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Initiative Local Outcome Global - Work Locally Serve Globally 
sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity 
Contact Person 
SM Farid Uddin Akhter 
Secretariat In-charge 
Phone:+88 01553 748 354
01. Abstract 
`The world is heading for irreversible and potential catastrophic climate change”,Nature 
Rebellious - repeated threat/attack from Nature - Australia, Africa, NewZealand, Brazil, Pakistan, 
Japan, Iran, Myanmar, Thailand, USA and Indonesia. Nature never bother super power or poorer 
- demand absolute Care. Humanity in need of Climate Responsible Community, Climate 
ONLY THE PATH TO Eliminate Racial Discrimination - END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, 
CLIMATE Threat. Each second, minute, hour day needed to be spent considering earth, 
environment and humanity. 
Climate change, climate variability and extremes are affecting our food production and will most 
challenge our food security. Farmers and extension services have been baffled on ways to 
address this uncertainty, manage crop production and ensure good harvest. Climate change is a 
global problem. We believe each one of us has responsibility and capacity to make a difference. 
Even small changes in our daily behavior can help prevent greenhouse gas emissions without 
affecting our quality of life. In fact, it can help to save our money. 
To meet the climate change challenges sasrai-Movement could be one of the most effective 
vehicles that we urge to all uphold it. It stands for plain, simple and easier life for all, as less as 
possible, consumption of resources in our daily living. It urges initiating it in own life, at home, at 
own place. It stands for democracy, diversity, decentralization, tolerance, transparency, self-reliance 
and peace. Its first consideration is tomorrow, the future generation, who have not 
spoiled a bit of this earth's resources, the children, who have not committed any sinful act. It 
believes in community potentials to solve their problem, adaptation by the available resources 
they own right now. 
It stands for giving up the luxuries that destroy the earth's resources. It stands for reuse, 
recycling as maximum as possible. The students, the youth, the hope of the future, can start by 
devising their way of serving the humanity, environment, planet. We facilitate devising 
own instead of suggesting, directing like big brother. Because environment doesn’t accept, 
tolerate dictation from powerful or powerless. 
We are open in share of our vision, mission, learning and experience. We try to start the 
initiative in our personal life, at homes. The students and teachers here are encouraged to start 
practice in their personal life, class rooms, in schools and homes. Then they could appeal to 
friends, neighbors, relatives and to the others. 
We try to use even a small empty pot, small pieces of land by planting saplings. Our 
preferences are medicinal plants, vegetables. We try to avoid one-time-use items. We urge and 
encourage to switch off our electric appliances light, fans for at least one minute a day and not to 
keep it in standby. We encourage avoiding using air conditioners. 
We sit with the students, mothers and teachers and they collectively decide their steps. We start 
in a smaller way. We try to avoid to be dominating. We think if any organizational structure is 
formed then all have to take the position of "leader" by rotation. We believe in local resources 
and fund to launch any initiative. I hope, we could talk on more functional issues in particular 
community based on their existing situation. 
Till today we have taken decisions collectively in a democratic and participatory way. We 
generate funds by selling used/old household items, by putting our labor. We encourage and
practice in cutting luxury, unnecessary cell phone call, cool drinks, junk food etc. We try to walk 
as maximum as possible but obviously not at the expense of health and time. 
02. sasrai-Movement (Let’s People Make Own Future) slogan: 
save a bit - reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources 
Let’s be a desired friend to all living body, humanity, environment and earth 
03. Vision: Environmental Justice, Sustainable living 
04. Goal: Optimum utilization of resources and reduce the abuse of resources 
Resource Responsible Individual, Family, Community and Humanity 
05. Objective 
a. Save a bit, reserve, preserve, conserve and rejuvenate the resources 
b. Bringing significant change in mindset regarding consumption of resources – `How much 
less consuming I could be’ 
c. Bringing behavioral and attitudinal change regarding use and abuse of resources human 
and other. 
06. Activities 
a. Organize Human Chain aimed at message dissemination for mass people 
b. Organize dialogue and discussion with different level people emphasizing student primary 
to varsity 
c. Formulate community action plan 
d. Identify community actor to motivate, monitor and follow up community action plan 
e. Organize fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly meeting to evaluate the 
community progress. 
f. Display the report/progress in social communication centre 
g. Collect the people’s voice and disseminate in social communication centre 
h. Display and disseminate the lesson learned locally, regionally, nationally and 
07. Challenges 
a. Get the volunteer revitalized always for regular follow up and monitoring 
b. Volunteer get frustrated observing the reluctance in following the rule of saving resources 
of the individual 
c. Community leader are reluctant to participate in discussion and dialogue 
d. Well off family member very much reluctant in resource saving 
e. Status feeling in spending more in maximum people 
f. Traditional values and belief regarding resources 
08. Way to come out the challenges 
a. Regular dialogue and discussion 
b. Patience hearing and collective decision making 
c. Motivation for new effort 
09. We believe in 
a. infinite potentials of each individual 
b. generally needs external thrust to kindle the positive force of individual 
c. each possesses the capacity and responsibility and will act positively 
d. someone in each community must act positively, needs to identify 
e. each individual able to come out from the baffled circle – raise voice 
f. save a bit - reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources 
g. each would be keen to save a bit no matter how small it is
h. Responsible to ensure safer and cleaner future for the next generation 
i. tenacious and continuous effort must overcome any crisis 
10. Methodology:Program/Activities designing is Participatory Decision Making Method (PDMM) 
Let people know or be clear about their present situation based on 10/20 years back. Community 
must aware about the future happening due to our running living pattern purposefully and 
logically. Discussion will be aimed at as much as possible visualize the clear picture of future 
impact and implications of present activities. 
There are some certain causes someone will raise that their village/community/area is in 
problematic situation or better than other. Causes of encumbrance and convenience should be 
listed and villagers should explain how those could be avoided and strengthened. Community 
would clarify the secret behind the hindrance and convenience and they would identify the steps 
towards increase the capacity and decrease the vulnerability by their available resources and 
Uphold People’s Voice and Choice/ Participatory Planning aimed at get a consolidated 
Participatory Support Plan (PSP) individual to individual, family to family, community to 
a. PPSA Participatory Present Status Assessment (threats and potentials) 
b. PPPI Participatory Potentials and Problems Identification 
c. PSA Participatory Strength Assessment 
d. PFTM Participatory Future Tracking Map Past, Present and Future 
e. PRUP Participatory Resource Utilization Plan 
f. PRARP Participatory Resource Abuse Reducing Plan 
g. PRDP Participatory Resource Development Plan 
h. PSP Participatory Support Plan 
i. PCCP Participatory Community Cooperation Plan 
j. PHDP Participatory Homestead Development Plan 
k. PMCDP Participatory Marketing Channel Development Plan 
l. PCCAP Participatory Climate Change Adaptation Plan 
m. PWUP Participatory Waste Utilization Plan 
n. PTB Participatory Time Budget/Time Utilization Plan 
o. PSVAP Participatory Season Variation Adaptation Plan 
p. PNCCP Participatory Neighboring Community Cooperation Plan 
q. PPPPSP Participatory Procurement, Processing, Preservation and Supply 
11. Implementation Process 
 Dialogue and discussion with all level people focusing student, mother and teacher and 
identify doings 1/2 that practiced personal life, home and work place 
 Sharing with LGIs, policy maker, administrator, business community, industry owner and 
identify doings 1/2 that practiced personal life, home and work place 
 Organize mass mobilization program like rally, human chain involving local to national 
level leader 
 In every steps rights and responsibilities would clearly spelled out. 
12. Strategy 
Get off the ground a process build inquisitive, innovative and committed catalystic driving 
force in each community, institution and organization to advocate the program towards save
a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate, conserve, reuse and recycle of resources and avoid one 
time use. Create network among the catalystic forces and steps would be identified through 
01. We shall try to avoid to be dominating 
02. We shall start in a smaller way 
03. We shall be trying to do with own resources 
04. Decisions taken collectively in a democratic and participatory process 
05. We shall encourage in cutting luxury, unnecessary cell phone call, cool drinks, junk 
food etc 
06. We shall generate funds by ourselves selling used/old household items 
07. We shall be trying to get things done by putting own labor. 
08. We shall try to walk as maximum as possible but obviously not at the expense of 
health and time 
09. We shall try to identify functional issues in each community/society 
10. If there is any organizational structure is formed then all have to take the position of 
"leader" by rotation. 
13. Desired Output 
01. Individual tuned in plain, simple and easier life, as less as possible, consumption of 
resources in own life, at home, at work place. 
02. Honor to democracy, diversity, decentralization, tolerance, transparency, self-reliance, 
03. For any initiative first consideration would be tomorrow, the future generation, the 
children, who haven’t spoiled a bit of earth's resources and not committed any sinful act. 
04. Everybody would believe in community potentials to solve their problem, adaptation by 
the available resources that they own right now. 
05. Everybody would be in trying to start the initiative in personal life, at home, work place 
06. Each individual will stand for giving up the luxuries that destroy the earth's resources and 
reuse, recycling as maximum as possible. 
07. The students, the youth, the hope of the future, can start by devising their way of serving 
the humanity and the planet 
08. We encourage devising own instead of suggesting, directing, advising like big brother. 
Because environment doesn’t accept, tolerate dictation from powerful or powerless. 
09. Everybody would be open in share the vision, mission, learning and experience. 
10. The students and teachers are positive to start environment friendly practice in their 
personal life, class rooms, in schools and homes. 
11. People in optimum utilization of resources – use even small empty pots in planting 
sapling, avoid one-time use items. 
12. People tuned in using even small pieces of space/land by planting saplings preferably 
medicinal plants and vegetables. 
13. People caring in use of electrical appliances - off the switch of bulbs and fans at least one 
minute a day and avoiding using air conditioners 
14. Everybody would have appealing and motivating mentality for the sake of environment to 
the friends, neighbors, relatives and to the others 
14. Desired Achievement 
 Environment sensible individual, family and community 
 Community shoulder responsibility to bringing significant change in mindset, attitude and 
behavior aimed at control the climate change, adaptation largely save the nature 
 Person caring in use of power and resources, reuse, recycle and avoid one time use.
 Community collectively keen to get used to in climate friendly attitude in daily living ie 
prudence, patience and passion in use of resources and power 
15. Impact Assessment 
Impact of any initiative would be assessed thorough open sharing at community by the 
community formed appraisal team of the community people. 
16. sasrai Appeal 
"Nature does not discriminate between a rich super power or a poor nation. We must stop being 
a slave to consumption," 
Please have lead to spread sasrai-Movement aimed at habitable earth 
Dear Madam/Sir 
Greetings from sasrai-Movement that works voluntarily since 2004 across the globe aimed at 
promote prudent and sustainable consumption and conservation, optimum use and reduce the 
abuse of resources. sasrai target to animate, activate each individual, family, community, 
institution, organization to Combat Climate Change, global warming, food, fuel, water, poverty, 
disaster, waste, ecosystem, biodiversity - finally reverse the devastating trend of globe. Road 
map towards the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration - sasrai brings into 
focus Six MDGs, 09 time-bound targets and 31 quantitative indicators. 
USA President in Berlin speech has said the global threat of our time severe storms, Famine 
and floods, Coastlines vanish, Oceans rise and Climate change. UNSG said climate change “is a 
humanitarian issue, a development issue, and an issue of security and stability.” IPCC 5th 
Assessment Report urges- disrupted climate can do in sea level rise and acidification, aggravated 
droughts and wildfires, increased storm severity and flooding. Those impacts will grow more 
severe unless we start reducing global warming pollution, not tomorrow, but now. President 
Obama said, "We have to all shoulder the responsibility for keeping the planet habitable, or we're 
going to suffer the consequences—together." 
IPS - Special Issue on COP18 Doha Climate Change Conference 29 Nov, Dec 07, 2012 - state 
that unsustainable human consumption and production systems are driving changes in average 
temperatures and weather patterns, "abnormal" is increasingly becoming the norm. 
32 million people in 82 countries were displaced by climate - and weather-related disasters in 
2012, nearly twice as many as in 2011, according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring 
Centre. This number is expected to increase as climate change intensifies. 
Chinese President Appeals to the Nation “build a thrifty society”, that sasrai Voice since 2004. 
Absolute truth for today’s world careless consumption driving untenable production that driving 
changes in temperature and weather patterns and that’s Hotter, Hungry World. Hungry world will 
contribute millions of desperate people. Desperate people do desperate things: They riot, they 
fight over food, they overthrow governments, and the mass migrate to food-secure countries. 
Confronting the Growing Threat of Climate Change 
sasrai Commandment for Nature, Next Generation. Wish the Peace for Each, to ensure Rights for 
all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources
Let’s achieve significant change in mindset, behavior and attitude combat Climate Crisis, Reduce 
Risk & Poverty, save Bio-diversity – Peace for the way to achieve the desired 
goal - sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global. 
Please Keep a hand written sasrai-Movement Poster in any discussion area 
Let’s have zeal to self tune in sasrai-Movement policy and be committed to save resource and reduce 
FOOD waste in our daily living - no matter how small it is. Please relentless to voice from each corner 
across the globe 
 Please, save a drop of water daily, during all water related activities 
 Please, plant at least a Native tree annually at own home or community 
 Please, let’s waste not single particle of food 
 Please, let’s waste not single particle of any resource 
 Please, keep off electric appliances one minute daily 
 Please, suspend travel by personal car once a day 
 Please, keep a day in a week luxury free 
 Please, do not throw away the waste wherever you like 
 Please, No more junk food 
 Please, Buy items made from recycled materials 
 Please, save one minute to think on Climate Change and Environment 
 You Can Reduce CO2 Emissions, Plant Native Trees Worldwide 
 You could uphold the movement instantly using sasrai-Movement appeal at the bottom of your all 
printed material 
sasrai Volunteer demand your kind contemplation to spread sasrai across the globe effectively. 
Please keep a sasrai-Movement slogan at the bottom of your each letter or any other publication. 
Please keep a sasrai-Movement banner at your office gate. 
SM Farid Uddin Akhter 
Secretariat In-charge 
email: Phone:+88 01553 748 354 
Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, expenditure, 
LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences. 
Let's be a desired friend to all creature, humanity, environment, earth 
Plant for planet, water for world, environment for entire 
sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity 
Please send us your suggestion, comment via email: 
sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global
17. sasrai appeal for Future, next generation 
sasrai appeal for Environment that Encompass 
 Environment is Democracy 
 Environment is Transparency 
 Environment is Decentralization 
 Environment is Rights for all 
 Environment is Flexibility 
 Environment is People’s Voice 
 Environment is Equality 
 Environment is Equal Facility 
 Environment is Justice for All 
 Environment is Risk Reduction 
 Environment is Waste Reduction 
 Environment is Reuse 
 Environment is Repair 
 Environment is Rejuvenation 
 Environment is Reservation 
 Environment is Conservation 
 Environment is Fair living 
 Environment is Friendly Living 
 Environment is Dignity for All 
 Environment is Threat Free Life 
 Environment is Tension Free Life 
 Environment is Dictation Free Life 
 Environment is Cooperative Effort 
save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources 
sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity 
sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity
18. sasrai Banner in Bangla 
19. sasrai Emergence 
Honorable Chair, distinguished panel, ladies and gentleman please be kind to accept our heartiest 
thanks and felicitation from my part and our innumerable volunteer’s part across the globe. 
I SM Farid Uddin Akhter from Bangladesh - that recognized worldwide one of the most vulnerable 
country, due to impacts of global warming and climate change. And this is due to its unique 
geographic location, dominance of floodplains, low elevation from the sea, high population 
density, high level of poverty, and overwhelming dependence on nature. Variability in rainfall 
pattern, temperature, extremes are resulting in crop damage and failure offering vulnerability to 
the farmers and those dependent on meaningful earning from agriculture and fishing. 
I am here to represent our ardent confidence and mission sarai-Movement that took birth 2003 
from the deep realization of some development worker/people’s voice listener. Our observation 
donor induced development activities have inconsequential contribution in increase capacity and 
decrease the vulnerability in long term. Our consensus was on people/community potential. We 
realized that no matter how poor the community or individual still there is some resources to tape 
and optimum utilization of those, could contribute much for their betterment. We decided to 
appeal save a bit - reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources. On the eve of 
Bengali New Year Pohela Baishak/April 14, 2004 we declare the birth of our sasrai-Movement 
SM Farid Uddin Akhter 
Secretariat In-charge, sasrai-Movement 
Phone:+88 01553 748 354
20. sasrai Achievement 
Since Inception `sasrai’ cherished by al sector people. Street beggar to state driver each 
contribute here by her/his nature caring behaviour. This need simple change in mindset, `how 
much less consuming I could be’ or `live simple that other could live simply.’ By the last 10 years 
journey `sasrai’ earned much reputation and felicitation people from all works of life across the 
globe. We believe UNEP World Environment Day theme of 2013 Think Eat Save is the resonance 
of sasrai-Movment. 
20.01. Honorable Prime minister of Bangladesh address sasrai in her different speech 
20.02. sasrai volunteer SM Farid Uddin Akhter declared as climate Champ DW global idea.
20.03. Chittagong Higher Secondary Education Board Chairman permitted conduct sasrai dialogue among 
the student of 1400 instituton (1200 school & 200 college). 
20.04. WED Theme Resonance of sasrai Theme
20.05. Absolute truth for today’s world careless consumption driving untenable production that 
driving changes in temperature and weather patterns and that’s the Hotter and Hungry World. 
Hungry world will contribute millions of desperate people. Desperate people do desperate things: 
They riot, they fight over food, they overthrow governments, and the mass migrate to food-secure 
21. Please relentless to voice from each corner across the globe 
 Please, save a drop of water daily, during all water related activities 
 Please, plant at least a Native tree annually at own home or community 
 Please, let’s waste not single particle of food 
 Please, let’s waste not single particle of any resource 
 Please, keep off electric appliances one minute daily 
 Please, suspend travel by personal car once a day 
 Please, keep a day in a week luxury free 
 Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, 
expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences. 
Let's be a desired friend to all creature, humanity, environment, earth 
Plant for planet, water for world, environment for entire 
sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity 
sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global

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sasrai-Movement Appeal Let People Act

  • 1. sasrai-Movement Initiative Local Outcome Global - Work Locally Serve Globally sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity Contact Person SM Farid Uddin Akhter Secretariat In-charge sasrai-Movement email: Phone:+88 01553 748 354
  • 2. 01. Abstract `The world is heading for irreversible and potential catastrophic climate change”,Nature Rebellious - repeated threat/attack from Nature - Australia, Africa, NewZealand, Brazil, Pakistan, Japan, Iran, Myanmar, Thailand, USA and Indonesia. Nature never bother super power or poorer - demand absolute Care. Humanity in need of Climate Responsible Community, Climate Compatible Development. sasrai ONLY THE PATH TO SAVE MOTHER PLANET EARTH, NATURE - ONLY THE PATH TO Eliminate Racial Discrimination - END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, CHILDREN-----etc. sasrai ONLY THE PATH TO END VULNEARABILITY, HUNGER, DISASTER, CLIMATE Threat. Each second, minute, hour day needed to be spent considering earth, environment and humanity. Climate change, climate variability and extremes are affecting our food production and will most challenge our food security. Farmers and extension services have been baffled on ways to address this uncertainty, manage crop production and ensure good harvest. Climate change is a global problem. We believe each one of us has responsibility and capacity to make a difference. Even small changes in our daily behavior can help prevent greenhouse gas emissions without affecting our quality of life. In fact, it can help to save our money. To meet the climate change challenges sasrai-Movement could be one of the most effective vehicles that we urge to all uphold it. It stands for plain, simple and easier life for all, as less as possible, consumption of resources in our daily living. It urges initiating it in own life, at home, at own place. It stands for democracy, diversity, decentralization, tolerance, transparency, self-reliance and peace. Its first consideration is tomorrow, the future generation, who have not spoiled a bit of this earth's resources, the children, who have not committed any sinful act. It believes in community potentials to solve their problem, adaptation by the available resources they own right now. It stands for giving up the luxuries that destroy the earth's resources. It stands for reuse, recycling as maximum as possible. The students, the youth, the hope of the future, can start by devising their way of serving the humanity, environment, planet. We facilitate devising own instead of suggesting, directing like big brother. Because environment doesn’t accept, tolerate dictation from powerful or powerless. We are open in share of our vision, mission, learning and experience. We try to start the initiative in our personal life, at homes. The students and teachers here are encouraged to start practice in their personal life, class rooms, in schools and homes. Then they could appeal to friends, neighbors, relatives and to the others. We try to use even a small empty pot, small pieces of land by planting saplings. Our preferences are medicinal plants, vegetables. We try to avoid one-time-use items. We urge and encourage to switch off our electric appliances light, fans for at least one minute a day and not to keep it in standby. We encourage avoiding using air conditioners. We sit with the students, mothers and teachers and they collectively decide their steps. We start in a smaller way. We try to avoid to be dominating. We think if any organizational structure is formed then all have to take the position of "leader" by rotation. We believe in local resources and fund to launch any initiative. I hope, we could talk on more functional issues in particular community based on their existing situation. Till today we have taken decisions collectively in a democratic and participatory way. We generate funds by selling used/old household items, by putting our labor. We encourage and
  • 3. practice in cutting luxury, unnecessary cell phone call, cool drinks, junk food etc. We try to walk as maximum as possible but obviously not at the expense of health and time. 02. sasrai-Movement (Let’s People Make Own Future) slogan: save a bit - reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources Let’s be a desired friend to all living body, humanity, environment and earth 03. Vision: Environmental Justice, Sustainable living 04. Goal: Optimum utilization of resources and reduce the abuse of resources Resource Responsible Individual, Family, Community and Humanity 05. Objective a. Save a bit, reserve, preserve, conserve and rejuvenate the resources b. Bringing significant change in mindset regarding consumption of resources – `How much less consuming I could be’ c. Bringing behavioral and attitudinal change regarding use and abuse of resources human and other. 06. Activities a. Organize Human Chain aimed at message dissemination for mass people b. Organize dialogue and discussion with different level people emphasizing student primary to varsity c. Formulate community action plan d. Identify community actor to motivate, monitor and follow up community action plan e. Organize fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly meeting to evaluate the community progress. f. Display the report/progress in social communication centre g. Collect the people’s voice and disseminate in social communication centre h. Display and disseminate the lesson learned locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. 07. Challenges a. Get the volunteer revitalized always for regular follow up and monitoring b. Volunteer get frustrated observing the reluctance in following the rule of saving resources of the individual c. Community leader are reluctant to participate in discussion and dialogue d. Well off family member very much reluctant in resource saving e. Status feeling in spending more in maximum people f. Traditional values and belief regarding resources 08. Way to come out the challenges a. Regular dialogue and discussion b. Patience hearing and collective decision making c. Motivation for new effort 09. We believe in a. infinite potentials of each individual b. generally needs external thrust to kindle the positive force of individual c. each possesses the capacity and responsibility and will act positively d. someone in each community must act positively, needs to identify e. each individual able to come out from the baffled circle – raise voice f. save a bit - reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources g. each would be keen to save a bit no matter how small it is
  • 4. h. Responsible to ensure safer and cleaner future for the next generation i. tenacious and continuous effort must overcome any crisis 10. Methodology:Program/Activities designing is Participatory Decision Making Method (PDMM) Let people know or be clear about their present situation based on 10/20 years back. Community must aware about the future happening due to our running living pattern purposefully and logically. Discussion will be aimed at as much as possible visualize the clear picture of future impact and implications of present activities. There are some certain causes someone will raise that their village/community/area is in problematic situation or better than other. Causes of encumbrance and convenience should be listed and villagers should explain how those could be avoided and strengthened. Community would clarify the secret behind the hindrance and convenience and they would identify the steps towards increase the capacity and decrease the vulnerability by their available resources and effort. Uphold People’s Voice and Choice/ Participatory Planning aimed at get a consolidated Participatory Support Plan (PSP) individual to individual, family to family, community to community. a. PPSA Participatory Present Status Assessment (threats and potentials) b. PPPI Participatory Potentials and Problems Identification c. PSA Participatory Strength Assessment d. PFTM Participatory Future Tracking Map Past, Present and Future e. PRUP Participatory Resource Utilization Plan f. PRARP Participatory Resource Abuse Reducing Plan g. PRDP Participatory Resource Development Plan h. PSP Participatory Support Plan i. PCCP Participatory Community Cooperation Plan j. PHDP Participatory Homestead Development Plan k. PMCDP Participatory Marketing Channel Development Plan l. PCCAP Participatory Climate Change Adaptation Plan m. PWUP Participatory Waste Utilization Plan n. PTB Participatory Time Budget/Time Utilization Plan o. PSVAP Participatory Season Variation Adaptation Plan p. PNCCP Participatory Neighboring Community Cooperation Plan q. PPPPSP Participatory Procurement, Processing, Preservation and Supply Plan 11. Implementation Process  Dialogue and discussion with all level people focusing student, mother and teacher and identify doings 1/2 that practiced personal life, home and work place  Sharing with LGIs, policy maker, administrator, business community, industry owner and identify doings 1/2 that practiced personal life, home and work place  Organize mass mobilization program like rally, human chain involving local to national level leader  In every steps rights and responsibilities would clearly spelled out. 12. Strategy Get off the ground a process build inquisitive, innovative and committed catalystic driving force in each community, institution and organization to advocate the program towards save
  • 5. a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate, conserve, reuse and recycle of resources and avoid one time use. Create network among the catalystic forces and steps would be identified through consensus. 01. We shall try to avoid to be dominating 02. We shall start in a smaller way 03. We shall be trying to do with own resources 04. Decisions taken collectively in a democratic and participatory process 05. We shall encourage in cutting luxury, unnecessary cell phone call, cool drinks, junk food etc 06. We shall generate funds by ourselves selling used/old household items 07. We shall be trying to get things done by putting own labor. 08. We shall try to walk as maximum as possible but obviously not at the expense of health and time 09. We shall try to identify functional issues in each community/society 10. If there is any organizational structure is formed then all have to take the position of "leader" by rotation. 13. Desired Output 01. Individual tuned in plain, simple and easier life, as less as possible, consumption of resources in own life, at home, at work place. 02. Honor to democracy, diversity, decentralization, tolerance, transparency, self-reliance, peace. 03. For any initiative first consideration would be tomorrow, the future generation, the children, who haven’t spoiled a bit of earth's resources and not committed any sinful act. 04. Everybody would believe in community potentials to solve their problem, adaptation by the available resources that they own right now. 05. Everybody would be in trying to start the initiative in personal life, at home, work place 06. Each individual will stand for giving up the luxuries that destroy the earth's resources and reuse, recycling as maximum as possible. 07. The students, the youth, the hope of the future, can start by devising their way of serving the humanity and the planet 08. We encourage devising own instead of suggesting, directing, advising like big brother. Because environment doesn’t accept, tolerate dictation from powerful or powerless. 09. Everybody would be open in share the vision, mission, learning and experience. 10. The students and teachers are positive to start environment friendly practice in their personal life, class rooms, in schools and homes. 11. People in optimum utilization of resources – use even small empty pots in planting sapling, avoid one-time use items. 12. People tuned in using even small pieces of space/land by planting saplings preferably medicinal plants and vegetables. 13. People caring in use of electrical appliances - off the switch of bulbs and fans at least one minute a day and avoiding using air conditioners 14. Everybody would have appealing and motivating mentality for the sake of environment to the friends, neighbors, relatives and to the others 14. Desired Achievement  Environment sensible individual, family and community  Community shoulder responsibility to bringing significant change in mindset, attitude and behavior aimed at control the climate change, adaptation largely save the nature  Person caring in use of power and resources, reuse, recycle and avoid one time use.
  • 6.  Community collectively keen to get used to in climate friendly attitude in daily living ie prudence, patience and passion in use of resources and power 15. Impact Assessment Impact of any initiative would be assessed thorough open sharing at community by the community formed appraisal team of the community people. 16. sasrai Appeal "Nature does not discriminate between a rich super power or a poor nation. We must stop being a slave to consumption," Please have lead to spread sasrai-Movement aimed at habitable earth Dear Madam/Sir Greetings from sasrai-Movement that works voluntarily since 2004 across the globe aimed at promote prudent and sustainable consumption and conservation, optimum use and reduce the abuse of resources. sasrai target to animate, activate each individual, family, community, institution, organization to Combat Climate Change, global warming, food, fuel, water, poverty, disaster, waste, ecosystem, biodiversity - finally reverse the devastating trend of globe. Road map towards the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration - sasrai brings into focus Six MDGs, 09 time-bound targets and 31 quantitative indicators. USA President in Berlin speech has said the global threat of our time severe storms, Famine and floods, Coastlines vanish, Oceans rise and Climate change. UNSG said climate change “is a humanitarian issue, a development issue, and an issue of security and stability.” IPCC 5th Assessment Report urges- disrupted climate can do in sea level rise and acidification, aggravated droughts and wildfires, increased storm severity and flooding. Those impacts will grow more severe unless we start reducing global warming pollution, not tomorrow, but now. President Obama said, "We have to all shoulder the responsibility for keeping the planet habitable, or we're going to suffer the consequences—together." IPS - Special Issue on COP18 Doha Climate Change Conference 29 Nov, Dec 07, 2012 - state that unsustainable human consumption and production systems are driving changes in average temperatures and weather patterns, "abnormal" is increasingly becoming the norm. 32 million people in 82 countries were displaced by climate - and weather-related disasters in 2012, nearly twice as many as in 2011, according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. This number is expected to increase as climate change intensifies. Chinese President Appeals to the Nation “build a thrifty society”, that sasrai Voice since 2004. Absolute truth for today’s world careless consumption driving untenable production that driving changes in temperature and weather patterns and that’s Hotter, Hungry World. Hungry world will contribute millions of desperate people. Desperate people do desperate things: They riot, they fight over food, they overthrow governments, and the mass migrate to food-secure countries. Confronting the Growing Threat of Climate Change sasrai Commandment for Nature, Next Generation. Wish the Peace for Each, to ensure Rights for all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources
  • 7. Let’s achieve significant change in mindset, behavior and attitude combat Climate Crisis, Reduce Risk & Poverty, save Bio-diversity – Peace for the way to achieve the desired goal - sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global. AIMED AT SUSTAINABLE LIVING, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Please Keep a hand written sasrai-Movement Poster in any discussion area Let’s have zeal to self tune in sasrai-Movement policy and be committed to save resource and reduce FOOD waste in our daily living - no matter how small it is. Please relentless to voice from each corner across the globe  Please, save a drop of water daily, during all water related activities  Please, plant at least a Native tree annually at own home or community  Please, let’s waste not single particle of food  Please, let’s waste not single particle of any resource  Please, keep off electric appliances one minute daily  Please, suspend travel by personal car once a day  Please, keep a day in a week luxury free  Please, do not throw away the waste wherever you like  Please, No more junk food  Please, Buy items made from recycled materials  Please, save one minute to think on Climate Change and Environment  You Can Reduce CO2 Emissions, Plant Native Trees Worldwide  You could uphold the movement instantly using sasrai-Movement appeal at the bottom of your all printed material sasrai Volunteer demand your kind contemplation to spread sasrai across the globe effectively. Please keep a sasrai-Movement slogan at the bottom of your each letter or any other publication. Please keep a sasrai-Movement banner at your office gate. Regards SM Farid Uddin Akhter Secretariat In-charge sasrai-Movement email: Phone:+88 01553 748 354 Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences. Let's be a desired friend to all creature, humanity, environment, earth Plant for planet, water for world, environment for entire sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity Please send us your suggestion, comment via email: sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global
  • 8. 17. sasrai appeal for Future, next generation sasrai appeal for Environment that Encompass  Environment is Democracy  Environment is Transparency  Environment is Decentralization  Environment is Rights for all  Environment is Flexibility  Environment is People’s Voice  Environment is Equality  Environment is Equal Facility  Environment is Justice for All  Environment is Risk Reduction  Environment is Waste Reduction  Environment is Reuse  Environment is Repair  Environment is Rejuvenation  Environment is Reservation  Environment is Conservation  Environment is Fair living  Environment is Friendly Living  Environment is Dignity for All  Environment is Threat Free Life  Environment is Tension Free Life  Environment is Dictation Free Life  Environment is Cooperative Effort save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity
  • 9. 18. sasrai Banner in Bangla 19. sasrai Emergence Honorable Chair, distinguished panel, ladies and gentleman please be kind to accept our heartiest thanks and felicitation from my part and our innumerable volunteer’s part across the globe. I SM Farid Uddin Akhter from Bangladesh - that recognized worldwide one of the most vulnerable country, due to impacts of global warming and climate change. And this is due to its unique geographic location, dominance of floodplains, low elevation from the sea, high population density, high level of poverty, and overwhelming dependence on nature. Variability in rainfall pattern, temperature, extremes are resulting in crop damage and failure offering vulnerability to the farmers and those dependent on meaningful earning from agriculture and fishing. I am here to represent our ardent confidence and mission sarai-Movement that took birth 2003 from the deep realization of some development worker/people’s voice listener. Our observation donor induced development activities have inconsequential contribution in increase capacity and decrease the vulnerability in long term. Our consensus was on people/community potential. We realized that no matter how poor the community or individual still there is some resources to tape and optimum utilization of those, could contribute much for their betterment. We decided to appeal save a bit - reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources. On the eve of Bengali New Year Pohela Baishak/April 14, 2004 we declare the birth of our sasrai-Movement publicly. Regards SM Farid Uddin Akhter Secretariat In-charge, sasrai-Movement email: Phone:+88 01553 748 354
  • 10. 20. sasrai Achievement Since Inception `sasrai’ cherished by al sector people. Street beggar to state driver each contribute here by her/his nature caring behaviour. This need simple change in mindset, `how much less consuming I could be’ or `live simple that other could live simply.’ By the last 10 years journey `sasrai’ earned much reputation and felicitation people from all works of life across the globe. We believe UNEP World Environment Day theme of 2013 Think Eat Save is the resonance of sasrai-Movment. 20.01. Honorable Prime minister of Bangladesh address sasrai in her different speech 20.02. sasrai volunteer SM Farid Uddin Akhter declared as climate Champ DW global idea.
  • 11. 20.03. Chittagong Higher Secondary Education Board Chairman permitted conduct sasrai dialogue among the student of 1400 instituton (1200 school & 200 college). 20.04. WED Theme Resonance of sasrai Theme
  • 12. 20.05. Absolute truth for today’s world careless consumption driving untenable production that driving changes in temperature and weather patterns and that’s the Hotter and Hungry World. Hungry world will contribute millions of desperate people. Desperate people do desperate things: They riot, they fight over food, they overthrow governments, and the mass migrate to food-secure countries. 21. Please relentless to voice from each corner across the globe  Please, save a drop of water daily, during all water related activities  Please, plant at least a Native tree annually at own home or community  Please, let’s waste not single particle of food  Please, let’s waste not single particle of any resource  Please, keep off electric appliances one minute daily  Please, suspend travel by personal car once a day  Please, keep a day in a week luxury free  Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences. Let's be a desired friend to all creature, humanity, environment, earth Plant for planet, water for world, environment for entire sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global