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                  No. 18                                                                         January 2011


                  Summary of the 33rd General Assembly in
 Bangladesh       Istanbul, September 13th – 15th, 2010

                  Security industry overview                          Last year the G7 group of industrialised countries
   Canada                                                             collectively contracted at a rate of 3.4% - a sharp
                  and future trends                                   reversal of fortunes from the 5% growth seen by
                                                                      the same group of countries in 2007. In the same
                  September 15th, 2010 –                              year, the concerted plans of all global govern-
                                                                      ments pledged a total of $3,000bn in stimulus
Czech Republic
                  Chairman of the Ligue's                             spending, while the central banks, of the largest
                  General Assembly Address                            economic nations, were blunted with zero, or
    Egypt                                                             close to zero, real interest rates. On a global lev-
                                                                      el, total world economic outlook shrank by just
    Finland                                                           short of 1% in 2009.
    France                                                            Europe and the developed markets have been
                                                                      particularly hit and their recovery will continue
   Germany                                                            to be slow, divergent, and volatile. Only the
    Greece                                                            emerging economic powerhouses of China and
                                                                      parts of Asia, together with the Middle East and
                                                                      some Latin American markets, are seeing a strong
     India                                                            recovery path, driven by largely untapped domes-
                                                                      tic consumption, export demand and domestic
    Israel                                                            The security industry – as well as their individual
                                                                      component parts – needs to be nimble and swift
                                                                      in its response if it is to meet these challenges
    Japan                                                             head on and take advantage of the potential that
                                                                      uncertainty and change bring about.
                                                                      The downturn has also highlighted how confi-
 Luxembourg                                                           dence is a key marker for all – whether it is the
   Norway                                                             confidence of markets, investors, customers or
                                                                      governments. The short term market volatility we
   Pakistan                                                           have seen is a direct response to emerging eco-
    Poland                                                            nomic trend data such as real estate sales, jobless
                                                                      figures, and GDP predictions, as analysts look to
   Portugal                                                           work this likely impact into their forecasts and
  Singapore                                                           investors look to hedge their bets on where to put
                                                                      their money for not necessarily the best, but the
Slovak Republic
                                                                      safest, return. All these factors have put pressure
                  Mr. Nick Buckles welcomed members and guests
 South Africa                                                         on companies large and small, as organisations
                  to the 33rd General Assembly of the Ligue in the
                                                                      seek to balance the needs of their customers to
    Spain         spectacular surroundings of Istanbul. He charac-
                                                                      cut costs with their own requirements to contin-
                  terized the gathering as "…following two years of
   Sweden                                                             ue to assure high levels of service whilst retaining
                  unprecedented turmoil in the global economy…"
                                                                      contracts and satisfying their shareholders. The
 Switzerland      The chairman focused his address on the global
                                                                      last 12 months have been the toughest condi-
                  industry trends and on the “Themes”, (they used
   Thailand                                                           tions that have probably ever faced the industry.
                  to be called “Theses”, but are now called Themes)
                                                                      Those factors have driven a need for the security
    Turkey        that the Ligue believes in and from which the ob-
                                                                      industry to be creative to help customers stay se-
                  jectives of the Ligue are derived. He went on to
                                                                      cure whilst saving money – through innovation,
Arab Emirates     say that he believes the Ligue is going to make
                                                                      the combination of technology with manpower
                  these objectives happen.
    United                                                            – and through looking at areas where extra costs
                  Many of the world’s markets are almost unrecog-
   Kingdom                                                            can be removed without compromising security
                  nisable from two years ago when he last addressed
                                                                      levels or customer service standards.
 United States    the members in Spain, and when he spoke about
                                                                      It’s this sort of innovation that has led compa-
  of America      the opportunities and potential facing the mod-
                                                                      nies to turn to in-house or external technology
                  ern security industry.
                                                                                                      (Continued page 4)
Around the General Assembly 2010
                                               By the Secretary General Hans Winzenried

                                                                                          On September 13th, Livio Manzini,
                                                                                          Vice Chairman at G4S Guvenlik Hiz-
                                                                                          met ve Danismanlik AS, is privileged
                                                                                          to welcome (also in the name of Secu-
                                                                                          ritas Turkey) the members of the board
                                                                                          and distinguished guests on the occa-
                                                                                          sion of the 33rd General Assembly of
                                                                                          the Ligue during a fabulous evening
               CHAIRMAN                                                                   boat cruise along the Bosporus.

              Nick Buckles
        Group Chief Executive                                                             Istanbul in a nutshell
         Group 4 Securicor plc
          Group Headquarters
       The Manor, Manor Royal                                                              Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul, historically
  UK-Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9UN                                                        known as Byzantium and Constanti-
            United Kingdom                                                                 nople is the largest city in Turkey and
      Phone +44 - 1293 55 44 90
                                                                                           5th largest city proper in the world
        Fax +44 - 1293 55 45 00                  with a population of 12.8 million, also making it the second largest metropolitan
                                               area in Europe by population. Istanbul is also a megacity, as well as the cultural,
                                               economic, and financial centre of Turkey. It is located on the Bosporus Strait and
         SECRETARY GENERAL                     encompasses the natural harbour known as the Golden Horn, in the northwest of
                                               the country. It extends both on the European (Thrace) and on the Asian (Anato-
            Hans Winzenried
            President & CEO                    lia) sides of the Bosporus, and is thereby the only metropolis in the world that is
              Securitas AG                     situated on two continents.
             Alpenstrasse 20                   In its long history, the city has served as the capital city of the Roman Empire
     CH-3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland           (330–395), the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire (395–1204 and 1261–1453),
        Phone +41 31 910 12 18
                                               the Latin Empire (1204–1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453–1922). The city
        Telefax +41 31 911 63 34             was chosen as joint European Capital of Culture in 2010. It might be interesting
                                               to note that the name Istanbul is (ancient) Greek ¡fn o_i /khfi and means "in
                                               the town".
           BOARD MEMBERS

       Stephan Cretier, Garda, Canada
          Grahame Gibson, G4S UK               Opening ceremony of the working session,
    Alf Göransson, Securitas AB Sweden         September 14th, 2010
        Christian Gut, Prosegur Spain
         David I. Hudson, G4S India
Friedrich P. Kötter, Kötter Security Germany   The stunning "whirling" presentation of the opening ceremony at the working
      Ira A. Lipman, Guardsmark USA            session was presented by a delegation of the Mevlevi Order. They are also known
       Nobuyuki Sasaki, Secom Japan            as the Whirling Dervishes due to their famous practice of whirling as a form of
     Charles R. Schneider, U.S. Security       dhikr (remembrance of God). Dervish is a common term for an initiate of the Sufi
               Associates USA                  path; the whirling is part of the formal Sema ceremony and the participants are
                                               properly known as semazen-s.

                                               Three main themes for the working session
                                               Clearly after the deep crisis the world went through in the last two years, experts
                                               provide their opinions on:

                                               1. Outlook for the world economy (Speakers: Prof. Dr. Egbert Sturm, Director
                                                  of KOF Swiss Economic Institute at the ETH Zurich and Dr. Andreas Höfert,
                                                  Chief Economist, UBS Switzerland) proved very valuable in preparing plans for
                                                  2011 and beyond.

                                               2. The effect of technology (Speakers: Security and Alarm Monitoring: by Dr.
                                                  Rolf H. Sigg, Siemens Switzerland, Access: by Glen Greer, Assa-Abloy, CCTV:
                                                  by Martin Gren, Axis) and

3. The development of public pri-           Bosporus. This mansion reflects the         The delegates then joined the after-
   vate partnerships in the industry.       Golden Age of Istanbul and is named        noon tour programme. From 14:00 -
   (Speakers: The Rt. Hon. Lord Reid        after its original owner, Esma Sultan,     17:30, the Oriental Harmony tour of-
   of Cardowan and Mr. David Taylor-        the daughter of Sultan Abdul-Aziz I.       fered the” Mysteries of the Topkapi Pal-
   Smith MBE, CEO, G4S Secure So-                                                      ace and the Blue Mosque”. The Topka-
   lutions, UK, Ireland and Africa)                                                    pi palace was the imperial residence of
                                            Spouses Tours                              the Ottoman sultans and it is the most
Beside the work that had to be done         Old City Tour, September                   extensive and fascinating existing mon-
it became abundantly evident that Is-       14th, 2010                                 ument of Turkish civil architecture. In
tanbul has a lot to offer to its visitors                                              addition to its historical and architec-
thanks to its unique heritage and cul-      Istanbul's Byzantine Hippodrome was        tural interest, it houses extraordinary
ture. It is difficult to do it justice in    the heart of Constantinople's politi-      collections of porcelain, armour, fab-
just a couple of days so a companion        cal and sporting life and was as well      rics, jewellery, miniatures, calligraphy
programme was set up which allowed          the scene of games and riots through-      and many other precious objects that
both first time and returning visitors       out 500 years of history. It's now a       once belonged to the sultans and their
to discover some facets of this city        calm city park called the At Meydani       court.
they did not know. This conference          (Horse Grounds) because of the pur-        The next stop was the "Sultan Ahmet
was as very pleasant as well as stimu-      pose it served in the past. Monuments      Camii" which is also called the "Blue
lating. Both the working sessions and       decorating the Hippodrome include          Mosque". It is one of the most famous
leisure programmes allowed for mak-         the 3500-year-old Egyptian Obelisk         monuments in both Turkish and Islam-
ing new friendships and strengthening       of Theodosius, brought to Constanti-       ic worlds, being the only mosque built
existing ones.                              nople by Emperor Theodosius in 390         with 6 minarets.
                                            AD. You’ll also see the spiral bronze
                                            base of a three-headed serpent sculp-
New Members to The Ligue                    ture brought from Delphi in Greece.
                                            The magnificent "Haghia Sophia", was        The Secretary General closed his in-
The Secretary General welcomed the          built by Constantine the Great and is      troduction by pointing out what Livio
new members to The Ligue, namely:           considered a masterpiece of Byzantine      Manzini's had stressed in his welcom-
• Certis CISCO Security Pte Ltd,            art. Its first construction dates back      ing address and thanked G4S and Se-
  Singapore                                 to the end of the 4th century. Haghia      curitas for generously sponsoring the
• G4S Holding Chile SA                      Sophia served as a church for 916 years    event and the agency Meptur, in par-
• I.V.R.I. SpA, Italy                       and as a mosque for 477 years until        ticular Julia and Burak for the perfect
• Premier Shield Pvt Ltd. India             Ataturk ordered that it be converted       organization of the event.
• Pronet Güvenlik ve Danismanlik            into a museum. Underground cistern         Last but not least he thanked all the
  Hizmetleri, Turkey                        is the largest of the many underground     people for coming, but also for con-
• Security and Intelligence Services        cisterns in the city left over from Ro-    tributing to the cause of CYDD. The
  Limited / SIS GROUP, India                man times and it is known to be one        President of the association will be join-
• Seris SECURITY Securifrance,              of the most extraordinary monuments        ing the gathering on Wednesday allow-
  France                                    in Istanbul.                               ing the delegates to have a better idea
• Seris Security nv, Belgium                                                           about what the association is doing.
• Sicurglobal SpA, Italy                                                               With The Ligue’s contribution, it will
• Vision Security Group Ltd., UK                                                       be possible to improve the educational
                                            Oriental Harmony Tour,
• Wilson James Limited, UK                                                             opportunities of girls in Turkey which
                                            September 15th, 2010                       is one of the key driving forces to make
                                                                                       this country more stable, prosperous
                                            The Turkish bath experience. Turkish
Gala Dinner at Esma Sultan                                                             and at peace.
                                            baths are a very relaxing and rejuvenat-
                                            ing experience. First, our guests were
On September 14th, Mr. and Mrs.             taken to the dressing rooms to get
Livio Manzini and Mr. and Mrs. Mu-          changed. They were all given a tradi-
rat Kösereisoglu hosted a very special      tional bath cloth to wrap themselves
event. They invited The Ligue’s mem-        with. When they were ready, they were
bers and their spouses to the Gala Din-     taken in to the Hamam - hot room,
ner in the fabulous setting of the Mar-     where they were washed. Here, they
mara Esma Sultan. Istanbul’s rich cul-      experienced the body scrubbing and
tural heritage has left a legacy of out-    the soap massage. Following the mas-
standing historical sites that provide an   sages, there were traditional Turkish
exciting backdrop for meetings, special     belly dancers who taught them how to
events and theme parties. One of these      dance as well as having an opportunity
sites is the said mansion located on the    to dance together with each other.

capabilities to provide exacting levels of    tral and Eastern Europe, are looking for      tised goods to key partner status, the po-
security through the sophistication of        a solution that will contain a growing        tential risks become as apparent as the
access control, remote monitoring and         social problem within the boundaries          rewards. In the desire to win business in
incident capture and response – some-         of stricter budgets. These governments,       areas which were previously in the public
times in very remote or geographically        who are outsourcing opportunities, will       sector or operated in-house by commer-
challenging locations - without the           continue to present themselves across         cial organisations, security firms across
overhead of large scale manpower. This        both developed and emerging markets           the world will have to live up to these
combination of risk management, tech-         as the focus on security threats becomes      increasing responsibilities, along with
nology and manpower has enabled us to         more heightened, and pressured public         higher visibility and expectations from
secure oil pipelines, telecoms masts and      sector and commercial budgets lead to         customers, stakeholders and the general
critical national infrastructure such as      more outsourcing and the chance to lev-       public.
the Hoover Dam in the US, and natu-           erage private sector innovation.              In today’s security conscious world, secu-
ral resources operations from Papua New       Nevertheless it’s clear that some of these    rity and risk management is increasingly
Guinea to Norway. This clearly is a con-      opportunities will require something of a     managed from the boardroom, not the
tinuing trend.                                leap of faith by both customer and pro-       compliance department. It is a key marker
With companies increasingly looking to        vider, as the security industry moves into    of a company’s reputation. Maintaining
the security industry to provide a con-       areas that have previously been seen as       and building on the standards and ethics
sistent approach to managing their risks,     the vanguard of the public sector. Some       that the Ligue has worked so hard to in-
many are turning to a global approach         will court controversy. Opponents of          grain, will be vital if our industry is to be
for their security requirements. We’ve        privatisation, sceptical political and me-    perceived as a trusted supplier to govern-
seen this in the pharmaceutical and           dia commentators, and public sector           ments and large corporations and multi
chemicals sector, and we also see it as a     unions concerned about the potential          nationals worldwide. We need to be seen
key driver of future growth across the key    impact on their members may seek to           as an industry with a reputation that at-
sectors of aviation, ports and maritime,      highlight what they perceive as the weak-     tracts customers, not negative headlines.
and oil and gas markets.                      nesses of the private sector to give weight   The security industry’s reputation is in its
Economic pressures will continue to           to their cause.                               own hands, and its success will be meas-
drive both creativity and future opportu-     This is where the combined reputation         ured by actions and the response it gives
nities for the security industry.             of the security industry, and the trust       in times of crisis. If the industry wants the
As a key supplier to the UK government        placed in it by its customers, employees      respect that it deserves, it has to demon-
G4S will do all it can, as it believes that   and wider stakeholders will come sharply      strate the highest integrity and standards
in the medium term, outsourcing oppor-        into focus. Over the years the Ligue has      in order to earn that respect and continue
tunities will be put on the table that will   played a vital role in defining, establish-    to keep it.
help demonstrate our innovation and           ing and maintaining the highest ethical       Nowhere has this been more acutely felt
give additional long term growth poten-       and professional standards of the private     than in BP which has had its own ex-
tial.                                         security industry as we know it world-        tremely high profile incident. This, to-
Electronic monitoring of offenders is a       wide. It has helped propel the industry       gether with a couple of well documented
good example. It’s proven to be 90 per        to where it is today.                         incidents, has prompted G4S to under-
cent cheaper to manage an offender            Without it, the Ligue would not be            take a very detailed review into what are
through an electronic tag and curfew          able to point to some of the best prac-       already long established and robust crisis
than it is to contain them within the         tice models of standards, training and        management procedures. This will ensure
prison estate. This solution provides a       recruitment, operational excellence and       that as a company, it is protecting to a
robust and cost effective alternative to      reputation for high customer service          maximum its own brand and reputation
custody. The growth of electronic moni-       standards that our companies, and their       and that of a wider industry, as well as its
toring across many countries is evident.      employees, enjoy.                             relationships with customers and stake-
Governments under pressure, like New          But as the industry pushes itself up the      holders. So with the backdrop of a chal-
Zealand and those countries within Cen-       value chain from provider of commodi-         lenging economic climate, a heightened

awareness of the risks and rewards that         gies through leadership, by demonstrat-        1 To understand global economic and
come from working in the security arena,        ing our expertise in action, and by dem-         security trends and communicate these
and the widening of business across all         onstrating a detailed understanding of           to our members
key sectors, how can the Ligue continue         the business areas they operate in. Board-     2 To share best practice and ideas and to
to help the industry grow and prosper?          level focus on - and commitment to - se-         facilitate networking opportunities to
The Ligue’s Board has spent the last 24         curity issues can only serve to help the         discuss
hours discussing this very topic, and lay-      industry grow and evolve in the longer         3 To drive up standards globally, possi-
ing out a roadmap for the future. As part       term.                                            bly through setting up a global ‘code of
of that roadmap the Ligue must reshape          As an industry, it has never been more           conduct’ or ethics.
and refocus if it is to serve the needs of      important to communicate across the in-        4 To give direction to other security or-
a fast-paced and globalising 21st century       dustry to discuss risks and to share best        ganisations worldwide like COESS,
security industry.                              practice ideas on how best to protect so-        ESTA and NASCO etc, on the above
The Board has identified some key                ciety from the security challenges it faces      issues.
themes that it believes will help us build      today.
on our success so far and continue to           And to do that we need to have the right       In addition to these Themes and Objec-
serve the wider interests of its members.       level of expertise and commitment with-        tives of the Ligue, the board also agreed
Firstly is the vital role the security indus-   in our workforces. The security indus-         yesterday to a number of actions.
try plays in society. The industries activi-    try must offer a career to those working
ties touch the lives of millions of people      within it and must invest in recruitment,      1 Appoint a new executive director to be
across the world, whether they realise it       training and development to meet ever-           the focus point of driving the security
or not. Everyone has the right to live and      changing and more sophisticated cus-             industry's strategy
work in a safe society and have an expec-       tomer needs. This will ensure that the         2 Each of the board members would ap-
tation that their security and safety will      industry can continue to innovate into           point a senior director within their or-
be taken care of, no matter where they          the future and live up to customer expec-        ganisation to act as a channel for this
are or what they do. This right carries a       tations in risk management and security          new position
burden of responsibility that is hard to        provision. The Ligue will become known         3 And very importantly, the board also
live up to.                                     for promoting best practice, shaping leg-        agreed on a number of work streams
The industry must recognise that there          islative response, raising employment            that would be headed by board direc-
is no “one size fits all” solution. As the       standards, and training and screening.           tors and their appropriate work groups.
security industry looks to provide more         If security is to be aligned with a single
sophisticated solutions, it needs to not        voice, as a global institution that has an     • First Group – how, as an industry, shall
only be the sort of supplier customers          increasing responsibility for the safety         the Ligue deal with countries’ concerns
want to do business with, but it must           and security of society, it must ensure          over foreign ownership?
also understand its customers’ business         that its key players are facing in the same    • Second Group – will investigate ways
objectives and requirements if it is to tru-    direction. The security industry must            the industry can further encourage out-
ly deliver to the customer the promised         act in harmony with all its stakeholder          sourcing
added value that comes through design-          groups and foster a culture of stakehold-      • Third Group – would establish ways
ing and operating relevant solutions for        er cooperation to achieve its goals of pro-      that will give more direction and en-
them.                                           viding a safe and secure environment for         courage cooperation between pan-con-
There’s no silver bullet or single model        all.                                             tinental industry associations
for security these days – the industries        The security industry must understand          • Fourth and final group – will look at
response must be tailored to suit the           the needs of, and build relationships            ways of capping or ensuring 3rd party
markets in which it operates, and sup-          with, key stakeholders such our employ-          liability and also best practice on con-
port and enhance the customers’ require-        ees and their representatives, insurers,         tracting generally
ments. We can only do this by expand-           police, governments, regulators and the
ing knowledge and understanding of the          media. Commitment to broad stake-              The board has agreed to continue to hold
individual markets and sector issues to         holder engagement must be embraced             a General Assembly every two years and
make sure our response adds that real           by the key industry players.                   meet as a board every six months. Inter-
value to the customer.                          The security industry must be the guard-       vening seminars, arising from the results
The security industry must continue to          ian of its reputation at all times. Risk and   of the above workgroups, may be ar-
embrace technology as part of its solu-         security issues are high profile and attract    ranged.
tions approach if it is to offer a high         attention from many sources, which
class, integrated, risk-based solution for      means the reputation of the global se-         If the last two years have taught the board
customers that balance risk consultancy         curity industry is always in the spotlight.    as well as the Ligue anything, then it’s
and operational excellence with best-in-        As an industry it is important that high       that the future can be challenging and
class systems capability.                       standards are set and met. There are core      unpredictable. It is of the essence to face
Security and risk management is mov-            values across the industry, which focus        unforeseen obstacles and pressures. But
ing up the boardroom agenda and the             on high standards of business ethics, se-      the potential rewards are huge, and, a
industry needs to be in a position to           curity and risk management expertise,          well-used footballing phrase says, “it’s all
respond accordingly. Security and risk          service quality, human rights, screen-         to play for”.
management have to be an integral part          ing and vetting and health and safety.
of corporate strategy in today’s challeng-      Against these agreed themes, the security
ing climate.                                    industry has clearly agreed that the ob-
The industry must educate customers             jectives of the Ligue are as follows:
on how to incorporate security and risk
management into their business strate-

September 14th, 2010 - Working session
The Chairman’s Welcome Introduction
Mr. Nick Buckles welcomed the del-         The Chairman has been in the indus-        rise of command and control centres
egates present to the first working day     try for 25 years now. He studied eco-      and the internationalising of standard
of the 33rd General Assembly of the        nomics at college and for the first 23      systems for major multinational clients,
Ligue in Istanbul. He made a point to      years of his career he had shown no        there’s a huge amount going on in this
recall that it’s now over 75 years since   further interest in the subject. But the   area. It is obvious that in this current
the Ligue was started.                     Chairman’s interest has certainly been     economic environment, our use of and
The Chairman then paid homage to           reawakened in the last two years. Fol-     access to technology is a real means to
the late Jørgen Phillip-Sørensen, or JPS   lowing his opening remarks, delegates      save money.
as he was known, the architect of the      will be hearing more details on the        So it’s very timely that the delegates de-
modern security industry and its ad-       global economic situation and the out-     vote a significant part of the working
vocate and ambassador for almost half      look going forward from our experts        session to the topic of technology and
a century. JPS died at the beginning       on the subject - Professor Jan-Egbert      its effect on the security service market.
of 2010. The Chairman is honoured          Sturm and Dr Andreas Höfert.               The chairman’s thanks go to Dr Rolf
and delighted that JPS’s wife Susse has    It’s clear that the economic backdrop      Sigg of Siemens, Glen Greer of Assa
been able to join the assembly and he      means that as an industry, we face         Abloy and Martin Gren of Axis, along
is convinced that all assembled join       more challenges moving forward to          with the other speakers, who made
him in welcoming Susse here today.         help both commercial and govern-           presentation on this theme.
The world has certainly moved on           ment customers stay secure whilst sav-     David Taylor-Smith and the Rt Hon
in the two years since the Chairman        ing money.                                 Lord Reid of Cardowan, spoke about
last addressed the assembly in Spain.      Economists are pointing to technol-        outsourcing and public private partner-
We’ve seen economies nosedive across       ogy, new media and R&D playing             ships. They shared their experience of
the world, particularly in Europe and      a pivotal role as businesses looks to      what is a mature outsourcing market in
the developed markets. Only the            secure competitive advantages dur-         the UK that through necessity is on the
emerging markets seem to have held         ing the next two years. With the fast-     cusp of great change.
their own during this turbulent time.      paced technology market making big
This clearly has had a major impact on     advances in IP based communication
the industry.                              networks and security hardware, the

The chairman concluded his address as           The 3 key note speakers addressed the      3. Outsourcing and public private part-
follows:                                        following topics                              nership (main theme C) by The Rt.
“ you know we always make a donation
 As                                             1. The world economic situation, out-         Hon. Lord Reid of Cardowan and
to a worthy cause in the host country. This        look (main theme A), by Prof. Jan-         Mr. David Taylor-Smith MBE, CEO,
year’s chosen charity is CYDD, an NGO              Egbert Sturm, Director of KOF Swiss        G4S Secure Solutions, UK, Ireland
which wishes to promote the education of           Economic Institute at the ETH Zu-          and Africa.
young girls in Turkey to help close the gen-       rich and Dr. Andreas Höfert, Chief
der gap and give women in Turkish society          Economist, UBS Switzerland
equal opportunities. Our Ligue’s donation       2. Technology and the effect on the se-
of CHF 22,500.00 will go specifically to-           curity service market
wards the building of a school in Usak, a          (main theme B)
remote town in the Western Turkey.                 a. Security and Alarm Monitoring:
At this point I’d also like to thank our or-          by Dr. Rolf H. Sigg, Siemens Swit-
ganisers G4S Turkey and Securitas Turkey              zerland
and our hosts Livio Manzini and Murat              b. Access: by Glen Greer, Assa-Ab-
Kösereisoglu for their hospitality and gener-         loy
osity. We’ve been looked after marvellously        c. CCTV: by Martin Gren, Axis
since our arrival and I am sure that will
continue over the next two days.

The world economic situation, outlook (main theme A)
Keynote address: Prof. Dr. Jan-Egbert Sturm, Director, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH,
                                                interest expenses are bound to rise in     gines for the world economy. After hav-
                                                the years to come and crowd out other      ing an unprecedented drop since the
                                                types of government spending. This is      Second World War, we expect world
                                                already a good reason for governments      GDP to stay slightly below potential.
                                                to prepare and communicate exit and        Inflation will accelerate somewhat, but
                                                consolidation strategies to return to      also stay well below its long-run aver-
                                                sound and sustainable public finances       age.
                                                again. More importantly, such strate-
                                                gies are needed to strengthen overall      Our assessment of the macroeconomic
                                                macroeconomic stability and to guar-       outlook is that while policy has been
                                                antee that any future crisis can again     successful in preventing a new great
                                                be relieved by appropriate fiscal policy    depression and a deflationary spiral,
                                                measures.                                  the recovery remains weak and future
                                                                                           growth prospects are harmed by struc-
                                                Also a number of factors are expected      tural problems. Many of these struc-
                                                to dampen the recovery in the devel-       tural problems were present before the
                                                oped world. First, the restructuring       crisis. In addition to that, some new
                                                process within the banking sector is       structural problems may have been in-
                                                far from complete. Credit constraints      herited from the crisis, especially in the
After a deep economic recession dur-            may get tighter during the recovery as     financial sector.
ing the winter of 2008/2009, which              an increased demand for funds may
was triggered by a US-led financial              be met with banks’ reluctance to ex-
crisis, many countries went through a           tend loans. Second, capacity utiliza-
stabilisation period and now are in a           tion is low, and investment will not
recovery phase. Global monetary and             resume strongly until that margin of
fiscal policies have prevented an even           slack has been exhausted. Finally, the
worse outcome and lie at the roots of           labour market situation will not only
the current recovery. However at the            remain tense, but will slightly deterio-
same time, the increased indebtness             rate further – putting a lid on private
of many governments, caused by large            consumption.
fiscal stimulus programs, together with
slowly rising interest rates, will raise the    Economic conditions remain more
debt burden, which have already trig-           favourable in emerging economies,
gered a crisis in Europe. Government            which we expect to stay the growth en-

The future of the Euro (part 2 of main theme A)
Keynote address: Dr. Andreas Höfert, Managing Director, Global Head Wealth Management
Research, UBS Wealth Management & Swiss Bank
The future of the Euro (What are the reasons for the problems of the Euro? What perspectives
have to be taken into account for the future of the European policy?)
                                          damentals. The peripheral countries          ferences have produced all manner of
                                          have become increasingly uncompeti-          economic distortions. Greece, which is
                                          tive and their nation’s accounts have        at the centre of the debt crisis, displays
                                          deteriorated due to rising debt financ-       weak economic fundamentals, which
                                          ing costs, falling transfer receipts and     make the country an outlier even when
                                          a deterioration of their trade balance.      compared to the other Southern Euro-
                                          Conversely, the core countries com-          pean countries. Yet, Greece leaving the
                                          pete on a global level and have in-          eurozone would not solve the union’s
                                          creased their current account surplus-       problems either. The real rift runs right
                                          es.                                          across the eurozone. There are funda-
                                          The factors leading to the imbalances        mental arguments why countries from
                                          within the eurozone are of a structural      both the core and periphery may con-
                                          and fundamental nature. Hence, they          sider leaving the euro in the long run.
                                          cannot easily be solved with bailout
                                          packages or fiscal austerity measures.        Interestingly, and contentiously, the
At the euro’s 10-year anniversary, its    Unless the eurozone is rebalanced            most sensible leaver appears to be Ger-
inception was hailed as a resounding      in some way, it is likely to face more       many. Its export-led economy and its
success. Inflation was well contained      problems in the future. The eurozone         focus on competitiveness and fiscal so-
and countries in Central and Eastern      is arguably at a crossroads but many of      briety dominate eurozone interest rate
Europe lined up to join the exclusive     the exits are blocked or heavily mined.      policy and the peripheral countries are,
club. Yet, the credit crisis and “Great   In the pre-eurozone world, nominal           quite simply, in an economic straight-
Recession” have provided a severe jolt    exchange rate devaluation would have         jacket. However, the union’s main mo-
to the currency’s credibility. Deficit     been the method of choice to address         tivation has always been political and
and debt levels have surged to unprec-    the problems. However, within the            we do not underestimate the power of
edented heights in many eurozone          single currency union this option is         political attempts to keep the Europe-
countries and investors are concerned     not available. Further integration of        an project together. It should be noted
whether the apparent cracks in the        Europe, in the form of fiscal coordi-         that if one or more countries do leave
eurozone could split the union wide       nation or even fiscal federalism could        the eurozone, in a structured and pre-
apart.                                    work, in theory. However, these op-          ordained manner, then it could turn
The union now essentially consists of     tions seem politically unviable.             out to be positive in the long-term for
two opposing camps – peripheral and       The “one size fits all” approach to           the euro, economic growth and politi-
core nations – based on economic fun-     interest rates and large structural dif-     cal integration.

Report: working group 1, main theme A
(World economic situation)
The reporter of the working group 1: Mr. Livio Manzini
                                          – The cost of the crisis for the work economy
                                          – The banking crisis, money in circulation and inflation
                                          – The crisis in the European Monetary Union

                                          • GDP forecasts to the end of 2011
                                          • Deleveraging of the use economy has a mathematical dampening effect on
                                            growth (around 1%)
                                          • Economists are by and large unable to forecast big shocks in the economy.
                                            However, today the uncertainty level is somewhat lower.
                                          • They are useful because they can be blamed when things don‘t work out as fore-
                                          • Forecasts of economists have a psychological effect on expectations as they pro-
                                            vide an anchor but not really on outcomes
                                          • Double dip in the USA
                                          • The effect of stimulus money
                                          • Unemployment forecast

Technology and the effect on the Security Service Market
(Main theme B)
Keynote address: Dr. sc. techn. Rolf H. Sigg, Senior Vice President, Head Global Service Board,
Siemens Switzerland
Designing a “Defence in Depth Strategy” considering current and future technology in the
Security Market

                                           Prevent                                     fore dedicated transmission devices are
                                           Measures for security incident preven-      increasingly replaced by integrated mo-
                                           tion are typically taken in processes       dems or by generic IP routers. This ob-
                                           outside the security arena itself (chang-   viously implies that all aspects of net-
                                           ing processes, e.g. in cash handling,       work security and communication in-
                                           dissuasive construction measures, etc.)     tegrity have to be dealt with, but on the
                                           or at the outer perimeter of the scene      other hand offers the possibility to op-
                                           to be protected (e.g. electronic fenc-      timize the distribution of security func-
                                           ing) to make any security infringement      tions within the network. Successfully
                                           unattractive.                               transmitted information is received at
                                                                                       the MARC in PC based multiproto-
                                           Protect & Detect                            col receivers, which replace traditional
                                           Protection aims at deterring, delaying      dedicated receiving centre transceiver
                                           or frustrating security infringements       units and which are typically capable
                                           whilst at the same time detection en-       of receiving information from intru-
                                           sures that information is collected         sion, access control and video systems
                                           and locally interpreted for initiating      or from integrated sources via all types
                                           additional predefined measures. Tra-         of communication means. Receivers
                                           ditional alarm systems or standalone        are well integrated with the Annuncia-
Still up to this day many security offic-   local closed circuit television systems     tion Equipment (central station man-
ers and their counterparts in security     are increasingly replaced by systems        agement software) where predefined
companies tend to view security chal-      capable of integrating remote video         responses are linked to each type of
lenges in isolation and hence address      systems with access control and in-         incident for each individual customer
each subject matter as an individual       trusion alarm systems. These types of       and executed as soon as an alarm has
issue. However, technology develop-        systems have higher local intelligence      been verified and confirmed as posi-
ment and convergence on one side and       and are hence capable of transmitting       tive. The degree of automation for re-
process integration on the other side      more relevant and accurate informa-         sponse execution is rapidly increasing
offer opportunities to manage security     tion about the incident scene. This         by the addition of functionality and
matters with much more “Depth”. An         trend is supported by ever more pow-        interfaces to the management station.
essential benefit accrues to the user       erful detectors (e.g. biometric readers,    In this way the MARC operator can
from handling security matters in an       video cameras with image recognition        handle the response increasingly more
integrated manner along the security       algorithms) as well as by increased in-     efficiently with:
process chain:                             teroperability of PC based integration
                                           platforms, e.g. driven by initiatives       - Resource management and dispatch-
- prevent incidents                        such as ONVIF (Open Network Video             ing
- protect from incidents and detect in-    Interface Forum).                           - GIS localization of resources (peo-
  cidents rapidly                                                                        ple, vehicles, equipment)
- quickly respond to incidents             Respond                                     - Interfacing to first responders (po-
- have plans in place to recover from      Information collected has to be trans-        lice, fire brigades, rescue teams)
  incidents                                mitted to the MARC (Monitoring              - Computer Telephone interface
                                           and Alarm Receiving Centre). A ma-          - ERP related administrative functions.
The traditional alarms industry covers     jor transformation has occurred re-
primarily the detection and response       cently: transmission reliability overall    Recover
phases. In Europe these phases are         has rapidly replaced considerations of      More sophisticated customer agree-
largely governed by the EU Norm EN         individual transmission path reliabil-      ments will not only include compre-
50518 which serves as the basis for lan-   ity. Multiple redundant transmission        hensive surveillance programs and re-
guage and presentation structure.          paths have replaced the discussion          sponse plans but also recovery plans.
                                           around “secure network” transmission        These plans will allow the customer to
                                           and paved the way for mobile telecom        switch to emergency operation and to
                                           network transmission and above all IP       initiate recovery measures immediately
                                           based network communication. There-         when the magnitude of the incident is

identified from the MARC (Monitor-          - reducing costs related to manned        - Within electronic security, access
ing and Alarm Receiving Center). The         security field presence and interven-       control and video grow much faster
MARC then becomes a Customer                 tion                                       than intrusion
Service Centre with a broader scope        - reducing risks related to manned se-    - MARCs will enhance their portfolio
than the pure alarm handling tasks.          curity field intervention                   to become Customer Service Centres
Also here the IP network is the key                                                  - Segments served by manned security
enabler.                                   The customer can further gain value          can increasingly be served by elec-
                                           from services if he combines security        tronic security.
Consequences                               services with other support services,
From a customer perspective, a “De-        using the already existing transmission
fence in Depth” strategy, based on the     lines and remote surveillance capabili-
new technological possibilities, can en-   ties of the Customer Service Centre.
hance the value of the security services   From a security industry perspective
in particular by:                          the technology trends, paired with an
                                           innovative “Defence in Depth” ap-
- providing more “non-invasive” serv-      proach by customers will lead to the
  ices without people on site              following changes:

New Technologies and Access Control
(part 2 of main theme B)
Keynote address: Glen Greer
Glen Greer has been involved in the electronic security industry since 1985 and was president
of two of the most significant industry pioneers in the USA prior to their acquisition by larger
companies. He currently runs his own consulting firm, based in Atlanta, GA, USA, providing
strategic services to security product manufacturers

                                           built into door hardware means that       These developments open up a sub-
                                           all the devices around the door can       stantial retrofit business for system
                                           now be actively monitored and can in-     integrators, expanding the number of
                                           teract to make the door system more       controlled doors in existing access con-
                                           secure and more reliable. This is being   trol systems, as well as expanding the
                                           done with locally wired networks, such    scale of new projects.
                                           as the widely used CAN bus, connect-
                                           ed through a gateway to the corporate     These wireless locks require batteries,
                                           local area network (LAN).                 which have to be changed periodically.
                                                                                     This is the only downside to these de-
                                           Wireless networking is also being built   velopments from the security manag-
                                           into locks using both Wi-Fi, to connect   er's point of view. This problem will be
                                           to an existing wireless LAN, and local    solved before long with energy harvest-
                                           network technologies such as Zigbee.      ing technologies. Wireless locks will ac-
                                           The use of wireless networking makes      quire their power from the same radio
                                           it economic and practical to replace      waves used to communicate with them.
                                           many if not all the mechanical locks
                                           in a building. Life becomes simpler for   What seemed an impossible dream for
                                           the users when he or she required only    security managers – the autonomous,
                                           to carry a single RFID credential and     networked, intelligent lock is actually
                                           no additional mechanical keys. But,       very close to reality.
The world of access control is poised      with every lock now communicating
to take advantage of several technolog-    and programmable over the network,
ical advances that will enable security    life also becomes dramatically simpler
managers to improve security while         for the security manager. The system
making life easier for their users. The    as a whole becomes more secure and
increasing use of network technology       reliable.

Technology and the effect of the surveillance market
(part 3 of main theme B)
Keynote address: Mr. Martin Gren, Co-founder and Director, New Projects, Axis

                                            Apollo moon programs. Nowadays,             feasible due to the high cost of power.
                                            thanks to Moore’s law where high            The purpose of a surveillance camera is
                                            volumes is a must in order to devel-        often to capture an image of a person
                                            op chips with even smaller geometries       who does not want to be observed. On
                                            fitting into billions of transistors, the    the other hand, it is the purpose of a
                                            main driver of technology is consumer       cell phone or SLR camera to take great
                                            electronics.                                pictures of the family when put in front
                                                                                        of the camera. These two distinct and
                                            The main impact from consumer elec-         different purposes put a lot of different
                                            tronics on the surveillance industry        requirements on the technology used.
                                            has been noticed in sensor develop-
                                            ment. In the early 1990s CCD was            There have been other effects of
                                            the dominating technology and it was        Moore’s law in the computer industry.
                                            mainly used in broadcast, security and      PCs get faster every year and we get
                                            to a lesser extent, machine vision cam-     much more memory, bandwidth and
                                            eras. Today the main driver is digital      storage for the same amount of money.
The surveillance industry is changed        still cameras and mobile phone cam-         In a security camera that is part of an
by influences from other industries          eras with CMOS sensors.                     embedded system, you do not have ac-
and trends with a focus on CCTV type                                                    cess to the latest PC-processors as they
of surveillance.                            As we all have noticed there are no         are too power hungry. But given that
                                            more fat tube based TVs in our living       embedded processors and ASIC tech-
The presentation briefly covered some        rooms. Instead we have High Defini-          nology makes similar advances the ca-
political trends in society and how         tion 16:9 TVs and in most countries         pabilities in image processing and ana-
these impact the use of surveillance        the analogue broadcast TV network           lytics gives a lot of new opportunities.
cameras.                                    has been shut down. The term NTSC/
Another trend is how technology can         PAL, so commonly used in the past,          There exists an emerging trend of video
be brought from a completely differ-        has now been replaced by HDTV in            surveillance as a service. In the same
ent industry. The introduction of ther-     either 720p or 1080 resolutions.            way we today rely on Google mail,
mal network cameras from the military                                                   Hotmail and we can
into civilian life is just one example of   As important as the resolution increase     now also have our surveillance done
this cross-over technology. The main        given by HDTV, is the change of the         as a hosted service. This is useful, in
benefits of thermal cameras are that         aspect ratio. A PAL or NTSC cam-            particular, for smaller stores with 1-4
they provide great detection even in        era had 4:3 aspect ratio which is the       cameras or a chain store with multiple
complete darkness and other challeng-       manufacturing process of TV-tubes. In       smaller outlets that need a common
ing conditions. In the past few years       the same time, cinema theatres have         platform for their surveillance needs.
there has been a lot of discussion and      had 16:9, 25:9 or even wider screens        There has been a marked transition
hype around video analytics and their       as these formats better reflect what we      to network based surveillance cameras
capabilities. Here thermal network          want to see. Now with HDTV we can           from the analogue CCTV cameras used
cameras may be beneficial as they are        take a step in the right direction to get   in the past. Analogue CCTV cameras
not influenced by shadows or light           the ultimate image experience. In the       have limited image quality and resolu-
conditions in the same way as opti-         session Mr. Gren showed several real        tion. They are expensive to deploy in a
cal cameras. Even more important is         life examples where the benefits of          system as they require separate cabling
to use analytics where it truly saves       HDTV and 16:9 ratios are obvious.           for power and video and rely on a struc-
cost and has benefits. CSI type appli-                                                   ture of proprietary DVRs. Fortunately
cations, such as spotting terrorist in      Optimizing an image for surveillance        they can be upgraded to fit into larger
stadiums, are now considered science        applications is very different from op-     systems with the use of video encoders
fiction.                                     timizing it for beautiful pictures. This    to protect the investments and benefit
                                            is an area where the surveillance indus-    from the whole system being integrat-
Emphasis was given to consumer elec-        try has completely different goals than     ed.
tronics technology and its impact on        that of still or mobile phone cameras.
the video surveillance market. Back in      For instance, a flash in an SLR cam-
the 1960s and 1970s most electronic         era is equivalent to a lot of power-con-
developments were driven out of the         suming lighting in a surveillance ap-
Military – e.g. the cold war and the        plication. This application is often not

Report working group 2, main theme B (Technology)
The reporters of the working group 2: Mr. Kristian Durhuus and Mr. Glen Greer
Is there evidence/case studies showing that       • It is essential to be able to specify a        rity market is quite reactive therefore
manned security have been replaced with             solution                                       new technology provides opportuni-
technology? Will this balance change in the       • In the technology business it is com-          ties for proactive service providers.
next 5-10 years?                                    mon to partner up with a best-of-
• Access control has replaced guards                breed.                                       How could the most pressing issues for a
• Guards are more productive and                  • One should bundle technology with            manned security company be solved in a to-
   perform higher skilled work with                 manned security as a total solution          tally new way on the basis of emerging tech-
   technology                                       in order to win and to overcome              nology trends?
• In Scandinavia, 20 years ago manned               commoditization (Group 2 consen-             • Overcome commoditization by bun-
   security was 75% of the business,                sus, but not in other groups: You               dling manned security offering with
   technology 25%. Now it is the op-                have to partner with the specialists            technology offering
   posite.                                          as it is no longer possible to do eve-
• In low wage countries, this develop-              rything yourself)                            End users complain that the training and
   ment is much slower                                                                           support available to them, when they adopt
• The replacement of guards for low               5 years from now, what could be the most       new security technology, is inadequate. How
   quality jobs is offset by an overall           significant breakthroughs in technology in      should this task be divided between the
   growth of security demand, particu-            the electronic security industry? What could   equipment/software suppliers and the secu-
   larly in the USA                               be the impact on manned security?              rity integrator and what could be done to
                                                  • Improved imaging, enhancing the              radically improve the training and technical
Is it essential for a manned security pro-           capabilities of video                       support for end users?
vider to be able to offer electronic security     • Information analysis / data mining           • Manned security companies have to
solutions as part of a total security offering?      for security and other applications            commit to it and truly take the full
If so, is it more attractive for a manned se-     • Development of MARCs (Monitor-                  responsibility for execution. The
curity provider to have its own technology           ing and Alarm Receiving Centres)               customer has the right to demand a
offering or to partner with one (or more) es-        and Call Centres to become Cus-                full solution
tablished electronic security player(s)?             tomer Service Centres                       • Ensure that service level agreements
                                                  • Impact: The current manned secu-                include adequate training compo-

The need for increased outsourcing and public private
partnership in securing critical national infrastructure
(main theme C)
Keynote addresses: The Rt. Hon. Lord Reid of Cardowan and Mr David Taylor-Smith,
Regional CEO, UK, Ireland and Africa, G4S Plc
                                                  As global security threats continue to
                                                  grow, the protection of critical nation-       September 14th,
                                                  al infrastructure (CNI) has become an
                                                  important area in which the public             2010 - Working
                                                  and private sectors need to work more
                                                  closely together.
                                                  This presentation addresses the need
                                                  for developing further public private
                                                  partnership to help secure the CNI.
                                                  This is especially important as govern-
                                                  ments are increasingly unable to pro-
                                                  vide the necessary wide ranging and
                                                  rapid support they once may have
                                                  been able to provide. With no cred-
                                                  ible choice but to involve the private
                                                  sector, which already funds, builds
                                                  and operates critical infrastructure, in-
                                                  creased private public interaction is es-
                                                  sential in order to fully guarantee its
                                                  continuing protection.

Report working group 3, main theme C
(The need for increased outsourcing and public private
partnership in securing critical national infrastructure)
The reporter of the working group 3: Mr. William P. Kinane
                                                – What implications have PPP-projects for        prisons, prisoner transfers, courts,
                                                  a private security company? What home-         hospitals and other less complicated
                                                  work has to be done by private security        areas of the police function.
                                                  companies when they enter the market of
                                                  public security?                             • The group also agreed that in order
                                                – What can state organizations and pri-          to penetrate this market of offering
                                                  vate security companies learn from each        private security to the public sector,
                                                  others when they work in PPP-projects?         the reputation of the private securi-
                                                – Should private security organizations          ty sector must be enhanced to over-
                                                  like the Ligue come up with standards /        come the poor image established by
                                                  regulations for companies which work in        such groups as Blackwater, which un-
                                                  PPP-projects?                                  fortunately tarnished the reputation
                                                – What areas of security are suited for out-     of the private security industry.
                                                  sourcing and PPP-projects, in view of the
                                                  private security industry?                   • A better image can be established
                                                – What should private security companies         with a strategic communication us-
                                                  do to overcome any negative feelings the       ing successful examples on the local,
                                                  police forces might have about the new         less complicated, level. Over time,
                                                  competition from private companies?            this could lead to providing services
                                                                                                 in more sensitive areas.
                                                • The group generally agreed that out-
                                                  sourcing in the public sector offered        • In order to overcome resistance from
                                                  a unique opportunity at this time es-          the public system, it should be dem-
                                                  pecially in view of the difficult eco-          onstrated that competition can be
                                                  nomic times which forces the pub-              beneficial: standards of quality will
                                                  lic sector to review their budgets in          be improved, there will be a better
                                                  order to find more efficient uses of             value for allocated funds and final-
                                                  their resources                                ly, dedicated and good relations can
                                                                                                 be developed with the police which
                                                • The group also recommended that in             would release them from doing mun-
                                                  view of the fact that the public sec-          dane and sometimes tedious tasks
                                                  tor in some countries is very large; ef-       - allowing them to concentrate on
                                                  forts to penetrate this market should          more important issues at hand.
                                                  initially be concentrated on the less
                                                  sensitive areas. Efforts should be           • Competition is beneficial to the pub-
                                                  made on the local level, such as serv-         lic and the private security sector.
                                                  ices provided to public buildings,

 LIGAZETTE                                        For all important details about the Ligue Inter-
 is published by the Ligue Internationale des
                                                  nationale des Sociétés de Surveillance consult
            Sociétés de Surveillance.
           Produced for the Ligue by
                 Securitas AG
      Schweiz. Bewachungsgesellschaft
                Alpenstrasse 20
         CH-3052 Zollikofen/Berne
          Phone +41 31 910 12 18
          Telefax +41 31 911 63 34

33rd General Assembly
CoESS – Confederation of European Security Services

CoESS is presently working, in con-         • establishing a minimum of common         Third Party Liability
junction with the Ligue, on the pre-          conditions for private security
vailing aspects pertaining to the           • leading to an upward harmonisation       The overall objective for the CoU legis-
                                            • starting from what exists already        lative proposal is:
• EU Directive on Services
• Worker Mobility and Social Impact         The options are:                           • stating the SHARED responsibilities
• Third Party Liability                                                                  when private security is concerned
                                            • to maintain the present situation        • determining the specific responsibil-
The “Directive on Services” in the In-        and obtain a permanent exclusion           ity of each stakeholder involved in
ternal Market, as implemented as of           from the EU Directive on Services          security
December 12th, 2006, was introduced           for private security services.           • limiting the responsibility / liability
to release the untapped growth po-          • to obtain a vertical harmonisation         of private security providers
tential of services markets in Europe         for private security services with       • establishing a mechanism for han-
by removing legal and administra-             common minimum EU require-                 dling third party claims
tive barriers in the services sector. The     ments, limited to general principles     • eliminating the risk for private securi-
simplification measures, foreseen by           to be applied in all EU Member             ty providers of unlimited third party
the Directive, should significantly fa-        States. This option is considered by       liability
cilitate and increase transparency for        CoEss as an ideal solution to the
SMEs and consumers when they want             problem.
to provide or use services in the sin-                                                 Statutory points of the
gle market. The Directive requires the      Whilst fully stressing the need for the    General Assembly
Member States to simplify procedures        development of a programme for Eu-
and formalities that service providers      ropean standards and other standardi-      • The Minutes of the 32nd General As-
need to comply with. In particular,         sation deliverables for security, CoESS      sembly 2008 in Seville/Spain were
it requires Member States to remove         would nevertheless like to draw atten-       approved unanimously
unjustified and disproportionate bur-        tion to the fact that in Europe, the se-   • Finances
dens. The Service Directive so far does     curity industry is much broader than         The accounts, such as the finan-
not apply to the private security serv-     the general scope put forward for            cial statements, etc. for the period
ices, which are explicitly excluded.        many of the other European Commis-           2008/2010 had been sent to the del-
                                            sion services.                               egates well ahead of the General As-
However, Article 38 of the Directive                                                     sembly. They were unanimously ap-
states that the European Commission         The Ligue very much supports the             proved.
would need to assess, by December           plan to exclude the security industry
28, 2010, the possibility of presenting     from the Service Directive.                  The delegates unanimously followed
vertical legislation for private security                                                the Secretary General's proposal to
services. This means that the Europe-       Worker Mobility and Social                   keep the annual membership fee
an Commission can, after assessment,        Impact                                       of CHF 3,000.00 as per the Ligue's
conclude that vertical legislation is                                                    Constitution, Art. 16c.
necessary or not necessary for the pri-     The overall objective for CoESS must
vate security sector. The European          be to work towards an EU legislative       • The General Assembly, formally and
Commission has defined what private          proposal aimed at:                           with acclamation, renewed the man-
security services are, and that private                                                  date of the acting Board from now
security services are to fall within har-   • clarifying the present EU legislation      until 2012.
monisation of the scope of the Direc-         regarding the posting of workers
tive. CoESS does not agree with this        • establishing a framework whereby         • It was the Secretary General’s privi-
distinction and challenges the Europe-        the temporary mobile workers are           lege to announce that the 2012 Gen-
an Commission’s vision. It is therefore       being paid according to the highest        eral Assembly would be held on the
of the essence that an overall objective      wages                                      East Coast of North America and it
should be worked out toward an EU           • creating a sound set of working con-       would be hosted by Garda, Canada
legislative proposal aimed at:                ditions for the European private           and Guardsmark, LLC, USA.
                                              security sector in each of the EU
• establishing a vertical legislative in-     Member States
  strument (Directive) for the private
  security sector

Introduction of new Ligue members

Danny Vandormael

Guy Tempereau

Cristian Vial

Rituraj Sinha

Pawanjit S. Ahluwalia

Dr. Nicola Rigamonti

Francesco Simonelli

Paul Chong

Alp Saul

Bill Muskin

Stuart Lowden

Keynote address by Murat Kösereisoglu, Country President,
Securitas Turkey
                                            panies in Turkey. The License is valid      The Turkish Security Industry
                                            all around the country for all types of     today in figures:
                                            security services like CIT, close protec-
                                            tion, guarding and consulting. How-         Licensed companies             1,171
                                            ever the training of guards requires a      Licensed training companies    642
                                            separate license.                           Licensed locations             46,248
                                            Security companies may only provide         Licensed guards                404,378
                                            security services and FM services. Oth-     Employed guards                168,350
                                            er types of businesses may not be pro-      Alarm monitoring stations      183
                                            vided by the same company. However          Source: Police HQ. 17.8.10
                                            there is a possibility to set up other
                                            companies to provide other types of         Over regulation is present:
                                                                                        • Police wants to know every move-
                                            Guards requirements: 100 hours of             ment of a guard and the contract.
                                            training for unarmed personnel; 120         • Copies of the contracts are to be giv-
                                            hours of training for armed personnel.        en to the local police. Services can
Turkey’s private security services start-   They will receive their license (armed        only start after a week once the con-
ed in 1982 with a law enabling only         or unarmed) only after having passed          tract is delivered to the police. Tem-
in-house private security to operate        a state test, they have received a good       porary services need to be informed
mainly in Banks and Government In-          health report and if they have a clear        48 hours before the event.
stitutions. Nevertheless the number of      background check.
guards reached 60,000 within 18 years       On-going training: every five years
in 2000. Outsourced security goes           refreshment training is required; 50        The Market:
back to 1992 by starting as so called       hours for unarmed and 60 hours for
“service companies”. There was a de-        armed guards. With the exception of         The Turkish governors have issued
fined in-house market and an unde-           these courses after having graduated        permits for a total of 282,000 guards;
fined outsourced market in the begin-        from high school, those who wish to         however only some 168,000 are on
ning of 2000’s. During those ten years      work in the private security, have the      duty. It may be said that there are some
there were challenges about the defini-      possibility to attend vocational pro-       200,000 guards in the market. This cor-
tion and limits of the service, the Po-     grams specially designed by certain         responds to 1.8 BUSD, or 1.4 BUSD/
lice was supporting the system but the      public universities. These are two year     year, only for guarding, excluding CIT,
system was not defined.                      programs that prepare students exclu-       Consulting and systems. About 60% of
                                            sively for the private security industry.   the market is public tenders based on a
The local Association was founded in        These University programs are good          “public tender law”, which is very much
1994 and - for many years - it tried to     sources for the Industry to develop fu-     “price driven”. We expect the market to
enact a law. Finally, after almost ten      ture managers.                              grow about 5% per year for the com-
years of lobbying, this law was enacted                                                 ing five years. So, therefore, it is evi-
in 2004. Today’s situation is such, that    Customers/Locations: In-house or            dent that the Turkish Private Security
the industry is highly regulated by the     outsourced, the locations require a         Industry is still fairly a young industry
government from a security aspect,          permit from the Governor in every           compared to Europe or to the United
however free market rules are being         city. The maximum limits are set forth      States. We believe that we still have a
practiced.                                  in the equivalent permits. Natural per-     long way to go.
                                            sons or companies may apply for per-
The following licenses are                  mits and may quit any time they wish
                                            to do so. There is no “must” for the
currently required:
                                            people to join the law.
1. Security companies
                                            Arms & Ammunition: Arms are owned
2. Guards
                                            by the customer with the exception
3. Customers
                                            of CIT and close protection services.
                                            There are services where heavy arms,
Security Companies: receive a license
                                            like HK-G7, are carried.
from the Ministry of the Interior, with
a background check on its partners.
Based on the reciprocity principal, for-
eign investors can set-up security com-

Closing keynote address to the Ligue delegates
on 15 September 2010 by Her Excellency Ambassador
Ms. Aylin Sekizkok
                                           towards private sector is simple: Gov-     proved to be inadequate in protecting
                                           ernments are passing through very dif-     our citizens. There is an urgent need
                                           ficult times.                               to innovate new ways to identify, track
                                                                                      and catch criminals before they perpe-
                                           Today the threat against the security      trate any ill-intended action. Moreover,
                                           and well-being of our citizens is more     today’s security threats are mainly di-
                                           diffuse, elusive and unpredictable.        rected to soft targets, such as shopping
                                           Therefore it is more dangerous. This       malls, train stations, airports, business
                                           threat can be in the form of a terror-     centres, pipelines, and so on. Therefore
                                           ist attack in a shopping mall, or a mar-   we also need to devise new approaches
                                           ket. Energy pipelines can be a target,     that would deter terrorists, yet allow
                                           or a chemical factory. The threat can      people to continue their way of life
                                           be drug cartels. Drug trafficking has       without disruption.
                                           reached such proportions that the con-
                                           cern of the governments are not only       2. The second lesson:
                                           public health but governments are
                                           equally concerned about the econom-        Security of one country is interlinked
                                           ic repercussions of these illegal trans-   with that of others. We do not have a
                                           actions. In some parts of the world,       luxury anymore to remain indifferent
The lady ambassador heartedly wel-         this illegal sector threatens core state   to developments that take place in oth-
comed the Ligue Assembly to Istan-         structures and paralyses governments.      er parts of the globe.
bul. Expressing her hopes that the         Other forms of organized crime, such
meeting was fruitful and that all dele-    as human trafficking and illegal arms       3. The third lesson:
gates had the opportunity to enjoy the     trade are also part of the security big
pleasures of Istanbul. She considered      picture. In fact, these problems are not   No country can fight alone against
herself a bit exited, because this event   new and they have been affecting soci-     the threat of terrorism or other forms
was her first encounter with the private    eties for a very long time.                of organized crime.         International
sector, in such a format to discuss the                                               cooperation is a must: better intelligence
issues of security. A field once consid-    What is new is the fact that in a glo-     sharing, enhanced border control, and
ered as an exclusive domain for gov-       balized world, terrorists and criminals    harmonized legal mechanisms for
ernments. In her opinion, she consid-      have also become global citizens. They     criminal investigation.
ered this meeting as a very important      have started to exploit opportunities
opportunity allowing her to talk to the    of the modern age: easy travelling, ad-    In short, today’s governments shoulder
representatives of the world’s leading     vanced communication technologies,         daunting tasks in the field of homeland
security companies.                        and so on, to create transnational net-    security. Therefore, there has been a
                                           works and to operate across borders.       substantial debate in the international
Over the past few years, there has been    Added to this problem is the increase      platforms on ways and means to fulfil
ever increasing attention put on the       in the number of countries with failed     the requirements of new security needs.
necessity of strengthening partnership     state structures making home to terror-
between governments and the private        ist organizations and other criminal       Turkey actively participates and con-
sector in order to better address to-      groups. The spread of radical ideolo-      tributes to this debate. As a country
day’s security challenges. Furthermore,    gies embraces and incites violence and     that suffered from terrorism for dec-
the UN is discussing new methods           is making the security environment         ades, we have developed a sound and
to get the private sector on board in      more complicated. Horrible terrorist       effective legal system including crimi-
protecting international peace and se-     attacks, such 9/11 nine years ago, were    nal law and a separate antiterrorism
curity. NATO is underlining the role       an eye opener for the international        law. Our law enforcement authorities,
of the private sector in protecting vul-   community, leading us to learn a           in particular the Turkish National Po-
nerable critical infrastructure. OSCE      number of lessons in a very tragic way:    lice, have reformed and modernized
has started a process to identify and                                                 themselves substantially over the years.
address emerging security challenges,      1. The first and most crucial               Building on years-long experience in
including cyber crime. One impor-          lesson:                                    fighting every form of terrorism, the
tant item on the agenda of this proc-                                                 National Police has devised many inno-
ess is the private sector cooperation.     No country is secure any more. Tradi-      vative approaches that are now consid-
The reason for this growing interest       tional security structures and measures    ered as best practice by many interna-

Security League Swztland
Security League Swztland
Security League Swztland
Security League Swztland
Security League Swztland

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Security League Swztland

  • 1. LIGAZETTE No. 18 January 2011 Argentina Austria Summary of the 33rd General Assembly in Bangladesh Istanbul, September 13th – 15th, 2010 Belgium Brazil Security industry overview Last year the G7 group of industrialised countries Canada collectively contracted at a rate of 3.4% - a sharp and future trends reversal of fortunes from the 5% growth seen by Chile the same group of countries in 2007. In the same Colombia September 15th, 2010 – year, the concerted plans of all global govern- ments pledged a total of $3,000bn in stimulus Czech Republic Chairman of the Ligue's spending, while the central banks, of the largest Denmark General Assembly Address economic nations, were blunted with zero, or Egypt close to zero, real interest rates. On a global lev- el, total world economic outlook shrank by just Finland short of 1% in 2009. France Europe and the developed markets have been particularly hit and their recovery will continue Germany to be slow, divergent, and volatile. Only the Greece emerging economic powerhouses of China and parts of Asia, together with the Middle East and Hungary some Latin American markets, are seeing a strong India recovery path, driven by largely untapped domes- tic consumption, export demand and domestic Ireland growth. Israel The security industry – as well as their individual component parts – needs to be nimble and swift Italy in its response if it is to meet these challenges Japan head on and take advantage of the potential that Korea uncertainty and change bring about. The downturn has also highlighted how confi- Luxembourg dence is a key marker for all – whether it is the Norway confidence of markets, investors, customers or governments. The short term market volatility we Pakistan have seen is a direct response to emerging eco- Poland nomic trend data such as real estate sales, jobless figures, and GDP predictions, as analysts look to Portugal work this likely impact into their forecasts and Singapore investors look to hedge their bets on where to put their money for not necessarily the best, but the Slovak Republic safest, return. All these factors have put pressure Mr. Nick Buckles welcomed members and guests South Africa on companies large and small, as organisations to the 33rd General Assembly of the Ligue in the seek to balance the needs of their customers to Spain spectacular surroundings of Istanbul. He charac- cut costs with their own requirements to contin- terized the gathering as "…following two years of Sweden ue to assure high levels of service whilst retaining unprecedented turmoil in the global economy…" contracts and satisfying their shareholders. The Switzerland The chairman focused his address on the global last 12 months have been the toughest condi- industry trends and on the “Themes”, (they used Thailand tions that have probably ever faced the industry. to be called “Theses”, but are now called Themes) Those factors have driven a need for the security Turkey that the Ligue believes in and from which the ob- industry to be creative to help customers stay se- United jectives of the Ligue are derived. He went on to cure whilst saving money – through innovation, Arab Emirates say that he believes the Ligue is going to make the combination of technology with manpower these objectives happen. United – and through looking at areas where extra costs Many of the world’s markets are almost unrecog- Kingdom can be removed without compromising security nisable from two years ago when he last addressed levels or customer service standards. United States the members in Spain, and when he spoke about It’s this sort of innovation that has led compa- of America the opportunities and potential facing the mod- nies to turn to in-house or external technology ern security industry. (Continued page 4)
  • 2. Around the General Assembly 2010 By the Secretary General Hans Winzenried On September 13th, Livio Manzini, Vice Chairman at G4S Guvenlik Hiz- met ve Danismanlik AS, is privileged to welcome (also in the name of Secu- ritas Turkey) the members of the board and distinguished guests on the occa- sion of the 33rd General Assembly of the Ligue during a fabulous evening CHAIRMAN boat cruise along the Bosporus. Nick Buckles Group Chief Executive Istanbul in a nutshell Group 4 Securicor plc Group Headquarters The Manor, Manor Royal Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul, historically UK-Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9UN known as Byzantium and Constanti- United Kingdom nople is the largest city in Turkey and Phone +44 - 1293 55 44 90 5th largest city proper in the world Fax +44 - 1293 55 45 00 with a population of 12.8 million, also making it the second largest metropolitan area in Europe by population. Istanbul is also a megacity, as well as the cultural, economic, and financial centre of Turkey. It is located on the Bosporus Strait and SECRETARY GENERAL encompasses the natural harbour known as the Golden Horn, in the northwest of the country. It extends both on the European (Thrace) and on the Asian (Anato- Hans Winzenried President & CEO lia) sides of the Bosporus, and is thereby the only metropolis in the world that is Securitas AG situated on two continents. Alpenstrasse 20 In its long history, the city has served as the capital city of the Roman Empire CH-3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland (330–395), the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire (395–1204 and 1261–1453), Phone +41 31 910 12 18 the Latin Empire (1204–1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453–1922). The city Telefax +41 31 911 63 34 was chosen as joint European Capital of Culture in 2010. It might be interesting to note that the name Istanbul is (ancient) Greek ¡fn o_i /khfi and means "in the town". BOARD MEMBERS Stephan Cretier, Garda, Canada Grahame Gibson, G4S UK Opening ceremony of the working session, Alf Göransson, Securitas AB Sweden September 14th, 2010 Christian Gut, Prosegur Spain David I. Hudson, G4S India Friedrich P. Kötter, Kötter Security Germany The stunning "whirling" presentation of the opening ceremony at the working Ira A. Lipman, Guardsmark USA session was presented by a delegation of the Mevlevi Order. They are also known Nobuyuki Sasaki, Secom Japan as the Whirling Dervishes due to their famous practice of whirling as a form of Charles R. Schneider, U.S. Security dhikr (remembrance of God). Dervish is a common term for an initiate of the Sufi Associates USA path; the whirling is part of the formal Sema ceremony and the participants are properly known as semazen-s. Three main themes for the working session Clearly after the deep crisis the world went through in the last two years, experts provide their opinions on: 1. Outlook for the world economy (Speakers: Prof. Dr. Egbert Sturm, Director of KOF Swiss Economic Institute at the ETH Zurich and Dr. Andreas Höfert, Chief Economist, UBS Switzerland) proved very valuable in preparing plans for 2011 and beyond. 2. The effect of technology (Speakers: Security and Alarm Monitoring: by Dr. Rolf H. Sigg, Siemens Switzerland, Access: by Glen Greer, Assa-Abloy, CCTV: by Martin Gren, Axis) and 2
  • 3. 3. The development of public pri- Bosporus. This mansion reflects the The delegates then joined the after- vate partnerships in the industry. Golden Age of Istanbul and is named noon tour programme. From 14:00 - (Speakers: The Rt. Hon. Lord Reid after its original owner, Esma Sultan, 17:30, the Oriental Harmony tour of- of Cardowan and Mr. David Taylor- the daughter of Sultan Abdul-Aziz I. fered the” Mysteries of the Topkapi Pal- Smith MBE, CEO, G4S Secure So- ace and the Blue Mosque”. The Topka- lutions, UK, Ireland and Africa) pi palace was the imperial residence of Spouses Tours the Ottoman sultans and it is the most Beside the work that had to be done Old City Tour, September extensive and fascinating existing mon- it became abundantly evident that Is- 14th, 2010 ument of Turkish civil architecture. In tanbul has a lot to offer to its visitors addition to its historical and architec- thanks to its unique heritage and cul- Istanbul's Byzantine Hippodrome was tural interest, it houses extraordinary ture. It is difficult to do it justice in the heart of Constantinople's politi- collections of porcelain, armour, fab- just a couple of days so a companion cal and sporting life and was as well rics, jewellery, miniatures, calligraphy programme was set up which allowed the scene of games and riots through- and many other precious objects that both first time and returning visitors out 500 years of history. It's now a once belonged to the sultans and their to discover some facets of this city calm city park called the At Meydani court. they did not know. This conference (Horse Grounds) because of the pur- The next stop was the "Sultan Ahmet was as very pleasant as well as stimu- pose it served in the past. Monuments Camii" which is also called the "Blue lating. Both the working sessions and decorating the Hippodrome include Mosque". It is one of the most famous leisure programmes allowed for mak- the 3500-year-old Egyptian Obelisk monuments in both Turkish and Islam- ing new friendships and strengthening of Theodosius, brought to Constanti- ic worlds, being the only mosque built existing ones. nople by Emperor Theodosius in 390 with 6 minarets. AD. You’ll also see the spiral bronze base of a three-headed serpent sculp- New Members to The Ligue ture brought from Delphi in Greece. The magnificent "Haghia Sophia", was The Secretary General closed his in- The Secretary General welcomed the built by Constantine the Great and is troduction by pointing out what Livio new members to The Ligue, namely: considered a masterpiece of Byzantine Manzini's had stressed in his welcom- • Certis CISCO Security Pte Ltd, art. Its first construction dates back ing address and thanked G4S and Se- Singapore to the end of the 4th century. Haghia curitas for generously sponsoring the • G4S Holding Chile SA Sophia served as a church for 916 years event and the agency Meptur, in par- • I.V.R.I. SpA, Italy and as a mosque for 477 years until ticular Julia and Burak for the perfect • Premier Shield Pvt Ltd. India Ataturk ordered that it be converted organization of the event. • Pronet Güvenlik ve Danismanlik into a museum. Underground cistern Last but not least he thanked all the Hizmetleri, Turkey is the largest of the many underground people for coming, but also for con- • Security and Intelligence Services cisterns in the city left over from Ro- tributing to the cause of CYDD. The Limited / SIS GROUP, India man times and it is known to be one President of the association will be join- • Seris SECURITY Securifrance, of the most extraordinary monuments ing the gathering on Wednesday allow- France in Istanbul. ing the delegates to have a better idea • Seris Security nv, Belgium about what the association is doing. • Sicurglobal SpA, Italy With The Ligue’s contribution, it will • Vision Security Group Ltd., UK be possible to improve the educational Oriental Harmony Tour, • Wilson James Limited, UK opportunities of girls in Turkey which September 15th, 2010 is one of the key driving forces to make this country more stable, prosperous The Turkish bath experience. Turkish Gala Dinner at Esma Sultan and at peace. baths are a very relaxing and rejuvenat- ing experience. First, our guests were On September 14th, Mr. and Mrs. taken to the dressing rooms to get Livio Manzini and Mr. and Mrs. Mu- changed. They were all given a tradi- rat Kösereisoglu hosted a very special tional bath cloth to wrap themselves event. They invited The Ligue’s mem- with. When they were ready, they were bers and their spouses to the Gala Din- taken in to the Hamam - hot room, ner in the fabulous setting of the Mar- where they were washed. Here, they mara Esma Sultan. Istanbul’s rich cul- experienced the body scrubbing and tural heritage has left a legacy of out- the soap massage. Following the mas- standing historical sites that provide an sages, there were traditional Turkish exciting backdrop for meetings, special belly dancers who taught them how to events and theme parties. One of these dance as well as having an opportunity sites is the said mansion located on the to dance together with each other. 3
  • 4. capabilities to provide exacting levels of tral and Eastern Europe, are looking for tised goods to key partner status, the po- security through the sophistication of a solution that will contain a growing tential risks become as apparent as the access control, remote monitoring and social problem within the boundaries rewards. In the desire to win business in incident capture and response – some- of stricter budgets. These governments, areas which were previously in the public times in very remote or geographically who are outsourcing opportunities, will sector or operated in-house by commer- challenging locations - without the continue to present themselves across cial organisations, security firms across overhead of large scale manpower. This both developed and emerging markets the world will have to live up to these combination of risk management, tech- as the focus on security threats becomes increasing responsibilities, along with nology and manpower has enabled us to more heightened, and pressured public higher visibility and expectations from secure oil pipelines, telecoms masts and sector and commercial budgets lead to customers, stakeholders and the general critical national infrastructure such as more outsourcing and the chance to lev- public. the Hoover Dam in the US, and natu- erage private sector innovation. In today’s security conscious world, secu- ral resources operations from Papua New Nevertheless it’s clear that some of these rity and risk management is increasingly Guinea to Norway. This clearly is a con- opportunities will require something of a managed from the boardroom, not the tinuing trend. leap of faith by both customer and pro- compliance department. It is a key marker With companies increasingly looking to vider, as the security industry moves into of a company’s reputation. Maintaining the security industry to provide a con- areas that have previously been seen as and building on the standards and ethics sistent approach to managing their risks, the vanguard of the public sector. Some that the Ligue has worked so hard to in- many are turning to a global approach will court controversy. Opponents of grain, will be vital if our industry is to be for their security requirements. We’ve privatisation, sceptical political and me- perceived as a trusted supplier to govern- seen this in the pharmaceutical and dia commentators, and public sector ments and large corporations and multi chemicals sector, and we also see it as a unions concerned about the potential nationals worldwide. We need to be seen key driver of future growth across the key impact on their members may seek to as an industry with a reputation that at- sectors of aviation, ports and maritime, highlight what they perceive as the weak- tracts customers, not negative headlines. and oil and gas markets. nesses of the private sector to give weight The security industry’s reputation is in its Economic pressures will continue to to their cause. own hands, and its success will be meas- drive both creativity and future opportu- This is where the combined reputation ured by actions and the response it gives nities for the security industry. of the security industry, and the trust in times of crisis. If the industry wants the As a key supplier to the UK government placed in it by its customers, employees respect that it deserves, it has to demon- G4S will do all it can, as it believes that and wider stakeholders will come sharply strate the highest integrity and standards in the medium term, outsourcing oppor- into focus. Over the years the Ligue has in order to earn that respect and continue tunities will be put on the table that will played a vital role in defining, establish- to keep it. help demonstrate our innovation and ing and maintaining the highest ethical Nowhere has this been more acutely felt give additional long term growth poten- and professional standards of the private than in BP which has had its own ex- tial. security industry as we know it world- tremely high profile incident. This, to- Electronic monitoring of offenders is a wide. It has helped propel the industry gether with a couple of well documented good example. It’s proven to be 90 per to where it is today. incidents, has prompted G4S to under- cent cheaper to manage an offender Without it, the Ligue would not be take a very detailed review into what are through an electronic tag and curfew able to point to some of the best prac- already long established and robust crisis than it is to contain them within the tice models of standards, training and management procedures. This will ensure prison estate. This solution provides a recruitment, operational excellence and that as a company, it is protecting to a robust and cost effective alternative to reputation for high customer service maximum its own brand and reputation custody. The growth of electronic moni- standards that our companies, and their and that of a wider industry, as well as its toring across many countries is evident. employees, enjoy. relationships with customers and stake- Governments under pressure, like New But as the industry pushes itself up the holders. So with the backdrop of a chal- Zealand and those countries within Cen- value chain from provider of commodi- lenging economic climate, a heightened 4
  • 5. awareness of the risks and rewards that gies through leadership, by demonstrat- 1 To understand global economic and come from working in the security arena, ing our expertise in action, and by dem- security trends and communicate these and the widening of business across all onstrating a detailed understanding of to our members key sectors, how can the Ligue continue the business areas they operate in. Board- 2 To share best practice and ideas and to to help the industry grow and prosper? level focus on - and commitment to - se- facilitate networking opportunities to The Ligue’s Board has spent the last 24 curity issues can only serve to help the discuss hours discussing this very topic, and lay- industry grow and evolve in the longer 3 To drive up standards globally, possi- ing out a roadmap for the future. As part term. bly through setting up a global ‘code of of that roadmap the Ligue must reshape As an industry, it has never been more conduct’ or ethics. and refocus if it is to serve the needs of important to communicate across the in- 4 To give direction to other security or- a fast-paced and globalising 21st century dustry to discuss risks and to share best ganisations worldwide like COESS, security industry. practice ideas on how best to protect so- ESTA and NASCO etc, on the above The Board has identified some key ciety from the security challenges it faces issues. themes that it believes will help us build today. on our success so far and continue to And to do that we need to have the right In addition to these Themes and Objec- serve the wider interests of its members. level of expertise and commitment with- tives of the Ligue, the board also agreed Firstly is the vital role the security indus- in our workforces. The security indus- yesterday to a number of actions. try plays in society. The industries activi- try must offer a career to those working ties touch the lives of millions of people within it and must invest in recruitment, 1 Appoint a new executive director to be across the world, whether they realise it training and development to meet ever- the focus point of driving the security or not. Everyone has the right to live and changing and more sophisticated cus- industry's strategy work in a safe society and have an expec- tomer needs. This will ensure that the 2 Each of the board members would ap- tation that their security and safety will industry can continue to innovate into point a senior director within their or- be taken care of, no matter where they the future and live up to customer expec- ganisation to act as a channel for this are or what they do. This right carries a tations in risk management and security new position burden of responsibility that is hard to provision. The Ligue will become known 3 And very importantly, the board also live up to. for promoting best practice, shaping leg- agreed on a number of work streams The industry must recognise that there islative response, raising employment that would be headed by board direc- is no “one size fits all” solution. As the standards, and training and screening. tors and their appropriate work groups. security industry looks to provide more If security is to be aligned with a single sophisticated solutions, it needs to not voice, as a global institution that has an • First Group – how, as an industry, shall only be the sort of supplier customers increasing responsibility for the safety the Ligue deal with countries’ concerns want to do business with, but it must and security of society, it must ensure over foreign ownership? also understand its customers’ business that its key players are facing in the same • Second Group – will investigate ways objectives and requirements if it is to tru- direction. The security industry must the industry can further encourage out- ly deliver to the customer the promised act in harmony with all its stakeholder sourcing added value that comes through design- groups and foster a culture of stakehold- • Third Group – would establish ways ing and operating relevant solutions for er cooperation to achieve its goals of pro- that will give more direction and en- them. viding a safe and secure environment for courage cooperation between pan-con- There’s no silver bullet or single model all. tinental industry associations for security these days – the industries The security industry must understand • Fourth and final group – will look at response must be tailored to suit the the needs of, and build relationships ways of capping or ensuring 3rd party markets in which it operates, and sup- with, key stakeholders such our employ- liability and also best practice on con- port and enhance the customers’ require- ees and their representatives, insurers, tracting generally ments. We can only do this by expand- police, governments, regulators and the ing knowledge and understanding of the media. Commitment to broad stake- The board has agreed to continue to hold individual markets and sector issues to holder engagement must be embraced a General Assembly every two years and make sure our response adds that real by the key industry players. meet as a board every six months. Inter- value to the customer. The security industry must be the guard- vening seminars, arising from the results The security industry must continue to ian of its reputation at all times. Risk and of the above workgroups, may be ar- embrace technology as part of its solu- security issues are high profile and attract ranged. tions approach if it is to offer a high attention from many sources, which class, integrated, risk-based solution for means the reputation of the global se- If the last two years have taught the board customers that balance risk consultancy curity industry is always in the spotlight. as well as the Ligue anything, then it’s and operational excellence with best-in- As an industry it is important that high that the future can be challenging and class systems capability. standards are set and met. There are core unpredictable. It is of the essence to face Security and risk management is mov- values across the industry, which focus unforeseen obstacles and pressures. But ing up the boardroom agenda and the on high standards of business ethics, se- the potential rewards are huge, and, a industry needs to be in a position to curity and risk management expertise, well-used footballing phrase says, “it’s all respond accordingly. Security and risk service quality, human rights, screen- to play for”. management have to be an integral part ing and vetting and health and safety. of corporate strategy in today’s challeng- Against these agreed themes, the security ing climate. industry has clearly agreed that the ob- The industry must educate customers jectives of the Ligue are as follows: on how to incorporate security and risk management into their business strate- 5
  • 6. September 14th, 2010 - Working session The Chairman’s Welcome Introduction Mr. Nick Buckles welcomed the del- The Chairman has been in the indus- rise of command and control centres egates present to the first working day try for 25 years now. He studied eco- and the internationalising of standard of the 33rd General Assembly of the nomics at college and for the first 23 systems for major multinational clients, Ligue in Istanbul. He made a point to years of his career he had shown no there’s a huge amount going on in this recall that it’s now over 75 years since further interest in the subject. But the area. It is obvious that in this current the Ligue was started. Chairman’s interest has certainly been economic environment, our use of and The Chairman then paid homage to reawakened in the last two years. Fol- access to technology is a real means to the late Jørgen Phillip-Sørensen, or JPS lowing his opening remarks, delegates save money. as he was known, the architect of the will be hearing more details on the So it’s very timely that the delegates de- modern security industry and its ad- global economic situation and the out- vote a significant part of the working vocate and ambassador for almost half look going forward from our experts session to the topic of technology and a century. JPS died at the beginning on the subject - Professor Jan-Egbert its effect on the security service market. of 2010. The Chairman is honoured Sturm and Dr Andreas Höfert. The chairman’s thanks go to Dr Rolf and delighted that JPS’s wife Susse has It’s clear that the economic backdrop Sigg of Siemens, Glen Greer of Assa been able to join the assembly and he means that as an industry, we face Abloy and Martin Gren of Axis, along is convinced that all assembled join more challenges moving forward to with the other speakers, who made him in welcoming Susse here today. help both commercial and govern- presentation on this theme. The world has certainly moved on ment customers stay secure whilst sav- David Taylor-Smith and the Rt Hon in the two years since the Chairman ing money. Lord Reid of Cardowan, spoke about last addressed the assembly in Spain. Economists are pointing to technol- outsourcing and public private partner- We’ve seen economies nosedive across ogy, new media and R&D playing ships. They shared their experience of the world, particularly in Europe and a pivotal role as businesses looks to what is a mature outsourcing market in the developed markets. Only the secure competitive advantages dur- the UK that through necessity is on the emerging markets seem to have held ing the next two years. With the fast- cusp of great change. their own during this turbulent time. paced technology market making big This clearly has had a major impact on advances in IP based communication the industry. networks and security hardware, the 6
  • 7. The chairman concluded his address as The 3 key note speakers addressed the 3. Outsourcing and public private part- follows: following topics nership (main theme C) by The Rt. “ you know we always make a donation As 1. The world economic situation, out- Hon. Lord Reid of Cardowan and to a worthy cause in the host country. This look (main theme A), by Prof. Jan- Mr. David Taylor-Smith MBE, CEO, year’s chosen charity is CYDD, an NGO Egbert Sturm, Director of KOF Swiss G4S Secure Solutions, UK, Ireland which wishes to promote the education of Economic Institute at the ETH Zu- and Africa. young girls in Turkey to help close the gen- rich and Dr. Andreas Höfert, Chief der gap and give women in Turkish society Economist, UBS Switzerland equal opportunities. Our Ligue’s donation 2. Technology and the effect on the se- of CHF 22,500.00 will go specifically to- curity service market wards the building of a school in Usak, a (main theme B) remote town in the Western Turkey. a. Security and Alarm Monitoring: At this point I’d also like to thank our or- by Dr. Rolf H. Sigg, Siemens Swit- ganisers G4S Turkey and Securitas Turkey zerland and our hosts Livio Manzini and Murat b. Access: by Glen Greer, Assa-Ab- Kösereisoglu for their hospitality and gener- loy osity. We’ve been looked after marvellously c. CCTV: by Martin Gren, Axis since our arrival and I am sure that will continue over the next two days. The world economic situation, outlook (main theme A) Keynote address: Prof. Dr. Jan-Egbert Sturm, Director, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH, Zürich interest expenses are bound to rise in gines for the world economy. After hav- the years to come and crowd out other ing an unprecedented drop since the types of government spending. This is Second World War, we expect world already a good reason for governments GDP to stay slightly below potential. to prepare and communicate exit and Inflation will accelerate somewhat, but consolidation strategies to return to also stay well below its long-run aver- sound and sustainable public finances age. again. More importantly, such strate- gies are needed to strengthen overall Our assessment of the macroeconomic macroeconomic stability and to guar- outlook is that while policy has been antee that any future crisis can again successful in preventing a new great be relieved by appropriate fiscal policy depression and a deflationary spiral, measures. the recovery remains weak and future growth prospects are harmed by struc- Also a number of factors are expected tural problems. Many of these struc- to dampen the recovery in the devel- tural problems were present before the oped world. First, the restructuring crisis. In addition to that, some new process within the banking sector is structural problems may have been in- far from complete. Credit constraints herited from the crisis, especially in the After a deep economic recession dur- may get tighter during the recovery as financial sector. ing the winter of 2008/2009, which an increased demand for funds may was triggered by a US-led financial be met with banks’ reluctance to ex- crisis, many countries went through a tend loans. Second, capacity utiliza- stabilisation period and now are in a tion is low, and investment will not recovery phase. Global monetary and resume strongly until that margin of fiscal policies have prevented an even slack has been exhausted. Finally, the worse outcome and lie at the roots of labour market situation will not only the current recovery. However at the remain tense, but will slightly deterio- same time, the increased indebtness rate further – putting a lid on private of many governments, caused by large consumption. fiscal stimulus programs, together with slowly rising interest rates, will raise the Economic conditions remain more debt burden, which have already trig- favourable in emerging economies, gered a crisis in Europe. Government which we expect to stay the growth en- 7
  • 8. The future of the Euro (part 2 of main theme A) Keynote address: Dr. Andreas Höfert, Managing Director, Global Head Wealth Management Research, UBS Wealth Management & Swiss Bank The future of the Euro (What are the reasons for the problems of the Euro? What perspectives have to be taken into account for the future of the European policy?) damentals. The peripheral countries ferences have produced all manner of have become increasingly uncompeti- economic distortions. Greece, which is tive and their nation’s accounts have at the centre of the debt crisis, displays deteriorated due to rising debt financ- weak economic fundamentals, which ing costs, falling transfer receipts and make the country an outlier even when a deterioration of their trade balance. compared to the other Southern Euro- Conversely, the core countries com- pean countries. Yet, Greece leaving the pete on a global level and have in- eurozone would not solve the union’s creased their current account surplus- problems either. The real rift runs right es. across the eurozone. There are funda- The factors leading to the imbalances mental arguments why countries from within the eurozone are of a structural both the core and periphery may con- and fundamental nature. Hence, they sider leaving the euro in the long run. cannot easily be solved with bailout packages or fiscal austerity measures. Interestingly, and contentiously, the At the euro’s 10-year anniversary, its Unless the eurozone is rebalanced most sensible leaver appears to be Ger- inception was hailed as a resounding in some way, it is likely to face more many. Its export-led economy and its success. Inflation was well contained problems in the future. The eurozone focus on competitiveness and fiscal so- and countries in Central and Eastern is arguably at a crossroads but many of briety dominate eurozone interest rate Europe lined up to join the exclusive the exits are blocked or heavily mined. policy and the peripheral countries are, club. Yet, the credit crisis and “Great In the pre-eurozone world, nominal quite simply, in an economic straight- Recession” have provided a severe jolt exchange rate devaluation would have jacket. However, the union’s main mo- to the currency’s credibility. Deficit been the method of choice to address tivation has always been political and and debt levels have surged to unprec- the problems. However, within the we do not underestimate the power of edented heights in many eurozone single currency union this option is political attempts to keep the Europe- countries and investors are concerned not available. Further integration of an project together. It should be noted whether the apparent cracks in the Europe, in the form of fiscal coordi- that if one or more countries do leave eurozone could split the union wide nation or even fiscal federalism could the eurozone, in a structured and pre- apart. work, in theory. However, these op- ordained manner, then it could turn The union now essentially consists of tions seem politically unviable. out to be positive in the long-term for two opposing camps – peripheral and The “one size fits all” approach to the euro, economic growth and politi- core nations – based on economic fun- interest rates and large structural dif- cal integration. Report: working group 1, main theme A (World economic situation) The reporter of the working group 1: Mr. Livio Manzini – The cost of the crisis for the work economy – The banking crisis, money in circulation and inflation – The crisis in the European Monetary Union • GDP forecasts to the end of 2011 • Deleveraging of the use economy has a mathematical dampening effect on growth (around 1%) • Economists are by and large unable to forecast big shocks in the economy. However, today the uncertainty level is somewhat lower. • They are useful because they can be blamed when things don‘t work out as fore- casted. • Forecasts of economists have a psychological effect on expectations as they pro- vide an anchor but not really on outcomes • Double dip in the USA • The effect of stimulus money • Unemployment forecast 8
  • 9. Technology and the effect on the Security Service Market (Main theme B) Keynote address: Dr. sc. techn. Rolf H. Sigg, Senior Vice President, Head Global Service Board, Siemens Switzerland Designing a “Defence in Depth Strategy” considering current and future technology in the Security Market Prevent fore dedicated transmission devices are Measures for security incident preven- increasingly replaced by integrated mo- tion are typically taken in processes dems or by generic IP routers. This ob- outside the security arena itself (chang- viously implies that all aspects of net- ing processes, e.g. in cash handling, work security and communication in- dissuasive construction measures, etc.) tegrity have to be dealt with, but on the or at the outer perimeter of the scene other hand offers the possibility to op- to be protected (e.g. electronic fenc- timize the distribution of security func- ing) to make any security infringement tions within the network. Successfully unattractive. transmitted information is received at the MARC in PC based multiproto- Protect & Detect col receivers, which replace traditional Protection aims at deterring, delaying dedicated receiving centre transceiver or frustrating security infringements units and which are typically capable whilst at the same time detection en- of receiving information from intru- sures that information is collected sion, access control and video systems and locally interpreted for initiating or from integrated sources via all types additional predefined measures. Tra- of communication means. Receivers ditional alarm systems or standalone are well integrated with the Annuncia- Still up to this day many security offic- local closed circuit television systems tion Equipment (central station man- ers and their counterparts in security are increasingly replaced by systems agement software) where predefined companies tend to view security chal- capable of integrating remote video responses are linked to each type of lenges in isolation and hence address systems with access control and in- incident for each individual customer each subject matter as an individual trusion alarm systems. These types of and executed as soon as an alarm has issue. However, technology develop- systems have higher local intelligence been verified and confirmed as posi- ment and convergence on one side and and are hence capable of transmitting tive. The degree of automation for re- process integration on the other side more relevant and accurate informa- sponse execution is rapidly increasing offer opportunities to manage security tion about the incident scene. This by the addition of functionality and matters with much more “Depth”. An trend is supported by ever more pow- interfaces to the management station. essential benefit accrues to the user erful detectors (e.g. biometric readers, In this way the MARC operator can from handling security matters in an video cameras with image recognition handle the response increasingly more integrated manner along the security algorithms) as well as by increased in- efficiently with: process chain: teroperability of PC based integration platforms, e.g. driven by initiatives - Resource management and dispatch- - prevent incidents such as ONVIF (Open Network Video ing - protect from incidents and detect in- Interface Forum). - GIS localization of resources (peo- cidents rapidly ple, vehicles, equipment) - quickly respond to incidents Respond - Interfacing to first responders (po- - have plans in place to recover from Information collected has to be trans- lice, fire brigades, rescue teams) incidents mitted to the MARC (Monitoring - Computer Telephone interface and Alarm Receiving Centre). A ma- - ERP related administrative functions. The traditional alarms industry covers jor transformation has occurred re- primarily the detection and response cently: transmission reliability overall Recover phases. In Europe these phases are has rapidly replaced considerations of More sophisticated customer agree- largely governed by the EU Norm EN individual transmission path reliabil- ments will not only include compre- 50518 which serves as the basis for lan- ity. Multiple redundant transmission hensive surveillance programs and re- guage and presentation structure. paths have replaced the discussion sponse plans but also recovery plans. around “secure network” transmission These plans will allow the customer to and paved the way for mobile telecom switch to emergency operation and to network transmission and above all IP initiate recovery measures immediately based network communication. There- when the magnitude of the incident is 9
  • 10. identified from the MARC (Monitor- - reducing costs related to manned - Within electronic security, access ing and Alarm Receiving Center). The security field presence and interven- control and video grow much faster MARC then becomes a Customer tion than intrusion Service Centre with a broader scope - reducing risks related to manned se- - MARCs will enhance their portfolio than the pure alarm handling tasks. curity field intervention to become Customer Service Centres Also here the IP network is the key - Segments served by manned security enabler. The customer can further gain value can increasingly be served by elec- from services if he combines security tronic security. Consequences services with other support services, From a customer perspective, a “De- using the already existing transmission fence in Depth” strategy, based on the lines and remote surveillance capabili- new technological possibilities, can en- ties of the Customer Service Centre. hance the value of the security services From a security industry perspective in particular by: the technology trends, paired with an innovative “Defence in Depth” ap- - providing more “non-invasive” serv- proach by customers will lead to the ices without people on site following changes: New Technologies and Access Control (part 2 of main theme B) Keynote address: Glen Greer Glen Greer has been involved in the electronic security industry since 1985 and was president of two of the most significant industry pioneers in the USA prior to their acquisition by larger companies. He currently runs his own consulting firm, based in Atlanta, GA, USA, providing strategic services to security product manufacturers built into door hardware means that These developments open up a sub- all the devices around the door can stantial retrofit business for system now be actively monitored and can in- integrators, expanding the number of teract to make the door system more controlled doors in existing access con- secure and more reliable. This is being trol systems, as well as expanding the done with locally wired networks, such scale of new projects. as the widely used CAN bus, connect- ed through a gateway to the corporate These wireless locks require batteries, local area network (LAN). which have to be changed periodically. This is the only downside to these de- Wireless networking is also being built velopments from the security manag- into locks using both Wi-Fi, to connect er's point of view. This problem will be to an existing wireless LAN, and local solved before long with energy harvest- network technologies such as Zigbee. ing technologies. Wireless locks will ac- The use of wireless networking makes quire their power from the same radio it economic and practical to replace waves used to communicate with them. many if not all the mechanical locks in a building. Life becomes simpler for What seemed an impossible dream for the users when he or she required only security managers – the autonomous, to carry a single RFID credential and networked, intelligent lock is actually no additional mechanical keys. But, very close to reality. The world of access control is poised with every lock now communicating to take advantage of several technolog- and programmable over the network, ical advances that will enable security life also becomes dramatically simpler managers to improve security while for the security manager. The system making life easier for their users. The as a whole becomes more secure and increasing use of network technology reliable. 10
  • 11. Technology and the effect of the surveillance market (part 3 of main theme B) Keynote address: Mr. Martin Gren, Co-founder and Director, New Projects, Axis Apollo moon programs. Nowadays, feasible due to the high cost of power. thanks to Moore’s law where high The purpose of a surveillance camera is volumes is a must in order to devel- often to capture an image of a person op chips with even smaller geometries who does not want to be observed. On fitting into billions of transistors, the the other hand, it is the purpose of a main driver of technology is consumer cell phone or SLR camera to take great electronics. pictures of the family when put in front of the camera. These two distinct and The main impact from consumer elec- different purposes put a lot of different tronics on the surveillance industry requirements on the technology used. has been noticed in sensor develop- ment. In the early 1990s CCD was There have been other effects of the dominating technology and it was Moore’s law in the computer industry. mainly used in broadcast, security and PCs get faster every year and we get to a lesser extent, machine vision cam- much more memory, bandwidth and eras. Today the main driver is digital storage for the same amount of money. The surveillance industry is changed still cameras and mobile phone cam- In a security camera that is part of an by influences from other industries eras with CMOS sensors. embedded system, you do not have ac- and trends with a focus on CCTV type cess to the latest PC-processors as they of surveillance. As we all have noticed there are no are too power hungry. But given that more fat tube based TVs in our living embedded processors and ASIC tech- The presentation briefly covered some rooms. Instead we have High Defini- nology makes similar advances the ca- political trends in society and how tion 16:9 TVs and in most countries pabilities in image processing and ana- these impact the use of surveillance the analogue broadcast TV network lytics gives a lot of new opportunities. cameras. has been shut down. The term NTSC/ Another trend is how technology can PAL, so commonly used in the past, There exists an emerging trend of video be brought from a completely differ- has now been replaced by HDTV in surveillance as a service. In the same ent industry. The introduction of ther- either 720p or 1080 resolutions. way we today rely on Google mail, mal network cameras from the military Hotmail and we can into civilian life is just one example of As important as the resolution increase now also have our surveillance done this cross-over technology. The main given by HDTV, is the change of the as a hosted service. This is useful, in benefits of thermal cameras are that aspect ratio. A PAL or NTSC cam- particular, for smaller stores with 1-4 they provide great detection even in era had 4:3 aspect ratio which is the cameras or a chain store with multiple complete darkness and other challeng- manufacturing process of TV-tubes. In smaller outlets that need a common ing conditions. In the past few years the same time, cinema theatres have platform for their surveillance needs. there has been a lot of discussion and had 16:9, 25:9 or even wider screens There has been a marked transition hype around video analytics and their as these formats better reflect what we to network based surveillance cameras capabilities. Here thermal network want to see. Now with HDTV we can from the analogue CCTV cameras used cameras may be beneficial as they are take a step in the right direction to get in the past. Analogue CCTV cameras not influenced by shadows or light the ultimate image experience. In the have limited image quality and resolu- conditions in the same way as opti- session Mr. Gren showed several real tion. They are expensive to deploy in a cal cameras. Even more important is life examples where the benefits of system as they require separate cabling to use analytics where it truly saves HDTV and 16:9 ratios are obvious. for power and video and rely on a struc- cost and has benefits. CSI type appli- ture of proprietary DVRs. Fortunately cations, such as spotting terrorist in Optimizing an image for surveillance they can be upgraded to fit into larger stadiums, are now considered science applications is very different from op- systems with the use of video encoders fiction. timizing it for beautiful pictures. This to protect the investments and benefit is an area where the surveillance indus- from the whole system being integrat- Emphasis was given to consumer elec- try has completely different goals than ed. tronics technology and its impact on that of still or mobile phone cameras. the video surveillance market. Back in For instance, a flash in an SLR cam- the 1960s and 1970s most electronic era is equivalent to a lot of power-con- developments were driven out of the suming lighting in a surveillance ap- Military – e.g. the cold war and the plication. This application is often not 11
  • 12. Report working group 2, main theme B (Technology) The reporters of the working group 2: Mr. Kristian Durhuus and Mr. Glen Greer Is there evidence/case studies showing that • It is essential to be able to specify a rity market is quite reactive therefore manned security have been replaced with solution new technology provides opportuni- technology? Will this balance change in the • In the technology business it is com- ties for proactive service providers. next 5-10 years? mon to partner up with a best-of- • Access control has replaced guards breed. How could the most pressing issues for a • Guards are more productive and • One should bundle technology with manned security company be solved in a to- perform higher skilled work with manned security as a total solution tally new way on the basis of emerging tech- technology in order to win and to overcome nology trends? • In Scandinavia, 20 years ago manned commoditization (Group 2 consen- • Overcome commoditization by bun- security was 75% of the business, sus, but not in other groups: You dling manned security offering with technology 25%. Now it is the op- have to partner with the specialists technology offering posite. as it is no longer possible to do eve- • In low wage countries, this develop- rything yourself) End users complain that the training and ment is much slower support available to them, when they adopt • The replacement of guards for low 5 years from now, what could be the most new security technology, is inadequate. How quality jobs is offset by an overall significant breakthroughs in technology in should this task be divided between the growth of security demand, particu- the electronic security industry? What could equipment/software suppliers and the secu- larly in the USA be the impact on manned security? rity integrator and what could be done to • Improved imaging, enhancing the radically improve the training and technical Is it essential for a manned security pro- capabilities of video support for end users? vider to be able to offer electronic security • Information analysis / data mining • Manned security companies have to solutions as part of a total security offering? for security and other applications commit to it and truly take the full If so, is it more attractive for a manned se- • Development of MARCs (Monitor- responsibility for execution. The curity provider to have its own technology ing and Alarm Receiving Centres) customer has the right to demand a offering or to partner with one (or more) es- and Call Centres to become Cus- full solution tablished electronic security player(s)? tomer Service Centres • Ensure that service level agreements • Impact: The current manned secu- include adequate training compo- nents The need for increased outsourcing and public private partnership in securing critical national infrastructure (main theme C) Keynote addresses: The Rt. Hon. Lord Reid of Cardowan and Mr David Taylor-Smith, Regional CEO, UK, Ireland and Africa, G4S Plc As global security threats continue to grow, the protection of critical nation- September 14th, al infrastructure (CNI) has become an important area in which the public 2010 - Working and private sectors need to work more closely together. This presentation addresses the need for developing further public private partnership to help secure the CNI. This is especially important as govern- ments are increasingly unable to pro- vide the necessary wide ranging and rapid support they once may have been able to provide. With no cred- ible choice but to involve the private sector, which already funds, builds and operates critical infrastructure, in- creased private public interaction is es- sential in order to fully guarantee its continuing protection. 12
  • 13. Report working group 3, main theme C (The need for increased outsourcing and public private partnership in securing critical national infrastructure) The reporter of the working group 3: Mr. William P. Kinane – What implications have PPP-projects for prisons, prisoner transfers, courts, a private security company? What home- hospitals and other less complicated work has to be done by private security areas of the police function. companies when they enter the market of public security? • The group also agreed that in order – What can state organizations and pri- to penetrate this market of offering vate security companies learn from each private security to the public sector, others when they work in PPP-projects? the reputation of the private securi- – Should private security organizations ty sector must be enhanced to over- like the Ligue come up with standards / come the poor image established by regulations for companies which work in such groups as Blackwater, which un- PPP-projects? fortunately tarnished the reputation – What areas of security are suited for out- of the private security industry. sourcing and PPP-projects, in view of the private security industry? • A better image can be established – What should private security companies with a strategic communication us- do to overcome any negative feelings the ing successful examples on the local, police forces might have about the new less complicated, level. Over time, competition from private companies? this could lead to providing services in more sensitive areas. • The group generally agreed that out- sourcing in the public sector offered • In order to overcome resistance from a unique opportunity at this time es- the public system, it should be dem- pecially in view of the difficult eco- onstrated that competition can be nomic times which forces the pub- beneficial: standards of quality will lic sector to review their budgets in be improved, there will be a better order to find more efficient uses of value for allocated funds and final- their resources ly, dedicated and good relations can be developed with the police which • The group also recommended that in would release them from doing mun- view of the fact that the public sec- dane and sometimes tedious tasks tor in some countries is very large; ef- - allowing them to concentrate on forts to penetrate this market should more important issues at hand. initially be concentrated on the less sensitive areas. Efforts should be • Competition is beneficial to the pub- made on the local level, such as serv- lic and the private security sector. ices provided to public buildings, LIGAZETTE For all important details about the Ligue Inter- is published by the Ligue Internationale des nationale des Sociétés de Surveillance consult Sociétés de Surveillance. Produced for the Ligue by Securitas AG Schweiz. Bewachungsgesellschaft Alpenstrasse 20 CH-3052 Zollikofen/Berne Phone +41 31 910 12 18 Telefax +41 31 911 63 34 13
  • 14. 33rd General Assembly CoESS – Confederation of European Security Services CoESS is presently working, in con- • establishing a minimum of common Third Party Liability junction with the Ligue, on the pre- conditions for private security vailing aspects pertaining to the • leading to an upward harmonisation The overall objective for the CoU legis- • starting from what exists already lative proposal is: • EU Directive on Services • Worker Mobility and Social Impact The options are: • stating the SHARED responsibilities • Third Party Liability when private security is concerned • to maintain the present situation • determining the specific responsibil- The “Directive on Services” in the In- and obtain a permanent exclusion ity of each stakeholder involved in ternal Market, as implemented as of from the EU Directive on Services security December 12th, 2006, was introduced for private security services. • limiting the responsibility / liability to release the untapped growth po- • to obtain a vertical harmonisation of private security providers tential of services markets in Europe for private security services with • establishing a mechanism for han- by removing legal and administra- common minimum EU require- dling third party claims tive barriers in the services sector. The ments, limited to general principles • eliminating the risk for private securi- simplification measures, foreseen by to be applied in all EU Member ty providers of unlimited third party the Directive, should significantly fa- States. This option is considered by liability cilitate and increase transparency for CoEss as an ideal solution to the SMEs and consumers when they want problem. to provide or use services in the sin- Statutory points of the gle market. The Directive requires the Whilst fully stressing the need for the General Assembly Member States to simplify procedures development of a programme for Eu- and formalities that service providers ropean standards and other standardi- • The Minutes of the 32nd General As- need to comply with. In particular, sation deliverables for security, CoESS sembly 2008 in Seville/Spain were it requires Member States to remove would nevertheless like to draw atten- approved unanimously unjustified and disproportionate bur- tion to the fact that in Europe, the se- • Finances dens. The Service Directive so far does curity industry is much broader than The accounts, such as the finan- not apply to the private security serv- the general scope put forward for cial statements, etc. for the period ices, which are explicitly excluded. many of the other European Commis- 2008/2010 had been sent to the del- sion services. egates well ahead of the General As- However, Article 38 of the Directive sembly. They were unanimously ap- states that the European Commission The Ligue very much supports the proved. would need to assess, by December plan to exclude the security industry 28, 2010, the possibility of presenting from the Service Directive. The delegates unanimously followed vertical legislation for private security the Secretary General's proposal to services. This means that the Europe- Worker Mobility and Social keep the annual membership fee an Commission can, after assessment, Impact of CHF 3,000.00 as per the Ligue's conclude that vertical legislation is Constitution, Art. 16c. necessary or not necessary for the pri- The overall objective for CoESS must vate security sector. The European be to work towards an EU legislative • The General Assembly, formally and Commission has defined what private proposal aimed at: with acclamation, renewed the man- security services are, and that private date of the acting Board from now security services are to fall within har- • clarifying the present EU legislation until 2012. monisation of the scope of the Direc- regarding the posting of workers tive. CoESS does not agree with this • establishing a framework whereby • It was the Secretary General’s privi- distinction and challenges the Europe- the temporary mobile workers are lege to announce that the 2012 Gen- an Commission’s vision. It is therefore being paid according to the highest eral Assembly would be held on the of the essence that an overall objective wages East Coast of North America and it should be worked out toward an EU • creating a sound set of working con- would be hosted by Garda, Canada legislative proposal aimed at: ditions for the European private and Guardsmark, LLC, USA. security sector in each of the EU • establishing a vertical legislative in- Member States strument (Directive) for the private security sector 14
  • 15. Introduction of new Ligue members Danny Vandormael Guy Tempereau Cristian Vial 15
  • 16. Rituraj Sinha Pawanjit S. Ahluwalia Dr. Nicola Rigamonti Francesco Simonelli 16
  • 17. Paul Chong Alp Saul Bill Muskin Stuart Lowden 17
  • 18. Keynote address by Murat Kösereisoglu, Country President, Securitas Turkey panies in Turkey. The License is valid The Turkish Security Industry all around the country for all types of today in figures: security services like CIT, close protec- tion, guarding and consulting. How- Licensed companies 1,171 ever the training of guards requires a Licensed training companies 642 separate license. Licensed locations 46,248 Security companies may only provide Licensed guards 404,378 security services and FM services. Oth- Employed guards 168,350 er types of businesses may not be pro- Alarm monitoring stations 183 vided by the same company. However Source: Police HQ. 17.8.10 there is a possibility to set up other companies to provide other types of Over regulation is present: services. • Police wants to know every move- Guards requirements: 100 hours of ment of a guard and the contract. training for unarmed personnel; 120 • Copies of the contracts are to be giv- hours of training for armed personnel. en to the local police. Services can Turkey’s private security services start- They will receive their license (armed only start after a week once the con- ed in 1982 with a law enabling only or unarmed) only after having passed tract is delivered to the police. Tem- in-house private security to operate a state test, they have received a good porary services need to be informed mainly in Banks and Government In- health report and if they have a clear 48 hours before the event. stitutions. Nevertheless the number of background check. guards reached 60,000 within 18 years On-going training: every five years in 2000. Outsourced security goes refreshment training is required; 50 The Market: back to 1992 by starting as so called hours for unarmed and 60 hours for “service companies”. There was a de- armed guards. With the exception of The Turkish governors have issued fined in-house market and an unde- these courses after having graduated permits for a total of 282,000 guards; fined outsourced market in the begin- from high school, those who wish to however only some 168,000 are on ning of 2000’s. During those ten years work in the private security, have the duty. It may be said that there are some there were challenges about the defini- possibility to attend vocational pro- 200,000 guards in the market. This cor- tion and limits of the service, the Po- grams specially designed by certain responds to 1.8 BUSD, or 1.4 BUSD/ lice was supporting the system but the public universities. These are two year year, only for guarding, excluding CIT, system was not defined. programs that prepare students exclu- Consulting and systems. About 60% of sively for the private security industry. the market is public tenders based on a The local Association was founded in These University programs are good “public tender law”, which is very much 1994 and - for many years - it tried to sources for the Industry to develop fu- “price driven”. We expect the market to enact a law. Finally, after almost ten ture managers. grow about 5% per year for the com- years of lobbying, this law was enacted ing five years. So, therefore, it is evi- in 2004. Today’s situation is such, that Customers/Locations: In-house or dent that the Turkish Private Security the industry is highly regulated by the outsourced, the locations require a Industry is still fairly a young industry government from a security aspect, permit from the Governor in every compared to Europe or to the United however free market rules are being city. The maximum limits are set forth States. We believe that we still have a practiced. in the equivalent permits. Natural per- long way to go. sons or companies may apply for per- The following licenses are mits and may quit any time they wish to do so. There is no “must” for the currently required: people to join the law. 1. Security companies Arms & Ammunition: Arms are owned 2. Guards by the customer with the exception 3. Customers of CIT and close protection services. There are services where heavy arms, Security Companies: receive a license like HK-G7, are carried. from the Ministry of the Interior, with a background check on its partners. Based on the reciprocity principal, for- eign investors can set-up security com- 18
  • 19. Closing keynote address to the Ligue delegates on 15 September 2010 by Her Excellency Ambassador Ms. Aylin Sekizkok towards private sector is simple: Gov- proved to be inadequate in protecting ernments are passing through very dif- our citizens. There is an urgent need ficult times. to innovate new ways to identify, track and catch criminals before they perpe- Today the threat against the security trate any ill-intended action. Moreover, and well-being of our citizens is more today’s security threats are mainly di- diffuse, elusive and unpredictable. rected to soft targets, such as shopping Therefore it is more dangerous. This malls, train stations, airports, business threat can be in the form of a terror- centres, pipelines, and so on. Therefore ist attack in a shopping mall, or a mar- we also need to devise new approaches ket. Energy pipelines can be a target, that would deter terrorists, yet allow or a chemical factory. The threat can people to continue their way of life be drug cartels. Drug trafficking has without disruption. reached such proportions that the con- cern of the governments are not only 2. The second lesson: public health but governments are equally concerned about the econom- Security of one country is interlinked ic repercussions of these illegal trans- with that of others. We do not have a actions. In some parts of the world, luxury anymore to remain indifferent The lady ambassador heartedly wel- this illegal sector threatens core state to developments that take place in oth- comed the Ligue Assembly to Istan- structures and paralyses governments. er parts of the globe. bul. Expressing her hopes that the Other forms of organized crime, such meeting was fruitful and that all dele- as human trafficking and illegal arms 3. The third lesson: gates had the opportunity to enjoy the trade are also part of the security big pleasures of Istanbul. She considered picture. In fact, these problems are not No country can fight alone against herself a bit exited, because this event new and they have been affecting soci- the threat of terrorism or other forms was her first encounter with the private eties for a very long time. of organized crime. International sector, in such a format to discuss the cooperation is a must: better intelligence issues of security. A field once consid- What is new is the fact that in a glo- sharing, enhanced border control, and ered as an exclusive domain for gov- balized world, terrorists and criminals harmonized legal mechanisms for ernments. In her opinion, she consid- have also become global citizens. They criminal investigation. ered this meeting as a very important have started to exploit opportunities opportunity allowing her to talk to the of the modern age: easy travelling, ad- In short, today’s governments shoulder representatives of the world’s leading vanced communication technologies, daunting tasks in the field of homeland security companies. and so on, to create transnational net- security. Therefore, there has been a works and to operate across borders. substantial debate in the international Over the past few years, there has been Added to this problem is the increase platforms on ways and means to fulfil ever increasing attention put on the in the number of countries with failed the requirements of new security needs. necessity of strengthening partnership state structures making home to terror- between governments and the private ist organizations and other criminal Turkey actively participates and con- sector in order to better address to- groups. The spread of radical ideolo- tributes to this debate. As a country day’s security challenges. Furthermore, gies embraces and incites violence and that suffered from terrorism for dec- the UN is discussing new methods is making the security environment ades, we have developed a sound and to get the private sector on board in more complicated. Horrible terrorist effective legal system including crimi- protecting international peace and se- attacks, such 9/11 nine years ago, were nal law and a separate antiterrorism curity. NATO is underlining the role an eye opener for the international law. Our law enforcement authorities, of the private sector in protecting vul- community, leading us to learn a in particular the Turkish National Po- nerable critical infrastructure. OSCE number of lessons in a very tragic way: lice, have reformed and modernized has started a process to identify and themselves substantially over the years. address emerging security challenges, 1. The first and most crucial Building on years-long experience in including cyber crime. One impor- lesson: fighting every form of terrorism, the tant item on the agenda of this proc- National Police has devised many inno- ess is the private sector cooperation. No country is secure any more. Tradi- vative approaches that are now consid- The reason for this growing interest tional security structures and measures ered as best practice by many interna- 19