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Comprehensive Management Report
Nicholas J Ceo
American Military University
17 January 2017
An Overview of MTS Systems Corporation
MTS Systems Corporation is a supplier of test systems as
well as industrial position sensors all over the globe. The
company deals with hardware and software solutions with the
aim of accelerating and improving the design, development, and
manufacture of products and structures. MTS operates in two
segments, where in one segment it deals with sensors and in the
other, with tests. The test department focuses on providing
testing solutions that include software, hardware, and testing
services. The sensors segment is keen on providing products to
be used in mobile equipment and industrial tools manufacture in
order to automate their operations, thus enhancing safety and
productivity of the end users. The organization also provides
tools to measure displacement in fluids, for instance, liquid
levels for clients in industrial processes.
The organization provides a solution is an organization
that seeks to pioneer in technology and provides unmatched
expertise. Engineers depend on accuracy, certainty, and
measurements to do their work, to conduct research and
transform ideas into results that are tangible and working. MTS
Systems is a corporation that is fully dedicated to this
transformation in a manner that is faster, more efficient, easier
and more successful. The company was established in 1966 with
its headquarters at Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and has since
worked in partnership with engineers worldwide.
MTS Systems has posted an impressive performance over
the years, with revenues of about seven hundred and eighty
million dollars in the 2016/2017 financial year, up from six
hundred and fifty million dollars the previous financial year.
This represents a 38.4% growth in revenue. Its profitability has
also grown over the years, and the strong performance is
expected to continue into the near future. However, it is
important to note that the performance would be much better if
the existing management problems were dealt with
comprehensively and conclusively.
In order to arrive at a conclusive solution to the
management problems facing MTS Systems, the company must
begin with a comprehensive needs assessment that will open the
eyes of the management to the reality facing their company.
Oftentimes, managers just know that their organization is facing
some challenges, but are likely to ignore such problems or fail
to take their time to understand the gravity of such problems
until they bring an organization to its knees. This is because it
takes effort to carry out a needs assessment that ends up solving
a problem in a company. Following below is a detailed needs
assessment of the management problems bedeviling MTS
Delineating the Problem
The modern business environment has become very
complex, competitive and dynamic. An organization has to keep
scanning the environment to see what it can do differently so as
to increase its productivity and competitive edge. As
organizations strive to achieve this feat, they also have to
grapple with management problems have been around from time
immemorial, whose impact on the performance and productivity
cannot be overlooked. These challenges, then, have to be sorted
out in the most effective way possible so as to mitigate their
effects on the organization. Some of these problems include
transparency, human resource challenges and change
management. In this management report, human resource
challenges experienced at MTS Systems are the center of focus,
including an evaluation of their impact on the company’s
performance, as well as an exploration of the measures that can
help in mitigating the impact of the challenges.
One of the biggest challenges in the modern workplace is
retention of skilled and talented workers. Considering the
manner in which the modern workforce is constituted, there is a
need for more than a good salary to keep the talented workers
motivated and satisfied. It has been observed that employees
move and job-hop as they seek to move up the ladder in the
shortest time possible and in an attempt to meet their
expectations and motivations, which have become highly
dynamic. The situation has been compounded by the
generational differences in the company where there are older
generation employees as well as millennials, who are driven,
motivated, and simulated by different factors. For instance, the
older generation employees are much more loyal to their
employers and are less likely to job-hop. They are also more
patient and are much more responsive to financial rewards. On
the other hand, the younger generations are less loyal to their
employers, are less patient, and tend to respond better to
recognition as well as feeling valued than monetary rewards.
Moreover, today’s managers have to be alive to the fact
that their skilled staff has more options at their disposal,
especially now that there are more advances in technology and
an explosion in startups and entrepreneurs who are
revolutionizing the work and business spaces. Managers have to
evaluate the hunger in the workplace and focus on feeding it
(Bondarouk & Ruel, 2009). There is a need to focus on much
more than just providing a potential opportunity for promotion
and job security. Managers should focus on working with the
other members of top management in order to define roles,
come up with career progression paths that are extensive,
enhancing creativity in the workplace, enhancing the working
environment, encouraging a culture of collaboration and
providing a system-wide mission that will be adopted by
employees in their daily operations.
Management of human resources extends all the way to the
communication amongst the different generations that are found
within the modern workplace. A younger generation of
employees has to be accompanied by new advances in
technology, new ways of doing things, new challenges, new
ways of thinking, and different reactions from the society.
Presently, millennials, who are at home in the digital world and
are spiteful of analog technology, are joining the workforce in
huge numbers. They also appear to be more aggressive, and
lacking in emotions and patience. The generation also wants to
be efficient in what they do in a manner that allows them to feel
the impact they bring to their workplaces. The technology they
come with promises to do more work, with better quality output,
with less wastage, and in less time.
Organizations have had challenges managing the surging
passion of these young people. There have also been challenges
in dealing with the reactions from other generations in regard to
these new ways of thinking brought to the workplace by the
millenials as opposed to the traditional methods. Thus, finding a
common ground that will promote respect and collaboration
continues to present managers with a headache. A mix of these
generations in teams is a benefit only if their diversity is used
as a tool for bringing the best qualities to the table and pooling
them together.
Focusing on retaining staff and talent for long periods will
go a long way in reducing costs associated with recruitment,
training, and orientation of new staff. It will also be important
for the maintenance of good performance as there will be little
time lost in training of new staff and before they become
productive. In order to retain employees, the organization needs
to enhance the adoption of a company culture that is appealing
and that engages employees in two-way communication
(Hendry, 2012). In this way, their needs and the steps that
should be taken to make their environment more conducive will
be understood. Communication between various generations
also will be much better if the leadership inculcates a culture
that encourages respect, collaboration, and co-operation towards
achieving a common goal.
In dealing with the younger generation, there is a need to
provide better structures, mentors, effective leadership, and
guidance. At the same time, it is important to encourage the
millennials to embrace their can-do attitudes and bring solutions
to the workplace instead of trying to confine them to certain
ways of doing things. The management can also take advantage
of their levels of comfort working as teams and use these groups
to brainstorm and come up with solutions for various
challenges. By doing this, the organization will be well on its
way to achieving greater levels of success.
However, prior to delving into the details of how MTS
Systems can incorporate these suggestions into its operations
and turn its fortunes around, it is important understand what
kind of organization it is. Thus, following below is a precise
description of the organization in question. The description
includes the organization’s activities, performance, and details
about the industry in which it operates. Its hinterland is also
explained in the description.
Needs Assessment
A needs assessment is a systematic process of exploring
the way things are presently versus the way they should be
ideally. These factors are usually crucial in the performance at
an individual level to the organizational level (Rouda & Kusy,
1995). A needs assessment is a continuous process of
evaluation, with the objective of connecting the performance
problems experienced in an organization and performance
opportunities to human performance efforts that are specific. It
also involves the process of differentiating the specific
performance problems, which will be solved through additional
training from those that need other management measures. The
main aim of this paper is to develop a needs assessment for
MTS Systems Corporation.
The management problem at MTS is a human resources
management problem One of the biggest challenges is the
retention of workers who are skilled and talented. There are also
generational differences amongst the work force, bringing with
it a challenge in that the different groups respond differently to
different situations, hence need to be handled differently. The
management also has to deal with communication at the
workplace and keeping the employees motivated in order to
enhance performance. The performance of the company is
impressive, with strong growth and revenue of around seven
hundred and eighty million dollars. The bottom line is also very
encouraging. This performance, however, is way below the
expected performance, which was projected to be over a billion
dollars in revenue and a quarter billion dollars in profits. This
goal hasn’t been achieved yet but based on the strong
performance of the organization, together with good
management, the target may be achieved.
The mission of the organization is to be a leader in innovation
in the manufacture of measurement and testing solutions to
enable the success of their customers. The mission is related to
the desired performance in that it the mission statement will
provide a drive for the staff to be the best in what they do, and
in this way improving the performance of the organization as a
whole. The management problems are experienced within the
whole company and are not just experienced within specific
In conducting a needs assessment, several steps will be
followed. One will be performing a GAP analysis. This step will
seek at establishing the actual level of performance of the
organization and the employees in comparison to the standards,
which have been set (Rouda & Kusy, 1995). In order to do this,
the current situation will be determined first. The skills,
knowledge, and abilities that the current employees have should
be determined. This analysis ought to take into consideration
the goals of the organization, the business climate and
constraints, both internal and external. The desired situations
are the conditions that are desired for the organization to
achieve success. This analysis will focus on the abilities, skills
and knowledge that will be needed to achieve achievement of
set goals. The gaps that exist between the current and desired
situations will point out the needs of the company. Customer
care in the company is good in the company but with additional
training, it can be taken a notch higher. There is also high
competition in the market since several new entrants have
started fighting aggressively for market share. For this reason,
there is need.
The second step is to identify the priorities and the
importance of each action. The first step produces a big list
with needs for career development, training and organization
development and other interventions that have been identified.
All these factors will be examined in light of their importance
to the organization in regards to the constraints, organizational
goals and realities that exist (Rossett & Sheldon, 2001). Due to
this, the needs that are identified will be determined if they are
real, worth addressing, are important to the organization and are
urgent in regard to the requirements and needs of the
organization. The customer service training should be
prioritized since it will impact directly on the clients, who are
the kings in the business. The training will also be more cost
effective when compared to the cost of the problem, which is
significant. On top of this, customer service will encompass
almost every aspect of the company. Good service will meet the
needs of the customers, who spread the word to their friends, to
the benefit of the company.
The next step is to identify the causes of problems in
performance and the opportunities that exist therein. At this
point, needs of the organization and individuals have been
focused on and prioritized, this next step is aimed at identifying
the specific areas that present problems and opportunities
(Rouda & Kusy, 1995). People ought to know what the
performance requirements and if the solutions applied will be
appropriate. In order to do this, two questions will be asked.
One will be whether the employees are doing the jobs they are
entrusted to do effectively. The next will be if they have the
right skills in order to their jobs effectively. This will require
the investigation of employees on their jobs, in depth, for both
present and future times.
The fourth step will be to identify the possible growth
opportunities and solutions. If the employees are doing their
jobs effectively, then they should not be interfered with.
Nevertheless, training, or some form of intervention would be
justified if it has sufficient importance in growing the
performance to new levels (Rossett & Sheldon, 2001). Training
could be a solution in case there is a gap in knowledge and
Having carried out a needs assessment, the next step is to
identify the best solution for the problem from amongst several
possible options. To do this, different methods of solution
generation need to be explored to find out the one that best suits
the problem at hand. Thus, the section that follows endeavors to
identify the most appropriate solution to the problems faced by
MTS Systems based on the outcomes of the just concluded
needs assessment.
Possible Approaches to Solving the Problem
Organizational problem solving goes beyond a mere decision-
making processes. Therefore, practical problem solving has to
involve the entire organization. In an organization, everyone
from the senior management to the subordinate staff is an
essential entity in problem resolving. Some of the issues in an
organization arise from the management as well as the human
resource (employees). Therefore, problem-solving methods are
formulated in dealing with the problems a company is facing.
Furthermore, problem-solving increases quality and productivity
of a company, making it an essential process for any business
Problems at MTS Systems Corporation
· Increased Difficulties in retention of skilled workers
· Generational differences
· Ineffective organizational communication
· Low output
Identified Problem Solving Methods
· Brainstorming
· Pink Bat thinking
· Continuous process improvement
· Coaching
· Checklist method
The method involves generation of ideas by a group. A problem
(s) is identified, and individuals give their version of solutions
to the problem. Viable concepts are defined and can be taken
for action in the company. During brainstorming, no criticism,
as well as judgment, is made to the ideas presented.
Brainstorming allows for acquisition of free and open views that
can be useful to the company. There are no worries of egos and
other associated personality traits.
For MTS, brainstorming can be utilized in identifying the cause
as to why employees drop out as well as addressing the possible
solutions. For instance, the top management will find an
opportunity for interacting with employees and break the barrier
that may result in ineffective organizational communication.
Coaching refers to skill enhancement through providing part-
time employee training. A given area of improvement is first
identified, the necessary trainers are availed, and training is
done in the working place. Coaching is the best way to skill
development in an organization. The provision of coaching
services can solve the problem of generational differences.
Since the current generation of employees is equipped with
modern technological skills, the pioneer employs at the
company can be offered to coach in existing technical skills and
knowledge to bridge the generational skill-gap between them.
Coaching will ensure, therefore, that all the employees are at
the same skill level. On the other hand, skill enhancement will
give the company a competitive advantage. Since the company
aims at the production of quality systems, skill enhancement
will result in quality output as per their needs and goals.
Pink Bat Thinking method
Pink bat thinking involves a positive approach to problems. An
individual looks at a challenge as an opportunity. The technique
is useful in strategic planning concerning the prevailing
conditions in an organization. The issues facing MTS Systems
can be handled as an opportunity. The central area to be
exploited about MTS company issues is one on one meeting
with employees. The act results in improvement of management
and employee relationship. Besides, the company can go beyond
limits and explore through case studies hence finding new
opportunities to exploit. Therefore, the entire scenario should
be treated as a chance to improve rather than a problem to be
Checklist Method
The method entails prioritizing. Matters of importance are given
the priority. Various problems are identified, management
levels are highlighted, and attention is given to each according
to the level of significance. MTS as a company can identify the
problems that hinder achievement of their goals. This is known
as the causes. Various stakeholders are then given an
opportunity to look at the matter and probe into it. MTS then
reaches out to diverse affected departments to assess the
possible causes of the problem using any of the methods
mentioned earlier. The critical areas to be given more attention
at MTS are related to the human resource. Thus it should be
given utmost care.
Continuous Process Improvement
The method involves bitwise development rather than
immediate wholesome process improvement. Procedures and
processes are attended to each at a time. A cause of a problem is
identified, target objectives and solutions are formulated, the
necessary measures and tools are out in place and finally, the
whole process is implemented. MTS as a company can use this
method to regain its high output standards and competitiveness.
They can implement the plan by identification of critical
problems especially in the human resource and apply necessary
measures within a given predetermined schedule. For instance,
retention of skills can be employed as a strategy and
implemented slowly starting with creating a motivation plan for
the employs to boost employee productivity.
Out of these many possible alternatives to problem
solving, it is important to note that each of them usually has
situations in which it can serve well. Therefore, once a problem
has been identified, possible methods of providing a solution to
the problem need to be identified and after that, there is a need
to evaluate the risks and rewards associated with each approach.
Eventually, the method of problem solving that carries the day
is one that promises the most rewards while at the same time
presenting the least risks. Thus, the next section examines the
risks and rewards of each of the proposed problem solving
Risks and Rewards of the Proposed Problem Solving Methods
Each of the different solutions proposed to address the problems
and issues facing MTS Systems Corporation has a positive
impact on client satisfaction. Besides this, it helps the
organization retain its best talent and develop the skills and
experiences of their employees (Thornton, 2004). Nonetheless,
implementing these solutions is not a guaranteed direction to
success; there are some underlying threats that need to be
identified before they adversely affect the organization. The
risk assessment of every solution is as follows.
This method calls for participation of the thoughts and ideas of
the organization’s employees. The underlying risk in this
method is that the top management may receive contributions
from only the talkative members of the workforce who may not
have the right information to help solve the challenge.
Nonetheless, this is a good approach to improve communication
across different departments and job classes. Another risk of
this approach is that there be a division between the different
generations of the employees; for example, a case where the
millennials would not prefer to share with the older generation
due to fear of being undermined.
This practice involves employee training to enhance skill,
experience, and knowledge. Coaching will bring changes in the
structuring of the roles and responsibilities of some of the
employees. There more experienced employees will be required
to guide the un-experienced employees. Taking this action
introduces the risk of the passing of misleading or biased
information and knowledge from one generation to another
making it hard to identify the cause of failure (Aartsengel, &
Kurtoglu, 2013). It will also be necessary for each department
to have a trainer. This will cost the organization an extra salary
for the training services.
Pink Bat Thinking Method
Improving the relationship between the management and the
employees through this method poses a risk to the adherence of
the protocol and the respect of authority in the corporation.
MTS Company may change some of the organization’s
operations in order to favor the employee and end up losing
some of its customers due to the changing of the business
Checklist Method
This might is a cost-effective approach, which only engages the
efforts of MTS top management. By coordinating this process
among the different concerned stakeholders, the company will
be able to have different ideas on ways to retain most of its
skilled and talented employees. However, when ranking the
issues hindering the company from achieving its goals, it might
not show the exact situation on the ground as the issues keep
changing time and again. The risk, in this case, is relying so
much on this method without consulting with the employees
Continuous Process Improvement
This method adds an additional cost to the company and
consumes many of the available resources in the company for it
to be successful. This process might also affect the productivity
of the teams involved in it especially if they are expected to
carry out other crucial roles in the company. Instead of
encouraging the employees to continue serving the company,
this method might even make them want to leave the company
sooner due to the tightening of procedures in the company.
With a clear understanding of the risks involved in using any of
the identified problem solving methods, it is important to then
understand the impact each of them would have if used. The
difference between the identification of risks and rewards and
impact analysis is that possible risks and rewards can only be
identified before a solution is implemented. After it is
implemented, what were previously possible and risks and
rewards become impacts. Therefore, during impact analysis, an
assumption is made that an appropriate solution has been
identified and implemented. In this case, all the identified
problem-solving methods are analyzed from the perspective of
their impacts post implementation. The next section discusses
these impacts.
Impact Analysis
Impact analysis involves identification of overall
consequences that result from implementation of a given change
in an organization. Prior impact analysis is designed to
eliminate unexpected and possible issues that may occur when
accommodating change. The criteria look at proposed changes
and the overall impact to ensure it is managed. Sometimes
analysis calls for experimenting given changes on a small scale
before they are initiated. Therefore, each solution is subject to
sidelining and scrutiny for possible adverse impacts with
positive impacts being looked at on a minor level.
Coaching is a solution suggested for employees in retention and
improvement of excellent skills. The impact of such a program
lies in its cost. To implement the program, the company will
incur expenses that may result in bankruptcy especially in the
department of strategic planning. Clients will have a positive
gain of getting new skills, but in the long run, the company will
make losses. Coaching also disrupts the company’s timelines
and operations. This can be noticed in rescheduling operations
to create time for coaching and even do preliminary practices
based on the knowledge imparted.
The short-term impacts on clients and the entire human resource
lie in delayed production and delivery. This is because the
otherwise useful time is spent in learning new skills and
exercising them. Furthermore, some information offered during
coaching may differ with the skills already available. This will
create confusion among the employees, as they are not used to
the skills. The result will be disruption of operations, and thus
the company may realize losses.
Continuous Process Improvement
The process involves a gradual change in processes.
Accommodating such a change lies in the difficulties it offers to
the organization regarding finance. To implement bitwise
changes, an organization must be ready to pause given
programs, which in turn affects other operations. For instance, a
maintenance operation in a company halts almost the entire
production process. This reduces the working hours of
employees hence may require compensation for time lost. The
company, in turn, makes losses for paying for costs of
unproductive time.
The process may also disrupt managerial operations. This is
because the primary stakeholders will have to undertake
supervision and oversight during process improvement. The
latter increases the time lost and costs of compensation as well.
With the disruptions at work, some employs may resort to
resignation since they may not cope with the changes. Take for
example introduction of computers in an institution where
clients do not know the machine, and they have to use it; some
will prefer migration rather than learning the skill.
Brainstorming is a useful method of finding possible solutions
and solving them. The impact of such an act only lies in overall
representation. Some silent employs may end up being victims
of other people’s ideas since they are not much talkative.
Brainstorming is problematic since it only uses concepts from
talkative individuals who want to express themselves.
Pink Bat Thinking Method
Pink bat thinking Involves a positive approach to problems. An
individual looks at a challenge as an opportunity. This is much
risky and can affect the entire human resource and the
stakeholders of a company. As much as one can maximize on a
problem, a simple error may lead to significant losses.
Furthermore, clients who have dealt with a similar issue and
failed tend to back off from it same to stakeholders thus some
of them may decide to leave the company given that some
changes are being implemented based on the problem.
Checklist Method
This method involves only stakeholders. They do come with
essential aspects as well as causes to given problems and
provide their version of solutions. It is not such a
straightforward way because employees feel less considered and
privileged thus demotivation. On the other hand, the problems
dealt are not on a full scale. Based on operations, the employee
is a subject to the solutions and may suffer under unintended
At the tail end of this cycle, the need for reassessment and
adjustment arises. This is where the power of hindsight comes
into play. Humans are prone to errors, but hindsight makes it
possible to identify those errors and correct them so that they
are not repeated in the future. The reassessment and adjustment
phase does the same thing. It allows implementers to back to the
beginning of the process and identify the mistakes that occurred
and make adjustments so that similar mistakes are not repeated
in subsequent cycles of problem solving. The section that
follows explains how reassessment and adjustment ought to be
Reassessment and Adjustment
The reassessment and adjustment phase evaluates all the
processes to ensure that there is a continuous effective
management and make sure that there is no process that should
be changed for the continuity or objective of having a
sustainable public value (Bondarouk & Ruel, 2009). This stage
requires a strategic analysis of the management process and is
often associated with replacing, updating, changing as well as
terminating strategies and processes that are not working. The
process evaluation reviewed the problem statement as well as
the organizational needs and this included the proposed
solutions together with the identified impacts and risks. It was
determined that sound recommendations and practices be laid
out for effective implementation of the system.
In every organization, change can be seen but progress may be
hard to see. Progress describes the process where an
organization heads to the right direction with the intention of
making its vision or goal a reality (Large-Scale, Real-Time
Organizational Change, 2017). Therefore, it is significant to
stress that leadership plays an essential role in making progress
to be effective and thus operations in the organization have to
be restricted to situations that need change. The main solution
to the problem of employee retention in the organization
includes retraining of employees in every section of personnel
processing or training.
Firms that train their employees often reap the rewards mainly
because well trained staff helps in increasing profits and
productivity. Investments that are made by business firms in
employee training are beneficial because they help in enhancing
customer satisfaction, employee retention rate, improve
creativity for new ideas and products. Effectively training
employees’ saves labor cost through reducing the time that is
spent on solving issues or problems and in the long run it saves
money because of the production of a better workforce.
A company’s financial standing can be improved through
training investments. There is always poor performance in an
organization where employees do not know how to do their
jobs, what they are supposed to do or even why they require
working in a specific way. Training effectively can assist in
solving these issues through explaining the job details. This
reduces duplication of the efforts made in the workplace as well
as the time that is spent in correcting mistakes. It also helps in
problem solving and in correcting poor performance. In
addition, improved performance from employee training can
minimize employee turnover, reduce maintenance costs through
reducing equipment breakdowns and hence lead to less customer
complains (Van Aken & Berends, 2017). Effective employee
performance generally develops less need for supervision and it
ensures there is an increased work output.
Training employees plays a fundamental role in their
commitment to the organization. Programs involving employee
training have to meet the requirements as well as employee
expectations (Hendry, 2012). Employees are more likely to be
retained in a company where they receive training that is more
relevant to their job and thus have a positive commitment to the
organization. The best training program comprises of
management giving employees the best and accurate information
and communicating concerning the training as well as ensuring
the program is relevant to the work that employees do.
For a firm that has lost workers, several factors determine
whether a specific training program will be effective. This
depends on the number of workers that are leaving a firm. For
instance, employing temporary workers in places that were
initially held by former employees can save employment costs.
The management can identify if a training program will work
out by evaluating the increasing employee workload that may be
caused by vacancies. They can also evaluate the tension and
stress from turnover and the reducing employee turnover and
morale. This in the end affects their productivity and quality of
Conclusively, the reassessment process has found that job
satisfaction in general increases when employees are trained.
Training them also enhances their self-esteem because they are
able to understand how the firm works. Training staff improves
morale when doing a job and increases loyalty to the job.
Employees that have a belief that their organization provides
the best opportunities for training are less likely to leave the
firm within a year of training compared to employees that
receive poor training opportunities.
This report demonstrates that management is not an easy
undertaking. Managers have to deal with problems of this nature
every day, which means they have to make decisions, some of
which have to follow this process. However, human resource
challenges are among the most complex. As demonstrated by the
process, they cannot be wished away or be short-circuited. The
management has to sit down and find a lasting solution if they
wish to stop dealing with the problem recurrently. The six-step
problem-solving model is among the most reliable ways of
handling organizational problems. Thus, MTS Systems should
take its time and examine the proposed solutions together with
the associated outcomes so as to settle for what help it in
solving its human resource issues. Failure to do will only
worsen the company’s problems because today, human
resources are the most valuable assets an organization can have.
Aartsengel, A. & Kurtoglu, S. (2013). Handbook on continuous
improvement transformation: the lean Six Sigma framework and
systematic methodology for implementation. Berlin New York:
Bondarouk, T. V., & Ruel, H. J. M. (2009). Electronic Human
Resource Management: challenges in the digital era. The
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Hendry, C. (2012). Human resource management. Routledge.
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Rossett, A., & Sheldon, K. (2001). Analysis. Retrieved from
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  • 1. Running head: COMPREHENSIVE MANAGEMENT REPORT 1 COMPREHENSIVE MANAGEMENT REPORT 21 Comprehensive Management Report Nicholas J Ceo American Military University 17 January 2017 An Overview of MTS Systems Corporation MTS Systems Corporation is a supplier of test systems as well as industrial position sensors all over the globe. The company deals with hardware and software solutions with the aim of accelerating and improving the design, development, and manufacture of products and structures. MTS operates in two segments, where in one segment it deals with sensors and in the other, with tests. The test department focuses on providing testing solutions that include software, hardware, and testing services. The sensors segment is keen on providing products to be used in mobile equipment and industrial tools manufacture in order to automate their operations, thus enhancing safety and productivity of the end users. The organization also provides tools to measure displacement in fluids, for instance, liquid
  • 2. levels for clients in industrial processes. The organization provides a solution is an organization that seeks to pioneer in technology and provides unmatched expertise. Engineers depend on accuracy, certainty, and measurements to do their work, to conduct research and transform ideas into results that are tangible and working. MTS Systems is a corporation that is fully dedicated to this transformation in a manner that is faster, more efficient, easier and more successful. The company was established in 1966 with its headquarters at Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and has since worked in partnership with engineers worldwide. MTS Systems has posted an impressive performance over the years, with revenues of about seven hundred and eighty million dollars in the 2016/2017 financial year, up from six hundred and fifty million dollars the previous financial year. This represents a 38.4% growth in revenue. Its profitability has also grown over the years, and the strong performance is expected to continue into the near future. However, it is important to note that the performance would be much better if the existing management problems were dealt with comprehensively and conclusively. In order to arrive at a conclusive solution to the management problems facing MTS Systems, the company must begin with a comprehensive needs assessment that will open the eyes of the management to the reality facing their company. Oftentimes, managers just know that their organization is facing some challenges, but are likely to ignore such problems or fail to take their time to understand the gravity of such problems until they bring an organization to its knees. This is because it takes effort to carry out a needs assessment that ends up solving a problem in a company. Following below is a detailed needs assessment of the management problems bedeviling MTS Systems. Delineating the Problem The modern business environment has become very complex, competitive and dynamic. An organization has to keep
  • 3. scanning the environment to see what it can do differently so as to increase its productivity and competitive edge. As organizations strive to achieve this feat, they also have to grapple with management problems have been around from time immemorial, whose impact on the performance and productivity cannot be overlooked. These challenges, then, have to be sorted out in the most effective way possible so as to mitigate their effects on the organization. Some of these problems include transparency, human resource challenges and change management. In this management report, human resource challenges experienced at MTS Systems are the center of focus, including an evaluation of their impact on the company’s performance, as well as an exploration of the measures that can help in mitigating the impact of the challenges. One of the biggest challenges in the modern workplace is retention of skilled and talented workers. Considering the manner in which the modern workforce is constituted, there is a need for more than a good salary to keep the talented workers motivated and satisfied. It has been observed that employees move and job-hop as they seek to move up the ladder in the shortest time possible and in an attempt to meet their expectations and motivations, which have become highly dynamic. The situation has been compounded by the generational differences in the company where there are older generation employees as well as millennials, who are driven, motivated, and simulated by different factors. For instance, the older generation employees are much more loyal to their employers and are less likely to job-hop. They are also more patient and are much more responsive to financial rewards. On the other hand, the younger generations are less loyal to their employers, are less patient, and tend to respond better to recognition as well as feeling valued than monetary rewards. Moreover, today’s managers have to be alive to the fact that their skilled staff has more options at their disposal, especially now that there are more advances in technology and an explosion in startups and entrepreneurs who are
  • 4. revolutionizing the work and business spaces. Managers have to evaluate the hunger in the workplace and focus on feeding it (Bondarouk & Ruel, 2009). There is a need to focus on much more than just providing a potential opportunity for promotion and job security. Managers should focus on working with the other members of top management in order to define roles, come up with career progression paths that are extensive, enhancing creativity in the workplace, enhancing the working environment, encouraging a culture of collaboration and providing a system-wide mission that will be adopted by employees in their daily operations. Management of human resources extends all the way to the communication amongst the different generations that are found within the modern workplace. A younger generation of employees has to be accompanied by new advances in technology, new ways of doing things, new challenges, new ways of thinking, and different reactions from the society. Presently, millennials, who are at home in the digital world and are spiteful of analog technology, are joining the workforce in huge numbers. They also appear to be more aggressive, and lacking in emotions and patience. The generation also wants to be efficient in what they do in a manner that allows them to feel the impact they bring to their workplaces. The technology they come with promises to do more work, with better quality output, with less wastage, and in less time. Organizations have had challenges managing the surging passion of these young people. There have also been challenges in dealing with the reactions from other generations in regard to these new ways of thinking brought to the workplace by the millenials as opposed to the traditional methods. Thus, finding a common ground that will promote respect and collaboration continues to present managers with a headache. A mix of these generations in teams is a benefit only if their diversity is used as a tool for bringing the best qualities to the table and pooling them together. Focusing on retaining staff and talent for long periods will
  • 5. go a long way in reducing costs associated with recruitment, training, and orientation of new staff. It will also be important for the maintenance of good performance as there will be little time lost in training of new staff and before they become productive. In order to retain employees, the organization needs to enhance the adoption of a company culture that is appealing and that engages employees in two-way communication (Hendry, 2012). In this way, their needs and the steps that should be taken to make their environment more conducive will be understood. Communication between various generations also will be much better if the leadership inculcates a culture that encourages respect, collaboration, and co-operation towards achieving a common goal. In dealing with the younger generation, there is a need to provide better structures, mentors, effective leadership, and guidance. At the same time, it is important to encourage the millennials to embrace their can-do attitudes and bring solutions to the workplace instead of trying to confine them to certain ways of doing things. The management can also take advantage of their levels of comfort working as teams and use these groups to brainstorm and come up with solutions for various challenges. By doing this, the organization will be well on its way to achieving greater levels of success. However, prior to delving into the details of how MTS Systems can incorporate these suggestions into its operations and turn its fortunes around, it is important understand what kind of organization it is. Thus, following below is a precise description of the organization in question. The description includes the organization’s activities, performance, and details about the industry in which it operates. Its hinterland is also explained in the description. Needs Assessment A needs assessment is a systematic process of exploring the way things are presently versus the way they should be ideally. These factors are usually crucial in the performance at an individual level to the organizational level (Rouda & Kusy,
  • 6. 1995). A needs assessment is a continuous process of evaluation, with the objective of connecting the performance problems experienced in an organization and performance opportunities to human performance efforts that are specific. It also involves the process of differentiating the specific performance problems, which will be solved through additional training from those that need other management measures. The main aim of this paper is to develop a needs assessment for MTS Systems Corporation. The management problem at MTS is a human resources management problem One of the biggest challenges is the retention of workers who are skilled and talented. There are also generational differences amongst the work force, bringing with it a challenge in that the different groups respond differently to different situations, hence need to be handled differently. The management also has to deal with communication at the workplace and keeping the employees motivated in order to enhance performance. The performance of the company is impressive, with strong growth and revenue of around seven hundred and eighty million dollars. The bottom line is also very encouraging. This performance, however, is way below the expected performance, which was projected to be over a billion dollars in revenue and a quarter billion dollars in profits. This goal hasn’t been achieved yet but based on the strong performance of the organization, together with good management, the target may be achieved. The mission of the organization is to be a leader in innovation in the manufacture of measurement and testing solutions to enable the success of their customers. The mission is related to the desired performance in that it the mission statement will provide a drive for the staff to be the best in what they do, and in this way improving the performance of the organization as a whole. The management problems are experienced within the whole company and are not just experienced within specific departments. In conducting a needs assessment, several steps will be
  • 7. followed. One will be performing a GAP analysis. This step will seek at establishing the actual level of performance of the organization and the employees in comparison to the standards, which have been set (Rouda & Kusy, 1995). In order to do this, the current situation will be determined first. The skills, knowledge, and abilities that the current employees have should be determined. This analysis ought to take into consideration the goals of the organization, the business climate and constraints, both internal and external. The desired situations are the conditions that are desired for the organization to achieve success. This analysis will focus on the abilities, skills and knowledge that will be needed to achieve achievement of set goals. The gaps that exist between the current and desired situations will point out the needs of the company. Customer care in the company is good in the company but with additional training, it can be taken a notch higher. There is also high competition in the market since several new entrants have started fighting aggressively for market share. For this reason, there is need. The second step is to identify the priorities and the importance of each action. The first step produces a big list with needs for career development, training and organization development and other interventions that have been identified. All these factors will be examined in light of their importance to the organization in regards to the constraints, organizational goals and realities that exist (Rossett & Sheldon, 2001). Due to this, the needs that are identified will be determined if they are real, worth addressing, are important to the organization and are urgent in regard to the requirements and needs of the organization. The customer service training should be prioritized since it will impact directly on the clients, who are the kings in the business. The training will also be more cost effective when compared to the cost of the problem, which is significant. On top of this, customer service will encompass almost every aspect of the company. Good service will meet the needs of the customers, who spread the word to their friends, to
  • 8. the benefit of the company. The next step is to identify the causes of problems in performance and the opportunities that exist therein. At this point, needs of the organization and individuals have been focused on and prioritized, this next step is aimed at identifying the specific areas that present problems and opportunities (Rouda & Kusy, 1995). People ought to know what the performance requirements and if the solutions applied will be appropriate. In order to do this, two questions will be asked. One will be whether the employees are doing the jobs they are entrusted to do effectively. The next will be if they have the right skills in order to their jobs effectively. This will require the investigation of employees on their jobs, in depth, for both present and future times. The fourth step will be to identify the possible growth opportunities and solutions. If the employees are doing their jobs effectively, then they should not be interfered with. Nevertheless, training, or some form of intervention would be justified if it has sufficient importance in growing the performance to new levels (Rossett & Sheldon, 2001). Training could be a solution in case there is a gap in knowledge and skills. Having carried out a needs assessment, the next step is to identify the best solution for the problem from amongst several possible options. To do this, different methods of solution generation need to be explored to find out the one that best suits the problem at hand. Thus, the section that follows endeavors to identify the most appropriate solution to the problems faced by MTS Systems based on the outcomes of the just concluded needs assessment. Possible Approaches to Solving the Problem Organizational problem solving goes beyond a mere decision- making processes. Therefore, practical problem solving has to involve the entire organization. In an organization, everyone from the senior management to the subordinate staff is an essential entity in problem resolving. Some of the issues in an
  • 9. organization arise from the management as well as the human resource (employees). Therefore, problem-solving methods are formulated in dealing with the problems a company is facing. Furthermore, problem-solving increases quality and productivity of a company, making it an essential process for any business organization. Problems at MTS Systems Corporation · Increased Difficulties in retention of skilled workers · Generational differences · Ineffective organizational communication · Low output Identified Problem Solving Methods · Brainstorming · Pink Bat thinking · Continuous process improvement · Coaching · Checklist method Brainstorming The method involves generation of ideas by a group. A problem (s) is identified, and individuals give their version of solutions to the problem. Viable concepts are defined and can be taken for action in the company. During brainstorming, no criticism, as well as judgment, is made to the ideas presented. Brainstorming allows for acquisition of free and open views that can be useful to the company. There are no worries of egos and other associated personality traits. For MTS, brainstorming can be utilized in identifying the cause as to why employees drop out as well as addressing the possible solutions. For instance, the top management will find an opportunity for interacting with employees and break the barrier that may result in ineffective organizational communication. Coaching Coaching refers to skill enhancement through providing part- time employee training. A given area of improvement is first identified, the necessary trainers are availed, and training is
  • 10. done in the working place. Coaching is the best way to skill development in an organization. The provision of coaching services can solve the problem of generational differences. Since the current generation of employees is equipped with modern technological skills, the pioneer employs at the company can be offered to coach in existing technical skills and knowledge to bridge the generational skill-gap between them. Coaching will ensure, therefore, that all the employees are at the same skill level. On the other hand, skill enhancement will give the company a competitive advantage. Since the company aims at the production of quality systems, skill enhancement will result in quality output as per their needs and goals. Pink Bat Thinking method Pink bat thinking involves a positive approach to problems. An individual looks at a challenge as an opportunity. The technique is useful in strategic planning concerning the prevailing conditions in an organization. The issues facing MTS Systems can be handled as an opportunity. The central area to be exploited about MTS company issues is one on one meeting with employees. The act results in improvement of management and employee relationship. Besides, the company can go beyond limits and explore through case studies hence finding new opportunities to exploit. Therefore, the entire scenario should be treated as a chance to improve rather than a problem to be solved. Checklist Method The method entails prioritizing. Matters of importance are given the priority. Various problems are identified, management levels are highlighted, and attention is given to each according to the level of significance. MTS as a company can identify the problems that hinder achievement of their goals. This is known as the causes. Various stakeholders are then given an opportunity to look at the matter and probe into it. MTS then reaches out to diverse affected departments to assess the possible causes of the problem using any of the methods mentioned earlier. The critical areas to be given more attention
  • 11. at MTS are related to the human resource. Thus it should be given utmost care. Continuous Process Improvement The method involves bitwise development rather than immediate wholesome process improvement. Procedures and processes are attended to each at a time. A cause of a problem is identified, target objectives and solutions are formulated, the necessary measures and tools are out in place and finally, the whole process is implemented. MTS as a company can use this method to regain its high output standards and competitiveness. They can implement the plan by identification of critical problems especially in the human resource and apply necessary measures within a given predetermined schedule. For instance, retention of skills can be employed as a strategy and implemented slowly starting with creating a motivation plan for the employs to boost employee productivity. Out of these many possible alternatives to problem solving, it is important to note that each of them usually has situations in which it can serve well. Therefore, once a problem has been identified, possible methods of providing a solution to the problem need to be identified and after that, there is a need to evaluate the risks and rewards associated with each approach. Eventually, the method of problem solving that carries the day is one that promises the most rewards while at the same time presenting the least risks. Thus, the next section examines the risks and rewards of each of the proposed problem solving methods. Risks and Rewards of the Proposed Problem Solving Methods Each of the different solutions proposed to address the problems and issues facing MTS Systems Corporation has a positive impact on client satisfaction. Besides this, it helps the organization retain its best talent and develop the skills and experiences of their employees (Thornton, 2004). Nonetheless, implementing these solutions is not a guaranteed direction to success; there are some underlying threats that need to be identified before they adversely affect the organization. The
  • 12. risk assessment of every solution is as follows. Brainstorming This method calls for participation of the thoughts and ideas of the organization’s employees. The underlying risk in this method is that the top management may receive contributions from only the talkative members of the workforce who may not have the right information to help solve the challenge. Nonetheless, this is a good approach to improve communication across different departments and job classes. Another risk of this approach is that there be a division between the different generations of the employees; for example, a case where the millennials would not prefer to share with the older generation due to fear of being undermined. Coaching This practice involves employee training to enhance skill, experience, and knowledge. Coaching will bring changes in the structuring of the roles and responsibilities of some of the employees. There more experienced employees will be required to guide the un-experienced employees. Taking this action introduces the risk of the passing of misleading or biased information and knowledge from one generation to another making it hard to identify the cause of failure (Aartsengel, & Kurtoglu, 2013). It will also be necessary for each department to have a trainer. This will cost the organization an extra salary for the training services. Pink Bat Thinking Method Improving the relationship between the management and the employees through this method poses a risk to the adherence of the protocol and the respect of authority in the corporation. MTS Company may change some of the organization’s operations in order to favor the employee and end up losing some of its customers due to the changing of the business image. Checklist Method This might is a cost-effective approach, which only engages the efforts of MTS top management. By coordinating this process
  • 13. among the different concerned stakeholders, the company will be able to have different ideas on ways to retain most of its skilled and talented employees. However, when ranking the issues hindering the company from achieving its goals, it might not show the exact situation on the ground as the issues keep changing time and again. The risk, in this case, is relying so much on this method without consulting with the employees themselves. Continuous Process Improvement This method adds an additional cost to the company and consumes many of the available resources in the company for it to be successful. This process might also affect the productivity of the teams involved in it especially if they are expected to carry out other crucial roles in the company. Instead of encouraging the employees to continue serving the company, this method might even make them want to leave the company sooner due to the tightening of procedures in the company. With a clear understanding of the risks involved in using any of the identified problem solving methods, it is important to then understand the impact each of them would have if used. The difference between the identification of risks and rewards and impact analysis is that possible risks and rewards can only be identified before a solution is implemented. After it is implemented, what were previously possible and risks and rewards become impacts. Therefore, during impact analysis, an assumption is made that an appropriate solution has been identified and implemented. In this case, all the identified problem-solving methods are analyzed from the perspective of their impacts post implementation. The next section discusses these impacts. Impact Analysis Impact analysis involves identification of overall consequences that result from implementation of a given change in an organization. Prior impact analysis is designed to eliminate unexpected and possible issues that may occur when accommodating change. The criteria look at proposed changes
  • 14. and the overall impact to ensure it is managed. Sometimes analysis calls for experimenting given changes on a small scale before they are initiated. Therefore, each solution is subject to sidelining and scrutiny for possible adverse impacts with positive impacts being looked at on a minor level. Coaching Coaching is a solution suggested for employees in retention and improvement of excellent skills. The impact of such a program lies in its cost. To implement the program, the company will incur expenses that may result in bankruptcy especially in the department of strategic planning. Clients will have a positive gain of getting new skills, but in the long run, the company will make losses. Coaching also disrupts the company’s timelines and operations. This can be noticed in rescheduling operations to create time for coaching and even do preliminary practices based on the knowledge imparted. The short-term impacts on clients and the entire human resource lie in delayed production and delivery. This is because the otherwise useful time is spent in learning new skills and exercising them. Furthermore, some information offered during coaching may differ with the skills already available. This will create confusion among the employees, as they are not used to the skills. The result will be disruption of operations, and thus the company may realize losses. Continuous Process Improvement The process involves a gradual change in processes. Accommodating such a change lies in the difficulties it offers to the organization regarding finance. To implement bitwise changes, an organization must be ready to pause given programs, which in turn affects other operations. For instance, a maintenance operation in a company halts almost the entire production process. This reduces the working hours of employees hence may require compensation for time lost. The company, in turn, makes losses for paying for costs of unproductive time. The process may also disrupt managerial operations. This is
  • 15. because the primary stakeholders will have to undertake supervision and oversight during process improvement. The latter increases the time lost and costs of compensation as well. With the disruptions at work, some employs may resort to resignation since they may not cope with the changes. Take for example introduction of computers in an institution where clients do not know the machine, and they have to use it; some will prefer migration rather than learning the skill. Brainstorming Brainstorming is a useful method of finding possible solutions and solving them. The impact of such an act only lies in overall representation. Some silent employs may end up being victims of other people’s ideas since they are not much talkative. Brainstorming is problematic since it only uses concepts from talkative individuals who want to express themselves. Pink Bat Thinking Method Pink bat thinking Involves a positive approach to problems. An individual looks at a challenge as an opportunity. This is much risky and can affect the entire human resource and the stakeholders of a company. As much as one can maximize on a problem, a simple error may lead to significant losses. Furthermore, clients who have dealt with a similar issue and failed tend to back off from it same to stakeholders thus some of them may decide to leave the company given that some changes are being implemented based on the problem. Checklist Method This method involves only stakeholders. They do come with essential aspects as well as causes to given problems and provide their version of solutions. It is not such a straightforward way because employees feel less considered and privileged thus demotivation. On the other hand, the problems dealt are not on a full scale. Based on operations, the employee is a subject to the solutions and may suffer under unintended circumstances. At the tail end of this cycle, the need for reassessment and adjustment arises. This is where the power of hindsight comes
  • 16. into play. Humans are prone to errors, but hindsight makes it possible to identify those errors and correct them so that they are not repeated in the future. The reassessment and adjustment phase does the same thing. It allows implementers to back to the beginning of the process and identify the mistakes that occurred and make adjustments so that similar mistakes are not repeated in subsequent cycles of problem solving. The section that follows explains how reassessment and adjustment ought to be done. Reassessment and Adjustment The reassessment and adjustment phase evaluates all the processes to ensure that there is a continuous effective management and make sure that there is no process that should be changed for the continuity or objective of having a sustainable public value (Bondarouk & Ruel, 2009). This stage requires a strategic analysis of the management process and is often associated with replacing, updating, changing as well as terminating strategies and processes that are not working. The process evaluation reviewed the problem statement as well as the organizational needs and this included the proposed solutions together with the identified impacts and risks. It was determined that sound recommendations and practices be laid out for effective implementation of the system. In every organization, change can be seen but progress may be hard to see. Progress describes the process where an organization heads to the right direction with the intention of making its vision or goal a reality (Large-Scale, Real-Time Organizational Change, 2017). Therefore, it is significant to stress that leadership plays an essential role in making progress to be effective and thus operations in the organization have to be restricted to situations that need change. The main solution to the problem of employee retention in the organization includes retraining of employees in every section of personnel processing or training. Firms that train their employees often reap the rewards mainly because well trained staff helps in increasing profits and
  • 17. productivity. Investments that are made by business firms in employee training are beneficial because they help in enhancing customer satisfaction, employee retention rate, improve creativity for new ideas and products. Effectively training employees’ saves labor cost through reducing the time that is spent on solving issues or problems and in the long run it saves money because of the production of a better workforce. A company’s financial standing can be improved through training investments. There is always poor performance in an organization where employees do not know how to do their jobs, what they are supposed to do or even why they require working in a specific way. Training effectively can assist in solving these issues through explaining the job details. This reduces duplication of the efforts made in the workplace as well as the time that is spent in correcting mistakes. It also helps in problem solving and in correcting poor performance. In addition, improved performance from employee training can minimize employee turnover, reduce maintenance costs through reducing equipment breakdowns and hence lead to less customer complains (Van Aken & Berends, 2017). Effective employee performance generally develops less need for supervision and it ensures there is an increased work output. Training employees plays a fundamental role in their commitment to the organization. Programs involving employee training have to meet the requirements as well as employee expectations (Hendry, 2012). Employees are more likely to be retained in a company where they receive training that is more relevant to their job and thus have a positive commitment to the organization. The best training program comprises of management giving employees the best and accurate information and communicating concerning the training as well as ensuring the program is relevant to the work that employees do. For a firm that has lost workers, several factors determine whether a specific training program will be effective. This depends on the number of workers that are leaving a firm. For instance, employing temporary workers in places that were
  • 18. initially held by former employees can save employment costs. The management can identify if a training program will work out by evaluating the increasing employee workload that may be caused by vacancies. They can also evaluate the tension and stress from turnover and the reducing employee turnover and morale. This in the end affects their productivity and quality of production. Conclusively, the reassessment process has found that job satisfaction in general increases when employees are trained. Training them also enhances their self-esteem because they are able to understand how the firm works. Training staff improves morale when doing a job and increases loyalty to the job. Employees that have a belief that their organization provides the best opportunities for training are less likely to leave the firm within a year of training compared to employees that receive poor training opportunities. Conclusion This report demonstrates that management is not an easy undertaking. Managers have to deal with problems of this nature every day, which means they have to make decisions, some of which have to follow this process. However, human resource challenges are among the most complex. As demonstrated by the process, they cannot be wished away or be short-circuited. The management has to sit down and find a lasting solution if they wish to stop dealing with the problem recurrently. The six-step problem-solving model is among the most reliable ways of handling organizational problems. Thus, MTS Systems should take its time and examine the proposed solutions together with the associated outcomes so as to settle for what help it in solving its human resource issues. Failure to do will only worsen the company’s problems because today, human resources are the most valuable assets an organization can have. References Aartsengel, A. & Kurtoglu, S. (2013). Handbook on continuous
  • 19. improvement transformation: the lean Six Sigma framework and systematic methodology for implementation. Berlin New York: Springer. Bondarouk, T. V., & Ruel, H. J. M. (2009). Electronic Human Resource Management: challenges in the digital era. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(3), 505-514. Hendry, C. (2012). Human resource management. Routledge. Large-Scale, Real-Time Organizational Change. (2017). Retrieved 16 December 2017, from Rossett, A., & Sheldon, K. (2001). Analysis. Retrieved from Big Dog' s and Little Dog's Performance Juxtaposition: Rouda, R. H., & Kusy, M. E. (1995). Needs Assessment: The First Step. Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry. Thornton, A. (2004). Variation risk management: focusing quality improvements in product development and production. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Van Aken, J. E., & Berends, H. (2017). Problem-solving in organizations. Cambridge University Press.