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…or…how to rank #1 with Google
              Jason Olson, Founder –
                 18 years as an internet developer
                 14 years as an information technology engineer

                 MCSE: Security, Cisco CCNP, Citrix CCA

                 CIW Web Professional

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Search Engine Optimization
              What is SEO
              Why should it matter to my website
              Who should be handling my SEO
              When should I address SEO
              How do I improve my search rank

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
What is SEO
              Search Engine Optimization
                 The    process of optimizing your website so that it
                     can be properly found by website search engines,
                     and thus, enable people to find your website.

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
What is SEO
              Asking how to rank #1 is the wrong question…
                 The  right question is what should I rank?
                 Begin by asking yourself, in the scope of the
                  entire WORLD WIDE WEB, what is the
                  importance of my content…
                 Lets look at Apple…when someone searches for
                  Apple, what are they looking for?
                      Fruit,  Record Label, Big Apple, Computer Name,
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
What is SEO
              So we need to step back and look… what is
               the real relevance of my website?
              Does my current website represent that

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
What is SEO
              You see… Search engines are designed to
               use very complex mathematical and
               semantical algorithms to determine the
               relevance of a website to a particular search
                 When      I search for Apple Computer, what does the
                     searcher want to know? And can the engine
                     display relevant links to websites?
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
What is SEO
              When search engines were first developed,
               websites were allowed to define for
               themselves their relevance to a particular
                 Unfortunately  unscrupulous people attempted to
                  undermine that… and have been trying ever
                 And the more people ask to be #1 without first
                  asking “should they”… they are affective
                  contributing to this problem.
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
What is SEO
              So… in response, search engines are working
               ever diligently to detect these attempts to
               undermine the trust system, and put their
               website on top.
                 As    yourself, if you sold an Apple Macintosh or say
                     an iPad… what sort of value would it bring to you,
                     as a company, to show up first, when someone
                     searched for iPad? That could mean millions of
                     dollars in revenue.
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
…But the question is, do you legitimately belong
         above the Apple Computer Corporation?

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
What is SEO
              So there is this sort of Cat-and-Mouse game
               with search engines and website designers.
              A simple search for “seo” or “search engine
               optimization” will yield you hundreds of
               thousands of pages about SEO, and a large
               portion of those will also be SELLING you
               services to help you rank #1

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
What is SEO
              And the reality is… you don‟t have to hire
               someone else….
              …in fact, they will not really work permantely…
              …they are a bit like a diet pill
                 …immediate   results
                 …but not lasting

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Why should it matter to my website
              So if it is so complex, should it matter…
              Well we‟ve already discussed if you sold Apple
               products the value of coming out on top…
              But… what if you‟re not an ecommerce
               website? You don‟t sell products online?

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Why should it matter to my website
              Consider this… people between the ages of
                 search    70% of the time for a website to establish
                  it is a legitimate business
                 Are 75% more likely to search for a service they
                  need, than look in the phone book or ask a friend

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Why should it matter to my website
              Also consider…
                 If   you‟re simply a blogger or someone providing
                     free information – no product…
                      The  more likely is someone will find your website
                       (after all, if you‟re providing free information, don‟t you
                       want people to find the information?)
                      The greater value is attributed to the information you
                      The greater value is provided to your as the owner of
                       that information.
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Why should it matter to my website
              Even think about Google…
                 They  started off with a product that was FREE,
                  they made no money from it…
                 They had a product that was worth while, and
                  people found out about it…
                 Now a company which started off with a free
                  service is on the NASDAQ with a market cap of
                  208 BILLION
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Why should it matter to my website
              The bottom line is… your website has value –
               otherwise why have one?
                 And    since it has value, you should maximize that
                     value by enabling people to find it.

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Who should be handling my SEO
              So who should be handling your SEO?
                 Shouldyou be hiring a firm?
                 Perhaps pay one of these service companies?

                 Maybe you are able to handle it?

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Who should be handling my SEO
              Let‟s brake those down a bit…
                I would say that there are those business which
                  you see ads for, and have promises of high
                 Then there are those which provide, what I will
                  consider consultative services, more of a
                  partnership, requiring work from both you and
                 And then there is you using some of the tips
                  provided here.
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Who should be handling my SEO
              I would caution you about anyone who has
               promises of great reward with little effort at a
               discount price… They are like the diet pill
                 Immediate   results
                 But not lasting

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Who should be handling my SEO
              Let me contrast that with a consultative
               service, to give you a better idea on what
               you‟re looking for. A consultative service
                 Give  you realistic expectations (good results take
                  time, and no spot is guaranteed)
                 Require both input and work on your part (they
                  cannot guess at what makes your website,
                  company, or content unique)
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Who should be handling my SEO
              While I would say that there can be value in
               purchasing the services of a third party, and
               there is definitely a LOT of value which can
               come out of those, I would suggest you need
               to start off with doing it yourself.

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Who should be handling my SEO
                 They   will also work with you over time, establish a
                  relationship and work towards steady, long term
                 They will charge you a fee over time, perhaps by
                  hour, month or quarter.
                 They will constantly be making minor course
                  corrections, which are empowered by objective
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Who should be handling my SEO
                 There               is NO BLACK BOX, no secrets…
                      Just          like loosing weight…
                                 It requires eating right and exercise
                                 …over time…
                                 …and consistent attention…

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Who should be handling my SEO
              However, a large portion of what you will spend
               your time and money on with a consultant can be
               first done on your own without their input… Much
               like getting your General Education out of the way
               before going to a university…
              Doing your homework, and then if you still want to
               go to a higher level, call in the professional
               consultant who can help you refine things even
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
When should I address SEO
              So just like loosing weight, the best time is
               RIGHT NOW.
                 Soyet out your note taking device
                 And start working on it today

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              So where do you start?
              The first thing to do is go back to the
               question… what value to I bring to the internet
               as a whole. If you are a mom and pop bakery
               in Rural California, what relevance do you
               have to the world? What would be the
               appropriate context for your business?

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
                I     would suggest that wanting “best blueberry pie”
                     is probably not what is really relevant to your
                      Unless             of course you sold nationally or internationally
                 But          perhaps
                      “coffeeshop in Redding”
                      “blueberry pie in Redding”
                      etc

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              First, establish how you want to be legitimately
              Second, you need to understand where you
               currently are at rank wise on the major search
                 How     else will you know what you‟re doing helps
                     or hurts

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              Then, take a look at your website from the
               eyes of a search engine… Does the content of
               your website contain relevant information
               pertaining to how you want to be found…
                 If   you want to be found as “coffee shop in
                     redding”, do those words even appear on your

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
                 Sometimes      I see websites with the name “Bill &
                     Dianes” and then their menu… but nowhere is the
                     city, Redding, or the words “Coffee Shop”
              Then begin to think about how you can add
               relevant information to your website that
               contains the words or phrases which are
               relevant to how you want to be found.

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              In general, the more you use those words or
               phrases across your website, the better results
               you receive.
                 However,   they must be relevant, legitimate uses
                  of those words, within valuable content or text.
                 Otherwise it‟s considered „keyword stuffing‟ and
                  you will be penalized.

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank

                                          In other words, don‟t just say
                                           „best coffee shop in redding‟
                                              on every single page.

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              Next, you need to ensure that your website
               has current, fresh information.
                 The    frequency doesn‟t matter as much as that it is
                     a pace you can keep up with…
                      It
                        could be daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly.
                      But find a rhythm that you and keep with

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
 Google     and other search engines consider stale
                     information to be of less value.
                      And  while in some contexts (think of printed books in a
                       library) it isn‟t accurate…
                      For the most part, on the internet it is very true.

                 There    are two ways you can be changing your
                      Updating existing information
                      Adding new information
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              Updating information…
                 Looks     like checking your website and adjusting
                     your prices, hours of operation, specials, etc.
              Adding new information…
                 Looks    like a blog, or current news relevant to your
                      A bakery  which posts new recipes online
                      A travel agency which posts airport delays

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              The first two are the biggest and easiest to do:
                 Relevant articles
                 Current articles

              From here, it becomes more technical and
               more difficult, but even completing the first two
               will make a significant impact.

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              The next thing is to get other websites to link
               to you. But these need to come from reputable
                 And  forget about Facebook and Myspace, those
                  are just skipped over.
                 You need websites like your or affiliates which
                  you have an actual relationship with.

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
                 This might look like a bakery whose website
                  references a coffee shop; or a community center
                  which recommends a caterer.
                 In general, the more other websites link to you,
                  the better.
                      However,   they need to come from legitimate websites,
                       like yours which provides value…
                      Avoid so called „link exchanges‟ which can hurt your
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              The last tip for improving search rank is probably
               the hardest, and that is to ensure that your
               website confirms to W3C standards…
                 Basically, search engines say, if you don‟t take the
                  time to write your website properly, we won‟t value it
                  as much…
                 Think of it as the same way you “judge a book by it‟s
                  cover” – if the publisher doesn‟t take time to use high
                  quality material, then we value it less.
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
                 Think  of it as the same way you “judge a book by
                  it‟s cover” – if the publisher doesn‟t take time to
                  use high quality material, then we value it less.
                 If your website doesn‟t meet standards, then it will
                  have less value.
              For this, talk to the person who did your
               website. Ask them to show it is meets W3C
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              So the for things in order are:
               1.       Relevant content
               2.       Recent content
               3.       Inbound links/referrals
               4.       Technically accurate website code

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              Those elements are not only the basic
               fundamentals, but will save you hundreds on
               consulting fees.
              I have taken multiple websites, using essentially
               these techniques alone, and not spending a single
               dollar on any sort of affiliate, search engine
               submission or any other fee to bring those
               websites to a sustainable top 5 position for their
               relevant keywords. It has taken around a year for
               each website, but they have maintained that
               position for years.
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
How do I improve my search rank
              And as you can see, there is a bit of immediate
               work, as well as ongoing work…
              … and you have to ask yourself…. How can a
               business make me #1 for only $50 or even

© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Search Engine Optimization
              In summary:
                    SEO is important for any website
                    You have the tools you need to make a positive change
                     now, and don‟t need to pay hundreds to someone else to
                     get started
                    TODAY is the day to start
                    And the simplest way to get results is to think about how
                     you evaluate what is valuable to you, and then ensure your
                     website is providing value by having: relevant content,
                     recent content, references (inbound links) and a good
                     cover (technical sound).
© 2012 – Jason Olson /
Search Engine Optimization
              Thank you for your time!

© 2012 – Jason Olson /

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Search engine optimization (seo)

  • 2. Presenter  Jason Olson, Founder –  18 years as an internet developer  14 years as an information technology engineer  MCSE: Security, Cisco CCNP, Citrix CCA  CIW Web Professional © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 3. Search Engine Optimization  What is SEO  Why should it matter to my website  Who should be handling my SEO  When should I address SEO  How do I improve my search rank © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 4. What is SEO  Search Engine Optimization  The process of optimizing your website so that it can be properly found by website search engines, and thus, enable people to find your website. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 5. What is SEO  Asking how to rank #1 is the wrong question…  The right question is what should I rank?  Begin by asking yourself, in the scope of the entire WORLD WIDE WEB, what is the importance of my content…  Lets look at Apple…when someone searches for Apple, what are they looking for?  Fruit, Record Label, Big Apple, Computer Name, Corporation © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 6. What is SEO  So we need to step back and look… what is the real relevance of my website?  Does my current website represent that relevance? © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 7. What is SEO  You see… Search engines are designed to use very complex mathematical and semantical algorithms to determine the relevance of a website to a particular search query…  When I search for Apple Computer, what does the searcher want to know? And can the engine display relevant links to websites? © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 8. What is SEO  When search engines were first developed, websites were allowed to define for themselves their relevance to a particular subject…  Unfortunately unscrupulous people attempted to undermine that… and have been trying ever since.  And the more people ask to be #1 without first asking “should they”… they are affective contributing to this problem. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 9. What is SEO  So… in response, search engines are working ever diligently to detect these attempts to undermine the trust system, and put their website on top.  As yourself, if you sold an Apple Macintosh or say an iPad… what sort of value would it bring to you, as a company, to show up first, when someone searched for iPad? That could mean millions of dollars in revenue. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 10. …But the question is, do you legitimately belong above the Apple Computer Corporation? © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 11. What is SEO  So there is this sort of Cat-and-Mouse game with search engines and website designers.  A simple search for “seo” or “search engine optimization” will yield you hundreds of thousands of pages about SEO, and a large portion of those will also be SELLING you services to help you rank #1 © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 12. What is SEO  And the reality is… you don‟t have to hire someone else….  …in fact, they will not really work permantely…  …they are a bit like a diet pill  …immediate results  …but not lasting © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 13. Why should it matter to my website  So if it is so complex, should it matter…  Well we‟ve already discussed if you sold Apple products the value of coming out on top…  But… what if you‟re not an ecommerce website? You don‟t sell products online? © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 14. Why should it matter to my website  Consider this… people between the ages of 18-35:  search 70% of the time for a website to establish it is a legitimate business  Are 75% more likely to search for a service they need, than look in the phone book or ask a friend © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 15. Why should it matter to my website  Also consider…  If you‟re simply a blogger or someone providing free information – no product…  The more likely is someone will find your website (after all, if you‟re providing free information, don‟t you want people to find the information?)  The greater value is attributed to the information you profile  The greater value is provided to your as the owner of that information. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 16. Why should it matter to my website  Even think about Google…  They started off with a product that was FREE, they made no money from it…  They had a product that was worth while, and people found out about it…  Now a company which started off with a free service is on the NASDAQ with a market cap of 208 BILLION © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 17. Why should it matter to my website  The bottom line is… your website has value – otherwise why have one?  And since it has value, you should maximize that value by enabling people to find it. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 18. Who should be handling my SEO  So who should be handling your SEO?  Shouldyou be hiring a firm?  Perhaps pay one of these service companies?  Maybe you are able to handle it? © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 19. Who should be handling my SEO  Let‟s brake those down a bit… I would say that there are those business which you see ads for, and have promises of high rewards…  Then there are those which provide, what I will consider consultative services, more of a partnership, requiring work from both you and them.  And then there is you using some of the tips provided here. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 20. Who should be handling my SEO  I would caution you about anyone who has promises of great reward with little effort at a discount price… They are like the diet pill  Immediate results  But not lasting © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 21. Who should be handling my SEO  Let me contrast that with a consultative service, to give you a better idea on what you‟re looking for. A consultative service should:  Give you realistic expectations (good results take time, and no spot is guaranteed)  Require both input and work on your part (they cannot guess at what makes your website, company, or content unique) © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 22. Who should be handling my SEO  While I would say that there can be value in purchasing the services of a third party, and there is definitely a LOT of value which can come out of those, I would suggest you need to start off with doing it yourself. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 23. Who should be handling my SEO  They will also work with you over time, establish a relationship and work towards steady, long term growth.  They will charge you a fee over time, perhaps by hour, month or quarter.  They will constantly be making minor course corrections, which are empowered by objective information. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 24. Who should be handling my SEO  There is NO BLACK BOX, no secrets…  Just like loosing weight…  It requires eating right and exercise  …over time…  …and consistent attention… © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 25. Who should be handling my SEO  However, a large portion of what you will spend your time and money on with a consultant can be first done on your own without their input… Much like getting your General Education out of the way before going to a university…  Doing your homework, and then if you still want to go to a higher level, call in the professional consultant who can help you refine things even better. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 26. When should I address SEO  So just like loosing weight, the best time is RIGHT NOW.  Soyet out your note taking device  And start working on it today © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 27. How do I improve my search rank  So where do you start?  The first thing to do is go back to the question… what value to I bring to the internet as a whole. If you are a mom and pop bakery in Rural California, what relevance do you have to the world? What would be the appropriate context for your business? © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 28. How do I improve my search rank I would suggest that wanting “best blueberry pie” is probably not what is really relevant to your business.  Unless of course you sold nationally or internationally  But perhaps  “coffeeshop in Redding”  “blueberry pie in Redding”  etc © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 29. How do I improve my search rank  First, establish how you want to be legitimately found.  Second, you need to understand where you currently are at rank wise on the major search engines?  How else will you know what you‟re doing helps or hurts © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 30. How do I improve my search rank  Then, take a look at your website from the eyes of a search engine… Does the content of your website contain relevant information pertaining to how you want to be found…  If you want to be found as “coffee shop in redding”, do those words even appear on your website? © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 31. How do I improve my search rank  Sometimes I see websites with the name “Bill & Dianes” and then their menu… but nowhere is the city, Redding, or the words “Coffee Shop”  Then begin to think about how you can add relevant information to your website that contains the words or phrases which are relevant to how you want to be found. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 32. How do I improve my search rank  In general, the more you use those words or phrases across your website, the better results you receive.  However, they must be relevant, legitimate uses of those words, within valuable content or text.  Otherwise it‟s considered „keyword stuffing‟ and you will be penalized. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 33. How do I improve my search rank In other words, don‟t just say „best coffee shop in redding‟ on every single page. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 34. How do I improve my search rank  Next, you need to ensure that your website has current, fresh information.  The frequency doesn‟t matter as much as that it is a pace you can keep up with…  It could be daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly.  But find a rhythm that you and keep with © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 35.  Google and other search engines consider stale information to be of less value.  And while in some contexts (think of printed books in a library) it isn‟t accurate…  For the most part, on the internet it is very true.  There are two ways you can be changing your website:  Updating existing information  Adding new information © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 36. How do I improve my search rank  Updating information…  Looks like checking your website and adjusting your prices, hours of operation, specials, etc.  Adding new information…  Looks like a blog, or current news relevant to your website:  A bakery which posts new recipes online  A travel agency which posts airport delays © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 37. How do I improve my search rank  The first two are the biggest and easiest to do:  Relevant articles  Current articles  From here, it becomes more technical and more difficult, but even completing the first two will make a significant impact. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 38. How do I improve my search rank  The next thing is to get other websites to link to you. But these need to come from reputable sources…  And forget about Facebook and Myspace, those are just skipped over.  You need websites like your or affiliates which you have an actual relationship with. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 39. How do I improve my search rank  This might look like a bakery whose website references a coffee shop; or a community center which recommends a caterer.  In general, the more other websites link to you, the better.  However, they need to come from legitimate websites, like yours which provides value…  Avoid so called „link exchanges‟ which can hurt your position. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 40. How do I improve my search rank  The last tip for improving search rank is probably the hardest, and that is to ensure that your website confirms to W3C standards…  Basically, search engines say, if you don‟t take the time to write your website properly, we won‟t value it as much…  Think of it as the same way you “judge a book by it‟s cover” – if the publisher doesn‟t take time to use high quality material, then we value it less. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 41. How do I improve my search rank  Think of it as the same way you “judge a book by it‟s cover” – if the publisher doesn‟t take time to use high quality material, then we value it less.  If your website doesn‟t meet standards, then it will have less value.  For this, talk to the person who did your website. Ask them to show it is meets W3C standards. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 42. How do I improve my search rank  So the for things in order are: 1. Relevant content 2. Recent content 3. Inbound links/referrals 4. Technically accurate website code © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 43. How do I improve my search rank  Those elements are not only the basic fundamentals, but will save you hundreds on consulting fees.  I have taken multiple websites, using essentially these techniques alone, and not spending a single dollar on any sort of affiliate, search engine submission or any other fee to bring those websites to a sustainable top 5 position for their relevant keywords. It has taken around a year for each website, but they have maintained that position for years. © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 44. How do I improve my search rank  And as you can see, there is a bit of immediate work, as well as ongoing work…  … and you have to ask yourself…. How can a business make me #1 for only $50 or even $500?  © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 45. Search Engine Optimization  In summary:  SEO is important for any website  You have the tools you need to make a positive change now, and don‟t need to pay hundreds to someone else to get started  TODAY is the day to start  And the simplest way to get results is to think about how you evaluate what is valuable to you, and then ensure your website is providing value by having: relevant content, recent content, references (inbound links) and a good cover (technical sound). © 2012 – Jason Olson /
  • 46. Search Engine Optimization  Thank you for your time! © 2012 – Jason Olson /