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Developing E- Learning Organizations
Michelle Lilly-Bowens
Course- GM-599
Unit 5# Alternative Solutions
Professor: Dr. Craig McCoy
Date: December 9, 2014
Wage Stagnation in America is a growing problem in today’s workforce. My
objective is to bring awareness and changes to organizations and its stakeholders; whose
methods and practices create a wage gap for American citizens. Peeling back the layers
of the various symptoms will expose the root to a bigger problem. This research paper
intends to discuss Americans job outsourcing, unemployment, creative compensation,
and historical recession aftermath, as all attributing factors to a sluggish economy and
how Americans operate with a recession mindset.
It is crucial to first define, what is wage stagnation? It is a prolonged period of
slow economic growth traditionally measured in terms of Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), usually accompanied by high unemployment. Under some definitions, "slow"
means significantly slower than potential growth as estimated by macroeconomists.
Under other definitions, growth less than 2–3% per year is a sign of stagnation
Statement of Problem
While unfolding the problem on wage stagnation in America’s organizations, it
was discovered that wage stagnation was merely a symptom and not the true problem.
The root problem is that employers operate with a recession mentality in order to squeeze
out more profits and create an environment in which fewer people are doing more. This
evolving problem statement intends to achieve advance understanding for current and
future business leaders; who encourage and practice deteriorating methods, along with
unforeseen external force, resulting in the inevitable, of a slow economic enhancement to
our laborers. With this framework in mind, we now turn to an exploration of various
practices that lead up to why operating from a recession mindset equates to savings. Once
the layers of “employers operating from a recession mentality” began to unfold, an
exploration of how to combat this mindset surfaced, and a decision to develop and
implement various strategies to improve leadership relating to organizational learning
that guides leaders to retain, recruit and engage the right talent to produce long-term
recession proof results.
Symptoms of the Problem
The symptoms of the problem with an organizational recession mentality may
produce negative affects on the economic growth in this country. A large decline in
average annual hours worked (Mishel (2012). Americas growing trend to outsource our
labor to third world countries like India, China and Mexico; where the workers will
except lower paying jobs (Schrager (2014). Another symptom of recession mentality is
due to the belief that many companies have; which is, that it is better to lay off employees
instead of imposing cuts during the down-turn for workforce morale sake. As a caveat,
another symptom emerges with the increased slothfulness of companies not wanting to
give a raise when the economy recovers. Moreover, the backlash symptoms that comes
along with long-term unemployment; which keeps the pay low, including the
disheartened people who’ve given up looking for work, those working in part-time and or
people who had to shift into low-paying jobs as a result of the recession (Schrager (2014).
Also, instead of giving cash compensation, employers, are spending more on health
insurance and retirement benefits which probably offers the organization more tax right
offs and deferred pay outs. Not to mention the worldwide attack on trade unions that has
weakened the ability of workers to protest for better wages in states like Georgia where
its practice, is non-unionized in the “right to work” state (Correa (2007).
Intended Audience & Value
The intended audience of this research paper is directed for the decision making
leaders of America, who have influence and authority on organizational strategies,
decision, and operation. To bring awareness and social change to the business methods
they choose and the ramifications of those decisions. The value of this research is for
stakeholders to counteract the overall economic recession by flooding their mindset with
new options to cut cost and bring a given organization out of a budget deficit. Instead of
doing the obvious quickest solution of cutting and outsourcing jobs, cutting hours and
offering less cash and more benefits.
Most economists will state that the recession is over but there is still room for
improvement, the need to still develop a new mindset for future growth and prosperity for
more people in the workforce. Although economist will state that the recession is over;
there is a difference between economic growths versus economic development in
determining economic improvement. Haller refers to the economic and social activity as
the quantitative side of growth; while the development encompasses a much wider
sphere, including the qualitative changes that occur in the economic and social
environment. Economic growth and development bring forth social progress a step
forward to higher conditions in combating a recession mindset and the people’s way of
life based upon economic progress (Haller, 2012).
Even though the economy is recovering nicely, there remain the problems that
employers continue to operate with a recession mentality in order squeeze out more
profits and create an environment in which fewer people are doing more.
Formal research plan
As a researcher, the significance of advancing the exploration of a recession
mindset is to combat the wage stagnation and begin to utilize other business practices to
retain human assets and pay workers what they are worth. Utilizing the evaluation
methodology, a qualitative approach of interviews and questions in organizations; that
partake in the deteriorating factors above. Secondly, the use scholarly peer-review
articles to help gather data, gain understanding, and propose some solutions to be
initiated that will hopefully be a win-win for the employers and employees of America.
Meta-Analysis Research Approach
In the research conducted on America’s recession mindset, Meta-analysis will be
the tool and approach that will be used to uncover various data to develop empirical
testing ultimately create change. “Meta-analysis is the application of statistical
procedures to collections of various discoveries from individual studies for the purpose of
integrating, synthesizing, and making sense of them”. Meta analysis reviews and
synthesizes different studies in the literature (Holton & Swanson (2005). The purpose of
Meta-analysis in regards to the research process is to summarize and amalgamate
previous training design, individual differences, and organizational environment (Holton
& Swanson (2005). Glass, 1976, p. 3, sums Meta-analysis up as an analyzing the
The Value and Benefits of Meta-Analysis
The value and benefits of Meta-analysis begin with its strength and ability to aid
researchers to attain accurate and credible conclusions that other research approaches
cannot provide (Holton & Swanson (2005). Secondly, meta-analysis is quantitative, using
numbers and statistical techniques to emphasize the importance of correcting study biases
such as sampling and measurement errors in meta-analysis (Holton & Swanson (2005).
Meta-analysis also tends to be a powerful tool for exploratory combinations and
interactions of individual interpreter variables. Another advantage of a meta-analytic
research design is its capacity to integrate and fuse current practical studies on a
meticulous topic. Meta-analysis provides a cumulative view in examining a wider range
of relationships, interactions, from individual studies and at the same time can test
complex theories involving variable that aims at getting a complete (Holton & Swanson
(2005). Moreover third advantage of using meta-analysis is its tendency to offer
guidelines for variable selection and research design in future research and that it is based
on a number of proven empirical studies instead of a single piece of research (Holton &
Swanson (2005).
Qualitative Approach
The qualitative research method does achieve the opposite of the quantitative
approach. Whereas quantitative analysis seeks to reduce relationships to mathematical
equations, qualitative analysis seeks to understand human relationships as expressed in
the native medium of exchange of language (Dayton, 2014). Whereas quantitative
analysis may seek correlation or causality among variables, qualitative analysis seeks to
understand perceptions regarding a particular event or experience within a human culture
or to develop a fundamental understanding from which new theory can be developed.
Quantitative approach seeks to gain objective not making every issue black and white.
The good thing about the qualitative approach is that it understands that situations can be
grey and subjective depending on the circumstances and interpretation of the topic
(Dayton, 2014). Economic growth is determined by three major categories of factors:
qualitative efficiency of the utilization of the productive sources, quantitative, referring to
the global volume of each factor when efficiency is maintained consistent, and structural
referring to the proportions in which the factors of production are combined and reflect
both the quantitative and qualitative contributions in the economic growth (Haller,
Conclusively the qualitative approach in conjunction with the quantitative
approach offers a complete comprehensive method of analyzing a subject from all sides
both human and statistical.
Review of the Literature
Implementing the review of management literature is valued as a critical part of
research simply because; society needs a point of reference to quantify why things are as
they occur (Adams, (2007). Literature review connects the dots to all the pieces to the
problem. It is the glue that links your proposed work to previous work, it connects your
specific topic to the bigger picture regarding that subject area, and it connects your
specific findings to the findings of others (Adams, (2007). It is an inclusive activity in
the sense that, you become a part of the academic community who can speak and write
with confidence and authority on a specific research problem (Adams, (2007). A brief
review of the management literature narrows the focus on the research and framing the
research questions or hypothesis which interest you (Adams, 2007). Management
literature must be credible sources that are published in referred journals, books, reports,
abstracts, and electronic websites.
Insights on Combating a Recession Mentality
Denton, (2013), states that using other strategies like developing good business
leadership, is crucial at all times, especially during a recession. Not only should a leader
have the ability to cite the stagnant economy when there are low sales figures, lack of
new product innovation, high staff turnover or falling productivity are mentioned; but
good leadership should be able to achieve growth while in a recession (Denton, (2013).
“In recessionary times, ineffective leaders often spend too much time managing people
and resources all the while, neglecting to recruit, retain and engage the right people
within key positions”. Getting the right leaders on board to operate from a growth
mentality versus a recession one will require the skill sets and innate abilities of a
transformational leader.
Critical Analysis
To combat a recession mentality, leaders in a rapidly changing world companies
must focus on becoming a learning organization (Abbasi, & Zamani-Miandashti, (2013).
DeGeus, (1988), states the only sustainable competitive advantage an organization has in
being successful, is an organization that learns better than their competitors. Abbasi, &
Zamani-Miandashti, (2013), discuss how transformational leadership is necessary to
reshape thought patterns specifically when seeking to design, train and to be a good
steward over processes and people. To transform leaders to stop operating from a
recession mentality to a mindset that fosters economic growth will require the leader to
consciously influence individuals or groups to make changes in current situations and
organizational functions as a whole (Bass,1997). Transformational leaders can counteract
the whole organizations recession mentality with their speech, actions, shared vision,
coordinating multifunctional teams, encouraging innovation and risky operations, raising
awareness for the organizations goals and mission, engaging people in systemic thinking
and inspire learning (Abbasi, & Zamani-Miandashti, (2013). In efforts to move research
forward on combating a recession mentality, leaders should explore two different
strategies during a recession. One should always be the traditional strategy to look for
ways to improving efficiency, cost-cutting and headcount. Two would be to recruit, retain
and develop the right talent as a core driving business strategy (Denton, (2013). Most
stakeholders desire to protect their assets is a human reaction; but other successful
companies are exploring opportunities to invest in risk-focused strategies that implement
business practices to increase productivity and profits (Denton, 2013). The exploration of
these two business strategies will expose, bring understanding, and combat the recession
mentality in leaders. It will keep organizations competitive in understanding; what is
making other organizations successful long-term, through the duration of the profitable
seasons and recession ones.
Findings and Conclusion
In this layer of research a logic diagram is used as a problem-solving process that
provides a framework for the research of combating a recession mentality. Here is where
we connect the data, findings, conclusions, to come to a final solution (Vandenbosch,
(2003). The data that’s obtained in the logic diagram should convince yourself, your
client, stakeholders, and other interested people. In this layer of research we will pull out
the “Findings” from the raw data collected previously. The findings, will allow the
researcher to discard irrelevant, cross-check the relevant, and use the result to review and
revise all hypotheses (Vandenbosch, (2003).
The third element of a logic diagram is the formulating of a conclusion. It is a
diagnostic statement, based on the data and findings, which explains problems or
opportunities and is significant enough to warrant action (Vandenbosch, (2003). In
coming up with a conclusion we looked at common themes and patterns from the
Findings. A conclusive theme and pattern that surfaced while dissecting the findings for
ways that America can combat a recession mentality, is “leadership” and
“transformational business strategy”. In researching and analyzing the “findings” of:
1. Developing leadership that will have sustainable growth.
2. Developing ineffective leadership to recruit, retains, and engages talent
3. Transformational Leadership to reshape thought patterns
This concluded that building a learning organization will be the underlying
reason upon developing alternative solutions during the research of the next layer.
Another conclusive theme and pattern the three findings below determined, was that
leaders need to:
1. Spend less time managing people and resources
2. Look for ways to improve efficiency, cost cuttings and managing headcount
3. Counteract with transformational action, by coordinating multifunctional
teams, encouraging innovation and risky operations, raising awareness on
organizations goals and mission, systemic thinking and inspire learning.
The pattern of transformation activities and leadership are both underlying themes
to an alternative solution deriving from the Findings and the Conclusion; which will
propel this research forward.
Logic Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Creating Learning
Develop leaders that will
produce sustainable
Developing ineffective
leadership to recruit,
retains, and engages
Leadership to reshape
thought patterns
Transformational Business
Spend less time managing
people and resources
Look for ways to improve
efficiency, cost cuttings and
managing headcount
Coordinating multifunctional
teams, encouraging innovation and
risky operations, raising awareness
on organizations goals, mission,
and systemic thinking
Ethical Implications
There is a strong obligation for researchers to be ethical in both method and
conclusions. The ethical practices that shape this research on combating a recession
mentality will begin with how the researcher gathers information from human subjects;
who will be in accordance with accepted ethical principles of research and, because
reports may well have a significant impact on other human beings, and thus one is
obligated to be responsible to those other people. The following ethical considerations
that has evolved over time will be the blueprint to governing and guiding the researcher
behavior are to: respect autonomy, research subjects must be asked to consent to being
part of a study, and must be fully informed about what participation means, including
what benefits and risks they might experience (Holton & Swanson (2005).
Alternative Solutions
In assessing which alternative solution or which combination of ideas works best
in any organization, will require researchers to consider exactly what is necessary to
implement each. The most obvious criteria with which to evaluate options are acceptance,
time, cost, quality, and risk (Vandenbosch, (2003). The brainstorming of ideas was the
tool used to formulate several alternative solutions and derive at two main solutions that
will be able to fit most organizations.
Conclusion # 1 Organizational Learning
In determining the plausibility in the alternative solutions that was derived from the
two conclusions; that will ultimately lead to the main solution. Researchers will consider
four major criteria: Acceptance by the client/stakeholder willingness to take on a given
option? Two, the risk in determining the outcome you hope for? Three, the time it takes
to implement? Four, the cost in that solution, and finally the quality, and how well it will
accomplish the intended objective (Vandenbosh, (2003). Bloomsbury (2011) article on,
Implementing effective e-learning within the organization, highlights not only why this
alternative solution is conceivable to stakeholders; but falls into the other four criteria of
risk, time, cost and quality. E-learning over the Internet is flexible, cost-effective, and
measurable. While investigating e-learning, consider the following:
• E-learning puts learners in the driving seat, allowing them to learn about specific
subjects at their own pace.
Alternative #4
Key note Speakers
Alternative #3
Duties of other
Alternative #2
Develop an
• The e-learning can offer a wide assortment of e-learning content, technology, and
• e-learning is primarily delivered over the Web making it accessible at all times
• it adapts quickly to meet altering learning needs;
• Learners have the option to find what they want to learn, when they want to.
• Many e-learning modules are intended to be 20–30 minutes long, so learners can
take them during a break period.
• When taking a series of modules over a period of time, learners build up a skill;
• learners collaborate with instructors and other learners so as to learn better;
• compared to classroom-based learning, e-learning is a fast and cost-effective way
to teach large numbers of people;
• It has the ability to deliver learning in multiple multimedia formats: text, images,
audio, video, interactive and simulation tools;
• The materials that learners have accessed and completed can be accurately
measured, allowing the organization to track who is learning what, and which
resources are popular (Bloomsbury, (2011).
Intended & Unintended Consequences
The intended results are to be able to assess progression for both the organization
and the learner. The organization needs to know if the e-learning has resulted in increased
knowledge within its workforce; learners need to have targets and to know where they are
doing well and where they need to work harder (Bloomsbury, (2011).
Unintended consequences will occur when, e-learning neglects to involve collaboration
with other learners and mentoring from experts. The brick and mortar of a classroom
should not be eliminated, but rather introduced at strategic points in the learning process
(Bloomsbury (2011).
• A multitude of technical issues can put a damper on the promise of e-learning. E-
learning that uses a lot of multimedia elements—sound, video, animation—can
cause a lot of delivery problems. Even within the internal network, bandwidth
can be scarce.
• Few people believe that e-learning on its own will meet an organization's entire
requirements. Experts say, people still need to get together to share ideas and
develop friendships. Frequently, the socializing that occurs after classroom
learning is as important as what happened in the classroom itself.
• Also, e-learning is less suitable for teaching soft skills and those that require a lot
of hands-on activity.
• Lack of Self-motivation - Not everyone is itching to learn. Some people will
always find an excuse for not doing the course. Often the only way that you can
get people to focus on learning is to get them into a classroom.
• Some proponents of e-learning give the impression that teachers are the enemy of
education and that getting rid of them is the answer to all training problems. E-
learning without active mentors and experts can be a very shallow experience.
• The e-learning promise of learning when you want often translates into learning
after work or at the weekend. Learners work away diligently, but there's no
recognition of the effort. A sense of isolation sets in, and, as the day-to-day
workload increases, the need to do that e-learning course drifts into the
Implementing the components of E-learning
To move forward with developing a learning organization as a solution, the
following are necessary components to implement an e-learning environment:
• Having one’s own personalized learning space: learners need their own, so they
can check such things as what modules they have completed and have yet to
complete; who their mentors are; or what collaborative learning groups they are
part of.
• Mentoring: without interaction and mentoring, e-learning can become very dry.
Learners need to be able to access experts in order to ask questions and receive
• Simulation: quality e-learning offers simulated environments in which learners
can practice what they have learned.
• Collaboration: interaction with other learners is a fundamental building block of
all learning. E-learning needs to facilitate this by actively encouraging
• Mandating a registration process for tracking all employees;
• a payment process, or a process by which costs can be matched to budgets;
• A monitoring process that allows the manager to track how learners are
• Finally, a process must be established whereby managers and employees work
together to plan and discuss what needs to be learned and how things are
progressing (Bloomsbury, (2011).
Conclusion # 2: Transformational Business Strategy
Alternative #1
Cut benefits instead
of headcount
Alternative #2
Innovation on
cutting time it takes
to complete tasks
working hours
Solution # 2
Human assets
Most companies’ main focus is on services offered, often involved in mergers
and acquisition (Corrêa, de Lamare Bastian-Pinto, & de Andrade, (2014). A challenge
faced by small to mid- size organization, is retaining their talent with adequate
compensation; which was my initial statement of problem, “wage stagnation”. This
problem evolved into developing e-learning organizations to be able to retain and
compensate “A” plus talent. In researching the benefits of retaining human capital as
a solution, some type of formalization and ordering/organization is required to permit
that knowledge to be protected and monetized(Corrêa , de Lamare Bastian-Pinto, & de
Andrade, (2014).
In determining the plausibility to retain human assets as a solution, eliminating
the alternative solutions of one, to cut benefits instead of headcount, two innovations on
cutting the time it takes to complete tasks, and three, restructuring employees working
hours fell under the previous business strategy. Our transformational business strategy is
to take a risk on intangible assets for long-term gain. In our effort to point out why
retaining human assets is profitable, let’s look at its benefits.
• Intangible human assets open the company to new future options, such as the
option to expand in a determined market or even interrupt R&D investments if
the scenario turns unfavorable the value of an intangible good does not depend
on the asset itself, but also, and often more significantly, on how that
intangible asset fits into the buyer’s strategy (Corrêa, de Lamare Bastian-Pinto,
& de Andrade, (2014).
• Another benefit to retaining human assets is because they can develop
relational capital. In practical terms, it refers to the capability to originate new
contracts and bring in new client; which is very important in all organizations
• An intellectual capital benefit comes along with retaining human assets that
refers to the knowledge about the client and/or the sector where it operates.
Specifically the technical, theoretical, and practical knowledge of a human
asset, where the capacity to develop new products or adjust existing ones to
suit the needs of clients.
• Human assets have the ability to learn, the ability to perform contracts within
or below the forecasted cost, the capacity to deliver the required quality, and
the mastery of methodologies. As a result of an organization detaining these
capabilities, they now belong to that company as a form of commodity
(Corrêa, de Lamare Bastian-Pinto, & de Andrade, (2014).
Implementing Human Asset Retention plan
In researching the best way to retain employees to benefit both the worker and the
organization the human capital must be trained and developed to function at maximum
level. This leads back to the first solution on creating an e-learning organization to grow
and develop workers to become “A” plus talent. We the researchers, intend to advance
the first solution of developing e-learning organizations to retrain human assets, which
will yield maximum output which will eventually offer them top wages at every level of
Advancing E-Learning Organizations
E-learning has expanded rapidly and many companies have comprehensive and
cost-effective system that is rarely built but either rented or bought. In selecting one it
will depend on organizations specific needs. However, in evaluating e-learning
companies, the following questions will be useful:
• What are their reputation and brand like? Have they been around for a while, and
do they look as if they'll be around in the future?
• What's the quality of their learning content? Is it highly interactive and engaging,
with access to experts, or is it like a digitized textbook?
• How comprehensive is the offering? Will this organization meet all your e-
learning needs, or will you have to go elsewhere for other courses?
• What is the technology like? Is it robust and scalable? Do the modules download
quickly or do they hog bandwidth?
• What sort of global reach do they have? If the e-learning works well in one office
can it be quickly rolled out in other offices around the world (Bloombury, (2011).
Next Steps
The next steps in this research process will be to utilize sound methodology of
Meta-Analysis. To explore and discover insights from the larger body of management
literature and to examine past studies in the literature that will allow my audience to
advance their own investigation and transform the mindset of decision makers to
stimulate the organizational problem on America’s recession mindset as a whole. Using
the qualitative research approach will enable researchers to gather inclusive data for
evaluation and new methods.
The final step to unfolding the problem to developing effective leadership to
produce learning organizations will be implemented and expounded on in the logic
diagram to include alternative solutions. Secondly, it will describe 3 to 4 alternative
solutions and discuss the plausibility of these solutions. Next it will elaborate on its
intended and unintended consequences, and advance the best solution that addresses the
organizational problem, moreover, the best ways to implement the process of our final
Implementing the components of E-learning
To move forward with developing a learning organization as a solution, the
following are necessary components to implement an e-learning environment:
• Having one’s own personalized learning space: learners need their own, so they
can check such things as what modules they have completed and have yet to
complete; who their mentors are; or what collaborative learning groups they are
part of.
• Mentoring: without interaction and mentoring, e-learning can become very dry.
Learners need to be able to access experts in order to ask questions and receive
• Simulation: quality e-learning offers simulated environments in which learners
can practice what they have learned.
• Collaboration: interaction with other learners is a fundamental building block of
all learning. E-learning needs to facilitate this by actively encouraging
• Mandating a registration process for tracking all employees;
• a payment process, or a process by which costs can be matched to budgets;
• A monitoring process that allows the manager to track how learners are
• Finally, a process must be established whereby managers and employees work
together to plan and discuss what needs to be learned and how things are
progressing (Bloomsbury, (2011).
In conclusion e-learning organizations will solve the original problem of wage
stagnation by developing its leaders in a cost effective, flexible way that will retain
human assets. In fulfilling the five criteria of, acceptance, time, cost, quality, and risk; we
use these criteria’s to filter out the alternative solutions that determined one main
solution. We looked at online classes, keynote speakers, shadowing duties of peers,
restructuring work hours, cut benefits instead of headcount, and innovation on cutting the
time it takes to complete a given task as former strategies that lead to wage stagnation
which keeps America organization regressive or births the main solution to advance the
e-learning organization that will ultimately yield long term talent with comparable
The problem statement evolved from Americas wage stagnation into
having a recession mentality leading into how to combat a recession mentality and now
the problem statement is developing effective leadership to provide learning
organizations. Concluding that getting the right leaders on board to operate from a
growth mentality versus a recession one will require the skill sets and innate abilities of a
transformational leader.
The research will abide by ethical practices that govern and measure unethical
behavior. It will be effective when it meets the approval of others and having another set
of eyes to provide critical feedback to minimize biases and unethical reporting. Finally,
having a genuine interest in seeking the truth and in acknowledging the contributions of
others will go a long way in avoiding unethical behavior (Holton & Swanson (2005).
Upon exploring the nuances of combating America’s recession mentality a broader
societal problem of un- trained leaders, was determined after we pulled out the Findings
from the literature review, to develop leadership that will have sustainable growth and
emergent effective leadership to recruit, retains, and engages talent. Secondly,
developing transformational leadership to reshape thought patterns, teaching leaders to
spend less time managing people and resources. Next, looking for ways to improve
efficiency cost cutting methods, managing headcount, and counteracting the recession
mindset with transformational actions. This will require for leaders and decision makers
to coordinate multifunctional teams, encouraging innovation and risky operations, raising
awareness on organizations goals and mission, systemic thinking and inspire learning.
More appropriately, is that organization leaders and decision makers are operating
to combat a recession mentality; by concluding they must become a learning
organization, and to develop transformational leaders to implement the new business
strategy. All of the current business practices of outsourcing and laying-off during a
down-turn, and not paying what a worker is worth; create the illusion we are saving
money. The disadvantages of the current business practices is keeping America in
deceptive situation where they might save money on the front-end; but is diabolical and
has deteriorating affects on our labor force as a whole. We need to discover and explore
innovative ways to retain and value our human assets; where other countries are
economically growing from our business practices.
The lessons to the readers is to take away at the end of this research project is one,
some of America’s business practices are quick fixes that leave workers and the economy
financially crippled. Secondly, for stakeholders and leaders to find ways to invest in
human assets and innovation; to create a demand in an accounting framework; where an
increase in the growth of labor must translate into an increase in output (Mishel, (2012).
In peeling back the layers on wage stagnation a discovery of the true root problem was
how employers operate with a recession mentality in order to squeeze out more profits
and create an environment in which fewer people are doing more.
The researcher has utilized the qualitative approach offering a complete
comprehensive method of analyzing a subject from all sides both human and statistical.
Adam, (2007) discusses in earlier chapters that, data comes and goes, and the relationship
between variables changes, society changes and therefore the primary function of
academic research, is to continually move theory forward—because in the end, it is all
that we really have in terms of our ‘knowledge’ of the world.
Post Script
The management and leadership qualities that I have acquired in this course are
many beginning with the mindset that all projects are a series of steps. Understanding the
concept of eating the elephant day by day and not viewing it as it has to accomplish in
one or two days will allow me not to get ahead of myself. This course has taught me how
to attack a problem from “soup to nuts”, beginning with steering the reader with a
problem statement to bring focus to what needs to be solved. Next the ability to gather
data ethically and honestly will help in developing trust between the client and I. Once
this is done masterfully a comprehensive diagnosis of the true problem is obtained. I will
take my meta- analysis, logic diagram, and literature review skills with me to a company
to use as a tool to gain the contract or business. In showing them all the methodologies I
will utilize to diagnosis and ultimately provide some great solutions to their
organizational change project. As a caveat it will build credibility to my OD PRactioner
experience and knowledge. I will be more marketable by playing devil advocate in
bringing forth the intended and unintended consequences and the plausible elements of a
project providing me with a 360 degree viewpoint. Having a total picture of the positive
and negative of a situation will allow me to provide the stakeholders with multiple
options that will allow them to determine what level of risk they are willing to take, at a
particular season in their organization.
The management and leadership skills I have learned throughout this MSM
program helped me diagnosis an organization effectively. Beginning with understanding
my leadership style, taking various assessments like the Insight Evaluator provided me
with a comprehensive viewpoint of my leadership style, how I work with a team, my
strengths, weakness, blind spots and all types of behaviors that will allow me be coach
able in my areas of weakness and an asset in my strengths. The entire MSM program
taught me the importance of diversity, culture, globalization, data collection and ethics at
all level of an organization. I will take this broad knowledge with my tools and provide
premium consultation service.
The career path I will be pursuing is to be a subject matter expert to be an
innovator of solutions once the findings have been brought out. I have both a natural and
learned behavior to create an idea to solve a problem. I will now use the tools to help
convince the stakeholders that I will be an asset to an organizational change. I will utilize
my motivating and interpersonal abilities to also train and develop the human capital to
adapt to the new ways and technology of performing their task that derived from the idea
that I came up with. In conclusion, I am marketable for obtaining these many skills and
understanding my leadership management style is participative with the ability to see the
big picture.
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Michelle Lilly GM-599 Post Script Final

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Michelle Lilly GM-599 Post Script Final

  • 1. Developing E- Learning Organizations Michelle Lilly-Bowens Course- GM-599 Unit 5# Alternative Solutions Professor: Dr. Craig McCoy Date: December 9, 2014
  • 2. Introduction Wage Stagnation in America is a growing problem in today’s workforce. My objective is to bring awareness and changes to organizations and its stakeholders; whose methods and practices create a wage gap for American citizens. Peeling back the layers of the various symptoms will expose the root to a bigger problem. This research paper intends to discuss Americans job outsourcing, unemployment, creative compensation, and historical recession aftermath, as all attributing factors to a sluggish economy and how Americans operate with a recession mindset. It is crucial to first define, what is wage stagnation? It is a prolonged period of slow economic growth traditionally measured in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), usually accompanied by high unemployment. Under some definitions, "slow" means significantly slower than potential growth as estimated by macroeconomists. Under other definitions, growth less than 2–3% per year is a sign of stagnation ( Statement of Problem While unfolding the problem on wage stagnation in America’s organizations, it was discovered that wage stagnation was merely a symptom and not the true problem. The root problem is that employers operate with a recession mentality in order to squeeze out more profits and create an environment in which fewer people are doing more. This evolving problem statement intends to achieve advance understanding for current and
  • 3. future business leaders; who encourage and practice deteriorating methods, along with unforeseen external force, resulting in the inevitable, of a slow economic enhancement to our laborers. With this framework in mind, we now turn to an exploration of various practices that lead up to why operating from a recession mindset equates to savings. Once the layers of “employers operating from a recession mentality” began to unfold, an exploration of how to combat this mindset surfaced, and a decision to develop and implement various strategies to improve leadership relating to organizational learning that guides leaders to retain, recruit and engage the right talent to produce long-term recession proof results. Symptoms of the Problem The symptoms of the problem with an organizational recession mentality may produce negative affects on the economic growth in this country. A large decline in average annual hours worked (Mishel (2012). Americas growing trend to outsource our labor to third world countries like India, China and Mexico; where the workers will except lower paying jobs (Schrager (2014). Another symptom of recession mentality is due to the belief that many companies have; which is, that it is better to lay off employees instead of imposing cuts during the down-turn for workforce morale sake. As a caveat, another symptom emerges with the increased slothfulness of companies not wanting to give a raise when the economy recovers. Moreover, the backlash symptoms that comes along with long-term unemployment; which keeps the pay low, including the disheartened people who’ve given up looking for work, those working in part-time and or people who had to shift into low-paying jobs as a result of the recession (Schrager (2014). Also, instead of giving cash compensation, employers, are spending more on health
  • 4. insurance and retirement benefits which probably offers the organization more tax right offs and deferred pay outs. Not to mention the worldwide attack on trade unions that has weakened the ability of workers to protest for better wages in states like Georgia where its practice, is non-unionized in the “right to work” state (Correa (2007). Intended Audience & Value The intended audience of this research paper is directed for the decision making leaders of America, who have influence and authority on organizational strategies, decision, and operation. To bring awareness and social change to the business methods they choose and the ramifications of those decisions. The value of this research is for stakeholders to counteract the overall economic recession by flooding their mindset with new options to cut cost and bring a given organization out of a budget deficit. Instead of doing the obvious quickest solution of cutting and outsourcing jobs, cutting hours and offering less cash and more benefits. Most economists will state that the recession is over but there is still room for improvement, the need to still develop a new mindset for future growth and prosperity for more people in the workforce. Although economist will state that the recession is over; there is a difference between economic growths versus economic development in determining economic improvement. Haller refers to the economic and social activity as the quantitative side of growth; while the development encompasses a much wider sphere, including the qualitative changes that occur in the economic and social environment. Economic growth and development bring forth social progress a step forward to higher conditions in combating a recession mindset and the people’s way of life based upon economic progress (Haller, 2012).
  • 5. Even though the economy is recovering nicely, there remain the problems that employers continue to operate with a recession mentality in order squeeze out more profits and create an environment in which fewer people are doing more. Formal research plan As a researcher, the significance of advancing the exploration of a recession mindset is to combat the wage stagnation and begin to utilize other business practices to retain human assets and pay workers what they are worth. Utilizing the evaluation methodology, a qualitative approach of interviews and questions in organizations; that partake in the deteriorating factors above. Secondly, the use scholarly peer-review articles to help gather data, gain understanding, and propose some solutions to be initiated that will hopefully be a win-win for the employers and employees of America. Meta-Analysis Research Approach In the research conducted on America’s recession mindset, Meta-analysis will be the tool and approach that will be used to uncover various data to develop empirical testing ultimately create change. “Meta-analysis is the application of statistical procedures to collections of various discoveries from individual studies for the purpose of integrating, synthesizing, and making sense of them”. Meta analysis reviews and synthesizes different studies in the literature (Holton & Swanson (2005). The purpose of Meta-analysis in regards to the research process is to summarize and amalgamate previous training design, individual differences, and organizational environment (Holton & Swanson (2005). Glass, 1976, p. 3, sums Meta-analysis up as an analyzing the analysis.
  • 6. The Value and Benefits of Meta-Analysis The value and benefits of Meta-analysis begin with its strength and ability to aid researchers to attain accurate and credible conclusions that other research approaches cannot provide (Holton & Swanson (2005). Secondly, meta-analysis is quantitative, using numbers and statistical techniques to emphasize the importance of correcting study biases such as sampling and measurement errors in meta-analysis (Holton & Swanson (2005). Meta-analysis also tends to be a powerful tool for exploratory combinations and interactions of individual interpreter variables. Another advantage of a meta-analytic research design is its capacity to integrate and fuse current practical studies on a meticulous topic. Meta-analysis provides a cumulative view in examining a wider range of relationships, interactions, from individual studies and at the same time can test complex theories involving variable that aims at getting a complete (Holton & Swanson (2005). Moreover third advantage of using meta-analysis is its tendency to offer guidelines for variable selection and research design in future research and that it is based on a number of proven empirical studies instead of a single piece of research (Holton & Swanson (2005). Qualitative Approach The qualitative research method does achieve the opposite of the quantitative approach. Whereas quantitative analysis seeks to reduce relationships to mathematical equations, qualitative analysis seeks to understand human relationships as expressed in the native medium of exchange of language (Dayton, 2014). Whereas quantitative analysis may seek correlation or causality among variables, qualitative analysis seeks to
  • 7. understand perceptions regarding a particular event or experience within a human culture or to develop a fundamental understanding from which new theory can be developed. Quantitative approach seeks to gain objective not making every issue black and white. The good thing about the qualitative approach is that it understands that situations can be grey and subjective depending on the circumstances and interpretation of the topic (Dayton, 2014). Economic growth is determined by three major categories of factors: qualitative efficiency of the utilization of the productive sources, quantitative, referring to the global volume of each factor when efficiency is maintained consistent, and structural referring to the proportions in which the factors of production are combined and reflect both the quantitative and qualitative contributions in the economic growth (Haller, (2012). Conclusively the qualitative approach in conjunction with the quantitative approach offers a complete comprehensive method of analyzing a subject from all sides both human and statistical. Review of the Literature Implementing the review of management literature is valued as a critical part of research simply because; society needs a point of reference to quantify why things are as they occur (Adams, (2007). Literature review connects the dots to all the pieces to the problem. It is the glue that links your proposed work to previous work, it connects your specific topic to the bigger picture regarding that subject area, and it connects your specific findings to the findings of others (Adams, (2007). It is an inclusive activity in the sense that, you become a part of the academic community who can speak and write
  • 8. with confidence and authority on a specific research problem (Adams, (2007). A brief review of the management literature narrows the focus on the research and framing the research questions or hypothesis which interest you (Adams, 2007). Management literature must be credible sources that are published in referred journals, books, reports, abstracts, and electronic websites. Insights on Combating a Recession Mentality Denton, (2013), states that using other strategies like developing good business leadership, is crucial at all times, especially during a recession. Not only should a leader have the ability to cite the stagnant economy when there are low sales figures, lack of new product innovation, high staff turnover or falling productivity are mentioned; but good leadership should be able to achieve growth while in a recession (Denton, (2013). “In recessionary times, ineffective leaders often spend too much time managing people and resources all the while, neglecting to recruit, retain and engage the right people within key positions”. Getting the right leaders on board to operate from a growth mentality versus a recession one will require the skill sets and innate abilities of a transformational leader. Critical Analysis To combat a recession mentality, leaders in a rapidly changing world companies must focus on becoming a learning organization (Abbasi, & Zamani-Miandashti, (2013). DeGeus, (1988), states the only sustainable competitive advantage an organization has in being successful, is an organization that learns better than their competitors. Abbasi, & Zamani-Miandashti, (2013), discuss how transformational leadership is necessary to
  • 9. reshape thought patterns specifically when seeking to design, train and to be a good steward over processes and people. To transform leaders to stop operating from a recession mentality to a mindset that fosters economic growth will require the leader to consciously influence individuals or groups to make changes in current situations and organizational functions as a whole (Bass,1997). Transformational leaders can counteract the whole organizations recession mentality with their speech, actions, shared vision, coordinating multifunctional teams, encouraging innovation and risky operations, raising awareness for the organizations goals and mission, engaging people in systemic thinking and inspire learning (Abbasi, & Zamani-Miandashti, (2013). In efforts to move research forward on combating a recession mentality, leaders should explore two different strategies during a recession. One should always be the traditional strategy to look for ways to improving efficiency, cost-cutting and headcount. Two would be to recruit, retain and develop the right talent as a core driving business strategy (Denton, (2013). Most stakeholders desire to protect their assets is a human reaction; but other successful companies are exploring opportunities to invest in risk-focused strategies that implement business practices to increase productivity and profits (Denton, 2013). The exploration of these two business strategies will expose, bring understanding, and combat the recession mentality in leaders. It will keep organizations competitive in understanding; what is making other organizations successful long-term, through the duration of the profitable seasons and recession ones.
  • 10. Findings and Conclusion In this layer of research a logic diagram is used as a problem-solving process that provides a framework for the research of combating a recession mentality. Here is where we connect the data, findings, conclusions, to come to a final solution (Vandenbosch, (2003). The data that’s obtained in the logic diagram should convince yourself, your client, stakeholders, and other interested people. In this layer of research we will pull out the “Findings” from the raw data collected previously. The findings, will allow the researcher to discard irrelevant, cross-check the relevant, and use the result to review and revise all hypotheses (Vandenbosch, (2003). Conclusions The third element of a logic diagram is the formulating of a conclusion. It is a diagnostic statement, based on the data and findings, which explains problems or opportunities and is significant enough to warrant action (Vandenbosch, (2003). In coming up with a conclusion we looked at common themes and patterns from the Findings. A conclusive theme and pattern that surfaced while dissecting the findings for ways that America can combat a recession mentality, is “leadership” and “transformational business strategy”. In researching and analyzing the “findings” of: 1. Developing leadership that will have sustainable growth.
  • 11. 2. Developing ineffective leadership to recruit, retains, and engages talent 3. Transformational Leadership to reshape thought patterns This concluded that building a learning organization will be the underlying reason upon developing alternative solutions during the research of the next layer. Another conclusive theme and pattern the three findings below determined, was that leaders need to: 1. Spend less time managing people and resources 2. Look for ways to improve efficiency, cost cuttings and managing headcount 3. Counteract with transformational action, by coordinating multifunctional teams, encouraging innovation and risky operations, raising awareness on organizations goals and mission, systemic thinking and inspire learning. The pattern of transformation activities and leadership are both underlying themes to an alternative solution deriving from the Findings and the Conclusion; which will propel this research forward.
  • 12. Logic Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Conclusions Creating Learning Organizations Findings Develop leaders that will produce sustainable growth. Findings Developing ineffective leadership to recruit, retains, and engages talent Findings Transformational Leadership to reshape thought patterns Conclusion Transformational Business Strategies Findings Spend less time managing people and resources Findings Look for ways to improve efficiency, cost cuttings and managing headcount Findings Coordinating multifunctional teams, encouraging innovation and risky operations, raising awareness on organizations goals, mission, and systemic thinking
  • 13. Ethical Implications There is a strong obligation for researchers to be ethical in both method and conclusions. The ethical practices that shape this research on combating a recession mentality will begin with how the researcher gathers information from human subjects; who will be in accordance with accepted ethical principles of research and, because reports may well have a significant impact on other human beings, and thus one is obligated to be responsible to those other people. The following ethical considerations that has evolved over time will be the blueprint to governing and guiding the researcher behavior are to: respect autonomy, research subjects must be asked to consent to being part of a study, and must be fully informed about what participation means, including what benefits and risks they might experience (Holton & Swanson (2005). Alternative Solutions In assessing which alternative solution or which combination of ideas works best in any organization, will require researchers to consider exactly what is necessary to implement each. The most obvious criteria with which to evaluate options are acceptance, time, cost, quality, and risk (Vandenbosch, (2003). The brainstorming of ideas was the tool used to formulate several alternative solutions and derive at two main solutions that will be able to fit most organizations. Conclusion # 1 Organizational Learning
  • 14. In determining the plausibility in the alternative solutions that was derived from the two conclusions; that will ultimately lead to the main solution. Researchers will consider four major criteria: Acceptance by the client/stakeholder willingness to take on a given option? Two, the risk in determining the outcome you hope for? Three, the time it takes to implement? Four, the cost in that solution, and finally the quality, and how well it will accomplish the intended objective (Vandenbosh, (2003). Bloomsbury (2011) article on, Implementing effective e-learning within the organization, highlights not only why this alternative solution is conceivable to stakeholders; but falls into the other four criteria of risk, time, cost and quality. E-learning over the Internet is flexible, cost-effective, and measurable. While investigating e-learning, consider the following: • E-learning puts learners in the driving seat, allowing them to learn about specific subjects at their own pace. Alternative #4 Key note Speakers Alternative #3 Shadowing Duties of other leaders Alternative #2 Expert Mentoring Alternative Solution #1 Online Classes Solution #1 Develop an E-Learning Organization
  • 15. • The e-learning can offer a wide assortment of e-learning content, technology, and services. • e-learning is primarily delivered over the Web making it accessible at all times • it adapts quickly to meet altering learning needs; • Learners have the option to find what they want to learn, when they want to. • Many e-learning modules are intended to be 20–30 minutes long, so learners can take them during a break period. • When taking a series of modules over a period of time, learners build up a skill; • learners collaborate with instructors and other learners so as to learn better; • compared to classroom-based learning, e-learning is a fast and cost-effective way to teach large numbers of people; • It has the ability to deliver learning in multiple multimedia formats: text, images, audio, video, interactive and simulation tools; • The materials that learners have accessed and completed can be accurately measured, allowing the organization to track who is learning what, and which resources are popular (Bloomsbury, (2011). Intended & Unintended Consequences
  • 16. The intended results are to be able to assess progression for both the organization and the learner. The organization needs to know if the e-learning has resulted in increased knowledge within its workforce; learners need to have targets and to know where they are doing well and where they need to work harder (Bloomsbury, (2011). Unintended consequences will occur when, e-learning neglects to involve collaboration with other learners and mentoring from experts. The brick and mortar of a classroom should not be eliminated, but rather introduced at strategic points in the learning process (Bloomsbury (2011). • A multitude of technical issues can put a damper on the promise of e-learning. E- learning that uses a lot of multimedia elements—sound, video, animation—can cause a lot of delivery problems. Even within the internal network, bandwidth can be scarce. • Few people believe that e-learning on its own will meet an organization's entire requirements. Experts say, people still need to get together to share ideas and develop friendships. Frequently, the socializing that occurs after classroom learning is as important as what happened in the classroom itself. • Also, e-learning is less suitable for teaching soft skills and those that require a lot of hands-on activity. • Lack of Self-motivation - Not everyone is itching to learn. Some people will always find an excuse for not doing the course. Often the only way that you can get people to focus on learning is to get them into a classroom.
  • 17. • Some proponents of e-learning give the impression that teachers are the enemy of education and that getting rid of them is the answer to all training problems. E- learning without active mentors and experts can be a very shallow experience. • The e-learning promise of learning when you want often translates into learning after work or at the weekend. Learners work away diligently, but there's no recognition of the effort. A sense of isolation sets in, and, as the day-to-day workload increases, the need to do that e-learning course drifts into the background. Implementing the components of E-learning To move forward with developing a learning organization as a solution, the following are necessary components to implement an e-learning environment: • Having one’s own personalized learning space: learners need their own, so they can check such things as what modules they have completed and have yet to complete; who their mentors are; or what collaborative learning groups they are part of. • Mentoring: without interaction and mentoring, e-learning can become very dry. Learners need to be able to access experts in order to ask questions and receive guidance. • Simulation: quality e-learning offers simulated environments in which learners can practice what they have learned.
  • 18. • Collaboration: interaction with other learners is a fundamental building block of all learning. E-learning needs to facilitate this by actively encouraging collaboration. • Mandating a registration process for tracking all employees; • a payment process, or a process by which costs can be matched to budgets; • A monitoring process that allows the manager to track how learners are performing. • Finally, a process must be established whereby managers and employees work together to plan and discuss what needs to be learned and how things are progressing (Bloomsbury, (2011). Conclusion # 2: Transformational Business Strategy Alternative #1 Cut benefits instead of headcount Alternative #2 Innovation on cutting time it takes to complete tasks Alternative#3 Restructuring working hours Solution # 2 Save Human assets
  • 19. Most companies’ main focus is on services offered, often involved in mergers and acquisition (Corrêa, de Lamare Bastian-Pinto, & de Andrade, (2014). A challenge faced by small to mid- size organization, is retaining their talent with adequate compensation; which was my initial statement of problem, “wage stagnation”. This problem evolved into developing e-learning organizations to be able to retain and compensate “A” plus talent. In researching the benefits of retaining human capital as a solution, some type of formalization and ordering/organization is required to permit that knowledge to be protected and monetized(Corrêa , de Lamare Bastian-Pinto, & de Andrade, (2014). In determining the plausibility to retain human assets as a solution, eliminating the alternative solutions of one, to cut benefits instead of headcount, two innovations on cutting the time it takes to complete tasks, and three, restructuring employees working hours fell under the previous business strategy. Our transformational business strategy is to take a risk on intangible assets for long-term gain. In our effort to point out why retaining human assets is profitable, let’s look at its benefits. • Intangible human assets open the company to new future options, such as the option to expand in a determined market or even interrupt R&D investments if the scenario turns unfavorable the value of an intangible good does not depend on the asset itself, but also, and often more significantly, on how that intangible asset fits into the buyer’s strategy (Corrêa, de Lamare Bastian-Pinto, & de Andrade, (2014).
  • 20. • Another benefit to retaining human assets is because they can develop relational capital. In practical terms, it refers to the capability to originate new contracts and bring in new client; which is very important in all organizations • An intellectual capital benefit comes along with retaining human assets that refers to the knowledge about the client and/or the sector where it operates. Specifically the technical, theoretical, and practical knowledge of a human asset, where the capacity to develop new products or adjust existing ones to suit the needs of clients. • Human assets have the ability to learn, the ability to perform contracts within or below the forecasted cost, the capacity to deliver the required quality, and the mastery of methodologies. As a result of an organization detaining these capabilities, they now belong to that company as a form of commodity (Corrêa, de Lamare Bastian-Pinto, & de Andrade, (2014). Implementing Human Asset Retention plan In researching the best way to retain employees to benefit both the worker and the organization the human capital must be trained and developed to function at maximum level. This leads back to the first solution on creating an e-learning organization to grow and develop workers to become “A” plus talent. We the researchers, intend to advance the first solution of developing e-learning organizations to retrain human assets, which will yield maximum output which will eventually offer them top wages at every level of learning. Advancing E-Learning Organizations
  • 21. E-learning has expanded rapidly and many companies have comprehensive and cost-effective system that is rarely built but either rented or bought. In selecting one it will depend on organizations specific needs. However, in evaluating e-learning companies, the following questions will be useful: • What are their reputation and brand like? Have they been around for a while, and do they look as if they'll be around in the future? • What's the quality of their learning content? Is it highly interactive and engaging, with access to experts, or is it like a digitized textbook? • How comprehensive is the offering? Will this organization meet all your e- learning needs, or will you have to go elsewhere for other courses? • What is the technology like? Is it robust and scalable? Do the modules download quickly or do they hog bandwidth? • What sort of global reach do they have? If the e-learning works well in one office can it be quickly rolled out in other offices around the world (Bloombury, (2011). Next Steps The next steps in this research process will be to utilize sound methodology of Meta-Analysis. To explore and discover insights from the larger body of management literature and to examine past studies in the literature that will allow my audience to advance their own investigation and transform the mindset of decision makers to stimulate the organizational problem on America’s recession mindset as a whole. Using
  • 22. the qualitative research approach will enable researchers to gather inclusive data for evaluation and new methods. The final step to unfolding the problem to developing effective leadership to produce learning organizations will be implemented and expounded on in the logic diagram to include alternative solutions. Secondly, it will describe 3 to 4 alternative solutions and discuss the plausibility of these solutions. Next it will elaborate on its intended and unintended consequences, and advance the best solution that addresses the organizational problem, moreover, the best ways to implement the process of our final solution. Implementing the components of E-learning To move forward with developing a learning organization as a solution, the following are necessary components to implement an e-learning environment: • Having one’s own personalized learning space: learners need their own, so they can check such things as what modules they have completed and have yet to complete; who their mentors are; or what collaborative learning groups they are part of. • Mentoring: without interaction and mentoring, e-learning can become very dry. Learners need to be able to access experts in order to ask questions and receive guidance. • Simulation: quality e-learning offers simulated environments in which learners can practice what they have learned.
  • 23. • Collaboration: interaction with other learners is a fundamental building block of all learning. E-learning needs to facilitate this by actively encouraging collaboration. • Mandating a registration process for tracking all employees; • a payment process, or a process by which costs can be matched to budgets; • A monitoring process that allows the manager to track how learners are performing. • Finally, a process must be established whereby managers and employees work together to plan and discuss what needs to be learned and how things are progressing (Bloomsbury, (2011). Conclusion In conclusion e-learning organizations will solve the original problem of wage stagnation by developing its leaders in a cost effective, flexible way that will retain human assets. In fulfilling the five criteria of, acceptance, time, cost, quality, and risk; we use these criteria’s to filter out the alternative solutions that determined one main solution. We looked at online classes, keynote speakers, shadowing duties of peers,
  • 24. restructuring work hours, cut benefits instead of headcount, and innovation on cutting the time it takes to complete a given task as former strategies that lead to wage stagnation which keeps America organization regressive or births the main solution to advance the e-learning organization that will ultimately yield long term talent with comparable compensation. The problem statement evolved from Americas wage stagnation into having a recession mentality leading into how to combat a recession mentality and now the problem statement is developing effective leadership to provide learning organizations. Concluding that getting the right leaders on board to operate from a growth mentality versus a recession one will require the skill sets and innate abilities of a transformational leader. The research will abide by ethical practices that govern and measure unethical behavior. It will be effective when it meets the approval of others and having another set of eyes to provide critical feedback to minimize biases and unethical reporting. Finally, having a genuine interest in seeking the truth and in acknowledging the contributions of others will go a long way in avoiding unethical behavior (Holton & Swanson (2005). Upon exploring the nuances of combating America’s recession mentality a broader societal problem of un- trained leaders, was determined after we pulled out the Findings from the literature review, to develop leadership that will have sustainable growth and emergent effective leadership to recruit, retains, and engages talent. Secondly, developing transformational leadership to reshape thought patterns, teaching leaders to spend less time managing people and resources. Next, looking for ways to improve efficiency cost cutting methods, managing headcount, and counteracting the recession
  • 25. mindset with transformational actions. This will require for leaders and decision makers to coordinate multifunctional teams, encouraging innovation and risky operations, raising awareness on organizations goals and mission, systemic thinking and inspire learning. More appropriately, is that organization leaders and decision makers are operating to combat a recession mentality; by concluding they must become a learning organization, and to develop transformational leaders to implement the new business strategy. All of the current business practices of outsourcing and laying-off during a down-turn, and not paying what a worker is worth; create the illusion we are saving money. The disadvantages of the current business practices is keeping America in deceptive situation where they might save money on the front-end; but is diabolical and has deteriorating affects on our labor force as a whole. We need to discover and explore innovative ways to retain and value our human assets; where other countries are economically growing from our business practices. The lessons to the readers is to take away at the end of this research project is one, some of America’s business practices are quick fixes that leave workers and the economy financially crippled. Secondly, for stakeholders and leaders to find ways to invest in human assets and innovation; to create a demand in an accounting framework; where an increase in the growth of labor must translate into an increase in output (Mishel, (2012). In peeling back the layers on wage stagnation a discovery of the true root problem was how employers operate with a recession mentality in order to squeeze out more profits and create an environment in which fewer people are doing more. The researcher has utilized the qualitative approach offering a complete comprehensive method of analyzing a subject from all sides both human and statistical.
  • 26. Adam, (2007) discusses in earlier chapters that, data comes and goes, and the relationship between variables changes, society changes and therefore the primary function of academic research, is to continually move theory forward—because in the end, it is all that we really have in terms of our ‘knowledge’ of the world. Post Script The management and leadership qualities that I have acquired in this course are many beginning with the mindset that all projects are a series of steps. Understanding the concept of eating the elephant day by day and not viewing it as it has to accomplish in one or two days will allow me not to get ahead of myself. This course has taught me how to attack a problem from “soup to nuts”, beginning with steering the reader with a problem statement to bring focus to what needs to be solved. Next the ability to gather data ethically and honestly will help in developing trust between the client and I. Once this is done masterfully a comprehensive diagnosis of the true problem is obtained. I will take my meta- analysis, logic diagram, and literature review skills with me to a company to use as a tool to gain the contract or business. In showing them all the methodologies I will utilize to diagnosis and ultimately provide some great solutions to their organizational change project. As a caveat it will build credibility to my OD PRactioner experience and knowledge. I will be more marketable by playing devil advocate in bringing forth the intended and unintended consequences and the plausible elements of a project providing me with a 360 degree viewpoint. Having a total picture of the positive and negative of a situation will allow me to provide the stakeholders with multiple options that will allow them to determine what level of risk they are willing to take, at a particular season in their organization.
  • 27. The management and leadership skills I have learned throughout this MSM program helped me diagnosis an organization effectively. Beginning with understanding my leadership style, taking various assessments like the Insight Evaluator provided me with a comprehensive viewpoint of my leadership style, how I work with a team, my strengths, weakness, blind spots and all types of behaviors that will allow me be coach able in my areas of weakness and an asset in my strengths. The entire MSM program taught me the importance of diversity, culture, globalization, data collection and ethics at all level of an organization. I will take this broad knowledge with my tools and provide premium consultation service. The career path I will be pursuing is to be a subject matter expert to be an innovator of solutions once the findings have been brought out. I have both a natural and learned behavior to create an idea to solve a problem. I will now use the tools to help convince the stakeholders that I will be an asset to an organizational change. I will utilize my motivating and interpersonal abilities to also train and develop the human capital to adapt to the new ways and technology of performing their task that derived from the idea that I came up with. In conclusion, I am marketable for obtaining these many skills and understanding my leadership management style is participative with the ability to see the big picture.
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