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APRIL 22, 2018
Software developer in EPAM systems.
Also a member of the IT Shark Community.
The main field is frontend Javascript development. I have some experience in
Node.js and React Native. Some other fields of interest are CAD systems, simple
engineering and some bad habits. :)
EPAM Systems, software developer
What is it?
GraphQL. What is it?
A query language for your API
Ask for what you need, get exactly that!
hero {
aliasName: name
"hero": {
"aliasName": "Luke Skywalker",
"height": 1.72,
"mass": 77
This presentation
1. A very simple tutorial for setting up a GraphQL server
written in TypeScript.
2. Some adventures and thoughts about migration to
GraphQL from REST API.
More features,
more data,
more problems
Why TypeScript?
Simple GraphQL schema
type Airport {
id: number!
name: String!
code: String!
# … more fields
type Root {
airport(id: number!): Airport
Simple query example
type Airport {
id: number!
name: String!
type Root {
airport(id: number!): Airport
query AirportName($id: number) {
airport($id: id) {
name }
Vanilla Javascript
const airportName = props => (
<div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.airport.fullName}</div>
export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...
variables: {
airportId: 123342334
Possible mistakes
const airportName = props => (
<div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.airport.fullName}</div>
export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...
variables: {
airportId: 123342334
})) Webpack compiles
Type it!
type Airport {
id: number!
name: String!
type Root {
airport(id: number!): Airport
query AirportName($id: number) {
airport($id: id) {
name }
interface AirportNameQuery {
airport: {
name: string;
interface AirportNameInput {
id: number;
Type it
const airportName = props => (
<div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.airport.fullName}</div>
export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...
variables: {
airportId: 123342334
Type it (with TypeScript)
const airportName = (props: Props) => (
<div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.airport.fullName}</div>
export default connectGraphQL<Props, AirportNameQuery,
AirportNameInput>(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({
query: ...
variables: {
airportId: 123342334
No fullName in type QueryResult
No airportId in type AirportNameInput
• Safety — static verification at compile time
• Editor tooling — code help, highlighting, going to definition
• One source of truth — types should have unique reference
Server setup
Good tools to use
• ts-node — the same as node for TypeScript
• tslint + rules — eslint for TypeScript
• express (koa …) — works well with TypeScript
• apollo-server-express — for GraphQL
• graphql-playground-middleware-express — a playground
• graphql-voyager — to see everything graphically
• jest + ts-jest — unit testing
• nodemon — reloading the server
• graphql-import — write in .graphql files
GraphQL Playground
GraphQL Playground
import express from 'express';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import { graphqlExpress } from 'apollo-server-express';
import { schema } from './schema';
const PORT = 3000;
const app = express();
app.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({ schema }));
Playground and Voyager
import playground from 'graphql-playground-middleware-express';
import { express as voyager } from 'graphql-voyager/middleware';
// bodyParser is needed just for POST.
app.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({ schema }));
app.get('/graphiql', playground({ endpoint: '/graphql' }));
app.use('/voyager', voyager({ endpointUrl: '/graphql' }));
import { importSchema } from 'graphql-import';
const resolvers = {
Query: {
// ...
export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: importSchema('src/schema/root.graphql'),
# import Flight from 'flight.graphql'
# import Airport from 'airport.graphql'
# Root query description
type Query {
# Simple description
airport(id: ID!): Airport
flight(id: ID!): Flight
import { importSchema } from 'graphql-import';
export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: importSchema('src/schema/root.graphql'),
Will generate combined AST for your schema:
- root.graphql
| — flight.graphql
| — airport.graphql
| | — importInAirport.graphql
nodemon settings
"ignore": ["**/*.test.ts", "**/*.spec.ts", ".git", "node_modules"],
"watch": ["src"],
"execMap": {
"ts": "./node_modules/.bin/ts-node"
"events": {
"start": "./node_modules/.bin/tslint -c ./tslint.json 'src/**/*.ts' --format
stylish --force"
"ext": "ts js graphql",
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "development"}
Schemifying your REST APIs
• Write by hand?
• Auto generate?
• Do both?
• Do you have full documentation for REST APIs?
• Are all fields in requests and responses defined?
Writing a schema manually
• GraphQL will be defined for your specific needs.
• Easy to extend, simplify or remove types.
• Any update in REST APIs requires attention.
• Requires big analysis of how you use your API.
• The process is long.
Auto generation from REST APIs
• You can generate a schema from existing REST schemas
(Swagger/OpenAPI) relatively easily.
• You can combine multiple API REST and GraphQL services.
• The schema will be more complex.
• Changes in types require a complex tool to generate an updated
schema properly.
Combination of both
• Automatic translation for basic types.
• Flexibility to make your schema simpler and better.
• Your schema will be the source of truth and will not repeat your
• Still a lot of work.
No documentation for REST APIs
What we have done:
- Logged all API requests and their responses to JSON.
- Translated responses in JSON files to TypeScript types.
- Translated TypeScript types to a GraphQL schema.
- Tried to make an automatic script that will repeat all the needed
API calls to make a ‘happy flow.’
Logged APIs
[{ "timestamp": 1521795786330,
"id": "b543e0f663d2",
"type": "request",
"payload": {
"url": "",
"method": "GET" }
"timestamp": 1521795786691,
"id": "b543e0f663d2",
"type": "response",
"payload": {
"body": { ... },
"status": 200 }
}, ... ]
Convert JSON to files
- Initial Loading Requests
| — 01_RootApi_response.ts
| — 02_FlightApi_response.ts
| — 03_PassengersDetailsAPI_response.ts
Typescript files content
export interface RootApiResponse {
_links: Links;
export interface FlightDetails {
href: string;
template: boolean;
export interface Links {
self: Self;
"flight:details": FlightDetails;
"passengers:details": FlightDetails;
export interface Self { href: string; }
Root API
flight:details passengers:details
Problems — 1
export interface RootApiResponse {
_links: Links;
export interface FlightDetails {
href: string;
template: boolean;
export interface Links {
self: Self;
"flight:details": FlightDetails;
"passengers:details": FlightDetails;
export interface Self { href: string; }
Repeated types
Problems — 2
export interface RootApiResponse {
_links: Links;
export interface FlightDetails {
href: string;
template: boolean;
export interface Links {
self: Self;
"flight:details": FlightDetails;
"passengers:details": FlightDetails;
export interface Self { href: string; }
Forbidden symbols in GraphQL
Problems — 3
export interface RootApiResponse {
_links: Links;
export interface FlightDetails {
href: string;
template: boolean;
export interface Links {
self: Self;
"flight:details": FlightDetails;
"passengers:details": FlightDetails;
export interface Self { href: string; }
Merged types
Problems — 4
export interface RootApiResponse {
_links: Links;
export interface FlightDetails {
href: string;
template: boolean;
export interface Links {
self: Self;
"flight:details": FlightDetails;
"passengers:details": FlightDetails;
export interface Self { href: string; }
Names do not express
the semantics.
Converting to GraphQL
type RootApiResponse {
_links: Links;
type FlightDetails {
href: string;
template: boolean;
type Links {
self: Self;
flightDetails: FlightDetails;
passengersDetails: FlightDetails;
type Self { href: string; }
Simplify and correct schema
type RootApiResponse {
_links: Links!;
type Link {
href: string!;
template: boolean;
type Links {
self: Link!;
flightDetails: Link!;
passengersDetails: Link!;
No response — no type
export interface Passengers {
passenger: Passenger;
baggage: Baggage;
export interface Baggage {
Items: any[];
Automatic scripts
import { BaggageResponse } from './05_BaggageApi_response'
import { PassengersResponse } from './02_PassengersAPI_response';
const baggage = await fetchJson<BaggageResponse>(baggageUrl);
const flightPassengersInput = { baggage, person }
const passengersResult = await fetchJson<PassengersResponse>(url, {
body: flightPassengersInput,
Exposing REST API structure
Mimicing REST API vs making GraphQL first
query {
flightResourse {
getPassengers(flightId: ID!) : Passengers
# vs
query {
getPassengersByFlightId(flightId: ID!) : Passengers
Nested structure
Flat structure with many root queries
Mimicing REST API
type MutationOnPage {
postPassengers(opts: PassengersInput!): PassengersResponseSubmit
Can be a completely unique type.
Mimicing REST API: getting your data
type MutationOnPage {
postPassengers(opts: PassengersInput!): PassengersResponseSubmit
input PassengersInput {
baggage: [Baggages!]!
Person: Person!
input BaggagesInput {
Items: [Baggage!]!
Comes from another request, that depends on
another request, that depends… and so one
Mimicing REST API forces to make a nested schema
query getInfoForPassengersInput {
getFlight(id: ID!) {
getPassengers {
getBaggage {
query getInfoForInsuranceInput {
getFlight(id: ID!) {
getServices {
getPassengers {
For every unique situation you will have its
own nesting with possibly unique types
Mimicing REST APIs
• Easy to convert
• Your schema will be a mess of unique flows and types.
• Getting data is a traversing graph.
Making GraphQL first
query getInfoForPassengersInput {
flight(id: ID!) {
passengers { ... }
baggage { ... }
query getInfoForInsuranceInput {
flight(id: ID!) {
services { ... }
passengers { ... }
Making GraphQL first
query getInfoForPassengersInput {
flight(id: ID!) {
passengers { ... }
baggage { ... }
const resolvers = {
passengers: ({flightId, serviceId}, opts, ctx) => {
return flightId
? restApiCall('')
: restApiCall('')
GraphQL first
• Reuse of types
• Simpler schema and queries
• Simpler for a data client
• Resolvers can be very smart.
REST APIs with expiration tokens
query {
flight(id: ID!) { <- 300 ms REST API call
passengers { <- 400 ms REST API call
baggage { <-- here the token expires
You should have a strategy what to do in such case.
Query complexity
query {
flight(id: ID!) {
airport(limit: 20) {
flight + carrier + price = 3
In case for every airport is needed separate
REST API request:
(airport + name + city) * 20 = 60
Total = 63
Ilya Labacheuski

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SETCON'18 - Ilya labacheuski - GraphQL adventures

  • 2. 2BREST ILYA LABACHEUSKI Software developer in EPAM systems. Also a member of the IT Shark Community. The main field is frontend Javascript development. I have some experience in Node.js and React Native. Some other fields of interest are CAD systems, simple engineering and some bad habits. :) ILYA LABACHEUSKI EPAM Systems, software developer
  • 4. 4BREST GraphQL. What is it? A query language for your API Ask for what you need, get exactly that! { hero { aliasName: name height mass } } { "hero": { "aliasName": "Luke Skywalker", "height": 1.72, "mass": 77 } }
  • 5. 5BREST This presentation 1. A very simple tutorial for setting up a GraphQL server written in TypeScript. 2. Some adventures and thoughts about migration to GraphQL from REST API.
  • 12. 12BREST Simple GraphQL schema type Airport { id: number! name: String! code: String! # … more fields } type Root { airport(id: number!): Airport }
  • 13. 13BREST Simple query example type Airport { id: number! name: String! } type Root { airport(id: number!): Airport } query AirportName($id: number) { airport($id: id) { name } }
  • 14. 14BREST Vanilla Javascript const airportName = props => ( <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.airport.fullName}</div> ) export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ... variables: { airportId: 123342334 }, }))
  • 15. 15BREST Possible mistakes const airportName = props => ( <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.airport.fullName}</div> ) export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ... variables: { airportId: 123342334 }, })) Webpack compiles
  • 16. 16BREST Type it! type Airport { id: number! name: String! } type Root { airport(id: number!): Airport } query AirportName($id: number) { airport($id: id) { name } } interface AirportNameQuery { airport: { name: string; } } interface AirportNameInput { id: number; }
  • 17. 17BREST Type it const airportName = props => ( <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.airport.fullName}</div> ) export default connectGraphQL(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ... variables: { airportId: 123342334 }, }))
  • 18. 18BREST Type it (with TypeScript) const airportName = (props: Props) => ( <div>Name: {props.graphqlValue.airport.fullName}</div> ) export default connectGraphQL<Props, AirportNameQuery, AirportNameInput>(DeviceNameComponent, () => ({ query: ... variables: { airportId: 123342334 }, })) No fullName in type QueryResult No airportId in type AirportNameInput
  • 19. 19BREST • Safety — static verification at compile time • Editor tooling — code help, highlighting, going to definition • One source of truth — types should have unique reference Advantages
  • 21. 21BREST Good tools to use • ts-node — the same as node for TypeScript • tslint + rules — eslint for TypeScript • express (koa …) — works well with TypeScript • apollo-server-express — for GraphQL • graphql-playground-middleware-express — a playground • graphql-voyager — to see everything graphically • jest + ts-jest — unit testing • nodemon — reloading the server • graphql-import — write in .graphql files
  • 25. 25BREST Server import express from 'express'; import bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import { graphqlExpress } from 'apollo-server-express'; import { schema } from './schema'; const PORT = 3000; const app = express(); app.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({ schema })); app.listen(PORT);
  • 26. 26BREST Playground and Voyager import playground from 'graphql-playground-middleware-express'; import { express as voyager } from 'graphql-voyager/middleware'; ... // bodyParser is needed just for POST. app.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({ schema })); app.get('/graphiql', playground({ endpoint: '/graphql' })); app.use('/voyager', voyager({ endpointUrl: '/graphql' })); app.listen(PORT);
  • 27. 27BREST schema.ts import { importSchema } from 'graphql-import'; const resolvers = { Query: { // ... }, }; export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ resolvers, typeDefs: importSchema('src/schema/root.graphql'), });
  • 28. 28BREST root.graphql # import Flight from 'flight.graphql' # import Airport from 'airport.graphql' # Root query description type Query { # Simple description airport(id: ID!): Airport flight(id: ID!): Flight }
  • 29. 29BREST schema.ts import { importSchema } from 'graphql-import'; export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ resolvers, typeDefs: importSchema('src/schema/root.graphql'), }); Will generate combined AST for your schema: - root.graphql | — flight.graphql | — airport.graphql | | — importInAirport.graphql ...
  • 30. 30BREST nodemon settings { "ignore": ["**/*.test.ts", "**/*.spec.ts", ".git", "node_modules"], "watch": ["src"], "execMap": { "ts": "./node_modules/.bin/ts-node" }, "events": { "start": "./node_modules/.bin/tslint -c ./tslint.json 'src/**/*.ts' --format stylish --force" }, "ext": "ts js graphql", "env": { "NODE_ENV": "development"} }
  • 32. 32BREST Schemifying your REST APIs • Write by hand? • Auto generate? • Do both? • Do you have full documentation for REST APIs? • Are all fields in requests and responses defined?
  • 33. 33BREST Writing a schema manually Pros: • GraphQL will be defined for your specific needs. • Easy to extend, simplify or remove types. Cons: • Any update in REST APIs requires attention. • Requires big analysis of how you use your API. • The process is long.
  • 34. 34BREST Auto generation from REST APIs Pros: • You can generate a schema from existing REST schemas (Swagger/OpenAPI) relatively easily. • You can combine multiple API REST and GraphQL services. Cons: • The schema will be more complex. • Changes in types require a complex tool to generate an updated schema properly.
  • 35. 35BREST Combination of both Pros: • Automatic translation for basic types. • Flexibility to make your schema simpler and better. Cons: • Your schema will be the source of truth and will not repeat your REST APIs. • Still a lot of work.
  • 36. 36BREST No documentation for REST APIs What we have done: - Logged all API requests and their responses to JSON. - Translated responses in JSON files to TypeScript types. - Translated TypeScript types to a GraphQL schema. - Tried to make an automatic script that will repeat all the needed API calls to make a ‘happy flow.’
  • 37. 37BREST Logged APIs [{ "timestamp": 1521795786330, "id": "b543e0f663d2", "type": "request", "payload": { "url": "", "method": "GET" } },{ "timestamp": 1521795786691, "id": "b543e0f663d2", "type": "response", "payload": { "body": { ... }, "status": 200 } }, ... ]
  • 38. 38BREST Convert JSON to files - Initial Loading Requests | — 01_RootApi_response.ts | — 02_FlightApi_response.ts | — 03_PassengersDetailsAPI_response.ts ... `` `` ``
  • 39. 39BREST Typescript files content // export interface RootApiResponse { _links: Links; } export interface FlightDetails { href: string; template: boolean; } export interface Links { self: Self; "flight:details": FlightDetails; "passengers:details": FlightDetails; } export interface Self { href: string; } Root API flight:details passengers:details airports car:shop insurance:details REST HAL
  • 40. 40BREST Problems — 1 // export interface RootApiResponse { _links: Links; } export interface FlightDetails { href: string; template: boolean; } export interface Links { self: Self; "flight:details": FlightDetails; "passengers:details": FlightDetails; } export interface Self { href: string; } Repeated types
  • 41. 41BREST Problems — 2 // export interface RootApiResponse { _links: Links; } export interface FlightDetails { href: string; template: boolean; } export interface Links { self: Self; "flight:details": FlightDetails; "passengers:details": FlightDetails; } export interface Self { href: string; } Forbidden symbols in GraphQL
  • 42. 42BREST Problems — 3 // export interface RootApiResponse { _links: Links; } export interface FlightDetails { href: string; template: boolean; } export interface Links { self: Self; "flight:details": FlightDetails; "passengers:details": FlightDetails; } export interface Self { href: string; } Merged types
  • 43. 43BREST Problems — 4 // export interface RootApiResponse { _links: Links; } export interface FlightDetails { href: string; template: boolean; } export interface Links { self: Self; "flight:details": FlightDetails; "passengers:details": FlightDetails; } export interface Self { href: string; } Names do not express the semantics.
  • 44. 44BREST Converting to GraphQL type RootApiResponse { _links: Links; } type FlightDetails { href: string; template: boolean; } type Links { self: Self; flightDetails: FlightDetails; passengersDetails: FlightDetails; } type Self { href: string; }
  • 45. 45BREST Simplify and correct schema type RootApiResponse { _links: Links!; } type Link { href: string!; template: boolean; } type Links { self: Link!; flightDetails: Link!; passengersDetails: Link!; }
  • 46. 46BREST No response — no type export interface Passengers { passenger: Passenger; baggage: Baggage; } export interface Baggage { Items: any[]; }
  • 47. 47BREST Automatic scripts import { BaggageResponse } from './05_BaggageApi_response' import { PassengersResponse } from './02_PassengersAPI_response'; const baggage = await fetchJson<BaggageResponse>(baggageUrl); const flightPassengersInput = { baggage, person } const passengersResult = await fetchJson<PassengersResponse>(url, { body: flightPassengersInput, });
  • 49. 49BREST Mimicing REST API vs making GraphQL first query { flightResourse { getPassengers(flightId: ID!) : Passengers } } # vs query { getPassengersByFlightId(flightId: ID!) : Passengers } Nested structure Flat structure with many root queries
  • 50. 50BREST Mimicing REST API type MutationOnPage { postPassengers(opts: PassengersInput!): PassengersResponseSubmit } Can be a completely unique type.
  • 51. 51BREST Mimicing REST API: getting your data type MutationOnPage { postPassengers(opts: PassengersInput!): PassengersResponseSubmit } input PassengersInput { baggage: [Baggages!]! Person: Person! } input BaggagesInput { Items: [Baggage!]! } Comes from another request, that depends on another request, that depends… and so one
  • 52. 52BREST Mimicing REST API forces to make a nested schema query getInfoForPassengersInput { getFlight(id: ID!) { getPassengers { getBaggage { ... }}}} query getInfoForInsuranceInput { getFlight(id: ID!) { getServices { getPassengers { ... }}}} For every unique situation you will have its own nesting with possibly unique types
  • 53. 53BREST Mimicing REST APIs Pros: • Easy to convert Cons: • Your schema will be a mess of unique flows and types. • Getting data is a traversing graph.
  • 54. 54BREST Making GraphQL first query getInfoForPassengersInput { flight(id: ID!) { passengers { ... } baggage { ... } }}} query getInfoForInsuranceInput { flight(id: ID!) { services { ... } passengers { ... } }}}
  • 55. 55BREST Making GraphQL first query getInfoForPassengersInput { flight(id: ID!) { passengers { ... } baggage { ... } }}} const resolvers = { passengers: ({flightId, serviceId}, opts, ctx) => { return flightId ? restApiCall('') : restApiCall('') } }, }, };
  • 56. 56BREST GraphQL first Pros: • Reuse of types • Simpler schema and queries • Simpler for a data client Cons: • Resolvers can be very smart.
  • 57. 57BREST REST APIs with expiration tokens `{token}` query { flight(id: ID!) { <- 300 ms REST API call passengers { <- 400 ms REST API call baggage { <-- here the token expires } } } } You should have a strategy what to do in such case.
  • 58. 58BREST Query complexity query { flight(id: ID!) { carrier price } airport(limit: 20) { name city } } flight + carrier + price = 3 In case for every airport is needed separate REST API request: (airport + name + city) * 20 = 60 Total = 63