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Sexual Orientation Influence
The study of the development of sexual orientation has transformed greatly in the past few decades. Beliefs such as homosexual attraction being a
choice and homosexuality being the result of faulty psychological development caused by sexual abuse and other troubling childhood experiences
have been labelled as prejudice, incorrect and have been discarded by most scientists. But what does cause a person to develop one sexual orientation
over another? The truth is that the exact causes for the development of a particular sexual orientation have not been discovered yet. A lot of research
has been conducted to determine the influence of genetics, hormones, development, and social and cultural influences. These studies have led many to
believe that biology and environment play a complex role in forming a person's sexual preference. This goes along with what has been discussed in
class regarding nature vs. nurture; what determines sexual orientation more than likely lies somewhere on the spectrum between the two extremes of
nature and nurture.
There is strong evidence of the role of genes in the determining of sexual more content...
Fetal hormones may be seen as either the primary influence on sexual orientation or as a co–factor interacting with genes or the environment,
according to Simon LeVay. The exact hormones and what levels needed are unclear, but current scientific studies point to the same hormones that assist
in sexual differentiation, namely testosterone and DHT (LeVay, 2011). Support for this comes from the fact that the brain structures of homosexuals
differ from their same–sex heterosexual counterparts. According to LeVay's study, gay men and straight women have, on average, equally proportioned
brain hemispheres. Lesbian women and straight men, on the other hand, have slightly larger right brain
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Many parents voice a fear about their child learning about gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation. They think that hearing, seeing, or learning
these things will influence their child. According to research, however, no matter how often children are exposed to these topics they still will make
their own decisions later on in life on the matter. Often parents are upset when they hear their children are learning about these terms because they do
not know the dictionaries definitions for these words are. According to webster; gender is the state of being male or female, the word typically used to
reference social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. Gender identity is a person's perception of having a particular gender that may not
correspond with the sex they were given at birth. Sexual orientation is a person's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted.
Many times a person's sexual orientation can be labeled as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Diversity is an important lesson to teach children
especially at a young age. To understand how to best teach diversity about gender in a classroom background information, teaching strategies, and
student's understanding of diversity is important.
Diversity activities teach children to respect and celebrate the differences in all people. Gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation are
controversial topics in today's day and age. Even in 2017 people are still treated
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Gender, Gender And Sexual Orientation Essay
America, a country that preaches equality for all and may be considered the land of opportunity, has had a bad history of oppressing groups that differs
from the norm: white, heterosexual, and male. While legislation has been passed to rectify past oppression of racial, gender and sexual orientation
groups, America remains a patriarchal society whose institutions are structurally designed to favor white, cisgender, heterosexual males. The film
Higher Learning, brings to light this issue of institutional racism, while perpetuating in majority of the male characters what the ideal man represents
and how that is related to racial issues and sexual orientation in the film. Issues of homosexuality is not only brought up in opposition of masculinity,
but also femininity. Thus, American society has an attitude or belief that endorses hyper masculinity in males, but this is not viewed as a positive
attribution in African Americans, nor is homosexuality considered a normative behavior. The socialization ofgender, specifically men, has caused the
development of societal expectations of what traits are deemed desirable in a man. Masculinity in the film is defined by aggressive behavior, strength,
power, athleticism and sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Men, depending on their race, who exhibit these traits are viewed by society as being a
part of the norm. In the film, there were many examples of men of all ethnicities who fit this criteria, such as: Malik, a star track
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sexual orientation
This essay will look into sexual orientation. This essay will identify and define sexual orientation focusing on homosexuality. It will further provide an
overview of homosexuality and a summary. I will discuss my initial opinions, attitudes, biases and assumptions about sexual orientation and
demonstrate how my awareness of this element of diversity increased throughout the module. I will further address how this awareness will impact my
ability to counsel more competently, followed by a conclusion of all the issues covered.
Sexual orientation is distinct from other components of sex and gender, including biological sex which is the anatomical, physiological, and genetic
characteristics associated with being male or female, more content...
According to Newfoundland (2008) these are called hate crimes. According to Newfoundland (2008) hate crimes reported to the police were motivated
by sexual orientation. Approximately 98% of these hate crimes were committed against homosexual individuals. The majority of hate crimes are
committed by young males acting alone or in small groups (Newfoundland, 2008).any stats for SA?
These violations have long term impact specifically on lesbians and bisexual women, according to Newfoundland Labrador (2008) lesbian and
bisexual women become double traumatized by the impact of sexual violence due to the fact that they are oppressed both as women and as members
of the gay community. Some of the long term social and psychological impacts include: Feelings of fear, guilt, shame, denial, fear, self–blame, anger,
Fear of intimacy, Lack of trust, Low self–esteem, Depression, Eating difficulties, Sleep problems, Internal and external injuries.
When I grew up homosexuality was not big and not common amongst black people. Surprisingly enough when I started middle school I had realised
that am very much attracted to the same sex. At this time things where still confusing because I was at boarding school and no one to explain this for
me and I was embarrassed by this. My main initial opinions, attitudes, biases and assumptions about sexual orientation were that it was not common
and that I was
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Sexual Orientations Essay
Being sexual and romantic is the norm. Even now when other sexualities are more widely accepted you don't hear about romantic orientations. You
don't hear that your romantic orientation can be different from your sexual orientation. You don't hear that there are romantic orientations, each just
as diverse and varied as sexual orientations. You particularly do not hear about the lack of these seemingly intrinsic human traits. If you do hear
about them they tend to be caused by a health issue, or past trauma, abuse or a bad relationship. One of the only times I have seen an asexual couple
on TV ended with one lying and the other hand waved off with brain cancer. So we are liars, or sick, we get told to get our hormones checked, that we
haven't more content...
For years I believed that. I tried to fit, knew I wasn't interested remotely in men so I assumed I was gay. I got into a relationship which ended rather
abruptly after our first kiss. Aren't kisses supposed to make your heart pound, make butterflies swim in your stomach? Well, this one did but for all
the wrong reasons. I felt nothing, maybe even vaguely repulsed at the sensations of someone else's lips on mine. In a panic I distanced myself from
her in a panic. I spent years not even letting myself think about sex, about relationships. I watched friends years younger than me make their first
attempts at dating, and helped them through those first break ups, first heart breaks. I never had that drive to date, when I pictured myself in a
relationship I felt nothing but a mix of boredom and vague distaste. Romantic movies bored me, the sex scenes nauseated me, perfectly good movies
would be ruined for me when romance or a love interest was brought in. Everything I saw told me I should be interested by these, seek them out even,
build a large part of my life around finding and thinking about them. Because I didn't I must be wrong, a late bloomer, traumatized, have a bad
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Proponents have also argued that hormones are the primary determinant of sexual orientation, or a co–factor with environmental and social conditions,
biological factors, or genes. Having seen that many genetic screens have failed to turn up genes that are responsible for sexual orientation, colleagues
have researched that homosexuality may be a carry–over from one 's parents ' prenatal resistance to the hormones of the opposite sex. Early hormones
have been hypothesized to influence both sexual orientation and related childhood sex–typed behaviors. Seeing that sexual differentiation occurs in the
womb, as a result of hormonal influences, it has been believed that homosexuality may result from a differential hormone balance in the wombs of
those who eventually display a homosexual preference. Since hormonal levels within the womb are not available, representatives for hormonal
influences have been used to examine the question of how hormonal influences might impact sexual orientation. These proxies include differences in
size and shape, including the ratio of the longer bones of the arms and legs relative to arm span or stature and the hand bones of adults. In some cases,
studies have shown that the mothers of homosexual males suffered a high degree of stress throughout their duration of their pregnancy. Since stress
affects hormonal levels, researchers have suggested that decreased levels of testosterone could lead to a demasculinization of the development of the
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Persuasive Essay On Sexual Orientation
Love is a tricky topic. Many have been persecuted because of who they have loved. A common debate in society is that sexual orientation is a choice.
Nurture will say that the environment around a person plays a role, and nature will say that sexual orientation has to do with science. The nurture
argument is a common viewpoint because many can never imagine liking the same–sex, but then why is the nature viewpoint scientifically backed up?
Before jumping into each argument, sexual orientation needs to be defined. "Sexual orientation is about who you're attracted to and want to have
relationships with," according to Planned Parenthood (Parenthood). Sexual orientation is not the same as gender identity. Sexual orientation has to do
with who a person is attracted to, and gender identity is about what gender a person identifies with. There are many different labels that people put on
people who have a different sexual orientation than what is considered the common, which is a heterosexual relationship. The most common two are
gays for men who like men, and lesbians who are women that like women. There are also people who identify as bisexual meaning they like both
male and female. Another group that has a different sexual orientation is people who are attracted to more than just the average male and female, they
can be attracted to basically anyone, which includes people who are transgender, genderqueer, or intersex. They are named pansexual or queer. Lastly,
there are people
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In today's day in age, different sexualities and gender identities are quickly becoming more accepted in mainstream society. Despite this change,
there are many people who believe that having a different sexual orientation or gender identity is a choice that is frowned upon. In order to refute
this belief, research and biology of the brain is necessary. Researching the brain on the basis of sexuality is a fairly new topic of discussion because it
is somewhat difficult and confusing. This paper will explore the different identities of gender, sex and sexual orientation and the main biological
reasons behind these. There is also some validity of different sexual orientations and identities through the evidence of sexual disorders more
Gender is not based on physical attributes. Sex is the word that should be used when speaking about biological characteristics. So, based on the
definition of gender by LeVay, gender identity is one's personal attitude towards being more male or female.
It is normally thought that gender is something that is developed at birth and is something that is set in stone. More recently in time, people have
started to express that they feel that their gender identity is different and separate from their sex at birth. Egan and Perry are considered very important
researchers in the field of gender identity and psychology. The two proposed that gender identity is multi–faceted and is made up of five different
components that are generally independent of one another. The categories are as follows: knowing one belongs to one gender or another, how much
they feel they belong to the category, how happy they are with that gender, how much pressure they feel to conform to gender stereotypes and how
much they feel their sex is superior to the opposite (Carver, Yunger & Perry, 2003, p. 95). All of these relate to adjustment in different senses. Egan
and Perry found that by middle childhood, most have a fairly stable idea of their standing on all of these categories. Their perception thrives most when
they are confident in themselves and when they feel that they are not constricted in their freedom to explore other
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Theories Of Sexual Orientation
Sexual orientation refers to an individual's array of sexual, emotional or romantic attractions to men, women or both sexes. Categories of sexual
orientation typically have included attraction to members of one's own sex (gay men or lesbians), attraction to members of the other sex
(heterosexuals), and attraction to members of both sexes (bisexuals). While these categories continue to be widely used, research has suggested that
sexual orientation does not always appear in such definable categories and instead occurs on a continuum (e.g., Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, & Gebhard,
1953; Klein, 1993; Klein, Sepekoff, & Wolff, 1985; Shiveley & DeCecco, 1977) These ranges of behaviors have brought out several controversies,
mainly targeted at the more content...
Meyer's (1995) study, with 741 adult gay men, found significant associations between prejudicial events and subsequent psychological distress.
This essay shall aim at whether sexual orientation (homosexuality) leads to more psychological disorders due to factors such as, social stigma,
prejudice, heterosexism, stereotypes and discrimination and how can these be identified and how psychological wellbeing may be developed in these
social groups.
Over the past few decades, a noteworthy change has occurred in the receiving of homosexuality from the perceptions of researchers and practitioners.
Historically, homosexuality was viewed as a mental illness (Gonsiorek 1991)) and was also taken as a sin and an immoral action rather than looking
at it as an individual difference which imminently lead to a different lifestyle. But, in the late 1960's and early 1970's a huge effort was devoted into
researching whether homosexuality actually was a mental illness (Gonsiorek) or not due to the rate it was increasing
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Sexual Orientation Essay
Sexual Orientation
Sexual orientation refers to one's degree of emotional and erotic attraction to members of the same sex, opposite sex or both sexes. Heterosexual
persons are romantically and erotically attracted to members of the opposite sex, whereas homosexual persons are attracted to those whose sex match
their own. A person who is bisexual is attracted to both men and women. According to a recent national survey, about 7 percent of all adults regard
themselves as homosexual or bisexual. That means that roughly 7 people out of every hundred are bisexual or homosexual; 50 million people in the
U.S. alone are gay, lesbian, or have a family member who is homosexual.
The question is, however, do they choose to be gay or more content...
Hamer located a region near the end of the long arm of the X chromosome in DNA that likely contains a gene influencing sexual orientation. Hamer
announced, "We have now produced evidence that one form of male homosexuality is preferentially transmitted through the maternal side and is
genetically linked to chromosome region Xq28." 2
A study released by the National Institute of Health (NIH) also indicated a correlation between a specific chromosomal region in human males and
homosexuality. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) called for an end to discrimination based on sexual orientation and issued a
statement regarding this study. "The NIH study is an important addition to the growing body of evidence indicating a genetic basis for homosexuality,"
said Peri Jude Radecic, NGLTF Deputy Director of Public Policy. "And it shows that homosexuality is a naturally occurring and common variation
among humans –– a fact that gay and lesbian people have known all along." 3
So with growing evidence of predetermined sexual orientation, should laws be changed and society forced to accept homosexuality as natural? Time
magazine projected an ethical and political forecast: "If homosexuals are deemed to have a foreordained nature, many of the arguments now used to
block equal rights would lose force." Time also cited a gay attorney who said, "I can't imagine rational people,
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Sexual Orientation Discrimination Essay
HR Management Issue – Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Sexual Orientation Discrimination Definition ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Explanation of Topic
............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Background of Issue ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Challenges this issue Presents Workplace Discrimination ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Recommended Organizational Response ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Projection more content...
Sexual Orientation Discrimination Everyone agrees that workplace discrimination has no place in the modern business world. But not everyone
understands the laws that protect employees against discrimination. In this case, what you don't know can hurt you, especially if an aggrieved
employee files a discrimination claim. Definition According to an article published by Workplace Fairness, a non–profit organization that provides
information and education on employee rights, sexual orientation discrimination means treating someone differently solely because of his or her sexual
orientation whether it be homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. This discrimination may occur because of a perception of someone whether the
perception is right or wrong. Someone who is discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation may also be discriminated against or harassed on
the basis of sex, gender identity, disability, such as actual or perceived HIV status, and/or marital status. This is very important to Human Resource
Professionals because they are the ones that make sure organization objectives are being met, and policies are being followed. It is the Human
Resource professionals that deal with staffing, compensation, safety and health, training and development as well as employee and labor relations
issues. Therefore if any situations in the workplace occur
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Sexual Orientation
Homosexuality is defined or characterized as attraction towards the same gender either male or female. It came from the Greek language, where
"homo" means the same or similar, hence referring to the attraction between two beings of the same sex. Homosexuality is also referred as a clinical
term. Most male homosexuals generally prefer to be called "gay men" and most homosexual women generally prefer to be called "lesbians."
Homosexuality is one of the three main categories of sexual orientation, alongside bisexual and heterosexual. The longstanding consensus of the
behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions is that homosexuality is an example of normal and positive variation in
human more content...
The nurture concept of homosexuality include elements which influence a human's sexual relationship likes social, parental and environment variables.
A total opposite from the idea of the nature concept, a nurtured homosexual person is one that is "made" gay or lesbian.
"While I don 't believe the environment can "make someone gay", it certainly can influence their willingness to accept their sexuality and/or to "come
out" to others. In communities where intolerance is frowned upon and society in general is "gay–friendly", a gay child is more likely to feel
comfortable both with his/her own sexual orientation, and with sharing this information with family or friends. On the other hand, in places where
homosexuality is frowned upon or even punished, they are more likely to keep it hidden, or even deny it to themselves.
The most controversial questions that arise in relation to sexual orientation are targeted towards how one's sexual orientation forms, what factors go
into it and most importantly whether individuals have a choice in this process. According to the American Psychology Association, one's sexual
orientation is not adopted via an individual's choice, but rather develops as a result of "cognitive and biological factors" and as well as by interacting
with the surrounding environment. In simpler terms, there is a possibility in everybody even you and me being a homosexual.
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Sexual Orientation
Backgrounds of sexual orientation have made an attempt to be defined with natural and environmental principles, though none is adequate to describe
the cause. Sexual orientation has been accredited to changes in construction and purpose of the brain, precisely in hypothalamus of straight and gay
men (LeVay, 1991). Though the exploration doesn't find the hypothalamus as the cause ofsexual orientation, it does specify the existence of natural
influence initiating the sexual orientation. Numerous other studies relating to the left or right–handedness, faint noises in ear in response to clicking
sounds, degree of equilibrium between brain hemispheres, and neural connections distinguishes gays from heterosexual men and women based on
natural more content...
Thus, cultural competence can be shown by demonstrating that as a counselor, you are familiar with the cultural and religious worldview of both
Steve and Nadia. Based on the American Psychological Association, therapist must abide by "Boundaries of Competencies: when working with clients
who have a diverse background. (Standard 2.01, APA, 2002). In addition, the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapist (AAMF, 2005)
hold that couples and/or members of the family unity listen to the feelings of other
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Gender Orientation And Sexual Orientation Essay
Gender and sexual orientation is a topic that has been and still today is not talked about in such a way it should be because of how society has
chosen to structure and control it. Social stratification is a system in which groups of people are divided up into layers according to their relative
privileges (power, property, and prestige). It's a way of ranking large groups of people into a hierarchy according to their relative privileges
(Vela–McConnell 2016). People, who deviate from the norm of the "accepted" gender and sexual orientation that society has placed upon us, are
stratified below the norm of a dominating binary gender and sexual orientation. People who are queer face the struggle of mistreatment and an
unaccepting society that has been socialized to see and act on gender and sexual orientation to being a dualistic system.
Each person in society experiences their gender and sexual orientation differently, as well as experiencing other people's gender and sexual orientation.
Redefining Realness tells the story and journey, of a trans woman, who ventures through life to finding her inner self. This biography not only delves
into a personal story, but also bits and pieces of experiences people of the trans community may have in common in their own personal journeys.
Private troubles play a role in reflecting the struggles those who don't fall under the categories of society's binary system of gender and sexual
orientation face, which reflect larger public issues.
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The Concept Of Sexual Orientation
The purpose of the study was to synthesize and critically evaluate the concept of sexual orientation, especially as it is studied and presented in large,
population–based and school–based adolescent survey literature. Specifically, the study examined methodology and instrumentation used for the
assessment and measurement of youth sexual orientation present in refereed literature. Of the forty–eight empirical studies, five included items that
assessed all three dimensions of sexual orientation. The majority of studies used surveys that exclusively assessed sexual orientation identity (n = 30;
63%). The majority of those surveys provided between four and six identity response options with parenthetical descriptions, including more
(World Health Organization, 2006)
Sexual orientation involves an individual's sexual attraction, identity, arousals, fantasies, and behaviors towards persons of the same sex, other sex, or
both sexes (Bell, Weinberg, & Hammersmith, 1981; LeVay & Valente, 2006; LeVay & Baldwin, 2012), and is dynamic (not static) in nature (Klein,
Sepekoff, & Wolf, 1985; Berkey, Perelman–Hall, & Kurdek, 1990). Health researchers have proposed that sexual orientation is a multi–dimensional
aspect of a person's identity that consists of at least three dimensions existing on a continuum (Sell, 1997): sexual orientation identity, sexual attraction,
and sexual behavior (Sell & Petrulio, 1996; Laumann et al., 1994; Hughes & Eliason, 2002; Solarz, 1999; Savin–Williams, 2006).
Sexual Orientation Identity. One of the earliest sexual orientation identity classification schemes proposed in the 1860s (Sell, 2007) consisted of three
categories: Dionings (heterosexual), Urnings (homosexual), and Uranodionings (bisexual). Homosexual women (Urningins) and heterosexual women
(Dioningins) maintained separate categories from men (Sell, 2007). Sexual orientation identity can be described as an individual's conception of his or
her own sexuality (Cass, 1984; Coker, Austin, & Schuster, 2010). Heterosexual (straight), homosexual (gay and lesbian), and
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Sexuality : Teaching Sexual Orientation
Sexuality has become a touchy subject due to the major increase in gays, lesbians, and transgender. The considerable amount of young students who
are claiming these titles are an even more sensitive subject which has grasped society. When it comes to the youth of the nation every one becomes
concerns. The way students are being taught is already in question, it brings more concern to society when people want students to start learning about
sexuality in schools as well. I will review four main issues on teaching sexual orientation in schools. First, there are those people who feel that teaching
a child about sexuality or orientation is a matter for the parents. These parents discuss with their children the aspects of sexuality in hope more
Third, there are those who feel by teaching about sexual orientation the amount of bullying and harassment in school, and homelessness and suicide
outside of school will decrease. Concerned educators have developed ways to prove teaching sexuality is worth a try. Believers have formed groups in
schools such as the Gay Straight Alliances, to help protect LGBT students in hope that protection would soon follow. Forth, there are those who
believe that teaching sexuality is not a problem. The problem who will teach it, what will they teach, and when will it be taught? These people come
from all groups: educators, parents, christians, and political leaders.
Sexual orientation is basically the attraction of one person to another in terms of gender. When deciding whether or not one is straight, gay, or lesbian
it is difficult to know who you can trust. Parents feel that teaching about sexual orientation in schools takes away a mother's and father 's natural
rights. When a person's rights are violated it should not be allowed. Every parent dreads the day they have to have "The Talk," with their pre–teen. At
the same time by the end of the conversation they know what has been explained is in the best interest of the child. Parents must be open with children
and discuss sexual options from the beginning. They must be able to explain all choices with the child (Gordon). Because most adolescents do not
inform their parents of how they feel or what they are doing when it comes
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Sexual Attraction Essay
It is possible that attraction between two people may be born out on a rickety bridge. It sounds scary; however, studies proved that men have higher
levels of arousal (e.g. heart pounds fast) when they are exposed to dangerous situations. If they see a beautiful woman approaching, they tend to feel
attracted her more quickly. This misconception is associated with a misattribution of arousal that means that people make the supposition of their
emotions in everyday life. It happens because their emotional responses react to the stimulus. Perhaps, the contact with a beautiful stranger causes them
to hide their fears. By doing that, they can look more confident, even though they are scared.
In 1970, two researchers, Arthur Aron and Donald Button conducted a correlational study. That study correlated the relationship between emotional
arousal and sexual attraction. Their purpose was to more content...
It was around nature in which the participants had access to two bridges. One of them was a rickety bridge that is located above the Capilano
River, British Columbia in Canada. The second bridge was a solid one in which it was not any risk of occurring calamity. Both bridges were the
strategy points to initiate the study. The study was divided into three experiments. In the first part of the experiment, the male participants were 85
participants in total. Each one of them needed to fulfill two formalities as conditions for the validity of the study. The age of the men was between 18
and 35 years old, and they did not have to have a female companion. They must be alone. Apart from them, there were awoman and man who made the
connections. The mission of both especially of the woman was to stand up in the middle of the bridge and asked the men who passed by to help her
with her psychological project. Most of the male participants were willing to help her. Even though they were at risk, they did not hesitate to be part of
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Essay about Sexual Orientation
Sexual Orientation
Sexual orientation is considered highly controversial in our world today. There are many issues that society is faced with concerning homosexuality.
When thinking of homosexuality most people refer to the Bible for an answer. There is even more controversy within the Bible's text. Not only is
there reference to the Bible, but also to our mind to answer whether or not homosexuality is a moral issue. Psychological and Biological research is
searching for an answer to this illustrious area of confusion. According to Shakuntala Delvi, "a homosexual experience is any physical arousal a
person feels in response to someone of his or her own sex. This can range from just thinking about someone and being aroused more content...
This could be because of how of they were raised and the community they grew up in. The Bible is where a lot of people shape their morals.
Homosexuality is condemned in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. But nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality singled out as being
particularly offensive (Delvi 45). When referring to the Bible about homosexual activity, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is most referred to.
However, none of the references to Sodom and Gomorrah mention homosexuality. "Luke 10:10, identifies its sin as inhospitality"(Delvi 44)."The
misinterpretation of the Sodom and Gomorrah episode in the Bible is probably one of the supremely ironic paradoxes of history"(Delvi 43). How
can someone explain the sexual reference to Sodom and Gomorrah? It is said that the reason is the use of male prostitutes as an attack against
Pagan fertility worships (Delvi 42). There are many different interpretations of the Bible. I believe that God originally wrote the Bible, but his
supposed disciples wrote it as the way they saw it. This is the way the Lutheran religion looks at the Bible. Another point is that the Bible has been
written and translated so many times; how do we know that it has stayed the way the Lord intended it to be? Of course, since the Bible is the word of
God we are not supposed to question it, but it brings on many questions as to whether or not it is the truth. When the New Testament first came about, it
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Sexuality, Sexuality And Sexual Orientation
Kiara Rivas
Sociology 1
Due Date: 5/5/15
Human Sexuality Sexuality is something that seems to dominate a lot of the world we live in. It's in our schools, at work, and especially in the
mass media. The way your body develops and the way you feel and respond to others sexually creates your sexuality ("Sexuality and Sexual
Orientation", Youthoria). It can shape and affect people's lives as well as our own. Sexuality can be influenced by culture, religion, media, friends and
experiences. Some people are very sexual, while others experience no sexual attraction at all. Sexuality has always been treated as taboo and some
people are uncomfortable talking about it so they avoid it. For this reason sexuality can produce confusion, anxiety and fear. Sexuality includes much
more than just sex. It includes anatomy, biological sex, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, and sexual behaviors ("Sex and Sexuality", Planned
Parenthood). Applying the sociological approaches will give us a better understanding of human sexuality.
Now that we have some insight on what sexuality is, we can apply the sociological perspectives. Starting with the structural functional theory, this
theory argues that society consists of interrelated parts that work together to promote social order, unity, and balance. The structural–functional
paradigm can be broken down by other type on functions: manifest functions, latent functions, and dysfunctions. The manifest functions regulates with
whom your
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Sexual Orientation Influence

  • 1. Sexual Orientation Influence The study of the development of sexual orientation has transformed greatly in the past few decades. Beliefs such as homosexual attraction being a choice and homosexuality being the result of faulty psychological development caused by sexual abuse and other troubling childhood experiences have been labelled as prejudice, incorrect and have been discarded by most scientists. But what does cause a person to develop one sexual orientation over another? The truth is that the exact causes for the development of a particular sexual orientation have not been discovered yet. A lot of research has been conducted to determine the influence of genetics, hormones, development, and social and cultural influences. These studies have led many to believe that biology and environment play a complex role in forming a person's sexual preference. This goes along with what has been discussed in class regarding nature vs. nurture; what determines sexual orientation more than likely lies somewhere on the spectrum between the two extremes of nature and nurture. There is strong evidence of the role of genes in the determining of sexual more content... Fetal hormones may be seen as either the primary influence on sexual orientation or as a co–factor interacting with genes or the environment, according to Simon LeVay. The exact hormones and what levels needed are unclear, but current scientific studies point to the same hormones that assist in sexual differentiation, namely testosterone and DHT (LeVay, 2011). Support for this comes from the fact that the brain structures of homosexuals differ from their same–sex heterosexual counterparts. According to LeVay's study, gay men and straight women have, on average, equally proportioned brain hemispheres. Lesbian women and straight men, on the other hand, have slightly larger right brain Get more content on
  • 2. Many parents voice a fear about their child learning about gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation. They think that hearing, seeing, or learning these things will influence their child. According to research, however, no matter how often children are exposed to these topics they still will make their own decisions later on in life on the matter. Often parents are upset when they hear their children are learning about these terms because they do not know the dictionaries definitions for these words are. According to webster; gender is the state of being male or female, the word typically used to reference social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. Gender identity is a person's perception of having a particular gender that may not correspond with the sex they were given at birth. Sexual orientation is a person's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted. Many times a person's sexual orientation can be labeled as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Diversity is an important lesson to teach children especially at a young age. To understand how to best teach diversity about gender in a classroom background information, teaching strategies, and student's understanding of diversity is important. Diversity activities teach children to respect and celebrate the differences in all people. Gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation are controversial topics in today's day and age. Even in 2017 people are still treated Get more content on
  • 3. Gender, Gender And Sexual Orientation Essay America, a country that preaches equality for all and may be considered the land of opportunity, has had a bad history of oppressing groups that differs from the norm: white, heterosexual, and male. While legislation has been passed to rectify past oppression of racial, gender and sexual orientation groups, America remains a patriarchal society whose institutions are structurally designed to favor white, cisgender, heterosexual males. The film Higher Learning, brings to light this issue of institutional racism, while perpetuating in majority of the male characters what the ideal man represents and how that is related to racial issues and sexual orientation in the film. Issues of homosexuality is not only brought up in opposition of masculinity, but also femininity. Thus, American society has an attitude or belief that endorses hyper masculinity in males, but this is not viewed as a positive attribution in African Americans, nor is homosexuality considered a normative behavior. The socialization ofgender, specifically men, has caused the development of societal expectations of what traits are deemed desirable in a man. Masculinity in the film is defined by aggressive behavior, strength, power, athleticism and sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Men, depending on their race, who exhibit these traits are viewed by society as being a part of the norm. In the film, there were many examples of men of all ethnicities who fit this criteria, such as: Malik, a star track Get more content on
  • 4. sexual orientation This essay will look into sexual orientation. This essay will identify and define sexual orientation focusing on homosexuality. It will further provide an overview of homosexuality and a summary. I will discuss my initial opinions, attitudes, biases and assumptions about sexual orientation and demonstrate how my awareness of this element of diversity increased throughout the module. I will further address how this awareness will impact my ability to counsel more competently, followed by a conclusion of all the issues covered. Sexual orientation is distinct from other components of sex and gender, including biological sex which is the anatomical, physiological, and genetic characteristics associated with being male or female, more content... According to Newfoundland (2008) these are called hate crimes. According to Newfoundland (2008) hate crimes reported to the police were motivated by sexual orientation. Approximately 98% of these hate crimes were committed against homosexual individuals. The majority of hate crimes are committed by young males acting alone or in small groups (Newfoundland, 2008).any stats for SA? These violations have long term impact specifically on lesbians and bisexual women, according to Newfoundland Labrador (2008) lesbian and bisexual women become double traumatized by the impact of sexual violence due to the fact that they are oppressed both as women and as members of the gay community. Some of the long term social and psychological impacts include: Feelings of fear, guilt, shame, denial, fear, self–blame, anger, Fear of intimacy, Lack of trust, Low self–esteem, Depression, Eating difficulties, Sleep problems, Internal and external injuries. When I grew up homosexuality was not big and not common amongst black people. Surprisingly enough when I started middle school I had realised that am very much attracted to the same sex. At this time things where still confusing because I was at boarding school and no one to explain this for me and I was embarrassed by this. My main initial opinions, attitudes, biases and assumptions about sexual orientation were that it was not common and that I was Get more content on
  • 5. Sexual Orientations Essay Being sexual and romantic is the norm. Even now when other sexualities are more widely accepted you don't hear about romantic orientations. You don't hear that your romantic orientation can be different from your sexual orientation. You don't hear that there are romantic orientations, each just as diverse and varied as sexual orientations. You particularly do not hear about the lack of these seemingly intrinsic human traits. If you do hear about them they tend to be caused by a health issue, or past trauma, abuse or a bad relationship. One of the only times I have seen an asexual couple on TV ended with one lying and the other hand waved off with brain cancer. So we are liars, or sick, we get told to get our hormones checked, that we haven't more content... For years I believed that. I tried to fit, knew I wasn't interested remotely in men so I assumed I was gay. I got into a relationship which ended rather abruptly after our first kiss. Aren't kisses supposed to make your heart pound, make butterflies swim in your stomach? Well, this one did but for all the wrong reasons. I felt nothing, maybe even vaguely repulsed at the sensations of someone else's lips on mine. In a panic I distanced myself from her in a panic. I spent years not even letting myself think about sex, about relationships. I watched friends years younger than me make their first attempts at dating, and helped them through those first break ups, first heart breaks. I never had that drive to date, when I pictured myself in a relationship I felt nothing but a mix of boredom and vague distaste. Romantic movies bored me, the sex scenes nauseated me, perfectly good movies would be ruined for me when romance or a love interest was brought in. Everything I saw told me I should be interested by these, seek them out even, build a large part of my life around finding and thinking about them. Because I didn't I must be wrong, a late bloomer, traumatized, have a bad experience, Get more content on
  • 6. Proponents have also argued that hormones are the primary determinant of sexual orientation, or a co–factor with environmental and social conditions, biological factors, or genes. Having seen that many genetic screens have failed to turn up genes that are responsible for sexual orientation, colleagues have researched that homosexuality may be a carry–over from one 's parents ' prenatal resistance to the hormones of the opposite sex. Early hormones have been hypothesized to influence both sexual orientation and related childhood sex–typed behaviors. Seeing that sexual differentiation occurs in the womb, as a result of hormonal influences, it has been believed that homosexuality may result from a differential hormone balance in the wombs of those who eventually display a homosexual preference. Since hormonal levels within the womb are not available, representatives for hormonal influences have been used to examine the question of how hormonal influences might impact sexual orientation. These proxies include differences in size and shape, including the ratio of the longer bones of the arms and legs relative to arm span or stature and the hand bones of adults. In some cases, studies have shown that the mothers of homosexual males suffered a high degree of stress throughout their duration of their pregnancy. Since stress affects hormonal levels, researchers have suggested that decreased levels of testosterone could lead to a demasculinization of the development of the brain. Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Sexual Orientation Love is a tricky topic. Many have been persecuted because of who they have loved. A common debate in society is that sexual orientation is a choice. Nurture will say that the environment around a person plays a role, and nature will say that sexual orientation has to do with science. The nurture argument is a common viewpoint because many can never imagine liking the same–sex, but then why is the nature viewpoint scientifically backed up? Before jumping into each argument, sexual orientation needs to be defined. "Sexual orientation is about who you're attracted to and want to have relationships with," according to Planned Parenthood (Parenthood). Sexual orientation is not the same as gender identity. Sexual orientation has to do with who a person is attracted to, and gender identity is about what gender a person identifies with. There are many different labels that people put on people who have a different sexual orientation than what is considered the common, which is a heterosexual relationship. The most common two are gays for men who like men, and lesbians who are women that like women. There are also people who identify as bisexual meaning they like both male and female. Another group that has a different sexual orientation is people who are attracted to more than just the average male and female, they can be attracted to basically anyone, which includes people who are transgender, genderqueer, or intersex. They are named pansexual or queer. Lastly, there are people Get more content on
  • 8. In today's day in age, different sexualities and gender identities are quickly becoming more accepted in mainstream society. Despite this change, there are many people who believe that having a different sexual orientation or gender identity is a choice that is frowned upon. In order to refute this belief, research and biology of the brain is necessary. Researching the brain on the basis of sexuality is a fairly new topic of discussion because it is somewhat difficult and confusing. This paper will explore the different identities of gender, sex and sexual orientation and the main biological reasons behind these. There is also some validity of different sexual orientations and identities through the evidence of sexual disorders more content... Gender is not based on physical attributes. Sex is the word that should be used when speaking about biological characteristics. So, based on the definition of gender by LeVay, gender identity is one's personal attitude towards being more male or female. It is normally thought that gender is something that is developed at birth and is something that is set in stone. More recently in time, people have started to express that they feel that their gender identity is different and separate from their sex at birth. Egan and Perry are considered very important researchers in the field of gender identity and psychology. The two proposed that gender identity is multi–faceted and is made up of five different components that are generally independent of one another. The categories are as follows: knowing one belongs to one gender or another, how much they feel they belong to the category, how happy they are with that gender, how much pressure they feel to conform to gender stereotypes and how much they feel their sex is superior to the opposite (Carver, Yunger & Perry, 2003, p. 95). All of these relate to adjustment in different senses. Egan and Perry found that by middle childhood, most have a fairly stable idea of their standing on all of these categories. Their perception thrives most when they are confident in themselves and when they feel that they are not constricted in their freedom to explore other Get more content on
  • 9. Theories Of Sexual Orientation Sexual orientation refers to an individual's array of sexual, emotional or romantic attractions to men, women or both sexes. Categories of sexual orientation typically have included attraction to members of one's own sex (gay men or lesbians), attraction to members of the other sex (heterosexuals), and attraction to members of both sexes (bisexuals). While these categories continue to be widely used, research has suggested that sexual orientation does not always appear in such definable categories and instead occurs on a continuum (e.g., Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, & Gebhard, 1953; Klein, 1993; Klein, Sepekoff, & Wolff, 1985; Shiveley & DeCecco, 1977) These ranges of behaviors have brought out several controversies, mainly targeted at the more content... Meyer's (1995) study, with 741 adult gay men, found significant associations between prejudicial events and subsequent psychological distress. This essay shall aim at whether sexual orientation (homosexuality) leads to more psychological disorders due to factors such as, social stigma, prejudice, heterosexism, stereotypes and discrimination and how can these be identified and how psychological wellbeing may be developed in these social groups. Over the past few decades, a noteworthy change has occurred in the receiving of homosexuality from the perceptions of researchers and practitioners. Historically, homosexuality was viewed as a mental illness (Gonsiorek 1991)) and was also taken as a sin and an immoral action rather than looking at it as an individual difference which imminently lead to a different lifestyle. But, in the late 1960's and early 1970's a huge effort was devoted into researching whether homosexuality actually was a mental illness (Gonsiorek) or not due to the rate it was increasing Get more content on
  • 10. Sexual Orientation Essay Sexual Orientation Sexual orientation refers to one's degree of emotional and erotic attraction to members of the same sex, opposite sex or both sexes. Heterosexual persons are romantically and erotically attracted to members of the opposite sex, whereas homosexual persons are attracted to those whose sex match their own. A person who is bisexual is attracted to both men and women. According to a recent national survey, about 7 percent of all adults regard themselves as homosexual or bisexual. That means that roughly 7 people out of every hundred are bisexual or homosexual; 50 million people in the U.S. alone are gay, lesbian, or have a family member who is homosexual. The question is, however, do they choose to be gay or more content... Hamer located a region near the end of the long arm of the X chromosome in DNA that likely contains a gene influencing sexual orientation. Hamer announced, "We have now produced evidence that one form of male homosexuality is preferentially transmitted through the maternal side and is genetically linked to chromosome region Xq28." 2 A study released by the National Institute of Health (NIH) also indicated a correlation between a specific chromosomal region in human males and homosexuality. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) called for an end to discrimination based on sexual orientation and issued a statement regarding this study. "The NIH study is an important addition to the growing body of evidence indicating a genetic basis for homosexuality," said Peri Jude Radecic, NGLTF Deputy Director of Public Policy. "And it shows that homosexuality is a naturally occurring and common variation among humans –– a fact that gay and lesbian people have known all along." 3 So with growing evidence of predetermined sexual orientation, should laws be changed and society forced to accept homosexuality as natural? Time magazine projected an ethical and political forecast: "If homosexuals are deemed to have a foreordained nature, many of the arguments now used to block equal rights would lose force." Time also cited a gay attorney who said, "I can't imagine rational people, Get more content on
  • 11. Sexual Orientation Discrimination Essay Running Head: DISCRIMINATION HR Management Issue – Sexual Orientation Discrimination Table of Contents Introduction ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sexual Orientation Discrimination Definition ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Explanation of Topic ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Background of Issue ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Challenges this issue Presents Workplace Discrimination ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Recommended Organizational Response ............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Projection more content... Sexual Orientation Discrimination Everyone agrees that workplace discrimination has no place in the modern business world. But not everyone understands the laws that protect employees against discrimination. In this case, what you don't know can hurt you, especially if an aggrieved employee files a discrimination claim. Definition According to an article published by Workplace Fairness, a non–profit organization that provides information and education on employee rights, sexual orientation discrimination means treating someone differently solely because of his or her sexual orientation whether it be homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. This discrimination may occur because of a perception of someone whether the perception is right or wrong. Someone who is discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation may also be discriminated against or harassed on the basis of sex, gender identity, disability, such as actual or perceived HIV status, and/or marital status. This is very important to Human Resource Professionals because they are the ones that make sure organization objectives are being met, and policies are being followed. It is the Human Resource professionals that deal with staffing, compensation, safety and health, training and development as well as employee and labor relations issues. Therefore if any situations in the workplace occur Get more content on
  • 12. Sexual Orientation Introduction Homosexuality is defined or characterized as attraction towards the same gender either male or female. It came from the Greek language, where "homo" means the same or similar, hence referring to the attraction between two beings of the same sex. Homosexuality is also referred as a clinical term. Most male homosexuals generally prefer to be called "gay men" and most homosexual women generally prefer to be called "lesbians." Homosexuality is one of the three main categories of sexual orientation, alongside bisexual and heterosexual. The longstanding consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions is that homosexuality is an example of normal and positive variation in human more content... The nurture concept of homosexuality include elements which influence a human's sexual relationship likes social, parental and environment variables. A total opposite from the idea of the nature concept, a nurtured homosexual person is one that is "made" gay or lesbian. "While I don 't believe the environment can "make someone gay", it certainly can influence their willingness to accept their sexuality and/or to "come out" to others. In communities where intolerance is frowned upon and society in general is "gay–friendly", a gay child is more likely to feel comfortable both with his/her own sexual orientation, and with sharing this information with family or friends. On the other hand, in places where homosexuality is frowned upon or even punished, they are more likely to keep it hidden, or even deny it to themselves. The most controversial questions that arise in relation to sexual orientation are targeted towards how one's sexual orientation forms, what factors go into it and most importantly whether individuals have a choice in this process. According to the American Psychology Association, one's sexual orientation is not adopted via an individual's choice, but rather develops as a result of "cognitive and biological factors" and as well as by interacting with the surrounding environment. In simpler terms, there is a possibility in everybody even you and me being a homosexual. Get more content on
  • 13. Sexual Orientation Backgrounds of sexual orientation have made an attempt to be defined with natural and environmental principles, though none is adequate to describe the cause. Sexual orientation has been accredited to changes in construction and purpose of the brain, precisely in hypothalamus of straight and gay men (LeVay, 1991). Though the exploration doesn't find the hypothalamus as the cause ofsexual orientation, it does specify the existence of natural influence initiating the sexual orientation. Numerous other studies relating to the left or right–handedness, faint noises in ear in response to clicking sounds, degree of equilibrium between brain hemispheres, and neural connections distinguishes gays from heterosexual men and women based on natural more content... Thus, cultural competence can be shown by demonstrating that as a counselor, you are familiar with the cultural and religious worldview of both Steve and Nadia. Based on the American Psychological Association, therapist must abide by "Boundaries of Competencies: when working with clients who have a diverse background. (Standard 2.01, APA, 2002). In addition, the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapist (AAMF, 2005) hold that couples and/or members of the family unity listen to the feelings of other Get more content on
  • 14. Gender Orientation And Sexual Orientation Essay Gender and sexual orientation is a topic that has been and still today is not talked about in such a way it should be because of how society has chosen to structure and control it. Social stratification is a system in which groups of people are divided up into layers according to their relative privileges (power, property, and prestige). It's a way of ranking large groups of people into a hierarchy according to their relative privileges (Vela–McConnell 2016). People, who deviate from the norm of the "accepted" gender and sexual orientation that society has placed upon us, are stratified below the norm of a dominating binary gender and sexual orientation. People who are queer face the struggle of mistreatment and an unaccepting society that has been socialized to see and act on gender and sexual orientation to being a dualistic system. Each person in society experiences their gender and sexual orientation differently, as well as experiencing other people's gender and sexual orientation. Redefining Realness tells the story and journey, of a trans woman, who ventures through life to finding her inner self. This biography not only delves into a personal story, but also bits and pieces of experiences people of the trans community may have in common in their own personal journeys. Private troubles play a role in reflecting the struggles those who don't fall under the categories of society's binary system of gender and sexual orientation face, which reflect larger public issues. Get more content on
  • 15. The Concept Of Sexual Orientation Abstract The purpose of the study was to synthesize and critically evaluate the concept of sexual orientation, especially as it is studied and presented in large, population–based and school–based adolescent survey literature. Specifically, the study examined methodology and instrumentation used for the assessment and measurement of youth sexual orientation present in refereed literature. Of the forty–eight empirical studies, five included items that assessed all three dimensions of sexual orientation. The majority of studies used surveys that exclusively assessed sexual orientation identity (n = 30; 63%). The majority of those surveys provided between four and six identity response options with parenthetical descriptions, including more content... (World Health Organization, 2006) Sexual orientation involves an individual's sexual attraction, identity, arousals, fantasies, and behaviors towards persons of the same sex, other sex, or both sexes (Bell, Weinberg, & Hammersmith, 1981; LeVay & Valente, 2006; LeVay & Baldwin, 2012), and is dynamic (not static) in nature (Klein, Sepekoff, & Wolf, 1985; Berkey, Perelman–Hall, & Kurdek, 1990). Health researchers have proposed that sexual orientation is a multi–dimensional aspect of a person's identity that consists of at least three dimensions existing on a continuum (Sell, 1997): sexual orientation identity, sexual attraction, and sexual behavior (Sell & Petrulio, 1996; Laumann et al., 1994; Hughes & Eliason, 2002; Solarz, 1999; Savin–Williams, 2006). Sexual Orientation Identity. One of the earliest sexual orientation identity classification schemes proposed in the 1860s (Sell, 2007) consisted of three categories: Dionings (heterosexual), Urnings (homosexual), and Uranodionings (bisexual). Homosexual women (Urningins) and heterosexual women (Dioningins) maintained separate categories from men (Sell, 2007). Sexual orientation identity can be described as an individual's conception of his or her own sexuality (Cass, 1984; Coker, Austin, & Schuster, 2010). Heterosexual (straight), homosexual (gay and lesbian), and Get more content on
  • 16. Sexuality : Teaching Sexual Orientation Sexuality has become a touchy subject due to the major increase in gays, lesbians, and transgender. The considerable amount of young students who are claiming these titles are an even more sensitive subject which has grasped society. When it comes to the youth of the nation every one becomes concerns. The way students are being taught is already in question, it brings more concern to society when people want students to start learning about sexuality in schools as well. I will review four main issues on teaching sexual orientation in schools. First, there are those people who feel that teaching a child about sexuality or orientation is a matter for the parents. These parents discuss with their children the aspects of sexuality in hope more content... Third, there are those who feel by teaching about sexual orientation the amount of bullying and harassment in school, and homelessness and suicide outside of school will decrease. Concerned educators have developed ways to prove teaching sexuality is worth a try. Believers have formed groups in schools such as the Gay Straight Alliances, to help protect LGBT students in hope that protection would soon follow. Forth, there are those who believe that teaching sexuality is not a problem. The problem who will teach it, what will they teach, and when will it be taught? These people come from all groups: educators, parents, christians, and political leaders. Sexual orientation is basically the attraction of one person to another in terms of gender. When deciding whether or not one is straight, gay, or lesbian it is difficult to know who you can trust. Parents feel that teaching about sexual orientation in schools takes away a mother's and father 's natural rights. When a person's rights are violated it should not be allowed. Every parent dreads the day they have to have "The Talk," with their pre–teen. At the same time by the end of the conversation they know what has been explained is in the best interest of the child. Parents must be open with children and discuss sexual options from the beginning. They must be able to explain all choices with the child (Gordon). Because most adolescents do not inform their parents of how they feel or what they are doing when it comes Get more content on
  • 17. Sexual Attraction Essay It is possible that attraction between two people may be born out on a rickety bridge. It sounds scary; however, studies proved that men have higher levels of arousal (e.g. heart pounds fast) when they are exposed to dangerous situations. If they see a beautiful woman approaching, they tend to feel attracted her more quickly. This misconception is associated with a misattribution of arousal that means that people make the supposition of their emotions in everyday life. It happens because their emotional responses react to the stimulus. Perhaps, the contact with a beautiful stranger causes them to hide their fears. By doing that, they can look more confident, even though they are scared. In 1970, two researchers, Arthur Aron and Donald Button conducted a correlational study. That study correlated the relationship between emotional arousal and sexual attraction. Their purpose was to more content... It was around nature in which the participants had access to two bridges. One of them was a rickety bridge that is located above the Capilano River, British Columbia in Canada. The second bridge was a solid one in which it was not any risk of occurring calamity. Both bridges were the strategy points to initiate the study. The study was divided into three experiments. In the first part of the experiment, the male participants were 85 participants in total. Each one of them needed to fulfill two formalities as conditions for the validity of the study. The age of the men was between 18 and 35 years old, and they did not have to have a female companion. They must be alone. Apart from them, there were awoman and man who made the connections. The mission of both especially of the woman was to stand up in the middle of the bridge and asked the men who passed by to help her with her psychological project. Most of the male participants were willing to help her. Even though they were at risk, they did not hesitate to be part of the Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about Sexual Orientation Sexual Orientation Sexual orientation is considered highly controversial in our world today. There are many issues that society is faced with concerning homosexuality. When thinking of homosexuality most people refer to the Bible for an answer. There is even more controversy within the Bible's text. Not only is there reference to the Bible, but also to our mind to answer whether or not homosexuality is a moral issue. Psychological and Biological research is searching for an answer to this illustrious area of confusion. According to Shakuntala Delvi, "a homosexual experience is any physical arousal a person feels in response to someone of his or her own sex. This can range from just thinking about someone and being aroused more content... This could be because of how of they were raised and the community they grew up in. The Bible is where a lot of people shape their morals. Homosexuality is condemned in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. But nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality singled out as being particularly offensive (Delvi 45). When referring to the Bible about homosexual activity, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is most referred to. However, none of the references to Sodom and Gomorrah mention homosexuality. "Luke 10:10, identifies its sin as inhospitality"(Delvi 44)."The misinterpretation of the Sodom and Gomorrah episode in the Bible is probably one of the supremely ironic paradoxes of history"(Delvi 43). How can someone explain the sexual reference to Sodom and Gomorrah? It is said that the reason is the use of male prostitutes as an attack against Pagan fertility worships (Delvi 42). There are many different interpretations of the Bible. I believe that God originally wrote the Bible, but his supposed disciples wrote it as the way they saw it. This is the way the Lutheran religion looks at the Bible. Another point is that the Bible has been written and translated so many times; how do we know that it has stayed the way the Lord intended it to be? Of course, since the Bible is the word of God we are not supposed to question it, but it brings on many questions as to whether or not it is the truth. When the New Testament first came about, it was Get more content on
  • 19. Sexuality, Sexuality And Sexual Orientation Kiara Rivas Sociology 1 Due Date: 5/5/15 Human Sexuality Sexuality is something that seems to dominate a lot of the world we live in. It's in our schools, at work, and especially in the mass media. The way your body develops and the way you feel and respond to others sexually creates your sexuality ("Sexuality and Sexual Orientation", Youthoria). It can shape and affect people's lives as well as our own. Sexuality can be influenced by culture, religion, media, friends and experiences. Some people are very sexual, while others experience no sexual attraction at all. Sexuality has always been treated as taboo and some people are uncomfortable talking about it so they avoid it. For this reason sexuality can produce confusion, anxiety and fear. Sexuality includes much more than just sex. It includes anatomy, biological sex, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, and sexual behaviors ("Sex and Sexuality", Planned Parenthood). Applying the sociological approaches will give us a better understanding of human sexuality. Now that we have some insight on what sexuality is, we can apply the sociological perspectives. Starting with the structural functional theory, this theory argues that society consists of interrelated parts that work together to promote social order, unity, and balance. The structural–functional paradigm can be broken down by other type on functions: manifest functions, latent functions, and dysfunctions. The manifest functions regulates with whom your Get more content on