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Running Head: HEALTH RISKS
Health Risks, Manufacturing, and the Production of Energy
Jameshia Dixon
Strayer University
Method of energy production
A number of energy production methods are currently used in
the production of electricity and other forms of energy. The
following paper will be assessing fossil fuels; with coal being
the main method of energy production considered. The role of
coal in the production of global electricity has been evidently
seen, with coal alone providing a total of 37% world’s
electricity. For coal to produce electricity, it is first of all
mined and taken to the coal plants where its size is reduced so
as to increase the surface area for combustion to take place
quickly. The burnt coal is then taken to a boiler, which creates
steam that is ultimately used in driving turbines, hence,
generating electricity.
Coal has a number of significant health risks; it has been
associated with emission of a number of gases, which are
harmful to the existence of humans. Coal has mostly been
associated with the production of large amounts of carbon
dioxide, a significant greenhouse gas which takes a long time to
be phased out completely from the atmosphere. Other than
carbon dioxide which affects human health indirectly through
the impacts of global warming and climate change, coal also
produces gases such as mercury and arsenic, which are
important health hazards. Other toxins emitted from coal power
plants include lead, cadmium, chromium, furans, nickel, sulfur
dioxide, formaldehyde and dioxins, among many others. Due to
these pollutants, coal power production has been associated
with a number of health risks, including, cancer, kidney
problems, lung issues, problems in the respiratory and the
nervous system. Memory, behavior and learning are also at risk
due to these method of energy production (Kampa & Castanas,
To reduce the above stated health impacts, there is need for coal
power plants to employ clean coal technologies. There are a
number of these technologies and one best which would
significantly reduce the impact of the above risks is the
management of wastes from coal. Coal itself has a number of
wastes which in most occasions appear as emissions. There is
need to employ coal cleaning as a method used to reduce
emissions when coal is burnt. Other methods of managing
wastes include flue gas desulfurization, gasification, and
sequestration, use of ultra clean coal and use of low NOx
burners. All these perform an important role in reducing the
health impacts of coal combustion. Managing wastes from the
power plants is an excellent method as it ensures most of the
health hazards have been dealt with before the combustion
process allows them into the atmosphere. This is also a
preventative strategy rather than taking actions once the damage
has already been done, thus, making it an important
Major global health issues related to climate change and model
to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change
Global warming, as a result of increase in greenhouse gases
within the atmosphere has resulted in various changes within
the world climate. Currently, the world has begun to see the
effects in which climate change may have, and could go worse
if nothing is done immediately from now. There are several
global health issues associated with climate change, as will be
discussed in this section.
Climate change has greatly contributed into undernutrition,
basically due to crop declines. Unpredictable weather patterns
has made it difficult for farmers to cultivate their crops
successfully. Globally, most agricultures not only in the
developing nations, but also in the developed world, are rain
fed. Failure towards having sufficient amounts of rain leads to
crop failure and in the end resulting to food insecurity. Hunger
and highly priced food products become the end result and
ultimately, humans suffer from undernutrition.
There is a possibility for infectious diseases to become a
menace once again especially to the developed nations. Global
warming results into hotter days, more rains in certain regions
and high humidity, which are excellent conditions for some
pathogens. For instance, it is estimated that by 2080, there will
be a great number of ticks in the eastern region of the United
States and this will in the end lead into people suffering from
infectious diseases. There is a possibility for other pathogens to
mutate and become more destructive to human health, as part of
their adaptation towards the threat of climate change.
Mental health is also another major global health issue
associated with climate change. This is as a result of trauma
which comes with several global disasters associated with
climate change. Floods, are likely to be experienced in the wet
areas while intense droughts are also anticipated in the dry
regions of the earth. Fear and anxiety due to the unpredictability
of climate change impacts are also sources of mental health
issues. Depression which can lead to suicide are also possible
mental issues which are as a result of climate change.
Intense heat as a result of climate change increases the allergy
seasons. This means that people with allergic conditions will be
under jeopardy of being affected more and more by allergic
reactions. Respiratory issues due to dust and other particulate
matter may also increase the rates of allergic reactions within
people. More rains would also increase indoor air pollution,
mold and also fungi, which are all health hazards (Rahel &
Olden, 2008).
To escape the negative impacts of climate change, developed
nations have focused on two approaches; one is the reduction of
greenhouse gas emission and the other is adapting to climate
change. Between these two models, I would propose to the
developed nations to reduce the rates of emission of greenhouse
gases to the atmosphere. This model involves coming up with
technologies which are important in the reduction of greenhouse
gas emission and also the stabilizing of the greenhouse gases.
Focusing on the energy sector, for instance, there is need to
focus on clean sources of energy such as geothermal power and
hydroelectric power which have less impacts to the
environment, with regards to climate change. With the transport
sector, there is need to focus on alternative sources of power to
run the engine. Electric vehicles, for example, have less impacts
compared to vehicles running on gasoline. Focusing on such
clean energy, would lead into the atmosphere naturally
stabilizing greenhouse gases with time, and will as well reduce
the amount of greenhouse gases which are emitted into the
atmosphere (Rahel & Olden, 2008).
Health risks associated with waste produced during
manufacturing of products, two ethical concerns related to the
practices and a strategy to modify the practices
Manufacturing of products within companies present a number
of health risks. Chemicals such as solvents, bases and acids may
lead into skin problems among other types of diseases. Noise
from machines used during the manufacturing process are also a
health hazard as they may lead into hearing impairments. Trips,
falls and slips due to the kind of floor used or wet floor
conditions are examples of physical hazards which may affect
workers in manufacturing companies.
Compliance and governance issues is the first major ethical
concern related to the above practices. Most organizations have
certain safety practices in which the management must oversee
while all employees must abide by. Whenever such disasters
occur, it is either the failure of the management to oversee, or
the failure of the employees to comply. The second ethical
concern is with regards to the role of management. The
management must ensure all workers work in a safe
environment; they must provide all personal protective
equipment needed to keep employees safe. Failure to provide
the employees with such may lead to the above stated health
risks. To modify these practices, there is need for both
management and the employees to stand up to their roles and
perform as required. The management must provide every safety
equipment needed while the workers must abide by all the
safety rules to avoid accidents in manufacturing plants.
Three key government regulations created to protect the
population and the environment from effects of hazardous
wastes produced from manufacturing
The first major regulation falls under occupational safety and
health act of 1970. This is a regulation which was developed to
protect employees from any form of risk or hazard within the
workplace. It demands employers to ensure all employees are
free from any form of hazard that may negatively impact their
The United States of America also has the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act which has been given the
mandate to properly manage hazardous and non-hazardous solid
waste. It offers a framework on how manufacturing companies
ought to dispose of hazardous waste to ensure they neither
affect the environment nor the people (LaGrega, Buckingham &
Evans, 2010).
Clean Air Act of 1970 is a significant regulation which was
developed to limit the emission of hazardous gases into the
atmosphere. The regulation also controls air pollution by
ensuring manufacturing companies perform an important role
releasing gases which are less harmful to the environment and
the people at large.
Kampa, M., & Castanas, E. (2008). Human health effects of air
pollution. Environmental pollution, 151(2), 362-367.
LaGrega, M. D., Buckingham, P. L., & Evans, J. C.
(2010). Hazardous waste management. Waveland Press.
Rahel, F. J., & Olden, J. D. (2008). Assessing the effects of
climate change on aquatic invasive species. Conservation
biology, 22(3), 521-533.
Course Project Task VIII Annotated BibliographyCollate all
resources, such as the links and references,
you have used in the course project task for each module. For
each resource, provide an annotated bibliography with a proper
APA citation,
a paragraph summarizing the resource, and a paragraph
summarizing your opinion on the value of the resource as a
contribution to the subject matter.Follow APA guidelines for
writing and citing resources.
Name your annotated bibliography
M8_A2_LastName_CP_VIII.doc, and present it in Microsoft
Word document format. Submit it to the Submissions Area by
the due date assigned.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules
for attributing sources.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsCreated an
annotated bibliography, and for each resource provided a
paragraph summarizing the resource followed by a paragraph
summarizing your opinion on the value of the resource as a
contribution to the subject matter.
16Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner;
demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and
attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar,
and punctuation.
M1A2 --
Li, R., Fein, S. B., Chen, J., & Grummer-Strawn, L. M. (2008).
Why mothers stop breast feeding: mothers' self-reported
reasons for stopping during the first year. Pediatrics,
122(Supplement 2), S69-S76.Magnusson, B. M., Thackeray, C.
R., Van Wagenen, S. A., Davis, S. F., Richards, R., & Merrill,
R. M. (2017). Perceptions of Public Breastfeeding Images and
Their Association With Breastfeeding Knowledge and
Attitudes Among an Internet Panel of Men Ages 21–44 in
the United States. Journal of Human Lactation, 33(1), 157-164.
Ames, C. S., Richardson, J., Payne, S., Smith, P., & Leigh, E.
(2014). Mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy for depression in
adolescents. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19(1), 74-78.
Hicks, L., & Stein, M. (2015). Understanding and working with
adolescent neglect: perspectives from research, young people
and professionals. Child & Family Social Work, 20(2), 223-233.
M2A1 -Interaction with Kids at Grand D’s Daycare
Britto, P. R., Lye, S. J., Proulx, K., Yousafzai, A. K., Matthews,
S. G., Vaivada, T., & MacMillan, H. (2017). Nurturing care:
promoting early childhood development. The Lancet,
389(10064), 91-102.
Pluess, M., Assary, E., Lionetti, F., Lester, K. J., Krapohl, E.,
Aron, E. N., & Aron, A. (2018). Environmental sensitivity in
children: Development of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale and
identification of sensitivity groups. Developmental psychology,
54(1), 51.
M2A2-Working with Adolescents Interview
Best, J. (2017). Troubling children: Studies of children and
social problems. Routledge.
M3A1 Journal Article
Erickson’s model of development focuses approaches which
influence the child to become confident and an active member
of a group or society, focusing on eight stages of psychosocial
development (Donnelly, Mueller, Gallahue, & Gallahue, 2017).
Among the four types of recreational facilitation described in
the article, I believe that the model play facilitation supports
the Erikson’s model of development as compared to the other
three approaches.
Donnelly, F., Mueller, S., Gallahue, D. & Gallahue, D. (2017).
Developmental physical education for all children: theory into
practice. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
M3A2 Literature ReviewChildhood Obesity
Han, J. C., Lawlor, D. A., & Kimm, S. Y. (2010). Childhood
obesity. The Lancet, 375(9727), 1737-1748.
Lobstein, T., Jackson-Leach, R., Moodie, M. L., Hall, K. D.,
Gortmaker, S. L., Swinburn, B. A., ... & McPherson, K. (2015).
Child and adolescent obesity: part of a bigger picture. The
Lancet, 385(9986), 2510-2520.
M4A1 Pro-Social Behavior: Journal Article Review
According to Rutten et al. (2006), the primary purpose for
adolescents to engage in sports activities is not to get educated.
Nevertheless, participation in sports as a social activity may
have a significant educational influence on the adolescents.
During sporting activities, most adolescents and young
sportspersons usually learn the required skills and knowledge
needed to perform their respective sports as well as all the
necessary sport related rules and disciplines.
M4A2 Dunkel, C. S., & Harbke, C. (2017). A review of
measures of Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development:
Evidence for a general factor. Journal of Adult Development,
24(1), 58-76.
Knight, Z. G. (2017). A proposed model of psychodynamic
psychotherapy linked to Erik Erikson's eight stages of
psychosocial development. Clinical psychology &
psychotherapy, 24(5), 1047-1058.
M6A2 References
Head, J. (2017). Working with adolescents. Constructing
identity. Routledge.
I felt that the discouraging trends among the adults such as
being forgetful are very common. I, however, realized that
counsellors should come up with enticing ways which are
capable of catching the attention of the adolescents during
counselling. The approach will make it easier for them to grasp
the concepts taught and hence will improve the counselling
experience. Some of the positive and motivating trends that I
learned from the interview about dealing with this group of
clients is that they have the ability to learn new skills and
concepts easily and they also get easily attached to the people
who they feel care about them most (Head, 2017). From the
experience, I realized on the need to ensure the creation of a
positive relationship with the group that is based on trust so that
I can bee in a position to interact with them well. I also feel that
coming up with interesting ways of handling issues and finding
M7A2 References
Head, J. (2017). Working with adolescents. Constructing
identity. Routledge.
Morgan, W. P., & Goldston, S. E. (2013). Exercise and mental
health. Taylor & Francis
Both the genetic, nervous and chemical system functions of the
teenagers in adolescent are highly influenced by their social
interactions, pressure and activities they anagoge with on a
daily basis. Social pressure and interactions highly force the
individuals to want more attention and pressure for better
association (Head, 2017). Furthermore, the cognitive and
psychological development of these teenagers is also dependent
on the number of friends they have, the influence of parents and
other individuals.
The information I gathered within the interview process does
not change my decision to work with adolescents because I have
always been interested in working with the group of people to
solve their issues. Moreover, I like interacting with them and
this is an essential aspect for building a proper relationship with
these individuals. Sports and exercise are also related to
counselling because they can aid in relieving anxiety, stress and
depression from the teenagers (Morgan, and Goldston, 2013). .
Furthermore, people feel better about themselves once they
engage in sporting activities which also ensures that the health
of the individuals is also properly maintained.
M8A1 --
This is because as compared to other social activities such as
religion, sports not only help adolescents develop self-
confidence and social responsibility but it majorly instills the
values of teamwork, leadership, as well as enhances physical
and intellectual development since individuals are engaged in
competition and vigorous physical exercise (Rutten et al. 2017).
Rutten, E. A., Stams, G. J. J. M., Biesta, G. J. J., Schuengel, C.,
Dirks, E., & Hoeksma, J. B. (2007).The contribution of
organized youth sport to antisocial and prosocial behavior in
adolescent athletes. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 36, 255–
Assignment: 1
Population Health and the Environment
Jameshia Dixon
Population Health and the Environment
Population health and environment is constantly becoming a
matter of concern in everybody since natural resources and
public health are adversely affected by factors such as an
increase in population and poverty, and diseases among others.
Therefore, for any given community to achieve a sustainable
development there is the need to ensure that there is an
understanding of the connection between population, health, and
the environment without forgetting to tackle the socio-economic
context in which they occur (Steenkamer, Drewes, Heijink,
Baan & Struijs, 2017). Elsewhere, there is the need for public
health professionals and the governments of the day to work
together to ensure that specific projects regarding population,
health, and environment are established to the complex
connection between human beings, their personal health and the
environment in which they exist. Doing this will simultaneously
increase and improve an access to health care services while at
the same time helping communities to manage natural resources
around them. This initiative enables them to improve their
health as well as their livelihoods while at the same time
conserving the critical ecosystems that they largely depend on
for their survival. This paper provides comprehensive answers
to question regarding population, health and the environment.
Question I
It is evident that environmental health research uses four
principal methods of research such as epidemiology, risk
assessment, risk awareness and risk management. By using
epidemiology, the health care providers engage in a quantitative
research by primarily focusing on the determinants as well as
the distribution of health outcomes in any given community or
population under study. Furthermore, this method is used in
documenting health effects and their relationship with
environmental hazards. Elsewhere, epidemiological studies can
be used by healthcare practitioners to study a broad range of
hazards that may include social factors that affect the health of
a given population or hazardous chemical in the environment
(Steenkamer et al., 2017). Therefore, one needs to realize that
epidemiological studies increase awareness and understanding
of how increased exposure to hazards affect the health status of
a community by looking at the research findings as well as how
an exposure to environmental hazards can adversely impact the
whole community.
Healthcare practitioners use risk assessment methods in
conducting environmental health studies as well as how hazards
affect the wellness of a population. Risk assessment is an
applied science method with a set of procedures that are used
for integrating and evaluating gathered scientific information
regarding toxicity and exposure to environmental hazards and
their risk to the public health. This method is vital in creating
and increasing awareness among the community members with
regards to increased exposure to environmental hazards thus
enabling them to avoid contacts or exposure to chemicals that
might have an adverse effect on their overall health.
Public health officials use risk communication method to avail
vital information to the members of the public about the
potential problems associated with certain hazards within the
environment. This is a scientific method or approach for
communicating effectively and efficiently to the community
about any given situation of high concern or high risk to the
community. By using this method, the participants or the
members of the community are made aware of the risks
associated with certain environmental hazards thus creating
awareness of their potential danger which in return reduces the
chances of the population getting in contact with the said
hazards. Furthermore, the community is made aware of the
hazards and involved participate in policy-making processes
regarding environmental hazards.
In many cases, public health officials use a risk management
method to determine what environmental health risks exist and
device a way to manage them in a way that protects both human
health and the environment. This method evaluates how best to
protect the public health by determining how much of a
substance is disposed of into the water basin and the effect it
has on the aquatic environment as well as the human health
(Steenkamer et al., 2017). Equally, using this method enables
public health officials to determine and decide which substance
ought to be stored in a hazardous waste disposal facility so as to
avoid contact with the human population within a given area.
By using this method, the public health officials are able to
create awareness and increase an understanding of how
exposure to toxic substances or hazards may affect the
community by providing vital information on the potential
health risks and ecological risks thus reducing the possibility of
the public getting into contact with the hazards.
Question III
There are three ways that researchers evaluate the danger of
environmental hazards on a given population. These include
prioritizing and scoring risks, risk probability and impact, and
ranking. All the mentioned methods prove to be useful in
evaluating the danger of an identified hazard to the community.
These methods can be used to evaluate an already exposed
community by:
· Prioritizing and scoring risk can be used by researchers to
reach a consensus on the level of risk associated with the
identified environmental hazards. By doing this researchers can
assess and evaluate the impact of the risk as low, medium or
high but may agree on the actual score for mapping purposes.
· By using the risk probability and impact method, the
researchers may carry out risk impact analysis of the effect of
the chosen hazards. It is a useful method in evaluating the
potential impact of the exposure to hazards in a given
community or population. This can be done by examining the
selected representatives of the community.
· By using the ranking approach, researchers will be able to
evaluate the level of risks based on the identified hazards’
exposure. This is done by considering the consequences of each
risk as well as the probability of its occurrence.
Question III
There are various health risks that are present in the natural
environment. These include but not limited to poor sanitation
and hygiene, tobacco smoking and unsafe drinking water. Poor
sanitation and hygiene have adverse effects on human health in
the sense that it causes a number of diseases such as diarrhea,
cholera, schistosomiasis, and trachoma among others. Poor
sanitation and hygiene lead to the degradation of the urban
environment whereby there is the rampant disposal of untreated
human waste in water bodies leading to waterborne diseases.
Elsewhere, every community if fighting for the control of
tobacco smoking due to the obvious reason that smoking of
cigarettes leads to cancers and another disease (Steenkamer et
al., 2017). Moreover, many people have been victims of
secondary smoking causing them to contract diseases that have
cost them quite a fortune. It is obvious that smoking causes a
wide range of respiratory diseases by damaging the airways. On
the other hand, unsafe drinking water has been one of the
leading causes of deaths in Africa and other parts of the world.
It is estimated that the world loses close to eight hundred and
forty thousand people each year as a result of drinking
contaminated water. Unsafe drinking water causes
gastrointestinal infections, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, and
typhoid causing deaths of thousands of people (Yavinsky,
Lamere, Patterson & Bremner, 2015). One example of three
specific dangers to human health in daily lives is the
degradation of the environment. This is because all the
mentioned health risks result in the erosion of the natural
environment that supports human life.
Question IV
It is evident that infectious diseases are the leading cause of
deaths and disabilities in the United States and other parts of
the world. Furthermore, the historical facts reveal that
infectious diseases are increasingly threatening the public
health both in the United States and elsewhere and substantially
contribute to the escalation of healthcare costs. Therefore, in
this regard, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention plays
a significant part in supporting health promotions, preventions
and preparedness through the creation of awareness about
infectious diseases so as to improve the overall public health.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention works in
partnership with different levels of government right from the
federal to the local level to monitor and prevent the outbreak of
infectious diseases in the United States. Furthermore, it
implements disease prevention strategies as well as maintaining
national health statistics. Equally, the CDC educates the public
on how to recognize and avoid contracting infectious diseases
as well as increasing surveillance and reforming health policies
(Yavinsky et al., 2015. One of the most significant
environmental hazards that prove to be a challenge to the CDC
is the prevalence of chemicals in the air. For instance, it is
evident that nearly all American citizens who drive to and from
work use vehicles that burn fossil fuels to propel their engines.
This causes carbon emission into the air leading to quite a
number of diseases associated with the trapping of solar energy.
For instance, it is factual that an increased exposure to carbon
emission causes respiratory allergies such as asthma.
Steenkamer, B. M., Drewes, H. W., Heijink, R., Baan, C. A., &
Struijs, J. N. (2017). Defining population health management: a
scoping review of the literature. Population health
management, 20(1), 74-85.
Yavinsky, R. W., Lamere, C., Patterson, K. P., & Bremner, J.
(2015). The impact of population health and environment
projects: a synthesis of the evidence.
Running Head HEALTH RISKS                                      .docx

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  • 1. Running Head: HEALTH RISKS HEALTH RISKS 6 Health Risks, Manufacturing, and the Production of Energy Jameshia Dixon Strayer University Dr.Coon 08/20/2018 Method of energy production A number of energy production methods are currently used in the production of electricity and other forms of energy. The following paper will be assessing fossil fuels; with coal being the main method of energy production considered. The role of coal in the production of global electricity has been evidently seen, with coal alone providing a total of 37% world’s electricity. For coal to produce electricity, it is first of all mined and taken to the coal plants where its size is reduced so as to increase the surface area for combustion to take place quickly. The burnt coal is then taken to a boiler, which creates steam that is ultimately used in driving turbines, hence, generating electricity. Coal has a number of significant health risks; it has been associated with emission of a number of gases, which are harmful to the existence of humans. Coal has mostly been associated with the production of large amounts of carbon dioxide, a significant greenhouse gas which takes a long time to be phased out completely from the atmosphere. Other than carbon dioxide which affects human health indirectly through the impacts of global warming and climate change, coal also produces gases such as mercury and arsenic, which are important health hazards. Other toxins emitted from coal power
  • 2. plants include lead, cadmium, chromium, furans, nickel, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde and dioxins, among many others. Due to these pollutants, coal power production has been associated with a number of health risks, including, cancer, kidney problems, lung issues, problems in the respiratory and the nervous system. Memory, behavior and learning are also at risk due to these method of energy production (Kampa & Castanas, 2008). To reduce the above stated health impacts, there is need for coal power plants to employ clean coal technologies. There are a number of these technologies and one best which would significantly reduce the impact of the above risks is the management of wastes from coal. Coal itself has a number of wastes which in most occasions appear as emissions. There is need to employ coal cleaning as a method used to reduce emissions when coal is burnt. Other methods of managing wastes include flue gas desulfurization, gasification, and sequestration, use of ultra clean coal and use of low NOx burners. All these perform an important role in reducing the health impacts of coal combustion. Managing wastes from the power plants is an excellent method as it ensures most of the health hazards have been dealt with before the combustion process allows them into the atmosphere. This is also a preventative strategy rather than taking actions once the damage has already been done, thus, making it an important recommendation. Major global health issues related to climate change and model to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change Global warming, as a result of increase in greenhouse gases within the atmosphere has resulted in various changes within the world climate. Currently, the world has begun to see the effects in which climate change may have, and could go worse if nothing is done immediately from now. There are several global health issues associated with climate change, as will be discussed in this section. Climate change has greatly contributed into undernutrition,
  • 3. basically due to crop declines. Unpredictable weather patterns has made it difficult for farmers to cultivate their crops successfully. Globally, most agricultures not only in the developing nations, but also in the developed world, are rain fed. Failure towards having sufficient amounts of rain leads to crop failure and in the end resulting to food insecurity. Hunger and highly priced food products become the end result and ultimately, humans suffer from undernutrition. There is a possibility for infectious diseases to become a menace once again especially to the developed nations. Global warming results into hotter days, more rains in certain regions and high humidity, which are excellent conditions for some pathogens. For instance, it is estimated that by 2080, there will be a great number of ticks in the eastern region of the United States and this will in the end lead into people suffering from infectious diseases. There is a possibility for other pathogens to mutate and become more destructive to human health, as part of their adaptation towards the threat of climate change. Mental health is also another major global health issue associated with climate change. This is as a result of trauma which comes with several global disasters associated with climate change. Floods, are likely to be experienced in the wet areas while intense droughts are also anticipated in the dry regions of the earth. Fear and anxiety due to the unpredictability of climate change impacts are also sources of mental health issues. Depression which can lead to suicide are also possible mental issues which are as a result of climate change. Intense heat as a result of climate change increases the allergy seasons. This means that people with allergic conditions will be under jeopardy of being affected more and more by allergic reactions. Respiratory issues due to dust and other particulate matter may also increase the rates of allergic reactions within people. More rains would also increase indoor air pollution, mold and also fungi, which are all health hazards (Rahel & Olden, 2008).
  • 4. To escape the negative impacts of climate change, developed nations have focused on two approaches; one is the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and the other is adapting to climate change. Between these two models, I would propose to the developed nations to reduce the rates of emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. This model involves coming up with technologies which are important in the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and also the stabilizing of the greenhouse gases. Focusing on the energy sector, for instance, there is need to focus on clean sources of energy such as geothermal power and hydroelectric power which have less impacts to the environment, with regards to climate change. With the transport sector, there is need to focus on alternative sources of power to run the engine. Electric vehicles, for example, have less impacts compared to vehicles running on gasoline. Focusing on such clean energy, would lead into the atmosphere naturally stabilizing greenhouse gases with time, and will as well reduce the amount of greenhouse gases which are emitted into the atmosphere (Rahel & Olden, 2008). Health risks associated with waste produced during manufacturing of products, two ethical concerns related to the practices and a strategy to modify the practices Manufacturing of products within companies present a number of health risks. Chemicals such as solvents, bases and acids may lead into skin problems among other types of diseases. Noise from machines used during the manufacturing process are also a health hazard as they may lead into hearing impairments. Trips, falls and slips due to the kind of floor used or wet floor conditions are examples of physical hazards which may affect workers in manufacturing companies. Compliance and governance issues is the first major ethical concern related to the above practices. Most organizations have certain safety practices in which the management must oversee while all employees must abide by. Whenever such disasters occur, it is either the failure of the management to oversee, or
  • 5. the failure of the employees to comply. The second ethical concern is with regards to the role of management. The management must ensure all workers work in a safe environment; they must provide all personal protective equipment needed to keep employees safe. Failure to provide the employees with such may lead to the above stated health risks. To modify these practices, there is need for both management and the employees to stand up to their roles and perform as required. The management must provide every safety equipment needed while the workers must abide by all the safety rules to avoid accidents in manufacturing plants. Three key government regulations created to protect the population and the environment from effects of hazardous wastes produced from manufacturing The first major regulation falls under occupational safety and health act of 1970. This is a regulation which was developed to protect employees from any form of risk or hazard within the workplace. It demands employers to ensure all employees are free from any form of hazard that may negatively impact their health. The United States of America also has the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act which has been given the mandate to properly manage hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste. It offers a framework on how manufacturing companies ought to dispose of hazardous waste to ensure they neither affect the environment nor the people (LaGrega, Buckingham & Evans, 2010). Clean Air Act of 1970 is a significant regulation which was developed to limit the emission of hazardous gases into the atmosphere. The regulation also controls air pollution by ensuring manufacturing companies perform an important role releasing gases which are less harmful to the environment and the people at large. References
  • 6. Kampa, M., & Castanas, E. (2008). Human health effects of air pollution. Environmental pollution, 151(2), 362-367. LaGrega, M. D., Buckingham, P. L., & Evans, J. C. (2010). Hazardous waste management. Waveland Press. Rahel, F. J., & Olden, J. D. (2008). Assessing the effects of climate change on aquatic invasive species. Conservation biology, 22(3), 521-533. Course Project Task VIII Annotated BibliographyCollate all resources, such as the links and references, you have used in the course project task for each module. For each resource, provide an annotated bibliography with a proper APA citation, a paragraph summarizing the resource, and a paragraph summarizing your opinion on the value of the resource as a contribution to the subject matter.Follow APA guidelines for writing and citing resources. Name your annotated bibliography M8_A2_LastName_CP_VIII.doc, and present it in Microsoft Word document format. Submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsCreated an annotated bibliography, and for each resource provided a paragraph summarizing the resource followed by a paragraph summarizing your opinion on the value of the resource as a contribution to the subject matter.
  • 7. 16Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 4Total:20 References M1A2 -- Li, R., Fein, S. B., Chen, J., & Grummer-Strawn, L. M. (2008). Why mothers stop breast feeding: mothers' self-reported reasons for stopping during the first year. Pediatrics, 122(Supplement 2), S69-S76.Magnusson, B. M., Thackeray, C. R., Van Wagenen, S. A., Davis, S. F., Richards, R., & Merrill, R. M. (2017). Perceptions of Public Breastfeeding Images and Their Association With Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes Among an Internet Panel of Men Ages 21–44 in the United States. Journal of Human Lactation, 33(1), 157-164. M1A3 References Ames, C. S., Richardson, J., Payne, S., Smith, P., & Leigh, E. (2014). Mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy for depression in adolescents. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19(1), 74-78. Hicks, L., & Stein, M. (2015). Understanding and working with adolescent neglect: perspectives from research, young people and professionals. Child & Family Social Work, 20(2), 223-233. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- M2A1 -Interaction with Kids at Grand D’s Daycare References Britto, P. R., Lye, S. J., Proulx, K., Yousafzai, A. K., Matthews, S. G., Vaivada, T., & MacMillan, H. (2017). Nurturing care: promoting early childhood development. The Lancet,
  • 8. 389(10064), 91-102. Pluess, M., Assary, E., Lionetti, F., Lester, K. J., Krapohl, E., Aron, E. N., & Aron, A. (2018). Environmental sensitivity in children: Development of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale and identification of sensitivity groups. Developmental psychology, 54(1), 51. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- M2A2-Working with Adolescents Interview References Best, J. (2017). Troubling children: Studies of children and social problems. Routledge. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- M3A1 Journal Article Erickson’s model of development focuses approaches which influence the child to become confident and an active member of a group or society, focusing on eight stages of psychosocial development (Donnelly, Mueller, Gallahue, & Gallahue, 2017). Among the four types of recreational facilitation described in the article, I believe that the model play facilitation supports the Erikson’s model of development as compared to the other three approaches. Donnelly, F., Mueller, S., Gallahue, D. & Gallahue, D. (2017). Developmental physical education for all children: theory into practice. Champaign: Human Kinetics. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ M3A2 Literature ReviewChildhood Obesity References Han, J. C., Lawlor, D. A., & Kimm, S. Y. (2010). Childhood obesity. The Lancet, 375(9727), 1737-1748. Lobstein, T., Jackson-Leach, R., Moodie, M. L., Hall, K. D., Gortmaker, S. L., Swinburn, B. A., ... & McPherson, K. (2015).
  • 9. Child and adolescent obesity: part of a bigger picture. The Lancet, 385(9986), 2510-2520. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ M4A1 Pro-Social Behavior: Journal Article Review According to Rutten et al. (2006), the primary purpose for adolescents to engage in sports activities is not to get educated. Nevertheless, participation in sports as a social activity may have a significant educational influence on the adolescents. During sporting activities, most adolescents and young sportspersons usually learn the required skills and knowledge needed to perform their respective sports as well as all the necessary sport related rules and disciplines. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- M4A2 Dunkel, C. S., & Harbke, C. (2017). A review of measures of Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development: Evidence for a general factor. Journal of Adult Development, 24(1), 58-76. Knight, Z. G. (2017). A proposed model of psychodynamic psychotherapy linked to Erik Erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 24(5), 1047-1058. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- M6A2 References Head, J. (2017). Working with adolescents. Constructing identity. Routledge. I felt that the discouraging trends among the adults such as being forgetful are very common. I, however, realized that counsellors should come up with enticing ways which are capable of catching the attention of the adolescents during counselling. The approach will make it easier for them to grasp
  • 10. the concepts taught and hence will improve the counselling experience. Some of the positive and motivating trends that I learned from the interview about dealing with this group of clients is that they have the ability to learn new skills and concepts easily and they also get easily attached to the people who they feel care about them most (Head, 2017). From the experience, I realized on the need to ensure the creation of a positive relationship with the group that is based on trust so that I can bee in a position to interact with them well. I also feel that coming up with interesting ways of handling issues and finding --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- M7A2 References Head, J. (2017). Working with adolescents. Constructing identity. Routledge. Morgan, W. P., & Goldston, S. E. (2013). Exercise and mental health. Taylor & Francis Both the genetic, nervous and chemical system functions of the teenagers in adolescent are highly influenced by their social interactions, pressure and activities they anagoge with on a daily basis. Social pressure and interactions highly force the individuals to want more attention and pressure for better association (Head, 2017). Furthermore, the cognitive and psychological development of these teenagers is also dependent on the number of friends they have, the influence of parents and other individuals. The information I gathered within the interview process does not change my decision to work with adolescents because I have always been interested in working with the group of people to solve their issues. Moreover, I like interacting with them and this is an essential aspect for building a proper relationship with these individuals. Sports and exercise are also related to counselling because they can aid in relieving anxiety, stress and depression from the teenagers (Morgan, and Goldston, 2013). .
  • 11. Furthermore, people feel better about themselves once they engage in sporting activities which also ensures that the health of the individuals is also properly maintained. M8A1 -- This is because as compared to other social activities such as religion, sports not only help adolescents develop self- confidence and social responsibility but it majorly instills the values of teamwork, leadership, as well as enhances physical and intellectual development since individuals are engaged in competition and vigorous physical exercise (Rutten et al. 2017). Rutten, E. A., Stams, G. J. J. M., Biesta, G. J. J., Schuengel, C., Dirks, E., & Hoeksma, J. B. (2007).The contribution of organized youth sport to antisocial and prosocial behavior in adolescent athletes. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 36, 255– 264. Running Head: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 8 Assignment: 1 Population Health and the Environment Jameshia Dixon 07/25/2018 Dr.Coon Population Health and the Environment
  • 12. Population health and environment is constantly becoming a matter of concern in everybody since natural resources and public health are adversely affected by factors such as an increase in population and poverty, and diseases among others. Therefore, for any given community to achieve a sustainable development there is the need to ensure that there is an understanding of the connection between population, health, and the environment without forgetting to tackle the socio-economic context in which they occur (Steenkamer, Drewes, Heijink, Baan & Struijs, 2017). Elsewhere, there is the need for public health professionals and the governments of the day to work together to ensure that specific projects regarding population, health, and environment are established to the complex connection between human beings, their personal health and the environment in which they exist. Doing this will simultaneously increase and improve an access to health care services while at the same time helping communities to manage natural resources around them. This initiative enables them to improve their health as well as their livelihoods while at the same time conserving the critical ecosystems that they largely depend on for their survival. This paper provides comprehensive answers to question regarding population, health and the environment. Question I It is evident that environmental health research uses four principal methods of research such as epidemiology, risk assessment, risk awareness and risk management. By using epidemiology, the health care providers engage in a quantitative research by primarily focusing on the determinants as well as the distribution of health outcomes in any given community or population under study. Furthermore, this method is used in documenting health effects and their relationship with environmental hazards. Elsewhere, epidemiological studies can be used by healthcare practitioners to study a broad range of hazards that may include social factors that affect the health of a given population or hazardous chemical in the environment
  • 13. (Steenkamer et al., 2017). Therefore, one needs to realize that epidemiological studies increase awareness and understanding of how increased exposure to hazards affect the health status of a community by looking at the research findings as well as how an exposure to environmental hazards can adversely impact the whole community. Healthcare practitioners use risk assessment methods in conducting environmental health studies as well as how hazards affect the wellness of a population. Risk assessment is an applied science method with a set of procedures that are used for integrating and evaluating gathered scientific information regarding toxicity and exposure to environmental hazards and their risk to the public health. This method is vital in creating and increasing awareness among the community members with regards to increased exposure to environmental hazards thus enabling them to avoid contacts or exposure to chemicals that might have an adverse effect on their overall health. Public health officials use risk communication method to avail vital information to the members of the public about the potential problems associated with certain hazards within the environment. This is a scientific method or approach for communicating effectively and efficiently to the community about any given situation of high concern or high risk to the community. By using this method, the participants or the members of the community are made aware of the risks associated with certain environmental hazards thus creating awareness of their potential danger which in return reduces the chances of the population getting in contact with the said hazards. Furthermore, the community is made aware of the hazards and involved participate in policy-making processes regarding environmental hazards. In many cases, public health officials use a risk management method to determine what environmental health risks exist and
  • 14. device a way to manage them in a way that protects both human health and the environment. This method evaluates how best to protect the public health by determining how much of a substance is disposed of into the water basin and the effect it has on the aquatic environment as well as the human health (Steenkamer et al., 2017). Equally, using this method enables public health officials to determine and decide which substance ought to be stored in a hazardous waste disposal facility so as to avoid contact with the human population within a given area. By using this method, the public health officials are able to create awareness and increase an understanding of how exposure to toxic substances or hazards may affect the community by providing vital information on the potential health risks and ecological risks thus reducing the possibility of the public getting into contact with the hazards. Question III There are three ways that researchers evaluate the danger of environmental hazards on a given population. These include prioritizing and scoring risks, risk probability and impact, and ranking. All the mentioned methods prove to be useful in evaluating the danger of an identified hazard to the community. These methods can be used to evaluate an already exposed community by: · Prioritizing and scoring risk can be used by researchers to reach a consensus on the level of risk associated with the identified environmental hazards. By doing this researchers can assess and evaluate the impact of the risk as low, medium or high but may agree on the actual score for mapping purposes. · By using the risk probability and impact method, the researchers may carry out risk impact analysis of the effect of the chosen hazards. It is a useful method in evaluating the potential impact of the exposure to hazards in a given community or population. This can be done by examining the selected representatives of the community. · By using the ranking approach, researchers will be able to evaluate the level of risks based on the identified hazards’
  • 15. exposure. This is done by considering the consequences of each risk as well as the probability of its occurrence. Question III There are various health risks that are present in the natural environment. These include but not limited to poor sanitation and hygiene, tobacco smoking and unsafe drinking water. Poor sanitation and hygiene have adverse effects on human health in the sense that it causes a number of diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, schistosomiasis, and trachoma among others. Poor sanitation and hygiene lead to the degradation of the urban environment whereby there is the rampant disposal of untreated human waste in water bodies leading to waterborne diseases. Elsewhere, every community if fighting for the control of tobacco smoking due to the obvious reason that smoking of cigarettes leads to cancers and another disease (Steenkamer et al., 2017). Moreover, many people have been victims of secondary smoking causing them to contract diseases that have cost them quite a fortune. It is obvious that smoking causes a wide range of respiratory diseases by damaging the airways. On the other hand, unsafe drinking water has been one of the leading causes of deaths in Africa and other parts of the world. It is estimated that the world loses close to eight hundred and forty thousand people each year as a result of drinking contaminated water. Unsafe drinking water causes gastrointestinal infections, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, and typhoid causing deaths of thousands of people (Yavinsky, Lamere, Patterson & Bremner, 2015). One example of three specific dangers to human health in daily lives is the degradation of the environment. This is because all the mentioned health risks result in the erosion of the natural environment that supports human life. Question IV It is evident that infectious diseases are the leading cause of deaths and disabilities in the United States and other parts of the world. Furthermore, the historical facts reveal that infectious diseases are increasingly threatening the public
  • 16. health both in the United States and elsewhere and substantially contribute to the escalation of healthcare costs. Therefore, in this regard, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention plays a significant part in supporting health promotions, preventions and preparedness through the creation of awareness about infectious diseases so as to improve the overall public health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention works in partnership with different levels of government right from the federal to the local level to monitor and prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases in the United States. Furthermore, it implements disease prevention strategies as well as maintaining national health statistics. Equally, the CDC educates the public on how to recognize and avoid contracting infectious diseases as well as increasing surveillance and reforming health policies (Yavinsky et al., 2015. One of the most significant environmental hazards that prove to be a challenge to the CDC is the prevalence of chemicals in the air. For instance, it is evident that nearly all American citizens who drive to and from work use vehicles that burn fossil fuels to propel their engines. This causes carbon emission into the air leading to quite a number of diseases associated with the trapping of solar energy. For instance, it is factual that an increased exposure to carbon emission causes respiratory allergies such as asthma. Reference Steenkamer, B. M., Drewes, H. W., Heijink, R., Baan, C. A., & Struijs, J. N. (2017). Defining population health management: a scoping review of the literature. Population health management, 20(1), 74-85. Yavinsky, R. W., Lamere, C., Patterson, K. P., & Bremner, J. (2015). The impact of population health and environment projects: a synthesis of the evidence.