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NOVEMBER 23, 2015
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Chatting amongst themselves, TRAVIS and LEROY wait impatiently for the bus, their minds set
on hanging out with some friends in Atlanta, until morning comes.
Well, if that’s how she felt, that’s one thing, but to
act out like that, was another!
Well, to each their own, and you know like I do, family
gon’ be family.
That’s no excuse, Roy! That’s one thing about family, we grow
up around each other, but when we make decisions that go against
what others disagree with, then they aim to crush our very existence!
As the driver opens the door for them to enter, Travis starts in first with Leroy stepping joyfully
on his heels. The bus is slightly packed. What few seats remain open are in the rear of the bus on
the top tier. As Travis swipes his Breeze card, four loud and rowdy AFRICAN – AMERICAN
TEENS ranging from ages 18 to 25 gather at the entrance door of the bus. They’re all wearing
black oversized jeans and big black jackets or hoodies. Two sport long dreadlocks down their
backs while the other two have black ball caps pulled down over their foreheads. After Leroy
swipes his Breeze card, he moves towards the rear behind Travis. It’s then that rowdy group of
four file inside, each swiping their Breeze cards and moving for the rear and taking posts near the
passage way that leads up onto the top tier.
As the bus chokes forward, Travis and Leroy exchange frowns hopping that neither of them step
up to occupy the two remaining seats near them. “Alright” by Kendrick Lamar can be heard
thumping from TEEN-ONE’s headset while the others go on and on about the house party they
plan to attend tonight. Not interested in their loud chatter, Leroy turns back to Travis to continue
with their previous conversation.
So, you think it’s gonna’ go down like that?
I know so, because when CHRIS gets irritated, he’s going in on them
because he feels misunderstood! They raised that boy for seventeen
years and treat him like he’s a stranger!
As the bus propels forward, Travis turns to look out into the nighttime traffic, anticipating a
long fulfilling night.
It’s been a while since I been to Varsity.
I haven’t been in a while either. I hope it’s not a lot of homeless
fools hanging around down there tonight!
Oh, they gon’ be around! Standing around, looking for handouts!
Just when Travis assumed they’d be free of infringement by unwanted company, Teen-One
decides that he won’t be making the entire ride standing on his feet. He turns and ascends the
steps entering the top tier and settles on a seat next to Travis. Nodding his head, he turns and
faces off with Travis and notices his upturned nose and confronts it.
What it do, nigga?! What’chu lookin’ crazy fo’?!
Dumbfounded at the swift aggressive approach from him, Travis quietly rises from his seat and
moves back down the steps and up aisle followed by Leroy. Excusing themselves as they go,
they journey through a row of parked feet and swaying knees in the aisle. Grinning, Teen-One’s
friends turn and march up the steps and onto the top tier to join him. They dive into vacant seats
thanks to Teen-One, who put the occupants on flight. Feeling proud of himself after having
accomplished a mission for the team, Teen-One nods his head harder and faster as Bun B’s “Get
Throwed” begins to thump through his headset.
Dats what I thought! Sissy ass bitch!
The entire bus turns towards the top tier, then back at Travis and Leroy, anticipating a physical
confrontation from them, but there is none. Both Travis and Leroy settle near the front of the bus
and take hold of a hanging loop to hold on to for the remainder of the ride. Teen-One remains
seated and rapping along with Bun B, totally engulfed by the lyrics of the song. Short peeping,
Leroy peers back up the aisle at Teen-One, observing him as he displays the mannerism of a
happy little boy singing along to the lyrics of his favorite song. Rolling his eyes, Leroy turns and
meets the soft gaze of an ELDERLY LADY sitting on a bench directly across from them. She
cuffs her umbrella in hand, holds back a smile, then shakes her head, ashamed of Teen-One’s
choice of words and display of niggarism on a public bus. Nevertheless, her facial expression
conveys delight. She’s delighted because Travis and Leroy were strong enough to brush the
disrespect to the side and relocate, altogether avoiding a Nigga Moment that could’ve unfolded
to a brawl on a public bus. As Travis peers out into the city street, the headlights of passing
automobiles flashes over his face, revealing the growing anticipation he still has to jump into the
night life and party the night away. But then suddenly, his Li’l Wayne’s “Lollypop” ringtone
erupts from his side. He reaches down to his hip, recovers it, and reads the screen. It’s
PATRICK, another club hopper who’ll be joining them tonight.
What’s up, Pat?!
Man, I been trying to call you for an hour! Did you get my text?!
Man, you know this phone does what it wants!
Where y’all at?! We still on the bus.
We on seventy-five, on the side of the road! We was in a wreck.
A wreck?! Who was driving?! Where were y’all going?!
We were headed to meet y’all at Varsity, and this damn fool pulled
out in front of Jaxon and hit Chris on his side! He gon’ be ok, tho’!
Travis runs a free hand through his long dreadlocks, spins on his toes, and peers out the wide
bus’s window into the city street again. Leroy can see that he’s just received disturbing news,
and places a hand on Travis’s shoulder and spins him back around. As Travis turns back around
to face him, he turns the disappointing news over to Leroy as well.
They were in a car wreck!
Really, man?!
Their expectations of partying into the next morning is shattered.
So what are we gonna’ do?! Do y’all want us to come
out to Grady or meet y’all at Varsity?!
I don’t think we gon’ do nothin’ tonight, bru bru. We still out here
at the scene. Police still taking names and talking to witnesses.
Ahhh, man! If it ain’t one thing, its another!
BOOM BAM, the bus jumps and wobbles into the air without warning. Women and children
scream out of fear and discomfort from the sudden impact of the bus that appears to have run
over something in the road.
You gon’ killa’ nigga fo’ we get to the bus station, man!
I got this! I got this! Sit down, I’m pulling over!
There the bus sits, on the side of the road with a flat tire in the rear on the driver’s side. With his
hands on his hips, the driver shakes his head in disbelief, irked at the situation they’re in. Then
feeling a bit uncomfortable, he begins to perspire, then looks up, and can see why. Peering out
the wide windows down at him are bus riders. Their faces tell it all. Regrettably, he starts back
inside to deliver the bad news.
Sorry to inform y’all, but we gotta’ flat-,
The entire bus erupts with complaints; people complaining about being late for work, needing to
get to the grocery store so they can get back home to cook, to being late for a date.
Shit, you got three mo’ wheels! Ride on them! You gon’
make me late! I jus’ got this damn job!
Wait, wait now! We not gon’ do no cursing on the bus! It’s a-,
Man, you got folks on here got places to go, and you talkin’ bout
some profanity?! Maaaaan, git way from us with dat bullshit!
Sir, I just ask that y’all not curse, that’s all?
Travis turns back to Patrick and joins his misery.
Man, you not gon’ believe this!
We just got a flat, and we sittin’ here on side of the road-,
Hey Pat, let me call you back. I gotta’ see what’s going on
as far as us being stuck for a while or not.
Travis and others watch on, listening as the driver communicates with a dispatcher over the
radio. After overhearing that it could be 45 minutes before maintenance arrives, and 20 minutes
before another bus can redeem them, Travis turns to Leroy for suggestions, and Leroy, whose
just standing there peering out into the street feels Travis’s eyes set in on him. He turns to face
him, at the same time shaking his head.
So, what do you wanna’ do? The police still got them held
up on seventy – five talking to witnesses.
Leroy doesn’t reply in word, but turns for the front of the bus, snarls at the driver, then bolts for
the front leaving Travis in his path. The driver sees their intent.
So, y’all getting off?
Yeah, I ain’t got time for this! But what you gonna’ do about our fee?
Let me refund y’all.
The driver gets on the radio again and calls in to the station and informs the dispatcher that two
of his riders desire to get off. He’s then instructed to refund them, and after doing so, he opens
the door and both Leroy and Travis make an exit. Cautious for passing cars, they scurry across
the street for the bus stop that will get them back home, in the opposite direction.
For what seems like an eternity, Leroy scurries angrily along the roadside pushing hard against
the November winds with his hands buried deep within his pockets, trying like hell to keep them
warm as Travis tails along behind, eager to keep up. Finally, Leroy breaks his silence.
It ain’t even Friday the thirteenth man, and nothing’s
going our way. Damn! It’s the day before Thanks Giving!
Well, we could’ve hung out any way!
I’m good! I’ma go on in and watch some….Netflix, or somethin’!
Well, you can come by the house, if you want to.
Leroy stops in his tracks, and peers back at Travis.
So, your dad ain’t gon’ trip?!
Nahh, dude! He’s probably at church.
Well, I’ll hang out for a few, but I really had my hopes on going in tonight. HARD!
Me too! Who you tellin’?!
Travis and Leroy chuckle lightly at the brawl unfolding between cast members of “Love and Hip
Hop”. Sliding to edge of the sofa, Leroy reaches out, takes hold of his can of Arizona tea and
takes a large swallow. Travis, who’s downed his own can along with four slices of pizza stands
to his feet and retreats for the restroom, leaving Leroy to later inform on what he misses. Leroy
peers on at the tube, tickled at the sight of voluptuous women squaring off with one another,
ready for battle, wearing six inch heels and tight designer skirts and colorful low V-cut blouses
that expose their healthy cleavage. After replacing his Arizona tea on the table top before him,
Leroy reclines back on the sofa with his legs spread wide open. He peers down between them,
but is startled by loud jingling keys sounding off from what appears to be the location of the
kitchen. He propels forward, looking around in search for the TV remote to adjust the volume,
but is too late. Travis’s father Pastor Miller comes into view through the kitchen door, located at
the side of the house. When he lays eyes on Leroy, it’s clearly seen in his eyes that there might
be a problem, something Travis promised Leroy was free of. The remote Leroy couldn’t find, is
discovered by Pastor Miller, who finds it laying on the kitchen table, left there by Travis on his
way to use the restroom.
How you doing Mr. Miller?
Pastor Miller doesn’t greet Leroy in return. He extends his arm, aims for the TV, and adjusts the
Where is Travis at, and who else he got in my house?!
Travis reenters the den to find an angry father standing over Leroy interrogating him. Pastor
Miller turns to Travis with the same question.
Ain’t nobody else in here daddy!
Well, you need to take your company somewhere else!
Travis is furious at how his father treats him and his friends. It’s as though he’s a step-child, or a
long lost nephew who’s returned home from a prison bid and only the uncle, Pastor Miller will
accept him. Leroy can see that things may escalate and stands to his feet to part ways.
I’ll see you later, bru bru.
I’ll call you, later.
Shaking his head, Pastor Miller begins gesturing his hands as if he’s a confused man seeking an
answer to a long awaited question.
Nahh, you can go with him! I don’t know what y’all think this is!
My house gon’ stay holy! This God’s house, and he made me the head of it!
Daddy, we just watching TV, no dope, no beer, no cussing, nothing!
And who you pleading a case against Travis?!
BOOMP, the door comes to a close, then silence falls over the house and lingers over it for what
seems like an eternity. The father and son are now alone. Travis breaks his silence, unleashing
years of frustration towards his father.
I don’t know what issues you have with me, but if I didn’t want
somebody around me, I wouldn’t let them stay with me!
And if I couldn’t obey people’s rules under their roof, I would leave!
Travis turns and bolts for his bedroom, and although Pastor Miller makes an attempt to cut him
off, he fails. Travis enters his bedroom and slams the door closed behind him, rattling hanging
picture frames that hang from the wall in the hallway.
Furiously, he storms over to his bed, dumps his body onto it in a sitting position, props his
elbows on his knees, and buries his chin in the cups of his palms. He peers at the wall on the
opposite side of the room. BOOMP BOOMP, BOOMP! Pastor Miller bangs on his bedroom’s
And if you think every time I say something you, you gon’ run out,
disrespecting me, you wrong! I tell you what, you can get up out of here!
Travis springs from the bed onto his feet, and moves over to the door to vent more.
What do you want from me?!
I want you out of my house, right now, in the name of Jesus!
Where am I gonna’ go?!
Travis, get your stuff together and get out of my house!
(BEAT) Satan, I bind you in the name of Jesus......get out Travis!
Why? Because me and my friends are different?!
Y’all ain’t different! Y’all are just like deez other heathens
in the world, and you gotta’ leave here!
BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP! Pastor Miller bangs on Travis’s beedroom’s
door again.
Why I gotta’ leave-
Travis begins to tear up, not from feeling like a victim in the matter, but like his friend Chris,
I done gave you too many chances! You don’t get up for church,
and all deez narrow clothes you wear with ya’ twisting friends gon’
get up outta’ here!
Daddy, I’m comfortable in my skin! This is who I am-
How you comfortable in your own skin?! You runnin’ round here
in deez small clothes, with people who just talk about spending
money on clothes and gadgets, but don’t wanna’ work for nothing!
Daddy, what that gotta’ do with me?!
Because you run with them! With all this gay stuff in my house-
Well, it’s easy for you to say, but I didn’t make myself this way-
God didn’t make you that way, and you wasn’t born that way! Every
day in the news, the media talkin’ bout black boys being gunned down
in the street by white police, and we need black men and boys to stand up
against racism, but y’all wanna’ be GAY! Like WOMEN! Boy, be what
God made you to be, DAMMIT!
Get out of my house Travis, or I’ma call the police! Get out of here!
You can run down there and rally for other families, but what
if it was me some cop killed, would you speak up on my behalf,
or would I be a son you keep a secret because of who I am!
Ain’t no, that’s who you are! You wasn’t raised that way, and God
didn’t make you that way! You in sin boy, and for the wages of sin
is death, and you not gon’ stay in here with it!
Maybe God didn’t make me this way, maybe you didn’t raise me
this way, but uncle Don did it…..and you not holding him responsible at all!
Funny how you can protect your brother and his position as a
deacon, but wouldn’t protect your own son!
Pastor Miller turns from Travis’s bedroom door, spinning on his toes, and places his back against
it. He cringes on the very words that were just ejected through his son’s bedroom door.
Daddy, how you gon’ hate homosexuality, but wink at what might
have caused me to be this way?!
Pastor Miller cringes more, and folds one arm over the other as if he’s cold, and shivers from the
cold hard facts.
I couldn’t be held responsible for what Don did –
Answer me daddy… you gonna’ hate what you protect?
Was your pastoral salary more important that what I wrestle with today?!
Was your status as a pastor more important than what I wrestle with today?
Was your brother who violated me more important than your son…..who
stands on the other side of this door, tonight?!
Don made his own decision and-
But you knew daddy! (BEAT), Where was my shepherd,
where was spiritual leader, where was my counselor, daddy?!
So you blame me for something my brother did?!
Daddy I blame you for something you knew about, but didn’t stop!
How you gon’ rally against black boys being killed in the streets and
come home and kill me, your son, because of who I am, and I’m meant
to be this way, because being this way challenges change, and it challenges
the love you claim you have for all people!
I rebuke that in the name of Jesus, and you not gon’ cast blame on me!
Daddy, it’s not about who’s wrong or right.
….but you know what daddy? It’s funny how you can preach sermons
on giving money and prosperity, on not being unequally yoked, or about
Jesus returning to a church without spot, with blemish, but daddy,
THIS…….is a sermon you never preached!

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  • 2. FADE IN: CAMP CREEK, GEORGIA 1 EXT. BUS STOP - ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD– NIGHT 1 Chatting amongst themselves, TRAVIS and LEROY wait impatiently for the bus, their minds set on hanging out with some friends in Atlanta, until morning comes. TRAVIS Well, if that’s how she felt, that’s one thing, but to act out like that, was another! LEROY Well, to each their own, and you know like I do, family gon’ be family. TRAVIS (SHAKING HIS HEAD) That’s no excuse, Roy! That’s one thing about family, we grow up around each other, but when we make decisions that go against what others disagree with, then they aim to crush our very existence! 2 INT. TRANSIT BUS – MINUTES LATER 2 As the driver opens the door for them to enter, Travis starts in first with Leroy stepping joyfully on his heels. The bus is slightly packed. What few seats remain open are in the rear of the bus on the top tier. As Travis swipes his Breeze card, four loud and rowdy AFRICAN – AMERICAN TEENS ranging from ages 18 to 25 gather at the entrance door of the bus. They’re all wearing black oversized jeans and big black jackets or hoodies. Two sport long dreadlocks down their backs while the other two have black ball caps pulled down over their foreheads. After Leroy swipes his Breeze card, he moves towards the rear behind Travis. It’s then that rowdy group of four file inside, each swiping their Breeze cards and moving for the rear and taking posts near the passage way that leads up onto the top tier. CONTINUES:
  • 3. CONTINUES: 2 INT. TRANSIT BUS – MOVING 2 As the bus chokes forward, Travis and Leroy exchange frowns hopping that neither of them step up to occupy the two remaining seats near them. “Alright” by Kendrick Lamar can be heard thumping from TEEN-ONE’s headset while the others go on and on about the house party they plan to attend tonight. Not interested in their loud chatter, Leroy turns back to Travis to continue with their previous conversation. LEROY So, you think it’s gonna’ go down like that? TRAVIS I know so, because when CHRIS gets irritated, he’s going in on them because he feels misunderstood! They raised that boy for seventeen years and treat him like he’s a stranger! As the bus propels forward, Travis turns to look out into the nighttime traffic, anticipating a long fulfilling night. LEROY (GRINNING) It’s been a while since I been to Varsity. TRAVIS (FROWNING) I haven’t been in a while either. I hope it’s not a lot of homeless fools hanging around down there tonight! LEROY Oh, they gon’ be around! Standing around, looking for handouts!
  • 4. Just when Travis assumed they’d be free of infringement by unwanted company, Teen-One decides that he won’t be making the entire ride standing on his feet. He turns and ascends the steps entering the top tier and settles on a seat next to Travis. Nodding his head, he turns and faces off with Travis and notices his upturned nose and confronts it. TEEN ONE What it do, nigga?! What’chu lookin’ crazy fo’?! Dumbfounded at the swift aggressive approach from him, Travis quietly rises from his seat and moves back down the steps and up aisle followed by Leroy. Excusing themselves as they go, they journey through a row of parked feet and swaying knees in the aisle. Grinning, Teen-One’s friends turn and march up the steps and onto the top tier to join him. They dive into vacant seats thanks to Teen-One, who put the occupants on flight. Feeling proud of himself after having accomplished a mission for the team, Teen-One nods his head harder and faster as Bun B’s “Get Throwed” begins to thump through his headset. TEEN ONE Dats what I thought! Sissy ass bitch! The entire bus turns towards the top tier, then back at Travis and Leroy, anticipating a physical confrontation from them, but there is none. Both Travis and Leroy settle near the front of the bus and take hold of a hanging loop to hold on to for the remainder of the ride. Teen-One remains seated and rapping along with Bun B, totally engulfed by the lyrics of the song. Short peeping, Leroy peers back up the aisle at Teen-One, observing him as he displays the mannerism of a happy little boy singing along to the lyrics of his favorite song. Rolling his eyes, Leroy turns and meets the soft gaze of an ELDERLY LADY sitting on a bench directly across from them. She cuffs her umbrella in hand, holds back a smile, then shakes her head, ashamed of Teen-One’s choice of words and display of niggarism on a public bus. Nevertheless, her facial expression conveys delight. She’s delighted because Travis and Leroy were strong enough to brush the disrespect to the side and relocate, altogether avoiding a Nigga Moment that could’ve unfolded to a brawl on a public bus. As Travis peers out into the city street, the headlights of passing automobiles flashes over his face, revealing the growing anticipation he still has to jump into the night life and party the night away. But then suddenly, his Li’l Wayne’s “Lollypop” ringtone erupts from his side. He reaches down to his hip, recovers it, and reads the screen. It’s PATRICK, another club hopper who’ll be joining them tonight. TRAVIS What’s up, Pat?!
  • 5. PATRICK (O.S.) Man, I been trying to call you for an hour! Did you get my text?! TRAVIS Man, you know this phone does what it wants! Where y’all at?! We still on the bus. PATRICK (O.S.) We on seventy-five, on the side of the road! We was in a wreck. TRAVIS A wreck?! Who was driving?! Where were y’all going?! PATRICK (O.S.) We were headed to meet y’all at Varsity, and this damn fool pulled out in front of Jaxon and hit Chris on his side! He gon’ be ok, tho’! Travis runs a free hand through his long dreadlocks, spins on his toes, and peers out the wide bus’s window into the city street again. Leroy can see that he’s just received disturbing news, and places a hand on Travis’s shoulder and spins him back around. As Travis turns back around to face him, he turns the disappointing news over to Leroy as well. TRAVIS They were in a car wreck! LEROY Really, man?! TRAVIS Yeah. CONTINUES:
  • 6. CONTINUES: Their expectations of partying into the next morning is shattered. TRAVIS So what are we gonna’ do?! Do y’all want us to come out to Grady or meet y’all at Varsity?! PATRICK (V.O.) I don’t think we gon’ do nothin’ tonight, bru bru. We still out here at the scene. Police still taking names and talking to witnesses. TRAVIS Ahhh, man! If it ain’t one thing, its another! BOOM BAM, the bus jumps and wobbles into the air without warning. Women and children scream out of fear and discomfort from the sudden impact of the bus that appears to have run over something in the road. PAINTER You gon’ killa’ nigga fo’ we get to the bus station, man! BUS DRIVER I got this! I got this! Sit down, I’m pulling over!
  • 7. 3 EXT. CAMP CREEK PKWY. - TRANSIT BUS– MINTES LATER 3 There the bus sits, on the side of the road with a flat tire in the rear on the driver’s side. With his hands on his hips, the driver shakes his head in disbelief, irked at the situation they’re in. Then feeling a bit uncomfortable, he begins to perspire, then looks up, and can see why. Peering out the wide windows down at him are bus riders. Their faces tell it all. Regrettably, he starts back inside to deliver the bad news. 4 INT. TRANSIT BUS - PARKED 4 BUS DRIVER Sorry to inform y’all, but we gotta’ flat-, The entire bus erupts with complaints; people complaining about being late for work, needing to get to the grocery store so they can get back home to cook, to being late for a date. BUS RIDER ONE Shit, you got three mo’ wheels! Ride on them! You gon’ make me late! I jus’ got this damn job! BUS DRIVER Wait, wait now! We not gon’ do no cursing on the bus! It’s a-, BUS RIDER TWO Man, you got folks on here got places to go, and you talkin’ bout some profanity?! Maaaaan, git way from us with dat bullshit! BUS DRIVER Sir, I just ask that y’all not curse, that’s all? Travis turns back to Patrick and joins his misery.
  • 8. TRAVIS Man, you not gon’ believe this! PATRICK What? TRAVIS We just got a flat, and we sittin’ here on side of the road-, PATRICK Damn. TRAVIS Hey Pat, let me call you back. I gotta’ see what’s going on as far as us being stuck for a while or not. PATRICK A’ight. Travis and others watch on, listening as the driver communicates with a dispatcher over the radio. After overhearing that it could be 45 minutes before maintenance arrives, and 20 minutes before another bus can redeem them, Travis turns to Leroy for suggestions, and Leroy, whose just standing there peering out into the street feels Travis’s eyes set in on him. He turns to face him, at the same time shaking his head. TRAVIS So, what do you wanna’ do? The police still got them held up on seventy – five talking to witnesses.
  • 9. Leroy doesn’t reply in word, but turns for the front of the bus, snarls at the driver, then bolts for the front leaving Travis in his path. The driver sees their intent. BUS DRIVER So, y’all getting off? LEROY Yeah, I ain’t got time for this! But what you gonna’ do about our fee? BUS DRIVER Let me refund y’all. The driver gets on the radio again and calls in to the station and informs the dispatcher that two of his riders desire to get off. He’s then instructed to refund them, and after doing so, he opens the door and both Leroy and Travis make an exit. Cautious for passing cars, they scurry across the street for the bus stop that will get them back home, in the opposite direction. 5 EXT. ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY 5 For what seems like an eternity, Leroy scurries angrily along the roadside pushing hard against the November winds with his hands buried deep within his pockets, trying like hell to keep them warm as Travis tails along behind, eager to keep up. Finally, Leroy breaks his silence. LEROY It ain’t even Friday the thirteenth man, and nothing’s going our way. Damn! It’s the day before Thanks Giving! TRAVIS Well, we could’ve hung out any way! LEROY I’m good! I’ma go on in and watch some….Netflix, or somethin’!
  • 10. TRAVIS Well, you can come by the house, if you want to. Leroy stops in his tracks, and peers back at Travis. LEROY So, your dad ain’t gon’ trip?! TRAVIS Nahh, dude! He’s probably at church. LEROY Well, I’ll hang out for a few, but I really had my hopes on going in tonight. HARD! TRAVIS Me too! Who you tellin’?! 6 INT. TRAVIS’S HOME – DEN – HOUR LATER 6 Travis and Leroy chuckle lightly at the brawl unfolding between cast members of “Love and Hip Hop”. Sliding to edge of the sofa, Leroy reaches out, takes hold of his can of Arizona tea and takes a large swallow. Travis, who’s downed his own can along with four slices of pizza stands to his feet and retreats for the restroom, leaving Leroy to later inform on what he misses. Leroy peers on at the tube, tickled at the sight of voluptuous women squaring off with one another, ready for battle, wearing six inch heels and tight designer skirts and colorful low V-cut blouses that expose their healthy cleavage. After replacing his Arizona tea on the table top before him, Leroy reclines back on the sofa with his legs spread wide open. He peers down between them, but is startled by loud jingling keys sounding off from what appears to be the location of the kitchen. He propels forward, looking around in search for the TV remote to adjust the volume, but is too late. Travis’s father Pastor Miller comes into view through the kitchen door, located at the side of the house. When he lays eyes on Leroy, it’s clearly seen in his eyes that there might be a problem, something Travis promised Leroy was free of. The remote Leroy couldn’t find, is discovered by Pastor Miller, who finds it laying on the kitchen table, left there by Travis on his way to use the restroom.
  • 11. LEROY How you doing Mr. Miller? Pastor Miller doesn’t greet Leroy in return. He extends his arm, aims for the TV, and adjusts the volume. PASTOR MILLER Where is Travis at, and who else he got in my house?! Travis reenters the den to find an angry father standing over Leroy interrogating him. Pastor Miller turns to Travis with the same question. TRAVIS Ain’t nobody else in here daddy! PASTOR MILLER Well, you need to take your company somewhere else! Travis is furious at how his father treats him and his friends. It’s as though he’s a step-child, or a long lost nephew who’s returned home from a prison bid and only the uncle, Pastor Miller will accept him. Leroy can see that things may escalate and stands to his feet to part ways. LEROY I’ll see you later, bru bru. TRAVIS I’ll call you, later. Shaking his head, Pastor Miller begins gesturing his hands as if he’s a confused man seeking an answer to a long awaited question. PASTOTR MILLER Nahh, you can go with him! I don’t know what y’all think this is! My house gon’ stay holy! This God’s house, and he made me the head of it!
  • 12. TRAVIS Daddy, we just watching TV, no dope, no beer, no cussing, nothing! PASTOR MILLER And who you pleading a case against Travis?! BOOMP, the door comes to a close, then silence falls over the house and lingers over it for what seems like an eternity. The father and son are now alone. Travis breaks his silence, unleashing years of frustration towards his father. TRAVIS I don’t know what issues you have with me, but if I didn’t want somebody around me, I wouldn’t let them stay with me! PASTOR MILLER And if I couldn’t obey people’s rules under their roof, I would leave! Travis turns and bolts for his bedroom, and although Pastor Miller makes an attempt to cut him off, he fails. Travis enters his bedroom and slams the door closed behind him, rattling hanging picture frames that hang from the wall in the hallway. CONTINUES: 7 INT. HOME – TRAVIS’S BEDROOM 7 Furiously, he storms over to his bed, dumps his body onto it in a sitting position, props his elbows on his knees, and buries his chin in the cups of his palms. He peers at the wall on the opposite side of the room. BOOMP BOOMP, BOOMP! Pastor Miller bangs on his bedroom’s door. PASTOR MILLER (O.S.) And if you think every time I say something you, you gon’ run out, disrespecting me, you wrong! I tell you what, you can get up out of here! Travis springs from the bed onto his feet, and moves over to the door to vent more.
  • 13. TRAVIS What do you want from me?! PASTOR MILLER (O.S.) I want you out of my house, right now, in the name of Jesus! TRAVIS Where am I gonna’ go?! SILENCE. PASTOR MILLER (O.S.) Travis, get your stuff together and get out of my house! (BEAT) Satan, I bind you in the name of Jesus......get out Travis! TRAVIS Why? Because me and my friends are different?! PASTOR MILLER (O.S.) Y’all ain’t different! Y’all are just like deez other heathens in the world, and you gotta’ leave here! BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP! Pastor Miller bangs on Travis’s beedroom’s door again. TRAVIS Why I gotta’ leave-
  • 14. CUT TO: 8 INT. HOME- HALLWAY 8 Travis begins to tear up, not from feeling like a victim in the matter, but like his friend Chris, misunderstood. PASTOR MILLER I done gave you too many chances! You don’t get up for church, and all deez narrow clothes you wear with ya’ twisting friends gon’ get up outta’ here! TRAVIS (O.S.) Daddy, I’m comfortable in my skin! This is who I am- PASTOR MILLER How you comfortable in your own skin?! You runnin’ round here in deez small clothes, with people who just talk about spending money on clothes and gadgets, but don’t wanna’ work for nothing! TRAVIS (O.S.) Daddy, what that gotta’ do with me?! CUT TO: 9 INT. HOME – TRAVIS’S BEDROOM 9 PASTOR MILLER (O.S.) Because you run with them! With all this gay stuff in my house- BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP!
  • 15. TRAVIS Well, it’s easy for you to say, but I didn’t make myself this way- PASTOR MILLER God didn’t make you that way, and you wasn’t born that way! Every day in the news, the media talkin’ bout black boys being gunned down in the street by white police, and we need black men and boys to stand up against racism, but y’all wanna’ be GAY! Like WOMEN! Boy, be what God made you to be, DAMMIT! BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP! CUT TO: 10 INT. HOME – HALLWAY 10 PASTOR MILLER Get out of my house Travis, or I’ma call the police! Get out of here! TRAVIS (O.S.) You can run down there and rally for other families, but what if it was me some cop killed, would you speak up on my behalf, or would I be a son you keep a secret because of who I am!
  • 16. CUT TO: 11 INT. HOME - TRAVIS’S BEDROOM 11 PASTOR MILLER (O.S.) Ain’t no, that’s who you are! You wasn’t raised that way, and God didn’t make you that way! You in sin boy, and for the wages of sin is death, and you not gon’ stay in here with it! TRAVIS Maybe God didn’t make me this way, maybe you didn’t raise me this way, but uncle Don did it…..and you not holding him responsible at all! SILENCE. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Funny how you can protect your brother and his position as a deacon, but wouldn’t protect your own son! SILENCE. CUT TO: 12 INT. HOME – HALLWAY 12 Pastor Miller turns from Travis’s bedroom door, spinning on his toes, and places his back against it. He cringes on the very words that were just ejected through his son’s bedroom door. CONTINUES: TRAVIS (O.S.) Daddy, how you gon’ hate homosexuality, but wink at what might have caused me to be this way?!
  • 17. SILENCE. Pastor Miller cringes more, and folds one arm over the other as if he’s cold, and shivers from the cold hard facts. PASTOR MILLER I couldn’t be held responsible for what Don did – TRAVIS (O.S.) Answer me daddy… you gonna’ hate what you protect? SILENCE. TRAVIS (O.S.) (CONT’D) Was your pastoral salary more important that what I wrestle with today?! Was your status as a pastor more important than what I wrestle with today? Was your brother who violated me more important than your son…..who stands on the other side of this door, tonight?! PASTOR MILLER Don made his own decision and- CUT TO: 13 INT. HOME -TRAVIS’S BEDROOM 13 TRAVIS But you knew daddy! (BEAT), Where was my shepherd, where was spiritual leader, where was my counselor, daddy?! PASTOR MILLER (O.S.) So you blame me for something my brother did?! TRAVIS Daddy I blame you for something you knew about, but didn’t stop!
  • 18. How you gon’ rally against black boys being killed in the streets and come home and kill me, your son, because of who I am, and I’m meant to be this way, because being this way challenges change, and it challenges the love you claim you have for all people! PASTO MILLER (O.S.) I rebuke that in the name of Jesus, and you not gon’ cast blame on me! TRAVIS Daddy, it’s not about who’s wrong or right. SILENCE. TRAVIS ….but you know what daddy? It’s funny how you can preach sermons on giving money and prosperity, on not being unequally yoked, or about Jesus returning to a church without spot, with blemish, but daddy, THIS…….is a sermon you never preached!