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Difference between sales and marketing!

          JERRY R MITCHELL March          1
Sales and marketing are like two brothers. Everyone knows
they are different, but people often call them by the wrong name

                     JERRY R MITCHELL March                 2
The difference between marketing and sales is that marketing is
bringing a product or service to a customer, whereas sales is
bringing a customer to a product.

                     JERRY R MITCHELL March                3
Marketing is getting people to raise their hands.

Sales is getting people to sign their names.

                   JERRY R MITCHELL March           4
What is the difference between marketing and sales?

                  JERRY R MITCHELL March              5
For small and medium-size business (SMB), sales
and marketing tend to get lumped together in an
indistinct mass of activities. Company leaders will
say it’s inevitable, because everybody wears
multiple hats. Often, sales and marketing
responsibilities fall on the owner, who also wears
the finance hat and the purchasing hat and the IT
hat   .

               JERRY R MITCHELL March                 6
Marketing creates opportunities, and sales brings about

                JERRY R MITCHELL March                    7
Marketing assists in making new calls by defining and
qualifying prospects.

Marketing assists in making new and existing calls
by arming sales reps with the collateral, web presence,
and promotional programs they need to make compelling

                 JERRY R MITCHELL March                 8
Marketing assists in overcoming objections by
researching and reviewing customer wants and needs,
along with sales successes and failures. In this way
marketing can reshape product/service offering to meet
customer demands.

                JERRY R MITCHELL March                   9
Marketing assists in building long lasting business
relationships by developing meaningful loyalty
programs, reviewing customer experiences (see above),
and crafting entirely new product and service offerings.

                 JERRY R MITCHELL March                    10
The way I see the roles of Sales & Marketing is one
of “cause and effect”. I believe that Marketing (as a
department or effort) will “cause” an event to
occur, and Sales will “effect” (or bring about) the
outcome. Looking at it another way, Marketing’s
efforts will bring forth customer purchase
opportunities that will rest with Sales to bring to closure.

                 JERRY R MITCHELL March                   11
This distinction of cause and effect simplifies the idea of
who should be doing what, when it comes to each
person’s role, or effort. Although Sales & Marketing are
bound together in order to grow business, you must break
the ties that bind you when it comes to the effort.

                 JERRY R MITCHELL March                  12
This helps alleviate the typical commentary I hear that
goes something like this, “Marketing never gives us any
good leads.” and “Sales never follows-up on the leads we
give them.”

                 JERRY R MITCHELL March               13
Marketing concentrates on who to call. Sales
concentrates on executing the call.

                JERRY R MITCHELL March         14
Tonight’s subject reminds me of an occurrence that happened at
one of my companies.

There was always friendly competition between sales and marketing
departments even though both departments reported to me.

We had an annual picnic where all employees and their families were

The marketing department thought it would be exciting to challenge
the sales department to a base ball game at this picnic.

The sales staff whipped the marketing department soundly.

                      JERRY R MITCHELL March                15
To show just how the marketing department earns their keep, they
posted this memo on the bulletin board after the game:

"The Marketing Department is pleased to announce that for the
2005 Softball Season, we came in 2nd place, having lost but one
game all year.

The Sales Department, however, had a rather dismal season,
winning only one game.

                      JERRY R MITCHELL March                 16
Sales manager addressing an under performing sales force at the
start of a new month:

"We are going to have a sales contest this month. The winners
will get to enter next month's contest."

                      JERRY R MITCHELL March                17
Let's think about this question for a moment. Without marketing
you would not have prospects or leads to follow up with, but yet
without a good sales technique and strategy your closing rate
may depress you.

                     JERRY R MITCHELL March                 18
Marketing is everything that you do to reach and persuade

The sales process is everything that you do to close the sale
and get a signed agreement or contract.

Both are necessities to the success of a business.

                   JERRY R MITCHELL March                 19
Your marketing will consist of the measures you use to reach
and persuade your prospects that you are the company for them.

                   JERRY R MITCHELL March               20
It's the message that prepares the prospect for the sales. It
consists of advertising, public relations, brand marketing, viral
marketing, and direct mail.

                    JERRY R MITCHELL March                   21
The sales process consists of interpersonal interaction. It is
often done by a one-on-one meeting, cold calls, and networking.

It's anything that engages you with the prospect or customer on
a personal level rather than at a distance.

                   JERRY R MITCHELL March                 22
The concepts surrounding both selling and marketing also differ.

There is a need for both selling and marketing approaches in different

One approach is not always right and the other always wrong - it
depends upon the particular situation.

                       JERRY R MITCHELL March                 23
In a marketing approach, more listening to and eventual
accommodation of the target market occurs.

Two-way communication (sometimes between a salesperson
and a customer) is emphasized in marketing so learning can
take place and product offerings can be improved.

                    JERRY R MITCHELL March                24
A salesperson using the sales concept, on the other hand,
sometimes has the ability to individualize components of a sale,
but the emphasis is ordinarily upon helping the customer determine
if they want the product, or a variation on it, that is already being
offered by the company.

                        JERRY R MITCHELL March                 25
In the sales approach, not much time is spent learning what the
customer's ideal product would be because the salesperson has
little say in seeing that their company's product is modified.

Furthermore, they aren't rewarded for spending time listening to
the customer's desires unless they have a product to match their
desires that will result in a sale. (Note, however, that sales people
aren't restricted to the use of the sales concept; oftentimes they
use the marketing concept instead.)

                       JERRY R MITCHELL March                  26
At the heart of the sales concept is the desire to sell a product
that the business has made as quickly as possible to fulfill sales
volume objectives.

                     JERRY R MITCHELL March                  27
When viewed through the marketing concept lens, however,
businesses must first and foremost fulfill customers' wants and

The belief is that when those wants and needs are fulfilled, a
profit will be made.

                     JERRY R MITCHELL March                  28
Do you see the difference? The selling concept, instead of
focusing on meeting customer demand, tries to make customer
demand match the products it has produced.

Whereas marketing encompasses many research and promotional
activities to discover what products are wanted and to make
Potential customers aware of them.

                    JERRY R MITCHELL March              29
Unfortunately, fresh graduates these days are reluctant to go
into sales roles for various reasons. It could be that it doesn’t
sound as glamorous as marketing or because of the myths that
surround sales

                     JERRY R MITCHELL March                  30
For people who aspire for marketing roles, having sales experience
gives you an edge over those who don’t because you’ll have a better
understanding of the product or service from the customer’s
perspective and this understanding will help you plan more
effective marketing strategies

                      JERRY R MITCHELL March                31
In fact, a sales position gives you an excellent foundation for a
marketing career. Besides, clearly defined marketing positions
are available mostly in larger organizations where there is a proper
(or more rigid) structure. In smaller organizations, marketing roles
will usually involve some measure of sales.

                       JERRY R MITCHELL March                 32
What’s wrong with sales ?

            JERRY R MITCHELL March   33
There are many misconceptions about jobs in sales. Let me

Myth 1
If you’re in sales, people don’t want to talk to you because they are
afraid you’ll sell them something.

Sales today have become so niche that not everyone is the target
group. Sales activities are in fact planned activities with specific
objectives and goals.

                      JERRY R MITCHELL March                  34
Myth 2
If you’re in sales, you’ll be stuck in sales for the rest of your life
and you can’t move up the corporate ladder.

Sales departments are structured departments like any other and
when you perform well at your job, you have the opportunity to
move up as team leader or manager as well as move into other
areas of work, i.e., marketing or human resources.

                       JERRY R MITCHELL March                     35
Myth 3
If you’re in sales, you’ll be out of the office the whole day rushing
from one appointment to another.

People in sales plan their own schedules. They are able to decide
what they want to do in a day as long as they meet their objectives.
Most sales people set appointments with clients and only go out to
meet clients when there are pre-set appointments

                       JERRY R MITCHELL March                    36
Myth 5
Sales people have to meet impossible sales targets and they
have to work very hard to earn their commission.

                     JERRY R MITCHELL March               37
Sales people work in teams with a team leader, supervisor or
manager who oversees the activities and progress of team members.
The team leader provides guidance and help wherever and whenever
possible. Sales targets are communicated at the beginning and team
members work with their leaders to achieve their targets. Usually,
when new members join the team, they will be given a list of
potential clients to contact or to service. Sales targets are set so
that the sales people have an objective to work towards. Besides, if
they meet their targets, they will be rewarded accordingly. Therefore,
sales people who work hard and achieve their targets have the
potential to earn more than their non-sales counterparts. In fact,
sales people can determine for themselves how much they want to
earn in terms of commission each month, quarter, or year,

                        JERRY R MITCHELL March                 38
Myth 6
If you’re in sales, your job is done when the clients buy whatever
it is you’re selling.

Sales is no longer a one-off transaction – it’s a relationship you
build with your clients. Even for perishable items, you’d want your
customers to come back to your shop to buy the item again when
they’ve used it up. While it’s important for clients to buy your
product or service, you need to ensure repeat sales, hence the
ability to establish and build relationships with clients is of utmost

                       JERRY R MITCHELL March                   39
Myth 7
If you can’t do anything else, you can always do sales.

                      JERRY R MITCHELL March              40
Sales is not for everyone. You need special skills and abilities for
the job. Besides, you need to be motivated and interested in
meeting people. You also need to be passionate about the product
or service you’re selling. People who are shy and retiring, or have
problems talking to people, will not do well in sales. However,
having said that, people who have the abilities but not the
confidence should not shun ‘sales’ positions because 1) the
discipline of working independently, 2) the interaction with
different groups of people, and 3) the experience of making a sale
or being rejected, will make you a better person and widen your
horizons as an individual.

                      JERRY R MITCHELL March                  41
Myth 8
You don’t need a degree to do sales.

Sales has in fact become a very complex process. While product
knowledge is important, you need to know who your clients are
and how to sell to them effectively. A university degree is never
wasted if you’re in sales because a university education helps you
develop the skills that you need in your job. Skills such as
research, communication, teamwork are important skills in any
job particularly in a sales position. Besides, successful sales
people have the ability to see the ‘big picture’ and contribute
towards achieving sales targets and the company’s objectives
as a whole.

                    JERRY R MITCHELL March                 42
The emerging disruptors in this is Social Media
Marketing. This new medium allows Marketing to begin a
hybrid effort of passive and active marketing in one
place. And, Sales can now join into the discussion or
conversation with prospective or existing customers
without having to be physically present.

                JERRY R MITCHELL March              43
The emergence of Social Media Marketing can
“break the ties that bind you” not only in relation to
Sales & Marketing, but those that restrain you from
a closer relationship and communication with your
customer. But, it’s not unlike the implementation of
a CRM system; automation alone will not solve your
lack of customer understanding and contact    .

                JERRY R MITCHELL March              44
Success, in my mind, will come from knowing how to use
it effectively vs. just putting it in place.

                JERRY R MITCHELL March               45
Number one: What's your objective?

Number two: How are you going to measure it?

                JERRY R MITCHELL March         46
These two questions aren't revolutionary - they're among
the first questions that should be asked at the start of
planning for any new project. Yet they often seem to get
left by the wayside, or at the very least poorly answered,
when it comes to social media marketing projects.

                 JERRY R MITCHELL March                  47
Question #1 is pretty straightforward, though the
answers are often anything but. Some days you get lucky,
and the answer is clear and concise - "increase unaided
brand awareness from 10% to 15%" or "drive 20% more
traffic to our new landing page." All too often however
the answer is either vague - "build buzz" - or confuses the
objective with the means to achieve it - "get more fans
and followers

                 JERRY R MITCHELL March                  48
In the latter case, a quick "why?" is probably in order, as
in "why do you want to get more fans and followers?"
What actually matters to the project owner? Do they
think having lots of fans and followers is a means to
getting more traffic for their web site? If so, consider
resetting the objective to that, and later in your planning
process evaluate building fans/followers as one of many
possible tactics to achieve it.

                  JERRY R MITCHELL March                  49
If the response to "what's your objective" was clear and
concise, "how are you going to measure it" has been
largely answered. Now you can get down to the details of
which measurement tools you'll use and who's
accountable for tracking and reporting

                JERRY R MITCHELL March                50
But if the stated objective is vague or confusing,
then asking "how are you going to measure it?" can
be incredibly liberating. It focuses the conversation
around what really matters to the project owner -
"buzz" for example might mean getting lots of
social media mentions to lay the groundwork for a
glitzy new PR and ad campaign.

               JERRY R MITCHELL March              51
It might mean getting lots of positive blog posts pointing
to a new landing page. Or it might mean inspiring a bunch
of product reviews on all the right recommendation and
e-commerce sites to influence future purchase decisions.

                 JERRY R MITCHELL March                 52
Who knows unless you ask, and you're setting yourself up
for failure if you don't.

                JERRY R MITCHELL March                53
By asking "how do you measure it?" you force the project
owner to cut through the fluffy vagueness of "awareness"
"buzz" or "education" and get down to what's actually
important, what the real business objective is. And by
arriving at common agreement on the actual, concrete
objective and exactly how and what you're going to
measure, you've helped ensure the strategy and tactics
you generate are driving to the correct goal right from
the start.

                JERRY R MITCHELL March                54
Marketing's role is to create demand. Sales' role is
to find these people and distribute the
supply.  There's also a big difference in salary
between sales and marketing.  Sales people have
the $$ incentive and receive commission. 
Marketing folks don't.    

               JERRY R MITCHELL March              55
Understanding this relationship will make a company's
success much easier, and much more profitable.  This is
one of the reasons some companies have attained cult
status. Think of it this way:  when people think of Apple,
do they think of the sales people closing the sales, or do
they think of the brand and have an emotional desire to
buy the latest iPhone?  That's marketing in its simplest

                 JERRY R MITCHELL March                  56

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Sales vs marketing 2011ppt

  • 1. Difference between sales and marketing! JERRY R MITCHELL March 1 25,2011
  • 2. Sales and marketing are like two brothers. Everyone knows they are different, but people often call them by the wrong name JERRY R MITCHELL March 2 25,2011
  • 3. The difference between marketing and sales is that marketing is bringing a product or service to a customer, whereas sales is bringing a customer to a product. JERRY R MITCHELL March 3 25,2011
  • 4. Marketing is getting people to raise their hands. Sales is getting people to sign their names. JERRY R MITCHELL March 4 25,2011
  • 5. What is the difference between marketing and sales? JERRY R MITCHELL March 5 25,2011
  • 6. For small and medium-size business (SMB), sales and marketing tend to get lumped together in an indistinct mass of activities. Company leaders will say it’s inevitable, because everybody wears multiple hats. Often, sales and marketing responsibilities fall on the owner, who also wears the finance hat and the purchasing hat and the IT hat . JERRY R MITCHELL March 6 25,2011
  • 7. Marketing creates opportunities, and sales brings about outcomes. JERRY R MITCHELL March 7 25,2011
  • 8. Marketing assists in making new calls by defining and qualifying prospects. Marketing assists in making new and existing calls by arming sales reps with the collateral, web presence, and promotional programs they need to make compelling presentations. JERRY R MITCHELL March 8 25,2011
  • 9. Marketing assists in overcoming objections by researching and reviewing customer wants and needs, along with sales successes and failures. In this way marketing can reshape product/service offering to meet customer demands. JERRY R MITCHELL March 9 25,2011
  • 10. Marketing assists in building long lasting business relationships by developing meaningful loyalty programs, reviewing customer experiences (see above), and crafting entirely new product and service offerings. JERRY R MITCHELL March 10 25,2011
  • 11. The way I see the roles of Sales & Marketing is one of “cause and effect”. I believe that Marketing (as a department or effort) will “cause” an event to occur, and Sales will “effect” (or bring about) the outcome. Looking at it another way, Marketing’s efforts will bring forth customer purchase opportunities that will rest with Sales to bring to closure. JERRY R MITCHELL March 11 25,2011
  • 12. This distinction of cause and effect simplifies the idea of who should be doing what, when it comes to each person’s role, or effort. Although Sales & Marketing are bound together in order to grow business, you must break the ties that bind you when it comes to the effort. JERRY R MITCHELL March 12 25,2011
  • 13. This helps alleviate the typical commentary I hear that goes something like this, “Marketing never gives us any good leads.” and “Sales never follows-up on the leads we give them.” JERRY R MITCHELL March 13 25,2011
  • 14. Marketing concentrates on who to call. Sales concentrates on executing the call. JERRY R MITCHELL March 14 25,2011
  • 15. Tonight’s subject reminds me of an occurrence that happened at one of my companies. There was always friendly competition between sales and marketing departments even though both departments reported to me. We had an annual picnic where all employees and their families were welcome. The marketing department thought it would be exciting to challenge the sales department to a base ball game at this picnic. The sales staff whipped the marketing department soundly. JERRY R MITCHELL March 15 25,2011
  • 16. To show just how the marketing department earns their keep, they posted this memo on the bulletin board after the game: "The Marketing Department is pleased to announce that for the 2005 Softball Season, we came in 2nd place, having lost but one game all year. The Sales Department, however, had a rather dismal season, winning only one game. JERRY R MITCHELL March 16 25,2011
  • 17. Sales manager addressing an under performing sales force at the start of a new month: "We are going to have a sales contest this month. The winners will get to enter next month's contest." JERRY R MITCHELL March 17 25,2011
  • 18. Let's think about this question for a moment. Without marketing you would not have prospects or leads to follow up with, but yet without a good sales technique and strategy your closing rate may depress you. JERRY R MITCHELL March 18 25,2011
  • 19. Marketing is everything that you do to reach and persuade prospects. The sales process is everything that you do to close the sale and get a signed agreement or contract. Both are necessities to the success of a business. JERRY R MITCHELL March 19 25,2011
  • 20. Your marketing will consist of the measures you use to reach and persuade your prospects that you are the company for them. JERRY R MITCHELL March 20 25,2011
  • 21. It's the message that prepares the prospect for the sales. It consists of advertising, public relations, brand marketing, viral marketing, and direct mail. JERRY R MITCHELL March 21 25,2011
  • 22. The sales process consists of interpersonal interaction. It is often done by a one-on-one meeting, cold calls, and networking. It's anything that engages you with the prospect or customer on a personal level rather than at a distance. JERRY R MITCHELL March 22 25,2011
  • 23. The concepts surrounding both selling and marketing also differ. There is a need for both selling and marketing approaches in different situations. One approach is not always right and the other always wrong - it depends upon the particular situation. JERRY R MITCHELL March 23 25,2011
  • 24. In a marketing approach, more listening to and eventual accommodation of the target market occurs. Two-way communication (sometimes between a salesperson and a customer) is emphasized in marketing so learning can take place and product offerings can be improved. JERRY R MITCHELL March 24 25,2011
  • 25. A salesperson using the sales concept, on the other hand, sometimes has the ability to individualize components of a sale, but the emphasis is ordinarily upon helping the customer determine if they want the product, or a variation on it, that is already being offered by the company. JERRY R MITCHELL March 25 25,2011
  • 26. In the sales approach, not much time is spent learning what the customer's ideal product would be because the salesperson has little say in seeing that their company's product is modified. Furthermore, they aren't rewarded for spending time listening to the customer's desires unless they have a product to match their desires that will result in a sale. (Note, however, that sales people aren't restricted to the use of the sales concept; oftentimes they use the marketing concept instead.) JERRY R MITCHELL March 26 25,2011
  • 27. At the heart of the sales concept is the desire to sell a product that the business has made as quickly as possible to fulfill sales volume objectives. JERRY R MITCHELL March 27 25,2011
  • 28. When viewed through the marketing concept lens, however, businesses must first and foremost fulfill customers' wants and needs. The belief is that when those wants and needs are fulfilled, a profit will be made. JERRY R MITCHELL March 28 25,2011
  • 29. Do you see the difference? The selling concept, instead of focusing on meeting customer demand, tries to make customer demand match the products it has produced. Whereas marketing encompasses many research and promotional activities to discover what products are wanted and to make Potential customers aware of them. JERRY R MITCHELL March 29 25,2011
  • 30. Unfortunately, fresh graduates these days are reluctant to go into sales roles for various reasons. It could be that it doesn’t sound as glamorous as marketing or because of the myths that surround sales JERRY R MITCHELL March 30 25,2011
  • 31. For people who aspire for marketing roles, having sales experience gives you an edge over those who don’t because you’ll have a better understanding of the product or service from the customer’s perspective and this understanding will help you plan more effective marketing strategies JERRY R MITCHELL March 31 25,2011
  • 32. In fact, a sales position gives you an excellent foundation for a marketing career. Besides, clearly defined marketing positions are available mostly in larger organizations where there is a proper (or more rigid) structure. In smaller organizations, marketing roles will usually involve some measure of sales. JERRY R MITCHELL March 32 25,2011
  • 33. What’s wrong with sales ? JERRY R MITCHELL March 33 25,2011
  • 34. There are many misconceptions about jobs in sales. Let me clarify. Myth 1 If you’re in sales, people don’t want to talk to you because they are afraid you’ll sell them something. Fact Sales today have become so niche that not everyone is the target group. Sales activities are in fact planned activities with specific objectives and goals. JERRY R MITCHELL March 34 25,2011
  • 35. Myth 2 If you’re in sales, you’ll be stuck in sales for the rest of your life and you can’t move up the corporate ladder. Fact Sales departments are structured departments like any other and when you perform well at your job, you have the opportunity to move up as team leader or manager as well as move into other areas of work, i.e., marketing or human resources. JERRY R MITCHELL March 35 25,2011
  • 36. Myth 3 If you’re in sales, you’ll be out of the office the whole day rushing from one appointment to another. Fact People in sales plan their own schedules. They are able to decide what they want to do in a day as long as they meet their objectives. Most sales people set appointments with clients and only go out to meet clients when there are pre-set appointments JERRY R MITCHELL March 36 25,2011
  • 37. Myth 5 Sales people have to meet impossible sales targets and they have to work very hard to earn their commission. JERRY R MITCHELL March 37 25,2011
  • 38. Fact Sales people work in teams with a team leader, supervisor or manager who oversees the activities and progress of team members. The team leader provides guidance and help wherever and whenever possible. Sales targets are communicated at the beginning and team members work with their leaders to achieve their targets. Usually, when new members join the team, they will be given a list of potential clients to contact or to service. Sales targets are set so that the sales people have an objective to work towards. Besides, if they meet their targets, they will be rewarded accordingly. Therefore, sales people who work hard and achieve their targets have the potential to earn more than their non-sales counterparts. In fact, sales people can determine for themselves how much they want to earn in terms of commission each month, quarter, or year, JERRY R MITCHELL March 38 25,2011
  • 39. Myth 6 If you’re in sales, your job is done when the clients buy whatever it is you’re selling. Fact Sales is no longer a one-off transaction – it’s a relationship you build with your clients. Even for perishable items, you’d want your customers to come back to your shop to buy the item again when they’ve used it up. While it’s important for clients to buy your product or service, you need to ensure repeat sales, hence the ability to establish and build relationships with clients is of utmost importance. JERRY R MITCHELL March 39 25,2011
  • 40. Myth 7 If you can’t do anything else, you can always do sales. JERRY R MITCHELL March 40 25,2011
  • 41. Fact Sales is not for everyone. You need special skills and abilities for the job. Besides, you need to be motivated and interested in meeting people. You also need to be passionate about the product or service you’re selling. People who are shy and retiring, or have problems talking to people, will not do well in sales. However, having said that, people who have the abilities but not the confidence should not shun ‘sales’ positions because 1) the discipline of working independently, 2) the interaction with different groups of people, and 3) the experience of making a sale or being rejected, will make you a better person and widen your horizons as an individual. JERRY R MITCHELL March 41 25,2011
  • 42. Myth 8 You don’t need a degree to do sales. Fact Sales has in fact become a very complex process. While product knowledge is important, you need to know who your clients are and how to sell to them effectively. A university degree is never wasted if you’re in sales because a university education helps you develop the skills that you need in your job. Skills such as research, communication, teamwork are important skills in any job particularly in a sales position. Besides, successful sales people have the ability to see the ‘big picture’ and contribute towards achieving sales targets and the company’s objectives as a whole. JERRY R MITCHELL March 42 25,2011
  • 43. The emerging disruptors in this is Social Media Marketing. This new medium allows Marketing to begin a hybrid effort of passive and active marketing in one place. And, Sales can now join into the discussion or conversation with prospective or existing customers without having to be physically present. JERRY R MITCHELL March 43 25,2011
  • 44. The emergence of Social Media Marketing can “break the ties that bind you” not only in relation to Sales & Marketing, but those that restrain you from a closer relationship and communication with your customer. But, it’s not unlike the implementation of a CRM system; automation alone will not solve your lack of customer understanding and contact . JERRY R MITCHELL March 44 25,2011
  • 45. Success, in my mind, will come from knowing how to use it effectively vs. just putting it in place. JERRY R MITCHELL March 45 25,2011
  • 46. Number one: What's your objective? Number two: How are you going to measure it? JERRY R MITCHELL March 46 25,2011
  • 47. These two questions aren't revolutionary - they're among the first questions that should be asked at the start of planning for any new project. Yet they often seem to get left by the wayside, or at the very least poorly answered, when it comes to social media marketing projects. JERRY R MITCHELL March 47 25,2011
  • 48. Question #1 is pretty straightforward, though the answers are often anything but. Some days you get lucky, and the answer is clear and concise - "increase unaided brand awareness from 10% to 15%" or "drive 20% more traffic to our new landing page." All too often however the answer is either vague - "build buzz" - or confuses the objective with the means to achieve it - "get more fans and followers JERRY R MITCHELL March 48 25,2011
  • 49. In the latter case, a quick "why?" is probably in order, as in "why do you want to get more fans and followers?" What actually matters to the project owner? Do they think having lots of fans and followers is a means to getting more traffic for their web site? If so, consider resetting the objective to that, and later in your planning process evaluate building fans/followers as one of many possible tactics to achieve it. JERRY R MITCHELL March 49 25,2011
  • 50. If the response to "what's your objective" was clear and concise, "how are you going to measure it" has been largely answered. Now you can get down to the details of which measurement tools you'll use and who's accountable for tracking and reporting JERRY R MITCHELL March 50 25,2011
  • 51. But if the stated objective is vague or confusing, then asking "how are you going to measure it?" can be incredibly liberating. It focuses the conversation around what really matters to the project owner - "buzz" for example might mean getting lots of social media mentions to lay the groundwork for a glitzy new PR and ad campaign. JERRY R MITCHELL March 51 25,2011
  • 52. It might mean getting lots of positive blog posts pointing to a new landing page. Or it might mean inspiring a bunch of product reviews on all the right recommendation and e-commerce sites to influence future purchase decisions. JERRY R MITCHELL March 52 25,2011
  • 53. Who knows unless you ask, and you're setting yourself up for failure if you don't. JERRY R MITCHELL March 53 25,2011
  • 54. By asking "how do you measure it?" you force the project owner to cut through the fluffy vagueness of "awareness" "buzz" or "education" and get down to what's actually important, what the real business objective is. And by arriving at common agreement on the actual, concrete objective and exactly how and what you're going to measure, you've helped ensure the strategy and tactics you generate are driving to the correct goal right from the start. JERRY R MITCHELL March 54 25,2011
  • 55. Marketing's role is to create demand. Sales' role is to find these people and distribute the supply.  There's also a big difference in salary between sales and marketing.  Sales people have the $$ incentive and receive commission.  Marketing folks don't.   JERRY R MITCHELL March 55 25,2011
  • 56. Understanding this relationship will make a company's success much easier, and much more profitable.  This is one of the reasons some companies have attained cult status. Think of it this way:  when people think of Apple, do they think of the sales people closing the sales, or do they think of the brand and have an emotional desire to buy the latest iPhone?  That's marketing in its simplest representation. JERRY R MITCHELL March 56 25,2011