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21 OCTOBER 2015
A powerful speaker faculty led by:
Join the UK’s
leading retailers
Book today!
Angus Thirlwell, CEO,
Hotel Chocolat
John Roberts, CEO,
Rowan Gormley, CEO,
Majestic Wines
✔︎	 Learn from leading retailers, as well as branding experts on how
to build a successful customer experience strategy
✔︎	 Go back to the office with the knowledge you need to stand out
from the competitive market and delight your customer
✔︎	 Gain effective techniques for bringing the voice of the customer
into the organisation
✔︎	 Learn new tools for unlocking value in the customer journey
✔︎	 Leave with a clear methodology for improving your
organisation’s customer-centricity across multiple channels
✔︎	 Build a peer and expert network to support your customer
experience strategy in the future
How you will benefit from attending:
VIP Lunch sponsor:Co-sponsor: Associate Sponsors: Supporters:
Rik McShane,
Retail Director,
Rory Sutherland,
Vice Chairman,
Ogilvy & Mather Group UK
Madeline Melson,
Head of Customer Insight,
House of Fraser
Mike Durbridge,
Director of Omni-channel,
Tracey Clements,
Customer Strategy & Insight
Davide Cervellin,
Head of EU Analytics,
Helen Colclough,
Development Manager,
River Island
Nick Rudd,
Propositions Director,
Cathy Reid,
Head of Customer
Ann Summers
Shane Finlay,
Head of Retail Industry Value
Engineering, UK & Eire,
Dave Robinson,
Head of Personalisation,
Lynne Wood,
Head of Customer Experience,
John Lewis
Toby Wickenden,
Head of Contact Centre &
Customer Service Advisory,
Julian Diment,
Marketing Director,
Dixons Carphone
Darren Williams,
International Retail Director,
T2 Tea
Mark Palmer,
Group Marketing Director,
Pret A Manger
Customer Journey Mapping Workshop:
Tuesday 20 October 2015
Cutting through complexity to deliver the seamless experience
your customers expect
Why sponsor Retail Week’s Customer Experience event?
Your omni-channel strategy only works if your customer journey works. In today’s complex omni-channel
world, customers are behaving in new and unexpected ways. Mapping these behaviours and preferences
is key to delivering the seamless experience that customers expect. Join this workshop to hear how to use
customer journey mapping in the most simple and effective way to deliver the ultimate customer experience.
A stimulating line-up of experts, retailer and out-of-industry case studies and interactive discussions will
provide an in-depth and practical guide to this game-changing methodology.
Retail Week works closely with our partners to create thought leadership and business
development solutions, that support strategic objectives and establish organisations as true
subject matter experts. This event offers an unrivalled opportunity to meet the most influential
customer experience professionals from UK retailers in one go. Partnering with Retail Week
allows organisations to highlight what they can offer this community and to leave attendees with
a lasting impression of their brand and expertise
Your expert workshop panel:
Dr Simon Moore, Chartered Psychologist, Innovation Bubble
Simon is a Chartered Business and Consumer Psychologist with a substantial
portfolio of developing and evaluating bespoke customer insight research and
employing behaviour change methods to help organisations move forwards. Over
the past 20 years Simon has successfully designed and applied emotional journey
mapping (employee/customer) to enact change in a wide range of brands such as
Sony, Microsoft, Allianz, Azimo, Momentum, DAS, Cadbury, Thomas Cook, Disney,
Sanofi, Roche, Ebay, Paypal, Fedex, Shutl, Amex, and HTC. Simon also recently won
the first ever Gold standard Global Nudge Award for his consultancy work in retail
Julian Diment, Chief Marketing Officer, Dixons Carphone Warehouse
Julian is CMO at Dixons Carphone, with responsibility for the Carphone Warehouse
brand and Customer Experience, CRM & Creative Services across all Dixons Carphone
brands. He joined CPW in 2010 and in 2013 led the Each & Every Customer Counts
programme, to put the customer back at the heart of the CPW business. The
programme delivered Pinpoint, a tablet based, digital, in store customer experience
that has transformed customer satisfaction, with CPW’s customer measure, NPS,
up 30% since the start of the programme. Julian has previously held a number of
high profile roles across a variety of industries, including Saatchi & Saatchi, The FA,
Orange and Alfred Dunhill.
For more information on sponsoring the Customer Experience Summit please contact:
Nikita Wolski, Account Manager | T: 020 3033 4287 | E:
13:00 – 13:30 Workshop registration and welcome refreshments
13:30 – 14:15 It’s all about emotion: Using behavioural insight to unlock customer journey success
Managing customer experience is about understanding the psychology of your customers; about understanding how your customers
feel about you. The experience in the customer journey is all about emotion.
This session will enable you to use journey mapping to understand your brand from the customers’ point-of-view. Using this
behavioural insight can enable progressive organizational change and deep-seated success, based upon powerful psychological
motivations such as loyalty, trust and engagement.
Attend this session to:
Get to grips with the difference between conscious and non-conscious experience
Learn how to measure your customers’ emotional associations with your brands and products
Discover practical tools to unlock the non-conscious world of emotion
Apply theory to real-world scenarios through case studies of deploying emotional mapping to improve
customer experience
Dr Simon Moore, Chartered Psychologist, Innovation Bubble
14:15 – 14:30 Q&A session
14:30 – 15:15 RETAILER CASE STUDY: Customer journey mapping paving the way to experience excellence
Discover how electronics retailer Dixons Carphone Warehouse is using customer journey mapping to tackle process complexity and
create a convenient, cost-effective and value-added experience for customers.
Join this session to find out:
How to use journey mapping to drive operational process improvement
How to identify the ‘heartbeat moments’ for customers
How to understand what is and isn’t driving value for customers and adjust your investments accordingly
Julian Diment, Chief Marketing Officer, Dixons Carphone Warehouse
15:15 – 15:30 Q&A session
15:30 – 15.45 Networking break
15.45 – 16.15 Let’s get phygital: Converging physical and digital experiences across the customer journey
Customers are now using a multitude of physical and digital channels in their path to purchase. The challenge for retailers is joining
up this experience across all touch points to make it easy for customers to shop in the way they choose. This session will seek to
explore how customer habits are evolving and the opportunities for physical and digital touch points to work together. The desired
outcome is a convenient and seamless customer journey that enhances satisfaction and maximises conversion.
16.15 – 17:30 THINK TANK SESSION: Facilitated discussion and problem solving
Participate in this expert-facilitated hands-on session where you will have the opportunity to apply your learnings to practical
scenarios. This is intended to bring to life the theory and you are encouraged to bring to the table your own organisational challenges.
Attend to walk away with ideas, insight and tools that could help transform your customer journey strategies.
17.30 End of customer journey mapping workshop
17.30 – 21.00 Wine tasting experience followed by speaker and VIP networking dinner
A Customer Experience event wouldn’t be complete without an entertaining and engaging experience for you to remember us
by! Join your peers in this informal and fun session of wine tasting where you can sample a fine selection of wines, build on your
knowledge and discover new favourites.
This is the perfect setting to break the ice with your fellow delegates and unwind before a packed conference day! Followed by a
VIP networking dinner, you will have the opportunity to meet our esteemed panel of speakers and advisory board members. An
ideal evening for contact-making and relationship building.
Available to VIP delegate pass holders
for 2015
Customer Journey Mapping Workshop:
Tuesday 20 October 2015
For booking enquiries, please contact:
Andrew Falconer-Borgars | T: 020 3033 4247 | E:
08:00 – 08:45 Registration
08.45 – 09.00 Chair’s welcome
Harry Wallop, Feature Writer, Daily Telegraph
09.00 – 09.20 KEYNOTE ADDRESS
Building a beloved brand: A decade of disruption
Since its inception, Hotel Chocolat has never played by the rules of what people say a chocolate company should be. From its iconic
chocolate slabs and self-confessed “ridiculously” thick Easter eggs, the brand has succeeded in making chocolate exciting and
winning a loyal and growing fan base. Culminated in the accolade of being Britain’s “most advocated” brand, this is a phenomenal
success story with the customer at its heart.
Hear from the brand’s visionary and passionate founder about:
The three guiding principles that have driven the brand’s success: Originality, authenticity and ethics
Building a loyal community of chocolate fans: How to generate genuine advocacy
What ‘experience’ means to Hotel Chocolat: Sensory, immersive and emotionally engaging
Angus Thirlwell, CEO & Founder, Hotel Chocolat
09.20 – 09.25 Q&A Session with audience
09.25 – 09.45 In conversation with John Roberts, CEO of
Winning the hearts of your customers by winning the happiness of your workforce
How do you nurture passionate and engaged colleagues who are empowered to do the right thing for customers?
This is not just a utopia but a reality for companies that are progressive enough to set the culture from the top.
Watch this inspiring interview with a retail leader who has embedded an ethos that promotes employee happiness
and fun. Don’t expect fluffy HR initiatives here, this is a story of compelling business leadership driving
customer-centric growth results. Essential viewing for CEOs or Directors wanting to engage their CEOs to
do the same for customers.
09.45 – 09.50 Q&A Session with audience
09.50 – 10.20 DEBATE
Does your organisation need a Chief Customer Officer?
The traditional retail board must adapt to stay relevant to today’s customers. In this interactive debate, we ask: is a CCO necessary to
driving customer focus within organisations? An unprecedented role within the majority of retailers, this session will seek to define what
the role should encompass and, crucially, question what difference it can make. Attend to compare the experiences of two retailers who
have taken different approaches to prioritising the customer at board level. By challenging existing organisational structures and roles, this
session will urge you to ask – are we leading in the right way?
Representing a CCO-led organisation: Tracey Clements, Customer Strategy & Insight Director, Tesco
Representing a non-CCO organisation: Mark Palmer, Group Marketing Director, Pret A Manger
Liz Ericson, Digital Marketing and Sales Associate Principal, London, McKinsey
10.20 – 10.25 Q&A Session with audience
Main Conference Day:
Wednesday 21 October 2015
For more information on sponsoring the Customer Experience Summit please contact:
Nikita Wolski, Account Manager | T: 020 3033 4287 | E:
Book now
from £749
No death by powerpoint
– a stimulating
interactive agenda
No sales pitches
allowed – just value
added content!
70% at
director level
retailer attendance
Main Conference Day:
Wednesday 21 October 2015
Stream A: Customer insight and personalisation
Chaired by:
Harry Wallop, Feature Writer, Daily Telegraph
Stream B: Joining up the journey
Chaired by:
Nicola Harrison, Content Editor, Retail Week
12.20 - 12.50 10 Disrupters transforming the delivery experience
The way in which customers receive items purchased online,
in-store and via mobile has fast become the most important part
of their experience. This session will look at how technology is
transforming the delivery experience, with a review of the current
landscape and an overview of 10 new and innovative models
shaking up the system.  
Why are we seeing a rise in the number of new tech
businesses looking to assist with the delivery conundrum?
What are the key innovations in the delivery space and how
sustainable are some of the new models arising from this
What is the retailer pain point they’re looking to resolve?
Lian Rowlands, Director, Client Services - Retail, Serco
Nicola Collister, Business Transformation Specialist, Custerian
Sebastian Steinhauser, Founder & CEO, Parcelly
Chaired by: Alex Hamilton, Head of Research, Retail Week
Disrupting the retail model for better customer
Looking at the transformations needed to create seamless and
personalised experiences, Simon Dixon explores the disruptors that
will drive your businesses’ multi-channel capabilities.
Learn how to:
Integrate in-store, online and mobile for a seamless and
convenient customer experience
Reshape your organisation for a digital future
Turn your digital presence into a content-driven personalised
experience that inspires and engages.
Simon Dixon, Founder, Rockar
12.50 - 12.55 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience
10.25 – 10.55 The Connected Consumer – what will the modern consumer psyche look like
The session will refer to the findings from the Retail Week Connected Consumer report, which has been written in association with Osborne
Clarke and will be published soon. Our panellists will be tackling the key questions of what the future holds; when it comes to inspiring and
engaging experiences, both in the physical and digital sense, what will customers be looking for and how are you going to win their loyalty?
The complexities of creating a customer centric business are manifold; but what are the behavioural trends we need to be looking at now
that will better equip us for the future?
This session will explore:
How will payment systems evolve in the global e-commerce landscape?
What technologies are we seeing today that are going to change the future of retail, and what is just a flash in the pan?
What will be the legal implications for the better connected consumer?
Helen Grantham, Former Group General Counsel, Dixons Carphone
Jon Fell, Partner, Osborne Clarke
Natalie Hunt, IT and E-commerce Solicitor, Marks and Spencer plc
Chaired by: Katie Barker, Deputy Commercial Editor, Retail Week
Sponsored by Osborne Clarke
10.55 – 11.00 Q&A Session with audience
11.00 – 11.20 Networking break
11.20 – 11.50 Bring your open minds: A fresh perspective on customer experience
As you’re well aware, we are witnessing a disruption in the balance of power between brands and their customers. It’s more important than
ever that retailers invest in the technology to enable them to meet customer’s ever growing expectations, to avoid damaging their reputation,
improve the consumer experience they offer and gain better business insight to drive smarter operations. It’s important to recognise that
these trends are not occurring in retail alone. Technology and economic forces have changed the world and an obsession with winning,
serving, and retaining customers is the only possible response, across a plethora of industries.
This session invites you to gain insight from luminaries in other sectors, to hear what customer experience means to them, understand the
challenges they are seeing, and to get their insight on the trends they predict for the future.
Sue Morris, Director of Customer and Partner Experience, Microsoft
Craig Ryder, Client Experience Director, KPMG Nunwood
Chaired by: Katie Barker, Deputy Commercial Editor, Retail Week
Sponsored by Microsoft
11.50 – 11.55 Q&A Session with audience
11.55 – 12.15 Postcards from the future: Understanding the psychology of tomorrow’s customers
Today, the pace of change in consumer behaviour, technology and expectations is outstripping the rate at which retailers can respond.
The Holy Grail is delivering on a customer need before they even realise they have that need.
This session will take an evidence-based approach to crystal ball gazing in shopper behaviour. Attend to understand how you as a retailer
need to adapt to keep customers satisfied.
How shoppers really think: Understanding the psychological profiles of key customer demographics
Myth-busting: Getting past the stereotypes and understanding what really matters to customers
How consumer trends and demands are evolving: What can retailers expect next?
From theory to real world: Practical applying the research to impact your bottom line and point of differentiation
Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Group UK
12.15 - 12.20 Q&A Session with audience
Main Conference Day:
Wednesday 21 October 2015
Customer insight and personalisation Joining up the journey
13.55 - 14.25 PANEL DISCUSSION: Are customers getting enough
value for giving up their precious information?
Customer data is undoubtedly a powerful tool for improving the
customer experience. Yet does capturing more customer data
always result in better experiences or can it harm them? This
session will bring alive the debate about how to balance data
management with maintaining good relationships with your
Is giving up data a good or bad thing for customers?
How do customers feel about the issue?
How far do you go and what are the dangers for customers?
What more should retailers do to protect their customers?
Are retailers generating enough value for customers to make it
worth it?
How can stores use the wealth of online customer data they hold
to offer cross-channel personalisation?
Panellists include:
Dave Robinson, Head of Personalisation, Boots
Davide Cervellin, Head of EU Analytics, eBay
Garreth Cameron, Business & Industry Group Manager,
Information Commissioner’s Office
Justis Saayman, Managing Consultant, IBM Marketing Cloud
Sponsored by Silverpop
PANEL DISCUSSION: Keeping up with journey
complexity and measuring satisfaction across channels
How are customer journeys changing? What are their
How can you build flexibility into your multi-channel strategies to
stay ahead?
What is the most appropriate way to measure satisfaction across
the customer journey?
How do you quantify ROI without double counting?
Where do you prioritise your investments? How to anticipate and
plan for your customers’ channels of choice
Making single customer view a reality: Is the technology
Consistency is key: Different channel, same information, same
standard of service
Panellists include:
Lynne Wood, Head of Customer Experience, John Lewis
Mike Durbridge, Director of Omni-channel, B&Q
Toby Wickenden, Head of Contact Centre & Customer Service
Advisory, Vodafone
Sponsored by Vodafone
14.25 - 14.30 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience
14.30 - 15.00 PANEL DISCUSSION: From lip service to passionate
action – is retail taking Customer Experience far enough?
Retail is often cited as an industry leader for customer experience,
yet is it at risk of becoming complacent? Retail still lags behind
hospitality in having a service culture embedded in its DNA and
behind aviation for delivering customer-centric tech innovation.
How can retailers stop doing more of the same and achieve a truly
aspirational customer experience?
This session will question the cultural and operational barriers
to CX innovation and ask what really makes a difference to
customers? Attend if you want to be motivated and inspired by a
new vision for the future of customer experience in retail.
Jenny Payne, Customer Services Director, Chiltern Railways
Panellists to be confirmed.
Create the seamless customer experience that your
customers are seeking from you
Today’s savvy customer has high expectations of a seamless
and hassle-free shopping experience, regardless of the channel.
How can you stay one step ahead of the increasingly demanding
customer and deliver complete brand engagement across all
Explore how to deliver consistent experience across the different
channels whether it’s social, email, website or in-store and
ensuring this translates to the last mile offer
Hear CRM success stories to help you effectively engage with the
customer from start to post-purchase
Identify the next big trends in connecting with your customer to
help you deliver a great customer experience
Madeleine Melson, Head of Customer Insight,
House of Fraser
Phil Crossley, Business Development Director, Teleperformance
Sponsored by Teleperformance
15.00 - 15.05 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience
12.55 – 13.55 Lunch
Turbo-charging the retail employee to better meet the needs of the consumer
Brought to you to by Retail Week & Manhattan Associates *
Chaired by: Alex Hamilton, Head of Research, Retail Week
This session will discuss the growing role of retail staff as part of the customer experience proposition. Don’t miss this unique chance to
debate how the customer-employee relationship is fast becoming a new front in the push for a better customer experience and what this
means for your business and the industry as a whole.
How is the retailer-customer relationship evolving and what part are retail employees playing in this dynamic?
How is the relationship between retail employee and customer changing across social, online and, of course, in-store?
What do customers want assistance with in-store with regards to customer experience/path to purchase? And how does this differ
by age group?
Do shoppers want a creative level of service that engages and excites? Or are they happy with a relationship with retail employees
that hinges purely on the transactional?
How can retailers up skill their workforce to better meet the needs of the modern day consumer?
What technologies are available to assist retail staff in providing next-level customer experience?
*This session is for retailers and by Invitation only, for more information or to request a place a this lunch contact
Main Conference Day:
Wednesday 21 October 2015
For more information on sponsoring the Customer Experience Summit please contact:
Nikita Wolski, Account Manager | T: 020 3033 4287 | E:
16.35 – 16.55 CLOSING KEYNOTE
One-to-watch interview with Rowan Gormley, CEO, Majestic Wines: Shaking up the wine trade with a focus on experience
At the centre of one of the most significant mergers this year, Rowan Gormley is the man set to put the magic
back into ailing brand Majestic Wines. Rowan is the perfect man for the job with an excellent growth track record as
Founder of Naked Wines, the crowd-funded business where customers are known as “angels”.
His priorities for business recovery include making the shopping experience “simpler, easier and more fun”. Watch
this dynamic interview with the bold, quick-witted and often controversial leader and be inspired by his philosophy
of putting customer experience at the heart of business growth.
16.55 – 17.00 Q&A Session with audience
17.00 – 17.10 Chair’s closing remarks
Getting mobile right: Engaging the always-connected
yet attention-short consumer
As smartphones have now become a natural extension of
ourselves, it’s little wonder that retailers are prioritising it as a core
channel of engagement. Gaining your customer’s attention may be
easy but sustaining it is far more challenging. Join this discussion
to understand: how do you make mobile content engaging and
entertaining? How do you create a simple yet compelling user
What does a good mobile-first strategy look like?
Simplicity is key: Designing the optimal user experience
What turns customers off? Avoiding invasive and alienating mobile
What makes a great app?
Innovative ways to interact with mobile users when in-store
Panellists include:
Helen Colclough, E-commerce Development Manager, River
Kate Cuthbertson, Mobile and mCommerce consultant, formerly
of Asda
Sandra Peat, Strategy Director, The Moment
David Griffith-Jones, Digital Strategist, Cedar DCX
The board’s not the problem: Engaging frontline
teams to embrace customer-centric mind-sets
Customer Experience has reached a stage where it is high on all
board agendas yet is this mind-set reaching the teams delivering
that experience every day? Take part in these expert-facilitated
small group discussions to share experience with peers and
uncover the best initiatives for turning teams into customer
From operational to customer-centric mind-sets: How do you
engage and inspire your team to go above and beyond customer
How do you empower teams to make independent decisions
and do the right thing for customers?
Making employees as product-savvy as your customers –
what is the role of technology to inform and personalise the
Roundtable leaders include:
Rik McShane, Retail Director, Waterstones
Cathy Reid, Head of Customer Experience, Ann Summers
Shane Finlay, Head of Retail Industry Value Engineering, UK &
Eire, SAP
Sponsored by Cisco SAP
16.30 - 16.35 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience
Digital experience and engagement In-store experience and service
15.40 - 16.00 Networking break
Digital experience and engagement In-store experience and service
15.05 - 15.35 What is the currency of customer loyalty?
In a retail world of price comparison sites, discount forums and
showrooming, the pursuit of customer loyalty is more important
than ever. This session will examine the latest trends in loyalty
programmes and take a look at what’s round the corner. Discussions
will explore: is mobile taking over card-based schemes? Should you
reward spend or active engagement? Attend to gain insight on what
is driving loyalty for customers now and in the future.
Nick Rudd, Propositions Director, Aimia
Cathy Reid, Head of Customer Experience, Ann Summers
Sponsored by Aimia
Creating unique and engaging in-store experiences that
don’t cost the earth
With footage showcasing two of the most exciting brands in retail
today, we’ll assess what a successful immersive and engaging
physical environment looks like and explore:
How to embed a culture of service excellence
Reinventing the store for a digital age: Blending the offline and
online experiences
Beyond gimmicks: Technology that truly empowers choice and
makes customers’ lives easier
Participants include:
Jochem Verheijen, Head of Coffee, Harris+Hoole
Darren Williams, International Retail Director, T2
15.35 - 15.40 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience
For more information or assitance in booking
your place please contact:
Andrew Falconer-Borgars
T: 020 3033 4247
Pricing 2015
21 OCTOBER 2015
Join the UK’s
leading retailers
Book today!
Delegate pass to one day conference ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Access to the drinks reception ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Speakers presentations post event ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Access to event app ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Enhanced access to event app networking
tool ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Delegate List (name, job title, company) ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Trial subscription to Retail Week ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Access to the lounge which includes
meeting space, enhanced refreshments &
charger points
✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Complementary Travel to Customer Expe-
rience Awards (excludes seat at awards) ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎
Fast track VIP registration and coat check ✔︎ ✔︎
Reserved seating in the main plenary
sessions ✔︎ ✔︎
Reserved seat at the Speaker & VIP
Dinner ✔︎ ✔︎
Retailer VIP Retailer
Standard plus
Networking plus
Retailer VIP
plus Workshop
Retailer rates
£899.00 £999.00 £1,099.00 £1,149.00 £1,249.00 £1,349.00
Non-retailer VIP Non-retailer
Standard plus
Networking plus
Non-retailer VIP
plus Workshop
Retailer rates
£1,249.00 £1,349.00 £1,399.00 £1,549.00 £1,649.00 £1,699.00
Would you like to position yourself or your service in front
of leading customer experience professionals across retail?
To partner with us for the Customer Experience Summit
please contact :
Nikita Wolski, Account Manager
T: 020 3033 4287

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  • 1. 21 OCTOBER 2015 30 EUSTON SQUARE LONDON CREATING UNIQUE EXPERIENCES TO ACHIEVE LASTING CUSTOMER LOYALTY A powerful speaker faculty led by: Join the UK’s leading retailers Book today! Bookyourplaceat: CUSTOMEREXPERIENCE.RETAIL-WEEK.COM Angus Thirlwell, CEO, Hotel Chocolat John Roberts, CEO, Rowan Gormley, CEO, Majestic Wines ✔︎ Learn from leading retailers, as well as branding experts on how to build a successful customer experience strategy ✔︎ Go back to the office with the knowledge you need to stand out from the competitive market and delight your customer ✔︎ Gain effective techniques for bringing the voice of the customer into the organisation ✔︎ Learn new tools for unlocking value in the customer journey ✔︎ Leave with a clear methodology for improving your organisation’s customer-centricity across multiple channels ✔︎ Build a peer and expert network to support your customer experience strategy in the future How you will benefit from attending: VIP Lunch sponsor:Co-sponsor: Associate Sponsors: Supporters: Rik McShane, Retail Director, Waterstones Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Group UK Madeline Melson, Head of Customer Insight, House of Fraser Mike Durbridge, Director of Omni-channel, B&Q Tracey Clements, Customer Strategy & Insight Director, Tesco Davide Cervellin, Head of EU Analytics, eBay Helen Colclough, E-commerce Development Manager, River Island Nick Rudd, Propositions Director, Aimia Cathy Reid, Head of Customer Experience, Ann Summers Shane Finlay, Head of Retail Industry Value Engineering, UK & Eire, SAP Dave Robinson, Head of Personalisation, Boots Lynne Wood, Head of Customer Experience, John Lewis Toby Wickenden, Head of Contact Centre & Customer Service Advisory, Vodafone Julian Diment, Marketing Director, Dixons Carphone Warehouse Darren Williams, International Retail Director, T2 Tea Mark Palmer, Group Marketing Director, Pret A Manger
  • 2. Customer Journey Mapping Workshop: Tuesday 20 October 2015 Cutting through complexity to deliver the seamless experience your customers expect Why sponsor Retail Week’s Customer Experience event? Your omni-channel strategy only works if your customer journey works. In today’s complex omni-channel world, customers are behaving in new and unexpected ways. Mapping these behaviours and preferences is key to delivering the seamless experience that customers expect. Join this workshop to hear how to use customer journey mapping in the most simple and effective way to deliver the ultimate customer experience. A stimulating line-up of experts, retailer and out-of-industry case studies and interactive discussions will provide an in-depth and practical guide to this game-changing methodology. Retail Week works closely with our partners to create thought leadership and business development solutions, that support strategic objectives and establish organisations as true subject matter experts. This event offers an unrivalled opportunity to meet the most influential customer experience professionals from UK retailers in one go. Partnering with Retail Week allows organisations to highlight what they can offer this community and to leave attendees with a lasting impression of their brand and expertise Your expert workshop panel: Dr Simon Moore, Chartered Psychologist, Innovation Bubble Simon is a Chartered Business and Consumer Psychologist with a substantial portfolio of developing and evaluating bespoke customer insight research and employing behaviour change methods to help organisations move forwards. Over the past 20 years Simon has successfully designed and applied emotional journey mapping (employee/customer) to enact change in a wide range of brands such as Sony, Microsoft, Allianz, Azimo, Momentum, DAS, Cadbury, Thomas Cook, Disney, Sanofi, Roche, Ebay, Paypal, Fedex, Shutl, Amex, and HTC. Simon also recently won the first ever Gold standard Global Nudge Award for his consultancy work in retail Julian Diment, Chief Marketing Officer, Dixons Carphone Warehouse Julian is CMO at Dixons Carphone, with responsibility for the Carphone Warehouse brand and Customer Experience, CRM & Creative Services across all Dixons Carphone brands. He joined CPW in 2010 and in 2013 led the Each & Every Customer Counts programme, to put the customer back at the heart of the CPW business. The programme delivered Pinpoint, a tablet based, digital, in store customer experience that has transformed customer satisfaction, with CPW’s customer measure, NPS, up 30% since the start of the programme. Julian has previously held a number of high profile roles across a variety of industries, including Saatchi & Saatchi, The FA, Orange and Alfred Dunhill. For more information on sponsoring the Customer Experience Summit please contact: Nikita Wolski, Account Manager | T: 020 3033 4287 | E:
  • 3. 13:00 – 13:30 Workshop registration and welcome refreshments 13:30 – 14:15 It’s all about emotion: Using behavioural insight to unlock customer journey success Managing customer experience is about understanding the psychology of your customers; about understanding how your customers feel about you. The experience in the customer journey is all about emotion. This session will enable you to use journey mapping to understand your brand from the customers’ point-of-view. Using this behavioural insight can enable progressive organizational change and deep-seated success, based upon powerful psychological motivations such as loyalty, trust and engagement. Attend this session to: Get to grips with the difference between conscious and non-conscious experience Learn how to measure your customers’ emotional associations with your brands and products Discover practical tools to unlock the non-conscious world of emotion Apply theory to real-world scenarios through case studies of deploying emotional mapping to improve customer experience Dr Simon Moore, Chartered Psychologist, Innovation Bubble 14:15 – 14:30 Q&A session 14:30 – 15:15 RETAILER CASE STUDY: Customer journey mapping paving the way to experience excellence Discover how electronics retailer Dixons Carphone Warehouse is using customer journey mapping to tackle process complexity and create a convenient, cost-effective and value-added experience for customers. Join this session to find out: How to use journey mapping to drive operational process improvement How to identify the ‘heartbeat moments’ for customers How to understand what is and isn’t driving value for customers and adjust your investments accordingly Julian Diment, Chief Marketing Officer, Dixons Carphone Warehouse 15:15 – 15:30 Q&A session 15:30 – 15.45 Networking break 15.45 – 16.15 Let’s get phygital: Converging physical and digital experiences across the customer journey Customers are now using a multitude of physical and digital channels in their path to purchase. The challenge for retailers is joining up this experience across all touch points to make it easy for customers to shop in the way they choose. This session will seek to explore how customer habits are evolving and the opportunities for physical and digital touch points to work together. The desired outcome is a convenient and seamless customer journey that enhances satisfaction and maximises conversion. 16.15 – 17:30 THINK TANK SESSION: Facilitated discussion and problem solving Participate in this expert-facilitated hands-on session where you will have the opportunity to apply your learnings to practical scenarios. This is intended to bring to life the theory and you are encouraged to bring to the table your own organisational challenges. Attend to walk away with ideas, insight and tools that could help transform your customer journey strategies. 17.30 End of customer journey mapping workshop 17.30 – 21.00 Wine tasting experience followed by speaker and VIP networking dinner A Customer Experience event wouldn’t be complete without an entertaining and engaging experience for you to remember us by! Join your peers in this informal and fun session of wine tasting where you can sample a fine selection of wines, build on your knowledge and discover new favourites. This is the perfect setting to break the ice with your fellow delegates and unwind before a packed conference day! Followed by a VIP networking dinner, you will have the opportunity to meet our esteemed panel of speakers and advisory board members. An ideal evening for contact-making and relationship building. Available to VIP delegate pass holders New for 2015 Customer Journey Mapping Workshop: Tuesday 20 October 2015 For booking enquiries, please contact: Andrew Falconer-Borgars | T: 020 3033 4247 | E:
  • 4. 08:00 – 08:45 Registration 08.45 – 09.00 Chair’s welcome Harry Wallop, Feature Writer, Daily Telegraph 09.00 – 09.20 KEYNOTE ADDRESS Building a beloved brand: A decade of disruption Since its inception, Hotel Chocolat has never played by the rules of what people say a chocolate company should be. From its iconic chocolate slabs and self-confessed “ridiculously” thick Easter eggs, the brand has succeeded in making chocolate exciting and winning a loyal and growing fan base. Culminated in the accolade of being Britain’s “most advocated” brand, this is a phenomenal success story with the customer at its heart. Hear from the brand’s visionary and passionate founder about: The three guiding principles that have driven the brand’s success: Originality, authenticity and ethics Building a loyal community of chocolate fans: How to generate genuine advocacy What ‘experience’ means to Hotel Chocolat: Sensory, immersive and emotionally engaging Angus Thirlwell, CEO & Founder, Hotel Chocolat 09.20 – 09.25 Q&A Session with audience 09.25 – 09.45 In conversation with John Roberts, CEO of Winning the hearts of your customers by winning the happiness of your workforce How do you nurture passionate and engaged colleagues who are empowered to do the right thing for customers? This is not just a utopia but a reality for companies that are progressive enough to set the culture from the top. Watch this inspiring interview with a retail leader who has embedded an ethos that promotes employee happiness and fun. Don’t expect fluffy HR initiatives here, this is a story of compelling business leadership driving customer-centric growth results. Essential viewing for CEOs or Directors wanting to engage their CEOs to do the same for customers. 09.45 – 09.50 Q&A Session with audience 09.50 – 10.20 DEBATE Does your organisation need a Chief Customer Officer? The traditional retail board must adapt to stay relevant to today’s customers. In this interactive debate, we ask: is a CCO necessary to driving customer focus within organisations? An unprecedented role within the majority of retailers, this session will seek to define what the role should encompass and, crucially, question what difference it can make. Attend to compare the experiences of two retailers who have taken different approaches to prioritising the customer at board level. By challenging existing organisational structures and roles, this session will urge you to ask – are we leading in the right way? Representing a CCO-led organisation: Tracey Clements, Customer Strategy & Insight Director, Tesco Representing a non-CCO organisation: Mark Palmer, Group Marketing Director, Pret A Manger Liz Ericson, Digital Marketing and Sales Associate Principal, London, McKinsey 10.20 – 10.25 Q&A Session with audience Main Conference Day: Wednesday 21 October 2015 For more information on sponsoring the Customer Experience Summit please contact: Nikita Wolski, Account Manager | T: 020 3033 4287 | E: Book now from £749 No death by powerpoint – a stimulating interactive agenda No sales pitches allowed – just value added content! 70% at director level 60% retailer attendance
  • 5. Main Conference Day: Wednesday 21 October 2015 Stream A: Customer insight and personalisation Chaired by: Harry Wallop, Feature Writer, Daily Telegraph Stream B: Joining up the journey Chaired by: Nicola Harrison, Content Editor, Retail Week 12.20 - 12.50 10 Disrupters transforming the delivery experience The way in which customers receive items purchased online, in-store and via mobile has fast become the most important part of their experience. This session will look at how technology is transforming the delivery experience, with a review of the current landscape and an overview of 10 new and innovative models shaking up the system.   Why are we seeing a rise in the number of new tech businesses looking to assist with the delivery conundrum? What are the key innovations in the delivery space and how sustainable are some of the new models arising from this innovation? What is the retailer pain point they’re looking to resolve? Lian Rowlands, Director, Client Services - Retail, Serco Nicola Collister, Business Transformation Specialist, Custerian Sebastian Steinhauser, Founder & CEO, Parcelly Chaired by: Alex Hamilton, Head of Research, Retail Week Disrupting the retail model for better customer experience Looking at the transformations needed to create seamless and personalised experiences, Simon Dixon explores the disruptors that will drive your businesses’ multi-channel capabilities. Learn how to: Integrate in-store, online and mobile for a seamless and convenient customer experience Reshape your organisation for a digital future Turn your digital presence into a content-driven personalised experience that inspires and engages. Simon Dixon, Founder, Rockar 12.50 - 12.55 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience 10.25 – 10.55 The Connected Consumer – what will the modern consumer psyche look like The session will refer to the findings from the Retail Week Connected Consumer report, which has been written in association with Osborne Clarke and will be published soon. Our panellists will be tackling the key questions of what the future holds; when it comes to inspiring and engaging experiences, both in the physical and digital sense, what will customers be looking for and how are you going to win their loyalty? The complexities of creating a customer centric business are manifold; but what are the behavioural trends we need to be looking at now that will better equip us for the future? This session will explore: How will payment systems evolve in the global e-commerce landscape? What technologies are we seeing today that are going to change the future of retail, and what is just a flash in the pan? What will be the legal implications for the better connected consumer? Helen Grantham, Former Group General Counsel, Dixons Carphone Jon Fell, Partner, Osborne Clarke Natalie Hunt, IT and E-commerce Solicitor, Marks and Spencer plc Chaired by: Katie Barker, Deputy Commercial Editor, Retail Week Sponsored by Osborne Clarke 10.55 – 11.00 Q&A Session with audience 11.00 – 11.20 Networking break 11.20 – 11.50 Bring your open minds: A fresh perspective on customer experience As you’re well aware, we are witnessing a disruption in the balance of power between brands and their customers. It’s more important than ever that retailers invest in the technology to enable them to meet customer’s ever growing expectations, to avoid damaging their reputation, improve the consumer experience they offer and gain better business insight to drive smarter operations. It’s important to recognise that these trends are not occurring in retail alone. Technology and economic forces have changed the world and an obsession with winning, serving, and retaining customers is the only possible response, across a plethora of industries. This session invites you to gain insight from luminaries in other sectors, to hear what customer experience means to them, understand the challenges they are seeing, and to get their insight on the trends they predict for the future. Sue Morris, Director of Customer and Partner Experience, Microsoft Craig Ryder, Client Experience Director, KPMG Nunwood Chaired by: Katie Barker, Deputy Commercial Editor, Retail Week Sponsored by Microsoft 11.50 – 11.55 Q&A Session with audience 11.55 – 12.15 Postcards from the future: Understanding the psychology of tomorrow’s customers Today, the pace of change in consumer behaviour, technology and expectations is outstripping the rate at which retailers can respond. The Holy Grail is delivering on a customer need before they even realise they have that need. This session will take an evidence-based approach to crystal ball gazing in shopper behaviour. Attend to understand how you as a retailer need to adapt to keep customers satisfied. How shoppers really think: Understanding the psychological profiles of key customer demographics Myth-busting: Getting past the stereotypes and understanding what really matters to customers How consumer trends and demands are evolving: What can retailers expect next? From theory to real world: Practical applying the research to impact your bottom line and point of differentiation Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Group UK 12.15 - 12.20 Q&A Session with audience
  • 6. Main Conference Day: Wednesday 21 October 2015 Customer insight and personalisation Joining up the journey 13.55 - 14.25 PANEL DISCUSSION: Are customers getting enough value for giving up their precious information? Customer data is undoubtedly a powerful tool for improving the customer experience. Yet does capturing more customer data always result in better experiences or can it harm them? This session will bring alive the debate about how to balance data management with maintaining good relationships with your customers. Is giving up data a good or bad thing for customers? How do customers feel about the issue? How far do you go and what are the dangers for customers? What more should retailers do to protect their customers? Are retailers generating enough value for customers to make it worth it? How can stores use the wealth of online customer data they hold to offer cross-channel personalisation? Panellists include: Dave Robinson, Head of Personalisation, Boots Davide Cervellin, Head of EU Analytics, eBay Garreth Cameron, Business & Industry Group Manager, Information Commissioner’s Office Justis Saayman, Managing Consultant, IBM Marketing Cloud Sponsored by Silverpop PANEL DISCUSSION: Keeping up with journey complexity and measuring satisfaction across channels How are customer journeys changing? What are their expectations? How can you build flexibility into your multi-channel strategies to stay ahead? What is the most appropriate way to measure satisfaction across the customer journey? How do you quantify ROI without double counting? Where do you prioritise your investments? How to anticipate and plan for your customers’ channels of choice Making single customer view a reality: Is the technology delivering? Consistency is key: Different channel, same information, same standard of service Panellists include: Lynne Wood, Head of Customer Experience, John Lewis Mike Durbridge, Director of Omni-channel, B&Q Toby Wickenden, Head of Contact Centre & Customer Service Advisory, Vodafone Sponsored by Vodafone 14.25 - 14.30 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience 14.30 - 15.00 PANEL DISCUSSION: From lip service to passionate action – is retail taking Customer Experience far enough? Retail is often cited as an industry leader for customer experience, yet is it at risk of becoming complacent? Retail still lags behind hospitality in having a service culture embedded in its DNA and behind aviation for delivering customer-centric tech innovation. How can retailers stop doing more of the same and achieve a truly aspirational customer experience? This session will question the cultural and operational barriers to CX innovation and ask what really makes a difference to customers? Attend if you want to be motivated and inspired by a new vision for the future of customer experience in retail. Jenny Payne, Customer Services Director, Chiltern Railways Panellists to be confirmed. Create the seamless customer experience that your customers are seeking from you Today’s savvy customer has high expectations of a seamless and hassle-free shopping experience, regardless of the channel. How can you stay one step ahead of the increasingly demanding customer and deliver complete brand engagement across all channels? Explore how to deliver consistent experience across the different channels whether it’s social, email, website or in-store and ensuring this translates to the last mile offer Hear CRM success stories to help you effectively engage with the customer from start to post-purchase Identify the next big trends in connecting with your customer to help you deliver a great customer experience Madeleine Melson, Head of Customer Insight, House of Fraser Phil Crossley, Business Development Director, Teleperformance Sponsored by Teleperformance 15.00 - 15.05 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience 12.55 – 13.55 Lunch THINK TANK SESSION Turbo-charging the retail employee to better meet the needs of the consumer Brought to you to by Retail Week & Manhattan Associates * Chaired by: Alex Hamilton, Head of Research, Retail Week This session will discuss the growing role of retail staff as part of the customer experience proposition. Don’t miss this unique chance to debate how the customer-employee relationship is fast becoming a new front in the push for a better customer experience and what this means for your business and the industry as a whole. How is the retailer-customer relationship evolving and what part are retail employees playing in this dynamic? How is the relationship between retail employee and customer changing across social, online and, of course, in-store? What do customers want assistance with in-store with regards to customer experience/path to purchase? And how does this differ by age group? Do shoppers want a creative level of service that engages and excites? Or are they happy with a relationship with retail employees that hinges purely on the transactional? How can retailers up skill their workforce to better meet the needs of the modern day consumer? What technologies are available to assist retail staff in providing next-level customer experience? *This session is for retailers and by Invitation only, for more information or to request a place a this lunch contact
  • 7. Main Conference Day: Wednesday 21 October 2015 For more information on sponsoring the Customer Experience Summit please contact: Nikita Wolski, Account Manager | T: 020 3033 4287 | E: 16.35 – 16.55 CLOSING KEYNOTE One-to-watch interview with Rowan Gormley, CEO, Majestic Wines: Shaking up the wine trade with a focus on experience At the centre of one of the most significant mergers this year, Rowan Gormley is the man set to put the magic back into ailing brand Majestic Wines. Rowan is the perfect man for the job with an excellent growth track record as Founder of Naked Wines, the crowd-funded business where customers are known as “angels”. His priorities for business recovery include making the shopping experience “simpler, easier and more fun”. Watch this dynamic interview with the bold, quick-witted and often controversial leader and be inspired by his philosophy of putting customer experience at the heart of business growth. 16.55 – 17.00 Q&A Session with audience 17.00 – 17.10 Chair’s closing remarks 16.00 - 16.30 DIGITAL LEADERS PANEL Getting mobile right: Engaging the always-connected yet attention-short consumer As smartphones have now become a natural extension of ourselves, it’s little wonder that retailers are prioritising it as a core channel of engagement. Gaining your customer’s attention may be easy but sustaining it is far more challenging. Join this discussion to understand: how do you make mobile content engaging and entertaining? How do you create a simple yet compelling user experience? What does a good mobile-first strategy look like? Simplicity is key: Designing the optimal user experience What turns customers off? Avoiding invasive and alienating mobile experiences What makes a great app? Innovative ways to interact with mobile users when in-store Panellists include: Helen Colclough, E-commerce Development Manager, River Island Kate Cuthbertson, Mobile and mCommerce consultant, formerly of Asda Sandra Peat, Strategy Director, The Moment David Griffith-Jones, Digital Strategist, Cedar DCX THINK TANK The board’s not the problem: Engaging frontline teams to embrace customer-centric mind-sets Customer Experience has reached a stage where it is high on all board agendas yet is this mind-set reaching the teams delivering that experience every day? Take part in these expert-facilitated small group discussions to share experience with peers and uncover the best initiatives for turning teams into customer champions. From operational to customer-centric mind-sets: How do you engage and inspire your team to go above and beyond customer expectations? How do you empower teams to make independent decisions and do the right thing for customers? Making employees as product-savvy as your customers – what is the role of technology to inform and personalise the experience? Roundtable leaders include: Rik McShane, Retail Director, Waterstones Cathy Reid, Head of Customer Experience, Ann Summers Shane Finlay, Head of Retail Industry Value Engineering, UK & Eire, SAP Sponsored by Cisco SAP 16.30 - 16.35 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience Digital experience and engagement In-store experience and service 15.40 - 16.00 Networking break Digital experience and engagement In-store experience and service 15.05 - 15.35 What is the currency of customer loyalty? In a retail world of price comparison sites, discount forums and showrooming, the pursuit of customer loyalty is more important than ever. This session will examine the latest trends in loyalty programmes and take a look at what’s round the corner. Discussions will explore: is mobile taking over card-based schemes? Should you reward spend or active engagement? Attend to gain insight on what is driving loyalty for customers now and in the future. Nick Rudd, Propositions Director, Aimia Cathy Reid, Head of Customer Experience, Ann Summers Sponsored by Aimia Creating unique and engaging in-store experiences that don’t cost the earth With footage showcasing two of the most exciting brands in retail today, we’ll assess what a successful immersive and engaging physical environment looks like and explore: How to embed a culture of service excellence Reinventing the store for a digital age: Blending the offline and online experiences Beyond gimmicks: Technology that truly empowers choice and makes customers’ lives easier Participants include: Jochem Verheijen, Head of Coffee, Harris+Hoole Darren Williams, International Retail Director, T2 15.35 - 15.40 Q&A Session with audience Q&A Session with audience
  • 8. REGISTER NOW: For more information or assitance in booking your place please contact: Andrew Falconer-Borgars T: 020 3033 4247 E: Pricing 2015 21 OCTOBER 2015 30 EUSTON SQUARE LONDON Join the UK’s leading retailers Book today! DELEGATE TYPE RETAILER NON-RETAILER ATTENDEE NETWORKING VIP ATTENDEE NETWORKING VIP Delegate pass to one day conference ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ Access to the drinks reception ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ Speakers presentations post event ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ Access to event app ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ Enhanced access to event app networking tool ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ Delegate List (name, job title, company) ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ Trial subscription to Retail Week ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ Access to the lounge which includes meeting space, enhanced refreshments & charger points ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ Complementary Travel to Customer Expe- rience Awards (excludes seat at awards) ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ Fast track VIP registration and coat check ✔︎ ✔︎ Reserved seating in the main plenary sessions ✔︎ ✔︎ Reserved seat at the Speaker & VIP Dinner ✔︎ ✔︎ 2015 PRICING RETAILER RATES Retailer Standard Retailer Networking Retailer VIP Retailer Standard plus Workshop Retailer Networking plus Workshop Retailer VIP plus Workshop Standard Retailer rates £899.00 £999.00 £1,099.00 £1,149.00 £1,249.00 £1,349.00 NON- RETAILER RATES Non-retailer Standard Non-retailer Networking Non-retailer VIP Non-retailer Standard plus Workshop Non-retailer Networking plus Workshop Non-retailer VIP plus Workshop Standard Retailer rates £1,249.00 £1,349.00 £1,399.00 £1,549.00 £1,649.00 £1,699.00 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Would you like to position yourself or your service in front of leading customer experience professionals across retail? To partner with us for the Customer Experience Summit please contact : Nikita Wolski, Account Manager T: 020 3033 4287 E: