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The Romance story of Rostam and Sohrab
One day, Rostam felt like going hunting and went to the border of
Turan with his face, then he saw there full of zebras, he was happy
and hunted and lit a fire. He cut down a tree and stuck it in the zebra
he had hunted like a skewer and put it on fire. Sleep after eating and
drinking water. Seven or eight Turkish riders saw his appearance and
followed him. Rakhesh kicked two of them and beheaded one of
them. So they tied his neck with a lasso and took him to the city.
When Rostam got up and did not see his face, he became sad and
went to Samangan on foot to find a sign of him.
When Rostam reached Samangan, they brought the news to Shah
Samangan that Rostam had come on foot and lost his face. Shah
Samangan went to meet him and welcomed him warmly. Rostam
said, I lost his face here, if you find him, I will reward you, otherwise I
will cut off the heads of your elders. The king said, don't be angry and
be my guest. His face does not remain hidden and we find him. The
king took him to the palace and received him well. When it was night
and everyone was asleep, someone came to Rostam's bed with a
fragrant candle, and behind him was a beauty like the sun. Rostam
was surprised to see him and asked him what is your name? And
what are you doing here at this time of night? The girl answered: I
am TahminaI am the daughter of Shah Samangan. Among the
princes, there is no one equal to me. No one has ever seen my face
and heard my voice. I have heard a lot about your bravery and
courage and now I found you here. If you want, I am yours because
firstly I am infatuated with you and secondly I want to have a child
from you and thirdly I will search all Samangan to find your
face. When Rostam Zebaravi saw her, he asked Mobdi to propose her
to his father. The scholar went to the king and proposed to his
daughter for Rostam. Shah Samangan was happy and accepted and
they got married.
When morning came, there was a bead on Rostam's arm, which was
known all over the world. He gave it to Tahmina and said: If you get a
girl, tie this to her hair, and if you get a boy, tie it to her arm and then
ask her. He said goodbye and went to Shah Samangan, so he gave the
good news that he had found his face. Rostam rode Rakhesh and
went to Iran and from there to Zabulestan. After nine months,
Tahmina gave birth to a beautiful son named Sohrabput When he
was one month old, he was like a one-year-old child, and when he
was three years old, he stepped into the arena, and when he was five
years old, he became like a lion, and when he was ten years old, no
one could fight him. One day, he went to his mother and said: Who is
my father? What should I answer if someone asks? The mother said:
You are the son of Pahlan Pilten Rostam and you are a descendant of
Sam and Zal. He showed him a letter from Rostam with three faceted
rubies and three bags of gold that his father had sent when he was
born. Tehmina said that Afrasiab should not know anything about
this because he is your father's enemy and if your father knows that
you have become like this, he will take you to him and I will be bored
by your distance. But Sohrab Kaft: This is not something I want to
hide and you should not have hidden it. Now I will prepare an army
from the Turks and go to Iran and dethrone Kavus from the throne
and destroy Tus, Gorgin, Guderz, Giv, Gastham, Nozer and Bahram,
and then I will appoint Rostam in place of Kavus, then to Turan I will
go and pull down Afrasiab and make you the lady of the city of Iran.
Then he wanted to find a horse and Tehmina said to the shepherd:
Bring whatever horse there is so that he can choose. But every horse
they brought could not withstand Sohrab's hand. One of the brave
people came and said that I have a foal of Rakhsh breed. Sohrab was
happy and tested and chose that horse. Then he went to Shah
Samangan and asked him for help, and he gave him everything he
wanted and sent him armed. One of the brave people came and said
that I have a foal of Rakhsh breed. Sohrab was happy and tested and
chose that horse. Then he went to Shah Samangan and asked him for
help, and he gave him everything he wanted and sent him
armed. One of the brave people came and said that I have a foal of
Rakhsh breed. Sohrab was happy and tested and chose that
horse. Then he went to Shah Samangan and asked him for help, and
he gave him everything he wanted and sent him armed.
Afrasiab found out that Sohrab had launched a ship and gathered an
army and was planning to fight with Kavus Shah. He was happy and
sent Homan and Barman with twelve thousand soldiers and told
them that this son should not know his father until they face each
other. If Rostam is killed, we will easily capture Iran and then in one
night Sohrab in We sleep, but if Sohrab is killed in battle, we have
taken revenge on Rostam. So Homan and Barman went to Sohrab
with a letter from Afrasiab in which he wrote that if Iran is seized by
Samangan, Iran and Turan will become one and we will help you. The
soldiers went to the border of Iran. There was a fortress called White
Fortress, which Iranians had high hopes for, and its guard
was Hajir . Gezdham , who was one of the elders of that fortress, had
a boy named GasthamHe was still small and had a famous rider girl
named Gerdafarirhad When Sohrab arrived near White Fort, Hajir
galloped to him with a horse. Sohrab drew his sword and asked about
his name and race. Hajir said: I have no equal in war and my name is
Hajir and now I will cut off your head. Sohrab laughed and quickly
went forward and after a lot of fighting, he knocked him to the
ground and wanted to take his head, so Hajir was sad and asked
Sohrab for Zanhar. Sohrab accepted and closed him. The people of
the fort were worried and depressed when they learned that Hajir
was captured. When Gezdham's daughter became aware of the issue,
she prepared herself for battle and hid her hair under her armor and
called for a warrior. Sohrab came to his war. First, GardAfrid shot
him, and then they fought with a spear, and GardAfrid threw a spear
at Sohrab. Sohrab Khashrnak came forward and hit GerdAfrid's belt
with a spear and tore his armor. GerdAfrid drew a blade, but Sohrab's
spear cut him in half and Khashrnak took off his head. Sohrab was
shocked and said to himself: Iranian women who are like this, then
what are their men like? So he tied him up and told him not to try to
escape from me. Why did you want to fight with me? I have never
been caught by a hunter like you. GardAfrid said to him: O brave, two
armies are watching us, so don't ask for shame and fault for me. Now
that the fortress is under your control. So he gave Sohrab a
meaningful smile and his eyes mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with
him to the fortress and released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the
fort and went to the top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab:
Go back, you warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back.
You promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your
promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am
not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this
mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an
army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have
the patience of Rostam and you will fail. Why did you want to fight
with me? I have never been caught by a hunter like you. GardAfrid
said to him: O brave, two armies are watching us, so don't ask for
shame and fault for me. Now that the fortress is under your
control. So he gave Sohrab a meaningful smile and his eyes
mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with him to the fortress and
released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the fort and went to the
top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab: Go back, you
warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back. You
promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your
promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am
not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this
mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an
army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have
the patience of Rostam and you will fail. Why did you want to fight
with me? I have never been caught by a hunter like you. GardAfrid
said to him: O brave, two armies are watching us, so don't ask for
shame and fault for me. Now that the fortress is under your
control. So he gave Sohrab a meaningful smile and his eyes
mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with him to the fortress and
released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the fort and went to the
top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab: Go back, you
warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back. You
promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your
promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am
not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this
mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an
army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have
the patience of Rostam and you will fail. Now that the fortress is
under your control. So he gave Sohrab a meaningful smile and his
eyes mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with him to the fortress and
released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the fort and went to the
top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab: Go back, you
warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back. You
promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your
promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am
not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this
mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an
army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have
the patience of Rostam and you will fail. Now that the fortress is
under your control. So he gave Sohrab a meaningful smile and his
eyes mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with him to the fortress and
released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the fort and went to the
top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab: Go back, you
warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back. You
promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your
promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am
not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this
mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an
army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have
the patience of Rostam and you will fail. O wicked man, you promised
me, so what happened to your promise? Garda Afrid laughed that
Iranians do not marry Turks. I am not part of you. You have no match
among the warriors with this mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds
out that you have brought an army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will
be angry and you do not have the patience of Rostam and you will
fail. O wicked man, you promised me, so what happened to your
promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am
not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this
mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an
army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have
the patience of Rostam and you will fail.
Sohrab said: Today is over, we will resume the war tomorrow and
finally I will catch you. When Sohrab returned, Gozdham wrote a
letter to Kavus that a large army has come to fight with us, with a
warrior who is not more than fourteen years old, and I have so far
driven someone like him, his name is Sohrab and he is just like
Rostam. He defeated Hajir and now Hajir is his captive. Guzdham
gave the letter to Piki and told him to go through the road under the
fort so that no one sees you, and then Guzdham himself and his
family fled from the same road. When the sun rose, the Turans got
ready for battle, and Sohrab sat on his horse with a spear in his hand,
and he was thinking of capturing the army battalion and arresting it,
but when he went to the fort, he did not see anyone and realized
that they had fled at night. It was sad that I lost such a beautiful
piece. Wow, a deer was released from my grasp. He came suddenly
and stole my heart and left. Sohrab ate himself like that and did not
want anyone to find out his secret, but the love did not remain
hidden because he was not left with the love of the girl in Sohrab's
face. Experienced Homan understood that she had fallen in love, so
he told her on one occasion: You should not fall in love with someone
in vain. A warrior should not be deceived. Now all the Iranians are
coming to our war and you finish this work first and then move on to
other work. When you took the world, all the circles are
yours. Sohrab woke up from these words.
Homan informed Afrasiab about the conquest of White Fortress and
he was happy. But when Kavus found out, he sent Gio to Rostam and
asked Rostam to come to them quickly and help them. When Gio
reached Rostam and told the story, Rostam was surprised and said:
How is it possible for such a hero to arise among the Turks? I have a
son from Shah Samangan's daughter who is still small and not more
than fourteen years old. Rostam said to Gio: Let's go to the palace
and have a drink, so they went there. Gio told him again that Kavos
told me not to stay in Zabul and go to Iran immediately. Rostam said
to stay today and we will leave tomorrow, but they didn't leave the
next day either, and the third day passed by Ramesh and
drunkenness. Rostam said: Don't worry, he won't attack us. So they
saddled his face and arranged an army, which was the champion of
the army of Zawarah. When Rostam arrived in Iran, great men like
Tus and Guderz came to welcome him, and when they reached the
king, he was angry and yelled at Gio and then scolded Rostam and
then said to Tus: Go and hang them both. Tus took Tahamtan's hand,
so Rostam was confused and said to the king: All your actions are
worse than others and Shahriari is not worthy of you. Egypt, Syria,
Hamauran, Rome, Segsar, and Mazandaran are tired of my sword,
and they are all slaves to his face, so he pushed Tus's hand away and
went and sat on his face and clapped his hands: If I get angry, who
are Kavus and Tus to bind me? I am not a servant of the king, but a
servant of God. Everyone wanted to make me king, but I refused. If I
had accepted the throne, you would not have reached this
greatness. I was the one who put Qiqbad on the throne and if I didn't
bring him to Iran, you wouldn't have reached this greatness. Tus took
Tahamtan's hand, so Rostam was confused and said to the king: All
your actions are worse than others and Shahriari is not worthy of
you. Egypt, Syria, Hamauran, Rome, Segsar, and Mazandaran are
tired of my sword, and they are all slaves to his face, so he pushed
Tus's hand away and went and sat on his face and clapped his hands:
If I get angry, who are Kavus and Tus to bind me? I am not a servant
of the king, but a servant of God. Everyone wanted to make me king,
but I refused. If I had accepted the throne, you would not have
reached this greatness. I was the one who put Qiqbad on the throne
and if I didn't bring him to Iran, you wouldn't have reached this
greatness. Tus took Tahamtan's hand, so Rostam was confused and
said to the king: All your actions are worse than others and Shahriari
is not worthy of you. Egypt, Syria, Hamauran, Rome, Segsar, and
Mazandaran are tired of my sword, and they are all slaves to his face,
so he pushed Tus's hand away and went and sat on his face and
clapped his hands: If I get angry, who are Kavus and Tus to bind me? I
am not a servant of the king, but a servant of God. Everyone wanted
to make me king, but I refused. If I had accepted the throne, you
would not have reached this greatness. I was the one who put
Qiqbad on the throne and if I didn't bring him to Iran, you wouldn't
have reached this greatness. If I get angry, who are Kavus and Tus to
arrest me? I am not a servant of the king, but a servant of
God. Everyone wanted to make me king, but I refused. If I had
accepted the throne, you would not have reached this greatness. I
was the one who put Qiqbad on the throne and if I didn't bring him to
Iran, you wouldn't have reached this greatness. If I get angry, who are
Kavus and Tus to arrest me? I am not a servant of the king, but a
servant of God. Everyone wanted to make me king, but I refused. If I
had accepted the throne, you would not have reached this
greatness. I was the one who put Qiqbad on the throne and if I didn't
bring him to Iran, you wouldn't have reached this greatness.
If I had not come to Mazandaran and killed the white demon, you
would not be here now. Then he said to the elders: You will not see
me again in Iran, so think about your life, that your strength will not
reach Sohrab. He said this and left.
The elders were upset and told Goders that this knot will be untied
by your hand. So go to the mad king and make him go.
Gouders went to the king and said: Why did you treat Rostam like
that? Now without him we are lost. The king regretted, so he said: Go
to him and bring him gently. Gouders went after Rostam with the
leaders of the army and said: You know that Kavus has no brain. He
says and regrets that if you are upset with the king, Iranians have no
sin. Rostam said: I don't need Kavus and I have nothing to do with
him anymore. Guders talked to him again and softened him and said:
It is a shame that the Turans overpowered us. Rostam said: You know
that I will not run away from the war and I will return even though
Shah Qadr does not know me. When Rostam returned, the king
apologized to him and said: "My nature has become harsh." I was
upset with this new enemy and I was upset because you were late,
otherwise my support is with you and I am sorry that I offended
you. Rostam answered: We are all servants of the king and listen to
your command.
Shah said: It is better to celebrate today and prepare for battle
tomorrow. When the sun came up, Kavus ordered them to move
until they reached the White Keep. Sohrab saw the Iranian army. An
endless army. Homan sighed in fear. Sohrab said: You should not be
afraid because there is no one who is my equal and I do not see a
famous person.
In the morning, Tehamtan went to Kavus and asked permission to see
who this warrior was. Rostam dressed in Turkish clothes and
approached the fort and could hear the voices of the Turks, so he
went inside.
When Sohrab wanted to go to Razm, Tahmina sent his brother Gende
Razm with him to introduce his father to him. So Rostam saw Sohrab,
who was on one side of him, Gende Razm, and Homan and Barman
were on the other. Come in the light to see you. Rostam punched him
on the neck and he died instantly.
Sohrab, who was waiting for the battle rag, sent for him. They
reported that he is dead. Sohrab was upset and told the elders: It is
clear that the enemy is among us. Sohrab swore to take revenge for
the rags of war from the Iranians. When Rostam arrived at the Iranian
army, he saw Gio guarding on the way. Gio Khoroshid: Who are
you? Rostam laughed. Gio said where did you go? So Rostam defined
the issue. The next day, when the sun came up, Sohrab put on his
khaftan and walked with a knife and an Indian razor and stood on a
high place to see the Iranian army, so he called Hajir to him and
asked him to answer honestly, and Hajir accepted. Shah, Gio, Tus,
Guderz, Gastham, Bahram and Rostam asked for an address and said:
Show them to me. Then he asked who is in the heart of the
army? Hajir said: He is Kavus Shah. He then asked the right of the
army. Hajir replied: He is Tus Nozhar. Sohrab said: Who is he who is in
the red curtain? Hajir said: He is Goders. Sohrab asked who is the one
in the green curtain? Hajir thought to himself that if I introduce
Rostam to him, he might suddenly go to him and ruin his life, so Hajir
said: He is a benefactor from China who has recently come to the
king. Sohrab asked his name and he said: I do not know his name
because I have been in this fort for a long time and he came to the
king after I left.
Sohrab asked Hajir to show Rostam to him, but she said that he is not
here, if he was, you would have known him by his figure, mane, and
hair, and you would have known that you could not handle him.
Sohrab decided to fight and went to the heart of Kavus army and said
to the king: Why did you name yourself Kavus? You do not have the
strength to fight with lions. On the night when Gende Razm was
killed, I swore that I would not leave any Iranians behind and hang
Kavus. No one from the Iranian army was able to answer.
Kavus sent Tus to Rostam and said that I have no equal to him and
you should hurry to help us. After receiving the message, he said to
Tus: Whenever the king asked for me, it was because of his wars and
I have seen nothing but suffering from Kavus.
Rostam put on Berberian and sat on his face and put Zavara in his
place in the army. When Rostam reached near Sohrab, he said: Let's
go from here to the other side and fight. Sohrab accepted and asked
for hand-to-hand combat and said: You are worn out and do not have
the strength to fight me. Rostam said: Calm down. You are so crazy
that they were destroyed by me, so wait until you see me in battle.
My heart is burning and I don't want to kill you. Sohrab suddenly
asked: Who are you and what race are you from? I think you are
Rostam. Rostam said: No, I am not Rostam.
Both of them went to the camp and fought with swords. The blades
became smaller, so they fought vertically. The pillars also broke and
the armor of both fighters was torn. Their bodies were full of sweat
and their lips were dry. Indeed, animals know their children, but
humans do not distinguish between their children and their enemies.
Rostam said to himself: I have never seen a whale like him. White
Demon's war is nothing compared to this war. So they both shot at
each other, but the armor blocked the shot, so they decided to
wrestle, but it was useless.
Sohrab hit Rostam on the shoulder with a mace, and he writhed in
pain, but finally, when they saw that they could not cope, Rostam
attacked the Turan army, and Sohrab also attacked the Iranian army,
and they killed many soldiers, but Rostam thought that it might be
Kavos. so he growled and said to Sohrab: Why did you leave the war
with me? Sohrab said: You attacked Turan first.
Rostam said that it is late and we will wrestle tomorrow, so when
they returned, Sohrab told Homan that he will settle his account
tomorrow. Rostam also first spoke to Gio about Sohrab's power and
then went to his brother, after having food and water, he told
Zovareh : If I am killed tomorrow, don't be upset and don't plan to
fight with them, and go to Zabul to Zal and Rudabeh and comfort
them and tell them that Nariman, Sam, Feridoon, and Jam are all
dead. Finally, the day of everyone's death will come and no one is
eternal. .
When the sun arrived, he wore the tiger's thamtan and went to the
battle field. Sohrab said to Homan: The more I look at him, I think
that he is Rostam himself and I should not fight with him. Homan
said: I have fought with Rostam many times, he is not Rostam.
Sohrab got dressed and came to the battlefield and said to Rostam
with a happy face: How did last night go? Let's sit down and talk and
wash our hearts from war. I miss you. I asked a lot about your name,
but they didn't tell me your name, so don't hide your name.
Rostam said: Last night there was talk of wrestling, I won't be fooled
by your words, so they started wrestling and were fighting for a
while, when finally Sohrab grabbed Rostam's belt and knocked him to
the ground and pulled a dagger, but Rostam said: Rostam This is that
the person who knocks someone down does not take his head the
first time, but does it the second time he knocks him down. Sohrab
agreed because he was both brave and brave. Homan asked about
their battle and Sohrab told what had happened. Homan said: You
made a mistake, he tricked you. You should not give the enemy a
Sohrab said it is not too late, now you can see what I will do with
him. When Rostam was freed from Sohrab's grip, he went to the
water and then he prayed to God and remembered the past years
that his excessive strength was causing him trouble and he asked God
to reduce his strength, but now that he was in front of Sohrab, he
said: God, give me back my past strength.
He went to the battlefield again and they were glavised together, this
time Rostam knocked Sohrab to the ground, so he pulled a dagger
and tore his chest.
In the last minutes of his life, Sohrab said: My mother gave me my
father's badge, but I was dying and I did not see him, but you know
that my father will take revenge for my blood from you wherever he
is, because this news will finally reach me.
When Rostam heard this, his eyes darkened and Madhush said to
him: What sign do you have of Rostam? I am Rostam, so he screamed
and cried and lost his hair. When Sohrab knew that it was Rostam, he
said: "Untie me and see your necklace that you gave to my
mother." Rostam was crying, but Sohrab told him: There is no need
to cry, now that I am dying, the Turks are done with their work, make
sure that the Shah does not intend to fight with them, because they
came to war because of me.
Iran's army was worried about Rostam. Rostam sat on his face and
came to the army. The soldiers were happy to see him, but they were
surprised by his sadness. Zavara asked him: What happened? Rostam
told the story and sent a message to Homan through his brother: I
have no war with you, but you were the one who caused the death of
my son. Homan replied: I have no sin, it was Hajir who did not
introduce you to him. An angry Rostam went to Hajir and wanted to
cut off his head, but the elders intervened and saved him from
death. Rostam pulled out a dagger to cut off his head, but the elders
fell at his feet and Guders said: "What's the point of you dying, if your
son lives, he will live, but if you have to go, then who in the world is
immortal?" Rostam said to Goders: Go to Kavus and tell him to send
me some of the potion he has in his treasure with a cup of May so
that maybe Sohrab will live. Goders gave my message to Kavos, but
Kavos said: Of course, Rostam is respected by me, but I should not do
something that will make my enemy feel bad for me again. Do you
remember he said: Who is Kavos? And he remembered me ugly?
Do you remember that Sohrab used to say: I will kill the Iranians and
hang Kavos's head, if he stays alive, I will not be able to stop him, so
Goders returned and said Kavos's words and said: You should go to
him yourself. At the same time, the news came that Sohrab Mardo no
longer needs anything but a coffin.
Rostam roared and screamed and got off the horse, dust was falling
on his head and said: What have I done if his mother finds out what
should I say to him? What father does such a thing?
When Kavus found out, he went to Rostam and comforted him,
saying: We should not be attached to the world, death is the end for
all of us. When I saw him, I said that he is not like the Turks. Now it's
done and crying is useless.
Rostam said: He is dead. Don't continue the war and don't do
anything to the Turks. The king said: "Even if they hurt me, but since
you are not determined to fight, I will accept."
The Shah went to Iran and Rostam went to Zabul with his
army. When they reached Zabol, the elders were pouring dirt on their
heads. Zal got off when he saw the coffin. Rostam came to him with
torn clothes and said: Look, it's as if Sam is sitting in a coffin. Zal was
crying and Rostam was saying: You left and I was left destitute. When
Rudabe saw Sohrab's coffin, he cried and lamented. When everyone
saw Sohrab's height, mane and hair, they were stunned and burst
into tears. Several days passed and he was still in pain.
So the news reached Turan that Sohrab was killed, when Shah
Samangan and Tehmina heard the news, they tore their clothes and
lamented, and Tehmina was crying.
So he took the head of his son's horse and sometimes kissed its head
and rubbed its face with his hooves. He ordered the door and the
wall to be blackened, and day and night his work was moaning and
crying, and finally, a year after Sohrab's death, he was in mourning

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Romance 2.docx

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. The Romance story of Rostam and Sohrab One day, Rostam felt like going hunting and went to the border of Turan with his face, then he saw there full of zebras, he was happy and hunted and lit a fire. He cut down a tree and stuck it in the zebra he had hunted like a skewer and put it on fire. Sleep after eating and drinking water. Seven or eight Turkish riders saw his appearance and followed him. Rakhesh kicked two of them and beheaded one of them. So they tied his neck with a lasso and took him to the city. When Rostam got up and did not see his face, he became sad and went to Samangan on foot to find a sign of him. When Rostam reached Samangan, they brought the news to Shah Samangan that Rostam had come on foot and lost his face. Shah Samangan went to meet him and welcomed him warmly. Rostam said, I lost his face here, if you find him, I will reward you, otherwise I will cut off the heads of your elders. The king said, don't be angry and be my guest. His face does not remain hidden and we find him. The king took him to the palace and received him well. When it was night and everyone was asleep, someone came to Rostam's bed with a fragrant candle, and behind him was a beauty like the sun. Rostam was surprised to see him and asked him what is your name? And what are you doing here at this time of night? The girl answered: I
  • 4. am TahminaI am the daughter of Shah Samangan. Among the princes, there is no one equal to me. No one has ever seen my face and heard my voice. I have heard a lot about your bravery and courage and now I found you here. If you want, I am yours because firstly I am infatuated with you and secondly I want to have a child from you and thirdly I will search all Samangan to find your face. When Rostam Zebaravi saw her, he asked Mobdi to propose her to his father. The scholar went to the king and proposed to his daughter for Rostam. Shah Samangan was happy and accepted and they got married. When morning came, there was a bead on Rostam's arm, which was known all over the world. He gave it to Tahmina and said: If you get a girl, tie this to her hair, and if you get a boy, tie it to her arm and then ask her. He said goodbye and went to Shah Samangan, so he gave the good news that he had found his face. Rostam rode Rakhesh and went to Iran and from there to Zabulestan. After nine months, Tahmina gave birth to a beautiful son named Sohrabput When he was one month old, he was like a one-year-old child, and when he was three years old, he stepped into the arena, and when he was five years old, he became like a lion, and when he was ten years old, no one could fight him. One day, he went to his mother and said: Who is my father? What should I answer if someone asks? The mother said: You are the son of Pahlan Pilten Rostam and you are a descendant of Sam and Zal. He showed him a letter from Rostam with three faceted rubies and three bags of gold that his father had sent when he was born. Tehmina said that Afrasiab should not know anything about this because he is your father's enemy and if your father knows that you have become like this, he will take you to him and I will be bored by your distance. But Sohrab Kaft: This is not something I want to
  • 5. hide and you should not have hidden it. Now I will prepare an army from the Turks and go to Iran and dethrone Kavus from the throne and destroy Tus, Gorgin, Guderz, Giv, Gastham, Nozer and Bahram, and then I will appoint Rostam in place of Kavus, then to Turan I will go and pull down Afrasiab and make you the lady of the city of Iran. Then he wanted to find a horse and Tehmina said to the shepherd: Bring whatever horse there is so that he can choose. But every horse they brought could not withstand Sohrab's hand. One of the brave people came and said that I have a foal of Rakhsh breed. Sohrab was happy and tested and chose that horse. Then he went to Shah Samangan and asked him for help, and he gave him everything he wanted and sent him armed. One of the brave people came and said that I have a foal of Rakhsh breed. Sohrab was happy and tested and chose that horse. Then he went to Shah Samangan and asked him for help, and he gave him everything he wanted and sent him armed. One of the brave people came and said that I have a foal of Rakhsh breed. Sohrab was happy and tested and chose that horse. Then he went to Shah Samangan and asked him for help, and he gave him everything he wanted and sent him armed. Afrasiab found out that Sohrab had launched a ship and gathered an army and was planning to fight with Kavus Shah. He was happy and sent Homan and Barman with twelve thousand soldiers and told them that this son should not know his father until they face each other. If Rostam is killed, we will easily capture Iran and then in one night Sohrab in We sleep, but if Sohrab is killed in battle, we have taken revenge on Rostam. So Homan and Barman went to Sohrab with a letter from Afrasiab in which he wrote that if Iran is seized by Samangan, Iran and Turan will become one and we will help you. The soldiers went to the border of Iran. There was a fortress called White
  • 6. Fortress, which Iranians had high hopes for, and its guard was Hajir . Gezdham , who was one of the elders of that fortress, had a boy named GasthamHe was still small and had a famous rider girl named Gerdafarirhad When Sohrab arrived near White Fort, Hajir galloped to him with a horse. Sohrab drew his sword and asked about his name and race. Hajir said: I have no equal in war and my name is Hajir and now I will cut off your head. Sohrab laughed and quickly went forward and after a lot of fighting, he knocked him to the ground and wanted to take his head, so Hajir was sad and asked Sohrab for Zanhar. Sohrab accepted and closed him. The people of the fort were worried and depressed when they learned that Hajir was captured. When Gezdham's daughter became aware of the issue, she prepared herself for battle and hid her hair under her armor and called for a warrior. Sohrab came to his war. First, GardAfrid shot him, and then they fought with a spear, and GardAfrid threw a spear at Sohrab. Sohrab Khashrnak came forward and hit GerdAfrid's belt with a spear and tore his armor. GerdAfrid drew a blade, but Sohrab's spear cut him in half and Khashrnak took off his head. Sohrab was shocked and said to himself: Iranian women who are like this, then what are their men like? So he tied him up and told him not to try to escape from me. Why did you want to fight with me? I have never been caught by a hunter like you. GardAfrid said to him: O brave, two armies are watching us, so don't ask for shame and fault for me. Now that the fortress is under your control. So he gave Sohrab a meaningful smile and his eyes mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with him to the fortress and released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the fort and went to the top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab: Go back, you warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back. You promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your
  • 7. promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have the patience of Rostam and you will fail. Why did you want to fight with me? I have never been caught by a hunter like you. GardAfrid said to him: O brave, two armies are watching us, so don't ask for shame and fault for me. Now that the fortress is under your control. So he gave Sohrab a meaningful smile and his eyes mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with him to the fortress and released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the fort and went to the top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab: Go back, you warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back. You promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have the patience of Rostam and you will fail. Why did you want to fight with me? I have never been caught by a hunter like you. GardAfrid said to him: O brave, two armies are watching us, so don't ask for shame and fault for me. Now that the fortress is under your control. So he gave Sohrab a meaningful smile and his eyes mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with him to the fortress and released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the fort and went to the top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab: Go back, you warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back. You promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am
  • 8. not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have the patience of Rostam and you will fail. Now that the fortress is under your control. So he gave Sohrab a meaningful smile and his eyes mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with him to the fortress and released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the fort and went to the top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab: Go back, you warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back. You promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have the patience of Rostam and you will fail. Now that the fortress is under your control. So he gave Sohrab a meaningful smile and his eyes mesmerized Sohrab. Sohrab came with him to the fortress and released him. Gard Afrid threw himself in the fort and went to the top of the fort and from there he said to Sohrab: Go back, you warrior of Turan. Sohrab said: I will finally win you back. You promised me, you oppressor, so what happened to your promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have the patience of Rostam and you will fail. O wicked man, you promised me, so what happened to your promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds
  • 9. out that you have brought an army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have the patience of Rostam and you will fail. O wicked man, you promised me, so what happened to your promise? Garda Afrid laughed that Iranians do not marry Turks. I am not part of you. You have no match among the warriors with this mane and Kopal, but if Shah Kavus finds out that you have brought an army from Turan, Shah and Rostam will be angry and you do not have the patience of Rostam and you will fail. Sohrab said: Today is over, we will resume the war tomorrow and finally I will catch you. When Sohrab returned, Gozdham wrote a letter to Kavus that a large army has come to fight with us, with a warrior who is not more than fourteen years old, and I have so far driven someone like him, his name is Sohrab and he is just like Rostam. He defeated Hajir and now Hajir is his captive. Guzdham gave the letter to Piki and told him to go through the road under the fort so that no one sees you, and then Guzdham himself and his family fled from the same road. When the sun rose, the Turans got ready for battle, and Sohrab sat on his horse with a spear in his hand, and he was thinking of capturing the army battalion and arresting it, but when he went to the fort, he did not see anyone and realized that they had fled at night. It was sad that I lost such a beautiful piece. Wow, a deer was released from my grasp. He came suddenly and stole my heart and left. Sohrab ate himself like that and did not want anyone to find out his secret, but the love did not remain hidden because he was not left with the love of the girl in Sohrab's face. Experienced Homan understood that she had fallen in love, so he told her on one occasion: You should not fall in love with someone
  • 10. in vain. A warrior should not be deceived. Now all the Iranians are coming to our war and you finish this work first and then move on to other work. When you took the world, all the circles are yours. Sohrab woke up from these words. Homan informed Afrasiab about the conquest of White Fortress and he was happy. But when Kavus found out, he sent Gio to Rostam and asked Rostam to come to them quickly and help them. When Gio reached Rostam and told the story, Rostam was surprised and said: How is it possible for such a hero to arise among the Turks? I have a son from Shah Samangan's daughter who is still small and not more than fourteen years old. Rostam said to Gio: Let's go to the palace and have a drink, so they went there. Gio told him again that Kavos told me not to stay in Zabul and go to Iran immediately. Rostam said to stay today and we will leave tomorrow, but they didn't leave the next day either, and the third day passed by Ramesh and drunkenness. Rostam said: Don't worry, he won't attack us. So they saddled his face and arranged an army, which was the champion of the army of Zawarah. When Rostam arrived in Iran, great men like Tus and Guderz came to welcome him, and when they reached the king, he was angry and yelled at Gio and then scolded Rostam and then said to Tus: Go and hang them both. Tus took Tahamtan's hand, so Rostam was confused and said to the king: All your actions are worse than others and Shahriari is not worthy of you. Egypt, Syria, Hamauran, Rome, Segsar, and Mazandaran are tired of my sword, and they are all slaves to his face, so he pushed Tus's hand away and went and sat on his face and clapped his hands: If I get angry, who are Kavus and Tus to bind me? I am not a servant of the king, but a servant of God. Everyone wanted to make me king, but I refused. If I had accepted the throne, you would not have reached this
  • 11. greatness. I was the one who put Qiqbad on the throne and if I didn't bring him to Iran, you wouldn't have reached this greatness. Tus took Tahamtan's hand, so Rostam was confused and said to the king: All your actions are worse than others and Shahriari is not worthy of you. Egypt, Syria, Hamauran, Rome, Segsar, and Mazandaran are tired of my sword, and they are all slaves to his face, so he pushed Tus's hand away and went and sat on his face and clapped his hands: If I get angry, who are Kavus and Tus to bind me? I am not a servant of the king, but a servant of God. Everyone wanted to make me king, but I refused. If I had accepted the throne, you would not have reached this greatness. I was the one who put Qiqbad on the throne and if I didn't bring him to Iran, you wouldn't have reached this greatness. Tus took Tahamtan's hand, so Rostam was confused and said to the king: All your actions are worse than others and Shahriari is not worthy of you. Egypt, Syria, Hamauran, Rome, Segsar, and Mazandaran are tired of my sword, and they are all slaves to his face, so he pushed Tus's hand away and went and sat on his face and clapped his hands: If I get angry, who are Kavus and Tus to bind me? I am not a servant of the king, but a servant of God. Everyone wanted to make me king, but I refused. If I had accepted the throne, you would not have reached this greatness. I was the one who put Qiqbad on the throne and if I didn't bring him to Iran, you wouldn't have reached this greatness. If I get angry, who are Kavus and Tus to arrest me? I am not a servant of the king, but a servant of God. Everyone wanted to make me king, but I refused. If I had accepted the throne, you would not have reached this greatness. I was the one who put Qiqbad on the throne and if I didn't bring him to Iran, you wouldn't have reached this greatness. If I get angry, who are Kavus and Tus to arrest me? I am not a servant of the king, but a
  • 12. servant of God. Everyone wanted to make me king, but I refused. If I had accepted the throne, you would not have reached this greatness. I was the one who put Qiqbad on the throne and if I didn't bring him to Iran, you wouldn't have reached this greatness. If I had not come to Mazandaran and killed the white demon, you would not be here now. Then he said to the elders: You will not see me again in Iran, so think about your life, that your strength will not reach Sohrab. He said this and left. The elders were upset and told Goders that this knot will be untied by your hand. So go to the mad king and make him go. Gouders went to the king and said: Why did you treat Rostam like that? Now without him we are lost. The king regretted, so he said: Go to him and bring him gently. Gouders went after Rostam with the leaders of the army and said: You know that Kavus has no brain. He says and regrets that if you are upset with the king, Iranians have no sin. Rostam said: I don't need Kavus and I have nothing to do with him anymore. Guders talked to him again and softened him and said: It is a shame that the Turans overpowered us. Rostam said: You know that I will not run away from the war and I will return even though Shah Qadr does not know me. When Rostam returned, the king apologized to him and said: "My nature has become harsh." I was upset with this new enemy and I was upset because you were late, otherwise my support is with you and I am sorry that I offended you. Rostam answered: We are all servants of the king and listen to your command. Shah said: It is better to celebrate today and prepare for battle tomorrow. When the sun came up, Kavus ordered them to move
  • 13. until they reached the White Keep. Sohrab saw the Iranian army. An endless army. Homan sighed in fear. Sohrab said: You should not be afraid because there is no one who is my equal and I do not see a famous person. In the morning, Tehamtan went to Kavus and asked permission to see who this warrior was. Rostam dressed in Turkish clothes and approached the fort and could hear the voices of the Turks, so he went inside. When Sohrab wanted to go to Razm, Tahmina sent his brother Gende Razm with him to introduce his father to him. So Rostam saw Sohrab, who was on one side of him, Gende Razm, and Homan and Barman were on the other. Come in the light to see you. Rostam punched him on the neck and he died instantly. Sohrab, who was waiting for the battle rag, sent for him. They reported that he is dead. Sohrab was upset and told the elders: It is clear that the enemy is among us. Sohrab swore to take revenge for the rags of war from the Iranians. When Rostam arrived at the Iranian army, he saw Gio guarding on the way. Gio Khoroshid: Who are you? Rostam laughed. Gio said where did you go? So Rostam defined the issue. The next day, when the sun came up, Sohrab put on his khaftan and walked with a knife and an Indian razor and stood on a high place to see the Iranian army, so he called Hajir to him and asked him to answer honestly, and Hajir accepted. Shah, Gio, Tus, Guderz, Gastham, Bahram and Rostam asked for an address and said: Show them to me. Then he asked who is in the heart of the army? Hajir said: He is Kavus Shah. He then asked the right of the army. Hajir replied: He is Tus Nozhar. Sohrab said: Who is he who is in
  • 14. the red curtain? Hajir said: He is Goders. Sohrab asked who is the one in the green curtain? Hajir thought to himself that if I introduce Rostam to him, he might suddenly go to him and ruin his life, so Hajir said: He is a benefactor from China who has recently come to the king. Sohrab asked his name and he said: I do not know his name because I have been in this fort for a long time and he came to the king after I left. Sohrab asked Hajir to show Rostam to him, but she said that he is not here, if he was, you would have known him by his figure, mane, and hair, and you would have known that you could not handle him. Sohrab decided to fight and went to the heart of Kavus army and said to the king: Why did you name yourself Kavus? You do not have the strength to fight with lions. On the night when Gende Razm was killed, I swore that I would not leave any Iranians behind and hang Kavus. No one from the Iranian army was able to answer. Kavus sent Tus to Rostam and said that I have no equal to him and you should hurry to help us. After receiving the message, he said to Tus: Whenever the king asked for me, it was because of his wars and I have seen nothing but suffering from Kavus. Rostam put on Berberian and sat on his face and put Zavara in his place in the army. When Rostam reached near Sohrab, he said: Let's go from here to the other side and fight. Sohrab accepted and asked for hand-to-hand combat and said: You are worn out and do not have the strength to fight me. Rostam said: Calm down. You are so crazy that they were destroyed by me, so wait until you see me in battle. My heart is burning and I don't want to kill you. Sohrab suddenly asked: Who are you and what race are you from? I think you are
  • 15. Rostam. Rostam said: No, I am not Rostam. Both of them went to the camp and fought with swords. The blades became smaller, so they fought vertically. The pillars also broke and the armor of both fighters was torn. Their bodies were full of sweat and their lips were dry. Indeed, animals know their children, but humans do not distinguish between their children and their enemies. Rostam said to himself: I have never seen a whale like him. White Demon's war is nothing compared to this war. So they both shot at each other, but the armor blocked the shot, so they decided to wrestle, but it was useless. Sohrab hit Rostam on the shoulder with a mace, and he writhed in pain, but finally, when they saw that they could not cope, Rostam attacked the Turan army, and Sohrab also attacked the Iranian army, and they killed many soldiers, but Rostam thought that it might be Kavos. so he growled and said to Sohrab: Why did you leave the war with me? Sohrab said: You attacked Turan first. Rostam said that it is late and we will wrestle tomorrow, so when they returned, Sohrab told Homan that he will settle his account tomorrow. Rostam also first spoke to Gio about Sohrab's power and then went to his brother, after having food and water, he told Zovareh : If I am killed tomorrow, don't be upset and don't plan to fight with them, and go to Zabul to Zal and Rudabeh and comfort them and tell them that Nariman, Sam, Feridoon, and Jam are all dead. Finally, the day of everyone's death will come and no one is eternal. . When the sun arrived, he wore the tiger's thamtan and went to the battle field. Sohrab said to Homan: The more I look at him, I think
  • 16. that he is Rostam himself and I should not fight with him. Homan said: I have fought with Rostam many times, he is not Rostam. Sohrab got dressed and came to the battlefield and said to Rostam with a happy face: How did last night go? Let's sit down and talk and wash our hearts from war. I miss you. I asked a lot about your name, but they didn't tell me your name, so don't hide your name. Rostam said: Last night there was talk of wrestling, I won't be fooled by your words, so they started wrestling and were fighting for a while, when finally Sohrab grabbed Rostam's belt and knocked him to the ground and pulled a dagger, but Rostam said: Rostam This is that the person who knocks someone down does not take his head the first time, but does it the second time he knocks him down. Sohrab agreed because he was both brave and brave. Homan asked about their battle and Sohrab told what had happened. Homan said: You made a mistake, he tricked you. You should not give the enemy a chance. Sohrab said it is not too late, now you can see what I will do with him. When Rostam was freed from Sohrab's grip, he went to the water and then he prayed to God and remembered the past years that his excessive strength was causing him trouble and he asked God to reduce his strength, but now that he was in front of Sohrab, he said: God, give me back my past strength. He went to the battlefield again and they were glavised together, this time Rostam knocked Sohrab to the ground, so he pulled a dagger and tore his chest. In the last minutes of his life, Sohrab said: My mother gave me my
  • 17. father's badge, but I was dying and I did not see him, but you know that my father will take revenge for my blood from you wherever he is, because this news will finally reach me. When Rostam heard this, his eyes darkened and Madhush said to him: What sign do you have of Rostam? I am Rostam, so he screamed and cried and lost his hair. When Sohrab knew that it was Rostam, he said: "Untie me and see your necklace that you gave to my mother." Rostam was crying, but Sohrab told him: There is no need to cry, now that I am dying, the Turks are done with their work, make sure that the Shah does not intend to fight with them, because they came to war because of me. Iran's army was worried about Rostam. Rostam sat on his face and came to the army. The soldiers were happy to see him, but they were surprised by his sadness. Zavara asked him: What happened? Rostam told the story and sent a message to Homan through his brother: I have no war with you, but you were the one who caused the death of my son. Homan replied: I have no sin, it was Hajir who did not introduce you to him. An angry Rostam went to Hajir and wanted to cut off his head, but the elders intervened and saved him from death. Rostam pulled out a dagger to cut off his head, but the elders fell at his feet and Guders said: "What's the point of you dying, if your son lives, he will live, but if you have to go, then who in the world is immortal?" Rostam said to Goders: Go to Kavus and tell him to send me some of the potion he has in his treasure with a cup of May so that maybe Sohrab will live. Goders gave my message to Kavos, but Kavos said: Of course, Rostam is respected by me, but I should not do something that will make my enemy feel bad for me again. Do you remember he said: Who is Kavos? And he remembered me ugly?
  • 18. Do you remember that Sohrab used to say: I will kill the Iranians and hang Kavos's head, if he stays alive, I will not be able to stop him, so Goders returned and said Kavos's words and said: You should go to him yourself. At the same time, the news came that Sohrab Mardo no longer needs anything but a coffin. Rostam roared and screamed and got off the horse, dust was falling on his head and said: What have I done if his mother finds out what should I say to him? What father does such a thing? When Kavus found out, he went to Rostam and comforted him, saying: We should not be attached to the world, death is the end for all of us. When I saw him, I said that he is not like the Turks. Now it's done and crying is useless. Rostam said: He is dead. Don't continue the war and don't do anything to the Turks. The king said: "Even if they hurt me, but since you are not determined to fight, I will accept." The Shah went to Iran and Rostam went to Zabul with his army. When they reached Zabol, the elders were pouring dirt on their heads. Zal got off when he saw the coffin. Rostam came to him with torn clothes and said: Look, it's as if Sam is sitting in a coffin. Zal was crying and Rostam was saying: You left and I was left destitute. When Rudabe saw Sohrab's coffin, he cried and lamented. When everyone saw Sohrab's height, mane and hair, they were stunned and burst into tears. Several days passed and he was still in pain. So the news reached Turan that Sohrab was killed, when Shah Samangan and Tehmina heard the news, they tore their clothes and
  • 19. lamented, and Tehmina was crying. So he took the head of his son's horse and sometimes kissed its head and rubbed its face with his hooves. He ordered the door and the wall to be blackened, and day and night his work was moaning and crying, and finally, a year after Sohrab's death, he was in mourning for