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Chapter 5.1: Grow 'Em up & Move 'Em Out!
As they stood in the kitchen afterwards, enjoying their pre-dinner coffee, the headmaster
brought something else up.
“Hate to ask you this old buddy, but the school has fallen on hard times. A mere $1,000 more a
day would certainly go a long way towards ensuring your daughter a place at our fine
institution,” he said with a deceptively casual air.
“Don't let him sucker you, dad,” Oxycodone muttered as she walked by them.
Last time, as Chapter 5 drew to a
Over a delightfully elegant salmon dinner. . .
“Since we're donating so much money to the private school, can I get a yacht too?” Oxycodone asked, “I
wanna name it Pretty Princess!”
“Shut it kid, and I'll buy you a toy one,” Loki muttered to her.
“Who told you we were donating anything to the school?” Hydrocodone asked her sister.
As all siblings must help each other out to make things somewhat sane, Hydrocodone pitches in by
teaching Naproxen Sodium to walk, with smart milk. :-)
What is that cryptic smile?! Did Headmaster Gonzaga achieve his own nefarious goals? We may never
BUT what we do know is, Oxycodone has been accepted to private school, with a final score of 114/90!,
and 12 seconds left on the clock.
Little Naproxen Sodium has learned to walk!
Good glowing baby!
While we're at it, let's bring Mr. Naproxen to the cake for his birthday, what d'ya say?
Tootle-toot! Time to grow up, to boot!
Special Honorary Titles:
Aspiration Lvl Earned
(as a toddler):MIRACLE MITE
“What do you think about us getting a violin, monkey-tush?” Tootie asked lovingly as she and Loki
relaxed in bed one fine evening.
“We don't need any violin,” Loki responded distractedly.
“How about another kid then, and maybe he can play me the violin?” Tootie inquired again.
“Hmm . . a violin-playing kid might be okay,” Loki said thoughtfully.
A day or so later. . .
We found Tootie either trying to play leap-frog with the toilet, or else maybe the salmon didn't go over
so well.
Later on, Hydrocodone breaks in her new playmate(Naproxen Sodium) on a game of 'Two
Tutus on Fushu', on SSSX3.
“Spin darn you, SPIN!!” Naproxen cried out, in such a fit of passion you'd think he was going to break the
game remote.
“If you think this is hard, wait till we get to the water buffalo level,” Hydrocodone replied calmly.
The nanny however, is REALLY getting into it, despite the fact that she's just supposed
to be making sure they behave themselves.
“Left! Right! Spin! Spin! I said SPIN, YOU DRINK MIX JUNKIE!!” she coached them.
Oxycodone gets a turn when Naproxen tags her, presumably so he can go do his
“Grrr I hate the purple pixie-poop challenge,” Oxycodone grumbled.
“Why do you think he tagged you in when he did?” Hydrocodone replied, not taking her eyes from the
When I went looking for Oxycodone, I found her outside making snow-angels. I guess she needed a
break from 'Two Tutus for Fushu'?
“It looks just like one of the Crystal Pond Fairies!” she declared excitedly, “ NOW I WILL STOMP YOU!
Ohh yeah, time to get away from the game for a bit.
“Hello, I'm Matthew Gibson; I understand you have a child that you're interested in enrolling in
private school?” the new headmaster said as he introduced himself at the door.
“What happened to Andrew Gonzaga?” Loki asked.
“He is just taking a little. . . involuntary vacation. Nothing at all to worry about, I assure you,”
Headmaster Gibson replied.
After the usual tour, the Headmaster sat down to inhale a delectable pork chop dinner.
“I hope you like it,” said Naproxen Sodium from the other end of the dining table.
“I do child, it's incredible! What is this interesting seasoning I see all over it?” he responded with a
mouthful and continued shoveling.
” I ground the ladybugs myself!” Naproxen said proudly.
“Hey! You forgot! We tenderized it on that rusty old desk outside first!” Oxycodone reminded her
“Now you guys,” Hydrocodone smilingly chided them, “you can't go giving away all of our family
secrets. Now let Mr. Gibson finish his dinner.”
The headmaster had barely finished his plate when he realized he didn't feel so well.
“You know Mr. Gibson,” Tootie began as they sipped their coffee, “ I've read somewhere that 3 heaping
cups of garlic powder added to your coffee can chase away any tummy troubles. Did you say you
caught this little bug at school?”
Suddenly Matthew Gibson did not want to drink his coffee anymore.
“If you like, my husband can play a rousing violin solo for us,” Tootie offered.
“I never got that stupid violin!” Loki called from the next room, “and who said I could play?!”
“Uhm, that's alright, Mrs. Freshnfruity, no need to go to the trouble,” the headmaster responded.
With the bonus coffee points, they got a final score of 114/90 once again, with 42 seconds leftover!
And Matthew Gibson never looked so glad to be leaving a place in his life.
After the new headmaster left, everyone else got hungry, so they had their own pork chop
“I think we all know that the new headmaster was nervous girls, and I think I know what the elephant in the
room was,” Loki declared.
“What was it dad?” Hydrocodone asked, perplexed.
“We had an ELEPHANT in the ROOM?!” Oxycodone asked excitedly, her eyes widening, “ I wanna name it
Pretty Princess!”
“No-no, Mr. Gibson was afraid of our alarm system!” Loki clarified for them.
“Yeah dad, that must be it!” Hydrocodone agreed.
“But daddy, only criminals are afraid of alarms, does that make Mr. Gibson a criminal?” Oxycodone
asked her father.
“Maybe so, dear,” Loki replied.
When everyone else had gone to bed, Naproxen Sodium discovered the piano.
WELL! I guess Tootie wasn't playing leapfrog with the toilet after all!
She is officially pregnant with the tenth child of the first generation!
The next morning we find Loki and his daughter Oxycodone smustling in the dining room.
What a suspiciously celebratory mood they're in today!
But is that a birthday cake I spy on the table, behind that precious little girl?
In the other room, Tootie contentedly gets her Shu-Shu Braunschweiger
fix(the cooking show) while Hydrocodone gets proactive about losing a few
L – Bs.
“MMMmm.. . . Kentucky Fried Rat!” Tootie said dreamily, drooling a little.
Trim them thighs, girlie! Tootie's getting' more menu ideas!
Mystery solved! It's Hydrocodone AND Oxycodone's birthdays today!(Also the butler did it.)
Hydrocodone is growing into an adult, so she's up to bat first at the cake.
More likely she was just the first one I could grab. :-)
Ugh, that hair! She almost makes me re-think who's going to heir poll!
I'm on the fence about whether to actually change it, since this is supposed to be an uglacy. :-D
With her transition to adulthood came a promotion to Senior Manager!
Special Honorary Titles:
Aspiration Lvl Earned(as
a teen): EARLY BIRD
Turn-Ons: MAKEUP & lOGIC
Alrighty, moving on to Oxycodone's birthday! She's becoming a teenager today!
Really she's not supposed to have hers for another day, but it's more efficient this way, right?
“I'm going to get some punch, you guys hold down the fort, okay?” Tootie said as she wandered off.
Even though this shot isn't so close up, you can see that not much has changed.
Ah well, they can't all be winners. j/k
Special Honorary Titles:
Aspiration Lvl Earned
(as a child): Wonder Girl
Verdict: HEY NOT BAD
Like several of her other siblings, Oxycodone also wants to get into the Business career track.
Also like the others, even though Business is usually fairly common, she's having a hard time chasing it
down. :-P
There's that immaculate timing again! Now I have to wonder if it's the baby or if it's Tootie.
At any rate, just as she was waking up from a nap anyway, here came pop #2!
One day Oxycodone brought home Connor Dawn. I couldn't help wondering whether
he was Amber's brother. Oxycodone politely shared some grlled cheeses with him.
“I prefer a man who doesn't mind being handcuffed while he eats,” she was telling him.
Connor was speechless. This actually said much for his mettle; too bad he wasn't more interesting.
WHOA! Too much info, Oxy girl!
The next morning we come across Tootie as she's learning from Shu-Shu Braunshweiger
So this is where the entire family got the idea that it's not done right unless it's thoroughly black!
“ Now you want to be particularly careful here,” Shu-Shu said to her audience through the inferno,
“Terriyaki -banana popsicles are supposed to do this in the oven! But you will need a trusty stage-hand
to put out the flames as they get bigger,” she explained helpfully.
There needs to be a warning put on that cooking show:
'Watching Shu-Shu Braunshweiger may cause expectant women to spontaneously go into labor. '
That's right! Baby # 10 is on it's way out into the world, and for once it's not being born in a bathroom.
“Hooraaay, a babyyyy!” Little Naproxen Sodium cheered when he came into the room.
“That's right,” Tootie nodded sagely, “This is your little brother Nitroglycerin,” she explained.
“Can we stick little bows to his head, mom?” Oxycodone asked, looking the new sibling over.
After the birth, Naproxen Sodium merrily went off to catch the school bus.
“I have a neeew viiiict – I mean broooother!” he sang as he walked.
Hydrocodone, in her snazzy new 'do, has been promoted to Vice President(in the Business career)!
Yes, yes, she's still here; now that she's dropped the payload from another promotion, she's about to
say goodbye!
This time it was Oxycodone that brought home Amber Dawn.
“ Did ya ever play Tennis with this stuff, Missus F?” Amber asked.
“What is this thing called 'Ten-is' of which you speak? Tootie asked in reply.
I had forgotten that Amber was friends with Hydrocodone; now they're best friends!
This caption brought to you by the many wonders of chess.
The next day Oxycodone brought Elmer Miguel home from school.
Let's make friends shall we, Oxycodone? Play nice now!
“Wanna go play statues in the yard? You can be the bust of Tylopoda,” she offered.
“Uh huh, okay! Elmer agreed eagerly.
Hydrocodone hath once again returned from the promised lands. . . WITH A PROMOTION!
She has taken her honorary place as the president of the company!
At one point during the evening we found Elmer in the nursery, staring down at baby Nitroglycerin.
But whatever for? Let's peek inside his head and find out!
“Don't worry, fair princess Gwyndolyn! I shall rescue thee from this squalid prison!”
Oh my. Let's just hope he's daydreaming. He's highly imaginative, is what's going on here, and that's
all. . .right?
“How's it going, Oxycodone?” Hydrocodone asked as she passed her sister in the middle of homework.
“ SHH! I'm trying to find the binary square root of eleventy-twelve!!” Oxycodone replied irritably.
Elmer Miguel, where do you think you're going with Nitroglycerin??
Oh woe, this is what comes of ignoring strange new guests to go do your homework!
It's probably not nice, but let's peek at his thoughts again.
“ Now you sing it: I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair. . .”
* gasps * Oh no!! He's telepathically teaching the baby showtunes! Showtunes!!
Later that night at dinner. . .
“So you see Oxycodone,” Elmer was explaining, “The stage version of 'Cirque du So-Blah presents
Candy land on Ice' isn't really about the tragic ending of a bunch of super-hyperactive nacho-cheese
gnomes, but so obviously about man's inner struggle to find his way to the bathroom,” he revealed.
“Uh huh,” Oxycodone replied in blatantly false fascination.
“Get – this- kid- out – of – my - house,” Loki quietly ordered with clenched teeth.
After dinner, Naproxen Sodium wanted so much to play with his little brother.
“LOOK I'M A PENGUIN!!” He hollered at the baby, in a flash of sudden and violent peek-a-boo.
Nitroglycerin merely shied away towards his mother, terrified of this thing that was coming at him.
Ta- daahh! It's Nitroglycerin's birthday into toddlerhood!
Cheer along with us, as the 10th
(and likely last) baby of the rebirth generation moves into his next little
stage of life!
“He's the icing on the cake! The cherry on my ice cream! The cream in my coffee! The-” Tootie was
interrupted from what could have been an uncomfortably long cheer for the toddler-ized Nitroglycerin.
“Just put the baby down and let him wander around, hon,” Loki cut her off, “ you remember how this
bit goes.”
After the party dies down and everyone was gone, it was good to have some alone-time.
Alone-time taken care of, Tootie set about teaching Nitroglycerin to talk.
“Yay! It's talkie-time,” Tootie cheered, “ now say 'Rockin'- Rocky High Chair'!!”
“Wockin-wocky high-chaiow,” Nitroglycerin hesitantly repeated.
This kid is freaky-smart!!
In the downstairs study, Loki was doing his share of parenting.
“Okay kiddo, if R equals 95 and D equals nineteen-hundred, what is the distance from Arkansas
to Ohio? Remember to put it in centimeters instead of miles now,” he dutifully instructed.
“Ummm. . . .” Naproxen Sodium thought aloud, stumped.
On second thought, let's check back in with Tootie and Nitroglycerin. . .
It turns out that kid's making major progress!
“Say 'mama-pajamas'!” Tootie clapped giddily.
“Tootie-patootie!” Nitroglycerin spat out, fidgeting cutely.
“Close enough!” Tootie cheered, clapping again.
A random townie named Jessie Miguel came wandering into the castle.
Jessie seems to enjoy Naproxen Sodium's piano skills, which is flattering, but I wonder if he's mistaken
the family home for a tourist attraction?
Let's look at Jessie's visit as though he picked up a tourist-y flier or pamphlet somewhere and decided
he needed to visit Freshnfruity Castle. . .
Panel 1:
“You got skills, kid!”
“Daaad! There's a creepy man in the
Panel 2:
“I just LOVE lobster! We should be friends!”
“Who are you again?”
Panel 3:
“Why did I pass through a girl's
bedroom to get here?”
If Jessie Miguel's random drop-by looked like a fold-out tourist's flier, this is what it'd look like:
Oxycodone wants to get into the business career.
She tried but she hasn't found the listing yet.
We'll keep trying though, don't you worry girl!
On the ground floor in the kitchen, we find that Naproxen Sodium is off to school and Loki
is on “daddy duty” again to teach Nitroglycerin to walk with the aid of smart milk.
“Bye dad, I'm off to teach Miss Farklebergen a thing or two!”
“”Good job son, see you later,” Loki answered distractedly.
HOORAY! Nitroglycerin has learned to walk!
O great and magical smart milk, how I worship thee. :-)
Now go daddy-do, you have less than 10 minutes
to hustle on down to catch the work carpool.
“MY LAST CHILD IS POTTY-TRAINED!” Loki cheered in desperate elation
as Nitroglycerin let the last few drops dribble into his training potty.
Go Loki! Scream it proudly from the hilltops!!
Time to go downstairs for Naproxen Sodium's birthday to teen!
Oh wait, we're already there.
Well let's just watch the proceedings then!
Special Honorary Titles:
Aspiration Lvl Earned
(as a child):CHILD PRODIGY
Turn-Off: MAKEUP
Since Naproxen Sodium is a little blue pill in real life,
I gave him a blue face-paint mask for his makeover!
The corn-rows and ginormous sideburns are a nice touch too.
Naproxen Sodium spent some time in the workout room, getting rid of his baby-fat.
Congratulations man! You're now a whole lot fitter(smellier too)!
Pappa Loki and Naproxen Sodium both needed some social and fun, so we stuck them on the SSSX3 for a bit.
Don't tell Naproxen's friends, though; it's generally not considered cool to hang with one's parents, even if it is
For Nitroglycerin's birthday into childhood, it was a quiet growing-up in the
nursery, with only Loki and Tootie present. Why go all the way downstairs for three
people? So they set up a card table and a cake and went to it.
Nitroglycerin went in a toddler, and emerged a BOY!
Special Honorary Titles:
Aspiration Lvl Earned
(as a toddler):MIRACLE
It was the first day of summer, and with only one actual child left to grow up, they found themselves with a lot
of spare time. It was time to work on their fishing skills! So they all gathered in the courtyard.
“Awww a boot?! Ma! Somebody's been littering!” Nitroglycerin tattled.
“It happens all the time,” Naproxen Sodium called back to him.
That evening they decided to get the headmaster's visit out of the way.
Look who's back! It's Andrew Gonzaga, just in time for a formal affair.
“Helloooo hottie-pattotie!!” Andrew cheered at Tootie.
Because, who cares about the house-tour he's supposed to be paying attention to, right?
For the headmaster's dinner, they managed to catch some fresh rainbow trout. Mmm sparkly!
“I've been having some trouble with my teeth lately, do you think I could get this in a smoothie?” he asked.
“My son'll do it, * scarf, smack, dribble * ” Tootie said with a mouthful of fish.
Even though it was deemed an evening worth getting dressed up for, manners don't count, apparently.
“Ahh, lizard-lips brew,” The headmaster sighed as he took his end-of visit coffee.
Before coffee, it was a score of 123/90. Naturally that makes the final score 133/90!
I guess getting Tootie all dolled up really gave it that extra something!
Cripes man! Oxycodone got promoted to the top of the business career
(for teens) her first day on the job!
Somebody around here likes her!
Oxycodone celebrated her promotion with Edward Fuchs(yes I swear that is his name),
whom she either brought home from school or from work.
“Chubby bunny! Chubby Bunny!!” Edward cheered from his seat.
“You dork, we're playing 'Murder-bots on the Matterhorn'!” Oxycodone chided him.
Naproxen Sodium wants to get into politics, with the goal
of eventually becoming Mayor. Let's start looking for the job.
Chili for breakfast, Nitroglycerin?
“Aww man! I thought it was burned 'Treasure Stars'! he said dejectedly,
“But it has frosting-chunks, so mama says it's okay!”
Even when Nitroglycerin got his first A+ report card, it still didn't justify interrupting his dad's workout!
“You frack-a-lackin' kid! I was in the zone!
“Don't you dare come back until you've licked all the floors for punishment!
And mowed the lawn with your tongue!” Loki yelled as Nitroglycerin moved down the hall, “and separated the
marshmallow from the cookie parts in all of the Astro-bot Pies!!”
Holy crap-tastic Kenny, these kids are smart!!
Naproxen Sodium ALSO got promoted to the top of his politics career track(for teens),
his first day on the job! He's now an Intern!
Did Loki and Tootie actually BREAK the workout machines??
Wow, when they're in the zone, they're really freaking in the zone!
* sigh * I'll call the repairman.
Benjamin Haggerty, Repairman, to the rescue!
*cue the fanfare *
Oh thank you Benjamin!! *breaks down in hysterical tears *
“Yeah, I get this all the time,” Benjamin replied non-chalantly.
Hoo- baby! It's Oxycodone AND Nitroglycerin's birthdays tonight!
Ladies first, Oxycodone . . .
“But. . Why isn't my brother cheering?” she asked the narrator, her bottom lip quivering.
He's cheering on the inside alright? Now blow them freakin' candles out already!
With this birthday into adulthood, Oxycodone was promoted to Senior Manager!
And she grew up in such a pretty outfit, too! Honey, I MUST have your stylist!
Special Honorary Titles:
Aspiration Lvl Earned
(as a teen):EARLY BIRD
Everyone waits patiently for Oxycodone to finish her slice of cake.
“Um, you know, your little brother is waiting to grow up over here,” Loki finally said.
“It's such good cake, I wanted to savor it!” Oxycodone replied.
“It was good cake, though,” Naproxen Sodium nodded.
“Now we're good!” Naproxen Sodium declared.
But no one could hear him for all of the horns and the rattlers and the bangers.
Yep, it's Nitroglycerin's turn to grow into a teenager!
“My son is so handsome!” Tootie wept in her manly falsetto.
“Aww, mom! He's not worth crying over! He'll survive! Oxycodone said comfortingly.
The boy in the green pajamas is no more!
Ladies, prepare to faint at his teenaged fabulosity!
Special Honorary Titles:
Aspiration Lvl Earned
(as a child): WONDER BOY
Turn-Off: STINK
Nitroglycerin wants to be a Rock God. Finally! A little flavor in this house!
“Let's see,” He said to himself as he scanned the adds, “ Duck-headed dog for sale, expert
whip-cracker needed. . . Ah, the job listings!”
What a good day! Oxycodone was not only promoted to Vice President of the company,
she also brought home elder sister Ranitidine! It'll be a nice little family reunion!
Now that her whopping promotion bonus has been deposited with the rest of the
family funds, it's time to ship her off to limbo with the rest of her siblings!
Goodbye! Nice knowing ya!
Either Amber Dawn sure likes visiting the Freshnfruitys, or maybe they just like her.
At any rate, she joined Nitroglycerin and Loki for grilled cheese and pancake night.
“Have you ever confused a stick of butter for a gold bar?” Nitroglycerin asked
Nitroglycerin left but River Smith and Ranitidine Freshnfruity joined the dinner.
“I am SO into that lipstick!” River gasped, “Is that Revlo's new Lip Waterfall line??”
Meanwhile Ranitidine is so intensely bored, she might keel over any instant, and
Loki is long since off to dream-land.
So that's where Nitroglycerin got off to!
The guests caught up to him in the game room, beating the living snot out of
Naproxen Sodium at 'Macho Garden-Fairies LXXXII'.
“Gonna steal your chrysanthemums! Gonna gun down your bee-hive!” he goaded
his brother.
River Smith grabbed up Naproxen Sodium, just outside the game room, after the big gaming
“MAN the way your guy handcuffed his guy to the treehouse with his own wand?? So freaking
genius!!” River gushed.
“Yeah it was pretty sweet,” Naproxen Sodium grinned, “little twerp never saw it coming!”
Continuing his job search, Nitroglycerin got into the music career!
“Ugh, now I have work to do,” he realized.
Naproxen Sodium and Nitroglycerin are sharing the same work carpool!
Nitroglycerin is off to his first day as a Piano-Tuner, while Naproxen Sodium is still an Intern.
Cripes, man. Leave Nitroglycerin alone with the microwave for a few seconds
and he goes and sets the first kitchen fire in several chapters. SHEESH.
“Oh hey guys, what's shakin' ?” Naproxen Sodium asked as he came into the
panicked room.
The next day, Nitroglycerin was promoted to Coffee Shop Sound Engineer!
“Jeebus? Are you there? It's me, Naproxen Sodium,” he asked, knowing who set
fire to the kitchen yesterday.
Just as he was about to come inside, who should he find on the sidewalk but Johnny Smith.
“Dude, you really gotta do something about that growth on your chin,” Johnny said, shaking
his head.
“Oh! Problem solved, dude; that IS my chin, but that's nice of you,” Nitroglycerin replied.
On this, the eve of Naproxen Sodium's birthday, Tootie made some delightful pork chops.
However, the exertion of doing so was enough to take the last of her energy for the day.
“Should we wake mom up for the party?” Naproxen Sodium asked his brother.
“Naah, if she wakes up it's fine, but otherwise we can handle it ourselves,” Nitroglycerin replied.
I guess she couldn't stand not to be there! What-choo gonna wish for, Naproxen?
“Come ooonnn movie-projecting rollerblades!” he said to himself as he blew out his candles.
With his birthday into adulthood, Naproxen Sodium was promoted to State Assemblyperson!
“Oh no, bro! Why did you have to grow up in that suit?” Nitroglycerin whined.
Special Honorary Titles:
Aspiration Lvl Earned
(as a teen):ONE OF THE GANG
Turn-Off: MAKEUP
The next morning. . .
“Mmm- mmm! Nothin' like leftover chicken n' gristle birthday cake for breakfast!” Loki declared as he
enjoyed his morning meal, if only we hadn't run out of tartar sauce last night . . .”
Note: In order to have Nitroglycerin's birthday prior to Chapter 6, we will be extending Chapter 5.1
beyond the usual 100 pages. Proceed at your own risk. :-)
Nitroglycerin wants to be best friends with Kendal Lawson, of all people. So we let him talk to her.
“Hey I got an idea; since us teenagers have a constant, protective layer of oil going on anyway, want to
go diving in the tar pits with me? We can't come out of it worse off than we already are!”
Here's the deal Loki. You break the plumbing, you fix the plumbing.
And may it squirt you in the face.
Loki and Tootie have been getting all lovey-dovey since their 10th
kid became self-reliant.
Tootie has also been showing signs of wanting even more kids.
Be careful you two; you both know darn well how things tend to happen when you let your
instincts take the helm!
Naproxen Sodium's really moving up in the political field!
A clean politician?? How is it possible?
He's been promoted to Congressperson!!
Meanwhile, in the workout room. . .
After Tootie earns this smelly point, she has 1 each of body, charisma, creativity, cleaning and
mechanical left to fill before she maxes out all of her skill levels!
Busted trash compactor?
Benjamin Haggerty, repairman is on the scene!
“Say dad, whatever happened to that huge, disgusting rat you found down in the lab?” Naproxen
Sodium asked over lunch, “ did you release it outside or what?”
“Ummm. . . “ Loki mused as he tried to recall.
Nitroglycerin sniffed his plate cautiously, as though suspecting the fate of ol' Rigby the Rodent.
“Dad? Just tell me this is bass. Tell me it's fish from the pond in the courtyard. Where
are you going dad?” Nitroglycerin said uneasily.
“I have to go check on something; be right back,” Loki said as he quickly left the room.
We catch back up with Tootie in the basement lab. .
“Doo-dee-doo, taking out his spleeeeennn . . .” Tootie sang to herself.
This practice surgery machine in the basement lab has been so handy; they have a
blast on it while increasing their mechanical skill level. You can't do that studying
from a book! As it is, Tootie has earned her last mechanical skill point!
What power, what prestige! Naproxen Sodium has been promoted to Judge!
Care to go before his bench? No? Just don't do the crimes, then.
As he was being dropped off, he spotted Nitroglycerin chatting with Johnny Smith.
“Whoa. Who is that kooky-looking green kid?” He mused to himself.
Nitroglycerin wanted to make friends with River Smith, and have a water-ballon fight.
He also wants to grow up well, so let's start fulfilling some of those wants!
Whadaya know? Naproxen Sodium agreed to join their playtime. His suit is doomed.
Hooray! Nitroglycerin has a new friend!
Naproxen Sodium got too cold and bailed, but not before making a friend of
River for himself.
Play it again, Tootie!
Her obsessive tickling of the ivories has earned Tootie her last creativity point!
“MUST * pant, pant KEEP * cough, wheeze PLAYING!!” she huffed as she pounded out the
last few notes.
The morning of Nitroglycerin's birthday, every single one of them wanted to go fishing.
Which is not a bad family activity to do, to start this special day off right!
“Oh look! Another bass!” Loki exclaimed as he neared his gold fishing badge.
Later, about 5-ish p.m. . . .
“Well corn pone an' tar- NATION! Look who done showed up on our doorstep!!
Come on in, kiddo and have some stuffed trout with us for your brother's birthday!”
Tootie said delightedly as she welcomed Ibuprofen inside.
With this birthday, Mr. Nirtroglycerin, I dub thee, “Roadie”!(said his boss in the music career)
It is time for the first-generation of the Freshnfruity Rebirth to be subjected to an heir poll!
That's right, return to the original post, follow the heir poll link, and pick who YOU think should go on
to generation 2! (not your friend, not your dog, and CERTAINLY NOT your goldfish)
Be sure to check for the deadline before voting, and thank you for your participation. :-)
Special Honorary Titles:
Aspiration Lvl Earned
(as a teen):STYLIN'
Turn-Off: STINK

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Freshnfruity rebirth chapter 5.1 for lj

  • 1. Chapter 5.1: Grow 'Em up & Move 'Em Out!
  • 2. As they stood in the kitchen afterwards, enjoying their pre-dinner coffee, the headmaster brought something else up. “Hate to ask you this old buddy, but the school has fallen on hard times. A mere $1,000 more a day would certainly go a long way towards ensuring your daughter a place at our fine institution,” he said with a deceptively casual air. “Don't let him sucker you, dad,” Oxycodone muttered as she walked by them. Last time, as Chapter 5 drew to a close..
  • 3. Over a delightfully elegant salmon dinner. . . “Since we're donating so much money to the private school, can I get a yacht too?” Oxycodone asked, “I wanna name it Pretty Princess!” “Shut it kid, and I'll buy you a toy one,” Loki muttered to her. “Who told you we were donating anything to the school?” Hydrocodone asked her sister.
  • 4. As all siblings must help each other out to make things somewhat sane, Hydrocodone pitches in by teaching Naproxen Sodium to walk, with smart milk. :-)
  • 5. What is that cryptic smile?! Did Headmaster Gonzaga achieve his own nefarious goals? We may never know. BUT what we do know is, Oxycodone has been accepted to private school, with a final score of 114/90!, and 12 seconds left on the clock.
  • 6. GO TEAM FRESHNFRUITY! Little Naproxen Sodium has learned to walk! Good glowing baby!
  • 7. While we're at it, let's bring Mr. Naproxen to the cake for his birthday, what d'ya say? Tootle-toot! Time to grow up, to boot!
  • 9. “What do you think about us getting a violin, monkey-tush?” Tootie asked lovingly as she and Loki relaxed in bed one fine evening. “We don't need any violin,” Loki responded distractedly. “How about another kid then, and maybe he can play me the violin?” Tootie inquired again. “Hmm . . a violin-playing kid might be okay,” Loki said thoughtfully.
  • 10. A day or so later. . . We found Tootie either trying to play leap-frog with the toilet, or else maybe the salmon didn't go over so well.
  • 11. Later on, Hydrocodone breaks in her new playmate(Naproxen Sodium) on a game of 'Two Tutus on Fushu', on SSSX3. “Spin darn you, SPIN!!” Naproxen cried out, in such a fit of passion you'd think he was going to break the game remote. “If you think this is hard, wait till we get to the water buffalo level,” Hydrocodone replied calmly.
  • 12. The nanny however, is REALLY getting into it, despite the fact that she's just supposed to be making sure they behave themselves. “Left! Right! Spin! Spin! I said SPIN, YOU DRINK MIX JUNKIE!!” she coached them.
  • 13. Oxycodone gets a turn when Naproxen tags her, presumably so he can go do his homework. “Grrr I hate the purple pixie-poop challenge,” Oxycodone grumbled. “Why do you think he tagged you in when he did?” Hydrocodone replied, not taking her eyes from the screen.
  • 14. When I went looking for Oxycodone, I found her outside making snow-angels. I guess she needed a break from 'Two Tutus for Fushu'? “It looks just like one of the Crystal Pond Fairies!” she declared excitedly, “ NOW I WILL STOMP YOU! RAAAAAWWWWRR!!” Ohh yeah, time to get away from the game for a bit.
  • 15. “Hello, I'm Matthew Gibson; I understand you have a child that you're interested in enrolling in private school?” the new headmaster said as he introduced himself at the door. “What happened to Andrew Gonzaga?” Loki asked. “He is just taking a little. . . involuntary vacation. Nothing at all to worry about, I assure you,” Headmaster Gibson replied.
  • 16. After the usual tour, the Headmaster sat down to inhale a delectable pork chop dinner. “I hope you like it,” said Naproxen Sodium from the other end of the dining table. “I do child, it's incredible! What is this interesting seasoning I see all over it?” he responded with a mouthful and continued shoveling. ” I ground the ladybugs myself!” Naproxen said proudly.
  • 17. “Hey! You forgot! We tenderized it on that rusty old desk outside first!” Oxycodone reminded her brother. “Now you guys,” Hydrocodone smilingly chided them, “you can't go giving away all of our family secrets. Now let Mr. Gibson finish his dinner.” The headmaster had barely finished his plate when he realized he didn't feel so well.
  • 18. “You know Mr. Gibson,” Tootie began as they sipped their coffee, “ I've read somewhere that 3 heaping cups of garlic powder added to your coffee can chase away any tummy troubles. Did you say you caught this little bug at school?” Suddenly Matthew Gibson did not want to drink his coffee anymore.
  • 19. “If you like, my husband can play a rousing violin solo for us,” Tootie offered. “I never got that stupid violin!” Loki called from the next room, “and who said I could play?!” “Uhm, that's alright, Mrs. Freshnfruity, no need to go to the trouble,” the headmaster responded.
  • 20. With the bonus coffee points, they got a final score of 114/90 once again, with 42 seconds leftover! And Matthew Gibson never looked so glad to be leaving a place in his life.
  • 21. After the new headmaster left, everyone else got hungry, so they had their own pork chop dinner. “I think we all know that the new headmaster was nervous girls, and I think I know what the elephant in the room was,” Loki declared. “What was it dad?” Hydrocodone asked, perplexed. “We had an ELEPHANT in the ROOM?!” Oxycodone asked excitedly, her eyes widening, “ I wanna name it Pretty Princess!”
  • 22. “No-no, Mr. Gibson was afraid of our alarm system!” Loki clarified for them. “Yeah dad, that must be it!” Hydrocodone agreed. “But daddy, only criminals are afraid of alarms, does that make Mr. Gibson a criminal?” Oxycodone asked her father. “Maybe so, dear,” Loki replied.
  • 23. When everyone else had gone to bed, Naproxen Sodium discovered the piano.
  • 24. WELL! I guess Tootie wasn't playing leapfrog with the toilet after all! She is officially pregnant with the tenth child of the first generation!
  • 25. The next morning we find Loki and his daughter Oxycodone smustling in the dining room. What a suspiciously celebratory mood they're in today! But is that a birthday cake I spy on the table, behind that precious little girl?
  • 26. In the other room, Tootie contentedly gets her Shu-Shu Braunschweiger fix(the cooking show) while Hydrocodone gets proactive about losing a few L – Bs. “MMMmm.. . . Kentucky Fried Rat!” Tootie said dreamily, drooling a little. Trim them thighs, girlie! Tootie's getting' more menu ideas!
  • 27. Mystery solved! It's Hydrocodone AND Oxycodone's birthdays today!(Also the butler did it.) Hydrocodone is growing into an adult, so she's up to bat first at the cake. More likely she was just the first one I could grab. :-)
  • 28. Ugh, that hair! She almost makes me re-think who's going to heir poll! I'm on the fence about whether to actually change it, since this is supposed to be an uglacy. :-D With her transition to adulthood came a promotion to Senior Manager! Name: HYDROCODONE FRESHNFRUITY Status: SEVENTH BORN Special Honorary Titles: FIRST FRESHNFRUITY CHILD TO GROW UP BEFORE HER OWN PARTY Rolled: FORTUNE SIM Aspiration Lvl Earned(as a teen): EARLY BIRD Turn-Ons: MAKEUP & lOGIC Turn-Off: BLACK HAIR Verdict: THAT HAIR THO!
  • 29. Alrighty, moving on to Oxycodone's birthday! She's becoming a teenager today! Really she's not supposed to have hers for another day, but it's more efficient this way, right? “I'm going to get some punch, you guys hold down the fort, okay?” Tootie said as she wandered off.
  • 30. Even though this shot isn't so close up, you can see that not much has changed. Ah well, they can't all be winners. j/k Name: OXYCODONE FRESHNFRUITY Status: EIGHTH BORN Special Honorary Titles: FIRST FRESHNFRUITY CHILD TO BE ALLOWED TO WIPE SNOT ON HER FATHER Rolled: FORTUNE SIM Aspiration Lvl Earned (as a child): Wonder Girl Turn-Ons: UNDERWEAR BLONDE HAIR Turn-Off: BLACK HAIR Verdict: HEY NOT BAD
  • 31. Like several of her other siblings, Oxycodone also wants to get into the Business career track. Also like the others, even though Business is usually fairly common, she's having a hard time chasing it down. :-P
  • 32. There's that immaculate timing again! Now I have to wonder if it's the baby or if it's Tootie. At any rate, just as she was waking up from a nap anyway, here came pop #2!
  • 33. One day Oxycodone brought home Connor Dawn. I couldn't help wondering whether he was Amber's brother. Oxycodone politely shared some grlled cheeses with him. “I prefer a man who doesn't mind being handcuffed while he eats,” she was telling him. Connor was speechless. This actually said much for his mettle; too bad he wasn't more interesting. WHOA! Too much info, Oxy girl!
  • 34. The next morning we come across Tootie as she's learning from Shu-Shu Braunshweiger again. So this is where the entire family got the idea that it's not done right unless it's thoroughly black! “ Now you want to be particularly careful here,” Shu-Shu said to her audience through the inferno, “Terriyaki -banana popsicles are supposed to do this in the oven! But you will need a trusty stage-hand to put out the flames as they get bigger,” she explained helpfully.
  • 35. There needs to be a warning put on that cooking show: 'Watching Shu-Shu Braunshweiger may cause expectant women to spontaneously go into labor. ' That's right! Baby # 10 is on it's way out into the world, and for once it's not being born in a bathroom.
  • 36. “Hooraaay, a babyyyy!” Little Naproxen Sodium cheered when he came into the room. “That's right,” Tootie nodded sagely, “This is your little brother Nitroglycerin,” she explained. “Can we stick little bows to his head, mom?” Oxycodone asked, looking the new sibling over.
  • 37. After the birth, Naproxen Sodium merrily went off to catch the school bus. “I have a neeew viiiict – I mean broooother!” he sang as he walked.
  • 38. Hydrocodone, in her snazzy new 'do, has been promoted to Vice President(in the Business career)! Yes, yes, she's still here; now that she's dropped the payload from another promotion, she's about to say goodbye!
  • 39. This time it was Oxycodone that brought home Amber Dawn. “ Did ya ever play Tennis with this stuff, Missus F?” Amber asked. “What is this thing called 'Ten-is' of which you speak? Tootie asked in reply.
  • 40. I had forgotten that Amber was friends with Hydrocodone; now they're best friends! This caption brought to you by the many wonders of chess.
  • 41. The next day Oxycodone brought Elmer Miguel home from school. Let's make friends shall we, Oxycodone? Play nice now! “Wanna go play statues in the yard? You can be the bust of Tylopoda,” she offered. “Uh huh, okay! Elmer agreed eagerly.
  • 42. Hydrocodone hath once again returned from the promised lands. . . WITH A PROMOTION! She has taken her honorary place as the president of the company!
  • 43. At one point during the evening we found Elmer in the nursery, staring down at baby Nitroglycerin. But whatever for? Let's peek inside his head and find out! “Don't worry, fair princess Gwyndolyn! I shall rescue thee from this squalid prison!” Oh my. Let's just hope he's daydreaming. He's highly imaginative, is what's going on here, and that's all. . .right?
  • 44. “How's it going, Oxycodone?” Hydrocodone asked as she passed her sister in the middle of homework. “ SHH! I'm trying to find the binary square root of eleventy-twelve!!” Oxycodone replied irritably.
  • 45. Elmer Miguel, where do you think you're going with Nitroglycerin?? Oh woe, this is what comes of ignoring strange new guests to go do your homework! It's probably not nice, but let's peek at his thoughts again. “ Now you sing it: I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair. . .” * gasps * Oh no!! He's telepathically teaching the baby showtunes! Showtunes!!
  • 46. Later that night at dinner. . . “So you see Oxycodone,” Elmer was explaining, “The stage version of 'Cirque du So-Blah presents Candy land on Ice' isn't really about the tragic ending of a bunch of super-hyperactive nacho-cheese gnomes, but so obviously about man's inner struggle to find his way to the bathroom,” he revealed. “Uh huh,” Oxycodone replied in blatantly false fascination. “Get – this- kid- out – of – my - house,” Loki quietly ordered with clenched teeth.
  • 47. After dinner, Naproxen Sodium wanted so much to play with his little brother. “LOOK I'M A PENGUIN!!” He hollered at the baby, in a flash of sudden and violent peek-a-boo. Nitroglycerin merely shied away towards his mother, terrified of this thing that was coming at him.
  • 48. Ta- daahh! It's Nitroglycerin's birthday into toddlerhood! Cheer along with us, as the 10th (and likely last) baby of the rebirth generation moves into his next little stage of life!
  • 49. “He's the icing on the cake! The cherry on my ice cream! The cream in my coffee! The-” Tootie was interrupted from what could have been an uncomfortably long cheer for the toddler-ized Nitroglycerin. “Just put the baby down and let him wander around, hon,” Loki cut her off, “ you remember how this bit goes.”
  • 50. After the party dies down and everyone was gone, it was good to have some alone-time.
  • 51. Alone-time taken care of, Tootie set about teaching Nitroglycerin to talk. “Yay! It's talkie-time,” Tootie cheered, “ now say 'Rockin'- Rocky High Chair'!!” “Wockin-wocky high-chaiow,” Nitroglycerin hesitantly repeated. This kid is freaky-smart!!
  • 52. In the downstairs study, Loki was doing his share of parenting. “Okay kiddo, if R equals 95 and D equals nineteen-hundred, what is the distance from Arkansas to Ohio? Remember to put it in centimeters instead of miles now,” he dutifully instructed. “Ummm. . . .” Naproxen Sodium thought aloud, stumped.
  • 53. On second thought, let's check back in with Tootie and Nitroglycerin. . . It turns out that kid's making major progress! “Say 'mama-pajamas'!” Tootie clapped giddily. “Tootie-patootie!” Nitroglycerin spat out, fidgeting cutely. “Close enough!” Tootie cheered, clapping again.
  • 54. A random townie named Jessie Miguel came wandering into the castle. Jessie seems to enjoy Naproxen Sodium's piano skills, which is flattering, but I wonder if he's mistaken the family home for a tourist attraction? Let's look at Jessie's visit as though he picked up a tourist-y flier or pamphlet somewhere and decided he needed to visit Freshnfruity Castle. . .
  • 55. Panel 1: “You got skills, kid!” “Daaad! There's a creepy man in the house!” Panel 2: “I just LOVE lobster! We should be friends!” “Who are you again?” Panel 3: “Why did I pass through a girl's bedroom to get here?” If Jessie Miguel's random drop-by looked like a fold-out tourist's flier, this is what it'd look like:
  • 56. Oxycodone wants to get into the business career. She tried but she hasn't found the listing yet. We'll keep trying though, don't you worry girl!
  • 57. On the ground floor in the kitchen, we find that Naproxen Sodium is off to school and Loki is on “daddy duty” again to teach Nitroglycerin to walk with the aid of smart milk. “Bye dad, I'm off to teach Miss Farklebergen a thing or two!” “”Good job son, see you later,” Loki answered distractedly.
  • 58. HOORAY! Nitroglycerin has learned to walk! O great and magical smart milk, how I worship thee. :-) Now go daddy-do, you have less than 10 minutes to hustle on down to catch the work carpool.
  • 59. “MY LAST CHILD IS POTTY-TRAINED!” Loki cheered in desperate elation as Nitroglycerin let the last few drops dribble into his training potty. Go Loki! Scream it proudly from the hilltops!!
  • 60. Time to go downstairs for Naproxen Sodium's birthday to teen! Oh wait, we're already there. Well let's just watch the proceedings then!
  • 62. Since Naproxen Sodium is a little blue pill in real life, I gave him a blue face-paint mask for his makeover! The corn-rows and ginormous sideburns are a nice touch too.
  • 63. Naproxen Sodium spent some time in the workout room, getting rid of his baby-fat. Congratulations man! You're now a whole lot fitter(smellier too)!
  • 64. Pappa Loki and Naproxen Sodium both needed some social and fun, so we stuck them on the SSSX3 for a bit. Don't tell Naproxen's friends, though; it's generally not considered cool to hang with one's parents, even if it is SSSX3.
  • 65. For Nitroglycerin's birthday into childhood, it was a quiet growing-up in the nursery, with only Loki and Tootie present. Why go all the way downstairs for three people? So they set up a card table and a cake and went to it. Nitroglycerin went in a toddler, and emerged a BOY! Name: NITROGLYCERIN FRESHNFRUITY Status:TENTH BORN! Special Honorary Titles: THE FINAL FRESHNFRUITY CHILD OF GENERATION ONE Aspiration Lvl Earned (as a toddler):MIRACLE MITE Verdict:CAN A LITTLE BOY BE SEXY?
  • 66. It was the first day of summer, and with only one actual child left to grow up, they found themselves with a lot of spare time. It was time to work on their fishing skills! So they all gathered in the courtyard. “Awww a boot?! Ma! Somebody's been littering!” Nitroglycerin tattled. “It happens all the time,” Naproxen Sodium called back to him.
  • 67. That evening they decided to get the headmaster's visit out of the way. Look who's back! It's Andrew Gonzaga, just in time for a formal affair. “Helloooo hottie-pattotie!!” Andrew cheered at Tootie. Because, who cares about the house-tour he's supposed to be paying attention to, right?
  • 68. For the headmaster's dinner, they managed to catch some fresh rainbow trout. Mmm sparkly! “I've been having some trouble with my teeth lately, do you think I could get this in a smoothie?” he asked. “My son'll do it, * scarf, smack, dribble * ” Tootie said with a mouthful of fish. Even though it was deemed an evening worth getting dressed up for, manners don't count, apparently.
  • 69. “Ahh, lizard-lips brew,” The headmaster sighed as he took his end-of visit coffee. Before coffee, it was a score of 123/90. Naturally that makes the final score 133/90! I guess getting Tootie all dolled up really gave it that extra something!
  • 70. Cripes man! Oxycodone got promoted to the top of the business career (for teens) her first day on the job! Somebody around here likes her!
  • 71. Oxycodone celebrated her promotion with Edward Fuchs(yes I swear that is his name), whom she either brought home from school or from work. “Chubby bunny! Chubby Bunny!!” Edward cheered from his seat. “You dork, we're playing 'Murder-bots on the Matterhorn'!” Oxycodone chided him.
  • 72. Naproxen Sodium wants to get into politics, with the goal of eventually becoming Mayor. Let's start looking for the job.
  • 73. Chili for breakfast, Nitroglycerin? “Aww man! I thought it was burned 'Treasure Stars'! he said dejectedly, “But it has frosting-chunks, so mama says it's okay!”
  • 74. Even when Nitroglycerin got his first A+ report card, it still didn't justify interrupting his dad's workout! “You frack-a-lackin' kid! I was in the zone! “Don't you dare come back until you've licked all the floors for punishment! And mowed the lawn with your tongue!” Loki yelled as Nitroglycerin moved down the hall, “and separated the marshmallow from the cookie parts in all of the Astro-bot Pies!!”
  • 75. Holy crap-tastic Kenny, these kids are smart!! Naproxen Sodium ALSO got promoted to the top of his politics career track(for teens), his first day on the job! He's now an Intern!
  • 76. Did Loki and Tootie actually BREAK the workout machines?? Wow, when they're in the zone, they're really freaking in the zone! * sigh * I'll call the repairman.
  • 77. Benjamin Haggerty, Repairman, to the rescue! *cue the fanfare * Oh thank you Benjamin!! *breaks down in hysterical tears * “Yeah, I get this all the time,” Benjamin replied non-chalantly.
  • 78. Hoo- baby! It's Oxycodone AND Nitroglycerin's birthdays tonight! Ladies first, Oxycodone . . . “But. . Why isn't my brother cheering?” she asked the narrator, her bottom lip quivering. He's cheering on the inside alright? Now blow them freakin' candles out already!
  • 79. With this birthday into adulthood, Oxycodone was promoted to Senior Manager! And she grew up in such a pretty outfit, too! Honey, I MUST have your stylist! Name: OXYCODONE FRESHNFRUITY Status: EIGHTH BORN Special Honorary Titles: FIRST FRESHNFRUITY CHILD TO BE ALLOWED TO WIPE SNOT ON HER FATHER Rolled: FORTUNE SIM Aspiration Lvl Earned (as a teen):EARLY BIRD Turn-Ons: UNDERWEAR BLONDE HAIR Turn-Off: BLACK HAIR Verdict: KOOKY CLOTHES DO NOT A FUGLY MAKE.
  • 80. Everyone waits patiently for Oxycodone to finish her slice of cake. “Um, you know, your little brother is waiting to grow up over here,” Loki finally said. “It's such good cake, I wanted to savor it!” Oxycodone replied. “It was good cake, though,” Naproxen Sodium nodded.
  • 81. “Now we're good!” Naproxen Sodium declared. But no one could hear him for all of the horns and the rattlers and the bangers. Yep, it's Nitroglycerin's turn to grow into a teenager!
  • 82. “My son is so handsome!” Tootie wept in her manly falsetto. “Aww, mom! He's not worth crying over! He'll survive! Oxycodone said comfortingly.
  • 83. The boy in the green pajamas is no more! Ladies, prepare to faint at his teenaged fabulosity! Name: NITROGLYCERIN FRESHNFRUITY Status: TENTH BORN! Special Honorary Titles: THE FINAL FRESHNFRUITY CHILD OF GENERATION ONE Rolled: POPULARITY Aspiration Lvl Earned (as a child): WONDER BOY Turn-Ons: COLOGNE UNDERWEAR Turn-Off: STINK Verdict: CROWNED PRINCE OF ARABIA
  • 84. Nitroglycerin wants to be a Rock God. Finally! A little flavor in this house! “Let's see,” He said to himself as he scanned the adds, “ Duck-headed dog for sale, expert whip-cracker needed. . . Ah, the job listings!”
  • 85. What a good day! Oxycodone was not only promoted to Vice President of the company, she also brought home elder sister Ranitidine! It'll be a nice little family reunion!
  • 86. Now that her whopping promotion bonus has been deposited with the rest of the family funds, it's time to ship her off to limbo with the rest of her siblings! Goodbye! Nice knowing ya!
  • 87. Either Amber Dawn sure likes visiting the Freshnfruitys, or maybe they just like her. At any rate, she joined Nitroglycerin and Loki for grilled cheese and pancake night. “Have you ever confused a stick of butter for a gold bar?” Nitroglycerin asked conversationally.
  • 88. Nitroglycerin left but River Smith and Ranitidine Freshnfruity joined the dinner. “I am SO into that lipstick!” River gasped, “Is that Revlo's new Lip Waterfall line??” Meanwhile Ranitidine is so intensely bored, she might keel over any instant, and Loki is long since off to dream-land.
  • 89. So that's where Nitroglycerin got off to! The guests caught up to him in the game room, beating the living snot out of Naproxen Sodium at 'Macho Garden-Fairies LXXXII'. “Gonna steal your chrysanthemums! Gonna gun down your bee-hive!” he goaded his brother.
  • 90. River Smith grabbed up Naproxen Sodium, just outside the game room, after the big gaming competition. “MAN the way your guy handcuffed his guy to the treehouse with his own wand?? So freaking genius!!” River gushed. “Yeah it was pretty sweet,” Naproxen Sodium grinned, “little twerp never saw it coming!”
  • 91. Continuing his job search, Nitroglycerin got into the music career! “Ugh, now I have work to do,” he realized.
  • 92. Naproxen Sodium and Nitroglycerin are sharing the same work carpool! Nitroglycerin is off to his first day as a Piano-Tuner, while Naproxen Sodium is still an Intern.
  • 93. Cripes, man. Leave Nitroglycerin alone with the microwave for a few seconds and he goes and sets the first kitchen fire in several chapters. SHEESH. “Oh hey guys, what's shakin' ?” Naproxen Sodium asked as he came into the panicked room.
  • 94. The next day, Nitroglycerin was promoted to Coffee Shop Sound Engineer! “Jeebus? Are you there? It's me, Naproxen Sodium,” he asked, knowing who set fire to the kitchen yesterday.
  • 95. Just as he was about to come inside, who should he find on the sidewalk but Johnny Smith. “Dude, you really gotta do something about that growth on your chin,” Johnny said, shaking his head. “Oh! Problem solved, dude; that IS my chin, but that's nice of you,” Nitroglycerin replied.
  • 96. On this, the eve of Naproxen Sodium's birthday, Tootie made some delightful pork chops. However, the exertion of doing so was enough to take the last of her energy for the day. “Should we wake mom up for the party?” Naproxen Sodium asked his brother. “Naah, if she wakes up it's fine, but otherwise we can handle it ourselves,” Nitroglycerin replied.
  • 97. I guess she couldn't stand not to be there! What-choo gonna wish for, Naproxen? “Come ooonnn movie-projecting rollerblades!” he said to himself as he blew out his candles.
  • 98. With his birthday into adulthood, Naproxen Sodium was promoted to State Assemblyperson! “Oh no, bro! Why did you have to grow up in that suit?” Nitroglycerin whined. Name: NAPROXEN SODIUM FRESHNFRUITY Status: NINTH BORN Special Honorary Titles: FIRST FRESHNFRUITY CHILD TO BE BORN NEAR THE END OF GENERATION ONE Rolled: POPULARITY Aspiration Lvl Earned (as a teen):ONE OF THE GANG Turn-Ons:SWIMWEAR UNDERWEAR Turn-Off: MAKEUP Verdict: DON'T STEP ON MY BLUE SUEDE SUIT!
  • 99. The next morning. . . “Mmm- mmm! Nothin' like leftover chicken n' gristle birthday cake for breakfast!” Loki declared as he enjoyed his morning meal, if only we hadn't run out of tartar sauce last night . . .” Note: In order to have Nitroglycerin's birthday prior to Chapter 6, we will be extending Chapter 5.1 beyond the usual 100 pages. Proceed at your own risk. :-)
  • 100. Nitroglycerin wants to be best friends with Kendal Lawson, of all people. So we let him talk to her. “Hey I got an idea; since us teenagers have a constant, protective layer of oil going on anyway, want to go diving in the tar pits with me? We can't come out of it worse off than we already are!”
  • 101. Here's the deal Loki. You break the plumbing, you fix the plumbing. Capisce? And may it squirt you in the face.
  • 102. Loki and Tootie have been getting all lovey-dovey since their 10th kid became self-reliant. Tootie has also been showing signs of wanting even more kids. Be careful you two; you both know darn well how things tend to happen when you let your instincts take the helm!
  • 103. Naproxen Sodium's really moving up in the political field! A clean politician?? How is it possible? He's been promoted to Congressperson!!
  • 104. Meanwhile, in the workout room. . . After Tootie earns this smelly point, she has 1 each of body, charisma, creativity, cleaning and mechanical left to fill before she maxes out all of her skill levels!
  • 105. Busted trash compactor? Benjamin Haggerty, repairman is on the scene!
  • 106. “Say dad, whatever happened to that huge, disgusting rat you found down in the lab?” Naproxen Sodium asked over lunch, “ did you release it outside or what?” “Ummm. . . “ Loki mused as he tried to recall. Nitroglycerin sniffed his plate cautiously, as though suspecting the fate of ol' Rigby the Rodent.
  • 107. “Dad? Just tell me this is bass. Tell me it's fish from the pond in the courtyard. Where are you going dad?” Nitroglycerin said uneasily. “I have to go check on something; be right back,” Loki said as he quickly left the room.
  • 108. We catch back up with Tootie in the basement lab. . “Doo-dee-doo, taking out his spleeeeennn . . .” Tootie sang to herself. This practice surgery machine in the basement lab has been so handy; they have a blast on it while increasing their mechanical skill level. You can't do that studying from a book! As it is, Tootie has earned her last mechanical skill point!
  • 109. What power, what prestige! Naproxen Sodium has been promoted to Judge! Care to go before his bench? No? Just don't do the crimes, then. As he was being dropped off, he spotted Nitroglycerin chatting with Johnny Smith. “Whoa. Who is that kooky-looking green kid?” He mused to himself.
  • 110. Nitroglycerin wanted to make friends with River Smith, and have a water-ballon fight. He also wants to grow up well, so let's start fulfilling some of those wants! Whadaya know? Naproxen Sodium agreed to join their playtime. His suit is doomed.
  • 111. Hooray! Nitroglycerin has a new friend! Naproxen Sodium got too cold and bailed, but not before making a friend of River for himself.
  • 112. Play it again, Tootie! Her obsessive tickling of the ivories has earned Tootie her last creativity point! “MUST * pant, pant KEEP * cough, wheeze PLAYING!!” she huffed as she pounded out the last few notes.
  • 113. The morning of Nitroglycerin's birthday, every single one of them wanted to go fishing. Which is not a bad family activity to do, to start this special day off right! “Oh look! Another bass!” Loki exclaimed as he neared his gold fishing badge.
  • 114. Later, about 5-ish p.m. . . . “Well corn pone an' tar- NATION! Look who done showed up on our doorstep!! Come on in, kiddo and have some stuffed trout with us for your brother's birthday!” Tootie said delightedly as she welcomed Ibuprofen inside.
  • 115. With this birthday, Mr. Nirtroglycerin, I dub thee, “Roadie”!(said his boss in the music career) It is time for the first-generation of the Freshnfruity Rebirth to be subjected to an heir poll! That's right, return to the original post, follow the heir poll link, and pick who YOU think should go on to generation 2! (not your friend, not your dog, and CERTAINLY NOT your goldfish) Be sure to check for the deadline before voting, and thank you for your participation. :-) Name: NITROGLYCERIN FRESHNFRUITY Status: TENTH BORN! Special Honorary Titles: THE FIRST TO GROW INTO ADULTHOOD WITHOUT A BIRTHDAY CAKE. Rolled: POPULARITY Aspiration Lvl Earned (as a teen):STYLIN' SCENESTER Turn-Ons: COLOGNE UNDERWEAR Turn-Off: STINK Verdict: CROWNED PRINCE OF ARABIA