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Completing the Annotated Bibliography
Student Name
Instructor Name
Thesis Statement: Convert your research question into. a thesis
statement, type your thesis statement here.
Annotation 1: Scholarly Article 1:
Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format
your reference according to APA style for a journal article.
Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source
contributes to answering your research question. Your
annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully
address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources
you found on this topic following this order:
1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point)
of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the
2. After explaining the overall structure of the source,
summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or
her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical
documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals?
3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you
have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how
it contradicts or supports these sources.
4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your
research question.
Annotation 2: Scholarly Article 2:
Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format
your reference according to APA style for a journal article.
Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source
contributes to answering your research question. Your
annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully
address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources
you found on this topic following this order:
1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point)
of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the
2. After explaining the overall structure of the source,
summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or
her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical
documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals?
3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you
have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how
it contradicts or supports these sources.
4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your
research question.
Annotation 3: Web Page 1:
Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format
your reference according to APA style for a website.
Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source
contributes to answering your research question. Your
annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully
address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources
you found on this topic following this order:
1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point)
of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the
2. After explaining the overall structure of the source,
summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or
her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical
documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals?
3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you
have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how
it contradicts or supports these sources.
4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your
research question.
Annotation 4: Web Page 2:
Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format
your reference according to APA style for a website.
Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source
contributes to answering your research question. Your
annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully
address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources
you found on this topic following this order:
1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point)
of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the
2. After explaining the overall structure of the source,
summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or
her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical
documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals?
3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you
have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how
it contradicts or supports these sources.
4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your
research question.
Annotation 5: eBook 1:
Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format
your reference according to APA style for a book.
Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source
contributes to answering your research question. Your
annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully
address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources
you found on this topic following this order:
1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point)
of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the
2. After explaining the overall structure of the source,
summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or
her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical
documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals?
3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you
have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how
it contradicts or supports these sources.
4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your
research question.
Locating Web Pages
Whether the use of UDL approach in post-secondary education
helps to improve learning outcomes for students with
Reference: Rao, K., Ok, M. W., & Bryant, B. R. (2014). A
review of research on universal design educational models.
Remedial and Special Education, 35(3), 153-
Rao, Ok and Bryant (2014) provide a descriptive review of
the most recent articles on the application of the universal
design for learning (UDL), universal design of instruction
(UDI), and universal instructional design (UID) models, all of
which have gained significant prominence in special education
since their introduction in the 1990s (Rao, Ok, & Bryant, 2014).
The journal article is a descriptive review of 13 studies
conducted in post-secondary K-12 settings. These studies are all
concerned with how researchers are applying and evaluating UD
education programs in different contexts. The studies, carried
out between 2005 and 2011, offer numerous suggestions for
research design, reporting on and evaluation of the efficacy of
UDL programs (Marcyk,
The authors look into how the various studies can be practical
to teaching in early childhood education, elementary, middle
and high school classroom settings. Of particular interest is how
the studies highlight technology use. Rao, Ok and Bryant (2014)
highlight studies that look into tools and various technological
applications that can help teachers address principles of the
provision of multiple means of teaching and engagement. For
instance, they stress on computers being flexible tools that can
be aligned with flexible UDL checkpoints and integrated into
learning processes for both kids with and without disabilities
(Rao, Ok, & Bryant, 2014). The dominant theme across the
studies is that UDL supports the academic inclusion of all
students. The article also highlights the growing popularity of
the field of UDL among researchers, giving possible reasons
why it might have remained neglected in the past. Rao, Ok, and
Bryant (2014) however, also speak to the problem of a lack of
standardization of reporting in UDL based studies, and how
standardization can strengthen future research.
Davies, P. L., Schelly, C. L., & Spooner, C. L. (2012).
Measuring the effectiveness of universal design for learning
intervention in postsecondary education. Journal of
Postsecondary Education and Disability, 26(3), 195-220.
The rationale for this article, based on what the researchers
call a gap in research and literature concerning the provision
and effectiveness of training to university instructors on the
principles of UDL, and the resultant student outcomes,
especially when it comes to students with disabilities. Davies,
Schelly, and Spooner (2012) start by highlighting the relative
lack of research projects focusing on the effectiveness of UDL
training for students. The few studies available are not
conclusive since they do not use control groups and offer no
comparative data. Building on a study by the same researchers,
this article describes the process and results of a research
project that involved a control and intervention group of
instructors (Schelly, Davies, &
Spooner, 2011). The intervention instructors taught psychology
classes, with a total of 1164 students enrolled. The participants
in the control group had instructors teaching six psychology
sections with 646 students enrolled.
Reference: Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
Center for research, professional and policy development (2008)
Learning (UDL) Retrieved from
Lombardi, A. R., Murray, C., & Gerdes, H. (2011). College
faculty and inclusive instruction: Self-reported attitudes and
actions related to universal design. Journal of Diversity in
Higher Education, 4(4), 250–261.
People with disabilities have worked for numerous years to
achieve integration and full participation within a society.
Realizing this goal has involved overcoming huge physical,
economic, social, legal and cultural barriers to enable full
access and presence. This effort has been particularly
noticeable in the area of education. One of those greatest
research areas has been in the use of UDL (Universal Design
Learning) for learning Universal design in education creates an
educational environment that is not just inclusive of students
with disabilities, but of all students. Many disability services
professionals have touted UDL as a viable strategy for
improving access to instructional resources for students with
disabilities. UDL is a set of guidelines for encouraging a
flexible, unbiased learning curriculum that meet the
requirements of a diverse body of learners, in this circumstance
postsecondary school education with
Universal Design for Learning aids teachers’ efforts meet the
task of diversity by providing flexible instructional materials,
techniques, and approaches that help teachers differentiate
instruction to meet these varied needs including the disabled. It
does this by providing options for giving information and
content in different ways (the “what” of learning),
differentiating the ways that students express what they know
(the question “how” of learning) and thought-provoking interest
and motivation for learning (the question “why” of learning). In
an educational context, UDL involves critically examining
courses, texts, schedules, and other aspects of teaching and
education. Calling for multiple means of representation to give
students various ways of acquiring information and knowledge;
different methods of expression to provide students alternatives
for demonstrating what they know; and various means of
interaction to tap into students’ interests, offer appropriate
challenges and increase motivation (CAST, 2008). By
increasing student choice and making connections with
students’ prior knowledge, student motivation to participate and
to learn is also increased (Lombardi et al., 2011)
Reference: Davies, P. S, Spooner, C.C., & University, C.
(2013). Measuring the effectiveness of universal design for
learning intervention in postsecondary education. Journal of
Postsecondary Education & Disability, 26, 195–220.
Harrison, E. G. (2006). Working with faculty toward
universally designed instructions:
The process of dynamic course design. Journal of
Postsecondary Education and
Disability, 19(2), 152–162. Retrieved from
Vannatta, R. A., & Fordham, N. (2004). Teacher disposition as
predictors of classroom technology use. Journal of Research on
Technology in Education, 36(3), 253–271).
Education and training of teachers and faculty are also essential
to lowering barriers and attitude and growing familiarity with
students who have disabilities (Harrison, 2006). Training is
important for faculty to be comfortable incorporating universal
design into their curricula to reduce barriers. They evaluated
attitudes of teacher candidates who trained in assistive
technologies, accommodations, functional behavioral
assessment, and organizing lessons using UDL, compared to a
control group that received traditional training. The authors
concluded that the control group delivered much lower in the
assessment relative to those who received training. In
conclusion, the grades of students with disabilities in classes
taught by the educators who received training increased hugely
while the grades of their non-disabled counterparts remained
unchanged. In contrast, the grades of both groups of students in
courses taught by non-trained educators stayed the same or
declined somewhat. Consequently, only the grades of the
students with disabilities in the classes of the trained educators
showed a significant increase after the educators received the
training, resulting in the performance of students with and
without disabilities educated by qualified educators to similar
levels in the post-training period.
Davies, Schelly, and Spooner (2013) conducted a study where
they compared students survey data about an interference group
of instructors who received UDL training to students survey
data from a control group of instructors that did not receive
UDL training. Survey data was collected both from students
with, and without disabilities, however, this information was
not included in the reported results because the numbers were
too small to generalize by disability type and against the larger
population of students as a whole. The results of the study
suggested UDL training had a significant effect on students’
perceptions of instruction in university courses. Notably, the
researchers were able to determine specific UDL strategies that
students identified as having the most significant impact. For
example, the use of instructional videos, providing an outline at
the onset of each lecture, and presenting materials in multiple
formats is identified as teaching strategies that positively
impacted students’ educational experiences. Although limited
to students reported perceptions of a UDL intervention and
lacking any data as it relates to final grades, one could argue
that this study does measure the effectiveness of UDL on
student engagement.
The current reality is that enrollment in post-secondary
institutions is becoming increasingly diverse as the number of
individuals with disabilities, both diagnosed and undiagnosed,
continues to rise. Educationalists’ obligation of time to the
procedure and their willingness to embrace change associated
with the expense of training received (Vannatta & Fordham,
2004). Technology is only a tool for learning, not a guaranteed
solution. Additionally, most are not passionate about seeking
professional development in technology or finding time to learn
new strategies. Using effective instructional strategies,
educators can meet the needs of postsecondary students, yet
those educators require the knowledge and skills needed to
select and adapt curriculum and educational methods according
to individual student needs.
Total Possible Score: 20.00
Provides a Thesis Statement That Summarizes Research
Total: 2.00
Distinguished - Provides a clear, succinct thesis statement that
accurately and thoroughly summarizes research findings.
Proficient - Provides a thesis statement that summarizes
research findings. The thesis statement may have minor errors,
but the meaning is clear.
Basic - Provides a thesis statement that is related to the research
findings but may not successfully or clearly summarize the
findings. The thesis provided may be more than two sentences.
Below Expectations - Provides a thesis statement that is
somewhat related to the research topic but does not summarize
the research findings. The thesis provided is longer than two
Non-Performance - The thesis statement is either nonexistent or
lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Provides the Appropriate Number and Types of Sources
Total: 4.00
Distinguished - Clearly and unambiguously meets the
requirement of providing two scholarly journal articles, two
web pages, and one eBook chapter.
Proficient - Appears to meet the requirement of providing two
scholarly journal articles, two web pages, and one eBook
chapter, though APA issues make it difficult to confirm.
Basic - Provides five sources, but it is not clear that the student
has the correct number of sources from each type.
Below Expectations - Provides five sources, but there are
clearly sources missing from one or more categories or there are
fewer than five sources provided.
Non-Performance - The required sources are either nonexistent
or lacks the components described in the assignment
Creates APA-formatted References for the Sources
Total: 3.00
Distinguished - Creates APA-formatted references that are
complete and accurate for all five sources (two scholarly journal
articles, two web pages, and one eBook).
Proficient - Creates APA-formatted references that are mostly
complete and accurate for all five sources (two scholarly journal
articles, two web pages, and one eBook). There are minor
errors or missing elements.
Basic - Creates APA-formatted references that are somewhat
complete and accurate for all five sources two scholarly journal
articles: two web pages, and one eBook. There are errors and/or
relevant elements are missing.
Below Expectations - Attempts to create APA-formatted
references or all five sources: two scholarly journal articles,
two web pages, and one eBook; however, there are fewer than
five sources, and/or there are significant errors and missing
Non-Performance - The APA-formattedreferences are either
nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment
Summarizes the Purpose, Content, Evidence, and Relation for
Each Source
Total: 6.00
Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly summarizes the
purpose, content, evidence, and relation for all five sources.
All annotations are two paragraphs in length.
Proficient - Summarizes the purpose, content, evidence, and
relation for all five sources. All annotations are two paragraphs
in length. The annotations contain few inaccuracies and are
missing only minor details.
Basic - Briefly summarizes the purpose, content, evidence, and
relation for the five sources. All annotations are two paragraphs
in length. The annotations contain some inaccuracies and/or are
missing relevant details.
Below Expectations - Attempts to summarize the purpose,
content, evidence, and relation for each source; however,
annotations are not included for all five sources, and/or the
annotations may be less than two paragraphs in length, contain
many inaccuracies, and are missing significant details.
Non-Performance - The annotations of the required five sources
are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the
assignment instructions.
Uses the Completing the Annotated Bibliography Template
Provided, Completing all Required Portions
Total: 1.00
Distinguished - Uses the Completing the Annotated
Bibliography Template fully completing all of the required
Proficient - Uses the Completing the Annotated Bibliography
Template, completing most of the required portions.
Basic - Uses the Completing the Annotated Bibliography
Template, completing some of the required portions.
Below Expectations - Uses the Completing the Annotated
Bibliography Template; however, many portions were not
Non-Performance - The completed Completing the Annotated
Bibliography Template is either nonexistent or lacks the
components described in the assignment instructions.
Critical Thinking: Conclusions and Related Outcomes
Total: 1.00
Distinguished - Conclusions and related outcomes are logical
and clearly reflect an informed evaluation and the ability to
place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.
Proficient - Conclusions and related outcomes are logical and
reflect an informed evaluation and the ability to place evidence
and perspectives discussed in priority order.
Basic - Conclusions and related outcomes are identified and
minimally reflect an informed evaluation and the ability to
place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.
Below Expectations - Conclusions and related outcomes are not
logical or reflective of an informed evaluation and the ability to
place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or
lacks the components described in the instructions.
Critical Thinking: Explanation of Issues
Total: 1.00
Distinguished - Clearly and comprehensively explains the issue
to be considered, delivering all relevant information necessary
for a full understanding.
Proficient - Clearly explains the issue to be considered,
delivering enough relevant information for an adequate
Basic - Briefly explains the issue to be considered, delivering
minimal information for a basic understanding.
Below Expectations - Briefly explains the issue to be
considered, but may not deliver additional information
necessary for a basic understanding.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or
lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics
Total: 1.00
Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and
organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and
grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to
Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax
and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work
contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to
Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics,
such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few
errors which may slightly distract the reader.
Below Expectations - Fails to display basic comprehension of
syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written
work contains major errors which distract the reader.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or
lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: APA Formatting
Total: 1.00
Distinguished - Accurately uses APA formatting consistently
throughout the paper, title page, and reference page.
Proficient - Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper.
However, layout contains a few minor errors.
Basic - Exhibits limited knowledge of APA formatting
throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA
Below Expectations - Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA
formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout
difficult to distinguish as APA.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or
lacks the components described in the instructions.

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  • 1. Running head: COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 COMPLETING THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 4 Completing the Annotated Bibliography Student Name Instructor Name Date Thesis Statement: Convert your research question into. a thesis statement, type your thesis statement here. Annotation 1: Scholarly Article 1: Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format your reference according to APA style for a journal article. Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source contributes to answering your research question. Your annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic following this order: 1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point) of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the source. 2. After explaining the overall structure of the source, summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals? 3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you
  • 2. have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how it contradicts or supports these sources. 4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your research question. Annotation 2: Scholarly Article 2: Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format your reference according to APA style for a journal article. Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source contributes to answering your research question. Your annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic following this order: 1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point) of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the source. 2. After explaining the overall structure of the source, summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals? 3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how it contradicts or supports these sources. 4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your research question. Annotation 3: Web Page 1: Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format your reference according to APA style for a website. Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source contributes to answering your research question. Your annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic following this order: 1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point) of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the
  • 3. source. 2. After explaining the overall structure of the source, summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals? 3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how it contradicts or supports these sources. 4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your research question. Annotation 4: Web Page 2: Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format your reference according to APA style for a website. Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source contributes to answering your research question. Your annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic following this order: 1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point) of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the source. 2. After explaining the overall structure of the source, summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals? 3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how it contradicts or supports these sources. 4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your research question. Annotation 5: eBook 1: Reference: Include a complete reference for the source. Format your reference according to APA style for a book. Annotation: In your own words, explain how this source
  • 4. contributes to answering your research question. Your annotation should be at least two paragraphs long and fully address purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic following this order: 1. In the first sentence, explain the purpose (or the main point) of the source. Then, describe the content and elements of the source. 2. After explaining the overall structure of the source, summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals? 3. Next, explain how the source relates to other sources you have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how it contradicts or supports these sources. 4. Finally, briefly describe how the source answers to your research question. 1 LOCATING WEB PAGES 2 LOCATING WEB PAGES 7 Running head: LOCATING WEB PAGES Locating Web Pages
  • 5. Whether the use of UDL approach in post-secondary education helps to improve learning outcomes for students with disabilities? Reference: Rao, K., Ok, M. W., & Bryant, B. R. (2014). A review of research on universal design educational models. Remedial and Special Education, 35(3), 153- 166. Rao, Ok and Bryant (2014) provide a descriptive review of the most recent articles on the application of the universal design for learning (UDL), universal design of instruction (UDI), and universal instructional design (UID) models, all of which have gained significant prominence in special education since their introduction in the 1990s (Rao, Ok, & Bryant, 2014). The journal article is a descriptive review of 13 studies conducted in post-secondary K-12 settings. These studies are all concerned with how researchers are applying and evaluating UD education programs in different contexts. The studies, carried out between 2005 and 2011, offer numerous suggestions for research design, reporting on and evaluation of the efficacy of UDL programs (Marcyk, 2016). The authors look into how the various studies can be practical to teaching in early childhood education, elementary, middle and high school classroom settings. Of particular interest is how
  • 6. the studies highlight technology use. Rao, Ok and Bryant (2014) highlight studies that look into tools and various technological applications that can help teachers address principles of the provision of multiple means of teaching and engagement. For instance, they stress on computers being flexible tools that can be aligned with flexible UDL checkpoints and integrated into learning processes for both kids with and without disabilities (Rao, Ok, & Bryant, 2014). The dominant theme across the studies is that UDL supports the academic inclusion of all students. The article also highlights the growing popularity of the field of UDL among researchers, giving possible reasons why it might have remained neglected in the past. Rao, Ok, and Bryant (2014) however, also speak to the problem of a lack of standardization of reporting in UDL based studies, and how standardization can strengthen future research. Davies, P. L., Schelly, C. L., & Spooner, C. L. (2012). Measuring the effectiveness of universal design for learning intervention in postsecondary education. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 26(3), 195-220. The rationale for this article, based on what the researchers call a gap in research and literature concerning the provision and effectiveness of training to university instructors on the principles of UDL, and the resultant student outcomes, especially when it comes to students with disabilities. Davies, Schelly, and Spooner (2012) start by highlighting the relative lack of research projects focusing on the effectiveness of UDL training for students. The few studies available are not conclusive since they do not use control groups and offer no comparative data. Building on a study by the same researchers, this article describes the process and results of a research project that involved a control and intervention group of instructors (Schelly, Davies, & Spooner, 2011). The intervention instructors taught psychology classes, with a total of 1164 students enrolled. The participants in the control group had instructors teaching six psychology
  • 7. sections with 646 students enrolled. Reference: Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) Center for research, professional and policy development (2008) Learning (UDL) Retrieved from Lombardi, A. R., Murray, C., & Gerdes, H. (2011). College faculty and inclusive instruction: Self-reported attitudes and actions related to universal design. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 4(4), 250–261. People with disabilities have worked for numerous years to achieve integration and full participation within a society. Realizing this goal has involved overcoming huge physical, economic, social, legal and cultural barriers to enable full access and presence. This effort has been particularly noticeable in the area of education. One of those greatest research areas has been in the use of UDL (Universal Design Learning) for learning Universal design in education creates an educational environment that is not just inclusive of students with disabilities, but of all students. Many disability services professionals have touted UDL as a viable strategy for improving access to instructional resources for students with disabilities. UDL is a set of guidelines for encouraging a flexible, unbiased learning curriculum that meet the requirements of a diverse body of learners, in this circumstance postsecondary school education with disabilities. Universal Design for Learning aids teachers’ efforts meet the task of diversity by providing flexible instructional materials, techniques, and approaches that help teachers differentiate instruction to meet these varied needs including the disabled. It does this by providing options for giving information and content in different ways (the “what” of learning), differentiating the ways that students express what they know (the question “how” of learning) and thought-provoking interest and motivation for learning (the question “why” of learning). In an educational context, UDL involves critically examining
  • 8. courses, texts, schedules, and other aspects of teaching and education. Calling for multiple means of representation to give students various ways of acquiring information and knowledge; different methods of expression to provide students alternatives for demonstrating what they know; and various means of interaction to tap into students’ interests, offer appropriate challenges and increase motivation (CAST, 2008). By increasing student choice and making connections with students’ prior knowledge, student motivation to participate and to learn is also increased (Lombardi et al., 2011) Reference: Davies, P. S, Spooner, C.C., & University, C. (2013). Measuring the effectiveness of universal design for learning intervention in postsecondary education. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 26, 195–220. Harrison, E. G. (2006). Working with faculty toward universally designed instructions: The process of dynamic course design. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 19(2), 152–162. Retrieved from Vannatta, R. A., & Fordham, N. (2004). Teacher disposition as predictors of classroom technology use. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(3), 253–271). Education and training of teachers and faculty are also essential to lowering barriers and attitude and growing familiarity with students who have disabilities (Harrison, 2006). Training is important for faculty to be comfortable incorporating universal design into their curricula to reduce barriers. They evaluated attitudes of teacher candidates who trained in assistive technologies, accommodations, functional behavioral assessment, and organizing lessons using UDL, compared to a control group that received traditional training. The authors concluded that the control group delivered much lower in the assessment relative to those who received training. In
  • 9. conclusion, the grades of students with disabilities in classes taught by the educators who received training increased hugely while the grades of their non-disabled counterparts remained unchanged. In contrast, the grades of both groups of students in courses taught by non-trained educators stayed the same or declined somewhat. Consequently, only the grades of the students with disabilities in the classes of the trained educators showed a significant increase after the educators received the training, resulting in the performance of students with and without disabilities educated by qualified educators to similar levels in the post-training period. Davies, Schelly, and Spooner (2013) conducted a study where they compared students survey data about an interference group of instructors who received UDL training to students survey data from a control group of instructors that did not receive UDL training. Survey data was collected both from students with, and without disabilities, however, this information was not included in the reported results because the numbers were too small to generalize by disability type and against the larger population of students as a whole. The results of the study suggested UDL training had a significant effect on students’ perceptions of instruction in university courses. Notably, the researchers were able to determine specific UDL strategies that students identified as having the most significant impact. For example, the use of instructional videos, providing an outline at the onset of each lecture, and presenting materials in multiple formats is identified as teaching strategies that positively impacted students’ educational experiences. Although limited to students reported perceptions of a UDL intervention and lacking any data as it relates to final grades, one could argue that this study does measure the effectiveness of UDL on student engagement. The current reality is that enrollment in post-secondary institutions is becoming increasingly diverse as the number of individuals with disabilities, both diagnosed and undiagnosed, continues to rise. Educationalists’ obligation of time to the
  • 10. procedure and their willingness to embrace change associated with the expense of training received (Vannatta & Fordham, 2004). Technology is only a tool for learning, not a guaranteed solution. Additionally, most are not passionate about seeking professional development in technology or finding time to learn new strategies. Using effective instructional strategies, educators can meet the needs of postsecondary students, yet those educators require the knowledge and skills needed to select and adapt curriculum and educational methods according to individual student needs. Total Possible Score: 20.00 Provides a Thesis Statement That Summarizes Research Findings Total: 2.00 Distinguished - Provides a clear, succinct thesis statement that accurately and thoroughly summarizes research findings. Proficient - Provides a thesis statement that summarizes research findings. The thesis statement may have minor errors, but the meaning is clear. Basic - Provides a thesis statement that is related to the research findings but may not successfully or clearly summarize the findings. The thesis provided may be more than two sentences. Below Expectations - Provides a thesis statement that is somewhat related to the research topic but does not summarize the research findings. The thesis provided is longer than two sentences. Non-Performance - The thesis statement is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. Provides the Appropriate Number and Types of Sources Total: 4.00
  • 11. Distinguished - Clearly and unambiguously meets the requirement of providing two scholarly journal articles, two web pages, and one eBook chapter. Proficient - Appears to meet the requirement of providing two scholarly journal articles, two web pages, and one eBook chapter, though APA issues make it difficult to confirm. Basic - Provides five sources, but it is not clear that the student has the correct number of sources from each type. Below Expectations - Provides five sources, but there are clearly sources missing from one or more categories or there are fewer than five sources provided. Non-Performance - The required sources are either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. Creates APA-formatted References for the Sources Total: 3.00 Distinguished - Creates APA-formatted references that are complete and accurate for all five sources (two scholarly journal articles, two web pages, and one eBook). Proficient - Creates APA-formatted references that are mostly complete and accurate for all five sources (two scholarly journal articles, two web pages, and one eBook). There are minor errors or missing elements. Basic - Creates APA-formatted references that are somewhat complete and accurate for all five sources two scholarly journal articles: two web pages, and one eBook. There are errors and/or relevant elements are missing. Below Expectations - Attempts to create APA-formatted references or all five sources: two scholarly journal articles, two web pages, and one eBook; however, there are fewer than five sources, and/or there are significant errors and missing elements. Non-Performance - The APA-formattedreferences are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions.
  • 12. Summarizes the Purpose, Content, Evidence, and Relation for Each Source Total: 6.00 Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly summarizes the purpose, content, evidence, and relation for all five sources. All annotations are two paragraphs in length. Proficient - Summarizes the purpose, content, evidence, and relation for all five sources. All annotations are two paragraphs in length. The annotations contain few inaccuracies and are missing only minor details. Basic - Briefly summarizes the purpose, content, evidence, and relation for the five sources. All annotations are two paragraphs in length. The annotations contain some inaccuracies and/or are missing relevant details. Below Expectations - Attempts to summarize the purpose, content, evidence, and relation for each source; however, annotations are not included for all five sources, and/or the annotations may be less than two paragraphs in length, contain many inaccuracies, and are missing significant details. Non-Performance - The annotations of the required five sources are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions. Uses the Completing the Annotated Bibliography Template Provided, Completing all Required Portions Total: 1.00 Distinguished - Uses the Completing the Annotated Bibliography Template fully completing all of the required portions. Proficient - Uses the Completing the Annotated Bibliography Template, completing most of the required portions. Basic - Uses the Completing the Annotated Bibliography Template, completing some of the required portions. Below Expectations - Uses the Completing the Annotated Bibliography Template; however, many portions were not
  • 13. completed. Non-Performance - The completed Completing the Annotated Bibliography Template is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. Critical Thinking: Conclusions and Related Outcomes Total: 1.00 Distinguished - Conclusions and related outcomes are logical and clearly reflect an informed evaluation and the ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order. Proficient - Conclusions and related outcomes are logical and reflect an informed evaluation and the ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order. Basic - Conclusions and related outcomes are identified and minimally reflect an informed evaluation and the ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order. Below Expectations - Conclusions and related outcomes are not logical or reflective of an informed evaluation and the ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order. Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. Critical Thinking: Explanation of Issues Total: 1.00 Distinguished - Clearly and comprehensively explains the issue to be considered, delivering all relevant information necessary for a full understanding. Proficient - Clearly explains the issue to be considered, delivering enough relevant information for an adequate understanding. Basic - Briefly explains the issue to be considered, delivering minimal information for a basic understanding. Below Expectations - Briefly explains the issue to be considered, but may not deliver additional information necessary for a basic understanding. Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or
  • 14. lacks the components described in the instructions. Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics Total: 1.00 Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand. Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand. Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader. Below Expectations - Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors which distract the reader. Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. Written Communication: APA Formatting Total: 1.00 Distinguished - Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page. Proficient - Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors. Basic - Exhibits limited knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements. Below Expectations - Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA. Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.