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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                  A MESSAGE FROM NCSR

The National Coalition for Safer Roads is pleased to release its first-ever report on trends in red-light running. We
are releasing this report just in time for the highly traveled Memorial Day weekend, which is ranked the number one
holiday weekend for red-light violations.

More than 550 communities across the country look to red-light safety cameras to help protect their roadways
against dangerous and distracted drivers. Simply having these life-saving devices out there signals drivers they need
to pay closer attention when behind the wheel — and be aware of the cars, cyclists and pedestrians sharing the road.

There’s no question that red-light running kills. Intersection-related vehicle accidents caused more than 8,500 casu-
alties in 2011, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration .

The average person takes numerous precautions to ensure they and their families are as safe as possible. This is
especially true for road safety. When purchasing a vehicle, many different factors are considered before hitting the
roadways. Air bags, brakes, crash test results, size, seat belts — the list goes on. All of these factors are researched
in detail to guarantee maximum safety. Expectant parents do the same when selecting car seats to protect children.

Safer Roads Report 2012: Trends in Red-Light Running is one more resource of valuable information that people
can turn to in order to help maximize their safety. It reveals the risky behaviors and tendencies of red-light runners
by analyzing when and where these violations occur. High-level findings include the times of day and the days of the
week when drivers are most likely to run a red light, as well as peaks in violations during major holiday periods.

This report is a tool that informs the public about the risks within intersections and helps shed light on the danger-
ous driver behavior that threatens our children, families and communities. It is a tool for individuals, organizations,
policymakers, municipalities and states, with the details they need to better understand the scope and dangers of
red-light running — and to stand up in their communities and advocate the importance of red-light safety cameras.

David Kelly
President and Executive Director
National Coalition for Safer Roads

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

While red-light safety cameras help to catch offend-          The report analyzed data from 1,240 red-light safety
ers and make everyone — from drivers to pedestrians           cameras in operation from January 1, 2011 through
— more cautious while on or near the road, red-light          December 31, 2011. The cameras were spread across
running is clearly a continuing public safety hazard in all   142 areas in 18 states (see page 29 of report for
the analyzed municipalities and states. One of the best       methodology).
ways that drivers, cyclists and pedestrians can help pro-
tect themselves against the dangers of red-light running      The analyzed cameras caught a total of 2,341,761 red
is by being more aware of when it’s most likely to occur.     light violations in 2011. Each camera recorded, on aver-
                                                              age, 1,889 violations during the year. The average day
This report broke down the frequency of violations by         across all 1,240 cameras studied saw 6,416 violations.
the day of the week. Friday proved to be the worst day
for intersection safety in 2011 — safety cameras caught       Making place-to-place comparisons based on simple
378,122 total red-light violations. Sunday saw the fewest     totals is tricky, as the total number of cameras varied
violations, with 289,603 total.                               widely between areas. However, looking at the simple
                                                              totals can give us a quick idea of which states utilize
When looking at travel days surrounding major holidays,       red-light safety cameras most.
Memorial Day weekend ranked top in violations with a
total of 26,787 red-light violations, in comparison to the    All the data point to a clear conclusion: there is no time
average weekend of 19,388 violations. Christmas proved        on the road when you are not at risk of encountering a
to be the lowest day for red-light running in 2011, with      red-light violator. Yes, the danger is lesser when driving
3,859 violations.                                             late at night… but it doesn’t disappear. Red-light safety
                                                              cameras are tools to raise awareness about the dangers
On a per day basis, the analysis found that drivers most      of distracted and careless driving. Knowing they are
frequently run red lights in the afternoon (defined as        there — and understanding the dangers made clear in
1:00-5:00 p.m.). Overall, 30.7% (719,702) of all red-         this report — will lead to more careful and courteous
light running violations occurred during this afternoon       drivers. Fewer red-light violations will mean fewer ve-
period. The late night hours saw the fewest number            hicle collisions — which will in turn mean fewer injuries
of violations, with only 9.75% (228,456) of all violations    and deaths due to someone’s reckless decision to run a
occurring in the period from 10:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m.). This      red light.
makes sense, as there are far fewer people on the road
during the late hours.

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                             KEY TRENDS

                               SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: HOLIDAY RANKINGS

Roadways tend to get crowded around the holidays, with people driving to and from gatherings and celebrations. This
report looks at the number of red-light running violations on eight different holiday weekends and special events
throughout 2011, including the 3-4 days surrounding those holidays to account for high-traffic travel days.

When looking at the surrounding weekends leading up to each holiday, Memorial Day weekend proved to be the most
dangerous for intersection safety in 2011. The weekend leading up to Independence Day also ranked as one of the top
weekends for red-light running across the 18 states included in this report. Christmas Day alone was the lowest day
in red-light running in all of 2011 with 3,859 violations.

1.	   Memorial Day (Friday, May 27 – Monday, May 30) - 26,787
2.	   Independence Day (Friday, July 1 – Monday, July 4) - 25,874
3.	   Labor Day (Friday, September 2 – Monday, September 5) - 24,795
4.	   Halloween (Friday, October 28 – Monday, October 31) - 24,700
5.	   Christmas (Friday, December 23 – Monday, December 26) - 20,459
6.	   Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 24 – Sunday, November 27) - 19,713
7.	   Super Bowl (Friday, February 4 – Sunday, February 6) - 18,472

  SUPER BOWL                           18,472

  MEMORIAL DAY                                                        26,787

  INDEPENDENCE DAY                                                 25,874

  LABOR DAY                                                      24,795

  HALLOWEEN                                                      24,700

  THANKSGIVING                               19,713

  CHRISTMAS                                        20,459

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                                                KEY TRENDS


 AZ      995           1,133          805                901         1,132          851            987
 CA      363           512            632                452         575            531            498
 CO      336           531            465                415         462            238            383
 DE      85            160            214                237         184            198            182
 FL      3,588         3,529          3,973              3,952       3,087          2,975          2,414
 IL      56            207            136                109         119            90             106
 LA      978           1,527          1,427              898         1,796          923            723
 MD      570           713            920                912         754            656            630
 MO      1,642         2,261          2,455              2,528       2,669          1,702          2,398
 NC      163           257            252                183         263            160            162
 NJ      876           1,185          1,020              854         851            734            912
 NY      2,155         3,902          3,067              3,840       3,306          2,864          2,996
 OH      694           1,519          1,231              1,011       902            422            846
 PA      966           892            1,388              1,409       1,221          1,124          1,005
 TN      842           1,586          1,204              943         802            669            717
 TX      3,325         5,207          5,343              4,675       5,111          4,404          4,296
 VA      38            212            170                190         117            56             139
 WA      800           1,454          1,172              1,286       1,349          1,116          1,065
 TOTAL   18,472        26,787         25,874             24,795      24,700         19,713         20,459

                                      SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: TIME OF DAY

Data from red-light safety cameras was collected and analyzed to determine what time of day people most frequently
run red lights. The time of day comparisons in this analysis are broken down into six sections of a 24-hour period:

Morning (6:00–10:00 a.m.)
Mid-day (10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.)
Afternoon (1:00–5:00 p.m.)
Evening (5:00-7:00 p.m.)
Night (7:00–10:00 p.m.)
Late night (10:00 p.m.–6:00 a.m.)

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                                                KEY TRENDS


1.	   Afternoon – 719,702 violations / 30.7%	
2.	   Mid-day – 474,215 / 20.25%
3.	   Morning – 368,581 / 15.7%
4.	   Evening – 304,111 / 12.98%	
5.	   Night – 246,696 / 10.5%		
6.	   Late night – 228,456 / 9.75%

  MORNING                                         368,581

  MID-DAY                                                          474,215

  AFTERNOON                                                                                               719,702

  EVENING                               304,111

  NIGHT                       246,696

  LATE NIGHT               228,456

Across all studied states and municipalities, drivers most frequently ran red lights in the afternoon, while roadways
experienced the least number of violations in the late night hours.

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                                                    KEY TRENDS


The afternoon period from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. proved to be the worst time of day for red-light running within each state,
staying consistent with the overall trend. The time of day when drivers are least likely to run a red light varies from
state to state. For example, the majority of the 18 states analyzed had the fewest violations occur from 10:00 p.m.
– 6:00 a.m.; Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri and Pennsylvania all had the fewest red-light runners from 7:00 –
10:00 p.m.; and Virginia skewed the furthest from the trend, with 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. seeing the fewest violations.

 AZ             16,131     27,022          43,011        17,051       9,651        7,344          120,210
 CA             7,140      10,259          14,453        5,919        4,777        3,799          46,347
 CO             7,648      10,534          16,499        7,333        4,554        3,216          49,784
 DE             2,523      2,813           4,825         2,126        1,400        1,198          14,885
 FL             53,460     65,680          97,231        42,943       38,174       38,536         336,024
 IL             2,371      2,223           3,186         1,446        1,191        1,450          11,867
 LA             18,335     23,747          33,269        12,837       12,002       14,948         115,138
 MD             11,653     12,847          19,733        9,447        8,583        7,418          69,681
 MO             36,942     44,302          68,324        29,085       24,605       25,895         229,153
 NC             3,985      4,311           6,437         2,582        2,410        1,906          21,631
 NJ             12,974     19,999          30,011        11,442       8,780        6,899          90,105
 NY             53,465     73,656          105,128       43,098       34,946       23,317         333,610
 OH             10,329     16,285          28,546        11,734       9,370        9,103          85,367
 PA             18,614     19,779          32,963       14,059        12,459       14,938         112,812
 TN             17,653     19,934          31,998       11,848        9,005        8,786          99,224
 TX             74,949     93,967          142,953      63,716        49,016       46,636         471,237
 VA             2,755      2,924           4,503        1,780         1,869        1,848          15,679
 WA             17,654     23,933          36,632       15,665        13,904       11,219         119,007
TOTAL           368,581    474,215         719,702      304,111       246,696      228,456        2,341,761

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                                                  KEY TRENDS

                                      SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: DAY OF WEEK

All days are not created equal when it comes to road safety. Fridays proved to be the worst day for intersection safety
in 2011, with 378,122 violations across the country.


1.	   Friday - 378,122 violations / 16.15% of total
2.	   Saturday - 360,422 / 15.4%
3.	   Thursday - 339,746 / 14.5%
4.	   Wednesday - 331,722 / 14.17%
5.	   Tuesday - 326,635 / 13.95%
6.	   Monday - 315,511 / 13.5%
7.	   Sunday - 289,603 / 12.4%

  SUNDAY                                                                    289,603

  MONDAY                                                                            315,511

  TUESDAY                                                                                 326,635

  WEDNESDAY                                                                                331,722

  THURSDAY                                                                                   339,746

  FRIDAY                                                                                                 378,122

  SATURDAY                                                                                          360,422

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                                              KEY TRENDS


Almost all states analyzed on intersection safety stayed consistent with the overall trend of most violations occur-
ring on Friday’s in 2011. However, Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio and Louisiana experienced more red-light violations on
Saturday. Sunday was the least-likely day for drivers to run red lights in 14 of the 18 states studied. New Jersey and
Ohio’s lowest days were Tuesday; Illinois and Louisiana saw the fewest violations on Monday.

 AZ           9,940      16,488     18,478     19,358      19,433      20,580      15,933        120,210
 CA           6,166      6,179      6,315      6,657       6,524       7,367       7,139         46,347
 CO           4,692      6,716      7,433      7,455       7,726       8,674       7,088         49,784
 DE           1,746      2,086      2,077      2,108       2,143       2,544       2,181         14,885
 FL           42,907     45,485     46,310     47,368      48,184      53,116      52,654        336,024
 IL           1,605      1,570      1,678      1,628       1,620       1,833       1,933         11,867
 LA           15,594     14,923     15,605     15,825      16,033      18,406      18,752        115,138
 MD           8,952      9,225      9,468      9,766       10,053      11,168      11,049        69,681
 MO           28,144     30,727     31,983     32,726      32,759      37,898      34,916        229,153
 NC           2,376      3,104      3,138      3,205       3,190       3,604       3,014         21,631
 NJ           12,261     12,098     12,056     12,270      12,727      13,817      14,876        90,105
 NY           42,913     45,709     48,108     47,034      49,059      51,188      49,599        333,610
 OH           12,376     11,178     10,715     11,600      12,130      13,363      14,005        85,367
 PA           13,914     14,846     15,504     15,641      16,322      18,612      17,973        112,812
 TN           11,803     13,526     14,103     14,199      14,038      16,551      15,004        99,224
 TX           57,699     64,143     64,673     65,456      68,268      77,820      73,178        471,237
 VA           2,016      2,139      2,175      2,318       2,204       2,562       2,265         15,679
 WA           14,499     15,369     16,816     17,108      17,333      19,019      18,863        119,007
TOTAL         289,603    315,511    326,635    331,722     339,746     378,122     360,422       2,341,761

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                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 1,214,139	                   Average violations per camera: 2,037
       Total cameras for areas studied: 59                              Average violations per day: 329
       Total violations for areas studied: 120,210		

       MESA                           SCOTTSDALE                        TUCSON
       Population: 452,933            Population: 235,677               Population: 525,529

         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY           FRIDAY           SATURDAY
         9,940        16,488      18,478        19,358         19,433             20,580           15,933

       ARIZONA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON      EVENING            NIGHT              LATE NIGHT
         16,131         27,022        43,011         17,051             9,651              7,344

       ARIZONA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods

         995           1,133          805                     901               1,132         851             987

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                                          KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 1,509,993	                     Average violations per camera: 891
       Total cameras for areas studied: 52                                Average violations per day: 127
       Total violations for areas studied: 46,347		

       CAPITOLA                       CERRITOS                            MILLBRAE                         SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO
       Population: 9,521              Population: 51,647                  Population: 20,685               Population: 61,870

       CATHEDRAL CITY                 COVINA	                             SAN DIEGO
       Population: 52,288             Population: 47,251                  Population: 1,266,731

         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY         FRIDAY      SATURDAY
         6,166        6,179       6,315         6,657             6,524            7,367       7,139

       CALIFORNIA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON         EVENING           NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         7,140          10,259        14,453            5,919             4,777             3,799

       CALIFORNIA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods
         363           512            632                       452               575          531            498

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                                          KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 631,210		                      Average violations per camera: 1,659
       Total cameras for areas studied: 30                                Average violations per day: 136
       Total violations for areas studied: 49,784		

       CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE           COMMERCE CITY                       LITTLETON                            PUEBLO
       Population: 6,290              Population: 40,929                  Population: 40,646                   Population: 103,805

       COLORADO SPRINGS               GREENWOOD VILLAGE                   LONE TREE
       Population: 416,427            Population: 13,954                  Population: 9,159

         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY         FRIDAY           SATURDAY
         4,692        6,716       7,433         7,455             7,726            8,674            7,088

       COLORADO RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON         EVENING           NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         7,648          10,534        16,499            7,333             4,554             3,216

       COLORADO RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods

         336           531            465                       415               462          238               383

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                                            KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                    SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 772,668		                         Average violations per camera: 709
       Total cameras for areas studied: 21                                   Average violations per day: 41
       Total violations for areas studied: 14,885		

       NEW CASTLE & SUSSEX COUNTY                                            DOVER
       (Operated by Delaware State Police Dept.)                             Population: 35,811

         SUNDAY       MONDAY        TUESDAY        WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY        FRIDAY       SATURDAY
         1,746        2,086         2,077          2,108             2,143           2,544        2,181

       DELAWARE RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING       MID-DAY         AFTERNOON           EVENING           NIGHT            LATE NIGHT
         2,523         2,813           4,825               2,126             1,400            1,198

       DELAWARE RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods
         85           160              214                         237           184              198            182

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                                   KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                             SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 3,180,942 	           Average violations per camera: 1,639
       Total cameras for areas studied: 205                      Average violations per day: 921
       Total violations for areas studied: 336,024		

       APOPKA                    FT. LAUDERDALE                  LAKELAND                      PEMBROKE PINES
       Population: 37,399        Population: 183,606             Population: 92,796            Population: 146,828

       AVENTURA                  HAINES CITY                     MIAMI GARDENS                 PORT RICHEY
       Population: 29,475        Population: 18,569              Population: 97,286            Population: 3,388

       BAL HARBOUR               HALLANDALE BEACH                NORTH BAY VILLAGE             SURFSIDE
       Population: 3,141         Population: 38,634              Population: 7,943             Population: 4,539

       CAMPBELLTON               HIALEAH                         NORTH MIAMI                   SWEETWATER
       Population: 263           Population: 212,217             Population: 56,185            Population: 13,183

       COCOA BEACH               HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY             OCOEE                         TEMPLE TERRACE
       Population:12,021         Population: 1,174,727           Population: 31,876            Population: 22,461

       COLLIER COUNTY            HOLLYWOOD                       OPA-LOCKA                     WEST MIAMI
       Population: 315,839       Population: 142,473             Population: 15,376            Population: 5,587

       CORAL GABLES              HOMESTEAD                       ORLANDO                       WEST PALM BEACH
       Population: 42,107        Population: 56,601              Population: 227,907           Population: 99,377

       DUNNELLON                 JUNO BEACH                      PALM COAST                    WINTER SPRINGS
       Population: 1,999         Population: 3,344               Population: 71,383            Population: 32,727

       FLORIDA CITY              KENNETH CITY                    PALM SPRINGS
       Population: 9,601         Population: 4,340               Population: 16,253

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                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS

FLORIDA cont...

         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY      WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY          FRIDAY      SATURDAY
         42,907       45,485      46,310       47,368          48,184            53,116      52,654

       FLORIDA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON     EVENING             NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         53,460         65,680        97,231        42,943              38,174            38,536

       FLORIDA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods
         3,588         3,529          3,973                  3,952          3,087            2,975          2,414

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                                            KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                    SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 134,999		                      Average violations per camera: 1,187
       Total cameras for areas studied: 10                                Average violations per day: 32
       Total violations for areas studied: 11,867		

       BEDFORD PARK                                                       MAYWOOD
       Population: 536                                                    Population: 25,250

       GRANITE CITY                                                       SKOKIE
       Population: 30,683                                                 Population: 66,659

       Population: 11,871

         SUNDAY       MONDAY        TUESDAY     WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY         FRIDAY           SATURDAY
         1,605        1,570         1,678       1,628             1,620            1,833            1,933

       ILLINOIS RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING          MID-DAY       AFTERNOON       EVENING           NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         2,371            2,223         3,186           1,446             1,191             1,450

       ILLINOIS RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods

         56              207            136                     109               119          90              106

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                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 570,900		                   Average violations per camera: 2,617
       Total cameras for areas studied: 44                             Average violations per day: 315
       Total violations for areas studied: 115,138		

       BATON ROUGE                                                     NEW ORLEANS
       Population: 227,071                                             Population: 343,829

         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY      WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY          FRIDAY      SATURDAY
         15,594       14,923      15,605       15,825         16,033            18,406      18,752

       LOUISIANA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON     EVENING            NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         18,335         23,747        33,269        12,837             12,002            14,948

       LOUISIANA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods
         978           1,527          1,427                  898            1,796           923            723

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                                          KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 1,366,132	                     Average violations per camera: 1,936
       Total cameras for areas studied: 36                                Average violations per day: 191
       Total violations for areas studied: 69,681		

       ANNE ARUNDEL                                                       PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY
       Population: 512,154                                                Population: 828,770

       COLMAR MANOR                                                       UNIVERSITY PARK
       Population: 1,273                                                  Population: 2,316

       Population: 21,619

         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY      WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY          FRIDAY           SATURDAY
         8,952        9,225       9,468        9,766             10,053            11,168           11,049

       MARYLAND RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON        EVENING            NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         11,653         12,847        19,733           9,447              8,583             7,418

       MARYLAND RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods

         570           713            920                      912                754          656             630

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                                           KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                        SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 1,083,532                           Average violations per camera: 1,332
       Total cameras for areas studied: 172                                    Average violations per day: 628
       Total violations for areas studied: 229,153

       ARNOLD                      CLAYTON                      EXCELSIOR                        MOLINE ACRES             ST. ANN
       Population: 20,589          Population: 16,076           SPRINGS                          Population: 2,532        Population: 12,860
                                                                Population: 11,840                                        SUGAR CREEK
       BEL-NOR                     COUNTRY CLUB                                                  NORTHWOODS               Population: 3,543
       Population: 1,493           HILLS                        FLORISSANT                       Population: 4,344
                                   Population: 1,290            Population: 50,919                                        WASHINGTON
       BEVERLY HILLS                                                                             RICHMOND                 Population: 13,982
       Population: 563             CREVE COEUR                  GRANDVIEW                        HEIGHTS
                                   Population: 16,933           Population: 24,116               Population: 9,157        WEBSTER GROVES
       BRENTWOOD                                                                                                          Population: 22,494
       Population: 7,225           DELLWOOD                     HAZELWOOD                        ST. JOHN
                                   Population: 4,929            Population: 25,483               Population: 6,432
       Population: 15,086          ELLISVILLE                   KANSAS CITY                      ST. LOUIS
                                   Population: 9,233            Population: 450,375              Population: 350,759
       Population: 1,279

         SUNDAY       MONDAY          TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY          FRIDAY        SATURDAY
         28,144       30,727          31,983           32,726         32,759            37,898        34,916

       MISSOURI RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING         MID-DAY         AFTERNOON          EVENING            NIGHT               LATE NIGHT
         36,942          44,302          68,324             29,085             24,605              25,895

       MISSOURI RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods
         1,642           2,261            2,455                      2,528          2,669             1,702            2,398

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                         KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 99,623		 Average violations per camera: 1,664
       Total cameras for areas studied: 13                              Average violations per day: 59
       Total violations for areas studied: 21,631		

       Population: 99,623

         SUNDAY       MONDAY     TUESDAY      WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY         FRIDAY           SATURDAY
         2,376        3,104      3,138        3,205             3,190            3,604            3,014

       NORTH CAROLINA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING       MID-DAY        AFTERNOON       EVENING           NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         3,985         4,311          6,437           2,582             2,410             1,906

       NORTH CAROLINA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods

         163           257            252                     183               263          160             162

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 326,848		                   Average violations per camera: 2,253
       Total cameras for areas studied: 40                             Average violations per day: 247
       Total violations for areas studied: 90,105		

       BRICK TOWNSHIP                                                  GLOUCESTER
       Population: 76,119                                              Population: 64,350

       DEPTFORD                                                        LINDEN
       Population: 30,216                                              Population: 39,372

       GLASSBORO                                                       WOODBRIDGE
       Population: 19,588                                              Population: 97,203

         SUNDAY       MONDAY     TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY          FRIDAY      SATURDAY
         12,261       12,098     12,056        12,270         12,727            13,817      14,876

       NEW JERSEY RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING       MID-DAY        AFTERNOON     EVENING            NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         12,974        19,999         30,011        11,442             8,780             6,899

       NEW JERSEY RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods
         876           1,185          1,020                  854               851          734            912

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 1,505,777	                   Average violations per camera: 2,712
       Total cameras for areas studied: 123                             Average violations per day: 914
       Total violations for areas studied: 333,610		

       NASSAU COUNTY                                                    YONKERS
       Population: 1,306,533                                            Population: 199,244

         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY          FRIDAY        SATURDAY
         42,913       45,709      48,108        47,034         49,059            51,188        49,599

       NEW YORK RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON      EVENING            NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         53,465         73,656        105,128        43,098             34,946            23,317

       NEW YORK RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods

         2,155         3,902          3,067                   3,840          3,306           2,864          2,996

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 24,790		 Average violations per camera: 8,537
       Total cameras for areas studied: 10                             Average violations per day: 234
       Total violations for areas studied: 85,367		

       Population: 24,790

       OHIO RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK
         SUNDAY       MONDAY     TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY          FRIDAY      SATURDAY
         12,376       11,178     10,715        11,600         12,130            13,363      14,005

       OHIO RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING       MID-DAY        AFTERNOON     EVENING            NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         10,329        16,285         28,546        11,734             9,370             9,103

       OHIO RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods
         694           1,519          1,231                  1,011             902          422            846

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 1,449,634	                   Average violations per camera: 1,446
       Total cameras for areas studied: 78                              Average violations per day: 309
       Total violations for areas studied: 112,812		

       Population: 1,449,634

         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY      WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY          FRIDAY        SATURDAY
         13,914       14,846      15,504       15,641          16,322            18,612        17,973

       PENNSYLVANIA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON     EVENING             NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         18,614         19,779        32,963        14,059              12,459            14,938

       PENNSYLVANIA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods

         966           892            1,388                  1,409          1,221            1,124          1,005

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 916,076		                   Average violations per camera: 1,181
       Total cameras for areas studied: 84                             Average violations per day: 272
       Total violations for areas studied: 99,224		

       GALLATIN                                MCKENZIE                                          MT. JULIET
       Population: 28,747                      Population: 5,394                                 Population: 20,248

       HUNTINGDON                              MEMPHIS                                           MURFREESBORO
       Population: 4,155                       Population: 674,028                               Population: 98,406

       JACKSON                                 MILLINGTON                                        RED BANK
       Population: 63,196                      Population: 10,298                                Population: 11,604

         SUNDAY       MONDAY     TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY          FRIDAY      SATURDAY
         11,803       13,526     14,103        14,199         14,038            16,551      15,004

       TENNESSEE RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING       MID-DAY        AFTERNOON     EVENING            NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         17,653        19,934         31,998        11,848             9,005             8,786

       TENNESSEE RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods
         842           1,586          1,204                  943               802          669                717

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 1,786,432 	                    Average violations per camera: 2,521
       Total cameras for areas studied: 167                               Average violations per day: 1,291
       Total violations for areas studied: 471,237		

       AMARILLO                       CLEVELAND                           HUTTO                             MAGNOLIA
       Population: 186,106            Population: 7,995                   Population: 11,889                Population: 1,247

       ARLINGTON                      CONROE                              IRVING                            SUGAR LAND
       Population: 371,038            Population: 52,516                  Population: 199,505               Population: 79,682

       BALCONES HEIGHTS               DIBOLL                              JERSEY VILLAGE                    WATAUGA
       Population: 2,976              Population: 5,541                   Population: 7,252                 Population: 23,873

       BURLESON                       FORT WORTH                          LITTLE ELM                        WILLIS
       Population: 33,359             Population: 681,818                 Population: 23,884                Population: 4,282

       CEDAR HILL                     HUMBLE                              LUFKIN
       Population: 44,422             Population: 14,977                  Population: 34,070

       TEXAS RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK
         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY        THURSDAY          FRIDAY        SATURDAY
         57,699       64,143      64,673        65,456           68,268            77,820        73,178

       TEXAS RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON       EVENING             NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         74,949         93,967        142,953         63,716              49,016            46,636

       TEXAS RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods

         3,325         5,207          5,343                    4,675          5,111            4,404          4,296

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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                          KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 215,516		                    Average violations per camera: 1,960
       Total cameras for areas studied: 8                               Average violations per day: 43
       Total violations for areas studied: 15,679		

       ARLINGTON COUNTY                                                 FALLS CHURCH
       Population: 204,568                                              Population: 10,948

         SUNDAY       MONDAY      TUESDAY     WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY         FRIDAY      SATURDAY
         2,016        2,139       2,175       2,318             2,204            2,562       2,265

       VIRGINIA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING        MID-DAY       AFTERNOON       EVENING           NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         2,755          2,924         4,503           1,780             1,869             1,848

       VIRGINIA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods
         38            212            170                     190               117          56             139

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road safety, visit                     @SaferRoadsUSA      
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Safer Roads Report 2012

                                       KEY STATE STATISTICS

                                                  SUMMARY OF FINDINGS


       Total population for areas studied: 1,212,271	                  Average violations per camera: 1,352
       Total cameras for areas studied: 88                             Average violations per day: 326
       Total violations for areas studied: 119,007		

       BELLEVUE                                LYNNWOOD                                           SPOKANE
       Population: 121,347                     Population: 33,627                                 Population: 200,975

       FEDERAL WAY                             PUYALLUP                                           WENATCHEE
       Population: 84,819                      Population: 36,472                                 Population: 29,810

       LACEY                                   RENTON
       Population: 38,087                      Population: 60,331

       LAKE FOREST PARK                        SEATTLE
       Population: 12,593                      Population: 594,210

         SUNDAY       MONDAY     TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY          FRIDAY        SATURDAY
         14,499       15,369     16,816        17,108         17,333            19,019        18,863

       WASHINGTON RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY
         MORNING       MID-DAY        AFTERNOON     EVENING            NIGHT             LATE NIGHT
         17,654        23,933         36,632        15,665             13,904            11,219

       WASHINGTON RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods

         800           1,454          1,172                  1,286          1,349           1,116               1,065

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road safety, visit                     @SaferRoadsUSA       
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Safer Roads Report 2012


Data was collected for all American Traffic Solutions red-light safety cameras operational for the entire year of
2011. The data was then analyzed on the state and municipality level. Once the data was collected, trends were
tracked for the time of day and day of week most likely for red-light running violations. Trends were also identified
using the red light violation data collected on key holiday travel periods throughout the year. These results were
compiled using the following totals and reflect only the red-light safety camera statistics for the specific regions
addressed in this report.

Total number of cameras: 1,240			                            Total number of states: 18
Total number of areas: 142                                   Total population studied: 18,001,482

                                              ABOUT NCSR

The National Coalition for Safer Roads supported the research and creation of Safer Roads Report 2012: Trends in
Red-Light Running. NCSR was organized as an industry trade association with the express purpose of advocating
on behalf of the traffic safety technology industry. NCSR is proud to advocate for the use of red-light safety camer-
as in more than 600 communities across the country to change reckless driver behavior, stop red-light running and
save lives. NCSR is supported by American Traffic Solutions, with coalition partners including the National Safety
Council, Safe Kids USA, Child Safety Network, National Organizations for Youth Safety, America Walks, and Red
Means Stop, as well as numerous police departments, medical professionals, safety advocates, industry leaders,
community leaders and concerned citizens. For more information, visit, follow
@SaferRoadsUSA on Twitter and on Facebook at

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road safety, visit              @SaferRoadsUSA
                                                                       /SaferRoadsUSA      /user/SaferRoadsUSA

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Safer Roads Report 2012: Trends in Red-Light Running

  • 1.
  • 2. Safer Roads Report 2012 A MESSAGE FROM NCSR The National Coalition for Safer Roads is pleased to release its first-ever report on trends in red-light running. We are releasing this report just in time for the highly traveled Memorial Day weekend, which is ranked the number one holiday weekend for red-light violations. More than 550 communities across the country look to red-light safety cameras to help protect their roadways against dangerous and distracted drivers. Simply having these life-saving devices out there signals drivers they need to pay closer attention when behind the wheel — and be aware of the cars, cyclists and pedestrians sharing the road. There’s no question that red-light running kills. Intersection-related vehicle accidents caused more than 8,500 casu- alties in 2011, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration . The average person takes numerous precautions to ensure they and their families are as safe as possible. This is especially true for road safety. When purchasing a vehicle, many different factors are considered before hitting the roadways. Air bags, brakes, crash test results, size, seat belts — the list goes on. All of these factors are researched in detail to guarantee maximum safety. Expectant parents do the same when selecting car seats to protect children. Safer Roads Report 2012: Trends in Red-Light Running is one more resource of valuable information that people can turn to in order to help maximize their safety. It reveals the risky behaviors and tendencies of red-light runners by analyzing when and where these violations occur. High-level findings include the times of day and the days of the week when drivers are most likely to run a red light, as well as peaks in violations during major holiday periods. This report is a tool that informs the public about the risks within intersections and helps shed light on the danger- ous driver behavior that threatens our children, families and communities. It is a tool for individuals, organizations, policymakers, municipalities and states, with the details they need to better understand the scope and dangers of red-light running — and to stand up in their communities and advocate the importance of red-light safety cameras. Sincerely, David Kelly President and Executive Director National Coalition for Safer Roads To find more information about improving 2 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 3. Safer Roads Report 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY While red-light safety cameras help to catch offend- The report analyzed data from 1,240 red-light safety ers and make everyone — from drivers to pedestrians cameras in operation from January 1, 2011 through — more cautious while on or near the road, red-light December 31, 2011. The cameras were spread across running is clearly a continuing public safety hazard in all 142 areas in 18 states (see page 29 of report for the analyzed municipalities and states. One of the best methodology). ways that drivers, cyclists and pedestrians can help pro- tect themselves against the dangers of red-light running The analyzed cameras caught a total of 2,341,761 red is by being more aware of when it’s most likely to occur. light violations in 2011. Each camera recorded, on aver- age, 1,889 violations during the year. The average day This report broke down the frequency of violations by across all 1,240 cameras studied saw 6,416 violations. the day of the week. Friday proved to be the worst day for intersection safety in 2011 — safety cameras caught Making place-to-place comparisons based on simple 378,122 total red-light violations. Sunday saw the fewest totals is tricky, as the total number of cameras varied violations, with 289,603 total. widely between areas. However, looking at the simple totals can give us a quick idea of which states utilize When looking at travel days surrounding major holidays, red-light safety cameras most. Memorial Day weekend ranked top in violations with a total of 26,787 red-light violations, in comparison to the All the data point to a clear conclusion: there is no time average weekend of 19,388 violations. Christmas proved on the road when you are not at risk of encountering a to be the lowest day for red-light running in 2011, with red-light violator. Yes, the danger is lesser when driving 3,859 violations. late at night… but it doesn’t disappear. Red-light safety cameras are tools to raise awareness about the dangers On a per day basis, the analysis found that drivers most of distracted and careless driving. Knowing they are frequently run red lights in the afternoon (defined as there — and understanding the dangers made clear in 1:00-5:00 p.m.). Overall, 30.7% (719,702) of all red- this report — will lead to more careful and courteous light running violations occurred during this afternoon drivers. Fewer red-light violations will mean fewer ve- period. The late night hours saw the fewest number hicle collisions — which will in turn mean fewer injuries of violations, with only 9.75% (228,456) of all violations and deaths due to someone’s reckless decision to run a occurring in the period from 10:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m.). This red light. makes sense, as there are far fewer people on the road during the late hours. To find more information about improving 3 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 4. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY TRENDS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: HOLIDAY RANKINGS Roadways tend to get crowded around the holidays, with people driving to and from gatherings and celebrations. This report looks at the number of red-light running violations on eight different holiday weekends and special events throughout 2011, including the 3-4 days surrounding those holidays to account for high-traffic travel days. When looking at the surrounding weekends leading up to each holiday, Memorial Day weekend proved to be the most dangerous for intersection safety in 2011. The weekend leading up to Independence Day also ranked as one of the top weekends for red-light running across the 18 states included in this report. Christmas Day alone was the lowest day in red-light running in all of 2011 with 3,859 violations. OVERALL RED-LIGHT VIOLATIONS BY HOLIDAY TRAVEL PERIODS 1. Memorial Day (Friday, May 27 – Monday, May 30) - 26,787 2. Independence Day (Friday, July 1 – Monday, July 4) - 25,874 3. Labor Day (Friday, September 2 – Monday, September 5) - 24,795 4. Halloween (Friday, October 28 – Monday, October 31) - 24,700 5. Christmas (Friday, December 23 – Monday, December 26) - 20,459 6. Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 24 – Sunday, November 27) - 19,713 7. Super Bowl (Friday, February 4 – Sunday, February 6) - 18,472 SUPER BOWL 18,472 MEMORIAL DAY 26,787 INDEPENDENCE DAY 25,874 LABOR DAY 24,795 HALLOWEEN 24,700 THANKSGIVING 19,713 CHRISTMAS 20,459 To find more information about improving 4 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 5. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY TRENDS STATE RED-LIGHT VIOLATIONS BY HOLIDAY TRAVEL PERIOD STATE SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS AZ 995 1,133 805 901 1,132 851 987 CA 363 512 632 452 575 531 498 CO 336 531 465 415 462 238 383 DE 85 160 214 237 184 198 182 FL 3,588 3,529 3,973 3,952 3,087 2,975 2,414 IL 56 207 136 109 119 90 106 LA 978 1,527 1,427 898 1,796 923 723 MD 570 713 920 912 754 656 630 MO 1,642 2,261 2,455 2,528 2,669 1,702 2,398 NC 163 257 252 183 263 160 162 NJ 876 1,185 1,020 854 851 734 912 NY 2,155 3,902 3,067 3,840 3,306 2,864 2,996 OH 694 1,519 1,231 1,011 902 422 846 PA 966 892 1,388 1,409 1,221 1,124 1,005 TN 842 1,586 1,204 943 802 669 717 TX 3,325 5,207 5,343 4,675 5,111 4,404 4,296 VA 38 212 170 190 117 56 139 WA 800 1,454 1,172 1,286 1,349 1,116 1,065 TOTAL 18,472 26,787 25,874 24,795 24,700 19,713 20,459 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: TIME OF DAY Data from red-light safety cameras was collected and analyzed to determine what time of day people most frequently run red lights. The time of day comparisons in this analysis are broken down into six sections of a 24-hour period: Morning (6:00–10:00 a.m.) Mid-day (10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.) Afternoon (1:00–5:00 p.m.) Evening (5:00-7:00 p.m.) Night (7:00–10:00 p.m.) Late night (10:00 p.m.–6:00 a.m.) To find more information about improving 5 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 6. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY TRENDS OVERALL RED-LIGHT VIOLATIONS BY TIME OF DAY 1. Afternoon – 719,702 violations / 30.7% 2. Mid-day – 474,215 / 20.25% 3. Morning – 368,581 / 15.7% 4. Evening – 304,111 / 12.98% 5. Night – 246,696 / 10.5% 6. Late night – 228,456 / 9.75% MORNING 368,581 MID-DAY 474,215 AFTERNOON 719,702 EVENING 304,111 NIGHT 246,696 LATE NIGHT 228,456 Across all studied states and municipalities, drivers most frequently ran red lights in the afternoon, while roadways experienced the least number of violations in the late night hours. To find more information about improving 6 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 7. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY TRENDS STATE RED-LIGHT VIOLATIONS BY TIME OF DAY The afternoon period from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. proved to be the worst time of day for red-light running within each state, staying consistent with the overall trend. The time of day when drivers are least likely to run a red light varies from state to state. For example, the majority of the 18 states analyzed had the fewest violations occur from 10:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m.; Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri and Pennsylvania all had the fewest red-light runners from 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.; and Virginia skewed the furthest from the trend, with 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. seeing the fewest violations. STATE MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT TOTAL AZ 16,131 27,022 43,011 17,051 9,651 7,344 120,210 CA 7,140 10,259 14,453 5,919 4,777 3,799 46,347 CO 7,648 10,534 16,499 7,333 4,554 3,216 49,784 DE 2,523 2,813 4,825 2,126 1,400 1,198 14,885 FL 53,460 65,680 97,231 42,943 38,174 38,536 336,024 IL 2,371 2,223 3,186 1,446 1,191 1,450 11,867 LA 18,335 23,747 33,269 12,837 12,002 14,948 115,138 MD 11,653 12,847 19,733 9,447 8,583 7,418 69,681 MO 36,942 44,302 68,324 29,085 24,605 25,895 229,153 NC 3,985 4,311 6,437 2,582 2,410 1,906 21,631 NJ 12,974 19,999 30,011 11,442 8,780 6,899 90,105 NY 53,465 73,656 105,128 43,098 34,946 23,317 333,610 OH 10,329 16,285 28,546 11,734 9,370 9,103 85,367 PA 18,614 19,779 32,963 14,059 12,459 14,938 112,812 TN 17,653 19,934 31,998 11,848 9,005 8,786 99,224 TX 74,949 93,967 142,953 63,716 49,016 46,636 471,237 VA 2,755 2,924 4,503 1,780 1,869 1,848 15,679 WA 17,654 23,933 36,632 15,665 13,904 11,219 119,007 TOTAL 368,581 474,215 719,702 304,111 246,696 228,456 2,341,761 To find more information about improving 7 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 8. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY TRENDS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: DAY OF WEEK All days are not created equal when it comes to road safety. Fridays proved to be the worst day for intersection safety in 2011, with 378,122 violations across the country. OVERALL RED-LIGHT VIOLATIONS BY DAY OF WEEK 1. Friday - 378,122 violations / 16.15% of total 2. Saturday - 360,422 / 15.4% 3. Thursday - 339,746 / 14.5% 4. Wednesday - 331,722 / 14.17% 5. Tuesday - 326,635 / 13.95% 6. Monday - 315,511 / 13.5% 7. Sunday - 289,603 / 12.4% SUNDAY 289,603 MONDAY 315,511 TUESDAY 326,635 WEDNESDAY 331,722 THURSDAY 339,746 FRIDAY 378,122 SATURDAY 360,422 To find more information about improving 8 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 9. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY TRENDS STATE RED-LIGHT VIOLATIONS BY DAY OF WEEK Almost all states analyzed on intersection safety stayed consistent with the overall trend of most violations occur- ring on Friday’s in 2011. However, Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio and Louisiana experienced more red-light violations on Saturday. Sunday was the least-likely day for drivers to run red lights in 14 of the 18 states studied. New Jersey and Ohio’s lowest days were Tuesday; Illinois and Louisiana saw the fewest violations on Monday. STATE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY TOTAL AZ 9,940 16,488 18,478 19,358 19,433 20,580 15,933 120,210 CA 6,166 6,179 6,315 6,657 6,524 7,367 7,139 46,347 CO 4,692 6,716 7,433 7,455 7,726 8,674 7,088 49,784 DE 1,746 2,086 2,077 2,108 2,143 2,544 2,181 14,885 FL 42,907 45,485 46,310 47,368 48,184 53,116 52,654 336,024 IL 1,605 1,570 1,678 1,628 1,620 1,833 1,933 11,867 LA 15,594 14,923 15,605 15,825 16,033 18,406 18,752 115,138 MD 8,952 9,225 9,468 9,766 10,053 11,168 11,049 69,681 MO 28,144 30,727 31,983 32,726 32,759 37,898 34,916 229,153 NC 2,376 3,104 3,138 3,205 3,190 3,604 3,014 21,631 NJ 12,261 12,098 12,056 12,270 12,727 13,817 14,876 90,105 NY 42,913 45,709 48,108 47,034 49,059 51,188 49,599 333,610 OH 12,376 11,178 10,715 11,600 12,130 13,363 14,005 85,367 PA 13,914 14,846 15,504 15,641 16,322 18,612 17,973 112,812 TN 11,803 13,526 14,103 14,199 14,038 16,551 15,004 99,224 TX 57,699 64,143 64,673 65,456 68,268 77,820 73,178 471,237 VA 2,016 2,139 2,175 2,318 2,204 2,562 2,265 15,679 WA 14,499 15,369 16,816 17,108 17,333 19,019 18,863 119,007 TOTAL 289,603 315,511 326,635 331,722 339,746 378,122 360,422 2,341,761 To find more information about improving 9 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 10. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS ARIZONA Total population for areas studied: 1,214,139 Average violations per camera: 2,037 Total cameras for areas studied: 59 Average violations per day: 329 Total violations for areas studied: 120,210 MESA SCOTTSDALE TUCSON Population: 452,933 Population: 235,677 Population: 525,529 ARIZONA RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 9,940 16,488 18,478 19,358 19,433 20,580 15,933 ARIZONA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 16,131 27,022 43,011 17,051 9,651 7,344 ARIZONA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 995 1,133 805 901 1,132 851 987 To find more information about improving 10 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 11. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS CALIFORNIA Total population for areas studied: 1,509,993 Average violations per camera: 891 Total cameras for areas studied: 52 Average violations per day: 127 Total violations for areas studied: 46,347 CAPITOLA CERRITOS MILLBRAE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Population: 9,521 Population: 51,647 Population: 20,685 Population: 61,870 CATHEDRAL CITY COVINA SAN DIEGO Population: 52,288 Population: 47,251 Population: 1,266,731 CALIFORNIA RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 6,166 6,179 6,315 6,657 6,524 7,367 7,139 CALIFORNIA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 7,140 10,259 14,453 5,919 4,777 3,799 CALIFORNIA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 363 512 632 452 575 531 498 To find more information about improving 11 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 12. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS COLORADO Total population for areas studied: 631,210 Average violations per camera: 1,659 Total cameras for areas studied: 30 Average violations per day: 136 Total violations for areas studied: 49,784 CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE COMMERCE CITY LITTLETON PUEBLO Population: 6,290 Population: 40,929 Population: 40,646 Population: 103,805 COLORADO SPRINGS GREENWOOD VILLAGE LONE TREE Population: 416,427 Population: 13,954 Population: 9,159 COLORADO RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 4,692 6,716 7,433 7,455 7,726 8,674 7,088 COLORADO RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 7,648 10,534 16,499 7,333 4,554 3,216 COLORADO RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 336 531 465 415 462 238 383 To find more information about improving 12 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 13. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS DELAWARE Total population for areas studied: 772,668 Average violations per camera: 709 Total cameras for areas studied: 21 Average violations per day: 41 Total violations for areas studied: 14,885 NEW CASTLE & SUSSEX COUNTY DOVER (Operated by Delaware State Police Dept.) Population: 35,811 Population:736,857 DELAWARE RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1,746 2,086 2,077 2,108 2,143 2,544 2,181 DELAWARE RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 2,523 2,813 4,825 2,126 1,400 1,198 DELAWARE RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 85 160 214 237 184 198 182 To find more information about improving 13 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 14. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS FLORIDA Total population for areas studied: 3,180,942 Average violations per camera: 1,639 Total cameras for areas studied: 205 Average violations per day: 921 Total violations for areas studied: 336,024 APOPKA FT. LAUDERDALE LAKELAND PEMBROKE PINES Population: 37,399 Population: 183,606 Population: 92,796 Population: 146,828 AVENTURA HAINES CITY MIAMI GARDENS PORT RICHEY Population: 29,475 Population: 18,569 Population: 97,286 Population: 3,388 BAL HARBOUR HALLANDALE BEACH NORTH BAY VILLAGE SURFSIDE Population: 3,141 Population: 38,634 Population: 7,943 Population: 4,539 CAMPBELLTON HIALEAH NORTH MIAMI SWEETWATER Population: 263 Population: 212,217 Population: 56,185 Population: 13,183 COCOA BEACH HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY OCOEE TEMPLE TERRACE Population:12,021 Population: 1,174,727 Population: 31,876 Population: 22,461 COLLIER COUNTY HOLLYWOOD OPA-LOCKA WEST MIAMI Population: 315,839 Population: 142,473 Population: 15,376 Population: 5,587 CORAL GABLES HOMESTEAD ORLANDO WEST PALM BEACH Population: 42,107 Population: 56,601 Population: 227,907 Population: 99,377 DUNNELLON JUNO BEACH PALM COAST WINTER SPRINGS Population: 1,999 Population: 3,344 Population: 71,383 Population: 32,727 FLORIDA CITY KENNETH CITY PALM SPRINGS Population: 9,601 Population: 4,340 Population: 16,253 To find more information about improving 14 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 15. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS FLORIDA cont... FLORIDA RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 42,907 45,485 46,310 47,368 48,184 53,116 52,654 FLORIDA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 53,460 65,680 97,231 42,943 38,174 38,536 FLORIDA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 3,588 3,529 3,973 3,952 3,087 2,975 2,414 To find more information about improving 15 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 16. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS ILLINOIS Total population for areas studied: 134,999 Average violations per camera: 1,187 Total cameras for areas studied: 10 Average violations per day: 32 Total violations for areas studied: 11,867 BEDFORD PARK MAYWOOD Population: 536 Population: 25,250 GRANITE CITY SKOKIE Population: 30,683 Population: 66,659 LINCOLNWOOD Population: 11,871 ILLINOIS RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1,605 1,570 1,678 1,628 1,620 1,833 1,933 ILLINOIS RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 2,371 2,223 3,186 1,446 1,191 1,450 ILLINOIS RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 56 207 136 109 119 90 106 To find more information about improving 16 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 17. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS LOUISIANA Total population for areas studied: 570,900 Average violations per camera: 2,617 Total cameras for areas studied: 44 Average violations per day: 315 Total violations for areas studied: 115,138 BATON ROUGE NEW ORLEANS Population: 227,071 Population: 343,829 LOUISIANA RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 15,594 14,923 15,605 15,825 16,033 18,406 18,752 LOUISIANA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 18,335 23,747 33,269 12,837 12,002 14,948 LOUISIANA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 978 1,527 1,427 898 1,796 923 723 To find more information about improving 17 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 18. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS MARYLAND Total population for areas studied: 1,366,132 Average violations per camera: 1,936 Total cameras for areas studied: 36 Average violations per day: 191 Total violations for areas studied: 69,681 ANNE ARUNDEL PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY Population: 512,154 Population: 828,770 COLMAR MANOR UNIVERSITY PARK Population: 1,273 Population: 2,316 LAUREL Population: 21,619 MARYLAND RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 8,952 9,225 9,468 9,766 10,053 11,168 11,049 MARYLAND RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 11,653 12,847 19,733 9,447 8,583 7,418 MARYLAND RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 570 713 920 912 754 656 630 To find more information about improving 18 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 19. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS MISSOURI Total population for areas studied: 1,083,532 Average violations per camera: 1,332 Total cameras for areas studied: 172 Average violations per day: 628 Total violations for areas studied: 229,153 ARNOLD CLAYTON EXCELSIOR MOLINE ACRES ST. ANN Population: 20,589 Population: 16,076 SPRINGS Population: 2,532 Population: 12,860 Population: 11,840 SUGAR CREEK BEL-NOR COUNTRY CLUB NORTHWOODS Population: 3,543 Population: 1,493 HILLS FLORISSANT Population: 4,344 Population: 1,290 Population: 50,919 WASHINGTON BEVERLY HILLS RICHMOND Population: 13,982 Population: 563 CREVE COEUR GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS Population: 16,933 Population: 24,116 Population: 9,157 WEBSTER GROVES BRENTWOOD Population: 22,494 Population: 7,225 DELLWOOD HAZELWOOD ST. JOHN Population: 4,929 Population: 25,483 Population: 6,432 BRIDGETON Population: 15,086 ELLISVILLE KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS Population: 9,233 Population: 450,375 Population: 350,759 CALVERTON PARK Population: 1,279 MISSOURI RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 28,144 30,727 31,983 32,726 32,759 37,898 34,916 MISSOURI RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 36,942 44,302 68,324 29,085 24,605 25,895 MISSOURI RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 1,642 2,261 2,455 2,528 2,669 1,702 2,398 To find more information about improving 19 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 20. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS NORTH CAROLINA Total population for areas studied: 99,623 Average violations per camera: 1,664 Total cameras for areas studied: 13 Average violations per day: 59 Total violations for areas studied: 21,631 WILMINGTON Population: 99,623 NORTH CAROLINA RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 2,376 3,104 3,138 3,205 3,190 3,604 3,014 NORTH CAROLINA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 3,985 4,311 6,437 2,582 2,410 1,906 NORTH CAROLINA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 163 257 252 183 263 160 162 To find more information about improving 20 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 21. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS NEW JERSEY Total population for areas studied: 326,848 Average violations per camera: 2,253 Total cameras for areas studied: 40 Average violations per day: 247 Total violations for areas studied: 90,105 BRICK TOWNSHIP GLOUCESTER Population: 76,119 Population: 64,350 DEPTFORD LINDEN Population: 30,216 Population: 39,372 GLASSBORO WOODBRIDGE Population: 19,588 Population: 97,203 NEW JERSEY RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12,261 12,098 12,056 12,270 12,727 13,817 14,876 NEW JERSEY RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 12,974 19,999 30,011 11,442 8,780 6,899 NEW JERSEY RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 876 1,185 1,020 854 851 734 912 To find more information about improving 21 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 22. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS NEW YORK Total population for areas studied: 1,505,777 Average violations per camera: 2,712 Total cameras for areas studied: 123 Average violations per day: 914 Total violations for areas studied: 333,610 NASSAU COUNTY YONKERS Population: 1,306,533 Population: 199,244 NEW YORK RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 42,913 45,709 48,108 47,034 49,059 51,188 49,599 NEW YORK RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 53,465 73,656 105,128 43,098 34,946 23,317 NEW YORK RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 2,155 3,902 3,067 3,840 3,306 2,864 2,996 To find more information about improving 22 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 23. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS OHIO Total population for areas studied: 24,790 Average violations per camera: 8,537 Total cameras for areas studied: 10 Average violations per day: 234 Total violations for areas studied: 85,367 EAST CLEVELAND Population: 24,790 OHIO RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12,376 11,178 10,715 11,600 12,130 13,363 14,005 OHIO RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 10,329 16,285 28,546 11,734 9,370 9,103 OHIO RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 694 1,519 1,231 1,011 902 422 846 To find more information about improving 23 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 24. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS PENNSYLVANIA Total population for areas studied: 1,449,634 Average violations per camera: 1,446 Total cameras for areas studied: 78 Average violations per day: 309 Total violations for areas studied: 112,812 PHILADELPHIA Population: 1,449,634 PENNSYLVANIA RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 13,914 14,846 15,504 15,641 16,322 18,612 17,973 PENNSYLVANIA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 18,614 19,779 32,963 14,059 12,459 14,938 PENNSYLVANIA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 966 892 1,388 1,409 1,221 1,124 1,005 To find more information about improving 24 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 25. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS TENNESSEE Total population for areas studied: 916,076 Average violations per camera: 1,181 Total cameras for areas studied: 84 Average violations per day: 272 Total violations for areas studied: 99,224 GALLATIN MCKENZIE MT. JULIET Population: 28,747 Population: 5,394 Population: 20,248 HUNTINGDON MEMPHIS MURFREESBORO Population: 4,155 Population: 674,028 Population: 98,406 JACKSON MILLINGTON RED BANK Population: 63,196 Population: 10,298 Population: 11,604 TENNESSEE RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 11,803 13,526 14,103 14,199 14,038 16,551 15,004 TENNESSEE RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 17,653 19,934 31,998 11,848 9,005 8,786 TENNESSEE RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 842 1,586 1,204 943 802 669 717 To find more information about improving 25 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 26. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS TEXAS Total population for areas studied: 1,786,432 Average violations per camera: 2,521 Total cameras for areas studied: 167 Average violations per day: 1,291 Total violations for areas studied: 471,237 AMARILLO CLEVELAND HUTTO MAGNOLIA Population: 186,106 Population: 7,995 Population: 11,889 Population: 1,247 ARLINGTON CONROE IRVING SUGAR LAND Population: 371,038 Population: 52,516 Population: 199,505 Population: 79,682 BALCONES HEIGHTS DIBOLL JERSEY VILLAGE WATAUGA Population: 2,976 Population: 5,541 Population: 7,252 Population: 23,873 BURLESON FORT WORTH LITTLE ELM WILLIS Population: 33,359 Population: 681,818 Population: 23,884 Population: 4,282 CEDAR HILL HUMBLE LUFKIN Population: 44,422 Population: 14,977 Population: 34,070 TEXAS RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 57,699 64,143 64,673 65,456 68,268 77,820 73,178 TEXAS RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 74,949 93,967 142,953 63,716 49,016 46,636 TEXAS RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 3,325 5,207 5,343 4,675 5,111 4,404 4,296 To find more information about improving 26 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 27. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS VIRGINIA Total population for areas studied: 215,516 Average violations per camera: 1,960 Total cameras for areas studied: 8 Average violations per day: 43 Total violations for areas studied: 15,679 ARLINGTON COUNTY FALLS CHURCH Population: 204,568 Population: 10,948 VIRGINIA RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 2,016 2,139 2,175 2,318 2,204 2,562 2,265 VIRGINIA RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 2,755 2,924 4,503 1,780 1,869 1,848 VIRGINIA RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 38 212 170 190 117 56 139 To find more information about improving 27 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 28. Safer Roads Report 2012 KEY STATE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS WASHINGTON Total population for areas studied: 1,212,271 Average violations per camera: 1,352 Total cameras for areas studied: 88 Average violations per day: 326 Total violations for areas studied: 119,007 BELLEVUE LYNNWOOD SPOKANE Population: 121,347 Population: 33,627 Population: 200,975 FEDERAL WAY PUYALLUP WENATCHEE Population: 84,819 Population: 36,472 Population: 29,810 LACEY RENTON Population: 38,087 Population: 60,331 LAKE FOREST PARK SEATTLE Population: 12,593 Population: 594,210 WASHINGTON RED-LIGHT violations BY DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 14,499 15,369 16,816 17,108 17,333 19,019 18,863 WASHINGTON RED-LIGHT violations BY time of DAY MORNING MID-DAY AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT LATE NIGHT 17,654 23,933 36,632 15,665 13,904 11,219 WASHINGTON RED-LIGHT violations BY holiday travel periods SUPER BOWL MEMORIAL DAY INDEPENDENCE DAY LABOR DAY HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS 800 1,454 1,172 1,286 1,349 1,116 1,065 To find more information about improving 28 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA
  • 29. Safer Roads Report 2012 METHODOLOGY Data was collected for all American Traffic Solutions red-light safety cameras operational for the entire year of 2011. The data was then analyzed on the state and municipality level. Once the data was collected, trends were tracked for the time of day and day of week most likely for red-light running violations. Trends were also identified using the red light violation data collected on key holiday travel periods throughout the year. These results were compiled using the following totals and reflect only the red-light safety camera statistics for the specific regions addressed in this report. Total number of cameras: 1,240 Total number of states: 18 Total number of areas: 142 Total population studied: 18,001,482 ABOUT NCSR The National Coalition for Safer Roads supported the research and creation of Safer Roads Report 2012: Trends in Red-Light Running. NCSR was organized as an industry trade association with the express purpose of advocating on behalf of the traffic safety technology industry. NCSR is proud to advocate for the use of red-light safety camer- as in more than 600 communities across the country to change reckless driver behavior, stop red-light running and save lives. NCSR is supported by American Traffic Solutions, with coalition partners including the National Safety Council, Safe Kids USA, Child Safety Network, National Organizations for Youth Safety, America Walks, and Red Means Stop, as well as numerous police departments, medical professionals, safety advocates, industry leaders, community leaders and concerned citizens. For more information, visit, follow @SaferRoadsUSA on Twitter and on Facebook at To find more information about improving 29 road safety, visit @SaferRoadsUSA /SaferRoadsUSA /user/SaferRoadsUSA