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Scenario A Comment by Elena Chmil:
Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not
intended to depict any actual person or business.
Your meeting with the chief executive officers (CEOs) of
UWEAR and PALEDENIM went well. In a discussion following
the meeting, Theresa Tramlin, the CEO of UWEAR, mentioned
that she would like you to spend some time in the field with her
top sales representative to get a feel for what the salespeople
face every day selling in the current business environment.
Today, you are scheduled to spend the day with Joe Smith.
As you walk across the lobby of UWEAR, you see Theresa
talking to a tall, distinguished-looking man. “This is Joe
Smith,” Theresa introduces when you step up to them. “You'll
be spending some time with him today in the field.”
“Nice to meet you, Joe,” you respond, shaking Joe's hand.
Theresa says goodbye and makes her way to the elevator while
you and Joe head toward the parking garage. “We're going to
meet with a couple of clients today,” Joe explains. “First, we'll
have lunch with Bill Bateman, the CEO of the Peninsula Hotel
chain. He's a great guy and I'm sure you'll enjoy meeting him.”
“Where are we meeting him for lunch?” I ask, getting into Joe's
“Bill's hotel, the Peninsula, has a great restaurant that I
frequently use to meet clients,” Joe answers. “The food is
outstanding. We're going to meet him there to discuss the
renewal of his uniform contract.”
As you continue the drive to the hotel, Joe elaborates on his
business history with Bill. “I was able to win the contract for
the Peninsula chain last year,” he explains. “We were just able
to underbid our competitor, Threads4U. In fact, Bill said that I
underbid them by about $5 per uniform. Great victory on my
“It sounds like you've established a great working relationship
with Bill,” you say.
“Oh, yeah,” Joe agrees. “He's a great guy. The first time we
met, I was on my way to buy a nice bottle of cabernet as a
birthday gift for my wife. She loves the expensive wines. I
happened to mention this to Bill, he said he orders it all the
time and offered to give me some for free. I told him it wasn't
necessary, but he insisted. When I got my car back from the
valet, I found not just a bottle, but an entire case of high-end
cabernet in my trunk.” Joe shakes his head, smiling. “But that's
just the kind of guy Bill is.”
“It sounds like it worked out for you and your wife,” you
comment. “Did she enjoy her birthday gift?”
“Yes,” Joe says. “We both enjoyed it for quite some time. Well,
here we are,” he adds, pulling up the Peninsula Hotel.
As you park and exit the car, Joe explains, “Since Bill and I
have been doing business, he’s referred three other hotel owners
to me to supply their uniforms. Except for when I’m meeting
with one of his competitors, I usually conduct business
meetings with clients here at the restaurant in Bill’s hotel.”
“It’s a beautiful hotel,” you comment as Joe leads you through
the lobby, admiring the elegant décor. “No wonder you enjoy
coming here. I wouldn’t mind bringing my family here for a
weekend sometime.”
“Actually,” Joe says, “My wife and I have become really good
friends with Bill and his wife. He often invites us out onto his
yacht with his family, we go to social events with them, and
we’ve stayed at the hotel several times. We really enjoy it. You
should bring your family sometime, too. Kids love the pool with
the waterfall.
You nod, following Joe into the hotel’s restaurant. After all
you’ve heard about Bill, you are very interested in meeting him.
Running head: Journal 1
Journal 1
November 27, 2018
How did you experience and practice the university learning
outcomes in previous courses at Grantham University?
This university curriculum is very diverse and knowledgeable.
The outcomes of this course will be beneficial for students in
future. All skills learned in this course will be helpful in all
career paths including science and arts. In this course, every
week we must go through different assignments related to any
skill topic. These topics sharpen skills and improve knowledge
power of students.
Especially previous assignments of this course make me develop
skills related to different aspects. I was looking forward to
learning about critical thinking from right from the beginning of
this course. Our course material did justice to topic and I am
satisfied with my performance.
· How did you experience and practice these university learning
outcomes in this course?
All practices and experiences gained from this course glued us
to this course. We have gone through multiple activities and
practices as well as peer discussions. We were learning with
reading, writing, and exploring different dimensions writing.
Critical thinking, lifelong learning and communication, social,
and ethical responsibilities were outcomes required throughout
life. In personal and professional life these outcomes will make
finest human being as well as skilled professional. These topics
are more than subjects but life lessons and attitude builders for
me. I explored this course whole heartedly to improve my skills.
After gaining benefits of this course, my professional life
improved and I gained value at my job.
· How would you like to continue developing the skills
associated with the university learning outcomes outside of the
classroom – what specific actions can you take? What obstacles
might exist and how might you overcome those? What resources
or help might you need? How could you find this help?
This course was beneficial for me. I will continue learning new
skills whenever it suits my schedule. I am afraid joining new
course will not be easy for me. My job will not allow me to
enroll in new course, but self-learning can be done any time.
The biggest obstacle for me to learn new skills will be lack of
time. I will constantly explore student groups on social media
related to this university. I can buy books and follow course
outline of new offered courses. i can learn from online
resources to improve my skills. Course material, and student
discussions will be helpful.
· How will the skills associated with the university learning
outcomes contribute to your career goals?
I learned project management, marketing, language and
communication from this university. I improve my writing and
comprehension skills. My presentation and communication
skills improved significantly. My aim is to join writing and
communication-related field. It may be an article written in a
magazine or newspaper. This language, communication,
presentation, marketing and comprehension skills will help me
in my future greatly. I will be related to communication and
public relation office. These skills will improve my learning
ability and will allow me to express my opinion in the most
suitable way. My body language becomes refined and it poses
me bright and confident in my workspace.
Running head: Journal 1
Journal 1
November 27, 2018
· How does Critical Thinking connect with the course material
this week? (Course material: research paper on Education Trust
Organization) How did Critical Thinking help you with your
research this week?
Critical thinking skills are required when doing research papers.
In research paper arguments favoring and opposing view are
expressed. A writer needs to provide evidence related to a topic.
He cannot simply support his personal favorite idea. He should
be independent and neutral while researching any topic. Critical
thinking is the process of making the decision. All discussions
and arguments in the research paper are used for analyzing,
reasoning, evaluating, problem-solving and decision-making
steps. These five stages required for effective decision making.
· Write down at least one specific aspect of Critical Thinking
that you need to still develop and describe how you could work
on developing that aspect.
I need to develop analyzing aspect in my comprehension skill.
Analyzing is a very important aspect of critical thinking. The
writer needs to analyze resource, argument, and opinions before
using it in his research.
· How does Critical Thinking connect to achieving your career
My goal is to become a research writer or data analyst.
Analyzing cannot be learned but its born skill. One can polish
this skill. Critical thinking and all its aspects are required to
develop for being data analyst and research writer. I read work
of major critical thinkers and note their techniques. These
techniques were helpful during reading and writing.
· Based on your work in the course as well as general education
courses at XYZ university, explain what Critical Thinking
means to you.
In all my general education career as well as in graduation
course, critical thinking was related to all subjects. We have to
do assignments every week to evaluate any topics. At least one
of five aspects of critical thinking was always involved in it.
For me, critical thinking is a human behavior followed in all
decision making processes. Decision making helped me in
reading and comprehension of all topics while reading the
· Describe a specific assignment, presentation, or project you
worked on in one of your past courses at Grantham University
that allowed you to develop Critical Thinking?
In one of our assignment where we have to write an essay on
technological effects on human health. We have to consider all
the advantages and disadvantages of daily used technology.
Using evaluation and decision analyzing skills make a decision.
It was a difficult topic as both sides were equally strong and we
cannot simply favor one side. It required lots of brain streaming
and evaluating to favor one side. It makes me favor technology
with some suggestion although at the start my gut feeling was
against technology.
· Write down at least one question you have about your
organization, your research project, or this course in general?
How can we stick to all values of course in practical life?
How data analyst or social scientist can use critical thinking in
field projects?
November 13, 2018
Please respond to all the following items in your reflection
How do Communication skills connect with the course material
this week? How did Communication skills help you with your
research this week?
In this week, we have to compete a research essay. We need to
be precise, clear about our assumptions, results and questions
required to answer during research. I have to listen an audio
interview for my research essay. I put so much focus to
understand meaning behind voice tone, pitch and expressions.
Not only words but emotions were also transmitted while
listening audio.
· Write down at least one specific aspect of Communication that
you need to still develop and describe how you could work on
developing that aspect.
Effective communication has many aspects required to be taken
care off. Effective communication is vital skill in every career.
In this course we are learning about effective communication
but clearly this cannot be achieved overnight. Effective
communication have five basic aspects know as listen, trust,
focus and control, clarity of message, confidence and influence.
In my opinion I lack focus and control in my communication
skills. I get panicked and lose control in unexpected situations.
In crisis every team member especially, leader have to be
composed and collected. I am using calming techniques in small
panicking situations in daily life to be able to compose in real
unexpected situations.
· How does Communication connect to achieving your career
My career goal is to be entrepreneur. To achieve this goal, I
have to communicate with variety of people in variety of
situations. These people may be from different background and
social classes. They may have behavioral issues but I have to
work with them for my own benefit. I have to stay focus and
calm when working with difficult people and difficult
· Based on your work in the course as well as general education
courses at Grantham University, explain what Communication
means to you.
We tried to learn everything about communication during all
our educational career. Communication is an art of sharing our
thoughts, emotions, views, and requirements with most suitable
works and body language. Message, concept, or view in mind of
person initiating communication (sender) should be conveyed
using most accurate method so that listener (receiver) get full
· Describe a specific assignment, presentation, or project you
worked on in one of your past courses that allowed you to
develop your Communication skills?
In my school life our social studies class contributed greatly in
polishing my communication skills. In this class we undergo
several activates which lead us to enhance our skills. Especially
I want to mention one week we were assigned a task. In that
task we were required to ask three questions from school
fellows other than our class fellows and friends. This activity
required personality analysis of person in our mind before
choosing appropriate question. We had to be calm and
understanding about mindset of people and their knowledge
background to select question. This activity makes us realize
importance of body language for both parties engaging in
· Write down at least one question you have about your
organization, your research project, or this course in general?
What is the importance of body language when communicating
in second language?
November 6, 2018
Most people consider that the only learning one can get is
the formal education that they get at school. We are always told
during early age to go to school in order to get a good
education. However, this statement is not far from the truth
since the resulting qualifications are important especially when
securing employment (Tessler et al, 2017). However, going to
school is only one type of formal education as there are many
other opportunities one can take to further their knowledge and
develop the skills that they need to survive in life. Lifelong
learning is one of them as it can help us in enhancing our
understanding of the world around us, and provides us with
more and better opportunities that will eventually help us
improve the quality of life that we live.
Lifelong is connected to this week’s material since lifelong
enhances social inclusion just like this week’s material. Just
like this week’s material, lifelong offers an opportunity for
personal development and an active citizenship. Learning is no
longer considered as formal education that can only be got in
schools as there are many avenues for getting knowledge. There
are also many places that one can apply the acquired knowledge
rather than just the workplace. Regarding one lifelong aspect
that I need to still develop, at the moment it is difficult for me
to settle on one as there are many aspects of lifelong that I still
need to develop in order to better my living. To me, the only
way to thrive is by learning new skills in life every day.
Lifelong learning connects to achieving my career goals since it
always motivates me to achieve even more. Learning new things
is often key to regain interest in the job one is doing and it is
crucial in boosting one's confidence. Lifelong learning is
essential in helping me to be more productive and a happy
To me, lifelong is a process where one gains valuable
skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual.
Lifelong is key in developing the general life of an individual,
so to me, it is something that cannot be ignored and everyone
needs to undertake lifelong learning in order to live a better
life. To me, there is no specific assignment or presentation that
made me learn new skills as to me, learning new skills is
something that I do on a daily basis. Regarding my
organization, I have one question that I would love to ask. The
question is; is it possible for me to change the organization that
I have been researching? This is because every week it is
becoming harder to find new things about the organization.
Work cited
Tessler, C., Givony, S., Zahavy, T., Mankowitz, D. J., &
Mannor, S. (2017, February). A Deep Hierarchical Approach to
Lifelong Learning in Minecraft. In AAAI (Vol. 3, p. 6).
Respect For Diversity
October 31, 2018
Respect for diversity is where the individuals are unique, and
they recognize the difference that exists among people such as
the race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and the
socioeconomic status among other ideologies. The respect for
diversity connects with the course material this week since it
addresses how my school that is the Grantham University has
ensured there is diversity in the schools. This was evidenced
where there was a student from various ethnic communities,
race among other factors. Respect for diversity has enabled my
research this week by having the face to face interview with the
people with different ideologies as well as interacting with both
the students and the entire school community with different
ethnic and community gender values. This week course
material addresses the various aspects of creating cultural
connections its importance to step or create the cultural
The aspect of respect for diversity that I need to develop is
personality and this is crucial since it enables people to
understand people with different personalities and must
interpret them. I also spend most of the time in relating with
people for example at home, workplace and in the entire
community. I would improve my personality by ensuring that I
learn various people like and dislike so as creating a good room
for interaction.
Respect for diversity connects in achieving the career goals
where since it aids in the provision of range diverse skills. It
also enables one in being engaged, it improves the client care, it
increases the funding opportunities, it opens one’s mind from
working together and developing the respect for the peer
Respect for the diverse cultures means the respect and support
of the diverse cultures in the present society. There are no two
people that believe the same things were God-given, freedom or
how they live.
In my class for the American government, the lectures gave us
the different cases that we were to choose from and write an
essay such as same-sex marriage. I have my sister who is a
lesbian and must respect her choice especially when it comes
from gay, bisexual, lesbian among other.
The question I have for my organization is ‘what the plan is for
the Human Society of the United States on the animal
Running head: JOURNAL 1
October 23, 2018
· How does Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility
connect with the course material this week?
The link between the professional, ethical, and social
responsibility and the course material of this week is that it
assisted in providing the moral guidelines to pass. Ethical,
professional, and social responsibility has meanings and this,
therefore, implies that every activity or task being undertaken is
guided by the legal, moral, and must be one which benefits
people instead of hurting.
· How did Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility help
you with your research this week?
The Professional, ethical, and the social responsibility
assisted me in my research by providing more information
concerning how charities and other organizations must be
managed toward assisting others.
· Write down at least one specific aspect regarding Professional,
Ethical, and Social Responsibility that you need to still develop
and describe how you could work on developing that aspect.
About my profession, it is necessary to behave
professionally, consider ethical values, and be socially
responsible to help in building a system of ethics. However, the
main area where I have I have faced a challenge is the decision
making as well as actions. Sometimes I do consider my actions
to be ethically validated without knowing the harm it might
cause to other people. Therefore, I am looking to make sure that
the decisions made are ethically validated before going on with
my research work (Ni & Montgomery, 2015). I would do this
through incorporating ethical validation into the daily activities
especially those which are influencing the people or the
surrounding where I am performing my research work.
· How does Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility
connect to achieving your career goals?
My career goal has always been to assists other people
through creating a free and conducive environment that involves
sharing of the ideas regardless of the professional background.
To achieve this goal, it is always important to be aware of what
is right and wrong in deciding what is best for each person. The
professional, ethics and the social responsibility, therefore, will
help in knowing whether the decision made, or the actions taken
are legal or illegal; whether it is violating the professional
standards; and evaluating how it is affecting the targeted
individuals either positively or negatively (Tai & Shu-Hao,
· Based on your work in the course as well as general education
courses at Grantham University, explain what Professional,
Ethical, and Social Responsibility means to you
The meaning of the professional, ethical, and social
according to me is that it is a system of ethics being acquired as
each of us is learning in their specific field of study. This
system of ethics binds professionals to carry out professional
duties in an honest and fair manner.
· Describe a specific assignment, presentation, or project you
worked on in one of your past courses at Grantham University
that allowed you to develop your Professional, Ethical, and
Social Responsibility?
One of the projects I worked on is the helping in the
sanitization project within the minority groups. Dealing with
this group requires an understanding of the culture so that this
process can be fruitful. Failure to understand the culture of this
group means being culturally incompetent and this leads to an
unethical decision and unprofessional behavior. For example,
the unprofessional behavior can include being arrogant to the
people when they resist the activities of the project due to lack
of understanding in the meaning of this activity.
· Write down at least one question you have about your
organization, your research project, or this course in general?
· Is there a possibility of changing the organization that I have
been researching?
· Based on the required readings, the instruction is to read the
introduction and the first chapters for all week. What I am
supposed to read?
Ni, A., & Montgomery, V. W. (2015). Corporate Social
Responsibility: Doing Well and Doing Good. In Building
Business-Government Relations, 175-196.
Tai, F.-M., & Shu-Hao, C. (2014). Corporate social
responsibility. Ibusiness 6, 6 (3), 117.
UWEAR and PALEDENIM Merger Scenario
UWEAR and PALEDENIM Comment by Elena Chmil:
Will this work? What do we do next?
Those were just two of the questions that weighed on Theresa
Tramlin’s mind as she walked with Mike Miller to yet another
meeting. The merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM was
underway, and things had become chaotic at the office during
the past week as the management teams clashed over differing
policies and procedures.
“I am glad that we decided to hire ALTAP Consulting for this
project.” Theresa said as she joined Mike on the elevator,
“Their experience will certainly be helpful as we try to move
through this merger.”
Mike looked down, hesitated slightly, and then responded,
“Yes…I think you’re right. I have some doubts about bringing
in outsiders, but they might be able to offer a perspective that
we lack. I just wonder what they can really offer since they
don’t know our industry.”
“I can understand your hesitation, Mike, but I really think we’re
making the best decision possible,” Theresa responded
confidently as they exited the elevator and headed down the hall
to the meeting. “The team has been under a lot of pressure the
past couple of weeks trying to deal with this merger, and we
need help. I don’t know if we can do it alone any longer.”
ALTAP Consulting
“Can you believe it?” asked Steve Maine as he barged into your
office with a huge smile on his face. “We got the contract for
the merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM.” Excitedly
smacking the contract on your desk, he said, “This is huge for
our company and a big opportunity for you!”
You were just promoted to the strategic manager position after
spending your first 2 years as a strategic analyst. You work at a
management and leadership consulting firm that specializes in
corporate management training and solutions.
Maybe this will be your first real project to manage.
“I want this project, Steve,” you stated emphatically. “I’m ready
for it, and I won’t let you down.”
“What makes you think you’re ready for a challenge like this so
soon?” Steve raised his left eyebrow, glancing uncertainly in
your direction. “This is a pretty high-profile project, and all
eyes will be on you. Do you really think you’re prepared for
Right now is your opportunity to win the job.
“I’ve had experience with projects like this before with my
previous company, Steve. Do you remember the merger project I
mentioned that I was in charge of for the two petroleum
“All right,” he responds, “if you think you’re ready, then I’m
willing to put it in your hands. Let’s go over the company briefs
because you need to prepare for a meeting next week with the
Company Name
New York City, NY
Publicly held
Theresa Tramlin
Number of Facilities
4 in the US
(1 manufacturing plant + 3 distribution centers)
Number of Employees
Company Description
UWEAR is an upscale uniform supply company that has been in
business for over 40 years. They design, manufacture, and
supply uniforms for hotels, restaurants, resorts, and cruise lines
from around the world. UWEAR is recognized worldwide as the
leading supplier of elegant durable uniforms.
Company Name
Cincinnati, OH
Privately held
Mike Miller
Number of Facilities
1 in the United States
(sales office and distribution center)
Number of Employees
Company Description
PALEDENIM supplies low cost denim and coveralls to the
trades industry and their main customer base is located in the
Midwestern United States. They have been in business for only
5 years but are gaining market share rapidly due to their entry-
level pricing structure. They do not manufacture any of their
The Merger
After reviewing the company briefs, Steve began to discuss the
merger. “The two companies have decided to combine their
marketing, sales, strategic analysis, human resources, and
leadership teams.”
This will be a challenging project.
“So, my primary responsibility is going to be solving problems
and resolving conflicts within and between the companies,” you
mention nonchalantly, as though this will be an easy task. “I
will work with them and propose solutions that will benefit the
merger and allow the companies to more easily transition
through this period.”
“You seem to have a handle on what needs to be done for this
project,” Steve nods as he heads out of your office. “I’ll be here
to consult if you run into any issues.”
Scenario AComment by Elena Chmil Brainmass.comNote All char.docx

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  • 3. should bring your family sometime, too. Kids love the pool with the waterfall. You nod, following Joe into the hotel’s restaurant. After all you’ve heard about Bill, you are very interested in meeting him. Running head: Journal 1 Journal 1 November 27, 2018 How did you experience and practice the university learning outcomes in previous courses at Grantham University? This university curriculum is very diverse and knowledgeable. The outcomes of this course will be beneficial for students in future. All skills learned in this course will be helpful in all career paths including science and arts. In this course, every week we must go through different assignments related to any skill topic. These topics sharpen skills and improve knowledge power of students. Especially previous assignments of this course make me develop skills related to different aspects. I was looking forward to learning about critical thinking from right from the beginning of this course. Our course material did justice to topic and I am
  • 4. satisfied with my performance. · How did you experience and practice these university learning outcomes in this course? All practices and experiences gained from this course glued us to this course. We have gone through multiple activities and practices as well as peer discussions. We were learning with reading, writing, and exploring different dimensions writing. Critical thinking, lifelong learning and communication, social, and ethical responsibilities were outcomes required throughout life. In personal and professional life these outcomes will make finest human being as well as skilled professional. These topics are more than subjects but life lessons and attitude builders for me. I explored this course whole heartedly to improve my skills. After gaining benefits of this course, my professional life improved and I gained value at my job. · How would you like to continue developing the skills associated with the university learning outcomes outside of the classroom – what specific actions can you take? What obstacles might exist and how might you overcome those? What resources or help might you need? How could you find this help? This course was beneficial for me. I will continue learning new skills whenever it suits my schedule. I am afraid joining new course will not be easy for me. My job will not allow me to enroll in new course, but self-learning can be done any time. The biggest obstacle for me to learn new skills will be lack of time. I will constantly explore student groups on social media related to this university. I can buy books and follow course outline of new offered courses. i can learn from online resources to improve my skills. Course material, and student discussions will be helpful. · How will the skills associated with the university learning outcomes contribute to your career goals? I learned project management, marketing, language and
  • 5. communication from this university. I improve my writing and comprehension skills. My presentation and communication skills improved significantly. My aim is to join writing and communication-related field. It may be an article written in a magazine or newspaper. This language, communication, presentation, marketing and comprehension skills will help me in my future greatly. I will be related to communication and public relation office. These skills will improve my learning ability and will allow me to express my opinion in the most suitable way. My body language becomes refined and it poses me bright and confident in my workspace. Running head: Journal 1 Journal 1 November 27, 2018
  • 6. · How does Critical Thinking connect with the course material this week? (Course material: research paper on Education Trust Organization) How did Critical Thinking help you with your research this week? Critical thinking skills are required when doing research papers. In research paper arguments favoring and opposing view are expressed. A writer needs to provide evidence related to a topic. He cannot simply support his personal favorite idea. He should be independent and neutral while researching any topic. Critical thinking is the process of making the decision. All discussions and arguments in the research paper are used for analyzing, reasoning, evaluating, problem-solving and decision-making steps. These five stages required for effective decision making. · Write down at least one specific aspect of Critical Thinking that you need to still develop and describe how you could work on developing that aspect. I need to develop analyzing aspect in my comprehension skill. Analyzing is a very important aspect of critical thinking. The writer needs to analyze resource, argument, and opinions before using it in his research. · How does Critical Thinking connect to achieving your career goals? My goal is to become a research writer or data analyst. Analyzing cannot be learned but its born skill. One can polish this skill. Critical thinking and all its aspects are required to develop for being data analyst and research writer. I read work of major critical thinkers and note their techniques. These techniques were helpful during reading and writing. · Based on your work in the course as well as general education courses at XYZ university, explain what Critical Thinking
  • 7. means to you. In all my general education career as well as in graduation course, critical thinking was related to all subjects. We have to do assignments every week to evaluate any topics. At least one of five aspects of critical thinking was always involved in it. For me, critical thinking is a human behavior followed in all decision making processes. Decision making helped me in reading and comprehension of all topics while reading the material. · Describe a specific assignment, presentation, or project you worked on in one of your past courses at Grantham University that allowed you to develop Critical Thinking? In one of our assignment where we have to write an essay on technological effects on human health. We have to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of daily used technology. Using evaluation and decision analyzing skills make a decision. It was a difficult topic as both sides were equally strong and we cannot simply favor one side. It required lots of brain streaming and evaluating to favor one side. It makes me favor technology with some suggestion although at the start my gut feeling was against technology. · Write down at least one question you have about your organization, your research project, or this course in general? How can we stick to all values of course in practical life? How data analyst or social scientist can use critical thinking in field projects? Running head: REFLECTION JOURNAL 1 REFLECTION JOURNAL 1
  • 8. November 13, 2018 Communication Please respond to all the following items in your reflection journal. How do Communication skills connect with the course material this week? How did Communication skills help you with your research this week? In this week, we have to compete a research essay. We need to be precise, clear about our assumptions, results and questions required to answer during research. I have to listen an audio interview for my research essay. I put so much focus to understand meaning behind voice tone, pitch and expressions. Not only words but emotions were also transmitted while listening audio. · Write down at least one specific aspect of Communication that you need to still develop and describe how you could work on developing that aspect. Effective communication has many aspects required to be taken care off. Effective communication is vital skill in every career. In this course we are learning about effective communication but clearly this cannot be achieved overnight. Effective communication have five basic aspects know as listen, trust, focus and control, clarity of message, confidence and influence. In my opinion I lack focus and control in my communication skills. I get panicked and lose control in unexpected situations. In crisis every team member especially, leader have to be
  • 9. composed and collected. I am using calming techniques in small panicking situations in daily life to be able to compose in real unexpected situations. · How does Communication connect to achieving your career goals? My career goal is to be entrepreneur. To achieve this goal, I have to communicate with variety of people in variety of situations. These people may be from different background and social classes. They may have behavioral issues but I have to work with them for my own benefit. I have to stay focus and calm when working with difficult people and difficult circumstances. · Based on your work in the course as well as general education courses at Grantham University, explain what Communication means to you. We tried to learn everything about communication during all our educational career. Communication is an art of sharing our thoughts, emotions, views, and requirements with most suitable works and body language. Message, concept, or view in mind of person initiating communication (sender) should be conveyed using most accurate method so that listener (receiver) get full understanding. · Describe a specific assignment, presentation, or project you worked on in one of your past courses that allowed you to develop your Communication skills? In my school life our social studies class contributed greatly in polishing my communication skills. In this class we undergo several activates which lead us to enhance our skills. Especially I want to mention one week we were assigned a task. In that task we were required to ask three questions from school fellows other than our class fellows and friends. This activity required personality analysis of person in our mind before choosing appropriate question. We had to be calm and understanding about mindset of people and their knowledge background to select question. This activity makes us realize importance of body language for both parties engaging in
  • 10. communication. · Write down at least one question you have about your organization, your research project, or this course in general? What is the importance of body language when communicating in second language? Running Head: LIFELONG LEARNING 1 LIFELONG LEARNING 4 November 6, 2018 Most people consider that the only learning one can get is the formal education that they get at school. We are always told during early age to go to school in order to get a good education. However, this statement is not far from the truth since the resulting qualifications are important especially when securing employment (Tessler et al, 2017). However, going to school is only one type of formal education as there are many other opportunities one can take to further their knowledge and develop the skills that they need to survive in life. Lifelong
  • 11. learning is one of them as it can help us in enhancing our understanding of the world around us, and provides us with more and better opportunities that will eventually help us improve the quality of life that we live. Lifelong is connected to this week’s material since lifelong enhances social inclusion just like this week’s material. Just like this week’s material, lifelong offers an opportunity for personal development and an active citizenship. Learning is no longer considered as formal education that can only be got in schools as there are many avenues for getting knowledge. There are also many places that one can apply the acquired knowledge rather than just the workplace. Regarding one lifelong aspect that I need to still develop, at the moment it is difficult for me to settle on one as there are many aspects of lifelong that I still need to develop in order to better my living. To me, the only way to thrive is by learning new skills in life every day. Lifelong learning connects to achieving my career goals since it always motivates me to achieve even more. Learning new things is often key to regain interest in the job one is doing and it is crucial in boosting one's confidence. Lifelong learning is essential in helping me to be more productive and a happy employee. To me, lifelong is a process where one gains valuable skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual. Lifelong is key in developing the general life of an individual, so to me, it is something that cannot be ignored and everyone needs to undertake lifelong learning in order to live a better life. To me, there is no specific assignment or presentation that made me learn new skills as to me, learning new skills is something that I do on a daily basis. Regarding my organization, I have one question that I would love to ask. The question is; is it possible for me to change the organization that I have been researching? This is because every week it is becoming harder to find new things about the organization.
  • 12. Work cited Tessler, C., Givony, S., Zahavy, T., Mankowitz, D. J., & Mannor, S. (2017, February). A Deep Hierarchical Approach to Lifelong Learning in Minecraft. In AAAI (Vol. 3, p. 6). RUNNING HEAD: RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY 1 2 Respect For Diversity October 31, 2018 Respect for diversity is where the individuals are unique, and they recognize the difference that exists among people such as the race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and the socioeconomic status among other ideologies. The respect for diversity connects with the course material this week since it
  • 13. addresses how my school that is the Grantham University has ensured there is diversity in the schools. This was evidenced where there was a student from various ethnic communities, race among other factors. Respect for diversity has enabled my research this week by having the face to face interview with the people with different ideologies as well as interacting with both the students and the entire school community with different ethnic and community gender values. This week course material addresses the various aspects of creating cultural connections its importance to step or create the cultural connections. The aspect of respect for diversity that I need to develop is personality and this is crucial since it enables people to understand people with different personalities and must interpret them. I also spend most of the time in relating with people for example at home, workplace and in the entire community. I would improve my personality by ensuring that I learn various people like and dislike so as creating a good room for interaction. Respect for diversity connects in achieving the career goals where since it aids in the provision of range diverse skills. It also enables one in being engaged, it improves the client care, it increases the funding opportunities, it opens one’s mind from working together and developing the respect for the peer relationship. Respect for the diverse cultures means the respect and support of the diverse cultures in the present society. There are no two people that believe the same things were God-given, freedom or how they live. In my class for the American government, the lectures gave us the different cases that we were to choose from and write an essay such as same-sex marriage. I have my sister who is a lesbian and must respect her choice especially when it comes from gay, bisexual, lesbian among other. The question I have for my organization is ‘what the plan is for the Human Society of the United States on the animal
  • 14. population’. Running head: JOURNAL 1 JOURNAL 3 October 23, 2018 · How does Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility connect with the course material this week? The link between the professional, ethical, and social responsibility and the course material of this week is that it assisted in providing the moral guidelines to pass. Ethical, professional, and social responsibility has meanings and this, therefore, implies that every activity or task being undertaken is guided by the legal, moral, and must be one which benefits people instead of hurting.
  • 15. · How did Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility help you with your research this week? The Professional, ethical, and the social responsibility assisted me in my research by providing more information concerning how charities and other organizations must be managed toward assisting others. · Write down at least one specific aspect regarding Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility that you need to still develop and describe how you could work on developing that aspect. About my profession, it is necessary to behave professionally, consider ethical values, and be socially responsible to help in building a system of ethics. However, the main area where I have I have faced a challenge is the decision making as well as actions. Sometimes I do consider my actions to be ethically validated without knowing the harm it might cause to other people. Therefore, I am looking to make sure that the decisions made are ethically validated before going on with my research work (Ni & Montgomery, 2015). I would do this through incorporating ethical validation into the daily activities especially those which are influencing the people or the surrounding where I am performing my research work. · How does Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility connect to achieving your career goals? My career goal has always been to assists other people through creating a free and conducive environment that involves sharing of the ideas regardless of the professional background. To achieve this goal, it is always important to be aware of what is right and wrong in deciding what is best for each person. The professional, ethics and the social responsibility, therefore, will help in knowing whether the decision made, or the actions taken are legal or illegal; whether it is violating the professional standards; and evaluating how it is affecting the targeted individuals either positively or negatively (Tai & Shu-Hao, 2014). · Based on your work in the course as well as general education courses at Grantham University, explain what Professional,
  • 16. Ethical, and Social Responsibility means to you The meaning of the professional, ethical, and social according to me is that it is a system of ethics being acquired as each of us is learning in their specific field of study. This system of ethics binds professionals to carry out professional duties in an honest and fair manner. · Describe a specific assignment, presentation, or project you worked on in one of your past courses at Grantham University that allowed you to develop your Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility? One of the projects I worked on is the helping in the sanitization project within the minority groups. Dealing with this group requires an understanding of the culture so that this process can be fruitful. Failure to understand the culture of this group means being culturally incompetent and this leads to an unethical decision and unprofessional behavior. For example, the unprofessional behavior can include being arrogant to the people when they resist the activities of the project due to lack of understanding in the meaning of this activity. · Write down at least one question you have about your organization, your research project, or this course in general? · Is there a possibility of changing the organization that I have been researching? · Based on the required readings, the instruction is to read the introduction and the first chapters for all week. What I am supposed to read? References Ni, A., & Montgomery, V. W. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing Well and Doing Good. In Building Business-Government Relations, 175-196. Tai, F.-M., & Shu-Hao, C. (2014). Corporate social responsibility. Ibusiness 6, 6 (3), 117.
  • 17. UWEAR and PALEDENIM Merger Scenario UWEAR and PALEDENIM Comment by Elena Chmil: list-for-all-phases.html Will this work? What do we do next? Those were just two of the questions that weighed on Theresa Tramlin’s mind as she walked with Mike Miller to yet another meeting. The merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM was underway, and things had become chaotic at the office during the past week as the management teams clashed over differing policies and procedures. “I am glad that we decided to hire ALTAP Consulting for this project.” Theresa said as she joined Mike on the elevator, “Their experience will certainly be helpful as we try to move through this merger.” Mike looked down, hesitated slightly, and then responded, “Yes…I think you’re right. I have some doubts about bringing in outsiders, but they might be able to offer a perspective that we lack. I just wonder what they can really offer since they don’t know our industry.” “I can understand your hesitation, Mike, but I really think we’re making the best decision possible,” Theresa responded confidently as they exited the elevator and headed down the hall to the meeting. “The team has been under a lot of pressure the past couple of weeks trying to deal with this merger, and we need help. I don’t know if we can do it alone any longer.” ALTAP Consulting “Can you believe it?” asked Steve Maine as he barged into your office with a huge smile on his face. “We got the contract for the merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM.” Excitedly smacking the contract on your desk, he said, “This is huge for our company and a big opportunity for you!” You were just promoted to the strategic manager position after spending your first 2 years as a strategic analyst. You work at a management and leadership consulting firm that specializes in corporate management training and solutions.
  • 18. Maybe this will be your first real project to manage. “I want this project, Steve,” you stated emphatically. “I’m ready for it, and I won’t let you down.” “What makes you think you’re ready for a challenge like this so soon?” Steve raised his left eyebrow, glancing uncertainly in your direction. “This is a pretty high-profile project, and all eyes will be on you. Do you really think you’re prepared for this?” Right now is your opportunity to win the job. “I’ve had experience with projects like this before with my previous company, Steve. Do you remember the merger project I mentioned that I was in charge of for the two petroleum companies?” “All right,” he responds, “if you think you’re ready, then I’m willing to put it in your hands. Let’s go over the company briefs because you need to prepare for a meeting next week with the CEOs of UWEAR and PALEDENIM.” Company Name UWEAR Headquarters New York City, NY Ownership Publicly held CEO Theresa Tramlin Number of Facilities 4 in the US (1 manufacturing plant + 3 distribution centers) Number of Employees 100 Company Description UWEAR is an upscale uniform supply company that has been in business for over 40 years. They design, manufacture, and supply uniforms for hotels, restaurants, resorts, and cruise lines from around the world. UWEAR is recognized worldwide as the leading supplier of elegant durable uniforms.
  • 19. Company Name PALEDENIM Headquarters Cincinnati, OH Ownership Privately held CEO Mike Miller Number of Facilities 1 in the United States (sales office and distribution center) Number of Employees 15 Company Description PALEDENIM supplies low cost denim and coveralls to the trades industry and their main customer base is located in the Midwestern United States. They have been in business for only 5 years but are gaining market share rapidly due to their entry- level pricing structure. They do not manufacture any of their products. The Merger After reviewing the company briefs, Steve began to discuss the merger. “The two companies have decided to combine their marketing, sales, strategic analysis, human resources, and leadership teams.” This will be a challenging project. “So, my primary responsibility is going to be solving problems and resolving conflicts within and between the companies,” you mention nonchalantly, as though this will be an easy task. “I will work with them and propose solutions that will benefit the merger and allow the companies to more easily transition through this period.” “You seem to have a handle on what needs to be done for this project,” Steve nods as he heads out of your office. “I’ll be here to consult if you run into any issues.”