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       For                            Theories
     Hobson – Metropolitan
 The scramble was for purely            Lenin – Metropolitan
economic reasons, benefitting         An economic crisis in the
  the capitalist elite who could       capitalist system led to
   sell surplus goods in new          expansion and colonies to
 markets overseas as the poor                     open
in Britain couldn't afford them.            new markets.

 Schumpeter – Metropolitan
                                       Hobsbawn – Metropolitan
 Old aristocrats were trying to
                                    Technology allowed countries
gain power and glory to stay in
                                     the ability to take of colonies
        the public eye.
                                               so they did.

       Cain and Hopkins –
 Gentlemanly capitalists were
  investing in colonies, hoping
   to make a profit and putting
their interests over those of the
             country.                 Flipbook
Robinson and Gallagher - Peripheral      AJP Taylor – International
    The British reluctantly                    Relations
           colonized                      The delicately balanced
Africa after the felts forced to                  position
  protect their investments           of European powers led to the
            against                     colonization of Africa as a
 local Egyptian nationalism.              sparring ground as an
                                       alternative to European war.

   Paul Kennedy – International
  European powers wished to
    have the same power and
status as Britain so colonized,
 forcing Britain to do the same
   to defend her interests and
        keep dominance.

         Sudan - 1882                        Sudan – 1882
British Gen. Charles "Chinese"        Former British Gen. Charles
    Gordon (49) retired from            "Chinese" Gordon, Field
   active duty and moved to           Marshal in the Turkish army,
           Jerusalem                   commanded the Egyptian
                                            forces in Sudan

       Sudan -1883 Nov 3
    A poorly trained Egyptian
                                           Sudan – 1883-1884
                                        British officered Egyptian
Led by British General William
   Hicks, marched toward El
                                          were defeated by the
                                       forces of El Mahdi, called
  in the Sudan--straight into a
                                      Dervishes by the British at the
      Mahdist ambush and
                                            battle of El Obeid.
Sudan - 1884 Jan
                                        Lord Garnet Wolseley,
                                    General of the British Army,
   Sudan - 1884 Jan 18
                                      asked Charles Gordon to
General Charles ("Chinese")
Gordon departed London for
                                   out of retirement and lead an
                                         evacuation of 15,000
                                    and Egyptian civilians from
                                     Khartoum, Sudan. Gordon
                                        Sudan agreed.Mar 11
                                                – 1884
                                   Gen. Gordon learned that the
               .                   telegraph cable to Cairo had
    Sudan - 1884 Feb 18            been cut. Khartoum soldiers
   General Charles Gordon           killed 5 Mahdists at Halfaya.
           arrived                  Mahdist insurgents in return
  in Khartoum to battle the        massacred 150 men from the
   Mahdi and his terrorists.         Khartoum garrison as they
                                             cutting wood.

     Sudan – 1884 Mar 13               Sudan - 1884 Mar 16
  Siege of Khartoum, Sudan,           A 2nd counter-attack at
began. Gen. Gordon ordered a        Halfaya failed and Gordon
counter-attack at Halfaya and      ordered 2 commanders to be
  troops rescued some 500                    executed.
    from a Mahdist assault

     Sudan - 1884 Oct 22
General Charles Gordon received
    a letter from Mahdi near            Sudan - 1884 Nov 3
           Khartoum.               A British steamboat arrived at
Gordon was sent to Khartoum to      Khartoum with news that a
evacuate the Egyptian garrison.     relief force was on its way.
 Gordon decided to hold the city
        against El Mahdi.
Sudan - 1885 Jan 26
    Sudan – 1885 Jan 2           Gordon (51), British gov-gen of
                                 Sudan, was killed on the palace
 Gen. Wolseley received the
                                 steps in the garrison at Khartoum
 last distress signal of Gen.       by the forces of Muhammad
    Gordon in Khartoum.                       Ahmed,
                                             El Mahdi.

    Sudan – 1885 Jan 28              Sudan - 1885 Jun 22
    Gen’l. Garnet Wolseley           In Sudan Muhammad
            arrived                        Ahmad ,
at Khartoum to relieve Gen’l.             the Mahdi,
 Gordon, but arrived 2 days        died of typhus. His chief
             late.                  deputy, Abdallahi ibn
El Mahdi died soon thereafter     Muhammad took over the
  but was succeeded by the       administration of the nascent
            Khalifa                      Mahdist state

        Sudan – 1886                Sudan – 1896 Sep 21
Henry Stanley (1841-1904),        General Horatio Kitchener's
Welsh-born journalist, led the     army occupied Dongola,
Emin Pasha Relief Expedition                 Sudan.
to "rescue" Emin Pasha, the       Gen’l. Herbert Kitchener led
  governor of Equatoria in        the British conquest of the
     the southern Sudan                      Sudan.

                                      .Sudan – 1898 Apr 8
                                    British General Kitchener
                                 defeated the Khalifa, leader of
   Sudan – 1897 Aug 31
                                 the dervishes in Sudan, at the
 General Kitchener occupied
                                     Battle of Atbara. Anglo-
 Berber, North of Khartoum.
                                      forces crushed 6,000
Sudan – 1898 Sep 2
                                  Anglo-Egyptian lines under Gen’l.
                                  Kitchener were charged by 50,000
     Sudan – 1898 Sep 1                fanatical Dervishes and
                                  were mowed down by howitzers,
Lord Kitchener's army bombed         machine guns and rifles. The
          Omdurman                    Dervishes left 11,000 dead
                                      and 16,000 wounded. The
                                    Anglo-Egyptian army suffered
                                    fewer than a dozen casualties.

                                       Sudan – 1899 Nov 24
                                     Abdullah ibn Mohammed
    Sudan – 1898 Sep 6
                                        al-Ta'a'ishi, Khelifa
  Lord Kitchener destroyed
                                    of Sudan (1883-99), died.
 Mahdi's tomb in Omdurman
                                    British forces took control
                                           of the Sudan.

   Egypt – 1859 Apr 25
                                      Egypt – 1867 Feb 1
  Construction of the Suez
                                  The 1st ship passed through
                                        the Suez Canal.
       was started.

                                       Egypt – 1869 Nov 17
      Egypt – 1867-1875           , The Suez Canal was opened
The Suez Canal Co. issued bonds                  in
     for some hundred million            Egypt,linking the
    francs to keep afloat. The
 Khedive went bankrupt and the
 British under Disraeli snapped     and the Red seas. The 100
   up the Khedive's shares for        mile canal eliminated a
            £4 million.            4000-mile trip around Africa.
Egypt – 1979
Tewfik was appointed as the
                                      Egypt – November 1879
 Khedive of Egypt and spent
                                    Anglo-French dual control of
 vast amounts on railways,
                                    Egypt was established to stop
  borrowing from European
                                          further spending.
   and bankrupting Egypt.

         Egypt – 1881
Nationalist revolts under Colonel
 Ahmed Arabi started spreading           Egypt – 1882 Sep 13
  Across Egypt with violent civil       British troops defeated
disorder in the major towns with               Egyptian
 Europeans being attacked, their        forces in the Battle at
homes burnt, and in one incident              Tel-el-Kebir
   Alexandria the deaths of fifty

                                           Gold Coast – 1823
                                    First Ashanti war was declared
        Egypt – 1882
                                     as the Ashanti were trying to
Anglo-French dual control of
                                      take Fanti land. Sir Charles
  Egypt ended after the
                                       MacArthy was killed at the
 British occupation began.
                                    Battle of Nsamankow on 22nd
                                            January 1924.

        Gold Coast – 1824
 The Ashanti swept down to the           Gold Coast – 1831
 coast, but disease forced them      The Pra River was accepted
    back. The Ashanti were so                     as
successful in subsequent fighting   the border in a Anglo-Ashanti
that in 1826 they again moved on     peace treaty, ending the first
   the coast. British Congreve              Ashanti war.
 rockets forced their withdrawal.
Gold Coast – 1863
  Second Anglo-Ashanti war                Gold Coast – 1864.
             was                       Second Anglo-Ashanti war
 declared as a large Ashanti          ended as British troops were
 delegation crossed the river         forced to withdraw because
  pursuing a fugitive, Kwesi                  of sickness.

      Gold Coast – 1872
   Zey, king of the Ashanti            Gold Coast – 1871 Feb 25
, wrote to the British monarch       Britain purchased part of Gold
 asking for the slave trade to        Coast from the Netherlands.
          be renewed.

                                            Gold Coast – 1873
      Gold Coast – 1873              Wolseley arrived and made his
 Third Anglo-Ashanti war was          plans before the arrival of his
    declared as the Ashanti            troops in January 1874. He
 had invaded and made claim          fought the Battle of Amoaful on
to part of the newly purchased         January 31 1874, and, after
      Dutch Gold Coast.               five days' fighting, ended with
                                          the Battle of Ordahsu.

                                         Gold Coast – 1895 Jan
                                     Fourth Anglo-Ashanti war was
   Gold Coast – 1874 July              declared so that the British
 The British forced the Ashanti to     could conquer the Ashanti
                sign                 after the rejection of becoming
the Treaty of Fomena to end the
                                     a British protectorate in 1891.It
   war, with one of the clauses
  being a demand for 50,000oz        only lasted until Feb 1896 and
              of gold.                   ended with the exile of
                                             Ashanti leaders.
Gold Coast – 1900 Sep
   Gold Coast – 1900 Mar
                                     The British won the war and
 The war of the golden stool
                                      Ashanti became part of a
declared after the British after
 Frederick Mitchell Hodgson,
                                     colony, though mostly ruled
 demanded that the Ashanti
                                   themselves with little reference
turn over to the Golden Stool.
                                        to the colonial powers.

                                           Nigeria – 1882
         Nigeria – 1879
                                   The British from the East and
The United African Company
                                     The French from the West
was formed due to high British
                                    Started working their way up
 interest in importing palm oil
  from the area and exporting
                                     Niger river and eventually
  cheaper goods such as gin.
                                      Clashed near Timbuktu.

         Nigeria – 1879
                                        Nigeria – 1884 Nov
The United African Company
                                   The Berlin Conference hosted
was formed due to high British
                                    by Bismarck gave Nigeria to
 interest in importing palm oil
                                    the British, forming the “Oil
  from the area and exporting
                                       Rivers Protectorate”.
  cheaper goods such as gin.

                                           Nigeria – 1886
                                    Goldie hired Lugard to make
       Nigeria – 1886
                                   Treaties with the rules of tribes
The Royal Niger company was
                                      in Northern Nigeria. The
founded by George Taubman
                                   sent Captain Decour to do the
Nigeria – 1895
                                           A massacre occurred due to
                                          a dispute with the Nembe over
      Nigeria – 1893                      palm oil as Goldie stopped the
                                        Ijaw middlemen from shipping oil
The “Oil Rivers Protectorate”         directly to firms in Britain while at the
  Was renamed the “Niger                     same time insisting on an
     Coast Protectorate”                    unhindered access into the
                                        Hitherlands. The Nembe took 67
                                          hostages so Goldie had 2000
                                            women and children killed.
          Nigeria – 1896
                                               Nigeria – 1898
  In 1896, Bretonnet was given
command of an expedition meant          Anglo-French tension over
                to                     Nigeria peaked at a standoff
    establish French control on           at Borgu. The French left
   the navigable portions of the                   Bussa,
 Niger River below Bussa.These         Illo and Gomba in exchange
plans were opposed by the Royal       For 2 small plots of land, at the
   Niger Company, claiming the        Mouths of the rivers Moshi and
                                         Niger in the Anglo-French
  had already treaty rights on the
              region.                            Convention.
        Nigeria – 1901-02
The Anglo-Aro war was declared
after increasing tension between          Nigeria - 1903 Mar 15
      Aro leaders and British            The British conquest was
            colonialists                completed, 500,000 square
 after years of failed negotiations      miles were now controlled
     as the Aro tried to resist                 by the U.K.
  British expansion. The British
           beat the Aro.

                                             Uganda – 1888
     Uganda – 1886 Jun 3
                                      The Imperial British East Africa
    24 Christians are burnt
                                       Company was chartered by
   to death in Namugongo.
                                           William MacKinnon.
Uganda – 1890 Feb
                                         Uganda – 1890
     Karl Peters explores
                                  Lugard was dispatched by the
 Uganda and makes treaties
                                  IBEAC to Uganda, forcing Karl
with Mwanga II of Buganda in
                                         Peters to leave.
    favour of the Germans.

    Uganda – 1890 Jul 1
The Heligoland-Zanzibar treaty
  Was signed between the
                                      Uganda – 1892 Jan 24
And the Germans. The British
                                   Civil war broke out between
 Gained Kenya and Uganda,
                                  the Kabaka, French Catholics,
                                   British Protestants, and the
    The Germans gained
And the Caprivi Strip. Zanzibar
 Stayed under control of the
        Uganda – 1892
 The IBEAC went broke from
  financing the civil war and
                                       Uganda – 1894
   Uganda not being as rich
                                Uganda was declared a British
  in resources as previously
     believed. The IBEAC
 demanded government funds
      Kenyawithdrawal. 1
       for a – 1890 Jul
The Heligoland-Zanzibar treaty
   Was signed between the
And the Germans. The British
  Gained Kenya and Uganda,             Kenya – 1895
              and               Kenya was declared the British
     The Germans gained           East African Protectorate.
And the Caprivi Strip. Zanzibar
  Stayed under control of the
South Africa - 1838 Dec 16
                                     Boers defeated the Zulus in the
                                    of Blood River and settled in Natal
                                      The Afrikaners while escaping
    South Africa – 1806                             from
  Cape Town was annexed                  British rule encountered
        to Britain.                  resistance from the native black
                                      peoples. In the Battle of Blood
                                        River a few hundred Boers
                                      an attack by more than 10,000
                                                Zulu warriors.
                                          South Africa – 1877
                                       Shepstone annexed the
    South Africa – 1867               Transvaal in order to save
Diamonds were discovered in                      them
         Kimberly                   from bankruptcy, protect them
                                       from the Pedi and settle
                                     border disputes with the Zulu

  South Africa – 1879 Jan 11
 The Zulu war began with the              South Africa – 1879
 rejection of an ultimatum that      Paul Kruger of the Transvaal
  Cetswayo could not comply          offered the British advice on
               with                 how to deal with the Zulu from
   as demobilizing his army          their own experiences at the
             would                    Battle of Blood River. The
leave them open to attack and             British ignored him.
 destroy the traditional militant
            culture.                 South Africa – 1879 Jan 23
                                       Just over 150 British and
 South Africa – 1879 Jan 22         troops successfully defended
The Battle of Isandhlwana hill         the garrison against an
 was an embarrassing defeat                    intense
for the British as 1,300 were       assault by 3,000 to 4,000 Zulu
slaughtered by the tribesmen.          warriors at the Battle of
South Africa – 1879 Jul 4         South Africa – 1880 Dec 16
  The Battle of Ulundi finally         The First Boer war was
             beat                             declared
the Zulu forces and Cetswayo        as many Boers felt resentful
 was sent into exile. The war        to having to follow British
             was                        ways from the earlier
            ended.                           annexation.

  South Africa – 1881 Feb 27        South Africa – 1881 Mar 23
   The Boers had a massive           A peace treaty was signed
victory over the British at the         that allowed Boer self-
Battle of Majuba Hill where the               government
                                   on the condition that the Boers
 92nd Highlanders (one of the
                                     accepted Queen’s nominal
  supposedly best regiments)        rule and British control over
              was                      African affairs and native
 seen fleeing from the Boers.                    districts
                                          South Africa – 1895 Dec 29
                                       The Jameson Raid was set out
                                         and The basic plan was that
                                     British expatriates in Johannesburg
     South Africa – 1886               would revolt and seize the Boer
 The discovery of gold on the                       armoury
                                      in Pretoria. Jameson and his force
 Witwatersrand launched the                          would
             city                          dash across the border to
 of Johannesburg. Labor was                      Johannesburg
    provided from Lesotho           to "restore order" and with control of
                                     Johannesburg would control the gold
                                   It failed and those involved were jailed.

        South Africa – 1889          South Africa – 1899 Oct 11
British South Africa Company was     The Second Boer war was
   established by Cecil Rhodes         declared after a British
 through the amalgamation of the
  Central Search Association and             ultimatum
    the Exploring Company Ltd.,    to the Boers demanding equal
              receiving                Rights to the uitlanders
           a royal charter                  (foreigners)
South Africa – 1899 Oct-Dec            South Africa – 1900 Jan-Sep
   The Boers had the initial           A British offensive held some
         offensive                       successes and relieved
 and had many successes at
                                         And Mafeking. They also
   primarily, with sieges of              Johannesburg and the
  Ladysmith, Mafeking and                        Transvaal
  South Africa – 1900 Sep-1902
           Kimberly.                          capital, Pretoria.
The Boers changed their tactics to
 Guirella warfare with skirmishes
                 like                     South Africa – 1901 Dec
  Lindley (where 500 Yeomanry           The Fawcett commission was
   surrendered), and at Heilbron        sent to South Africa to check
   (where a large convoy and its         conditions of concentration
               escort                 camps with unusually high death
     were captured) and other         rates. Kitchener slowly improved
             skirmishes                 The conditions of the camps
      resulting in 1,500 British          After the report was filed.
 in less than ten days. The British
      To adapt to cope with it.
South Africa – 1902 May 31
                                       South Africa – 1910 May 31
The Second Anglo-Boer war
                                      The Union of South Africa was
 came to an end and the               formed from the Cape Colony,
  Transvaal and Orange Free            Natal, the Transvaal and the
             State                          Orange Free State
   came under British rule.

    Rhodesia – 1888 Oct 13
The Rudd Concession was the
  Signing away of the mineral
  Rights in Matabeleland and                 Rhodesia – 1889
    Mashonaland by Charles            British South Africa Company was
                                         established by Cecil Rhodes
Rudd and Cecil Rhodes. Deceit
                                       through the amalgamation of the
 Was used so that Lobengula             Central Search Association and
  Didn't fully understand what            the Exploring Company Ltd.,
   He was signing and many                  receiving a royal charter
 Like Jameson, advised him to
Rhodesia – 1889 Apr
    Lobengula found out his               Rhodesia – 1890
    mistakes with the Rudd           Rhodes started moving north
   concession and attempted         of Matabeleland where he had
to undermine it with the Lippert    made treaties with Lobengula
  Concession which Rhodes               And into Mashonaland.
        later bought out.

                                     Rhodesia – 1893 Oct- 1894
  Rhodesia – 1890 Sep 12                            Jan
 Fort Salisbury was founded          The First Matabele war was
   As a small city for military     Declared as the company had
          volunteer                  Wanted to avoid problems in
  force of settlers organised       Their territories, but Lobengula
  by Cecil Rhodes to watch          Approved a raid to extract the
     over Mashonaland..              Mashona chief, leading to a
          Rhodesia – 1896
  The first Chimurenga (Second
   Matabele War) was declared
after Mlino convinced everyone it    Other Factors – 1875 Nov 7
was the white Men causing cattle
                                    Verney Cameron became the
    die. It went on until Rhodes       1st European to cross
  persuaded natives to stop and           equatorial Africa
    combined the provinces of
 Mashonaland and Matabeleland
      into Southern Rhodesia.

                                         Other Factors – 1898
                                     The Fashoda Incident was a
    Other Factors – 1885
                                    strong tension between Britain
King Leopald of Belgium took
                                      and France and a possible
 over the Congo Free State
                                     reason for Britain expanding
                                            into the Sudan.
Other Factors – 1870 Jul 19
The Franco-Prussian War began.
    Napoleon declared war on
Bismarck. Emperor Napoleon III of
France declared war on Germany          Other Factors – 1896
    under Otto von Bismarck.            The French annexed
           Napoleon                         Madagascar
was defeated in three months and
   Abdicated, leaving tension
   The French and Germans.
                                          Other Factors - 1895
                                        French West Africa was
    Other Factors – 1888                Established contraining :
The Italians made a pact with                 Mauritania,
                                      Senegal, French Sudan (now
 Sultan Kenadid making an                         Mali),
      Italian Somaliland              French Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire
         Protectorate.              (Ivory Coast), Upper Volta (now
                                        Burkina Faso), Dahomey
                                         (now Benin) and Niger.

      Other Factors – 1885
     German East Africa was
                                       Other Factors – 1884
  and included what are now
                                     German South West Africa
      Burundi, Rwanda and
          Tanganyika                (now Namibia) was claimed.
  (the mainland part of present

     Other Factors – 1893
France began colonizing West
  Africa and Timbuktu came
 under French rule until Mali
 became independent in 1960
Best Theory – Sudan
                                             Best Theory – Egypt
            Peripheral                           Metropolitan
It seems as though the biggest         The Suez canal plays a vital role
 Trigger for entering the Sudan       in Egypt, whether it is for causing
  Was to squash Mahdist and               tension between European
   Nationalist revolts that may       powers or being used as a threat
               lead                   by nationalists. As the canal was
    To problems concerning              used as a trade route to India,
                                       the main interest is in generating
 Investments in Egypt and the                        profit.
     Best Theory Canal. Coast
           Suez – Gold
       International Relations              Best Theory – Nigeria
  Gold Coast had been a Dutch                    Metropolitan
                Area                   Though there was international
 of land but they were looking to
                                      rivalry over the land surrounding
                                        the Niger river, most of it can
  it. The British knew that If they
 did not take Gold Coast, it would         be put down to the high
be offered to the French Germans                   economic
or Italians and they believed they        value of the palm oil trade
     should have it because of                  situated there.
   how close it was to the Niger            Best Theory – Kenya
      Best Theory – Uganda
                                           International Relations
                                      Kenya was given to Britain in
    Explorers like Peters and
                                      the Berlin Conference seems
 had described the riches and
                                       have been Used primarily as
   mineral wealth in Uganda,
       encouraging men like
                                       Access Point to landlocked
                                        Uganda and to fit between
with thoughts of South Africa
   Best Theory – making large            German East Africa and
            profit there.
           Metropolitan                  Italian NorthernRhodesia
                                         Best Theory – Somalia.
     The main reason for an                     Metropolitan
               interest                The main push for Rhodesia
 in South Africa is because of        came from Cecil Rhodes who
the diamonds and gold found           wanted money and power. He
   there. If it had not been for        believed that the gold and
                 that,                     diamond seams in the
 it is highly unlikely that towns                 Transvaal
                  like                  may run up further so took
   Kimberly or Johannesburg                          over

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Scramble for Africa AS History Flashcards

  • 1. Scramble For Theories Africa Hobson – Metropolitan The scramble was for purely Lenin – Metropolitan economic reasons, benefitting An economic crisis in the the capitalist elite who could capitalist system led to sell surplus goods in new expansion and colonies to markets overseas as the poor open in Britain couldn't afford them. new markets. Schumpeter – Metropolitan Hobsbawn – Metropolitan Old aristocrats were trying to Technology allowed countries gain power and glory to stay in the ability to take of colonies the public eye. so they did. Cain and Hopkins – Metropolitan Gentlemanly capitalists were investing in colonies, hoping to make a profit and putting History their interests over those of the country. Flipbook
  • 2. Robinson and Gallagher - Peripheral AJP Taylor – International The British reluctantly Relations colonized The delicately balanced Africa after the felts forced to position protect their investments of European powers led to the against colonization of Africa as a local Egyptian nationalism. sparring ground as an alternative to European war. Paul Kennedy – International Relations European powers wished to have the same power and status as Britain so colonized, forcing Britain to do the same Timeline to defend her interests and keep dominance. Sudan - 1882 Sudan – 1882 British Gen. Charles "Chinese" Former British Gen. Charles Gordon (49) retired from "Chinese" Gordon, Field active duty and moved to Marshal in the Turkish army, Jerusalem commanded the Egyptian forces in Sudan Sudan -1883 Nov 3 A poorly trained Egyptian Sudan – 1883-1884 army, British officered Egyptian Led by British General William armies Hicks, marched toward El were defeated by the Obeid forces of El Mahdi, called in the Sudan--straight into a Dervishes by the British at the Mahdist ambush and battle of El Obeid. massacre.
  • 3. Sudan - 1884 Jan Lord Garnet Wolseley, adjutant- General of the British Army, Sudan - 1884 Jan 18 asked Charles Gordon to General Charles ("Chinese") come Gordon departed London for out of retirement and lead an Khartoum. evacuation of 15,000 European and Egyptian civilians from Khartoum, Sudan. Gordon Sudan agreed.Mar 11 – 1884 Gen. Gordon learned that the . telegraph cable to Cairo had Sudan - 1884 Feb 18 been cut. Khartoum soldiers General Charles Gordon killed 5 Mahdists at Halfaya. arrived Mahdist insurgents in return in Khartoum to battle the massacred 150 men from the Mahdi and his terrorists. Khartoum garrison as they were cutting wood. Sudan – 1884 Mar 13 Sudan - 1884 Mar 16 Siege of Khartoum, Sudan, A 2nd counter-attack at began. Gen. Gordon ordered a Halfaya failed and Gordon counter-attack at Halfaya and ordered 2 commanders to be troops rescued some 500 executed. from a Mahdist assault Sudan - 1884 Oct 22 General Charles Gordon received a letter from Mahdi near Sudan - 1884 Nov 3 Khartoum. A British steamboat arrived at Gordon was sent to Khartoum to Khartoum with news that a evacuate the Egyptian garrison. relief force was on its way. Gordon decided to hold the city against El Mahdi.
  • 4. Sudan - 1885 Jan 26 Sudan – 1885 Jan 2 Gordon (51), British gov-gen of Sudan, was killed on the palace Gen. Wolseley received the steps in the garrison at Khartoum last distress signal of Gen. by the forces of Muhammad Gordon in Khartoum. Ahmed, El Mahdi. Sudan – 1885 Jan 28 Sudan - 1885 Jun 22 Gen’l. Garnet Wolseley In Sudan Muhammad arrived Ahmad , at Khartoum to relieve Gen’l. the Mahdi, Gordon, but arrived 2 days died of typhus. His chief late. deputy, Abdallahi ibn El Mahdi died soon thereafter Muhammad took over the but was succeeded by the administration of the nascent Khalifa Mahdist state Sudan – 1886 Sudan – 1896 Sep 21 Henry Stanley (1841-1904), General Horatio Kitchener's Welsh-born journalist, led the army occupied Dongola, Emin Pasha Relief Expedition Sudan. to "rescue" Emin Pasha, the Gen’l. Herbert Kitchener led governor of Equatoria in the British conquest of the the southern Sudan Sudan. .Sudan – 1898 Apr 8 British General Kitchener defeated the Khalifa, leader of Sudan – 1897 Aug 31 the dervishes in Sudan, at the General Kitchener occupied Battle of Atbara. Anglo- Berber, North of Khartoum. Egyptian forces crushed 6,000 Sudanese.
  • 5. Sudan – 1898 Sep 2 Anglo-Egyptian lines under Gen’l. Kitchener were charged by 50,000 Sudan – 1898 Sep 1 fanatical Dervishes and were mowed down by howitzers, Lord Kitchener's army bombed machine guns and rifles. The Omdurman Dervishes left 11,000 dead and 16,000 wounded. The Anglo-Egyptian army suffered fewer than a dozen casualties. Sudan – 1899 Nov 24 Abdullah ibn Mohammed Sudan – 1898 Sep 6 al-Ta'a'ishi, Khelifa Lord Kitchener destroyed of Sudan (1883-99), died. Mahdi's tomb in Omdurman British forces took control of the Sudan. Egypt – 1859 Apr 25 Egypt – 1867 Feb 1 Construction of the Suez The 1st ship passed through Canal the Suez Canal. was started. Egypt – 1869 Nov 17 Egypt – 1867-1875 , The Suez Canal was opened The Suez Canal Co. issued bonds in for some hundred million Egypt,linking the francs to keep afloat. The Mediterranean Khedive went bankrupt and the British under Disraeli snapped and the Red seas. The 100 up the Khedive's shares for mile canal eliminated a £4 million. 4000-mile trip around Africa.
  • 6. Egypt – 1979 Tewfik was appointed as the Egypt – November 1879 Khedive of Egypt and spent Anglo-French dual control of vast amounts on railways, Egypt was established to stop borrowing from European further spending. banks and bankrupting Egypt. Egypt – 1881 Nationalist revolts under Colonel Ahmed Arabi started spreading Egypt – 1882 Sep 13 Across Egypt with violent civil British troops defeated disorder in the major towns with Egyptian Europeans being attacked, their forces in the Battle at homes burnt, and in one incident Tel-el-Kebir in Alexandria the deaths of fifty expatriates Gold Coast – 1823 First Ashanti war was declared Egypt – 1882 as the Ashanti were trying to Anglo-French dual control of take Fanti land. Sir Charles Egypt ended after the MacArthy was killed at the British occupation began. Battle of Nsamankow on 22nd January 1924. Gold Coast – 1824 The Ashanti swept down to the Gold Coast – 1831 coast, but disease forced them The Pra River was accepted back. The Ashanti were so as successful in subsequent fighting the border in a Anglo-Ashanti that in 1826 they again moved on peace treaty, ending the first the coast. British Congreve Ashanti war. rockets forced their withdrawal.
  • 7. Gold Coast – 1863 Second Anglo-Ashanti war Gold Coast – 1864. was Second Anglo-Ashanti war declared as a large Ashanti ended as British troops were delegation crossed the river forced to withdraw because pursuing a fugitive, Kwesi of sickness. Gyana Gold Coast – 1872 Zey, king of the Ashanti Gold Coast – 1871 Feb 25 , wrote to the British monarch Britain purchased part of Gold asking for the slave trade to Coast from the Netherlands. be renewed. Gold Coast – 1873 Gold Coast – 1873 Wolseley arrived and made his Third Anglo-Ashanti war was plans before the arrival of his declared as the Ashanti troops in January 1874. He had invaded and made claim fought the Battle of Amoaful on to part of the newly purchased January 31 1874, and, after Dutch Gold Coast. five days' fighting, ended with the Battle of Ordahsu. Gold Coast – 1895 Jan Fourth Anglo-Ashanti war was Gold Coast – 1874 July declared so that the British The British forced the Ashanti to could conquer the Ashanti sign after the rejection of becoming the Treaty of Fomena to end the a British protectorate in 1891.It war, with one of the clauses being a demand for 50,000oz only lasted until Feb 1896 and of gold. ended with the exile of Ashanti leaders.
  • 8. Gold Coast – 1900 Sep Gold Coast – 1900 Mar The British won the war and The war of the golden stool the was Ashanti became part of a declared after the British after crown Frederick Mitchell Hodgson, colony, though mostly ruled demanded that the Ashanti themselves with little reference turn over to the Golden Stool. to the colonial powers. Nigeria – 1882 Nigeria – 1879 The British from the East and The United African Company The French from the West was formed due to high British Started working their way up interest in importing palm oil the from the area and exporting Niger river and eventually cheaper goods such as gin. Clashed near Timbuktu. Nigeria – 1879 Nigeria – 1884 Nov The United African Company The Berlin Conference hosted was formed due to high British by Bismarck gave Nigeria to interest in importing palm oil the British, forming the “Oil from the area and exporting Rivers Protectorate”. cheaper goods such as gin. Nigeria – 1886 Goldie hired Lugard to make Nigeria – 1886 Treaties with the rules of tribes The Royal Niger company was in Northern Nigeria. The founded by George Taubman French Goldie sent Captain Decour to do the same.
  • 9. Nigeria – 1895 A massacre occurred due to a dispute with the Nembe over Nigeria – 1893 palm oil as Goldie stopped the Ijaw middlemen from shipping oil The “Oil Rivers Protectorate” directly to firms in Britain while at the Was renamed the “Niger same time insisting on an Coast Protectorate” unhindered access into the Hitherlands. The Nembe took 67 hostages so Goldie had 2000 women and children killed. Nigeria – 1896 Nigeria – 1898 In 1896, Bretonnet was given command of an expedition meant Anglo-French tension over to Nigeria peaked at a standoff establish French control on at Borgu. The French left the navigable portions of the Bussa, Niger River below Bussa.These Illo and Gomba in exchange plans were opposed by the Royal For 2 small plots of land, at the Niger Company, claiming the Mouths of the rivers Moshi and English Niger in the Anglo-French had already treaty rights on the region. Convention. Nigeria – 1901-02 The Anglo-Aro war was declared after increasing tension between Nigeria - 1903 Mar 15 Aro leaders and British The British conquest was colonialists completed, 500,000 square after years of failed negotiations miles were now controlled as the Aro tried to resist by the U.K. British expansion. The British beat the Aro. Uganda – 1888 Uganda – 1886 Jun 3 The Imperial British East Africa 24 Christians are burnt Company was chartered by to death in Namugongo. William MacKinnon.
  • 10. Uganda – 1890 Feb Uganda – 1890 Karl Peters explores Lugard was dispatched by the Uganda and makes treaties IBEAC to Uganda, forcing Karl with Mwanga II of Buganda in Peters to leave. favour of the Germans. Uganda – 1890 Jul 1 The Heligoland-Zanzibar treaty Was signed between the British Uganda – 1892 Jan 24 And the Germans. The British Civil war broke out between Gained Kenya and Uganda, the Kabaka, French Catholics, and British Protestants, and the The Germans gained IBEAC. Heligoland And the Caprivi Strip. Zanzibar Stayed under control of the sultan. Uganda – 1892 The IBEAC went broke from financing the civil war and Uganda – 1894 Uganda not being as rich Uganda was declared a British in resources as previously protectorate. believed. The IBEAC demanded government funds Kenyawithdrawal. 1 for a – 1890 Jul The Heligoland-Zanzibar treaty Was signed between the British And the Germans. The British Gained Kenya and Uganda, Kenya – 1895 and Kenya was declared the British The Germans gained East African Protectorate. Heligoland And the Caprivi Strip. Zanzibar Stayed under control of the
  • 11. South Africa - 1838 Dec 16 Boers defeated the Zulus in the Battle of Blood River and settled in Natal The Afrikaners while escaping South Africa – 1806 from Cape Town was annexed British rule encountered to Britain. resistance from the native black peoples. In the Battle of Blood River a few hundred Boers repelled an attack by more than 10,000 Zulu warriors. South Africa – 1877 Shepstone annexed the South Africa – 1867 Transvaal in order to save Diamonds were discovered in them Kimberly from bankruptcy, protect them from the Pedi and settle border disputes with the Zulu South Africa – 1879 Jan 11 The Zulu war began with the South Africa – 1879 rejection of an ultimatum that Paul Kruger of the Transvaal Cetswayo could not comply offered the British advice on with how to deal with the Zulu from as demobilizing his army their own experiences at the would Battle of Blood River. The leave them open to attack and British ignored him. destroy the traditional militant culture. South Africa – 1879 Jan 23 Just over 150 British and colonial South Africa – 1879 Jan 22 troops successfully defended The Battle of Isandhlwana hill the garrison against an was an embarrassing defeat intense for the British as 1,300 were assault by 3,000 to 4,000 Zulu slaughtered by the tribesmen. warriors at the Battle of Rorke's Drift.
  • 12. South Africa – 1879 Jul 4 South Africa – 1880 Dec 16 The Battle of Ulundi finally The First Boer war was beat declared the Zulu forces and Cetswayo as many Boers felt resentful was sent into exile. The war to having to follow British was ways from the earlier ended. annexation. South Africa – 1881 Feb 27 South Africa – 1881 Mar 23 The Boers had a massive A peace treaty was signed victory over the British at the that allowed Boer self- Battle of Majuba Hill where the government on the condition that the Boers 92nd Highlanders (one of the accepted Queen’s nominal supposedly best regiments) rule and British control over was African affairs and native seen fleeing from the Boers. districts South Africa – 1895 Dec 29 The Jameson Raid was set out and The basic plan was that British expatriates in Johannesburg South Africa – 1886 would revolt and seize the Boer The discovery of gold on the armoury in Pretoria. Jameson and his force Witwatersrand launched the would city dash across the border to of Johannesburg. Labor was Johannesburg provided from Lesotho to "restore order" and with control of Johannesburg would control the gold fields. It failed and those involved were jailed. South Africa – 1889 South Africa – 1899 Oct 11 British South Africa Company was The Second Boer war was established by Cecil Rhodes declared after a British through the amalgamation of the Central Search Association and ultimatum the Exploring Company Ltd., to the Boers demanding equal receiving Rights to the uitlanders a royal charter (foreigners)
  • 13. South Africa – 1899 Oct-Dec South Africa – 1900 Jan-Sep The Boers had the initial A British offensive held some offensive successes and relieved Ladysmith and had many successes at And Mafeking. They also first, captured primarily, with sieges of Johannesburg and the Ladysmith, Mafeking and Transvaal South Africa – 1900 Sep-1902 Kimberly. capital, Pretoria. May The Boers changed their tactics to Guirella warfare with skirmishes like South Africa – 1901 Dec Lindley (where 500 Yeomanry The Fawcett commission was surrendered), and at Heilbron sent to South Africa to check (where a large convoy and its conditions of concentration escort camps with unusually high death were captured) and other rates. Kitchener slowly improved skirmishes The conditions of the camps resulting in 1,500 British After the report was filed. casualties in less than ten days. The British had To adapt to cope with it. South Africa – 1902 May 31 South Africa – 1910 May 31 The Second Anglo-Boer war The Union of South Africa was came to an end and the formed from the Cape Colony, Transvaal and Orange Free Natal, the Transvaal and the State Orange Free State came under British rule. Rhodesia – 1888 Oct 13 The Rudd Concession was the Signing away of the mineral Rights in Matabeleland and Rhodesia – 1889 Mashonaland by Charles British South Africa Company was established by Cecil Rhodes Rudd and Cecil Rhodes. Deceit through the amalgamation of the Was used so that Lobengula Central Search Association and Didn't fully understand what the Exploring Company Ltd., He was signing and many receiving a royal charter friends, Like Jameson, advised him to
  • 14. Rhodesia – 1889 Apr Lobengula found out his Rhodesia – 1890 mistakes with the Rudd Rhodes started moving north concession and attempted of Matabeleland where he had to undermine it with the Lippert made treaties with Lobengula Concession which Rhodes And into Mashonaland. later bought out. Rhodesia – 1893 Oct- 1894 Rhodesia – 1890 Sep 12 Jan Fort Salisbury was founded The First Matabele war was As a small city for military Declared as the company had volunteer Wanted to avoid problems in force of settlers organised Their territories, but Lobengula by Cecil Rhodes to watch Approved a raid to extract the over Mashonaland.. Mashona chief, leading to a clash Rhodesia – 1896 The first Chimurenga (Second Matabele War) was declared after Mlino convinced everyone it Other Factors – 1875 Nov 7 was the white Men causing cattle Verney Cameron became the to die. It went on until Rhodes 1st European to cross persuaded natives to stop and equatorial Africa combined the provinces of Mashonaland and Matabeleland into Southern Rhodesia. Other Factors – 1898 The Fashoda Incident was a Other Factors – 1885 strong tension between Britain King Leopald of Belgium took and France and a possible over the Congo Free State reason for Britain expanding into the Sudan.
  • 15. Other Factors – 1870 Jul 19 The Franco-Prussian War began. Napoleon declared war on Bismarck. Emperor Napoleon III of France declared war on Germany Other Factors – 1896 under Otto von Bismarck. The French annexed Napoleon Madagascar was defeated in three months and Abdicated, leaving tension between The French and Germans. Other Factors - 1895 French West Africa was Other Factors – 1888 Established contraining : The Italians made a pact with Mauritania, Senegal, French Sudan (now Sultan Kenadid making an Mali), Italian Somaliland French Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire Protectorate. (Ivory Coast), Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso), Dahomey (now Benin) and Niger. Other Factors – 1885 German East Africa was developed Other Factors – 1884 and included what are now German South West Africa Burundi, Rwanda and Tanganyika (now Namibia) was claimed. (the mainland part of present Tanzania) Other Factors – 1893 France began colonizing West Africa and Timbuktu came under French rule until Mali became independent in 1960
  • 16. Best Theory – Sudan Best Theory – Egypt Peripheral Metropolitan It seems as though the biggest The Suez canal plays a vital role Trigger for entering the Sudan in Egypt, whether it is for causing Was to squash Mahdist and tension between European Nationalist revolts that may powers or being used as a threat lead by nationalists. As the canal was To problems concerning used as a trade route to India, the main interest is in generating Investments in Egypt and the profit. Best Theory Canal. Coast Suez – Gold International Relations Best Theory – Nigeria Gold Coast had been a Dutch Metropolitan Area Though there was international of land but they were looking to rivalry over the land surrounding sell the Niger river, most of it can it. The British knew that If they did not take Gold Coast, it would be put down to the high be offered to the French Germans economic or Italians and they believed they value of the palm oil trade should have it because of situated there. how close it was to the Niger Best Theory – Kenya Best Theory – Uganda International Relations Metropolitan Kenya was given to Britain in Explorers like Peters and the Berlin Conference seems Lugard to had described the riches and have been Used primarily as mineral wealth in Uganda, an encouraging men like Access Point to landlocked Mackinnon Uganda and to fit between with thoughts of South Africa Best Theory – making large German East Africa and profit there. Metropolitan Italian NorthernRhodesia Best Theory – Somalia. The main reason for an Metropolitan interest The main push for Rhodesia in South Africa is because of came from Cecil Rhodes who the diamonds and gold found wanted money and power. He there. If it had not been for believed that the gold and that, diamond seams in the it is highly unlikely that towns Transvaal like may run up further so took Kimberly or Johannesburg over