if uncomfortable and asks her if she wants a sexy dress, Mara passes. Ashley is all sexily dressed and ready to party. Two hours go by and the party is packed. Ashley says she sees Van. Ashley introduces Mara around the party. Elissa is relaxed, knowing she is free to go for Van. Van sees Mara and he puts the moves on her. She gets mad and asks him about Tori's mom. Van wants to be a couple again. Mara pushes him away and tells him there is so more us. Ashley gets mad at Van and points out Elissa and tells him to go for her because she likes him. Ashley tells Mara to forget about Van and party. Mara laments coming to party. Ashley tries to set Mara up with guys, Half way through the night Mara gets a strange feeling. Elissa yells out to Katie who is coming in the front door. Mara sees Max as Ashley tries to get her attention. She tells her Katie is Elissa's cousin. Mara says she knows Katie, confusing Ashley. Mara's eyes follow Max around the room. She goes back to Ashley's room and dreams about her time with Max and how to make it come true again. Ashley comes into the room and drags her out, not wanting her to mope. A drunken Elissa introduces Katie to Mara. Katie asks if she knows Mara from somewhere, Mara insists she doesn't. Elissa and Ashley stand there noticing the tension between the two of them. Eventually Katie accepts she doesn't know Mara and her and Elissa move out into the party. Mara sees Max and follows Ashley to get a drink while Katie and Elissa party with the boys in the room. Mara only wants a soda and Ashley tells her she needs to live a little. Ashley does not want to stop drinking, wants to have fun. Max comes up behind Mara and says boo. Max won't look her in the eye, but makes small talk with her. Mara asks why he isn't upset about Katie partying with the boys. Max tells her that Katie and him are over. Mara asks Max to dance. Max says no.
  • 7. Van tries to forcefully drag Mara onto dance floor all the while Max disappears. Mara forces Van away. Max shows up again and wants to dance, he is very seductive. They dance without touching and look into each others eyes. A drunk girl pushes Mara onto Max's shoulders and they are transported. The two of them are at the cliffs kissing and Max says he has always loved Mara, they are in bliss. Mara comes back to the party and Max is gone and she is dancing there alone. Mara looks for Max and asks Ashley, near her latest boy toy, if she saw the guy she was dancing with. Ashley is impressed that Mara was with a guy, but says she saw no one. Ashley drunkenly offers Mara her room for her and her guy. Mara sees Max's head bobbing up and down above all the girls in the party, he goes out the front door as she calls out to him. Max is walking down the street when Mara calls for him to stop. He waits for her. Mara asks where he is going. Max says he just wanted out of the party. Mara offers to give him a ride in her new car. They sit in the car and Mara senses that Max is angry. Mara reads Max's mind. He looks at her and says she is thinking dirty thoughts. She asks how he knows, he says she is blushing. Max smiles. She asks if their life in the in – between was real. Max says he doesn't know. Mara feels like half of her is missing, she closes her eyes feeling the pain of waking up without Max. Max tells her they need to get on with their lives. They touch and remember things. Mara asks Max why that is happening. Mara asks Max what he meant when he said he was always loving her. Max cannot answer. He says maybe they should go back to their normal lives. Mara asks, what if she can't? Max jokes about running away together, but also says, you don't know me in this life. He tells her everything he said in the in – between he meant. Max moves closer to Mara and asks if he can ask her something. Mara jokes about it involving jumping off a cliff. He strokes her cheek and she tingles. He kisses her and their clothes start to disappear like magic. Mara hears Ashley's voice outside the car. Max tells her to see what she wants. Mara opens the door, irritated. Ashley seems frantic. Mara gestures to car and says she is busy with Max. Ashley looks into the open door and sees no one. Mara looks, he is gone! Ashley brings her back to the party, worried about a recent campus rapist. Mara wants to go back to car, not carrying about some rapist. Mara looks everywhere for Max at the party, but cannot find him. Eventually she tells Ashley that she is going to bed. Ashley becomes a mother hen for a moment and hugs her, telling her to lock the room, she has a key. Mara walks back to Ashley's room, thoughts swirling through her head. Suddenly, as she enters the room Max shows up and closes the door. Mara smacks him, angry. Max squeezes Mara against him and asks if she is sleeping all alone in room.
  • 8. Mara succumbs to his advances and Max unclothes her and speaks seductively. They make love many times and all their time in the in – between comes rushing back to them. They fall asleep in each others arms. Ashley awakens Mara in her bed. Mara has a sheet around her and says she was with Max. Ashley tries to pull off sheet in a tease. Mara looks for Max and doesn't see him. Mara gets dressed. She notices Max's clothes are gone. Mara describes Max and her and Ashley look for him. People are cleaning up the party. Mara looks for Max outside. She searches for 30 minutes walking up and down the street. In the house, a tired Ashley asks if she found him. Mara says no and starts helping with the cleanup. Ashley asks who Max came with and Mara tells her he came with Katie. Ashley asks if Max and Katie are a thing. Mara says yes and no. Ashley asks her not to be fooled by non commitment from boys, maybe they were in a fight, Mara agrees. They walk down the hallway and find Elissa walking Katie to her car. Ashley asks if Max is riding with them. Katie has a quizzed look on her face. Asks, why would he? Ashley asks, he didn't come with you? Katie says, no, he is not there. Ashley and Mara walk away and Ashley asks her to get her up to speed on all this. Mara tells her, she'll let her know what's going on when she does. Ashley hugs her as she gets in her car and asks her to text her. Ashley jokes about her bed being available for any more romping she wants to do. Two weeks go by and Mara has not seen Max. Mara is leaving to go check out her potential college in Massachusetts and her mom tells her to drive carefully. Mara arrives at the university which is quiet unlike Ashley's school, she likes it and walks the campus. She decides to drive to the nearby cliffs. Mara walks to the cliff side and feels a sense of comfort. Birds and squirrels are out in abundance. Mara looks at the water below and it is tranquil. She hears Max's voice behind her. He asks why she is standing there all alone. Mara tells him she would not be standing alone if he answered his cell phone. They flirt and hold each other in their arms. Max tells her he hates goodbyes. Mara says they might never have to do it again since she is probably attending school nearby. As she says this Max kisses her. Max smiles, but is not overly excited. Mara asks him what is wrong as he tries to kiss her. Mara asks if it is Katie. Max says there is no more him and Katie. He says he applied to the same college, but can't go because of his injuries. They flirt and touch more and Mara tells him he looks fine. Mara tells him she is in dorm tonight and he says he cannot wait. She tells him the room number and looks at her phone. She has to leave, she is late for her orientation dinner. They kiss and caress for a few moments and Mara breaks free of him. Mara attends her orientation dinner. Back in her dorm bathroom, Mara freshens up for Max. She walks back into her bedroom and Max is
  • 9. on the bed. She asks him how he got in. He says he came in through the door, she says it was locked. Mara figures she must have left it unlocked. Max jokes about someone coming in and seducing her. They flirt and make love. She is falling more and more in love with him, their two halves making a whole. Two weeks later Mara is leaving her parents for school. They cry and she reassures them. As she makes it to the the highway, she lets out a scream of independence. Five hours later Mara is in her dorm, yet still not unpacked. Mara questions calling Max, she decides to do it. She calls and the phone rings many times never going to voicemail, she finds that strange. Mara has fallen asleep thinking of Max, she awakens. It is dark and she is hungry. She goes to the cafeteria and hears a voice. It is her fellow student Melissa. They joke about both falling asleep after moving in. They exchange boyfriend stories and eventually go back to their dorm rooms. One hour later and still no answer from Max on the phone. One week goes by and Ashley calls and says she wants to meet Max. Mara says she hasn't heard from him. Ashley says she will investigate him. Saturday comes, Melissa left to visit her boyfriend, so Mara goes to the cliffs. There are numerous college kids around. Mara waits for them all to leave. Mara feels the tingling, Max is here. She hears his voice and smells his scent. Mara is mad at Max for not answering his phone. She is tired of the game. Max says he lost his phone, Mara believes him, senses it as he touches her affectionately. Mara tells him she has started school. He strokes her skin and kisses her. Mara tells him to come to dorm, she does not want to make love in public. They read each others minds and play a game. Something seems off with Max. Mara asks if he remembers the room and kisses him. Mara walks away, wondering in her mind, how he appears and disappears the way he does. Hours later Max shows up at her dorm when she leaves to get food. She smacks him for surprising her at the door. Mara gestures she was going out for food., he doesn't want any. Says she be back in ten minutes. When she comes back Max is lying on the bed. Max stares at her and asks if he should stay the night. They flirt and kiss and make love. They lay, wrapped up in sheets. Mara asks if he remembers Ashley. They discuss Ashley as he rubs her skin. The next morning Max is still there. Mara tries to pull apart from him, but the magnetic energy is too strong. They have sex again. The weekend is over and Mara's cell phone rings, awakening her. Ashley is on the phone. Mara tells her Max spent the weekend with her. Ashley says she has info about Max and is driving to her college. Mara wants to know why she cannot talk on phone. Ashley tells her it has to be in person. She would be there in a day.
  • 10. Ashley texts Mara in her dorm that she'll be there in ten minutes. She shows up at her door. Mara wonders what is up, is it Katie? Ashley hesitates. Mara begs her to tell her. Ashley says she was worried when Max showed up only at certain times. She didn't want her used so she talked to Elissa and Katie. Mara is suspicious of the motives of those two. After much hedging Ashley spits out that Max is still in a coma. Mara laughs at her. Ashley, dead serious, says they can go see him. Ashley says she knows Mara came back from the coma different. Reminds her that she believes in spiritual things and asks her what happened in her coma. Mara tells her she met Max in the in – between and Ashley points at heaven, you mean? Everything was perfect with him and they tingled with each other and were one. They talk about death and soul mates and Ashley tells her he was in a coma months before her. How could she see him here? Ashley takes her phone and searches through her numbers. She finds Katie's number and makes arrangements. Mara feels trapped. Ashley tells her Elissa and Katie are going to meet them. They leave the dorm room and Mara locks up. Katie and Elissa are at a gas station in Katie's fancy mustang. They meet and Ashley, Elissa and Katie are cordial with each other. Mara holds back. Katie confronts Mara about seeing Max up and about. Mara says she was with Max all weekend and she describes a scar on his butt made when a horse bit him. Katie is stunned by her revelation, turns and says they better get going. In the car Ashley asks Mara how she knows about the scar. Mara tells her they have been having tons of sex. Ashley worries that they are going to need a psychiatrist for Mara. Mara wants her to drop the spiritual stuff. Doesn't want to have to explain it to Max's mom. They drive up the driveway of the ornate estate. They see Niall on the front porch and Ashley wonders if it is Max. Mara says it is not, it's his brother, Niall. Ashley looks at her, wondering how she can know this stuff. Niall sees Katie and is surprised at her visit. They enter the house. Katie hugs him and asks how Max is doing. Niall says he is the same. Katie smugly asks, so he is not up and about and running around? Niall is confused at the question. Katie points out Mara and tells him how Max has been at parties and the cliffs with Mara and they have been making love for a couple of months. Niall says he hasn't been tho the cliffs since the accident. Mara's eyes fill with tears and she trembles. Katie spitefully says that Max is in a bed in a coma, despite her intimate details and he probably will be for the rest of his life. Katie apologizes to Niall and drags Katie with her out of the house. They hear Katie speed away. Ashley apologizes for Katie's behavior. Niall says Katie is a bitch and Max didn't like her anyway. Niall remembers Mara. Mara is speechless because of the trauma.. Ashley tells Niall that Mara was in the same hospital and in a coma. Mara recalls how she saw Max at party, crashing the car, the in – between, it all came back to her. She recalls how they were at the estate. She feels weak. Mara imitates Max with his British accent about what he said about going back to England. Niall laughs and believes all her recollections. Tells her that he believes that she met Max in the in – between and how stunning it is.
  • 11. He tells the two of them Max jumped the cliff drunk at Katie's urging, telling him to man up... Mara (taking over) recalls how Max fell off the cliff and the events that transpired. Ashley and Niall are astonished. Niall brings them deeper into the ornate house and the see all the horse kitch. Mara has a lump in her throat, she feels the tingling. She goes right to his door, Niall asks how she knew. Mara tells him she can feel him with this tingly sensation. Niall says, wow! Niall motions Mara into the room. Mara sees her Max laying there, not moving, with an I.V. stand by his side. Niall encourages her closer. Mara nervously touches his cool arm lightly. She brushes back his hair like she used to. She closes her eyes and says I love you. She wills for him to wake. Niall leads Mara out of the house. She sits on the front porch stairs and sobs. Ashley holds her and comforts her. After a long cry Niall and Ashley get up with Mara from the porch. Naill hugs her and asks that she stay in touch. As Mara sits in the car, Ashley and Niall talk, probably about her. Mara's mind wanders. Ashley takes her back to her dorm, her eyes out of tears. Ashley is kind and asks if she should get someone to be with her, she needs to go back to school. Tells her she needs to move on and needed the truth. Mara lies that she is fine. Ashley tells her to answer phone when she gets home. They exchange kisses and hugs. Mara waits for Ashley to be gone and she bawls. One week since seeing Max and Mara has not gone to class. She leaves the television on and ignores knocks. Ashley calls everyday to encourage her. She steps out of the dorm room, depressed. Her female counselor sees her and puts her arm around her as she walks. She discusses her missed classes and Mara says she is okay, just getting fresh air. Mara goes back in her room, locks the door and drinks bottled water, no interest in eating. Her phone rings and it is her mom talking about missed classes and a call from the school therapist. Her mom wonders if she is on drugs, Mara reassures her. Her mom insists on a visit. Mara looks at pictures of her and Ashley from a shoe box. She laughs and cries as she looks at the pictures. She pulls out a note and writes” Remember Always” and puts it on the box. She starts to write two goodbye letters, one for each parent. She thanked them for everything. She needed to end her suffering and be where she needed to be. She writes a letter to Ashley and tells her she appreciated her friendship and with time she will accept what she had to do, she knew her better than anybody. The phone rings and it is Ashley, frantic. Mara just listens and doesn't talk. Ashley sobs and says she is on her way there and Mara thinks probably with her parents. Mara presses end on the call. She looks around the room and remembers memories. She leaves her room keys and phone on the table and exits the room.
  • 12. She drives to the cliffs. The day is cold and fall like. Mara is not properly dressed, no shoes, shorts. She sits at the cliffs waiting for people to leave. One guy hangs around near the edge. She looks at the water below and it looks dark and treacherous. Mara feels the water beckoning her. She closes her eyes and spreads her arms and thinks about Max. All of their time together comes flooding back. Mara hears a voice asking what she is doing. It is the one guy left at the cliffs. She feels his soft touch trying to stop her and she pulls away from him. She falls, as if, in a cloud. The man above screams no, while Mara screams in her head, yes. She hears Max tell her to open her eyes as he always did when jumping. She sees the jagged edge and turns her body so that she is cut the right way. She feels an instant pain and then none. She is back in the in – between. She is back up on the cliff edge, dry and fine. Everything is green and new. The ocean is dark and blue and glistens in the sunlight. She feels the tingling. She can feel Max everywhere. The sweetness of his whisper, his clear English accent. She turns and sees Max smiling, eyes sparkling, love radiating off of him. They enclose each other in their arms. She receives light kisses all over her face. Max tells her he has been waiting for her forever. Louis Sihler – producer of above material.