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Rough Draft Research Paper
The first day of my freshmen year in high school English, I was so assured that I would do excellent in that class. It turns out I was wrong because
English has been my worst subject and I failed it, but in that experience I learned a very valuable lesson which was to make an inference about what I
want to say, than say it, and lastly saying it in a better way.
As a reader I have learned that you do not have to always be interested in what you are reading, but be able to read it to your understanding. From an
early age I have always loved reading, but as I grew up reading became harder for me, and the literature of the reading became less interesting to me.
Since school started I have grown to love reading. In the process of writing a more content...
The purpose of brainstorming is to generate ideas. This improves the writers critical thinking. A rough draft is important because it helps the
writer see the information they gathered, and correct any error they have made. A rough draft is like you already have enough information and
understand the topic, so basically completing an exercise in prewriting. The reasons for a rough draft is because it gives you a start to put
together your ideas and evidence. Writing a rough draft lets you switch topic completely. The revision is like a baby to the final draft because now
you are sure your paper is free of all errors. In a revision the writer sees again their paper to look at it from a different perspective. Now they can
reconsider the things they have down on their paper. Refining their purpose, and reorganizing their paper. The final draft is when you are assured the
paper is completed and can now be read. A strong writing includes; a interesting topic, knowing your audience, accurate word choices, correct
grammar, being able to deliver whatever it is you're trying to get out for the readers to be able to understand what you are writing, and well crafted
sentences. The style of
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Rough Draft Reflection
Making revision to my rough draft was difficult but a rewarding task. At times I felt like I needed a break from my paper and I did take many breaks.
Taking breaks is understandable however when an individual take breaks try to keep in mind the timeframe in which you need in order to complete the
final research paper. This experience has taught me that planning is a must and sticking to the planning schedule is necessary in order to produce a
grammar, well structured and organized paper.
When trying to revise this research paper I became overly focused on the editorial details. When doing so I could have included more research
information which would make my research paper to have a strong reinforcement references to my topic and thesis
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Reflective Essay Rough Draft
Throughout the brainstorming of a paper organization of a thesis should be at the end of the first paragraph and very well informed. The theses, at
first, in my rough drafts were not that specific of what I was going to write about. It did not mention of what I was going to writing about per paragraph
and led to multiple directions and, therefore, confuses the readers. In the rough draft, my thesis was not very well presented and did not mention the
points that I was going to make. But when I wrote that "...due to decreased employment, fewer agriculture products, immigration to the United States
and invasion of American high–quality products." ( "Mexican Food Supply..." 1). On that account, my essay revitalized of what I was going to mention
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Expository Writing Rough Draft On School
Kirk Zimmer
Expository Writing Rough Draft
Everything Wrong With School In 10 Minutes or Less!
When I was twelve, I had no appreciation for school. I saw it as nothing more as a glorified daycare center with all the rules and regulations
specifically designed to restrict as much fun as possible. Then one day in the ninth grade, I had a revelation: what if school was actually meant to build
me up with knowledge and facts and not just waste my time? This was the foundation I needed to get me through the next four years. Whenever I was
bored, I would remind myself that I 'd never have a "free" education like this again. I adapted particularly well to this system of tests, quizzes, and
science labs but I could never understand the hang up some people had with it. School was basic and easy and all it seemed to require was
consistency an+d proper scheduling. I looked at people who couldn 't understand US History or Geometry and I thought they were dumb. It wasn 't
until much later with much more reflection that I came to conclude there 's a difference between how you score on the SATs and how smart you
actually are. Education isn 't necessarily a direct line to becoming intelligent and knowledgeable; education is nothing more than an institution designed
to equip people with subsets of specialized processing methodologies, algorithms, and a fair bit of esoteric trivia. Furthermore, the current educational
system in place is inefficient because of its rigid nature.
The current
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The Academic Essay: Rough Draft
The Academic Essay: Rough Draft Sitting down and thinking about how to write an academic essay? This essay will discuss all the things one
should know in regard to writing an academic essay. Firstly this essay will discuss how to conduct research for an academic essay, and explain in
detail what research should be considered. Secondly this essay will also discuss the planning and drafting of an academic essay, the exact format
will be assessed. Thirdly this essay will also discuss plagiarism and how it should not be committed in any form of academic writing. Lastly this
essay will discuss referencing and the format used in an academic essay. To begin with, what is an academic essay and what does one use it for? At
university level more content...
If it is possible to cut out a word then cut it out. Never use the passive when you can use the active. Don't use scientific words or jargon when you
can use plain English (Toor, 2010). Do not use first person referencing or second person referencing. An academic essay should always have a
rough draft. The rough draught should be the first ideas that come to your head. It is okay if it is not well structured or the length requirement.
Your final draft should be well edited; spell checked and be in the correct format. This is the draft that will be assessed (Crisis, 2008). Plagiarism
means: "to copy someone else's ideas, words, or work and pretend that they are your own" (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 2010: 1115).
Plagiarism is an extremely serious matter when it comes to writing an essay. Stealing someone else's ideas is a crime and should not be taken lightly.
Each idea used needs to be acknowledged with a footnote or in–text citation. If a direct quote is going to be used it must be enclosed in quotation
marks. Ideas that have been gained from a source must be attributed to that source. All the sources that have been used must be listed in a source list
or a bibliography. "The copyright act that is used in the academic field states: Never copy more than a reasonable portion of work, i.e. not more than
10% of a book or one article in a single periodical/journal. The act (98 of 1978) stipulates that photocopying is permitted only if "not more
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Rough Draft Analysis
Rough Draft
Education has changed students' lives for years. Why do you think education is important to teens? What some students don't get, if you don't have an
education you will not end up having a very good job. Some students just blow off school and don't listen. On the other hand, there are some kids that
do listen and they will end up being very successful. One reason I think education is important to students is it will help prepare them make good
grades so they can be involved in extracurricular activities. If they want to play sports, they need to keep a passing grade in all classes. By keeping
their grades up students will be able to represent their school in many ways. Extracurricular activities can help students become
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English Rough Draft Essay
English Rough draft Writing an essay is incredibly simple, but somehow people still struggle, so I will try my best to explain and point you in the
right direction. With every essay there is a topic, thesis and then the actual essay with a few steps in–between. Picking a topic is always in my
perspective the hardest, there are millions upon millions of things you could choose as your topic, but you want to try and narrow down your choices.
Always try to pick something you love, or something you are interested in, or something you know a lot about. A topic is sometimes already given to
you, so when that happens never write about something you don't know always look your topic up, even if you are not interested in said topic. Always
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Descriptive Essay Rough Draft
For my story, I would first make the web, gather information on my character(s). Then, I would start a rough draft putting all the information into a
story. One day, my family decided to take a weekend trip into the sunny wilderness. As we were driving down the dirt road, we came upon an
animal crossing right in front of us. My husband slammed on the brakes, and the animal turned around and put up his arms up like he was ready to
fight. It was a kangaroo! It was Edward, the kangaroo that the Forest Ranger has been talking about at the community meetings. He was golden brown
in color, hairy, little bitty eyes, long skinny tail and hopped around like he was on a pogo stick. We all looked at one another with hesitation, wonder,
and astonishment. How could we even grasp more content...
My daughters sitting in the back seat of the car are trying to take a picture of it with their I–phones. I'm the only calm one and tells my husband to get
back in the car and let's go back the other way and call the Forest Ranger. As we turn the car around, the kangaroo starts following us, hopping
alongside the car. Then he jumps in the backseat of the car, and my goofy husband decides to stop. The hairy kangaroo stretches over the seat and
punches my husband in the face. While my husband is trying to fight Edward off, other kangaroos are surrounding our car. We all get out, and they
take us into the dark, creepy wilderness. Then we slowly come out of the wilderness in the morning and guess what? We are all kangaroos. I felt
itchy and full of energy for the reason I just wanted to hop. I wanted to hop all around the wilderness like no body's business. I seemed anxious and
on edge not knowing if I'm going to return back to a human being. My human body felt trapped in this skin tight hide. I couldn't breathe or talk. I
would just make loud funny noises. I wanted
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Comparing Lamott And Elbow's Rough Drafts
Reading Lamott's and Elbow's articles, you find many similarities that can be used to support the other writer's point of view. However, there are also
differences that both authors seem to disagree on. Both articles explain the importance of a rough draft. The rough draft is the foundation for all writer's
creativity. It is like a toddler doing art for the first time. They get a piece of paper, splash a little paint here and there, glue some feathers down, toss an
insane amount of glitter on it, and done! It's chaotic as a whole and does not really make sense. But, if you look closely certain areas of the piece
really look beautiful on it's own. Creativity does not always have to be perfect the first attempt and that is what Lamott and Elbow are trying to tell us.
The difference between the two writers is deciding the right amount of thoughtlessness that should be applied when writing a first draft. Lamott Focuses
more on shitty first drafts. "Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts."(Lamott 530). She believes you should write whatever comes into
your head at the time. It does not have to be in order, or make more content...
He states on page 552 "It's not either/or when it comes to care and carelessness. If we want to create good writing, we need both mental processes."
To me, this makes more sense. You are not worrying too much about what you are writing yet you keep in mind certain boundaries to stay within.
For example; if you have to write about a time you ate the best burger you ever had you would not stray into writing about a fairy tale fantasy with
dragons and elves. Elbow understands first drafts need to be messy but he also understands the need for some attention to detail. Personally I agree
with Elbow however I think practicing Lamott's shitty first draft can be useful to me in the future in the sense that it can help me generate a variety of
approaches to my
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Problem Section Of Rough Draft
Research Paper Due Date: Week 2, Day 2: Problem section of rough draft is due. Week 3, Day 1: List of policy alternatives (citing sources) is due.
Week 4, Day 1: Rough draft is due. September 28: Final Draft is due. Length: Your paper must be at least 4 pages (to the bottom of the 4th page),
double spaced, with 12 point font and traditional margins. If it is short of that, 25 points will be taken off for every page it is short. That being
said, I want 4 pages of important research and analytical content and not 4 pages of meaningless fluff. Purpose: I would never create an
assignment just to waste your time. There are numerous purposes to this assignment. First, this assignment gives you the opportunity to explore a
question in much greater depth than you normally would in the class. Being a 15 week class with lots of material to cover, we barely scratch the
surface of most issues. Because we spend so little time on each topic, you are able to develop a general understanding of most issues, but you are
never able to become an expert on any of them. This research paper gives you the opportunity to become an expert on something. It is expected that,
by the time your paper is complete, you will be an expert on whatever topic you have written about and will be able to speak fluently on the subject,
answering most questions someone could ask you. Secondly, this paper gives you the opportunity to work on your reading and writing skills, which
are essential, not only to an
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Rough Draft Essay
Ciara Johnson
Mrs. Hamm
Intro to Basic Writing
12 September 2015
Rough Draft I use to enjoy reading and writing. The joy of going to the bookstore and picking out a great book excited me. I would curl up in my
bed and image the world around me as if I was in the book myself. Everything changed during my four high school years. During middle school, the
end of course test was always TAKS. It was a very easy test to pass but, my eight grade year I heard it would be the last of the Texas Assessment of
Knowledge and skills. I was scared a brand new test, that would determine if I go to the next grade, I was terrified. State of Texas Assessments of
Academic Readiness or better known as STAAR, I remember hearing about it on the news. We more content...
I ended up failing but I wasn't to upset since the whole school district ended up failing it was like going to school again. I went to summer school and
passed the writing test. Sophomore and junior year were the hardest for me with the writing test. Sophomore year I did not pass my writing and
reading, I ended up going to summer school again, and I still did not pass. After not passing the second time my junior year started. The school offered
tutoring afterschool and I would have pullouts during my class. Pullouts is where you would be pulled out of a non–essential class for tutoring during
school. After I spent all that time studying and practicing I still didn't pass. I just didn't understand what was wrong with me, I felt dumb and
worthless. Each time I take a test I would pray to god, to help me through it a give me strength. But I felt as though he wasn't listening to me, I was
so ashamed of myself. I know I was at my worst when I was thinking about dropping out of high school. I felt like I failed everyone my mother,
father and most of all myself. I had one last time to pass the test before my senior year. At this point, I was over the test I had no courage left in me to
fail again But, I had no
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Reflective Essay: A Rough Draft Of My Writing
I do not have a rough draft of my essay. Regardless, I understand how I have improved in my writing skills compared to the beginning of the year. It
would take me hours to write a paper. I could not write a single sentence unless it was exactly how I wanted it. When I wrote the Iliad prompt, I tried
a new approach and composed what I thought and edited it later. I did not feel distressed over this paper, instead I was confident I could finish the
prompt easily. When I finished, I emailed my brother theessay to edit it. When it was returned, he only corrected a few grammar mistakes and told
me to edit it before I sent it. Then, I reread my essay and realized what I wrote was a poor essay. It contained a ton of errors and the sentences did
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College Essay Rough Draft
College App Essay Rough Draft
As a young boy, I never truly put much into school. I put as little thought about college as well, but it took one moment that made me want the desire
to succeed in my life and make something of it. Working for 12 straight hours in the middle of the hot sun, making minimum wage wasn't how I
wanted to live. Going to multiple jobs and having to work all weekend, even during school occasionally was extremely difficult. This just gave me
that extra drive to be more superior than anyone else. Yet, I never gave up and still pushed to be the best student I could be. Staying up late nights just
to finish homework so I was able to make the best grade in class. The simplest moments in life made we want to be the best
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Rough Draft Process Analysis
When beginning to write an essay everyone has their own method of doing so. Some may like to brainstorm while others may prefer to go straight
into writing about their topic. I personally beginning every essay by collecting ideas about my topic before coordinating them into a type of diagram,
next I proceed to do my rough draft before revising over the paper and finally composing my final draft. The point of the writing process is to help
break everything down so ideas can be organized and everything can make perfect sense for not just the writer but also the reader.
Writing an essay can be difficult if a person does not know how or where to begin. I personally believe the first step of writing is to list down ideas
about the topic. more content...
Proofreading and revising is a very crucial step in the writing process. If a person does not proofread then the essay they worked on may not make
sense and may overall confuse the reader. Using correct punctuation shows how sentences are supposed to be read. Once I have made sure all my
sentences are grammatically correct I then compose my final copy of the essay. Writing can be difficult if not done correctly. That is why there is a
writing process to follow. Using some type of way to group ideas together help coordinate how the essay will go. Then once the ideas are put together
the rough draft can be formed and edited. After everything has been writing accordantly the essay can then be turned in. Some may think the writing
process is just some more additional steps to getting their essay done but overall it makes the writing experience easier and more
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Argumentative Writing Rough Draft
Outline, planning, revising, rough and final draft, grading. This is the typical process for writing an essay, I however as a young high school student
never followed this. I started with an idea in my head and go on from there. I never considered a need to plan and prepare an outline, just to write a
rough draft that I would have to revise, draft, and draft again. It would just be easier to start writing the final draft first right? No. This class has taught
me many strategies on how to accustom my writing to a college level. Over the semester in this class I have grown, learned how to effectively draft,
and experienced argumentative writing first hand.
I, over the semester, have grown in both literacy and critical thinking. A direct comment from Mr. Gish on the firstessay I wrote for the class was "Nice
reading!" to this sentence in the essay "This continues to show that people in poverty aren't charity cases, but rather they are human beings.". This
comment, along with others, shows me that I am capable to effectively write in one of the worst essays that I have written. The reason for this
growth was the support of both my friends and family. My father would help me with grammatical errors and final revision decisions in some essays.
This growth happened slowly with a lot of effort put towards it. An example from my first essay is "First and foremost, Gordon Park's imagery
throughout his composition." this is the topic sentence to a short paragraph in the beginning of
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Personal Narrative
Carleigh Grupe
Professor Schnell
English 1301
9 September 2015
Personal Narrative – Rough Draft
The lake glistened before me as my mom and I pulled into Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp just outside Twin Lakes Michigan. I had been accepted into the
International Youth SymphonyOrchestra program where after spending a week at the camp the entire orchestra would be heading off on a six week
European Tour to share our musical talents and American culture with another part of the world. I knew traveling to a different continent would give
me further insight as to who I was a person, but did not imagine the people I would meet would impact me as much as they did.
His name was Alex Peabody, a 16 year old junior from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Although we weren't best friends, we were still close with one another
throughout the tour. He had messy brown hair that framed his round face and always wore a big flashy smile. One of my favorite moments with him
was while we were waiting to board the bus to go the the airport. While we sat waiting, I was practicing my flute in preparation for our first concert in
France. Many of the other students were practicing, talking, giggling, or sharing newly found favorite songs with their friends. The noise was
deafening and created a carnival of sound that grew louder with each passing minute. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex, a cello player, watching
me practice, his eyes bright with fascination.
"Alex, do you know how to play flute?" I called to
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Rough Draft Research Paper
It seems that at this point in time rough drafts are becoming less and less of a staple feature in society. People no longer feel the need to collect their
thoughts and ponder on the point their trying to make. Instead, most people want to print that final paper as fast as they possibly can, just to get it
over with. The common mentality is that the idea or opinion being presented comes second to how fast you can blurt it out. This is probably do to the
fact that without a rough draft there is no need to worry over whether or not your point is correct, instead one can focus on defending the paper when it
is challenged by criticism. However, I believe that without a rough draft the importance of the idea within the paper is forgotten and lost within the
haste of the presentation. In the end, if you don't take the time to think, then your own opinion won't be one hundred percent of your own
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More so I mean the things people say and how they express their opinion. I see it everywhere; people not preparing their thoughts before they
proclaim it as their own personal opinion. But the problem with this is that when someone forgets to think about what they say (or write a rough draft
in their head) they often just follow the opinion of the last person they heard. I, like the rest of us, have had first hand experience in stating my
thoughts or ideas without thinking about the issue for myself or wondering if the I agree completely with what I just said. Recently, about a month ago,
I caught myself doing just
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Personal Narrative Rough Draft
Narrative– Draft Throughout my childhood I could never say I had the most exciting life, even now I can still say that about my daily routine. Although
my family put effort into nurturing me into a well–rounded member of society since youth, I never felt any change or progress personally; it was more
as if I simply adapted to whatever expectations my elders had of me. I know this feeling did not apply to me only, in fact, I was once in a classroom
full of fifty–two people who accommodated to whatever came their way. As any good parents, my mother and father wanted my siblings and I to
have the best education we could possibly afford; thus, unlike all my cousins, all three of us attended private schools. My sister, Ysa, is seven years
my senior and she was the ideal child, always got perfect grades, kind, hardworking, and obedient. In contrast, my brother, JP, who more
My class was very lively at first, but as the year progressed and the more lessons we had, the staler it became. It didn't matter how many activities we
did, we completed them for the sake of it without any enjoyment; eventually our behavior at school affected our behavior at home too and due to this
none of my classmates were able to develop any kind of passion. We went there to learn, went home, did our assignments, and repeated that over and
over and over again. All the habits that were imprinted onto us became harmful to the point in which half the class would shake in terror if they
missed an assignment, the guilt of not doing it the night prior eating us away which in many cases caused nausea. During the five years we were in
primary school, all students belonging to each classroom acted the same way as their classmates. We all had the same morals, and those who couldn't
handle it were removed by their parents or by the
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Rough Draft Essay
A "rough draft" is something someone writes with the express purpose of getting their ideas out on paper. Expectedly, more often than not, people will
write multiple drafts before writing their final, in an effort to get to their best paper. I was, of course, introduced to the phenomenon that is the rough
draft in middle school. Interestingly, whenever I attempted to write a rough draft, my thoughts would become muddled and slowly but surely, I was
left with nothing to write. Hardly after being introduced to the rough draft than I jettisoned it; in fact, it is because of that dismissal that has prompted
me to adopt a different method. My alternative method is a rather simple one: I ruminate on a particular topic with the purpose of more
The first step is something I like to call, The Royal Rumble of Ideas. The path in which my paper will follow as well as my thoughts and ideas are
formed from the first process. The way in which it does this, is by requiring the writer to apply an abundant amount of focus on one particular area;
whereas, the typical strategy, asks for the writer to just write (cue eye roll). If I am to construct a story, I must utilize this step. En passant, I might
add, the crux of the former element is very much similar to the latter, as well as in the way in which it works. The commonality to which I am
referring, is rumination. The simplicity of it is bemusing, especially considering it's efficiency, but I will describe that later. The way this is utilized, is
by requiring the writer to mull over what they will write next. For example: When I am writing, regardless of the type of paper, I will deeply
contemplate what my next sentence will be and how it will be phrased. Incidentally, in English class, I will often be seen staring into the ether, as if I
am on a psychotropic drug. There is, however, a reason behind this seemingly sinister image. As I described, rumination is crucial in my writing
process: In order to produce a sentence, or a paragraph for that matter, I must distill information from that contemplation. (See, it even
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Rough Draft Research Paper

  • 1. Rough Draft Research Paper The first day of my freshmen year in high school English, I was so assured that I would do excellent in that class. It turns out I was wrong because English has been my worst subject and I failed it, but in that experience I learned a very valuable lesson which was to make an inference about what I want to say, than say it, and lastly saying it in a better way. As a reader I have learned that you do not have to always be interested in what you are reading, but be able to read it to your understanding. From an early age I have always loved reading, but as I grew up reading became harder for me, and the literature of the reading became less interesting to me. Since school started I have grown to love reading. In the process of writing a more content... The purpose of brainstorming is to generate ideas. This improves the writers critical thinking. A rough draft is important because it helps the writer see the information they gathered, and correct any error they have made. A rough draft is like you already have enough information and understand the topic, so basically completing an exercise in prewriting. The reasons for a rough draft is because it gives you a start to put together your ideas and evidence. Writing a rough draft lets you switch topic completely. The revision is like a baby to the final draft because now you are sure your paper is free of all errors. In a revision the writer sees again their paper to look at it from a different perspective. Now they can reconsider the things they have down on their paper. Refining their purpose, and reorganizing their paper. The final draft is when you are assured the paper is completed and can now be read. A strong writing includes; a interesting topic, knowing your audience, accurate word choices, correct grammar, being able to deliver whatever it is you're trying to get out for the readers to be able to understand what you are writing, and well crafted sentences. The style of Get more content on
  • 2. Rough Draft Reflection Making revision to my rough draft was difficult but a rewarding task. At times I felt like I needed a break from my paper and I did take many breaks. Taking breaks is understandable however when an individual take breaks try to keep in mind the timeframe in which you need in order to complete the final research paper. This experience has taught me that planning is a must and sticking to the planning schedule is necessary in order to produce a grammar, well structured and organized paper. When trying to revise this research paper I became overly focused on the editorial details. When doing so I could have included more research information which would make my research paper to have a strong reinforcement references to my topic and thesis Get more content on
  • 3. Reflective Essay Rough Draft Throughout the brainstorming of a paper organization of a thesis should be at the end of the first paragraph and very well informed. The theses, at first, in my rough drafts were not that specific of what I was going to write about. It did not mention of what I was going to writing about per paragraph and led to multiple directions and, therefore, confuses the readers. In the rough draft, my thesis was not very well presented and did not mention the points that I was going to make. But when I wrote that "...due to decreased employment, fewer agriculture products, immigration to the United States and invasion of American high–quality products." ( "Mexican Food Supply..." 1). On that account, my essay revitalized of what I was going to mention Get more content on
  • 4. Expository Writing Rough Draft On School Kirk Zimmer Expository Writing Rough Draft Everything Wrong With School In 10 Minutes or Less! When I was twelve, I had no appreciation for school. I saw it as nothing more as a glorified daycare center with all the rules and regulations specifically designed to restrict as much fun as possible. Then one day in the ninth grade, I had a revelation: what if school was actually meant to build me up with knowledge and facts and not just waste my time? This was the foundation I needed to get me through the next four years. Whenever I was bored, I would remind myself that I 'd never have a "free" education like this again. I adapted particularly well to this system of tests, quizzes, and science labs but I could never understand the hang up some people had with it. School was basic and easy and all it seemed to require was consistency an+d proper scheduling. I looked at people who couldn 't understand US History or Geometry and I thought they were dumb. It wasn 't until much later with much more reflection that I came to conclude there 's a difference between how you score on the SATs and how smart you actually are. Education isn 't necessarily a direct line to becoming intelligent and knowledgeable; education is nothing more than an institution designed to equip people with subsets of specialized processing methodologies, algorithms, and a fair bit of esoteric trivia. Furthermore, the current educational system in place is inefficient because of its rigid nature. The current Get more content on
  • 5. The Academic Essay: Rough Draft The Academic Essay: Rough Draft Sitting down and thinking about how to write an academic essay? This essay will discuss all the things one should know in regard to writing an academic essay. Firstly this essay will discuss how to conduct research for an academic essay, and explain in detail what research should be considered. Secondly this essay will also discuss the planning and drafting of an academic essay, the exact format will be assessed. Thirdly this essay will also discuss plagiarism and how it should not be committed in any form of academic writing. Lastly this essay will discuss referencing and the format used in an academic essay. To begin with, what is an academic essay and what does one use it for? At university level more content... If it is possible to cut out a word then cut it out. Never use the passive when you can use the active. Don't use scientific words or jargon when you can use plain English (Toor, 2010). Do not use first person referencing or second person referencing. An academic essay should always have a rough draft. The rough draught should be the first ideas that come to your head. It is okay if it is not well structured or the length requirement. Your final draft should be well edited; spell checked and be in the correct format. This is the draft that will be assessed (Crisis, 2008). Plagiarism means: "to copy someone else's ideas, words, or work and pretend that they are your own" (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 2010: 1115). Plagiarism is an extremely serious matter when it comes to writing an essay. Stealing someone else's ideas is a crime and should not be taken lightly. Each idea used needs to be acknowledged with a footnote or in–text citation. If a direct quote is going to be used it must be enclosed in quotation marks. Ideas that have been gained from a source must be attributed to that source. All the sources that have been used must be listed in a source list or a bibliography. "The copyright act that is used in the academic field states: Never copy more than a reasonable portion of work, i.e. not more than 10% of a book or one article in a single periodical/journal. The act (98 of 1978) stipulates that photocopying is permitted only if "not more Get more content on
  • 6. Rough Draft Analysis Rough Draft Education has changed students' lives for years. Why do you think education is important to teens? What some students don't get, if you don't have an education you will not end up having a very good job. Some students just blow off school and don't listen. On the other hand, there are some kids that do listen and they will end up being very successful. One reason I think education is important to students is it will help prepare them make good grades so they can be involved in extracurricular activities. If they want to play sports, they need to keep a passing grade in all classes. By keeping their grades up students will be able to represent their school in many ways. Extracurricular activities can help students become Get more content on
  • 7. English Rough Draft Essay English Rough draft Writing an essay is incredibly simple, but somehow people still struggle, so I will try my best to explain and point you in the right direction. With every essay there is a topic, thesis and then the actual essay with a few steps in–between. Picking a topic is always in my perspective the hardest, there are millions upon millions of things you could choose as your topic, but you want to try and narrow down your choices. Always try to pick something you love, or something you are interested in, or something you know a lot about. A topic is sometimes already given to you, so when that happens never write about something you don't know always look your topic up, even if you are not interested in said topic. Always prepare Get more content on
  • 8. Descriptive Essay Rough Draft For my story, I would first make the web, gather information on my character(s). Then, I would start a rough draft putting all the information into a story. One day, my family decided to take a weekend trip into the sunny wilderness. As we were driving down the dirt road, we came upon an animal crossing right in front of us. My husband slammed on the brakes, and the animal turned around and put up his arms up like he was ready to fight. It was a kangaroo! It was Edward, the kangaroo that the Forest Ranger has been talking about at the community meetings. He was golden brown in color, hairy, little bitty eyes, long skinny tail and hopped around like he was on a pogo stick. We all looked at one another with hesitation, wonder, and astonishment. How could we even grasp more content... My daughters sitting in the back seat of the car are trying to take a picture of it with their I–phones. I'm the only calm one and tells my husband to get back in the car and let's go back the other way and call the Forest Ranger. As we turn the car around, the kangaroo starts following us, hopping alongside the car. Then he jumps in the backseat of the car, and my goofy husband decides to stop. The hairy kangaroo stretches over the seat and punches my husband in the face. While my husband is trying to fight Edward off, other kangaroos are surrounding our car. We all get out, and they take us into the dark, creepy wilderness. Then we slowly come out of the wilderness in the morning and guess what? We are all kangaroos. I felt itchy and full of energy for the reason I just wanted to hop. I wanted to hop all around the wilderness like no body's business. I seemed anxious and on edge not knowing if I'm going to return back to a human being. My human body felt trapped in this skin tight hide. I couldn't breathe or talk. I would just make loud funny noises. I wanted Get more content on
  • 9. Comparing Lamott And Elbow's Rough Drafts Reading Lamott's and Elbow's articles, you find many similarities that can be used to support the other writer's point of view. However, there are also differences that both authors seem to disagree on. Both articles explain the importance of a rough draft. The rough draft is the foundation for all writer's creativity. It is like a toddler doing art for the first time. They get a piece of paper, splash a little paint here and there, glue some feathers down, toss an insane amount of glitter on it, and done! It's chaotic as a whole and does not really make sense. But, if you look closely certain areas of the piece really look beautiful on it's own. Creativity does not always have to be perfect the first attempt and that is what Lamott and Elbow are trying to tell us. The difference between the two writers is deciding the right amount of thoughtlessness that should be applied when writing a first draft. Lamott Focuses more on shitty first drafts. "Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts."(Lamott 530). She believes you should write whatever comes into your head at the time. It does not have to be in order, or make more content... He states on page 552 "It's not either/or when it comes to care and carelessness. If we want to create good writing, we need both mental processes." To me, this makes more sense. You are not worrying too much about what you are writing yet you keep in mind certain boundaries to stay within. For example; if you have to write about a time you ate the best burger you ever had you would not stray into writing about a fairy tale fantasy with dragons and elves. Elbow understands first drafts need to be messy but he also understands the need for some attention to detail. Personally I agree with Elbow however I think practicing Lamott's shitty first draft can be useful to me in the future in the sense that it can help me generate a variety of approaches to my Get more content on
  • 10. Problem Section Of Rough Draft Research Paper Due Date: Week 2, Day 2: Problem section of rough draft is due. Week 3, Day 1: List of policy alternatives (citing sources) is due. Week 4, Day 1: Rough draft is due. September 28: Final Draft is due. Length: Your paper must be at least 4 pages (to the bottom of the 4th page), double spaced, with 12 point font and traditional margins. If it is short of that, 25 points will be taken off for every page it is short. That being said, I want 4 pages of important research and analytical content and not 4 pages of meaningless fluff. Purpose: I would never create an assignment just to waste your time. There are numerous purposes to this assignment. First, this assignment gives you the opportunity to explore a question in much greater depth than you normally would in the class. Being a 15 week class with lots of material to cover, we barely scratch the surface of most issues. Because we spend so little time on each topic, you are able to develop a general understanding of most issues, but you are never able to become an expert on any of them. This research paper gives you the opportunity to become an expert on something. It is expected that, by the time your paper is complete, you will be an expert on whatever topic you have written about and will be able to speak fluently on the subject, answering most questions someone could ask you. Secondly, this paper gives you the opportunity to work on your reading and writing skills, which are essential, not only to an Get more content on
  • 11. Rough Draft Essay Ciara Johnson Mrs. Hamm Intro to Basic Writing 12 September 2015 Rough Draft I use to enjoy reading and writing. The joy of going to the bookstore and picking out a great book excited me. I would curl up in my bed and image the world around me as if I was in the book myself. Everything changed during my four high school years. During middle school, the end of course test was always TAKS. It was a very easy test to pass but, my eight grade year I heard it would be the last of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and skills. I was scared a brand new test, that would determine if I go to the next grade, I was terrified. State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness or better known as STAAR, I remember hearing about it on the news. We more content... I ended up failing but I wasn't to upset since the whole school district ended up failing it was like going to school again. I went to summer school and passed the writing test. Sophomore and junior year were the hardest for me with the writing test. Sophomore year I did not pass my writing and reading, I ended up going to summer school again, and I still did not pass. After not passing the second time my junior year started. The school offered tutoring afterschool and I would have pullouts during my class. Pullouts is where you would be pulled out of a non–essential class for tutoring during school. After I spent all that time studying and practicing I still didn't pass. I just didn't understand what was wrong with me, I felt dumb and worthless. Each time I take a test I would pray to god, to help me through it a give me strength. But I felt as though he wasn't listening to me, I was so ashamed of myself. I know I was at my worst when I was thinking about dropping out of high school. I felt like I failed everyone my mother, father and most of all myself. I had one last time to pass the test before my senior year. At this point, I was over the test I had no courage left in me to fail again But, I had no Get more content on
  • 12. Reflective Essay: A Rough Draft Of My Writing I do not have a rough draft of my essay. Regardless, I understand how I have improved in my writing skills compared to the beginning of the year. It would take me hours to write a paper. I could not write a single sentence unless it was exactly how I wanted it. When I wrote the Iliad prompt, I tried a new approach and composed what I thought and edited it later. I did not feel distressed over this paper, instead I was confident I could finish the prompt easily. When I finished, I emailed my brother theessay to edit it. When it was returned, he only corrected a few grammar mistakes and told me to edit it before I sent it. Then, I reread my essay and realized what I wrote was a poor essay. It contained a ton of errors and the sentences did Get more content on
  • 13. College Essay Rough Draft College App Essay Rough Draft As a young boy, I never truly put much into school. I put as little thought about college as well, but it took one moment that made me want the desire to succeed in my life and make something of it. Working for 12 straight hours in the middle of the hot sun, making minimum wage wasn't how I wanted to live. Going to multiple jobs and having to work all weekend, even during school occasionally was extremely difficult. This just gave me that extra drive to be more superior than anyone else. Yet, I never gave up and still pushed to be the best student I could be. Staying up late nights just to finish homework so I was able to make the best grade in class. The simplest moments in life made we want to be the best Get more content on
  • 14. Rough Draft Process Analysis When beginning to write an essay everyone has their own method of doing so. Some may like to brainstorm while others may prefer to go straight into writing about their topic. I personally beginning every essay by collecting ideas about my topic before coordinating them into a type of diagram, next I proceed to do my rough draft before revising over the paper and finally composing my final draft. The point of the writing process is to help break everything down so ideas can be organized and everything can make perfect sense for not just the writer but also the reader. Writing an essay can be difficult if a person does not know how or where to begin. I personally believe the first step of writing is to list down ideas about the topic. more content... Proofreading and revising is a very crucial step in the writing process. If a person does not proofread then the essay they worked on may not make sense and may overall confuse the reader. Using correct punctuation shows how sentences are supposed to be read. Once I have made sure all my sentences are grammatically correct I then compose my final copy of the essay. Writing can be difficult if not done correctly. That is why there is a writing process to follow. Using some type of way to group ideas together help coordinate how the essay will go. Then once the ideas are put together the rough draft can be formed and edited. After everything has been writing accordantly the essay can then be turned in. Some may think the writing process is just some more additional steps to getting their essay done but overall it makes the writing experience easier and more Get more content on
  • 15. Argumentative Writing Rough Draft Outline, planning, revising, rough and final draft, grading. This is the typical process for writing an essay, I however as a young high school student never followed this. I started with an idea in my head and go on from there. I never considered a need to plan and prepare an outline, just to write a rough draft that I would have to revise, draft, and draft again. It would just be easier to start writing the final draft first right? No. This class has taught me many strategies on how to accustom my writing to a college level. Over the semester in this class I have grown, learned how to effectively draft, and experienced argumentative writing first hand. I, over the semester, have grown in both literacy and critical thinking. A direct comment from Mr. Gish on the firstessay I wrote for the class was "Nice reading!" to this sentence in the essay "This continues to show that people in poverty aren't charity cases, but rather they are human beings.". This comment, along with others, shows me that I am capable to effectively write in one of the worst essays that I have written. The reason for this growth was the support of both my friends and family. My father would help me with grammatical errors and final revision decisions in some essays. This growth happened slowly with a lot of effort put towards it. An example from my first essay is "First and foremost, Gordon Park's imagery throughout his composition." this is the topic sentence to a short paragraph in the beginning of Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Narrative Carleigh Grupe Professor Schnell English 1301 9 September 2015 Personal Narrative – Rough Draft The lake glistened before me as my mom and I pulled into Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp just outside Twin Lakes Michigan. I had been accepted into the International Youth SymphonyOrchestra program where after spending a week at the camp the entire orchestra would be heading off on a six week European Tour to share our musical talents and American culture with another part of the world. I knew traveling to a different continent would give me further insight as to who I was a person, but did not imagine the people I would meet would impact me as much as they did. His name was Alex Peabody, a 16 year old junior from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Although we weren't best friends, we were still close with one another throughout the tour. He had messy brown hair that framed his round face and always wore a big flashy smile. One of my favorite moments with him was while we were waiting to board the bus to go the the airport. While we sat waiting, I was practicing my flute in preparation for our first concert in France. Many of the other students were practicing, talking, giggling, or sharing newly found favorite songs with their friends. The noise was deafening and created a carnival of sound that grew louder with each passing minute. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex, a cello player, watching me practice, his eyes bright with fascination. "Alex, do you know how to play flute?" I called to Get more content on
  • 17. Rough Draft Research Paper It seems that at this point in time rough drafts are becoming less and less of a staple feature in society. People no longer feel the need to collect their thoughts and ponder on the point their trying to make. Instead, most people want to print that final paper as fast as they possibly can, just to get it over with. The common mentality is that the idea or opinion being presented comes second to how fast you can blurt it out. This is probably do to the fact that without a rough draft there is no need to worry over whether or not your point is correct, instead one can focus on defending the paper when it is challenged by criticism. However, I believe that without a rough draft the importance of the idea within the paper is forgotten and lost within the haste of the presentation. In the end, if you don't take the time to think, then your own opinion won't be one hundred percent of your own more content... More so I mean the things people say and how they express their opinion. I see it everywhere; people not preparing their thoughts before they proclaim it as their own personal opinion. But the problem with this is that when someone forgets to think about what they say (or write a rough draft in their head) they often just follow the opinion of the last person they heard. I, like the rest of us, have had first hand experience in stating my thoughts or ideas without thinking about the issue for myself or wondering if the I agree completely with what I just said. Recently, about a month ago, I caught myself doing just Get more content on
  • 18. Personal Narrative Rough Draft Narrative– Draft Throughout my childhood I could never say I had the most exciting life, even now I can still say that about my daily routine. Although my family put effort into nurturing me into a well–rounded member of society since youth, I never felt any change or progress personally; it was more as if I simply adapted to whatever expectations my elders had of me. I know this feeling did not apply to me only, in fact, I was once in a classroom full of fifty–two people who accommodated to whatever came their way. As any good parents, my mother and father wanted my siblings and I to have the best education we could possibly afford; thus, unlike all my cousins, all three of us attended private schools. My sister, Ysa, is seven years my senior and she was the ideal child, always got perfect grades, kind, hardworking, and obedient. In contrast, my brother, JP, who more content... My class was very lively at first, but as the year progressed and the more lessons we had, the staler it became. It didn't matter how many activities we did, we completed them for the sake of it without any enjoyment; eventually our behavior at school affected our behavior at home too and due to this none of my classmates were able to develop any kind of passion. We went there to learn, went home, did our assignments, and repeated that over and over and over again. All the habits that were imprinted onto us became harmful to the point in which half the class would shake in terror if they missed an assignment, the guilt of not doing it the night prior eating us away which in many cases caused nausea. During the five years we were in primary school, all students belonging to each classroom acted the same way as their classmates. We all had the same morals, and those who couldn't handle it were removed by their parents or by the Get more content on
  • 19. Rough Draft Essay A "rough draft" is something someone writes with the express purpose of getting their ideas out on paper. Expectedly, more often than not, people will write multiple drafts before writing their final, in an effort to get to their best paper. I was, of course, introduced to the phenomenon that is the rough draft in middle school. Interestingly, whenever I attempted to write a rough draft, my thoughts would become muddled and slowly but surely, I was left with nothing to write. Hardly after being introduced to the rough draft than I jettisoned it; in fact, it is because of that dismissal that has prompted me to adopt a different method. My alternative method is a rather simple one: I ruminate on a particular topic with the purpose of more content... The first step is something I like to call, The Royal Rumble of Ideas. The path in which my paper will follow as well as my thoughts and ideas are formed from the first process. The way in which it does this, is by requiring the writer to apply an abundant amount of focus on one particular area; whereas, the typical strategy, asks for the writer to just write (cue eye roll). If I am to construct a story, I must utilize this step. En passant, I might add, the crux of the former element is very much similar to the latter, as well as in the way in which it works. The commonality to which I am referring, is rumination. The simplicity of it is bemusing, especially considering it's efficiency, but I will describe that later. The way this is utilized, is by requiring the writer to mull over what they will write next. For example: When I am writing, regardless of the type of paper, I will deeply contemplate what my next sentence will be and how it will be phrased. Incidentally, in English class, I will often be seen staring into the ether, as if I am on a psychotropic drug. There is, however, a reason behind this seemingly sinister image. As I described, rumination is crucial in my writing process: In order to produce a sentence, or a paragraph for that matter, I must distill information from that contemplation. (See, it even Get more content on