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Role Of Programmer On Telecom Industry
Role of Programmer in Telecom Industry Rahul Surapaneni Wilmington University. Table of
Contents Brainstorming.................................................................................................3
Reflection......................................................................................................7 Brainstorming In this
cycle, I will welcome developers to conceptualize on a few issues identified with java program. I
would like to accumulate point by point bits of knowledge with respect to issues that these experts
face in their line of obligation. Brainstorming permits a person to assemble distinctive suitable
perspectives on the issue under scrutiny. Further, meetings to generate new ideas ... Show more
content on ...
The second person to be reached will be Mr. Mark Miller, a Java developer, and the third one will be
Mr. K. Ranjith, a software expert. The fourth individual to be reached will be Mr Ricky Donovan, a
Junior developer and the last individual will be Mrs. Anna Hathaway, a senior Big Data engineer.
On October 3rd and 4th, 2015, I will investigate a method for directing a useful meeting to generate
new ideas. This session will be conveyed between 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm inside of the two days.
Through the inquiry, I will have the capacity to embrace the meeting to generate new ideas in a
successful way. Therefore, I will be in a position to gather applicable perspectives from distinctive
software engineers. Less time will be squandered since I will have furnished myself with
fundamental data in regards to the method for completing meeting to generate new ideas. I will lead
the meeting to generate new ideas inside of three days i.e. from October 5th to 9th, 2015. The
distribution of three days will be intended to encourage broad sharing of thoughts. Further, the
session will be led in the morning hours from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm on the said days, since the
experts have a tight timetable. Therefore, three days will permit them to extra couple of hours of
their working time for the meeting to generate new ideas. I will be accountable for supervising the
whole process. Further, on October 10th, 2015, I will incorporate the accumulated data between
12.00 pm and 5.00 pm,
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Application Developer vs Software Developer
Application developers versus Smart Phone developers
In this new mobile platform world, app developers are the new kingmakers. Not a day goes by when
someone doesn 't introduce their own app store. As the world of mobile apps continues to gain
importance in our lives, the space will continue to be ruled by app devlopers .In many ways, it's a
good way of moneymaking opportunities for independent app developers as well as big companies.
Software developers make effective software. It is an engineering endeavor that cannot be extracted
from the context and systems with which it interoperates. The heart of a good software solution is
not in turning the functional specification into code but rather in the use of available resources such
as ... Show more content on ...
Keep An Open Mind: For continuous improvement of a group/division of a company, the leader of
an organization must be open to new ideas. Ask for opinions and feedback from both customers and
team members and your group/company will continue to grow.
Meet Obligations: Regardless of the circumstances, do everything in your power to gain the trust of
past customers and clients, particularly if something has gone awry. Reclaim any lost business by
honoring all commitments and obligations.
Establish action development teams: Action development implements the organization's strategy
while developing leadership culture and talent. Teams of senior and high–potential leaders tackle
mission–critical, complex challenges identified by the business strategy. They learn to work across
boundaries, with explicit sponsorship and coaching, while developing new and better ways of
working together.
Become Community Involved: Remain involved in community–related issues and activities, thereby
demonstrating that your business is a responsible community contributor. In other words, stay
3. How power can gain and lost?
As everyone knows Apple lost the PC wars to Microsoft, and only nominally understands that when
Apple created the iPod and then the iPhone, the company started to go in a new direction. How does
Apple get ahead of other competitors? It's their creativity that helped them to stay at least two years
ahead of their competitors. Also,
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My Career Story Interview, Jordan Scheller
The career I choose to do my Career Story Interview, which I'm interested in doing, was Web
Developer. Technically, the person that I interview, Jordan Scheller, is officially a Software
Developer, but he creates/maintains websites which is what Web Developers do. So to be
completely clear, the career I will be investigating is Web Developer.
With that out of the way, let's talk about everything that has to do with a Web Developer. According
to a website called O*NET, the Strong Interest Inventory for this job is CIR, Conventional,
Investigative and Realistic. Conventional is ranked number one based on the nature to which
programming happens. In programming, you know where you start and where you end. You might
think you have a large amount of freedom to get to the endpoint, but in reality there only a few, if
not just one way of solving the problem. So in the job, it's the repetition of finding the problem,
identifying the end, and following the set path to which solves the problem. Investigative is second
on the list and this deals with the ever evolving principle of the job. Since programming is relatively
new, the area is evolving at an incredible pace and you must keep up with it. You must learn the new
information, master it, and then finish your project before anyone else does. The final interest is
Realistic and it relates to the atmosphere of the work environment. You do not work on theoretical
ideas; you work on projects that deals with people's interactions in
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Career Assignment
What is next? Is the question that haunts adolescents throughout high school and college. Therefore,
today I will offer information on possible job opportunities in a few foreign countries. Given the
nature of this paper, the audience who find it useful will be limited; furthermore, this essay is
designed to provide young Americans who are considering searching for employment overseas in
Europe. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), "is the best way to measure a country's economy. GDP is
the total value of everything produced by all the people and companies in the country" (Amadeo), so
naturally GDP seemed to be the best choice for determining my countries of focus. I am going to
talk about the two countries with the highest GDP out of the ... Show more content on ...
On another note, manufacturing engineers and quality engineers play a key role in the development
of new vehicles. Manufacturing engineers work with the design engineers to ensure the vehicle they
have designed can be produced in a high volume environment. According to Automotive
Engineering HQ, an international headquarters for automotive engineering teams, "[Manufacturing
engineers] will review how all the parts are assembled to ensure that they can develop a process that
will be able to assemble and install everything from the circuit boards in the radio all the way to the
bumper of the vehicle". Creating the most efficient method of assembly is the chief responsibility of
the manufacturing team; additionally, working alongside the manufacturing engineers, test engineers
implement check points in the assembly process to guarantee correct assembly and functionality.
Comparatively, "Quality engineers are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the design,
development and production processes to make sure that the end product will be as robust and meet
the highest quality standards possible" (Automotive). Particularly in the automotive industry, the
role of quality engineer is vital given that errors or flaws in the product can cause costly recalls or
even death; in addition, quality engineers are involved on all levels from supplier
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My Major At Nicholls State University
My major at Nicholls State University is Mathematics with a concentration in Computer Science;
however, I plan to transfer to University of Louisiana at Lafayette to pursue a degree in Physics. The
process in which one would solve a problem has always appealed to me. In math, specifically
calculus, derivatives tell me how the original function acts and integrals tell me the relevance of the
original function to the x – axis. Using a simple formula to find the answer to a seemingly
impossible problem that involves numbers that geniuses have discovered centuries ago is the most
amazing thing one could possibly do, in my opinion. Also, upon taking my computer science course,
I have learned how to write certain scripts. Writing these scripts has taught me of a connection
between the person and the computer; sort of like a collaboration.
Ten years from now, I can see myself finally being self – sufficient; drinking tea in my own
apartment while watching TV and petting my kitty cat. Career – wise, I want to work in an office
probably creating a new way to solve some sort of problem. I could see myself in the astrophysics,
computer science, or mathematics field. When I was younger, my dad and I would this game,
"Space Girl," in which I would run around the house or "outer space" and I would jump on his back
and flip over his head or, "land on earth." That's when I knew I wanted to work in an area that
involved space and aeronautics. When I was in Catholic
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Career : Career And Assessment
Career Interest and Assessment When I answered the questions on career cruising I found that my
results were inaccurate as to the career I am interested in. The first career was mechanical engineer.
Environmental engineer is the second on list. The career that I am actually interested in Software
development and Computer science I did not get the results I was looking for in my career
assessment. I will still look for a career in information technology when I enter the workforce but
for now I will look into the jobs the field has to offer. I want to become a software developer and
work for good software company, I hope it works out that way in the end. I disagree with the survey
results because I do not want to become a engineer in those fields, I feel like being an engineer will
be to heavy of a weight on my shoulders. Environmental engineer would not fit me because I am not
a environmental type of person.
Career Cluster My Career belongs in the career cluster of information technology. This career
cluster has careers related graphic design and support with technology. The career I want from this
career cluster is in Software Development. I want this career because it has always been my dream
to work for a major company like microsoft or sony when I get older. This career cluster is my
favorite of all the career clusters and really is the only career cluster that interests me enough to have
a career in it. Information Technology also deals with computer
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What Makes A Business?
The three careers I chose were Fashion Writer, Information Security Analyst, and Software
developer. A fashion writer is a writer who specializes in the area of fashion. For example, fashion
magazines, online magazines, blogs, and advertisements. An Information Security Analyst is a
protector of information systems. They focus on shielding company's computer systems from
cyberattacks and things of that nature. A software developer develops applications or develops the
underlying systems needed to run devices that control networks. Based on the criteria given salary
and passion are the most important factors for me when it comes to a career. However, passion is a
slightly more important because as long as you love what you are doing, you will find happiness no.
Which is why salary is rated 30 percent, while passion is rated 35 percent. Location is the next vital
aspect, because depending on your location your salary can differ, which is why location is weighted
20 percent. How many hours you work a week is another career determining aspect. However, it is
not the most important which is why I gave a score of 10 percent. Environment is the least important
to be because if I have passion where I am working does not matter. Also, my choice of careers will
automatically reflect on my working environment. This is why I rated environment five percent.
The median salary for a fashion writer annually is $47,000 (Fashion Writer/Fashion Editor Job
Description, Career as a Fashion
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Reuse Of Asset Architecture For Some System
Reuse of asset architecture for some system can maximize company investment. Reused– based
software engineering is a software engineering approach where the development process is geared to
reusing recent software. One of the best efficient approaches to reuse is to create software product
line engineering or application families. In recent years, software reusability has emerged as
promising reusability approach, which brings out some important benefits such as increasing
reusability of its core assets, while decreasing time to market. Software reusability has focal on two
areas; domain engineering, in which the assets are de–veloped for reuse, and application engineering
where the core assets are being reused to generate specific ... Show more content on
Reuse, as a software strategy for reducing development costs and refining quality, is not a new idea.
Many past reuse agendas have fixated on the reuse of relatively small pieces of code. Organizations
have developed reuse librar–ies containing modules, components, algorithms and, ob–jects. Almost
anything a software developer develops goes into the library. Other developers are then urged to use
what the library provides instead of creating their own ver–sions. Unfortunately, it often takes longer
to locate these small pieces and integrate them into a system than it would take to build them anew.
Documentation might explain the situation for which the piece was created but not how it can be
generalized or adapted to other situations. The benefits of small–grained reuse depend on the
predisposition of the software engineer to use what is in the library, the suitabil–ity of what is in the
library for the engineer 's particular needs, and the successful adaptation and integration of the
library units into the rest of the system. If reuse occurs at all under these conditions, it is fortuitous,
and the payoff is usually nonexistent.
Software reusability is not just about variation management of software features, it delivers
framework governing the development and distribution lifecycle of all the variation of product
portfolio and amalgamation of system components that makes up each product. It eventually
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Search Engine Optimisation ( Seo ) Essay
When you 're deciding who you 're going to employ to get your website built it can be a difficult
decision. How do you know your web designer is going to give you what you want? How much will
the website be? Can you rely on them after you 've paid? What happens if the worst happens? There
are many potential dangers we can help you to avoid.
To assist you in your decision making process we 've come up with the five key things you should
look out for before hiring your web developer. After all it 's better to do research in the first instance,
rather than spend a lot of wasted money. This concise overview will assist you to understand some
of the areas you should talk through with prospective web designers.
1 – Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Essentially, this means asking if your web developer offers you Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
as part of their services. It 's important to be clear on what they do offer and what they don 't offer.
Many web designers may be very effective at web design but SEO is a specialism in it 's own right.
If they do offer SEO find out what the this actually means in reality. Your web developer may well
use a lot of terms you might not be familiar with, such as 'on page optimisation ', 'off page
optimisation ', 'page rank ', 'link juice ', 'link building ', 'white hat ' and other techniques etc. It 's
worth you taking the time to research these terms and understand what 's important to you and your
website. I would
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Minecraft Moodding Community Analysis
Whether you are just watching developers live stream the designing of their mods, making mods
yourself, or just enjoying the commentary of various YouTuber's interactions with the developers,
the Minecraft modding community is extremely easy to become a part of. During my observations, I
had interactions with people on Twitch, YouTube, and the Industrial Craft 2
forum. The community pulls you in by teaching you the complicated intricacies of modding such a
simple game. Since my personal background is Computer Science, I decided to dive head first into
the technical side of the community. The Forge Mod Loader is the primary framework used to build
mods. It is also the way people load more than one mod into the game. Its ... Show more content on ...
MCP was originally developed by Thomas Guimbretière, better known as ProfMobius. ProfMobius
is clearly an integral part of the community. Currently, he works for Mojang (developers of
Minecraft and acquired by Microsoft), but previously has made multiple mods for the game and is
part of a group that calls themselves Forgecraft, a group of servers where mod–developers can test
their mods in a private environment. A number of YouTubers and Twitch streamers also gather on
the server and interact with the developers in a way that I've never seen in a community before. I
feel like the publicity Forgecraft provides for mod developers is one of the reason's that Minecraft
mod development is so popular. One of the most influential names in the Forgecraft community is
Direwolf20. He started uploading videos to YouTube showcasing Minecraft Mods back in 2011 and
has been posting a video nearly every day since. Being one of the first channels to showcase mods
individually, Direwolf20 played a huge role in growing the modding community from the ground
up. In the book Reality is Broken, Jane McGonigal claims "Compared with games, reality is lonely
and isolating. Games help us band together and create powerful l communities from scratch"
(McGonigal, 2011). Direwolf20 wanted to show the world the cool things that Minecraft mod
developers were making, and did so by forming a
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Background / History : Ethan Marcotte, A Developer, And A...
Ethan Marcotte, a developer, and a web designer helped Responsive Web Design become what it is
today. In fact, the origin of the name, Responsive Web Design, can be traced directly to Marcotte. In
his book from 2011 simply titled Marcotte, he wrote about how he discovered Responsive
Architecture. This architecture consisted of moving structure and color–changing walls, properties
of the architecture that were previously viewed as constraints but are now part of Responsive Web
Design. Marcotte wanted to apply this newly discovered architecture to web design. This web
design would adapt itself to the user and that is when Marcotte came up with the idea of Responsive
Web Design (Harb, Kapellari, Luong, Spot, 2011, p. 5). ... Show more content on ...
Although the iPhone played a significant part in helping mobile Internet traffic grow, that is not the
only reason that more and more people continued to browse the web on their phones rather than
their computers. As mobile devices kept getting better, they also got cheaper. Mobile phones, cheap
or not, were still usually more affordable than a desktop or a laptop, and this included mobile data
plans as well (Harb, Kapellari, Luong, Spot, 2011, p. 7).
Mobile networks have also contributed to helping the mobile Internet grow: "Broader coverage of
faster networks has also been helping. In 2010 alone, mobile network speeds doubled. As networks
became twice as fast, the average data usage of smartphones doubled as well" (Harb, Kapellari,
Luong, Spot, 2011, p. 7).
Since the iPhone was released, the use of the web and the Internet altogether on mobile phones has
done nothing but grown and spiked. There have been several more models of the iPhone released
and eventually more smartphones began to pop up, including Samsung's line of Galaxy S phones.
With so many smartphone options available and the library of smartphones only increasing, the use
of the Internet on mobile phones will only continue to grow (Harb, Kapellari, Luong, Spot, 2011, p.
Responsive Web Design With the rapid rise of mobile and smartphones, websites were suddenly in
need of a way to be used and fit on a mobile phone's web
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Building A Good Software Developer
Are you a young, first year IT student wondering what it takes to excel in the software development
industry? Or are you a software engineering veteran but somehow feel that you have reached a
"peak" in your skills...there is still room for improvement but don 't know how to go about it? Are
you somewhere in between?
I believe that all software developers yearn to improve on their coding skills and come up with
beautifully written and rock solid applications. To do this however, one needs to be passionate about
the work. What do I mean? Do you enjoy spending long hours (including weekends and very late
nights) in front of you computer screen writing code and getting thrilled by what you can come up
with? If you do, keep reading, if not, maybe software development is not for you...seriously! One
can only reach their full potential at something if they are truly passionate about it.
Here are 7 steps I believe should be taken in order to become a good software developer.
1. Learn the basics
With all the new programming technologies that have sprung up in recent years, many beginner
programmers try to hop into everything at once instead of learning and understanding the basic
concepts, principles and fundamentals that are common to pretty much all languages; variables
(their naming conventions), if/else/switch statements, loops, booleans etc. The best way to do this is
to select one language and master the basics with it.
The programming language to start with is not of too
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Ways Your Web Developer Or Designer Ripping You Off? Essay
10 Ways your Web Developer Or Designer Ripping You Off?
More and more people today use the internet to search for products, services, or some other
Look at this Google statistics:
This is not considering other search engines.
So if your business doesn 't have a website, then you may be losing out on a lot.
However, you may not enjoy the full benefits of having a website if your web developer or designer
rips you off through the following ways:
They charge too much
Okay, I have to be extremely open here...
The fact is creating a website today isn't as magical as it used to be 10 years ago. This is because
there're thousands of resources out there that can allow you create a professional website in minutes
and for cheap or even nothing.
I've seen people pay up to $10,000 to their web developers for professional websites that could be
easily built with $1000(or even less!).Oops, I said it.
I've seen web developers charge thousands of dollars for projects they completed by just changing a
simple template.
Note: I understand the huge difference in prices may be due to the brand and other factors depending
on the country in question.
For example, a web designer in India may be comfortable charging $3.5/hour, whereas a web
designer from the UK may not be comfortable doing the same.
This may be because India has a lesser standard of living than the UK.
They charge too little
While this may sound counterproductive to the point stated above, paying little for your
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Mobile Apps
Mobile Apps Business Strategy Short Marketing Analysis of the Mobile Apps Market Every modern
business needs its own mobile app in order to attract new customers and drive away the competitors
without their own mobile apps. 36% of construction companies utilized more than 5 mobile business
apps in 2014 (Business–Apps, 2015). In other words, software development becomes more
profitable year by year. On the one hand, employers significantly reduced the paperwork and manual
data processing with the help of the mobile apps. 23 percent of huge construction companies use ten
or even more mobile business apps in 2014. Mobile apps cut costs on inspections (61%), checklists
(31%) and work orders (49%). 69 ... Show more content on ...
Some apps are cross–platform, and some are not. Free software offering can be a smart move for
attracting new clients. Software–as–a–service (SaaS) offerings help avoiding app management and
development costs. The websites such as and Microsoft Dynamics help solving
problems related to mobile relationship management (CRM). Salesforce's monthly subscription
costs $125, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM's monthly subscription is $65. MobileFabric enterprise
apps subscriptions cost $80 monthly for up to 10 apps. Subscription for the unlimited apps worth
$150. Kony's subscription worth $29 for 5 apps monthly. Paradoxically, but the free games must be
the most profitable mobile apps (Mirani, 2015). The point is that users start playing games for free,
but then they purchase additional items/coupons within the games. Nearly 93 percent of the mobile
games are free at the beginning (the so called "free–to–play" games (FTP)). These games eventually
generate about $220 billion annually while pre–paid mobile games generate only $10 billion, or 4.55
percent of the free–to–play market. As a conclusion, every mobile app must have its clear audience
(students, employers, businessmen, software developers, jobless,
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Prospective Employer Analysis
Prospective Employer Profile In the last assignment, I analyzed the Computer Science Department
of my school. Now I will analyze a potential employer as well as a specific position within their
company. In this paper, I will critically analyze the company, Raytheon, and being a software
developer within their company by providing the company background along with examining the
responsibilities, qualifications, benefits and salaries, and career growth of software developers.
Organization Background Raytheon is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense,
civil government, and cyber security. Founded in 1922 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, its founders,
Vannevar Bush, Laurence Marshall, and Charles G. Smith, began the ... Show more content on ...
According to their website, "Raytheon requires its software developers to have a Bachelor's or
Master's in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Software Engineering or a Bachelor's or
Master's in Physics, Math, or other Engineering disciplines with 20+ hours of coding classes.
Software engineers also need a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher." From looking at this, Raytheon
offers jobs for applicants in many different fields and are quite particular in their hiring since they
require applicant to have a GPA of 3.2 or higher or 20+ hours of coding classes. As with any
company, Raytheon only want the best which is understandable given software developers will most
like be working with them on cyber security and communications. Raytheon also require their
employees to be experienced with certain programs, too. As said on their site, "Raytheon software
developers require experience in software development with Java and a foundation in Linux and
UNIX." However, they website then states, "Raytheon desires software developers with experience
with continuous integration tools, utilizing relational databases, and AWS (Amazon Web Services).
As I said above, Raytheon wants the best software developers, but it is different here. They provide
the what experience is needed to be considered for hiring but then add what experiences they desire
their applicant to have. This means applicants have a chance of getting hired though having the
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My Personal Statement On Computer Science
Engineers are problem solvers, and are driven by a curious mind and the instinct to know the How
and Why of processes. My inquisitiveness is what has fuelled my academic career, and I hope it will
be the trait that I can rest most of my future education too. I am keen to learn more in the field of
Computer Science to further my career once I am geared with an extensive and wholesome
knowledge base. After nearly 4 years working in this field, I have realized just how vast and
pervasive its scope is, something I find exhilarating and motivating in light of the fact that I didn't
focus on Computer Science in my undergraduate career. I hope to learn more about the practical
applications in this field to give me a sustained edge in my career. I was a very committed chess
player through school and till college. Chess was my outlet from traditional classroom studying, and
my foray into the competitive world. I participated in multiple tournaments when I was in high
school. It has come to my rescue multiple times. As a chess player, no matter what I put my mind to,
I find myself thinking three steps ahead, assessing the landscape for compromises, anticipating the
"opponent's" moves, and strategizing to optimize my performance. I like to think of software
development as a complex, multifaceted game of chess! It requires tact, precision, awareness, and
absolute presence of mind. I graduated from Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management
(GITAM) University in 2011 with a
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Evaluation Of A Career Path And For Which I Registered As...
Development Assignment
Christopher Mashodi
Assignment Task:
The task is to research the field of study that I have chosen as a career path and for which I have
registered as a first–year student.
Table of Contents
Software Development Assignment
Diploma in Software Development (DISD) – This is an IT training course that deals firstly with the
basics of a computer, like how to use a computer, how to open programs but the main thing is how
to create codes and ... Show more content on ...
How does IT influence the economy?
The Information Technology (IT) industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world to a
point whereby it has become the key driver of global economic growth.
The IT industry has become one of the main focuses in development especially in developing
countries and thus improving productivity.
IT in business has now become an important department because of new programs and software's
that are created in making the running of businesses easier.
Computers make life easier and this is the great work of Software developers because they are the
creative minds behind computer programs and applications.
With computers making lives easier this has caused a high demand in IT specialists all over the
world, and with the increase in specialists this increases the availability of a wide range of IT
products available and helping economies achieve economic growth.
Today every organization has a program/database setup by their IT team such as operating systems
that keep computers functioning properly amongst other things.
In this IT industry, past experience and qualifications mean nothing if you don't have the basic traits
of being in software development, these traits include:
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Project Duration And Critical Path Analysis
Table of Contents
Organizational Model 4 Interviewing persons 5 Senior software developer objectives. 5
Development manager. 5 Divisional head. 6 Junior software developer 6 Assistant manager. 6 Intern
objectives. 6 Interview question set 7 Senior software developer. 7 Junior software developer. 7 ...
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want to implement information technology infrastructure in their business organization. The
proposed information technology system needs to be maintain and fulfilled the requirement from
Personal trainer Inc.
Organizational Model
Personal trainer Inc. carries chain of command in a top–down approach so that they can maintain the
integrity of their system (Bacon, 2013). CEO of personal trainer Inc. is the main key person of entire
organization. Under CEO there are three division bottom up – Software department, Research and
development or R&D department and supply and logistic department. Software department is totally
responsible for any type system matrices(Eric Kirkland, 2014). Software department is supervised
and maintained by a senior software developer. Apart from information system development
personal trainer Inc(Etalle and Zannone, 2014) have another development department is present,
Research and development department or R&D department(, 2015). Main task of
R&D is to maintain the international standard and improvement of services. R&D department is
cautiously monitored and maintained by development manager. The last and more important depart
of personal trainer is logistics and supply department(Hsiung, 2015). Logistics and supply
department is the backbone of company. This department is served by a divisional head.
Software department is maintained by three junior software developer engineer under supervision of
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Mars Space Flight Facility Career
"The Life of A Computer Programmer at Mars Space Flight Facility Career" The world as we know
it is constantly adapting to new technology. We are constantly using some form of technology on a
daily basis. However, have you ever thought of what makes these technology devices to run in the
first place? Well, according to several people it is the nerd who makes it happen, the boring ones
who just sit at the computer and do not have any type of social lives. However, the programmers at
the Mars Space Flight Facility reaches out to the community, creative and drive for innovation. The
Moeur Building which is known as the Mars Space Flight Facility was built in 1939; this build was
first used for a women gymnasium. The Moeur Building was named after a Governor of Arizona
and a Tempe physician, Dr. Benjamin Baker Moeur. This facility is located at Arizona State
University's Tempe campus. According to the website, this building is for "Earth and Space
Exploration. In this building there are scientists, researchers, and students they specialize in ... Show
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Since the programmers usually have tasks with deadline,they usually come and go at their will as
long as they get the job done. The programmers at the Mars Space Flight Facility usually work as
team instead of individual work. One thing that Leon like the most about his job is flexibility and
they variety. As I was reading the article on Wikipedia I see that computer programmers have a very
special purpose. Computer programmers design and develop application based on a costumer's
needs. Based on modern day life this occupation is essential due to all of the technology we use on a
day to day basis. Computer programming is a rewarding career opportunity. With this career field
you have the chance to work on the cutting edge of technology of the future. Also they have the
ability to design software for all the technology of today and also they have a great variety of
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Information About Security Software Developers And...
During the course of this year, I was exposed to technology and its mechanisms. This allowed me to
ponder on the possible technological career paths I could venture on. Prior to researching, I had only
decided on one profession; a physical therapist. I was mainly interested in careers related to software
and website developing. Therefore, I researched and reviewed information about security software
developers and multimedia architects. I created the "Evaluation Matrix for Choosing a Career" to
assist me in the process of examining the careers. In the "Evaluation Matrix for Choosing a Career",
I assessed the careers according to the criteria. The two most important factors for a career are its
demand and salary. From researching, I ... Show more content on ...
Security software developers got the equivalent score as multimedia architects, but under the
weighted score, it scored only a few points off physical therapist. The difference between the
weighted score of a physical therapist and multimedia architects was 0.3 points.
All three of these careers include multiple examples of emerging technologies that help them act
efficiently. For instance, recently security software developers have been using cloud servers to
protect their information. This technology will allow developers to store the different type of
security software they create. The cloud will let them protect virtual software such as firewalls and
cyber security systems. (Mellow Jr., 2017) A major limitation of using the cloud is financial
circumstances. (Ward, 2017) The majority of cloud applications are freeware but do not include all
features. This would mean that one would have to pay a certain amount in order to customize and
add necessary features. Also, since the cloud is internet based the information made by security
software developers may not be safe. This all means security software developers need advanced
security features to maintain protection on their virtual software.
A popular new emerging technology for a physical therapist to use is virtual rehabilitation. This new
technology allows physical therapists to treat their patients with captivating, game–like scenarios.
Virtual rehabilitation
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Video Games : A Becoming A Lifelong Hobby
Racing through the emerald fields, leaping over strangely shaped square obstacles haphazardly set in
his path. He jumps and strikes an object overhead and with gold coins raining down around him he
aims to land on that oddly undulating mushroom below. Except that mushroom has teeth. The year
was 1996 and this is how four–year old me imagined playing that very first Super Mario Bros game.
That was the first of many video games I have played over the course of my life, but even 19 years
later I can still recall the endless hours I enjoyed replaying those first few Mario levels. That was
also the beginning of a lifelong hobby that could become a lifelong career. Even from a young age I
had toyed with the idea of becoming a software developer, ... Show more content on
I knew that it was common for many unseasoned developers to be contracted to work on a project
for at most one to two years and then laid off once the software is completed. For instance in the
video game industry it is common for large budget game to take up to four years to complete.
During that time there will typically be a small team of people whose job it is to lay the foundation
for what the game will be. After this has been completed the team will gradually swell to many
times its original size as more developers and designers are contracted in to finish the project as
soon as possible. Once the work is finished most of the people contracted in will be laid off, and the
team will then shrink back down to its original core group of employees. I was also familiar with the
concept of crunch time in the software industry. The idea is that the last few months leading up to a
project's deadline can see many software developers working overtime at all hours of the week to
see that piece of software out the door. These aspects of the software industry are what most concern
me and what I intend to spend much of my time researching further. I aim to learn more about the
quality of life of software developers in general and just how stable, or otherwise, their employment
There are many paths into the software industry; however a college degree is likely the most
reliable. Most software developers have at least a
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Web Developer a Creative Career Choice
Abstract Web development is a fast growing form of artistic expression that uses computer
programming and technical writing skills to create Web sites. Web developers earn an appealing
salary that increases as specialized skills are introduced. Formal education and training play a vital
role in the preparation and experience of a developer. A survey indicates that most companies today
have a Web site and need the skills of developers. Legal issues for developers and employers are
introduced. The steps needed to follow a career choice in Web development are outlined.
Recommendations and educational needs are discussed. For high school students, this career focuses
on aspects of the Web development industry from programming to graphics. ... Show more content
on ...
Figure 1 shows considerations for becoming a Web Developer: Figure. Considerations for becoming
a Web developer.
New Technologies
New jobs are still growing and being created by the internet. Most companies today have a Web site
and training Web technologists has changed from a speedy training session to a more refined method
that considers the companies individual needs. "Because of the demand for Web developers, you
should talk to your employer about experience you could get internally" (Chapman, 2007). Budgets
are not allowing companies to hire webmasters, instead they are using existing employees to change
or update Web sites. "...technical Web developers are now taking on more roles, thus needing to add
more skills to perform their jobs properly" (Thisner, 2004, para. 2). With technologies creating new
tools the developer having specialized skills will become more important. One such technology has
been launched by a company called Goozmo. They are fast growing and have entered the industry as
a full–service Web development company according to Goozmo's founder Benjamin Reed. "We
specialize in tools to let people manage their own Web site easily," said Reed (Heglin, 2008).
Internet training has been divided into two main areas: Web design and Web development. Web
design includes the visual and design elements of the industry while Web development concentrates
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Networking, And Massive Multiplayer Online Games
[2] A career choice related to networking, and massive multiplayer online games (MMOs), is an
application software developer. A software developer develops and programs the applications for
people to use on their computers or other devices, games would be an example of what an
application software developer would make. Furthermore, they also run and control the networks
that people use.
[3] A software developer working with a company in MMOs, usually analyzes, designs and tests
whether the network can handle the stress of information being sent by thousands of players around
the world. Frequently, a large MMO company will have networks around the world in major cities.
For example in World of Warcraft, there are networks in North ... Show more content on ...
Skills that an information systems manager should have are leadership skills. As, they have to give
directions to others on what they should do. Leadership and teamwork skills are intertwined, as you
have to be able to work in a team of specialists, programmers, and be able to direct them on what
they have to do.
[6] An additional career choice would be a networking technician. They help a company to install
wide area networks, and local area networks data communication equipment. A networking
technician also helps to fix and analyze problems reported by the players of the MMO game. To
ensure that customer satisfaction is sufficient enough, technicians usually help to maintain security
around their networks.
Skills that a networking technician needs are diagnostic skills. As they need to be able to
troubleshoot problems quickly by being able to find out what the problem is quickly. Also another
skill that a networking technician needs is technical skills. The technician needs to be able to install
networks that are fast, safe, and reliable. Especially when companies are facing huge amounts of
threats that could disrupt, or even expose, confidential information.
[7] A post–secondary educational program for networking is Computer Science. Ryerson University
is a post–secondary institution that has a program with Computer Science. The degree earned is the
bachelor of science. The program at Ryerson University
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Global Industry Project : Technology Sector
Global Industry Project: Technology Sector Since the "Dot–com Boom" of the 1990s placed more
emphasis and value on technology due to the exponential growth in the sector, making people rich
quickly, and raising the Nasdaq Index by nearly 400%, technology has become more integrated into
the American and global culture. In recent history, many technological advances have taken place
from those that enable people to communicate with others using systems embedded with language
translation software to "smart" toilets that are controlled with apps to heat the seats, lift the lids
automatically, built–in bidets, and come with the ability to be synced to play music. Unfortunately,
with the rise in accessibility to citizens through the usage of ... Show more content on ...
Also, with consumer confidence in the economy rising and the economy stabilizing, this number has
the potential to increase with the larger manufacturers and suppliers continually pushing to release
the latest advances to be obtained by the masses. The reason technological sales are so high is the
companies have great marketing that makes everyone feel left out if they do not have the latest
gadgets and the interwoven connection between our everyday lives and technology. Depending upon
the person, an individual will spend upwards of eleven hours per day on some form of technology
and that number is greater for teenagers. One of the more interesting figures that can be used to
describe the effectiveness of a well–planned integration process for technology and the American
people is the creation of new jobs. In monthly employment reports released by Obama–Biden
Administration, an estimated 20% of all jobs (based in an office environment) generated in the
United States over the past five years were in the field of technology. To put these figures into
numerical terms, America currently has about 5 million jobs that are vacant and over half a million
of those job openings are in information technology fields like software development, network
administration, and cybersecurity. (Office of the Press Secretary, 2015) Another significant fact
regarding the creation of jobs in the technology sector and the industry as whole is the fact
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Toptal Business Plan
#1. Business Details and Strategy The business startup I chose is a mix of a software development
company and a networking platform for software developers. My choice has been greatly influenced
by the company Toptal and their success, as well as a personal passion for computer based software
development and computer science. The general idea in the long term is to have a specialized team
of salaried computer technicians and designers under direct employment through the company. They
would be responsible for the larger and more complicated projects. The other portion of the
company would be similar to Toptal. The business would serve as a middleman between people in
need of software development expertise and freelance software developers. For the business
structure, in the beginning I would be a sole proprietor. The plan is to start and stay small until I
have the knowledge I need and feel comfortable taking steps to grow the company. Once this time
comes, I will look into either hiring or partnering with other developers depending on what makes
logical sense at the time. "A partnership is terminated when a partner dies or withdraws. . . In a two–
person partnership, if one partner withdraws, the firm's liabilities would be paid off and the assets
divided between partners" (Ferrel 88). With this in mind, I would prefer hiring developers and
staying a sole proprietor in the early and volatile stages of the company, but depending on personal
funds this may not be an option
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Top Highest Pay Jobs For Information Technology Grads Essay
Jaime: 10 Highest–Paying Jobs for Information Technology Grads
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment opportunities in the information
technology field have been continually expanding for the last 20 years. The BLS stages that the
fasted growing and highest paying information technology jobs include computer programmers,
systems analysts, software developers and support specialists. The field of information technology
offers the best career flexibility, so graduates may find themselves working in jobs related to
business, science, market research, media communications and health care. Below introduces the top
10 highest pay jobs for graduates who have an information technology related degree.–2/careers–in–growing–field–of–information–technology–
1. Computer Programmer
Computer programmers write efficient code that follows defined standards and naming conventions.
They develop software that is designed to user specifications and departmental requirements.
Computer programmers conduct research, collect data, analyze tests and implement updates. They
interpret data and reports to aid in research activities and project completion. Computer
programmers conduct comprehensive tests during every stage of the product cycle. They work with
other teams and attend client meetings to obtain necessary information and share relevant findings.
Computer programmers may modify existing software to meet new client
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The Moral Of Moral Agents
Moral Agents
The moral agents in this situation are the parents, the children, and the application developer. The
parents are faced with the awkward situation of using the application to track their kids for a
multitude of reasons. One of the most apparent reasons would be to use the application with the
intent of knowing who their children are interacting with and possibly where they go when they are
out of the house. The children do have some possible choices to make regarding this supposed
invasion of privacy with varying degrees of moral standing. They could look into using applications
that mask their activity or employ the less moral route of removing the software entirely. Finally, the
developer himself is in control of the entire scenario since it all hangs on his choice of going
forward with the development of the application. After all, if he just refuses to take part in the
project and takes the consequences that follow such a choice, he is removed from the discussion
What is at stake? Who/What are the stakeholders? The most obvious stakeholder is the company
that develops the application. This company has to balance financial longevity with maintaining a
moral and legal standing in society. The primary goal of any software company is to make money
and by creating a controversial piece of software, this company is risking a potential loss of revenue
in order to be on the bleeding edge of new trends. If there is any sort of public backlash over the
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Prima Donna Software Engineers : An Open Letter Essay
Titles: Why I Love Those Arrogant, Prima Donna Software Engineers An Open Letter To Prima
Donna Developers Why I Love & Hate Young, Cocky, Prima Donna Software Engineers Body: I
love it when the phone rings and a new client says something like: "I'm paying this kid $160,000 a
year and he acts like I should be thankful that he even shows up to work!" Those are the words of a
client who's fallen prey to a prima donna developer – that unsavory byproduct of today's incredible
demand for software developers. Prima donna software developers are typically in their 20's, male,
and appallingly over–entitled. They have little industry experience but aim to make up for that with
pure hubris and self–importance. They love terms like disrupt, pivot, rockstar and ninja. pri·ma
don·na ˌprēmə ˈdänə/ Noun " a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent
or importance. And they demand top dollar for the privilege of working with them. These overpaid,
underskilled engineers quickly frustrate employers and ultimately force them to search elsewhere for
software developers – and that's fantastic for SourceSeek. Our whole business is based on replacing
mediocre developers with less expensive and more highly skilled software professionals. Prima
donna developers are easier to replace than they think! We see prima donna developers around the
world, especially in tech hotspots like Kiev, Krakow, and Chennai. But our US–bred prima donna
developers are by far the
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The Code Of Computer Related Jobs
In today's world computers play a crucial role in everyday life. Many different types of jobs are
offered with computers. One essential branch of computer related jobs is Software Development.
Software developers program and write the code of software used on computers. Without software
developers computers would have very little use and very few features. While researching Software
Development I took many steps to increase my understanding of the career. I started my career
research by searching for general information about the career. This research was performed during
class in the computer lab. I found that on average Software Developers make $43,640–$101,410
annually. I then searched for information about the education and training that is beneficial to
someone in this career. I found that a major in computer science or related subject would be the
standard major for a Software Developer. I also found that math classes such as Calculus are
beneficial to understanding software development. I then researched useful skills and traits of
Software Developers. Some useful traits are creativity, problem solving, and a basic understanding
of digital media. These traits contribute to the success of a developer. I found this research gathered
to be helpful in my further understanding of the career. At home I researched more information
about the career. I found that the most job opportunities are offered in California and surrounding
areas, but other cities throughout the
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What Makes A Good Software Developer Is Creativity?
What makes a good software developer is creativity. Anyone could have the skills to make software,
but to actually develop something new takes creativity. They need to be able to think outside of the
box. There are many skills needed to be a good software developer. Obviously a base knowledge of
software and programing language is needed to perform at a minimum level. The ability to learn
quickly is a key trait because what they are developing is new and you almost learn as you go as you
develop something. Learning quickly keeps you up to pace with everyone else. You have got to be a
good problem solver. Developers are going to run into new challenges everyday, multiple times a
day. Anyone who is creating something new and exciting is ... Show more content on ...
Someone is bound to have a similar software idea or platform as another software developer. A good
software developer gets their product out there the fastest or when it is needed by someone who
hands them the project. You 're constantly under pressure to be the best and to meet deadlines. If you
are not able to handle the pressure on your shoulders, you will not be able to succeed as a software
developer. That brings me back to self motivation. You have to love what you are doing and love
what you are developing. you have to be confident in your skills and believe you can get the job
done. You need to be able to burn the midnight oil and love doing so. You have go to believe in your
abilities and what you are working toward. I believe having all of these skills will get you ahead in
the software development field. I believe it is a tough field to get into and be successful to begin
with. Having this characteristics are key but as a i said in the beginning you have to have that base
knowledge. By that i mean all the different "languages" and operating systems you have to be
familiar with. To name a few, SQL, Java, C++, HTML/XML, Oracle, MVC and Linux. Theres so
much that goes into it that it just scratches the surface. As a software developer you need to be a jack
of all trades. The more you know and are familiar with the better you will be able to handle the
profession. Being able to stand out is why there is such a high need for soft skills
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A Web Developer Working For Net Connect Network Solutions
I am a junior web developer working for Net–connect network solutions (NCNS). I have been asked
to create a report that is going to talk about the following web architecture; Internet service provider,
domain structure, domain name registrars and the World Wide Web. I will also be talking about the
following key components; mail and proxy servers, routers and browsers. I will also be explaining
how the client's settings will impact the web performance. Lastly I will be explaining the security
risks and how to protect data. I will also talk about TCP/IP and the 7 layers of OSI.
Internet service providers – An internet service provider is a company that provides you with an
internet connection with a monthly cost. You are able to connect to ... Show more content on ...
Your website would be put onto servers that is being either leased or is owned by that certain web
hosting service. A lot of web hosting services like to have their servers in a data centre so that it
would be less likely for it to crash etc. All this doesn't come free of charge; you have to pay a fee
which varies in price depending on what service you are willing to receive.
Domain structure – The domain structure is what makes the websites URL. This all depends on
where you are from though. The domain structure makes it easier for us to find the websites that we
want because instead of writing in the websites IP address which is awkward to do because its
several different numbers that is hard to remember, also it takes much longer than just typing in the
URL address. The first part of the domain structure is 'www.' This is at the start of all web addresses
that is on the World Wide Web. The last part '.com,, .org' can either show you what country
the website is from or what type of website it is. For example, .org means that the website belongs to
an organisation such as
Domain name registrar – A domain name is unique name that would identify a certain website and
they are wrote from right to left unlike what we are usually used to writing which is left to right. The
top level domain is the part of the domain name that is to the very right and it is the
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The And It Professional Issues
In early 2014 a group of scientists at West Virginia University, 2 students and two professors tested
three cars for their emissions. For Passat and Jetta two Volkswagen cars, their found that in real
driving conditions the US emissions limits was exceeded by factor of 15 to 25 and by factor 5 to 20
for Jetta and Passat respectively.(1) This confirmed the discrepancies already found by International
Council on Clean Transportation (ICCDT) in Europe. On 18 September 2015 the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) seed a Notice o Violation (NOV) alleging that
Volkswagen Group had an emissions–compliance defeat device installed.(2) In this case this defeat
device was an installed firmware with an algorithm intentionally forged with an intention to detect
and falsify emission tests. Since then couple of heads has rolled, but as my best knowledge it is still
not known which individual software engineers are personally responsible for doing this. But from
software engineer point of view it might be interesting to answer the question what can we learn
from this affair? What IT professional issues it raised?
It was always Volkswagen ambition to conquer US car market. One of the difficulties they faced
was common in USA loyalty to domestic car vendors. Another problem is different market structure.
Diesel cars share much less part of the market than it is in Europe. And much more restrictive
emission limits required by the USA law
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Description of a Web Developer
Occupation: Web Developer
Description of Occupation Web developers put together websites. They may do this with individual
clients or as part of a large company. First, they find out what the expectations for the website are:
what it is going to be used for, who the audience will be, and how it should appear to that audience.
Based on the client's or their manager's needs, they will then create the kind of website that will best
meet the client's needs. They write the code for the site using a programming language, design
graphics for the site, and integrate audio and video into the site.
Web developers often work as part of a team in putting together websites. There are web architects,
web designers, and webmasters. Each of these types of web developer usually has a specific area
that they specialize in. Web architects, also called web programmers, are involved in the technical
aspect of the website. They are the "big picture" people who oversee the construction of the website
and take care of making changes to the website. Web designers are in charge of the layout and
graphics of the site. They are usually familiar with different computer languages, such as HTML or
Java. Webmasters take care of day–to–day operations and step in when there are problems, such as
broken links or customer complaints.
Because they often work as part of a team, web developers should have the ability to collaborate
effectively in group efforts and have good interpersonal skills. Educational
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A Short Note On Becoming A Web Developer Essay
Becoming a Web Developer A web developer is a programmer that specializes in creating programs,
applications, and websites that are implemented on the World Wide Web. They are the technical
specialists that are able to apply innovative design and coding principles to the design and structure
of the websites that are used today (Shiotsu, n.d.). They use their skills to optimize the way that
people connect and communicate with one another and the way that companies are able to do
business around the world. They are the literal the "backbone" of the Internet and without them
successful e–commerce and website navigation would be nearly impossible. The impact of the
Internet on communication, business, education, and politics has been enormous. Our world relies
on "connectivity" and that is why the need for web developers is so strong (Why is the Internet so
important?). Up until recently, most computer programs were installed on user machines, but they
are now being converted to web programs with user interfaces that are maintained and controlled by
developers. Now is a great time to pursue a career in web development! The exponential growth of
technology and the Internet has spurred the demand for web developers. Job outlooks have grown
rapidly at nearly three times the national average of all other occupations in the United States.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for web developers is expected to grow 27
percent over the next eight years. The
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Personal Statement On Driving The Web Design Revolution
My Pursuit of Excellence
We live in a time where computers have become an inevitable part of our lives. The need to
understand technologies and their influence on mankind is the talk of the time. Millions are being
invested to design and research ways to enhance the user experience. This is where I would like to
see myself, driving the web design revolution. Coming from the computer science academic
background and currently working in a multinational firm 'Mindtree Ltd.' as a Senior Software
Developer, I experience the dominance of technology every day. I have seen technology change
drastically in front of me in a short span of time. This transformation is evident enough for me to
realize the necessity to keep in touch with the changing time and be at the edge of the seat. Being a
part of the information industry, I have come to a stage where the exigency of getting back to
academics is unparalleled.
My entire life I have shunned mediocrity and instilled the same in my nature. Perfection is what I
seek and expect nothing less from my work. This makes San Jose State University's Software
Engineering graduate program my decisive target.
A ravenous desire for software development juxtaposed with a ken of skilled programming, gave me
the pathways for my undergrad studies, thus ultimately being the reason for the selection of
Computer Engineering as the major stream for my engineering studies. The courses that most
interested me during my undergraduate
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Software License Key Sales, Network Setup, And Monthly...
We will gain revenue through software license key sales, initial network consultation/installation,
and subscription based monitoring and technical support. Clients have the choice to bundle services
offered at a reduced price from the cost of each service individually. The software keys will be sold
in bundles of 20 or 50 users with the price being $800 and $1500, respectively. The network
topology consultation and installation fees will vary depending on the size and scope the client will
choose. We can generally expect upwards of $5,000 for medium sized network packages, including
telecommunications. We will charge clients $1500 monthly to monitor for, and respond to, any
disruptions to their networks, supplementing their own IT ... Show more content on
We also compete with the traditional IT departments within the client company. Traditionally, the
client's own IT department will install and configure networks with the client eating the hardware
and installation cost (Evans, n.d.). This competition also extends to our monitoring and technical
support offered by C.L.S.T. as IT departments usually handle network malfunctions or issues.
Competitive Strategies C.L.S.T. is offering a unique solution to the software and networking
restraints for companies who buy/sell stock. Providing the companies with customization of
software according to their needs, size, and budget, while also providing the support and services to
install, develop, and maintain our software in manner our competitors cannot match. Cost
Leadership Strategy Our packages will be customized to the customer and ultimately save their
companies money. By bundling our software and support, the need to seek other or outside IT
services will be diminished and reduce the unnecessary technical services that those who do not use
our services would acquire. Also, when utilizing our professional IT services, the company can cut
the cost of an internal IT department and focus more on the employing those in the profession of
what the business actually provides. Employing the
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Choosing A Career In Information Technology : A Career
Choosing a career to pursue before starting college can be a painstaking process for anyone, but it is
an important one. It is a decision that will affect a person for their entire life, and it is an even harder
decision for women. Many jobs are dominated by males, and a job's demographics can be quite
intimidating for a female if there are five times as many men in that career field than women.
Women have to take that into consideration when making this important decision, but sometimes
things are not what they seem. Just because a career field has more men than women, does not mean
that men have a better chance at getting a job. There are a lot of factors that play into the
demographic makeup of a career field, and the demographics of the field of information technology
can be rather misleading. The software development field is a large, booming industry that is mostly
comprised of males. However, it is a good choice for anyone who is interested in technology. Many
companies today are competing to have the newest and most ground breaking developments in
technology, which means there are plenty of jobs to go around. Contrary to belief, women actually
have an advantage in the information technology field over men, due to many incentives provided to
women by companies in an effort to diversify the career field. If you have any interest in technology,
or even if computers bore you to death, a career in information technology should be at the top of
your list of considered
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Computer Software Engineering : Stealing Intellectual...
Assignment – 6
CSC 580
Advanced Software Engineering
Stealing Intellectual property and how it hurts legitimate authors
1.Introduction of the intellectual property:
Firstly, having intellectual property rights lays good foundation for the software industry. Indeed, the
intellectual property rights means having the rights for the creation of his work. For instance,
considering an example in the software profession if an individual develops a software code then the
individual has the full authority on his creation of the code. Moreover, the individual has the rights
for his creation of the software work. Eventually, in the software field if any other individual wants
to make use of the code the individual must entreat the approval of the original owner of the
software code. Identically, the other individual must cite the work or must refer the original idea of
the individual work properly.
2.Stealing of the intellectual property from the legitimate authors:
Secondly, in the software field profession stealing of the intellectual property from the legitimate
authors means using the idea of the original creator of the software work. Indeed, the copying,
stealing and using the software work is a serious offense because of the presenting the idea of the
other work as your own is a crime. Moreover, they are several methods of stealing the intellectual
property from the legitimate authors they are: a) Copying the idea from the original author of the
software work and presenting
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A Brief Note On Track Cellphone Usage And Moral Agents
Case 1: Developing Apps to Track Cellphone Usage
Moral Agents The moral agents in this situation are the children, the parents and the application
developer. The children have a few possible choices that their allowed to make regarding this
situation where their privacy is invaded. They could research and look into using applications that
will hide their location, their data and other important information the parents might want to know
about their kid. Or the children can choose the less moral route of completely removing the
application from their device or blocking it. The parents are faced with a tough ethical decision of
whether or not to monitor their kids. Because if the parents monitor their kids, then the safety of the
kids will ... Show more content on ...
This would causes a chain reaction, since the company would get a lot of bad reputation then the
current developers would abandon ship and look for greener pastures since most of the public is
pointed at the company and not at the individual developers. Another point to consider is the privacy
of the children. Not only do the parents have the ability to monitor their kids, but if someone were to
hack into the parent's device then they too could monitor the children. This also applies to the
company, if they lack the ability to keep their clients safe, then hundreds to millions of children's
locations would be vulnerable to potential child molesters, kidnappers, etcetera.
Who/What are the stakeholders? The most obvious stakeholder is the company that develops the
application. This company has to balance financial longevity with maintaining a moral and legal
standing in society. Any software company's primary goal is to make money, however, by creating a
controversial piece of software, this company is risking potential loss of revenue in order to be on
the leading edge of new trends. If there is any sort of backlash over the morality of a monitoring
application, the company can be forever tarnished by their ventures and lose current and possible
customers in droves. Not only is the company putting their profits at risk, they are also putting their
most precious investments at risk, their
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Role Of Programmer On Telecom Industry Role of Programmer in Telecom Industry Rahul Surapaneni Wilmington University. Table of Contents Brainstorming.................................................................................................3 Planning.......................................................................................................3 Action..........................................................................................................4 Observation....................................................................................................5 Reflection......................................................................................................7 Brainstorming In this cycle, I will welcome developers to conceptualize on a few issues identified with java program. I would like to accumulate point by point bits of knowledge with respect to issues that these experts face in their line of obligation. Brainstorming permits a person to assemble distinctive suitable perspectives on the issue under scrutiny. Further, meetings to generate new ideas ... Show more content on ... The second person to be reached will be Mr. Mark Miller, a Java developer, and the third one will be Mr. K. Ranjith, a software expert. The fourth individual to be reached will be Mr Ricky Donovan, a Junior developer and the last individual will be Mrs. Anna Hathaway, a senior Big Data engineer. On October 3rd and 4th, 2015, I will investigate a method for directing a useful meeting to generate new ideas. This session will be conveyed between 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm inside of the two days. Through the inquiry, I will have the capacity to embrace the meeting to generate new ideas in a successful way. Therefore, I will be in a position to gather applicable perspectives from distinctive software engineers. Less time will be squandered since I will have furnished myself with fundamental data in regards to the method for completing meeting to generate new ideas. I will lead the meeting to generate new ideas inside of three days i.e. from October 5th to 9th, 2015. The distribution of three days will be intended to encourage broad sharing of thoughts. Further, the session will be led in the morning hours from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm on the said days, since the experts have a tight timetable. Therefore, three days will permit them to extra couple of hours of their working time for the meeting to generate new ideas. I will be accountable for supervising the whole process. Further, on October 10th, 2015, I will incorporate the accumulated data between 12.00 pm and 5.00 pm, ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Application Developer vs Software Developer Application developers versus Smart Phone developers In this new mobile platform world, app developers are the new kingmakers. Not a day goes by when someone doesn 't introduce their own app store. As the world of mobile apps continues to gain importance in our lives, the space will continue to be ruled by app devlopers .In many ways, it's a good way of moneymaking opportunities for independent app developers as well as big companies. Software developers make effective software. It is an engineering endeavor that cannot be extracted from the context and systems with which it interoperates. The heart of a good software solution is not in turning the functional specification into code but rather in the use of available resources such as ... Show more content on ... Keep An Open Mind: For continuous improvement of a group/division of a company, the leader of an organization must be open to new ideas. Ask for opinions and feedback from both customers and team members and your group/company will continue to grow. Meet Obligations: Regardless of the circumstances, do everything in your power to gain the trust of past customers and clients, particularly if something has gone awry. Reclaim any lost business by honoring all commitments and obligations. Establish action development teams: Action development implements the organization's strategy while developing leadership culture and talent. Teams of senior and high–potential leaders tackle mission–critical, complex challenges identified by the business strategy. They learn to work across boundaries, with explicit sponsorship and coaching, while developing new and better ways of working together. Become Community Involved: Remain involved in community–related issues and activities, thereby demonstrating that your business is a responsible community contributor. In other words, stay involved. 3. How power can gain and lost? As everyone knows Apple lost the PC wars to Microsoft, and only nominally understands that when Apple created the iPod and then the iPhone, the company started to go in a new direction. How does Apple get ahead of other competitors? It's their creativity that helped them to stay at least two years ahead of their competitors. Also, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. My Career Story Interview, Jordan Scheller The career I choose to do my Career Story Interview, which I'm interested in doing, was Web Developer. Technically, the person that I interview, Jordan Scheller, is officially a Software Developer, but he creates/maintains websites which is what Web Developers do. So to be completely clear, the career I will be investigating is Web Developer. With that out of the way, let's talk about everything that has to do with a Web Developer. According to a website called O*NET, the Strong Interest Inventory for this job is CIR, Conventional, Investigative and Realistic. Conventional is ranked number one based on the nature to which programming happens. In programming, you know where you start and where you end. You might think you have a large amount of freedom to get to the endpoint, but in reality there only a few, if not just one way of solving the problem. So in the job, it's the repetition of finding the problem, identifying the end, and following the set path to which solves the problem. Investigative is second on the list and this deals with the ever evolving principle of the job. Since programming is relatively new, the area is evolving at an incredible pace and you must keep up with it. You must learn the new information, master it, and then finish your project before anyone else does. The final interest is Realistic and it relates to the atmosphere of the work environment. You do not work on theoretical ideas; you work on projects that deals with people's interactions in ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Career Assignment What is next? Is the question that haunts adolescents throughout high school and college. Therefore, today I will offer information on possible job opportunities in a few foreign countries. Given the nature of this paper, the audience who find it useful will be limited; furthermore, this essay is designed to provide young Americans who are considering searching for employment overseas in Europe. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), "is the best way to measure a country's economy. GDP is the total value of everything produced by all the people and companies in the country" (Amadeo), so naturally GDP seemed to be the best choice for determining my countries of focus. I am going to talk about the two countries with the highest GDP out of the ... Show more content on ... On another note, manufacturing engineers and quality engineers play a key role in the development of new vehicles. Manufacturing engineers work with the design engineers to ensure the vehicle they have designed can be produced in a high volume environment. According to Automotive Engineering HQ, an international headquarters for automotive engineering teams, "[Manufacturing engineers] will review how all the parts are assembled to ensure that they can develop a process that will be able to assemble and install everything from the circuit boards in the radio all the way to the bumper of the vehicle". Creating the most efficient method of assembly is the chief responsibility of the manufacturing team; additionally, working alongside the manufacturing engineers, test engineers implement check points in the assembly process to guarantee correct assembly and functionality. Comparatively, "Quality engineers are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the design, development and production processes to make sure that the end product will be as robust and meet the highest quality standards possible" (Automotive). Particularly in the automotive industry, the role of quality engineer is vital given that errors or flaws in the product can cause costly recalls or even death; in addition, quality engineers are involved on all levels from supplier ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. My Major At Nicholls State University SELF – EXPLORATION My major at Nicholls State University is Mathematics with a concentration in Computer Science; however, I plan to transfer to University of Louisiana at Lafayette to pursue a degree in Physics. The process in which one would solve a problem has always appealed to me. In math, specifically calculus, derivatives tell me how the original function acts and integrals tell me the relevance of the original function to the x – axis. Using a simple formula to find the answer to a seemingly impossible problem that involves numbers that geniuses have discovered centuries ago is the most amazing thing one could possibly do, in my opinion. Also, upon taking my computer science course, I have learned how to write certain scripts. Writing these scripts has taught me of a connection between the person and the computer; sort of like a collaboration. Ten years from now, I can see myself finally being self – sufficient; drinking tea in my own apartment while watching TV and petting my kitty cat. Career – wise, I want to work in an office probably creating a new way to solve some sort of problem. I could see myself in the astrophysics, computer science, or mathematics field. When I was younger, my dad and I would this game, "Space Girl," in which I would run around the house or "outer space" and I would jump on his back and flip over his head or, "land on earth." That's when I knew I wanted to work in an area that involved space and aeronautics. When I was in Catholic ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Career : Career And Assessment Career Interest and Assessment When I answered the questions on career cruising I found that my results were inaccurate as to the career I am interested in. The first career was mechanical engineer. Environmental engineer is the second on list. The career that I am actually interested in Software development and Computer science I did not get the results I was looking for in my career assessment. I will still look for a career in information technology when I enter the workforce but for now I will look into the jobs the field has to offer. I want to become a software developer and work for good software company, I hope it works out that way in the end. I disagree with the survey results because I do not want to become a engineer in those fields, I feel like being an engineer will be to heavy of a weight on my shoulders. Environmental engineer would not fit me because I am not a environmental type of person. Career Cluster My Career belongs in the career cluster of information technology. This career cluster has careers related graphic design and support with technology. The career I want from this career cluster is in Software Development. I want this career because it has always been my dream to work for a major company like microsoft or sony when I get older. This career cluster is my favorite of all the career clusters and really is the only career cluster that interests me enough to have a career in it. Information Technology also deals with computer ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. What Makes A Business? The three careers I chose were Fashion Writer, Information Security Analyst, and Software developer. A fashion writer is a writer who specializes in the area of fashion. For example, fashion magazines, online magazines, blogs, and advertisements. An Information Security Analyst is a protector of information systems. They focus on shielding company's computer systems from cyberattacks and things of that nature. A software developer develops applications or develops the underlying systems needed to run devices that control networks. Based on the criteria given salary and passion are the most important factors for me when it comes to a career. However, passion is a slightly more important because as long as you love what you are doing, you will find happiness no. Which is why salary is rated 30 percent, while passion is rated 35 percent. Location is the next vital aspect, because depending on your location your salary can differ, which is why location is weighted 20 percent. How many hours you work a week is another career determining aspect. However, it is not the most important which is why I gave a score of 10 percent. Environment is the least important to be because if I have passion where I am working does not matter. Also, my choice of careers will automatically reflect on my working environment. This is why I rated environment five percent. The median salary for a fashion writer annually is $47,000 (Fashion Writer/Fashion Editor Job Description, Career as a Fashion ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Reuse Of Asset Architecture For Some System Reuse of asset architecture for some system can maximize company investment. Reused– based software engineering is a software engineering approach where the development process is geared to reusing recent software. One of the best efficient approaches to reuse is to create software product line engineering or application families. In recent years, software reusability has emerged as promising reusability approach, which brings out some important benefits such as increasing reusability of its core assets, while decreasing time to market. Software reusability has focal on two areas; domain engineering, in which the assets are de–veloped for reuse, and application engineering where the core assets are being reused to generate specific ... Show more content on ... Reuse, as a software strategy for reducing development costs and refining quality, is not a new idea. Many past reuse agendas have fixated on the reuse of relatively small pieces of code. Organizations have developed reuse librar–ies containing modules, components, algorithms and, ob–jects. Almost anything a software developer develops goes into the library. Other developers are then urged to use what the library provides instead of creating their own ver–sions. Unfortunately, it often takes longer to locate these small pieces and integrate them into a system than it would take to build them anew. Documentation might explain the situation for which the piece was created but not how it can be generalized or adapted to other situations. The benefits of small–grained reuse depend on the predisposition of the software engineer to use what is in the library, the suitabil–ity of what is in the library for the engineer 's particular needs, and the successful adaptation and integration of the library units into the rest of the system. If reuse occurs at all under these conditions, it is fortuitous, and the payoff is usually nonexistent. Software reusability is not just about variation management of software features, it delivers framework governing the development and distribution lifecycle of all the variation of product portfolio and amalgamation of system components that makes up each product. It eventually ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Search Engine Optimisation ( Seo ) Essay Introduction When you 're deciding who you 're going to employ to get your website built it can be a difficult decision. How do you know your web designer is going to give you what you want? How much will the website be? Can you rely on them after you 've paid? What happens if the worst happens? There are many potential dangers we can help you to avoid. To assist you in your decision making process we 've come up with the five key things you should look out for before hiring your web developer. After all it 's better to do research in the first instance, rather than spend a lot of wasted money. This concise overview will assist you to understand some of the areas you should talk through with prospective web designers. 1 – Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Essentially, this means asking if your web developer offers you Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) as part of their services. It 's important to be clear on what they do offer and what they don 't offer. Many web designers may be very effective at web design but SEO is a specialism in it 's own right. If they do offer SEO find out what the this actually means in reality. Your web developer may well use a lot of terms you might not be familiar with, such as 'on page optimisation ', 'off page optimisation ', 'page rank ', 'link juice ', 'link building ', 'white hat ' and other techniques etc. It 's worth you taking the time to research these terms and understand what 's important to you and your website. I would ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Minecraft Moodding Community Analysis Whether you are just watching developers live stream the designing of their mods, making mods yourself, or just enjoying the commentary of various YouTuber's interactions with the developers, the Minecraft modding community is extremely easy to become a part of. During my observations, I had interactions with people on Twitch, YouTube, and the Industrial Craft 2 forum. The community pulls you in by teaching you the complicated intricacies of modding such a simple game. Since my personal background is Computer Science, I decided to dive head first into the technical side of the community. The Forge Mod Loader is the primary framework used to build mods. It is also the way people load more than one mod into the game. Its ... Show more content on ... MCP was originally developed by Thomas Guimbretière, better known as ProfMobius. ProfMobius is clearly an integral part of the community. Currently, he works for Mojang (developers of Minecraft and acquired by Microsoft), but previously has made multiple mods for the game and is part of a group that calls themselves Forgecraft, a group of servers where mod–developers can test their mods in a private environment. A number of YouTubers and Twitch streamers also gather on the server and interact with the developers in a way that I've never seen in a community before. I feel like the publicity Forgecraft provides for mod developers is one of the reason's that Minecraft mod development is so popular. One of the most influential names in the Forgecraft community is Direwolf20. He started uploading videos to YouTube showcasing Minecraft Mods back in 2011 and has been posting a video nearly every day since. Being one of the first channels to showcase mods individually, Direwolf20 played a huge role in growing the modding community from the ground up. In the book Reality is Broken, Jane McGonigal claims "Compared with games, reality is lonely and isolating. Games help us band together and create powerful l communities from scratch" (McGonigal, 2011). Direwolf20 wanted to show the world the cool things that Minecraft mod developers were making, and did so by forming a ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Background / History : Ethan Marcotte, A Developer, And A... Background/History Ethan Marcotte, a developer, and a web designer helped Responsive Web Design become what it is today. In fact, the origin of the name, Responsive Web Design, can be traced directly to Marcotte. In his book from 2011 simply titled Marcotte, he wrote about how he discovered Responsive Architecture. This architecture consisted of moving structure and color–changing walls, properties of the architecture that were previously viewed as constraints but are now part of Responsive Web Design. Marcotte wanted to apply this newly discovered architecture to web design. This web design would adapt itself to the user and that is when Marcotte came up with the idea of Responsive Web Design (Harb, Kapellari, Luong, Spot, 2011, p. 5). ... Show more content on ... 7). Although the iPhone played a significant part in helping mobile Internet traffic grow, that is not the only reason that more and more people continued to browse the web on their phones rather than their computers. As mobile devices kept getting better, they also got cheaper. Mobile phones, cheap or not, were still usually more affordable than a desktop or a laptop, and this included mobile data plans as well (Harb, Kapellari, Luong, Spot, 2011, p. 7). Mobile networks have also contributed to helping the mobile Internet grow: "Broader coverage of faster networks has also been helping. In 2010 alone, mobile network speeds doubled. As networks became twice as fast, the average data usage of smartphones doubled as well" (Harb, Kapellari, Luong, Spot, 2011, p. 7). Since the iPhone was released, the use of the web and the Internet altogether on mobile phones has done nothing but grown and spiked. There have been several more models of the iPhone released and eventually more smartphones began to pop up, including Samsung's line of Galaxy S phones. With so many smartphone options available and the library of smartphones only increasing, the use of the Internet on mobile phones will only continue to grow (Harb, Kapellari, Luong, Spot, 2011, p. 7). Responsive Web Design With the rapid rise of mobile and smartphones, websites were suddenly in need of a way to be used and fit on a mobile phone's web ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Building A Good Software Developer Are you a young, first year IT student wondering what it takes to excel in the software development industry? Or are you a software engineering veteran but somehow feel that you have reached a "peak" in your skills...there is still room for improvement but don 't know how to go about it? Are you somewhere in between? I believe that all software developers yearn to improve on their coding skills and come up with beautifully written and rock solid applications. To do this however, one needs to be passionate about the work. What do I mean? Do you enjoy spending long hours (including weekends and very late nights) in front of you computer screen writing code and getting thrilled by what you can come up with? If you do, keep reading, if not, maybe software development is not for you...seriously! One can only reach their full potential at something if they are truly passionate about it. Here are 7 steps I believe should be taken in order to become a good software developer. 1. Learn the basics With all the new programming technologies that have sprung up in recent years, many beginner programmers try to hop into everything at once instead of learning and understanding the basic concepts, principles and fundamentals that are common to pretty much all languages; variables (their naming conventions), if/else/switch statements, loops, booleans etc. The best way to do this is to select one language and master the basics with it. The programming language to start with is not of too ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Ways Your Web Developer Or Designer Ripping You Off? Essay 10 Ways your Web Developer Or Designer Ripping You Off? More and more people today use the internet to search for products, services, or some other information. Look at this Google statistics: This is not considering other search engines. So if your business doesn 't have a website, then you may be losing out on a lot. However, you may not enjoy the full benefits of having a website if your web developer or designer rips you off through the following ways: They charge too much Okay, I have to be extremely open here... The fact is creating a website today isn't as magical as it used to be 10 years ago. This is because there're thousands of resources out there that can allow you create a professional website in minutes and for cheap or even nothing. I've seen people pay up to $10,000 to their web developers for professional websites that could be easily built with $1000(or even less!).Oops, I said it. I've seen web developers charge thousands of dollars for projects they completed by just changing a simple template. Note: I understand the huge difference in prices may be due to the brand and other factors depending on the country in question. For example, a web designer in India may be comfortable charging $3.5/hour, whereas a web designer from the UK may not be comfortable doing the same. Why? This may be because India has a lesser standard of living than the UK. They charge too little While this may sound counterproductive to the point stated above, paying little for your ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Mobile Apps Mobile Apps Business Strategy Short Marketing Analysis of the Mobile Apps Market Every modern business needs its own mobile app in order to attract new customers and drive away the competitors without their own mobile apps. 36% of construction companies utilized more than 5 mobile business apps in 2014 (Business–Apps, 2015). In other words, software development becomes more profitable year by year. On the one hand, employers significantly reduced the paperwork and manual data processing with the help of the mobile apps. 23 percent of huge construction companies use ten or even more mobile business apps in 2014. Mobile apps cut costs on inspections (61%), checklists (31%) and work orders (49%). 69 ... Show more content on ... Some apps are cross–platform, and some are not. Free software offering can be a smart move for attracting new clients. Software–as–a–service (SaaS) offerings help avoiding app management and development costs. The websites such as and Microsoft Dynamics help solving problems related to mobile relationship management (CRM). Salesforce's monthly subscription costs $125, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM's monthly subscription is $65. MobileFabric enterprise apps subscriptions cost $80 monthly for up to 10 apps. Subscription for the unlimited apps worth $150. Kony's subscription worth $29 for 5 apps monthly. Paradoxically, but the free games must be the most profitable mobile apps (Mirani, 2015). The point is that users start playing games for free, but then they purchase additional items/coupons within the games. Nearly 93 percent of the mobile games are free at the beginning (the so called "free–to–play" games (FTP)). These games eventually generate about $220 billion annually while pre–paid mobile games generate only $10 billion, or 4.55 percent of the free–to–play market. As a conclusion, every mobile app must have its clear audience (students, employers, businessmen, software developers, jobless, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Prospective Employer Analysis Prospective Employer Profile In the last assignment, I analyzed the Computer Science Department of my school. Now I will analyze a potential employer as well as a specific position within their company. In this paper, I will critically analyze the company, Raytheon, and being a software developer within their company by providing the company background along with examining the responsibilities, qualifications, benefits and salaries, and career growth of software developers. Organization Background Raytheon is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, civil government, and cyber security. Founded in 1922 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, its founders, Vannevar Bush, Laurence Marshall, and Charles G. Smith, began the ... Show more content on ... According to their website, "Raytheon requires its software developers to have a Bachelor's or Master's in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Software Engineering or a Bachelor's or Master's in Physics, Math, or other Engineering disciplines with 20+ hours of coding classes. Software engineers also need a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher." From looking at this, Raytheon offers jobs for applicants in many different fields and are quite particular in their hiring since they require applicant to have a GPA of 3.2 or higher or 20+ hours of coding classes. As with any company, Raytheon only want the best which is understandable given software developers will most like be working with them on cyber security and communications. Raytheon also require their employees to be experienced with certain programs, too. As said on their site, "Raytheon software developers require experience in software development with Java and a foundation in Linux and UNIX." However, they website then states, "Raytheon desires software developers with experience with continuous integration tools, utilizing relational databases, and AWS (Amazon Web Services). As I said above, Raytheon wants the best software developers, but it is different here. They provide the what experience is needed to be considered for hiring but then add what experiences they desire their applicant to have. This means applicants have a chance of getting hired though having the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. My Personal Statement On Computer Science Engineers are problem solvers, and are driven by a curious mind and the instinct to know the How and Why of processes. My inquisitiveness is what has fuelled my academic career, and I hope it will be the trait that I can rest most of my future education too. I am keen to learn more in the field of Computer Science to further my career once I am geared with an extensive and wholesome knowledge base. After nearly 4 years working in this field, I have realized just how vast and pervasive its scope is, something I find exhilarating and motivating in light of the fact that I didn't focus on Computer Science in my undergraduate career. I hope to learn more about the practical applications in this field to give me a sustained edge in my career. I was a very committed chess player through school and till college. Chess was my outlet from traditional classroom studying, and my foray into the competitive world. I participated in multiple tournaments when I was in high school. It has come to my rescue multiple times. As a chess player, no matter what I put my mind to, I find myself thinking three steps ahead, assessing the landscape for compromises, anticipating the "opponent's" moves, and strategizing to optimize my performance. I like to think of software development as a complex, multifaceted game of chess! It requires tact, precision, awareness, and absolute presence of mind. I graduated from Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM) University in 2011 with a ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Evaluation Of A Career Path And For Which I Registered As... Development Assignment Christopher Mashodi 16005884 Assignment Task: The task is to research the field of study that I have chosen as a career path and for which I have registered as a first–year student. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION – FIELD OF STUDY 3 PURPOSE AND KEY FUNCTIONS 3 CHARACTERISTICS OF EMPLOYEES IN THIS FIELD 4 TOP COMPANIES IN THIS FIELD 5 CURRENT TRENDS IN THE INDUSTRY 6 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THIS FIELD 7 CONCLUSION 8 Software Development Assignment INTRODUCTION – FIELD OF STUDY Diploma in Software Development (DISD) – This is an IT training course that deals firstly with the basics of a computer, like how to use a computer, how to open programs but the main thing is how to create codes and ... Show more content on ... How does IT influence the economy? The Information Technology (IT) industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world to a point whereby it has become the key driver of global economic growth. The IT industry has become one of the main focuses in development especially in developing countries and thus improving productivity. IT in business has now become an important department because of new programs and software's that are created in making the running of businesses easier. Computers make life easier and this is the great work of Software developers because they are the creative minds behind computer programs and applications.
  • 34. With computers making lives easier this has caused a high demand in IT specialists all over the world, and with the increase in specialists this increases the availability of a wide range of IT products available and helping economies achieve economic growth. Today every organization has a program/database setup by their IT team such as operating systems that keep computers functioning properly amongst other things. CHARACTERISTICS OF EMPLOYEES IN THIS FIELD In this IT industry, past experience and qualifications mean nothing if you don't have the basic traits of being in software development, these traits include: ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Project Duration And Critical Path Analysis CIS5200 EPPAKAYALA SOMARAJU 14/12/2015 ASSIGNMENT 1 SYSTEM ANALYSIS Table of Contents Abstract 3 SYSTEM ANALYSIS 4 Organizational Model 4 Interviewing persons 5 Senior software developer objectives. 5 Development manager. 5 Divisional head. 6 Junior software developer 6 Assistant manager. 6 Intern objectives. 6 Interview question set 7 Senior software developer. 7 Junior software developer. 7 ... Show more content on ... want to implement information technology infrastructure in their business organization. The proposed information technology system needs to be maintain and fulfilled the requirement from Personal trainer Inc. Organizational Model Personal trainer Inc. carries chain of command in a top–down approach so that they can maintain the integrity of their system (Bacon, 2013). CEO of personal trainer Inc. is the main key person of entire organization. Under CEO there are three division bottom up – Software department, Research and development or R&D department and supply and logistic department. Software department is totally responsible for any type system matrices(Eric Kirkland, 2014). Software department is supervised and maintained by a senior software developer. Apart from information system development personal trainer Inc(Etalle and Zannone, 2014) have another development department is present, Research and development department or R&D department(, 2015). Main task of R&D is to maintain the international standard and improvement of services. R&D department is cautiously monitored and maintained by development manager. The last and more important depart of personal trainer is logistics and supply department(Hsiung, 2015). Logistics and supply department is the backbone of company. This department is served by a divisional head. Software department is maintained by three junior software developer engineer under supervision of senior ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Mars Space Flight Facility Career "The Life of A Computer Programmer at Mars Space Flight Facility Career" The world as we know it is constantly adapting to new technology. We are constantly using some form of technology on a daily basis. However, have you ever thought of what makes these technology devices to run in the first place? Well, according to several people it is the nerd who makes it happen, the boring ones who just sit at the computer and do not have any type of social lives. However, the programmers at the Mars Space Flight Facility reaches out to the community, creative and drive for innovation. The Moeur Building which is known as the Mars Space Flight Facility was built in 1939; this build was first used for a women gymnasium. The Moeur Building was named after a Governor of Arizona and a Tempe physician, Dr. Benjamin Baker Moeur. This facility is located at Arizona State University's Tempe campus. According to the website, this building is for "Earth and Space Exploration. In this building there are scientists, researchers, and students they specialize in ... Show more content on ... Since the programmers usually have tasks with deadline,they usually come and go at their will as long as they get the job done. The programmers at the Mars Space Flight Facility usually work as team instead of individual work. One thing that Leon like the most about his job is flexibility and they variety. As I was reading the article on Wikipedia I see that computer programmers have a very special purpose. Computer programmers design and develop application based on a costumer's needs. Based on modern day life this occupation is essential due to all of the technology we use on a day to day basis. Computer programming is a rewarding career opportunity. With this career field you have the chance to work on the cutting edge of technology of the future. Also they have the ability to design software for all the technology of today and also they have a great variety of ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Information About Security Software Developers And... During the course of this year, I was exposed to technology and its mechanisms. This allowed me to ponder on the possible technological career paths I could venture on. Prior to researching, I had only decided on one profession; a physical therapist. I was mainly interested in careers related to software and website developing. Therefore, I researched and reviewed information about security software developers and multimedia architects. I created the "Evaluation Matrix for Choosing a Career" to assist me in the process of examining the careers. In the "Evaluation Matrix for Choosing a Career", I assessed the careers according to the criteria. The two most important factors for a career are its demand and salary. From researching, I ... Show more content on ... Security software developers got the equivalent score as multimedia architects, but under the weighted score, it scored only a few points off physical therapist. The difference between the weighted score of a physical therapist and multimedia architects was 0.3 points. All three of these careers include multiple examples of emerging technologies that help them act efficiently. For instance, recently security software developers have been using cloud servers to protect their information. This technology will allow developers to store the different type of security software they create. The cloud will let them protect virtual software such as firewalls and cyber security systems. (Mellow Jr., 2017) A major limitation of using the cloud is financial circumstances. (Ward, 2017) The majority of cloud applications are freeware but do not include all features. This would mean that one would have to pay a certain amount in order to customize and add necessary features. Also, since the cloud is internet based the information made by security software developers may not be safe. This all means security software developers need advanced security features to maintain protection on their virtual software. A popular new emerging technology for a physical therapist to use is virtual rehabilitation. This new technology allows physical therapists to treat their patients with captivating, game–like scenarios. Virtual rehabilitation ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Video Games : A Becoming A Lifelong Hobby Racing through the emerald fields, leaping over strangely shaped square obstacles haphazardly set in his path. He jumps and strikes an object overhead and with gold coins raining down around him he aims to land on that oddly undulating mushroom below. Except that mushroom has teeth. The year was 1996 and this is how four–year old me imagined playing that very first Super Mario Bros game. That was the first of many video games I have played over the course of my life, but even 19 years later I can still recall the endless hours I enjoyed replaying those first few Mario levels. That was also the beginning of a lifelong hobby that could become a lifelong career. Even from a young age I had toyed with the idea of becoming a software developer, ... Show more content on ... I knew that it was common for many unseasoned developers to be contracted to work on a project for at most one to two years and then laid off once the software is completed. For instance in the video game industry it is common for large budget game to take up to four years to complete. During that time there will typically be a small team of people whose job it is to lay the foundation for what the game will be. After this has been completed the team will gradually swell to many times its original size as more developers and designers are contracted in to finish the project as soon as possible. Once the work is finished most of the people contracted in will be laid off, and the team will then shrink back down to its original core group of employees. I was also familiar with the concept of crunch time in the software industry. The idea is that the last few months leading up to a project's deadline can see many software developers working overtime at all hours of the week to see that piece of software out the door. These aspects of the software industry are what most concern me and what I intend to spend much of my time researching further. I aim to learn more about the quality of life of software developers in general and just how stable, or otherwise, their employment is. There are many paths into the software industry; however a college degree is likely the most reliable. Most software developers have at least a ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Web Developer a Creative Career Choice Abstract Web development is a fast growing form of artistic expression that uses computer programming and technical writing skills to create Web sites. Web developers earn an appealing salary that increases as specialized skills are introduced. Formal education and training play a vital role in the preparation and experience of a developer. A survey indicates that most companies today have a Web site and need the skills of developers. Legal issues for developers and employers are introduced. The steps needed to follow a career choice in Web development are outlined. Recommendations and educational needs are discussed. For high school students, this career focuses on aspects of the Web development industry from programming to graphics. ... Show more content on ... Figure 1 shows considerations for becoming a Web Developer: Figure. Considerations for becoming a Web developer. New Technologies New jobs are still growing and being created by the internet. Most companies today have a Web site and training Web technologists has changed from a speedy training session to a more refined method that considers the companies individual needs. "Because of the demand for Web developers, you should talk to your employer about experience you could get internally" (Chapman, 2007). Budgets are not allowing companies to hire webmasters, instead they are using existing employees to change or update Web sites. "...technical Web developers are now taking on more roles, thus needing to add more skills to perform their jobs properly" (Thisner, 2004, para. 2). With technologies creating new tools the developer having specialized skills will become more important. One such technology has been launched by a company called Goozmo. They are fast growing and have entered the industry as a full–service Web development company according to Goozmo's founder Benjamin Reed. "We specialize in tools to let people manage their own Web site easily," said Reed (Heglin, 2008). Internet training has been divided into two main areas: Web design and Web development. Web design includes the visual and design elements of the industry while Web development concentrates ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Networking, And Massive Multiplayer Online Games [2] A career choice related to networking, and massive multiplayer online games (MMOs), is an application software developer. A software developer develops and programs the applications for people to use on their computers or other devices, games would be an example of what an application software developer would make. Furthermore, they also run and control the networks that people use. [3] A software developer working with a company in MMOs, usually analyzes, designs and tests whether the network can handle the stress of information being sent by thousands of players around the world. Frequently, a large MMO company will have networks around the world in major cities. For example in World of Warcraft, there are networks in North ... Show more content on ... Skills that an information systems manager should have are leadership skills. As, they have to give directions to others on what they should do. Leadership and teamwork skills are intertwined, as you have to be able to work in a team of specialists, programmers, and be able to direct them on what they have to do. [6] An additional career choice would be a networking technician. They help a company to install wide area networks, and local area networks data communication equipment. A networking technician also helps to fix and analyze problems reported by the players of the MMO game. To ensure that customer satisfaction is sufficient enough, technicians usually help to maintain security around their networks. Skills that a networking technician needs are diagnostic skills. As they need to be able to troubleshoot problems quickly by being able to find out what the problem is quickly. Also another skill that a networking technician needs is technical skills. The technician needs to be able to install networks that are fast, safe, and reliable. Especially when companies are facing huge amounts of threats that could disrupt, or even expose, confidential information. [7] A post–secondary educational program for networking is Computer Science. Ryerson University is a post–secondary institution that has a program with Computer Science. The degree earned is the bachelor of science. The program at Ryerson University ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Global Industry Project : Technology Sector Global Industry Project: Technology Sector Since the "Dot–com Boom" of the 1990s placed more emphasis and value on technology due to the exponential growth in the sector, making people rich quickly, and raising the Nasdaq Index by nearly 400%, technology has become more integrated into the American and global culture. In recent history, many technological advances have taken place from those that enable people to communicate with others using systems embedded with language translation software to "smart" toilets that are controlled with apps to heat the seats, lift the lids automatically, built–in bidets, and come with the ability to be synced to play music. Unfortunately, with the rise in accessibility to citizens through the usage of ... Show more content on ... Also, with consumer confidence in the economy rising and the economy stabilizing, this number has the potential to increase with the larger manufacturers and suppliers continually pushing to release the latest advances to be obtained by the masses. The reason technological sales are so high is the companies have great marketing that makes everyone feel left out if they do not have the latest gadgets and the interwoven connection between our everyday lives and technology. Depending upon the person, an individual will spend upwards of eleven hours per day on some form of technology and that number is greater for teenagers. One of the more interesting figures that can be used to describe the effectiveness of a well–planned integration process for technology and the American people is the creation of new jobs. In monthly employment reports released by Obama–Biden Administration, an estimated 20% of all jobs (based in an office environment) generated in the United States over the past five years were in the field of technology. To put these figures into numerical terms, America currently has about 5 million jobs that are vacant and over half a million of those job openings are in information technology fields like software development, network administration, and cybersecurity. (Office of the Press Secretary, 2015) Another significant fact regarding the creation of jobs in the technology sector and the industry as whole is the fact ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Toptal Business Plan #1. Business Details and Strategy The business startup I chose is a mix of a software development company and a networking platform for software developers. My choice has been greatly influenced by the company Toptal and their success, as well as a personal passion for computer based software development and computer science. The general idea in the long term is to have a specialized team of salaried computer technicians and designers under direct employment through the company. They would be responsible for the larger and more complicated projects. The other portion of the company would be similar to Toptal. The business would serve as a middleman between people in need of software development expertise and freelance software developers. For the business structure, in the beginning I would be a sole proprietor. The plan is to start and stay small until I have the knowledge I need and feel comfortable taking steps to grow the company. Once this time comes, I will look into either hiring or partnering with other developers depending on what makes logical sense at the time. "A partnership is terminated when a partner dies or withdraws. . . In a two– person partnership, if one partner withdraws, the firm's liabilities would be paid off and the assets divided between partners" (Ferrel 88). With this in mind, I would prefer hiring developers and staying a sole proprietor in the early and volatile stages of the company, but depending on personal funds this may not be an option ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Top Highest Pay Jobs For Information Technology Grads Essay Jaime: 10 Highest–Paying Jobs for Information Technology Grads According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment opportunities in the information technology field have been continually expanding for the last 20 years. The BLS stages that the fasted growing and highest paying information technology jobs include computer programmers, systems analysts, software developers and support specialists. The field of information technology offers the best career flexibility, so graduates may find themselves working in jobs related to business, science, market research, media communications and health care. Below introduces the top 10 highest pay jobs for graduates who have an information technology related degree.–2/careers–in–growing–field–of–information–technology– services.htm 1. Computer Programmer Computer programmers write efficient code that follows defined standards and naming conventions. They develop software that is designed to user specifications and departmental requirements. Computer programmers conduct research, collect data, analyze tests and implement updates. They interpret data and reports to aid in research activities and project completion. Computer programmers conduct comprehensive tests during every stage of the product cycle. They work with other teams and attend client meetings to obtain necessary information and share relevant findings. Computer programmers may modify existing software to meet new client ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Moral Of Moral Agents Moral Agents The moral agents in this situation are the parents, the children, and the application developer. The parents are faced with the awkward situation of using the application to track their kids for a multitude of reasons. One of the most apparent reasons would be to use the application with the intent of knowing who their children are interacting with and possibly where they go when they are out of the house. The children do have some possible choices to make regarding this supposed invasion of privacy with varying degrees of moral standing. They could look into using applications that mask their activity or employ the less moral route of removing the software entirely. Finally, the developer himself is in control of the entire scenario since it all hangs on his choice of going forward with the development of the application. After all, if he just refuses to take part in the project and takes the consequences that follow such a choice, he is removed from the discussion entirely. What is at stake? Who/What are the stakeholders? The most obvious stakeholder is the company that develops the application. This company has to balance financial longevity with maintaining a moral and legal standing in society. The primary goal of any software company is to make money and by creating a controversial piece of software, this company is risking a potential loss of revenue in order to be on the bleeding edge of new trends. If there is any sort of public backlash over the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Prima Donna Software Engineers : An Open Letter Essay Titles: Why I Love Those Arrogant, Prima Donna Software Engineers An Open Letter To Prima Donna Developers Why I Love & Hate Young, Cocky, Prima Donna Software Engineers Body: I love it when the phone rings and a new client says something like: "I'm paying this kid $160,000 a year and he acts like I should be thankful that he even shows up to work!" Those are the words of a client who's fallen prey to a prima donna developer – that unsavory byproduct of today's incredible demand for software developers. Prima donna software developers are typically in their 20's, male, and appallingly over–entitled. They have little industry experience but aim to make up for that with pure hubris and self–importance. They love terms like disrupt, pivot, rockstar and ninja. pri·ma don·na ˌprēmə ˈdänə/ Noun " a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance. And they demand top dollar for the privilege of working with them. These overpaid, underskilled engineers quickly frustrate employers and ultimately force them to search elsewhere for software developers – and that's fantastic for SourceSeek. Our whole business is based on replacing mediocre developers with less expensive and more highly skilled software professionals. Prima donna developers are easier to replace than they think! We see prima donna developers around the world, especially in tech hotspots like Kiev, Krakow, and Chennai. But our US–bred prima donna developers are by far the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Code Of Computer Related Jobs In today's world computers play a crucial role in everyday life. Many different types of jobs are offered with computers. One essential branch of computer related jobs is Software Development. Software developers program and write the code of software used on computers. Without software developers computers would have very little use and very few features. While researching Software Development I took many steps to increase my understanding of the career. I started my career research by searching for general information about the career. This research was performed during class in the computer lab. I found that on average Software Developers make $43,640–$101,410 annually. I then searched for information about the education and training that is beneficial to someone in this career. I found that a major in computer science or related subject would be the standard major for a Software Developer. I also found that math classes such as Calculus are beneficial to understanding software development. I then researched useful skills and traits of Software Developers. Some useful traits are creativity, problem solving, and a basic understanding of digital media. These traits contribute to the success of a developer. I found this research gathered to be helpful in my further understanding of the career. At home I researched more information about the career. I found that the most job opportunities are offered in California and surrounding areas, but other cities throughout the ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. What Makes A Good Software Developer Is Creativity? What makes a good software developer is creativity. Anyone could have the skills to make software, but to actually develop something new takes creativity. They need to be able to think outside of the box. There are many skills needed to be a good software developer. Obviously a base knowledge of software and programing language is needed to perform at a minimum level. The ability to learn quickly is a key trait because what they are developing is new and you almost learn as you go as you develop something. Learning quickly keeps you up to pace with everyone else. You have got to be a good problem solver. Developers are going to run into new challenges everyday, multiple times a day. Anyone who is creating something new and exciting is ... Show more content on ... Someone is bound to have a similar software idea or platform as another software developer. A good software developer gets their product out there the fastest or when it is needed by someone who hands them the project. You 're constantly under pressure to be the best and to meet deadlines. If you are not able to handle the pressure on your shoulders, you will not be able to succeed as a software developer. That brings me back to self motivation. You have to love what you are doing and love what you are developing. you have to be confident in your skills and believe you can get the job done. You need to be able to burn the midnight oil and love doing so. You have go to believe in your abilities and what you are working toward. I believe having all of these skills will get you ahead in the software development field. I believe it is a tough field to get into and be successful to begin with. Having this characteristics are key but as a i said in the beginning you have to have that base knowledge. By that i mean all the different "languages" and operating systems you have to be familiar with. To name a few, SQL, Java, C++, HTML/XML, Oracle, MVC and Linux. Theres so much that goes into it that it just scratches the surface. As a software developer you need to be a jack of all trades. The more you know and are familiar with the better you will be able to handle the profession. Being able to stand out is why there is such a high need for soft skills ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. A Web Developer Working For Net Connect Network Solutions I am a junior web developer working for Net–connect network solutions (NCNS). I have been asked to create a report that is going to talk about the following web architecture; Internet service provider, domain structure, domain name registrars and the World Wide Web. I will also be talking about the following key components; mail and proxy servers, routers and browsers. I will also be explaining how the client's settings will impact the web performance. Lastly I will be explaining the security risks and how to protect data. I will also talk about TCP/IP and the 7 layers of OSI. Internet service providers – An internet service provider is a company that provides you with an internet connection with a monthly cost. You are able to connect to ... Show more content on ... Your website would be put onto servers that is being either leased or is owned by that certain web hosting service. A lot of web hosting services like to have their servers in a data centre so that it would be less likely for it to crash etc. All this doesn't come free of charge; you have to pay a fee which varies in price depending on what service you are willing to receive. Domain structure – The domain structure is what makes the websites URL. This all depends on where you are from though. The domain structure makes it easier for us to find the websites that we want because instead of writing in the websites IP address which is awkward to do because its several different numbers that is hard to remember, also it takes much longer than just typing in the URL address. The first part of the domain structure is 'www.' This is at the start of all web addresses that is on the World Wide Web. The last part '.com,, .org' can either show you what country the website is from or what type of website it is. For example, .org means that the website belongs to an organisation such as Domain name registrar – A domain name is unique name that would identify a certain website and they are wrote from right to left unlike what we are usually used to writing which is left to right. The top level domain is the part of the domain name that is to the very right and it is the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. The And It Professional Issues DIESELGATE AND IT PROFESSIONAL ISSUES In early 2014 a group of scientists at West Virginia University, 2 students and two professors tested three cars for their emissions. For Passat and Jetta two Volkswagen cars, their found that in real driving conditions the US emissions limits was exceeded by factor of 15 to 25 and by factor 5 to 20 for Jetta and Passat respectively.(1) This confirmed the discrepancies already found by International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCDT) in Europe. On 18 September 2015 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) seed a Notice o Violation (NOV) alleging that Volkswagen Group had an emissions–compliance defeat device installed.(2) In this case this defeat device was an installed firmware with an algorithm intentionally forged with an intention to detect and falsify emission tests. Since then couple of heads has rolled, but as my best knowledge it is still not known which individual software engineers are personally responsible for doing this. But from software engineer point of view it might be interesting to answer the question what can we learn from this affair? What IT professional issues it raised? It was always Volkswagen ambition to conquer US car market. One of the difficulties they faced was common in USA loyalty to domestic car vendors. Another problem is different market structure. Diesel cars share much less part of the market than it is in Europe. And much more restrictive emission limits required by the USA law ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Description of a Web Developer Occupation: Web Developer Description of Occupation Web developers put together websites. They may do this with individual clients or as part of a large company. First, they find out what the expectations for the website are: what it is going to be used for, who the audience will be, and how it should appear to that audience. Based on the client's or their manager's needs, they will then create the kind of website that will best meet the client's needs. They write the code for the site using a programming language, design graphics for the site, and integrate audio and video into the site. Web developers often work as part of a team in putting together websites. There are web architects, web designers, and webmasters. Each of these types of web developer usually has a specific area that they specialize in. Web architects, also called web programmers, are involved in the technical aspect of the website. They are the "big picture" people who oversee the construction of the website and take care of making changes to the website. Web designers are in charge of the layout and graphics of the site. They are usually familiar with different computer languages, such as HTML or Java. Webmasters take care of day–to–day operations and step in when there are problems, such as broken links or customer complaints. Because they often work as part of a team, web developers should have the ability to collaborate effectively in group efforts and have good interpersonal skills. Educational ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. A Short Note On Becoming A Web Developer Essay Becoming a Web Developer A web developer is a programmer that specializes in creating programs, applications, and websites that are implemented on the World Wide Web. They are the technical specialists that are able to apply innovative design and coding principles to the design and structure of the websites that are used today (Shiotsu, n.d.). They use their skills to optimize the way that people connect and communicate with one another and the way that companies are able to do business around the world. They are the literal the "backbone" of the Internet and without them successful e–commerce and website navigation would be nearly impossible. The impact of the Internet on communication, business, education, and politics has been enormous. Our world relies on "connectivity" and that is why the need for web developers is so strong (Why is the Internet so important?). Up until recently, most computer programs were installed on user machines, but they are now being converted to web programs with user interfaces that are maintained and controlled by developers. Now is a great time to pursue a career in web development! The exponential growth of technology and the Internet has spurred the demand for web developers. Job outlooks have grown rapidly at nearly three times the national average of all other occupations in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for web developers is expected to grow 27 percent over the next eight years. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Personal Statement On Driving The Web Design Revolution STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: My Pursuit of Excellence We live in a time where computers have become an inevitable part of our lives. The need to understand technologies and their influence on mankind is the talk of the time. Millions are being invested to design and research ways to enhance the user experience. This is where I would like to see myself, driving the web design revolution. Coming from the computer science academic background and currently working in a multinational firm 'Mindtree Ltd.' as a Senior Software Developer, I experience the dominance of technology every day. I have seen technology change drastically in front of me in a short span of time. This transformation is evident enough for me to realize the necessity to keep in touch with the changing time and be at the edge of the seat. Being a part of the information industry, I have come to a stage where the exigency of getting back to academics is unparalleled. My entire life I have shunned mediocrity and instilled the same in my nature. Perfection is what I seek and expect nothing less from my work. This makes San Jose State University's Software Engineering graduate program my decisive target. A ravenous desire for software development juxtaposed with a ken of skilled programming, gave me the pathways for my undergrad studies, thus ultimately being the reason for the selection of Computer Engineering as the major stream for my engineering studies. The courses that most interested me during my undergraduate ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Software License Key Sales, Network Setup, And Monthly... We will gain revenue through software license key sales, initial network consultation/installation, and subscription based monitoring and technical support. Clients have the choice to bundle services offered at a reduced price from the cost of each service individually. The software keys will be sold in bundles of 20 or 50 users with the price being $800 and $1500, respectively. The network topology consultation and installation fees will vary depending on the size and scope the client will choose. We can generally expect upwards of $5,000 for medium sized network packages, including telecommunications. We will charge clients $1500 monthly to monitor for, and respond to, any disruptions to their networks, supplementing their own IT ... Show more content on ... We also compete with the traditional IT departments within the client company. Traditionally, the client's own IT department will install and configure networks with the client eating the hardware and installation cost (Evans, n.d.). This competition also extends to our monitoring and technical support offered by C.L.S.T. as IT departments usually handle network malfunctions or issues. Competitive Strategies C.L.S.T. is offering a unique solution to the software and networking restraints for companies who buy/sell stock. Providing the companies with customization of software according to their needs, size, and budget, while also providing the support and services to install, develop, and maintain our software in manner our competitors cannot match. Cost Leadership Strategy Our packages will be customized to the customer and ultimately save their companies money. By bundling our software and support, the need to seek other or outside IT services will be diminished and reduce the unnecessary technical services that those who do not use our services would acquire. Also, when utilizing our professional IT services, the company can cut the cost of an internal IT department and focus more on the employing those in the profession of what the business actually provides. Employing the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Choosing A Career In Information Technology : A Career Choosing a career to pursue before starting college can be a painstaking process for anyone, but it is an important one. It is a decision that will affect a person for their entire life, and it is an even harder decision for women. Many jobs are dominated by males, and a job's demographics can be quite intimidating for a female if there are five times as many men in that career field than women. Women have to take that into consideration when making this important decision, but sometimes things are not what they seem. Just because a career field has more men than women, does not mean that men have a better chance at getting a job. There are a lot of factors that play into the demographic makeup of a career field, and the demographics of the field of information technology can be rather misleading. The software development field is a large, booming industry that is mostly comprised of males. However, it is a good choice for anyone who is interested in technology. Many companies today are competing to have the newest and most ground breaking developments in technology, which means there are plenty of jobs to go around. Contrary to belief, women actually have an advantage in the information technology field over men, due to many incentives provided to women by companies in an effort to diversify the career field. If you have any interest in technology, or even if computers bore you to death, a career in information technology should be at the top of your list of considered ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Computer Software Engineering : Stealing Intellectual... Assignment – 6 CSC 580 Advanced Software Engineering Stealing Intellectual property and how it hurts legitimate authors 1.Introduction of the intellectual property: Firstly, having intellectual property rights lays good foundation for the software industry. Indeed, the intellectual property rights means having the rights for the creation of his work. For instance, considering an example in the software profession if an individual develops a software code then the individual has the full authority on his creation of the code. Moreover, the individual has the rights for his creation of the software work. Eventually, in the software field if any other individual wants to make use of the code the individual must entreat the approval of the original owner of the software code. Identically, the other individual must cite the work or must refer the original idea of the individual work properly. 2.Stealing of the intellectual property from the legitimate authors: Secondly, in the software field profession stealing of the intellectual property from the legitimate authors means using the idea of the original creator of the software work. Indeed, the copying, stealing and using the software work is a serious offense because of the presenting the idea of the other work as your own is a crime. Moreover, they are several methods of stealing the intellectual property from the legitimate authors they are: a) Copying the idea from the original author of the software work and presenting ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. A Brief Note On Track Cellphone Usage And Moral Agents Case 1: Developing Apps to Track Cellphone Usage Moral Agents The moral agents in this situation are the children, the parents and the application developer. The children have a few possible choices that their allowed to make regarding this situation where their privacy is invaded. They could research and look into using applications that will hide their location, their data and other important information the parents might want to know about their kid. Or the children can choose the less moral route of completely removing the application from their device or blocking it. The parents are faced with a tough ethical decision of whether or not to monitor their kids. Because if the parents monitor their kids, then the safety of the kids will ... Show more content on ... This would causes a chain reaction, since the company would get a lot of bad reputation then the current developers would abandon ship and look for greener pastures since most of the public is pointed at the company and not at the individual developers. Another point to consider is the privacy of the children. Not only do the parents have the ability to monitor their kids, but if someone were to hack into the parent's device then they too could monitor the children. This also applies to the company, if they lack the ability to keep their clients safe, then hundreds to millions of children's locations would be vulnerable to potential child molesters, kidnappers, etcetera. Who/What are the stakeholders? The most obvious stakeholder is the company that develops the application. This company has to balance financial longevity with maintaining a moral and legal standing in society. Any software company's primary goal is to make money, however, by creating a controversial piece of software, this company is risking potential loss of revenue in order to be on the leading edge of new trends. If there is any sort of backlash over the morality of a monitoring application, the company can be forever tarnished by their ventures and lose current and possible customers in droves. Not only is the company putting their profits at risk, they are also putting their most precious investments at risk, their ... Get more on ...