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Student Record Keeping System Database Project
Professor’s Name
Student’s Name
Course Title
Project Description
In any learning environment like most learning institutions,
their success in academic endeavors depends on the ability of
the institution to acquire accurate as well as up to date
information regarding its daily activities. This will specifically
help the organizational management in effectively managing as
well as the use of the available data in analyzing as well as
guiding its activities. The major important data that a learning
organization must take good care of is the information regarding
the students. The students being the main customers or
stakeholders of learning institutions, their data which ranges
from the student’s background information, the course being
undertaken by the student, the financial status of the student
besides the beginning and ending years of their study must be
well kept and in an organized manner. Therefore the main and
specific objective of this project is to create or develop a
student database system that will assist in storing the students’
records, hence reducing the duration spent on managerial issues
(Al-Dmour, 2016).
According to the architecture of the database, it will mainly
accept, process, besides generating the students' reports which
will encompass the grades and transcripts respectively. The
provision of better services to the registrar, provision of
meaningful information, keeping consistency, timely
information as well as efficiency in the conversion of
paperwork to electronic form are also some of the areas where
this “Students Record-Keeping System Database” will assist
(Frantiska, 2018).
This “Students Record-Keeping System Database” will be
developed by the use of basic technologies which are Microsoft
access, the embedded visual basic, as well as the graffiti
creator. It must be noted that this system will be free of errors
with 99% efficiency, note unless the error is caused by the user
like errors of omission. It will also be less time consuming as a
result of the great care that will be taken when developing the
system. It must be noted also that all the database system
creation phases will be employed while developing the
“Students Record-Keeping System Database”, and therefore, it
is with no doubt that this database system will be a user-
friendly one besides being strong (Al-Btoush, 2015). The
system will also have some provisions for future development
of the system if need be.
The main features of the systems will be; the ability to deal
with all details of the students starting from the first day to the
last day of the student’s his or her course. This can be
specifically be also utilized for all the reporting purposes,
tracking for attendance, progress in the course, the completed
semester years, coming year curriculum details, the examination
details, the project or as well as any other assignment details
and the final examination results. It must be noted also that all
this are purposed for future reference more especially during the
interpretation of the organizational performance. Therefore, it’s
generally important to state that, the system will be able to
capture, validate, sort, classify, compute, summarize, store as
well as retrieve data which corresponds to the students’ details
(Villa, Moreno, & Guzmán, 2018).
Logical Flow of Data within the System
The following diagram indicates the general circulation of data
within the system staring from when the user (registrar signs in
and out of the database system.
Sign in granted
Request to edit Request to sign in
Request to view and point
Process Model
From the above flow diagram, the channel running from the
Database to Process model represents the information retrieval
process. The channel running from the Process model to the
Database also represents the information storage process. From
the flow diagram, it’s also clear that the system is secure since
the user has to enter the password for him or her to be allowed
access into the system. Then after he or she is through, he or
she must sign out from the system. Finally, the system has got
the capability of retrieving the information stored at a very
faster rate, hence saving time and money (Liu, Zeng, Zhang, &
Zou, 2018, December).
Entity Relation Diagrams
These are specialized graphics that tend to illustrate the
correlation between entities in the student record keeping
system database system. The following are the entity-
relationship diagrams that will be generated from the database
The following are the entity-relationship as well as their
cardinality. The section demonstrating the binary relationships
between two main entities in the system are as represented in
the diagram below.
From the above entity diagram, it’s clear that a student may, for
instance, enroll in none, one, or even more courses. Similarly, a
course can be joined by none, one or even many students. It
must be noted that the reporting date is recorded in the
registration date attribute of this relationship (Zhao, Zhu, Yu,
Zhang, & Wu, 2018).
From the above diagram, it’s clear that a transcript must have to
record the grade not less than one course; however, it may
record grades for as many courses as possible. It must also be
noted that a course may happen to appear on zero, one or many
transcripts. Also, a student will have to be either issued with
one transcript or not. A transcript is however and must be only
signed to an individual student (Zhang, et al. 2017)
The above entity indicates that a course can specify none, one,
or many prerequisite courses. Also, a course may be a
prerequisite for none, single or even many courses.
Form Dependency Diagram
The below is the attached is the form dependency diagram
which was generated in the student record keeping system
Implementation of the database
As stated in the project description, mainly, SQL programming
language will be utilized in developing this database, alongside
visual basic as well as Graffiti Creator (Dainton, & Chu, 2017).
To start with, upon the student entry into a learning
organization, he or she will have to be registered into the
system. In this project, the registration of the student, his or her
course as well as the department will be combined for easy
navigation (Elsaadany, & Abbas, 2016, May). The following
represents the SQL scripts of the registration, course as well as
the department of the student alongside its database.-- Create
the student information table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Student]')AND type in
(N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student]([StudentID]
[int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[LastName] [nvarchar](50)
NOT NULL,[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[HireDate]
[datetime] NULL,[EnrollmentDate] [datetime]
NULL,[Discriminator] [nvarchar](50) NOT
sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Course]')AND type in
(N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Course]([CourseID] [int]
NOT NULL,[Location] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Days]
[nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Time] [smalldatetime] NOT
Department table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM
sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Department]')AND type in
[dbo].[Department]([DepartmentID] [int] NOT NULL,[Name]
[nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Budget] [money] NOT
NULL,[StartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,[Administrator] [int]
[PRIMARY]ENDGOThe following is the resulting students’
admission table upon executing the above SQL script
program.The next phase is the class attendance system which
will be helpful in tracking the students’ progress in the
academic program (Gupta, Iyer, Singh, & Kadam, 2017). The
following is an SQL Script for students’ attendance program.--
Create the StudentAttendance table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentAttendance]')AND type in
[dbo].[StudentAttendance]([CourseID] [int] NOT
[PK_StudentAttendance] PRIMARY KEY
[PRIMARY]ENDGOThe following is the attendance table that
results upon executing the above programs with the names and
exact number of students in class. Before displaying the
database in one table, the student grades and transcripts have to
be embedded in the database system also for the purpose of ease
tracking of the student’s academics (Olanipekun, & Boyinbode,
2015). The following SQL Script will be used to define the
student grades and transcripts in the database;--Create the
StudentGrade table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM
sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentGrade]')AND type in
[dbo].[StudentGrade]([EnrollmentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1)
NOT NULL,[CourseID] [int] NOT NULL,[StudentID] [int] NOT
NULL,[Grade] [decimal](3, 2) NULL,CONSTRAINT
[PK_StudentGrade] PRIMARY KEY
[PRIMARY]ENDGO-- Create the StudentTranscript table.IF
NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id
= OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentTranscript]')AND type in
[dbo].[StudentTranscript]([InstructorID] [int] NOT
NULL,[Location] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Timestamp]
[PK_StudentTranscript] PRIMARY KEY
combination of all the above SQL Script programs, the is an
overall resulting database that will represent the general
“Student Record Keeping System Database” In the table's
sections, although not all tables are represented in the database,
majority of the important identities has been represented. For
instance, the student the administration, the faculty, the class
timetable as well as the curriculum (Sudha, Shinde, Thomas, &
Abdugani, 2015). The following table shows the database of the
“Student Record Keeping System Database.”Student Record
Keeping System Database TableTable with Queries for Student
Record-Keeping Database
Al-Btoush, A. A. S. (2015). Extracting Entity Relationship
Diagram (ERD) from English Sentences. International Journal
of Database Theory and Application, 8(2), 235-244.
Al-Dmour, A. (2016). Development and evaluation of a game-
based learning system for supporting entity-relationship
diagramming skills. International Journal of Knowledge and
Learning, 11(4), 248-263.
Chandramohan, J., Nagarajan, R., Dineshkumar, T., Kannan, G.,
& Prakash, R. (2017). The attendance monitoring system of
students based on biometric and GPS tracking systems.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management
and Science, 3(3).
Dainton, C., & Chu, C. H. (2017). A review of electronic
medical record-keeping on mobile medical service trips in
austere settings. International journal of medical informatics,
98, 33-40.
Elsaadany, A., & Abbas, K. (2016, May). Development and
implementation of the e-learning system in smart educational
environment. In 2016 39th International Convention on
Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and
Microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp. 1004-1009). IEEE.
Foster, E. C., & Godbole, S. (2016). Database systems: a
pragmatic approach. Apress.
Frantiska, J. (2018). Entity-relationship diagrams. In
Visualization Tools for Learning Environment Development
(pp. 21-30). Springer, Cham.
Gupta, M., Iyer, K. K., Singh, M. R., & Kadam, A. K. (2017).
Automated Online College Admission Management System. In
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and
Islam, M. M., Hasan, M. K., Billah, M. M., & Uddin, M. M.
(2017, December). Development of a smartphone-based student
attendance system. In 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian
Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 230-233). IEEE.
Liu, Y., Zeng, X., Zhang, K., & Zou, Y. (2018, December).
Transforming Entity-Relationship Diagrams to Relational
Schemas Using a Graph Grammar Formalism. In 2018 IEEE
International Conference on Progress in Informatics and
Computing (PIC) (pp. 327-331). IEEE.
Lukas, S., Mitra, A. R., Desanti, R. I., & Krisnadi, D. (2016,
October). Student attendance system in the classroom using a
face recognition technique. In 2016 International Conference on
Information and Communication Technology Convergence
(ICTC) (pp. 1032-1035). IEEE.
Mittal, Y., Varshney, A., Aggarwal, P., Matani, K., & Mittal, V.
K. (2015, December). Fingerprint biometric-based access
control and classroom attendance management system. In 2015
Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Olanipekun, A. A., & Boyinbode, O. K. (2015). An RFID based
automatic attendance system in educational institutions of
Nigeria. International Journal of Smart Home, 9(12), 65-74.
Villa, F., Moreno, F., & Guzmán, J. (2018, August). An
Analysis of a Methodology that Transforms the Entity-
Relationship Model into a Conceptual Model for a Graph
Database. In International Conference for Emerging
Technologies in Computing (pp. 70-83). Springer, Cham.
Zhang, L., Shi, L., Zhang, B., Zhao, L., Dong, Y., Liu, J., ... &
Pei, S. (2017). Probabilistic Entity-Relationship Diagram: A
correlation between functional connectivity and spontaneous
brain activity during resting state in major depressive disorder.
PloS one, 12(6), e0178386.
Zhao, P., Zhu, Y., Yu, J., Zhang, Y., & Wu, J. (2018, May). A
Visualization Scheme for Multi-Entity Relationship. In
Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on
Digital Libraries (pp. 401-402). ACM.
Student Record Keeping System Database
Name of student
Professor’s name
Project Description
The main and specific objective of this project is to create or
develop a student database system which will assist in storing
students’ records.
The database will help in reducing the duration spent on
managerial issues (Al-Dmour, 2016).
Based on architecture of the database, the database will mainly
accept, process, besides generating the students reports which
will encompass the grades and transcripts respectively
(Frantiska, 2018).
In any learning environment like most learning institutions,
their success in academic endeavor depends on the ability of the
institution to acquire accurate as well as up to date information
regarding its daily activities. This will specifically help the
organizational management in effectively managing as well as
use of the available data in analyzing as well as guiding its
activities. The major important data that a learning organization
must take good care of is the information regarding the
students. The students being the main customers or stakeholders
of learning institutions, their data which ranges from the
student’s background information, the course being undertaken
by the student, the financial status of the student besides the
beginning and ending years of their study must be well kept and
in an organized manner. Therefore the main and specific
objective of this project is to create or develop a student
database system which will assist in storing the students’
records, hence reducing the duration spent on managerial issues
Features of the database
This “Students Record Keeping System Database” will be
developed by the use of basic technologies which include
Microsoft access
The embedded visual basic
The graffiti creator.
The system will be free of errors with a 99% efficiency.
The system will be able to capture, validate, sort, classify,
compute, summarize, store as well as retrieve data which
corresponds to students’ details (Villa, Moreno, & Guzmán,
2018: Liu et al2018).
The main features of the systems will be; the ability to deal
with all details of the students starting from the first day to the
last day of the student’s his or her course. This can be
specifically be also utilized for all the reporting purpose,
tracking for attendance, progress in the course, the completed
semester years, coming year curriculum details, the examination
details, the project or as well as any other assignment details
and the final examination results. It must be noted also that all
this are purposed for the future reference more especially during
the interpretation of the organizational performance. Therefore,
it’s generally important to state that, the system will be able to
capture, validate, sort, classify, compute, summarize, store as
well as retrieve data which corresponds to the students’ details.
This “Students Record Keeping System Database” will be
developed by the use of basic technologies which are Microsoft
access, the embedded visual basic, as well as the graffiti
creator. It must be noted that this system will be free of errors
with a 99% efficiency, note unless the error is caused by the
user like errors of omission.
Logical Flow of Data within the System
The following diagram indicates the general circulation of data
within the system staring from when the user (registrar) signs in
and out of the database system.
The following diagram indicates the general circulation of data
within the system staring from when the user (registrar) signs in
and out of the database system.
From the above flow diagram, the channel running from
Database to Process model represent information retrieval
process. The channel running from the Process model to the
Database also represents information storage process. From the
flow diagram, it’s also clear that the system is secure since the
user have to enter the password for him or her to be allowed
access into the system. Then after he or she is through, he or
she must sign out from the system. Finally, the system has got
the capability of retrieving the information stored at a very
faster rate, hence saving time and money.
Entity Relation Diagrams For the Database
Entity relationship diagrams are specialized graphics which
tends to illustrate the correlation between entities in the student
record keeping system database system(Zhao et al., 2018). The
slide is a representation of the entity relationship diagrams that
will be generated from the database system
The section demonstrating the binary relationships between two
main entities in the system are as represented in the diagram
From the first entity diagram, it’s clear that a student may for
instance enroll in none, one, or even more courses. Similarly, a
course can be joined by none, one or even many students. It
must be noted that the reporting date is recorded in the
registration date attribute of this relationship(Zhang, et al.
From the second diagram, it’s clear that a transcript must have
to record the grade not less than one course, however, may
record grades for as many courses as possible. It must also be
noted that a course may happen to appear on zero, one or many
transcripts. Also, a student will have to be either issued with
one transcript or not. A transcript is however and must be only
signed to an individual student.
The third entity indicates that a course can specify none, one, or
many prerequisite courses. Also, a course may be a prerequisite
for none, single or even many courses.
Form Dependency Diagram of the Database
The above slide is the form dependency diagram which was
generated in the student record keeping system database.
Implementation of the Database
To start, upon the student entry into a learning organization, he
or she will have to be registered into the system.
In this project, the registration of the student, his or her course
as well as the department will be combined for easy navigation
(Elsaadany, & Abbas, 2016).
The next slide represents the SQL scripts of the registration,
course as well as the department of the student alongside its
-- Create the student information table.IF NOT EXISTS
(SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Student]')AND type in
(N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student]([StudentID]
[int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[LastName] [nvarchar](50)
NOT NULL,[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[HireDate]
[datetime] NULL,[EnrollmentDate] [datetime]
NULL,[Discriminator] [nvarchar](50) NOT
Create the Course table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM
sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Course]')AND type in
(N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Course]([CourseID] [int]
NOT NULL,[Location] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Days]
[nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Time] [smalldatetime] NOT
Create the Department table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Department]')AND type in
[dbo].[Department]([DepartmentID] [int] NOT NULL,[Name]
[nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Budget] [money] NOT
NULL,[StartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,[Administrator] [int]
Results of the SQL execution
The slide is the resulting students’ admission table upon
executing the above SQL script program.
The class attendance system
The following is an SQL Script for students’ attendance
-- Create the StudentAttendance table.IF NOT EXISTS
(SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentAttendance]')AND type in
[dbo].[StudentAttendance]([CourseID] [int] NOT
[PK_StudentAttendance] PRIMARY KEY
The next phase is the class attendance system which will be
helpful in tracking the students’ progress in the academic
program .
The attendance table that results upon the SQL execution
SQL Script to be used to define the student grades and
transcripts in the database
--Create the StudentGrade table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentGrade]')AND type in
[dbo].[StudentGrade]([EnrollmentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1)
NOT NULL,[CourseID] [int] NOT NULL,[StudentID] [int] NOT
NULL,[Grade] [decimal](3, 2) NULL,CONSTRAINT
[PK_StudentGrade] PRIMARY KEY
-- Create the StudentTranscript table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT
* FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id =
OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentTranscript]')AND type in
[dbo].[StudentTranscript]([InstructorID] [int] NOT
NULL,[Location] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Timestamp]
[PK_StudentTranscript] PRIMARY KEY
Before displaying the database in one table, the student grades
and transcripts have to be embedded in the database system also
for the purpose of ease tracking of the student’s academics.
The SQL Script in the slide will be used to define the student
grades and transcripts in the database (Gupta, Iyer, Singh, &
Kadam, 2017).
Table showing the database of Student Record Keeping System
After the combination of all the above SQL Script programs, the
is an overall resulting database which will represent the general
“Student Record Keeping System Database” In the tables
sections, although not all tables are represented in the database,
majority of the important identities has been represented
(Olanipekun, & Boyinbode, 2015).
The above slide captures the database of “Student Record
Keeping System Database.”
Table with queries for student record keeping database
The above slide is captures table with queries for student record
keeping database.
Al-Btoush, A. A. S. (2015). Extracting Entity Relationship
Diagram (ERD) from English Sentences. International Journal
of Database Theory and Application, 8(2), 235-244.
Al-Dmour, A. (2016). Development and evaluation of game-
based learning system for supporting entity relationship
diagramming skills. International Journal of Knowledge and
Learning, 11(4), 248-263.
Chandramohan, J., Nagarajan, R., Dineshkumar, T., Kannan, G.,
& Prakash, R. (2017). Attendance monitoring system of students
based on biometric and gps tracking system. International
Journal of Advanced engineering, Management and Science,
Dainton, C., & Chu, C. H. (2017). A review of electronic
medical record keeping on mobile medical service trips in
austere settings. International journal of medical informatics,
98, 33-40.
Elsaadany, A., & Abbas, K. (2016, May). Development and
implementation of e-learning system in smart educational
environment. In 2016 39th International Convention on
Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and
Microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp. 1004-1009). IEEE.
Foster, E. C., & Godbole, S. (2016). Database systems: a
pragmatic approach. Apress.
Frantiska, J. (2018). Entity-relationship diagrams. In
Visualization Tools for Learning Environment Development
(pp. 21-30). Springer, Cham.
Gupta, M., Iyer, K. K., Singh, M. R., & Kadam, A. K. (2017).
Automated Online College Admission Management System. In
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and
Islam, M. M., Hasan, M. K., Billah, M. M., & Uddin, M. M.
(2017, December). Development of smartphone-based student
attendance system. In 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian
Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 230-233). IEEE.
Liu, Y., Zeng, X., Zhang, K., & Zou, Y. (2018, December).
Transforming Entity-Relationship Diagrams to Relational
Schemas Using a Graph Grammar Formalism. In 2018 IEEE
International Conference on Progress in Informatics and
Computing (PIC) (pp. 327-331). IEEE.
Lukas, S., Mitra, A. R., Desanti, R. I., & Krisnadi, D. (2016,
October). Student attendance system in classroom using face
recognition technique. In 2016 International Conference on
Information and Communication Technology Convergence
(ICTC) (pp. 1032-1035). IEEE.
Mittal, Y., Varshney, A., Aggarwal, P., Matani, K., & Mittal, V.
K. (2015, December). Fingerprint biometric based access
control and classroom attendance management system. In 2015
Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Olanipekun, A. A., & Boyinbode, O. K. (2015). A RFID based
automatic attendance system in educational institutions of
Nigeria. International Journal of Smart Home, 9(12), 65-74.
Villa, F., Moreno, F., & Guzmán, J. (2018, August). An
Analysis of a Methodology that Transforms the Entity-
Relationship Model into a Conceptual Model for a Graph
Database. In International Conference for Emerging
Technologies in Computing (pp. 70-83). Springer, Cham.
Zhang, L., Shi, L., Zhang, B., Zhao, L., Dong, Y., Liu, J., ... &
Pei, S. (2017). Probabilistic Entity-Relationship Diagram: A
correlation between functional connectivity and spontaneous
brain activity during resting state in major depressive disorder.
PloS one, 12(6), e0178386.
Zhao, P., Zhu, Y., Yu, J., Zhang, Y., & Wu, J. (2018, May). A
Visualization Scheme for Multi-Entity Relationship. In
Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on
Digital Libraries (pp. 401-402). ACM.

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  • 1. Running Head: STUDENT RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM DATABASE PROJECT 1 STUDENT RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM DATABASE PROJECT 15 Student Record Keeping System Database Project Professor’s Name Student’s Name Course Title Date Project Description In any learning environment like most learning institutions, their success in academic endeavors depends on the ability of the institution to acquire accurate as well as up to date information regarding its daily activities. This will specifically help the organizational management in effectively managing as well as the use of the available data in analyzing as well as guiding its activities. The major important data that a learning organization must take good care of is the information regarding the students. The students being the main customers or stakeholders of learning institutions, their data which ranges from the student’s background information, the course being
  • 2. undertaken by the student, the financial status of the student besides the beginning and ending years of their study must be well kept and in an organized manner. Therefore the main and specific objective of this project is to create or develop a student database system that will assist in storing the students’ records, hence reducing the duration spent on managerial issues (Al-Dmour, 2016). According to the architecture of the database, it will mainly accept, process, besides generating the students' reports which will encompass the grades and transcripts respectively. The provision of better services to the registrar, provision of meaningful information, keeping consistency, timely information as well as efficiency in the conversion of paperwork to electronic form are also some of the areas where this “Students Record-Keeping System Database” will assist (Frantiska, 2018). This “Students Record-Keeping System Database” will be developed by the use of basic technologies which are Microsoft access, the embedded visual basic, as well as the graffiti creator. It must be noted that this system will be free of errors with 99% efficiency, note unless the error is caused by the user like errors of omission. It will also be less time consuming as a result of the great care that will be taken when developing the system. It must be noted also that all the database system creation phases will be employed while developing the “Students Record-Keeping System Database”, and therefore, it is with no doubt that this database system will be a user- friendly one besides being strong (Al-Btoush, 2015). The system will also have some provisions for future development of the system if need be. The main features of the systems will be; the ability to deal with all details of the students starting from the first day to the last day of the student’s his or her course. This can be specifically be also utilized for all the reporting purposes, tracking for attendance, progress in the course, the completed semester years, coming year curriculum details, the examination
  • 3. details, the project or as well as any other assignment details and the final examination results. It must be noted also that all this are purposed for future reference more especially during the interpretation of the organizational performance. Therefore, it’s generally important to state that, the system will be able to capture, validate, sort, classify, compute, summarize, store as well as retrieve data which corresponds to the students’ details (Villa, Moreno, & Guzmán, 2018). Logical Flow of Data within the System The following diagram indicates the general circulation of data within the system staring from when the user (registrar signs in and out of the database system. Sign in granted Request to edit Request to sign in Request to view and point Registrar Process Model Database From the above flow diagram, the channel running from the Database to Process model represents the information retrieval process. The channel running from the Process model to the Database also represents the information storage process. From the flow diagram, it’s also clear that the system is secure since the user has to enter the password for him or her to be allowed access into the system. Then after he or she is through, he or she must sign out from the system. Finally, the system has got the capability of retrieving the information stored at a very faster rate, hence saving time and money (Liu, Zeng, Zhang, & Zou, 2018, December). Entity Relation Diagrams These are specialized graphics that tend to illustrate the correlation between entities in the student record keeping
  • 4. system database system. The following are the entity- relationship diagrams that will be generated from the database system. The following are the entity-relationship as well as their cardinality. The section demonstrating the binary relationships between two main entities in the system are as represented in the diagram below. From the above entity diagram, it’s clear that a student may, for instance, enroll in none, one, or even more courses. Similarly, a course can be joined by none, one or even many students. It must be noted that the reporting date is recorded in the registration date attribute of this relationship (Zhao, Zhu, Yu, Zhang, & Wu, 2018). From the above diagram, it’s clear that a transcript must have to record the grade not less than one course; however, it may record grades for as many courses as possible. It must also be noted that a course may happen to appear on zero, one or many transcripts. Also, a student will have to be either issued with one transcript or not. A transcript is however and must be only signed to an individual student (Zhang, et al. 2017) The above entity indicates that a course can specify none, one, or many prerequisite courses. Also, a course may be a prerequisite for none, single or even many courses. Form Dependency Diagram The below is the attached is the form dependency diagram which was generated in the student record keeping system database. Implementation of the database As stated in the project description, mainly, SQL programming language will be utilized in developing this database, alongside
  • 5. visual basic as well as Graffiti Creator (Dainton, & Chu, 2017). To start with, upon the student entry into a learning organization, he or she will have to be registered into the system. In this project, the registration of the student, his or her course as well as the department will be combined for easy navigation (Elsaadany, & Abbas, 2016, May). The following represents the SQL scripts of the registration, course as well as the department of the student alongside its database.-- Create the student information table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Student]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student]([StudentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[HireDate] [datetime] NULL,[EnrollmentDate] [datetime] NULL,[Discriminator] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_School.Student] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([StudentID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGO-- Create the Course table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Course]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Course]([CourseID] [int] NOT NULL,[Location] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Days] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Time] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_Course] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([CourseID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGO-- Create the Department table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Department]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Department]([DepartmentID] [int] NOT NULL,[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Budget] [money] NOT NULL,[StartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,[Administrator] [int] NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_Department] PRIMARY KEY
  • 6. CLUSTERED([DepartmentID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGOThe following is the resulting students’ admission table upon executing the above SQL script program.The next phase is the class attendance system which will be helpful in tracking the students’ progress in the academic program (Gupta, Iyer, Singh, & Kadam, 2017). The following is an SQL Script for students’ attendance program.-- Create the StudentAttendance table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentAttendance]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[StudentAttendance]([CourseID] [int] NOT NULL,[StudentID] [int] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_StudentAttendance] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([StudentID] ASC,[StudentID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGOThe following is the attendance table that results upon executing the above programs with the names and exact number of students in class. Before displaying the database in one table, the student grades and transcripts have to be embedded in the database system also for the purpose of ease tracking of the student’s academics (Olanipekun, & Boyinbode, 2015). The following SQL Script will be used to define the student grades and transcripts in the database;--Create the StudentGrade table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentGrade]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[StudentGrade]([EnrollmentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[CourseID] [int] NOT NULL,[StudentID] [int] NOT NULL,[Grade] [decimal](3, 2) NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_StudentGrade] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([EnrollmentID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGO-- Create the StudentTranscript table.IF
  • 7. NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentTranscript]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[StudentTranscript]([InstructorID] [int] NOT NULL,[Location] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Timestamp] [timestamp] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_StudentTranscript] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([InstructorID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGO After the combination of all the above SQL Script programs, the is an overall resulting database that will represent the general “Student Record Keeping System Database” In the table's sections, although not all tables are represented in the database, majority of the important identities has been represented. For instance, the student the administration, the faculty, the class timetable as well as the curriculum (Sudha, Shinde, Thomas, & Abdugani, 2015). The following table shows the database of the “Student Record Keeping System Database.”Student Record Keeping System Database TableTable with Queries for Student Record-Keeping Database References: Al-Btoush, A. A. S. (2015). Extracting Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) from English Sentences. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 8(2), 235-244. Al-Dmour, A. (2016). Development and evaluation of a game- based learning system for supporting entity-relationship diagramming skills. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 11(4), 248-263.
  • 8. Chandramohan, J., Nagarajan, R., Dineshkumar, T., Kannan, G., & Prakash, R. (2017). The attendance monitoring system of students based on biometric and GPS tracking systems. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 3(3). Dainton, C., & Chu, C. H. (2017). A review of electronic medical record-keeping on mobile medical service trips in austere settings. International journal of medical informatics, 98, 33-40. Elsaadany, A., & Abbas, K. (2016, May). Development and implementation of the e-learning system in smart educational environment. In 2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp. 1004-1009). IEEE. Foster, E. C., & Godbole, S. (2016). Database systems: a pragmatic approach. Apress. Frantiska, J. (2018). Entity-relationship diagrams. In Visualization Tools for Learning Environment Development (pp. 21-30). Springer, Cham. Gupta, M., Iyer, K. K., Singh, M. R., & Kadam, A. K. (2017). Automated Online College Admission Management System. In International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology. Islam, M. M., Hasan, M. K., Billah, M. M., & Uddin, M. M. (2017, December). Development of a smartphone-based student attendance system. In 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 230-233). IEEE. Liu, Y., Zeng, X., Zhang, K., & Zou, Y. (2018, December). Transforming Entity-Relationship Diagrams to Relational Schemas Using a Graph Grammar Formalism. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC) (pp. 327-331). IEEE. Lukas, S., Mitra, A. R., Desanti, R. I., & Krisnadi, D. (2016, October). Student attendance system in the classroom using a face recognition technique. In 2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence
  • 9. (ICTC) (pp. 1032-1035). IEEE. Mittal, Y., Varshney, A., Aggarwal, P., Matani, K., & Mittal, V. K. (2015, December). Fingerprint biometric-based access control and classroom attendance management system. In 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Olanipekun, A. A., & Boyinbode, O. K. (2015). An RFID based automatic attendance system in educational institutions of Nigeria. International Journal of Smart Home, 9(12), 65-74. Villa, F., Moreno, F., & Guzmán, J. (2018, August). An Analysis of a Methodology that Transforms the Entity- Relationship Model into a Conceptual Model for a Graph Database. In International Conference for Emerging Technologies in Computing (pp. 70-83). Springer, Cham. Zhang, L., Shi, L., Zhang, B., Zhao, L., Dong, Y., Liu, J., ... & Pei, S. (2017). Probabilistic Entity-Relationship Diagram: A correlation between functional connectivity and spontaneous brain activity during resting state in major depressive disorder. PloS one, 12(6), e0178386. Zhao, P., Zhu, Y., Yu, J., Zhang, Y., & Wu, J. (2018, May). A Visualization Scheme for Multi-Entity Relationship. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (pp. 401-402). ACM. Student Record Keeping System Database Name of student Professor’s name Institution Date
  • 10. Project Description The main and specific objective of this project is to create or develop a student database system which will assist in storing students’ records. The database will help in reducing the duration spent on managerial issues (Al-Dmour, 2016). Based on architecture of the database, the database will mainly accept, process, besides generating the students reports which will encompass the grades and transcripts respectively (Frantiska, 2018). In any learning environment like most learning institutions, their success in academic endeavor depends on the ability of the institution to acquire accurate as well as up to date information regarding its daily activities. This will specifically help the organizational management in effectively managing as well as use of the available data in analyzing as well as guiding its activities. The major important data that a learning organization must take good care of is the information regarding the students. The students being the main customers or stakeholders of learning institutions, their data which ranges from the student’s background information, the course being undertaken by the student, the financial status of the student besides the beginning and ending years of their study must be well kept and in an organized manner. Therefore the main and specific objective of this project is to create or develop a student database system which will assist in storing the students’ records, hence reducing the duration spent on managerial issues 2
  • 11. Features of the database This “Students Record Keeping System Database” will be developed by the use of basic technologies which include Microsoft access The embedded visual basic The graffiti creator. The system will be free of errors with a 99% efficiency. The system will be able to capture, validate, sort, classify, compute, summarize, store as well as retrieve data which corresponds to students’ details (Villa, Moreno, & Guzmán, 2018: Liu et al2018). The main features of the systems will be; the ability to deal with all details of the students starting from the first day to the last day of the student’s his or her course. This can be specifically be also utilized for all the reporting purpose, tracking for attendance, progress in the course, the completed semester years, coming year curriculum details, the examination details, the project or as well as any other assignment details and the final examination results. It must be noted also that all this are purposed for the future reference more especially during the interpretation of the organizational performance. Therefore, it’s generally important to state that, the system will be able to capture, validate, sort, classify, compute, summarize, store as well as retrieve data which corresponds to the students’ details. This “Students Record Keeping System Database” will be developed by the use of basic technologies which are Microsoft access, the embedded visual basic, as well as the graffiti creator. It must be noted that this system will be free of errors with a 99% efficiency, note unless the error is caused by the
  • 12. user like errors of omission. 3 Logical Flow of Data within the System The following diagram indicates the general circulation of data within the system staring from when the user (registrar) signs in and out of the database system. The following diagram indicates the general circulation of data within the system staring from when the user (registrar) signs in and out of the database system. From the above flow diagram, the channel running from Database to Process model represent information retrieval process. The channel running from the Process model to the Database also represents information storage process. From the flow diagram, it’s also clear that the system is secure since the user have to enter the password for him or her to be allowed access into the system. Then after he or she is through, he or she must sign out from the system. Finally, the system has got the capability of retrieving the information stored at a very faster rate, hence saving time and money. 4 Entity Relation Diagrams For the Database
  • 13. Entity relationship diagrams are specialized graphics which tends to illustrate the correlation between entities in the student record keeping system database system(Zhao et al., 2018). The slide is a representation of the entity relationship diagrams that will be generated from the database system 5 Cont’d The section demonstrating the binary relationships between two main entities in the system are as represented in the diagram below. From the first entity diagram, it’s clear that a student may for instance enroll in none, one, or even more courses. Similarly, a course can be joined by none, one or even many students. It must be noted that the reporting date is recorded in the registration date attribute of this relationship(Zhang, et al. 2017). From the second diagram, it’s clear that a transcript must have to record the grade not less than one course, however, may record grades for as many courses as possible. It must also be noted that a course may happen to appear on zero, one or many transcripts. Also, a student will have to be either issued with one transcript or not. A transcript is however and must be only
  • 14. signed to an individual student. The third entity indicates that a course can specify none, one, or many prerequisite courses. Also, a course may be a prerequisite for none, single or even many courses. 6 Form Dependency Diagram of the Database The above slide is the form dependency diagram which was generated in the student record keeping system database. 7 Implementation of the Database To start, upon the student entry into a learning organization, he or she will have to be registered into the system. In this project, the registration of the student, his or her course as well as the department will be combined for easy navigation (Elsaadany, & Abbas, 2016). The next slide represents the SQL scripts of the registration, course as well as the department of the student alongside its database.
  • 15. -- Create the student information table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Student]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student]([StudentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[HireDate] [datetime] NULL,[EnrollmentDate] [datetime] NULL,[Discriminator] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_School.Student] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([StudentID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGO -- Create the Course table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Course]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Course]([CourseID] [int] NOT NULL,[Location] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Days] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Time] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_Course] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([CourseID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGO— Create the Department table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Department]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Department]([DepartmentID] [int] NOT NULL,[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Budget] [money] NOT NULL,[StartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,[Administrator] [int] NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_Department] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([DepartmentID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON
  • 16. [PRIMARY]ENDGO Results of the SQL execution The slide is the resulting students’ admission table upon executing the above SQL script program. 10 The class attendance system The following is an SQL Script for students’ attendance program. -- Create the StudentAttendance table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentAttendance]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[StudentAttendance]([CourseID] [int] NOT NULL,[StudentID] [int] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_StudentAttendance] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([StudentID] ASC,[StudentID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGO
  • 17. The next phase is the class attendance system which will be helpful in tracking the students’ progress in the academic program . 11 The attendance table that results upon the SQL execution SQL Script to be used to define the student grades and transcripts in the database --Create the StudentGrade table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentGrade]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[StudentGrade]([EnrollmentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[CourseID] [int] NOT NULL,[StudentID] [int] NOT NULL,[Grade] [decimal](3, 2) NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_StudentGrade] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([EnrollmentID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGO -- Create the StudentTranscript table.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objectsWHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StudentTranscript]')AND type in (N'U'))BEGINCREATE TABLE [dbo].[StudentTranscript]([InstructorID] [int] NOT NULL,[Location] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,[Timestamp] [timestamp] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT
  • 18. [PK_StudentTranscript] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([InstructorID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]ENDGO Before displaying the database in one table, the student grades and transcripts have to be embedded in the database system also for the purpose of ease tracking of the student’s academics. The SQL Script in the slide will be used to define the student grades and transcripts in the database (Gupta, Iyer, Singh, & Kadam, 2017). 13 Table showing the database of Student Record Keeping System Database. After the combination of all the above SQL Script programs, the is an overall resulting database which will represent the general “Student Record Keeping System Database” In the tables sections, although not all tables are represented in the database, majority of the important identities has been represented (Olanipekun, & Boyinbode, 2015). The above slide captures the database of “Student Record Keeping System Database.” 14
  • 19. Table with queries for student record keeping database The above slide is captures table with queries for student record keeping database. 15 References Al-Btoush, A. A. S. (2015). Extracting Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) from English Sentences. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 8(2), 235-244. Al-Dmour, A. (2016). Development and evaluation of game- based learning system for supporting entity relationship diagramming skills. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 11(4), 248-263. Chandramohan, J., Nagarajan, R., Dineshkumar, T., Kannan, G., & Prakash, R. (2017). Attendance monitoring system of students based on biometric and gps tracking system. International Journal of Advanced engineering, Management and Science, 3(3). Dainton, C., & Chu, C. H. (2017). A review of electronic medical record keeping on mobile medical service trips in austere settings. International journal of medical informatics, 98, 33-40. Elsaadany, A., & Abbas, K. (2016, May). Development and implementation of e-learning system in smart educational environment. In 2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp. 1004-1009). IEEE. Foster, E. C., & Godbole, S. (2016). Database systems: a pragmatic approach. Apress.
  • 20. Frantiska, J. (2018). Entity-relationship diagrams. In Visualization Tools for Learning Environment Development (pp. 21-30). Springer, Cham. Gupta, M., Iyer, K. K., Singh, M. R., & Kadam, A. K. (2017). Automated Online College Admission Management System. In International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology. Cont’d Islam, M. M., Hasan, M. K., Billah, M. M., & Uddin, M. M. (2017, December). Development of smartphone-based student attendance system. In 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 230-233). IEEE. Liu, Y., Zeng, X., Zhang, K., & Zou, Y. (2018, December). Transforming Entity-Relationship Diagrams to Relational Schemas Using a Graph Grammar Formalism. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC) (pp. 327-331). IEEE. Lukas, S., Mitra, A. R., Desanti, R. I., & Krisnadi, D. (2016, October). Student attendance system in classroom using face recognition technique. In 2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) (pp. 1032-1035). IEEE. Mittal, Y., Varshney, A., Aggarwal, P., Matani, K., & Mittal, V. K. (2015, December). Fingerprint biometric based access control and classroom attendance management system. In 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Olanipekun, A. A., & Boyinbode, O. K. (2015). A RFID based automatic attendance system in educational institutions of Nigeria. International Journal of Smart Home, 9(12), 65-74.
  • 21. Villa, F., Moreno, F., & Guzmán, J. (2018, August). An Analysis of a Methodology that Transforms the Entity- Relationship Model into a Conceptual Model for a Graph Database. In International Conference for Emerging Technologies in Computing (pp. 70-83). Springer, Cham. Zhang, L., Shi, L., Zhang, B., Zhao, L., Dong, Y., Liu, J., ... & Pei, S. (2017). Probabilistic Entity-Relationship Diagram: A correlation between functional connectivity and spontaneous brain activity during resting state in major depressive disorder. PloS one, 12(6), e0178386. Zhao, P., Zhu, Y., Yu, J., Zhang, Y., & Wu, J. (2018, May). A Visualization Scheme for Multi-Entity Relationship. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (pp. 401-402). ACM.