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Herrington 1

Amber Herrington

Mrs. Lester

Adv. Comp

11 October 2011

                                          Athletic Injuries

       Researchers have found that 60 percent of injuries related to sports have occurred during

a practice (Sport’s Injury Statistics). All coaches cringe at the words “your player has been

injured.” An injury is never a good sign because a single player can be a huge fraction of a team.

Injures range in seriousness, but all injuries should be taken seriously. Healing an injury can be

the hardest part of the process and time will always play a crucial role. Players can be taken out

for a game or maybe even an entire season depending on the one moment that the coach decides

to bench a player or allow her to keep playing. However, coaches have taken extra precautions

to avoid the chance of an injury or for the injury to worsen. To be successful, an effective

softball coach must understand every aspect of injuries on the field.

        For one thing; Specific energy systems constitute agility which determines how injury

prone an athlete is during the game. In fact, sports therapists have found that there are three basic

energy systems that each have to do with a specific part of an athlete’s agility for her specific

sport. The first system is the speed system (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting).

The speed system is the first system to start working when a person is faced with “a quick and

strong cardio challenge” (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). It also gives ten to

twelve seconds of a large boost of energy to the athlete when faced with a sprinting type of
Herrington 2

cardio exercise (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). This quick boost of energy

can be explained by the moment a runner steals a base in softball and has a quick shot of

adrenalin flowing through her body. The adrenaline affects the speed system for the ten to

twelve seconds and allows the runner to have great energy and speed (Softball Training- Stop

Running, Start Sprinting). For softball players, the speed system is more commonly used

because softball is a sport of quick sprints (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). By

doing quick sprint exercises, such as 100 yard dash, the player can increase her speed while also

increasing her stamina so she is not tired after a running the bases or covering her position

(Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). Most coaches believe it is best to run long

distances for softball, but really this does nothing for the athlete because there is no long distance

in softball. It only wastes time doing something that will not help a player when she would

much rather excel by doing sprints which will strengthen her agility as well as decrease the

chances of fatigue (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). Another system is the

speed endurance system also known as the anaerobic lactic system or lactic acid system (Softball

Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting).

       The speed endurance system is used for more of an endurance cardio exercise that will

last from ten seconds up to ten minutes (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). The

speed endurance system is better known for its stronger endurance than the speed system. It also

gives the muscles a burning sensation while running (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start

Sprinting). Of these basic energy systems, the last and also just as important is the endurance

system. This system gives energy for more than two minutes and is most commonly used for

long distance runners (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). The endurance system

does not give such a strong boost of energy like the speed system or speed endurance system
Herrington 3

(Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). Instead, it is more of a weak energy source

that is spread into about a ten minute span that will not necessarily allow the runner to move

more quickly, but it will allow her to run a farther distance. In softball, this system is most

commonly used for pitchers and catchers due to the fact that they are two of the hardest working

positions on the team (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). By strengthening these

three energy systems, an athlete can increase her athleticism as well as her agility.

       Coaches know that there can be serious injuries on the field if an athlete is not fit and able

to give 100% for the game. There are two types of sports injuries, one is traumatic and the other

is known as overuse. Examples of traumatic injuries would be knee injuries and fractures (Web

Md). These injuries occur mostly when an area of the body is worked and then hurt in the

process. For example, a player slides into second base, but she hits it the wrong way and

fractures her ankle. This injury could result in the athlete having to be in a sprain or cast for a

couple of days to two weeks. If the injury is more serious than thought to have been, then

surgery may have to be considered (Cunha and Davis). Overuse injuries are easily explained by

their name. An athlete that throws too much but does not warm up before throwing can easily

damage her rotator cuff (Web Md). By damaging the rotator cuff, an athlete can face months to

a year of physical therapy after a surgery that reconnects the rotator cuff tendon to the humeral

head (Rotator Cuff Tears: Surgical Treatment Options). Even the smallest injuries can progress

into some of the most severe injuries. One of the most common injuries for a softball player is

knee injuries. Knee injuries can determine time off from the sport or in worst case scenarios,

permanent retirement from the game. If worse comes to worse, an athlete will have to get her

whole knee replaced and undergo many physical therapy sessions and take the chance of not

being able to walk the same again. The most common and dreaded knee injury by athletes is an
Herrington 4

ACL tear. This ligament is used to connect the thigh bone to the shin bone and is one of the

major ligaments found in the knee (Web Md). Researchers found that 95,000 people in the

United States have suffered from this painful knee injury (Web Md). ACL tears are most

commonly found in female athletes than in males, due to the way a women’s body is built (Web

Md). To repair an ACL tear, a surgeon must go into the knee and drill incisions into it where the

new ACL will later be placed (Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament). PCL, LCL,

and MCL are also knee injuries that are not as common as the ACL, but should be taken just as

seriously if torn. Another common injury in softball players is head injuries. Athletic

researchers have found that 1.6 to 3.8 million people suffer from a sports related concussion a

year (Web Md). A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury and is caused when the body or

head specifically, is impacted with such a powerful force that the brain crashes into the walls of

the skull (Web Md). Concussions should be taken very seriously as to the fact that they can be

mild or very severe (Web Md). When there is even the least bit of fear for a concussion, athletes

should be taken out of the game and checked by a nearby doctor (Web Md). A concussion is not

something to take lightly because if not taken seriously or ignored, it could cause permanent

brain damage or even death (Web Md). As stated, all injuries in softball, no matter how small

they are, should be taken care of in the proper way. However, if the body is taken care of

correctly in the first place, an athlete will not have to be scared of tearing an ACL or such.

       Many athletes may believe that as long as they stretch before a game, they will be fine in

the long run, but there is more to keeping the body safe and healthy than just showing up to the

game. The first step to keeping the body healthy is partaking in a good, stable diet that is meant

to keep a softball player strong and smart (Melone). It is very important to get the right amount

of calories in the body especially for a softball player considering they play outside during the
Herrington 5

hottest part of the year. Rebecca Scritchfield explains, “Many young women athletes don't take

in enough calories, you need to nourish yourself both for growth and development as well as for

long-term health and wellness and fueling your body for your sport" (Melone). By not eating

properly and not receiving enough nutrients, an athlete is more likely to cause an injury as well

as developing any eating disorders (Melone). Lifting weights and running before the season

begins can also prevent the chance of injury (Melone). As stated in Sports Training and Injury

Prevention for Teen girls, Geier anticipates that "A well-rounded, year-round program should

contain strength-training and cardiovascular training, as well as stretching and good nutrition”

(Melone). By doing cardio exercises and weight lifting, an athlete slowly rids the risks of

injuries during pre-season or in-season work outs as well as giving the athlete a higher advantage

of being in better shape than other team mates (Melone). It is crucial to warm up correctly

before any practice or game. Just like softball players throw to warm up their arms before a

game, it is important to do exercises that will get the blood flowing through the body to prevent

the chances of pulling muscles or any further injuries. William Levine has found seven easy

steps to properly getting the player warmed up and ready to play the game. The first step begins

with a slow jog, for most softball players this means a lap or two around the field (Bain).

Following the light jog is a serious of dynamic stretches which means stretches that involve

movement rather than just holding your arm in place (Bain). Yoga classes are recommended as

the third step because the stretches used in yoga can help with dynamic stretches in softball

(Bain). The next step is static stretching which consists of holding a certain position for about

thirty seconds (Bain). Levine then recommends that it is best to learn stretches that incorporate

your specific sport. For example, softball players would do sprint drills as part of their warm

ups. Keeping the body healthy is key to keeping athletes’ safe and injury free. Although it may
Herrington 6

seem as though there is a lot to do for a warm up, these stretches all have a purpose to keeping

the body tough and fit.

       It is interesting to note the widespread use of physical therapy such as acupuncture,

medicines, and even electrical shocks. These cures were used by very few doctors at one point,

but are now making a mark in many therapist practices. According to Acupuncture for Athletes,

“acupuncture is the insertion of needles into specific points on the body in order to prevent and

treat disease and improve overall health” (Common Questions). Acupuncture was always

understood by dealing with Chinese medicines such as Ying and Yang, or Qi and Blood flow

(Common Questions). Today acupuncture is used to cure muscle groups before they have time

to affect any other part of the body (Hogan). If a muscle goes without being treated, then

sometimes it can cause a pain in another part of the body that was never injured in the first place

(Hogan). Acupuncture can be explained as the ability of the body to heal itself (Common

Questions). The next and most important, types of physical therapy being studied today are

medicines and vitamins. As an athlete, it is very important to consume the correct foods and

precise amounts of the food to create energy needed for the sport. One important vitamin

athletes should take is Thiamine or B1 (Li). It is said that adults should take 1.1 mg to 1.2 mg of

this a day to gain the correct amount of energy for the day’s exercise (Li). Thiamine can also be

found in whole wheat foods such as bread and cereals proving that this can also be eaten and not

only taken as a vitamin (Li). The third physical therapy method is static shocks to the muscles.

This type of therapy is most commonly used for contracting muscles and making them stronger

(Electric Shock Treatment- A healing force). Professionals use this to strengthen muscles that

surround particular arthritic joints for patients, as well as increase the strength of muscles during

a therapy session (Electric Shock Treatment- A healing force). Dedicated softball player Audrie
Herrington 7

Pryor says, “I have received the electric shock treatment for tendonitis in my knee. I have heard

people say that it does not hurt, but when I received the treatment it hurt a little bit. Nothing

horrible, but I could feel the shock.” As shown the shock may hurt worse depending on the

injury and how severe it is. The outlook for medicines and physical therapy are still being

further explored by researchers; there is still a large amount of research to conduct in these

medical areas.

       Being a softball player can mean a lot of hard work and dedication. For an athlete who

enjoys the sport, she will fight to the finish to keep her position on that team and to do her best

on the field. I would greatly recommend playing this sport for the girls who believe that they

have the intensity and dedication to be the next all-star of the team. Athletes have a chance of

getting injured in every sport in the world; whether it be football, soccer, volleyball, even

cheerleading, there will always be a large margin of chance that an athlete will get injured. It is

just part of the role in being an athlete and those who have what it takes to tough through these

chances, have the capability of throwing themselves for a ball and diving into home plate to

score the winning run. As for girls that fear a scab or a bruise, I would not recommend this

intense sport. The reason being is that softball is a “play by play” sport. This means that every

play counts toward getting a run, out, or strike. If someone is unwilling to dive because of fear

of injury, then softball is not meant for them. After all, softball is a team sport where pride

stands out high after a great game and an athlete leaving with blood on her jersey is considered

the MVP of the game.
Herrington 8

                                          Works Cited

Chang, Louise, ed. "Head Injuries: Causes and Treatments." Web Md. N.p., 30 Dec.

   2009. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <


"Common Questions." Acupuncture for Athletes. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2011.


Cunha, John P., and Charles P. Davis, eds. "Broken Ankle (Ankle Fracture)."

   emedicine health. N.p., 5 Oct. 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2011.


Electric Shock Treatment- A healing force. N.p., 2010. Web. 3 Oct. 2011.


Hogan, Rhonda B. "Acupuncture for Sports Injuries." Trigger Point Acupuncture.

   N.p., 2005. Web. 2 Oct. 2011. <


Klein, Michael R., ed. "Knee Ligament Injuries: PCL, LCL, MCL, and ACL Injury."

   Web Md. N.p., 2005. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. <


Laino, Charlene. "Strains, Sprains, and Other Sports Injuries: 3 Questions."

   Web Md. N.p., 2005. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. <


Herrington 9

Li, Piper. "What Vitamins Should an Athlete Take?" Livestrong. Demand Media,

   Inc, 10 July 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <


Melone, Linda. "Sports Training and Injury Prevention for Teen Girls." WebMD.

   N.p., 2011. Web. 10 Sept. 2011. <


Pryor, Audrie. Personal interview. 10 Oct. 2011.

"Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)." Southern California

   Orthopedic Institute. N.p., 2010. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <


"Rotator Cuff Tears: Surgical Treatment Options." American Academy of

   Orthopaedic Surgeons. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, May 2011.

   Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <>.

"Softball Training - Stop Running, Start Sprinting." Softball Performance.

   Dagenais & Associates, Inc., 2008. Web. 3 Oct. 2011.



"Sports Injury Statistics." Children's Hosptial Boston. Harvard Medical School,

   2005. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. <


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Senior project paper

  • 1. Herrington 1 Amber Herrington Mrs. Lester Adv. Comp 11 October 2011 Athletic Injuries Researchers have found that 60 percent of injuries related to sports have occurred during a practice (Sport’s Injury Statistics). All coaches cringe at the words “your player has been injured.” An injury is never a good sign because a single player can be a huge fraction of a team. Injures range in seriousness, but all injuries should be taken seriously. Healing an injury can be the hardest part of the process and time will always play a crucial role. Players can be taken out for a game or maybe even an entire season depending on the one moment that the coach decides to bench a player or allow her to keep playing. However, coaches have taken extra precautions to avoid the chance of an injury or for the injury to worsen. To be successful, an effective softball coach must understand every aspect of injuries on the field. For one thing; Specific energy systems constitute agility which determines how injury prone an athlete is during the game. In fact, sports therapists have found that there are three basic energy systems that each have to do with a specific part of an athlete’s agility for her specific sport. The first system is the speed system (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). The speed system is the first system to start working when a person is faced with “a quick and strong cardio challenge” (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). It also gives ten to twelve seconds of a large boost of energy to the athlete when faced with a sprinting type of
  • 2. Herrington 2 cardio exercise (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). This quick boost of energy can be explained by the moment a runner steals a base in softball and has a quick shot of adrenalin flowing through her body. The adrenaline affects the speed system for the ten to twelve seconds and allows the runner to have great energy and speed (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). For softball players, the speed system is more commonly used because softball is a sport of quick sprints (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). By doing quick sprint exercises, such as 100 yard dash, the player can increase her speed while also increasing her stamina so she is not tired after a running the bases or covering her position (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). Most coaches believe it is best to run long distances for softball, but really this does nothing for the athlete because there is no long distance in softball. It only wastes time doing something that will not help a player when she would much rather excel by doing sprints which will strengthen her agility as well as decrease the chances of fatigue (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). Another system is the speed endurance system also known as the anaerobic lactic system or lactic acid system (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). The speed endurance system is used for more of an endurance cardio exercise that will last from ten seconds up to ten minutes (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). The speed endurance system is better known for its stronger endurance than the speed system. It also gives the muscles a burning sensation while running (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). Of these basic energy systems, the last and also just as important is the endurance system. This system gives energy for more than two minutes and is most commonly used for long distance runners (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). The endurance system does not give such a strong boost of energy like the speed system or speed endurance system
  • 3. Herrington 3 (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). Instead, it is more of a weak energy source that is spread into about a ten minute span that will not necessarily allow the runner to move more quickly, but it will allow her to run a farther distance. In softball, this system is most commonly used for pitchers and catchers due to the fact that they are two of the hardest working positions on the team (Softball Training- Stop Running, Start Sprinting). By strengthening these three energy systems, an athlete can increase her athleticism as well as her agility. Coaches know that there can be serious injuries on the field if an athlete is not fit and able to give 100% for the game. There are two types of sports injuries, one is traumatic and the other is known as overuse. Examples of traumatic injuries would be knee injuries and fractures (Web Md). These injuries occur mostly when an area of the body is worked and then hurt in the process. For example, a player slides into second base, but she hits it the wrong way and fractures her ankle. This injury could result in the athlete having to be in a sprain or cast for a couple of days to two weeks. If the injury is more serious than thought to have been, then surgery may have to be considered (Cunha and Davis). Overuse injuries are easily explained by their name. An athlete that throws too much but does not warm up before throwing can easily damage her rotator cuff (Web Md). By damaging the rotator cuff, an athlete can face months to a year of physical therapy after a surgery that reconnects the rotator cuff tendon to the humeral head (Rotator Cuff Tears: Surgical Treatment Options). Even the smallest injuries can progress into some of the most severe injuries. One of the most common injuries for a softball player is knee injuries. Knee injuries can determine time off from the sport or in worst case scenarios, permanent retirement from the game. If worse comes to worse, an athlete will have to get her whole knee replaced and undergo many physical therapy sessions and take the chance of not being able to walk the same again. The most common and dreaded knee injury by athletes is an
  • 4. Herrington 4 ACL tear. This ligament is used to connect the thigh bone to the shin bone and is one of the major ligaments found in the knee (Web Md). Researchers found that 95,000 people in the United States have suffered from this painful knee injury (Web Md). ACL tears are most commonly found in female athletes than in males, due to the way a women’s body is built (Web Md). To repair an ACL tear, a surgeon must go into the knee and drill incisions into it where the new ACL will later be placed (Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament). PCL, LCL, and MCL are also knee injuries that are not as common as the ACL, but should be taken just as seriously if torn. Another common injury in softball players is head injuries. Athletic researchers have found that 1.6 to 3.8 million people suffer from a sports related concussion a year (Web Md). A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury and is caused when the body or head specifically, is impacted with such a powerful force that the brain crashes into the walls of the skull (Web Md). Concussions should be taken very seriously as to the fact that they can be mild or very severe (Web Md). When there is even the least bit of fear for a concussion, athletes should be taken out of the game and checked by a nearby doctor (Web Md). A concussion is not something to take lightly because if not taken seriously or ignored, it could cause permanent brain damage or even death (Web Md). As stated, all injuries in softball, no matter how small they are, should be taken care of in the proper way. However, if the body is taken care of correctly in the first place, an athlete will not have to be scared of tearing an ACL or such. Many athletes may believe that as long as they stretch before a game, they will be fine in the long run, but there is more to keeping the body safe and healthy than just showing up to the game. The first step to keeping the body healthy is partaking in a good, stable diet that is meant to keep a softball player strong and smart (Melone). It is very important to get the right amount of calories in the body especially for a softball player considering they play outside during the
  • 5. Herrington 5 hottest part of the year. Rebecca Scritchfield explains, “Many young women athletes don't take in enough calories, you need to nourish yourself both for growth and development as well as for long-term health and wellness and fueling your body for your sport" (Melone). By not eating properly and not receiving enough nutrients, an athlete is more likely to cause an injury as well as developing any eating disorders (Melone). Lifting weights and running before the season begins can also prevent the chance of injury (Melone). As stated in Sports Training and Injury Prevention for Teen girls, Geier anticipates that "A well-rounded, year-round program should contain strength-training and cardiovascular training, as well as stretching and good nutrition” (Melone). By doing cardio exercises and weight lifting, an athlete slowly rids the risks of injuries during pre-season or in-season work outs as well as giving the athlete a higher advantage of being in better shape than other team mates (Melone). It is crucial to warm up correctly before any practice or game. Just like softball players throw to warm up their arms before a game, it is important to do exercises that will get the blood flowing through the body to prevent the chances of pulling muscles or any further injuries. William Levine has found seven easy steps to properly getting the player warmed up and ready to play the game. The first step begins with a slow jog, for most softball players this means a lap or two around the field (Bain). Following the light jog is a serious of dynamic stretches which means stretches that involve movement rather than just holding your arm in place (Bain). Yoga classes are recommended as the third step because the stretches used in yoga can help with dynamic stretches in softball (Bain). The next step is static stretching which consists of holding a certain position for about thirty seconds (Bain). Levine then recommends that it is best to learn stretches that incorporate your specific sport. For example, softball players would do sprint drills as part of their warm ups. Keeping the body healthy is key to keeping athletes’ safe and injury free. Although it may
  • 6. Herrington 6 seem as though there is a lot to do for a warm up, these stretches all have a purpose to keeping the body tough and fit. It is interesting to note the widespread use of physical therapy such as acupuncture, medicines, and even electrical shocks. These cures were used by very few doctors at one point, but are now making a mark in many therapist practices. According to Acupuncture for Athletes, “acupuncture is the insertion of needles into specific points on the body in order to prevent and treat disease and improve overall health” (Common Questions). Acupuncture was always understood by dealing with Chinese medicines such as Ying and Yang, or Qi and Blood flow (Common Questions). Today acupuncture is used to cure muscle groups before they have time to affect any other part of the body (Hogan). If a muscle goes without being treated, then sometimes it can cause a pain in another part of the body that was never injured in the first place (Hogan). Acupuncture can be explained as the ability of the body to heal itself (Common Questions). The next and most important, types of physical therapy being studied today are medicines and vitamins. As an athlete, it is very important to consume the correct foods and precise amounts of the food to create energy needed for the sport. One important vitamin athletes should take is Thiamine or B1 (Li). It is said that adults should take 1.1 mg to 1.2 mg of this a day to gain the correct amount of energy for the day’s exercise (Li). Thiamine can also be found in whole wheat foods such as bread and cereals proving that this can also be eaten and not only taken as a vitamin (Li). The third physical therapy method is static shocks to the muscles. This type of therapy is most commonly used for contracting muscles and making them stronger (Electric Shock Treatment- A healing force). Professionals use this to strengthen muscles that surround particular arthritic joints for patients, as well as increase the strength of muscles during a therapy session (Electric Shock Treatment- A healing force). Dedicated softball player Audrie
  • 7. Herrington 7 Pryor says, “I have received the electric shock treatment for tendonitis in my knee. I have heard people say that it does not hurt, but when I received the treatment it hurt a little bit. Nothing horrible, but I could feel the shock.” As shown the shock may hurt worse depending on the injury and how severe it is. The outlook for medicines and physical therapy are still being further explored by researchers; there is still a large amount of research to conduct in these medical areas. Being a softball player can mean a lot of hard work and dedication. For an athlete who enjoys the sport, she will fight to the finish to keep her position on that team and to do her best on the field. I would greatly recommend playing this sport for the girls who believe that they have the intensity and dedication to be the next all-star of the team. Athletes have a chance of getting injured in every sport in the world; whether it be football, soccer, volleyball, even cheerleading, there will always be a large margin of chance that an athlete will get injured. It is just part of the role in being an athlete and those who have what it takes to tough through these chances, have the capability of throwing themselves for a ball and diving into home plate to score the winning run. As for girls that fear a scab or a bruise, I would not recommend this intense sport. The reason being is that softball is a “play by play” sport. This means that every play counts toward getting a run, out, or strike. If someone is unwilling to dive because of fear of injury, then softball is not meant for them. After all, softball is a team sport where pride stands out high after a great game and an athlete leaving with blood on her jersey is considered the MVP of the game.
  • 8. Herrington 8 Works Cited Chang, Louise, ed. "Head Injuries: Causes and Treatments." Web Md. N.p., 30 Dec. 2009. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. < head-injuries-causes-and-treatments?page=2>. "Common Questions." Acupuncture for Athletes. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <>. Cunha, John P., and Charles P. Davis, eds. "Broken Ankle (Ankle Fracture)." emedicine health. N.p., 5 Oct. 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <>. Electric Shock Treatment- A healing force. N.p., 2010. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. <>. Hogan, Rhonda B. "Acupuncture for Sports Injuries." Trigger Point Acupuncture. N.p., 2005. Web. 2 Oct. 2011. < index.htm>. Klein, Michael R., ed. "Knee Ligament Injuries: PCL, LCL, MCL, and ACL Injury." Web Md. N.p., 2005. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. < fitness-exercise/knee-ligament-injuries>. Laino, Charlene. "Strains, Sprains, and Other Sports Injuries: 3 Questions." Web Md. N.p., 2005. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. < fitness-exercise/features/ strains-sprains-and-other-sports-injuries-3-questions>.
  • 9. Herrington 9 Li, Piper. "What Vitamins Should an Athlete Take?" Livestrong. Demand Media, Inc, 10 July 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. < 452734-what-vitamins-should-an-athlete-take/>. Melone, Linda. "Sports Training and Injury Prevention for Teen Girls." WebMD. N.p., 2011. Web. 10 Sept. 2011. < teen-girl-sports-training-injury-prevention>. Pryor, Audrie. Personal interview. 10 Oct. 2011. "Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)." Southern California Orthopedic Institute. N.p., 2010. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. < aclrecon.htm>. "Rotator Cuff Tears: Surgical Treatment Options." American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, May 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <>. "Softball Training - Stop Running, Start Sprinting." Softball Performance. Dagenais & Associates, Inc., 2008. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. < softball-training-stop-running-start-sprinting/>. "Sports Injury Statistics." Children's Hosptial Boston. Harvard Medical School, 2005. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. < mainpageS1112P0.html>.