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Annotated Bibliography
Arielle Black
Webster University
December 1, 2017
Annotated Bibliography
Fatma, I. K. (2017). The Level Of Wage And Labor Productivity
In Hotel Industry: An Analysis. Eurasian Journal of Economics
and Finance, 5(2), 36-50.
Wage is an aspect that happens today is high wage and high
aggressiveness. Wage hypothesis that was created by Rees
(1973) and Katz (1980) clarify that payment can't just be seen
just as a generation cost yet additionally as a piece of a push to
expand the work thriving and inspiration. This hypothesis is a
wage effectiveness hypothesis, which expressed that
organization's income can increment notwithstanding paying
pay over the market wage harmony. Even though here the two
specialists had ascertained the issue of work's quality however
they have not achieved observational testing by building up
specific model. Subsequently, the specialists saw this hole as a
chance to unwind the marvels event to work and try to build up
an exact model to see the impact of wage to profitability and
variable that can quantify the nature of work and different
factors that influence salary and efficiency at the same time.
The components utilized are the distinction between singular
trademark, human capital, and nature of work life (Fatma,
2017). The approach of this exploration is constructivism
approach through quantitative investigation procedure with
concurrent condition framework. Examination unit in this
exploration is work in friendliness industry. Estimation
aftereffects of research demonstrate that instruction, preparing,
knowledge, work hour and profitability have a critical positive
impact on wage, while age and work status isn't massive. Nature
of work life and payment have the enormous positive impact on
profitability, while training, background, age, and work status
have no huge impact. Imperative finding from inquiring about
that preparation has a noteworthy implication for profitability
however contrarily. Discoveries of this examination
demonstrate that beneficial outcome of preparing to profitability
will be greater in an association that ready to put resources into
the workplace that help the work.
McGowan, M. A. (2017). Labor Market Mismatch and Labor
Productivity: Evidence from PIAAC Data☆. In Skill Mismatch
in Labor Markets, (pp. 199-241). Emerald Publishing Limited.
This paper investigates the connection amongst ability and
capability confuse and work profitability utilizing cross-country
industry information for 19 OECD nations. Using bungle
pointers totaled from miniaturized scale information sourced
from the current OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), the
principle comes about propose that higher aptitude and
capability crisscross is related with bringing down work
efficiency, with over-skilling and under-capability representing
the majority of these effects (McGowan, 2017).
A novel outcome is that higher ability confound is related with
bring down work profitability through a less efficient allotment
of assets, probably in light of the fact that when the offer of
over-gifted specialists is higher, more beneficial firms think
that it is harder to draw in talented work and pick up pieces of
the pie to the detriment of less gainful companies. In the
meantime, a higher offer of under-qualified specialists is related
to both lower allocative proficiency and inside firm profitability
– that is, a smaller proportion of high efficiency to low
profitability firms. While contrasts in administrative quality can
conceivably represent the connection amongst confound and
inside firm efficiency, the paper offers some preparatory bits of
knowledge into the approach factors that may clarify the
association between ability bungle and asset designation.
Delmas, M. A. (2013). Environmental standards and labor
productivity: Understanding the mechanisms that sustain
sustainability. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(2), 230-
In the most recent decade, a rising number of firms have
embraced willful worldwide ecological administration and item
guidelines, for example, the universal ISO 14001 administration
standard or natural confirmation (Delmas, 2013). Albeit rising
examination dissects the effect of these measures on natural and
money related execution, there is as far as anyone is concerned
no experimental research on how they influence the profitability
of workers. In this paper, we examine the immediate connection
between ecological principles and work profitability, and two
interceding instruments through which natural gauges impact
work efficiency: worker preparing and upgraded relational
contacts inside the firm. Our experimental outcomes,
considering a French employer– representative review from
5220 companies, uncover that organizations that have embraced
natural norms appreciate one standard deviation higher work
profitability than firms that have not received such models.
A critical collection of writing has been devoted to inquiring
about investigations on development work profitability (CLP)
and related issues, and numerous fundamental hypotheses and
modern practices on CLP application have been accounted for.
In any case, look into subjects about CLP are profoundly
differentiated, and there is an absence of orderly examination in
CLP-related issues. Through a deliberate audit of chose papers
from surely understood scholastic diaries in development
administration, significant research regions are recognized, for
example, factors influencing CLP, displaying an assessment of
CLP, strategies, and innovation for CLP change, patterns and
correlations of CLP, impacts of progress/minor departure from
CLP, and gauge/benchmarking CLP. Primary surveys on these
regions are exhibited by concentrating on industry, task, and
movement levels to examine the cutting edge and patterns in
CLP inquire about. Holes in research and practices are talked
about, and future research bearings are proposed. The result of
this paper may give a stage to the two analysts and mechanical
experts to welcome the most recent improvements and patterns
in efficiency investigate.
Kaiser, U. &. (2016). Worker-level and firm-level effects of a
wage subsidy program for highly educated labor: Evidence from
Denmark. Research Policy, 45(9), 1939-1943.
We ponder the impacts of a Danish wage endowment program
for exceptionally instructed specialists on the execution of the
people and firms taking an interest in the program (Kaiser,
2016). Utilizing information on the number of inhabitants in
program members, the two specialists, and companies, we find
that the program effects affected business and yearly profit
amid program support while there are no effective outcomes for
the years after program termination. At the business level, we
find measurably critical consequences for the quantity of very
taught representatives for both the time of program support and
the resulting era. For the aggregate number of workers, we just
discover constructive outcomes amid program interest while
there are no measurable critical impacts for esteem included,
net salary, return on resources, compensation per representative
and work efficiency.
Delmas, M. A. (2013). Environmental standards and labor
productivity: Understanding the mechanisms that sustain
sustainability. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(2), 230-
Fatma, I. K. (2017). The Level Of Wage And Labor Productivity
In Hotel Industry: An Analysis. Eurasian Journal of Economics
and Finance, 5(2), 36-50.
Kaiser, U. &. (2016). Worker-level and firm-level effects of a
wage subsidy program for highly educated labor: Evidence from
Denmark. Research Policy, 45(9), 1939-1943.
McGowan, M. A. (2017). Labor Market Mismatch and Labor
Productivity: Evidence from PIAAC Data☆. In Skill Mismatch
in Labor Markets , (pp. 199-241). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Essay 1 Planning Sheet
Below are a series of questions and prompts that are meant to
help you focus and articulate your ideas for Essay 1; they are
meant to help you plan out your first draft of Essay 1.
Part 1: Create a Thesis for Essay 1
Essay 1: Summary/Strong Response prompts you to analyze an
author’s use of rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, and pathos) in a
selected article. You can also analyze the author’s angle of
For Part 1 of this planning sheet, create a thesis statement that
could work for your Essay 1, which is a rhetorical analysis
essay 3-4 pages in length. You will want to study Chapter 5
carefully and revisit Chapter 3, especially concepts 3.1 and 3.2.
Before you type your own thesis statement, study these samples.
Learn what they are made of and why they work well for a
rhetorical critique:
· In his article “The Current Crisis in Education,” Jones
effectively convinces his audience that (insert main idea of the
article) through the use of statistics and surveys paired with
emotional stories.
· In “Vampire Weekend,” Samaira Patel persuades her intended
readers through her effective appeals to logos, ethos, and
· Though Molly Guerrero effectively appeals to ethos and logos
in her article “Wicked Lions,” readers won’t be able to escape
how much her angle of vision limits her coverage of the
presidential race.
What to Notice:
1. Each thesis names the author and article
2. Each thesis makes a clear judgment of the author’s appeals to
logos, ethos, and pathos and, perhaps, the author’s angle of
vision (Notice that the third sample thesis just names two
rhetorical appeals. This is fine if you choose to also analyze the
angle of vision.)
Now, for Part 1, type out a thesis statement that presents (for
the article you have selected) your judgments of the author’s
appeals to logos, ethos, and pathos and, if relevant, on how the
author’s angle of vision affects the rhetorical situation. Make
sure your thesis statement applies the “What to Notice” criteria
listed just above. Try writing several thesis statements to see
which one works best for you; then pick the best one. Type your
thesis statement(s) in the box below.
Type your thesis statement(s) in this box:
Now explain how your thesis statement meets the criteria in
“What to Notice”:
Part 2: Create Topic Sentences for Essay 1
Now that you have a thesis statement that could work as the
main idea of an essay that analyzes your selected article’s
rhetorical appeals and, perhaps, angle of vision, you need to
create some topic sentences that will serve to present the two,
three, or four ideas in your thesis statement. These topic
sentences should present specific analytical claims that are
generalized in the thesis statement.
Here are a few sample topic sentences:
· Nguyen appeals to logos with relevant and sufficient evidence
for each of his major claims.
· In “My Morning Jacket,” Jabari Owusu appeals to pathos with
tasteful and precisely placed anecdotes.
· Maxine Ruska’s angle of vision reveals her conservative
What to Notice:
1. Notice how each topic sentence presents one main idea about
the rhetorical appeals or the angle of vision.
2. Each topic sentence needs evidence to support it; statements
of fact won’t work.
Now, for Part 2, type out the two or more topic sentences that
present all the claims about rhetorical appeals and/or angle of
vision that make up your thesis statement. Present one idea at a
time—one idea per topic sentence. The idea is that these topic
sentences will serve as the main ideas for your essay’s body
paragraphs, and each body paragraph will have one main idea.
Make sure your topic sentences apply the “What to Notice”
criteria listed just above. Type your topic sentences in the box
Type your topic sentences in this box:
Now explain how, overall, your topic sentences meet the criteria
in “What to Notice”:
Part 3: Compose One Body Paragraph for Essay 1
In the box below, draft a body paragraph for Essay 1 using one
of your topic sentences as your main idea. Your body paragraph
should have the following elements and should identify each
element as instructed below.
· A Topic Sentence that is the one main idea of the paragraph
(Bold your topic sentence).
· At least two examples from the article you are analyzing that
support your topic sentence (Italicize these examples).
· Following each example, analyze the example to explain to
your readers how the example actually supports your topic
sentence (underline the analysis of each example).
· Use Skill 17.7 (see pages 458-462)—the old/new contract—in
each of your sentences (highlight old information in red and
new information in blue in each of your sentences).
· Use Skill 17.6 (see pages 455-458)—transitions and other
signposts (highlight transitions in yellow).
· Lastly, end your paragraph with a sentence that wraps up your
paragraph’s main idea by linking it to your essay’s thesis
statement (highlight this link to the thesis in green).
Type your body paragraph into this box:
Outline and Executive Summary
Arielle Black
Webster University
November 16, 2017
I. Introduction
A. Productivity is essential in any organization
B. It enhances the profits of the organization as well as makes
the organization one of the leaders in the market
C. Labor productivity can be enhanced by employing qualified
employees and making sure that the environment is conducive
for them to work on (Konings & Vanormelingen, 2015).
D. At the same time, there is a need for an organization to
enhance its technological capacity.
E. An organization can measure labor productivity by assessing
and analyzing the output of the laborers.
II. Review of the existing literature
A. For many years, labor productivity has been seen as a crucial
aspect of the success of organizations.
B. Many organizations use labor productivity to boost their
output thus positively affecting the sales
C. There are some organizations which value the input of their
employees, and therefore they have measures and structure in
place to motivate enhanced labor productivity.
D. Labor productivity is used as a way of measuring and
determining the productivity of an organization.
E. Employees are always encouraged to work hard to boost
productivity (Konings & Vanormelingen, 2015).
F. The management of an organization has a duty to make sure
that employees are motivated to boost productivity.
III. Impact on business
A. Increased productivity
1. Increased labor productivity will lead to increased goods
B. Increased profits
1. When there are many products to sell, the sales increase and
profits are positively affected.
C. Customer satisfaction
1. When customers get the right quantity of products in the
market, their level of satisfaction is high because their needs
are met (Konings & Vanormelingen, 2015).
D. Meeting the demand in the market
1. The market is always in demand for some products when
productivity is enhanced; there are enough goods to meet the
demand (Konings & Vanormelingen, 2015).
E. Good reputation
1. When an organization satisfied the needs of the consumers by
producing enough goods, the consumer tends to trust the
organization in meeting their needs.
IV. Going forward
A. Organizations will prioritize labor productivity
B. Organizations will make sure that only the qualified
candidates are selected as employees (Galí, & Van Rens, 2014).
C. Company will employ strategies which will enhance labor
D. Skills will play a fundamental role in enhancing productivity
in many organizations
V. Management options
A. Take advantage of the skilled laborers.
1. Skilled laborers are the drivers of labor productivity
2. Organizations must only work with skilled laborers (Delmas
& Pekovic, 2013).
B. Make sure that the environment promoted labor productivity
1. The environment must be free of risks
2. Risks have a negative effect on labor productivity
3. For employees to be productive, they must be safe and all
resources needed must be provided (Galí, & Van Rens, 2014).
C. Make sure that the management consists of leaders who have
the capability to boost productivity
1. Labor productivity cannot be enhanced if the management
cannot boost the morale of the employees
2. Leaders must make sure the environment encourages the
employees to be more productive
VI. Conclusion
A. Labor productivity leads to increased units in an
B. Labor productivity cannot be enhanced if the laborers are not
C. Organizations must have measures in place to analyze labor
Executive Summary
Labor productivity is an aspect that can never be ignored when
it comes to the success of an organization. It is vital to realize
that it is through the productivity of the laborers that an
organization can thrive and succeed in the modern business
world. There is, however, a need that productivity is a wheel,
and every wheel must have the roller (Galí, & Van Rens, 2014).
From the perspective of labor productivity, there are different
aspects which play a significant role. The first aspect is
associated with the laborers. Unlike a machine, a laborer is a
human being who has emotions and feelings. The psychology of
business states that the mind of the laborer must be convinced
that the output will not be in vain. It is therefore important to
make sure that the laborer is selected from the only skilled rot.
The aspect of the working condition also comes in handy when
one talks about labor productivity. An employee cannot be
productive if the environment is not suitable. It is here where
the second aspect which is environment comes in handy. For an
employee to deliver, all the required resources, as well as a safe
and sound working environment, must come in handy. For
example, the managers and the supervisors must be considerate
and should not always quarrel with employees and be abusive
(Delmas & Pekovic, 2013). The aspect of the management is the
third, and it is the biggest determinant of the labor productivity
of the company. The management has the power to make sure
that the company becomes a success. At the same time, if the
right measures are not put in place, the organization might be
affected negatively. As far as the issue of productivity is
concerned, the input of the management is fundamental because
the decision-making process must be in line with the desired
goals. If the management makes decisions which do not enhance
productivity, it is apparent that the organization might never
convince the employees to be as productive as they need to be.
Delmas, M. A., & Pekovic, S. (2013). Environmental standards
and labor productivity:
Understanding the mechanisms that sustain
sustainability. Journal of Organizational
Behavior, 34(2), 230-252.
Galí, J., & Van Rens, T. (2014). The vanishing procyclicality of
labor productivity.
Konings, J., & Vanormelingen, S. (2015). The impact of
training on productivity and wages:
firm-level evidence. Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(2),
Instructions for the Business Plan Project Paper Option:
Note: You may access the sample retail and service business
plans in the Class Resources area of our course.
Students that want to complete a business plan project paper for
this Business 5000 course will prepare a business plan for a new
or existing business. It is not my intention that you prepare a
full-blown business plan that will enable you to seek and obtain
funding for your business. Such a plan requires six to nine
months of full-time effort to complete. It also requires extensive
research from a person who is well-versed in business
Since most Business 5000 students enter this course with
limited prior business course work, I expect to use the
preparation of the business plan to introduce you to many areas
of business operations and to equip you with a better overall
understanding of what it takes to start a new business or expand
an existing business.
There are several good web sites that you may want to visit to
learn how to prepare a good business plan. Several of these sites
are noted in our Class Resources area. Just click on the Class
Resources link to visit some of these sites. However, please
remember to follow the format and instructions provided in our
BUSN 5000 online course.
You must first decide the type of business that you intend to
explore. Often, many students will prepare a plan for a small
business in which they have had an active interest for some
time. Accordingly, the student has a genuine interest in the
business plan.
The list of Top 20 Questions appearing in the Class Resources
area came from BizPlanBuilder. It lists the "Top 20 Questions"
which will help you develop and enhance your initial thoughts
for your proposed business. BizPlanBuilder is one of a number
of business planning software programs available for sale.
However, you should not use a commercial software business
plan template to prepare your business plan for this course. You
will waste money and learn very little if you do. I may deduct
30 percent from your business plan grade if you use a canned
business plan software/template or any format significantly
different from the sample business plan format you have been
provided. All the format and content information you need is
provided in this class.
You can also print a Word format copy of the one of two sample
business plans available from this course in the Class Resources
area. We have prepared a service plan business plan (Sample
Business Plan A) and a retail product business plan (Sample
Business Plan B) for student use. We have also attached a copy
of each of these example business plans to this assignment
below. I will provide additional information on your business
plan project during Week 3 of the course when I respond to your
proposed business plan paragraph(s) that are due at the end of
Week 2.
Our course discussions will highlight some of the areas that
should appear in your business plan. There is also a business
plan outline provided in the Class Resources area that allocates
points to sections of the plan. Your written plan must be turned
in by Tuesday night of the ninth week of class (see Weekly
Readings link in the Discussions are of the course for the exact
due date for the business plan).
The written business plan should include the following major
topical areas:
· Executive Summary
· Company Direction
· Company Overview
· Product or Service Strategy
· Market Analysis
· Marketing Plan
· Financial Plan (You will need only two years of financial data
for this business plan.)
· Conclusion
· Supporting Documents (Financial Statements)
Note: Although the sample business plans include three years of
financial statements, you will only have to include two years of
data for the income statements, cash flow statements, and
balance sheets.
The business plan should consist of approximately 8- to 10-
typewritten, single-spaced pages (written narrative) and six
financial statement pages.

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  • 1. Running head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 2 Annotated Bibliography Arielle Black Webster University December 1, 2017 Annotated Bibliography Fatma, I. K. (2017). The Level Of Wage And Labor Productivity In Hotel Industry: An Analysis. Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(2), 36-50. Wage is an aspect that happens today is high wage and high aggressiveness. Wage hypothesis that was created by Rees (1973) and Katz (1980) clarify that payment can't just be seen just as a generation cost yet additionally as a piece of a push to expand the work thriving and inspiration. This hypothesis is a wage effectiveness hypothesis, which expressed that organization's income can increment notwithstanding paying pay over the market wage harmony. Even though here the two specialists had ascertained the issue of work's quality however they have not achieved observational testing by building up specific model. Subsequently, the specialists saw this hole as a chance to unwind the marvels event to work and try to build up an exact model to see the impact of wage to profitability and variable that can quantify the nature of work and different factors that influence salary and efficiency at the same time. The components utilized are the distinction between singular
  • 2. trademark, human capital, and nature of work life (Fatma, 2017). The approach of this exploration is constructivism approach through quantitative investigation procedure with concurrent condition framework. Examination unit in this exploration is work in friendliness industry. Estimation aftereffects of research demonstrate that instruction, preparing, knowledge, work hour and profitability have a critical positive impact on wage, while age and work status isn't massive. Nature of work life and payment have the enormous positive impact on profitability, while training, background, age, and work status have no huge impact. Imperative finding from inquiring about that preparation has a noteworthy implication for profitability however contrarily. Discoveries of this examination demonstrate that beneficial outcome of preparing to profitability will be greater in an association that ready to put resources into the workplace that help the work. McGowan, M. A. (2017). Labor Market Mismatch and Labor Productivity: Evidence from PIAAC Data☆. In Skill Mismatch in Labor Markets, (pp. 199-241). Emerald Publishing Limited. This paper investigates the connection amongst ability and capability confuse and work profitability utilizing cross-country industry information for 19 OECD nations. Using bungle pointers totaled from miniaturized scale information sourced from the current OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), the principle comes about propose that higher aptitude and capability crisscross is related with bringing down work efficiency, with over-skilling and under-capability representing the majority of these effects (McGowan, 2017). A novel outcome is that higher ability confound is related with bring down work profitability through a less efficient allotment of assets, probably in light of the fact that when the offer of over-gifted specialists is higher, more beneficial firms think that it is harder to draw in talented work and pick up pieces of
  • 3. the pie to the detriment of less gainful companies. In the meantime, a higher offer of under-qualified specialists is related to both lower allocative proficiency and inside firm profitability – that is, a smaller proportion of high efficiency to low profitability firms. While contrasts in administrative quality can conceivably represent the connection amongst confound and inside firm efficiency, the paper offers some preparatory bits of knowledge into the approach factors that may clarify the association between ability bungle and asset designation. Delmas, M. A. (2013). Environmental standards and labor productivity: Understanding the mechanisms that sustain sustainability. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(2), 230- 252. In the most recent decade, a rising number of firms have embraced willful worldwide ecological administration and item guidelines, for example, the universal ISO 14001 administration standard or natural confirmation (Delmas, 2013). Albeit rising examination dissects the effect of these measures on natural and money related execution, there is as far as anyone is concerned no experimental research on how they influence the profitability of workers. In this paper, we examine the immediate connection between ecological principles and work profitability, and two interceding instruments through which natural gauges impact work efficiency: worker preparing and upgraded relational contacts inside the firm. Our experimental outcomes, considering a French employer– representative review from 5220 companies, uncover that organizations that have embraced natural norms appreciate one standard deviation higher work profitability than firms that have not received such models. A critical collection of writing has been devoted to inquiring about investigations on development work profitability (CLP) and related issues, and numerous fundamental hypotheses and
  • 4. modern practices on CLP application have been accounted for. In any case, look into subjects about CLP are profoundly differentiated, and there is an absence of orderly examination in CLP-related issues. Through a deliberate audit of chose papers from surely understood scholastic diaries in development administration, significant research regions are recognized, for example, factors influencing CLP, displaying an assessment of CLP, strategies, and innovation for CLP change, patterns and correlations of CLP, impacts of progress/minor departure from CLP, and gauge/benchmarking CLP. Primary surveys on these regions are exhibited by concentrating on industry, task, and movement levels to examine the cutting edge and patterns in CLP inquire about. Holes in research and practices are talked about, and future research bearings are proposed. The result of this paper may give a stage to the two analysts and mechanical experts to welcome the most recent improvements and patterns in efficiency investigate. Kaiser, U. &. (2016). Worker-level and firm-level effects of a wage subsidy program for highly educated labor: Evidence from Denmark. Research Policy, 45(9), 1939-1943. We ponder the impacts of a Danish wage endowment program for exceptionally instructed specialists on the execution of the people and firms taking an interest in the program (Kaiser, 2016). Utilizing information on the number of inhabitants in program members, the two specialists, and companies, we find that the program effects affected business and yearly profit amid program support while there are no effective outcomes for the years after program termination. At the business level, we find measurably critical consequences for the quantity of very taught representatives for both the time of program support and the resulting era. For the aggregate number of workers, we just discover constructive outcomes amid program interest while there are no measurable critical impacts for esteem included, net salary, return on resources, compensation per representative
  • 5. and work efficiency. References Delmas, M. A. (2013). Environmental standards and labor productivity: Understanding the mechanisms that sustain sustainability. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(2), 230- 252. Fatma, I. K. (2017). The Level Of Wage And Labor Productivity In Hotel Industry: An Analysis. Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(2), 36-50. Kaiser, U. &. (2016). Worker-level and firm-level effects of a wage subsidy program for highly educated labor: Evidence from Denmark. Research Policy, 45(9), 1939-1943. McGowan, M. A. (2017). Labor Market Mismatch and Labor Productivity: Evidence from PIAAC Data☆. In Skill Mismatch in Labor Markets , (pp. 199-241). Emerald Publishing Limited. Essay 1 Planning Sheet Below are a series of questions and prompts that are meant to help you focus and articulate your ideas for Essay 1; they are meant to help you plan out your first draft of Essay 1. Part 1: Create a Thesis for Essay 1 Essay 1: Summary/Strong Response prompts you to analyze an author’s use of rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, and pathos) in a selected article. You can also analyze the author’s angle of vision. For Part 1 of this planning sheet, create a thesis statement that could work for your Essay 1, which is a rhetorical analysis essay 3-4 pages in length. You will want to study Chapter 5 carefully and revisit Chapter 3, especially concepts 3.1 and 3.2. Before you type your own thesis statement, study these samples. Learn what they are made of and why they work well for a
  • 6. rhetorical critique: · In his article “The Current Crisis in Education,” Jones effectively convinces his audience that (insert main idea of the article) through the use of statistics and surveys paired with emotional stories. · In “Vampire Weekend,” Samaira Patel persuades her intended readers through her effective appeals to logos, ethos, and pathos. · Though Molly Guerrero effectively appeals to ethos and logos in her article “Wicked Lions,” readers won’t be able to escape how much her angle of vision limits her coverage of the presidential race. What to Notice: 1. Each thesis names the author and article 2. Each thesis makes a clear judgment of the author’s appeals to logos, ethos, and pathos and, perhaps, the author’s angle of vision (Notice that the third sample thesis just names two rhetorical appeals. This is fine if you choose to also analyze the angle of vision.) Now, for Part 1, type out a thesis statement that presents (for the article you have selected) your judgments of the author’s appeals to logos, ethos, and pathos and, if relevant, on how the author’s angle of vision affects the rhetorical situation. Make sure your thesis statement applies the “What to Notice” criteria listed just above. Try writing several thesis statements to see which one works best for you; then pick the best one. Type your thesis statement(s) in the box below. Type your thesis statement(s) in this box: Now explain how your thesis statement meets the criteria in “What to Notice”: Part 2: Create Topic Sentences for Essay 1 Now that you have a thesis statement that could work as the main idea of an essay that analyzes your selected article’s rhetorical appeals and, perhaps, angle of vision, you need to create some topic sentences that will serve to present the two,
  • 7. three, or four ideas in your thesis statement. These topic sentences should present specific analytical claims that are generalized in the thesis statement. Here are a few sample topic sentences: · Nguyen appeals to logos with relevant and sufficient evidence for each of his major claims. · In “My Morning Jacket,” Jabari Owusu appeals to pathos with tasteful and precisely placed anecdotes. · Maxine Ruska’s angle of vision reveals her conservative values. What to Notice: 1. Notice how each topic sentence presents one main idea about the rhetorical appeals or the angle of vision. 2. Each topic sentence needs evidence to support it; statements of fact won’t work. Now, for Part 2, type out the two or more topic sentences that present all the claims about rhetorical appeals and/or angle of vision that make up your thesis statement. Present one idea at a time—one idea per topic sentence. The idea is that these topic sentences will serve as the main ideas for your essay’s body paragraphs, and each body paragraph will have one main idea. Make sure your topic sentences apply the “What to Notice” criteria listed just above. Type your topic sentences in the box below. Type your topic sentences in this box: Now explain how, overall, your topic sentences meet the criteria in “What to Notice”: Part 3: Compose One Body Paragraph for Essay 1 In the box below, draft a body paragraph for Essay 1 using one of your topic sentences as your main idea. Your body paragraph should have the following elements and should identify each element as instructed below. · A Topic Sentence that is the one main idea of the paragraph
  • 8. (Bold your topic sentence). · At least two examples from the article you are analyzing that support your topic sentence (Italicize these examples). · Following each example, analyze the example to explain to your readers how the example actually supports your topic sentence (underline the analysis of each example). · Use Skill 17.7 (see pages 458-462)—the old/new contract—in each of your sentences (highlight old information in red and new information in blue in each of your sentences). · Use Skill 17.6 (see pages 455-458)—transitions and other signposts (highlight transitions in yellow). · Lastly, end your paragraph with a sentence that wraps up your paragraph’s main idea by linking it to your essay’s thesis statement (highlight this link to the thesis in green). Type your body paragraph into this box: Running head: OUTLINE AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 OUTLINE AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 Outline and Executive Summary Arielle Black Webster University November 16, 2017 I. Introduction A. Productivity is essential in any organization B. It enhances the profits of the organization as well as makes the organization one of the leaders in the market
  • 9. C. Labor productivity can be enhanced by employing qualified employees and making sure that the environment is conducive for them to work on (Konings & Vanormelingen, 2015). D. At the same time, there is a need for an organization to enhance its technological capacity. E. An organization can measure labor productivity by assessing and analyzing the output of the laborers. II. Review of the existing literature A. For many years, labor productivity has been seen as a crucial aspect of the success of organizations. B. Many organizations use labor productivity to boost their output thus positively affecting the sales C. There are some organizations which value the input of their employees, and therefore they have measures and structure in place to motivate enhanced labor productivity. D. Labor productivity is used as a way of measuring and determining the productivity of an organization. E. Employees are always encouraged to work hard to boost productivity (Konings & Vanormelingen, 2015). F. The management of an organization has a duty to make sure that employees are motivated to boost productivity. III. Impact on business A. Increased productivity 1. Increased labor productivity will lead to increased goods productivity. B. Increased profits
  • 10. 1. When there are many products to sell, the sales increase and profits are positively affected. C. Customer satisfaction 1. When customers get the right quantity of products in the market, their level of satisfaction is high because their needs are met (Konings & Vanormelingen, 2015). D. Meeting the demand in the market 1. The market is always in demand for some products when productivity is enhanced; there are enough goods to meet the demand (Konings & Vanormelingen, 2015). E. Good reputation 1. When an organization satisfied the needs of the consumers by producing enough goods, the consumer tends to trust the organization in meeting their needs. IV. Going forward A. Organizations will prioritize labor productivity B. Organizations will make sure that only the qualified candidates are selected as employees (Galí, & Van Rens, 2014). C. Company will employ strategies which will enhance labor productivity D. Skills will play a fundamental role in enhancing productivity in many organizations V. Management options A. Take advantage of the skilled laborers.
  • 11. 1. Skilled laborers are the drivers of labor productivity 2. Organizations must only work with skilled laborers (Delmas & Pekovic, 2013). B. Make sure that the environment promoted labor productivity 1. The environment must be free of risks 2. Risks have a negative effect on labor productivity 3. For employees to be productive, they must be safe and all resources needed must be provided (Galí, & Van Rens, 2014). C. Make sure that the management consists of leaders who have the capability to boost productivity 1. Labor productivity cannot be enhanced if the management cannot boost the morale of the employees 2. Leaders must make sure the environment encourages the employees to be more productive VI. Conclusion A. Labor productivity leads to increased units in an organization B. Labor productivity cannot be enhanced if the laborers are not motivated C. Organizations must have measures in place to analyze labor productivity Executive Summary Labor productivity is an aspect that can never be ignored when
  • 12. it comes to the success of an organization. It is vital to realize that it is through the productivity of the laborers that an organization can thrive and succeed in the modern business world. There is, however, a need that productivity is a wheel, and every wheel must have the roller (Galí, & Van Rens, 2014). From the perspective of labor productivity, there are different aspects which play a significant role. The first aspect is associated with the laborers. Unlike a machine, a laborer is a human being who has emotions and feelings. The psychology of business states that the mind of the laborer must be convinced that the output will not be in vain. It is therefore important to make sure that the laborer is selected from the only skilled rot. The aspect of the working condition also comes in handy when one talks about labor productivity. An employee cannot be productive if the environment is not suitable. It is here where the second aspect which is environment comes in handy. For an employee to deliver, all the required resources, as well as a safe and sound working environment, must come in handy. For example, the managers and the supervisors must be considerate and should not always quarrel with employees and be abusive (Delmas & Pekovic, 2013). The aspect of the management is the third, and it is the biggest determinant of the labor productivity of the company. The management has the power to make sure that the company becomes a success. At the same time, if the right measures are not put in place, the organization might be affected negatively. As far as the issue of productivity is concerned, the input of the management is fundamental because the decision-making process must be in line with the desired goals. If the management makes decisions which do not enhance productivity, it is apparent that the organization might never convince the employees to be as productive as they need to be. References
  • 13. Delmas, M. A., & Pekovic, S. (2013). Environmental standards and labor productivity: Understanding the mechanisms that sustain sustainability. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(2), 230-252. Galí, J., & Van Rens, T. (2014). The vanishing procyclicality of labor productivity. Konings, J., & Vanormelingen, S. (2015). The impact of training on productivity and wages: firm-level evidence. Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(2), 485-497. Instructions for the Business Plan Project Paper Option: Note: You may access the sample retail and service business plans in the Class Resources area of our course. Students that want to complete a business plan project paper for this Business 5000 course will prepare a business plan for a new or existing business. It is not my intention that you prepare a full-blown business plan that will enable you to seek and obtain funding for your business. Such a plan requires six to nine months of full-time effort to complete. It also requires extensive research from a person who is well-versed in business operations. Since most Business 5000 students enter this course with limited prior business course work, I expect to use the preparation of the business plan to introduce you to many areas of business operations and to equip you with a better overall understanding of what it takes to start a new business or expand an existing business. There are several good web sites that you may want to visit to learn how to prepare a good business plan. Several of these sites are noted in our Class Resources area. Just click on the Class Resources link to visit some of these sites. However, please remember to follow the format and instructions provided in our BUSN 5000 online course. You must first decide the type of business that you intend to
  • 14. explore. Often, many students will prepare a plan for a small business in which they have had an active interest for some time. Accordingly, the student has a genuine interest in the business plan. The list of Top 20 Questions appearing in the Class Resources area came from BizPlanBuilder. It lists the "Top 20 Questions" which will help you develop and enhance your initial thoughts for your proposed business. BizPlanBuilder is one of a number of business planning software programs available for sale. However, you should not use a commercial software business plan template to prepare your business plan for this course. You will waste money and learn very little if you do. I may deduct 30 percent from your business plan grade if you use a canned business plan software/template or any format significantly different from the sample business plan format you have been provided. All the format and content information you need is provided in this class. You can also print a Word format copy of the one of two sample business plans available from this course in the Class Resources area. We have prepared a service plan business plan (Sample Business Plan A) and a retail product business plan (Sample Business Plan B) for student use. We have also attached a copy of each of these example business plans to this assignment below. I will provide additional information on your business plan project during Week 3 of the course when I respond to your proposed business plan paragraph(s) that are due at the end of Week 2. Our course discussions will highlight some of the areas that should appear in your business plan. There is also a business plan outline provided in the Class Resources area that allocates points to sections of the plan. Your written plan must be turned in by Tuesday night of the ninth week of class (see Weekly Readings link in the Discussions are of the course for the exact due date for the business plan). The written business plan should include the following major topical areas:
  • 15. · Executive Summary · Company Direction · Company Overview · Product or Service Strategy · Market Analysis · Marketing Plan · Financial Plan (You will need only two years of financial data for this business plan.) · Conclusion · Supporting Documents (Financial Statements) Note: Although the sample business plans include three years of financial statements, you will only have to include two years of data for the income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets. The business plan should consist of approximately 8- to 10- typewritten, single-spaced pages (written narrative) and six financial statement pages. 2